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1 trick作为名词后面可接介词on, of如:he played a trick on me他跟我开了个玩笑Everything I cooked was a trick of my mother"s.我烹饪都是沿用了我母亲的诀窍。2 trick做动词的时候后面可接intotrick sb into doing sth骗某人做某事如:His family tricked him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport.他的家人骗他去了巴基斯坦,他一到那里,他们便拿走了他的护照。希望可以帮到你 望采纳 谢谢


trick [trk] n. 诡计, 谋略,欺诈 v. 戏弄, 装饰, 欺骗; 哄骗,戏弄 扩展资料   [例句]It is not just a little trick you can pick up in half an hour.   这不是你半个小时就能学会的小窍门。

东方神起的《TRICK》 歌词

歌曲名:TRICK歌手:东方神起专辑:TOHOSHINKI LIVE CD COLLECTION ~T~东方神起 - TRICK作诗:H.U.B.作曲:AKIRABy : ksko QQ : 329966871break a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick baby try onbreak a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick baby try onWho"s that man?His code name is X.When I "bang bang bang" and He said「Nobody can control me」 谁も壊せないそのカラクリtell me tell me reason why 证拠隠灭の mission fileparty"s on では eye to eye バレないように抜け出そうよ uhどんなリスクでも OKI"m OK I"m OK, honeyなんかそそる crazy enemyきっと动く in secretin secret yes big money见ないふり everybodyI love only you girl その手に たどり着けたら抱いて欲しいよ 感じてready break it break a trickbreak a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick baby try onAccess like a stolen kiss We deep deep deep installAnyone can control X 起动するだけでもう successalright alright underworld ねぇ君を见る virtual mindパラレルになる2nd life 聴こえているのは our the 3rd yeahこんなレベルなら OKI"m OK I"m OK, honeyきっとすべてが my destinyもう片付いてく right now そう dirtyplay dirty magic楽しもうよ everybodyI love only you girl 出会えた 君がいるからI can surely baby 信じてready break it break a trickbreak a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick break a trick nowbreak a trick break a trick baby try onもう少しだけ眠らせて アラームが呼ぶまで time out tonightmy girl 君の胸の中で 梦を见て 起こさないでoh don"t disturbI love only you girl その手に たどり着けたら抱いて欲しいよ 感じて ready break it break a trickI love only you girl 出会えた 君がいるからI can surely baby 信じてready break it break a trickready break it break a TRICK - End -http://music.baidu.com/song/54423139


Gentleman!屏气在那儿关注我的那些人充满期待感 拉开帷幕不知道原因的你 不知所措眨眼间神秘的Trick让人放纵精神的混乱的Trick让我不知道(严密的)想藏起来(已经)在我的手心里把惊讶的嘴合上你用眼神ME ME ME ME我内心的回答YOU YOU YOU YOU隐隐约约背的咒文把你心中疲惫的心融化掉(神秘的)(这里)只有你是 (被我)被邀请者(两眼)睁得大大的观察周围(1,2)3 过了的话(全部)去哪儿了?你就只对我集中发射!不要误会Magician是我掌控舞台的领袖不要害怕相信看看放下危殆的担心让你不自觉(渐渐)陷进去(那里)靶子上你被榜上去(熊熊)火焰燃起(悾悾)心在焦虑(我的)靶子上的你瞄一瞄你用眼神ME ME ME ME我内心的回答YOU YOU YOU YOU隐隐约约背过的咒文们把你心中疲惫的心融化掉(神秘的)(这里)只有你是(被我)被邀请者(两眼)睁得大大的观察周围(1,2)3 过了的话(全部)去哪儿了?你就只对我集中发射!眨眼间神秘的Trick让人放纵精神的混乱的Trick你用眼神ME ME ME ME我内心的回答YOU YOU YOU YOU隐隐约约背过的咒文们把你心中疲惫的心融化掉(神秘的)(这里)只有你是(被我)被邀请者(两眼)睁得大大的观察周围(1,2)3 过了的话(全部)去哪儿了?你就只对我集中发射!让我不知道(严密) 想藏起来(已经) 在我的手心里(已经在我里面)让你不自觉(渐渐) 陷进去(那里) 在靶子上再一次发射!!


过去式和过去分词形式均为tricked,trick表欺骗、欺诈之意即to deceive sb,相关短语:trick sb into sth(doing sth)引诱某人做某事,trick sb out of sth从某处骗走某物,trick sb/sth out(in/with sth)打扮得引人注目。




trick 英[trɪk] 美[trɪk] n. 诡计; 花招; 骗局; 把戏; 引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物; 戏法; v. 欺骗; 欺诈; adj. 为欺骗的; 使人产生错觉的; 虚弱有毛病的; 四个音,三个辅音,一个元音


"Trick" 和 "tip" 都可以翻译为 "技巧、窍门、诀窍"等含义,但它们在语境和使用方式上还是有区别的。"Trick" 通常指的是一种巧妙的方法或技巧,它是用来解决问题或完成任务的,有些时候可能需要一些经验或技术才能实现。例如:学习英语需要一些诀窍和技巧,比如练习口语可以尝试模仿母语人士的发音、语音连读等技巧。"Tip" 则通常指的是一些实用的建议或小贴士,非常适合初学者或需要快速掌握某项技能的人。这些建议或贴士通常是简单易懂的,可以帮助人们快速提升自己的技能或解决一些问题。例如:针对初学者的旅行建议,可以提供一些实用的重点建议,如如何预定机票、如何规划行程、如何找到当地的食物等。因此,尽管 "trick" 和 "tip" 都指向一个实用的建议或技巧,但在实际应用中,它们的具体使用场合和语境可能会有所不同。


作“玩笑”译的时候是可数的,如:play a trick on sb。trick,作及物动词时意为“欺骗、哄骗、装饰、打扮”,作不及物动词时意为“哄骗、戏弄”,作名词时意为“诡计、恶作剧、窍门、花招、骗局、欺诈”,作形容词时意为“特技的、欺诈的、有决窍的”。 trick基本含义 n.诡计;花招;骗局;把戏;引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物;戏法; v.欺骗;欺诈; adj.为欺骗的;使人产生错觉的;虚弱有毛病的; 第三人称单数:tricks 复数:tricks 现在分词:tricking 过去式:tricked 过去分词:tricked trick例句 This is the trick of the trade. 这就是我们这个行业的诀窍了。 I have a trick to do this thing. 我有一个窍门做这件事情。 But if someone pulls a dirty trick on you, should you do the same thing to him? 但如果有人拉扯一个肮脏把戏于你,你应该向他做同样的事情?


