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for the first time的时态

for the first time可以用多种时态,有:一般过去时、一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时等。 扩展资料   For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family.   他第一次能够直言不讳而不怕家人遭到报复。   For the first time, a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year.   在今年的大会上将首次由一位女士当主要发言人。   For the first time the government"s actually put some money up front   政府居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。   Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.   记忆中,小溪第一次干涸了。   For the first time in many years, I got carded.   这么多年来,头一回有人要我出示身份证。

For The First Time 歌词

歌曲名:For The First Time歌手:Kenny Loggins专辑:Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow - The Greatest Hits Of Kenny LogginsKenny LogginsFor The First TimeAre those your eyes, is that your smileI"ve been lookin at you foreverBut I never saw you beforeAre these your hands holdin" mineNow I wonder how I could of been so blindFor the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein" who you areI can"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....Can this be real, can this be trueAm I the person I was this morningAnd are you the same youIt"s all so strange how can it beAll along this love was right in front of meFor the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein who you areI can"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....Such a long time agoI had given up on findin" this emotion..ever againBut you live with me nowYes I"ve found you some howAnd I"VE never been so sureAnd for the first time I am looking in your eyesFor the first time I"m seein" who you areCan"t believe how much I seeWhen you"re lookin back at meNow I understand why love is.......Love is.....for the first time.....

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次” 强调顺序for the first time 也是第一次,是个副词短语,在句子中做状语。强调首次如:He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母For the first time I felt regret我第一次感到后悔。

At the first time和for the first time 的区别是什么?

at the first time和for the first time的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 the first time意思:第一次2.for the first time意思:最初二、用法不同 the first time用法:意为“第一(个、批),头一〔几〕个”,常和定冠词连用。作“一点也不”解时,常用于否定句中。2.for the first time用法:作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。三、侧重点不同 the first time侧重点:at the first time仅仅是指出时间顺序,一般情况下已有多件同类型的事件发生过,而此处仅仅表明指的是第一次发生的时候,并没有那么强调“独一无二”。2.for the first time侧重点:for the first time强调的是前所未有,有些暗示开天辟地的意思。

first和for the first time都有 第一次的意思,此时他们用法上有什么不同


for the first time和at the first time的区别是什么?

又到了为小伙伴们解惑的时候了 (*u2766ωu2766),for the first time是个副词短语,在句子中做状语,强调首次。at the first time是介词短语,是“在第一次” 强调顺序。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完for the first time和at the first time的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别~(@^_^@)~1、语法角色差异"for the first time": 表示某个动作或经历是第一次发生,后接动词原形。例句:I tried sushi for the first time last night and I loved it.(昨晚我第一次尝试寿司,我非常喜欢。)"at the first time": 通常不用于英语中的表达方式,或者用于口语中表示在第一次尝试时所做的事情。例句:At the first time, I didn"t like sushi.(第一次尝试的时候,我不喜欢寿司。)2、表达的含义差异"for the first time": 强调首次发生,通常表示经历新鲜事物的感受。例句:I traveled abroad for the first time last summer.(去年夏天我第一次出国旅行。)"at the first time": 可以解读为第一次成就某事,但不符合英语表达的习惯,并有歧义。3、用法上的区别"for the first time": 常用于句子开头或结尾,强调首次的经历对说话者的印象和影响。例句:For the first time, I felt truly alive.(第一次,我感到真正活着。)"at the first time": 非正式语言中也可能出现,表示在某个时间点或事件发生时的状态或状态转变,不常用。例句:I was really nervous at the first time I performed on stage.(我第一次在舞台上表演时非常紧张。)

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

for the first time重在强调时间,次数,表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语, 强调顺序 at the first time重在强调当时的情形,过去的状态,做时间状语,意思为起初,强调首次如: He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母 For the first time I felt regret 我第一次感到后悔。

at the first time和for the first time有什么区别

for the first time重在强调时间,次数,表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语, 强调顺序 at the first time重在强调当时的情形,过去的状态,做时间状语,意思为起初,强调首次如: He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了。 We should inform his parents at the first time. 我们应在第一时间通知他的父母 For the first time I felt regret 我第一次感到后悔。

