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sever years歌词翻译

是seven years吧,sorry 没找到

山田凉介知念侑李-Stars In Heaven歌词


Tears In Heaven 歌词

歌曲名:Tears In Heaven歌手:曾淑勤专辑:被遗忘的灵魂声音(Disc 1)Tears In HeavenWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWould it be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strongAnd carry on"Cos I know I don"t belongHere in heavenWould you hold my handIf I saw you in heavenWould you help me standIf I saw you in heavenI"ll find my way through night and day"Cos I know I just can"t stayHere in heavenTime can bring you downTime can bend your kneesTime can break your heartHave you begging pleaseBegging pleaseBeyond the doorThere"s peace I"m sureAnd I knowThere"ll be no moreTears in heavenWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWould it be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry on"Cos I know I don"t belongHere in heaven

Tears In Heaven 歌词

歌曲名:Tears In Heaven歌手:Eric Clapton专辑:UnpluggedTears In HeavenEric ClaptonWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heaven?Would you be the sameIf I saw you in heaven?I must be strong and carry on,Because I know I don"t belong here in heaven.Would you hold my handIf I saw you in heaven?Would you help me standIf I saw you in heaven?I"ll find my way through night and day,Because I know I just can"t stand here in heaven.Time can bring you down,Time can bend your knees,Time can break your heart.Have you begging please,Begging please.Beyond the door there"s peace I"m sureAnd I know there"ll be no more tears in heaven.Would you know my nameIf I saw you in heaven?Would you be the sameIf I saw you in heaven?I must be strong and carry on,Because I know I don"t belong here in heaven.Because I know I don"t belong here in heaven.

Tears in heaven 这歌的歌词写什么翻译中文的

泪洒天堂(艾里克·克莱普顿演唱歌曲)编辑同义词Tears In Heaven一般指泪洒天堂(艾里克·克莱普顿演唱歌曲)80年代末,在伦敦和纽约街头墙壁上最显眼的涂鸦就是“克莱普顿(Clapton)”了。这首《泪洒天堂》[1] 是克莱普顿用他已经被悲痛碾得粉碎的心为纪念他的儿子所作。在一次演出归来的途中,年轻的布鲁斯吉他大师Stevie Ray Vaughan和Clapton的演出伙伴Colin Smythe 和Nigel Browne 在直升机事故中丧生,克莱普顿坐在后面的飞机上亲眼目睹了这一惨痛的场面。他们都是克莱普顿最亲近的朋友。雪上加霜的是,几个月后,他的幼子Conor从曼哈顿53层楼的窗口意外坠下身亡。他不是英国吉他摇滚巨星、6项格莱美获奖歌手,他只是一位平凡的父亲,一个因为失去孩子而频频苛责自己的可怜父亲。从这首写给死去儿子的歌中,我们可以略微体会到42岁才喜得贵子的他失去儿子的悲痛心情。真正的大喜或大悲之后反而是平静,没有伤过的人永远不会懂……他说不会再演奏这首歌曲了,因为他已经从失去儿子的阴霾中走了出来,没有足够的感情去演奏它。泪洒天堂你能否记得我,若重逢在天堂。你是否旧模样,若重逢在天堂。我努力坚强,因暂不能往。愿否再牵手,若重逢在天堂。可否给我力量,若重逢在天堂。我终将觅到方向,因暂不能往。时光催人黯然神伤,时光迫人屈膝投降。时光磨人寸断肝肠,让人苦苦乞求上苍,乞求上苍。你的世界宁静安详,断然不会泪洒天堂。你能否记得我,若重逢在天堂。你是否旧模样,若重逢在天堂。我努力坚强,因暂不能往。因暂不能往。

求《tears in heaven》中文版歌词

《Tears In Heaven》(泪洒天堂)Tears In Heaven Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?Will it be the same if I saw you in heaven?I must be strong, and carry onCause I know I don"t belong here in heaven Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?I"ll find my way, through night and dayCause I know I just can"t stay here in heaven Time can bring you down; time can bend your kneeTime can break your heart. Have you begging please? Beyond the door there"s peace I"m sure.And I know there"ll be no more tears in heaven Would you know my name if I saw you in heavenWill it be the same if I saw you in heavenI must be strong, and carry onCause I know I don"t belong here in heaven 如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗?我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去,因为我知道我还不属于天堂。 如果我在天堂和你相遇,你愿意握住我的手吗?如果我在天堂与你再见,你愿意搀扶我起来吗?再给我一些日子,我会找到我的方向,因为我知道我还不属于天堂。 时间能让你倒下,时间能让你屈膝,时间能伤了你的心,你还是会一直向上天祈求喜悦。 在那扇门后,我相信是块和平的乐土,于是我知道,我将不再泪洒天堂! 如果我在天堂和你见面,你还会记得我的名字吗?如果我在天堂与你重逢,我们还能像从前一样吗?我必须学会坚强,勇敢支持下去,因为我知道我还不属于天堂。

《tears in heaven》歌词的翻译

你去天堂后, 还会记得我名字吗? 你去天堂后, 一切还会一样吗? 我会坚强, 继续前进, 因为我知道我还不属于这里,天堂. 你去天堂后, 还会拉我的手吗? 你去天堂后, 还需要我的爱吗? 我将日日夜夜找寻我的道路, 因为我知道我不能仅仅呆在这里, 放弃希望. 时间侵蚀了你, 时间征服了你, 它打碎了你的心, 祈求吧,祈求吧, 和平在那扇大门之外到那时不再会有, 天堂眼泪.

