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你好 很高兴回答你的问题 翻译为:wonderlandn. 奇境,仙境;非常奇妙的地方望采纳 谢谢

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Alice in Wonderland 英文故事简介 500字左右,急!!!可追加悬赏~~~


Top Of The World 女声部分

  她是Dev.  经常和The cataracs乐队合作。    原名Devin Star Tailes,89年出生,来自加州,墨西哥和葡萄牙后裔。原本是个游泳选手?她08年把自己的歌传到Myspace后被The Cataracs发掘。2010年签约了环球。  个人作品  booty bounce   fireball   top of the world   monsta   just another day   When Strangers Fall In Love   bass down low (dev ft the cataracs)   sunrise   like a G6   bass down low (the cataracs ft dev)   2nite   dance floor   Mobbin"   a1(ft. Bobby Brackins)   in the dark    热门作品   《like a g6》是2010年由Far East Movement、The Cataracs和Dev共同演绎的单曲。本曲由The Cataracs和Far East Movement负责编写,The Cataracs制作。本曲的和声是取样自Dev的单曲《Booty Bounce》。 至于歌曲名中的G6就是小型商务客机Gulfstream 650的缩写,也就是MV最后那台飞机。   而mv中穿红色衣服的女主角名字叫Erica Ocampo,是法国和菲律宾的混血儿。她的职业是一位模特儿。  GossipGirl第四季第5集夜店插曲   最新歌曲排名:The Cataracs Feat. Dev - Top Of The World   7月最新单曲:In The Dark

The good girl台词

Bubba: If I were a woman, I"d be a slut. A lesbian slut. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holden: You"re a hooker, you hooker. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Holden - calm down! Alright? Holden: I can"t calm down! Easy if I was a hooker like you then I"d calm down all over town! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holden: You know, sometimes I think to myself: At least it can"t get any worse. But it can! It can get worse! As long as you can say you hit rock bottom, you haven"t. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holden: If I could only get my hands on some money. If someone could just tell me the answer. I gotta do! But I don"t ever do anything "cos I end up thinking about it instead. I gotta do! But do what? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: After living in the dark for so long, a glimpse of the light can make you giddy. Strange thoughts come into your head and you better think"em. Has a special fate been calling you and you not listening? Is there a secret message right in front of you and you"re not reading it? Is this your last, best chance? Are you gonna take it? Or are you going to the grave with unlived lives in your veins? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: As a girl you see the world as a giant candy store filled with sweet candy and such. But one day you look around and you see a prison and you"re on death row. You wanna run or scream or cry but something"s locking you up. Are the other folks cows chewing cud until the hour comes when their heads roll? Or are they just keeping quiet like you, planning their escape. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Gwen says smoking marijuana lowers your sperm. Phil Last: Lowers it to where? Justine: Maybe you"re the infertile one around here. Maybe every time you smoke a little doobie, you"re killing our unborn children. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheryl: Sit right down here, ma"am. We"re going to make you pretty. Now how do you like your hair? Big Haired Woman: What? Are you going to do my hair? Cheryl: No, I just need to know if that"s your usual way of wearing it, all big and high. If it is, I"ll just put more makeup on your chin to offset it. You"re going to want to take a whole bottle of this home with you. It"s got quite a lot of ingredients in it, so you"re getting a good deal. It"s got ginkgo extract in it. Do you know what that is? Big Haired Woman: No. Cheryl: It"s extract of the ginkgo, and it makes your skin real slick so that any liquid will roll right off you, be it water, or lemon juice, or urine. I"ll put it in a bag for you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: What are we doing here? Holden: Makin" one outta two. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holden: I"m staring to think... That you don"t get me. Justine: MAYBE I *don"t* get you. Holden: YOU DO. YOU DO GET ME, YOU JUST DON"T WANNA GET ME BECAUSE I AM TOO INTENSIFIED FOR YOU. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheryl: And fuck you very much. Shopper: What? Cheryl: Thank you very much. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Whatcha readin"? Holden: Catcher in the Rye... I"m named after it. Justine: What"s your name? [Holden stares at her blankly] Justine: Catcher? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheryl: Attention, shoppers. There"s a Retail Rodeo special on aisle 3. Liquid Drain Cleaner, 2 12-ounce cans for $5.00. Liquid Drain Cleaner has churning power and it will churn right through your pipes. Ladies, you need female plumbing. Shove something clean and new up your filthy pipes. That"s Liquid Drain Cleaner on aisle 3. Have a good day and thank you for shopping at Retail Rodeo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corny: You got any interest in reading the Bible? Justine: I have my own, you know, beliefs. Corny: Well, we don"t preach fire and brimstone. 10 Commandments, gotta live by those. Other than the usual ways, we"re not interested in scaring people. We"re about loving Jesus. Justine: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I kind of like my nights to myself. Corny: Well, maybe you"ll have night after night of eternal hellfire all to yourself. Just kidding you. Drive safe. Bye-bye. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheryl: You didn"t bring this into the store with you? Heavy Set Woman: No. Cheryl: Then I"ll go ahead and charge you for it. This is a hand lotion, so don"t put it on any other part of your body, even if that part needs lubrication. We try to keep frivolous lawsuits to a minimum, unless, of course, the customer is at fault. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cheryl: Happy Halloween, Retail Rodeo shoppers. There"s a Retail Rodeo special on all bulk candy on aisle 4. Ghouls and goblins, witches and warlocks, wandering these aisles day after day, I put a Halloween curse on your hellish heads. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Old Woman: I look too white, don"t you think? Cheryl: Not at all. I"m just trying to match your face with your hair. I was thinking you"re not white enough. Old Woman: I think I look kind of weird. Cheryl: The first rule of fashion is you have to look weird. What I"m doing has come straight here from France. Old Woman: Oh? Cheryl: It"s called Cirque du Face, meaning "Circus of the Face", and it"s all the rage with the Frenchies, ma"am. Old Woman: Well, you"re the professional. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Is this your last best chance? Or are you going to your grave with unlived lives in your veins? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: They call you Tom? Holden: It"s my slave name. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: How it all came down to this, only the Devil knows. Retail Rodeo is at the corner on my left. The motel is down the road to my right. I close my eyes and try to peer into the future. On my left, I saw days upon days of lipstick and ticking clocks, dirty looks and quiet whisperings. And burning secrets that just won"t ever die away. And on my right, what could I picture? The blue sky, the desert earth, stretching out into the eerie infinity. A beautiful never-ending nothing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[to Justine] Bubba: Look, you got your choice to make, destroy your marriage and break your husband"s heart, or have sex with me right now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jack Field, Your Store Manager: Holden was a thief and a disturbed young man and what happened was a sad thing. Perhaps we can learn a lesson from this tragedy like don"t steal and don"t be disturbed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Holden: [in a letter to Justine] Dear Justine, because of you I will be quitting the Retail Rodeo. The last two days have been the most God awful of my life. I"ve not been able to get rid of you in my head. I"ve never wanted anything so bad and I have wanted many things. I"d given up long ago on being gotten by someone else, and then you came along. The idea that I could be gotten because of circumstantial never get got is the worst feeling I"ve ever felt and I have felt many bad feelings. I"m sorry I can never see you again, Justine. Forgive me for being so weak, but that is who I am. Goodbye. Holden Worther. If, for some reason, you could change your mind and wanna be with me body and soul, meet me after work. I will be waiting for you at 5pm outside Chunky Cheese. If you are not there at five you will never see me again in your lifetime. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: That day I read the story Holden had wrote for me. It was kinda different from the other ones but kinda the same. It was about a girl who was put upon, whose job is like a prison, and whose life has lost all meaning. Other people don"t get her, especially her husband. One day she meets a boy who is also put upon and they fall in love. After spending their whole lives never getting got, with one look they get each other completely. In the end the girl and the boy run away together into the wilderness, never to be heard from again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Holden gave me two of his stories to read. It was more like the story of what a story would be. It was about a boy who was put upon; whose mother is cold and selfish and whose father wanted him to play football. Other people didn"t get him. Especiall girls. Soon enough the boy comes to believe that no one can ever really know him. He starts acting out, drinking and taking all kinds of drugs. At the end the boy kills himself by jumping over a bridge. The second story was pretty much the same as the first expect at the end the boy kills himself by drinking a bottle of bug poison. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Corny: It"s a church. You can"t make water without bumping your nut on a bible. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gwen Jackson: Happy Halloween, Corny! Corny: Oh... I"m not a pagan, but thanks all the same. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Phil Last: I don"t know what to say about Jesus... I"m stoned. Justine: Just let the other people do the talking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Justine: Oh, who gives a shit! Who needs a fucken baby anyway, you wanna make your self useful around here, why dont you get that goddamn tv fixed? Phil Last: What the hell? Justine: It sounds like a helicopter is landing in here!

When the world in the dark 是什么歌?


