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原汁原味商务英语播客第136课:Hosting a Dinner Party(1)

Have you ever had the good fortune to be invited to someone"s home during a business trip? Perhaps it was a client or a prospective client. Maybe it was a colleague or potential business partner. And have you ever had the opportunity to have overseas visitors in your own home? These are great chances to get to know the people you do business with. You are engaging with people on a personal level and building better relationships. And it"s important to do that right. The language you use either as a host or a guest requires great care. In today"s lesson we"re going to hear a conversation among four people. Grace and Lee are on a business trip to their pany offices in California. During their trip they have been invited to visit the home of a work colleague Tanya. Tanya and her hu *** and Mark are hosting a dinner for the o guests. 在今天的这一课中,我们将听到四个人之间的对话。葛瑞丝和李在去往加利福利亚州分公司办公室的路上。在旅途中,他们被邀请到了一个同事,塔尼亚的家里做客。塔尼亚和她的丈夫,在家中招待两位客人用餐。 This is a perfect situation to learn some important aspects of English. We"ll look at how to make people fortable how to show interest in others how to refuse offers politely and how to show modesty. These are all essential skills when you sit down to dinner with colleagues or clients. Listening Questions 1. What does Grace say is usual on business trips? 2. What is interesting about Tanya and Mark"s home? 3. What is Grace hoping to do if they finish their work on time?

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latitude n. 纬度限制,界限The latitude of the island is 30 degrees north. 这个岛的纬度是北纬三十度。liberty n. 自由Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty. 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。freedom n. 自由Bondmen have no freedom. 奴隶们没有自由。liberty比freedom更正式一些,更有力量


freedom, liberty这两个名词均有"自由"之意。freedom : 含义广,指任何无限制无束缚的自由自在状态。liberty : 常可与freedom换用,但强调从过去受的压制、管束下被解救或释放出来,也指法律所承认的特权,如言论、集会等自由。总而言之,freedom是绝对的自由,liberty是有条件的自由

LIBERTY硬币 一面是人头 一面是展翅的大鹰 1995年的


vertical horizon的《liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:liberty歌手:vertical horizon专辑:there and back againWe met as two total strangersAs many lovers often doBut who could have ever seen the dangerI didn"t know I"d fall in love with youYou are this lonely picker"s daydreamLike a wish that"s wishing to come trueVertical HorizonSo Liberty just know I"m waitingTo share this love song with youChorusBut do you think about me when you"re lying in his bedWon"t you take the time to explainDo you ever think you"d rather be with me insteadOr do you only think about me when it rainsWe shared some special nights togetherBut when the sun was all around usWasn"t nothing I hadn"t seen in your eyesI try so hard to keep it hiddenBut I am hurting deep insideFor every time I"ve seen you smileThere are two times that I have criedChorusNow and forever my love will be the sameI will be waiting underneath the pouring rain.http://music.baidu.com/song/14272968

Shane & Shane的《Liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:Liberty歌手:Shane & Shane专辑:The One You NeedShane & Shane - LibertyQQ : 349777127The lord isThe spiritWhere the spirit of the lord is now there is Liberty.And the spirit lives inside of meWhere the spirit of the lord is now there is Liberty.There is Liberty, there is LibertyFor freedom he set me free,And yes I am free indeed,You rewrote me my nameAnd shackled my chainsYou opened my eyes to seeI am free.When the spirit of the worldComes to kill me and enslave me I will sayThere is libertyFor the chains of sin that once entangled meHave been broken, now I"m singing "cause I"m freeThere is liberty, there is liberty,There is libertyFor freedom You set me freeAnd yes, I am free indeedYou rewrote my nameAnd shackled my shameYou opened my eyes to seeI am freeThe storm rolled inIt was dark in the landAs the Son of ManWas crucifiedYou don"t take his lifeHe laid it downHe paid the priceAnd shed His bloodIt is done!The veil is tornHe has wonAnd I am freeAnd I am freeAnd I am freeI am freeFor freedom You set me freeAnd yes, I am free indeedYou rewrote my nameAnd shackled my shameYou opened my eyes to seeFor freedom You set me freeAnd yes, I am free indeedYou rewrote my nameAnd shackled my shameYou opened my eyes to seeI am freeShane & Shane - LibertyQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/17663789


  Freedom一词准确的涵义是“自由的”,与Kingdom(王国)一样具有dom这个词尾。这个词尾暗示着两个词的关联:它们都显示一种特性、一种权力。在封建的中世纪,Freedom指的是贵族的权力,具有Freedom的人对自己的人身、财产与土地具有完全的占有与使用权。有学者考证,Freedom与德语的Freiherr(free lord)、现代常用的词privat(私有)都来源于罗马文中的privus。privus的本意是“独立的、自足的”。privat(私有)这个重要的现代概念也来自privus。x0dx0a  Liberty的涵义是“自由地”,拉丁语中的相应词libre首先具有“自愿、情愿、出于喜欢的动机”的含义,它实际上是英语中的love、德语中的Liebe(爱情)的来源,因为libre有着“出于自己的愿望、出于自己的意志”的含义,因此同样包括了我们所说的“自由”的含义。学者认为,拉丁语中的libre接近汉语文言文中的“爱。x0dx0a  从英语中表达“自由”这个含义的两个词我们可以看到“自由”的两层相互关联但各自独立的含义,一个是“自由的”,指的是主体本身的自由状态;一个是“自由地”,则指主体出于自由意志进行决策。现代英语中,Liberty更强调司法实践中权力的部分,而Freedom则表达比较抽象的“自由”的含义。x0dx0a  在美国,官方文献和主流媒体在谈到自由时,用的是Liberty。Liberty是美国人自我荣耀的价值观。比如,自由女神就是Statue of Liberty。比如在费城,这个美国独立后的第一个首都的象征就是自由钟Liberty Bell和独立厅Independence Hall。我在费城Liberty Center看了一个演出,讲述了美国独立的历史,讨论作为一个移民国家如何塑造凝聚国家的价值观,核心就是 Liberty。x0dx0a  在中国,知识分子特别是城市小资一族热衷的自由其实是Freedom。这种“自由的”指的是不受限制的状态。如果在道德缺失条件下,这种自由必然是放任,欲意横流。中国的公民意识正在发展,社会正在进步,公民不仅希望是自由的,而且希望社会是有价值的、道德的、有秩序的、司法公正的。这种自由显然是理性的自由,是Liberty,是智慧的和道德基础之上的自由。x0dx0a  当然,实现理性的自由,必须有Freedom作为前提。有人认为,“自由的”是“自由地”的前提,“自由地”是“自由的”的体现。如果人的意志不是“自由的”,他就不可能“自由地”做出道德的决策与判断;而人的道德判断与决策恰恰证明了他的意志是“自由的”,证明了人的自主性(Autonomie)。我有条件地同意这些观点。