"tricks"的读音是/tru026aks/,表示欺骗、恶作剧等含义。在不同的语境下,"tricks"可能还有其他的意思,例如指技巧、诀窍等。一个常见的用法是“play tricks”,意思是耍花招、诈骗、玩恶作剧等。在这种情况下,"tricks"是个动词,常与"on"一起使用,例如"play tricks on sb.""trick"还可以表示技巧、诀窍等含义。例如在表演、体育或工作中使用的技巧就可以称为"trick"。在这种情况下,"trick"通常作为名词使用。此外,"trick"还可以用作形容词,表示欺诈的、虚假的。例如我们经常听到的“trick question”就表示陷阱题、捉弄人的问题。"tricks"是一个常见的英语单词,读音为/tru026aks/,有多种含义和用法。在不同的语境下,我们需要根据具体的意义来选择合适的用法,以避免造成歧义或误解。除了以上提到的用法,"tricks"还可以表示捷径、妙招,常用于描述简化流程或节省时间的方法。例如在电脑操作中,我们经常使用一些快捷键来完成某些任务,这些快捷键就可以被称为"tricks"。此外,在魔术和戏法表演中,"trick"也指的是特殊的技巧或手法,用于让观众感到神奇或不可思议。这种用法通常与"perform"或"do"等动词搭配,例如"perform a magic trick"或"do a card trick"。除此之外,"tricks"还可以作为常用的俚语,表示某个人或物品的精髓或特色。例如我们常说某位大佬的"tricks of the trade",指的就是他所擅长的技巧或领域内的秘诀。总之,"tricks"这个词可以用于多个语境下,包括欺骗、恶作剧、诀窍、捷径等含义。在不同的场合中,我们需要根据具体的语境来理解其含义,并选择合适的用法。




戏法,把戏,花样play a trick捉弄




trickortreat英[trikɔ:tri:t]美[trɪkɔrtrit]词典不请吃就捣蛋(指万圣节孩子们挨家逐户要糖果等礼物,如不遂愿便恶作剧一番的风俗)网络万圣夜; 不给糖就捣蛋; 捣蛋形近词:trickortreat双语例句1trickortreat!i"maghost.不给糖果就捣乱。我是一个幽灵。

trick是什么意思 解析trick一词的含义?

trick一词在英语中有多种含义,可以作名词也可以作动词。在不同的语境下,其含义也有所不同。此外,trick还可以表示“愚弄、嘲弄、戏弄”,例如:“He tricked me by pretending to be someone else.”(他假装是别人来愚弄我。)“The kids tricked their teacher by hiding his chalk.”(孩子们把老师的粉笔藏起来来戏弄他。)作名词时,trick可以表示“戏法、诡计、技巧、窍门”,例如:“He played a trick on me.”(他耍了我一个小把戏。)“She knows all the tricks of the trade.”(她知道这一行业的所有窍门。)“The magician performed a trick with a deck of cards.”(魔术师用一副牌演了一个戏法。)总之,trick这个词的含义十分丰富,需要根据上下文具体理解。作名词时,trick可以表示“戏法、诡计、技巧、窍门”,例如:“He played a trick on me.”(他耍了我一个小把戏。)“She knows all the tricks of the trade.”(她知道这一行业的所有窍门。)“The magician performed a trick with a deck of cards.”(魔术师用一副牌演了一个戏法。)总之,trick这个词的含义十分丰富,需要根据上下文具体理解。


你好!trick 英[tru026ak] 美[tru026ak] n. 恶作剧; 戏法,把戏; 计谋,诀窍; 骗局; vt. 哄骗,欺骗; 打扮; adj. 弄虚作假的; 有诀窍的; 欺诈的; [例句]Stephen is going to be pretty upset when he finds out how you tricked him如果斯蒂芬发现你怎样欺骗了他,他会非常气愤。




恶作剧; 戏法,把戏; 计谋,诀窍; 骗局; vt. 哄骗,欺骗; 打扮; adj. 弄虚作假的; 有诀窍的; 欺诈的;


tricks英:[tru026aks]美:[tru026aks]n.诡计;花招;骗局;把戏;引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物;戏法;v.欺骗;欺诈;例句:He is up to his tricks again.他又在耍花招了。原型:trick


1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招He got into the castle by a trick.他耍了个花招混进了城堡。2.恶作剧3. 轻率愚蠢的行为That was a rotten trick!那样做太轻率了!4. 习惯,癖好[(+of)]He has a trick of repeating himself.他有重复自己话的习惯。5.窍门,招数,手法Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language.每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。6. 戏法,把戏;特技,妙计No one understood how I did the card trick.谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat.魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。7. (桥牌)一圈vt.1. 哄骗[O]They tricked me into making a mistake.他们骗我犯错。2. 装饰,打扮[(+out/up/off)]She tricked herself up for the banquet.她打扮整齐去赴宴会。vi.1. 哄骗2. 恶作剧;戏弄[(+with)]a.[Z][B]1. 有诀窍的;特技的;魔术的trick photography特技摄影a trick box魔术箱2. 欺诈的3. (骨头等)似快要折断的,脆弱的 解释名词trick:1. a cunning or deceitful action or device同义词:fast one2. a period of work or duty3. an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent4. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement同义词:antic, joke, prank, caper, put-on5. an illusory feat; considered magical by naive observers同义词:magic trick, conjuring trick, magic, legerdemain, conjuration, thaumaturgy, illusion, deception6. a prostitute"s customer同义词:whoremaster, whoremonger, john7. (card games) in a single round, the sequence of cards played by all the players; the high card is the winner动词trick:1. deceive somebody同义词:flim-flam, fob, fox, pull a fast one on, play a trick on