Carla bruni 的you belong to me 吉他谱


you belong to me - carla bruni 的链接地址


歌o的us goYie GyeWn 文RL 词g中va


you belong to me 歌词 carla

see the pyramids along the nile watch the sun rise from the tropic islejust remember darling all the whileyou belong to mesee the market place in old algierssend me photographs and souvenirsjust remember when a dream appearsyou belong to me and I"ll be so alone without youmaybe you be lonesome toofly the ocean in a silver planesee the jungle when it"s wet with rainjust remember till you"re home againyou belong to me

You Belong To Me Carla Bruni 歌词大意

You belong to me See the pyramids around the NileWatch the sunrise on a tropic isleJust remember, darling, all the whileYou belong to me See the marketplace in old AlgiersSend me photographs and souvenirsJust remember when a dream appearsYou belong to me I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome too Fly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to me I"ll be so alone without youMaybe you"ll be lonesome too Fly the ocean in a silver planeSee the jungle when it"s wet with rainJust remember till you"re home againYou belong to me中文歌词 你属于我 看着尼罗河畔的金字塔 注视着热带岛屿的日出 回忆着自己最心爱的人 你属于我 看着古老的阿尔及耳集市 想到寄给我的相片和纪念品 回忆着梦里的一切 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我一样寂寞 乘着银色飞机飞过海洋 望着正是雨季时的丛林 回忆着一切直到你归来 你属于我 没有你在身边我很孤单 也许你也和我一样寂寞 乘着银色飞机飞过海洋 望着正是雨季时的丛林 回忆着一切直到你归来 你属于我




ever luxury曾经奢华luxury[英][u02c8lu028cku0283u0259ri][美][u02c8lu028cɡu0292u0259ri, u02c8lu028cku0283u0259-]n.奢侈,豪华; 奢侈品,美食,美衣; 乐趣,享受; 不常有的乐趣(或享受、优势); adj.奢华的,豪华的; 复数:luxuries双语例句By all accounts he leads a life of considerable luxury.据说他的生活颇为奢侈。Middle class accounts for 38% of global luxury goods spending, according to recent estimates from Goldman Sachs.近期,据高盛(Goldman Sachs)估算,中产阶级约占全球奢侈品消费人群的38%。She was brought up in an atmosphere of luxury and wealth.她在锦衣玉食的环境中长大。

Joy To The World 歌词

歌曲名:Joy To The World歌手:Mandisa专辑:Shades Of Christmas: Jazz & BluesJoy To The World(a christmas prayer)Nicholas JonasNicholas JonasJOY TO THE WORLD ( A CHRISTMAS PRAYER )singer:NICHOLAS JONASAlbum: NICHOLAS JONAS(未发行)Every year at ChristmasAll I can seeAre pictures of the things I wantAround the treeBut this year"s a little differentI"m not thinking of myselfSo my prayer for this ChristmasIs for somebody elseSo I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkGod I know you"re listeningAnd you can hearThe need of every broken heartAnd all their tearsI don"t have a lot to offerJust this one simple prayerThat this Christmas everyone would knowSomebody cares…So I pray…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlHope when life is hardLight when everything seems darkI pray that every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warmThat not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come trueI pray…Humanity would riseAnd join with meAnd together we"ll singJoy To the World (To all the world)Peace (Peace) for every boy and girl (for every boy and girl)(Talking bout hope) Hope when life is hard (when life is hard)Light when everything seems darkI pray that (I pray) every hungry soulWill be filled and will be warm(Not a single child) That not a single, solitary childWould suffer harmAnd Lord we find their endingAs we take another viewMy hope is that this Christmas prayerWould somehow come true…Joy To the WorldPeace for every boy and girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2616068

Shirley Horn的《Loving You》 歌词

歌曲名:Loving You歌手:Shirley Horn专辑:Quiet Now相信我别怀疑 爱要多一点点勇气我的心在这里 容不下一颗沙粒心全被你占据 把心交给我来爱你从来都不相信 什麽所谓一见锺情 偏对你动了心爱没有道理可循 情愿跌入你的陷阱 这才发现爱已靠近I wanna say I love you I miss you陪你看每个日出 I wanna say I love you I need you爱你让我觉得满足 微笑都幸福I wanna say I love you I miss you 陪你在雨里漫步I wanna say I love you I need you再远的路我不怕苦 有爱就幸福http://music.baidu.com/song/7555684

我在寒山闻钟网站上发帖,编辑好发布后显示“抱歉,您没有权限发表 URL 连接”,怎么解决?


捷豹车仪表盘上出现这样CHECK PEDESTRLAN SYSTEM 的字母 是什么意思呢

请问一下,捷豹XF仪表盘显示CHECK PEDESTRIAN SYSTEM这个问题,解决了吗?求分享!



i wish i was a punker rock girl 歌词翻译

噢I愿望我是一个庞克音乐的表演者与花在我的头发 在77和69革命在天空中 我出生太晚对不关心的世界 噢I愿望我是一个庞克音乐的表演者与花在我的头发 当国家首脑没有弹吉他,不是大家驾驶了汽车,当音乐真正地事关,并且,当收音机是国王,当会计没有控制并且媒介不能买您的灵魂并且计算机是可怕和我们didn ?t知道一切噢I愿望我是一个庞克音乐的表演者与花在我的头发 在77和69革命在天空中 我出生太晚对不关心的世界 噢I愿望我是一个庞克音乐的表演者与花在我的头发 [合唱]当popstars仍然依然是神话并且无知能仍然是极乐并且,当上帝保存了女王/王后她转动了一片更加白色的树荫苍白当我的妈妈和爸爸到在他们的十几岁之内并且无政府状态仍然是梦想并且唯一的方式停留在接触是一封信件邮件[合唱]当纪录商店在上面并且乙烯基是他们库存的并且超级信息高速公路在空间仍然漂移孩子佩带别人用过的东西,并且演奏比赛意味反撞力arounds并且足球运动员仍然有长的头发和土横跨他们的面孔[合唱]我出生太晚对不关心的世界噢I愿望我是一个庞克音乐的表演者与花在我的头发



parliament和council 有什么区别?

区别如下:(一个通常指英国的,一个是美国的)Parliament 议会两院:尤指英国由上议院和下议院构成的国家立法机关congress国会:美国的立法机构,包括参议院和众议院

parliament和council 有什么区别

美国国会Congress:参议院Senate:100席;审核权,无修改权;议员服务全州选民;6年任期众议院House of Representatives:435席;立法机构;议员服务435席选取选民;2年任期英国议会Parliament:上议院House of Lords和下议院House of Commonscouncil :a group of people that are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions, or to give advice委员会; (郡、镇等)政务会; (尤指旧时讨论特定步骤的)协商会议; 市政(或地方管理)服务机构。地方会议,省市县乡村的会议

out- of -this -world scenes的含义

out- of -this -world scenes走出这个世界的场景1、out of 释义:失业,没有工作例句:I was out of work at the time 翻译:那时我失业了。2、out of 释义:用完,消耗完。例句:They ran out of fuel. 翻译:他们的燃料用完了。3、out of 释义:从.....地方离开。例句:She let him out of the house. 翻译:她让他出了屋子。out of的基本用法:scene [si:n]英汉解释n. 场面;情景;景象;事件同义词

为什么用the loving girl 而不用the loved girl

  首先看一下loving和loved的词义区别:  loved v. 热爱(love的过去分词) adj. 恋爱的;受珍爱的。  loving adj. 亲爱的;钟情的;忠诚的 n. (Loving)人名;(英、瑞典)洛文。  很显然用the loving girl 更讲得通,其次这也是习惯用法,记住就是了。  祝你学习进步!

world gone mad 歌词

歌曲名:world gone mad歌手:rhino bucket专辑:painBusiness man with love in his eyesHe"s got to get awayMade his move like a suicideThere"s not a better wayCome here, show me your eyesYou"re not a winner in loveRhino Bucketback off, you ran outta timeAnd now you"ll come undoneInstigator, masturbatorManipulation of liesNow you"re mine, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWave goodbye to a world gone madWave goodbye to a world gone madPreacher man with a gun in his handWalked a mile in no-man"s landHis time in mass is throughKneel down, open your mouthIn the name of the sonKneel down, close your eyesAnd bite down on your gunInstigator, masturbatorManipulation of liesNow you"re mine, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahWave goodbye to a world gone madWave goodbye to a world gone madhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14248105

英文歌曲mad world翻译成中文发音

周围都是相似的面容 破旧的地方 疲惫的脸孔 天亮 早起 又是一天的你争我夺 无处可去 无处可去 他们的眼镜盈满了泪水 面无表情 面无表情 把头深埋 我想要沉溺悲伤 没有未来 没有未来 我感到有些荒诞 我感到有些悲伤 那些让我濒死的梦境 却是我拥有的最好的回忆 我觉得这很难告诉你 因为这很难理解 当人们的日子就这样循环往复 这真是一个非常非常 疯狂的世界 孩子们期待着美好的那天 生日快乐 生日快乐 让人觉得每个孩子应该 坐下听听,坐下听听 去上学弄得我很紧张 无人识我 无人懂我 老师你好,告诉我要学什么 (她对我)视而不见 视而不见 望采纳


《死亡幻觉》 原声带收录的音乐如下:1. Carpathian Ridge 2. The Tangent Universe 3. The Artifact & Living 4. Middlesex Times 5. Manipulated Living 6. Philosophy of Time Travel 7. Liquid Spear Waltz 8. Gretchen Ross 9. Burn it to the Ground 10. Slipping Away 11. Rosie Darko 12. Cellar Door 13. Ensurance Trap 14. Waltz in the 4th Dimension 15. Time Travel 16. Did you Know Him? 17. Mad World 18. Mad World (remix version)

Mad World这首歌来自哪部电影?

