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talk dirty to me什么意思?

talk dirty to me什么意思?这是一个比较私人的问题,因此无法给出明确的回答。但通常来说,“脏话对我说”意味着用性内容和/或具有性暗示的句子来吸引对方。

歌词里有dirty baby

Girlicious - Stupid ShitThey say she off the meter.From the track to the beat.Oh yeah, I"m viciousso deliciousall the boys wanna eat.Go "head and hate me baby.S-s-salty but sweet.I spin the bottletill tomorrowthere ain"t no memories.So bring it up.Burn it down.Throw it back,another round.I think I"m losing control. Ah Ah Oh.Take it highbring it loware you ready?Here we go!Cause even if the cops is comin"I ain"t gonna stop.Let"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shit.Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now?I"ll be your after party (yeah)Are you rocking with me?I keep it hush, hush (shh)How I does my thing on the “d”You won"t tell everybody (yeah)Baby girl, she with meBut I ain"t even trippin", pimpin"I"m just doing my thing so:So bring it upBurn it downThrow it backAnother roundHey, I think I"m losing control, ah, ah ohTake it high, bring it lowAre you ready? Here we go (Hey)‘Cause even if the cops is comingI ain"t gonna stopLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shitTell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (C"mon, c"mon, c"mon)Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Yeah, yeah)Giddy up!Get down, with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Get down,with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Get down , with it get get down,get get down, get get downGiddy up!Girl wats up ‘cause this a hitLet"s go do some stupid shitLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)Let"s get messy, messy with itDo some stupid shit (yeah)I know we"re not supposed toBut the hell with it (yeah)Let"s get dirty, dirty babyAre you down with it? (yeah)We"ll then let"s go do some stupid shitLet"s do some stupid shit (Yeah)Yeah, yeah, yeahLet"s do some stupid shit (yeah)C"mon, c"mon, c"monThe hell with it (yeah)Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahNic, Nat, Tiff, ChrysLet"s go do some stupid shitTell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Holla)Tell me are you ready baby?Are you ready now? (Holla)

Dirty Dancer 歌词

歌曲名:Dirty Dancer歌手:Usher&Enrique Iglesias专辑:Raymond V Raymond (Deluxe Edition)Dirty DancerEnrique IglesiasEnrique, UsherThis is for the dirty girlsAll around the worldHere we goDirty dirty dancer"Nother day nother nightAnd she acting like she don"t sleepShe"s a five when she drinksBut she"s a ten when she"s on top of meShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchGot all the moves that make you get it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyIt"s a gameThat she playsShe can win with her eyes closedIt"s insane how she tamesShe can turn you to an animalShe don"t want love she just wanna touchShe"s a greedy girl to never get enoughShe don"t wanna love she just wanna touchShe"s got all the moves that make you give it upShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyNever be her onlyShe never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyNo, she"s never satisfiedYou better do it rightBefore you"re lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerNever ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer dirty dirty dancer Never ever lonelyShe"s a dirty dirty dancer, dirty dirty dancerYou"ll never be her onlyYou"ll never be her onlyThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stopDirty dancerThe girl don"t stopThe girl don"t stophttp://music.baidu.com/song/7405425


dirty garden girl肮脏的花园女孩

bird dirty girl horse读音相同吗?

horse不同,读[u0254:]bird,dirty girl 读[u025c:]

Dirty garden girl的种子求大神帮忙:871油箱004把中间的汉字去掉222Qq的E

1、一般小型车油箱容量35-45升,中型车油箱容量55-75升左右。加满一油箱后一般都可以行驶500公里左右,根据汽车的排量大小油耗大的油箱就大油耗小的油箱就小。汽车油箱容积设计,一般可行驶400~600公里。车轻、排量小的车,油箱容积相应小一些;车重、排量大的车,油箱容积自然要大一些;但是满箱油的最大行程大多都在400~600公里。当然,一些越野车除外2、汽车油箱容量怎么看(1)油箱容量计算单位:国际标准都是用L(升)为汽车油箱容量的计算单位,在不同的国家也对汽车油箱容量有相应的标准。在我国规定汽车油箱容量在百分之95的额定值,但是根据实际情况而定实际的容量一般都大于标称容量,所以不用担心汽车油箱比实际的小。现在很多汽车油箱容量是根据自己的品牌车型进行制造的,所以有些国家也没有相应汽车油箱容量死规定。耗油非常多的车辆,品牌所设定的汽车油箱容量就会比较大,耗油小的车型油箱容量就设计小一些。(2)现在汽车油箱容量查看方法,一般都是通过车内的燃油表进行读数的观察,如果没有其他问题油量的数值会真实的反应到油表上。仪表的燃油表一般有5-6格,每一格油量代表油箱剩余汽车的容量,一般燃油表还剩两格油的时候就要加油了,以避免开到半路没有汽油的情况发生。3、汽车的油箱容量参考捷达60L 老款55L 奇瑞50L长安之星40L 桑塔纳老款55L 现在60L 奔驰 70L 别克60L 广本60L 凯美瑞58 1.6以上大部分60L 1.6一下40L大型车汽车的油箱容量参考大型车100L 150L 200L 400L 都有红岩 100 150 200 400 都用分几个油箱东风50 100 福田圆灯的 30 方形的50


推荐]道德自救21条 1、 爱我民族,爱我祖国,爱我人民;不要忘记曾经为我们战斗过的人;不说有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的话,不做有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的事;不说有辱国格的话,不做有辱国格的事。 2、 加强民族意识,增强民族自豪感


