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The roses grow in great perfumed解释一下原因?

对,正常的陈述语序应该是make sb….这里是被动语态,相当是把sb 提前了,变成sb be made

英语Prose of its very nature怎么翻译?

英语Prose of its very nature的意思是:散文的种类。重点词汇:nature意思是:自然界;大自然;自然;自然方式;天性;本性;性格;基本特征;种类;有…本性的。



roses are red 歌词

roses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet, but not as sweet as youroses are red andviolets are id aid id mudad id aid id muddum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dacome pick my roses!sweet from the flowershoney from the beesi"ve got a feeling, i"m ready to releaseroses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet,but not as sweet as"s invisible but, so touchableand i can feel it on my body,so emotional.i"m on a ride, on a ridei"m a passenger.i"m a victim of a heart love messenger.dum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dathe only thing you said wasdum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di daand roses are red.come with me baby,please fulfil my wishshow it to me truly,show me with a kiss.roses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet,but not as sweet as"s invisible but, so touchableand i can feel it on my body,so emotional.i"m on a ride, on a ridei"m a passenger.i"m a victim of a heart love messenger.dum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dathe only thing you said wasdum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di daand roses are red.dum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dathe only thing you said wasdum di dia di dadum di dia di daad id aid id mudad id aid id muddum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dadon"t take my roses awaaaay!dum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dathe only thing you said wasdum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di daand roses are red.dum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di dathe only thing you said wasdum di dia di dadum di dia di dadum di dia di damy roses are red.oooh oooh oooh, yeah!ad id aid id mudad id aid id mud

Roses Are Red 歌词

歌曲名:Roses Are Red歌手:Cutty Ranks专辑:Strictly The Best Vol.10A long, long time ago, on graduation day,You handed me your book, I signed this way.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.We dated through high school, and when the big day came,I wrote into your book, next to my name.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.Then I went far away and you found someone new.I read your letter dear, and I wrote back to you.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, good luck - may God bless you.Is that your little girl? She looks a lot like you.Someday some boy will write in her book, too.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.

roses are red中文歌词

Aqua Roses are redroses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet, but not as sweet as you玫瑰是红的,紫罗兰是蓝的,蜂蜜是甜的,但没你甜。roses are red andviolets are blue.come pick my roses!sweet from the flowershoney from the beesi"ve got a feeling, i"m ready to release玫瑰是红的,紫罗兰是蓝的,来摘我这朵玫瑰吧!甜蜜来自于花,蜂蜜来自于密封。我有种感觉,我准备释放。roses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet,but not as sweet as"s invisible but, so touchableand i can feel it on my body,so emotional.i"m on a ride, on a ridei"m a passenger.i"m a victim of a hot love messenger.the only thing he said wasdum di dia di da玫瑰是红的,紫罗兰是蓝的,蜂蜜是甜的,但没你甜。这东西看不见,却能摸到,我感觉它在我身体里,如此充满激情。我在路上,在路上,我是一个乘客,我是一段火热爱情密语的受害者。他说的唯一一句话就是dum di dia di da.and roses are red.come with me baby,please fulfill my wishshow it to me truly,show me with a kiss.roses are red andviolets are bluehoney is sweet,but not as sweet as you.玫瑰是红的,跟我来吧宝贝,请满足我的愿望,真诚对待我,用吻来对待我。玫瑰是红的,紫罗兰是蓝的,蜂蜜是甜的,但没你甜。don"t take my roses away!别摘走我的玫瑰!好多重复的段子,就只翻译一遍。

Roses Are Red 歌词

歌曲名:Roses Are Red歌手:Kong Ling专辑:Back To Black Series - Kong Ling & The Fabulous Echoes Vol. 2roses are red, my loveviolets are blueshould be as sweet, my lovebut not as sweet as youhow long long time agoon graduation dayyou handed a viewer booki sighed this wayroses are red,my loveviolets are blueshould be as sweet, my lovebut not as sweet as youwe did it through high schooland wait the big day camei wrote into your booknext to my nameroses are red,my loveviolets are blueshould be as sweet, my lovebut not as sweet as you(not as sweet as you)then i went far awayyou found someone youi read your letter dearand i wrote back to youroses are red, my loveviolets are blueshould be as sweet, my lovebut not as sweet as youis that your little girlshe looks a lot like yousomeday some boy will writein her book tooroses are red,my loveviolets are blueshould be as sweet, my love(not sweet as you)

Roses Are Red (My Love) 歌词

歌曲名:Roses Are Red (My Love)歌手:Bobby Vinton专辑:Essential - Easy ListeningA long, long time ago, on graduation day,You handed me your book, I signed this way.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.We dated through high school, and when the big day came,I wrote into your book, next to my name.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.Then I went far away and you found someone new.I read your letter dear, and I wrote back to you.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, good luck - may God bless you.Is that your little girl? She looks a lot like you.Someday some boy will write in her book, too.Roses are red, my love, violets are blue.Sugar is sweet, my love, but not as sweet as you.

roses r red 歌词

歌曲名:roses r red歌手:n-toon专辑:toon timeJust to know that I will see you todayMakes me wake up early just to see your faceMakes that bus ride to school seem A-okayGirl, i"ve never felt this wayI"ve never been in love to know just how it feelsAnd everytime I see you girl my heart beats are realSo if roses are real and violets are blueGilr what i"m trying to sayI think that i"m in love with youRoses are redViolets are blue girlI"m not sure but I think i"m in love with youN-ToonWith you that"s right that"s rightI"m not really sure but I think i"m in love with youIt"s kind of strange to meNow I know what to sayBut till see your faceAnd then my mind just goes blankthe butterflies then comeAnd then my knees get weakGirl I can hardly speakAs crazy as it seemsI don"t want school to endSo that I can stare at you and try to pretendSo if roses are red and violets are blueGirl what I am tryin to sayI think that i"m in love with youRoses are redViolets are blue girlI"m not sure but I think i"m in love with youWith you that"s right that"s rightI"m not really sure but I think i"m in love with youAnd everytime I see you girl my heartbeats are realSo if roses are red and violets are blueGirl what I am trying to sayI think that i"m in love with youRoses are redViolets are blue girlI"m not sure but I think i"m in love with youWith you that"s right that"s rightI"m not really sure but I think i"m in love with you

roses are red , violets are blue.是什么意思


请哪位帮忙翻译: "Roses are red, Violets are blue; my nos


William Faulkner 的A ROSE FOR EMILY的写作背景???

"A Rose for Emily" recounts the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. An unnamed narrator details the strange circumstances of Emily"s life and her odd relationships with her father, who controlled and manipulated her, and her lover, the Yankee road worker Homer Barron. When Homer Barron threatens to leave her, she is seen buying arsenic, which the townspeople believe she will commit suicide with. After this, Homer Barron is not heard from again, and is assumed to have returned north. Though she does not commit suicide, the townspeople of Jefferson continue to gossip about her and her eccentricities, citing her family"s history of mental illness. She is heard from less and less, and rarely ever leaves her home. Unbeknownst to the townspeople until her death, in her upstairs room she hides all day with the corpse of Homer Barron, which explains the horrid stench that emits from Miss Emily"s house.The story"s complexities have inspired critics while casual readers found the work one of Faulkner"s most accessible (and shortest) works. The popularity of the story was due in no small part to its gruesome ending.The story explores many themes, including the society of the South at that time, the role of women in the South, and extreme psychosis.In the story, the townspeople"s points of views on Emily actually reflect the society"s value at that moment to some extent. Although the townspeople don"t have direct contact with Emily, their views on her and her family greatly affect her life. Their praises and admiration influence her father to keep her sheltered longer than she actually needs to be. Her father controls her thoughts and lifestyle. Emily feels that she is released when her father is dead. She dives into love with Homer and neglects people"s judgments on her. When she realizes that Homer intends to leave her again, she makes sure that he would always be with her, whether he is alive or not. In his death Emily finds eternal love which is something no one could ever take away from her.

