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int (*probe)(struct platform_device *); 想问一下,上面的这个函数为什么*probe要加括号?




asus probe ii sense driver是什么意思

ASUS PC Probe II是华硕根据自己的产品进行研发的主板探测器,它可以帮助用户了解CPU当前的温度、工作频率、散热风扇的转速、主板的各项电压等关键信息,可以通过系统监控各关键发热元件的工作温度及运行状态,自行设定报警、强行关机等状态。

win10突然上不了网dns probe

可以使用电脑管家修复下看看可否解决。1、清除DNS缓存。这个主要用于某些网站打不开的情形。首先同时按WINDOWS+R键,在弹出窗口输入CMD,然后回车。在弹出的命令提示符中输入ipconfig /flushdns,然后回车。2、重置winsock目录,在命令提示符中输入netsh winsock reset,然后回车。重置成功后要重启电脑。这个命令非常好用。

linux内核2.6.32中struct probe的结构定义在哪里?

drivers/base/map.c, line 20





802.11中Probe Request帧是干什么用的

我来补充一下,以防有人可能像我一样不是很清楚:首先Probe Request帧是由工作站(如手机、笔记本电脑等)发送出来。当接入点(AP)收到这个Probe Request帧之后,如果与该帧的SSID以及Support Rate符合的话,就会发送Probe Response帧进行回复。上面这个人所说的第四行中"帧的工作站",其实是接入点(AP),只不过接入点也是一种特殊的工作站,比如在IBSS网络中(ad-hoc网络中),压根就没有接入点,只有工作站。以上都是本人的个人见解,如有不正确或是不恰当的地方,望指出。最后说一下,上面这位同学参考于《802.11无线网络权威指南》第二版119至120页,需要详细学习无线网络的同学最好认真看看这本相当不错的好书,本人也在学习中。



在proteus中voltage probe怎么用



在cmd下输入doskey xiaohei=dirdoskey dir=echo bad command or file name现在dir命令将无法使用,由我设置的xiaohei代替了。输入dir显示Bad Command Or File Name,而输入我自己设置的xiaohei,就是以前dir一样的功能。知道这个用法,我们还可以使fdisk、format、deltree等危险的命令失效。


probe Group探针组


ASUS PC Probe II是华硕根据自己的产品进行研发的主板探测器。可以帮助用户了解CPU当前的温度、工作频率、散热风扇的转速、主板的各项电压等关键信息,可以通过系统监控各关键发热元件的工作温度及运行状态,自行设定报警、强行关机等状态。asus不一定使用哪一家,根据型号不同,批次不同,asus会使用不同厂家的蓝牙。Atheros就是我们会所的创锐讯;Liteon就是我们说的建兴公司。这两家都是asus的蓝牙供应商。泄漏电缆的主要特点:一、立体式防范区域覆盖范围界线明显,可做到无死角防范。二、简便的安装方式适合复杂地形安装,可环绕任意形状的境界区域,泄漏感应线缆部 分可以埋在地下或装入墙内,进行隐蔽式安装。三、具备防宠物误报功能可以将小动物、如小狗、小猫等在防区移动的干扰滤掉,杜绝了漏报,误报等现象。四、完美的适应性不受环境温度、湿度、风雨烟尘、树木晃动等变化影响。



linux 驱动模块的 init 函数调用后,没有调用驱动对应的 probe 函数是怎么回事




人脸识别数据库中gallery和probe set都是什么意思?

l am not



如何删除ANSYS Workbench里面Probe探针



在驱动程序注册的时候,会有一个match的过程,将驱动和设备两个匹配。在匹配的过程中会调用probe函数。在bus.c中会出现static int bus_match(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv),这个函数就会调用 if (drv->probe) { if ((error = drv->probe(dev))) { dev->driver = NULL; return error; },这个时候就是调用Probe的时候了。

Hspice网表中.OPTION PROBE=1是什么意思

.option probe 选项 probe=1时存储网标中.probe 后面列出的节点,若probe=0则全部存储.option probe 默认值是1若.option中没有probe则存储所有节点


probe在设备驱动被注册到内核中的时候,被总线型驱动调用。总线驱动类似于用轮训方法探测总线上的所有设备,将设备的识别型信息和关键数据结构 (pci ids, usb ids, i2c ids and etc.)传递给probe函数,probe就会识别是否是自己负责驱动的设备,并负责完成该设备的初始化操作。




//1.先是调用的驱动所属总线的probe函数:if (dev->bus->probe) {ret = dev->bus->probe(dev);if (ret)goto probe_failed;} else if (drv->probe) {//2.再调用你的驱动中的probe函数:ret = drv->probe(dev);if (ret)goto probe_failed;}这个不是先后的关系哦





workbench LSDYNA中怎么设置probe


TaqMan探针(TaqMan probe)

【答案】:TaqMan探针(TaqMan probe):是一种寡核苷酸探针,荧光基团连接在探针的5"末端,而淬灭剂则在3"末端。PcR扩增时在加入一对引物的同时加入一个特异性的荧光探针,探针完整时,报告基团发射的荧光信号被淬灭基团吸收;PCR扩增时,Taq酶的5"→3"外切酶活性将探针酶切降解,使报告荧光基团和淬灭荧光基团分离,从而荧光监测系统可接收到荧光信号,即每扩增一条DNA链,就有一个荧光分子形成,实现了荧光信号的累积与PCR产物形成完全同步。

workbench 计算后,使用PROBE查看结果后,结果数据如何去掉

使用探针,probe。1、设置好物体的约束,载荷(我下面做了Fixed support和Force);2、求出结果;3、右键在solution中----Insert-----Probe--------Moment Reaction,就可以得出此处的弯矩。自ANSYS 7.0开始,ANSYS公司推出了ANSYS经典版(Mechanical APDL)和ANSYS Workbench版两个版本,并且目前均已开发至15.0版本。Workbench是ANSYS公司提出的协同仿真环境,解决企业产品研发过程中CAE软件的异构问题。面对制造业信息化大潮、仿真软件的百家争鸣双刃剑、企业智力资产的保留等各种工业需求,ANSYS公司提出的观点是:保持核心技术多样化的同时,建立协同仿真环境。