Journey的《Liberty》 歌词

LMF(大懒堂) - LIBERTY(自由)主唱: LMF(大懒堂)歌曲: LIBERTY作曲/填词: LMF(大懒堂)编曲/监制: LMF(大懒堂)Share From Meadol感谢使用 Benc.Lee 制作の歌词Microphone check one戚起耳朵听真清晰既声音向你脑袋进军一直都知自由系 要去扞卫不惜一切就算我地依然持於人世奸商加狗官最叻系搵旗祭事实摆在眼前就无扭弯无得蒙蔽强势未倒下? 头胪未被斩下有法治一日 我哋依然不怕迫不得已大懒堂要出黎申张正义但系呢首歌既内容并无牵涉到政治我话你知 个世界越系咁讲我地既思维就要更加要懂得开放come on一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想咁易一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想像咁易我并唔认同你讲既一切一切但我会扞卫 即使死不眼闭并唔认为你所谓既需要勀制会带黎公平 肯定压倒一切屈服於钱币唔怕照肺见义贵一样照吠 正义系不顾一切唔怕揭穿虚伪 持续性继续警世唔会感到孤独 为自由不枉一世我知道世事冇绝对既对与错但系我叼你亦无需要对号入座我愤怒你无需要大惊小怪乱鸠咁报导唔可以当做表态一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想咁易一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想像咁易你不要放弃 坚持到尾自由要接捧 我地要靠哂你(为 平等 一个Freedom)不管牺牲几多 揸紧中指我道理不自由 毋宁死妥协最後 失败者只会系你(不能容忍 世界变成咁)牺牲几多 揸紧中指我道理为 平等 一个Freedom不能容忍个世界点解变成咁斗争不断发生 太多狡猾声音为左自由两个字 太多人无辜牺牲为 平等 一个Freedom为自由追寻 同权力继续继续抗衡不听天由人 自由不分富贫平等自由应该属於 每一个人感谢使用 Benc.Lee 制作の歌词一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想咁易一 二 两只手指意 义 就只有自由两个字一 无 所有既斗士揸紧中指 唔系你想像咁易一二 两只手指Liberty 自由两个字一无所有所有既斗士揸紧中指LMF(大懒堂) - LIBERTY(自由)http://music.baidu.com/song/13701914


freedom 系常用词, 指“没有强制、压迫且能充分按自己意志行事”, 强调“个人的自由”, 如:We have freedom of speech .我们有言论自由.liberty 在谈到民族,国家争取或获得自由时,可与 freedom 互换, 但它着重“从过去所受的压制或束缚中解放出来”, 强调“集体的自由”, 如:The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty.世界上大多数人已重获自由.






liberty歌词 (verse)one life wastedno one can replace itcandles burningbut the world"s still turningdid you want this? did you think it over?your mother sits there cryingwhat do i say to her?oh…(chorus)is there liberty? gravity?do memories remain?did you find freedom or did you break free?liberty? gravity?do memories remain?did you find freedom or did you break free?(rap verse)i never knew why you gave up earlyi think of the times you were depressed and it didn"t concern medays we had the good and the badbut all that"s gone now and who wouldn"t be sad?who could have saved you from cutting your life short?the answer is priceless but definitely something to fight forholding on to our memory the tears unfurlto the world you were someone and to someone the world…(repeat chorus)(rap verse 2)is there anger? is there pain? and do the faces stay the same?is there justice? is there blame? or do we all just end in vain?tell me…tell me…is there mercy? is there fame? did you find a better way?do you feel us? do you see us? do you hear us when we pray?tell me…tell me…






  Freedom一词准确的涵义是“自由的”,与Kingdom(王国)一样具有dom这个词尾。这个词尾暗示着两个词的关联:它们都显示一种特性、一种权力。在封建的中世纪,Freedom指的是贵族的权力,具有Freedom的人对自己的人身、财产与土地具有完全的占有与使用权。有学者考证,Freedom与德语的Freiherr(free lord)、现代常用的词privat(私有)都来源于罗马文中的privus。privus的本意是“独立的、自足的”。privat(私有)这个重要的现代概念也来自privus。  Liberty的涵义是“自由地”,拉丁语中的相应词libre首先具有“自愿、情愿、出于喜欢的动机”的含义,它实际上是英语中的love、德语中的Liebe(爱情)的来源,因为libre有着“出于自己的愿望、出于自己的意志”的含义,因此同样包括了我们所说的“自由”的含义。学者认为,拉丁语中的libre接近汉语文言文中的“爱。  从英语中表达“自由”这个含义的两个词我们可以看到“自由”的两层相互关联但各自独立的含义,一个是“自由的”,指的是主体本身的自由状态;一个是“自由地”,则指主体出于自由意志进行决策。现代英语中,Liberty更强调司法实践中权力的部分,而Freedom则表达比较抽象的“自由”的含义。  在美国,官方文献和主流媒体在谈到自由时,用的是Liberty。Liberty是美国人自我荣耀的价值观。比如,自由女神就是Statue of Liberty。比如在费城,这个美国独立后的第一个首都的象征就是自由钟Liberty Bell和独立厅Independence Hall。我在费城Liberty Center看了一个演出,讲述了美国独立的历史,讨论作为一个移民国家如何塑造凝聚国家的价值观,核心就是 Liberty。  在中国,知识分子特别是城市小资一族热衷的自由其实是Freedom。这种“自由的”指的是不受限制的状态。如果在道德缺失条件下,这种自由必然是放任,欲意横流。中国的公民意识正在发展,社会正在进步,公民不仅希望是自由的,而且希望社会是有价值的、道德的、有秩序的、司法公正的。这种自由显然是理性的自由,是Liberty,是智慧的和道德基础之上的自由。  当然,实现理性的自由,必须有Freedom作为前提。有人认为,“自由的”是“自由地”的前提,“自由地”是“自由的”的体现。如果人的意志不是“自由的”,他就不可能“自由地”做出道德的决策与判断;而人的道德判断与决策恰恰证明了他的意志是“自由的”,证明了人的自主性(Autonomie)。我有条件地同意这些观点。