I never promise you a rose garden的中文版或者简介

从未读过这本书,在网上搜点资料给你,仅供参考,也不知道是不是你要的。I Never Promise You A Rose Gardenwritten by 月苍华这样的一刻,也许我们都该彼此沉默。然后拍拍身上的尘土,继续走下去,走下去。即使只是一条不归路。I never promise you a rose garden.——题记修奈泽尔从很小的时候就被教导,那个王座会是他最终的归宿。所以被训练。完美的宫廷礼,恰到好处的微笑。记住繁琐复杂的称谓和人名。从庞大纷乱的人际关系中准确的找出对自己有利的,可以当作棋子的,以及必需要清除的人于是帝国的二皇子在众人或期待或恐惧或欣喜或厌恶的目光中完美的成长。一名合格的,妥帖的,帝国的继承者。从小未曾间断的暗杀让他明了一切都需要自己去争取。强权的世界。他需要摒弃一切的力量。十一皇子出生那年,修奈泽尔正式进入这个庞大的名利场。对于一名十二岁的少年来说,这样的年纪也许只是看动画打游戏为无聊的家庭作业怨声连连。(起码这是三皇子克洛维斯的童年,要知道,在皇室并不是那么容易找到一个拥有正常童年的孩子。)而修奈泽尔在这样的年纪开始出席各种各样的宴会,周旋于各色的权力当中。他一度认为这是理所当然并欣然接受。[起码于己并无不妥,不是么。]因此后来玛丽安娜王妃长子的诞辰生宴成为修奈泽尔参加的第一个为迎接血亲出生的宴会。即使作为当事人的双方在遥远的将来都不曾记忆起真正初见的情形,那场被遗忘的往事依然发生在历史的洪流之中。金发早熟的王子看着摇篮中沉静的睡颜,眼中闪现的温柔是他许久不曾有过的感情。(却不过昙花,绽放只为一瞬的柔软。)那场宴会,真正被二皇子记在心上的,仅仅是王妃娘家阿什福德家族的财力以及它在军事上所占的地位。之后五年,修奈泽尔在王宫中逐渐撒下自己巨大的网。他开始有了自己的心腹,幕僚以及智囊团。十七岁的二皇子意气风发,他大胆又不失谨慎的培植着属于自己的力量。不忠诚于现任的皇帝陛下,而是属于自己的,完全效忠誓死跟随的力量。政治,经济,军事。他小心翼翼的,一步一步的向上走着,看着棋盘上日渐丰盈的棋子,修奈泽尔感受到了挥斥方遒的快乐。他想自己果然留着那个男人的血。他想也许王座会平息他血液里奔腾的欲望。======================================================雪在不列颠的冬天并不常见。科技带来的军事与经济的发展并没有减少与其如影相随的污染和破坏。各种各样的废气燃料使得这个国家的天气同它的王室一般充满阴谋与背叛。修奈泽尔记得自己办过一个关于空气污染净化环境的案子。那个事件本身他并不上心。他看上的是它背后所附带人心民望投资和获利。而实事证明他从未失望。那个案子为他赢来了帝国三百万群众的支持以及几个大家族暗中给与的巨额投资。为他将来竞争宰相一职提供了不可小觑的有利形势。就在修奈泽尔即将迎来生命中第十八个年头的那个冬天,不列颠下了五年来第一场雪。十二月份的天亮的很晚,当二皇子意识到下雪的时候,外面的落雪已经积了厚厚的一层。这突如其来的礼物让所有人都惊讶不已。甚至以往死气沉沉的宫廷都因此增添了一丝生气和活力。被幕僚们称作“工作狂”的修奈泽尔终于放下手中忙不完的工作踏入一直被冷落的花园。他听见孩子们喧闹的声音。出于难得的好奇,修奈泽尔向声音的来源走去。靴子踩在雪上咯吱咯吱的响,一个孩子警觉的扭过头,他看见深紫色的眸子仿佛酒神最爱的Amethyst。“你是谁?”神情紧张的孩子让他想起被踩了尾巴的猫。他好心的指指不远处那抹耀眼的金色,孩子沉思了一下,令他意外的开口问你是不是修奈泽尔皇兄。[皇兄],修奈泽尔捕捉到这个称呼,他想孩子应该是他的弟弟,只是不知道是哪一个。“我是鲁路修,鲁路修·Vie·不列颠,二皇兄。”看出他的疑惑,孩子弯下腰,一个完美的宫廷礼。脸上带着疏离的表情,淡淡的微笑。“修奈泽尔皇兄!”显然克洛维斯终于发现了他的存在,不过冲过来的架势让他觉得像是保护领地的兔子。“皇兄,这是……”打断弟弟的介绍,修奈泽尔露出一贯完美的微笑。“鲁路修,”他看向那个孩子,正对他笔直的目光,“我是修奈泽尔,修奈泽尔·Ei·不列颠,你的二皇兄。”在克洛维斯惊异万分的目光中,他回以他的十一皇弟一个同样标准的宫廷礼,流畅而优雅。唇边的弧度带有不知名的味道。看着陆续到来的柯内莉亚和尤菲米娅,修奈泽尔在心中不动声色的疑惑这些孩子什么时候那么要好。逐渐沦为背景的宰相候选人并没有为这样的待遇感到不公,反而自得其乐的在旁观看那些孩子们的游戏。令人惊讶的,那个年龄还很小的孩子在不知不觉中成为几个人的领导者。他不动声色的指挥着,很快,一个雪人在短短的时间内迅速堆成。(平日经常会因喜好不同而争吵的克洛维斯和尤菲米娅竟然可以这么相安无事的配合。)[那个孩子……鲁路修。]修奈泽尔看着天地中那唯一的黑色,保持着他意味深长的笑。以后的日子,二皇子光临Aries行宫的次数明显的增多。那个孩子挑起了他第一次对权力以外的事物的兴趣。看着他,修奈泽尔仿佛见到自己幼时的样子。优雅的举止,恰当的谈吐,优秀的头脑,敏锐的眼光。鲁路修继承了这个皇室百年的精华。[但是天真。]他的母妃把他保护得太好。“闪光的玛丽亚”将她在战场上的警觉丝毫不差的发挥在她孩子们的身上。“Checkmate.”修奈泽尔被一个清亮却略带奶气的声音打断了思路。“但愿你是在思考取胜的方法,修奈哥哥。不然我会觉得胜之不武的。”从初次的“修奈泽尔皇兄”到如今的“修奈哥哥”,这样的进展让我们的二皇子殿下满意得足以抵消因走神而输棋的沮丧。这个有着如同太阳般明媚面孔的孩子,眼神清透而直接。一块逐渐散发出光晕的璞玉,他亲手雕琢的宝物。修奈泽尔笑得满足,这是他的,独一无二的,宝物.于是又一个五年这样哗啦啦的过去。不列颠的雪好像总喜欢每隔五年宠幸一下这个国家。鲁路修十岁的那个冬天,大雪掩盖了一切罪恶。修奈泽尔并不是不知道他的皇弟跑去大殿责问他们的皇帝陛下,那时他已经身兼宰相两年时间。他只是想知道那个男人,他们的父王会怎样的对待自己的儿子,自己失去了靠山的儿子。以及,那个孩子会做出怎样的选择,面对自己冷酷无情的父王。议院正式宣布让十一皇子鲁路修及其妹娜娜莉留学日本的时候,二皇子坐在自己的位子上面无表情的沉默。那个孩子离开的那天,他代表皇帝站在队伍的最前端送行。纷飞的大雪迷了他的眼睛,他只朦胧的看到孩子坚毅的背影。冰冷的雪落在脸上,化成满目悲凉。修奈泽尔突然很想再看看那个孩子的眼睛。那双紫色的眼睛,那么明亮,仿佛酒神最爱的Amethyst。然而年仅十岁的皇子从未回头。=======================================================事情迅速的平复下来,速度快的让人来不及嗟叹世事无常人心荒凉。开始的时候克洛维斯或者尤菲米娅总会跑来问他鲁路修和娜娜莉什么时候回来。然而随着时间的流逝,他们询问的次数逐渐的减少,直到再也没有提起。修奈泽尔一如既往的在宫内和国内实施着自己软硬兼施的政策。有时他会想,也许曾经的一切只是一场梦。他从来没有什么十一皇弟,也从来不曾拥有什么宝物。他在自己的幻觉中心满意足。于是他开始遗忘。那个孩子的脸慢慢沉没于黑暗当中。额头,头发,眼睛和嘴唇的形状。明媚的笑容,清亮的嗓音,略带奶味的体香。所有的轮廓。(忘记一个人,一点一点的擦去印记,直到消失。)然后在某一天的清晨,他突然发现自己不会爱了。修奈泽尔望着身边熟睡的女子,心里寂静一片。他听的到肃杀的风声刮过胸膛,却激不起丝毫的起伏动荡。更加的无动于衷。时间对于修奈泽尔来说已不算什么,那个称之为“父皇”的男人健康依旧的身体使得二皇子只能在宰相的位子上不断的扩大势力。当第二皇子终于超过所有人成为那个庞大帝国的第二实力者时,一个远离本土的偏远殖民地发动了它充满愤怒的第一场起义。那个殖民地原来的名字叫做[日本]。事实上,修奈泽尔必须承认自己的假设第一次出现偏差。他原以为一个小岛国的反抗成不了太大的气候。类似黑色骑士团之类的反抗组织他也并不是没有预计过。但是Zero的出现使他不得不正视这次事件不同于往常。克洛维斯的死不期然的唤醒了修奈泽尔深埋在心底的那段幻觉般的记忆。他再次梦见那个孩子。在他以为完全的遗忘之后。(他与他再度相遇的预兆。)能够让一个本已完全丧失战意的地方再度萌生复国之心,Zero是修奈泽尔第二个觉得感兴趣的存在。那是一种熟悉的感觉。全身的细胞如同复活一般雀跃起来,体内的鲜血因兴奋而激烈的跳动。棋逢对手的快感。二皇子凝视着滞留在屏幕上的影像。意欲不明的微笑。身体纤细。声音是刻意装扮过的低沉,仔细的话可以听出其中无法掩盖的少年般的沙哑。头脑睿智而精明,有很敏感的洞察力,理性却有着高傲的自尊心。冷酷而充满了天真。残忍而充满了怜悯。矛盾孕育出的孩子,Zero。他想一定要见见他。无论以何种方式。这个人的身上充满了他熟悉的味道。于是修奈泽尔从柯内莉亚的手中接过了那个遍地疮痍的岛屿。他坐着他的Avalon君临天下般的来到那个战火纷飞的地方,这场战争即将结束。他俯视着在地面上依旧挣扎的黑色骑士团(或者说Zero),露出挑衅的笑。他想他并不惊讶对方如何能够只身闯入他的本部,他想他差不多该来了,他甚至吩咐侍女提前泡好红茶。看到对方从暗中慢慢踱步而出,修奈泽尔起身抬手,在空气中划过优雅的弧度,流畅而纯正的宫廷礼。“我是修奈泽尔,修奈泽尔·Ei·不列颠。”那个人停顿了一下,沉默了很长时间后摘下那个标志性的头盔。回以一个标准不失当年的礼节。“我是鲁路修,鲁路修·Vie·不列颠,修奈泽尔皇兄。”他又看到了那双深紫色的眸子,那么明亮那么深邃。“鲁路修,我的鲁路修……”他的声音仿佛一场凄美的咏叹调。修奈泽尔伸出双臂,环抱住对方的姿势带着他与生俱来的占有。那个孩子是这样的干净。即使经过鲜血的洗礼,在他的眼中,那个孩子永远都是有着太阳一般明媚笑脸的水晶。他的,独一无二的,宝物。他们在黑暗中做爱。像原始的兽类互相撕咬。激烈的,疼痛的。他粗暴的亲吻他,进入他的身体。他可以感受到身下的人因为痛楚而抽搐。他看到对方扭曲着的脸,因痛苦而凄艳。却灼烧着诡谲的快感。强悍的激情和放纵的不羁让他觉得自己仿佛会这样窒息。他抚摸他的肌肤,一寸一寸,慢慢的确认。纤细修长的手,微微的骨节突起,静脉明显,手指清秀而冰冷。背上两块突出的蝴蝶骨,随时可以飞坠般的艳。欲望的身体有着灼热的温度,血液流动的脉搏,让他们觉得温暖。他们懂得,一眼就看到彼此的心底。因此伤害对方,也那样的斩钉截铁不留余地。那种看似断然的无情,却又有另种华丽和深邃。他们的感情不与人分晓,所有的悲欢,都只是内心的一声轻叹,已足够。修奈泽尔和鲁路修,他们的表情淡漠而又充满了警惕。他们的心里都守护着一大片茂盛绮丽的花园。但不允许任何人轻易的进入。那片花园因无人涉足而疯狂的生长,野性诡异的花朵肆意绽放,藤条枝叶疯狂的蔓延。外人已经完全丧失了进入其中的线索。那么的不留余地。于己,于人。战士的鲜血染红了漫天的火烧云。巨大的太阳在天与地的边缘流着赤色的泪。他们将各自的灵魂赌在了这场一意孤行的战斗中。相爱,同时伤害。他们从未在玫瑰的花园中遇到彼此丰盛的幻象。那静谧的无人之境永远关闭了它通向救赎的大门。于是在这样的一刻,他们彼此沉默。然后拍拍身上的尘土,继续走下去,走下去。即使只是一条不归路。I never promise you a rose garden.Forever and never.Fin