如何删除ANSYS Workbench里面Probe探针

菜单里有个 lable的标签,很小,先点它,在选中probe,再键盘delete。不谢!

probe 和 probe into 有什么区别?

probe一般作为名词使用。probe into作为动词使用。


# 查看probe计数。 从计数中可查看flow数、日志数等 <DPtech>conf-mode [DPTECH]probe_config [Probe-probe-config]show xflow-forward --------------Show probe debug counter--------------- Detect incoming is 1343567 //进入pobe设备的报文数 Exporter unmatched number is 4717 //未命中输出器的报文数 NetFlow incoming is 0 //netflow报文数 NetFlow v9 template number is 0 NetFlow v9 template unmatched number is 0 NetFlow v9 IPv4 unmatched number is 0 NetFlow v9 IPv6 unmatched number is 0 NetFlow v5 IPv4 unmatched number is 0 sFlow incoming is 1338850 //sflow报文数 sFlow IPv4 unmatched number is 95562 sFlow IPv6 unmatched number is 0 Mirror incoming is 0 //镜像报文数 Mirror IPv4 unmatched number is 0 Mirror IPv6 unmatched number is 0 Log of 9502 send count is 480 //异常流量告警日志 Log of 9520 send count is 1563 //流量分析日志 Global detection sip incoming is 1405811 Global detection dip incoming is 95562 Global detection sip top log is 151 Global detection dip top log is 41 Global detection sip 9520 log is 0 Global detection dip 9520 log is 800413 Global detection sip hash conflict 0 Global detection dip hash conflict 0 Group detection in count is 1308439 Group detection out count is 0 Group detection 9520 log count is 379 Character sip hash conflict 0 Character sport hash conflict 3433 Character dport hash conflict 0 Transmit send ok count is 436182 Neighbour invalid count is 902666 Transmit send pkt too long is 0


探头,万用表的附加功能用的测量工具,象HV PROBE就是测量高压(比如电视机行输出变压器的高压)的探头。


ASUS PC Probe II是华硕根据自己的产品进行研发的主板探测器。可以帮助用户了解CPU当前的温度、工作频率、散热风扇的转速、主板的各项电压等关键信息,可以通过系统监控各关键发热元件的工作温度及运行状态,自行设定报警、强行关机等状态。asus不一定使用哪一家,根据型号不同,批次不同,asus会使用不同厂家的蓝牙。Atheros就是我们会所的创锐讯;Liteon就是我们说的建兴公司。这两家都是asus的蓝牙供应商。泄漏电缆的主要特点:一、立体式防范区域覆盖范围界线明显,可做到无死角防范。二、简便的安装方式适合复杂地形安装,可环绕任意形状的境界区域,泄漏感应线缆部 分可以埋在地下或装入墙内,进行隐蔽式安装。三、具备防宠物误报功能可以将小动物、如小狗、小猫等在防区移动的干扰滤掉,杜绝了漏报,误报等现象。四、完美的适应性不受环境温度、湿度、风雨烟尘、树木晃动等变化影响。






probe 是三坐标测理机的 测座测头的意思。


probe函数作为driver的最基本的函数指针,一旦你的device和driver匹配(match,由总(bus)来完成,匹配工作发生在device_register()和drvier_register()的时候),probe函数就肯定会被调用;而probe的参数,pci里是structpci_dev *pdev ,这个是由linux内核启动时遍历pci总线后得到的pci设备的描述符。probe调用期间一般会完成device的初始化,注册中断等操作。