the first time , for the first time 的区别


for the first time与the first time的区别

the first time之后接一个定语从句,用that,when引导均可,或者干脆省略。for the first time是个介词词组,意为“第一次,首次,初次”,一般用作状语,修饰动词。 for the first time与the first time的区别 一、意思不同 1.the first time意思:第一次;初次;第一次……的时候 2.for the first time意思:第一次 二、用法不同 1.the first time用法:用作形容词一般修饰单数名词,修饰有few或数词修饰的复数名词时是把复数名词看作一个整体。first与基数词连用时,一般置于基数词前,但first引起的固定词组则应置于基数词之后。 2.for the first time用法:引导的是并列从句,表示原因的语气很弱,一般是对结果作出推断性的补充说明或解释,不表示直接原因,for前多加逗号。 三、侧重点不同 1.the first time侧重点:用于一般过去时。 2.for the first time侧重点:用于一般过去时或现在完成时。 for the first time与the first time的例句 1、For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. 多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。 2、I"ll never forget hearing this piece of music for the first time. 我永远不会忘记第一次听到这首曲子的情景。 3、It was the first time I had set foot on African soil. 那是我第一次踏上非洲大地。 4、For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. 多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。 5、This is the first time the company has ventured into movie production. 这是这家公司首次涉足电影制作。

for the first time是什么意思


for the first time和the first time的区别

the first time之后接一个定语从句,用that,when引导均可,或者干脆省略。for the first time是个介词词组,意为“第一次,首次,初次”,一般用作状语,修饰动词。for the first time在句中只能作状语,the first time可作表语和主语。 扩展资料   For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life.   多少年来第一次,她觉得生活掌握在自己的手里。   In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time.   在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。   It was the first time they had made love.   那是他们第一次发生性关系。   It was the first time I had set foot on American soil.   那是我第一次踏足美洲大地。

“at the first time” 和 “for the first time”的区别是什么?

for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次例句:1.With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。2.Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.乔布斯以边走路边开会而闻名,尤其是对初次见面的人更是如此。at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初例句:1.And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.你第一次尝试做每件事的时候,不一定成功。2.Step1: Watch soundtrack movie ( of course!!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time.第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛~),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。

for the first time和the first time和at the first time有什么区别?


有首歌for the first time,中文歌词是什么

一、For The First Time中文歌词 :(参考For The First Time好搜百科)她带着一个破碎的心躺在床上。当我和杰克独自在我家附近的酒吧,我们不知道,我们如何到了这个疯狂的局面,只有做事情的挫折,想要做的工作,但这些时期困难,她需要我了,但我到现在还没找到时间,我已经得到一份新工作,现在的失业大军,我们不知道,我们如何进入这堆乱七八糟的东西是神试验,有人帮助我们,因为我们正尽最大的努力,想要进入进入状态,但人在这时候最难。但我们以先喝瓶廉价陈葡萄酒开始,坐着通宵闲聊,说我们没有一会儿一会儿,是的我们笑,但我们快要哭,即使听完了所有这些年来,我们刚刚接到的感觉,我们第一次见面她抬着头在门口当我失去了我的工作没有失去我的航班但我们都知道,我们在它受伤时,怎么办,当你努力从黑暗中挣扎做自己,试图维系它,但人在这时候最难。但我们以先喝瓶廉价陈葡萄酒开始,坐着通宵闲聊,说我们没有一会儿一会儿,是的我们笑,但我们快要哭,即使听完了所有这些年来,我们刚刚接到的感觉,我们第一次见面即使听完了所有这些年来,我们刚刚接到的感觉,我们第一次会相遇。是的.....饮酒老廉价瓶酒,坐在说话了,说的事我们还没一会儿,我们笑,但我们已经接近眼泪,即使听完了所有这些年来,我们刚刚接到的感觉,我们第一次相遇。第一次,哦,第一次,是的,第一次,(刚刚接到的感觉,我们会…… 第一次)。哦,这时期困难,是的,他们是让我们发疯了不要放弃我的宝贝哦,这时期困难,是的,他们是让我们发疯了不要放弃我的宝贝哦,这时期困难,是的,他们是让我们发疯了不要放弃我的宝贝哦,这时期困难,是的,他们是让我们发疯了不要放弃我的宝贝二、歌手: The Script所属专辑:《For The First Time》发行时间:2010-09-06所属公司:SONY&BMG三、英文歌词:The Script - For the First TimeShe"s all laid up in bed with a broken heartWhile i"m drinking jack all alone in my local barAnd we don"t know how we got into this mad situationOnly doing things out of frustrationTrying to make it work but man these times are hardShe needs me now but I can"t seem to find a timeI"ve git a new job now in the umemploymentlineAnd we don"t know we got into this mess it"s a gods testSomeone help us because we"re doing our bestTrying to make it work but man these times are hardBut we"re gunna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all nightSaying things we haven"t for a while, a while yeahWe"re smiling but we"re close to tearsEven after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we"re meetingFor the first timeShe"s in line at the door with her head held highWhile I just lost my job but didn"t lose my flightBut we both knowHow we"re gonna make it work when it hurtsWhen you pick yourself up you get kicked in the dirtTrying to make it work but man these times are hardBut we"re gunna start by drinking old cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all nightDoing things we haven"t for a while, a while yeahWe"re smiling but we"re close to tearsEven after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we"re meetingFor the first timeDrinking old cheap bottles of wineSit talking up all nightSaying things we haven"t for a whileWe"re smiling but we"re close to tearsEven after all these yearsWe just now got the feeling that we"re meetingFor the first timeFor the first timeOh, for the first timeYeah, for the first timeOh these times are hardYeah they"re making us crazyDon"t give up on me babyOh these times are hardYeah they"re making us crazyDon"t give up on me babyOh these times are hardYeah they"re making us crazyDon"t give up on me babyOh these times are hardYeah they"re making us crazyDon"t give up on me baby