You are my rose.是什么意思



之所以说rose(朴彩英)科切拉一战封神,是因为blackpink在2019年美国科切拉音乐节上表现出色。blackpink在2019年美国科切拉音乐节上的表演不光是让现场观众疯狂,连billboard、ET等外国媒体都赞不绝口。尤其是通过这次表演,rose的关注度也被提高,高颜值好唱功,一战封神。rose的表演十分精彩夺目,通过这场表演也是成功打开了了欧美市场,使她被更多人所知道。科切拉音乐节是每年在美国加利福尼亚州印第奥市举行为期三天的音乐和艺术的节日,每年的Coachella音乐节都会吸引大批热爱音乐的人们。所以rose能够在这种大型节日现场脱颖而出,这也证明了她的实力本身就很强。朴彩英早年经历朴彩英出生于新西兰奥克兰,8岁时全家移民到澳大利亚,就读于墨尔本的Canterbury女子学院,曾是学校的拉拉队队员。在小时候她就已经清楚自己热爱唱歌,在澳大利亚的时候就已经加入教堂唱诗班。她表示自己从未想过成为一位明星,而2012年YG Entertainment在悉尼举办澳大利亚选拔赛时,她的父亲建议她去参加,结果朴彩英获得了第一名,同年前往韩国进入公司成为练习生。9月15日,参加G-DRAGON个人首张迷你专辑《ONE OF A KIND》中收录曲《结果》的配唱。在正式出道之前,她和其他三位成员一起接受训练,而她是最后一个参加训练的人,在经纪公司受训的时间最短,为四年。在受训期间,她会打电话给父母哭诉训练的艰苦,由于和家人相隔较远,她会经常和其他三位成员在一起消磨时间。



侠盗猎车手圣安地列斯K-Rose中的那首Bed of Rose,请问有这首歌的歌词吗?

Bed Of Roses Sitting here wasted and wounded at this old piano Trying hard to capture the moment this morning I don"t know "Cause a bottle of vodka is still lodged in my head And some blond gave me nightmares I think she"s still in my bed As I dream about movies they won"t make of me when I"m dead With an ironclad fist I wake up and French kiss the morning While some marching band keeps its own beat in my head While we"re talking About all of the things that I long to believe About love and the truth and what you mean to me And the truth is baby you"re all that I need I want to lay you on a bed of roses For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is And lay you down on bed of roses Well I"m so far away That each step that I take is on my way home A king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each night Just to see through this payphone Still I run out of time Or it"s hard to get through Till the bird on the wire flies me back to you I"ll just close my eyes and whisper, baby blind love is true I want to lay you down on a bed of roses For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is And lay you down on bed of roses The hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dry The barkeeper"s wig"s crooked And she"s giving me the eye I might have said yeah But I laughed so hard I think I died When you close your eyes Know I"ll be thinking about you While my mistress she calls me To stand in her spotlight again Tonite I won"t be alone But you know that don"t Mean I"m not lonely I"ve got nothing to prove For it"s you that I"d die to defend I want to lay you down on a bed of roses For tonite I sleep on a bed on nails I want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost is And lay you down on bed of roses

Bed Of Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Roses歌手:The Statler Brothers专辑:GoldBed Of Roses(不插电)Bon joviby:灰色不寂寞Sitting here wasted and woundedat this old pianoTrying hard to capturethe moment this morning I don"t know"Cause a bottle of vodkais still lodged in my headAnd some blond gave me nightmaresI think she"s still in my bedAs I dream about moviesthey won"t make of me when I"m deadWith an ironclad fist I wake up andFrench kiss the morningWhile some marching band keepsits own beat in my headWhile we"re talkingAbout all of the things that I long to believeAbout love and the truth andwhat you mean to meAnd the truth is baby you"re all that I needI want to lay you on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesWell I"m so far awayThat each step that I take is on my way homeA king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each nightJust to see through this payphoneStill I run out of timeOr it"s hard to get throughTill the bird on the wire flies me back to youI"ll just close my eyes and whisper,baby blind love is trueI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesThe hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dryThe barkeeper"s wig"s crookedAnd she"s giving me the eyeI might have said yeahBut I laughed till I cryWhen you close your eyesKnow I"ll be thinking about youWhile my mistress she calls meTo stand in her spotlight againTonite I won"t be aloneBut you know that don"tMean I"m not lonelyI"ve got nothing to proveFor it"s you that I"d die to defendI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesAnd lay you down

Bed Of Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Roses歌手:Warrant专辑:Cherry PieBed Of Roses(不插电)Bon joviby:灰色不寂寞Sitting here wasted and woundedat this old pianoTrying hard to capturethe moment this morning I don"t know"Cause a bottle of vodkais still lodged in my headAnd some blond gave me nightmaresI think she"s still in my bedAs I dream about moviesthey won"t make of me when I"m deadWith an ironclad fist I wake up andFrench kiss the morningWhile some marching band keepsits own beat in my headWhile we"re talkingAbout all of the things that I long to believeAbout love and the truth andwhat you mean to meAnd the truth is baby you"re all that I needI want to lay you on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesWell I"m so far awayThat each step that I take is on my way homeA king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each nightJust to see through this payphoneStill I run out of timeOr it"s hard to get throughTill the bird on the wire flies me back to youI"ll just close my eyes and whisper,baby blind love is trueI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesThe hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dryThe barkeeper"s wig"s crookedAnd she"s giving me the eyeI might have said yeahBut I laughed till I cryWhen you close your eyesKnow I"ll be thinking about youWhile my mistress she calls meTo stand in her spotlight againTonite I won"t be aloneBut you know that don"tMean I"m not lonelyI"ve got nothing to proveFor it"s you that I"d die to defendI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesAnd lay you down

Bed Of Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Roses歌手:The Lilac Time专辑:Compendium - The Fontana TrinityBed Of Roses(不插电)Bon joviby:灰色不寂寞Sitting here wasted and woundedat this old pianoTrying hard to capturethe moment this morning I don"t know"Cause a bottle of vodkais still lodged in my headAnd some blond gave me nightmaresI think she"s still in my bedAs I dream about moviesthey won"t make of me when I"m deadWith an ironclad fist I wake up andFrench kiss the morningWhile some marching band keepsits own beat in my headWhile we"re talkingAbout all of the things that I long to believeAbout love and the truth andwhat you mean to meAnd the truth is baby you"re all that I needI want to lay you on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesWell I"m so far awayThat each step that I take is on my way homeA king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each nightJust to see through this payphoneStill I run out of timeOr it"s hard to get throughTill the bird on the wire flies me back to youI"ll just close my eyes and whisper,baby blind love is trueI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesThe hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dryThe barkeeper"s wig"s crookedAnd she"s giving me the eyeI might have said yeahBut I laughed till I cryWhen you close your eyesKnow I"ll be thinking about youWhile my mistress she calls meTo stand in her spotlight againTonite I won"t be aloneBut you know that don"tMean I"m not lonelyI"ve got nothing to proveFor it"s you that I"d die to defendI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesAnd lay you down

Bed Of Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Roses歌手:Screaming Trees专辑:Uncle AnesthesiaBed Of Roses(不插电)Bon joviby:灰色不寂寞Sitting here wasted and woundedat this old pianoTrying hard to capturethe moment this morning I don"t know"Cause a bottle of vodkais still lodged in my headAnd some blond gave me nightmaresI think she"s still in my bedAs I dream about moviesthey won"t make of me when I"m deadWith an ironclad fist I wake up andFrench kiss the morningWhile some marching band keepsits own beat in my headWhile we"re talkingAbout all of the things that I long to believeAbout love and the truth andwhat you mean to meAnd the truth is baby you"re all that I needI want to lay you on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesWell I"m so far awayThat each step that I take is on my way homeA king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each nightJust to see through this payphoneStill I run out of timeOr it"s hard to get throughTill the bird on the wire flies me back to youI"ll just close my eyes and whisper,baby blind love is trueI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesThe hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dryThe barkeeper"s wig"s crookedAnd she"s giving me the eyeI might have said yeahBut I laughed till I cryWhen you close your eyesKnow I"ll be thinking about youWhile my mistress she calls meTo stand in her spotlight againTonite I won"t be aloneBut you know that don"tMean I"m not lonelyI"ve got nothing to proveFor it"s you that I"d die to defendI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesAnd lay you down

Bed Of Roses 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Roses歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Cross Road - The Best OfBed Of Roses小马依人奉献Sitting here wasted and woundedat this old pianoTrying hard to capturethe moment this morning I don"t know"Cause a bottle of vodkais still lodged in my headAnd some blond gave me nightmaresI think she"s still in my bedAs I dream about moviesthey won"t make of me when I"m deadWith an ironclad fist I wake up andFrench kiss the morningWhile some marching band keepsits own beat in my headWhile we"re talkingAbout all of the things that I long to believeAbout love and the truth andwhat you mean to meAnd the truth is baby you"re all that I needI want to lay you on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesWell I"m so far awayThat each step that I take is on my way homeA king"s ransom in dimes I"d given each nightJust to see through this payphoneStill I run out of timeOr it"s hard to get throughTill the bird on the wire flies me back to youI"ll just close my eyes and whisper,baby blind love is trueI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of rosesThe hotel bar hangover whiskey"s gone dryThe barkeeper"s wig"s crookedAnd she"s giving me the eyeI might have said yeahBut I laughed so hard I think I diedWhen you close your eyesKnow I"ll be thinking about youWhile my mistress she calls meTo stand in her spotlight againTonite I won"t be aloneBut you know that don"tMean I"m not lonely I"ve got nothing to proveFor it"s you that I"d die to defendI want to lay you down on a bed of rosesFor tonite I sleep on a bed on nailsI want to be just as close as the Holy Ghost isAnd lay you down on bed of roses

Bed Of Roses 歌词翻译

去百度bon jovi吧看下 你找下吧




delayMicroseconds()描述使程序暂停指定的一段时间(单位:微秒)。一秒等于1000000微秒。 目前,能够产生的最大的延时准确值是16383。这可能会在未来的Arduino版本中改变。对于超过几千微秒的延迟,你应该使用delay()代替。此函数在3微秒以以上工作的非常准确。我们不能保证,delayMicroseconds在更小的时间内延时准确。Arduino0018版本后,delayMicroseconds()不再会使中断失效。


新词汇,简单地说就是;都市美男 [男小资]坐看风云过的很好!



