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merry christmas的中文意思是什么?


Merry Christmas, Mr.Lawrence是宫崎骏片子里的插曲吗?是哪部?

根据英国作家劳伦斯(Laurens Van Der Post)的真人真事小说《种子与播种者》(Seed and the Sower)改编的电影《圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生》(Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence),又译《俘虏》,讲述1942年在印度尼西亚爪哇岛日军战俘集中营对残暴的军国主义、不可一世的民族主义、懦弱的武士道精神都进行了反思和否定;对正义、自由和博爱的向往和讴歌的故事。 残酷的日军队长原上士在圣诞之夜,因同性恋之谊释放了英军战俘劳伦斯和杰克,并对其说了一声“劳伦斯,圣诞快乐。”(Merry Christmas,Mr Lawrence)四年后的圣诞节,战争结束不久劳伦斯在狱中又见到了原上士,两人现在身份互换,不觉感慨万千。当劳伦斯离去之前,原上士再次向劳伦斯说了一声:“圣诞快乐,劳伦斯先生!” 《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence》这首曲子是坂本龙一为大岛渚的同名电影谱写的,是他电影配乐的处女作,也是他最经典的作品之一。电影原声中同时收录坂本龙一与前JAPAN乐团主唱David Sylvian合作的歌曲版,但被命名为《Forbidden Colours》,如诗般的歌词配以空灵婉转的旋律,不禁使人身心涤荡。 《Merry Christmas,Mr. Lawrence》大抵算得坂本龙一的传世绝唱(这也是一个人一辈子里不可回避的一首歌,如果你没有听过,那你的生命也死掉了四分之一),美丽琴音里流淌着生命永远无法选择的宿命的悲剧感,对人性纯粹的追求与矜持,对异样情欲的纠缠与否认,对真理信念的盲目与回避...所有这些有时沉重得无以承受,有时又是那般虚弱无力,孰对孰不对的选择更是令人应接不暇、心力交瘁。当面对死去的人们只留下或深或浅的记忆,所有生命的美丽化作一句"圣诞快乐",然后满天飞舞起洁白的雪花,飘落这世间每个干净与不干净的角落。 这首曲子挺好听哦

merry christmas怎么回答

thank you I love you

求一首男生唱的有关圣诞快乐的歌,歌词中有出现merry christmas


merry christmas mr.lawrence是哪部日剧的插曲

楼主可能有些搞混了。MERRY CHRISMAS MR LAWRENCE是同名电影的主题曲,而不是一部日剧里的插曲。同名电影的话时间非常早,我这里有在线看的地址http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/td77XSQcoWg/楼主看看是不是这部。

is this your surpriseuff1f A no B its for you


Van Morrison的《fast train》 歌词

歌曲名:fast train歌手:Van Morrison专辑:down the road(Van Morrison)Well you"ve been on a fast train and it"s going off the railsAnd you can"t come back can"t come back together againAnd you start breaking downIn the pouring rainWell you"ve been on a fast trainWhen your lover has gone away don"t it make you feet so sadAnd you go on a journey way into the landAnd you start breaking down"Cos you"re under the strainAnd you jump on a fast trainYou had to go on the lam you stepped into no-man"s landAin"t nobody here on your wavebandAin"t nobody gonna give you a helping handAnd you start breaking downAnd just go into the soundWhen you hear that fast trainAnd you keep moving on to the sound of the wheelsAnd deep inside your heart you really know oh, just how it feelsAnd you start breaking down and go into the painKeep on moving on a fast trainYou"re way over the line next thing you"re out of your mindAnd you"re out of your depth in through the window she creptOh there"s nowhere to go in the sleet and the snowJust keep on moving on a fast trainYou had to go on the lam stepping in no-man"s landAin"t nobody here on your wavebandNobody even gonna lend you a helping handOh and you"re so alone can you really make it on your ownKeep on moving on a fast trainOh going nowhere, except on a fast trainOh trying to get away from the pastOh keep on moving keep on moving on a fast trainGoing nowhere, across the desert sand, through the barren wasteOn a fast train going nowhereOn a fast train going nowherehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14139084

Cherise的《Just Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Just Go歌手:Cherise专辑:Look InsideMitchel Musso - Just GoOoh oh oohOoh oh oohYou seem likeThere"s something on your mindBut you won"t sayWhat"s up with you todayAnd there it goes everytimeThat stupid little chimeOn your stupid little phoneIt"s like I never get you aloneSo go, you"re making me feelYou wanna be there and I kinda don"t careGo, so long get goneI know you won"t be gone longGo, if you wanna stayAnd make up, make out I"m down to playBut if you don"t, baby just goOh-whoa, oh-whoa, baby just go, oh-whoa, oh-whoaYou seem likeYou don"t know what I"m talkin" boutBut you you do what you want toIf you"re gonna stay the sameAnd nothings ever gonna changeThen go, you"re making me feelYou wanna be there and I kinda don"t careGo, so long get goneI know you won"t be gone longGo, if you wanna stayAnd make up, make out I"m down to playBut if you don"t, baby just goOh-whoa, oh-whoa, baby just go, oh-whoa, oh-whoaGo on and do what you wanna doCause you"re gonna do it anywaysGo on and do what you gotta doDon"t come back to me girlGo, you"re making me feelYou wanna be there and I kinda don"t careGo, so long get goneI know you won"t be gone longGo, if you wanna stayAnd make up, make out I"m down to playBut if you don"t, baby just goOh-whoa, oh-whoa, baby just go, oh-whoa, oh-whoaGo, if you wanna stayAnd make up, make out I"m down to playBut if you don"t, baby just gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/7788398

英语中第一,第二,第三,都有些什么说法? 不要单纯的first,at frist........一家

in the first place ,in the second place, whats the most important of all.then

christina的专辑15 Songs For You的全部歌词


you are the treasure of my life, i will cherish your love. dear lover什么意思


英雄联盟里的Demacia Rising 属于什么流派的音乐




05年steve jobs在斯坦福大学演讲词中的Hare Krishna temple和whole earth catalog到底是个什么玩意儿?

WHOLE EARTH CATALOG《全球目录》 20 世纪 60 年代,布兰德出版了《全球目录》(The Whole Earth Catalog)一书,该书成了具有环保意识的生活方式的圣经,并且被认为对美国文化产生的积极影响远不至这些。Hare Krishna temple克利须那神庙位于南非德班。是沙斯沃斯(Chatsworth)的智力庙(Temple of Understanding)中最值得一看的,宣扬的是印度宗教的神。



Christian diro中文是什么意思?



Christian Dior克里斯汀·迪奥(简称CD)是著名的奢侈品牌...Rouge Dior就是Christian Dior的一款唇膏。。。

Dior 与 Christian Dior 有区别吗?设计师是一样的吗

没有区别的, Christian Dior 是全称也可以说是公司名,Dior 是简称。迪奥(Dior),由法国时装设计师克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior)于1946年创于巴黎,是世界著名的时尚消费品牌。主要经营女装、男装、首饰、香水、化妆品等高档消费品。亦为全球的高级时尚品牌控股公司——LVMH路易威登集团的子公司。Dior服装与其他品牌做法不同,它从不用任何CD或Dior等明显标志放在衣服身上,(即使有Dior经典标志也是非常淡的颜色,如部分服饰领下浅灰色底深灰色字的Dior标志和部分提包的手提带下会有不明显但很气派的DIOR字样。Dior不会把标志放在外面。)而衣标上Christian Dior Paris是最好的辨识方法。此外,Dior比较高端服饰系列(当然DIOR本身就是一个高端品牌,这里指的是高端里的高端)的衣标的条码下会有很细的红线,据说是Dior的独创。CD:这缩写常出现在Dior的配件上,如眼镜镜架侧面、扣环、皮带、皮夹。Dior:挂在提环上,以DIOR四个字母串成钥匙圈,是“Lady Dior”皮包最明显的标志,后来也几乎成为Dior另一个明显记号。钻石格纹:Dior专用之钻石格纹,较少出现在服装上,多在Dior皮夹上可明显见到。








christiandior是品牌克里斯汀·迪奥。克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior),简称迪奥(Dior或CD),是法国时尚消费品牌,隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团。迪奥主要经营男女手袋、女装、男装、男女鞋履、首饰、香水、化妆品、童装等高档消费品。品牌介绍1948年,由“花冠”裙为主打的Dior第一个时装系列“新风貌”(New Look)发布。同年,Christian Dior香水公司成立;1949年,推出1949年—1950年秋冬服装系列,8天之内,公司已接到1200多条裙装的订单;1951年,成立手套长筒丝袜部门;1991年,“Dune”问世;1995年,“DolceVita”问世。2018年7月19日,《财富》世界500强排行榜发布,迪奥位列208位。2018年12月18日,世界品牌实验室编制的《2018世界品牌500强》揭晓,迪奥排名第62位。2019年7月,发布2019《财富》世界500强:位列187位。 2019年10月,Interbrand发布的全球品牌百强榜排名82 。


christiandior是迪奥品牌。克里斯汀·迪奥(Christian Dior),简称迪奥(Dior或CD),是法国时尚消费品牌,隶属于酩悦·轩尼诗-路易·威登集团。迪奥主要经营男女手袋、女装、男装、男女鞋履、首饰、香水、化妆品、童装等高档消费品,2019年10月,Interbrand发布的全球品牌百强榜排名8。1948年,由花冠裙为主打的Dior第一个时装系列新风貌发布。同年,Christian Dior香水公司成立,1949年,推出1949年—1950年秋冬服装系列,8天之内,公司已接到1200多条裙装的订单,1951年,成立手套长筒丝袜部门。christiandior品牌的发展历程:1946年,创立第一家Dior时装店。1946年时装设计师Christian Dior先生在偶然的机会下巧遇商业大亨Marcel Boussac,两人一拍即合于巴黎最优雅尊贵的蒙田大道Avenue Montaigne 30号正式创建第一家个人时装店,全店装潢以Dior先生最爱的灰白两色风格为主。1947年,推出第一个服装系列—1947年春夏服装系列,以新风貌的风格一举震惊全球服装界。同年,以Miss Dior命名的第一瓶香水闻世,紧接着Diorama、Diorissimo纷纷出名。1948年,Christian Dior香水公司成立。1951年,成立手套长筒丝袜部门。以上内容参考百度百科-Christian Dior