Tears in Heaven 歌词

ERIC CLAPTON - TEARS IN HEAVEN would you know my name if i saw you in heaven would it be the same if i saw you in heaven i must be strong and carry on "cos i know i don"t belong here in heaven would you hold my hand if i saw you in heaven would you help me stand if i saw you in heaven i"ll find my way through night and day i just can"t stay here in heaven time can bring you down time can bend your knees time can break your heart have you begging please begging please beyond the door there"s peace i"m sure and i know there"ll be no more tears in heaven would you know my name if i saw you in heaven would it be the same if i saw you in heaven i must be strong and carry on "cos i know i don"t belong here in heaven.

Tears in heaven(泪洒天堂) 歌词

歌曲名:Tears in heaven(泪洒天堂)歌手:贵族乐团专辑:最爱爵士情歌1(爵色恋曲)Tears in heaven(泪洒天堂)贵族乐团Would you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWould it be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry onCause I know I don"t belong here in heavenWould you hold my handIf I saw you in heavenWould you help me standIf I saw you in heavenI"ll find my way through night and dayCause I know I just can"t stay here in heavenTime can bring you downTime can bend your kneesTime can break your heartHave you begging please, begging pleaseBeyond the doorThere"s peace I"m sureAnd I know there"ll be no more tears in heavenWould you know my nameIf I saw you in heavenWould it be the sameIf I saw you in heavenI must be strong and carry onCause I know I don"t belong here in heavenCause I know I don"t belong here in heaven译文:泪洒天堂你会知道我的名字吗如果我在天堂遇见你一切会如往昔吗如果我在天堂遇见你我必须坚强并且支持下去因为我知道自己不属于天堂你会握住我的手吗如果我在天堂遇见你你会助我一臂之力吗如果我在天堂遇见你我会找寻到度过终日的方式因为我知道自己不能留在天堂时间会令人消沉时间会令人屈服时间会令人伤心你是否曾向它求饶在那门后必定是一片祥和而我知道将不再泪洒天堂你会知道我的名字吗如果我在天堂遇见你一切会如往昔吗如果我在天堂遇见你我必须坚强并且支持下去因为我知道自己不属于天堂因为我知道自己不属于天堂

tears in heaven 的中文歌词,具体到“一句英文一句中文的翻译”,谢谢!

Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings Would you know my name 你是否记得我的名字 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 Would it be the same 是否一切如故 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 I must be strong 我必须坚强 And carry on, 并继续前行 "Cause I know I don"t belong 因为我知道我不属于 Here in heaven. 这个天堂 Would you hold my hand 你是否会拉着我的手 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 Would you help me stand 你是否会搀扶我 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 I"ll find my way 我要找到我的路 Through night and day, 不分昼夜 "Cause I know I just can"t stay 因为我知道我不能留在 Here in heaven. 这个天堂 Time can bring you down, 时间可以将你打垮 Time can bend your knees. 时间可以让你屈膝 Time can break your heart, 时间可以让你心碎 Have you begging please, begging please. 你是否还在祈祷,还在祈祷 Beyond the door, 在们的另一侧 There"s peace I"m sure, 我相信那里一定充满祥和 And I know there"ll be no more 而且我知道那里不会再有 Tears in heaven. 泪洒天堂 Would you know my name 你是否记得我的名字 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 Would it be the same 是否一切如故 If I saw you in heaven? 如果我在天堂见到你 I must be strong 我必须坚强 And carry on, 并继续前行 "Cause I know I don"t belong 因为我知道我不能留在 Here in heaven. 这个天堂



“泪洒天堂— tears in heaven ”是谁为谁而作,背后的故事是什么?

Eric Clapton在西洋乐坛素有"吉他之神"的美誉,Eric Clapton漫长的音乐历程与居高不坠的名声有一半来自现场精湛的吉他表演. 1991年的一天,一个4岁的男孩因为无知与好奇爬上窗子,不慎从曼哈顿一座建筑的53层上落下,画上了一个红色的句点,我想,作为父亲,谁也不愿去承受这个事实,但这样的厄运被克莱普顿碰上了。 在这个擅长布鲁斯并且自组了德里克和多米诺、盲目信仰等名噪一时的乐队,被父母离异、青春的苦恋、吸毒和伤病充斥的音乐人那里,音乐由此不再仅仅是声音和器乐的表现,而变成了对生命的残酷抽取。 1992年,他为电影《Rush》创作了原生带单曲《泪洒天堂》(Tears In Heaven),他唱道:“你还会认得我吗,假如在天堂相遇?/一切是否会依旧,假如在天堂重逢?/跨过那道门,我清楚那里有安宁,/我知道在那天堂,再也不会有眼泪。”任何人都听得出他丧子的巨大悲痛。 如果说1974年他以专辑《461 Ocean Boulevard》与单曲“I Shot the Sheriff”重返乐坛,赢得辉煌的话,那里面更多是技术带来的愉悦,而到1992年,他的《泪洒天堂》是持重的生命之音。 同样,如果一个男人的年龄没有超过40,你可能会怀念他的年轻,如果到了不惑之年,你就会敬畏沧桑的美丽。克莱普顿在舞台上就是这样一个人,他独自抱一把吉他,坐在幽暗的光线下,苍老的嗓音缓慢而疲惫,完全原声吉他伴奏和很少的弦乐点缀。以稍加鼻音的中音唱腔,引来台下的众掌合鸣,这是一般年轻人没有的做不到的。他的胡子长了又长,悲痛走了又来。 非常敬畏这个在歌词中不断出现baby的歌手,他悲悯、乏力而又不失韵味的吉他一开始就使得场子里的人欢呼,他的音乐涵盖了从Blues(布鲁斯)到Country(乡村音乐)的最基本元素。 1994年,克莱普顿的唱片《原声作品集》为他赢的6项格莱美奖,而在该颁奖晚会上,克莱普顿演唱的就是这首让人凄然泪下的《泪洒天堂》。