1、英语probe是什么意思2、探测翻译成英语怎么翻译?3、mono和probe是什么意思?4、单词probe的用法5、probe是什么意思6、probe和grope的区别英语probe是什么意思1、n. 探针;调查2、vi. 调查;探测3、vt. 探查;用探针探测读法probe:英 [pr__b] 美 [pro_b]短语1、Sampling probe 取样探头 ; [自] 采样探头 ; 取样针 ; 取样探针2、intervesical probe 膀胱探头3、magnetic probe 磁探针 ; [电磁] 探磁针 ; [仪] 磁探头 ; 探磁圈4、active probe 有源探头 ; 有效探头 ; 有源探测器 ; 主动式探针5、measurement probe 测量探针 ; 丈量探针 ; 测量用探头6、probe into 探究 ; 探讨 ; 探索 ; 调查7、probe ion [物] 探针离子8、measuring probe 测量探针 ; 测量探头 ; 测量头扩展资料probe近义词probe:examine读法probe:英 [_ɡ_z_m_n] 美 [_ɡ_z_m_n]1、vt. 检查;调查; 检测;考试2、vi. 检查;调查短语1、performance examine 绩效考核 ; 绩效查核 ; 绩_考核2、examine verb 检查3、examine tickets 查票4、Examine Geometry 检查几何体 ; 几何检查5、Examine Rules 格律词牌检验6、Examine hole 检查口7、Examine quality 审核质量8、Examine it 诊所9、Examine results 检查结果探测翻译成英语怎么翻译?probe: [ pr_ub ]n. 探针,调查,探测针v. 用探针测,详细调查例句与用法: 1. Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines. 许多杂志发表probe了由俄国航天探测器获得probe的有关金星的信息。 2. The journalist was probing into several financial scandals. 那记者正在调查几起财务丑闻。 3. He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped. 他用树枝在泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。 4. He probed the swelling anxiously with his finger. 他很担心地用手指触摸肿处。 5. He was asking probing questions. 他提出了一些盘根究底的问题。 6. Searchlights probed the night sky. 探照灯探查夜空. 7. She tried to probe his mind to find out what he was thinking. 她想深入了解他的思想, 好知道他在想什麽.mono和probe是什么意思?1、意义区别:mono:n 单声道录音(或放音)系统;单色照片;单色复制;传染性单核细胞增多症(等于 mononucleosis);单纤丝(等于 monofilament)probe:n 探针;调查。vi 调查;探测。vt 探查;用探针探测。2、读法区别:mono。英 ['m_n__]。probe。英 [pr__b]。词语辨析:probe, penetrate, prick, stab这组词都有“强行进入”的意思。penetrate是本组词中最正式、意义最广泛的词,主要用于任何利器弄成的半透或全透的洞,也可用于某物上任何类型的开口或穿透,穿透可以是沿着已有的通道,也可以通过一堆内部不连接的东西,还可以通过一个具有透明的膜;单词probe的用法probe[prEub]n.探针, 探测器vt.(以探针等)探查, 查明probeprobeAHD:[pr_b] D.J.[proub]K.K.[prob]n.(名词)An exploratory action, expedition, or device, especially one designed to investigate and obtain information on a remote or unknown region:探索,探测装置:探索性的行动、探险或装置,尤指用于在偏远的或不为人知的地区进行调查并获取信息:electronic probes into the crust of the earth.勘察地壳的电子装置A slender, flexible surgical instrument used to explore a wound or body cavity.探针,探子:用于探查伤口或体腔的一种细长的可弯曲的外科医疗器械The act of exploring or searching with or as if with a device or an instrument.探查,探测:用或似用装置或器具进行探查或寻找的行为An investigation into unfamiliar matters or questionable activities; a penetrating inquiry:调查,查究:对陌生的事物或可疑的活动进行的调查:a congressional probe into price fixing.See Synonyms at inquiry 议会对价格稳定的调查参见 inquiryA space probe.探测器v.(动词)probed,,及物动词)To explore with or as if with a probe:用或似用探针进行探测:probe a wound to find its extent; probing the anthill with a stick.探查伤口以确定其大小;用棍探测蚁穴To delve into; investigate.调查;查究v.intr.(不及物动词)To conduct an exploratory investigation; search.进行探索性的调查;搜寻Middle English [examination] 中古英语 [检查] from Medieval Latin proba 源自 中世纪拉丁语 proba from Late Latin [proof] 源自 后期拉丁语 [证据] from Latin prob_e [to test] 源自 拉丁语 prob_e [检验] from probus [good] * see per 1源自 probus [好的] *参见 per 1prob“ern.(名词)prob“inglyadv.(副词)probe[prEJb]n.探针外太空探测器;探测飞船 (= space probe)探索;查究probevt.probed, probing探查;探寻;深挖She tried to probe my mind and discover what I was thinking.(喻)"她试图探查我的心意,想知道我在想什么。"调查;刺探to probe rumors to the bottom彻查谣言来源probe来自拉丁语probare 试验probe是什么意思答:Probe意思是:1、n. 探针;调查2、vi. 调查;探测3、vt. 探查;用探针探测4、n. (Probe)人名;(法)普罗布probe:小型的探测器是由Khala设计的,它们主要用来在充满敌意的世界中建立一个神族的殖民地,因为在这种世界中,普通的生物工人可能会遇到极大的危险。而探测者可以采集水晶矿和气矿,用来为整个神族的工业提供原料。它们还可以建造用来在时空中导航的航标,然后就可以远程把建筑从Aiur传送到遥远的星球上去。probe和grope的区别probe 英[pr__b] 美[pro_b] n. 探头; [医] (对伤处等的) 针探,探查; [医] 探针,取样器; 探测仪; vt. 探索,调查; 用探针(或探测器等)探查,探测; vt. 盘问; (用试探性袭击等)侦察(敌情) ; 用尖物刺穿(物件); 用力使向前推进; [网络] 探针; 探测器; 探索; [例句]The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.他们越调查他的背景,疑团就越多。[其他] 第三人称单数:probes 复数:probes 现在分词:probing 过去式:probed过去分词:probed grope 英[gr__p] 美[gro_p] vi. 触摸,试探着前进; 探索,摸索; vt. 摸索(路); 俚抚摸身体; n. 摸索,探索; [网络] 探索; 暗中摸索; 摸; [例句]With his left hand he groped for the knob, turned it, and pulled the door open.他左手摸索着门把手,转动一下,然后推开门。[其他] 第三人称单数:gropes 现在分词:groping 过去式:groped过去分词:groped

SPICE语句中 PROBE的注释是什么

标准的spice没有这个语句,你用的是pspice。是保存仿真输出的语句:Save simulation output PSPICE COMMAND. .PROBE [output variable]* Examples: .PROBE .PROBE V(3) VM(2) I(VIN)


show probe statistics detect-ip命令用来查看指定ip策略下发情况 <DPtech>conf-mode [DPTECH]probe_config [Probe-probe-config]show probe statistics detect-ip

linux中 probe函数的何时调用的

你好,在驱动程序注册的时候,会有一个match的过程,将驱动和设备两个匹配。在匹配的过程中会调用probe函数。在bus.c中会出现static int bus_match(struct device * dev, struct device_driver * drv),这个函数就会调用 if (drv->probe) { if ((error = drv->probe(dev))) { dev->driver = NULL; return error; },这个时候就是调用Probe的时候了。




probe在设备驱动被注册到内核中的时候,被总线型驱动调用。 总线驱动类似于用轮训方法探测总线上的所有设备,将设备的识别型信息和关键数据结构 (pci ids, usb ids, i2c ids and etc.)传递给probe函数,probe就会识别是否是自己负责驱动的设备,并负责完成该设备的初始化操作。




probe for探寻 查找 probe into 对...进行侦查 可做名词或动词


probe的中文意思是探针。probe造句:A doctor used a probe to remove metal fragments from a wound.医生用探针将伤口中的金属碎片取出。They will probe deeply into the matter.他们将深入调查这件事。