为您解答trick[英] [tru026ak][美] [tru026ak]n.诡计, 花招, 骗局; 她有省略某些单词和短语的习惯; (桥牌、惠斯特等牌戏)一圈, 一墩; 〈非正式〉嫖客; 舵手的一班(一般为二或四小时)v.欺骗, 哄骗(某人); 【纹章】(用由字母、符号标明的颜色)给(盾形徽章)勾勒轮廓adj.骗人的, 令人迷惑的, 产生幻觉的; 〈北美〉易失败的; 有毛病的[例句]he"s a double-dealer capable of any mean trick. 他是个什么卑鄙花招都会使的两面派。

求tera patrick的作品名和每件作品的时间


《lighthouse 》patrick Watson 歌词

This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a lifeline不仅仅是一个生命线For a man as weak as me 一个弱的我Who has no 谁也没有self believe 自认为This kind of love 这种爱Is more than amazing 不仅仅是惊人的For a man who 一个男人lost his way 他迷路了Who thought it was too late 他认为这是太晚了How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海get so rough 如此粗糙I would"ve drowned 我会淹死I would"ve 我会drowned 淹死If you hadn"t given me your love 如果你没有给我你的爱You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find a shore 我需要找到一个海岸When I can"t swim anymore 当我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a feeling 不仅仅是一种感觉For a man who rarely tried 一个人很少尝试I get all choked up each time 我感动得说不出话每次You say you love me 你说你爱我You could"ve walked away 你可以走了Could"ve give my problems back 可以给我的问题Could"ve left 可以离开You took the chance 你抓住了机会How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波get so high 得到这么高I would"ve died 我已经死了I would"ve died 我已经死了If you hadn"t loved me just in time 如果你不爱我的时间You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口When I need to find a shore 当我需要找到一个海岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔Yeah, I owe it all to you everything 是的,我的一切都归功于你的一切I have right now 我现在所拥有的I owe it all to you everything 你为我所做的一切的一切I didn"t have you found 我没有找到你Everytime take me back to you 每次我回到你身边You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔I need 我需要You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find the shore 我必须找到岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse你是我的灯塔

Cheap Trick的《Surrender》 歌词

歌曲名:Surrender歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Budokan! (30Th Anniversary)Cheap Trick SurrenderMother told me, yes, she told me I"d meet girls like you.She also told me, stay away, you"ll never know what you"ll catch.Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some indonesian junk that"s going round.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Father says, your mother"s right, she"s really up on things.Before we married, mommy served in the wacs in the philippines.Now, I had heard the wacs recruited old maids for the war.But mommy isn"t one of those, I"ve known her all these years.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Whatever happened to all this season"s losers of the year?Ev"ry time I got to thinking, where"d they disappear?When I woke up, mom and dad are rolling on the couch.Rolling numbers, rock and rolling, got my kiss records out.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright, they just seem a little weird.Surrender, surrender, but don"t give yourself away, ay, ay, ay.Away.Away.Mommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayMommy"s alright, daddy"s alright,but don"t give yourself awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9645423

winner pricked音源mp3




求winner 的PRICKED歌词音译

撒狼死罗几啊拿麦图度号麦噶几谷耨怕大剧难加拿麦谷投一给你目den她你吗dei 录掐给吧给目录嫩耨sing噶卡谬拿齐根米奇给搜切白图啦哇RAP内噶铺路嫩耨也一len呀音吗 不投目难一内噶耨漫拿剧嫩过呀撒系没大里嫩过难dei奥len 米呀你啊呸掐噶我屁哈几买谷定黑就My baby拿完累拿吧搜耨掐K 吧叫搜拿完累拿吧搜就跟图K 叫你噶内给嫩膜罗卡发我几给奥料我度偶都K den 铺桥铺给无里撒一撒狼哈几吗内噶啊你谬奥无里几啊拿一给叫给几漫膜里卡几吗口给内噶(偶不)加拿你撒狼恩拿呀一给叫给几漫一级吗有key 有K 有内噶一搜死们啊目里Sing哈K 度你噶到难一有目录给搜哈几漫难你噶耨目铺谷系剖你嘎目den呸给哇以及目她嫩无里也去我给耨也QI 有给又给一嫩dei 耨偶滴也一你RAPDon"t leave me alone耨哇内喜感恩谈里虎罗几内哈录嫩一年乔龙key 罗耨目录给几孙金哈给用我哈加赛gin孙噶啦考罗几漫内给搜谈啦拿den耨嫩全话包虎len 怕过泡料几(why)拿完累拿吧搜耨但撒狼没吧叫搜?拿完累拿吧搜难啊几口给搜一搜投谈啦拿几吗啦孙包的谬她给geikey 大料大嫩den 图啦哇Please, come back to my heart撒狼哈几吗内噶啊你谬奥无里几啊拿一给叫给几漫膜里卡几吗口给内噶(偶不)加拿你撒狼恩拿呀一给叫给几漫啊len 大文耨怒哇剧几目忒内啊呸漫一搜就啊len 大文耨怒哇剧几目忒啊你系楼拿漫卡谷系喷过撒狼哈挤吗内噶啊你谬奥无里几啊拿一给叫给几漫膜里卡几吗口给内噶(偶不)加拿你撒狼恩拿呀一给叫给几漫一级吗有QI 有K 有内噶一搜死们

