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Robinson Crusoe鲁滨逊漂流记摘抄

All the rest of that Day I spent in afflicting my self at the dismal Circumstances I was brought to, viz. I had neither Food, House, Clothes, Weapon, or Place to fly to, and in Despair of any Relief, saw nothing but Death before me, either that I should be devour"d by wild Beasts, murther"d by Savages, or starv"d to Death for Want of Food. At the Approach of Night, I slept in a Tree for fear of wild Creatures, but slept soundly tho" it rain"d all Night.October 1. In the Morning I saw to my great Surprise the Ship had floated with the high Tide, and was driven on Shore again much nearer the Island, which as it was some Comfort on one hand, for seeing her sit upright, and not broken to Pieces, I hop"d, if the Wind abated, I might get on board, and get some Food and Necessaries out of her for my Relief; so on the other hand, it renew"d my Grief at the Loss of my Comrades, who I imagin"d if we had all staid on board might have sav"d the Ship, or at least that they would not have been all drown"d as they were; and that had the Men been sav"d, we might perhaps have built us a Boat out of the Ruins of the Ship, to have carried us to some other Part of the World. I spent great Part of this Day in perplexing my self on these things; but at length seeing the Ship almost dry, I went upon the Sand as near as I could, and then swam on board; this Day also it continu"d raining, tho" with n"o Wind at all.From the 1st of October, to the 24th. All these Days entirely spent in many several Voyages to get all I could out of the Ship, which I brought on Shore, every Tide of Flood, upon Rafts. Much Rain also in these Days, tho" with some Intervals of fair Weather: But, it seems, this was the rainy Season.Oct.20. I overset my Raft, and all the Goods I had got upon it, but being in shoal Water, and the things being chiefly heavy, I recover"d many of them when the Tide was out.Oct. 25. It rain"d all Night and all Day, with some Gusts of Wind, during which time the Ship broke in Pieces, the Wind blowing a little harder than before, and was no more to be seen, except the Wreck of her, and that only at low Water. I spent this Day in covering and securing the Goods which I had sav"d, that the Rain might not spoil them.Oct. 26. I walk"d about the Shore almost all Day to find out a place to fix my Habitation, greatly concern"d to secure my self from an Attack in the Night, either from wild Beasts or Men. Towards Night I fix"d upon a proper Place under a Rock, and mark"d out a Semi-Circle for my Encampment, which I resolv"d to strengthen with a Work, Wall, or Fortification made of double Piles, lin"d within with Cables, and without with Turf.From the 26th. to the 30th. I work"d very hard in carrying all my Goods to my new Habitation, tho" some Part of the time it rain"d exceeding hard.The 31st. in the Morning I went out into the Island with my Gun to see for some Food, and discover the Country, when I kill"d a She-Goat, and her Kid follow"d me home, which I afterwards kill"d also because it would not feed.November. 1. I set up my Tent under a Rock, and lay there for the first Night, making it as large as I could with Stakes driven in to swing my Hammock upon.Nov. 2. I set up all my Chests and Boards, and the Pieces of Timber which made my Rafts, and with them form"d a Fence round me, a little within the Place I had mark"d out for my Fortification.Nov. 3. I went out with my Gun and kill"d two Fowls like Ducks, which were very good Food. In the Afternoon went to work to make me a Table.Captain, well us"d, and dealt justly and honourably with, as well as charitably, I had not the least Thankfulness on my Thoughts: When again I was shipwreck"d, ruin"d, and in Danger of drowning on this Island, I was as far from Remorse, or looking on it as a Judgment; I only said to my self often, that I was an unfortunate Dog, and born to be always miserable.It is true, when I got on Shore first here, and found all my Ship"s Crew drown"d, and my self spar"d, I was surpriz"d with a Kind of Extasie, and some Transports of Soul, which, had the Grace of God assisted, might have come up to true Thankfulness; but it ended where it begun, in a meer common Flight of Joy, or as I may say, being glad I was alive, without the least Reflection upon the distinguishing Goodness of the Hand which had preserv"d me, and had singled me out to be preserv"d, when all the rest were destroy"d; or an Enquiry why Providence had been thus merciful to me; even just the same common Sort of Joy which Seamen generally have after they are got safe ashore from a Shipwreck, which they drown all in the next Bowl of Punch, and forget almost as soon as it is over, and all the rest of my Life was like it.Even when I was afterwards, on due Consideration, made sensible of my Condition, how I was cast on this dreadful Place, out of the Reach of humane Kind, out of all Hope of Relief, or Prospect of Redemption, as soon as I saw but a Prospect of living, and that I should not starve and perish for Hunger, all the Sense of my Affliction wore off, and I begun to be very easy, apply"d my self to the Works proper for my Preservation and Supply, and was far enough from being afflicted at my Condition, as a Judgment from Heaven, or as the Hand of God against me; these were Thoughts which very seldom enter"d into my Head.The growing up of the Corn, as is hinted in my Journal, had at first some little Influence upon me, and began to affect me with Seriousness, as long as I thought it had something miraculous in it; but as soon as ever that Part of the Thought was remov"d, all the Impression which was rais"d from it, wore off also, as I have noted already.Even the Earthquake, tho" nothing could be more terrible in its Nature, or more immediately directing to the invisible Power which alone directs such Things, yet no sooner was the first Fright over, but the Impression it had made went off also. I had no more Sense of God or his Judgments, much less of the present Affliction of my Circumstances being from his Hand, than if I had been in the most prosperous Condition of Life.But now when I began to be sick, and a leisurely View of the Miseries of Death came to place itself before me; when my Spirits began to sink under the Burthen of a strong Distemper, and Nature was exhausted with the Violence of the Feaver; Conscience that had slept so long, begun to awake, and I began to reproach my self with my past Life, in which I had so evidently, by uncommon Wickedness, provok"d the Justice of God to lay me under uncommon Strokes, and to deal with me in so vindictive a Manner.These Reflections oppress"d me for the second or third Day of my Distemper, and in the Violence, as well of the Feaver, as of the dreadful Reproaches of my Conscience, extorted some Words from me, like praying to God, tho" I cannot say they were either a Prayer attended with Desires or with Hopes; it was rather the Voice of meer Fright and Distress; my Thoughts were confus"d, the Convictions great upon my Mind, and the Horror of dying in such a miserable Condition rais"d Vapours into my Head with the meer Apprehensions; and in these Hurries of my Soul, I know not what my Tongue might express: but it was rather Exclamation, such as, Lord! what a miserable Creature am I? If I should be sick, I shall certainly die for Want of Help, and what will become of me! Then the Tears burst out of my Eyes, and I could say no more for a good while.In this Interval, the good Advice of my Father came to my Mind, and presently his Prediction which I mention"d at the Beginning of this Story, viz. That if I did take this foolish Step, God would not bless me, and I would have Leisure hereafter to reflect upon having neglected his Counsel, when there mightIn a Word, The Nature and Experience of Things dictated to me upon just Reflection, That all the good Things of this World, are no farther good to us, than they are for our Use; and that whatever we may heap up indeed to give others, we enjoy just as much as we can use, and no more. The most covetous griping Miser in the World would have been cur"d of the Vice of Covetousness, if he had been in my Case; for I possess"d infinitely more than I knew what to do with. I had no room for Desire, except it was of Things which I had not, and they were but Trifles, though indeed of great Use to me. I had, as I hinted before, a Parcel of Money, as well Gold as Silver, about thirty six Pounds Sterling: Alas! There the nasty sorry useless Stuff lay; I had no manner of Business for it; and I often thought with my self, That I would have given a Handful of it for a Gross of Tobacco-Pipes, or for a Hand-Mill to grind my Corn; nay, I would have given it all for Sixpenny-worth of Turnip and Carrot Seed out of England, or for a Handful of Pease and Beans, and a Bottle of Ink: As it was, I had not the least advantage by it, or Benefit from it; but there it lay in a Drawer, and grew mouldy with the Damp of the Cave, in the wet Season; and if I had had the Drawer full of Diamonds, it had been the same Case; and they had been of no manner of Value to me, because of no Use.I had now brought my State of Life to be much easier in it self than it was at first, and much easier to my Mind, as well as to my Body. I frequently sat down to my Meat with Thankfulness, and admir"d the Hand of God"s Providence, which had thus spread my Table in the Wilderness. I learn"d to look more upon the bright Side of my Condition, and less upon the dark Side; and to consider what I enjoy"d, rather than what I wanted; and this gave me sometimes such secret Comforts, that I cannot express them; and which I take Notice of here, to put those discontented People in Mind of it, who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them; because they see, and covet something that he has not given them: All our Discontents about what we want, appear"d to me, to spring from the Want of Thankfulness for what we have.Another Reflection was of great Use to me, and doubtless would be so to any one that should fall into such Distress as mine was; and this was, To compare my present Condition with what I at first expected it should be; nay, with what it would certainly have been, if the good Providence of God had not wonderfully order"d the Ship to be cast up nearer to the Shore, where I not only Could come at her, but could bring what I got out of her to the Shore, for my Relief and Comfort; without which, I had wanted for Tools to work, Weapons for Defence, or Gun-Powder and Shot for getting my Food.I spent whole Hours, I may say whole Days, in representing to my self in the most lively Colours, how I must have acted, if I had got nothing out of the Ship. How I could not have so much as got any Food, except Fish and Turtles; and that as it was long before I found any of them, I must have perish"d first. That I should have liv"d, if I had not perish"d, like a meer Savage. That if I had kill"d a Goat, or a Fowl, by any Contrivance, I had no way to flea" or open them, or part the Flesh from the Skin, and the Bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my Teeth, and pull it with my Claws like a Beast.These Reflections made me very sensible of the Goodness of Providence to me, and very thankful for my present Condition, with all its Hardships and Misfortunes: And this Part also I cannot but recommend to the Reflection of those, who are apt in their Misery to say, Is any Affliction like mine! Let them consider, How much worse the Cases of some People are, and their Case might have been, if Providence had thought fit.