  [推荐]道德自救21条  1、 爱我民族,爱我祖国,爱我人民;不要忘记曾经为我们战斗过的人;不说有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的话,不做有辱先烈的精神、名誉、情感的事;不说有辱国格的话,不做有辱国格的事。  2、 加强民族意识,增强民族自豪感;宏扬我优秀的民族传统文化;不崇洋媚外,不卑躬屈膝;不有意讲夹着英语单词的殖民地式语言。  3、 惩恶扬善,见义勇为;有坚定的是非观、道德观,不麻木不仁;爱憎分明,不暧昧、不苟且。  4、 不忘恩负义,有一颗感恩的心,知道回报社会,不为富不仁,不仗势欺人,不残酷剥削和压迫,不穷奢极侈、极端享乐。  5、 不盲目追求时髦,不把病态的、怪异的是社会现象看作时尚,严肃对待人生,不做嬉皮士。  6、 着装得体;语言文明,不讲脏话、狠话、粗话;行为文明,不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾,不在公共场所喧哗、搂抱、接吻。  7、 尊重你的工作和职业,不心浮气躁,不好高务远,脚踏实地,不妄想一夜暴富。  8、 坚守感情纯真,保持贞洁,拒绝婚前性行为;洁身自爱,不勾引,不委身,不搞婚外情、婚外性,一夜性,不搞同性恋。  9、 遵纪守法,不看、不听、不唱黄色、庸俗、下流的电影、书刊、图片、网站、歌曲;不吸毒,不卖淫,不嫖娼,不结交品德不良的朋友,远离黑社会。  10、 自强不息,不自甘堕落,不自暴自弃;保持积极健康心理,  11、 尊重别人,平等的对待别人,谦虚、谦让,不搞等级歧视;不自以为是,不做伪贵族,不做无耻精英;同情弱者,帮助弱者,不鄙视、蔑视、贬低弱者;给老、弱、病、残、妇让座、让路;尊重农民、农民工。  12、 有社会责任心、公德心;不追求极端个性,不损人利己、自私自利,凡事尊崇社会良好共性。  13、 不惟利是图、见利忘义,不制、贩、卖假、冒、伪、劣产品,不挣黑心钱,不偷税漏税。  14、 敢于承担责任、承认错误,有错就改,不找借口,不推委搪塞。  15、 不公权私用、以权谋私、滥用职权、以权欺人、以职欺人;不贪污受贿,不行贿,不腐化堕落。  16、 诚实,守信,守诺,守时,不欺骗,不诬陷,不诋毁。  17、 老幼有序,长晚有辈,不乱伦;孝敬、赡养父母、长辈;兄弟姐妹友爱;好好教育子女;为家庭分担责任,不浪费、挥霍父母的血汗钱。  18、 救死扶伤,发扬人道、人性主义,不做黑心医生;  19、 为人师表,授业更要传正道,不要做流氓教师。  20、 文化艺术、娱乐工作者要有社会良心、职业良心,要有高尚的灵魂,不拜金,不要为社会制造文艺、娱乐垃圾、病毒。  21、 媒体要有社会正义,有职业良知,有正确、明确的社会舆论导向,不追腥逐臭,不媚世迎俗,要旗帜鲜明的批评和表扬,不暧昧,不纵容。

the dirty girl is lily friends的就划线部分提问应该是什么答案

1.Who is your friend? 2.What are there in the sky? 3.What color of shirt do you like? 4.What does Lily have? 5.Where are you from?





Eels的《dirty girl》 歌词

歌曲名:dirty girl歌手:Eels专辑:with strings: live at town hallI like a girl with a dirty mouthSomeone that I can believeWe had a window, not open too longBut that time is good and goneAnd if I ever see her againJust walking by with some new guyI know that we will need to pretendAnd hope our eyes keep telling liesSit on the back porch and wonder "bout herWhat is she doing right now?Making somebody a happier manDying her hair back to brownOnce in a while your life gets so goodWorth all the trouble of the pastThat was the case but I think I always knewGood things don"t ever lastAnd if I ever see her againJust walking by with some new guyI know that we will need to pretendAnd hope our eyes keep telling liesI like a girl with a dirty mouthKnow that I can trust herWe had our time but it didn"t last too longAnd that time is good and goneThat time is good and gonehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14263446


girl和dirty中的ir发音是一样的,都读[ɜː]。说明:girl [ɡɜːl] (女孩)是单音节词,单音节词属于重读音节,不使用重音符号。dirty[ˈdɜːti]是双音节词,dir是重读音节,ty是轻读音节。字母组合ir读作[ɜː]就是指在重读音节里的读音规律。再给您几个包含“ir”的单词供您参考:chirp 鸟叫的声音,stir 搅动,skirt 短裙,circle 圆圈,thirsty 渴,bird鸟。

外贸提单中的“Notify party“”通知方“是啥意思,他通知谁?


外贸中notify party是通知人还是被通知人的意思呢



  Consignee,the person to whom merchandise is delivered over收货人,一般为合同买方(信用证或客户另有规定的除外)。  Notify party:货到后船公司通知的一方,受通知人。由consignee指定,可以是As same as consingnee,也可以是consignee指定的通知人。  Consignee和Notify party的填写规范:  一、Consignee收货人。这是提单中比较重要的一栏,应严格按照信用证规定填制。这一栏的填法直接关系到提单能否转让以及提单项下货物的物权归属问题。提单收货人按信用证的规定一般有三种填法,即:空白抬头、记名指示抬头和记名收货人抬头。  ①空白抬头。 例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...Bill of Lading consigned to order...”或“...Bill of Lading made out to order...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“To order”即可。  ②记名指示抬头。  如果信用证提单条款中规定:“...Bill of Lading consigned to the order of the issuing  bank...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“To order of ...(开证行)...bank”即“凭开证行的指示”;如果规定“...Bill of Lading made out to shipper′s order...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“To shipper"s order”即“凭托运人指示”;如果规定“...Bill of Lading made out to order of ABC Co. ...”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“To order of ABC CO.”即“凭ABC Co.指示”。  ③记名收货人抬头。  例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...Bill of Lading consigned to ABC Co....”,则提单收货人栏中只要打“ABC CO.”即货交ABC CO.。  二、Notify Party 通知人  要与信用证的规定一致。例如:信用证提单条款中规定:“...Bill of Lading ...notify applicant”,则提单通知人栏中要打上开证申请人的详细名称和地址。



We all had a good time in the party.(写出其同义句)

have a fantastic

填空They held a special party to l____ the new book.