(for )the first time这个短语什么时候用for ,什么时候不用for? 谢谢!

The first time 作为开头时不用for不做开头在句尾用for例如:I met her for the first time.我第一次遇到她。The first time I met her, I thought she was an honest person.第一次遇到她的时候,我认为她是一个诚实的人。

for the first time中for的含义?


"当我第一次来到学校"翻译:When I came to the school __ the first time(at? for? /?)其它的也行,只要对


for the first time,for的用法?


求in the first time和at the first time 、for the first time In the first time 的区别~~

一般来说表达时间是用at,一个较短的时间点,所以at the first time 是在第一次这个时间点,短暂的时间for the first time 首次,第一次, for 是为了一般很少用in the first time这样的用法希望对你有帮助哦~

for the first time 是什么意思?


为什么是for the first time而不是 at the first time


at the first time和for the first time有什么区别


at the first time与for the first time的区别


for the first time作为时间状语时用什么时态

for the first time 是介词短语作句子的时间状语.放在句首或句尾.如 I came here for the first time. the first time是连词用来引导时间状语从句.后不加when.如 The first time I saw her,I found her nice and honest. the first time相当连词,可引导时间状语从句; for the first time,在句中只能作状语,“作为第一次”.

at the first time和for the first time的区别

for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次例句:1.With audiences in the US falling for the first time in a generation, Hollywood is girding itself for recession.随着美国的电影观众人数在二三十年里首次下跌,好莱坞正在为萧条期做好准备。2.Jobs was famous for taking meetings on foot, especially when he was meeting people for the first time.乔布斯以边走路边开会而闻名,尤其是对初次见面的人更是如此。at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初例句:1.And you wont necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try.你第一次尝试做每件事的时候,不一定成功。2.Step1: Watch soundtrack movie ( of course!!) and watch it with the subtitle on at the first time.第一步:看有声电影(囧不是废话嘛~),第一遍的时候带着字幕看。

for the first time 是什么意思


for the first time是什么意思


at the first time 与for the first time 与in the first time的区别

the first time 第一次,是名词,在句子中只能做名词的成分. at the first time 是介词短语,是“在第一次” for the first time 也是第一次,是个副词短语,在句子中做状语. 例子: I felt nervous the first time I gave a speech to many students. 我第一次给学生做演讲时感到很紧张. He won the match at the first time. 他在第一次比赛中就获胜了. I felt repentance and sorrow for the first time . 我第一次感到后悔,感到难过.追问那个、“I felt nervous the first time I gave a speech to many students. ”这里用for the first time行不行呢? 回答不行,the first time (that)接从句;而for the first time 是表示第一次,一般只放在句尾,不能在句中,更不能接从句.

for the first time,for的用法?


for the first time 什么意思?


for the first time什么意思


for the first time是什么意思?