he is robinson crusoe什么意思


The adventures of Robinson Crusoe_鲁滨逊漂流记英语读后感600字

Recently, I read "Robinson Crusoe" this book, it tells a story of the legendary hero Robinson: Despite the opposition of her parents at home, to give up the cause of development, just like sailing, the floating world, but on the first day he set foot on the deck, he began his dangerous and more the fate of the trip...... He worked as a farmer, a slave, and eventually lost his companion to a desert island. But Robinson did not come dazed for death, but with his wisdom and amazing perseverance to survive, even on the island, the goats barley, making pottery, became king of the island. Later, after helping a British captain, thirty-five years after he left home, he came back to his hometown. How brave Robinson is. He is beginning to the island of despair, he said: "I grieved me this desolate environment, no food, no houses, no clothes, no weapons, no way, no hope for rescued, only death, the beast is not swallow, is by savage...... "But, slowly, he embodies the unique character, full of hope for life, not all day immersed in their own pessimistic design, undivided attention began to arrange their own life, he built a small house; do the table, a small box; after a lamb, a dog; wheat, rice...... In this way, he created his own little kingdom with his own hands. Robinson"s strength not only lets me admire, his optimism spirit also lets me admire very much. When we first arrived at a desert island, Robinson had no assistants, no tools, no experience, so it took a lot of time and effort to do anything. It takes forty-two days to make a block of wood. He did many things in vain, failed, but he never discouraged, disappointed, always summed up the failure of the experience and start again. The hard work gave him a pleasing return, and at last he became a ship, with bread, crockery, houses, none of which had not taken much effort to overcome many difficulties. See here, I can not help but reflect on the past, if I do not succeed, will be discouraged, and then do not. This is wrong, should be like Robinson, summed up the failure of the experience, and start again. On the road of life, through the naive years, out of the school gate, into the farther road of life, like Robinson drifting, like, led a different life. Drifting is actually life. If the assumption is not left, not through the years of research optimism, how will the real success of Heliocentricity confirmed. If there is no idea of entrepreneurship, there is no use to withstand setbacks in the entrepreneurial heart of entrepreneurship, how can there be so many successful entrepreneurs?. If there were no anti feudal, anti aggression ideas, there were not so many people on the road of thorns, how can we have a splendid China now?....... In science, in economy, in history, did not stop the pace of your head against the idea, with your hand action, with your mind optimistic, to face all......

关于鲁宾逊漂流记的问题(英文的)Robinson Crusoe


robinson crusoe 的英文写作特点,要举例子哦,谢谢!!要英文的!!

Robinson Crusoe is a real hero. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. However, Robinson Crusoe is not a perfect man. He also has shortcomings. He was such a coward when he encountered a storm the first time. He sweared and repented yet ate his words and sailed on after the storm. By showing Robinson"s shortcomings, Daniel Defoe made Robinson a real person. After all, no one is perfect. Robinson Crusoe can not only lead the ambitious ones to success, but also guide average people to face up to life. This is the significance of the study of Robinson Crusoe.

robinson crusoe的英文简介


robinson crusoe怎么读

这要视阁下的英文水品来选择阅读范围,水品一般般我建议读一些情节性强的小说,例如Robinson Crusoe ,The Old Man and Sea,etc.可以提高阅读兴趣。若是英文修养较高,可以读Shakespeare,John Milton,Spenser这三位是英语文学的前三强,必读,可以加深古典英文文学修养。当然还有很多好的诗人如Robert Burns的苏格兰诗也很有韵味哦。 例如他的,A Red Red Rose就很棒,美极了! 近代诗人可读Eliot的The Waste Land.....读书破万卷嘛,O(∩_∩)O哈!