tears in heaven 谁能帮我解释一下是什么意思?


tears in heaven是什么意思


tears in heaven 中文翻译


end up 用法 it ended up being 500 dollars 为什么 end up 后面接动词ing ,

end up doing:结果是(做)……,以(做)……而告终,结果变成……,最后发展为…… 例:We ended up sleeping around the floor. 我们最后都在地板上东倒西歪地睡了. 原句的意思大致就是:最后(得到)500美元.


last name 姓 first name 名 MIDDLE NAME 就是中间那个字

Paper Walls (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Paper Walls (Lp Version)歌手:Marc Cohn专辑:The Rainy SeasonC制作Let"s burn a hole, so we can climb out.Of these paper walls, and this empty house.Don"t listen too close, they"re words are like guns.With bullets that fly and kill what you"ve won..Let"s burn a hole, so we can climb out.Of these paper walls, and this empty house.We"re the only thing that"s real.These visions we have of ten years ago,Of stars in the sky and us down below.In streets and east coast lines,We kept this scene alive.Here I am, still hold on to this,Dream we had, won"t let go of it,Hear me now, you will never be alone..Don"t listen too close, they"re words are like guns.With bullets that fly and kill what you"ve won.Some love to hate, and some tell you lies.So lets make a toast, and kiss them goodbye..We"ll kiss them all goodbye..Here I am, still hold on to this,Dream we had, won"t let go of it,Hear me now, you will never be alone..Here I stand, won"t turn back again.Won"t leave you, know how hard it"s beenHear me now, you will never be alone..Let"s take what hurts, and write it all down.On these paper walls, and this empty house.And when our ink runs out, we"ll burn it to the ground..Here I am, still hold on to thisDream we had, won"t let go of it,Hear me now, you will never be alone..Here I stand, won"t turn back again.Won"t leave you, know how hard it"s beenHear me now, you will never be alone..Yeah..



kathryn bigelow,director of the hurt locker,was the first female

the +最高级+名词+to do 意为第一个什么干什么的 这句的意思为 第一个赢得这个奖项的女性 其实更好的答案应为to have won 请采纳 谢谢



求解答啊,Nars dolce vita豆沙色的色号是什么

Nars - 1028 Dolce Vita. 非常袖珍的一管。色号是浅豆沙色,质地偏硬但是效果挺润,我觉得这种绝对是上班最保险最不会出错的色号。DV是Nars的热门色,于是也有延伸出同色系的哑光唇笔,唇蜜和腮红

Linguistics a course book 有哪些章节

Chapter 1 Invitations to Linguistics1.1 Why Study Language?1.2 What Is Language?1.3 Design Features of Language1.4 Origin of Language1.5 Functions of Language1.6 What Is Linguistics?1.7 Main Branches of Linguistics1.8 Macrolinguistics1.9 Important Distinctions in Linguistics Further ReadingChapter 2 Speech Sounds2.1 How Speech Sounds Are Made?2.2 Consonants and Vowels2.3 From Phonetics to Phonology2.4 Phonological Processes,Phonological Rules and Distinctive Features2.5 Suprasegmentals Further ReadingChapter 3 Lexicon3.1 What Is Word?3.2 The Formation of WordFurther Reading Chapter 4 From Word to Text4.1 Syntactic Relations4.2 Grammatical Construction and Its Coonstituents4.3 Syntactic Function4.4 Category4.5 Phrase Clause and Sentence4.6 Recursiveness4.7 Beyond the SentenceFurther ReadingChapter 5 Meaning5.1 Meanings of“MEANING”5.2 The Referential Theory5.3 Sense Relations5.4 Componential Analysis5.5 Sentence MeaningFurther ReadingChapter 6 Language and Cognition6.1 What Is Cognition?6.2 What Is Psycholinguistics?6.3 What Cognitive Linguistics?Further ReadingChapter 7 Language,Culture,and SocietyChapter 8 Language in UseChapter 9 Language and LiteratureChapter 10 Language and ComputerChapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language TeachingChapter 12 Theories and Schools of Modern LinguisticsQuestions and ExercisesBibliographyGlossary and Index


