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关于had You were trouble from the first kiss had your eyes wide open.

这个句子有语法错误。是不是you had trouble from the first kiss when you had your eyes wide open. 第一个had是有的意思,第二个had是使役动词,使怎么样的意思,had your eyes wide open意思是使你眼睛睁得很大。


bootstrap中文站中有模态框的例子: JavaScript 插件 · Bootstrap 中文文档 点击Launch demo modal按钮,将弹出模态框,由于该模态框较长,此时滑动鼠标滚轮是可以滚动的。但是,如果我自己编写一个html页面,里面有一个打开上述网页

result in,result from的意思分别是什么,有什么用法


result of和result from的区别是什么

as a result of 由于的意思He was late as a result of the snow.由于大雪他迟到了result from 结果来自、由...引起if something results from something else,it is caused by it例句:We are still dealing with problems resulting from errors made in the past.没什么明显区别啊

as a result of,result from,result in的区别

result in 结果为to make something happen例句:an accident that resulted in the death of two passengersresult from 结果来自、由...引起if something results from something else,it is caused by it例句:We...

result from与contribute to有什么区别

contribute to 表示导致,有助于 后面加结果result from 表示由。。引起的。。后面加原因这个句子的意思是吃太多脂肪容易导致心脏病和高血压。这个句子很明显要填导致的意思。

result from和lead to 和led to 是不是一个意思?

result from something.因为某事而导致,something是原因 lead to something 导致某事的发生,something是结果 led to 是lead to 的过去式.

result from有被动语态吗

没有的!Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的。Any damage resulting from negligence is not to be compensated.由于疏忽大意所造成的损害概不赔偿。result in 后面加的是导致的结果result from 后面加的是导致的原因

用result from和result in造句


result from通常用主动还是被动?

be resulted from 通常是用被动

as a result of , result in ,result from 的含义


caused by 与result from 有何如别?

(be) caused by(由)......引起的(被动语态)result from 产生于…, 由…引起(主动语态)

result from与as a result of的区别

result from...= be caused by...由…产生的/导致的/引起的,是谓语动词词组;as a result of...是介词短语,作状语,表达结果。The mistake resulted from his carelessness.= The mistake was caused by his carelessness.= As a result of his carelessness, he made the mistake.

result from后面可以跟句子吗

可以跟从句:The emergence and development of imputation theory result from that in manycases causal theory can not be given for the results attributable to the fullargument. 客观归责包括意志归责和规范归责两个方面,该理论的产生和发展是缘于因果关系理论在许多案件中不能对于结果归责给出充分的论证。

result from、due to和according to的区别?

首先从词性上来说,第一个是动词短语,后两个是介词短语,从意义上来说,起因于,由...引起,due to是表示原因的,意思是因为,由于,最后一个是根据...记录,叙述。词性不一样不能单从意义上区分。

result from有没有被动语态

么有被动语态A results from B 意思是 B是A的原因,A来源于B,A可被归因为B

originate from 与 result from的却别

originate from “源于”,也可引申出“因……而产生”的意思1)The argument between Peter and David proved to originate from misunderstanding. 彼得和大卫之间的争论证明是由误解造成的。 2)The English language boom originates from a variety of sources: world trade, diplomacy, pop culture, science and so on. 英语语言的繁荣源于多种渠道,有世界贸易、外交、流行文化、科学等。result from侧重指某结果是由于某原因所致,强调直接原因1)His deafness resulted from the fall he had during his infancy. 他的耳聋是因小时候跌跤所致。 2)The northern lights result from an unusual weather phenomenon that creates bright colors in the night sky. 北极光由一种不寻常的天气现象所形成,使黑夜的空中出现明亮的色彩。 3)Tachycardia may result from pain, apprehension, hypoventilation, or hypovolemia. 心动过速可由于疼痛、恐惧、通气不足或低血容量引起。 4)The constant troubles between the two men result from their disagreeable personalities. 这二人之间的纠纷不断是由于他们性格不和造成的。

as a result和as a resulto of和result from和result in的区别

as a result副词短语as a result of介词短语result from后接原因result in后接结果

result from ,result of,as a result of,due to, because of 区别 意思 例句

Result from(起因于) result in(导致) as a result(结果,所以,想当于so) as a result of(作为...的结果) because of(因为,后面接动词ing,即because of doing) due to(由...引起)

result from和lead to 和led to 是不是一个意思?


result of与 result from的区别

resultfrom由于;由…造成;因…而产生: 例句:Herblindnessofbotheyesresultedfromatrafficaccident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的。 resultof 导致怎么样的结果herearetheresultsofthestudentactivitysurvey意思是"一项学生活动调查的结果如下."

as a result of 和 result from的区别?

