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Romand这个彩妆品牌是一个国外的彩妆品牌,在国内也是受到不少人的欢迎。并且是有大多数人群在购买rom and的各种彩妆进行使用的。其中rom and的眼影使用人数也是比较多的,那么Romand眼影怎么样呢?romand眼影真假辨别、怎么查真假呢?Roand的眼影是比较好用的。这款眼影可以称得上是四色眼影人气王,平价百搭,无论配色还是产品使用感都比较好。这款眼影的粉质细腻软糯,显色度也是比较好的,适合亚洲妆容。而辨别romand眼影真假的方法也是不难的,具体如下。 1、看盒身上的logo标志,正品盒上的Logo标志的“NAKED”是凸出来的,而假货的这个logo刻印是平面的。 2、看膏体的颜色,正品膏体的颜色是比较精致好看的。而假货的眼影膏体颜色看起来比较劣质。 3、看旋转轴处的做工,正品旋转轴处处理的比较干净、整洁。而假货的还有胶水印出的痕迹,并且后期也没有整理干净。 4、看批号的印刷,正品的批号印刷采用的是黑色字体。而假货的批号印刷采用的是金色字体。 日常在需要购买romand的眼影时,也是可以通过以上方法来进行辨别真假的,在一定程度上能够避免买到假冒伪劣产品。


对于女性来说,在日常出行时是少不了化妆的,并且每个女性的包包里都少不了一支口红。要知道,一只好的口红是能够改变整个人的气色与气质的。所以市面上也是有各种品牌类的口红在售卖,其中romand的口红也是比较受欢迎的,但最近romand的口红,有一些不好的风评。那么romand口红怎么了呢?romand口红官网是什么呢?Romand的口红在国内本来是比较受欢迎的,除了在专柜可以购买以外,在romand口红官网也是可以进行购买的,它的官网名称叫做romand官方网站,并且在romand官网所购买的口红产品也是能够保证正品的。但最近romand的口红出现了辱华事件,一时间也是导致了销量急剧下滑。而它的辱华事件,主要是该品牌在2020年末,发布了一期联名款“自然之美系列”,然后这个系列在韩国的发布名称是“韩服系列”,在中国叫“自然之美”。除了改名字引发争议外,产品包装被质疑设计盗用了故宫图腾的汉字纹,也被视为辱华的铁证。 虽然romand品牌在近期遭到了质疑,但romand的口红也是比较好用的。在使用之后的上色感也是比较不错的。


Romand本来是一个受大家喜欢的韩国小众彩妆品牌,但是这一两年网络上经常出现“Romand辱华不要买它了”,让不了解这件事始末的人非常好奇,想要知道romand辱华什么意思,是诬蔑还是确有其事?romand辱华,主要指romand去年推出的“韩服之美”彩妆中,直接剽窃了故宫图腾、祥云,声称是韩国元素,里面的韩服也与韩服如出一辙。而该系列在国内,则是以“自然之美”作为宣传。有些网友就此认为Romand心虚了,将中国文化当成自己的文化在宣传,后来事件不断发酵,争议越来越大。 尽管后来Romand在官方微博上公开声明,Romand“韩服之美”并没有抄袭等方面的内容,Romand也没有辱华的意思,品牌一开始就确定好了两个地方不同的宣传文案等,但该解释并不能让网友信服。 该事件发生之后,Romand有在宣传页面上说创意来自“汉字”,可惜并没有多少人看到。总的来说,Romand其实并没有主观辱华的意思,只是当时它的“韩服之美”推出的时间点不太对,再加上有心人士的语言诱导、主观偏见,导致了后面争议事件的发生。



mainly from

奇怪没人回答. mainly 这个副词修饰前面的are,所以用副词.它不是修饰主语的,不能用形容词. stand是主句的动词.feeling这里是现在分词作非谓语动词,伴随状语.everyone is looking at you是宾语从句.is looking at 是现在进行时形式 monthly是形容词 on 是介词,意思是:关于 fun在这是形容词. 怎么区分要看它在句子里面的位置.例如:Fun is central objective. 这里Fun做主语,当然是名词了.意思是:乐趣是主要目的. a lot of fun 这里根据意思也是名词罗 这是个祈使句,没有主语.

The scientists here are mainly from China用mainly?

The scientists here are mainly from China.用mainly做副词,修饰系动词。意思是:这里的科学家大都来自China。

A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maiyuwa, a small vill...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:B小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:这篇短文中的大象因为想念女主人,就自己跑去女主人家,最后让这对夫妇重归于好。小题1:根据Three months later, having quarreled with her husband, the woman went back to her parents" home.描述,可知选C。小题2:联系下文It went to the woman"s home. 描述,可知此处指的是它从这个家庭消失了,故选A,逃跑。小题3:根据第二段Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heartbroken. 描述,推理可知这头像是想念这个女主人,故选B。小题4:根据最后一段On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. 描述,可知选B。小题5:这篇短文主要讲述了一头通人性的大象让一对吵架的夫妇重归于好的故事,故选D。点评:本文浅显易懂,层次分明,学生很容易把握文章中心内容。答题中注意带着问题阅读短文,一般就能顺利找出答题依据。对于不能直接找到根据的问题注意联系上下文,根据短文中心总结出正确答案。



Promptly 同 Quickly 用法有咩野分别?