是电影《死亡幻觉》(Donnie Darko)的末尾插曲

Mad world歌词

All around me are familiar faces 周围都是一成不变的面孔  Worn out places worn out faces 破旧的地方 疲惫的脸孔  Bright and early for their daily races 早早起来开始日常的竞争  Going nowhere going nowhere 无处可去 无处可逃  Their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的泪水盈满了眼镜  No expression no expression 面无表情 面无表情  Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 把头深埋 想把我的忧愁忘却  No tomorrow no tomorrow 没有未来 没有未来  And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑  I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤  The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我曾沉醉于其中的梦  Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的  I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明  ("cause) I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受  When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复  It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着美好的那天  Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日 快乐的生日  And i feel the way that every child should 孩子被教导的循规蹈矩  Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,坐下听讲  Went to school and I was very nervous 去上学弄得我很紧张  No one knew me no one knew me 无人识我 无人懂我  Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学什么  Look right through me look right through me 视而不见 她对我视而不见  And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑  I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤  The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我在其中濒死的梦  Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的  I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明  ("cause) I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受  When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复  It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界  Enlarging your world 扩展你的世界  Mad World 疯狂的世界

求Adam lambert的Mad world的中文歌词


求Justin Bieberl-Overboard的中英文歌词。

Justin Bieber : Overboard贾斯汀比伯: 溺水It feels like we"ve been out at sea 感觉我们已经不在海上So back and forth that"s how its seems 那感觉好像来来回回地Whoa一种惊叹的语气- -无实意and when I want to talk 当我想说话时you say to me 你告诉我That if its meant to be, it will be 如果它感觉是这样的,那么它就是这样的(这句怪怪的…大家看看)So crazy in this thing we call love 这个我们称她为爱的东西是多么的让人着迷啊The love that we got that we just cant give up 我们一旦开始了爱就无法停止了I"m reaching out for you 我为你伸出手tell me out here in the water(你)到水里来对我说(斟酌下…)and I(这里本来是和上句连在一起的,但是我觉得应该分开翻译吧)我——I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星Life saver 救星Oh life saver My life saver Life saver Oh life saver oh wow (重复)Never understand you when you say 当你这么说的时候我并不理解Wanting me to met you half way. 要我在见你的途中离开Felt like I was doing my part 感觉上我好像在做我分内的事Get bringing your coming up short 很快的把你拉上来(这个句子大家再斟酌下)Funny how these thing change 这些改变是多么的有趣啊Cause now I see 因为现在我看到了——So crazy in this love we call love 这个我们称她为爱的东西是多么的让人着迷啊and now that we got it we just can"t give up 我们一旦开始了爱就无法停止了I"m reaching out for ya 我为你伸出手Got me out here in the water and I (你)到水里来找我(麻烦大家再看下)I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星It"s supposed to be some give and take I know. 这被认为是相互迁就Your only taking and not given any more 你只是说话So what will I do? (So what will I do?) 我要做什么?Cause I still love you. (Still love you Baby) 因为我仍然还爱着你You"re the only one who can save me 你是那个唯一可以拯救我的人I"m overboard and I need your love 我溺水了 我需要你的爱Pull me up 快把我拉起来吧I cant swim on my own 我自己一个人不能游动Its to much 这太多了(什么太多了- -)Feels like I"m drowning without your love 没有了你的爱我感觉就像在溺水一样So throw yourself out to me 那么快把你自己投给我吧!(某j曰:快投入我的怀抱吧!shawty!)My life saver 我的救星Life saver 救星Oh life saver My life saver Life saver (Its crazy, crazy crazy, yeah) Life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver Oh life saver重复Yeah耶- -(无实意)

类似Mad World这样的歌曲


求mad world弹唱吉他谱。。


谁能介绍点像 mad world 一样的歌曲

听了很多次里面的英文~在google里面找了很久,还是给你找到了~ 是DJ Shah的who will find me 下面是下载的地址~ http://sites.google.com/site/winsonmiw/index/wefm.mp3 歌词: DJ Shah - In a world of desire, oh who would come and catch you when you fall in the wind and the fire? oh who would come to save you? High above any danger Locked inside the tower of your mind, dreams are veiled; passion blinded. Safe from fear and fire. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Do you see the horizon? Walk upon the water, you will find all is still and yet alive in the morning light. Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Fly far beyond these silver winter skies. I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away. Dance dance in the morning light. Open your darkened eyes. Hey, hey, it"s a beautiful day. It"ll be ok. It"ll be ok. Take a look, spin around, this is where I find you where the roses bloom. Leave your cares, leave your fears, leave them all behind you yeayah. It"s a beautiful day in the city of shining light. It"s a beautiful day. This is where I find you??? yeah yeah Oh who will find me? In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise. Come and get away.

求你给个Adam Lambert的mad world的歌曲链接


谁告诉我Mad World / Gary Jules中文歌词表达的什么感情

GJ,是我比较喜欢的一位选手,我最近也在学这首歌,这首歌给我的第一感觉是一种 近乎窒息的绝望。这首歌的走向偏冷色调系,歌词的绝望再加上偏阴暗的曲风,给人一种不快乐的感觉。

谁能给我中国好声音里崔天琪唱的mad world那一段的歌词,谢谢。

All around me are familiar faces 周围都是一成不变的面孔Worn out places worn out faces 破旧的地方疲惫的脸孔Bright and early for their daily races 早早起来开始日常的竞争Going nowhere going nowhere 无处可去无处可逃And their tears are filling up their glasses他们的泪水盈满了眼睛No expression no expression 面无表情面无表情Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow把头深埋想把我的忧愁忘却No tomorrow no tomorrow 没有未来没有未来And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我曾沉醉于其中的梦Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着美好的那天Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日快乐的生日And i feel the way that every child should 孩子被教导的循规蹈矩Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,坐下听讲Went to school and I was very nervous 去上学弄得我很紧张No one knew me no one knew me 无人识我无人懂我Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学什么Look right through me look right through me 视而不见她对我视而不见And I find it kind of funny 感到有些可笑I find it kind of sad 感到有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我在其中濒死的梦Are the best I"ve ever had 是我有过的最妙的I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你说明I find it hard to take 因为这很难接受When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad world 扩展你的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界

Mad world 歌词的中文翻译哪有

All around me and familiar faces 我周围都是熟悉的脸孔Worn out places,worn out faces 破败的地方,破败的脸孔 Bright and early for their daily races 为他们每天的比赛一大早起来Going no where,going no where 往哪里去,没地方去And their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的眼里充满泪水,隐藏在镜片后面No expression,no expression 没有表情,没有表情Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow 低下头我想淹没我的悲伤no tomorrow,no tomorrow 没有明天,没有明天And I find it kind of funny 我发现这很滑稽I find it kind of sad 我发现这很悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 在梦里我正在死去Are the best I"ve ever had 这是我曾经做过的最好的梦I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难告诉你 Cause I find it hard to take 因为我发现很难理解When people run in circles 当人们忙忙碌碌而无所获it"s a very very mad world,mad world 这是一个非常非常疯狂的世界,疯狂的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good孩子们等待着让他们感到美妙的日子Happy birthday 生日快乐Happy birthday 生日快乐Made to feel the way that every child should 每个孩子都应该通过这种方式感知Sit and listen 坐下听Sit and listen 坐下听Went to school and I was very nervous 去学校我非常紧张No one knew me 没人知道我No one know me 没人知道我Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 嗨,老师告诉我我的功课 Look right through me 老师不看我 Look right through me 老师不看我

Mad World的版本

由Michael Andrews 和Gary Jules 为电影《死亡幻觉》创作的版本使得Mad World 在20年后又受到追捧。Andrews 和Jules 版本音调低沉,放弃原版本的音乐背景,采用了钢琴和大提琴的组合,使得Mad World充满了忧郁的感情。他们的版本在2002年《死亡幻觉》的原声CD发行。取得了相当的成功。

谁知道英文歌曲mad world的全部歌词怎么拼读成中文

很高兴回答你的问题MadworldTearsforFearsAllaroundmearefamiliarfacesWornoutplacesWornoutfacesBrightandearlyfortheirdailyracesGoingnowhereGoingnowhereTheirtearsarefillinguptheirglassesNoexpressionNoexpressionHidemyheadIwanttodrownmysorrowNotomorrowNotomorrow*AndIfinditkindoffunnyIfinditkindofsadThedreamsinwhichI"mdyingArethebestI"veeverhadIfindithardtotellyouCauseIfindithardtotakeWhenpeoplerunincirclesIt"saveryverymadworldMadworld........ChildrenwaitingforthedaytheyfeelgoodHappybirthdayHappybirthdayMadetofeelthewaythateverychildshouldSitandlistenSitandlistenWenttoschoolandIwasverynervousNooneknewmeNooneknewmeNowtheteachertellsmewhat"smylessonLookrightthroughmeLookrightthroughme(*)疯狂世界惊惧之泪合唱团围绕在我身旁的尽是熟悉的脸孔我已走投无路看尽人情冷暖天色已亮,人们又开始一天的竞赛我无处可去 无处可去人们的眼泪流满了玻璃杯却没有感情 感情麻木我把头深埋,想把悲伤隐藏没有明天明天在何方?我发觉那有点可笑也有点儿可悲那些我垂死挣扎的梦境竟是我作过的最甜美的梦我发觉很难向你启齿因为那让人难以承受当人们在圆圈里打转时这真是个极尽疯狂的世界啊疯狂的世界........孩子们期待著美好一天的来临生日快乐生日快乐感受每个孩子该有的感受正襟危坐用心聆听走进学校,我总是神经紧绷没有人认识我没有人了解我老师告诉我该学的课程像是看穿我了一样像是看穿我了一样望采纳谢谢

越狱里的mad world 英文歌词如何翻译呢?