你好!pairs 英["peu0259z] 美["perz] n. 一副( pair的名词复数 ); 一对男女; 套在一起的两匹马; 雌雄成对的动物; v. (使…) 成对, (使…)成双( pair的第三人称单数 ); 交配,交尾; [例句]We divide into pairs and each pair takes a region我们分成两人一组,每一组负责一个区域。


pairs的意思是一双。pair,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“一对,一双,一副”,作及物动词时意思是“把…组成一对”。短语搭配:Base pair碱基对;盐基对;基对;共轭酸碱对、Cooper pair库珀对、electron pair[物]电子对;电子偶;电子隅。双语例句:1、The vase is one of a matching pair.这只花瓶是一对中的一只。2、Perhaps the most unusual feature in the room is an extraordinary pair of candles.也许,这间屋子最与众不同之处就是一对非同寻常的蜡烛。3、Many of the species pair for life.许多物种都终生配对。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。


pairs 英["peu0259z]美["perz]n. 一副( pair的名词复数 ); 一对男女; 套在一起的两匹马; 雌雄成对的动物;v. (使…) 成对, (使…)成双( pair的第三人称单数 ); 交配,交尾;



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卡巴啊,C:ProgramDataKaspersky Lab中的文件怎么越来越大?


first of may中文歌词‘ 张学友版本的‘!

When I was small,& Christmas trees were tall.在我小时候,圣诞树是那么高 We used to love while others used to play.当别人在玩耍的时候,我们总是与爱相伴. Don"t ask me why,but time has passed us by.不要问我为什么但时光已经流逝 Some one else moved in from far away.有人从遥远的地方走了过来 (chorus) Now we are tall,& Christmas trees are small.现在我们长高了,圣诞树显得那么矮小 And U don"t ask the time of day.你不再询问我白天的时间 But U & I,our love will never die.但你和我之间的爱永不会老去 But guess we"ll cry come first of May.但我猜我们会在五月的第一天哭泣 The apple tree that grew for U & me.为了你和我而成长的苹果树 I watched the apples falling one by one.我看到苹果一个个落下 And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed Ur cheek & U were mine. 我回想起它们每一个成长的时刻,和我我亲吻脸颊的那天.你是我的

电影十七岁插曲是什么 电影十七岁插曲First of May歌词

45岁的王蕾(贾静雯 饰)的女儿,同样17岁的白白(程予希 饰)令他们的人生再度交错,45岁的林克铭(任贤齐 饰)突然收到网上传来的一封信,一封似是迟来的、王蕾的信,让他再度忆起,那份纯情的年少时光、那段属於十七岁的狂妄 ,还有那份寂寞的遗憾......十七岁 ,好久不见,《十七岁》电影插曲任贤齐贾静雯对唱的《First of May》 让人听了不禁感到伤感。 滞闷的高中校园,17岁的林克铭和王蕾因为一场英文演讲比赛而拉近了距离,懵懂的情感才刚萌芽就在年轻的羞涩与突来的事件中错过而结束,没想到20多年后,因为王蕾17岁女儿(白白),令他们的人生再度交错。 45岁的林克铭,突然收到了王蕾的信,这回信晚了20多年,却让他忆起那段青春,回忆汹涌而来,他不由自主的想找出悬在心头的答案。 《十七岁》留下了很美好的回忆,即使青春有过失误,那也能让人无比怀念。 《十七岁》结尾任贤齐贾静雯对唱歌曲《First of May》歌词试听: 歌手:Bee Gees When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, we used to love while others used to play. Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don"t ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we"ll crye first of May. The apple tree that grew for you and me, I watched the apples falling one by one. And I recall the moment of them all, the day I kissed your cheek and you were mine. Now we are tall, and Christmas trees are small, and you don"t ask the time of day. But you and I, our love will never die, but guess we"ll crye first of May. When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall, do do do do do do do do do... Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by, some one else moved in from far away. 电影十七岁相关推荐:

Kaspersky LabAVP8QB里的文件删不掉怎么办?

可以这样解决 到卡巴8.0的主界面下,有个备份和报告,经常删除一下,就好了,想彻底的就要:在数据和报告里的保留天数改成2天,最好哦,以后就没有折磨大的文件了 查看原帖>>满意请采纳

求 张学友的first of may的音译歌词

问爱我四毛 案的亏死莫斯大哥俺错了 别糟蹋歌词啦 好累啊

first of may完整歌词

When i was small, and christmas trees were tall,We used to love while others used to play.Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by,Someone else moved in from far away.Now we are tall, and christmas trees are small,And you don"t ask the time of day.But you and i, our love will never die,But guess who"ll cry come first of may.The apple tree that grew for you and me,I watched the apples falling one by one.And as i recall the moment of them all,The day i kissed your cheek and you were gone.Now we are tall, and christmas trees are small,And you don"t ask the time of day.But you and i, our love will never die,But guess who"ll cry come first of may.When i was small, and christmas trees were tall,Do do do do do do do do do ...Don"t ask me why, but time has passed us by,Someone else moved in from far away.

C:ProgramDataKaspersky Lab这个文件夹很占C盘可以移动到别的盘吗?


我的C盘 Kaspersky Lab 里有4.43G ,可Backup里是空的,PdmHist里有4.26G,请问这是咋回事啊,我该做什么么?


C盘里的Kaspersky Lab文件夹竟然有3GB大,请问里面有些什么?可以删除吗?