我谂你唔会满足于list字典既definition挂.... 而系想知promptly同quickly系用法上有咩真正既唔同 promptly系立即 而quickly系快 咁即系点? 即系话 promptly通常用黎describe你完左一样野之后"即刻"做另一样野 例如 he did his homework promptly after dinner 这个example唔系好好 因为用quickly都ok 试多几句你可能会好d: he promptly give the wallet to the police 即系话佢拾到个银包之后就即刻俾警察 如果用quickly就只系话佢快 但系交代唔到即刻果个意思 he promptly returned the phone call 都系用promptly会好过用quickly quickly系话快 用黎describe个行动本身快 而promptly就冇咁既意思 例如: a jaguar runs very quickly 当然唔可以写成a jaguar runs very promptly啦 但系如果想讲只豹一见到人就走左 就应该用promptly: the jaguar disappeared promptly after it noticed the presence of a hunter 我谂好多时 用quickly去replace promptly系ok既 不过冇咁靓 而promptly就唔系成日都可以用黎replace quickly喇 尤其是如果你只系想形容一样野好快 用promptly就唔o岩 参考: myself I live in US Promptly (adjective ) 1. done performed delivered e at once or without delay: a prompt reply. 2. ready in action; quick to act as occasion demands. 3. quick or alert: prompt to take offense. Quickly (adverb) 1. with speed; rapidly; very soon 参考: dictionary 都系 basically 快 d 咁解.. Promptly - 敏捷地;迅速地;立即地 Quickly - 快 迅速地 立即 马上 参考: Yahoo dictionary and myself

rapidly 与quickly与 promptly区别

rapidly adv.done or happening very quickly and in a very short time 如:The patient was sent to hospital rapidly.quickly; after only a very short time ; for a short time 使用较常见promptly ad...

rapidly 与quickly与 promptly区别

rapidly adv. done or happening very quickly and in a very short time 如: The patient was sent to hospital rapidly. quickly adv. fast; after only a very short time ; for a short time 使用较常见promptly adv. 使用较生僻,侧重于“及时的”如: Your purchases will be delivered promptly .

romantic wedding是什么意思

romantic wedding浪漫的婚礼;浪漫婚礼双语例句1. Every newly - wed longs for a romantic wedding and it"srealize their wishes! 每个人都有一个浪漫的梦想,每个人都有一生幸福的愿望,一个完美的婚礼是两人幸福的起点.2. The museum also held a romantic and mysterious undersea wedding. 而且馆内还可举行浪漫神秘的海底婚礼.3. Luxury doesn"t mean everything ! Wedding should be memorized forever with something romantic. 有人说:婚礼一生就一次就应该奢华点.4. St. Lucia as a romantic destination. The island gets plenty of visitors, including wedding parties. 圣卢西亚是一个浪漫的旅游胜地, 该岛拥有大量的游客, 包括婚礼宴会.

come back to是什么意思?come back from呢?

come back to是回到xxx地方 come back from是从xxx地方回来





be different from 句型 不懂啊


高二英语 date back to 和 date from 区别

A date back to 的意思是追溯到、date from是开始于。。。

walk away from是什么意思


求教sql语句 update from语法的原理


come from,come across,come to区别


differ from与different from 有什么不同


一()is the bed made()? 一Steel. A.What;from B.What;


separate from和divide into有什么区别?


A is far away from和A is far away from B 有什么区别


56 查看材料A.fell fromB.reachedC.climbed upD.arrived



老师说的是正确的, prevent (from) from可以省略 (注:在被动语态中,from不能省略) stop (from) from可以省略 keep from 都表示阻止的意思




是FROM B 不是FROM B是一种产地证

The animal___China come fromC.come fromD.are from

选B,来自可用be from或come from,但The animal是单数,所以要用三人称单数形式,C没有加s,所以选B 望采纳,谢谢

from A to B ,这里的to。


Walk Away -Aloha From Hell中文歌词


解释数SQL面的 select * from a, b 是什么意思

select * from a, b 不管之间有没有关系。。都把a表与b表的所有数组。多对多的显示出来、。。。不知道楼主问这种问题干什么。。没有意思啊。。。



运输条款中“net 45 days from B/L”是什么意思


fromb 产地证可以补办吗



楼主拼错单词了,是 form B 原产地证书的一种。 要在你们当地的商会(贸促会)办理。

A of B 与 Afrom B的区别


far is the from school it连词成句

It is far from our school.资料拓展:一、主语+谓语(不及物动词) [S + V]例句:1、The children are playing happily.孩子们正在高兴地玩。2、Everybody laughed.大家都笑了。3、He swims. 他游泳。二、主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 [S+V+O]例句:1、The Greens enjoy living in China.格林一家喜欢住在中国。2、I love apples.我喜欢苹果。3、I played the piano.我弹钢琴。三、主语+谓语+表语 [S+V+P]例句:1、He became a famous doctor. 他成为了一名著名的医生。2、 The apple pie tastes really delicious.苹果派吃起来真是好吃。3、His eyes are blue.他的眼睛是蓝色的。四、主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 [S+V+InO+DO]例句:1、My aunt bought me a computer.我阿姨买给我一台电脑。2、I gave him my address.我告诉他我的地址。3、He gave me an apple.他给了我一个苹果。五、主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 [S+V+O+OC]例句:1、We must keep our school clean.我们必须保持我们的学校清洁。2、I found the box empty.我发现盒子是空的。3、I find the clock broken.我看到钟表坏了。