Robinson Crusoe是什么意思

Robinson Crusoen.鲁滨逊漂流记; 例句:1.Robinson crusoe is a classic. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部名著。2.What the colonial spirit influenced robinson crusoe mostdirectly and obviously was shown by his concept of family. 其中最直接、也是最明显的表现就是殖民精神在很大程度上影响了鲁滨逊对“家”的理解。

robinson crusoe什么意思

robinson crusoe鲁滨孙漂流记双语对照词典结果:Robinson Crusoen.鲁滨逊漂流记; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is, however, an alternative scenario-a chapter from robinson crusoe. 然而,还有一种情况,就是像《鲁宾逊漂流记》(robinson crusoe)中的某章节那样。

robinson crusoe是什么意思

Robinson Crusoen.鲁滨逊漂流记; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.There is, however, an alternative scenario-a chapter from robinson crusoe. 然而,还有一种情况,就是像《鲁宾逊漂流记》(robinson crusoe)中的某章节那样

Robinson Crusoe是什么意思


Robinson Crusoe是什么意思


Robinson Crusoe是什么意思

Robinson Crusoen.鲁滨逊漂流记;


或许 你问的是韩剧《color rush》里的mono probe?mono简单说就是无法辨别颜色的人群probe能让mono看见世界的颜色,probe于mono而言就像命中注定的人一样吧。


最近有一部剧,光看到它的简介我就直呼一声好家伙。不是我说,这么色的设定。是真的可以拍出来的吗——《遇见你之后》南韩新出的一部BL剧。在这部剧设定的世界里,有一种特殊的群体,叫做mono。mono是神经全色盲患者,世界在它眼里无颜色分别,就像看黑白电视一般。不过Mono不是完全看不到颜色,只要遇到属于自己的Probe,见到他的脸,就能恢复正常。但问题是。mono必须持续跟probe保持关系才能看到颜色,不然就会恢复到原样。所以,mono往往会对probe产生强烈的占有欲,有些mono害怕失去probe就会杀了他们,甚至吃掉。品一品这个设定,四舍五入一下,跟ABO有什么区别!(不懂什么是ABO的小朋友那就还是不知道吧)当然,让我直线入坑的最重要的原因还是因为两位主演都、太、帅、了!男主一,洪瑜浚。可以叫他小洪。00年的弟弟,身高有180cm。曾经出演过《高跟鞋》,在里面演车叔的初恋。男主二,许玹凖,大家可以叫他小许。同样也是00后,这位弟弟的眼睛实在是太漂亮了。这两个人一同框,满屏就写着两个字——般配!除了颜值和设定,这部剧的攻、受设定也恰恰踩在了我的点子上。一个是妖孽美人诱攻,另一个是纯情傲娇软受。两个人的初次见面,说来也是命中注定的缘分。小洪饰演的崔延雨就是mono。因为揍了嘲笑他是mono的同学。他又一次转学来到了一所男校。正巧跟小许饰演的高柳翰在一个班级。高柳翰是个偶像练习生。每天上课的日常就是睡觉。而且他还是个脸盲,记不得别人的长相。没想到醒来之后一见到崔延雨的脸,奇妙的化学反应产生了。还忍不住说了一句——你、长、得、真、好、看一见面就夸男孩子长得好看,什么意思不用多说了吧。所以一下课,高柳翰就主动去找延雨搭话了。说着说着,就摘下了口罩。这一摘可不得了,崔延雨一见到高柳翰的脸,就发生了Color Moving的反应。也就是传说中只有mono遇到特定probe的时候才会产生的现象。


因为mono往往会对probe产生强烈的占有欲,有些mono害怕失去probe就会杀了他们,甚至吃掉。Mono和Probe来自电视剧《遇见你之后》。mono是神经全色盲患者,世界在它眼里无颜色分别,就像看黑白电视一般。不过Mono不是完全看不到颜色,只要遇到属于自己的Probe,见到他的脸,就能恢复正常。但问题是mono必须持续跟probe保持关系才能看到颜色,不然就会恢复到原样。Mono和Probe是一对矛盾体,Probe能够唤醒Mono的色彩神经,但是只是短暂性的,当Probe离开Mono的时候,Mono的世界就会又恢复黯淡无光,因此,很多Mono都会做出对Probe的异常行为,比如说绑架、囚禁等伤害的行为,而且这种占有欲会随着时间推移变得越来越强烈。遇见你之后《遇见你之后》改编自韩国同名小说,由许玹埻、洪泰艺、柳俊主演,于2020年12月30日首播。讲述的是主人公因为是色盲看到的整个世界都是灰色的,但是遇到命中注定的他之后通过强烈的经历开始出现能看到彩色的“Color Rush”现象,从而发生的一系列故事。


如果这两个单词你放在一起问的话,那应该是韩剧《color rush》的角色设定,mono是眼睛只能看见灰色没有彩色,但是不同于全色盲的地方是,mono拥有一个probe,看到probe的脸的话,眼睛就能看见彩色了,但是应该是暂时性的?后续到底咋回事还得看韩剧《color rush》的更新。现实生活中应该没有这种疾病。


probe意思是:调查。mono意思是:单色的。1、probe英[pru0259u028ab]释义:n.探针;调查vi.调查;探测vt.探查;用探针探测n.(Probe)人名;(法)普罗布[复数:probes;第三人称单数:probes;现在分词:probing;过去式:probed;过去分词:probed]短语:space probe[航]空间探测器;[航]航天探测器;宇宙探测器;太空探测器2、mono英['mu0252nu0259u028a]释义:adj.单声道的;单色的n.单声道录音(或放音)系统;单色照片;单色复制;传染性单核细胞增多症(等于mononucleosis);单纤丝(等于monofilament)n.(Mono)(美)莫诺(人名)短语:Mono Lake莫诺湖;梦娜湖;梦诺湖词语辨析:probe,penetrate,prick,stabv.(动词)这组词都有“强行进入”的意思。1、penetrate是本组词中最正式、意义最广泛的词,主要用于任何利器弄成的半透或全透的洞,也可用于某物上任何类型的开口或穿透,穿透可以是沿着已有的通道,也可以通过一堆内部不连接的东西,还可以通过一个具有透明的膜;2、prick的意思是“刺破”,是指用针状的工具轻巧地在一薄层上刺个小洞或穿透;3、probe的意思是“切”“挖”,通常是指有意地、谨慎地、探险性地尝试而去切〔挖〕开某物;4、stab的意思是“刺”“切”,强调用扁平的利器如剑、刀,把东西切开或刺入某人/物。


probe意思是:调查。mono意思是:单色的。1、probe英[pru0259u028ab]释义:n.探针;调查vi.调查;探测vt.探查;用探针探测n.(Probe)人名;(法)普罗布[复数:probes;第三人称单数:probes;现在分词:probing;过去式:probed;过去分词:probed]短语:space probe[航]空间探测器;[航]航天探测器;宇宙探测器;太空探测器2、mono英['mu0252nu0259u028a]释义:adj.单声道的;单色的n.单声道录音(或放音)系统;单色照片;单色复制;传染性单核细胞增多症(等于mononucleosis);单纤丝(等于monofilament)n.(Mono)(美)莫诺(人名)短语:Mono Lake莫诺湖;梦娜湖;梦诺湖扩展资料:词语辨析:probe,penetrate,prick,stabv.(动词)这组词都有“强行进入”的意思。1、penetrate是本组词中最正式、意义最广泛的词,主要用于任何利器弄成的半透或全透的洞,也可用于某物上任何类型的开口或穿透,穿透可以是沿着已有的通道,也可以通过一堆内部不连接的东西,还可以通过一个具有透明的膜;2、prick的意思是“刺破”,是指用针状的工具轻巧地在一薄层上刺个小洞或穿透;3、probe的意思是“切”“挖”,通常是指有意地、谨慎地、探险性地尝试而去切〔挖〕开某物;4、stab的意思是“刺”“切”,强调用扁平的利器如剑、刀,把东西切开或刺入某人/物。


1、意义区别:mono:n 单声道录音(或放音)系统;单色照片;单色复制;传染性单核细胞增多症(等于 mononucleosis);单纤丝(等于 monofilament)probe:n 探针;调查。vi 调查;探测。vt 探查;用探针探测。2、读法区别:mono。英 ['mu0252nu0259u028a]。probe。英 [pru0259u028ab]。词语辨析:probe, penetrate, prick, stab这组词都有“强行进入”的意思。penetrate是本组词中最正式、意义最广泛的词,主要用于任何利器弄成的半透或全透的洞,也可用于某物上任何类型的开口或穿透,穿透可以是沿着已有的通道,也可以通过一堆内部不连接的东西,还可以通过一个具有透明的膜;

representatives discussed some of the most problems facing our planet.