怎么删除kaspersky lab

1:设置—报告 全部去掉 √ ,减少一些垃圾文件 2:设置—更新 运行模式设为 手动, 减少软件频繁更新文件(我一般自己10 天手动更新一次)防止软件更新时电脑死机。 3:设置—保护 将启用保护去掉 √ 然后找到 C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataKaspersky LabAVP8Data 将里面后缀名为 TMP 的文件 删掉,然后在将 启用保护 打√ ,这样你会腾出最起码 4GB的 C盘容量(正常情况 只有100MB左右)如果你不先在 启用保护 去√然后在打√的话,那些TMP文件是受保护,删不掉的。 4:在主届面 快速扫描 全部去掉 √ ,加快开机速度。5:设置—完全扫描 在扫描最优化下面 将 仅扫描新建和已更改的文件 √(加快完全扫面速度)

Kaspersky Lab问题


C盘Kaspersky Lab文件夹占用空间越来越大怎么办`=.=


Kaspersky Lab删不掉,怎么办?

你把卡巴斯基卸载了吗?如果卸载了的话,那就重启一次,然后再到目录里珊。这样都还删不掉就用360官网的文件粉碎机,官网有下,你可以去试试。 如果是没有卸载就删的话,你得进入安全模式最保险,卡巴斯基的安装文件夹是受自己保护的,向前面人所说,首先退出自我保护,接着退出程序,再进入安全模式进行删除!

Visual C++2005无法安装,出现ALLUSERS property is not 1 - this MSM cannot be used for a per-user..


这段Django代码有什么问题吗?(Django version 4.1.4)


supersonic ultrosonic区别是什么?不都是超音速吗?

在这组词缀对比中:super- 是对速度的描述,所以 supersonic 指的是超过介质中当地音速的速度,故一般词义为“adj. 超音速的”;ultra- 是对声音频率的描述,所以 ultrasonic 指的是频率高于人耳听觉频率上限的声波,故一般词义为“n. 超声波/ adj, 超声波的”,类似的还有紫外光线 ultraviolet,也就是频率高于人眼所能见的紫光频率的光。不过像 superspeed 和 ultraspeed,尽管都是用于描述速度特别快的,一般还是认为 ultraspeed 更快。


nars高光粉是一款具有高光修容的高光盘,除了它们家的腮红,它们家 高光也是深受大家的好评,下面一起来看看这款高光粉的用法评测吧! nars高光粉怎么用 NARS Bronzing Powder 3D 立体灿光修容饼 色号:Laguna 由法国彩妆大师Franxois Nars于1994年所创立的美国专业彩妆品牌,十分受好莱坞明星追捧。这款古铜修容粉更是店主自用,阴影打出来自然不夸张,新手用合适,最主要是妆面不会显得脏脏的。贴合度、持久度佳,一天下来也不花妆和暗沉。真心推荐喔~【使用方法】: 用刷子沾上少许粉,拍掉散粉,刷在脸颊的腮帮后部贴近耳朵下方位置。也可以当鼻影使用,在T字部分打高光,然后刷在鼻子两侧,还有眉头下方。可使鼻子瞬间提拔,立体!除了这一款高光阴影的修容粉之外还有一款是高光阴影双拼的高光盘Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Alpha Beta Face Peel NARS Contour Blush 以浅色调打亮面部的突出部位,而深色调用于塑造阴影效果以增强对比。修容粉质地极致柔滑轻盈,令妆容更剔透更自然。要修修脸,却又担心会失手吗? NARS四月推出快速修容秘器---3D塑型修容盘,让你轻松打造立体深遂轮廓,优雅塑型巴掌脸,同时还能刷出时尚好脸色 不论是脸型、脸色都能完美到位!NARS研发出针对修容最适合的3款完美色调,让你润色修容一次完成! 不必挨针, 双颊就能更有层次,脸部也更为立体。 nars高光粉怎么样 Miss Liberty是2011冬季新品中的一员,这是个Highlighting Blush,高光腮红,和New Order,Albatross,Hungry Heart是一类的。她没有浓郁的颜色但有很美的光泽,白皮和小麦肌都适用。 在阳光下能看到闪闪的小亮片。 仔细看粉质。有非常细小的银色亮片,不是Super Orgasm里那种大亮片。淡橘棕色的底色在白皮上有点古铜粉的样子但颜色非常淡,不会像真的古铜粉那么显色,主要还是光泽感。 再来看New Order,这是个粉色带有金色和银色小亮片的高光腮红。白皮MM可以当作腮红用,效果就像一个很淡的Desire但在脸上还是能看出粉调来的。 亮片比Miss Liberty要大一些。nars高光粉使用心得 NARS高光修容盘 色号:Hotsand&Laguna!!!! 不要再问我色号了!!!这个是去年出的一个套盘的样子,土澳还有卖的,不知道其他的地方有没有卖,也不知道以后是不是会一直生产~高光修容各5g,共10g,62澳元单买修容也是62澳元,但是只有8g的量,所以觉得还是这一款套装比较值得。而且这一块的内容是非常实用的!都是他家的热门产品!修容我试过了不用怕手重!颜色不会发橘棕色~是非常适合亚洲人的浅暖棕色~细闪非常美!Kathleen推荐的~真的好棒! 高光也是我最近超级想买,看了各家的高光测评,nars的评价也非常棒~这个正好把我想要的两样结合在一起了~完美~ 双色高光修容粉,这个颜色比较适合亚洲人,其实配合它家专用的刷子会好用很多!!!懒得拍照了,就个大排刷一样的,刷子比粉贵很多,56欧一把。深色上在脸颊明暗交接线,浅色上在鼻梁,颧骨等v字区和三角区等想要体亮的的位置,丝芙兰ba给我上脸以后我朋友说像饿瘦了十斤,不知道我这个手残党自己上脸会怎么样……其实只要抓粉以后抖两下刷子,就不会刷成大胡子,哈哈哈。哑光感粉质,我不喜欢珠光的。