西方学者在表达自由概念时,freedom and liberty 经常是混合使用的,不管是个人的还是国家的等等,都是可以混合使用的。比如,新黑格尔主义者托马斯·希尔·格林与自由主义主义者Isaiah Berlin都是这样的。如果一定要说出区别来,是这样的:freedom在伦理意义上比liberty更恰当。这一点的更好说明,如果你有兴趣,可在中国社会科学出版社1990年出版的《金岳霖学术论文选》一书的第88页上看到。


1、表达内容不同:freedom所表达的“自由”非常宽泛,指“不受任何人干涉的说法、做事的自由”。liberty 是包含在freedom内的,指“自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制”。2、范围不同:freedom其“自由”的涵义比较广泛,包括从社会政治经济意义上的自由,到个体内心的无拘无束。而 liberty 则更偏向于政治上、人权上的自由和解放。3、使用方式不同:liberty跟政治、人权挂钩的一个概念;而freedom仅仅表达一种自由自在的状态,跟政治无关。可以说一只遨游天际的老鹰享受着 freedom,但不能说它享受着 liberty。扩展资料:“解放军”英文缩写叫“PLA”,全称为 People"s Liberation Army。这里的“liberation”表示“解放”,该词跟 liberty是同根同源的。liberation 的动词形式为“liberate”,表示“使…解放”,即“使某人摆脱其它政府或权威的束缚”,让其获得“自由”(liberty)。自由女神像叫 statue of liberty,“自由女神像”里的“自由”,正表达了 liberty 的内涵:自己选择生活方式而不受政府及权威限制。故这里用 liberty 更合适。

Who canyou imagine ________ to his wedding party?

B 首先确定是被动语态 谁被邀请去他的婚礼 然后 imagine doing sth 所以选B

Who can you imagine ____ to his wedding party? A


wedding party 婚礼是这么说的是么 真的是结婚的意思是么

不是。 应该是a wedding present 或者a marriage service (or ceremony)。

什么是 wedding party


wedding party和婚礼的区别

我是婚礼主持人张超,是一名职业婚礼主持人,策划师 很高兴为您回答这个问题wedding party 在西方讲是之指 新郎新娘,伴郎伴娘,花童戒童这些特定人员的聚会 也就是这些当天服务的主要人员,单独再聚会wedding 是指婚礼 如果要做背景宣传,千万不要丢人,您还是踏踏实实用wedding 即可,不要画蛇添足.希望我的回答对您有所帮助!

wedding party”是什么意思


wedding party”是什么意思

wedding party婚礼

tyle的cold rock a party

是cold rock a party ---mc lyte歌词如下[00:01.01]Cold rock a party[00:01.98]MC tyle[00:03.17][00:04.17]这首歌好难找的[00:05.47]歌词也好难做[00:06.65]不过终于做好啦[00:07.86]把它当作礼物[00:09.00]送给美丽、可爱的饶书记[00:10.20]WISH U 生日快乐!天天HAPPY~[00:11.00][00:11.93]You turning me upside down[00:15.25]Round and round[00:17.82]Upside down[00:20.42]All around[00:21.80][00:22.11]You turning me upside down[00:25.53]Round and round[00:28.15]Upside down[00:30.73]All around```[00:32.63][00:33.29]I rock the party that rocks the body[00:35.90]You rock the party that rocks the body[00:38.50]I rock the party that rocks the body[00:41.08]You rock the party that rocks the body[00:42.62][00:43.11]So what"s your status?[00:45.09]I be the baddest[00:46.22]B to hit the scene since the gangsta lean[00:48.52]I"m all ears[00:49.63]So what you got to say[00:50.96]I hope you bubbling it baby[00:52.63]Now bubbling it my way[00:53.97]Let it rain[00:55.14]Ain"t no sword up in the game[00:56.45]Still want you the same[00:57.82]Ain"t a thing changed[00:59.15]Instead of knocking boots[01:00.63]We be kicking down Gore-Tex[01:02.65]Except it ain"t raw sex[01:04.25]Roughnecks[01:05.36]Throw your hands in the air[01:07.00]Lemme hear you say, Oh Yeah[01:09.47]Trust you me I blow up shop[01:12.01]About to blow the roof right off of hip hop[01:14.09][01:14.60]I rock the party that rocks the body[01:17.23]You rock the party that rocks the body[01:19.81]I rock the party that rocks the body[01:22.36]You rock the party that rocks the body[01:24.29][01:24.94]I rock the party that rocks the body[01:27.56]You rock the party that rocks the body[01:30.14]I rock the party that rocks the body[01:32.69]You rock the party that rocks the body[01:34.31][01:35.06]M. I. double SS your best best bitch, from V A A[01:37.63]And I be smoking hay all day in the barn, damn it[01:40.64]Darn, Uh, Puff Daddy be my pal[01:43.00]When I he he, he he he he he he how[01:45.77]I took your number one spot[01:47.19]I don"t skip then I hop[01:48.49]I"m so hot so you can"t forget me, not[01:50.68]To the yes, yes, y"all[01:52.00]I"m gonna take her pulse[01:53.32]Cuz I be feeling myself like I was T-Boz[01:55.81]Uh, uh, Puff Daddy make them cream[01:58.75]The L. Y. T. to the E. make them scream[02:01.17]And I"m a sho""nough be the boss on this team so[02:03.87]All you MC"s how Missy make the green[02:06.24]Uh huh, uh huh[02:06.50][02:07.01]I rock the party that rocks the body[02:08.94]You rock the party that rocks the body[02:11.50]I rock the party that rocks the body[02:14.40]You rock the party that rocks the body[02:16.05][02:16.47]I rock the party that rocks the body[02:19.23]You rock the party that rocks the body[02:21.80]I rock the party that rocks the body[02:24.36]You rock the party that rocks your body,body[02:26.00][02:26.48]Some say I"m shady (that"s right)[02:28.88]That"s me, complicated rap star[02:30.64]Meet Lyte the MC[02:32.09]You see I"m on to you baby and your mechanism[02:34.29]How you hit it when you"re in it[02:36.08]So hot you keep it fizzling[02:37.07]No, oh ah she ooo, and all of that too[02:39.12]Keep me wetter than the waters of Kalamazoo[02:42.07]Nigga who you come here wit?[02:43.31]Where your posse at?[02:44.73]And leave the boys alone[02:45.99]Tell her you won"t be back[02:47.62]I got the cheese baby[02:48.97]My chedder"s better[02:50.26]I got that milk for that Amaretto[02:52.75]Trust you me I blow up shop[02:55.22]Had a little nig" calling the cops[02:57.29]Watch[02:57.68][02:57.97]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:00.58]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:03.14]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:05.70]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:07.58][03:08.26]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:10.86]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:13.46]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:16.07]You rock the party that rocks your body,body[03:18.34]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:20.94]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:23.54]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:26.11]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:28.29][03:28.66]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:31.30]You rock the party that rocks the body[03:33.87]I rock the party that rocks the body[03:36.42]You rock the party that rocks your body,body[03:40.82][03:42.44]DEDE--Sun Weijia[03:47.59]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[03:48.90]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![03:50.13]@@@@@@@@@@@@@[03:51.47]###############[03:52.75]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[03:54.02]%%%%%%%%%[03:55.31]^^^^^^^^^^^^[03:56.60]&&&&&&&&&&&&[03:57.88]************[03:59.14]((((((((((((((([04:00.48])))))))))))))[04:01.75]________[04:03.03]++++++[04:04.31]||||||||[04:05.63]````[04:06.91]```[04:08.24]``[04:09.49]`[04:10.89]T[04:12.17]H[04:13.45]E[04:14.76][04:16.04]E[04:17.34]N[04:18.63]D[04:19.92]