答: 短语for the first time表示第1次的意思,我们在一个句子当中使用这个短语。 I"ll never forget the feelings of hearing this song for the first time.我从不会忘记第1次听到这首歌的感觉。希望可以帮助到你。

yours is learning是啥意思


Light Of Love (Tammy Trent Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Light Of Love (Tammy Trent Album Version)歌手:Tammy Trent专辑:Set You Freeight of LoveSono hitomi wo hiraiteAnata dake wo terashitsuzukeru deshooTwinkle Twinkle Light of LoveHaruka na ai no hikariTaorete mo oikakeru yume ga kiekakete moAkiramenai deAnata wa kesshite hitori ja naiSusunda izumi no you nichikara ga mune ni wakiagattekuruSono kokoro de mitsumeteAnata dake ni okuritsuzukeru deshooTwinkle Twinkle Light of LoveKiyora na ai no hikariAishiteruSubete kara jiyuu ni naritaiJikan wo keshite kanishimi wo inochi wo koeyouKitto kagiri arumono na doko no sekai ni wa nai noSono te wo ima nobashiteWatashi no te ni sotto kasanetemiteTwinkle Twinkle Light of LoveIkiteru ai no chikaraDakishimete kudasai anata ni meguri aiShiawase de itai to hajimete omotta noTsuretette kudasai anata to yume wo mitaKanashii made no (sora) wo doko made mo yukitai

Love For Real (Amended Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Love For Real (Amended Version)歌手:Everlast&N"Dea Davenport专辑:Eat At Whitey"S [Amended]钟舒漫 - Love for Real作词:John Laudon/Rap lyric by Jaeson Ma作曲:钟舒漫What is this all about? I"m tired of the lieJust pretending all is fine,you ask whyJust call me cynicalI"ve heard it all beforeTell me is there something more,something more?What can I find worth living for?I am looking for youI wanna believeYour love is for realI call out Your nameAre you all I need?Will you set me freeand love me for real?Love me for realWhy do I feel alone?There"s people everywhereNo one seems to really careAre we all just pretending we"re fine?You tell me that you seeThe emptiness insideCan you really satisfy,satisfy my heart"s one desireto know true Life,free from the liesNow I knowYou"ve been looking for meand now I believeYour love is so realbecause it is You that calls out my nameYou died for meso I could be freeThis love is so realYour love is for realLove me for real

Nine Ears的《Be Free》 歌词

歌曲名:Be Free歌手:Nine Ears专辑:Beats Heal Broken HeartsSong: Be FreeArtist: Do As InfinityAlbum: Need Your Loveby:YAMANdoko made tsuzuitenda kono VOISU waatsui natsu no hizashi gayatte kurundasono ryoute hirogete sugu ni mitsuageyouhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari na mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kagae) kawaru sadekinai koto nante naiyume ni mabumita shuumatsukyou wa nan mo shinaikinou made no namida wadokka icchattatokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomattari shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjitemite hoshiiitsuka shika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikundanani datte narerunda yotokidoki fuan ni narushi tachidomatte ni shichauhadashi ni natte yo BE FREEtoki hanashite hoshiiima ari no mama no kimi wo misete yonan toiu ka to believemachi kantan dashitsuyoku negaeba nani (kangae) kawaru sahadashi ni natte yo BE FREEkanjite mite hoshiiitsukashika kangaenai na (iinda)kirameki wo DISCOVERY mabushi sugiru tokibokura wa nani ka mitsukete ikunda

Such large,impersonal manipulation of capital and industry ……and并列结构问题


From Now On (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:From Now On (Lp Version)歌手:George Gershwin专辑:The Piano Rolls, Volume TwoWill Young - From Now OnHey, heyI don"t understandWhat"s the planWhy I"m standing here todayAll I"ve ever known isA fear to be grown upAnd take the blameIt was not too clear"Cause this is new to meWas it plain to see?No time for insecurityIt"s never coming back to me, oh noNever seem to get itWhen I know what I want"Cause it"s all a lieNever knew a time when I though it was rightTo get it off my mindI was oh so blindI was wrongCause it"s all about my feelingsFrom now onHey heyI don"t really care ifYou share all the painThat I left behindIt doesn"t really matterCause now I"ve got my peace of mindLet me make it clearNo time for insecurityIt"s never coming back to me, yeah heyIt"s all about my feelings from now onIt"s all about my feelings from now onIt"s all about my feelings from now on