Chris De Burgh的《Liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:Liberty歌手:Chris De Burgh专辑:The GetawaySweetbox - LibertyLiberty...Gravity...Eternity...Memories...Freedom...FreeOne life wastedNo one can replace it,Candles burningBut the world"s still turning.Did you want this?Did you think it over?Your mother sits there cryingWhat do I say to herIs there liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedomor did you break free?Liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedom?or did you break free?I never knew why you gave up earlyI think of the times you were depressed and if didn"t concern meDays we had good and the badBut all that"s gone nowAnd who wouldn"t be sad?Who could have saved you from cutting your life shortThe answer is pricelessBut definitely something to fight forHoling on to our memory the tears unfurlTo the world you were someoneAnd to someone the worldIs there liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedomor did you break free?Liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedom?or did you break free?Is there anger, is there pain, and do the faces stay the same?Is there justice, is there blame, or do we all just end in vain?Tell me… tell meIs there mercy, is there fame, did you find a better way?Do you hear us, do you see us, do you feel us when we pray?Tell me… tell meIs there liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedomor did you break free?Liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedom?or did you break free?Liberty?Gravity?Do memories remain?Did you find freedomOr did you break free?http://music.baidu.com/song/5468634


freedom意思:n. (指权利)自由; (指状态)自由; 自由民地位(不是囚犯或奴隶);表示人或事物的名称。 liberty意思:n. 自由(自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制); 自由(不受关押或奴役的状态); 自由;可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。 扩展资料   Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty.   这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由。   Freedom of expression is a basic human right.   言论自由是基本的人权。   I was given the freedom of the whole house.   我获得整座房子的自由使用权。


和liberty比较接近的是freedom,都是名词。(free是形容词)Liberty 常和freedom 交替使用; 但它常常特别强调自由选择的权利:liberty of opinion; 思想自由;liberty of worship; 信仰自由;freedom和 liberty都含“自由”的意思。freedom 系常用词, 指“没有强制、压迫且能充分按自己意志行事”, 强调“个人的自由”, 如:We have freedom of speech .我们有言论自由。liberty 在谈到民族,国家争取或获得自由时,可与 freedom 互换, 但它着重“从过去所受的压制或束缚中解放出来”, 强调“集体的自由”, 如:The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty.世界上大多数人已重获自由。




<liberty>Sun is shining, sky is so blueI"m filled with hope, it"s promisingThe course my life is takingSearching of my truth has brought me hereFacing things with confidenceThat all will be okayPast is gone, life goes onMemories remain, I break the chainOf misery and painMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthI"m standing here today and understandThere"s no reason to hide anymoreSo many things to see, so many things to gainMy life is not in vainMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earth翻译 :<自由>阳光灿烂,天空是那么蓝,我充满希望,它在承诺我的生活正在上的课程搜索我的真理把我带到这里有信心面对这些事情这一切都会好起来的往昔已一去不复返,生活继续回忆依然存在,我打破了锁链不幸和痛苦配合另一种不同的鼓吹照亮我的自由它正日益强大我觉得这在我身体中带领我到一个不同的世界自由标示着道路它在哪里等着你和我去寻找它是地球上的天堂今天我站在这里和理解没有理由以隐藏了这么多东西要看,这么多东西要得到我的生命不是徒劳的配合另一种不同的鼓吹照亮我的自由它正日益强大我觉得这在我身体中带领我到一个不同的世界自由标示着道路它在哪里等着你和我去寻找它是地球上的天堂配合另一种不同的鼓吹照亮我的自由它正日益强大我觉得这在我身体中带领我到一个不同的世界自由标示着道路它在哪里等着你和我去寻找它是地球上的天堂望采纳,谢谢:)


  freedom和liberty都含“自由”的意思,区别如下:  freedom 系常用词,指“没有强制、压迫且能充分按自己意志行事”,强调“个人的自由”,如:We have freedom of speech .我们有言论自由。  liberty 在谈到民族,国家争取或获得自由时,可与 freedom 互换,但它着重“从过去所受的压制或束缚中解放出来”,强调“集体的自由”,如:The majority of the people in the world have regained their liberty.世界上大多数人已重获自由。  


right和liberty的区别:词性不同,意思不同。Right是一个英文单词,名词、形容词、副词、动词,作名词时翻译为“(美、俄、印、英、加、澳)赖特(人名),正确;右边;正义,权利,作形容词时翻译为“正确的;直接的;右方的”,作副词时翻译为“正确地;恰当地;彻底地”,作动词时翻译为“复正;Liberty是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“自由;许可;冒失; 人名;(英)利伯蒂”。freedom和liberty的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.freedom意思:n. (指权利)自由; (指状态)自由; 自由民地位(不是囚犯或奴隶);2.liberty意思:n. 自由(自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制); 自由(不受关押或奴役的状态); 自由(做某事的二、用法不同1.freedom用法:表示人或事物的名称。2.liberty用法:可以做主语、宾语、同位语、表语 、定语、状语、补语。三、侧重点不同1.freedom侧重点:freedom其“自由”的涵义比较广泛,包括从社会政治经济意义上的自由,到个体内心的无拘无束。2.liberty侧重点:liberty则比较偏向于政治经济和人权上的解放。