Monrose的《Work It》 歌词

歌曲名:Work It歌手:Monrose专辑:TemptationMissy Elliott - Work ItThis is a Missy Elliott one-time exclusive (Come on)Is it worth it, let me work itI put my bang down, flip it and reverse itIt"s your fremme neppa venetteIt"s your fremme neppa venetteAnd find out how hard I gotta work yaIt"s your fremme neppa venetteIt"s your fremme neppa venette (Come on)I"d like to get to know ya so I could show yaPut the pussy on ya like I told yaGimme all your numbers so I could phone yaYour girl actin" stank then call me overNot on the bed, lay me on your sofaPhone before you come, I need to shave my chochaYou do or you don"t or you will or won"t yaGo downtown and eat it like a vultureSee my hips and my tips, don"t yaSee my ass and my lips, don"t yaLost a few pounds and my whips for yaThis the kinda beat that go ra-ta-taRa-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-taSex me so good I say blah-blah-blahWork it, I need a glass of waterBoy, oh, boy, it"s good to know yaIf you a fly gal get your nails doneGet a pedicure, get your hair didBoy, lift it up, let"s make a toast-aLet"s get drunk, that"s gon" bring us closerDon"t I look like a Halle Berry posterSee the Belvedere playin" tricks on yaGirlfriend wanna be like me, neverYou won"t find a bitch that"s even betterI make you hot as Las Vegas weatherListen up close while I take it backwardsI"m not a prostituteBut I could give you what you wantI love your braids and your mouth full of flossLove the way my ass go bum-bum-bum-bumKeep your eyes on my bum-bum-bum-bum-bumAnd think you can handle this gadong-a-dong-dongTake my thong off and my ass go vroomCut the lights off so you see what I could doBoys, boys, all type of boysBlack, white, Puerto Rican, Chinese boysWhy-thai,-thai-o-toy-o-thai-thaiRock-thai,-thai-o-toy-o-thai-thaiGirl, girl, get that cashIf it"s 9 to 5 or shakin" your assAin"t no shame, ladies do your thangJust make sure you ahead of the gameJust "cause I got a lot of fame supaPrince couldn"t get me change my name papaKunta Kinte a slave again, no sirPicture black sayin", "Oh, yes a master"Picture Lil" Kim dating a pastorMinnie Me and Big Ren can out last yaWho is the best, I don"t have to ask yaWhen I come out you won"t even matterWhy you act dumb like "Uh, duh"So you act dumb like "Uh, duh"As the drummer boy go ba-rom-pop-pom-pomGive you some-some-some of this CinnabunTo my fellasI like the way you work thatTo my ladiesYou sure know how to work that


姓名:诺珉宇 (No minwoo) 匿称:Hika(“光”的意思) 在乐队THE-TRAX中的艺名为ROSE (2005年离队) 国籍:韩国 身高/体重:183 cm /60 kg 腰围:24 inch等同于61cm 生日:1986.05.29 视觉系的RO血型:AB 家庭成员:妈妈、爸爸、弟弟 (父亲为韩国人,母亲为日本人) 所在学校:龙文高中毕业(见他的时候,他的校服上是龙文,现在已经毕业) 宗教:基督教 从艺经历:1997年饰演电视剧演男主角儿时、2001年可口可乐广告 绰号:诱饵 喜欢的艺人(乐队):Marilyn Manson、Ritchie Blackmore、Jimi Hendrix、Michael Jackson、limp bizkit、X-japan、muse、Avril Lavigne、coldplay 喜欢的歌:micro cut (muse) *********但于2005年11月5日正式离开韩国Trax乐队 J: [J]1:THE TARX 姓名:金英东 Typhoon(Jay Kim) 担任职责:主唱、队长 身高/体重:182 cm/65kg 生日:1984.04.08 血型:B 家庭成员: 妈妈、爸爸、妹妹 mini辑 所在学校:培材大学英文系,目前学习中 喜欢的艺人(乐队):Soundgarden,Muse,Creed,Coldplay,Ratm,Linkinpark,Oasis,Audioslave, Chris Cornell 喜欢的歌:都喜欢 [J]2:档案 原名:郑在英 生日:1978年5月2日 身高:170cm 体重:48kg 学历:美国弗吉尼亚州NOVA音乐学院JAZZ专业(休学) 星路历程: 1995年 当选为华盛顿小姐 1995年 获WEST SPRING FIELD"SHOW TALENT"大奖 1996年 USA "WASHINGTON SONG FESTIVAL"一等奖 1999年 加盟日本BMG唱片公司以J为名发表个人专辑 2000年 代表韩国参加东京召开的“新千年演唱会” 找到的翻唱歌曲: 杜德伟/像自由的风---J/昨日重现 李克勤/爱不坏---J/昨日重现 容祖儿/Goodbye---J/Goodbye 容祖儿/相当刺激---J/影子中的爱情 容祖儿/她狠过你---J/灰 王心凌/On My Way---J/8318 许慧欣/ 突然想起你---J / 昨日一样 萧亚轩/Cappuccino---J/The Very Scent Of You 江映蓉/把握你的美 作曲




罗马音:When I was darkness at that time furo eterukuqibiruheyanokatasumide I CRYmagakebamogakuhodoci kisasorukunokiziyaburaretayakusoku HURT ME Nobody can save me kamisamahitocidaketometesakuyo ana MY LOVEI need your love. I"m a broken rose.maiqiruganashina YOUR SONGibashionaikodoguno MY LIFEI need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your loveWnen you are with me at that time anatanokegawooikatehadoshidekomekedo STOP MEtogisebatoza suhodomeciretekukonoaiyuruyakaniyasashiku KISS MENobody can save me kogoerubaranoyouniyasashikuremuritai MY TEARSI need your love. I"m a broken rosekareoqirukanoshimi MY SOULkuzuretekukodokuna LITTLE GIRLI need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love...I need your love. I"m a broken rose.maiqiruganashina YOUR SONGibashionaikodoguno MY LIFEI need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for me I wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love...中文:当陷于阴暗的那时 颤抖的嘴唇 蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来 越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂 那被打碎的约定,伤害了我 没人可以拯救我 神灵只有一位 能止住开裂的 是我的爱 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱 当你在身边的那时 追逐着你的影子 赤着脚狂奔 请停下我 越是闭上眼,越是被爱纠缠 轻缓温柔的,请亲吻我 没人可以拯救我 像封冻的玫瑰 想要温柔的睡去 留下眼泪 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凋零坠落的悲伤,是我的灵魂 因离别而孤独的,小女孩 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌 居无定所的孤独,是我的生活 我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰 亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救 用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我 我需要你的爱 我是朵残破的玫瑰 我需要你的爱


土屋安娜 - rose罗马When I was darkness at that time furueteru kuchibiru heya no katasumi de I cry mogakeba mo gaku hodo tsuki sasaru kono kizu yaburareta yakusoku hurt meNobody can save me kamisama hitotsu dake tomete saku you na my loveI need your love. I"m a broken rose. mai chiru kanashimi your song ibasho nai kodoku na my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for meI wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love...Wnen you are with me at that time anata no kake wo oikakete hadashi de kake nukete stop me tozaseba tozasu hodo motsureteku kono ai yuruyakani yasashiku kiss meNobody can save me kogoeru bara no youni yasashiku memuri tai my tearsI need your love. I"m a broken rose. kare ochiru kanashimi my soul hanareteku kodoku na little girl I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for meI wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love...I need your love. I"m a broken rose. mai chiru kanashimi your song ibasho nai kodoku na my life I need your love. I"m a broken rose. Oh baby, help me from frozen pain with your smile, your eyes, and sing me, just for meI wanna need your love... I"m a broken rose I wanna need your love...中文翻译:当陷于阴暗的那时颤抖的嘴唇蜷在屋子一角,哭了起来越是拼命挣扎,越是将伤口撕裂那被打碎的约定,伤害了我没人可以拯救我神灵只有一位能止住开裂的 是我的爱我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌居无定所的孤独,是我的生活我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我我需要你的爱我是朵残破的玫瑰我需要你的爱当你在身边的那时追逐着你的影子赤着脚狂奔 请停下我越是闭上眼,越是被爱纠缠轻缓温柔的,请亲吻我没人可以拯救我像封冻的玫瑰想要温柔的睡去 留下眼泪我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰凋零坠落的悲伤,是我的灵魂因离别而孤独的,小女孩我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我我需要你的爱我是朵残破的玫瑰我需要你的爱我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰凌乱舞步的悲伤,是你的歌居无定所的孤独,是我的生活我需要你的爱,我是一朵残破的玫瑰亲爱的,请将我从这冻结的伤痛中拯救用你的微笑,你的眼眸,你的歌,只为了我我需要你的爱我是朵残破的玫瑰我需要你的爱

Who are playing cards?rose和Jone玩牌

Rose and Jone are playing cards.


香槟玫瑰.. Rosa Champagne 石材知识=> 中英文对译---R(2) ... 巴西玫瑰 Rosa Brasile 香槟玫瑰 Rosa Champagne 栗子红 Rosa Chestnut ... 香槟玫瑰..Rosa Champagne 巴西玫瑰 Rosa Brasile 香槟玫瑰 Rosa Champagne 栗子红 Rosa Chestnut ...

一首名字和歌词都有river的英文歌,很抒情 女歌手,好像叫rosa还是rose

  As long as stars shine down from heaven  只要星星还在天国闪烁  And the rivers run into the sea  只要江河还汇入大海  Til the end of time forever  直到时间的尽头  You are the only love I"ll need  你就是我唯一的爱  In my life you"re all that matters  在我的生命里你是一切  In my eyes the only truth I see  在我的眼里你就是真理  When my hopes and dreams have shattered  当我的愿望梦想破碎  You"re the one that"s there for me  你就是那个一直在我身边支持我的人  When I found you I was blessed  当我找到你的时候,我一定被神所庇佑  And I will never leave you, I need you  我想我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你  Chorus:  Imagine me without you  如果我没有了你  I"d be lost and so confused  我一定会迷失方向  I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid  我恐怕自己撑不过一天  Without you there to see me through  如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我  Imagine me without you  如果我不再拥有你  Lord, you know it"s just impossible  天哪,你知道这是不可能的  Because of you, it"s all brand new  因为你,我的生命才是新的  My life is now worthwhile  我的生活才有意义  I can"t imagine me without you  我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样  When you caught me I was falling  当我坠落时你接住了我  You"re love lifted me back on my feet  你的爱托起了我  It was like you heard me calling  就好像你听到我在呼唤你  And you rush to set me free  你奋不顾身奔向我让我自由  When I found you I was blessed  当我找到你的时候,我一定是被神所庇佑  And I will never leave you, I need you  我永远不会离开你,因为我需要你  Imagine me without you  如果我没有了你  I"d be lost and so confused  我一定会迷失方向  I wouldn"t last a day, I"d be afraid  我恐怕自己撑不过一天  Without you there to see me through  如果你不在了,将没有人会看穿我  Imagine me without you  如果我不再拥有你  Lord, you know it"s just impossible  天哪,你知道这是不可能的  Because of you, it"s all brand new  因为你,我的生命才是新的  My life is now worthwhile  我的生活才有意义  I can"t imagine me without you  我无法想象离开你的生活会是什么样  《imagine me without you》








不一样,你看!rose[rEuz]n.蔷薇属, 玫瑰, 玫瑰红 vbl.rise的过去式Rosa[5rEuzE]n.罗莎(Rose的异体)(f.)