有谁能提供cultural characteristics of the Middle Ages?英文作答

Middle Ages period in Western European history that followed the disintegration of the West Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th cent. and lasted into the 15th cent., i.e., into the period of the Renaissance. The ideas and institutions of western civilization derive largely from the turbulent events of the Early Middle Ages and the rebirth of culture in the later years. The importance of the Middle Ages has been increasingly recognized as scholarship based on newly published source material, archaeological findings, and studies of demographics and migration patterns presents more accurate and detailed analyses of events and trends.Beginnings and Cultural DevelopmentsAlthough the transitions were gradual, and exact dates for the demarcation of the Middle Ages are misleading, convention often places the beginning of the period between the death of the Roman emperor Theodosius I in 395 and the fall of Rome to the Visigoths in 410. The Dark Ages, formerly a designation for the entire period of the Middle Ages, now refers usually to the period c.450?50, also known as the Early Middle Ages. In fact, the term Dark Ages may be more a judgment on the lack of sources for evaluating the period than on the significance of events that transpired.Medieval Europe was far from unified; it was a large geographical region divided into smaller and culturally diverse political units that were never totally dominated by any one authority. With the collapse of the Roman Empire, Christianity became the standard-bearer of Western civilization. The papacy gradually gained secular authority; monastic communities, generally adhering to the Rule of St. Benedict, had the effect of preserving antique learning; and missionaries, sent to convert the Germans and other tribes, spread Latin civilization.By the 8th cent. culture centered on Christianity had been established; it incorporated both Latin traditions and German institutions, such as Germanic laws. The far-flung empire created by Charlemagne illustrated this fusion. However, the empire"s fragile central authority was shattered by a new wave of invasions, notably those of the Vikings and Magyars.Feudalism, with the manorial system (see also tenure) as its agricultural base, became the typical social and political organization of Europe. The new framework gained stability from the 11th cent., as the invaders became Christian and settled and as prosperity was created by agricultural innovations, increasing productivity, and population expansion.The High Middle AgesAs Europe entered the period known as the High Middle Ages, the church became the universal and unifying institution. While some independence from feudal rule was gained by the rising towns (see commune, in medieval history), their system of guilds perpetuated the Christian and medieval spirit of economic life, which stressed the collective entity, disapproved of unregulated competition, and minimized the profit motive. Strong popes, notably Gregory VII, worked for a reinvigorated Europe guided by a centralized church, a goal virtually realized under Innocent III.Militant religious zeal was expressed in the Crusades, which also stemmed from the growing strength of Europe. Security and prosperity stimulated intellectual life, newly centered in burgeoning universities (see colleges and universities), which developed under the auspices of the church. From the Crusades and other sources came contact with Arab culture, which had preserved works of Greek authors whose writings had not survived in Europe. Philosophy, science, and mathematics from the Classical and Hellenistic periods were assimilated into the tenets of the Christian faith and the prevailing philosophy of scholasticism; Aristotle, long associated with heresy, was adapted by St. Thomas Aquinas to Christian doctrine.Christian values pervaded scholarship and literature, especially Medieval Latin literature, but Proven鏰l literature also reflected Arab influence, and other flourishing medieval literatures, including German literature, Old Norse literature, and Middle English literature, incorporated the materials of pre-Christian traditions. The complex currents, vitality, and religious fervor of medieval culture are evident in the classics of Dante and Chaucer. Gothic architecture developed most notably in the 12th cent., against a background of the cultural and economic ascendancy of Western Europe.Transition to the Modern WorldThe transition from the medieval to the modern world was foreshadowed by economic expansion, political centralization, and secularization. A money economy weakened serfdom, and an inquiring spirit stimulated the age of exploration. Banking, the bourgeois class, and secular ideals flourished in the growing towns and lent support to the expanding monarchies. The church was weakened by internal conflicts as well as by quarrels between church and state. As feudal strength was sapped, notably by the the Hundred Years War and the Wars of the Roses, there emerged in France and England the modern nation state. A forerunner of intellectual modernity was the new humanism of the Renaissance. Finally, the great medieval unity of Christianity was shattered by the religious theories that culminated in the Protestant Reformation.

Juris的歌If.You.And.Me 谁知道歌词?

《 If You And Me 》 ——JurisHere I amStanding close to youAnd yet still so far away So many times I tried to say,but my heart was afraidLook at you,it"s all that I can doLike a silly girl I stareCause you might leave me when I reveal what my heart is really feelingIf I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you"ll hearWill you Take me in your arms or let me go?Our lovely days will they just fade like whispers in the wind? If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hearcan"t you see the love I hide slip through my eyesthe silly girl so scared,she just can"t say I love youhere I amholding on to fatewhat we have may never changeCause you might leave me when I reveal My lips will seal the love I"m hiding If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hearWill you Take me in your arms or let me go?Our lovely days will they just fade like whispers in the wind If I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hearcan"t you see the love I hide slip through my eyesthe silly girl so scared,she just can"t say I love youIf I could just say the words all the secrets in my heart and in my soul you hearcan"t you see the love I hide slip through my eyesthe silly girl so scared,she just can"t say I love you

Bill Frisell的《Let Me In》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me In歌手:Bill Frisell专辑:Where In The World?Young Buck (Feat. 50 Cent) - Let Me InYeah,It"s 50 cent, Young BuckG-g-g-g-g-G-UNIT!We get the club jumpin" from beginning to the endGo shawty, we back up in this bitch againWe party, harder than you can imagineYou can run wit losers, or run wit winners and winI feel attention when I walk in the clubG-unit to the socks, bitches all on a thugGimme a henny on the rocks, and a bottle of bubI dont need security, this Gorilla enoughI came to ball wit ya"ll, pop the bar and allSo bitches call ya hoes, n niggaz call ya dogsIf you love ya wife keep her at home tonightShe might neva come home again nigga, aight!Teeth, neck, wrists all lights my lifes likeRidin" in Ca$hville runnin all stop lightsHomie is that real, I pray I keep livinMy momma jus hadda dream of seein me in prisonMy daddys a dope fein, n i dont really miss himAint seen him in 10 years n a nigga still livinTha same ol" 2 step we move to a rhythm50 holla get em" Buck, you know im gunna get em"Raaaaa!I know you gonna let me shine n get mineI know you gonna let me in wit this nineI know you gonna let me smoke on my weedI know you gonna let me drink wit no I.DI know im sinnin but im winnin at tha same timeTake a couple shots from a nigga tryin ta take mineI"m back on tha block, wit a choppa n a tech nineNiggaz shootin cops n the hood runnin stop signsG-UNIT, The Game! Bitches doin wat tha thugs doG"s, D"s, Vice, Lords, Crips n the Blooz tooMove lemme come throughAint a pair of handcuffs, can hold meI"m ridin" in the ol" school listenin to some oldiesMy goals keep shinin, Them hoes keep cryinThe handle of my 45 outlined in diamondsJust left Ca$hville, bout to fly to MiamiHopin Yayo watchin Eminem, preform at the GrammysThe reason niggaz like Eric Benet, prolly cant stand meI know money will make Halle Berry come outa them pantiesBitch!Ya"ll niggaz in trouble they shoulda neva let me in (in)Bet ya I can make them bounce backTeach em" how to stunt, teach em" how to counts stacks (yeah)Now where ya hood at? BuckIf you want to, we 50 deep up in here watchu gonna doWho want beif, I aint come for no name callinDont be mad cuz we is n you aint ballin"Gettin" money is my motto for you broke folksCan"t spend ya whole life payin on ya car notesIt"s alright if you still on the block boySee ima cold young thug, not a hot boyYou know I do this for the streets, n my peeps thas behind barsAs soon as they come home, I"ll go n buy them all carsYoung Buck!We get the club jumpin" from beginning to the endGo shawty, we back up in this bitch againWe party, harder than you can imagineYou can run wit losers, or run wit winners that winAHH!http://music.baidu.com/song/867706


《禁闭岛 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TRaA8foCauXSyjMaTRLhaQ 提取码:mrf4导演: 马丁·斯科塞斯编剧: 莱塔·卡罗格里迪斯 / 丹尼斯·勒翰主演: 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 / 马克·鲁弗洛 / 本·金斯利 / 马克斯·冯·叙多夫 / 米歇尔·威廉姆斯 / 艾米莉·莫迪默 / 派翠西娅·克拉克森 / 杰基·厄尔·哈利 / 泰德·拉文 / 约翰·卡洛·林奇 / 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯 / 罗宾·巴特利特 / 克里斯托弗·邓汉 / 约瑟夫·斯科拉类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语 / 德语上映日期: 2010-02-13(柏林电影节) / 2010-02-19(美国)片长: 138 分钟又名: 不赦岛(港) / 隔离岛(台) / 孤岛疑云 / 荒岛追凶 / 孤岛恐慌 / 关门岛 / 孤岛 / 艾什克里夫本片根据美国小说家丹尼斯·勒翰(Dennis Lehane)的同名小说改编。 1954年,联邦警官泰迪(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)和搭档查克(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo 饰)乘船来到波士顿附近的禁闭岛精神病犯监狱调查一桩离奇失踪案。手刃亲生骨肉的女犯蕾切尔(艾米莉·莫迪默 Emily Mortimer 饰)从戒备森严的牢室神秘逃脱,藏匿于孤岛深处。泰迪怀疑监狱的主治精神病医师约翰·考利(本·金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)有意隐瞒内情,并向查克透露他上岛的真实目的其实是寻找当年纵火烧死他妻子德洛丽丝(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 Michelle Williams 饰)的管理员,并揭露美国政府利用精神病犯人进行人体科学实验的罪行。但随着调查的逐渐深入,真相却变得越来越扑朔迷离。

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Pie Jesu (Reprise) 歌词

[ti:Pie Jesu] [ar:Charlotte Church] [al:Prelude: The Best Of Charlotte Church] [by:Van] [offset:500] [00:00.00]Charlotte Church - Pie Jesu [00:15.81] [01:07.07][00:17.81]Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, [01:18.20][00:29.69]Pie Jesu, Pie Jesu, [01:29.63][00:42.60]Qui Tollis peccata mundi; [01:36.85][00:50.32]Dona eis requiem, [01:44.66][00:58.04]Dona eis requiem, [01:53.02][01:05.99] [02:07.61]Agnus Dei,Agnus Dei [02:19.60]Agnus Dei,Agnus Dei [02:31.76]Quit Tollis peccata mundi; [02:38.99]Dona eis requiem, [02:46.51]Dona eis requiem, [02:54.42] [02:55.55]Sempiternam, sempiternam requiem. [03:20.39] [03:20.89] [03:21.29]END