嗯个人理解如下:as a result of sth. 是作为补充的吧。以He was injured as a result of boiler explosion.为例,He was injured已经可以作为完整的句子,as a result of boiler explosion补充说明了原因。但是result from这里的result直接作为句子中的谓语,上句应可改为His injury resulted from boiler explosion.意思相近,但用法有些不同。

due to和result from

如果用result from,前面就不能有 was 。result from是个动词短语。

result v.用法 介词加 from 还是in 还是to

result in=lead to 导致 His carelessness ~his failure. result from是什么意思呢?result from的意思是由...产生下面是一个例句,通过这个例句我们就可以很清楚的明白result from的用法.Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作.result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的

result from和result in有什么区别吗?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result from 和 resulted from

result from 后面加的是导致的原因 resulted from是上面短语的过去形式 例如:His blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident. 他双目失明源自于一场严重的交通事故.

result in和result from的区别是什么?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。

result in和result from的区别是什么?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result of和result from分别是什么意思?

第一个是指of 后面的结果。the result of playing is that you will fail in the exam.而result from 是指从from 后面得到的结果the result from playing is that you failed in the exam.

result in和result from有什么区别?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。

result in和result from区别是什么?

1、result to:实施结果;情况向;结果加入;训练结果2、result in:是……的结果,由于……而发生3、result from:结果是,导致;结果造成result in 和result to 以及result from的区别如下:1、result from是主语表示结果,介词from的宾语则表示原因,即主语的结果是由宾语的原因引起的。2、result in和result to是主语表示原因,介词in和to的宾语则表示结果,即主语的原因导致或造成了宾语的结果。

result from和result for和result of的区别 最好有例句

1,result from 由于;由…造成;因…而产生:例句:Her blindness of both eyes resulted from a traffic accident.她的双目失明是由于一次交通事故造成的.2,the result for 的意思是the results for "watch tv" are interesting意思是" "看电视"这一项的结果十分有趣." 区别应该是其中包含了一种由somebody主动去做something而导致了这个result的意味,强调了这个result是watch tv而引发的 3,the result of 的意思是在文中的意思是"...的结果是..." here are the results of the student activity survey意思是"一项学生活动调查的结果如下." (词义:干了什么之后的结果)

result in与result from的区别有哪些?

result in 和result from的区别为:一、指代不同1、result in:导致。2、result from:由于。二、侧重点不同1、result in:A results in B = A导致B。2、result from:A results from B = B导致A。三、引证用法不同1、result in:result的基本意思是“发生,产生”,指某原因必然导致的状态、情形或事变。常用于可感知的事物。用作不及物动词,常与from, at连用。2、result from:result作名词时的基本意思是“结果,效果,后果”,指某原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果,有时可指一种独特的、出乎意料的结果,作此解时,用单复数形式均可。







result from 什么意思?怎么用?

因……导致而来result from sth.result from doing sth.

关于result from 与result in 的问题,等高人解答(求理解性的语法解释)


result from


Results from和results of区别


arise from result from 区别

arise from起于,由...出身例句Accidents arise from carelessness.疏忽大意往往会引起事故的发生。Arise or originate from sth由某事物引起;源於某事物Accidents can arise from carelessness.疏忽能引起事故。Mistakes that arise from a basic misunderstanding.出自于基本上是误解的错误Many great men have arise from humble beginnings.好汉不怕出身低。result fromv.由...产生例句Two things result from this fact.从这一事实中可以得出两个结论:This result is far from our satisfacmon.这一结果远不能令我们满意。We desperately need a result from this match.这场比赛我们务必获胜。The increase in debt result from the expansion programme.由于扩建计划造成债务的增加。They are hoping for a positive result from the experiment他们希望从实验中获得阳性结果

result from的近义词是什么?!