promotional event促销活动、推广活动

Javine的《Promise》 歌词

歌曲名:Promise歌手:Javine专辑:SurrenderPromisePlus OneI know that latelyThings have been so hardand looking outThrough your broken heartAll you can see is darkAnd lonely days aheadBut remember Jesus saidHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IWhen hope had disappearedAnd you heart achesYou might not recognizeThe touch of graceBut on the other sideOf every dying dreamHis love is waiting patientlyHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IWith every angel there′s a loveThat never leaves your sideHis love is deeper than the oceanOr a mountain highYou′ve got to knowThere′s hope in your heartAnd if you listen with your heartI know you′ll hear him sayYou are my child and I am with youEach and everydayHe is the one who knows your soulHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IHe knows every star in the skyEvery single tear that you cryHis love is here faithful and aliveI know that this world can be coldIn his arms you′re never aloneThat′s his promise to you and IThat′s the promise for you and I

promise dont come easy歌词

[ti:promise dont come easy][ar:caron nightingale]i should have known all alongthere was something wrong i just never read between the lines then i woke up one day and found you on your way leaving nothing but my heart behind what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy but tell me if theres a way to bring you back home to stay well id promises anything to you ive been walkin around with my head hanging downwondrin what im gonna do cause when you walked out that door,i knew i needed you more than to take a chance on losing you what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy you know ive made up my mind to make it work this time thats the promise that i give to you you never thought i loved you i guess you never thought i cared i was just too proud to say it out loud now i know, to let my feelings go (so tell me)what can i do to make it up to you promises dont come easy you know ive made up my mind to make it work this time thats the promise i can give to you what can i do to make it up to you


  promise表允诺,许诺的意思,那么你知道promise的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了promise的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   promise的同义词辨析:   ensure, insure, assure, guarantee, pledge, promise   这些动词都有"保证"之意。   ensure : 侧重使人相信某个行为或力量产生的结果。   insure常与ensure换用,但前者多指经济方面的保证、保险。   assure : 侧重指消除某人思想上的怀疑或担心,从而有达到目的的保证感,但不如ensure普通。   guarantee : 指对事物的品质或人的行为及履行义务、义务等承担责任的保证。   pledge : 正式用词,指通过郑重许诺、协议或立誓等保证承担某一义务或遵守某一原则。   promise : 侧重表自己的主观意向,设法用语言使人感到稳当可靠。   词组习语:   I promise (或 I promise you)   1. (非正式)(尤指用以加强安慰、鼓励或威胁的口气)我(向你)保证   哦,我不是在开玩笑,我向你保证。   oh, I"m not joking, I promise you.   on a promise   1. (非正式)(人)被确切保证某事的(尤指性关系)   一家我和汤姆与女服务员有默契的商店。   a shop where Tom and I are on a promise with the girls serving there.   promise (someone) the earth (或moon)   1. 夸下海口   交互式技术令人兴奋,吹得响,实效少。   interactive technology titillates, promises the earth but delivers nothing.   promises, promises   1. (非正式)(表示说话者怀疑某人宣称的意图)诺言复诺言   promise的例句:   1. The boy first showed promise as an athlete in grade school.   这个男孩在上小学的时候就初次显示出成为运动员的潜力。   2. I"m hoping you"ll keep your promise to come for a long visit.   我希望你遵守诺言来这儿多呆几天。   3. President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.   卡翁达总统兑现了他的承诺,宣布了全民公决的日期。   4. This approach, more than any other, holds promise for true reform.   这一方法比其他任何方法都更让人看到真正改革的希望。   5. This will all come out in the wash—I promise you.   一切终会真相大白的——我向你保证。   6. Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth.   克莱尔要我保证把真相告诉她。   7. She whoops with delight at a promise of money.   她因为有可能获得一笔钱而高兴得大叫。   8. We can"t promise to publish a reply as space is limited.   由于版面有限,我们不能保证把回复登载出来。   9. She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.   她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。   10. Her career never quite matched up to its promise.   她的事业从来都没有预期的那样好。   11. They were encouraged by a promise from Cardinal Winning.   红衣主教温宁的许诺使他们受到鼓舞。   12. The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval.   对一些基本工作权利的承诺引来一片低声的赞许。   13. The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare.   这个项目恪守了其改善家庭福利的承诺。   14. I would say it"salmost time to hold him to that promise.   我认为已经差不多是时候让他兑现那个承诺了。   15. If you make a promise, you should keep it.   如果做出了承诺,就应该遵守。

I will promise you的意思?