这两个词都有自由的意思。Freedom其“自由”的涵义比较广泛,包括从社会政治经济意义上的自由,到个体内心的无拘无束。而Liberty则比较偏向于政治经济和人权上的解放。西方学者在表达自由概念时,freedom and liberty 经常是混合使用的,不管是个人的还是国家的等等,都是可以混合使用的。比如,新黑格尔主义者托马斯·希尔·格林与自由主义主义者Isaiah Berlin都是这样的。

take a liberty是什么意思

自由(自己选择生活方式),擅自做某事liberty 英[u02c8lu026abu0259ti] 美[u02c8lu026abu0259rti] n. 自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放; [例句]Wit Wolzek claimed the legislation could impinge on privacy, self determination and respect for religious liberty威特·沃尔泽克声称这项法律可能会对隐私权和自主权造成侵犯,并破坏对宗教自由的尊重。[其他] 复数:liberties


自由 。。。。。。。。。。 联想下自由女神像,就知道美国人的信仰了 ,不过也有装B的成分。 类似中国提倡的和平、






1.freedom2.liberty3.free4.latitude自由的1.free2.liberal自由贸易区1.free trade zone2.ftz free trade zone自由人1.libero2.LIBERTY自由撰稿人1.free-lancer2.free-lancer writer(由速拍学区房提供)

liberty play是什么牌子

Liberty play 的真无线蓝牙耳机。Liberty系列其实是Sounacore 旗下的耳机产品,而Sounacore又是大名鼎鼎安克旗下的品牌,

Stratovarius的《Liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:Liberty歌手:Stratovarius专辑:Elements Pt.2LibertyStratovariusSun is shiningSky is so blueI"m filled with hopeIt"s promisingThe course my life is takingSearching of my truth has brought me hereFacing things with confidenceThat all will be okPast is goneLife goes onMemories remainI break the chain of misery and painMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthI"m standing here today and understandThere is no reason to hide anymoreSo many things to see so many things to gainMy life is not in vainMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthhttp://music.baidu.com/song/23388007

Greg Johnson的《Liberty》 歌词

歌曲名:Liberty歌手:Greg Johnson专辑:Chinese WhispersLibertyStratovariusSun is shiningSky is so blueI"m filled with hopeIt"s promisingThe course my life is takingSearching of my truth has brought me hereFacing things with confidenceThat all will be okPast is goneLife goes onMemories remainI break the chain of misery and painMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthI"m standing here today and understandThere is no reason to hide anymoreSo many things to see so many things to gainMy life is not in vainMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthMarching to a different drumShines my libertyIt"s growing stronger every dayI feel it in meLeading me to a different worldFreedom shows the wayIt"s there for you and me to findIt"s heaven on earthhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2586633


英音 [ "libu0259ti ] ; 美音 [ "libu0259ti ] 名词1.不可数名词:自由2.不可数名词:自由(不受关押或奴役的状态)3.可数名词:自由(做某事的合法权利或行动自由)4.冒犯行为,放肆,失礼词形变化:复数:liberties。同义词:familiarity,impropriety,indecorum;shore leave;autonomy。

liberty 这个英语单词怎么读

liberty历波体 意思是自由音标libu0259ti造句People need liberty. 人们需要自由 望采纳


Liberty 布料指的是英国著名的印花纺织品品牌利伯缇 (Liberty) 艺术面料。该品牌成立于1875年,以绚丽细致的印花图案、精心的用料及顶尖的印花工艺闻名于世。Liberty 的面料采用100%棉纱,织法精细,高织高密却不容易皱。


美国,是美国1美分流通硬币,是美元货币的一种。美元纸币正面主景图案为人物头像,主色调为黑色。背面主景图案为建筑,主色调为绿色,但不同版别的颜色少有差异,如1934年版背面为深绿色,1950年版背面为草绿色,1963年版背面均为墨绿色。由于美元绿色是用一种树汁制作成的油墨,所以每一次的树汁质量不同,所以颜色略有差异。上面的签名是财政部长的签名,不同发行年代是不同的财政部长。在20世纪之前曾发行过1、5、10、25、50美分的纸币。大头版美元相对比小头版美元增加了小头版美元二分之一的大小,有趣的是所有面值的美元都一样大小,20美元是美国使用量最大的高面值纸钞。鉴别真假质感鉴别:真美元用的是以棉、麻纤维为原料制成的一种印制钞票专用纸,质地坚韧挺拔,用手轻轻一弹,可发出啪啪地响声,而假美元则无任何声响。色泽鉴别:真美元的正面人物、图像、文字、花边等用含有磁性物质乌黑色凹印油墨印制 ,鲜艳夺目,假美元用劣质油墨印制,其色泽与真美元相比反差较大。








  She could be a statue of liberty; She could be a Jone of Arc; But he"s scared of the life that"s inside of her; So he keeps her in the dark.   ——Katty Perry   她可以是解放的雕像,她可以是走廊里的乔恩,但他恐惧着她内心深处的生活,所以他把她留在黑暗中。   ——凯蒂·佩里    一、你知道liberty有几种含义吗?   n.   1.自由[U]   Liberty entails responsibility.   责任之下的`自由才是真正的自由。   2.解放,释放[U]   Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty.   这些囚犯们梦想着获得释放。   3.许可[C]   I"m not at liberty to say exactly where, because we"re still negotiating for its purchase.   我无权说出它的具体位置,因为我们仍在洽谈购买事宜。   4.冒失;放肆,无礼   I took the liberty of borrowing your lawn-mower while you were away.   你不在的时候我擅自借用了你的刈草机。    二、liberty的常见短语,你会用吗?   civil liberty n.法律规定的自由权   liberty cap n.自由帽(一种无檐锥形帽,原为古罗马被释放的奴隶所代,18世纪法国大革命时期被用作自由的标志)   liberty ship n.自由轮   liberty bell n.<美>独立钟(指美国费城独立厅的大钟,1776年7月4日鸣此钟宣布美国独立,1835年被损)   statue of liberty n.自由女神(位于美国纽约)    三、学会liberty的用法了吗?来做个小测试吧   Wemustnotrestrainchildrenof their .   我们绝对不要限制孩子们的自由。   Adictatorshipcontravenesthe ofindividuals.   独裁政治与个人自由相抵触。









freedom 和 LIBERTY 的区别



这两个词都有自由的意思。Freedom其“自由”的涵义比较广泛,包括从社会政治经济意义上的自由,到个体内心的无拘无束。而Liberty则比较偏向于政治经济和人权上的解放。西方学者在表达自由概念时,freedom and liberty 经常是混合使用的,不管是个人的还是国家的等等,都是可以混合使用的。比如,新黑格尔主义者托马斯·希尔·格林与自由主义主义者Isaiah Berlin都是这样的。