不知道 看看发动机的散热怎么样 实在不行返厂维修


动力不足,有以下几方面的可能压缩比不正常1, 气门和缸头的积碳严重,导致气门关闭不严而漏气2, 气门间隙过小,也会导致气门关闭不严。3, 活塞环或缸体磨损,导致燃烧室窜气至曲轴箱。4, 火花塞漏气点火不正时1, 点火器老化,让点火时间滞后,影响燃烧效果。2, 火花塞烧蚀,也会让点火时间滞后传动阻力1, 齿轮箱油泥过多,造成了传动阻力增大。2, 离合器摩擦片磨损,一定程度造成打滑3, 刹车片是否有卡滞而不能回位混合比不合理观察火花塞燃烧情况,判断混合比是否合理1, 化油器没有调整好。即油针高度、油平面高度等。2, 空滤没有及时清理导致混合比过浓。


差别大了我用给27也用过30 31 个人比较喜欢31


如果你说是正品那就是台湾进口的山叶雅马哈了 价格大约是2万元左右 ,也有一种是飞鹰出的 是山叶授权给他的 后置油箱7000左右 前置油箱8500左右。




机油本身是有一定的消耗的,消耗过量就是出现了烧机油的问题。影响烧机油的因素很多比如:燃油品质、行驶路况、驾驶习惯、保养习惯等等,以上原因会加剧机油消耗导致烧机油,使得车辆出现:1、燃烧室出现积碳,使活塞环的气环卡滞,出现密封不良的情况。2、润滑系统中产生油泥,油泥使油环的回油孔堵塞,刮油性能减弱。3、活塞与缸壁之间产生磨损。4、气门密封出现腐蚀老化密封性能失效。  另外现在车上都有曲轴箱通风系统(废气阀),如果出现问题,也会加剧机油的消耗。

雅马哈RS100和飞鹰电镀鬼火rsz哪个质量好 有人说rs是合资雅马哈比仿雅马哈的飞鹰rsz好



飞鹰雅马哈 RSZ 有YMT的表 是山叶授权的 有前置油箱做装饰 其实是后置油箱 机械表。。。各地的精仿和山寨RSZ有前置油箱 液晶表。。。。。有的精仿用的O2机子 有的用的GY6,总之都不是正厂的RSZ 楼主可以买飞鹰然后自己改 但是邮箱就改不了了山叶雅马哈的RSZ是100里的神车 但是已经停产了。还有!!!!!!!如何区分飞鹰产的。(生产厂名为:广州番禺华南摩托车有限公司。厂牌:飞鹰牌!)看吊牌就行!













我买的 林海雅马哈 RSZ 发动机编号是 LY149QMG 是不是 林海机器啊?

是的 林海机器 还是不错的哈 林海给YAMAHA 做代工的 很多技术都是复制YAMAHA的 比一般的山载发动机要好一些

小弟准备入手RSZ 请教一下 鬼火 跟飞鹰的差别 求大神解答

发动机一样、 我的是林海RSZ 前置油箱 之前撞了,换了套飞鹰RSZ的壳子。比较蛋疼,前面的两条灯比飞鹰的小了。 其他的么感觉什么,感觉油箱在前面,稳。






雅马哈rsz飞鹰原厂化油器安装口内径为22mm,所以选化油器的话最好是配这个口径大小的。比如,CVK22 ,RS100 RSZ100 鬼火100 福喜100欧二款的化油器均是可以通用的。国三款的需要把双油门线改为单油门线即可。