翻译是:我将答应你或者我答应你。以下是扩展:promise 第三人称单数: promises动词过去式: promised过去分词: promised现在分词: promising n.诺言, 允诺, 希望, 约定 Clouds give promise of rain.阴云预示着雨的来临。The news brings little promise of peace.这消息使和平无望。vi.允诺, 有前途, 有指望 vt.允诺, 答应, 约定, 预示 I can"t give you the book; I"ve promised it to Susan.我不能把这本书给你;我已经答应给苏珊了。You must promise not to mention.你必须答应不提此事。He promised me the book.他答应给我这本书。网络解释约定 1 约定 (Promise) 约定是恋人考验爱情的方式 坚贞而美丽 2 伤心太平洋 (Heartbreak pacific) 琴韵悠悠勾勒伤心太平洋的怨愁 3 橄榄树 (Olive tree) 刻画旅人乡愁的波希米亚情调 4 追 (Chasing the search of my life) 文件下载 1 文件下载 2 不愿放弃的执著是恋人永恒的宿命 5 双城故事 (A tale of two cities) 分离两地的恋来源 承诺 在第一套的神灯系列里,我一开始就强调了品牌的"定位"(positioning)和"承诺"(promise)于商场如战场的竞争中,占了一半以上的重要性. 当时大家都接受,而且也依照这个说法发展广告活动,然而,在我那套神灯系列中, 来源 允诺 英美法系本无"物权"、"债权"之分,其合同概念,本来定义在"允诺"(promise),现在的英美法辞典和法律著作已经改用"债权"(obligation)来定义合同概念,即将"合同"定义为"产生债权债务的合意". 来源 诺言以"许诺"为要约下定义是不奇怪的,"许诺"或"诺言"(Promise)是英美合同法理论的一个十分重要的概念,基本上是合同的同义语,如"合同是由法律强制履行的一个或一系列的诺言". 来源</b>用法</b> 相关词组 1.promise oneself指望 2.I promise[网络] 我保证 保证 我承诺 3.The Promise[网络] 誓言 诺言 承诺 4.promise oneself[网络] 指望,指望获得 指望 决心,指望 5.Promise me[网络] 答应我 与我约定 承诺 - 辛晓琪 6.Academic promise[网络] 学业前景

the promise 神秘园 免费下载

keep a promise和keep the promise的区别?


The Promise and Peril of Jumbo Frames什么意思?



promisepromise to do 承诺做某事2、promise to pay 付款承诺3、solemn promise 庄严承诺;誓言

promise的用法 promise的用法总结

  Promise有动词和名词两种用法,用作一般动词时,解释为“允诺”“答应”,是指作出口头或书面的许诺,答应别人自己去做某事,但仅指主观意愿,并不一定能实现或有实现的基础。   promise用作及物动词时,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可接由名词、动词不定式、that从句充当直接宾语的双宾语,其间接宾语可以转换为介词to的宾语。promise也可作“有可能”“给人以…指望”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词;用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   Promise作为名词时,其基本意思是“承诺,诺言”,是可数名词;promise也可作“希望,出息”解,可用来指人的出息,也可用来指事情有希望,是不可数名词。另外promise有时可接动词不定式或that引导的从句来充当定语或同位语。    promise的具体用法:   1、promise sth(to sb)/promise sb sth:许诺某人做某事   举例:   The college principal promised to look into the matter.   学院院长答应研究这个问题。   2、promise of sth.吉兆;迹象   举例:   The day dawned bright and clear,with the promise of warm,sunny weather.   拂晓时晴空万里,预示着温暖晴朗的天气。   3、promise(sb)the earth/moon/world 作出不可能实现的承诺   4、a lick and a promise草草了事,敷衍塞责(尤指快速地洗刷东西)

The Promise的琴谱

求how to keep the promise作文 从三个观点说

Dividing your promise into smaller steps will help you keep your promise and gain someone else"s trust. Take time to consider if keeping the promise is feasible. Being realistic and not going too much above and beyond what you are capable of will help you keep your promise successfully. Keep a record of your progress. You are more likely to keep your promise when you write it down. Communicate any problems you have. This way you can get help, if necessary. There are many moments when you must decide between something you want to do and something that leads toward keeping your promise. Remember the reason or reasons why you made the promise, what you hope to gain from the promise and the consequences of failure.

求how to keep the promise作文 从三个观点说


求神秘园《the promise》简谱

求When In Rome的the Promise歌词!!!!!!!

I Ll Never Say Goodbye (The Promise) 歌词

歌曲名:I Ll Never Say Goodbye (The Promise)歌手:Earl Klugh专辑:Late Night GuitarI"ll Never Say GoodbyeSay GoodbyeWhy, I can barely say "Good night"If I can hardly take my eyes from yours,How far can I go?Walk away?The thought would never cross my mindI couldn"t turn my back on Spring or Fall,Your smile, least of all!When I say "Always,"I mean "Forever"I trust tomorrow as much as todayI"m not afraid to say "I love you,"And I promise you I"ll never say"Goodbye"We"re dancers on a crowded floorWhile other dancers live from song to song,Our music goes onOn and onAnd if I never leave your arms,I really will have traveled ev"rywhere,For my world is thereWhen I say "Always,"I mean "Forever"I trust tomorrow as much as todayI"m not afraid to say "I love you,"And I promise you I"ll never say"Goodbye"How could I ever say "Goodbye?"