答:Probe意思是:1、n. 探针;调查2、vi. 调查;探测3、vt. 探查;用探针探测4、n. (Probe)人名;(法)普罗布probe:小型的探测器是由Khala设计的,它们主要用来在充满敌意的世界中建立一个神族的殖民地,因为在这种世界中,普通的生物工人可能会遇到极大的危险。而探测者可以采集水晶矿和气矿,用来为整个神族的工业提供原料。它们还可以建造用来在时空中导航的航标,然后就可以远程把建筑从Aiur传送到遥远的星球上去。


probe 英[pru0259u028ab] 美[prou028ab] n. 探头; [医] (对伤处等的) 针探,探查; [医] 探针,取样器; 探测仪; vt. 探索,调查; 用探针(或探测器等)探查,探测; vt. 盘问; (用试探性袭击等)侦察(敌情) ; 用尖物刺穿(物件); 用力使向前推进; [网络] 探针; 探测器; 探索; [例句]The more they probed into his background, the more inflamed their suspicions would become.他们越调查他的背景,疑团就越多。[其他] 第三人称单数:probes 复数:probes 现在分词:probing 过去式:probed过去分词:probed grope 英[gru0259u028ap] 美[grou028ap] vi. 触摸,试探着前进; 探索,摸索; vt. 摸索(路); <俚>抚摸身体; n. 摸索,探索; [网络] 探索; 暗中摸索; 摸; [例句]With his left hand he groped for the knob, turned it, and pulled the door open.他左手摸索着门把手,转动一下,然后推开门。[其他] 第三人称单数:gropes 现在分词:groping 过去式:groped过去分词:groped




probe layers探针层layers 英["leu026au0259s] 美["leu026au0259s] n. 层,层次( layer的名词复数 ); [网络] 层操作; 地层; 叠层; [例句]Now you just alternate layers of that mixture and eggplant.现在你只需把茄子和拌料一层层交替放好。[其他] 形近词: payers layere

有emma roberts 出演的wild child下载地址吗??

目前WILD CHILD(野孩子)还没有上映片名:Wild Child 译名:野孩子 导演:尼克·摩尔 Nick Moore 主演:艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 娜塔莎·理查德森 Natasha Richardson 尼克·弗洛斯特 Nick Frost 雪莉·亨德森 Shirley Henderson 艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 类型:喜剧 发行公司:环球 上映日期:2008年8月15日 可以去看看预告片:

emma roberts演的野孩子中的男主角是谁??

超级喜欢他的!! 当时我初中无意间在电影院看了一部电影叫做《风暴突击者》然后就喜欢里面那个男猪脚了,他叫Alex Pettyfer。也就是《野孩子》里面的男猪脚。建议MM一定要去看这部戏,少年007,整部戏几乎都是他,打斗场面是中国的甄子丹指导的,还不错!! 下面是他的资料,至于照片你自己可以去搜,不过不多。 Alex Pettyfer,全名Alex Richard Pettyfer,1990年4月10日生于英格兰Hertford郡的Stevenage。现在和母亲,继父,弟弟一起生活在温莎。目前身高178厘米,天生的棕色头发,所以金发是染的.褐色眼珠。母亲Lee Ireland是出生在美国的英国人,电视节目主持人兼模特,生父Richard Pettyfer英国电视兼舞台剧演员,会说意大利语(注意是小弟弟的父亲)有一半澳洲血统,同母异父的弟弟James Ireland是英国未来的网球新星!目前在Shiplake学院读书。可怜的孩子,自小就有肾病,哮喘病,轻微的难语症 看他若不经风的样子,然貌似有点体弱多病的感觉,但Alex弟弟还是很热爱运动的,比如曲棍球,滑雪,橄榄球,网球,游泳,板球等,还参加过赛车比赛。他在学校还是板球和划艇队的成员。艺术,体育和戏剧课程都是A~~而数学和历史学得很烂 他喜欢看恐怖电影,有女友,橙色,想和乔治卢卡斯,斯皮尔伯格或神经汤一起工作,偶像是Al Pacino和Paris Hilton 他7岁就为一些童装品牌当模特,拍过很多广告。为了当演员,曾在美国戏剧艺术学院(Academy for Dramatic Arts)学习了6个星期,后来在05年主演了电视剧《Tom Brown"s School Days》有了名气后,Alex Pettyfer在今年主演他的第一部大银幕作品《Stormbreaker》真是来势汹汹啊!如果他这部电影票房上发了,他估计就可以步Daniel Radcliffe的后尘鸟,成为英国顶尖的青少年偶像~~

Emma Roberts 主演的《wild child》电影插曲

be likely to 和probably 都可以以人作主语,用法上有什么区别?


这英语成分怎么划分,为什么有个to be ? What seems to be the problem?

为您解答 What疑问词做主语 seems to半助动词 be谓语动词 the problem表语?

求英语作文 100词左右 traffic problem in big city

There are some concerns about solving traffic problem in big city. Generally speaking, traffic regulation, road construction and public transportation are three main aspects. First of all, we can solve traffic problem though traffic regulation. We must have consummate traffic regulation to regulate traffic. Meanwhile, it is necessary to enhance the people` and drivers` sense of law and concept of rule by law. Of course, road construction is also important. We should improve the quality of roads by constructing more high ways. In addition, we may build subways to release the burden of roads. Finally, we should develop public transportation system. The number of private cars should be limited while the number of public buses should be increased.