英文女生说唱:paris london chicago tokyo…很多的城市名 然后男的开唱。

我也一直在找,我弄的手机铃声。歌名: the sound of San Francisco歌手:Global DeejaysGlobal playboys, Paris, London L.A., Chicago, Tokyo Baghdad , New York Hear the Global playboys Moscow, Memphis Capetown, Dallas Amsterdam, Boston Berlin, San Francisco If you"re going to San Francisco Be should to wear some flowers in your head If you go to San Francisco You"re gonna meet some gentle people there In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come to San Francisco Paris, London L.A., Chicago Tokyo, Baghdad, New York Hear the Global deejays Moscow, Memphis Capetown, Dallas Amsterdam, Boston Berlin, San Francisco If you"re going to San Francisco Be should to wear some flowers in your head If you go to San Francisco You"re gonna meet some gentle people (Some gentle people, some gentle people, some gentle people) In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come to San Francisco San Francisco满意请采纳

欧美女rap歌词是canada to tokyo to Paris

我也一直在找,我弄的手机铃声。歌名: the sound of San Francisco歌手:Global DeejaysGlobal playboys, Paris, London L.A., Chicago, Tokyo Baghdad , New York Hear the Global playboys Moscow, Memphis Capetown, Dallas Amsterdam, Boston Berlin, San Francisco If you"re going to San Francisco Be should to wear some flowers in your head If you go to San Francisco You"re gonna meet some gentle people there In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come to San Francisco Paris, London L.A., Chicago Tokyo, Baghdad, New York Hear the Global deejays Moscow, Memphis Capetown, Dallas Amsterdam, Boston Berlin, San Francisco If you"re going to San Francisco Be should to wear some flowers in your head If you go to San Francisco You"re gonna meet some gentle people (Some gentle people, some gentle people, some gentle people) In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come In the street, if you come to San Francisco San Francisco



many are surprise

that when you exercise,your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study 1.它是主系表结构. 2.具体分析如下: 主语:Many teenagers 系动词:are 表语:surprised (原因)状语:to learn that when you exercise,your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study. 注:此句用不定式做原因状语,再如: I"m sorry to hear the news. 3.做原因状语的不定式中的learn后面是一个以that作为引导词的宾语从句. 该宾语从句结构分析如下: when you exercise为宾语从句中的时间状语从句(其中的you和exercise分别为时间状语从句的主语和谓语); your body为主语; produces为谓语; some chemicals为宾语; 其后的that make you feel peaceful and relaxed and increase your ability to concentrate when you study为定语从句,修饰chemcals做定语. 4.该定语从句分析如下: 1)that即是定语从句的关系代词/引导词,又在定语从句中充当主语,相当于先行词chemicals; 2)make为谓语; 3)you为宾语; 4)feel peaceful and relaxed以及increase your ability to concentrate为用and并列的两个宾语补足语; 其中to concentrate为不定式做后置定语,修饰ability; 5)when you study为时间状语从句,其中you和study为主语/谓语.

property和characteristic 区别

Property 特性或不同之处,尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性或者说事物固有的属性,被某类事物的全体成员所拥有的特色,更多的表内在characteristic能帮助明显地辨认、区分或作描述的特征;突出的标记或特征,更多用来表外部特征

求Chris Brown 《look at me now》歌词

 .Look At Me Now (Ft Lil Wayne & Busta Rhymes)  作词:Chris Brown、Jean Baptiste、Dwayne Carter、Trevor Smith、Thomas Pentz  作曲:Jean Baptiste、Dwayne Carter、Chris Brown、Thomas Pentz、Trevor Smith  [Chris Brown]  Yellow model chick  Yellow bottle sipping  Yellow Lamborghini  Yellow top missing  Yeah yeah  That sh-t look like a toupee  I get what you get in 10 years, in two days  Ladies love me, I"m on my cool J  If you get what I get what would you say  She wax it all off, Mr Miyagi  And them suicide doors, Hari Kari  [Hook]  Look at me now, look at me now  Oh, I"m getting paper  Look at me now  Oh, look at me now  Yeah, fresh than a muthaf-cker  Lil n-gga bigger than gorilla  Cause I"m killing every n-gga that  Try to be on my sh-t  Better cuff your chick if you with her  I can get her  And she accidentally slip fall on my dick  Ooops, I said on my dick  I aint really mean to say on my d-ck  But since we talking about my dick  All of you haters say hi to it  I"m Done  [Busta Rhymes]  Ayo Breezy  Let me show you how to keep the dice rolling  When your doing that thing over there, homie  Lets go  Cause I feel like I"m running  And I"m feeling like I gotta get away, get away, get away  Better know that I don"t and I won"t ever stop cause  You know I gotta win everyday day, goooo  See they don"t really wanna pop me  Just know that you will never flop me  And I know that I can be a little cocky, nooo  You aint never gonna stop me  Everytime I come a n-gga gotta set it then I got it going  Then I gotta get it, than I gotta blow, than I shut it any little thing  That a n-gga think he be doing cause it doesnt matter cause I"m gonna dead it  Then I"m gonna murder every thing and anything a badaboom a badabing  I gotta do a lot of things, and make it clearer to a couple n-ggas  That I"m always winning and I gotta get it again and again and again  And I be doing it to death and now I move a little foul  A n-gga better call a ref, everybody know my style  And n-gga"s know that I"m the the best  When I come to doing this and I be banging on my chest  And I bang in the east and I bang in the west  And I come to give you more and I never give you less  You will hear it in the street or you can read it in the press  Do you really wanna know whats next, lets go  See the way we on, we be all up in the race and you know  We gotta go, don"t try to keep up with the pace  We struggling and hustling and sending in and getting in  And always gotta take it to another place  Gotta taste it and I gotta grab it  And I gotta cut all through this traffic  Just to be at the top of the throne  Better know I gotta have it  [Hook]  Look at me now, look at me now  oh, I"m getting paper  look at me now  oh, look at me now  yeah, fresh than a muthaf-cker  [Lil Wayne]  Man f-ck these bitch ass n-ggas how yall doin?  I"m Lil Tunechi, I"m a nuisance, I go stupid, I go dumb like the 3 stooges  I dont eat sushi, I"m the shit, no I"m pollution, no substitution  Got a bitch that play in movies in my jacuzzi, p-ssy juicy  I never gave a f-ck about a hater, got money on my radar  Dress like a skater, got a big house, came with a elevator  You n-ggas aint eatin, f-ck it, tell a waiter  Marley said shoot em, and I said “ok”  If on that bullshit then I"m like “ole”,  I dont care what you say, so don"t even speak  Your girlfriend a freak like Cirque Du Soleil  That"s word to my flag, and my flag red  I"m out of my head, bitch I"m outta my mind from the bottom I climb  You aint hotter at mine, nope, not on my time and I"m not even trying  Whats poppin Slime? nothin five, and if they trippin f-ck em five  I aint got no time to shuck and jive, these n-ggas as sweet as pumpkin pie  Ciroc and Sprite on a private flight  Bitch, I been tight, since guiding light, and my pockets white and my diamonds white  And my mommas nice and my daddy"s dead  You faggots scared cause I"m too wild, been here for a while  I was like f-ck trial, I puts it down  I"m so young money, if you got eyes loo

Chris Brown - Look At Me Now歌词中文翻译


christmas is here 歌词

歌曲名:christmas is here歌手:Donna Summer专辑:christmas spiritChristmas is hereSnowflakes filling the airPeople rushing past every displayNo time for nappingThere"s buying and then wrappingThe gifts to be given awaySparkling lightsAll the dazzling sightsChristmas trees loaded with joyHearts full of givingChildren are livingFor what could be their favorite toyChristmas is hereDonna SummerChristmas is hereIt"s a wonderful time of the yearChristmas is hereChristmas is hereIt"s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the yearFamilies togetherNo matter the weatherFeasting and fun is the goalGrandma is makingSugar cookies are bakingTo warm up the body and soulFull decorationIn anticipation of timesMarked with laughter and cheerAnd day long awaitedAnd much celebratedChristmas is finally hereIt"s a wonderful time of the yearChristmas is hereChristmas is hereIt"s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the yearA festive occasionA welcome invasionOf carolers filling the airSong of rejoicingAnd everyone voicingA story of hope we all shareChristmas is hereChristmas is hereIt"s wonderful time of the yearChristmas is hereChristmas is hereIt"s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the yearChristmas is hereIt"s a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful time of the yearChristmas is finally herehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14105663

Merry Christmas Eve是什么意思?