《The Promise》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Promise》(Steel, Danielle)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: jdrr书名:The Promise作者:Steel, Danielle出版年份:2011-4页数:288内容简介:Young architect Michael Hillyard and artist NancyMcAllister are determined to get married despitehis wealthy mother"s disapproval. Then, minutesbefore their wedding, a terrifying accident and acruel deception separate Michael and Nancy --perhaps forever. Each pursues a new life -- Nancy inCalifornia, Michael in New York. But eventuallynothing -- and no one -- can keep them apart asthey keep their vow never to say good-bye.

The promise小提琴谱

小提琴曲谱:神秘园-许诺 《THE PROMISE》如下:

The Promise 歌词

歌曲名:The Promise歌手:Joy Gardner专辑:So GladThe promise送给永远的SissiIf youwait for methen I"llcome for youAlthough I have traveled farI always hope a place for you in my heartIf youthink of meIf you miss meonce in a whilethen I"ll return to youI"ll return and fill that space in your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingIf youdream of melike I dream of youin a place that"s warm and darkin a place where I can feel the beating of your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingoh I"ve longed for youand I have desiredto see your face your smileto be with you wherever you areRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youPlease say you"ll be waitingtogether againIt would feel so good to bein your armsWhere all my journeys endIf you can make a promiseIf it"s one that you can keepI vow to come for youIf you wait for meAnd say you"ll holda place for mein your hearta place for me in your hearta place for me in your heart

the promise 歌词

歌曲名:the promise歌手:Ray J专辑:everything you wantI promisePrecious, I would cherish every momentSpending all my days, with you near meAlways longing to feel your love onlyI"ll never walk away, babyThis is my whole hearted promiseAnd I"llI"ll make this promise to youYou know that I"d giveThe world to you babyCome and try my loveI"ll make this promise to youAnd all that I doI do for you babyRay JCome and try my loveThis is my promiseSunshine, may I light up all of your darkest daysBe your shelter in the pouring rainPay a karma(?) of your fears awayIf you make a vowThat you trust me in spite of what they sayAnd I"llI"ll make this promise to youYou know that I"d giveThe world to you babyCome and try my loveI"ll make this promise to youAnd all that I doI do for you babyNever doubt my loveNever, never, never, neverPromiseI promiseIt"s more than a word to meIt"s the only way I want to be with youI promise, to never leave youI need youCan"t you seeI"ll make this promise to youYou know that I"d giveThe world to you babyCome and try my loveI"ll make this promise to youAnd all that I doI do for you babyCome and try my love

The Promise 歌词

歌曲名:The Promise歌手:Wax专辑:WorksKrypteria - The promiseAlbum : Bloodangel"S CryHe said: Just sign your name across the dotted lineand take advantage of the goods I have to offerIt won"t cost you much just a single drop of bloodand I"ll hand you the things you have long been wishing forIt"s an easy way to choose, what do you have to lose ?Will I fall ? Opulentiam aeternam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand tall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finemWill I fall ? Venustatem infinitam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand or fall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finemShould I sign and end this lifelong string of broken dreams of failure,shattered hopes, of trials and tribulations ?It won"t cost a thing all the world will hear me singand I"d have all the riches, the fame and everythingIt"s an easy way to choose, what do I have to lose ?Will I fall ? Opulentiam aeternam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand tall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finemWill I fall ? Venustatem infinitam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand or fall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finemShould I sign and blindly dance along the piper"s tuneor should I rather trust my inner voice to guide me ?I don"t own a lot but I still got one last shot so doI need to believe in a promise and its seed ?Am I willing to choose when it"s myself I could lose ?Will I fall ? Opulentiam aeternam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand tall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finemWill I fall ? Venustatem infinitam gloriamque te promittoWill I stand or fall ? Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finem

The Promise 歌词

歌曲名:The Promise歌手:Jeff Danna专辑:Kung Fu: The Legend ContinuesThe promise送给永远的SissiIf youwait for methen I"llcome for youAlthough I have traveled farI always hope a place for you in my heartIf youthink of meIf you miss meonce in a whilethen I"ll return to youI"ll return and fill that space in your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingIf youdream of melike I dream of youin a place that"s warm and darkin a place where I can feel the beating of your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingoh I"ve longed for youand I have desiredto see your face your smileto be with you wherever you areRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youPlease say you"ll be waitingtogether againIt would feel so good to bein your armsWhere all my journeys endIf you can make a promiseIf it"s one that you can keepI vow to come for youIf you wait for meAnd say you"ll holda place for mein your hearta place for me in your hearta place for me in your heart

The Promise 歌词

歌曲名:The Promise歌手:When In Rome专辑:Love To LoveThe promise送给永远的SissiIf youwait for methen I"llcome for youAlthough I have traveled farI always hope a place for you in my heartIf youthink of meIf you miss meonce in a whilethen I"ll return to youI"ll return and fill that space in your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingIf youdream of melike I dream of youin a place that"s warm and darkin a place where I can feel the beating of your heartRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youIf you"ll be waitingoh I"ve longed for youand I have desiredto see your face your smileto be with you wherever you areRememberingYour touchYour kissYour warm embraceI"ll find my way back to youPlease say you"ll be waitingtogether againIt would feel so good to bein your armsWhere all my journeys endIf you can make a promiseIf it"s one that you can keepI vow to come for youIf you wait for meAnd say you"ll holda place for mein your hearta place for me in your hearta place for me in your heart

hold the promise of是什么意思


有一首歌好像叫promise或者the promise或者别的什么类似的~


英语in the promise of的用法?