Have fun at the party tonight. 祝你在今晚的晚会上玩的开心 听录音时at the 怎么没读出?


有一首歌曲 是一个韩国的女的唱的 歌词里面有i like party tonight(也可能是谐音)节奏较快 求歌曲名。

是不是 花天酒地?GD,朴明秀和朴春唱的

Will you go _ his party tonight?怎么做

Will you go _ his party tonight?to

will you go to the party tonight ?

future simple

Duke - Party tonight 里面的女唱是谁

你看错了,那个肯定是男的,不是女的,不用怀疑,他只是唱歌的声音像女的 金智勋 男 duke前成员于2013年12月在酒店上吊自杀。

--- Will Helen come to my party tonight?--- I am not sure. She _______ go to the cinema with he...

D 情态动词辨析。A会;B可能;C一定,必须;D也许。根据I am not sure说明她非常不确定,D的语气比B还要弱。所以D正确。句意:—Helen会来参加我今晚的聚会吗?—我不确定。也许她会陪她爸爸看电影。

Call ms single party party tonight 求翻译拜托各位了 3Q


they will have a party tonight. 改为同义句。 Make a s

They will hold a party tonight.Don"t makee a shopping list.


chenparty 好像是法国童音吧。

party tonight 金锡民 谁有这首歌的MP3格式?


韩国乐天世界 表演的时候放是歌 歌词最后有一句we got party tonight

就是 tonight

找歌★ 急 Party tonight (Duke)


We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? ()

We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? () A.I"m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting.B.Of course not. I have no ideA.C.No, I can"t.D.That"s all set.正确答案:A


There is a party tonight.

if you go to party tonight,so ? I 是填will还是do


英语单句改错:Are you coming my party tonight?

my 前面加tocome 不及物,后面跟名词要加(介词)to

一个男声唱的最后一句是 the Party tonight

Party Rock Anthem?

he is having a birthday party一般现在时。       tonight一般将来时

He is having a birthday party tonight.一般将来时今晚,他将举行生日聚会。

英语答题31. We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would?

ABABBCBDBA!,7,英语答题 31. We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us?__________ A. I"m afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting. B. Of course not . I have no idea. C. No, I can"t. D. That"s all set. 32.To enable the pany __________ with more orders, more staff are needed. cope to cope coping 33.They named the island __________ its discoverer. A. after B. in C. to 34.Time is money! We should __________ our time. be fit for make good use of play a part of take the place of 35.Why didn"t you tell Anna the truth?____. Yes, they do No, but I wanted to But I did I always hate telling lies 36.Congratulations! You won the first prize in today"s speech contest.-__________ A. Yes, I beat the others. B. No, no, I didn"t do it well. C. Thank you. D. It"s a pleasure. 37.Hey, Tom, what"s up? _______ Yes, definitely! Oh, not much. What is happening in you life? You are lucky. 38.___ It will help you a lot.That"s a good idea. Let"s make some. I promise to get you some coffee. Would you please make me some coffee? Help yourself to some coffee. You"d better have some coffee. 39.__________ of their players are very good. No None One 40.Could I speak to Don Watkins, please?___________ A. Speaking, please. B. Oh, how are you? C. I"m listening. D. I"m Don.

一首英文歌曲里面有 the party tonight

wonderful tonight

there will be a party tonight一般疑问句

Will there be a welcome party for the heroes tomorrow?

party shaker中文歌词

Party Shaker歌手:R.I.O. / Nicco发行时间:2013-10-24所属专辑:《Partyshakerz: Dance Electro Digipack》Yeah ~~<>R.I.O feat. NiccoBy IamgoofOh OhHey hey hey, the party shakerWake up, wake up,People get it on, Gonna rock your bodyStand up, stand up,We"re moving all the way to the top,We"re flying high,so high,To the skyAnd we land on the dance floorRight,tonightFrom Rio to Jamaica,We are the party shakerSo welcome everybody,Let"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wasted,They call us troublemakersBut we just like to party,And party tonightWe will blow this club wayFrom Rio to Jamaica,We are the party shakerSo welcome everybody,Let"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wasted,They call us troublemakersBut we just like to party,And party tonightOh ey oh, oh ey oh,Oh ey oh, oh ey ohWe just like to party, And party tonightAlright, alright,Love is in the air, All lucky girls get naughtyTonight"s the night,We"re blinded by the disco lightsWe"re flying high,so high, To the skyMake it over the rainbow,Right, tonightWe will blow this club wayFrom Rio to Jamaica,We are the party shakerSo welcome everybody,Let"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wasted,They call us troublemakersBut we just like to party,And party tonightOh ey oh, oh ey oh,Oh ohOh ey oh, oh ey ohWe just like to party, And party tonightSo if you wanna danceThe party never endsSo people put your hands upYour hands, shake your body, rock and danceLet"s get ready for the party tonightSummer now, we"re gonna make a partySip your drink (?)Everybody groove and dance (?) like oh oh ohAnd you know you"re gonna want moreTake you all around the world, we"re on tourEverybody get your ass upon the floorFrom Rio to Jamaica,We are the party shakerSo welcome everybody,Let"s party tonightWe"ll sip until we"re wasted,They call us troublemakersBut we just like to party,And party tonightOh ey oh, oh ey oh,All of my people, From Rio to JamaicaOh ey oh, oh ey ohWe"re gonna rock your hands nowSpread the word all over the world

party tonight什么歌

party shaker 应该是这首歌 夜店风格

Party Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Party Tonight歌手:Seperated at Birth专辑:Nothing Like You