问:Use a creative approach to solving problems这里solve为什么是ing形式?


关于Robert Spring的一片文章,英语好的帮帮忙,(不要用工具的,嘻嘻)谢谢大家

罗伯特春天, 19世纪的伪造,是那么好,在他的职业,他能作出他生活了15年,通过出售虚假的签名,著名的美国人。春天在英国出生,在1813年抵达在费城在1858年打开一个书店。他最初的繁荣出售他的小,但真正的收集早期美国的签名。发现他有能力在复制的笔迹,他开始模仿签名,乔治华盛顿和Ben Franklin和他们的写作上的标题页的旧书。为了减少检测的机会,他派他伪造的,以英格兰和加拿大的销售和流通。 伪造有困难的时候出售其产品。 1伪造不能的做法,一个可敬,但买方必须处理的人,这样做不会有太大领域的知识。伪造有很多方式,使他们的工作,看看真实的。举例来说,他们买旧书使用年龄文件标题页,他们可以处理纸张和油墨与化学品。 在春季的时间,正确的内战后,英国仍然热衷于南部各州,所以春天发明了一种尊敬的处女夫人称为小姐芬妮杰克逊,唯一的女儿一般的“石墙”杰克逊。几年来小姐芬妮的财政问题迫使她出售了大量的信件和手稿属于她的著名的父亲。春天已经工作很努力,以满足需求。所有这些活动并没有阻止春天从垂死在贫困之中,留下尖锐的眼睛专家的艰巨任务分开,他是伪造的,由正本。

250分!求Robin Thicke - Sex Therapy歌词中文翻译

(歌词在中国肯定会被禁的,因为是描述恋人make love,恕我不能完全翻译出来,自己看英文领略吧)Stressed out, uptight, 焦虑,紧张over worked, wound up,兴奋,心慌unleash what you got,释放你的情绪let"s explore your naughty side,让我们领略你放肆的那面follow me where we go,跟着我走we don"t need no bread crumbs,我们不需要面包cant you see baby,你看不出来吗 宝贝you"re the only one,你是我的唯一you are woman,你是我的女人you are woman,你是我的女人let me be your medicine,让我做治你心病的良药cuz I got one thing on my mind,因为我的脑海你只有一个念头I"ll be your valentine,我要做你的情人spread your wings and baby fly away张开翅膀,宝贝,跟我飞翔,(Chorus)It"s your body,你的身体由你主宰you can yell if you want to,尽情地叫出来loud if you want to,大叫吧 如果你愿意scream if you want to,尖叫吧 如果你愿意just let me love you,让我爱你lay right here girl,躺在我身边don"t be scared of me,不要害怕give you sex therapy,让我给你爱的慰藉give you sex therapy,让我给你爱的慰藉It"s your body,we"ll go hard if you want to,as hard as you want to,soft as you want to,just let me love you lay right here,I"ll be your fantasy,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy,Whoa (4X)Whoa (4X)Baby let"s settle for you to,just let your baby ,I"ll lick you down,make you feel like you got a body,ha Ha Ha Ha Ha the doctor"s here four you,take you like Twilight,I"ll bite your neck,you don"t have to stand in the rainI"ll get you wet, yeapush you up against the wall,turn you out and turn you on,yea, yea, whoa(Chorus)It"s your body,we can nut if you want to,loud if you want to,scream if you want to,just let me love you,lay right here girl,don"t be scared of me,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy,It"s your body,we"ll go hard if you want to, (Baby its your body)as hard as you want to,soft as you want to,just let me love you lay right here,I"ll be your fantasy,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy,Whoa (4X)Yea (4X)Girl it"s your body,we can do whatever you like,girl its your body,we can do whatever you like,It"s your body we can ride and rock and roll,ride and rock and roll,ride and rock, oh oh oh oh,(Chorus)It"s your body,we can nut if you want to,loud if you want to,scream if you want to,just let me love you,lay right here girl,don"t be scared of me,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy,It"s your body,we"ll go hard if you want to,as hard as you want to,soft as you want to,just let me love you lay right here,Girl dont be scared of me,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy,Shawty, shawty it"s your body,we can do can do can do, (sex therapy)shawty, shawty it"s your body,we can do whatever you like,just let me love you,lay right here girl,don"t be scared of me,give you sex therapy,give you sex therapy.

论文中Problem formulation是什么意思

文中Problem formulation是什么意思 知道更多额

problem formulation是什么意思

problem formulation英[u02c8pru0254blu0259m u02ccfu0254:mju028au02c8leu026au0283u0259n]美[u02c8prɑblu0259m u02ccfu0254rmju0259u02c8leu0283u0259n]问题定式化[例句]Explain why problem formulation must follow goal formulation.解释问题公式化必须遵循目标公式化?


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浏览器播放视频出现the media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or be的原因是因为浏览器脚本错误;解决方式:重新换一个浏览器进行视频播放;访问者所使用的浏览器不能完全支持页面里的脚本,形成“脚本错误”。遇到时一般会弹出一个非常难看的脚本运行错误警告窗口,而事实上,脚本错误并不会影响网站浏览,因此这一警告可谓多此一举。扩展资料:脚本script是使用一种特定的描述性语言,依据一定的格式编写的可执行文件,又称作宏或批处理文件。脚本通常可以由应用程序临时调用并执行。各类脚本目前被广泛地应用于网页设计中,因为脚本不仅可以减小网页的规模和提高网页浏览速度;有时候,脚本错误也可以是你的浏览器本身有问题导致,尝试修复你的浏览器,可以使用如黄山IE修复专家,超级兔子等第三方软件对IE进行修复也可以解决问题。而且可以丰富网页的表现,如果在脚本中加入一些破坏计算机系统的命令,这样当用户浏览网页时,一旦调用这类脚本,便会使用户的系统受到攻击。所以用户应根据对所访问网页的信任程度选择安全等级,特别是对于那些本身内容就非法的网页,更不要轻易允许使用脚本。通过“安全设置”对话框,选择“脚本”选项下的各种设置就可以轻松实现对脚本的禁用和启用。

播放视频时出现the media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or be

浏览器播放视频出现the media playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or be的原因是因为浏览器脚本错误;解决方式:重新换一个浏览器进行视频播放;访问者所使用的浏览器不能完全支持页面里的脚本,形成“脚本错误”。遇到时一般会弹出一个非常难看的脚本运行错误警告窗口,而事实上,脚本错误并不会影响网站浏览,因此这一警告可谓多此一举。扩展资料:脚本script是使用一种特定的描述性语言,依据一定的格式编写的可执行文件,又称作宏或批处理文件。脚本通常可以由应用程序临时调用并执行。各类脚本目前被广泛地应用于网页设计中,因为脚本不仅可以减小网页的规模和提高网页浏览速度;有时候,脚本错误也可以是你的浏览器本身有问题导致,尝试修复你的浏览器,可以使用如黄山IE修复专家,超级兔子等第三方软件对IE进行修复也可以解决问题。而且可以丰富网页的表现,如果在脚本中加入一些破坏计算机系统的命令,这样当用户浏览网页时,一旦调用这类脚本,便会使用户的系统受到攻击。所以用户应根据对所访问网页的信任程度选择安全等级,特别是对于那些本身内容就非法的网页,更不要轻易允许使用脚本。通过“安全设置”对话框,选择“脚本”选项下的各种设置就可以轻松实现对脚本的禁用和启用。