The promise of翻译


The Promise钢琴曲的下载地址??

楼上的兄弟,那是神秘园的《The Promise》,以下才是Robin Spielberg的《The Promise》

求神秘园之歌(The Promise)小提琴独奏谱(以QQ音乐里为准)

我有这本书. 你要的话我拍下来给你 不过是小提琴+钢琴谱.


1. 初中英语作文 promise Promise is such an important thing that all of us should keep. If you never break your promise, you will be seen as a reliable person,and everybody likes making friends with you. On the contrary, if you always break your word, others will not believe in you, which will make you fail to succeed in business. Do you want to have many friends and be successful in business? If so, please be a person who always keep your promise. 2. 以promise(承诺)为话题的作文150英语作文 when i first look at the cartoon, i can"t help laughing at the hen who seems to be seriously making a foolish announcement to the public that she always lays eggs, *** ooth and round and never without eggwhite and yolk inside the shell.however, when i start to study the cartoon more carefully, i find something significant in it and gradually i e to understand the author" intention. nowadays,almost all trades and professions are repeatedly making sincere promises to people: government people assure that they are noble and clean and will.serve people heart and soul,merchants *** ilingly swear that the products they sell are of superior quality, genuine instead of false, life-time maintenance guaranteed and the cheapest market price;advertisers take pains" to remend miracle drugs and make-you beautiful co *** etics, etc. year after year, such prormises are repeated. i wonder why they take so much trouble to boast loudly about their obligations and duties. people believed them at first, but gradually became awakened because they have found some dishonesty in such bombing promises. "actions speak louder than words." the hen is foolish enough to make her egg-promise, why shouldn"t those nonsense-makers bee cleverer? 3. 英语作文:my promise 50词 Hold promise, as to hold the sky blue and clear; hold promise, just like the earth to hold strong and vast; hold promise, like a horse and hold agile and brave and strong. The snow on the earth"s mitment to hold, so with the snowflakes, geous trees; flowers hold the promise of spring, and so there is a riot of colour, a hundred flowers contend in beauty; leaves hold promise for roots, hence the "turn into Chunni more quadrangle" feat; the stars hold promise for the sky, so have add radiance and beauty to each other the night sky in a inkling stars. Several years later, after years of bapti *** and the grinding time, we still remember the *** iling faces of yesterday, let the promise feeble exposure in the past years, to expose to the weather and rain, let the time ax engraved scar? Clas *** ate three years of groundless talk, tears of laughter, schoolmates sincere friendship of three years, ten years later still be visible before the eyes? If that mitment can be perfectly fulfilled? A position me with your past stacked soul pearl, still we take care of them as *** ooth as jade? When the piece with a heavy mitment note reached our hands, we are full of deep feeling ground says: "I will e back, will participate in the ten years after poly will." When promises the day es, whether we still remember the o lines of tears, a cavity affectionate? Whether we can hold the share of pure emotion? Commitment is the pace of growth, is the hope of the capital, is the source of disappointment, is a personal era. A promise means more responsibility. Never fet that beeen us there is a mitment, we must assume a responsibility. Let us work together to keep that promise, keep in mind that the most vulnerable and the most strong, the most sweet and bitter defence. Comments: the prose poem language filled with the vitality of youth, read like mellow wine, long aftertaste. Commitment is very beautiful, very easy to make people intoxicated. Because it is sweet talk art. The United States and the people are placent, think to have the whole world, but not how to extricate oneself.。 4. 英语作文结合自身经历谈谈对 promise的理解 结合自身经历谈谈对承诺的理解 我是基本信守承诺的人,也有有些情况,我可能答应别人,但最终我会不做,但是,这只是很少的时候会发生的事情。多数的时候,我一旦答应别人,一定会想办法做到,信守承诺是一个人最基本的素质,人品。我并不喜欢别人信口开河,口若悬河,滔滔不绝的夸夸其谈。男女生的交往,最大的弊端就是夸夸其谈,口若悬河。 请成为一个靠谱的人,不要做个只会贪图小便宜的人。 在极少的承诺里,我答应别人,但是,从大局考虑,我觉得必须要舍弃我自己的一些私人情感的时候,我会那么做。 总之,希望在这个社会上,每个人都能够成为一个信守承诺的人,不要做一个有负与别人的人。 Combined with their own experience to talk about the understanding of mitment In the basic,I will keep my promise, there are also some circumstances, Icould promise to others, but in the end I will not do, however, this is only a few times happened. Most of the time, once I promised someone else, will think of a way to do it, to keep its promise is one of the most basic quality, personality. I don"t like others to talk, talk rapidly. indulge in verbiage, off the reel. Interactionof male and female students, the biggest drawback is to indulge in verbiage, talk rapidly. Please be a reliable person, not only will cheap man. In the rare promise, I promise to others, but, from the overall consideration, I think we must give up some of my own personal feelings of the time, I will do. In conclusion, I hope in this society, everyone can bee a mitted man,don"t be a negative and others. 5. 求英语作文KEEPING PROMISE 着急要噢 Today,promise is very important to everyone,not only in study,but also in life. For example,if we are failure to keep a promise,someone may be disapointed to us.But,when we keep our promise,the people will give us some approval. Keep promise to be like to protect your honor.So we should keep our promise 6. 英语续写作文, It"s a cloudy afternoon. There are few people on the road. Anne arrived first, she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”. But it"s passed 15 minutes, nobody e. Suddenly it begins to rain, but she don"t want to give up. But it"s raining so heavy, she saw a man e to her with an umbrella, she is excited again. But he is her father, her father worried about her and want to pick her up. Finally she go back with her father. It"s passed one month later, Anne saw “FUTURE” online again, she really want to know the reason why he break his promise. But he said: I didn"t break promise, remember when it"s raining who take umbrella to you… … 7. 求一篇英语作文,题目是promise. Is. Debt一百二十词左右,急求 Word promise is widly used in daily conversation. people may not even notice when they blurt this word out, it always plays a reassuring matter. But in actuality, do people really live up thier promises? Answer could be brought into discussion easily. Most the people saying it based on reassuring, only few can really keep it. when you promise someone , you better make it happen , or in the furture you can hardly earn trust no more, it formed sort of debt invisibly原创。 8. 【英语续写作文,急.Annelivesina *** alltown It"s a cloudy afternoon.There are few people on the road.Anne arrived first,she is feeling nervous because of the first meeting with “FUTURE”.But it"s passed 15 minutes,nobody e.Suddenly it begins to rain,but she don"t want to give up.But it"s raining so heavy,she saw a man e to her with an umbrella,she is excited again.But he is her father,her father worried about her and want to pick her up.Finally she go back with her father.It"s passed one month later,Anne saw “FUTURE” online again,she really want to know the reason why he break his promise.But he said:I didn"t break promise,remember when it"s raining who take umbrella to you… …。 9. breakfastls lmportant英语续写作文 A song named "I Believe I Can Fly ",which is a nice song by R.Kelly.This song tells us that confidence is very important.When a person has confidence,he believes in himself,He believes that he can and will succeed,and this gives him the courage to try new things,Dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties.No one can achieve success without them.If you believe you can fly,then you can really fly somedayI think I will never give up whenever I meet any difficulties.I"ll remember confidence is the promise for achieving success forever.。 10. 关了于中学生应该信守诺言的英语作文80字 Keep your promise If you make a promise ,you should keep it.When you are a kid ,your parents and grandparents often teach you how to be a honest child.That means you should say what you do and do what you say .You turn to be dishonest as soon as you grow up to be a middle school student. Maybe you had trouble in explaining to other people about your lying to them.Apparently you hadn"t intended to tell a lie at all ,but you indeed did it for some reasons. Once you break your promise,gradually you will lose your friend.on top of this,your teachers won"t trust you any more and your parents are likely to feel disappointed.Without their support,how can you realize your dream?Maybe you will be a loser,and your so-called dream will never e true . 采纳后有需要会附上翻译