Party Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:Party Tonight歌手:Hollow Point专辑:C-4

Party tonight 歌词

Party tonight演唱:张根硕yo man, just wanna party manjyo zikzin! ah party party partyLet"s do this Yeah party tonight(party tonight, come on!)come on and rock this party


HouseParty麦姐的妹妹完美攻略。不少玩家可能还不太清楚游戏中麦姐的妹妹如何正确攻略,下面带来具体的攻略方法,供各位玩家们参考。麦姐的妹妹完美攻略见面先去找麦姐对话,把那一段等待的时间跳过,选择:_ 你做的很好啊_ 我看你从来没参加过女军吧_ 嗯,那必须的。接下来去二楼主卧的洗手间拿到麦姐手机,但是不要给麦姐然后我们去找妹妹,对话时保证麦姐不在周围!!对话选择:_ 你是麦姐的妹妹?我怎么也不会猜到,你比她漂亮多了_ 所以你是这个派对的第二女主人嘛_ 介绍一下今晚来宾吧_ 再多告诉我一点你的朋友_ 我跟黑哥认识很久了,他人很靠谱_ 你跟麦姐是怎么回事?然后把麦姐手机给她,对话选择如下:_ 你觉得是,就是吧_ 没问题,要我干嘛_ 算我一个,要我干嘛接下来去拿麦姐的日记,之前提过怎么拿,这里为了方便给你们看,再说一遍。这段麦姐必会来二楼主卧转悠,所以!锁门!!!!!!!拿到二楼电脑室的纸,二楼妹妹房间的笔。去二楼主卧,在梳妆台上把纸放在书上,用笔划出密码。最后去衣帽间的保险柜里拿到日记。日记给妹妹(小心麦姐)。然后我们就可以查看麦姐的手机了,注意,现在版本查看手机会把手机拿出来,有会被麦姐看到的风险,所以找个没人的地方看。点击手机,选择年历。当然,查看联系人可以直接看到VICKIE的电话。如果选择查看手机,别的暂时都选不了,可以查看照片,然而···没啥意思。这一部分跟之前版本一样。现在我们要去获得更多妹妹的好感,咋办呢?把大奶牛从二楼弄下来。这部分之前也有提过,再说一遍~~~~再这之前,先去找楼上大奶牛对话一下,选择_ 你没事吧?知道外面再开派对嘛?_ 你说真的嘛,这上衣你穿很好看啊_ 唉,你怎么老是一个人呆着然后去找妹妹对话,选择:_ 你忘了说一个人,大奶牛?_ 我要帮她意识到她没什么担心的!把大奶牛从二楼弄下来步骤:从冰箱里拿到奶油(被一包土豆挡住了,这里我拿过了,所以图没有)二楼洗衣间的柜子上面拿到白葡萄酒。跟花衬衣对话,然后去二楼主卧的洗手间拿药给他让麦姐对话,说花衬衣偷东西,让麦姐去揍花衬衣(跟麦姐对话时也不要当着花衬衣的面,会影响花衬衣的好感度,对醒酒部分有影响!!!)把红葡萄酒拿到(这里拿酒的时候注意点!!!!不要让光头或者黑妹看到!!!!!!!)。有了这三个东西(奶油,红葡萄酒,白葡萄酒)就去找跳舞女,对话选择:_ 很高兴认识你_ 看起来你很享受这个派对_ 让我找找看,找到有好处嘛?给她奶油(这里会提示你,让你好好考虑考虑。这里主要会影响推倒跳舞妹子的剧情,但是这里是妹妹剧情,管他呢,给她!!!!!)然后把两瓶葡萄酒给她(这里给酒的时候注意!!光头是看不到的,但是小心黑妹!!!!!!),最后把室温改到80,位置在车库门口墙上。然后回去找跳舞妹子对话,选择:_ 你的舞跳的真好_ 小心点,你转圈把裙底都漏光了_ 你怎么认识麦姐的_ 你把衣服都脱了怎么样?整蛊开始现在跳舞女搞定了,上楼找大奶牛,告诉她,让她下楼。然后妹妹会主动找你对话。跟妹妹对话选择:_ 关于那个日记······_ 所以你有密码我有手机,接下来怎么办?正在对话时,花衬衣会把妹妹叫走,然后妹妹会把日记给你。找个没人的地方查看日记,可以知道麦姐跟黑哥有一腿。妹妹跟花衬衣聊天那里需要挺久的,过会我们再去找她。去做瑞秋的剧情,拿到瑞秋的电话号码(这里篇幅过长,所以我就不提了,可以去翻看瑞秋的攻略。提一句,瑞秋攻略里,需要给光头4瓶酒来获得光头的好感,但是你只给4瓶酒可能会无法触发后续剧情。可能需要你去做学霸女的剧情来给光头照片。这里我不确定,即使需要也没关系,拿照片那里也不算难)。到这里其实过的时间差不多了我们回到主线,去找妹妹和花衬衣,跟花衬衣对话,选择:_ 我在一个不该上厕所的地方大便了我们成功的支开的他们两个,找妹妹对话选择:_ 超多的l照!!!现在我们有了瑞秋的电话,还在麦姐手机里得到了VICKIE的电话,那就去拿到花衬衣的手机(这部分篇幅也很长,可以去翻看瑞秋的攻略),然后去找学霸女发无名短信把VICKIE叫来!接下来去找黑哥对话,选择:_ 假如来说,我手上拿了某些人的裸照·····_ 谁要用这些啊去找VICKIE对话选择:_ 我可有你想要的东西哦,VICKIE_ 当然啦!_ 黑哥!!(DEREK)_ 好吧,我怎么知道你们就位了?信号不用改,因为信号是自动触发的,所以····你改与不改没啥关系存档!存档!存档!存档!存档!存档!存档!存档!存档!接下来这段很重要!!先看完再去操作,我怕你来不及~~~去找黑哥对话,选择:_ 你跟麦姐是不是发生了什么?然后黑哥回去找麦姐说话,我们离得稍微远一点的地方倾听他们对话,等出现停止倾听时候,点了立马就跑,按SHIFT加速跑去二楼主卧的衣帽间。此时妹妹跟VICKIE已经在里面等着了,我们躲进去,把衣帽间的门全部关闭然后等待。(注意,这里必须赶紧跑进来关门,如果慢了······读档吧)躲着听他们对话,一会之后妹妹会让你打开一扇门偷看,我们只打开左边的门,你可以选择看与不看,然后继续等。一定看清楚VICKIE和妹妹的对话,等VICKIE让你开门你就开门。接下来就是剧情了,完事妹妹会让你跟她走。跟她去到她的房间,支开房间里所有人,关门。点妹妹,选择脱鞋····就可以了。要说的话妹妹的攻略到这里就完事了,没有什么很大的变化,以后也可以继续找妹妹来做爱做的事,对话选:_ 小姐,你的凉鞋····