pricked winner 中文歌词

Pet Shop Boys《Winner》中英文歌词:歌名:Winner 歌手:Pet Shop BoysThis is the moment, we"ll remember此刻,我们将永远铭记Every day for the rest of out lives深深印在我们余生的每一天Time may rush us, hurt or love us时光飞逝,会带来爱与伤害but on this day we have arrived但是今天我们已经到达了It"s been a long time coming长路漫漫We"ve been in the running for so long我们疲于奔波太久But now we"re on our way但现在我们仍在路上Let the ride just take us让我们继续前行Side by side and make us携手共进,让我们See the world through new eyes every day每天都用新的视野去看待这个世界You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家This is all happening so fast这一切发生的太快You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家Let"s enjoy it all while it lasts趁着这一切还未消尽,让我们尽情享受I"ve been a loser, I"ve paid my dues过去我是个失败者,我也付出了代价I fought my way up from the ground我从头开始奋斗Now at this moment, the crowd acclaim us此时此刻,人们为我欢呼雀跃Will you just listen to that song你能听到他们的呼喊吗It"s been a long time coming长路漫漫We"ve been in the running for so long我们疲于奔波太久But now we"re on our way但现在我们仍在路上Let the ride just take us让我们继续前行Side by side and make us携手共进,让我们See the world through new eyes every day每天都用新的视野去看待这个世界You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家This is all happening so fast这一切发生的太快You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家Let"s enjoy it all while it lasts趁着这一切还未消尽,让我们尽情享受It took us so long漫长的时光And we worked so hard我们如此努力We came so far just to compete为了竞争,我们经历了太多But don"t forget all但不要忘掉所有The love and laughter爱与欢笑Now the world is at our feet现在世界就在我们脚下Looking back on all the times回顾过往时光We felt downcast我们感到过沮丧Didn"t think we were going anywhere不要以为我们将止步不前Just living in the past活在过去But in that desperation但在绝望之中You get inspiration你重振旗鼓You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家This is all happening so fast这一切发生的太快You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家Let"s enjoy it all while it lasts趁着这一切还未消尽,让我们尽情享受"Cause you"re a winner因为你是赢家Took so long, we worked so hard漫长的时光中,我们如此努力We came so far and just to compete为了竞争,我们经历了太多But don"t forget all但不要忘掉所有The love and laughter爱与欢笑Now the world is at our feet现在世界就在我们脚下You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家This is happening so fast这一切发生的太快You"re a winner你是赢家I"m a winner我是赢家Let"s enjoy it all while it lasts趁着这一切还未消尽,让我们尽情享受"Cause you"re a winner因为你是赢家

winner的 pricked音源下载





prick的意思是刺。v.刺;戳;扎;尤指马或狗)使(耳朵)竖起;使直立;感到刺痛;引起刺痛;发酸;刺伤感情;使内心痛苦n.刺;戳;扎;阴茎;刺痛;焦急;讨厌鬼;戳孔;刺痕;刺孔复数:pricks。第三人称单数:pricks。现在分词:pricking。过去式:pricked。过去分词:pricked。短语搭配:a spare prick at a wedding。格格不入的人;不合时宜的人。prick something out。用刺痕(或刺孔、小圆点)标出;以刺痕(或刺孔、小圆点)装饰。prick up。竖起;加剧;风力增加。双语例句:1、She felt her scalp prick and her palms were damp.她感觉头皮一阵刺痛,手心潮湿。2、The pin prick had produced a drop of blood.针扎出了一滴血。3、A terrier with prick ears and a foxy expression.耳朵竖立、面似狐狸的小猎犬。4、Prick the potatoes all over with a fork.用叉子把土豆戳个遍。5、She felt a prick of resentment.她感到一阵愤恨。

孙楠的《拯救》和Jim Brickman的Serenade 如此相似??



DNA结构最早是被Watson和Crick预言为三螺旋结构的。() A.正确 B.错误 正确答案:A


Watson-Crick的DNA结构模型是指() A.三叶草结构B.核小体结构C.α-螺旋结构D.左手双螺旋结构E.右手双螺旋结构正确答案:E

1.Watson-Crick提出的DNA右手双螺旋结构属于哪一型: A.A B.B C.C D.Z

 6、下面关于Watson-Crick DNA双螺旋结构模型的叙述中哪一项是正确的?( )A、两条单链的走向是反平行的B、碱基A和G配对C、碱基之间共价结合D、磷酸戊糖主链位于双螺旋内侧正确答案选:( A、 )。


1953年Watson和Crick提出(): A.多核苷酸DNA链通过氢键连接成一个双螺旋B.DNA的复制是半保留的,常常形成亲本-子代双螺旋杂合链C.三个连续的核苷酸代表一个遗传密码D.遗传物质通常是DNA而非RNA正确答案:多核苷酸DNA链通过氢键连接成一个双螺旋