初中英语作文:坚守 Keep the Promise

【 #英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力, !  【篇一】坚守 Keep the PromiseMy father is a stubborn man, and he always keeps what he thinks is right. He is such a strong man in my mind, because he never breaks his promise. The things he has promised to me would be finished, no matter what happens. I see the power of promise from my father, so I believe that keeping promise is very important, which shows whether the person is worthy to be trusted or not. When I make friends, I pay special attention to this merit. My friends and I trust each other. We will return the things in time and keep our promise. I am so lucky that my father brings so much postive sides to me. 我爸爸是一个固执的人,他总是坚持他认为是正确的事情。在我的印象中,他是一个很厉害的人,因为他永远不会打破自己的。他答应我的事情不管怎么样都会做到。从他身上, 我看到了的力量,所以我相信坚守是非常重要的,这说明了一个人是否值得信任。我交朋友的时候会特别注重这个品质。我和我的朋友们都是相互信任的。借了东西,我们会遵守自己的及时返还。我很幸运,爸爸给我带来了这积极的一面。  【篇二】最深的感情 The Deepest Relationship When I see my grandparents walking together, I will think of the popular sentence, which is the most romantic thing is to grow old with you. I think this is the deepest relationship. They have experienced all kinds of happiness and sorrow together, making each other the in-separate part. They know each other so well. My grandma can get my grandpa"s idea when she looks at his face. They set the good example for the young parents, showing them what the true love is. When people say that they don"t believe in love, then I will think of my grandparents and have strong faith in love. I am so proud of them. 每当我看到我爷爷和奶奶一起散步时,我就会想起那句流行的话——最浪漫的事就是和你一起慢慢变老。我认为这是最深厚的感情。他们一起经历了所有的快乐与悲伤,让彼此成为相互间不可或缺的一部分。他们非常了解彼此,奶奶看看爷爷的脸就可以知道爷爷的想法。他们给年轻父母树立了榜样,告诉他们什么是真爱。当别人说他们不相信爱情了,我就会想起爷爷和奶奶,对爱情有强烈的信心。我为他们感到骄傲。  【篇三】冲动的后果 The Result of Impulsion People always say that impulsion is the demon, but only the one who has experienced this unhappy moment can feel the horrible result. I remembered that when I was five years old, I was young and reckless. Someday, my friends took my favorite toy to play, and I asked them to be careful, but suddenly they dropped down my toy and made it into the water. I was so angry and asked them to leave, telling them that I hated them. My friends were sorry and shocked, and they left after hearing my angry words. After a few days, I washed my toy and it was clean again, then I started to feel regretful for saying the horrible words. We were not as closed as before. I felt like losing friends for my impulsion. 人们总是说,冲动是魔鬼,但只有当一个人经历了这不幸的时刻才能感受到这可怕的后果。我记得,在我五岁的时候,我年少不懂事。有一天,我的朋友拿了我最喜欢的玩具去玩,我叫他们要小心了,可是他们还是突然把我的玩具弄掉了,还掉进入水中。我很生气叫他们离开,并且对他们说我恨他们。我的朋友表示了抱歉也感到很震惊,听到我愤怒的话后就走了。几天后,我把玩具洗干净了,开始为说了可怕的话而感到后悔。我们再也不再像以前那样亲密了。因为冲动,我觉得我失去了朋友。   