暮光作者原来希望的男主角是谁?(不是Robert Pattinson)thanks

小说作者斯蒂芬妮·梅尔起初是属意于略带野性风格的亨利·卡维尔,但在影片拍摄时,亨利已然是25岁“高龄”,与故事中17岁的青涩毛头小子差别不小。 亨利卡维尔,英文名Henry Cavill,英国演员,因为出演《都铎王朝》而有一定的知名度。他是《暮光之城》原著作者梅尔心目中最完美的爱德华。他因先后错失007、蝙蝠侠、暮光之城的爱德华等角色而被评为”好莱坞最不幸的人。2011年1月,众望所归,华纳宣布Henry Cavill将在2012年超人:钢铁之躯中饰演超人。中文名: 亨利。卡维尔 外文名: Henry Cavill 国籍: 英国 出生地: 泽西岛 出生日期: 1983年5月5日 职业: 演员 代表作品: 《都铎王朝》、《众神》、《白昼冷光》 Henry CavillFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search Henry Cavill Cavill at a Vanity Fair party at the Tribeca Film Festival, April 2009 Born Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill5 May 1983 (1983-05-05) (age 27)Jersey, Channel Islands Occupation Actor Years active 2001 – present Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill (born 5 May 1983) is a British actor. He has appeared in the films The Count of Monte Cristo and Stardust, and played the role of Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk, on the Showtime series The Tudors, from 2007 until 2010. He has been cast as Superman in the 2012 film Superman: Man of Steel.Contents [hide]1 Early life 2 Career 3 Filmography 4 References 5 External links [edit] Early lifeCavill was born on the island of Jersey in the Channel Islands, the fourth of five boys.[1] His mother, Marianne, worked in a bank, and his father, Colin Cavill, was a stockbroker.[1] He was educated at St. Michael"s Preparatory School in Saint Saviour, Jersey before attending Stowe School,[2] a boarding school in Buckinghamshire, England. He began acting in school plays during prep school,[3] and has said that if he hadn"t become an actor, he would have joined the army[2] or gone to university to study ancient history or Egyptology.[3][4][edit] CareerCavill had his first film role in Kevin Reynolds" 2002 adaptation The Count of Monte Cristo. He went on to star in Laguna (2001), and afterwards appeared in BBC"s The Inspector Lynley Mysteries (2002), the TV film Goodbye Mr. Chips (2002), and the TV series Midsomer Murders (2003). In 2003 he had a supporting role in I Capture the Castle, followed by Red Riding Hood (2004), Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005), and Tristan & Isolde (2006). He had a minor role alongside Sienna Miller and Ben Barnes in Matthew Vaughn"s adaptation of Stardust (2007).From 2007 to 2010, Cavill had a leading role in Showtime"s television series The Tudors as Charles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk. The series was well-received: it was nominated for a Golden Globe in 2007 and won an Emmy in 2008. Cavill credits the show to bolstering his career: "It"s done the most for me to date. [ . . . ] Now that there"s an audience somewhere in America that"s aware of who I am, I have more sell-ability, because of The Tudors."[5] Entertainment Weekly named him the "Most Dashing Duke" and praised his work on The Tudors for displaying "charm, depth and a killer bod".[6]Cavill had been set to star as Superman in director McG"s 2004 film Superman: Flyby. However, McG pulled out of the project and direction was taken over by director Bryan Singer, who recast Brandon Routh as the lead.[7][8] Cavill was also the cause of a write-in effort from fans to see him cast as Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005).[9] The role eventually went to Robert Pattinson. Stephenie Meyer, author of the Twilight series, was outspokenly in favor of Cavill playing the character of Edward Cullen in the Twilight film,[10] calling him her "perfect Edward".[11] By the time production of the film began, however, Cavill was too old to play the character,[11][12] and again the role went to Robert Pattinson. In 2005, Cavill was a final contender for the role of James Bond in Casino Royale.[13] The producers and director Martin Campbell were torn between him and Daniel Craig; reportedly Campbell supported Cavill but the producers preferred an older Bond.[7][14] Ultimately Craig landed the role. In their December 2005 issue, Empire magazine dubbed Cavill the "Unluckiest Man in Hollywood" for this series of near-misses.[2] Despite reports that he was a contender for Batman in Batman Begins, Cavill confirmed that he never auditioned for nor was offered the role.[7][13]In early 2008, Cavill became a model/spokesperson for Dunhill fragrances.[15] The television ad featured a suited-up Cavill walking through the Union Jack flag, before mounting a helicopter.[16] A second television ad featured Cavill driving a car through a deserted London at night, and meeting with a young woman.[17] He starred in director Joel Schumacher"s horror film Blood Creek (2008) and in 2009 he had a minor role in Woody Allen"s comedy film Whatever Works.Director Tarsem Singh cast Cavill in the lead role of Theseus in his mythological, big-budget special effects film Immortals, to be released November 11, 2011.[18] In 2011 Cavill will star alongside Bruce Willis in The Cold Light of Day. On January 30, 2011, it was announced that Cavill had been cast in the role of Clark Kent/Superman in director Zack Snyder"s Superman: Man of Steel.[19] Snyder called Cavill "the perfect choice to don the cape and S shield."[20][21] Entertainment media applauded Henry Cavill on his road to success.[22][edit] FilmographyFilm Year Film Role Notes 2001 Laguna Thomas Aprea Main Role 2002 The Count of Monte Cristo Albert Mondego Main Role 2003 I Capture the Castle Stephen Colley Main Role 2005 Hellraiser: Hellworld Mike Main Role 2006 Red Riding Hood Hunter Main Role 2006 Tristan + Isolde Melot Main Role 2007 Stardust Humphrey Minor Role 2009 Blood Creek Evan Marshall Main Role Whatever Works Randy James Minor Role 2011 Immortals Theseus Main Role The Cold Light of Day Will Main Role 2012 Superman: The Man of Steel Clark Kent / Superman Main Role Television Year Title Role Notes 2002 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries Chas Quilter 1 episode Goodbye, Mr. Chips Soldier Colley made for television (STV) 2003 Midsomer Murders Simon Mayfield 1 episode 2007–2010 The Tudors Charles Brandon Main Role

Robert pattinson 的《let me sign》的中文翻译


大家觉得Robert pattinson帅一点还是Taylor Lautner帅一点?