意思是圣诞夜快乐。除了强调“圣诞夜”,实际上很少有人这么说。Merry Christmas 就含“圣诞夜快乐”的意思。

Christmas Eve前加in at to还是on


( )Christmas Eve A.in B.on C.at


Christmas Eva前是否可以加the

Christmas Eve 平安夜

at Christmas Eve是什么意思


Christmas Eve、Fool’s Day 、Christmas Day、Christmas Eve 的资料

  世界各国节日一览表  一、 美国  1. 元旦节(New Year"s Day), 每年1月1日庆祝新的一年开始。为美国的联邦假日。  2. 林肯诞辰(Abraham Lincoln"s Birthday), 每年2月12日。  3. 圣瓦伦丁节(St. Valentine"s Day ),每年2月14日又称"情人节"(the lovers" day)。  4. 华盛顿诞辰(George Washington"s Birthday),每年2月22日。  5.圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick"s Day ), 每年3月17日, 是悼念爱尔兰的守护神圣帕特里克的节日。  6.复活节(Easter Day, Easter Sunday),一般在每年春分后月圆第一个星期天, 约在3月7日左右。  7.愚人节(April Fool"s Day), 每年4月1日, 在 4月1日受到恶作剧愚弄的人称为"四月愚人" (April ools)。  8.母亲节(Mother"s Day), 每年5月份的第2个星期日,表示对母亲的尊敬。在家里儿女们和父亲给母亲买些礼物  9.阵亡烈士纪念日(Memorial Day), 每年5月份的最后一个星期一.  10.国旗日(National Flag Day),每年6月14日。  11.父亲节(Father"s Day), 每年6月份的第3个星期天,表示对父亲的尊敬。  12.国庆节(Independence Day), 每年7月4日.  13. 劳动节(Labor Day), 每年9月份的第一个星期一, 表示对劳工的敬意,为美国的联邦假日。  14.哥伦布日(Columbus Day),每年10月12日。  15.万圣节(Halloween;Eve of All Saint"s Day), 每年10月31日。  16.万灵节(All Soul"s Day), 每年11月2日。  17. 退伍军人节(Veterans Day),每年11月11日  18. 感恩节 (Thanksgiving Day),每年11月最后一个星期四,上帝所赐予的秋收,为美国的联邦假日。  19.大选日 (Election Day), 每年11月份的第一个星期一后的星期二,选举美国总统。  20. 清教徒登陆纪念日(Forefather"s Day),每年12月21日。  21.圣诞节.(Christmas Day),每年12月25日。  愚人节的由来  每年4月1日,是西方也是美国的民间传统节日——愚人节。愚人节起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法——格里历(即目前通用的阳历),以1月1日为一年之始。但一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革,依然按照旧历固执地在4月1日这一天送礼品,庆祝新年。主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。  聪明滑稽的人在4月1日就给他们送假礼品,邀请他们参加假招待会.并把上当受骗的保守分子称为“四月傻瓜”或“上钩的鱼”。 从此人们在4月1日便互相愚弄,成为法国流行的风俗。18世纪初,愚人节习俗传到英国,接着又被英国的早期移民带到了美国。    愚人节时,人们常常组织家庭聚会,用水仙花和雏菊把房间装饰一新。典型的传统做法是布置假环境,可以把房间布置得象过圣诞节一样.也可以布置得象过新年一样,待客人来时,则祝贺他们“圣诞快乐”或“新年快乐”,令人感到别致有趣。  4月1日的鱼宴。也是别开生面的。参加色宴的请帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起来.中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物——或是一个精巧的赛璐珞鱼,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成的。  在愚人节的聚会上,还有一种做假菜的风俗。有人曾经描述过一个典型的愚人节菜谱:先是一道“色拉”,莴苣叶上撒满了绿胡椒,但是把叶子揭开后,才发现下面原来是牡蛎鸡尾酒;第二道菜是“烤土豆”,其实下面是甜面包屑和鲜蘑;此后上的菜还有用蟹肉作伪装的烧鸡和埋藏在西红柿色拉下面的覆盆子冰淇淋。饭后,客人还可以从丸药盒里取食糖果。  不过愚人节最典型的活动还是大家互相开玩笑,用假话捉弄对方。有的人把细线拴着的钱包丢在大街上,自己在暗处拉着线的另一端。一旦有人捡起钱包,他们就出其不意地猛然把钱包拽走。还有人把砖头放在破帽子下面搁在马路当中,然后等着看谁来了会踢它。小孩们会告诉父母说自己的书包破了个洞,或者脸上有个黑点.等大人俯身来看时,他们就一边喊着“四月傻瓜”。一边笑着跑开去。总之,每逢愚人节这一天,动物园和水族馆还会接到不少打给菲什(鱼)先生成莱昂(狮子)先生的电话,常常惹得工作人员掐断电话线,以便减少麻烦。  如今的愚人节在美国已主要是淘气的男孩子们的节日了。  愚人节神话  据说,愚人节起源于一个很有名的希腊神话传说。 农业女神得墨忒尔,在希腊是个妇孺皆知的神祗。她具有无边的法力,可以使土地肥沃,五谷丰登,也可以令田园荒芜,万物凋零。在希腊众神中,她也是最受尊崇的女神之一。万神之王宙斯是她的弟弟,也是她的丈夫。仅仅这个身份,就足以使众神在她的脚下俯首帖耳了。  但是,这位权势无比的女神的生活并非十全十美。宙斯凭借着神王的地位,到处拈花惹草,闹出了许多风流韵事,给得墨忒尔带来了无穷无尽的烦恼。唯一能够让她享受生活乐趣的,还是她和宙斯生的女儿佩尔塞福涅,一个聪慧、美丽、天真、活泼的姑娘,和她在一起,任何人都不会悲伤和忧愁。  这一天,冥王哈得斯驾车巡视西西里岛,恰好被在云端中走过的爱与美女神阿芙罗狄忒看到了,同时让她看到的,还有正在田野里散步的佩尔塞福涅,以及她的伙伴女战神雅典娜,狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。  一看到这几个人,阿芙罗狄忒就气不打一处来。这几个男女,从来不议论爱情,也不谈婚论嫁,眼睛里可还有她爱神的地位吗?雅典娜和阿尔忒弥斯是出名的贞洁女神,又都以武艺高强,神通广大,闻名神界天国,还是不惹为好。但对佩尔塞福涅这小丫头,可就不必客气了。  于是,头上晃动着神圣光环的阿芙洛蒂德唤过自己的儿子??小爱神厄罗斯,对他说:“看看吧,这几个人是怎洋对待爱情的?如果人和神都学他们的样,我们还怎样统治这个世界?来,给哈得斯射上一箭,让他疯狂地爱上佩尔塞福涅!”  厄罗斯是个百发百中的神射手。他弯弓劲射,一技无形的情欲之箭,正扎进哈得斯的心窝。然后,他便跟随着阿芙洛蒂德,扬长而去,静等着看好戏了。  果然,哈得斯中箭后,对佩尔塞福涅产生了刻骨铭心的爱。但他明白得很,这个远近闻名的美人儿,绝不会情愿放弃阳光明媚的大地和天空,跟他到阴暗的冥府中去。因此,他找到自己的兄弟??众神之王宙斯,请求他作主将女儿嫁到冥府。  “这个么……我作不了主”,众神的主宰沉思着说,“你也知道,得墨忒尔难缠得很。不过,你要是有本事把佩尔塞福涅抢走,我倒不反对。”  得到了神王的默许和暗示,哈得斯满心欢喜,他立刻返回冥土,做好抢亲的准备。  一天,佩尔塞福涅在田野里正欲弯腰采摘一朵野花时,大地突然裂开了一条宽宽的地缝。随后,一辆闪闪发光的金车,冲上了地面,驾车的就是威风凛凛的冥王。他不由分说,一把抱起佩尔塞福涅,放到他身边的座位上,一声吆喝,马车便以迅不可及的速度沉入地下。裂开的大地倏然合上了,依然是阳光灿烂,绿草如茵,除了天空中还回荡着佩尔塞福涅的呼救声外,好像什么也没发生过。得墨忒尔在很遥远的地方,听到了女儿撕心裂肺般的呼救声。但当她以最快的速度飞回来时,女儿已经不见了。她只知道女儿被“强盗”劫走了,但是,这个强盗是谁,却一点蛛丝马迹也寻不出来。那些知道佩尔塞福涅下落的神灵们,全都缄口不言。他们知道这件事的背景,宙斯和哈得斯都不是好惹的,谁也不想引火烧身。有几个神祗被逼问急了,也是东西南北瞎扯一通。女神按照他们的指点,没头苍蝇般乱闯乱撞,不用说,这些都成了徒劳无功的跋涉。  然而,对女儿的爱,促使得墨忒尔永无休止地找下去。无论哪个神说了什么,她都确信不疑。虽然后来的事实证明,那些都是彻头彻尾的谎言。无奈之下,她在深不可测的埃特纳火山口点燃了两支松木火把,把整个世界照得一片通明。从那时起,无论黎明女神还是黑夜女神,都未见她坐下来休息片刻。  就这样,得墨忒尔走遍了世界上的每一个角落。但是,她的女儿就像被风卷走了,被太阳晒化了,或者变成了水汽和浮云似的,仍然踪影全无。众神对她也逐渐由同情转为厌恶。因为这个“女疯子”为寻找女儿,搅得世界上没有片刻安宁。他们越加拿她开起心来,忽而指向东南,忽而指向西北,无非是想把她支走,过几天太平日子。  最后,得墨忒尔只得拖着疲倦的身子,返回了西西里岛,佩尔塞福涅失踪的地方。奔波了这许多天,连罪魁祸首是谁都不知道,女神的气恼可想而知。于是,她便把一肚子的怨气,都撒到了西西里农人身上。她杀死了岛上所有的耕牛,命令土地坚如钢铁,封住地里的种子,让所有的植物都枯黄凋零。把这个地域辽阔的大岛弄得赤地千里,饿殍遍地。  宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。得墨忒尔不知其中有诈,再一次踏上了东西逛的征途。这一下了可不得了,不知多少地方,由于女神的愤怒,变得颗粒无收,到处都弥漫着饥馑和灾荒的绝望气氛。  当她明白自己又上了丈夫一个大当时,才静下心来,想一想到底该怎洋办,无意中她抬起头来,看到了驾着金车,在茫茫太空巡行的太阳神赫利俄斯。猛然想到,只有他高高在上,普照一切,明察秋毫,天底下发生的任何事情,都不可能逃过他的双眼。这才手执火把,飞到赫利俄斯面前,请他指点迷津。  伟大的太阳神怜悯女神的遭遇,又无需畏惧冥王的权势。而且,他也不愿意得墨忒尔再这样大闹下去,让众神看笑话,让老百姓受难,便把哈得斯抢亲的情况,仔细描述了一番。得墨忒尔恍然大悟,但为时已晚。此时此刻,佩尔塞福涅在哈得斯的威逼利诱下,已然成了尊贵的冥后,无法再到地上和母亲团聚了。何况,得墨忒尔再神通广大,也没本事把女儿从哈得斯手中硬夺过来。  得墨忒尔知道自己受了众神的欺骗、愚弄,愤懑和气恼又加深了一层。她干脆下了一道命令,让全世界的植物一起凋零,所有的庄稼全部枯死,大地上不允许出现一丝绿色。自己则躲到一个偏僻的地方,不再露面。  这一来,天上地下全部乱了套。老百姓没有粮食吃,每天都有成千上万人饿死。成群结队的亡魂拥入冥府,吵吵闹闹,把哈得斯弄得心烦意乱,狼狈不堪。众神也因为得不到人间的祭祀和礼物,一个个饿得面黄肌瘦。宙斯没办法,只好让佩尔塞福涅每年有1/3时间住在冥府,2/3时间则返回人世,侍奉她的母亲。以后,每当佩尔塞福涅留居冥土时,得墨忒尔便愁眉不展,大地也是一片萧条。而女儿一旦和她团聚,女神便喜笑颜开,世界也重现草木复苏,群芳争艳的勃勃生机。  很明显,在这个故事里,得墨忒尔是一个十足的傻瓜。她不知道爱神的把戏,不知道丈夫和哈得斯的同谋,事件发生后,又被众神支得团团转,屡屡受骗上当,被人戏弄。此后,人们便设立了愚人节,用善意的谎言,告诫那些自以为聪明的人,不要由于轻信,干出贻笑大方的蠢事。  除上述这个故事外,关于愚人节的起源,还有另外一种传说。在中世纪时,多数基督教国家都使用儒略历,把3月25日到4月1日作为新年节日来庆祝。按习俗4月1日这天,人们要互赠礼物致贺。公元1752年,格里高利历开始颁行,新年移到了1月1日。但人们旧俗难改,仍愿意在4月1日向别人送贺礼,这个“新年”,本身就是虚假的了。后来,有些爱恶作剧的人,干脆把礼物也变成虚假的。说是送一盒点心,里边可能是块石头。声言前去拜访,却让主人干等半天。受骗的人不甘心,也照方抓药,进行报复,久而久之,就形成了愚人节。  今天,愚人节已经发展成为一个国际性节日,差不多在整个欧洲和北美都流行。苏格兰称这一天的受骗者为“布谷鸟”,似乎和农业女神仍有些关系。法国人则叫作“四月鱼”这大概是因为小鱼在四月刚孵出,糊里糊涂地见饵就吞,容易上钩的缘故吧!  随着时间的推移,愚人节作弄人的手法,也是花样翻新,新意百出。如:新婚的妻子可能会收到告发丈夫不忠的信件,碌碌无为的公务员会接到提升的调令,儿子会接到父亲去世的电报。某年4月1日,英国《每日镜报》登出一帧照片,一个面容酷似某国总统的男人,一手挽着一个几乎全裸的美女。凡此种种,如果你都信以为真,就上了大当。当然,如果你真受了愚弄,也不必像得墨忒尔女神那样大光其火,最好拿出点“绅士”风度,一笑置之,才符合愚人节与人为善的真谛。  圣诞节的来历  每年的12月25日,是基督教徒纪念耶稣诞生的日子,称为圣诞节。  从12月24日于翌年1月6日为圣诞节节期。节日期间,各国基督教徒都举行隆重的纪念仪式。圣诞节本来是基督教徒的节日,由于人们格外重视,它便成为一个全民性的节日,国家一年中最盛大的节日,可以和新年相提并论,类 是西方似我国过春节。  西方人以红、绿、白三色为圣诞色,圣诞节来临时家家户户都要用圣诞色来装饰。红色的有圣诞花和圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。它是圣诞节的主要装饰品,用砍伐来的杉、柏一类呈塔形的常青树装饰而成。上面悬挂着五颜六色的彩灯、礼物和纸花,还点燃着圣诞蜡烛。  红色与白色相映成趣的是圣诞老人,他是圣诞节活动中最受欢迎的人物。西方儿童在圣诞夜临睡之前,要在壁炉前或枕头旁放上一只袜子,等候圣诞老人在他们入睡后把礼物放在袜子内。在西方,扮演圣诞老人也是一种习俗。  “圣诞节”这个名称是“基督弥撒”的缩字。弥撒是教会的一种礼拜仪式。耶诞节是一个宗教节。我们把它当作耶苏的诞辰来庆祝,因而又名耶诞节。这一天,全世界所有的基督教会都举行特别的礼拜仪式。但是有很多圣诞节的欢庆活动和宗教并无半点关联。交换礼物,寄圣诞卡,这都使圣诞节成为一个普天同庆的日子。  耶稣的出生是有一段故事的,耶稣是因着圣灵成孕,由童女马利亚所生的。神更派遣使者加伯列在梦中晓谕约瑟,叫他不要因为马利亚未婚怀孕而不要她,反而要与她成亲,把那孩子起名为“耶稣”,意思是要他把百姓从罪恶中救出来。  当马利亚快要临盘的时候,罗马政府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒务必申报户籍。约瑟和马利亚只好遵命。  他们到达伯利恒时,天色已昏,无奈两人未能找到旅馆渡宿,只有一个马棚可以暂住。就在这时,耶稣要出生了!於是马利亚唯有在马槽上,生下耶稣。后人为纪念耶稣的诞生,便定十二月二十五为圣诞节,年年望弥撒,纪念耶稣的出世。  圣诞节便是於十二月二十五日纪念耶稣的诞生,但真实的诞生日就没有人知道了。十九世纪,圣诞卡的流行、圣诞老人的出现,圣诞节亦开始流行起来。  圣诞老人的来历  圣诞节是令人雀跃期待的日子,尤其是小孩子。相信大家对圣诞老公公的事都耳熟能详吧?从前有一个老人,名叫尼古拉斯,他一生最爱帮助贫穷的人家。其中有一次他帮助三个贫穷的少后送他们三袋金子以逃过被卖的不幸。当尼古拉斯偷偷把其中一袋金子送给其中一名女子时,他把金子从其中一个窗户扔进去,恰好掉进景在壁上的一长袜中。于是,将礼物放在圣诞袜子的送礼方法家挨户地去要糖果哟!  据说平安夜的晚上,圣诞节老公公会驾着驯鹿雪橇满载着礼物准备送点这一年来表现很好的小朋友,他会悄悄地从烟囱爬进屋内,礼物塞在挂在床头的袜子里。所以孩子总会把一条条色彩缤纷的袜子挂在床头,并在袜子旁边放杯热牛奶给劳苦功高的圣诞老人解渴,并送份大礼给自己。  隔天一每个小朋友都迫不及待地打开礼,想知道自己得到什么奖励。  到了1822年,一位荷兰传教士把这位伟大慈善家的故事传到美国之后,美国商人更以特殊的行销手法,每年利用这个节日大张旗鼓地宣传广告,大赚一笔,在亚洲的日本及其它各国也群起效尤。因此装扮圣诞老人来庆祝圣诞节的风俗习惯也就渐渐地流行到世界各国了。  圣诞树的来历  1.据说大约在十六世纪,德国人最先把长青的松柏枝拿到屋中去摆设,后来,德国传教士马丁路德把烛放在树林中的枞树枝上,然后点燃,使它看起来像是引导人们到伯利恒的星光,如同二千年前的东方三博士依照天上的星星找到耶稣一般。今日,人们已经改用小灯泡代替蜡烛。  2.传说在很久以前,有一位农人,在圣诞节那天遇到一位穷苦的小孩,他热情地接待了孩子,这个小孩临走时折下根松枝插在地上,松枝立即变成一棵树,上面挂满了礼物,用来答谢农人的好意。