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帮忙分析 the rose and the gardener 这首诗


求手嶌葵的《the ROSE 》的简谱?

the rose这首歌想表达的是什么意思?不是问你歌词的


手岛葵the rose 歌词含义,他想表达些什么。深刻些的

Some say love it is a river 有人说爱是一条河 That drowns the tender reed 它淹没了柔弱的芦苇 Some say love it is a razor 有人说爱是剃刀 That leaves your soul to bleed 它让你的心流血 Some say love it is a hunger 有人说爱是渴望 And endless aching need 和带来无尽痛苦的需要 I say love it is a flower 我说爱是一朵花 And you its only seed 而你是它唯一的种子 It"s the heart afraid of breaking 是那颗怕受伤的心 That never learns to dance 它从不学跳舞 It"s the dream afraid of waking 是那个害怕醒来的梦想 That never takes the chance 它从不抓住机会 It"s the one who won"t be taken 它是那个不会被带走的人 Who can not seem to give 他不会假装去付出 And the soul afraid of dying 是那颗害怕死去的心 That never learns to live 它从不学着生活 When the night has been too lonely 当夜晚显得太过寂静 And the road has been too long 路显得太长 And you think that love is only 而你又认为爱只 For the lucky and the strong 属于那些幸运儿和强者的时候, Just remember in the winter 只要记住,在冬天 Far beneath the bitter snow 在苦涩的雪底下 Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 种下带着阳光爱意的种子 In the spring becomes the rose 在春天它就会变成玫瑰 Some say love it is a river 有人说爱是一条河 That drowns the tender reed 它淹没了柔弱的芦苇 Some say love it is a razor 有人说爱是剃刀 That leaves your soul to bleed 它让你的心流血 Some say love it is a hunger 有人说爱是渴望 And endless aching need 和带来无尽痛苦的需要 I say love it is a flower 我说爱是一朵花 And you its only seed 而你是它唯一的种子 It"s the heart afraid of breaking 是那颗怕受伤的心 That never learns to dance 它从不学跳舞 It"s the dream afraid of waking 是那个害怕醒来的梦想 That never takes the chance 它从不抓住机会 It"s the one who won"t be taken 它是那个不会被带走的人 Who can not seem to give 他不会假装去付出 And the soul afraid of dying 是那颗害怕死去的心 That never learns to live 它从不学着生活 When the night has been too lonely 当夜晚显得太过寂静 And the road has been too long 路显得太长 And you think that love is only 而你又认为爱只 For the lucky and the strong 属于那些幸运儿和强者的时候, Just remember in the winter 只要记住,在冬天 Far beneath the bitter snow 在苦涩的雪底下 Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 种下带着阳光爱意的种子 In the spring becomes the rose 在春天它就会变成玫瑰

westlife的the rose表达什么之情


哪位知道the rose 的中文歌词

玫瑰  西城男孩    有人说爱是一条河流  这容易将脆弱的芦苇淹没  有人说,爱是一把剃刀  这让你的灵魂流血  有人说,爱是饥饿  无尽的疼痛需要  我说,爱是一朵花  而你是唯一的种子这是颗害怕破碎的心  从未学会跳舞  害怕醒来的梦  不需要的机会    的人不会  似乎无法给谁  害怕死亡的灵魂  从未学会生活    有人说,爱是饥饿  无尽的疼痛需要  我说,爱是一朵花  而你是唯一的种子和晚上已经太孤独  和道路已经太久了。  你认为爱是唯一  为幸运的和强大的    只记得在冬天  苦雪下得多  谎言的种子与太阳的爱  在春天,变成了玫瑰    有人说,爱是饥饿  无尽的疼痛需要  我说,爱是一朵花  而你是唯一的种子

Red is the rose 的歌词?

Lyrics ChorusRed is the rose that in yonder garden growsFair is the lily of the valleyClear is the water that flows from the BoyneBut my love is fairer than any.Come over the hills, my bonnie Irish lassCome over the hills to your darlingYou choose the rose, love, and I"ll make the vowAnd I"ll be your true love forever."Twas down by Killarney"s green woods that we strayedWhen the moon and the stars they were shiningThe moon shone its rays on her locks of golden hairAnd she swore she"d be my love forever.ChorusIt"s not for the parting that my sister painsIt"s not for the grief of my mother"Tis all for the loss of my bonny Irish lassThat my heart is breaking forever.Chorus



寂寞星球的玫瑰 The Rose 歌词

寂寞星球的玫瑰作词:邓紫棋 作曲:邓紫棋演唱:邓紫棋遥远612星球 一无所有最荒芜的沙丘 根本看不到尽头降落612星球 缘分是理由从前的宇宙 从此她变成独有寂寞星球的玫瑰 她最珍贵小王子爱着玫瑰 每天浇水却不能体会 玫瑰其实憔悴柔弱的小小玫瑰 害怕心碎天真用刺来防卫 针锋相对怕幸福太美 乐极会生悲他知道她的困惑 和她的难过听过她的沉默 感受过她的冷漠日落在寂寞星球 谁陪在左右玫瑰带刺背后 是伤过的心在颤抖寂寞星球的玫瑰 她最珍贵小王子爱着玫瑰 每天浇水却不能体会 玫瑰其实憔悴我是那小小玫瑰 害怕心碎天真用刺来防卫 针锋相对怕幸福太美 乐极会生悲寂寞星球的玫瑰 你最珍贵小王子爱着玫瑰 每天浇水快忘了伤悲 快擦掉眼泪亲爱的小小玫瑰 你最珍贵请你要卸了防备 放下怨怼不要在后退 用心去体会日出在寂寞星球 他陪在左右放心牵着他的手 不要再耽误时候

谁会翻译这首THE ROSE

(注:多种翻译,看个人喜好) The Rose Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed 有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没 Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed 有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂流血 Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need 有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求 I say love it is a flower and you its only seed 我说,爱是一朵花。 而你,是唯一的花种 It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance 是因为心害怕被伤害 所以永远不学习跳舞 It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance 是因为梦担心被惊醒 所以永远错失机会 It"s the one who won"t be taken who cannot seem to give 不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出 And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live 忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活 When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long 当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长 And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong 当你觉得只有幸运者 及强者才有幸得到爱 Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows 请记住,在冬日那片酷雪下 Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 深藏着一粒种子 In the spring becomes the rose 一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵玫瑰 另一个版本的翻译 THE ROSE some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed. 有人说,爱是一条会淹没弱者的河流 some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人说,爱是让你灵魂血流不止的剃刀 some say love,it is a hunger,an endless aching need. 有人说,爱是永不满足的欲望 i say love,it is a flower,and you it"s only seed. 我认为,爱是一朵花,而你是唯一的种子 it"s the heart,afraid of breaking,that never learns to dance. 从未去学习舞蹈,是因为心害怕受伤 it"s the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes a chance. 从未去尝试,是因为害怕美梦破灭 it"s the one who won"t be taken,who cannot seem to give. 这是一个永远不会被他人选中的人,因为他不愿意付出 and the soul,afraid of dyin",that never learns to live. 最后,这个灵魂在惧怕中死亡,却从来没有学会如何去生活 when the night has been too lonely, 在孤独寂寞的夜晚里 and the road has been too long, 在漫漫无际的路途中 and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, 你也许会认为,自己不够强大不够幸运,无法得到那独一无二的爱 just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, 但是请记住,在严冬的积雪之下 lies the seed,that with the sun"s love, 正有一颗期待阳光的种子 in the spring becomes the rose 当春天来临的时候,它会绽放成一朵玫瑰 最贴近歌意的中文翻译 the rose some say 有人说 love it is a river 爱是一条河 that drowns the tender reed 淹没了轻柔的芦苇 some say 有人说 loveit is a razor 爱是一把剃刀 that leaves your soul to bleed 让你的灵魂流血 some say 有人说 love it is a hunger 爱是一种渴望 and endless aching need 永无止境的渴求 i say 我说 love it is a flower 爱是一朵花 and you it"s only seed 你则是唯一的种子 (break) it"s the heart afraid of breaking 如果你害怕摔倒 that never learns to dance 就永远无法学会舞蹈 it"s the dream afriad of waking 如果你害怕美梦醒来 that never takes the chance 就永远无法抓住任何机会 it"s the one who won"t be taken 如果你不愿付出 who can not seem to give 就永远无法得到回报 and the soul afraid of dying 如果你无法正视伤害 that never learns to live 就永远领悟不到生活的真谛 (break) when the night has been too lonely 当夜晚太过寂寞 and the road has been too long 当道路太过漫长 and you think 当你认为 that love is only for the lucky and the strong 只有幸运者和强者才能得到爱 just remember in the winter 那么你要记住 far beneath the bitter snows 在严寒的积雪下 lies the seed 深埋着的那颗种子 that with the sun"s love 当春天来到阳光洒下时 in the spring becomes the rose 它必将绽放成一朵美丽的花 另一版本 some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed. 有人说,爱是一条长河,浸润着柔嫩的芦苇 some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人说,爱是一柄利刃,只留下泣血的灵魂 some say love,it is a hunger,an endless aching need. 有人说,爱是一种欲念,是欲罢不能的煎熬 I say love,it is a flower,and you it"s only seed. 我说,爱是一朵鲜花,而你,是那唯一的种子 it"s the heart,afraid of breaking,that never learns to dance. 害怕受伤的心,不会真正的律动 it"s the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes a chance. 害怕苏醒的梦,只能千篇一律 it"s the one who won"t be taken,who cannot seem to give. 那个对的人,谁也无法带走,但也没有人能给你 and the soul,afraid of dyin",that never learns to live. 而害怕死亡的灵魂,永远也无法领悟生命的真谛 when the night has been too lonely,and the road has been too long, 当长夜太过孤单,前路太过漫长 and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, 你会觉得,爱只属于那些幸运儿与强者 just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,lies the seed, 这时你要记得,有那么一颗种子,它深藏在寒冬苦雪之下 that with the sun"s love,in the spring becomes the rose 一旦沐浴到春日暖阳,便会绽放成美丽的玫瑰 最有诗意的翻译 Westlife - The Rose Some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed. 有人说,爱,是一条浸有软芦苇的小河。 Some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人说,爱,是一柄分离血魂的剃刀。 Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. 有人说,爱,是一名无尽追求的饿者。 I say love,it is a flower, and you it"s only seed. 而我说,爱,是一朵花。而你,是花唯一的种子! It"s the heart,afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance. 心恐其碎,不可舞动。 It"s the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance. 梦恐其醒,不可失时。 It"s the one who won"t be taken, who cannot seem to give. 人恐其离,不可施爱。 And the soul,afraid of dyin", that never learns to live. 魂恐其众,永无生机! When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long, 孤寂之夜,漫长之路。 And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, 幸运之人,执着之士(或: 幸运之人 爱与相伴)。 Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, 冬雪之下,深埋爱种。 Lies the seed, that with the sun"s love, in the spring becomes The Rose. 阳光轻抚,春成玫瑰。记得采纳啊