求一篇one of my family members的作文

Mother is the greatest person in the world. Mother, I"m sorry, I shouldn"t be born your gas.This one evening, I had ahigh fever at dare not tell the mother, because my mother and I quarreled.Dinner, my mother told me, I didn"t respond, but quietly lying in bed drowsy, after a while I saw mother hasn"t come then thought mother still mad at me, I was thinking of the mother would carry food to my room. Mother saw I lay in bed flushed and turn to turn away, and then bending habitually use hand touch my forehead, said: "ah, son you have a fever, and ill!" Mother looked at me in surprise: "how don"t you tell me?" "I...... I......" Faltered, "I am afraid you half say me!" I whispered. "Silly child, hurriedly pair of meal toeat, finish eat rice have strength!"

Charlie Mariano的《Barsac》 歌词

歌曲名:Barsac歌手:Charlie Mariano专辑:Boston All-Stars56 Bars (Intro)T.I.(Lyrics By 柠檬Grace-送给白巧克力)Yeeaaaa...Hey, hey, hey, hahahahaAight Toomp man, this what the folkes been waitin on I guess,That"s rightLet"s give it to "em babyGrand Hustle nigga,Aye man they been waitin on this shit since "What You Know" huh?YeaaaaIt"s the king bitchAight my nigga, the wait is over niggaHey, heyOne for da money, two for da show dawg,Three for the niggas hatin" on da low, ya"llknow a picture worth a million words I"ma show ya"llDeath before da son, a family before allWitout da braids I"m da closest thing to O-DawgMinus the testimony,Say it ain"t so, homie!Hey,Shawty like that, don"t he?World hopped off my jock, I got him right back on itOH!Step back brush myself off,Pick business back up, right where I left off,I can show my dope, dat other guy just talk,Aye, where I live just as big as yo projects, dogAye, hahaBetter check my swaggaHow I walk, how I talk, how I stack dat chedda,What I drive, how I dress, nigga looks just betta,Hundred stacks on that nigga I"m just...BettaHahahahahaSomebody better tell "em mayneThey swag owe my swag everythingVery plain to see you study me awful hardTo the point that my swag need a bodyguardI"d like to thnik to thank you cuz uhh ya"ll oughta beHavin" ya"ll swags sendin mines an apologyA lot of little mes, I see, got beefBut what"s the possibility, stop, see, you not meHardly work for hella beams,Step up to the guillotineGet decapitated,Don"t see how half you rappas made itSay good...bye to the fame and the fortuneSay la viWhat the game need with you, nigga? They got meI ride through the city so clean,Seat really low, auto-mobillies, so pretty, but I"m illy thoNo comparisonAin"t a nigga mo" thorough than this gangsta americanFlow, dope or da heroin,King like Evalyn,Champaigne mayneSo durranged and buligerantRanked up there with BenjaminWho? Andre 3K, B.I.G., Jay-Z, UGK, Scarface, Machievelli the great,Wayne, Common, Kanye andLupeYou welcome to ask who you made,Bet they say as of today,I"m back on top like a toupeHeyAll objections overruledIt"s overdue both high,and sober too, I"m so highup over you,Same guy you see in the streets it"s as fly as here in the booth,So don"t be surprised when you meet me to see that I"m really the truth,OoooSo uncoofNigga, who want proof?Must agree that shit idea,Can"t no one undo,I stay on my 1,2Nigga who want 2?Turn a brunch into a brawl,Do what you gon" do,I"m wiredHot as a bitch and still,Cool as a fridge and dear,This year I"m on a mission dear,

请问“last name” .“first name”. “family name” 有什麼区别[说明和举例]?

“last name=姓氏” “first name”= 名字. “family name”=姓氏

the family name 与 the first name 有什么区别

the family name 是 姓氏 the first name 是 名字 例如:Jim Green Jim 是 the first name Green 是 the family name