求 When Christmas Comes To Town 的中英文对照歌词,给孩子弄的 最好是 一句英文一句中文的,老师的要求

La la la la ...I"m wishing on a starAnd trying to believeThat even though it"s farHe"ll find me at Christmas EveI guess that Santa is busyCause he‘s never come aroundI think of him when Christmas comes to townThe best time of the yearWhen everyone comes homeWith all this Christmas cheer It"s hard to be alonePutting up the Christmas tree With friends you come aroundIt"s so much fun when Christmas comes to townPresents for the children wrapped in red and greenAll the things I"ve heard aboutBut never really seeNo one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas EveHoping Santa"s on his wayPresents for the children wrapped in red and greenAll the things I"ve heard aboutBut never really seenNo one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas EveHoping Santa"s on his wayWhen Santa"s sleigh bells ringI listen all aroundThe herald angels singI never hear a soundAnd all the dreams of childrenOnce lost will all be foundThat"s all I want when Christmas comes to townThat"s all I want when Christmas comes to town中文翻译对着星星许下愿望并且尝试着去相信即使一切是多么遥远他会在圣诞夜来寻找我我猜圣诞老人一定是很忙因为这样所以他才没来到我的身边每当圣诞节来临的时候我都会想他一年之中最好的时节当每个人回到家的时候带着圣诞节的祝福每个人都不会孤独当圣诞节来临到这个城市的时候 装饰起圣诞树 和朋友一起是多么快乐的事情给孩子们的礼物都被包裹在红色或者绿色的盒子里这些关于圣诞老人的事情我全都记得 只是从不曾真的见到没有人将会在圣诞节的夜晚睡觉希望圣诞老人在途中当圣诞老人的雪撬铃响的时候我听见他就在周围当天使的使者在歌唱我却从听不到这一种声音孩子的所有梦想曾经丢失的都将会被找回来这就是我想要的所有 当圣诞节降临在这个小镇时

Christmas,Christmas eve,Christmas day三个词前用什么介词


When the christmas comes的中文歌词

La La La La .....啊,啦,啦,啦……I"m wishing on a star又向星星许下愿望And trying to believe在恋爱试着点点去相信Love had some even though it"s far恋爱又遥远He"ll find me Christmas Eve她会在平安夜里寻找着我Have guess that Santa"s busy有没有说猜想恋爱是很忙Whatever never come around任你从来没来到我身边I think of him when Christmas comes to town西边的太阳落山后依旧都会想他Would have some the best time of the year愿意有一些一年中最好的时光When everyone comes home藏着那里爱情中的恋爱With all this Christmas cheer and It was带着阳光明媚的日子里It"s hard to be alone世界会有每个人都有点难和孤独Putting up the Christmas tree with friends who come around装饰起圣诞树有点朋友爱意It"s so much fun when Christmas comes to town每当圣诞来到城镇 是多么欢乐的事情Presents for the children it was wrapped in red and green孩子们的礼物包里五颜六色Hiding the things sunny and cloud I"ve heard about but never really scenery藏着在晴间多云的天气里 只是从不曾却从没看风景Will have no one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve is it平安之夜无人会入眠Hoping Santa"s on his way藏着期盼圣诞老人的路上Present for the children it was wrapped in red and green?给孩子们的礼物里又会都有些包裹着红色和绿色的盒子里?All the things Would you I"ve heard about but never really scenery to it?这些关于天气预报说着 只是都是听说却从未有看风景No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve没有人会在圣诞节的夜里入眠Hoping Santa"s on his way希望圣诞老人在来的路上When santa"s sleigh bells ring当圣诞老人雪橇铃声响起的时候It was hot and I listen all around天气很热并且倾听四周The herald angels sing?当天使说会要唱起圣歌?I never hear a sound可是我从未听到一丝音符And all the dreams of children孩子们曾经丢失的梦想Once lost will all be found曾经都会说着天气很热That"s all I want when Christmas comes to town那就是我所有的愿望,当圣诞来到小镇上

Merry Christmas Eveuff01

The same to you (^_^)

merry christmas eve和merry christmas的区别是什么?