硬币上的“LIBERTY”是意思是:自由 。LIBERTYn. 自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放。美国硬币面值分为1美分、5美分、10美分、25美分、50美分和1美元。1.1美分,英文叫Penny,也叫LincolnCent(林肯一分币或林肯分)2.10美分,英文叫Dime,就是咱们人民币的一毛或一角的意思。3.25美分,英文叫去quarter dollar,常缩写为quarter。4.50美分,英文叫去half dollar,也是自发行以来有个很多版本,目前流通的主要是正面肯尼迪总统头像。5.1美元,英文OneDollar,也是有很多的版本,目前主要流通的两个版本,一个版本正面是艾森豪威尔总统,背面是自由女神像;另一个版本正面是美国女权运动活动家苏珊.安东尼。Liberty,英语名词,意思是自由,许可权,放肆,无礼,解放,释放。美元硬币上铸有国家格言,一般有“LIBERTY”(自由)和“IN GOD WE TRUST”(上帝与我们同在)两句。个别面值还有“E-PLURIBUS UNUM”(拉丁语“合众为一”)。




硬币上的“LIBERTY”是意思是:自由 。LIBERTYn. 自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放。美国硬币面值分为1美分、5美分、10美分、25美分、50美分和1美元。1.1美分,英文叫Penny,也叫LincolnCent(林肯一分币或林肯分)2.10美分,英文叫Dime,就是咱们人民币的一毛或一角的意思。3.25美分,英文叫去quarter dollar,常缩写为quarter。4.50美分,英文叫去half dollar,也是自发行以来有个很多版本,目前流通的主要是正面肯尼迪总统头像。5.1美元,英文OneDollar,也是有很多的版本,目前主要流通的两个版本,一个版本正面是艾森豪威尔总统,背面是自由女神像;另一个版本正面是美国女权运动活动家苏珊.安东尼。Liberty,英语名词,意思是自由,许可权,放肆,无礼,解放,释放。美元硬币上铸有国家格言,一般有“LIBERTY”(自由)和“IN GOD WE TRUST”(上帝与我们同在)两句。个别面值还有“E-PLURIBUS UNUM”(拉丁语“合众为一”)。




liberty是自由或者放肆的行为的意思。liberty的相关短语有at liberty不受限制或支配,style liberty风格自由,Statue of Liberty自由女神(位于美国纽约),statue of liberty自由女神式传球,Forged from the Love of Liberty从自由之爱中锻造出来的。可造句如下:1、He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.他坚信自由与社会正义是不可分的。2、I am afraid we are not at liberty to disclose that information.恐怕我们无权透露这一信息。3、The Puritans became fugitives in quest of liberty.清教徒变成了追求自由的逃亡者。4、the fight for justice and liberty.争取正义和自由的斗争。

liberty是什么意思啊 liberty怎么翻译

1、Liberty是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“自由;许可;冒失; 人名;(英)利伯蒂”。 2、Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power, but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.让我们铭记,我们做这件事并不因为我们的财富或力量,而是因为我们自身:我们是在上帝之下,所有人都拥有自由和正义的不可分割的一个国家。 3、Let us remember that we can do these things not just because of wealth or power , but because of who we are: one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.让我们牢记,我们能够完成这些事情,不只是因为财富和权利,而是因为我们是谁:一个在上帝的庇佑下,为了所有人的自由和正义的不可分割的民族。


词典结果:liberty[英][u02c8lu026abu0259ti][美][u02c8lu026abu0259rti]n.自由; 许可权; 放肆,无礼; 解放,释放; 复数:liberties易混淆单词:LibertyLIBERTY以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor liberty to purchase power. 不要出卖美德换取财富,也不要用自由交换权力。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


lady liberty自由女神双语例句 1Ellis Island is a small island only a mile away form Lady Liberty.埃利斯岛是个小岛,离自由女神像只有一英里远。2Hey! Just noticed Lady Liberty"s right foot was not firmly on the pedestal.嘿!刚注意到自由女神的右脚并非稳固地踏在台座上.


自由n. 自由;许可;冒失n. (Liberty)人名;(英)利伯蒂



Perty Boy是什么意思?


I would like to express my apology for not being able to attend your party. for后引导的是什么句?