result from和result for和result of的区别


result v. 用法 介词加 from 还是in 还是to

result in=lead to 导致 His carelessness ~his failure. result from是什么意思呢?result from的意思是由...产生下面是一个例句,通过这个例句我们就可以很清楚的明白result from的用法。Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作。result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food. 他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的

result from用法例句

Success results from hard work.成功来自于努力工作。result from的英文意思是:be the effect of sth.result from的另外一个意思是由…引起His illness resulted from bad food.他的病是由于吃了变质的食物引起的。

as a result of 和 result from的区别

as a result of 由于的意思result from 结果来自、由...引起



result from是什么意思

原由 基本解释缘由;来由

result from什么意思

result from[英][riu02c8zu028clt fru0254m][美][ru026au02c8zu028clt fru028cm]产生于…, 由…引起; 双语例句1Many hair problems result from what you eat.很多头发问题都是由饮食引起的。2Once driverless cars are used in great number, many engineers believe, accidents that result from driver error will decline sharply, occurring only under extreme or unusual circumstances.很多工程师相信,一旦无人驾驶汽车大量上路,由驾驶者导致的事故数量将大幅下降,只有极端情况下才会发生事故。

result from是什么意思

产生于…, 由…引起 [例句]Nothing has resulted from my efforts .我的努力毫无结果。

Lithromantic 什么意思?

英文解释:An orientation in which one can feel a romantic attraction towards others and also enjoy romantic relationships in theory, but not needing that affection to be reciprocated or be in a relationship with the one the feelings are directed towards. Either that, or they may stop feeling the attraction once in a relationship or stop enjoying it.总的来讲就是你对某人产生好感之后,当知道他对你有同样的好感之后,反而会厌恶他。其实关于lithromantic并非有一个非常理论系统的去总结。但是被归纳到了回避型依恋人格 性单恋,一种非常作的毛病。

Except for和apart from的区别

except for: 它的宾语与前述对象完全是两回事。例如:The room was very cold and, except for Jack, entirely empty.这个房间很阴冷,而且除了杰克,完全是空荡荡的。apart from;其含义主要依据上下文而定,有时可与except换用,有时可代替besides.例如:Apart from the coat, the hat doesn"t suit me. 除价钱太贵,这帽子也不适合我戴。



apart from,besides,except和except for有什么区别?

表示“除了…以外”的介词 besides, except, except for, but, apart from 等。 1) besides 表示“除 … 以外,(还,也)”,相当于 in addition to. 例如: Besides English, they also study math, physics and chemistry 除了英语以外,他们还学习数学,物理和化学。 注意: 不要将besides和beside 混淆。beside是“在…旁边”的意思。 2) except 表示“除…外,(其余都)…”,常与all,every,no, none, nothing 等含有整体肯定或否定意义的词连用。 except 是英语中少数用法最为活跃的介词之一, 其后除了可跟名(代)词外, 还可跟另一介词短语、动词不定式短语或 that 引导的从句 。例如: He answered all the questions except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,所有的问题他都回答了。 I went nowhere except to the library. 除了图书馆以外,我哪儿都没有去。 试比较: We all went except him. 除了他(没去)以外,我们都去了。 Three others also went besides him. 除了他(去了)以外, 还去了三个人。[注] except 与 except for区别 except for 也表示“除 … 以外”,但是和 except 不同的是: 与 except 连用的整体词和 except 所跟的词常常是同类的,是指整体除去一部份; 而与 except for 连用的整体词与 except for 所跟的词往往不是同类的,是指整体中除去 一个细节。例如: Your composition is good except for a few spelling mistakes. 除了几处拼写错误以外, 你的作文写得很好。 Except for an old lady, the bus was empty. 除了有一个老太太以外, 这辆公共汽车是空的。 3) apart from 表示“除 …之外”。根据上、下文的不同,它既可用作 besides, 也可用作 except 和 except for。例如: Apart from them, I had no one to talk to. (= except) 除了他们以外, 我没有人说话。 Apart from other considerations, time is also a factor. (=besides) 除了别的考虑之外,时间也是一个因素。 (It is) Good work apart from a few slight faults. (= except for) 除了几个小毛病以外,这是一篇佳作。