签一个表达法中eve 指的是节日的前夜,前夕,这里具体指12月24日。后一个表达法指的是节日当天,也就是12月25日。

on christmas eve

应该用 on christmas eve被认为是 一个具体的时间 at christmas (在圣诞用at) 一般后面跟时间,如at christmas time意思是(圣诞期间). on christmas 后面一般跟eve,意思是,圣诞夜,即平安夜12月24日晚. 注意, at Christmas =在圣诞节那天 on Christmas Eve =在圣诞节前夕 during the Christmas holidays =在圣诞节假期期间 around Christmas time =在圣诞节或圣诞节前后的日子 规律是 日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早午晚;或者像这样的Eve 皆用 on. 例: on October the first 1949 1949年10月1日 on February the thirteenth l893 1893年2月13日 on May the first 5月1日 on the first 1号 on the sixteenth 16号 on the second of January 或 on January the second 1月2日 on a summer evening 在夏天的一个夜晚 on Boxing Day 在节礼日(圣诞节次日) on New Year"s Day 在元旦 on my birthday 在我的生日 但 in the Christmas holidays 在圣诞节假期; in the eighteenth century 在十八世纪; in ancient times 在古代; in earlier times 在早期; in modern times 在现代,则用 in,at the present time 现在,at the present day 当今 则用 at.

christmas eve中英对照歌词

只有英文的All alone I watch the quiet rainWonder if it"s gonna snow againSilent night, Holy nightI was praying you"d be here with meBut Christmas Eve ain"t what it used to beSilent night, Holy nightIf you were beside meThen I could hear angelsAnd I"d give you rainbows, for ChristmasSomewhere far away the sleighbells ringI remember when we used to singSilent night, Holy nightI keep you inside meOh the truth is unspokenSo my heart won"t be broken, on ChristmasThey lit the trees along the avenueTwinkling silver with a touch of blueSilent night, Holy nightAll alone I watch the quiet rainWonder if it"s gonna snow againSilent night, Holy nightI was praying you"d be here with meBut Christmas Eve ain"t what it used to beSilent night, Holy night

when is Christmas eve ?回答怎么写

It is on December 24th

Christmas Eve 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Eve歌手:John Mock专辑:Christmas In New EnglandJustin Bieber - Christmas EveSplendidyangIt"s our holiday (yeah yeah yeah)Spend it with you baby.I think that i"m in love this Christmas. (yeah)Just hanging stockings on the fire place.You know that santa"s coming to town.I"m the one who wants to take you on a sleigh right now!.So today is all about you baby.The mistletoe can pull us closer that"s what i"m waiting for.It sorta feels like it"s valentine"sValentine"s.So im entering the top of your roof them sleigh bells is ringing ...I"ll be up all night with youThem carols are singing.Japan to PeruBaby me and youThis christmas eve!Be my date this christmas eve!Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need!Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve...You leave some cookies outImma eat em all.Nobody can see me but youIt"s so magical.When we use imagination!We can fly to neverneverlandTo north pole is that cold! ...If you wanna go!I got you baby.Be my date this christmas eve.Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH! WOAH!)Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!(Be my)(be my)Christmaschristmas!(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!I promise I won"t do you wrong!!Be my date this christmas eve!(BE MY BABY!)Be my holiday my dream!(OOOH!)(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH!NONOWOAH! NO!)Kissing underneath the tree(I JUST HOLD YOU RIGHT!)I don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.(OOOH!)Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve! Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!BeBe!http://music.baidu.com/song/2856569

merry christmas eve什么意思?

两种说法意思一样,merry也是happy的意思,不过通常用merry。Merry christmas eve意为平安夜快乐。重点词汇解释:1、merryadj. 愉快的;微醉的;嬉戏作乐的n. 甜樱桃2、happyadj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的3、even. 夏娃; 前夕;傍晚;重大事件关头扩展资料:1、Christmas的用法:Christmas原指耶稣基督的诞辰,后来成为许多国家,尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是12月25日,可缩写成Xmas。在圣诞节要说at Christmas,不用on,但可说on Christmas Day。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。2、happy的用法:happy在句中可用作定语、表语,必须以人作主语,不用于以it充当形式主语的结构中。happy表示乐意的作表语时,其后可接动词不定式、现在分词短语、过去分词短语或that从句表示原因。happy后还常接about,at,in,with等引导的介词短语表示因某人或某事而高兴。happy在句中还可用作宾语补足语。

Christmas Eve 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Eve歌手:Perry Como专辑:Christmas With Perry ComoChristmas EveCeline DionThese Are Special Times席琳迪翁中国歌迷站Snow falling gently to the ground"Tis is the night beforeAnd in my heart there is no doubtThat this is gonna beThe brightest holiday"Cause here you are with meBaby, baby, I can"t waitTo spend this special time of year with someone whoMakes me feel the special way that you doWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveWe"ll stay up late tonightDecorate the treeJust look into my eyesAnd I will tell you truthfullyThat I don"t need no Santa ClausTo hear my Christmas wishI got you in my armsAnd what could be a better giftThan to spend my very favorite time of yearWith the one I really love so near, Oh YeeeaahhhWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveAnd the bells are ringing when I hear you sayWe"ll do it all again on Christmas DayI can"t waitWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in love席琳迪翁中国歌迷站solelandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8834768

Christmas Eve 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Eve歌手:Céline Dion专辑:These Are Special TimesChristmas EveCeline DionThese Are Special Times席琳迪翁中国歌迷站Snow falling gently to the ground"Tis is the night beforeAnd in my heart there is no doubtThat this is gonna beThe brightest holiday"Cause here you are with meBaby, baby, I can"t waitTo spend this special time of year with someone whoMakes me feel the special way that you doWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveWe"ll stay up late tonightDecorate the treeJust look into my eyesAnd I will tell you truthfullyThat I don"t need no Santa ClausTo hear my Christmas wishI got you in my armsAnd what could be a better giftThan to spend my very favorite time of yearWith the one I really love so near, Oh YeeeaahhhWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveAnd the bells are ringing when I hear you sayWe"ll do it all again on Christmas DayI can"t waitWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and they can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveWalkin" with you in a winter"s snowKissin" underneath the mistletoePeople smiling everywhere we goIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in loveOoh, you make the season brightWith the lights reflecting in your eyesAll my dreams are comin" true tonightIt"s Christmas Eve and I can see we"re in love席琳迪翁中国歌迷站solelandhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1317417

Christmas Eve 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Eve歌手:Ira Stein专辑:Narada Christmas Collection Volume 2Justin Bieber - Christmas EveSplendidyangIt"s our holiday (yeah yeah yeah)Spend it with you baby.I think that i"m in love this Christmas. (yeah)Just hanging stockings on the fire place.You know that santa"s coming to town.I"m the one who wants to take you on a sleigh right now!.So today is all about you baby.The mistletoe can pull us closer that"s what i"m waiting for.It sorta feels like it"s valentine"sValentine"s.So im entering the top of your roof them sleigh bells is ringing ...I"ll be up all night with youThem carols are singing.Japan to PeruBaby me and youThis christmas eve!Be my date this christmas eve!Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need!Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve...You leave some cookies outImma eat em all.Nobody can see me but youIt"s so magical.When we use imagination!We can fly to neverneverlandTo north pole is that cold! ...If you wanna go!I got you baby.Be my date this christmas eve.Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH! WOAH!)Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!(Be my)(be my)Christmaschristmas!(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!I promise I won"t do you wrong!!Be my date this christmas eve!(BE MY BABY!)Be my holiday my dream!(OOOH!)(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH!NONOWOAH! NO!)Kissing underneath the tree(I JUST HOLD YOU RIGHT!)I don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.(OOOH!)Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve! Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!BeBe!http://music.baidu.com/song/2823843

Christmas Eve用什么介词?

1.如果只是单单说“在平安夜时”,则Christmas Eve指的是某个具体的晚上,所以介词一般使用on.如:on Sunday evening,on a cold morning2.特殊情况:如果强调“在平安夜期间...”,则可以使用in/during.3.最后需要强调...

请问一下,Christmas Eve用什么介词?

on christmas eve 在圣诞夜


表示“在圣诞节”有两种说法:at Christmas, on Christmas Day(注意两者在搭配上的差异)。如:We had a good time at Christmas. 我们圣诞节过得很愉快。We had a party on Christmas Day. 圣诞节我们开了个晚会。【注】Christmas Eve 指“圣诞节前夕”或“圣诞夜”,其前也用介词 on。如:I had a good time on Christmas Eve. 圣诞夜我过得很愉快。at christmas是指“在圣诞节期间”,指节日“当天”才用介词on,如on New Year"s day(元旦那天),on Christmas Day (on Christmas-day(圣诞节那天),on Christmas Eve(on Christmas圣诞节前夕)。

christmas day 和christmas eve有什么联系

eve,就是晚上的意思,在这里指的是前夜。所以christmas eve就是12.24晚上,过了eve就是day。

为什么Christmas Eve翻译成平安夜?

Christmas是“圣诞”eve 是“前夕”圣诞的前一天的夜晚被称做平安夜就和咱们过年守岁一样的含义啦

初三英语优秀作文:平安夜Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is coming soon, it is on December 24, the day before Christmas. At first, Christmas is very popular in western country, as the world gets globalized, Christmas Eve become a worldwide festival. On that day, people decorate the tree, families have dinner, all the members get together, chatting and singing while sitting around the stove. People have a lot of activities on that night, the young like to have party or masquerade, they hold the party all the night, celebrating the coming of the Christmas. For kids, it is a tradition that they put stockings in the chimney, the Santa Claus will bring them gifts that night. Actually, the gifts that the kids get are from their parents, the Santa Claus is their parents. Christmas Eve is like Chinese New Year"s Eve, both are important, the culture between Chinaand western countries has something in common. 平安夜很快就要到来了,这在圣诞节的前天——12月24号。一开始,圣诞节在西方国家很流行,随着全球化的发展,平安夜成为了世界性的节日。在那天,人们装饰圣诞树,家人吃晚饭,所有的成员聚集在一起,坐在火炉旁,聊天,唱歌。夜晚人们有很多的活动,年轻人喜欢参加派对或者假面舞会,派对进行一整晚,庆祝圣诞节的到来。对于小孩子来说,他们把长筒袜房子烟囱里,这是一个传统,圣诞老人就会在晚上给他们带来礼物。实际上,孩子们得到的礼物是父母给的,圣诞老人就是他们的父母。平安夜就像中国的除夕夜,两个都很重要,中国和西方国家的文化有相同性。

Christmas Eve (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Christmas Eve (Album Version)歌手:Jade McNelis专辑:All The FablesJustin Bieber - Christmas EveSplendidyangIt"s our holiday (yeah yeah yeah)Spend it with you baby.I think that i"m in love this Christmas. (yeah)Just hanging stockings on the fire place.You know that santa"s coming to town.I"m the one who wants to take you on a sleigh right now!.So today is all about you baby.The mistletoe can pull us closer that"s what i"m waiting for.It sorta feels like it"s valentine"sValentine"s.So im entering the top of your roof them sleigh bells is ringing ...I"ll be up all night with youThem carols are singing.Japan to PeruBaby me and youThis christmas eve!Be my date this christmas eve!Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need!Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve...You leave some cookies outImma eat em all.Nobody can see me but youIt"s so magical.When we use imagination!We can fly to neverneverlandTo north pole is that cold! ...If you wanna go!I got you baby.Be my date this christmas eve.Be my holiday my dream!(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH! WOAH!)Kissing underneath the treeI don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!(Be my)(be my)Christmaschristmas!(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!I promise I won"t do you wrong!!Be my date this christmas eve!(BE MY BABY!)Be my holiday my dream!(OOOH!)(lay your head on me)I got you baby!(WOAH!NONOWOAH! NO!)Kissing underneath the tree(I JUST HOLD YOU RIGHT!)I don"t need no presents girl You"re everything I need.(OOOH!)Let me give you all of me to you! Together on this christmas eve!...(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve! Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be(Be my)(be my)Christmas eve!BeBe!http://music.baidu.com/song/7715604

求christmas eve山下达郎英文版的歌词

On Christmas Eve, 1999 "Christmas Eve."The rain snow had to press silent night nightIf you won"t come silent night alone on the night on Christmas Eve press. Understand the Japanese monthly magazine ohThink 掟 displaysIf you must feel, silent night tonight. Press the night ohI think of you also turned down at night and explosive residue citiesSilent night Christmas tree at the corner of the silver ray far, press the ohThe rain snow had silent night to press the oh! The nightIf you won"t come silent night alone on the night on Christmas Eve press. Understand the Japanese monthly magazine ohThe rain at the silent night when snow night will press adverbsWill come 実 oh silent night alone at night usually far pressDeep in the heart of the firm is also smoke so desireTonight I also thought in can breath can have the courage to say silent night night press. Understand the Japanese monthly magazine ohAccording to the old residual emerge in the night GaoLi drag constantlyFall in the streets tree horn wear flashing light silvery silent night night press. Understand the Japanese monthly magazine ohThough it was raining at midnight, when it will snow! Oh silent far far pressWill come 実 oh silent night alone at night usually far press

Christmas与Christmas Eve真不是同一天吗?后者不是Christmas even


christmas eve是圣诞前夜吗?