for not being able to ... 是介词短语,不是句子,所以没有主谓语。这个介词短语作原因状语。


Barbecue Party 是时下很流行的东东。约上三、五好友,或者来个一群人的派队,一起动手烤肉,气氛轻松,又有利于彼此了解、增进情谊。如果再加上几句地道的英文表达,那这个party可真的是一举多得了。赶快掌握下面的锦囊妙句吧! 1. We have to clean the grill before we start a fire. 在生火前我们必须把烤架清理干净。 固定式的烤肉架就是"grill",而整台可以移动的烤肉推车则是"smoker"。生火英文叫 start a fire 或是 light a fire。 2. This guy is not done yet. 这家伙还没有熟呢! 大家知道这个 this guy 在这里指的是什么吗? 指的可不是人而是指正在烤的那些食物喔! 真的是非常简单的口语讲法。例如,"我们该把这个鸡腿翻面了。"这句话你就可以这样表达:"We have to flip this guy over!" 简单吧! 连chicken leg 都不用说. 另外本句还有一个重点就是那个 "done"。done 其实也可以当形容词用, 前面直接用 be 动词。从文法上来看,用 be 动词+ 过去分词 pp 可以表示一种状态,而用完成式表示完成。 所以你常可以听老美说 "I am done. (我做完了。另意:我完蛋了。)" 而不说 "I have done." 就是这个道理。 3. Don"t overcook the chicken. 不要把鸡肉烤得太熟了。 在英文里我们常常可以在一个字的前面加上 over, 来表示"太过……怎么了"。例如: overvalued (价值高估了), overcrowded (太过拥挤了),overreacted (反应过度),而 overcooked 则是指煮得太熟了。如果是烤焦了呢? 则用burnt 来形容。例如:"Turn down the gas. The steak is burnt. (把火关小一点,牛排已经被烤焦了。) " 相反的, 如果要提醒别人"烤透一点"该怎么讲? 烤透一点我们可以说 "cook through"。 例如:"The steak is still bloody inside. Maybe you should cook it through. (牛排里面都还血淋淋的,也许你该把它烤透一点。)" 4. Anyone need a veggie burger? Here is the patty. 有人要素食汉堡的吗? (素)肉饼在这里。 Veggie 是一个很常用的俚语,它是蔬菜(vegetable)这个词的缩写。例如:"My boyfriend is vegetarian so we only go to veggie restaurants. (我的男朋友是个素食主义者,所以我们只去素食餐厅。)"所以例句中的 veggie burger 指的就是素食的汉堡。patty 本意是圆圆的、用切碎的肉或者菜压成的像饼一样的东西,这里是指包在汉堡里的肉饼。那么veggie patty就是素的肉饼了。在后一个例句中省略了veggie这个词。生的 patty 常用来做汉堡烤肉用。 5. This tender, juicy steak really hits the spot. 这片多汁香嫩的牛排来得正是时候。 Hit the spot 是一个很有用的短语,但它在不同场合下有不同的中文翻译。我举些例子,大家看了就知道了。例如出去爬山,正在大家渴得要死不活之际,有个人拿出几罐可乐。这时能喝到可乐简直就会让人感动地掉下眼泪来。像这种场合你就可以说"It really hits the spot."意思就是说这样东西来得正是时候,刚好命中你最迫切的需求。 6. Eat up! 大家尽情享用吧! 当主人的该怎么提醒别人可以开吃了呢? 简单的我们可以说"Let"s eat."或是用一个短语 "Eat up."也不错。 或许有人会问那 eat 和 eat up 有什么不同? 简而言之,eat 是指"吃"的动作, 但也可以指"吃饭"而言。所以你可以跟朋友说 "Do you want to go out to eat? (想不想去吃饭啊?)"但 eat up 则有"吃光"和"尽情享用"的意思在内。值得注意的是,许多带有 up 的短语都有"用完、耗尽"的意思。例如 "use up" 指用光。 但事实上,"eat"和"eat up"有时候我们很难去介定两者的区别,也就是说两者事实上常常混用。例如你可以说 "Computer games eat up my time. (计算机游戏占去了我的时间。)" 但这里如果你用 "eat my time"也并无不妥。所以说这些口语上的用法并不如字典里的定义那般精确。


Barbecue Party 是时下很流行的东东。约上三、五好友,或者来个一群人的派队,一起动手烤肉,气氛轻松,又有利于彼此了解、增进情谊。如果再加上几句地道的英文表达,那这个party可真的是一举多得了。赶快掌握下面的锦囊妙句吧!   1. We have to clean the grill before we start a fire. 在生火前我们必须把烤架清理干净。   固定式的烤肉架就是"grill",而整台可以移动的烤肉推车则是"smoker"。生火英文叫 start a fire 或是 light a fire。   2. This guy is not done yet. 这家伙还没有熟呢!   大家知道这个 this guy 在这里指的是什么吗? 指的可不是人而是指正在烤的那些食物喔! 真的是非常简单的口语讲法。例如,"我们该把这个鸡腿翻面了。"这句话你就可以这样表达:"We have to flip this guy over!" 简单吧! 连chicken leg 都不用说.   另外本句还有一个重点就是那个 "done"。done 其实也可以当形容词用, 前面直接用 be 动词。从文法上来看,用 be 动词+ 过去分词 pp 可以表示一种状态,而用完成式表示完成。 所以你常可以听老美说 "I am done. (我做完了。另意:我完蛋了。)" 而不说 "I have done." 就是这个道理。   3. Don"t overcook the chicken. 不要把鸡肉烤得太熟了。   在英文里我们常常可以在一个字的前面加上 over, 来表示"太过……怎么了"。例如: overvalued (价值高估了), overcrowded (太过拥挤了),overreacted (反应过度),而 overcooked 则是指煮得太熟了。如果是烤焦了呢? 则用burnt 来形容。例如:"Turn down the gas. The steak is burnt. (把火关小一点,牛排已经被烤焦了。) "   相反的, 如果要提醒别人"烤透一点"该怎么讲? 烤透一点我们可以说 "cook through"。 例如:"The steak is still bloody inside. Maybe you should cook it through. (牛排里面都还血淋淋的,也许你该把它烤透一点。)"   4. Anyone need a veggie burger? Here is the patty. 有人要素食汉堡的吗? (素)肉饼在这里。   Veggie 是一个很常用的俚语,它是蔬菜(vegetable)这个词的缩写。例如:"My boyfriend is vegetarian so we only go to veggie restaurants. (我的男朋友是个素食主义者,所以我们只去素食餐厅。)"所以例句中的 veggie burger 指的就是素食的汉堡。patty 本意是圆圆的、用切碎的肉或者菜压成的像饼一样的东西,这里是指包在汉堡里的肉饼。那么veggie patty就是素的肉饼了。在后一个例句中省略了veggie这个词。生的 patty 常用来做汉堡烤肉用。   5. This tender, juicy steak really hits the spot. 这片多汁香嫩的牛排来得正是时候。   Hit the spot 是一个很有用的短语,但它在不同场合下有不同的中文翻译。我举些例子,大家看了就知道了。例如出去爬山,正在大家渴得要死不活之际,有个人拿出几罐可乐。这时能喝到可乐简直就会让人感动地掉下眼泪来。像这种场合你就可以说"It really hits the spot."意思就是说这样东西来得正是时候,刚好命中你最迫切的需求。   6. Eat up! 大家尽情享用吧!   当主人的该怎么提醒别人可以开吃了呢? 简单的我们可以说"Let"s eat."或是用一个短语 "Eat up."也不错。   或许有人会问那 eat 和 eat up 有什么不同? 简而言之,eat 是指"吃"的动作, 但也可以指"吃饭"而言。所以你可以跟朋友说 "Do you want to go out to eat? (想不想去吃饭啊?)"但 eat up 则有"吃光"和"尽情享用"的意思在内。值得注意的是,许多带有 up 的短语都有"用完、耗尽"的意思。例如 "use up" 指用光。   但事实上,"eat"和"eat up"有时候我们很难去介定两者的区别,也就是说两者事实上常常混用。例如你可以说 "Computer games eat up my time. (计算机游戏占去了我的时间。)" 但这里如果你用 "eat my time"也并无不妥。所以说这些口语上的用法并不如字典里的定义那般精确。