except for和apart from的区别

1.除…之外 Except for smoking and drinking,he is a thrifty man.除了抽烟、喝酒,他是个生活节俭的人.His composition is excellent except for some grammatical mistakes.他的作文写得很好,只有几处语法错误.2.若不是; 要不是由于 The translation is well done except for a few small mistakes.除却几处小错,翻译练习做得就是很好的了.She is pretty except for the fact that her eyes are too big.若不是她的眼睛太大,她是很漂亮的.apart from脱离,除此之外(表示除…以外别无),要不是 The house stands apart from the village.那栋房子在村外.There can be no knowledge apart from practice.离开实践就没有知识.2.除去,撇开…来说(表示除…以外尚有),此外,加之 Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.除了一些拼写错误,这篇文章写得很不错.Apart from that,all goes well.撇开那一点,一切顺利.

select * from usertable where name=@name and page=@page 我的要求是当name为空就不作为条件,即:

了解一下 stringbuider

They work hard from morning till night。改为同义句。很急啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They work hard for whole day.

求 杀出个黎明2 中英字幕: From.Dusk.Till.Dawn.2.-.Texas.Blood.Money.


求黑之契约者第二季ED(From Dusk Till Dawn) 中文歌词


from dusk till dawn歌词

Drew Sidora - "Til The DawnDrew:Ah, Ah (x4)Yeaah, ooh, woaa, woaa, whoa whuh-oh, no, no(Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend)(周末狂热)Let them in, get the lights, let party begin让他们进来,打开电灯,派对正式开始Mix a little love, get the mood jumpin混入小小爱,让心情更加愉快From New York to Miami by ten10点钟从纽约到迈阿密 I think I"m ready to go我认为我准备好走了High, every time that we hit up our spot我们每次都能恰到好处地兴奋起来See everyone in line, and they payin a lot看见所以人排好队付很多钱"Cept their payin for the night拿这些钱就是为了今晚Cuz the drinks are fixed因为饮料是固定的But the music is free但音乐是无拘束的You want it, you got it你想要它,你得到它You need it, but you know you gotta have it boy你需要它,但男孩你知道你将要得到The music is freein"音乐是免费的(Out on the weekend, Out on the weekend, weekend)This is for the girls comin" from NYC这是送给那些来自纽约市的女孩I"m feelin" you like yous family我感觉我们就像家人And everybody down from LA to BC所有人从洛杉矶回到公元前Rockin" to the same old CDs听着那些旧cd起舞This is for the kids in the clubs and the street这是给那些在街上和俱乐部里的孩子Talkin" bout you work three deity说着你们在工作上认识的三位女神Get on the dance floor where the music is free继续在那个响起无拘束音乐的地板翩翩起舞Slip, gone until the dawn"s gone with me直到天亮才悄悄地和我一起溜走Gone until the dawn"s gone with me直到天亮才和我一起离开Where the music is free从那个免费音乐的地方(离开)Slip, gone until the dawn"s gone with me(Out on the weekend, on the weekend, weekend)*spoken:Now all my ladies,(现在,小姐们)Move it to the front,(把步伐移动到前面)Show "em what you got(展现你风采的时刻到了)Ooh, ooh, oohOh, Oh oohOh, Oh oohOh, Oh ooh, ooh, oohFellas?Oh, like that(scratched:All my ladies, A-A-All my ladies-Oh... ahAll my ladies, A-A-All my ladies-Oh... ahOh....Oh, Oh (x4)Mario:And all my ladies say (Ah, Ah)全部小姐们说And all the fellas say (Ah, Ah)全部的小伙子们说Everybody say (Ah, Ah)大家一起说Come dance with me, ohh (Ah Ah)一起跟着我跳舞吧Drew:And they say we allDance like this, we have the men in bed and off然后他们说我们都是这样跳的,我们的男士躺在床上Till there mornin", there we go lettin off直到早上才离开,然后我们下床Tyler"s droppin onto the table top泰勒掉到台面上Once again, you can shake your thang and there aint no cops再来一次,你可以摇晃你的窗还有那些没有的涂鸦颜料This is for the girls comin" from NYCI"m feelin" you like yous familyAnd everybody down from LA to BCRockin" to the same old CDsThis is for the kids in the clubs and the streetTalkin" bout you work three deityGet on the dance floor where the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn"s gone with meThis is for the girls comin" from NYCI"m feelin" you like yous familyAnd everybody down from LA to BCRockin" to the same old CDsThis is for the kids in the clubs and the streetTalkin" bout you work three deityGet on the dance floor where the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn"s gone with meGone until the dawn"s gone with meWhere the music is freeSlip, gone until the dawn"s gone with me(Out on the weekend, on the weekend, weekend)