转载手性之谜——向左向右 手性的定义现在该可以四平八稳地谈谈手性了。 手性(chirality,=handedness)一词源于希腊词“手”χειρ (cheir),指左手与右手的差异特征。手性及手性物质只有两类:左手性和右手性。有时为了对比,另外加上一种无手性(no chirality)作参照,可称它为“中性手性”。左手性用learus或者L表示,右手性用dexter或者D表示,中性手性用M表示。 手性可用对称性来说明。植物中常见到旋转对称性(有时叫辐射对称性,不准确),指的是存在旋转对称轴,如东北石竹、矮牵牛、黄瓜的花一般都具有五次旋转对称性,花每旋转2π/5=360°/5=72°,自身就重合一次。又如鸢尾科植物常具有3次旋转对称性。此外,还有平移对称性、伸缩对称性等等,但手性所体现的对称性与这些都不同。左手(性)与右手(性)单*平移和旋转不可能使两者全完重合,必须使镜像操作才能重合,所以手性对称性也叫镜像反射对称性。简单说,镜子中的东西在手性上与原物正好相反。正因为这一点,镜子用于展现实物并不算完美。我不知道别人是否有这样的经验,我一开始按照镜中图像操作工具常常把左右搞反,适应一会才成。 我原是学地质学的,上大学第一学年就要学《结晶学及矿物学》,用的是武汉地质学院潘兆橹主编的教材。1984年,矿物学专家曹老师在北大俄文楼给我们上课,通常用三轮车从北大12楼(现已拆掉)运来一车木制模型。课上讲晶体对称性时,大家反复摆弄大大小小的模型。课上学得晶体有47种单形,其中有5种单形(名字都颇专业,三方偏方面体、四方偏方面体、六方偏方面体、五角三四面体和五角三八面体)都有“对应体”,即同时有左形和右形之分。这里不可能专门解释,你只需知道,现代地质学从一开始就要接触手性概念。 在化学中,组成相同但空间结构上互成镜像(对映体)的分子叫手性分子。 手性分子的性质有时差不多,有时差别极大,对人而言甚至一种有利一种有害。化学式为C17H20O的努特卡酮两种对映体的柚香竟然相差750倍之多(据宋心琦的文章,见《国外科技动态》2001年11期),当然这不是全由那种物质的结构决定的,因为对人的嗅觉起作用的受体也是由手性分子构成的,手性匹配才能产生可感受到的嗅觉。一些昆虫激素也有手性选择性,某种手性的只能吸引雄性,其对应体则只能吸引雌性。在药品当中,药品名称相同但手性构型不同时,药性也不同。如四米唑的左旋体是驱蠕虫药,而右旋体是抗抑郁药;甲状腺素钠的左旋体是甲状腺激素,而右旋体是降血脂药等等(据苑可、戴立信,《科技术语研究》2002年2期)。颇有争议的“反应停”(thalidomide)作为人工合成药,是两种对映体的混合物。有人指出其中一种对应体有治疗作用,而另一种可能有害。于是后来的制药工业和患者对药物的分子手性都很敏感。手性所能描述的事物极其多样,大至星系旋臂、行星自转、大气气旋,小到矿物晶体、有机分子、安培电流、弱相互作用的宇称不守恒等等。在植物学中,手性也是一个重要形态特征,左右对称的形态(如枫叶、兜兰,但不是绝对对称,绝对的对称只能在数学中找到)及攀缓和缠绕植物的茎蔓旋向,都涉及到手性。对于螺旋,两种手性的命名是相对的,原则上可以任意定义其中一种,则另一种正好与它相反。事实上,历史上人们的确给出了不同的定义。20世纪60年代《知识就是力量》杂志译出的苏联的文章,对左右手性的称呼与现在流行的叫法正好相反。定义无所谓正确与错误,关键要说清楚。关于螺旋的手性,我们的定义是:伸出一只手,让大姆指指向螺旋的轴向(不必计较哪是生长方向),另外4个指头握拳,于是由手掌到4个指尖有一“前进”方向,如果螺旋前进方向(不要求是生长方向,但要求与大姆指方向一致)正好与伸出的左手相符,则此螺旋为左手性的,如果与右手相符则为右手性的。说起来很费劲,但看一下图形,立即就明白了。这与电磁学中的安培定则(Ampére rule)差不多,安培定则说明了两种情况:1)载流直导线的电流方向与感生磁场方向。让右手大姆指指向电流方向,四指的前进方向则为磁场方向。2)载流螺线管里的电流方向与螺线管的感生磁场方向。让右手四指由手掌向手指指向电流方向,则大姆指指向感生磁场的北极。电磁学右手定则(这时一般称Fleming rule)还用于表示电场、磁场与运动方向三者的一般在系,在闭合运动导线切割磁力线产生感生电流的例子中,伸出右手,让右手手掌面对磁北极,大姆指指向导线运动方向,则四指指向感生电流的方向。这都是中学物理的内容,在此复习一下。 植物手性也可以采用如下定义:在生长或者运动的一端,从垂直轴向观看,若螺旋是顺时针的,则为左手性;若螺旋是反时针的,则为右手性。这两个定义等价,但第二个定义远没有第一个定义方便实用,而且容易自己弄混。左手性的螺旋叫左螺旋;右手性的螺旋叫右螺旋。在气象学中,定义也是一样的。在北半球,低压区能够形成左手性的气旋,高压区能形成右手性的气旋。南半球正好相反。 对于我后脑袋上的“旋”,相对于我自己的身体,它是向左手方向旋转的。从我的头顶上观看,头发是反时针旋转的。这人“旋”符合右手定则,应当算右手性! 库克(T.A.Cook)在《生命的曲线》中所用的手性定义与我们的定义等价,但陈述得极其繁琐,实在不敢恭维。《生命的曲线》整本书差不多都在讨论旋转与手性,用的都是这样的约定。 但是正如库克所说的,“不过,在这里我要对植物学家专用的某种术语提出强烈的异议。他们把绳索的左旋螺线称为‘右旋"的说法,是因为这种绳索是惯用右手的人编织而成的。那么把金银花称为‘左旋",理由是什么呢?”的确,我也觉得一些植物书上暗示的定义十分别扭。我们同意库克的用法,在这种用法中金银花是左旋的,即具有左手性。 那么植物界是如何定义手性的呢?陈荣道编著的《怎样画植物》(中国林业出版社第二版,2002年)中说:“由左向右旋转缠绕的叫做左旋缠绕茎,如牵牛花、紫藤、旋花。从右向左缠绕的叫右旋缠绕茎,如啤酒花、五味子等。”(第144页)这个定义本身是不清楚的,什么叫“由左向右”和“由右向左”?这就像某大师千里之外预测火箭发射前向左偏15cm一样,毫无意义,因为它可免于被证伪,在一个方向看偏左,在另外一个方向看就可以偏右。植物也一样,必须指定了生长方向,左与右的概念才明确,否则左就是右,右就是左。但所举的例子是近似清楚的,因啤酒花和五味子的手性一样,按我们的定义是左手性,按他说的是右手性。根据所举的例子,我们可以猜到他们的定义与数理科学的定义正好是相反的,也与我们的定义相反。我们习惯上称牵牛花等为右旋的,啤酒花等为左旋的,详见下文。之所以说“近似”清楚,是因为紫藤的手性较复杂,由下文可知,紫藤属的植物既有左手性的,也有右手性的。 数理学界对手性的用法可从欧阳钟灿和刘寄星写的《从肥皂泡到液晶生物膜》(湖南教育出版社“科学家谈物理”丛书之一,1994年)得到印证。该书写道:“地球上所发现的生物氨基酸分子多见于左旋,一切天然的蛋白质都由左旋型氨基酸组成。而由这些左旋分子组成的蛋白质和遗传物质DNA却多数都有右手螺旋结构。一些生物,如螺旋形细菌、蔓生植物向上盘绕以及海螺等均以右旋占绝大多数。”(第127-128页)该书还用图形明确示意了所说的左旋与右旋的含义。可以明确地说,这与我们的理解完全一致。 在化学中,手性分子的识别是通过其光学特征进行的。不同手性的分子具有不同的光学活性。能使平面偏振光按顺时针方向旋转的对映体称右旋体,记作(+)或者D,反之称作左旋体,记作(-)或者L。当等量的对映体分子混合在一起时,不再引起平面偏振光的旋转,液体无旋光性,称外消旋体,记作(±)或者DL。1953年沃森和克里克提出著名的DNA双螺旋结构模型,他们构造出一个右手性的双螺旋结构。当碱基排列呈现这种结构时分子能量处于最低状态。沃森后来撰写的《双螺旋:发现DNA结构的故事》(科学出版社1984年出版过中译本)中,有多张DNA结构图,全部是右手性的。这种双螺旋展示的是DNA分子的二级结构。那么在DNA的二级结构中是否只有右手性呢?回答是否定的。虽然多数DNA分子是右手性的,如A-DNA、B-DNA(活性最高的构象)和C-DNA都是右手性的,但1979年Rich提出一种局部上具有左手性的Z-DNA结构。现在证明,这种左手性的Z-DNA结构只是右手性双螺旋结构模型的一种补充。21世纪是信息时代或者生命信息的时代,仅北京就有多处立起了DNA双螺旋的建筑雕塑,其中北京大学后湖北大生命科学院的一个研究所门前立有一个巨大的双螺旋模型。人们容易把它想象为DNA模型,其实是不对的,因为雕塑是左旋的,整体具有左手性。就算Z-DNA可以有左手性,也只能是局部的。因此,雕塑造形整体为一左手性的双螺旋是不恰当的,至少用它暗示DNA的一般结构是错误的。从天文学到地球科学,从化学到生物学,几乎处处都有手性显身影。2001年诺贝尔化学奖就授予分子手性催化的主要贡献者。1968年诺尔斯(W.S.Knowles)用过渡金属元素制造出含手性配体的络合物,以它为催化剂,生产出有手性的产物。后来日本名古屋大学的野依良治开发出更有效的催化剂。1980美国的夏普莱斯(B.Sharpless)发现了氧化反应的手性催化剂,极大推动了手性药物的化学合成。到2000年,全球的手性药物销售额已达1230亿美元,占药物总销售额的三分之一。1998年全球畅销的500种药物中,单一对映体销售的手性药物占一半以上。 2002年6月13日英国《自然》发表加拿大科学家杰森(L.Jesson)和巴雷特(S.Barrett)研究某植物花柱手性的论文,指出两个等位基因中的一个控制花柱的左右,其中向右是显性的。有人评价这一工作具有重要意义。