协同谬误什么意思 coordination problem


coordination problem是什么意思


Kylie Minogue&Robbie Williams的《Kids》 歌词

歌曲名:Kids歌手:Kylie Minogue&Robbie Williams专辑:The Best of Kylie Minogue第一次做,可能有问题,希望大家喜欢Okay children quiet down, quiet down孩子们安静下来,安静下来Children I"d like to introduce our new substitute teacher for the day孩子们我很乐意介绍一下我们新的代课老师His name is Mr. Shady 他的名字叫ShadyChildren quiet down please孩子们请安静下来Brian don"t throw that (SHUT UP!)Brian不要扔东西(闭嘴)Mr. Shady will be your new substituteShady先生将在Kaniff先生Good luck Mr. ShadyShady先生,祝你好运Hi there little boys and girls (FUCK YOU!)小男孩小女孩们大家好(FUCK YOU!)Today we"re gonna to learn how to poison squirrels今天我们我们学学怎么去毒害松鼠But first, I"d like you to meet my friend Bob (Huh?)但是首先,我先带你们认识我的朋友Bob(哼)Say hi Bob! ("Hi Bob") Bob"s 30 and still lives with his mom说你好Bob(你好Bob)Bob三十岁,仍然和他的母亲住在一起and he don"t got a job, cause Bob sits at home and smokes pot他从来没有工作过,原因是Bob闲坐在家抽烟壶but his twelve-year old brother looks up to him an awful lot他的最大的12岁的弟弟把他当成最大的灾难And Bob likes to hang out at the local waffle spotBob经常光顾当地肮脏的场所and wait in the parking lot for waitresses off the clock经常在停车场等待女服务生下班when it"s late and the lot gets dark and fake like he walks his dog当天色渐渐暗下来,他就装成和狗散步Drag "em in the woods and go straight to the chopping blocks (AHH!)扯拽她们进到森林里面,直接将她们砍成肉块And even if they escaped and they got the cops即使她们能够逃脱找到警察the ladies would all be so afraid, they would drop the charge女人们必将害怕,也将放弃指控"til one night Mrs. Stacey went off the job直到有一天Stacey夫人去工作when she felt someone grab her whole face and said not to talk她感觉有人抢她东西,虽然看不到对方的脸,对方也没有说话But Stacey knew it was Bob and said knock it off但她知道是Bob,她让他停止作为But Bob wouldn"t knock it off cause he"s crazy and off his rocker但是Bob并不停止,他太疯狂了Crazier than Slim Shady is off the vodka比Shady更加疯狂的是伏特加酒You couldn"t even take him to Dre"s to get Bob a "Dr."你甚至不能不给他一个专家的称号He grabbed S tace" by the legs as chopped it off her他抢了Stacey并将她的腿砍掉and dropped her off in the lake for the cops to find her他把她扔进了河里以便警察找到她But ever since the day Stacey went off to wander自从Stacey 去散步they never found her, and Bob still hangs at the waffle diner他们一直没有找到她, Bob仍然盯着在这里吃饭的客人And that"s the story of Bob and his marijuana,那个是Bob和他的大麻的故事and what it might do to you 你想到了什么So see if the squirrels want any - it"s bad for you 如此看来如果灰鼠想要什么- 对于你来说是不好的See children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon) 孩子们,大麻太可怕了and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man) 如果你们不相信我,可以问问他and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)如果你们不相信他,去问问他的妈妈She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)她将告诉你她一直怎么做的So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)所以孩子们不要吸食大麻(对)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)所以你们不要跟别人一起吸食(是)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)没有其他的可说了(独唱)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?大麻是公害,明白了?My penis is the size of a peanut, have you seen it?我的阳物只有花生般大小,你们看到了吗?FUCK NO you ain"t seen it, it"s the size of a peanut (Huh?)有没有性交你没有看到,这只有花生般大小Speakin of peanuts, you know what else is bad for squirrels?说到花生,你们还知道其他对松鼠不好的吗?Ecstasy is the worst drug in the world销魂是世界上最坏的药物If someone ever offers it to you, don"t do it如果某人为您曾经提供它, 不要做它Kids two hits"ll probably drain all your spinal fluid如果两个小孩的话,他的精液将流失and spinal fluid is final, you won"t get it back并且不能找回来So don"t get attached, it"ll attack every bone in your back 所以别沾上毒品,它会粘上你背后所有的骨头Meet Zach, twenty-one years old看看Zach,21岁After hangin out with some friends at a frat party, he gets bold在一次聚会之后,他胆子大了,决定去试一下。and decides to try five, when he"s bribed by five guys当他由五个人贿赂每次将赢取,and peer pressure will win every time you try to fight it尝试与它战斗Suddenly, he starts to convulse and his pulse goes into hyperdrive突然,他开始抽筋,脉搏跳得很快and his eyes roll back in his skull {blblblblblb}他的眼睛滚动在他的头骨里His back starts tah - look like the McDonald"s Arches他的后背看上去就想麦当劳的标志的那个拱门He"s on Donald"s carpet, layin horizontal barfin {BLEH}他在Donald的地毯上,And everyone in the apartment starts laughin at him所有人都开始讥笑他"Hey Adam, Zach is a jackass, look at him!"嗨亚当,Zach是个傻瓜,看他cause they took it too, so they think it"s funny他们采取了它, 因此他们认为它滑稽So they"re laughing at basically nothing except maybe wasting his money如此他们嘲笑基本上没什么,除了可能浪费他的金钱Meanwhile, Zach"s in a coma, the action is over同时,Zach昏迷了,行动结束。and his back and his shoulders hunched up like he"s practicin yoga并且他的背部和他的肩膀弯成拱状如他在做普拉提瑜伽And that"s the story of Zach, the ecstasy maniac这是Zach的故事So don"t even feed that to squirrels class, cause it"s bad for you如此甚而不要哺养那对灰鼠组, 它对你不利See children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon) 孩子们,大麻太可怕了and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)如果你们不相信我,可以问问他and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)如果你们不相信他,去问问他的妈妈She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)她将告诉你她一直怎么做的So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)所以孩子们不要吸食大麻(对)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)所以你们不要跟别人一起吸食(是)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)没有其他的可说了(独唱)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?大麻是公害,明白了?And last but not least, one of the most humungous最后但不是最小的, 在今天的年轻人problems among young people today, is fungus当中最重要的一个问题,是从母牛肥料It grows from cow manure, they pick it out, wipe it off,增长的真菌。他们采摘它,bag it up, and you put it right in your mouth and chew it抹它,用袋子把它装起来,还把它放进嘴里咀嚼它Yum yum! Then you start to see some dumb stuff哇!真美味!然后你开始去看一些索然无味的材料And everything slows down when you eat some of "em..当你吃着他们的时候所有的行为都停滞下来了。And sometimes you see things that aren"t there (Like what?)并且您有时看到的东西并不在那里(是这样的吗?)Like fat woman in G-strings with orange hair像一个橙色头发的肥胖妇女穿着遮羞布(Mr. Shady what"s a G-string?) It"s yarn Claire(Mr. Shady什么是遮羞布)就是纱衣Women stick "em up their behinds, go out and wear "em (Huh?)女人披上它,出去时候也穿着And if you swallow too much of the magic mushrooms如果你吃太多的魔术蘑菇Whoops, did I say magic mushrooms?哎呦,我刚才说魔术蘑菇?I meant fungus Ya tongue gets, all swoll up like a cow"s tongue (How come?)我意思是真菌,就会长得像母牛的舌头cause it comes from a cow"s dung (Gross!!)因为它来自于母牛的粪便See drugs are bad, it"s a common fact看看大麻是坏的,是个普通的犯罪行为But your mom and dad, know that"s all that I"m good at (Oh!)但是你的爸妈知道那时我擅长的But don"t be me, cause if you grow up and you go and O.D.但是不要跟我一样,因为你长大成人They"re gonna come for me and I"ma have to grow a goatee他们将向我袭击,我只能长了山羊胡子做我的伪装,将我掩藏起来。and get a disguise and hide, cause it"ll be my fault因为这是我的过错So don"t do drugs, and do exactly as I don"t,所以不要吸毒,cause I"m bad for you 因为我对你是有害的See children, drugs are bahhhd (c"mon)孩子们,大麻太可怕了and if you don"t believe me, ask ya dahhhd (ask him man)如果你们不相信我,可以问问他and if you don"t believe him, ask ya mom (that"s right)如果你们不相信他,去问问他的妈妈She"ll tell you how she does "em all the time (she will)她将告诉你她一直怎么做的So kids say no to drugs (that"s right)所以孩子们不要吸食大麻(对)So you don"t act like everyone else does (uh-huh)所以你们不要跟别人一起吸食(是)Then there"s really nothin else to say (sing along)没有其他的可说了(独唱)Drugs are just bad, mmm"kay?大麻是公害,明白了?Come on children, clap along (SHUT UP!)快点孩子们,鼓掌Sing along children (Suck my motherfuckin dick!)独唱了,孩子们(我TMD的小JJ太失败了)Drugs are just bad, drugs are just bad (South Park is gonna sue me!)大麻太坏了,太坏了So don"t do drugs (Suck my motherfuckin penis!)所以不要吸毒so there"ll be more for me (Hippie! God damnit!)那么将得到更多东西(Mushrooms killed Kenny! fart Ewww, ahhh!)(So, fucked up, right now..)