From Dusk Till Daw 罗马音

罗马歌词:abingdon boys school - From Dusk Till Dawnkureteku yuubae ni senaka osarete arukidasukage ga shimesu hou etaenai ikutsu mono deai to wakare wokurikaeshi doko e mukau no kahito wa daremo mayoi nagara tsumi to iu na no sadame wo seottesore demo nao ikiru imi wo shiru daroubokura wa So day by day ashita e tsudzuku michi no tochuu deNow say it again kimi to futari no mama irareta nara ii no ni na…nanika wo ushinatte nanika wo te ni iretehikitsurete yuku boku no kokoro ni wakizu darake de aza ni mo nita kazoekirenai hokorobi ga attesore demo mada hikari sasu basho wo mezashitebokura ga So day by day egaita hatenai mirai no chizu niNow say it again zutto ano hi no mama irareta nara…kagiriaru toki no naka de kagirinai yume wo idaiteuchinarasu mune no kodou ga kimi wo yobitsudzukeruFrom Dusk Till Dawn…hisoyaka ni no ni saku na mo naki hanabira no you niSo day by day ashita e tsudzuku michi no tochuu deNow say it again kimi to futari no mamautsuriyuku sekai ni sono ashiato dake wo nokoshite…<黑之契约者 流星的双子>ED TV版歌词中文翻译+罗马音<From Dust Till Dawn><从尘埃落定直至破晓黎明>曲:柴崎 浩词:西川 贵教歌者:abingdon boys schoolkureteku yuuhaeni暮れてく 夕映えに傍晚的时候 在晚霞映照下senakaosarete arukidasu背中押されて 歩き出す背负双手 出行kagegashimesukatae taenai影が示す方へ 绝えない向着影子所指引的方向 不止脚步ikutsumono deaitowakarewo kurikaeshiいくつもの 出会いと别れを 缲り返し往复重演着 几次的 相逢以及别离dokoemukaunokaどこへ向かうのか去往哪里hitowadaremo mayoinagara人は谁も 迷いながら无论谁都 虽然迷惑着却还是tsumitoiumeino unmeiwoseotte罪という名の 运命を背负って背负着名为罪恶的命运soredemonao ikiruimiwo shirudarouそれでもなお 生きる意味を 知るだろう尽管如此 知道依旧生存着的意义吧bokurawa仆らは so day by day我们 也是这样日复一日ashitaetsuzukumichinotonakade明日へ続く道の途中で now say it again在接下来去往明日的路途中 现在再次呼唤它kimitofutarinomama iraretara iinonina君と二人のまま いられたら いいのにな与你两个人的过往 如果存在的话 那就好了

请问from dust till dawn 是什么意思?特别是这个DUST的意思

dust写错了,应为dusk , From dusk til dawn 就是“从黄昏到拂晓” 之意.