do you remember_____me at a party last year? A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.met

Cremember doing…… 记得做过……remember to do …… 记得去做……(没做过)

i hate this party歌词

We"re driving slow through the snow on 5th AvenueAnd right now radio"s all that we can hearNow we ain"t talk since we left, it"s so over dueIt"s cold outside but between us its worse in hereThe world slows downBut my heart beats fast right nowI know this is the partWhere the end startsI can"t take it any longerThought that we were strongerAll we do is lingerSlipping through our fingersI don"t wanna try nowAll that"s left is good-byeTo find a way that I can tell youI hate this part right hereI hate this part right hereI just can"t take your tearsI hate this part right hereEveryday, 7 takes of the same old sceneSeems we"re bound by the loss of the same routineGotta talk to you now before we go to sleepBut will you sleep once I tell you with hurting meThe world slows downBut my heart beats fast right nowI know this is the partWhere the end startsI can"t take it any longerThought that we were strongerAll we do is lingerSlipping through our fingersI don"t wanna try nowAll that"s left is good-byeTo find a way that I can tell youI hate this part right hereI hate this part right hereI just can"t take your tearsI hate this part right hereI know you"ll ask me to hold onAnd carry on like nothing"s wrongBut there is no more time for lies"Cause I see sunset in your eyesI can"t take it any longerThought that we were strongerAll we do is lingerSlipping through our fingersI don"t wanna try nowAll that"s left is good-byeTo find a way that I can tell youThat I gotta do it, I gotta do it, I gotta do itI hate this partI gotta do it, I gotta do it, I gotta do itI hate this part right hereAnd I just can"t take these tearsI hate this part right here

以《my party》写一篇英语作文

My birthday partyMy birthday is 2nd of February.At that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious foods.I invent my friends to my party.After had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.In the afternoon,we went to the park in my dad"s car.In the evening,my grandfather and grandmother came to my house for dinner,my uncle,aunt and sister came too.My sister gave me a present and then,I went to bed.I had a very happy birthday party.我的生日派对(My birthday party) Today is my birthday. My name is XXX(姓名). I"m XX(年龄) years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts. My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They"re laughing and playing games. My birthday cake is very big. There are XX(你的年龄) candles on it. They say: happy birthday to XXX(姓名)! Oh, what a nice birthday party! My grandmother"s birthdayMy grandma is seventy years old. Each year my family has a big birthday party for her. Many of my family members come to the party. They also bring some presents and flowers to my grandma. My mother and my aunts always cook a big dinner. After the dinner, children sing and dance happily. My grandma sits in sofa, looks at the children and chats with others. She is always very happy on that day.


A. What is your plan for Halloween?B. I don"t know. I"ll probably just stay at home. A. Do you want to come to a party with me?B. What party?A. My friends are holding a Halloween party next week. B. That sounds nice! What is the dressing code?A. Oh, you are highly recommended to wear a costume, but if you really don"t have one, it will be fine. B. Sounds good. When will the party start?A. It will start at 8 o"clock in the evening, and will probably last for about four hours. B. It sounds like a great fun. I would really want to go. Where is it?A. Don"t worry about it. I can come and pick you up before the party starts. B. Thank you so much!A. No problem. See you then!B. See you. 如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)


A. What is your plan for Halloween?B. I don"t know. I"ll probably just stay at home. A. Do you want to come to a party with me?B. What party?A. My friends are holding a Halloween party next week. B. That sounds nice! What is the dressing code?A. Oh, you are highly recommended to wear a costume, but if you really don"t have one, it will be fine. B. Sounds good. When will the party start?A. It will start at 8 o"clock in the evening, and will probably last for about four hours. B. It sounds like a great fun. I would really want to go. Where is it?A. Don"t worry about it. I can come and pick you up before the party starts. B. Thank you so much!A. No problem. See you then!B. See you. 如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)

几月几日万圣节 国外的节日变装搞怪狂欢的party

1、万圣节是11月1日。 2、万圣节又叫诸圣节,在每年的11月1日,是西方的传统节日;而万圣节前夜的10月31日是这个节日最热闹的时刻。在中文里,常常把万圣节前夜(Halloween)讹译为万圣节(All Saints Day)。 3、为庆祝万圣节的来临,小孩会装扮成各种可爱的鬼怪向逐家逐户地敲门,要求获得糖果,否则就会捣蛋。而同时传说这一晚,各种鬼怪也会装扮成小孩混入群众之中一起庆祝万圣节的来临,而人类为了让鬼怪更融洽才装扮成各种鬼怪。 4、是一个国外的节日,变装搞怪狂欢的party,中国没有这个节日,但现在的年轻人都热衷于国外这些节日,放松心情,社交圈需要。万圣节,一个与中国毫不相干的西方鬼节又登场。其实,最近这二十多年,中国的商家见节就炒。一些人也不问这节日是怎么回事,就跟着起哄。 5、肯定不算,但中国的传统节日一般是隆重的,有礼节和有忌讳的,而西方的节日到我们这边就没有那么多忌讳,比较自由开放,可以随心,比较欢乐,所以西方节日到我们这边仅仅是借着过节玩闹,所以过我们自己的传统节日是对我们历史的传承和尊重,更多是对于礼的传承,而过西方节日仅仅是借助过节日而能找的一个自由自在玩耍的理由,所以我们过自己的节日要严谨而尊重,过西方节日是找一个玩闹的理由


Are the girl talking about the Halloween party ?