英国的Tory 和 conservative party是同一个政党吗?如果不是,区别在哪里?

世界最古老的政党——英国保守党(Conservative Party) 创建于 1679 年,是全世界第一个政党,其前身为英国托利党(Tory)

The Conservative Party is one of the ________ parties in Britain?

选择A. major.理由:main与major作“主要的”解时的区别在于:Main is a superlative while major is not.即main具有“最高级”的含义而major没有。一个能说明问题的例子是:There are several major defects in the design, but the main one is the layout.(设计有几个主要缺陷,但最主要的是布局不合理。)

conservative party是什么意思

它的意思是 保守党

____before we leave the day after tomorrow, we shold have a wonderful dinner party .

这是一个虚似条件问,因此可以确定用would,用were显然不行的。可以排除A。因为条件句中省略了if,因此整句要倒装,把would提前,would they arrive。if they would arrive before we leave the day after tomorrow, we shold have a wonderful dinner party .这样看就会好理解了。

PB中的问题 用的SQL2005 显示错误为 incompatible property cb2 for type w_main


Party Poison 歌词

歌曲名:Party Poison歌手:My Chemical Romance专辑:Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous KilljoysMy Chemical Romance - Party PoisonFUCK JAPAN!Alright! alright!Everybody pay attention to meI got the answerI got the answerStreet walking cheetah with a capital GSo gets your hands upNow get your hands upHide your eyes we"re gonna shine tonightSub-atomic never get the best of meAin"t a DJ gonna save my soul (My soul!)Sold it long ago for rock and roll (Whoa oh!)Drop the needle when the tape deck blowsI Gotta shout this out so everybody knowsThis ain"t a partyGet off the dance floorYou want the get downHere comes the gang warYou"re doin" alrightI got the answerCause all the good timesThey give you cancerIf we were all like you in the endOh we"d be killing ourselves by sleeping inSo hit the lights I"ll do it againAnd keep your cars, and your dogs,And your famous friends, well alrightSlide up the faders when the cabinet slamsAnd get your hands upNow gets your hands upLight up the stage and watch me kick out the jamsSo throw your fist upNow throw your fist upAin"t nobody gonna take my lifeAin"t nobody gonna get the best of meAin"t a preacher gonna save me nowGrab a seat I"m gonna show you howEverybody hit the Pyro cueWe"re gonna blow this offAnd show you what we doThis ain"t a partyGet off the dance floorYou want the get downHere comes the gang warYou"re doin" alrightI got the answerCause all the good timesThey give you cancerIf we were all like you in the endOh we"d be killing ourselves by sleeping inSo hit the lights I"ll do it againSo keep your cars, and your dogs,And your famous friends, well alrightOh oh ohWell alrightOh oh oh ohWe came to party, kill the party tonightWe came to party, kill the party tonight (Let"s go!)This ain"t a partyGet off the dance floorYou want the get downHere comes the gang warYou"re doin" alrightI got the answerCause all the good timesGimme gimme good times people tonightThis ain"t a partyGet off the dance floorYou want the get downHere comes the encoreIf we were all like you in the endOh we"d be killing ourselves by sleeping inSo hit the lights I"ll do it againSo everybody get down (everybody gets down)Till the party breaks down (till the party breaks down)Now everybody get down (everybody get down)Now everybody get downTill the party breaks downTo-night!http://music.baidu.com/song/7417246

[A] business[B] estate[C] obligation[D] property

【答案】:D32.D business生意,事务;estate地产,财产;obligation义务,责任; property财产,资产。根据句意可知,此处要表达的是这些黄金是英国和苏联的财产。从四个选项的词义可排除A,C两项。 estate和property都有财产的意思。但property侧重于指金钱上的财产,如:Some of the stolen property was found in Mason"s house.(在梅森的房子里找到了一些被盗的财物。)而estate侧重于指地产,如:He owns a large estate in Scotland.(他在苏格兰有大量地产。)根据上下文可知property较为合适,故选D。

拍卖行英语专家请进,account number 和property number分别是什么意思?

account number 帐号consignment note 发货单 property number 货物编码

Martyr (Single Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Martyr (Single Version)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:The Best Of Depeche Mode Volume OneEnvy and Other Sins - (It Gets Harder To Be A) Martyr ★ vanHere"s a song for a backwater princesswho relishes the tiniest bit of interest.The guys in town can"t put Emily down,they just live to see her undressed.Friday night"s a veritable carnival,the meat is on display for all the cannibals.You know the rest, and…It only gets harder to be such a martyrIn the rush of the crowd,you know such weaknesses are not allowed,They whimper and shout,but in the end they all just slowly peter out.Anthony, Darren, Jack and Jonathanall agree Emily is number oneAnd Kevin, Tom, Dick and Harry do too,and I know they"re not the only ones.Emily, you are the catalyst,the start of all the amateur dramaticsThey lick their wounds and…I won"t hold my breath for your next solution,So I wait in the queue,trying to find something new to pull me on through.Emily, what about your family?They brought you up anything but easily.It makes no sense and...★ vanhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13980718