准确的说就没有这种说法,非要这么说的话,比较正常的是后者,属于日常用语,和happy holiday类似。Merry Christmas是固定用法,圣诞快乐的意思xmas是christmas的另一种写法。【最正宗的写法是Xmas,而X"mas虽然严格上来说是错的,但约定俗成下(特别是东亚地区的误用)已广泛地被人接受了,连各地的书籍也会用上X"mas一字。】【Xmas是代写并非一般人认为的缩写。Xmas翻译自希腊语的ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ,(译为:Χριστou03c2或Christ,基督),新约圣经是用希腊语写成的。】Christmas eve特指圣诞前夜。一般没有特别祝贺圣诞前夜的,按西方传统,一般是在圣诞前夜家人聚会,然后次日也就是圣诞节当日任何人见面的第一句问候为“圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas)”。这就好像中国过年,也没有习俗去互道“除夕快乐”的,都是到了大年初一当日以后互相“拜年”,日子差的多些就分别是“拜早年”或“拜晚年”。虽然祝别人“除夕快乐”也并不能算错,但这并非是“习俗"或"传统",所以是日常用语的格式。文中【】内部分来自wikipedia

Christmas Eve前面是用at还是on

用at表示在圣诞节前夕 用on 表示在圣诞节那一天

christmas eve后面的动词为什么要加s?



CRISPR技术 (vchal/Shutterstock) 就像有人在基因编辑领域快速前进:科学家可以使用一种简单的工具来剪断和编辑DNA,这加快了可能导致治疗和预防疾病的进步步伐。 的发现现在正在迅速到来,由于研究人员可以发表他们的工作成果,利用的工具,称为CRISPR-Cas9。 这个工具,通常简称为CRISPR,首次被证明能够在2011年剪断DNA。它由一种蛋白质和一种叫做RNA的DNA的近亲组成。科学家可以利用它在非常精确的位置切割DNA链,使他们能够从遗传物质链中移除基因的突变部分。 仅在过去的一年里,世界各地的研究人员就发表了几十篇科学论文,详细介绍了研究结果——有些很有希望,一些关键的-使用CRISPR剪掉并替换不需要的DNA来开发癌症、HIV、失明、慢性疼痛、肌肉萎缩症和亨廷顿病的治疗方法,举几个例子。 “由于CRISPR,基础研究发现的速度已经爆炸了,”生物化学家和CRISPR专家Sam Sternberg说,加州伯克利的Caribou Biosciences Inc.的技术开发小组负责人,该公司正在为医学、农业和生物研究开发基于CRISPR的解决方案。 虽然任何基于CRISPR的治疗方法都需要几年时间才能在人体中进行测试,“几乎每天都会有无数次斯特恩伯格在接受《生活科学》采访时说,新的出版物概述了利用这一新工具对人类健康和人类遗传学的新发现。当然,人类并不是唯一拥有基因组的物种。CRISPR在动物和植物上也有应用,从消灭寄生虫,比如引起疟疾和莱姆病的寄生虫,到提高土豆、柑橘和西红柿的产量, [CRISPR]的功效令人难以置信。这已经给大多数实验室的日常生活带来了一场革命,”纽约冷泉港实验室谢尔茨实验室首席研究员、分子生物学家杰森·谢尔茨说。Sheltzer和他的团队正在使用CRISPR来了解染色体的生物学,以及与染色体相关的错误是如何导致癌症的。 “我非常希望在未来十年里,基因编辑将从一个主要的研究工具转变为能够在临床上进行新治疗的工具,”Neville Sanjana说,来自纽约基因组中心和纽约大学生物学、神经科学和生理学助理教授。 在这里,我们来看看在对抗10种疾病方面的最新进展,这些疾病证明了CRISPR的能力,并暗示未来的事情。 癌症 (royaltystockphoto/Shutterstock) 一种治疗癌症的方法已经暗示了人类,自从公元前460年至370年的希腊医生希波克拉底发明了这个词:karkinos。但是,由于癌症和许多疾病一样,都是由人的基因组突变引起的,研究人员说,基于CRISPR的治疗有可能有一天会减缓肿瘤扩散的速度,或者完全逆转这种疾病。 这一领域的一些早期工作已经在中国展开,《自然》杂志报道,在人类使用基因编辑的法规比美国更为宽松的地方, 在2016年10月,中国的一名肺癌患者成为世界上第一个接受用CRISPR修饰的细胞注射的10人。由成都四川大学肿瘤专家陆佑博士领导的研究人员,对从患者自身血液中提取的免疫细胞进行了改造,并使产生一种蛋白质的基因失效,而这种蛋白质通常是癌细胞为了分裂和繁殖而劫持的。希望没有这种蛋白质,癌细胞就不会繁殖,免疫系统就会获胜美国的 研究小组也在寻找使用CRISPR抗癌的方法。宾夕法尼亚大学艾布拉姆森癌症中心转化研究主任Carl June博士及其同事于2016年6月获得美国国家卫生研究院批准,对18名晚期黑色素瘤(皮肤癌)癌症患者进行临床试验,根据该大学的一份声明,肉瘤(软组织癌)和多发性骨髓瘤(骨髓癌)。在这项临床试验中,研究人员将使用CRISPR改变患者自身免疫系统细胞中的三个基因,希望使这些细胞破坏他们体内的癌细胞。 HIV (Sebastian Kaulitzki | Shutterstock) 根除导致艾滋病的病毒HIV,一直是一场艰难的战斗。这种病毒不仅感染人体内攻击病毒的免疫细胞,而且还是一种臭名昭著的变异因子。在HIV劫持体内的一个细胞并开始复制后,它会产生自身的许多基因变异,这有助于它逃避药物治疗。据世界卫生组织称,这种耐药性是治疗艾滋病毒感染者的一个巨大问题, CRISPR已经把艾滋病毒排在了它的视线中。2017年5月,坦普尔大学(Temple University)和匹兹堡大学(University of Pitt *** urgh)的研究人员利用CRISPR从病毒感染的细胞中截获病毒,关闭了病毒的复制能力。蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学(McGill University)的病毒学家陈亮(Chen Liang)领导的研究人员称,这项技术的使用在三种不同的动物模型中进行了测试,这是研究人员首次展示了一种从受感染细胞中消除艾滋病病毒的方法。他们在《分子治疗》杂志上报道了他们的研究结果。 亨廷顿病 (Ralwel/Shutterstock) 在美国大约30000人有一种叫做亨廷顿病的遗传病,这种致命的遗传病会导致大脑神经随着时间的推移而恶化,根据美国亨廷顿病学会。症状包括人格改变、情绪波动、步态不稳和言语迟钝。“KDSPE”“KDSPs”是由一种有缺陷的基因导致的,这种基因比正常情况下更大,产生一种大于正常形式的蛋白质,叫做亨廷顿蛋白,然后分解成更小的有毒的碎片,积聚在神经元中,破坏其功能。据美国国家卫生研究院(National Institutes of Health)报道, ,但在2017年6月,科学家在《临床研究杂志》(Journal of Clinical Investigation)上报告称,他们已经在实验室老鼠身上逆转了这种疾病,这些老鼠已经被改造成用人类突变的huntingtin基因代替老鼠的huntingtin基因。Su Yang,亚特兰大埃默里大学人类遗传学系博士后研究员,中国科学院遗传学与发育生物学研究所的任宝昌,用CRISPR将突变的亨廷顿基因的一部分剪掉,产生毒性位。毒性碎片在小鼠的大脑中减少,神经元开始愈合。受影响的小鼠恢复了一些运动控制、平衡和握力。尽管他们在某些任务上的表现不如健康老鼠,但结果显示CRISPR有助于对抗这种情况的潜力,科学家们强调,在这种疗法应用于人类之前,需要进行更为严格的研究。 杜氏肌营养不良症 (chiccodifc/Shutterstock) 杜氏肌营养不良症是一种由于一个叫做肌营养不良蛋白基因,是体内最长的基因之一。由分子生物学教授埃里克·奥尔森领导的德克萨斯大学西南医学中心的一个研究小组正在与CRISPR合作,寻找对抗杜氏肌营养不良症的方法sps“由于肌营养不良蛋白基因的突变,人体并没有形成一种功能性的肌营养不良蛋白,这对肌肉纤维的健康至关重要。随着时间的推移,这种蛋白质的缺乏会导致进行性肌肉退化和虚弱。 在2017年4月,奥尔森和他的团队在《科学进展》杂志上报告说,他们使用了一种叫做CRISPR-Cpf1的CRISPR工具的变体来纠正导致杜氏肌营养不良的突变。他们将该基因固定在实验室培养皿中生长的人类细胞和携带缺陷基因的小鼠中。 CRISPR-Cpf1是基因编辑工具箱中的另一个工具。根据美国犹他州西南医学中心的一份声明,它不同于更常用的CRISPR-Cas9,因为它更小,因此更容易输送到肌肉细胞。它还识别出一个不同于Cas9的DNA序列,Cas9在编辑很长的营养不良蛋白基因时非常有用。 防止失明 (Hannah Boettcher/Stock.XCHNG) 儿童失明最常见的原因之一是一种叫做Leber先天性黑蒙的疾病,这种疾病影响大约2到3人根据美国国家卫生研究院的数据,每10万名新生儿中就有一名。这种情况是遗传的,是由至少14个负责正常视力的基因突变引起的。 麻省剑桥生物技术公司Editas正在研究一种基于CRISPR的治疗方法,以逆转一种称为Leber先天性黑蒙病10型的疾病。据生物科技新闻网站Xconomy报道,该公司计划在2017年底前向美国食品和药物管理局提交必要的文件,以开始第一次针对这种情况的人体试验。 Editas由麻省理工学院生物工程教授张峰(音译)共同创建,他证明了CRISPR-Cas9可以被使用在人体细胞上。加州大学伯克利分校的詹妮弗·杜DNA和当时维也纳大学的埃曼纽尔·查彭蒂尔也证明了CRISPR-Cas9可以截取DNA,他们在2012年就这项技术申请了专利。麻省理工学院下属的博德研究所(Broad Institute)于2014年4月提交了专利,并快速跟进,最终获得了专利。据《自然》杂志报道,2017年2月,美国加州大学伯克利分校提起诉讼,声称双脱氧核糖核酸(Doudna)是第一位的,此后,博德研究所的专利获得了支持。 慢性疼痛 (Stasique/Shutterstock) 慢性疼痛不是遗传性疾病,但科学家们正在研究如何利用CRISPR通过改变基因来减少炎症来抑制背部和关节疼痛。在正常情况下,炎症是身体告诉免疫系统修复组织的方式。但慢性炎症则相反,会损伤组织,最终导致虚弱的疼痛。 2017年3月,由美国犹他大学生物工程助理教授Robby Bowles领导的一个研究小组报告说,他们使用CRISPR阻止某些细胞产生分子,这些分子被设计用来分解组织,导致引起引起疼痛的炎症,根据该大学的一份声明, 这项技术可以用来延缓背部手术后组织的退化。这可以加速愈合,减少需要额外的手术来纠正组织损伤。 莱姆病 (CDC) Kevin Esvelt,麻省理工学院的进化生物学家,想要消灭莱姆病,莱姆病是由蜱传细菌引起的,这种细菌可以从鹿蜱叮咬传播到人身上。疾病预防控制中心称,如果不加以治疗,这种感染会引起关节炎、神经痛、心悸、面瘫等问题。 虽然引起莱姆病的细菌是由鹿蜱传播给人的,但蜱虫本身在从卵中孵化时并没有这种细菌。相反,幼小的蜱虫在进食时会吸收细菌,通常是在白足鼠身上。埃斯韦尔特想减少据《连线》报道,通过使用CRISPR-Cas9基因改造白足鼠,使它们和它们的后代对细菌免疫,无法将其传给蜱虫,从而引发疾病。2016年6月,Esvelt向马萨诸塞州南塔基特岛和玛莎葡萄园的居民介绍了他的解决方案,据《科德角时报》报道,这是莱姆病的主要问题。然而,在进一步的测试完成之前,这些老鼠不会在岛上被释放,这可能需要数年的时间。 疟疾 (James Gathany)。由疾控中心提供,Paul I.Howell,MPH;Frank Hadley Collins教授, 疟疾每年导致数十万人死亡。2015年是世界卫生组织统计的最近一年,约有2.12亿疟疾病例和约42.9万疟疾死亡。 从源头上解决了这个问题,伦敦帝国理工学院的研究小组正致力于减少传播疟疾的蚊子的数量。根据该学院的一份声明,由奥斯汀·伯特教授和安德烈·克里斯蒂教授领导的一组科学家将研究两个主要的行动方案:对雄性蚊子进行基因改造,使其产生更多的雄性后代,研究小组在《自然》杂志上报道,2015年12月,他们发现了三种降低雌性蚊子生育能力的基因。他们还宣布,他们发现CRISPR可以至少针对其中一种。 作物 (Linda&Dick Buscher博士) 就像CRISPR可以用来修改人类和动物的基因组一样,它也可以用来修改植物的基因组。科学家们正在研究如何利用该工具的基因编辑能力,减少一些作物的疾病,使其他作物更加健壮。 英国诺维奇塞恩斯伯里实验室的教授索菲恩·卡蒙(Sophien Kamoun)正在研究如何去除使土豆和小麦易受疾病侵袭的基因,PhysOrg报道。据《自然》杂志报道,纽约冷泉港实验室的遗传学家扎卡里·利普曼(Zachary Lippman)正在利用CRISPR技术开发一种番茄植株,其枝条经过优化,能够承受成熟番茄的重量而不会折断。在加利福尼亚,几个实验室正试图利用CRISPR来对付一种叫做柑橘绿色化的植物疾病,这种疾病是由在柑橘林中植物间飞行的昆虫传播的细菌引起的,《自然新闻》报道, 编辑了一个可行的人类胚胎 (Dreamstime) 基于CRISPR的研究从假设到结果的速度令人震惊。谢尔茨告诉《生活科学》杂志说,过去需要几个月的实验现在需要几个星期。这一速度引起了政策制定者和利益相关者的一些担忧,特别是在人类身上使用这种技术时。 2017年2月,美国国家科学、工程和医学院的科学家发布了一份人类基因编辑评估报告,说这是可以接受的,但只是在某些条件下。该组织还说,改变胚胎、卵子和 *** 中的细胞在伦理上是允许的,前提是这样做是为了纠正疾病或残疾,而不是为了增强一个人的外表或能力,《科学新闻》报道, 虽然美国还没有科学家使用CRISPR来修饰一个可行的人类胚胎,但中国广州医科大学刘建桥领导的研究小组在2017年3月1日的《分子遗传学与基因组学》杂志上报道了这一进展。科学家们利用CRISPR-Cas9基因导入并编辑出人类胚胎的致病突变。这项研究表明,基因编辑可以在胚胎期完成。这些胚胎不是植入人体的。 关注Live Science@livescience,Facebook&Google+。“