Mad World亚当·兰伯特 歌词的中文翻译

All around me are familiar faces 周围都是相似的面容 Worn out places worn out faces 破旧的地方 疲惫的脸孔 Bright and early for their daily races 天亮 早起 又是一天的你争我夺(日复一日的赛跑) ---(这句看你喜欢哪个了。我两个都还喜欢。呵呵) Going nowhere going nowhere 无处可去 无处可去 And their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的眼镜盈满了泪水 No expression no expression 面无表情 面无表情 Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow 把头深埋 我想要沉溺悲伤 No tomorrow no tomorrow 没有未来 没有未来 And I find it kind of funny 我感到有些荒诞 I find it kind of sad 我感到有些悲伤 The dreams in which I"m dying 那些让我濒死的梦境 Are the best I"ve ever had 却是我拥有的最好的回忆 I find it hard to tell you 我觉得这很难告诉你 "Cos I find it hard to take 因为这很难理解 When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复 It"s a very very 这真是一个非常非常 Mad World 疯狂的世界 Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着美好的那天 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 生日快乐 生日快乐 Made to feel the way that every child should让人觉得每个孩子应该 Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听听,坐下听听 Went to school and I was very nervous 去上学弄得我很紧张 No one knew me no one knew me 无人识我 无人懂我 Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我要学什么 Look right through me look right through me (她对我)视而不见 视而不见

Michael Andrews的Mad World歌词的中文翻译


Mad World的歌词

翻译一:All around me are familiar faces 周围全是一成不变的面孔Worn out places worn out faces 破落的周遭 疲惫的神情Bright and early for their daily races 天一亮就早早开始他们日复一日的追逐Going nowhere going nowhere (我)无处可去 无处安身And their tears are filling up their glasses 他们的泪水正在盈满镜框No expression no expression (却) 脸色木然 毫无表情Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 埋下头 想要浸没在我的悲楚中No tomorrow no tomorrow 不要明天 没有未来And I find it kind of funny 有种荒诞的感觉I find it kind of sad 感到难过The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我濒死般的梦境Are the best I"ve ever had 却成为仅有的美好I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你倾诉("cause) I find it hard to take 因它实在难已启齿When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这么循环往复It"s a very very 这也就成了一个非常非常Mad World 恒常的世界Mad World 疯癫的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期待着他们可感知的美好"Happy Birthday Happy Birthday "(仿佛)"生日快乐,生日快乐"(在耳边响起)Made I feel the way that every child should 而 我也懂得 (为了这样) 孩子们才Sit and listen sit and listen 坐下听讲,端坐听从Went to school 但 坐在校园里and I was very nervous 我却局促不安No one knew me no one knew me 没人能懂我 无人懂得Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我我要学的是什么Look right through me look right through me 目光扫过 视而不见And I find it kind of funny 有种荒诞的感觉I find it kind of sad 感到难过The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我濒死般的梦境Are the best I"ve ever had 却成为仅有的美好I find it hard to tell you 我发现很难向你倾诉("cause) I find it hard to take 因它实在难已启齿When people run in circles 当人们的日子就这样循环往复It"s a very very 这也就成了一个非常非常Mad World 恒常的世界Mad World 错乱的世界Mad world 无聊的世界Mad World 疯癫的世界翻译二:All around me are familiar faces 围绕着我的全是相似的面孔Worn out places worn out faces 颓旧的地方,疲乏的脸Bright and early for their daily races 天亮 早起 为了他们每天的赛跑Going nowhere going nowhere 却无所抵达 无所抵达And their tears are filling up their glasses 泪水盈满了他们镜框No expression no expression 仍面无表情 面无表情Hide my head I wanna drown my sorrow 把头深埋 我想沉溺于我的悲怆No tomorrow no tomorrow 不要明天 没有明天And I find it kind of funny 我又感到这有些滑稽I find it kind of sad 有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我将要死去的梦Are the best I"ve ever had 却是我最好的回忆I find it hard to tell you 我发觉这很难告诉你("cause) I find it hard to take 因为它们很难去接受When people run in circles 人们就这样重复地奔忙It"s a very very 这真是一个Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World疯狂的世界Children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期盼着让他们感到愉快的日子Happy Birthday Happy Birthday 快乐的生日 生日快乐Made to feel the way that every child should 让人感觉每个孩子都该Sit and listen sit and listen 坐好细听 坐好细听Went to schooland I was very nervous 去上学使我很紧张No one knew me no one knew me 没人懂我 没人懂我Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 老师你好,告诉我课程是什么Look right through me look right through me 却视而不见 视而不见And I find it kind of funny 我又感到这有些滑稽I find it kind of sad 有些悲伤The dreams in which I"m dying 那些我将要死去的梦境Are the best I"ve ever had 却是我最美好的回忆I find it hard to tell you 我发现这很难告诉你("cause) I find it hard to take 因为它们很难去接受When people run in circles 人们就这样重复地奔忙It"s a very very 这真是一个Mad World 疯狂的世界Mad World 疯狂的世界歌词涵义歌词显得比较散漫,它融合几幅不同的画面,形成了一个并没有什么具体事物的世界。—Roland Orzabal (此曲作者)歌词像是在形容一个偷窥者的世界。像是表述一个青年眼中的疯狂的世界。—Curt Smith (此曲演唱者)

求Mad world的中英文歌词。

Gary Jules - Mad Worldall around me are familiar facesworn out placesworn out facesbright and early for the daily racesgoing no wheregoing no wheretheir tears are filling up their glassesno expressionno expressionhide my head i wanna drown my sorrowno tomorrowno tomorrowand i find it kind of funnyi find it kind of sadthe dreams in which i"m dying are the best i"ve ever hadi find it hard to tell youi find it hard to takewhen people run in circles its a very verymad worldmad worldchildren waiting for the day they feel goodhappy birthdayhappy birthdayand i feel the way that every child shouldsit and listensit and listenwent to school and i was very nervousno one knew meno one knew mehello teacher tell me what"s my lessonlook right through melook right through meand i find it kind of funnyi find it kind of sadthe dreams in which i"m dying are the best i"ve ever hadi find it hard to tell youi find it hard to takewhen people run in circles its a very verymad worldmad worldenlarging your worldmad world所有在我附近的是熟悉的面孔 熟悉的地方熟悉的脸 每天早早的愉快的 没有目标的跑 没有目标的跑 他们的泪花填满了他们的玻璃杯 没有感情(表情) 没有感情(表情) 掩藏住我的头,我想要淹没我的悲伤 没有明天 没有明天 并且我感觉我有点儿滑稽 我感觉它有点儿哀伤 我的死亡是我曾经拥有过的最好的梦想 我感觉这很难告诉你 我发觉这很难得到 当人们跑在圈子里它一个非常非常疯狂的世界 疯狂的世界 孩子在等待他们感觉长大那天 生日快乐 生日快乐 我感觉每个孩子都应该坐下来听听这个方法 坐下来听听 在学校我很胆怯 没有人知道我 没有人知道我 你好老师,我的课程是什么 她对我视而不见 视而不见 我感觉我有点儿滑稽 我感觉它有点儿哀伤 我的死亡是我曾经拥有过的最好的梦想 我感觉这很难告诉你 我发觉这很难得到 当人们跑在圈子里它一个非常非常 疯狂的世界 疯狂的世界 放大你的世界 疯狂世界! 如果你对我的回复感到满意,请你选择采纳,将鼓励我们更好的为其他网友解答,谢谢。以上是空间官方智囊团为您解答

adam lambert 唱的mad world歌词(中英)及其所表达的主题是什么??

《Mad World》 英文歌词: All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere And their tears are filling up their glasses No expression, no expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow, no tomorrow And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I"m dying Are the best I"ve ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It"s a very, very Mad World Mad World Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday Made to feel the way that every child should Sit and listen, sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me, no one knew me Hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson Look right through me, look right through me And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It"s a very, very Mad World Mad World Enlarged in your world Mad World 中文歌词: 我周围的都是熟悉的面孔 熟悉的地方熟悉的脸 每天早起,打起精神人们开始奔跑 漫无目的 不知所向 他们的泪盛满了玻璃杯子 面无表情 神情麻木 我埋下头,想将哀伤掩藏 没有明天 毫无希望 我既感到些许可笑 却又感到莫名悲哀 那些梦 那些濒临死亡的梦 是我从未感受过的那种美好。 我觉得这无法告诉你 我觉得令人难以相信 人们兜兜转转,永无止境地奔跑 这是一个非常,非常疯狂的世界 疯狂的世界 孩子们等待着那一天, 心中充满喜悦 生日快乐 生日快乐 被迫去学会每个孩子“应该”做的事 坐下,听话 乖巧顺从 我(开始)上学了 觉得非常害怕 他们全都那么陌生 这里没有人认识我 你好老师, 我要上什么课程 他将视线偏离 对我视而不见 我既感到些许可笑 却又感到莫名悲哀 那些梦 那些濒临死亡的梦 是我从未感受过的那种美好 我认为这无法告诉你 我觉得令人难以相信 人们兜兜转转,永无止境地奔跑 这是一个非常,非常疯狂的世界 疯狂的世界 疯狂的世界 在你的世界里长大 疯狂的世界!-------------------------至于中文有点怪...额它是电影《Donnie Darko》(死亡幻觉)的片尾曲。MS很多人翻唱过。很...的电影,所以很...的歌词(“...”我不知道写什么好了(以下地址为死亡幻觉简介)。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/195529.html?wtp=tt#7

mad world什么意思


mad world的原唱是谁?