想问问中国人的family name 和 first name怎么回事

  family name 就是中国人的姓  first name 也是是中国人的姓  如果要说名的话,应说last name(要与first name组合)  那么王小明(Wang Xiaoming),王(Wang)是他的姓(first name),小明(Xiaoming)就是他的名(last name)。  而外国人的的名字是和我们中国人的反过来的,名字写在前,姓写在后。  如Juliet White(朱莉.怀特),朱莉(Juliet)是她的名字(last name),怀特(White)是她的姓(first name)。

first name和family name的区别

first name 意思是:名,西方人名的第一个字family name 意思是:姓氏,家族名欢迎采纳哦。

first name和last name还有family name的区别,具体点

西方国家是名字在前 姓在后 first name是西方人名的第一个字 last name是放在名字后面的姓 family name 也是姓 它和last name意思是一样的一、英美人姓名( 1 )英美人的姓名排列次序为名在前,姓在后.如Herbert George Wells(赫伯特· 乔治· 威尔斯),第一、第二两个词是名,末一词是姓.〔 2 )英美习俗,通常在婴儿受洗礼时,由教士或父母亲朋起名字,献为教名,排列在姓名的最前面.此外,长辈或本人也可起第二个名字,排在教名之后.这就是英美人常常有两个甚至更多名字的原因.最前面的叫first name,相当于汉语的“名字”.最后的这个就是last name了,相当于汉语的“姓”.姓是一个家族所共有的,所以也叫family name,英语也叫surname,(sur-有“后”的意思,如surfix后缀,对比:prefix 前缀.)中国人的姓在最前面,与西方人的不同.自我介绍时,说My name is Zheng Liping 时,要说我的姓是Zheng时,最好说:My family name is Zheng.而说:my last name,或surname时,都会引起误会.1、family name是姓,在英文中放在最后.例如:Jone Smith,Smith是姓.老外一般也都一家人姓一个姓.在英文中姓是不能单独用的,通常加上Mr.Smith,史密斯先生或者Mrs.Smith史密斯太太,都行.跟中文的“赵钱孙李”一样.2、first name是你的名字,在英文中,通常放在最前面,例如:Lily White ,Lily就是first name,是她的名字.在英文中,名字是可以单独叫的,比如你可以喊她“Lily”.跟“强强,敏敏,花花”之类的一样.3、last name 实际上我们可以理解为与family name是一样的,是姓,因为放在最后,所以叫last name.不再赘述.

first name 和 family name有什么区别?

last name=family name姓氏 middle name是中间名字,通常会是教名或为了纪念谁first name + middle name = given name名字 for example: John William Croft John 是 first name,也是given name William 是 middle name 也是 given name Croft是family name 就是姓

Iko Iko (Cajun Mardi Gras Album Version) 歌词

Iko Iko歌手名:Aaron Carter专辑名:Come to the partyMy grand-ma and your grand-ma wereSit-tin" by the fire.My grand-ma said to your gradmaI"m gon-na set your flag on firetalkin bouthey now ,hey now iko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneLook at my king all dressed in rediko iko undayBet you five dollarshe"ll kill me deadJackamo fee nanetalkin bout hey now,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneMy flag boy and your flag boysittin by th fireMy flag boy said to your flag boyI"m gonna set yout flag on firetalkin bout hey now ,hey nowiko iko ai naneJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneJackame fee naneIkotalkin bout hey now ,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee naneSee that guy all dressed in greenI-KO, I-KO, un-day.He"s not a man He"s a lov-in" ma-chineJackame fee nanetalkin bouthey now ,hey now iko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nanetalkin bout hey now,hey nowiko iko undayJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nanetalkin bout hey now ,hey nowJackamo feeno ai naneJackame fee nane

surname、first name和family name的意义及用法上的异同 如题

surname,family name,last name - 都是姓 first name - 名 在美国,基本不用SURNAME Michael Jackson 的姓是"JACKSON",FIRST NAME是"MICHAEL", MIDDLE NAME是"JOSEPH",所以他的全名是"MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON" MIDDLE NAME-这个名字多数人不常用,只用来在法律上或者非常正式文件上区分自己和另外一个同FIRST NAME和同LAST NAME的人. 但是也有些人更喜欢别人用MIDDLE NAME称呼他(她)而非用FIRST NAME.这是个人喜好. 多数人还是以FIRST NAME称呼的.

family name, first name ,and middle name 分别填写什么〉?

family name填你的姓 first name填你的名 middle name不填

英语里什Family names 什么是First names

family name 姓氏first name 名

想问问中国人的family name 和 first name怎么回事?什么意思?

family name 就是中国人的姓first name 也是是中国人的姓如果要说名的话,应说last name(要与first name组合)那么王小明(Wang Xiaoming),王(Wang)是他的姓(first name),小明(Xiaoming)就是他的名(last name) 而外国人的的名字是和我们中国人的反过来的,名字写在前,姓写在后。如Juliet White(朱莉.怀特),朱莉(Juliet)是她的名字(last name),怀特(White)是她的姓(first name)。

出入境卡上的family name 、first name、 middle name怎么填写?

family name - 姓first name - 名middle name - 中间名, 中国人一般没有,不用填

first name和family name是名还是姓

first name

first name 和 family name 有什么区别?


Straight Away (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Straight Away (Lp Version)歌手:Lee Konitz专辑:The Real Lee KonitzMat Kearney - Straight AwayThis moment right here is one we can"t suspendYour breath and mine tells me just where I have beenYou know the song of long lost causeWe"re running in circles and coming back againNow could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayDon"t want to fight and you don"t want to lose controlWe"re losing light and the night is getting coldEveryone wants to hear their story toldWe"re not the only ones, we"re not the only onesAnd now could I go the long wayTaking the easy way downIf I was wrong would you show meWhere all that I lost can be found"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight awayAnd you wanted to fly and leave it behindBut you know it"s going to come back one day"Cause you can shoot me straightStraight to the heart "cause you already have itSay what you want to sayWe"re coming out of the grayWhat goes around nowIs coming back down todayYou can shoot me straight away

名词辨析:first name, last name, given name, family name, middle name, surname

first name=given name 指名last name=family name =surname 指姓middle name是名人的名,取来激励小孩欧美姓名与中国不同,是先名后姓,所以first name是名,last name是姓

英语:"paper" 和"papers"有何区别?