求助啊 publish or perish到底啥意思


l love her frist的中文歌词

Look at the two of you dancing that way 看着你们那样共舞Lost in the moment and each other"s face 双方沉醉于此刻,深情凝视So much in love you"re alone in this place 爱意漾溢,仿佛这里只剩你俩Like there"s nobody else in the world 整个世界旁人尽散I was enough for her not long ago 不久以前,她有我就足够了I was her number one 我曾是在她心中排第一的人She told me so 她曾这样告诉我And she still means the world to me 而她对我来说仍意味着整个世界Just so you know 我只想让你知道这些So be careful when you hold my girl 所以当你拥抱我的女孩时,请小心点Time changes everything 时间改变了一切Life must go on 生活必须继续下去And I"m not gonna stand in your way 而我不会妨碍你I loved her first and I held her first 但我是第一个爱她,第一个拥抱她的人And a place in my heart will always be hers 并且她在我心中将永远占有一席之地From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me 当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep 我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱And I prayed that she"d find you someday 我一直祈祷她某天会找到意中人But it"s still hard to give her away 但现在要把女儿交给别人,我还是觉得很难I loved her first 我是第一个爱她的人How could that beautiful woman with you 那个和你在一起的美丽女子Be the same freckle face kid that I knew 和我之前熟悉的那个脸上长着雀斑的孩子The one that I read all those fairy tales to 那个在睡前听我讲童话故事And tucked into bed all those nights 那个我在夜里给盖被子的孩子怎会是同一个人 And I knew the first time I saw you with her 而当我第一次看到你和她在一起时,我就知道It was only a matter of time 我迟早都会将她交付给你I loved her first and I held her first 但我是第一个爱她,第一个拥抱她的人And a place in my heart will always be hers 并且她在我心中将永远占有一席之地From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me 当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep 我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱And I prayed that she"d find you someday 我一直祈祷她某天会找到意中人But it"s still hard to give her away 但现在要把女儿交给你,我还是觉得很难I loved her first   我是第一个爱她的人From the first breath she breathed 自她出生时的第一口呼吸起When she first smiled at me   当她第一次对我微笑时I knew the love of a father runs deep  我明白了一个父亲内心深处的爱Someday you might know what I"m going through 总有一天,你会明白我此刻的心情When a miracle smiles up at you 当一个生命的奇迹对着你微笑时I loved her first 我是第一个爱她的人

the rise in unemployment

B 先简化题干:That _____ the plan. frustrated 阻挠; 其它3项意思不符,且无引申义

Prison Song [2008 Stereo Mix] 歌词

歌曲名:Prison Song [2008 Stereo Mix]歌手:Graham Nash专辑:ReflectionsThey"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,Following the rights movementsYou clamped on with your iron fists,Drugs became convenientlyAvailable for all the kids,Following the rights movementsYou clamped on with your iron fists,Drugs became convenientlyAvailable for all the kids,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch,Right here in Hollywood,Nearly 2 million Americans are incarceratedIn the prison system,Prison system of the U.S.They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)Another prison system,Another prison system,Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)Minor drug offenders fill your prisonsYou don"t even flinchAll our taxes paying for your warsAgainst the new non-rich,Minor drug offenders fill your prisonsYou don"t even flinchAll our taxes paying for your warsAgainst the new non-rich,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch,Right here in Hollywood,The percentage of Americans in the prison systemPrison system, has doubled since 1985,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)Another prison system,Another prison system,Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,For you and me,Oh baby, you and me.All research and successful drug policy showThat treatment should be increased,And law enforcement decreased,While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences,All research and successful drug policy showThat treatment should be increased,And law enforcement decreased,While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences.Utilizing drugs to pay for secret wars around the world,Drugs are now your global policy,Now you police the globe,I buy my crack, my smack, my bitch,Right here in Hollywood,Drug money is used to rig elections,And train brutal corporate sponsoredDictators around the world.They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison, (for you and me to live in)Another prison system,Another prison system,Another prison system. (for you and me to live in)For you and I, for you and I , for you and I.They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,They"re trying to build a prison,For you and me,Oh baby, you and me.http://music.baidu.com/song/8225706

《Aphorismsand Reflections》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Aphorisms and Reflections》(Huxley, Henrietta A.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1T0CmUwSICLcSvJW8h83ZXw 提取码: brne书名:Aphorisms and Reflections作者:Huxley, Henrietta A.页数:184

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新年快乐是Happy New Year!生日快乐是Happy birthday!为什么圣诞快乐却是Merry Christmas???

答:玛丽的英文是Mary 我还真没见过名字叫Merry的美国人 不知道叫什么merry是祝福的意思 merry Christmas 翻译过来不是直译 而是意译 直译的话是 祝福圣诞 为了符合中文的意思 所以翻译成 圣诞快乐 英语语法和中文不一样回楼上 merry v. 祝福;庆祝;行乐 adj.高兴的;快乐的如果是 a merry Christmas merry就做 形容词快乐的如果是 merry Christmas merry就做动词 祝福;庆祝

翻译平安夜快乐是 happy christmas eve 还是merry christmas eve

都可以 不过通常是merry christmas eve

happy christmas day为什么happy放在前面而不是在后面,可以说下原有吗?


究竟是merry christmas eve 还是happy christmas eve?

Happy Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas!
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