A. What is your plan for Halloween? B. I don"t know. I"ll probably just stay at home. A. Do you want to come to a party with me? B. What party? A. My friends are holding a Halloween party next week. B. That sounds nice! What is the dressing code? A. Oh, you are highly recommended to wear a costume, but if you really don"t have one, it will be fine. B. Sounds good. When will the party start? A. It will start at 8 o"clock in the evening, and will probably last for about four hours. B. It sounds like a great fun. I would really want to go. Where is it? A. Don"t worry about it. I can come and pick you up before the party starts. B. Thank you so much! A. No problem. See you then! B. See you. 如对于我的解答有问题,欢迎继续追问~ 如果满意,请点击“采纳为满意答案”,谢谢:)

hyde halloween party 中文歌词 还有里面小红帽是谁?



举办 万圣节 派对

"a Halloween party"的中文意思是什么?


新东泰有一首英文串烧开头曲是take my hand 第二首第一句it is my party

第二首可能是pity party

The host___ an animal star to perorm in our party

sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the

大家帮一下 一,用be的适当形式天空。 1.Our mother__forty. 2.You can__in our school music club.

1.Our mother_is_forty. 2.You can_be_in our school music club.3.L want to_be_a teacher.4.Let"s_be_friends5.Someone_is_in the room二.完成句子1.I_know_(know) the boy2.They_go_(go)to work on Saturdays3.He usually _comes_(come)to school early4.I often_have_(have)rice,meat and vegetables5.My grandfather_plays_(paly)sports in the park6.Miss Li_teaches_(teach)English in our school.7.The students of ClassFour_sing_(sing)a song on Monday.8.Alicia and Jerry_do_(do)homework after school.9.We_take_(take)a shower in the evening.10.Her sister_has_(have)Chinese every day.11._Do_you_have_(have)a soccer ball?12.Mary_doesn"t come__(not come)from America She_comes_(come)from Britain.13.I_don"t like_(not,like)playing computer games.14._Do_Tom and his borther_study_(study)in Beijing?15._Does_You brother _have_(have)a son?

派对英文| Let’s party!认识派对英文

如果有机会去欧美国家,或许你会想体验一下当地的酒吧或clubs,或是被邀请去朋友的party,这时你可能会遇到以下的用语: What can I get you? 您需要什么呢? 通常会有beer 啤酒、cider苹果酒、champagne香槟、spirits烈酒等酒类,当然也有无酒精饮料如: mocktails统称无酒精的调饮、juices 果汁、soft drinks气泡饮料、bottled water 瓶装水。若不想付钱,可以要tap water自来水(很多国外的自来水是可以直接饮用的) 要庆祝,通常会点Bubbly,也就是气泡香槟或气泡葡萄酒 Pop the cork 爆瓶塞 Fill the glasses 斟酒 Make a toast 敬酒 Cheers 干杯(轻轻互碰酒杯) Going out out : going on a big night out 玩得尽兴 Shot 小杯的spirit(烈酒) Down it! Down it! 一口干啦! Facilities/Loo/Toilet/Spend a penny 厕所 toilet attendant 清洁员、厕所小天使: 有些attendant会向你兜售东西,若你拿了,记得要给小费 Throwing a few shapes 跳舞 Handbag dancing 小姐们聚在一起,手上拿着饮品轻轻随音乐摇摆 Dad dancing 男生版的摇摆身体(有点像有年纪的爸爸硬要跳舞的样子) Tipsy 微醺 The Happy Drunk 醉了会很开心的人 The aggressive drunk 醉了会动粗、脾气火爆的人 The sleepy drunk 醉了会想睡的人 The liability 可能有些脱序行为的人(比如脱衣) The crier 醉了会哭的人 The vomiter 开始吐的人 The flirtatious drunk 醉了开始调情的人 Dance the night away 整晚跳舞狂欢 A hangover 宿醉 cheers, Dad dancing, Fill the glasses, Handbag dancing, Make a toast, party, Pop the cork

Eason的《Crying In The Party》歌词表达了什么感情?



更新1: 热播的歌 忽尔静了 场边 一声惨叫 好友都靠近了 你没有被忘掉 观众 预了分担恶兆 大喝三杯 失控地笑 孩子 终于哭了 空气的震荡里 你没说但心照 某个事情大概 不妙了 *因一个人痛哭 哭崩派对舞曲 我也曾像这样 青春大概相似 总有段情 落入这种 困局 或有一天 当你大了 城府 开始深了 年轻的眼泪流光了 便挂念曾经这样了 让你哭泣 哭到倦了 重整 呼吸心跳 哭过吵过闹过 你为爱做足了 再接下来就要 收拾了 Repeat* 是 所有热情会干掉 一发现已经成熟了 呢首歌讲0既就系有人因为感情问题0系个派对入面喊,情绪好激动... 喊0个个人系歌词入面0既「你」 不过「我」见到呢个人喊0既时候 亦都谂返起自己年青时都曾经有呢个经历 但系「我」而家已经唔会咁样 因为「我」已经成熟了~ 跟住讲返你特别唔明0个句... 一个人「城府深」  代表呢个人喜怒不形于色 开唔开心人地都好难睇得出。 套用0系歌词入面系讲 当一个人慢慢长大 就会学识唔好将所有情绪都表露出0黎 佢以后唔会再0系公开场合(例如party)咁轻易咁喊 但系到0个时反而会怀念以前可以好坦率咁表达自己0既情感! 希望帮到你^^" ============================== 参考:.knowledge. yahoo/question/? qid=7006120400428 歌词来自:pshweb02.8819 03/apps/music/ht ml/lyric098304 参考: 之前我都答过一条类似的问题 Crying In The Party 参考: shrinkurl.im/a8rFT 你有冇歌词? 我都好想要! 一齐研究下啦
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