Alex parks

崔天琪的《Mad World》 歌词

Mad World演唱:崔天琪All around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for their daily racesGoing nowehere, going nowhereAnd their tears are filling up their glassesNo expression, no expressionHide my head I want to drown my sorrowNo tomorrow, no tomorrowAnd I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe dream in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell youI find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very veryMad WorldMad WorldWent to school and I was very nervousNo one knew me, no one knew meHello tacher tell me what"s my lessonLook right through me,look right through meAnd I find it kind of funnyI find it kind of sadThe dream in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell you"Cos I find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very veryMad WorldMad WorldMad WorldMad Worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/65355251

Susan Boyle的《Mad World》 歌词

歌曲名:Mad World歌手:Susan Boyle专辑:Someone To Watch Over MeSusan Boyle - Mad WorldQQ : 349777127All around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for their daily racesGoing nowhere, going nowhereTheir tears are filling up their glassesNo expression, no expressionHide my head I want to drown my sorrowNo tomorrow, no tomorrowAnd I find it kinda funnyI find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell youI find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very, very mad world mad worldChildren waiting for the day they feel goodHappy Birthday, Happy BirthdayMade to feel the way that every child shouldSit and listen, sit and listenWent to school and I was very nervousNo one knew me, no one knew meHello teacher tell me what"s my lessonLook right through me,she look right through meAnd I find it kinda funnyI find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell youI find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very, very mad world mad worldAnd I find it kinda funnyI find it kinda sadThe dreams in which I"m dyingAre the best I"ve ever hadI find it hard to tell youI find it hard to takeWhen people run in circlesIt"s a very, very mad world sad worldMad worldSusan Boyle - Mad WorldQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/10707907

亚当 兰伯特mad world 歌词中英文对照翻译

Mad world Tears for FearsAll around me are familiar faces Worn out places Worn out faces Bright and early for their daily races Going nowhere Going nowhere Their tears are filling up their glasses No expression No expression Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow No tomorrow No tomorrow *And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The dreams in which I"m dying Are the best I"ve ever had I find it hard to tell you Cause I find it hard to take When people run in circles It"s a very very mad world Mad world........ Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy birthday Happy birthday Made to feel the way that every child should Sit and listen Sit and listen Went to school and I was very nervous No one knew me No one knew me Now the teacher tells me what"s my lesson Look right through me Look right through me (*) 疯狂世界 惊惧之泪合唱团围绕在我身旁的尽是熟悉的脸孔 我已走投无路 看尽人情冷暖 天色已亮,人们又开始一天的竞赛 我无处可去  无处可去 人们的眼泪流满了玻璃杯 却没有感情  感情麻木 我把头深埋,想把悲伤隐藏 没有明天 明天在何方? 我发觉那有点可笑 也有点儿可悲 那些我垂死挣扎的梦境 竟是我作过的最甜美的梦 我发觉很难向你启齿 因为那让人难以承受 当人们在圆圈里打转时 这真是个极尽疯狂的世界啊 疯狂的世界........ 孩子们期待著美好一天的来临 生日快乐 生日快乐 感受每个孩子该有的感受 正襟危坐 用心聆听 走进学校,我总是神经紧绷 没有人认识我 没有人了解我 老师告诉我该学的课程 像是看穿我了一样 像是看穿我了一样

'Mad World' 是什么意思...



You could watch me in the Gentlemen"s clubSubstitutin" that dance just for love, loveI"m goin" home to an empty houseThinkin" who should I call for some fun, heyI never knew love until you, loveNever thought that I"d fall in loveTill you brought out of meThe man I always knew I could be, babyI can count the lovers that I"ve hadAnd all of those relationships gone badI wanna thank you for guiding meAnd showing me the hopeI was just a boy and not a manFalling deep in love was not the planBaby, because of you and what you doYou made me a good man, oh, babyUsed to change my numbers every hour of the weekGettin" crazy crank calls from them freaksAnd they are here with a bottle of somethin"Tryin" hard to for share on some ???cause I-I never knew love until you, loveYou showed me a true loveYou gave me the chanceNow I understand how to be a good man, oh, yesI can count the lovers that I"ve had (I"ve had)All of those relationships gone bad (Relationships)I wanna thank you for guiding meAnd showing me the hope (The hope, yes)I was just a boy and not a man (Not a man, no)Falling deep in love was not the planBaby, because of you (You, you, you) and what you doYou made me a good manThank you for lovin" meWhere is the love that you promised to love andWhen was the love that we share, where is your love,oh, yeahBut if it aches you, my love"s for nobody, nobodyNobody, nobody, nobody, nobody(Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh...)I can count the lovers that I"ve had (Baby, baby)All of those relationships gone badI wanna thank you for guiding meAnd showing me the hopeI was just a boy and not a manFalling deep in love was not the planBaby, because of you and what you doYou made me a good man, oh, babyIt"s all because ofyou-you-you-you-you-you-you-you-you

By the middle of the 21 st century, the vast majority of the world’s population _____ in citie..

B 试题分析:考查时态。根据本句的时间状语by the middle of the 21 st century说明是一个将来时。陈述的是在将来的这段时间里所发生的事情,所以使用将来进行时。句意:到21世纪中叶,大部分的人口都将生活在城里而不是在乡下。故B正确。点评:时态题的考查关键是抓住句中的时间状语。要根据时间状语来选择合适的时态,在平时的学习中要注意积累有关时态的用法和各种时态的特殊之处。

URL scheme启动Android应用,原生Android浏览器解析不正确

1、自定义URL Scheme:创建一个activity并加上一个<intent-filter>(如果该activity是包含其他<intent-filter>,则需新建一个<intenf-filter>,不能在原有filter上添加),内容为: <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/><!-- 若删除,使用startActivity启动android.content.ActivityNotFoundException,使用HTMLViewer启动找不到网页--> <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/><!-- 若删除,使用startActivity启动ok,使用HTMLViewer启动找不到网页 --> <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/><!-- 若删除,使用startActivity启动android.content.ActivityNotFoundException,使用HTMLViewer启动找不到网页--> <data android:scheme="myapp"/><!-- scheme的值可自定义 -->2、通过URL Scheme启动Android应用方式一:通过代码访问:Intent intent = new Intent();/**parse的参数值说明如下* 只写myapp,启动android.content.ActivityNotFoundException* 写myapp://12,成功* 写myapp://da?sd=ad,成功*/intent.setData(Uri.parse("myapp://12"));startActivity(intent);方式二:通过网页访问:/**href的值说明如下* 只写myapp,找不到网页* 写myapp://12,成功* 写myapp://da?sd=ad,成功*/<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head> <title>通过URL Scheme启动Android应用</title> </head> <body> <form> <a href="myapp://12">启动</a> </form> </body></html>创建完成后发送到手机,再点击html选择使用HTMLViewer打开,再点击链接即可启动应用。3、总结:第二种方式实现有点繁琐,最好的实现方式是直接在浏览器中输入url以启动应用。在网上搜索找到应如下操作:在浏览器的搜索栏输入如下url:content://com.android.htmlfileprovider/storage/emulated/0/myapp://12,经测试无法成功。不知道是哪里的问题,还请知道的指点一二。

IOS ,腾讯第三方开发中,创建应用时,平台信息中,填写的URL scheme是什么

URL scheme 是 Apple允许各个不同应用程序之间互相通信的 一个机制。 每个应用都可以设置自己的URL,然后注册到ios系统内,当其它应用访问这个URL时,ios系统底层就会自动把访问这个URL时的action和data抛给你的应用,你的应用可以接收处理这响应的事件。腾讯让你填写的URL scheme就是你的应用,这样有了你的URL scheme之后,当腾讯处理完他们那边的事情,它就能回调你的应用的URL,然后把详细数据传给你的应用,这样你的应用就可以和腾讯的应用相互通信了。至于URL scheme的详细学习,请自行百度吧。

小程序scheme url只能个人使用

对。上个月初,微信就发布了公告,4月11号起,小程序的url将不支持“通用”了,每条URL Scheme链接只能给一位用户使用,且不在像之前那样链接可以永久使用,现在,一条链接的有效期最长也只能为30天了。因为这次调整,很多小程序的运营者都遇到了一个相同的问题,小程序的流量相对于前几天可能会有很大的下滑,可能还会接到用户反馈“不能通过链接跳转到微信小程序了”等。我们只需使用省点外链生成一条链接,将链接插入在我们想要引流到微信的平台中,就可以实现从那个平台一键跳转到微信中了。


https://github.com/Oct1a/TikTok-Scheme kwai://gamezone/home 打开游戏专区 kwai://gamezone/game/[ 游戏ID] 打开某个游戏 kwai://webview?url=[URL 链接] 在快手中打开指定URL kwai://tag/topic/ 哒视眼镜 不知道什么玩意 kwai://home/following 打开关注 kwai://home/hot 打开发现 kwai://promotion kwai://home/local 打开同城 kwai://profile/[ 用户UID] 打开用户主页 kwai://profilesetting 编辑个人资料 kwai://business/poi 地理位置 kwai://business/location 定位界面 kwai://work/[ 作品ID] 打开某作品 kwai://work/[PhotoId]?userId=[UserId] kwai://live/play/[LiveStreamId] 上面两个应该是 图片作品 这个是小视频作品 kwai://liveaggregate?sourceType=[ 不知道什么参数] kwai://liveaggregate/[ 未知参数]?sourceType=[未知参数] kwai://musicstation/[PhotoId]?userId=[UserId]&sourceType=[Integer.valueOf(13)] kwai://musicstation 快手音悦台 kwai://followers 粉丝列表 kwai://followings 关注列表 kwai://tube/square 小剧场 snssdk1128://feed?refer=web&gd_label= { {gd_label}} 回首页 snssdk1128://live?room_id= 直播间 snssdk1128://user/profile/ 用户 home: " snssdk1128://feed?refer=web&gd_label= { {gd_label}}", detail: " snssdk1128://aweme/detail/ { {id}}?refer=web&gd_label={ {gd_label}}&appParam={ {appParam}}&needlaunchlog=1", user: " snssdk1128://user/profile/ { {uid}}?refer=web&gd_label={ {gd_label}}&type={ {type}}&needlaunchlog=1", challenge: " snssdk1128://challenge/detail/ { {id}}?refer=web", music: " snssdk1128://music/detail/ { {id}}?refer=web", live: " snssdk1128://live?room_id= { {room_id}}&user_id={ {user_id}}&from=webview&refer=web", webview: " snssdk1128://webview?url= { {url}}&from=webview&refer=web", webview_fullscreen: " snssdk1128://webview?url= { {url}}&from=webview&hide_nav_bar=1&refer=web", poidetail: " snssdk1128://poi/detail?id= { {id}}&from=webview&refer=web", forward: " snssdk1128://forward/detail/ { {id}}", billboard_word: " snssdk1128://search/trending ", billboard_video: " snssdk1128://search/trending?type=1 ", billboard_music: " snssdk1128://search/trending?type=2 ", billboard_positive: " snssdk1128://search/trending?type=3 ", billboard_star: " snssdk1128://search/trending?type=4 weixin://dl/scan 扫一扫 weixin://dl/feedback 反馈 weixin://dl/moments 朋友圈 weixin://dl/settings 设置 weixin://dl/notifications 消息通知设置 weixin://dl/chat 聊天设置 weixin://dl/general 通用设置 weixin://dl/officialaccounts 公众号 weixin://dl/games 游戏 weixin://dl/help 帮助 weixin://dl/feedback 反馈 weixin://dl/profile 个人信息 weixin://dl/features 功能插件

微信付款码的URL Scheme参数是什么?