这么说吧 拿4个牌子做比较 天鹰 飞鹰 日雅 林海板子:塑料件以及PP件包括灯同样用的是CNSY(三阳)(在这就是拉花问题了,原厂的拉花日雅是最差的铁上去之后再用光漆涂层不能撕的外标上标名是50的,林海和日雅的拉花一样不过林还可以撕的,再说天鹰和飞鹰拉花一样)发动机:这个是最关键的 你肯定知道飞鹰用的是林海的机器,林海也用自家机器,那天鹰和日雅呢?他们用的是台州产的机器作工相对粗糙,比如中缸、缸头、碗公都比较容易退火(钢火差)其他:再说到前叉,飞鹰一贯用的老牌子、林还铁的标是1:1的台湾粘纸、天鹰的日雅就比较差了这个暂切不说,后避震方面,林海和飞鹰的是同款一种的较好,天鹰和日雅的相对偏软不怎么舒服。 卡钳方面,也是飞鹰和林海的好,其他天鹰和日雅的山寨到不行!,再说轮胎 出厂胎,开过天鹰和日雅的肯定知道过白线瞬滑的(至少我开就是)其他2个牌子一贯用出厂胎的总结一个,其实买车最根本2个,外观、发动机。4台车用的外表是一样的,只是发动机产地不同,相对来说林海的做工确实可以除了箱体脆了点、风叶盖异响、中撑异响、之外都还可以(台州产的RS100机器实在太差、化油器都是垃圾的!在这鄙视下黑心厂家)下面欢迎补充, 打子打了我累尿了




RSZ 分好多种、飞鹰RSZ 林海RSZ 还有一种是国产125CC的 GY6RSZ。价钱便宜、还有就是山叶RSZ真的吧、其它都仿的、飞鹰可以说不是仿的吧。也是最好的那种、过了就是林海发动机的RSZ、属于精仿吧。价钱还不错。飞鹰价钱应该在7800人民币以下、林海的4000以上。GY6 2000以上、山叶的 2万多人民币、希望能帮到你



Britney Spears的《Womanizer》MV中的男主角是谁?有没有他的详细资料???

是Brandon Stoughton.附上资料:Brandon Stoughton,1981年出生于美国加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市, 是一名美国籍男模,并因在Britney Spears的MV《Womanizer》中出演 头号主角而被大家所熟知。 Stoughton在2007年开始了他的洛杉矶模特生涯。 在他的经纪人兼著名摄影师Ronald N. Tan的协助下, 他成就了自己人生中第一份模特事业, 成为"Calvin Klein"品牌内裤的形象大使。 2008年,他正式进军娱乐界, 被选中在布兰妮斯皮尔斯的MV《Womanizer》中饰演男主角。 Brandon Stoughton档案 发色:褐色 瞳孔颜色:蓝色 腰围:32" 鞋码:11 US 上衣尺寸:40 L 是个gay But we all don"t actually know his cock size, hope someone can give a helping hand



Britney Spears的《Womanizer》 歌词

歌曲名:Womanizer歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Promo Only Mainstream Radio NovemberWomanizer - Britney SpearsSuperstarWhere you from, how"s it going?I know youGotta clue, what youre doing?You can play brand new to all the other chicks out hereBut I know what you are, what you are, babyLook at youGettin" more than just re-upBaby, youGot all the puppets with their strings upFakin" like a good one, but I call "em like I see "emI know what you are, what you are, babyWomanizerWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerDaddy-OYou got the swagger of championsToo bad for youJust can"t find the right companionI guess when you have one too many, makes hardIt could be easy, but that"s who you are, babyLollipopMust mistake me as a suckerTo think that IWould be a victim not anotherSay it, play it how you wannaBut no way I"m ever gonna fall for you, never you, babyWomanizerWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerMaybe if we both lived in a different worldIt would be all good, and maybe I could be ya girlBut I can"t "cause we don"tWoman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer BabyYou, You YouYou, You YouWomanizer, Womanizer, WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Got Me Goin"You"re Oh-So Charmin"But I can"t do itU WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)You Say I"m CrazyI got Your CrazyYou"re nothing butA WomanizerBoy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Boy don"t try to front I (I) know just (just) what you are (are are)Woman-WomanizerYou"re a womanizerOh WomanizerOh You"re a Womanizer Baby



鬼火踏板摩托车125cc 战速rsz 三代助力车 小龟王车,这些都是什么意思

鬼火,迅鹰,小龟王,大龟王,车玩,福喜,等等都是车型的名称鬼火英文代号是RSZ,有好几代,其中三代鬼火称为战速。我是摩迷阿冬,如果你还有不明白的,可以直接在百度上搜索 到我,我会帮你解决更多的摩托车问题。