watson crick双螺旋结构模型有何生物学意义?

①噬菌体侵染细菌的实验证明了DNA是遗传物质,①错误; ②Watson和Crick构建DNA双螺旋结构模型之前,就已经明确了染色体的组成成分,②错误; ③结构决定功能,清楚了DNA双螺旋结构,就可以发现DNA如何存储遗传信息,③正确; ④清楚了DNA双螺旋结构,就为半保留复制奠定了基础,而且Watson和Crick也对DNA复制进行了描述,④正确. 故选:D.

简述Watson和Crick DNA双螺旋结构模型的主要内容。


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WE WILL ROCK YOU歌手:Five & Queen 专辑:We will rock you Buddy you"re a boy make a big noise Playin" in the street gonna be a big man some day You got mud on yo" face You big disgrace Kickin" your can all over the place Singin" "We will we will rock you We will we will rock you" Buddy you"re a young man hard man Shoutin" in the street gonna take on the world some day You got blood on yo" face You big disgrace Wavin" your banner all over the place "We will we will rock you" Singin" "We will we will rock you" Buddy you"re an old man poor man Pleadin" with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day You got mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back into your place "We will we will rock you" Singin" "We will we will rock you" Everybody "We will we will rock you" "We will we will rock you" Alrighthttp://www.xgsy.net/homepage/blog/attachments/month_0508/3zs7_rock.mp3