Dumb Reminders 歌词

歌曲|Dumb Reminders歌手|No Use For A Name专辑|Hard Rock Bottom制作人|SuperFarmerQQ|171759248i heard the messagethen i rang it off the hooki didn"t get you till 1 amwho was wrong and who was rightand this distance caused a fightnow i"m ready to give inhonestlyi"d give anythingto be with youright nowthis town is full of dumb remindershaving a good time can"t you tellhang up the phone and then i come back downmiss you i hope you"re doing welli"m used to waitingwhat"s a voice without a facei think i"m dying without you hereso i drink myself to sleepand then i hide beneath the sheetand i try to disappeari get upevery single timecuz you keep mealivethis town is full of dumb remindershow far ahead from you in milesif i could get one time as take it downmaybe then i could see youthis town is full of dumb remindershaving a good time can"t you tellhang up the phone and then i come back downmiss you i hope you"re doingmiss you i hope you"re doing well

请问al-Qaida leaders是什么?




princeton university是什么大学

普林斯顿大学(Princeton University),简称普林斯顿(Princeton),是世界著名私立研究型大学

留学的Personal Statement怎么写呢?

也不一定啊,这个要结合你选择的专业来看,比如,如果本来就是研究性比较强的专业,不会有太大影响的。至于高中是不是有参加活动,这个可以结合你自己的经历多挖掘。 如果还有问题可以发邮件给我,,呵呵,希望能帮到你。


最近听说这个瑞士的刊Sensors(1424-8220)好中一点,想投投看 投稿的时候,貌似还需要推荐5个审稿人 其中有这么句话:Coverletter: Check in your cover letter whether you supplied at least 5 referees. 1、是不是说如果有cover letter就不用推荐审稿人了?2、如果还要推荐审稿人,大家都是推荐的哪些人(关系到审稿通过的几率) 希望有投过的朋友指点:)SENSORS ISSN: 1424-8220 Index: SCI For Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220), authors are asked to pay a fee of 1600 CHF (Swiss Francs) per processed paper, but only if the article is accepted for publication in this journal after peer-review and possible revision of the manuscript. Note that many national and private research funding organizations and universities explicitly cover such fees for articles originated in funded research projects.最近它们有一系列的 special issues~里面有很多华人当 guest editor~争取投稿进去看看~

ResultSet rs=super.executeQuery(sql, params); params是什么?


Pretty, Pretty Star (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty, Pretty Star (Album Version)歌手:billy corgan专辑:ThefutureembraceBilly Corgan-Pretty Pretty Starwind a spire survey the hours I"m secrets, secretsspillin" on the floorfind a love a just because I need you, so muchbeggin" till I"m poorwanting so much more this hurts kidstrangers find the eyes, just the sameevery time I startreachin" out to find youloneliness aboundspretty, pretty STARonly you remind methat only you can find me, in youin all I choosewait remind my life is mine so many travelerscarry past the wordflowers jake the sun afraid I"m blinkin" softlywishin" on your namewonderin" who to blame next, low thiscrawlin" towards the door, just the sameevery time I startreachin" out to find youloneliness aboundspretty, pretty STARonly you remind methat only love can blindevery time I startemptiness confounds meloneliness astounds mepretty, pretty STARit"s me and youin all I chooseshow methere"s no othertell meI"m your lovermake mewonder who you are to stayfinishwhat you startedvanquishyour departedotherswiltin" in the shadecan I ask where you are tonight?do you know where I am right now?pretty, pretty STARemptiness surrounds meloneliness confoundspretty, pretty STARonly you remind methat only love can find me(End)

怎么区分first name,last name,given name 和 family name?

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 问题描述: 比如 中文名程丽 Cheng Lili 英文名 Tony Brown 哪是first name,last name,given name,family name? 解析: Family name和Last name都是姓,比如Cheng、Brown。Given name是名,如Lili、Tony。再如乔治 沃克 布什(Gee Walker Bush),first name是Gee, last name是Bush,Walker是middle name。

first name 是什么意思?

firstname是西方人名字的第一个字  middlename中名,名和姓之间的那个字  lastname就是西方人放在名字后面的姓

first name是姓还是名

名,last name 是姓

first given name是什么意思

given name/first name是指名字,在国外都是名在前姓在后的所以是first name,given name的话可以这么理解,名字是父母帮你取的,就是父母给你的,对本人来说就是被给的,所以用given name,表示被给的名字。family name/last name是指姓,姓的话是家族里延续下来的,所以跟family有关,就是family name。这样应该会比较好记。望采纳哦~

first name,last name与 family name,given name谁能解释一下,它们的区别在哪里!

在英语国家,名字通常是“名+中间名+姓氏”所以first name 在他们那里就是名last name就是姓氏而given name是长辈给取的名字,也是名,和first name一个意思family name是家族的姓氏,就是姓,和last name一个意思
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