只有山叶雅马哈的是正版的 内地唯一授权的只有飞鹰的 其他全部水货 包括建设雅马哈株洲雅马哈 不谈什么品质不品质 这个问题说不清楚 但是只有飞鹰被授权是王道 飞鹰的机械表版 7000-7400 液晶表7500-7800 山叶雅马哈的20000多 电喷的






我的RSzero 没改装急速跑过112




《140 Characters》(Dom Sagolla)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 32yf书名:140 Characters作者:Dom Sagolla出版年份:2009-10页数:208内容简介:Make the most of your messages on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites The advent of Twitter and other social networking sites, as well as the popularity of text messaging, have made short-form communication an everyday reality. But expressing yourself clearly in short bursts-particularly in the 140-character limit of Twitter-takes special writing skill. In 140 Characters, Twitter co-creator Dom Sagolla covers all the basics of great short-form writing, including the importance of communicating with simplicity, honesty, and humor. For marketers and business owners, social media is an increasingly important avenue for promoting a business-this is the first writing guide specifically dedicated to communicating with the succinctness and clarity that the Internet age demands. Covers basic grammar rules for short-form writing The equivalent of Strunk and White"s Elements of Style for today"s social media-driven marketing messages Helps you develop your own unique short-form writing style 140 Characters is a much-needed guide to the kind of communication that can make or break a reputation online.



when we talk about stars开头的短文的翻译

When we talk about stars, especially women stars, it seems that they are always young, pretty and own charming body shapes. But recently a Britain"s Got Talent(英国达人)star Susan Boyle has changed our views absolutely. Simon Cowell, one of the judges of the talent show spoke of his shock over Ms Boyle"s voice. "This lady camp up, and I"m thinking, "This will take five seconds and I can go to have a cup of tea". That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed to Dream from Les Miserables. She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face through -it was one of my favorite moments," Cowell said. The performance was posted on line and before long, the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world. Speaking from her home in Scotland, Ms Boyle said that she hasn"t thought of changing her appearance. She said that her friend helped her with make-up. "I mean, that"s hardly a makeover," she added. Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first began to explore her vocal talents, "I was kind of slow at school, so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence. "当我们谈论明星,尤其是女明星,似乎他们永远年轻,漂亮,拥有迷人的体型。但最近英国达人(英国达人)明星苏珊大妈已经完全改变了我们的看法。西蒙u2022考威尔的一个选秀节目的评委说他的冲击在博伊尔女士的声音。“这位女士阵营,我在想,“这需要五秒,我可以去喝杯茶”。改变当她开始唱歌我梦见从悲惨世界的梦想。她知道我们要有反应,就看到她脸上满意的表情通过——这是我最喜欢的时刻,”科威尔说。性能在网上发布,不久,这位47岁的苏格兰妇女一直是著名的世界各地。在她的家在苏格兰,博伊尔女士说,她没有想到她的外表的变化。她说她的朋友帮她化妆。“我的意思是说,那几乎算不上是化妆。”她补充道。博伊尔女士还说,她第一次开始探索她的声乐人才的原因,“我在学校有点慢,所以越来越喜欢唱歌是遮掩这一缺憾的好方法,因此,建立我的信心。

天才理论传里说过的一句话get back on the horse 是什么意思啊?

回到马背上请问是第几集的哪一级 要看语境的 这可能是个俚语



If You Could See Me Now (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:If You Could See Me Now (Lp Version)歌手:Carmen McRae专辑:Bittersweet"If You Could See Me Now"P.O.D.My soul is alive, and so are youHelps when trying to pass the time, it ain"t easy without youAs long as I can try, I"ll make it throughBut it might take awhile, believe me if you only knewIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf only you, If you, Could see Me NowAnd is this what you want for me to feel?Or am I going out of my mind? What Is real?Stay by my side, so I can liveAnd I will be alright, don"t leave meIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf you, If you, Could see Me NowIf only you, If you, Could see Me Now(Then you"d understand who I really am)If only you, If you, Could see Me Now(You never questioned me, if you could only see)And is this what you want for me to feel?And Is this what you want?Is this what you want?Is this what you need?Is this what you want?Is this what you need?If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)If only you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)(Then you"d understand who I really am)If you, If you, Could see Me Now (If I could see you!)(You never questioned me, if you could only see)
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