kendrick lamar 《I》歌词

找不到中文i - Kendrick LamarI done been through a whole lotTrial, tribulations, but I know GodSatan wanna put me in a bow-tiePraying that the holy water don"t go dryAs I look around meSo many motherfuckers wanna down meBut ain"t no nigga never drown meIn front of a dirty double-mirror they found meAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)Everybody looking at you crazy (Crazy)What you gon" do? (What you gon" do?)Lift up your head and keep moving (Keep moving)Or let the paranoia haunt you? (Haunt you)Peace to fashion police, I wear my heartOn my sleeve, let the runway startYou know the miserable do love companyWhat do you want from me and my scars?Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidenceHow many times our potential was anonymous?How many times the city making me promises?So I promise thisAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)They wanna say there"s a waroutside and a bomb in the streetAnd a gun in the hood and a mob of policeAnd a rock on the corner and a line full of fiendsAnd a bottle full of leanand a model on a scheme, yupThese days of frustration,keep y"all on ducking rotationI duck these gold faces,post up fee-fi-fo-fum basisDreams of realities peace,blow steam in the face of the beastThe sky can fall down, the wind can cry nowThe strong in me, I still smileAnd I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)Walk my bare feet (Walk my bare feet)Down, down valley peak (Down, down valley peak)I keep my fee-fi-fo-fum (Fee-fi-fo-fum)I keep my heart undone (My heart undone)And I love myself(The world is a ghetto with guns and picket signs)I love myself(But it can do what it wantwhenever it wants and I don"t mind)I love myself(He said I gotta get up, life is more than suicide)I love myself(One day at the time, sun gon" shine)I went to war last nightWith an automatic weapon,don"t nobody call a medicImma do it "til I get it right,I went to war last nightI"ve been dealing with depressionever since an adolescentDuckin" every other blessin",l can never see the messageI can never take the lead,I can never bob and weaveFor my nigga that be letting "em annihilate meAnd the sound is moving in a meteor speedFrom a hundred to a billion,lay my body in the streetKeep my money in the ceiling,let my mama know I"m freeGive my story to the children andthe lesson they can readAnd the glory to the feeling of the only unseenSeen enough, make a motherfucker scream,"I love myself!"I lost my head, I"ve must misreadwhat the good book saidOh woes keep me, it"s a jungle insideGive myself again "til the well runs dry

The Mavericks的《I Got You》 歌词

歌曲名:I Got You歌手:The Mavericks专辑:The Mavericks CollectionClaude Kelly - I Got YouOur Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛KonvictOh hoooo whooaaaI got you....ohhh hooo whoaaaaWhen your love is strong and it comes from the heartAint no man strong enoughAint no time long enough to tear it apartAnd thats what we have, believe it or notAnd so on the fighting dayI bear all the hurt and pain we"ll end up on topAnd so I won"t cry cause you"re growing up babeCasue the chemistry we got don"t fadeI won"t be wishing for better daysCasue deep inside I know our love stays the sameYou gotta knowNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)Now lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got youI never lie, casue you are the reasonThat my heart is beating and I am aliveBefore you go, baby look in my eyesSee you can"t be replacedSo I"m down to wait, the rest of my lifeHooooh! You better knowNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)Now lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got youAnd I"ll hold you up when you (When you just can"t stand)I"ll make you fly (When you think that you can"t)By my side forever (Baby thats the plan)I"ll be your everything your everythingOhhhhhhOh hoooo whooaaaOh hoooo whooaaaNo matter where you are (You got me)Baby near or far (You got me)Our love will never fail (You got me)So lemme hear you sayBaby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)And I"ll be there becasue I got you(You got me) You know itNo matter what baby I got you (You got me)No matter what baby I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)I got you (I"ll be there I"ll be there)I got you (You got me)No matter what baby I got youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8281835

Maverick Sabre的《Let Me Go》 歌词

歌曲名:Let Me Go歌手:Maverick Sabre专辑:Let Me Go – EPMaverick Sabre - Let Me GoQQ : 349777127I can still taste you on my lips, your tendernessYou always gave me somethingThe way you made me feel before you leftSee you"re jadin" me, dazin" meAnd I just wasn"t ready, cash on, walk out on todayOh Lord, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)Only the tiger seems to always pickThe safest place for hidingPeople love to say, I"m blind to seeI can"t face it, I"m wastedAnd you never speakWhen that"s all I ever needOh Lord, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)Oh Lord, you picked me up so many timesBut now you just break my soulNo more, I tried to stop loving youBut I don"t really have controlOh Lord, no matter how hard I tryI always end up on this roadOh, still you always keep me wantin"Oh, let me go, you let me downWhen I"m with you, I"m broken nowYou made me feel, you understandWith you I won"t be, a better man(You give me the demon to love you)Got too many reasons why I can"t(You give me the demon in me)(You give me the demon to love you)Every single reason why I"m back(You give me the demon in me)Maverick Sabre - Let Me GoQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/17425189

Cheap Trick的《Lookout》 歌词

歌曲名:Lookout歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Budokan! (30Th Anniversary)Look out!when i saw youthe other dayyou just turned awayyou were goingto someonewhere you wouldn"t sayat first it made me kind of sadi admit i was bluebut she is forgottenshe has to learn somethingto be the one to blameshe is forgivenshe is far too sweet for a boy like mechorusdo you look outfor meand wonder where i might beare you happy aloneor have you found a boy so sooni see my friendsalmost everydaynever a glimpse of Kayi go shoppingwhen i"m alonejust to pick me upi can be happyi don"t need someone to tell me my mistakesshe can"t be happyi can"t imagineher without mechorusdo you look outfor meand wonder where i might beare you happy aloneor have you found a boy so soonnouvelle | lyrics indexhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9645980