September - Earth Wind and Fire

The Party Poppers的《Can Can》 歌词

歌曲名:Can Can歌手:The Party Poppers专辑:Let S Have A PartyYes, we can Because we canEverybody Say we can can do it !!!Ain"t no no mountain high enough仆(うち)らの绊 断ち切れる山は无いどんなに不安で辛くても绝対大丈夫 Sing to me !!Yes, we can Because we can自分らしく信じていこう だからB I G Smile on your face「Can Can」作词∶福井舞作曲∶福井舞歌∶福井舞何がなんだか分からなくなった时はU call my name and I"ll be thereLet"s go to Kamo river君はいつも仆を笑わせたすると嫌なコト忘れて希望に満ちてなんだか何でもできるような気にさせてくれるんだ!!!!Yes, we can Because we canEverybody Say we can can do it !!!Ain"t no no no valley low enough辛い时に笑う强さがあるどんなにめげそうになっても2人、ホジャき、泣いて、笑ってやれYes, we can Because we can君は仆を笑わせた だからI make you smile this time『绝対大丈夫』なんて言叶が时に心细く感じてしまう気持ちわかるよでも他に行ける场所なんてないだからあきらめないで信じて欲しい大好きな亲友のあなたへ この歌を届けるYes, we can Because we canEverybody Say we can can do it !!!Ain"t no no mountain high enough仆(うち)らの绊 断ち切れる山は无いどんなに不安で辛くても绝対大丈夫 Sing to me !!Yes, we can Because we can自分らしく信じていこう だからB I G Smile on your faceYes, we can Because we canEverybody Say we can can do it !!!Ain"t no no no valley low enough辛い时に笑う强さがあるどんなにめげそうになっても2人、ホジャき、泣いて、笑ってやれYes, we can Because we can君は仆を笑わせた だからI make you smile this timeYes, we can Because we canEverybody Say we can can do it !!!Ain"t no no mountain high enough仆(うち)らの绊 断ち切れる山は无いどんなに不安で辛くても绝対大丈夫 Sing to me !!Yes, we can Because we can自分らしく信じていこう だからB I G Smile on your face収録:Can Can/Promise You発売日: 2009/02/04http://music.baidu.com/song/2808667

PropertyUtils.getProperty(object,property)中的参数property指代的是什么 ?




歌词中有cry cry cry but i like to party的歌


Are you going to party tomorrownight什么意思?


请翻译下“Shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova”是什么意思,谢谢。



Bachelor partyA bachelor party (also called a stag party, stag night, or bucks party (Australia)) is a party held for a bachelor shortly before he is married, to commemorate his final opportunity to engage in activities a new wife might not approve of, or merely to spend time bonding with his male friends. A bachelor party may involve activities such as going to a strip club, hiring a female stripper or escort, drinking alcohol and gambling. In more recent times it has become common for a similar party to be held for the bride-to-be. This is known as a bachelorette party or hen night.所以又叫bucks party or a stag party

IE8 javascript 对象 Object.defineProperty相关问题

Javascript作为一种语言,有个美誉,开发者可以重新定义任何事情。虽然这在过去的一些javascript可以,但是ECMAScript5中已经开始得到改变,例如,我们可以使用Object.defineProperty创建一个不能被修改的对象的属性。一、基本用法假如我想构建一个math.js库,看下面的实例:var mathObj = { constants: { "pi": 3.14 }, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} 在上例中,如果有人改变pi的值,那么我们将不会得到正确的计算结果,虽然有很多方法可以解决此问题,但是最简单的方法是使用pi属性不可写。看下面实例:var mathObj = { constants: {}, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} Object.defineProperty(mathObj.constants, "pi", { value: 3.14, writable: false});mathObj.constants.pi = "Benjamin";//Outputs: 3.14console.log(mathObj.constants.pi);Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)方法接收三个参数:需要添加或修改属性的对象,属性名称,属性描述options。从上例可以看出,当给pi赋值为“Benjamin”时,最后输出的值还是3.14。 但是如果给math.js使用“use strict",将会报错,和给undefined赋值一样:"use strict";var mathObj = { constants: {}, areaOfCircle: function(radius) { return this.constants.pi*radius*radius; }} Object.defineProperty(mathObj.constants, "pi", { value: 3.14, writable: false});mathObj.constants.pi = "Benjamin";//<span style="color: #ff0000;">Outputs: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property "pi" of #<Object></span> console.log(mathObj.constants.pi);第三个参数的options中,writable默认值为false,所以在上例中可以省略,configurable默认值为false,如果你想使用你的库的用户故意重写pi的值,你可以设置configurable值为true。

Party Electro Pop 曲风歌曲的推荐

1.sexy bitch-David Guetta ft.Akon(上海MUSE/MUSE2/MT的镇店歌曲)2.beautiful-Akon3.right now-Akon4.i gotta feeling-Black Eyed Peas(相信我,任何夜店都会放的)5.Abracadabra-Brown Eyed Girls6.Forever-Chris Brown(欧美夜店很多,中国的很少听到)7.Good Girls Go Bad-Cobra Starship8.Insomnia-Craig David(08年夜店的经典)9.In The Ayer-Flo Rida(所有夜店都放的,我都听了至少100遍了- -)10.Sugar-Flo Rida11.Stronger-kanye west(夜店都是混音的,原版的也很好听)12.TiK ToK-Ke$Ha(最新的夜店歌噢~)13.Take It Off-Ke$Ha(同上)14.Party At A Rich Dude"s House-Ke$Ha(同上)15.Kiss N Tell-Ke$Ha(同上)16.Bad Romance-Lady Gaga17.Poker Face-Lady Gaga18.Just Dance-Lady GaGa feat. Kardinal Offishall19.Hotel Room Service-Pitbull(20.I Know You Want Me-Pitbull22.Fire Burning-Sean Kingston 23.Sorry Sorry-Super Junior(不用多解释了吧- -)24.Bo Peep Bo Peep-T-ara25.Boom Boom Pow -Black Eyed PeasGAGA 的还是经典先放一点吧Bad romance 旋律很难忘记 一直缠着我 完美 夜店魅音porkr face 不用说了 完美 夜店魅音Telephone 和beyonce 合唱也是完美 特别喜欢前奏接中间的时候 HIGH 夜店魅音Just dance 会摇摆 旋律太拉风了 夜店魅音paparazzi 会摇头 我喜欢的旋律 夜店魅音beautiful dirty rich 节奏感很好 夜店魅音love game 太high了 跳舞再好不过了 夜店魅音speechless 证明唱功的伟作 转音很好听 (有兴趣可以看看mv)chillin 和wale合唱的 很清晰 好听 your negativity 很重的味道 个人比较喜欢GAGA 除了摇滚 抒情歌也很多 她的唱功真的不错哦再来AkonI wanna love you 很现实 不做作 唱出大家所想 夜店魅音right now (na na na) 有朋友说 这是毒药 会上瘾 脑袋 全是clubbing的气氛 夜店魅音No more you 轻松的旋律 很喜欢 夜店魅音what you got 总是给人一种霸气 旋律让我堕落 我会一直循环这首歌dangerous 一个个音符的升华 爽 跳舞绝对好 夜店魅音sexy chick 和 David guetta 悉尼夜店最爱 赖赖的感觉 夜店魅音beautiful 绝对经典了 夜店魅音keep you much longer 喜欢这感觉 舞动 夜店魅音Sorry, Blame It On Me 总有那么几个音符能让我陷入Against the Grain 很耐听的曲子sunny day 轻松 抒情歌曲Troublemaker 肯定经典了 总是带着野性Body On Me 和Ashanti Feat. Akon & Nelly合唱的 好听smack that 夜店魅音 还有T.I.的也很不错,希望可以帮到LZ =)