写一篇作文《The robot in the future》

The rapid advancement of technology has opened up new possibilities and sparked our imagination about the future. One of the most intriguing aspects of this future is the role that robots will play in our lives. As we look ahead, it is fascinating to envision the potential capabilities and impact of robots in various aspects of society.In the future, robots are likely to become an integral part of our everyday lives, assisting us with tasks and revolutionizing industries. Household chores could be easily managed by intelligent robots, capable of cleaning, cooking, and even providing companionship. These robots would alleviate the burden of mundane tasks, allowing individuals to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling activities.Moreover, robots are expected to play a significant role in healthcare. Advanced robotic systems could assist doctors and nurses in surgeries, perform precise medical procedures, and provide care for patients. These robots would not only enhance the efficiency and accuracy of medical treatments but also alleviate the shortage of healthcare professionals in certain areas.In the field of transportation, self-driving cars and delivery robots could become the norm. These robots would improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, and provide efficient and timely transportation services. People could enjoy a stress-free commute and rely on autonomous vehicles for their transportation needs.The impact of robots is not limited to household and professional settings. In education, robots could serve as interactive tutors, adapting to individual learning styles and providing personalized instruction. They could assist teachers in classrooms, creating dynamic and engaging learning environments for students. With robots as companions, children would have the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills and explore new areas of knowledge.However, as we embrace the potential benefits of robots, it is essential to consider the ethical and social implications. The integration of robots into society raises questions about job displacement, privacy, and the potential loss of human connection. It is crucial to strike a balance between the benefits of automation and the preservation of human employment and values.In conclusion, the future holds great promise for robots and their impact on society. These intelligent machines have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, from household tasks to healthcare and education. While we anticipate the advancements that robots will bring, it is important to approach their integration with careful consideration, addressing ethical concerns and ensuring that they serve the best interests of humanity. With responsible development and thoughtful implementation, robots in the future could enhance our lives, making them more convenient, efficient, and fulfilling.

not until fairly recently was this problem was solved,at least partially. 这样用错在哪里

多了个was, Not until用于句首,句子要倒装。去掉第二个was.

艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts


a robot that is price competitive中为什么price在前面?