Nicola Roberts的《Gladiator》 歌词

歌曲名:Gladiator歌手:Nicola Roberts专辑:Cinderella"S EyesGladiatorNicola RobertsDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongFalling down to London townDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongPast the rooftops and the crownThe rules are easy if you like to break them and offendA role reversal that"s the password so come make a friendIt"s topsy-turvy to give mercy to the guilty menWe love you faking cause you made the effort to pretendLike a gladiator craves the blood of his spectatorsI"m in the middle of a man I"ll have to call you laterAnd just before I pull out I swear to use indicatorsSo you can see my show, you can, you can see my showShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name nowI roll the dice you play like mice send you round the bendSugar and spice screaming is nice the fun it never endsI miss mischievous innocent to the bitter endMake up is make believe so slap it on be my best friendI had to call a fire man my hair was burning bridgesI"m shooting bullets from my chest I"m super woman bitchesAnd if my balls of steel have stuck half way down your pipeI got some KY, time to open open open wideShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name nowThose days, I"d stumble in the dark,angels give me back my spark.The wrong girl trapped in the right placeI"ve had enough I"ve dusted offAnd wiped my blood on you!Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongFalling down to London townDing dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dongPast the rooftops and the crownShow show show show show show showHere I go, go, goHere I go, go, goGonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tapOn the mic nowSay my name now

英文翻译,机械专业:Industrial Robots 满意的才会采纳,还有追加奖分(可以商量)

37.6.1机器人的组件 欣赏的功能组件和其能力的机器人,我们simulataneously可以观察的灵活性和性能不同的动作,我们自己的手臂、手、手腕、手指在寻求并抢下一个物体从架子上取下,用一只手工具,或者在经营汽车或机器。描述下是最基本的组成部分的工业机器人(图37.17)。 机械手。也叫做手臂和手腕、机械手机械单位提供运动轨迹)(类似于人类手臂和手。结束的时候可以达到一种境界:手腕在太空中有一套特定的坐标,并在一个特定的方向。大多数的机器人有六个旋转接头。7自由度或冗余机器人对于特殊应用也可用。

Rob Thomas的《Natural》 歌词

歌曲名:Natural歌手:Rob Thomas专辑:CradlesongRob Thomas - Naturalthis is not the life i promised you beforei can feel them running chains around our doorand i"m coming to the end of what i"m forbut i will pull myself together, i am surei will run for you until i start to dropi will breathe your breath until you tell me stopwe will see the ending of another sunny dayand we"ll wait at home until the next one dropsare we all just sitting here waiting on the end?like it"s only naturalit"s only naturalare we filling spaces till we find ourselves again?ike it"s only naturalits only naturalthis is not the way we wanted this to beand i can feel your doubt inside of mewe"re standing on the edge of everything we"ve ever seenand everything well never get to beand when you think its overit starts coming "round againit"s coming "round againand when you think it"s figured outit starts coming "round againit"s coming "round againit"s coming "round againit"s only natural

career planning does not guarantee that all prob



挂在microblaze上;(3)利用简单的c语言调用相应的用户接口函数,便可以访问外部设备啦!! Do you know?R

BOM OF H Frame ABB robot welding tooling什么意思


psychological problem

Your heart is extremely melancholy. Suggest to see a psychiatrist

If the robot___wrong , you can get a new one for free or get all your money back .

选c这道题考的是虚拟语气。从句使用将来时的形式是should加动词原形或者是were to,但是答案中只有前者,所以选c。希望我的回答对你有帮助。








no problem的上一句是thank you或thanks,因为no problem是对道谢的回答



no problem回答什么

1、Thank you谢谢你,用来表示不用谢。 2、Im soryy对不起,用来表示没关系。 3、Can you help me能帮我吗,用来表示没问题。 扩展资料   1、回答表示没问题,就跟中文的没问题字面上一个意思。表示“很轻松”或者“很容易解决”或者“可以这么做”。   2、回答表示不用谢,这个在英语的生活中用的非常多。   3、回答表示没关系,回答别人的.道歉,这个同样在英语的生活中用的非常多。   4、回答表示用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩。   5、回答表示用来表示有能力做某事,意为:没问题;不在话下。

朋友对我说这句NO problem.我该怎么回复


Sure no problem等于

it"s my pleasure. Jin rui 五角场

no problem 歌词的中文谐音,不要罗马音

  No problem!  作词:松冈モトキ  作曲:松冈モトキ  编曲:松冈モトキ/伊藤隆博  歩道桥で空见上げてる人  目の前の道と向き合ってる人  急ぎ足で梦追いかけてる人  ゆっくり噛みしめて歩いてる人  今日も交差する 心と心  そしてまたひとつ 生み落とされる problem  50年先が见えるすごい眼镜で  幸せそうに笑う自分が见たい  いろいろあるよ 心と心  そしてまたひとつ 向き合うのです problem  Ah 世界の爱をかき集めて届けたい 君や君にも  世界の罪をかき集めて土に还すように  祈りたい 祈りたいよ  1+1は2だけじゃないよ、you know?  思い方ひとつ 目指すは そう no problem!  没找到中文  翻译机翻译的= =  在仰望天空人行天桥  眼前的道路和相对  快步追着梦想的人  当慢慢地走着  今天也交叉的心与心  然后一个problem出现  50年后可以看见厉害的眼镜  幸福地笑着说自己想看  有许多心与心  然后一个面对的problem  针对北韩世界的爱 他希望你也能和你  世界的罪恶真能返回土  还想要  1 + 1 2只呀、you know ?  我一个人是no problem目标!  歩道桥で空见上げてる人  hodoukyou de sora miage teru hito  目の前の道と向き合ってる人  me no mae no michi to muki atteru hito  急ぎ足で梦追いかけてる人  isogiashi de yume oi kaketeru hito  ゆっくり噛みしめて歩いてる人  yukkuri kami shimete arui teru hito  今日も交差する 心と心  kyou mo kousa suru kokoro to kokoro  そしてまたひとつ 生み落とされる problem  soshite mata hitotsu umi oto sareru problem  50年先が见えるすごい眼镜で  50 nen sakiga mie rusugoi megane de  幸せそうに笑う自分が见たい  shiawase souni warau jibun ga mitai  いろいろあるよ 心と心  iroiroaruyo kokoro to kokoro  そしてまたひとつ 向き合うのです problem  soshite mata hitotsu muki au nodesu problem  Ah 世界の爱をかき集めて届けたい 君や君にも  Ah sekai no ai wokaki atsume te todoke tai kimi ya kimi nimo  世界の罪をかき集めて土に还すように  sekai no tsumi wo kaki atsume te tsuchi ni kaesu youni  祈りたい 祈りたいよ  inori tai inori taiyo  1+1は2だけじゃないよ、you know?  ichi + ichi ha 2 dake janaiyo , you know?  思い方ひとつ 目指すは そう no problem!  omoi hou hitotsu mezasu ha sou no problem!

no problem有不用谢的意思吗


歌词里有noproblem的英文歌 求歌名

「moment」作词∶飞兰作曲∶飞兰编曲∶藤间仁歌∶飞兰baby ちょうど1人なのmoment of this fatebaby 案外 straightねI"m not disagreeable油断して I will be late误魔化して Overlook meLet"s enjoy many things with me,still uneasy?离れられない程 Make me crazy tonightdarlingdarling 会いに来て in my heart子供じゃないの もっと ecstasyonly one nightmistake 无い!越えてきちゃう pure lightpushingpushing 强引でも noproblem大人になって ギュッと抱いちゃってhold me tightendless 无い!後味残しちゃ nono, love fictionfantastic もう一度 one more timeAh 思う通り 试して one more timeoh yes, reality 感じて one more timeAh dramatic 恋して one more timebaby 冲动抑えてないでmoment of this fatebaby dry なふりは gapねI"m not disagreeable妖艶に don"t look me again魅せられて kiss me, kiss me quickLet"s enjoy many things with me,still uneasy?波打つほど深くmove grately tonightdo it do it 帰さないで more hurry upパパとママには お愿い secretwhat"s new deep?聴こえる beatrandom なら shake itpushingpushing 强引でも noproblem大人になって ギュッと抱いちゃってhold me tightendless 无い!後味残しちゃ nono, love fictionfantastic もう一度 one more timeAh 思う通り 试して one more timeoh yes, reality 感じて one more timeAh dramatic 恋して one more timedarlingdarling 会いに来て in my heart子供じゃないの もっと ecstasyonly one nightmistake 无い!越えてきちゃう pure lightdo it do it 帰さないで more hurry upパパとママには お愿い secretwhat"s new deep?聴こえる beatrandom なら shake itpushingpushing 强引でも noproblem大人になって ギュッと抱いちゃってhold me tightendless 无い!後味残しちゃ nono, love fictionfantastic もう一度 one more timeAh 思う通り 试して one more timeoh yes, reality 感じて one more timeAh dramatic 恋して one more time终わり