Visual C++2005无法安装,出现ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user..


Dirty Diana歌词中文翻译

Dirty Diana 肮脏的戴安娜 You"ll Never Make Me Stay 你从来都不让我停留 So Take Your Weight Off Of Me 所以你影响不了我 I Know Your Every Move 我知道你的一举一动 So Won"t You Just Let Me Be 所以你不要为难我 I"ve Been Here Times Before 我曾来过这里许多次 But I Was Too Blind To See 但我却没有看见你引诱男人 That You Seduce Every Man This Time You Won"t Seduce Me 所以我想这次你也不会引诱我 She"s Saying That"s Ok 她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Please 你可以随心所欲 I Have The Stuff That You Want 我拥有你想要的东西 I Am The Thing That You Need 我正是你所需要的 She Looked Me Deep In The Eyes 她深情地望着我 She"s Touchin" Me So To Start 她开始抚摸我 She Says There"s No Turnin" Back 她说已经无路可退了 She Trapped Me In Her Heart 她已经把我困在心底 Dirty Diana, Nah 卖弄风情的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, Nah 风情万种的戴安娜 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana Let Me Be! Oh No . . 不要这样 Oh No . . . Oh No . . . She Likes The Boys In The Band 她喜欢乐队里的男孩 She Knows When They Come To Town 她知道当他们来到镇上 Every Musician"s Fan After 每一个他们的歌迷都会在幕后 The Curtain Comes Down She Waits At Backstage Doors 她在后台的门口等着 For Those Who Have Prestige 那些有威望的 Who Promise 能使她拥有财富和荣誉 Fortune And Fame, A Life That"s So Carefree 生活得无忧无虑的人 She"s Saying That"s Ok 然后她说没问题 Hey Baby Do What You Want 做你想做的事吧 I"ll Be Your Night Lovin" Thing 我将成为你今晚的爱人 I"ll Be The Freak You Can Taunt 我可以任你辱骂 And I Don"t Care What You Say 我也不在乎你说什么 I Want To Go Too Far 我只想走得很远 I"ll Be Your Everything 我能成为你任何东西 If You Make Me A Star 只要你能使我成名 Dirty Diana, Nah 风骚的戴安娜。。。 Dirty Diana, Nah 肮脏的戴安娜。。。。 Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana . . . Diana! 戴安娜 Diana! 戴安娜 Dirty Diana 赤裸的戴安娜 It"s Dia . . .Aa . . .Aa . . .Come On!? 戴...安...娜.... 快..! She Said I Have To Go Home 她说:我必须要回家 "Cause I"m Real Tired You See 因为我疲倦难堪 But I Hate Sleepin" Alone 但我会孤枕难眠 Why Don"t You Come With Me 难道你不想陪我 I Said My Baby"s At Home 我说:我的宝贝在家 She"s Probably Worried Tonight 她也许在担心我 I Didn"t Call On The Phone To 我没有打电话去 Say That I"m Alright 说我今夜平安无恙 Diana Walked Up To Me, 戴安娜走上前来 She Said I"m All Yours Tonight 说今夜我属于你 At That I Ran To The Phone 我跑去拿起电话 Sayin" Baby I"m Alright 给宝贝报个平安 I Said But Unlock The Door, 并叫她不要锁门 Because I Forgot The Key 因为我落了钥匙 She Said He"s Not Coming Back 戴安娜急忙插道:他不会回了 Because He"s Sleeping With Me 因为他枕边有我 Dirty Diana, Nah 无耻的戴安娜!别…… Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, No Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana, Nah Dirty Diana . . . Come On! Come On! Come On! Come On!...

has intellectual-property lawyers abuzz


intellectual property是什么意思?

intellectual property,不知道当初为何译成“知识产权”,以后竟然以讹传讹广泛沿用至今,而且订入法律,实在可叹!这个词组不论按字面上译、按含义译都不能译 “知识产权”。intellectual一词根本没有“知识”的意思,它与“知识”是两个不同的概念。作为名词intellectual指“知识分子”,但是在intellectual property词组中intellectual显然是形容词而不是名词,何况“知识分子”与“知识”并不能划等号,即使退一万步对号入座地硬译,也只能译“知识分子产权”而不能译“知识产权”。当然,译“知识分子产权”也是错的。从含义上看,何谓intellectual property?它是指对于智力劳动所创造的智力产品或智力成果的权利,主要包括版权、专利权、商标权等,所以应该译为“智力产权”。我们的前辈严复曾说,“一名之立,旬月踟蹰”,我们今天对待译名何等需要那样的认真精神啊!译名宜慎重,不要随便译,使用现有的译名也该慎重,尤其不要随便跟着别人使用、传播错误的译名,应该抵制错误的译名!

intellectual property是什么意思

intellectual property_百度翻译intellectual property [英]u02ccu026antiu02c8lektjuu0259l u02c8pru0254pu0259ti [美]u02ccu026antlu02c8u025bktu0283uu0259l u02c8prɑpu0259ti 知识产权 [例句]The issues run deeper than mere intellectual property theft.相比知识产权盗用而言,还有些问题层次更深。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助
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