微信付款码的URL Scheme参数是由微信按照一定规则生成的一串18位纯数字,生成规则未知(肯定包含了微信用户身份标识)。付款码的用途与商品条码是一样的,是用作智能POS、把枪等商户端线下设备扫微信用户条码/二维码使用的,不是用于app调用使用的,也无所谓URL Scheme。按照微信支付的官方叫法,此类支付方式叫刷卡支付。微信支付的扫码支付倒是提供了URL Scheme,具体参考官方文档。微信(WeChat)是腾讯公司于2011年1月21日推出的一个为智能终端提供即时通讯服务的免费应用程序,由张小龙所带领的腾讯广州研发中心产品团队打造。微信支持跨通信运营商、跨操作系统平台通过网络快速发送免费(需消耗少量网络流量)语音短信、视频、图片和文字,同时,也可以使用通过共享流媒体内容的资料和基于位置的社交插件“摇一摇”、“朋友圈”、”公众平台“、”语音记事本“等服务插件。微信URL Schem其他参数:weixin://dl/scan 扫一扫。weixin://dl/feedback 反馈。weixin://dl/moments 朋友圈。weixin://dl/settings 设置。weixin://dl/notifications 消息通知设置。weixin://dl/chat 聊天设置。

安卓怎么给自己的app注册一个url scheme

PackageManager mPackageManager = getPackageManager(); mPackageManager.getInstalledPackages(PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES ); 这样就获取到了系统上面所有的app. 那么如何获取到非系统的app呢? 其实很简单,我们只需要做个简单的判断就行了,如: final PackageInfo packageInfo = mPackageInfoList.get(i); if ((packageInfo.applicationInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM) == 0) { //添加自己的代码即可

iOS应用间通信:URL Schemes

URL用于定位资源,譬如网络资源。以下面的URL为例: 根据 RFC1808 标准,其包含如下组成部分: iOS中,你可以为自己的应用定义URL schemes,供外界调用。URL格式必须符合标准(即能够通过 NSURL 解析)。 总体来说,URL schemes可划分为两类:系统定义&自定义。 有些系统应用天生支持URL schemes,例如电话,邮件,短信,Safari,地图等。 更多关于系统定义的URL schemes的信息,详见官方文档 Apple URL Scheme Reference 。 调用URL scheme其实很简单,分为两步: 注意事项: 打开URL的方法如下: 自定义URL schemes也可以分为两步: iOS以URL type为单位管理URL schemes。一个type下可以有多个scheme,但一个scheme只对应一个type。注册URL schemes,实际上是注册URL type。 在 Info.plist 中添加键值对 CFBundleURLTypes ,其对应一个数组,每个元素都是一个字典,代表一个type。例如: 一个URL type字典包含如下键值对: 更多关于CFBundleURLTypes的信息,详见Information Property List Key Reference中章节 CFBundleURLTypes 的叙述。 此外,还可以针对scheme定义启动图片。众所周知,app启动时会显示图片。如果app因为响应某个scheme而启动,可以根据scheme定义图片。图片命名格式如下: 更多关于URL scheme启动图片的信息,详见App Programming Guide for iOS中章节 Displaying a Custom Launch Image When a URL is Opened 的叙述。 收到调用请求后,相应的UIApplication代理方法会被调用,所以这里也是处理逻辑的所在: 注意事项: 被调用时,app可能处于下列状态之一: D.2.2.1 app未运行时被调用 app先启动,再处理请求,但受到下面方法影响: D.2.2.1 app运行中被调用 app 必定 会处理请求,进入前台(即方法 application:openURL:options: 一定会被调用); UIApplication方法 canOpenURL: 可以判断当前设备上是否有能够响应特定URL的应用。 于是乎,有人利用这个方法过滤大量scheme,判断设备上安装了哪些应用。为防止滥用,自iOS9,Apple要求这个方法只能检测特定名单内的scheme(当然,系统定义的scheme不在此列),开发者需要通过键值对 LSApplicationQueriesSchemes 在 Info.plist 中定义这个名单。例如: 另外,还要注意: 更多关于LSApplicationQueriesSchemes的信息,详见Information Property List Key Reference中章节 LSApplicationQueriesSchemes 的叙述。

iOS 唤起APP之URL Scheme

简单的说,由于苹果选择使用沙盒机制来保障用户的隐私和安全,APP只能访问自己沙盒数据,但同时也阻碍了应用间合理的信息共享。因此苹果提供了一个可以在APP之间跳转的方法: URL Scheme 。如果你的APP需要其他APP访问某些功能或者数据,那么你需要在你的APP定义一个相应的 URL Scheme 。当别的APP使用 URL Scheme 进行访问时,系统会根据 URL Scheme 进行匹配,从而来拉起对应的APP。 如果想要更清晰的认识 URL Scheme 电话,我们需要了解下面几个概念: 这样一对比就容易很明白的理解出了URL Scheme的真正含义,它是为了在iOS系统中定位对应的App然后执行对应的操作,复杂的URL Scheme还可以传递参数。 所以说了那么多,有一种跳转方式可以既满足跳转的动态需求,也可以灵活的传递参数。这种方式就是使用URL Scheme进行动态跳转。这也是我非常推荐的一种使用方式。并且在一些组件化开发的尝试中,这种跳转方式也带来了很多便利。 第三方应用可以通过①给自己发送 URL Scheme 请求来证明没有被劫持,如果没有收到自己的 URL Scheme,就可以及时给用户发送提醒;②利用 MobileCoreServices 服务中的 applicationsAvailableForHandlingURLScheme() 来查看所有注册了该 URL Schemes 的应用和处理顺序,从而检测自己、或者别人的 URL Scheme 是否被劫持。 注册自定义URL Scheme有两种方式 这两种注册方式本质上其实是一样的只是位置不同。 我们需要在APPdelegate中实现相应的代理方法: iOS 9.0以下 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation iOS 9.0以上 - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation; 下面我们通过Safari来验证: 在应用中调用URL Scheme需要是以下方法: iOS10.0以下使用该方法: - (BOOL)openURL:(NSURL*)url NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_0, 10_0, "Please use openURL:options:completionHandler: instead") NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS(""); iOS10.0以上使用该方法: - (void)openURL:(NSURL*)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenExternalURLOptionsKey, id> *)options completionHandler:(void (^ __nullable)(BOOL success))completion NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(10_0) NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE_IOS(""); 还有一个方法可以判断对应URL Scheme是否存在一般和上述方法一起使用: - (BOOL)canOpenURL:(NSURL *)url NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(3_0); 下面来验证一下:

Android Scheme URL 使用方法

URL Scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,通过定义自己的URL Scheme协议,可以 从一个APP中打开另外一个APP指定的页面,也可以从H5页面中跳转到APP指定的页面(实际上就是从一个浏览器中的一个页面跳转到APP指定页面)。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<path>?<query> schemeService://Host:8080/path?id=true <a href="schemeService://Host:8080/path?id=true">打开App传入指定参数</a> 先检查一下是否有效 跳转

微信小程序URL Scheme汇总

微信小程序支持了URL Scheme( https://developers.weixin.qq.com/miniprogram/dev/framework/open-ability/url-scheme.html )之后,可以移动端任何渠道(短信、邮件、其他App中唤起小程序),但是需要小程序开发商主动提供URL Scheme。 本文档的目的就是收集汇总小程序开发者提供的URL Scheme,如果您有发现其他的小程序URL Scheme,欢迎在评论中提供: 谜底饭卡 ● URL Scheme: weixin://dl/business/?ticket=l92578fd8404e0d4e3e975f910fa43f3a ● 兼容H5: https://bridge.xm9.co/xmsl/plugin/redirect.html?target=weixin%3A%2F%2Fdl%2Fbusiness%2F%3Fticket%3Dl92578fd8404e0d4e3e975f910fa43f3a ● 功能介绍: ● 是否永久有效: ● 备注:

Android URL Scheme唤醒之门

1、scheme的作用 Android的scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议。通过scheme 可以进行页面跳转,可以是app之间的跳转, 也可以是网页和app之间的跳转。 2、scheme的定义 协议://协议地址/端口/路径/参数 scheme://nade/startapp?data= "123456" 协议:scheme(可以自定义) 协议地址:(可以自定义) 端口:(可以自定义) 路径: 参数: 3、scheme的使用 1、app内使用: /** * scheme跳转 * @param s */ private void schemeJump(String s) { if (!checkScheme(s)) { showToast("页面不存在"); } Intent schemeIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); schemeIntent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); startActivity(schemeIntent); } 2、网页内使用 // h5调用 <a href="scheme://nade/startapp?data=123456">app目标页面</a> 3、app解析处理 Intent intent = getIntent(); if (intent.getData() != null) { Uri uri = intent.getData(); //获取uri链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.toString()); //获取协议 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getScheme()); //获取协议链接 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getHost()); //获取端口 LogUtils.d("nade",String.valueOf(uri.getPort())); //获取路径 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getPath()); //获取参数 LogUtils.d("nade",uri.getQueryParameter("data")); //获取参数集合 for (String data : uri.getQueryParameters("data")) { LogUtils.d("nade",data); } } /** * 检测scheme链接是否可用 * @param s * @return */ public boolean checkScheme(String s){ PackageManager manager = getPackageManager(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); intent.setData(Uri.parse(s)); List<ResolveInfo> uris = manager.queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.GET_RESOLVED_FILTER); return uris != null && uris.size() > 0; }

URL Scheme和Universal link

URL Scheme是苹果为方便app之间互相调用而设计的 设置一个URL Scheme,唯一标识一个app,其他APP能够通过URL scheme拼成类似于URL链接的形式唤起该app,并且拼接的URL链接能够携带一些参数,从而使不同APP之间能够通信或者分享一些数据 如果两个APP都设置了同一个URL scheme,会造成冲突,有一个APP无法被打开;后安装的APP会被打开,也就是最后将URL scheme写入系统中的APP会优先被唤起; 通用链接是通过传统的HTTP链接能够打开APP的技术 通过一个唯一的网址,就可以连接到APP的某一个视图;如果用户没有安装对应的APP则跳转到普通的网页 在webview或者Safari打开一个universal link,如果APP里associated domain里关联了该link,则会跳转至该APP 1.APP第一次启动或APP更新版本后第一次启动 2.APP向工程里配置的域名发起Get请求拉取配置好存放在https服务器上的apple-app-association文件 3.APP将apple-app-association注册给系统 4.由任意webview发起跳转的url,如果命中了apple-app-association注册过的通用链接 5.打开App,触发Universal Link delegate 6.没命中,webview继续跳转url universal link具有唯一性,只能打开一个app;因为注册关联域名的时候apple-app-association文件里有配置bundle identifier,必须和APP的包名一致才能work

url scheme是什么意思

就像给服务器资源分配一个 URL,以便我们去访问它一样,我们同样也可以给手机APP分配一个特殊格式的 URL,用来访问这个APP或者这个APP中的某个功能(来实现通信)。APP得有一个标识,好让我们可以定位到它,它就是 URL 的 Scheme 部分。常用APP的 URL Scheme| APP | 微信 | 支付宝 | 淘宝 | 微博 | QQ | 知乎 | 短信 || URL Scheme | weixin:// | alipay:// | taobao:// | sinaweibo:// | mqq:// | zhihu:// | sms:// |

iOS内置词典的URL Scheme是什么


Android 跨应用间调用: URL Scheme

Android中的自定义的 URL Scheme 是一种页面内跳转协议,也可以被称为 URLRouter ,就是通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,而非直接通过显式Intent方式去进行跳转。这样隐式intent的方法跳转好处如下: 上文已经说过, URL Scheme 是就通过类似打开网页的方式去通过路由打开一个Activity,其协议格式和我们打开网页输入的网址类似。 一个完整的完整的URL Scheme协议格式由scheme、host、port、path和query组成,其结构如下所示: 其中scheme既可以是Android中常见的协议,也可以是我们自定义的协议。Android中常见的协议包括content协议、http协议、file协议等,自定义协议可以使用自定义的字符串,当我们启动第三方的应用时候,多是使用自定义协议。 如下是一个自定义协议的URI: 通过上面的路径 Scheme、Host、port、path、query全部包含: URL Scheme 的使用方法简要言之就是先在manifest中配置能接受Scheme方式启动的activity;当需要调用时,将Scheme协议的URi以Data的形式加入到Intent中,隐式调用该activity。 1). 在AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签增加<intent-filter>设置Scheme 上面的设置中可以看到,MainActivity包含多个<intent-filter>设置,第一个是正常的启动,也就是在应用列表中启动;第二个是通过 URL Scheme 方式启动,其本身也是隐式Intent调用的一种,不同在于添加了<data>属性,定义了其接受 URL Scheme 协议格式为 urlschemel://auth_activity 这里需要说明下, URL Scheme 协议格式中,组成URI的这些属性在<data >标签中都是可选的 ,但存在如下的依赖关系: 当我们将intent对象中的Uri参数与intent-filter中的<data>标签指定的URI格式进行对比时,我们只对比intent-filter的<data>标签指定的部分,例如: 需要注意的是,intent-filter的<data>标签在指定path的值时,可以在里面使用通配符*,起到部分匹配的效果。 2). 使用URL启动Activity 当然可以在网页中调用 或者是在JS中调用 3.)如何判断URL Scheme是否有效 有时候需要把一些辅助性的、较为独立的APP在Home Launcher中隐藏起来,只允许一些特定的APP调用。这个时候,我们可以利用 URL Scheme 协议来做到这一点,设置AndroidManifest.xml中对<activity >标签如下 因为Home Launcher列出的应用图标要求必须有Activity同时满足 上面的配置中有多余的category和data限制存在,所以并不匹配,不会在Home Launcher出现,但是可以使用 URL Scheme 来启动。 这样就可以将一组APP设置一个统一的入口,然后根据实际需要在调用不同子APP,即所谓的 APP业务组件化 , URL Scheme 在其中有着重要的作用,更进一步讨论会在以后的文章中呈现,敬请期待。 参考文献: http://blog.csdn.net/iispring/article/details/48481793 http://blog.csdn.net/hb707934728/article/details/53196419 http://www.cnblogs.com/whoislcj/p/5825333.html

Android页面跳转协议_URL Scheme详解

android中的scheme是一种页面内跳转协议,是一种非常好的实现机制,通过定义自己的scheme协议,可以非常方便跳转app中的各个页面;通过scheme协议,服务器可以定制化告诉App跳转那个页面,可以通过通知栏消息定制化跳转页面,可以通过H5页面跳转页面等。 客户端应用可以在服务端注册一个URL Scheme,该Scheme用于从浏览器或其他应用启动本应用。通过指定的URL字段,可以让应用在被调起后直接打开某些特定界面,比如商品详情页,活动详情页等。也可以执行某些特定的动作,如完成支付等。也可以在应用内通过html页来直接调用显示app内的某个界面。综上URL Schema使用场景大致分以下几种: 一个完整的Scheme的协议格式由 scheme、userInfo、host、port、path、query和fragment 组成。结构如下: scheme://是固定的格式。userInfo@ 可以省略,host 是必须的。port 、query 和 fragment 也是可以省略的。 其中scheme既可以是Android已经定义好的协议,也可使用我们自定义的。Android 常见的scheme 协议有:content 、file、http 等。如果我们自定义协议就可以随意使用一些字符串来限定协议。当然最好是有一定含义的字符串。如下面的协议: 首先配置需要跳转的Activity,Mainifest文件配置如下: SchemeActivity 在网页中调用: 运行结果如下: 其他运用方式都基于样例,源码地址: URL_SchemeDemo

急求高一英语必修三Unit1 festivals around the world的原文

必修3 unit1Festivals and celebrations Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today"s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events.Festivals of the Dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that this will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with "bones" on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children"s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours" homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them.Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan.In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India"s independence from Britain.Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European ountries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of all kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan"s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

Around The World (Thank You) 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World (Thank You)歌手:G. Love & Special Sauce专辑:Philadelphonicaround the world (~D.RODGERS mix~)词:MOTSU曲:takashi kimura歌:三木真一朗&川澄绫子Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Trip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!あてのないTripOne way ticker to your soul,let"s go!ブッ飞びつづけ见つけるYour goal爱しあい时代に感じあい さまざまなドラマつくってこうSo many things we wanna try Pop stongの底に隐れてDeep style50亿の愿い 涡卷くWorld きっと谁かに届く Your light息さえつけない 眠れない街瑕も见せずに笑いあって嘘さえSafety ホントがEmpty危ないぐらいwanna shut and break out!Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world谁かに届くまで 力强くBrand new wind未来を描く 地图もない爱だって恋だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldInformation 秒速で传わる时代 でもChoiceの仕方がわからないMoney can"t buy my love なんてノンキなヤツにラリア-ト回マニュアルどおりにただ抱き合い 爱がないことに气がつかない窒息する前に叫ぼうぜ Ho!!! In the mednight dream热い想いを 抑えきれずに闻いは空を突き拔けてく最后の90"s 生きてるFull speedNow I know I wanna start to move into the rhythmNow we gotta start Let"s get move!!世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldLet"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the worldTrip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the world...完...http://music.baidu.com/song/8783673

We are the world有几个版本

最佳答案 除了群星大合唱版之外还有两个版本... 曲调是一样的.相当于翻唱~ 你可以参看这个 We are the world 的百度百科里面含盖了所有 We are the world 的资料和信息! http://baike.baidu.com/view/516492.htm 第二个版本: MJ独唱的版本,歌词和合唱的不太一样,曲调是一样的 第三个版本: 1999 年 著名男高音Pavarotti(帕瓦罗蒂) 连袂了红透半边天的 Ricky Martin(瑞奇马丁)、Mariah Carey(玛丽亚凯莉)、Boyzone 等乐坛超级偶像,为危地马拉与科索沃儿童举行了一场慈善音乐会,名为:Pavarotti & Friends For Guatemala and Kosovo(帕瓦罗蒂与朋友们为危地马拉和科索沃的儿童而唱)。 在这场音乐会的最后,Pavarotti(帕瓦罗蒂)Ricky Martin、Mariah Carey、Boyzone 、蓝调大师 B.B. King、摇滚老将 Joe Coker 等所有参演音乐家以及意大利的威尔第合唱团与三十位从危地马拉远道而来的小朋友共同参与,共唱这首「四海一家」(We Are The World)为盛会划下最有意义的句点。 环球唱片公司也于当年推出了这场演唱会的cd, 第18首就是We Are The World 18. We are the world (06:40) Coposed by: Michael Jackson Conducted by: Jos?Molina Performed by: Ars Canto G. Verdi di Parma , B.B. King, Boyzone, Gianni Morandi, Gloria Estefan, Guatemala Choir , Joe Cocker, Laura Pausini, Lionel Richie, Luciano Pavarotti, Mariah Carey, Marianne Tatum, Melanie Daniels, Orchestra Sinfonica Italiana , Pino Palladino, Renato Zero, Ricky Martin, Rob Mathes, Robbie Kondor, Shawn Pelton, Trey Lorenz, Zucchero参考资料: http://baike.baidu.com/view/516492.htm0