看上去是名词修饰形容词,其实这是复合形容词的一种形式,意思是【在价格方面有竞争力的】。常见的写法是在两者之间加一个连字符 price-competitive,不写连字符也允许。前面的名词标示后面形容词所涉及的方面、程度、时间、地点等,如world famous 闻名于世的customer-friendly 对顾客友好的



problem remaining

1. remain在高中英语中考查四种用法,两个固定句型. 1)vi.剩下/残存:remain (+ 介宾/副词) 如:Nothing remained on the road after a strong wind. 2) vi.逗留/停留:remain (+ 介宾/副词) 如:Only a few students remained in the classroom just now. 3) vi.依旧/仍然: remain + 形容词/名词 如:The secret remains unknown now. 4) vi.留待/尚待:此时它有两个固定句型如下: 固定句型一:sth/sb remain to be + 过去分词 固定句型二:It remain to be seen + whether引导的主语从句 如:The problem remained to be solved. It remains to be seen whether he"ll come or not tomorrow. 5)最后补充说明remaining的特殊用法. remaining除了是remain的现在分词/动名词形式外,还可以单独做形容词,意思是“剩下的”. 如:You should finish your remaining homework. 二、句子分析 1. 此句考查了“介词with + 宾语several problems + 宾语补足语”结构的用法. 如果该结构中采用非谓语动词做宾语补足语的话,则考查宾语和宾补动词的关系.很明显,从remain上述用法可以看出,它是一个不及物动词,没有被动语态,即several problems和remain之间是主动/主谓关系.而且因为宾补所表示的动作已经发生,所以只能用现在分词remaining(如果为发生,用不定式短语to remain...). 2. 第二个问题就很好回答了. 请楼主再看看remain作为“尚待/留待”解释时的第一个固定句型. 只能说“sth remain to be + 过去分词”,不能说“sth remain to do”. 所以是remain to be solved,而不是remain to solve.

problem-solving decision- making属于什么教学方法中的活动


I expect a robot to last for at least 20 years. 翻译成同义句,在线等!!!

由于只有两个空格来完整表达并替代 expect 在原句中的含义,从语法中分析,大概只有三种方式能达成目的:1)用一个副词加上一个动词,例如:(I)firmly believe 很坚定地认为2)用 be 动词 + 形容词,例如:(I) am certain 我很确定3) 用 do + 动词 表达强调语气,例如:(I) do believe 或 (I)do hope 这些答案基本都把 expect “预期中带着自信" 的意思带出来了。

Robert Miles的《Landscape》 歌词

歌曲名:Landscape歌手:Robert Miles专辑:DreamlandFlorence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127She can"t see the landscape anymoreIt"s all painted in her griefAll of her history etched out at her feetNow all of the landscape, it"s just an empty placeEchoes and warning, mountains of tendernessCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meShe wants the silence but fears the solitudeShe wants to be alone and together with youSo she ran to the lighthouse, hoped that it would help her seeShe"s sober at the lighthouse and then washed out to seaCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meI wanna give you back the open skyGive you back the open seaOpen up the ages, darling, for you to seeYou put the gun into your mouth to dieYou put the lid and spit outCause it"s running in the familyOh the rich andCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meFlorence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127

Robert Miles的《Landscape》 歌词

歌曲名:Landscape歌手:Robert Miles专辑:Dreamland Incl. One And OneFlorence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127She can"t see the landscape anymoreIt"s all painted in her griefAll of her history etched out at her feetNow all of the landscape, it"s just an empty placeEchoes and warning, mountains of tendernessCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meShe wants the silence but fears the solitudeShe wants to be alone and together with youSo she ran to the lighthouse, hoped that it would help her seeShe"s sober at the lighthouse and then washed out to seaCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meI wanna give you back the open skyGive you back the open seaOpen up the ages, darling, for you to seeYou put the gun into your mouth to dieYou put the lid and spit outCause it"s running in the familyOh the rich andCause she"s just like the weather, can"t hold her togetherBorn from dark water, daughter of the rain and snowCause it"s burning through the bloodlineit"s coming down the family treeRolling in the landscape, darling, in between you and meFlorence And The Machine - LandscapeQQ : 349777127


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spitz robinson 音译

罗马音Spitz ~ RobinsonAtarashii kisetsu wa nazeka setsunai hibi deKawara no michi wo jitensha de hashiru kimi wo oikaetaOmoide no REKOODO to oogesa na EPISOODO woTsukareta kata ni burasagete shika metsura mabushi sou niOnaji SERIFU onaji toki omowazu kuchi ni suru you naArifureta kono mahou de tsukuri ageta yoDare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni kimi no te wo hanasanu youniOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruKatasumi ni suterarete kokyuu wo yamenai neko moDokoka nite iru dakiagete muriyari ni hoho yoseru yoItsumo no kousaten de miageta marui mado waUsuyogoreteru girigiri no mikazuki mo boku wo mitetaMachi buseta yume no hotori odoroita kimi no hitomiSoshi te bokura ima koko de umare kawaru yo Dare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni owaranai uta baramaite Ookina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruRURARA uchuu no kaze ni noru 中文歌词:全新的季节 为什麼却还是难过的日子 骑著脚踏车奔驰在河滩 追逐著奔跑的你 把回忆的唱片和夸大的佳话 背负在疲惫的肩上 像是皱起眉头地刺眼 相同的对白相同的时空 不禁脱口而出般 利用这司空见惯的魔法编造了啊 谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 不放开你的手 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 被遗弃在角落 努力生存著的猫 似乎哪里相似 抱起来强迫贴近脸颊啊 在往常的十字路口 抬头可见的圆窗 显得有点脏 最终的新月也望著我 躲藏起来的梦畔 你吃惊的眼神 而我俩如今在这里 脱胎换骨啊 谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 传颂著永恒的歌 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风

谁有 spitz的Robinson 日语的假名歌词

新(あたら)しい季节(きせつ)はなぜかせつない日々(ひび)で河原(かわはら)の道(みち)を自転车(じてんしゃ)で走(はし)る君(きみ)を追(お)いかけた思(おも)い出(で)のレコードと大(おお)げさなエピソードを疲(つか)れた肩(かた)にぶらさげてしかめつら まぶしそうに同(おな)じセリフ 同(おな)じ时(とき)思(おも)わず口(くち)にするようなありふれたこの魔法(まほう)でつくり上(あ)げたよ谁(だれ)も触(さ)われない二人(ふたり)だけの国(くに)君(きみ)の手(て)を离(はな)さぬように大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る片隅(かたすみ)に舍(す)てられて呼吸(こきゅう)をやめない猫(ねこ)もどこか似(に)ている 抱(だ)き上(あ)げて无理(むり)やりに頬(ほお)よせるよいつもの交差点(こうさてん)で见上(みあ)げた丸(まる)い窓(まど)はうす汚(よご)れてるぎりぎりの三日月(みっかつき)も仆(ぼく)を见(み)てた待(ま)ちぶせた梦(ゆめ)のほとり惊(おどろ)いた君(きみ)の瞳(ひとみ)そして仆(ぼく)ら今(いま)ここで生(う)まれ変(か)わるよ谁(だれ)も触(さ)われない二人(ふたり)だけの国 (くに)终(お)わらない歌(うた)ばらまいて大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る大(おお)きな力(ちから)で空(そら)に浮(う)かべたらルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)るルララ 宇宙(うちゅう)の风(かぜ)に乗(の)る