求黑之契约者第二季ED(From Dusk Till Dawn) 中文歌词


Daybreak (Based On The "Mardi Gras" Theme From Mississippi Suite) 歌词

歌曲名:Daybreak (Based On The "Mardi Gras" Theme From Mississippi Suite)歌手:Frank Sinatra&Tommy Dorsey专辑:The Song Is YouDaybreak歌:镜音リン·レン feat. 下田麻美作词/作编曲:SAM惑(まど)う心(こころ)繋(つな)ぎ止(と)める何(なに)か求(もと)めて闇(やみ)に染(そ)まる远(とお)い空(そら)を一人(ひとり)见(み)つめた孤独(こどく)の中(なか)导(しるべ)もなく歩(ある)き続(つづ)けて何度(なんど)同(おな)じ过(あやま)ちを缲(く)り返(かえ)してきた?胸(むね)に残(のこ)る痛(いた)みも私(わたし)が生(い)きた证(あかし)と何(なに)もかも受(う)け入(い)れてまた歩(ある)き出(だ)すから立(た)ち上(あ)がれ 谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い想(おも)いがあるからこの世界(せかい)残(のこ)された光(ひかり)を探(さが)してもう二度(にど)と戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)りはしないやがてまた阳(ひ)は升(のぼ)りすべて始(はじ)まるDaybreak掴(つか)みかけて砂(すな)のように零(こぼ)れ落(お)ちてく遥(はる)か远(とお)い地平线(ちへいせん)戸惑(とまど)い呼(よ)ぶけどそれでもまだ信(しん)じているものがあるから答(こた)え求(もと)め歩(あゆ)むことを决(けっ)して止(や)めない希望(きぼう)というカケラは确(たし)かに息(いき)づいている时(とき)を超(こ)えどこまでも祈(いの)りを届(とど)けよう舞(ま)い上(あ)がれこの想(おも)い暗(くら)い夜(よる)を切(き)り裂(さ)いて抗(あらが)えぬ运命(さだめ)でも踌躇(ためら)いを舍(す)ててどこまでも强(つよ)くなれ意志(いし)の导(みちび)くその先(さき)ただ一人(ひとり)求(もと)め行(ゆ)く长(なが)い梦(ゆめ)の终(お)わりを立(た)ち上(あ)がれ 谁(だれ)よりも强(つよ)い想(おも)いがあるからこの世界(せかい)残(のこ)された光(ひかり)を探(さが)してもう二度(にど)と戻(もど)らない过去(かこ)を振(ふ)り返(かえ)りはしないやがてまた阳(ひ)は升(のぼ)りすべて始(はじ)まるDaybreak

-How are you?-_____. [ ] A. I’m from China.B. I’m fine.C. I’m ...




I am from China的一般疑问句和肯定回答和否定回答 和She is fine的一般疑问句和肯定回答和否定回答 求你

1. Are you from China? Yes, Iam. No, I"m not.2. Is she fine? Yes, she is. No, she isn"t.

for free,free of charge,are free to,free from,free的区别?

1. for free: 免费 e.g. I get sth. for free. 2. free of charge: 免费 e.g. I was giving a ticket away free of charge. 3. be free to: 自由/免费 e.g. You are free to go. / Sth. is free to you. 4. free from: 免于 e.g. You are free from the war. 5. free: 自由/有空/免费 e.g. He was freed from the prison. / She is free tonight. / The thing is free.

Cowboys From Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboys From Hell歌手:Pantera专辑:Cowboys From HellCowboys From HellPanteraCowboys From HellCowboys From HellPantera纪念Dimebag Darrell 1966 - 2004Under the lights where we stand tallNobody touches us at allShowdown, shootout, spread fear within, withoutWe"re gonna take what"s ours to haveSpread the word throughout the landThey say the bad guys wear blackWe"re tagged and can"t turn backYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellPillage the village, trash the sceneBut better not take it out on me"Cause a ghost town is foundWhere your city used to beSo out of the darkness and into the lightSparks fly everywhere in sightFrom my double barrel, 12 gauge,Can"t lock me in your cageYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hell

Cowboys From Hell 歌词

歌曲名:Cowboys From Hell歌手:Pantera专辑:1990-2000: A Decade Of DominationCowboys From HellPanteraCowboys From HellCowboys From HellPantera纪念Dimebag Darrell 1966 - 2004Under the lights where we stand tallNobody touches us at allShowdown, shootout, spread fear within, withoutWe"re gonna take what"s ours to haveSpread the word throughout the landThey say the bad guys wear blackWe"re tagged and can"t turn backYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellPillage the village, trash the sceneBut better not take it out on me"Cause a ghost town is foundWhere your city used to beSo out of the darkness and into the lightSparks fly everywhere in sightFrom my double barrel, 12 gauge,Can"t lock me in your cageYou see us comin"And you all together run for coverWe"re takin over this townHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hellHere we come reach for your gunAnd you better listen my friend, you seeIt"s been slow down below,Aimed at you we"re the cowboys from hellDeed is done again, we"ve wonAin"t talking no tall tales friend"Cause high noon, your doomComin" for you we"re the cowboys from hell



英语翻译It is Friday afternoon.Karen Mahan comes back from schoo?