手岛葵The rose 的中英文歌词

The Rose (Shane) Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed. (Mark) It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It"s the one who won"t be taken, who cannot seem to give, (Shane) And the soul afraid of dyin" that never learns to live. (Shane, All) When the night has been too lonely And the road has been to long And you think that love is only For the lucky and the strong (Mark) Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snows (Shane) Lies the seed that with the sun"s love In the spring becomes the rose. z中文翻译 有人说爱 有人说爱,是一条河 一条淹没了柔顺芦苇的河 有人说爱,是一把剃刀 一把让你的心流血的剃刀 有人说爱,是一种渴望 一种带着无尽疼痛的需求的渴望 而我说爱,是一朵花 它唯一的种子,是你 是那颗害怕破碎的心, 从不曾,尝试学习跳舞 是那个害怕醒转的梦 从不曾,尝试抓住机会 是那个不会爱你的人 从不曾,尝试为你付出 还有害怕死去的灵魂 从不曾,尝试学习如何生活 当你觉得黑夜太过寂寞 路太过漫漫无期 而你又相信 爱只是 属于那些幸运的人和强者的时候 只需记住 在寒冷的冬天 苦涩的雪底下 深埋着那颗种子,带着阳光的爱 待到春天就会变成玫瑰

阿桑的《The Rose》 歌词

The Rose演唱:阿桑Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAnd endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho can not seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring becomes the rose

急求西城男孩新歌the rose 的歌词~~

dream of the winter in my heart Turning to spring While the ice gives away Under my feet And so I drown with the sun Chorus I"ve been burning in waters And drowning in flame To prove you wrong and scare you away I admit my deafeat and want back home In your heart Under the rose I open my eyes With a sigh of relief As the warmth of summer"s sunlight Dances around me I see you With the leaves in your hand 我梦到我的心冬天 旋转到春天 虽然冰分送 在我的脚之下 而且因此我用 太阳淹死 合唱队 我在水有是燃的 而且在火焰中淹死 证明你错误的并且惊吓你离开 我承认我的deafeat和需要后面的家 在你的心中 在玫瑰之下 我打开我的眼睛 藉由减轻的一声叹息 如夏天的日光温暖 跳舞在我周围 我看见你 藉由树叶在你的手中

Bette Midler的《The Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:The Rose歌手:Bette Midler专辑:Burning Hearts Herzschmerz & The New Sad SongsSome say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed.Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need.I say love, it is a flower, and you it"s only seed.It"s the heart, afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance.It"s the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance.It"s the one who won"t be taken, who cannot seem to give.And the soul, afraid of dyin", that never learns to live.When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long,And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,Lies the seed, that with the sun"s love, in the spring becomes The Rose.

求《蔷薇之恋》中 《The Rose》的歌词翻译

玫瑰 有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没 有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂淌血 有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求 我说,爱是一朵花 而你,只是花的种籽 那些害怕受伤的心永远不会明白跳舞时的美丽心情那些不曾得到过馈赠的人 也有一颗不肯给与的心 那些害怕死去的灵魂永远不会感受活着的幸运当黑夜太过寂寞而来路太过漫长当你以为爱只会亲睐着幸运和坚强请不要忘记,在那寒冷的冬季冰雪之下深深沉睡的种子会在暖暖春光之下,得到属于它的,最美的花季

手岛葵的the rose歌词中译

The Rose中文歌词 westlifeSome say love, it is a river,that drowns the tender reed.有人说,爱,如流水,浸润了柔嫩的芦苇Some say love, it is a razor,that leaves your soul to bleed.有人说,爱,似利刃,丢下一个滴血的灵魂Some say love, it is a hunger,an endless aching need.有人说,爱,是无尽的欲望,煎熬无比,却无法自拔I say love, it is a flower,and you its only seed.我却说,爱,是绽放的花朵,而你是唯一的种子It"s the heart afraid of breaking,that never learns to dance.这是一颗憔悴的心,再也无法忆起那跳动的感觉It"s the dream afraid of waking,that never takes the chance.这是一个不愿醒来的梦境,再无勇气去尝试It"s the one who won"t be taken,who cannot seem to give,这是一个不曾离开却也不曾给予的人And the soul afraid of dyin",that never learns to live.那畏死的灵魂,再无法生存When the night has been too lonely,And the road has been to long太孤寂的夜,太漫长的路And you think that love is only,For the lucky and the strong你说,爱是唯一,我们那麽幸运,我们矢志不渝Just remember in the winter,Far beneath the bitter snows只记得冬日里,当天空中雪花飘飞Lies the seed that with the sun"s love,In the spring becomes the rose.种子沐浴着阳光的爱,冬去春来,一朵玫瑰,娇艳盛开

The Rose的歌曲歌词

Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAn endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you , its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho cannot seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowsLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring becomes the rose 那朵玫瑰花  有人说/爱是一条河  会淹没轻柔的芦苇  有人说/爱是一把剃刀  让你的灵魂流血  有人说/爱是一种焦渴  一种无尽的带痛渴求  而我说爱  是一朵花  而你则是唯一的种子  如果心儿害怕破碎  就永远无法学会起舞  如果害怕从美梦中醒来  就永远也抓不住机会  如果不愿付出  就永远没有回报  如果灵魂害怕去死  就永远学不会怎么去活。  当夜晚太过寂寞  当前路太过遥远  或者当你认为  只有幸运者和强者才有资格得到爱的时候  你要记得  在厚厚的积雪底下  一颗种子一直都在那里躺着  等春天的阳光洒下  它会绽放成最美的玫瑰--oxi The Rose 那朵玫瑰花some say love 有人说it is a river 爱是一条河  that drowns the tender reed 会淹没轻柔的芦苇  some say love 有人说it is a razor 爱是一把剃刀  that leaves your soul to bleed 让你的灵魂流血some say love 有人说it is a hunger 爱是一种焦渴  an endless aching need 一种无尽的带痛渴求  i say love 而我说it is a flower 爱是一朵花and you , its only seed 而你 则是唯一的种子(break)it"s the heart afraid of breaking 如果心儿害怕破碎that never learns to dance 就永远无法学会起舞it"s the dream afraid of waking 如果害怕从美梦中醒来that never takes the chance 就永远也抓不住机会it"s the one who won"t be taken 一个人如果不愿被索取who can not seem to give 貌似也不会给予  and the soul afraid of dying 如果灵魂害怕死去that never learns to live 就永远学不会怎么去活(break)when the night has been too lonely 当夜晚太过寂寞and the road has been too long 当前路太过遥远and you think 或者当你认为that love is only for the lucky and the strong 只有幸运者和强者才有资格得到爱的时候just remember in the winter 你要记得far beneath the bitter snow 在厚厚的积雪底下lies the seed 一颗种子一直都在那里躺着that with the sun"s love 等阳光洒下in the spring becomes the rose 春天里,它会绽放成最美的玫瑰 Some say love it is a river人说爱如河  That drowns the tender reed  能没芦苇  Some say love it is a razor  人说爱如刀  That leaves your soul to bleed  能泣灵魂  Some say love it is a hunger  人说爱是如此焦渴  An endless aching need  即使疼痛也无法自拔  I say love it is a flower  我说爱如花  And you it"s only seed  唯你能使之绽放  It"s the heart afraid of breaking  心恐破碎  That never learns to dance  毋宁静止  It"s the dream afraid of waking  梦恐惊醒  That never takes the chance)  故此沉睡  It"s the one who won"t be taken  人怕无我  Who cannot seem to give)  则恐付出  And the soul afraid of dying  灵魂恐死去  That never learns to live  故不学生存  When the night has been too lonely  当夜寂无人  And the road has been too long  当道阻且长  And you think that love is only  当你说爱独一  For the lucky and the strong  也仅给幸运与内心强大之人时  Just remember in the winter  Far beneath the bitter snows  只需知,在冬日白雪下  Lies the seed that with the sun"s love  In the spring becomes the rose  一颗种子,静静生长,待于春日开放

Joan Baez的《The Rose》 歌词

The Rose演唱:阿桑Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAnd endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho can not seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring becomes the rose

Aled Jones的《The Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:The Rose歌手:Aled Jones专辑:Reason To BelieveMajorie Hill-The RoseSome say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAnd endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho can not seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring becomes the rose

The Rose的歌词

原文:The rose Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reedSome say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleedSome say love, it is a hungeran endless aching needI say love is a flowerAnd you, it"s only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingthat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingthat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be taken who can not seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dying that never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is only for thelucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snow lies the seed That with the sun"s love in the spring becomes the rose翻译:有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂淌血有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求我说,爱是一朵花而你,只是花的种籽害怕破碎的心永远学不会跳舞害怕醒来的梦永远没有机会不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活当夜显得寂寞不堪去路显得无尽漫长当你觉得只有幸运者及强者才有幸得到爱谨记,在严寒的冬日里酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽 一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵 玫 瑰