Don Williams的《No Problem》 歌词

歌曲名:No Problem歌手:Don Williams专辑:FlatlandsNo Problem by wapNobody"s life is perfect,Nobody wins" em allIn everybody"s backyard,A little rain must fall.And when I think about you,You"re just the way you areIf you were any different,Oh, it would break my heart.You talk too much you laugh too loudWhen you hold my hand you act too proudYou give me more lovin" than a man"s allowedIf that"s the biggest problem I"ve got, no problem.My house is not a mansion,My car is not brand newMy clothes are out of fashion,My road"s got a bump or two.But when I think about you,The way you smile so sweetI know that you"re not perfectBut you"re close enough for me.You talk too much you laugh too loudWhen you hold my hand you act too proudYou give me more lovin" than a man"s allowedIf that"s the biggest problem I"ve got, no problem.If that"s the biggest problem I"ve gotIf that"s the biggest problem I"ve gotIf that"s the biggest problem I"ve gotNo problem.No problem.Nobody"s life is perfect,Nobody wins" em all.No problem...

no problem与not a problem有区别吗?


No problem的中文意思没问题,在句中的用法? 2.the day before two d


no problem 表示不用谢

is that a question?

no problem与not a problem有区别吗?


No problem的中文谐音

nou pe ruo be le m

no problem与no problems有什么区别

一般来说没有区别可以互用 严格来说 no problem 一般用于对话中 表示很有把握的 不会出错的意思 no problems 表示要解决的问题

求英语翻译 No problem! 中文是什么意哪


回答thank you 能用no problem 吗?为什么?

不能 thank you 是谢谢的意思;no problem 是没有问题意思。

没问题,翻译成英文是“no problem"吗 ?我的拼写是否正确呢?

没问题,翻译成英文就是“no problem"。它的英式读法是[nu0259u028a "pru0252blu0259m];美式读法是[nou028a "prɑu02d0blu0259m]。problem作名词时意思是问题;难题;习题。作形容词时意思是成问题的;难对付的。相关例句:1、No problem,I will send my QSL card to your bureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。2、If there is no problem,there will be no alarm bell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。扩展资料:单词解析:1、用法:n. (名词)1)problem作“问题”解,常指客观存在的并有待解决的困难或问题,也可指提出来的疑难问题,还可指数字、事实等方面的问题、习题或思考题。2)problem可用于答语中,与否定词连用,表示“没有问题”。3)problem有时还可以作定语,表示“难对付的,很成问题的”,可修饰物,也可修饰人。2、词义辨析:n. (名词)problem, question这两个词都有“问题”的意思。其区别是:question是一般的问题,较为常用,往往需要对方答复; problem指要解答的、须解决的或供讨论的问题,也可指难以处理的问题,还可指数学习题。例如:1)The students asked a lot of questions.学生们问了许多问题。2)We can"t go out in this weather; it"s out of the question.这样的天气我们不能出去,根本不要提出去的事吧。参考资料:百度百科-problem

No problem.的同义句

No problem=You"re welcome=My pleasure= Not at all 没问题,不用谢的意思.

no problem是什么词性?

no problem 不麻烦; 没什么; 没事儿;非常容易 [例句]I told her no problem.我告诉她,没问题。短语,没有词性

no problem与no problems有什么区别

一般来说没有区别可以互用 严格来说 no problem 一般用于对话中 表示很有把握的 不会出错的意思 no problems 表示要解决的问题

Not in the least 与No problem的用法?

答案为D.No problem在这用来“表示同意或愉快地回答请求”.而B则用来表示“绝不,丝毫也不”等意思.交际用语应以英美人士说话习惯为准则.,7,Not in the least 与No problem的用法 -----Would you mind lending me your camera? -----_____.Here you are. A.You are wele.B.Not in the least C.yes,Idon`t D.No problem 应该选B还是D?理由?

Ok 和No problem 语气上有什么区别

没有什么太大的区别,表示没问题,好的。其中No problem,又可以有以下三种用法:1、用来回答感谢(主要用于美国英语中),意为:不用谢; 别客气;没什么。如:A:Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。B:No problem. 没什么。2、用来回答道歉(主要用于美国英语中),意为:没关系; 没什么。如:A:Excuse me for smoking here. 请原谅我在这儿抽烟了。B:No problem. 没关系。3、用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩。如:A:Could you post the letter for me? 请帮我寄这封信好吗?B:No problem. 没问题。

no problem 的用法

有些词汇美国人每天都要讲,而且还可能要讲上无数遍.他们在办公室里用,在饭馆里,商店里以及其他任何场合都用这些词汇.所以有的人认为它们都成了老调,听都听腻味了.今天我们要讲的就是其中的两个.我们先来讲第一个.No problem. Problem就是有问题,有麻烦.No problem 就是:没有问题.No problem这个说法可以用在不同场合.首先,要是有人向你提出一个要求,你认为你能够,也愿意帮忙的话,你就可以说:No problem.意思就是:行,没问题.比如说,你妈妈让你在天黑以前把院子打扫乾净,你就可以回答说:No problem.我们来举一个例子吧.这是一个修汽车的人在对他的顾客说话. 例句-1: You want your car back by six o"clock, right? Hey, no problem! It"ll be all fixed up and ready to go, just as good as new. 他说:你六点前要来拿车,是吗? 嗨,没问题.到时候,一切都会修好,就像新车一样,就等着你开走. 当然,在现实生活中,你的车子可能过了三天还没有修好.美国一位研究语言的专家指出,当你听到对方说no problem的时候,有的情况下这意味着你的问题才刚刚开始. ****** 但是,no problem也可以用在别的场合.要是你把院子打扫得很乾净,你妈妈说:谢谢你,这时候你也能用no problem.在这里,no problem就是不要客气的意思.No problem这个习惯用语大约是三十年前开始出现的,但是现在世界各地的人都普遍地使用这个习惯用语.我们再来举一个例子看看no problem用做不要客气的时候是怎么用的.一个办公室里的电脑坏了.有一位工作人员打电话把电脑维修员请来看看有什么毛病.经过检查,这个电脑维修员说: 例句2: There"s no problem here except you forgot to switch on the machine. 他说:这儿没问题,只是你忘了打开开关. 打电话请维修员的工作人员很不好意思地说:Oh, we"re so sorry, but thank you for coming. 他说:哎呀,真是抱歉.不过,谢谢你啦. 那个维修员说:No problem. 大家要注意,第一句话里的no problem是真正的没问题,就是说这个电脑没有毛病.最后他说的 no problem 是不用客气的意思.