神秘园唱的The Promise是什么时候发行的?

2001年1月1日,专辑忆游红月——《Once In A Red Moon》。专辑歌曲:1 Awakening2 You Raise Me Up3 Silent Wings4 Greenwaves5 Invitation6 Duo7 Belonging8 Gates Of Dawn9 The Promise10 Fairytale11 Once In A Red Moon12 Elegie

The Promise的中文歌词

只身航行于生命与信仰的海洋风暴为你指引归路辽阔路途呼唤希望你于大地独自前行我们前行我们跌倒我们学习、我们失败、我们重新站起我们战斗我们互助憎恨、聆听、再出发相爱我们沉寂我们起舞,欢笑,绽放惊艳我们盼望我们祈祷,离去,再消亡我活在缥缈梦想里睁开双眼 再度呼吸我能看见你的恐惧你我能够共同感受我想我们能拯救一切走过这荒无人烟的路在此,我们将能重新如钻石般闪耀夺目(我们闪耀)我们将升起两颗心,在灵魂重获自由的地方我们将永恒!我们航行于生命与信仰的海洋风暴为其指引归路辽阔路途呼唤希望我们在大地上独行我们前行我们跌倒我们学习,我们失败,我们重新站起我们奋战我们互助铭记憎恨出行相爱我们沉寂我们起舞,欢笑,绽放惊艳我们盼望我们祈祷,离去,再消亡我们前进我们坠落此梦乃浩瀚宇宙众魂如星辰闪耀等黑暗净化为光我带你一同飞翔此路直至彼岸处那是崭新的明天那是永恒的明天

请问secret garden - the promise这首歌表达了怎样的感情?!


歌词:THE PROMISE 这是什么歌 在哪里能下载?


the promise神秘园

The mermaid chair 这部电影完全是神秘园负责配乐的 其中有一段美人鱼的表演就用了the promise 当然也可能有一些电影没有取得版权就用了,这我就不知道了.

When in Rome -- The Promise中文歌词高分拿下!

诺言如果你需要一个朋友,不要指望一个陌生人,当在罗马的诺言你知道,最终,我将一直在那里。当你处在怀疑之中,当你处在危险之中,看一看四周,我将一直在这里。对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我知道他们不健全的就是我的计划范围内。 (我发誓)但是,如果你等着一会儿,我要让你属于我,如果你需要一个朋友,不要指望一个陌生人,当在罗马的诺言你知道,最终,我将一直在那里。当你处在怀疑之中,当你处于危险之中,看一看四周,我将一直在那里。对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我知道这些话不是我所计划的那么好。 (我发誓)但是,如果你等等,我要让你属于我,我承诺,我答应你,我会。当你一天通过的话,如此,你的脾气,我将总是在这里。你知道怎样做,有时,如果我大声,这不是我所想的。这些话刚说出来,没有抱怨去承受。对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我知道这些话不是我所计划的那么好。 (我发誓)但是,如果你等会儿,我要让你属于我,对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我承诺,我答应你...我知道这些话不是我所计划的那么好。 (我发誓)如果我不得不浪迹天涯,我将让你跟着我,我承诺,我答应你,我会。我要告诉你们,我要告诉你们,我得告诉你们,我得告诉 呀啊啊啊对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我知道这些话不是我所计划的那么好。 (我发誓)但是,如果你等等,我要让你跟随我,我承诺,我答应你...对不起,但我只是在想合适的话说。 (我发誓)我知道这些话不是我所计划的那么好。 (我发誓)如果我不得不浪迹天涯,我会让你跟随我,我承诺,我答应你,我会...

the promise 求歌词大意


The Promise的创作背景

《The Promise》这首歌特邀请华语词人林夕填词,陶喆、黄文舒共同谱曲。陶喆想通过这首歌检讨过去的错误,希望写一首对不起及道歉的歌。同时这也是陶喆首次与林夕合作,二人在合作过程中非常默契,《The Promise》就此诞生 。

silver bronze chrome 中文什么颜色


The Promise的英文歌词

ometimes it was as long as a year, somet


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