求The rose的完整歌词

The Rose   Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed   有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没   Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed   有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂流血   Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need   有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求   I say love it is a flower and you its only seed   我说,爱是一朵花。 而你,是唯一的花种    It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance   是因为心害怕被伤害 所以永远不学习跳舞   It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance   是因为梦担心被惊醒 所以永远错失机会    It"s the one who won"t be taken who cannot seem to give   不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出   And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live   忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活   When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long   当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长   And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong   当你觉得只有幸运者 及强者才有幸得到爱   Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow   请记住,在冬日那片酷雪下    Lies the seed that with the sun"s love   深藏着一粒种子   In the spring becomes the rose   一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵玫瑰

the rose的中文诗翻译

  The Rose   Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed   有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没   Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed   有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂流血   Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need   有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求   I say love it is a flower and you its only seed   我说,爱是一朵花。 而你,是唯一的花种    It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance   是因为心害怕被伤害 所以永远不学习跳舞   It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance   是因为梦担心被惊醒 所以永远错失机会    It"s the one who won"t be taken who cannot seem to give   不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出   And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live   忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活   When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long   当夜显得寂寞不堪 ,去路显得无尽漫长   And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong   当你觉得只有幸运者 及强者才有幸得到爱   Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows   请记住,在冬日那片酷雪下    Lies the seed that with the sun"s love   深藏着一粒种子   In the spring becomes the rose   一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵玫瑰  另一个版本的翻译  THE ROSE   some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed.   有人说,爱是一条会淹没弱者的河流   some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.   有人说,爱是让你灵魂血流不止的剃刀   some say love,it is a hunger,an endless aching need.   有人说,爱是永不满足的欲望   i say love,it is a flower,and you it"s only seed.   我认为,爱是一朵花,而你是唯一的种子   it"s the heart,afraid of breaking,that never learns to dance.   从未去学习舞蹈,是因为心害怕受伤   it"s the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes a chance.   从未去尝试,是因为害怕美梦破灭   it"s the one who won"t be taken,who cannot seem to give.   这是一个永远不会被他人选中的人,因为他不愿意付出   and the soul,afraid of dyin",that never learns to live.   最后,这个灵魂在惧怕中死亡,却从来没有学会如何去生活   when the night has been too lonely,   在孤独寂寞的夜晚里   and the road has been too long,   在漫漫无际的路途中   and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,   你也许会认为,自己不够强大不够幸运,无法得到那独一无二的爱   just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,   但是请记住,在严冬的积雪之下   lies the seed,that with the sun"s love,   正有一颗期待阳光的种子   in the spring becomes the rose   当春天来临的时候,它会绽放成一朵玫瑰  最贴近歌意的中文翻译  the rose   some say有人说   love it is a river 爱是一条河   that drowns the tender reed 淹没了轻柔的芦苇   some say 有人说   loveit is a razor 爱是一把剃刀   that leaves your soul to bleed 让你的灵魂流血   some say有人说   love it is a hunger 爱是一种渴望   and endless aching need 永无止境的渴求   i say 我说   love it is a flower 爱是一朵花   and you it"s only seed 你则是唯一的种子   (break)   it"s the heart afraid of breaking 如果你害怕摔倒   that never learns to dance 就永远无法学会舞蹈   it"s the dream afriad of waking 如果你害怕美梦醒来   that never takes the chance 就永远无法抓住任何机会   it"s the one who won"t be taken 如果你不愿付出   who can not seem to give 就永远无法得到回报   and the soul afraid of dying 如果你无法正视伤害   that never learns to live 就永远领悟不到生活的真谛   (break)   when the night has been too lonely 当夜晚太过寂寞   and the road has been too long 当道路太过漫长   and you think 当你认为   that love is only for the lucky and the strong 只有幸运者和强者才能得到爱   just remember in the winter 那么你要记住   far beneath the bitter snows 在严寒的积雪下   lies the seed 深埋着的那颗种子   that with the sun"s love 当春天来到阳光洒下时   in the spring becomes the rose 它必将绽放成一朵美丽的花  另一版本  some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed.   有人说,爱是一条长河,浸润着柔嫩的芦苇   some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.   有人说,爱是一柄利刃,只留下泣血的灵魂   some say love,it is a hunger,an endless aching need.   有人说,爱是一种欲念,是欲罢不能的煎熬   I say love,it is a flower,and you it"s only seed.   我说,爱是一朵鲜花,而你,是那唯一的种子   it"s the heart,afraid of breaking,that never learns to dance.   害怕受伤的心,不会真正的律动   it"s the dream,afraid of waking,that never takes a chance.   害怕苏醒的梦,只能千篇一律   it"s the one who won"t be taken,who cannot seem to give.   那个对的人,谁也无法带走,但也没有人能给你   and the soul,afraid of dyin",that never learns to live.   而害怕死亡的灵魂,永远也无法领悟生命的真谛   when the night has been too lonely,and the road has been too long,   当长夜太过孤单,前路太过漫长   and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong,   你会觉得,爱只属于那些幸运儿与强者   just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows,lies the seed,   这时你要记得,有那么一颗种子,它深藏在寒冬苦雪之下   that with the sun"s love,in the spring becomes the rose   一旦沐浴到春日暖阳,便会绽放成美丽的玫瑰  最有诗意的翻译  Westlife - The Rose   Some say love,it is a river that drowns the tender reed. 有人说,爱,是一条浸有软芦苇的小河。   Some say love,it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. 有人说,爱,是一柄分离血魂的剃刀。   Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. 有人说,爱,是一名无尽追求的饿者。   I say love,it is a flower, and you it"s only seed. 而我说,爱,是一朵花。而你,是花唯一的种子!   It"s the heart,afraid of breaking, that never learns to dance. 心恐其碎,不可舞动。   It"s the dream, afraid of waking, that never takes a chance. 梦恐其醒,不可失时。   It"s the one who won"t be taken, who cannot seem to give. 人恐其离,不可施爱。   And the soul,afraid of dyin", that never learns to live. 魂恐其众,永无生机!   When the night has been too lonely, and the road has been too long, 孤寂之夜,漫长之路。   And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong, 幸运之人,执着之士(或: 幸运之人 爱与相伴)。   Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows, 冬雪之下,深埋爱种。   Lies the seed, that with the sun"s love, in the spring becomes The Rose. 阳光轻抚,春成玫瑰。


不是中式英语,很地道.印度古谚,赠人玫瑰之手,经久犹有余香   用英语说是“The rose"s in her hand,the flavor in mine.”赠人玫瑰,手有余香Roses given, fragrance in hand

谁帮我翻译一首英文歌歌词~ 歌名《the rose》

本人自己翻的。。。有人说. 爱是条容易将芦苇淹没的河有人说. 爱是把会让灵魂滴血的剃刀有人说. 爱既是渴望,又是无止境的痛苦的需要而我说. 爱只是一朵花. 而你. 也仅仅只是一颗种子而已一颗害怕破碎的心 是永远学不会跳舞的一场害怕醒来的梦 是不会紧握住不放的一个看似不会付出的人 是不会得到回报的一个害怕死亡的灵魂 是永远不会懂生活的当夜晚变得孤寂 当路途变得漫长时,你就会发现 只有那些幸运和坚强的人才配拥有唉请牢牢记住:在被积雪覆盖的冬季 也躺着一颗拥有太阳般爱的种子,而在春天 它也将成为一朵玫瑰.

Westlife的《The Rose》 歌词

歌曲名:The Rose歌手:Westlife专辑:Magic BalladsThe RoseWestlifeSome say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAn endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you it"s only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho cannot seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveAnd the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too long.And you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring, becomes a rose

the rose 中文什么意思


The Rose的创作背景

《The Rose》是由Amanda McBroom创作于1978年,由Bette Midler在其领衔主演的《The Rose》(歌声泪痕)中作为片尾曲首唱,Amanda特别为她配的合声。影片推出后,获得了很高的评价,让Bette Midler夺得了该年度「最佳流行乐女歌手」的格莱美奖,另外,由于演技精湛,她不仅被提名角逐奥斯卡,更夺得「最佳女演员」和「年度最佳新人」等两座金球奖。Bette Midler,一位影歌双栖的女星。擅长演夸张、嬉闹的喜剧,然而只要听过她唱的《The rose》你很难想象这样一位女丑角形象的演员,竟能唱出如此深情动人的歌。《The Rose》这首感人至深的歌曲多年来始终深受喜爱,除在1979年的电影《The Rose》(歌声泪痕)中作为主题曲,由Bette Midler首唱发行,并夺得了白金单曲外。影片《Napoleon Dynamite》(大人物拿破仑)(2004)也使用了此曲,此外高畑勋的作品《おもひでぽろぽろ》(岁月的童话)(1989)的片尾曲“爱は花、君はその种子”亦是由这首歌曲改编的,由はるみ(北村春美)演唱。平井坚在专辑“Ken"s Bar”中也翻唱过这首歌。 其作者Amanda McBroom也录制了一个版本,感觉很不相同。后来相继有多个当红歌手争相翻唱,包括红遍全球的美国天才少女LeAnn Rimes,超人气组合Westlife,英国走红女歌手Natalie Imbruglia,港台老将林忆莲与齐豫、黄莺莺,小天后蔡依林,新生力量阿桑,独立乐团苏打绿,更有日本唱功见长的矢野真纪和很少听到的男声版本平井坚,日本声优高垣彩阳在专辑《たからもの》中收录了《The Rose》的翻唱,还有日本的女歌手兼声优手嶌葵(Aoi Teshima) 也翻唱过这个版本,所有这些版本各具韵味。 最近日本的一部由真实故事改编的特殊的爱情故事《生命的最后一个花嫁》也用了这首歌(由日本创作型女歌手JUJU演唱,收录在她2009年4月29日发行的single《明日がくるなら》中),用在去婚礼的路上,患癌症的女主人公望向车外。歌声里,勉励完成的婚礼中的痛与幸福,飘进人心。

请问,最正确的,《The Rose》的中文翻译!


手岛葵的“the rose” 是哪部电影的配乐啊?或者是电视剧的配乐?