The Moody Blues的《Blue World》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue World歌手:The Moody Blues专辑:The Present (Bonus Track Version) [Remastered]Heart and soul took controlTook control of mePaid my dues spread the newsHands across the seaPut me down turned me roundTurned me round to seeMarble halls open doorsSomeone found the keyAnd it"s only what you doThat keeps coming back on youAnd it"s only what you sayThat can give yourself awayUnderground sight and soundhuman SymphonyHeard the voice had no choiceneeded to be freeFly me high touch the skyLeft the earth belowHeard the line saw the signKnew which way to goCos it"s easier to tryThan to prove it can"t be doneAnd it"s easier to stayThan to turn around and runIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue worldHeart and soul took controlTook control of mePaid my dues spread the newsHands across the seaPut me down turned me roundTurned me round to seeMarble halls open doorsSomeone found the keyAnd it"s only what you doThat keeps coming back on youAnd it"s only what you sayThat can give yourself awayCos it"s easier to tryThan to prove it can"t be doneAnd it"s easier to stayThan to turn around and runIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/17779542

the changing world100字作文?

We are living in a rapidly changing world. Leaders worldwide have to respond immediately to new signs of political situation. Nationwide, economic and political reforms witness daily progress in all walks of life. Changes in science and technology bring about new breakthroughs and new products. In world today changes always take place somehow somewhere.These rapid changes influence us in different ways. Firstly, some changes have great effects on lifestyle and improved living conditions. Secondly, by means of modern machines people work more efficiently and enjoy more leisure hours. Thirdly, access to up to date information enables people to broaden their visions. In a word, changes make people become accustomed to the modern world.Seeing these great changes, we should take a positive attitude. Rapid changes are challenges and opportunities to modern people, because changes colour life and make the world progress day by day. We wish that the new changes would keep brilliant records in human history. Let"s face changes, accept changes and try to make the world change for the better.

Around The World 歌词

歌曲名:Around The World歌手:Buddy Greco专辑:16 Most Requested Songsaround the world (~D.RODGERS mix~)词:MOTSU曲:takashi kimura歌:三木真一朗&川澄绫子Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Trip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!あてのないTripOne way ticker to your soul,let"s go!ブッ飞びつづけ见つけるYour goal爱しあい时代に感じあい さまざまなドラマつくってこうSo many things we wanna try Pop stongの底に隐れてDeep style50亿の愿い 涡卷くWorld きっと谁かに届く Your light息さえつけない 眠れない街瑕も见せずに笑いあって嘘さえSafety ホントがEmpty危ないぐらいwanna shut and break out!Now we gotta start Let"s get move!!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world谁かに届くまで 力强くBrand new wind未来を描く 地图もない爱だって恋だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldInformation 秒速で传わる时代 でもChoiceの仕方がわからないMoney can"t buy my love なんてノンキなヤツにラリア-ト回マニュアルどおりにただ抱き合い 爱がないことに气がつかない窒息する前に叫ぼうぜ Ho!!! In the mednight dream热い想いを 抑えきれずに闻いは空を突き拔けてく最后の90"s 生きてるFull speedNow I know I wanna start to move into the rhythmNow we gotta start Let"s get move!!世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldLet"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the worldTrip to worldYo!here we go unknown wordへと 生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱キョウ キメルとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world 时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip广い世界に怯えている始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and lunky beatきっと辉くaround the world世界の果てに立ち 裸て感じたい生まれ始めた景色连明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the world...完...http://music.baidu.com/song/9727328

3道高考英语单选题 求详解 The new idea _ first in Japan has been_to other parts of the world.

1.选B ;brought about带来,发生,引起, brought out 出现(出版,初次参加社交活动),brought over 转入下页 , brought in:带来,引进首先排除A和C(一个独立句子只能有一个谓语),再根据题意该选B2.选C;It"s my pleasure.是事后的回答,With pleasure是事前的回答3.选A;被动语态,are being exposed to是指被动进行时,跟题意不符望采纳!

around the world 歌词

歌曲名:around the world歌手:move专辑:around the worldAround the WorldTrip to the worldYo! here we go unknown world へと生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱娇 キメるとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!あてのないTripOne way ticket to your soul, let"s go!ブッ飞び続け见つけるYour goal爱しあい时代に感じあいさまざまなドラマつくってこうSo many thing we wanna tryPop songの底に隠れてるDeep style50亿の愿い 涡巻くWorld きっと谁かに届くYour light息さえつかない 眠れない街隙も见せずに笑いあって嘘さえSafety ホントがEmpty危ないぐらいにwanna shut and break out!(Now we gotta start Let"s get move)Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip広い世界におびえてる始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and funky beatきっと辉く around the world谁かに届くまで 力强くBrand new wind未来を描く 地図もない爱だって恋だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to Travelin" around the worldInformation 秒速で伝わる时代でもChoiceの仕方がわからないMoney can"t buy my loveなんてノンキなヤツにラリアート3回マニュアルどおりにただ抱きあい爱がないことに気がつかない窒息する前に叫ぼうぜHo!!!!!!!In the midnight dream热い思いを 抑えきれずに愿いは空を突き抜けてく最後の90"s 生きてるFull speedNow I know I wanna start to move into the rhythm(Now we gotta start Let"s get move)世界の果てに立ち 裸で感じたい生まれ始めた景色たち明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to travelin" around the world(Take it to your soul)Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip広い世界におびえてる始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and funky beatきっと辉く around the worldTrip to the worldYo! here we go unknown world へと生まれたばっかりの旅人惯れない足どりもまた爱娇 キメるとこだけバシッと!So many people in this world时に中伤とかもないわけじゃないけどツマンナイとこはWarpしてこう 筋だけは通し生きてるThat"s our low!Let"s move into the brand new worldLet"s dive into the brand new trip広い世界におびえてる始まったばかりのNow we go full speed and funky beatきっと辉く around the world世界の果てに立ち 裸で感じたい生まれ始めた景色たち明日だって 梦だって マジに出会いたいよIt"s the time to travelin" around the worldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55470968

头文字D 第一部主题曲 around the world 谁能把发音用中文写出来?(包括英文的那段,我不懂英文的)

我们看到现在们得开始让奇摩度过过渡动!旅行通过世界呦!这里我们的智慧词们去并非天生出城,而不是悠闲的旅行者惯也爱kyoukimeru我只是约的权利!这世伤在世界上它时许多-但她的不喜欢的人t sumannai经线是只有通过肌肉,使活着"的管理们的我们!行不通的灵魂-旅行对您一个方式断续装置,让"权! b l ap飞bitsudzuke见标爱shiai时代保持你的眼睛开放给我,所以我应付各种戏剧们想所需的尝试乐stong扎实,在底部的一个深隐样式许多事的50 -亿愿世界上我敢肯定,涡卷く谁?接触到您的呼吸,甚至轻不能睡觉,没有一个城市没有笑见瑕也否认有真的是危险的,甚至是安全检查约要关闭并且发生的伟大!现在们得我们看到开始让奇摩度过过渡动!让奇摩最新引进的世界,让"最新-下,通过秘密旅行和世界里的广怯え我们才刚刚开始全速在远离们现总结lunky敲打辉我敢肯定,这在世,在世界范围谁强或迫使它达到新的片剂产品以此为未来的土地-风图爱没有作出严重出会いたい,因为我爱你,它奇摩对travelin" -时间;环球传作怪,在第二呼气申时代,也不知道如何选择钱钱可以"吨,我们购买爱-我- n onki raria一dude -只是按照时间-是不是抱き合い爱气不窒息,前叫ぼう脆性何! m ednight在梦想热k irezu以闻和压抑的感情,并找到一个空的民警卫队拔teku高的顶端90 "的最高速度活着现在我知道我生开始所需的节奏现在我们带来在孤立们得开始让奇摩度过过渡动!世界上月底开始对手无寸铁的出生感じたい连现场的开始,明天,因为我作出了严重梦出会いたい。奇摩对travelin" -时间;环球让"最新引进的世界,让"最新-下,通过秘密旅行和世界里的广怯え我们才刚刚开始全速在远离们现总结必须lunky敲打辉在世它通过全球旅游产业的范围呦!这里我们的智慧词们去并非天生出城,而不是悠闲的旅行者惯也爱kyoukimeru我只是约的权利!这世在世界上时伤或没有,但她的还人民的tsumannai经线许多-人是唯一的来源,正是通过这一活着"的管理们的我们!让"最新引进的世界,让"最新餐馆下,隐匿性和广-里-环球之旅开始怯え手计全速离开,在总结我们们现lunky敲打我敢肯定,它辉在世范围世界常委会赤裸在世界的结束感じたい出生在现场,开始作出严肃连明天,因为我梦。出会いたい它奇摩对travelin" -时间;环球
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