spitz的Robinson 歌词翻译

人生其实不必过分的匆忙 有时候可以停下来看一看 很多景色需要用真心悟感 身边的一点一滴 看庭院中百花盛放 听鸟儿在枝头歌唱 噢,原来生命的美好如此简单 路虽然是曲曲弯弯 心中却是无比灿烂 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 小时候拥有无数的理想 长大后却会逐渐地遗忘 现实与梦境之间,总有一道堑 让我们离目标越走越遥远 公园里男孩正在荡秋千 花丛中女孩追赶着蝴蝶 小小的心灵之中,有多少愿望 能不能在以后也闪闪发亮 这个世界从来都人海茫茫 把我们的双眼蒙蔽得迷惘 为什么不静下心来想一想 灯塔究竟在何方 犹如陷入无边海洋 面前卷起重重巨浪 噢,其实我们都有自己的风帆 即便还看不到彼岸 也不要迷失了航向 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 路虽然是曲曲弯弯 心中却是无比灿烂 能体会到这一切就足以无憾 能体会到这一切就足以无憾

spitz的robinson 中文名叫《罗宾逊 翻译成拼音

日文歌词ロビンソン词、曲/草野正宗新しい季节は なぜかせつない日〃で河原の道を自转车で 走る君を追いかけた思い出てのレコードと 大げさなエピソードを疲れた肩にぶらさげてしかめつら まぶしそうに同じセリフ 同じ时 思わず口にするようなありふれたこの魔法で つくり上げたよ谁も触われない 二人だけの国君の手を离さぬように大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘る片隅に舍たられて 呼吸をやめない猫もどこか似ている 抱き上げて无理やりに颊よせるよいつもの交差点で 见上がた丸い窗はうす污れてる ぎりぎりの三日月も仆を见てた待ちぶせた梦のほとり 惊いた君の瞳そして仆ら今ここで 生まれ变わるよ谁も触われない 二人だけの国终わらない歌ばらまいて大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘る大きな力で 空に浮かべたらルララ 宇宙の风に乘るルララ 宇宙の风に乘る--中译歌词Robinson 作词、作曲:草野正宗/编曲:スピッツ、笹路正德全新的季节 为什麼却还是难过的日子骑著脚踏车奔驰在河滩 追逐著奔跑的你把回忆的唱片和夸大的佳话背负在疲惫的肩上 像是皱起眉头地刺眼相同的对白相同的时空 不禁脱口而出般利用这司空见惯的魔法编造了啊谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 不放开你的手使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风被遗弃在角落 努力生存著的猫似乎哪里相似 抱起来强迫贴近脸颊啊在往常的十字路口 抬头可见的圆窗显得有点脏 最终的新月也望著我躲藏起来的梦畔 你吃惊的眼神而我俩如今在这里 脱胎换骨啊谁也无法碰触 只属於我俩的国度 传颂著永恒的歌使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风使力地浮向空中 噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风噜啦啦 乘著宇宙的风 --罗马拼音Spitz ~ RobinsonAtarashii kisetsu wa nazeka setsunai hibi deKawara no michi wo jitensha de hashiru kimi wo oikaetaOmoide no REKOODO to oogesa na EPISOODO woTsukareta kata ni burasagete shika metsura mabushi sou niOnaji SERIFU onaji toki omowazu kuchi ni suru you naArifureta kono mahou de tsukuri ageta yoDare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni kimi no te wo hanasanu youniOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruKatasumi ni suterarete kokyuu wo yamenai neko moDokoka nite iru dakiagete muriyari ni hoho yoseru yoItsumo no kousaten de miageta marui mado waUsuyogoreteru girigiri no mikazuki mo boku wo mitetaMachi buseta yume no hotori odoroita kimi no hitomiSoshi te bokura ima koko de umare kawaru yo Dare mo sawarenai futari dake no kuni owaranai uta baramaite Ookina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruOokina chikara de sora ni ukabetara RURARA uchuu no kaze ni noruRURARA uchuu no kaze ni noru

bluey robinson showgirl谁有歌曲MP3链接

谁有英国闪耀新星Bluey Robinson《Showgirl》的音乐歌词?

歌名:Showgirl歌手:Bluey Robinson单曲发行Oh so incredible,Love the way you roll,Straight up on your toes,You just made sure,My sexy cameo,Now you"re in the spotlightGirl if there"s a ticket I"d like to buy it,Wouldn"t miss you for the world,"Cos you"re more than some dressing room excitement,You deserve an encore,Can you hear them screaming yeah?Showgirl,Don"t know it but you make me wanna scream your name,I see you standing at the show, girl,And got it madeAs soon as the spotlight"s on you tonightOh, girl I see you deep in the zone,You make me wanna give you a microphone,Find more lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.comSo you can go and sing my song,I"ll be waiting in the wings for,You to lead me back on,Baby we can do this all night long,Have the people screaming yeah yeah, yeah yeahIs there someway I can get you by my side?We can be a duo,Girl I"ve been looking at you all night,I"m your number one fan,Might hear me screaming yeahShowgirl,Don"t know it but you make me wanna scream your name,I see you standing at the show, girl,And got it madeAs soon as the spotlight"s on you tonight链接:
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