  《The Rose》是一首传唱了几十载的经典老歌,不知不觉飘进你我心里。爱就是一朵花,只要心中播种希望,春天来临时定有馨香玫瑰绽放。想送给你,让我们心怀玫瑰,聆听天籁般的歌声,默记富含哲理的词句“Lies the seed that with the sun"s love,In the spring becomes the rose”。  《The Rose 》是由Amanda McBroom创作于1978年,由Bette Midler在其领衔主演的《The Rose》(歌声泪痕)中作为片尾曲首唱,Amanda特别为她配的合声。影片推出后,获得了很高的评价,让Bette Midler夺得了该年度「最佳流行乐女歌手」的葛莱美奖,另外,由于演技精湛,她不仅被提名角逐奥斯卡,更夺得「最佳女演员」和「年度最佳新人」等两座金球奖。  Bette Midler,一位影歌双栖的女星。擅长演夸张、嬉闹的喜剧,然而只要听过她唱的《The rose》你很难想象这样一位女丑角形象的演员,竟能唱出如此深情动人的歌。  《The Rose 》这首感人至深的歌曲多年来始终深受喜爱,除在1979年的电影《歌声泪痕 The Rose》作为主题曲,由Bette Midler首唱发行,并夺得了白金单曲外。影片《大人物拿破仑 Napoleon Dynamite》(2004)也使用了此曲,此外宫崎骏的作品《岁月的童话 おもひでぽろぽろ》(1989)的片尾曲“爱は花、君はその种子”亦是由这首歌曲改编的,都はるみ(北村春美)演唱。平井坚在专辑“Ken"s Bar”中也翻唱过这首歌。 其作者Amanda McBroom也录制了一个版本,感觉很不相同。后来相继有多个当红歌手争相翻唱,包括红遍全球的美国天才少女LeAnn Rimes,以及超人气组合westlife,英国走红女歌手Natalie Imbruglia,港台老将林忆莲与齐豫、黄莺莺,小天后蔡依林,新生力量阿桑,更有日本唱功见长的矢野真纪和很少听到的男生版本平井坚,还有日本的女歌手兼声优手嶌葵(Aoi Teshima) 也翻唱过这个版本,所有这些版本各具韵味,我最开始听的是西域男孩(即westlife)的版本,感觉还不错。 最近日本的一部由真实故事改编的特殊的爱情故事《生命的最后一个花嫁》也用了这首歌,用在去婚礼的路上,患癌症的女主人公望向车外。歌声里,勉励完成的婚礼中的痛与幸福,飘进人心。  The Rose  Some say love, it is a river 有人说,爱是条河  That drowns the tender reed. 容易将柔弱的芦草淹没  Some say love, it is a razor 有人说,爱是把剃刀  That leaves your soul to bleed. 任由你的灵魂淌血  Some say love, it is a hunger 有人说,爱是那辘辘饥肠  An endless, aching need. 一种无尽的带痛的需求  I say love it is a flower 我说,爱是一朵花  And you its only seed 而你,是唯一的种籽  It"s the heart afraid of breaking" 怕摔怕受伤的心  That never learns to dance. 永远感受不到舞蹈的美  It"s the dream afraid of waking" 怕好梦不长  That never takes the chance. 而让机会悄悄溜走  It"s the one who won"t be taken 怕付出的心灵  Who cannot seem to give. 永远得不到收获  And the soul afraid of dying" 怕死亡的灵魂  That never learns to live. 永远无法明了生活的真谛  When the night has been too lonely 当夜显得寂寞不堪  And the road has been too long 去路变得无尽漫长  And you think that love is only 当你觉得只有幸运者  For the lucky and the strong 和强者才有幸得到爱...  Just remember in the winter 朋友,谨记,在严寒的冬日里  Far beneath the bitter snows 酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽  Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 一旦春阳临照  In the spring becomes the rose. 就能幻化成一朵艳丽的玫瑰

The rose的原唱

Bette Midler《The Rose》是由Amanda McBroom创作于1978年,由Bette Midler在其领衔主演的《The Rose》(歌声泪痕)中作为片尾曲首唱,Amanda特别为她配的合声。影片推出后,获得了很高的评价,让Bette Midler夺得了该年度「最佳流行乐女歌手」的葛莱美奖,另外,由于演技精湛,她不仅被提名角逐奥斯卡,更夺得「最佳女演员」和「年度最佳新人」等两座金球奖。

The rose歌曲的中英文歌词?

《The Rose 》是由Amanda McBroom创作于1978年,由Bette Midler在其领衔主演的《The Rose》(歌声泪痕)中作为片尾曲首唱,Amanda特别为她配的合声。后来相继有多个当红歌手争相翻唱,包括红遍全球的美国天才少女LeAnn Rimes,超人气组合westlife,英国走红女歌手Natalie Imbruglia,港台老将林忆莲与齐豫、黄莺莺,小天后蔡依林,新生力量阿桑,独立乐团苏打绿,更有日本唱功见长的矢野真纪和很少听到的男生版本平井坚,还有日本的女歌手兼声优手嶌葵(Aoi Teshima) 也翻唱过这个版本。 The Rose  Some say love, it is a river 有人说,爱是条河   That drowns the tender reed. 容易将柔弱的芦草淹没   Some say love, it is a razor 有人说,爱是把剃刀   That leaves your soul to bleed. 任由你的灵魂淌血   Some say love, it is a hunger 有人说,爱是那辘辘饥肠  An endless, aching need. 一种无尽的带痛的需求   I say love it is a flower 我说,爱是一朵花   And you its only seed 而你,是唯一的种籽   It"s the heart afraid of breaking" 怕摔怕受伤的心   That never learns to dance. 永远感受不到舞蹈的美   It"s the dream afraid of waking" 怕好梦不长   That never takes the chance. 而让机会悄悄溜走   It"s the one who won"t be taken 怕付出的心灵   Who cannot seem to give. 永远得不到收获   And the soul afraid of dying" 怕死亡的灵魂   That never learns to live. 永远无法明了生活的真谛   When the night has been too lonely 当夜显得寂寞不堪   And the road has been too long 去路变得无尽漫长   And you think that love is only 当你觉得只有幸运者   For the lucky and the strong 和强者才有幸得到爱...   Just remember in the winter 朋友,谨记,在严寒的冬日里   Far beneath the bitter snows 酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽   Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 一旦春阳临照   In the spring becomes the rose. 就能幻化成一朵艳丽的玫瑰

蔡依林的《The Rose》 歌词

The Rose演唱:蔡依林Lies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the springBecomes the roseSome say loveIt is a river thatdrowns the tender reedSome say loveIt is a razor that leaves your soul to bleedSome say loveIt is a hunger an endless aching needI say loveIt is a flower and you it"s only seedIt"s the heartAfraid of breaking that never learns to danceIt"s the dreamAfraid of walking that never takes the chanceIt"s the onewho won"t be taken who can"t seem to giveAnd the soulAfraid of dying that never... learns to liveLife is a gift and you gotta learn to liveIt if you believe in loveYou gotta learn to give itTryin" to find someone who"s kind is hard to doYou want the love but you really don"t know what to doYou"re just afraid of someone breaking your heartYou never learned to live you gave up from the startYou felt the pain but it made you strongSo remember no matter what you will go onWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you thinkThat love is only for the lucky and the strongJust rememberIn the winter for beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s lovein the spring becomes the roseLies the seed that with the sun"s lovein the spring becomes the rose

the rose 什么意思

That with the sun"s love in the spring becomes the rose翻译:有人说,爱是条河容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没有人说,爱是把剃刀会任由你的灵魂淌血有人说,爱是种饥渴一种无尽的带痛的需求我说,爱是一朵花而你,只是花的种籽害怕破碎的心永远学不会跳舞害怕醒来的梦永远没有机会不愿吃亏的人不懂得付出忧心死亡的灵魂不懂得生活当夜显得寂寞不堪去路显得无尽漫长当你觉得只有幸运者及强者才有幸得到爱谨记,在严寒的冬日里酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵 玫瑰所以,the rose大概就是一朵玫瑰吧

请问一下the rose 的中文歌词


手嶌葵《The Rose》的歌词是什么?中文和英文。

《The Rose》Westlife我迄今为止找到 最能表达歌曲灵魂的中文翻译,不是生硬的直译,意境绵长,来自网易云音乐 Some say love it is a river 有人说,爱是那条河That drowns the tender reed 河中沉溺着柔软的芦苇Some say love it is a razor 有人说,爱是那刀锋That leaves your soul to bleed 它让你的灵魂四分五裂Some say love it is a hunger 有人说,爱是种饥渴And endless aching need 燃烧起无尽疼痛的欲望I say love it is a flower 而我说,爱是绽放的花朵And you its only seed 而你,就是那唯一的种子It"s the heart afraid of breaking 若一颗心惧怕破碎That never learns to dance 就无法学会翩翩起舞It"s the dream afraid of waking 若一个梦境惧怕醒来That never takes the chance 就无法抓住来临的机遇It"s the one who won"t be taken 若一个人得不到关爱Who can not seem to give 他也不会给人关爱And the soul afraid of dying 若一具灵魂惧怕死亡That never learns to live 他就无法学会生存When the night has been too lonely 当夜晚显得寂寞不堪And the road has been too long 去路显得无尽漫长And you think that love is only 你会觉得,爱只眷顾For the lucky and the strong 那些幸运且矢志不渝的人Just remember in the winter 而相爱的人只需铭记,纵使冬日里Far beneath the bitter snow 在寒冷刺骨的雪地下面Lies the seed that with the sun"s love 只要存在沐浴阳光之爱的种子In the spring becomes the rose 当春天到来,就会幻化成一朵玫瑰翻译贡献者:如墨入地

求!~歌曲《the rose》的中文歌词翻译

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: 玫瑰 (参考译文来自互联网) 有人说,爱是条河 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没 有人说,爱是把剃刀 会任由你的灵魂淌血 有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求我说,爱是一朵花 而你,只是花的种籽 害怕跌碎的心 永远学不会跳舞 害怕醒来的梦 永远没有机会 不愿吃亏的人 不懂得付出 忧心死亡的灵魂 不懂得生活 当夜显得寂寞不堪 去路显得无尽漫长 当你觉得只有幸运者 及强者才有幸得到爱 谨记,在严寒的冬日里 酷雪的覆盖下,躺着一颗种籽 一旦春阳临照,就能幻化成一朵玫瑰 The Rose Lyrics & Music: Amanda Mcbroom Singer:Bette Midler Some say love it is a river that drowns the tender reed Some say love it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need I say love it is a flower and you its only seed It"s the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance It"s the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance It"s the one who won"t be taken who cannot seem to give And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows Lies the seed that with the sun"s love In the spring bees the rose


  手嶌葵,1987年出生于日本福冈县,日本流行女歌手,配音员。   早年经历编辑   2003年和2004年,手嶌葵连续两年参加了雅马哈音乐振兴会主办节目。   手嶌葵:   2005年3月,在韩国所举行的一场“日韩慢音乐世界”演出活动中,手嶌葵出众的表演才能受到日本吉卜力工作室导演,宫崎骏长子宫崎吾朗的青睐,并被邀请参加吉卜力工作室的相关演艺活动。2006年,手嶌葵参与吉卜力工作室动画电影《地海战记》主题曲和插曲演唱,并担任片中女主角瑟鲁的配音,手嶌葵以歌手和配音演员的身份正式出道。


译文) 有人说,爱是一条长河,淹没岸边柔软的芦苇 有人说,爱是一把利刃,让灵魂以血为证 有人说,爱是一种欲念,痛苦中渴求无限 我说爱,那是一束花儿,而你就是那种芽啊 心,害怕破碎,所以从不曾跳动 梦,害怕醒来,所以从不曾冒险 人哪,不曾付出,又如何得到 岂因害怕灵魂死去,就放弃存活吗? 当夜幕降临依旧孤单无依,当路途漫漫依旧遥遥无期 而你知道爱是幸福与勇敢的寄托 只要坚信在遥远冬季寒冷刺骨的冰雪下 静静躺着一粒种芽,它饱含着阳光之爱,在下一个灿烂的春季,玫瑰盛开

英语语法 The Rose歌词中

不是强调句,afraid of做后置定语修饰heart.
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