no problem怎麽发音?



noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的例句是Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。noproblem的读音是英[n__"pr_bl_m];美[no_"prɑ_bl_m]。一、网络释义点此查看noproblem的详细内容 没问题...拜的展会上,有很多客户都闻讯赶来,当我们问到他们在设备使用中有何问题时,他们说的是令人欣慰的一句话“Noproblem”(没问题),当然,一个设备不可能十全十美,我们对国外的客户采用同样的模式,在运送产品时我们会随车带来配件和易损件,如果另有需要,我... 考试家族noproblem毫无问题;考试家族;没问题;无问题.. 没有问题我和他说好了快件费用到付,他说没有问题(noproblem),但让我多寄一点给他用于测试,我就寄了一盒样品给他。前天收到快件公司的电话,说客户拒收样品和拒付快件费用。 无问题__:电影无问题2(NoProblem2):_二、例句Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。Ifthereisnoproblem,therewillbenoalarmbell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。noproblem的相关临近词no、Nozue点此查看更多关于noproblem的详细信息



No Problem是什么意思啊

第一、在别人问能不能办到的情况下,回答No Probolem 的意思就是“没有问题可以办到” 第二、当别人碰到你,说对不起的情况下,回答No Probolem 的意思是“没有关系” 总的意思就是、没有问题、没问题、没有关系


noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的例句是Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。noproblem的读音是英[n__"pr_bl_m];美[no_"prɑ_bl_m]。一、网络释义点此查看noproblem的详细内容 没问题...拜的展会上,有很多客户都闻讯赶来,当我们问到他们在设备使用中有何问题时,他们说的是令人欣慰的一句话“Noproblem”(没问题),当然,一个设备不可能十全十美,我们对国外的客户采用同样的模式,在运送产品时我们会随车带来配件和易损件,如果另有需要,我... 考试家族noproblem毫无问题;考试家族;没问题;无问题.. 没有问题我和他说好了快件费用到付,他说没有问题(noproblem),但让我多寄一点给他用于测试,我就寄了一盒样品给他。前天收到快件公司的电话,说客户拒收样品和拒付快件费用。 无问题__:电影无问题2(NoProblem2):_二、例句Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。Ifthereisnoproblem,therewillbenoalarmbell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。noproblem的相关临近词no、Nozue点此查看更多关于noproblem的详细信息

no problem 的用法

No problem的口语用法 1.用往返答感谢(主要用于美国英语中),意为:不用谢; 别客气;没什么.如: A:Thank you very much.非常感谢你. B:No problem.没什么. 2.用往返答道歉(主要用于美国英语中),意为:没关系; 没什么.如: A:Excuse me for smoking here.请原谅我在这儿抽烟了. B:No problem.没关系. A:I"m sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,让你久等了. B:No problem.没关系. 3.用来表示同意或愉快地回答请求,意为:没问题;小事一桩.如: A:Could you post the letter for me?请帮我寄这封信好吗? B:No problem.没问题. A:Would you mind my keeping it for another week?我可以再借一个星期吗? B:No problem.没问题. 4.用来表示有能力做某事,意为:没问题;不在话下.如: A:Can you make a kite?你会做风筝吗? B:No problem.没问题. A:Can you finish the work in an hour?你能在一小时内做完这工作吗? B:No problem.没问题. 5.用来表示安慰(也说That"s no problem),意为:没问题;那不成问题.如: A:I"ve left my money at home.我把钱忘在家里了. B:(That"s) no problem.I can lend you what you need.那没问题,你要多少我可以借给你. 有时直接用往返答用 problem 提的问题.如: A:What"s the problem?有什么问题吗? B:No problem.Granpa has solved it.没问题,爷爷已把它解决了.

没问题的英文 no problam怎么念?

没问题的英文no problam的音标如下英 [nu0259u028a u02c8pru0252blu0259m]美 [nou028a u02c8prɑu02d0blu0259m]例句He had gatecrashed but he was with other people we knew and there was no problem.他不请自来,但他是跟我们认识的人同行,因此也没有什么关系。


noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的例句是Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。noproblem的读音是英[n__"pr_bl_m];美[no_"prɑ_bl_m]。一、网络释义点此查看noproblem的详细内容 没问题...拜的展会上,有很多客户都闻讯赶来,当我们问到他们在设备使用中有何问题时,他们说的是令人欣慰的一句话“Noproblem”(没问题),当然,一个设备不可能十全十美,我们对国外的客户采用同样的模式,在运送产品时我们会随车带来配件和易损件,如果另有需要,我... 考试家族noproblem毫无问题;考试家族;没问题;无问题.. 没有问题我和他说好了快件费用到付,他说没有问题(noproblem),但让我多寄一点给他用于测试,我就寄了一盒样品给他。前天收到快件公司的电话,说客户拒收样品和拒付快件费用。 无问题__:电影无问题2(NoProblem2):_二、例句Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。Ifthereisnoproblem,therewillbenoalarmbell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。noproblem的相关临近词no、Nozue点此查看更多关于noproblem的详细信息



没问题用英语怎么说no problem?


no problem怎么读、什么意思、近义词?

no problem英 [nu0259u028a u02c8pru0252blu0259m] 美 [nou028a u02c8prɑu02d0blu0259m] n.没问题


noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的例句是Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。noproblem的读音是英[n__"pr_bl_m];美[no_"prɑ_bl_m]。一、网络释义点此查看noproblem的详细内容 没问题...拜的展会上,有很多客户都闻讯赶来,当我们问到他们在设备使用中有何问题时,他们说的是令人欣慰的一句话“Noproblem”(没问题),当然,一个设备不可能十全十美,我们对国外的客户采用同样的模式,在运送产品时我们会随车带来配件和易损件,如果另有需要,我... 考试家族noproblem毫无问题;考试家族;没问题;无问题.. 没有问题我和他说好了快件费用到付,他说没有问题(noproblem),但让我多寄一点给他用于测试,我就寄了一盒样品给他。前天收到快件公司的电话,说客户拒收样品和拒付快件费用。 无问题__:电影无问题2(NoProblem2):_二、例句Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。Ifthereisnoproblem,therewillbenoalarmbell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。noproblem的相关临近词no、Nozue点此查看更多关于noproblem的详细信息


noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的意思是:没问题。noproblem的例句是Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。noproblem的读音是英[n__"pr_bl_m];美[no_"prɑ_bl_m]。一、网络释义点此查看noproblem的详细内容 没问题...拜的展会上,有很多客户都闻讯赶来,当我们问到他们在设备使用中有何问题时,他们说的是令人欣慰的一句话“Noproblem”(没问题),当然,一个设备不可能十全十美,我们对国外的客户采用同样的模式,在运送产品时我们会随车带来配件和易损件,如果另有需要,我... 考试家族noproblem毫无问题;考试家族;没问题;无问题.. 没有问题我和他说好了快件费用到付,他说没有问题(noproblem),但让我多寄一点给他用于测试,我就寄了一盒样品给他。前天收到快件公司的电话,说客户拒收样品和拒付快件费用。 无问题__:电影无问题2(NoProblem2):_二、例句Noproblem,IwillsendmyQSLcardtoyourbureau.没问题,我将把卡片寄到你的管理局。Ifthereisnoproblem,therewillbenoalarmbell.如果没问题,则没有告警钟。noproblem的相关临近词no、Nozue点此查看更多关于noproblem的详细信息
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