81Karen Mahan82,16.83,B,84Chinese 85 English86play soccer87violin 88drum89,90A,4,英语翻译 It is Friday afternoon.Karen Mahan es back from school.She is 16 now.“Good afternoon,Mom.” she says.“Good afternoon,Karen.How is school today?” her mother asks.“Very good,thanks Mom.” “Look at the ad(广告),Karen,they need help.”   Help wanted----Concordia Language Camp(语言营)   Are you 15 or 16?Are you good with kids?   We need help for our summer(夏季)language camp.Can you help with   ● languages ● sports ● music ●puter   e and join us!   Please call Paul   Phone#5604-2378   Karen likes kids very much,so she says,:“Oh,that"s great!” “I think it"s good for you.You can speak Chinese and English.” Her mom says.“What about sports?Well,I can play soccer,” Karen says.“You can play the violin and the drum very well.” her mom says.“And I"m good at puter,too.” Karen now is very happy.“ That"s good.Do you want to have that job?” Karen says,“Yes,I want that job.” “Good luck.” Mom says.   Name:____81____   Age:____82_____   Occupation(职业) :83 A:teacher B:student   Language:____84____ and ___85_____   Sports:____86_____   Musical instrument(乐器) :__87_____ and ___88_____   puter:_____89____   Good with kids:90 A:Yes B:No

Melochrome的《Lift》 歌词

歌曲名:Lift歌手:Melochrome专辑:The Music We MakeTimes when I just can"tBring myself to say it loud"Fraid that what I"ll say comes outsomehow awryThat is when it seemsWe move in circles day to dayTwist the drama of the play to get us byAnd it feels like fearLike I"ll disappearGets so hard to steerYet I go onDo we need debateWhen it seems too lateLike I bleed but waitLike nothing"s wrongYou lift my spirit,take me higher,make me fly,Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,Where all new wonders will appearLike the other dayI thought you won"t be coming backI came to realize my lackluster dreamsAnd among the schemesAnd all the tricks we try to playOnly dreams will hold their sway and defyWhen it feels like fear...Like I"ll disappearGets so hard to steerYet I go onDo we need debateWhen it seems too lateLike I bleed but waitLike nothing"s wrongYou lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,Where all new wonders will appear, oooohhhhYou lift my spirit, take me higher, make me fly,Touch the moon up in the sky, when you are mineYou lift me higher, take my spirit, make it fly,Where all new wonders will appearTake me highMake me fly


from now on从现在起since /for since/from……to(till/until)

From now on, I take my own lumps. 意思?

take one"s lumps表示接受应有的惩罚或者接受后果这句话的意思大概是,“从今以后,我会自己承担”的意思。


加一个on就可以。From now on表示从现在开始。

有一首英文歌的歌词有一句:from now on i give you my love 请问各位有没有谁知道这首歌的歌名是什么??

是i only love you from now on吗?



From Now on Jackie Cho (曹洁敏)

Jackie Cho 只是香港的一个音乐人,可能是没有靓丽的外表,或者是她不喜欢表演吧,只有一首迷死人的《Dreams》在TVB的剧集里经常出现。看来很难找到这版本了。不过这首《From Now on 》不是她的作品,是新加坡的一个音乐人Dick Lee(李迪文)的作品 ,林忆莲和张国荣都唱过,我比较喜欢他俩合唱的版本。 今天4月1日,是纪念张国荣的日子,向你推荐一首Dick Lee的作品《追》,张国荣唱的,不要听CD或MTV,没感觉的。一定要看电影《金枝玉叶》,有多感人看完整场电影你就知道。

from now on是现在完成时的标志

可以说from then on是一般过去时的标志 yet是 还没有 的意思,不只是现在完成时的标志,在过去完成时的句子中能用
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