Cheap Trick的《Lookout》 歌词

歌曲名:Lookout歌手:Cheap Trick专辑:Cheap TrickLook out!when i saw youthe other dayyou just turned awayyou were goingto someonewhere you wouldn"t sayat first it made me kind of sadi admit i was bluebut she is forgottenshe has to learn somethingto be the one to blameshe is forgivenshe is far too sweet for a boy like mechorusdo you look outfor meand wonder where i might beare you happy aloneor have you found a boy so sooni see my friendsalmost everydaynever a glimpse of Kayi go shoppingwhen i"m alonejust to pick me upi can be happyi don"t need someone to tell me my mistakesshe can"t be happyi can"t imagineher without mechorusdo you look outfor meand wonder where i might beare you happy aloneor have you found a boy so soonnouvelle | lyrics indexhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8900544

trickyourgf 什么意思

trick your gf欺骗你的女朋友gf=girl friendtrick 英[tru026ak] 美[tru026ak] n. 恶作剧; 戏法,把戏; 计谋,诀窍; 骗局; vt. 哄骗,欺骗; 打扮; adj. 弄虚作假的; 有诀窍的; 欺诈的; [网络] 圈套; 技巧; 诡计; [例句]We are playing a trick on a man who keeps bothering me.我们在捉弄一个总是来烦我的人。[其他] 第三人称单数:tricks 复数:tricks 现在分词:tricking 过去式:tricked过去分词:tricked

别骗我用英语怎么说?stop tricking me这个可以吗?还有别的说法吗?

Do"nt lie to me

clever trick什么意思




pull a double trick是什么意思

: pull a double trick 玩双重把戏

trick怎么读 trick解释

1、trick,骗局。读音:美/tru026ak/;英/tru026ak/。 2、释义:n.诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈。vt.欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮。vi.哄骗;戏弄。adj.特技的;欺诈的;有诀窍的。n.(Trick)人名;(英)特里克。 3、单词时态:过去式tricked;过去分词tricked;现在分词tricking;第三人称单数tricks;复数tricks。

trick是什么意思 trick解释

1、n. 诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍。vt. 欺骗;戏弄。adj. 有诡计的;有阴谋的。 2、名词: tricker;过去式: tricked;过去分词: tricked;现在分词: tricking; 第三人称单数: tricks。 3、trick的基本意思是“戏法”“花样”,引申用于贬义可指“不道德的手段,诡计,花招,骗术”; 也可用于中性或褒义表示“诀窍,技巧”。 4、trick还可表示“特殊习惯,毛病”“(纸牌游戏的)一圈,一墩”。 5、trick用作动词的基本意思是“欺骗”,多指不怀好意地用欺诈或阴谋手段使人相信不实之事或为某人去做某事。 6、trick是及物动词,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 7、trick还可作“打扮,装饰”解,常与out连用。

trick是什么意思 trick解释

1、n. 诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍。vt. 欺骗;戏弄。adj. 有诡计的;有阴谋的。 2、名词: tricker;过去式: tricked;过去分词: tricked;现在分词: tricking; 第三人称单数: tricks。 3、trick的基本意思是“戏法”“花样”,引申用于贬义可指“不道德的手段,诡计,花招,骗术”; 也可用于中性或褒义表示“诀窍,技巧”。 4、trick还可表示“特殊习惯,毛病”“(纸牌游戏的)一圈,一墩”。 5、trick用作动词的基本意思是“欺骗”,多指不怀好意地用欺诈或阴谋手段使人相信不实之事或为某人去做某事。 6、trick是及物动词,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 7、trick还可作“打扮,装饰”解,常与out连用。

trick是什么意思 trick解释

1、n. 诡计;花招;把戏;诀窍。vt. 欺骗;戏弄。adj. 有诡计的;有阴谋的。 2、名词: tricker;过去式: tricked;过去分词: tricked;现在分词: tricking; 第三人称单数: tricks。 3、trick的基本意思是“戏法”“花样”,引申用于贬义可指“不道德的手段,诡计,花招,骗术”; 也可用于中性或褒义表示“诀窍,技巧”。 4、trick还可表示“特殊习惯,毛病”“(纸牌游戏的)一圈,一墩”。 5、trick用作动词的基本意思是“欺骗”,多指不怀好意地用欺诈或阴谋手段使人相信不实之事或为某人去做某事。 6、trick是及物动词,接表示人的名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 7、trick还可作“打扮,装饰”解,常与out连用。

trick什么意思 trick怎么解释

1、n.戏法;把戏;诡计;花招;骗局;引起错觉(或记忆紊乱)的事物;技巧;一圈。 2、vt.欺骗;欺诈。 3、adj.为欺骗的;使人产生错觉的;虚弱有毛病的。 4、第三人称单数: tricks复数: tricks现在分词: tricking过去式: tricked过去分词: tricked。 5、例句:The trick is done simply by sleight of hand. 变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。


主要练习的 是爆发力和柔韧性 身体协调 爆发力比如做卧推 一定要快推慢放!意思就是 推上去的速度要快 一定要快到听到杠铃桄榔一声做什么器械的时候都要快发力 慢放松!一定要快 身体协调主要就是 跳绳 侧身交叉腿跑 倒交叉腿跑 双手抛球 接球 拍球 等等 柔韧性 主要就是手臂 和腿方法:坐在椅子上,背部紧贴靠背。左手环扣右肩,右手手背顶住左手肘;上身保持不动,尽量将左手臂向后拉,直到你的肩膀有拉紧的感觉为止,坚持20到30秒钟。换另一边重复一次。第2种哈:大腿伸展运动效果:放松脚筋、大腿和背部。  方法:双手叉腰坐在一张结实的椅子边上。左腿屈膝与地面垂直;右腿尽量向前伸直,脚尖朝上。接着,掂起臀部,挺直腰身向前压下去,尽量使腹部贴近左腿膝盖部位,坚持20到30秒钟,然后放松身体。换另一边重复一次。 基本就是这 还有一些基本动作 就是楼上是说的 我不待复制它的了 这鞋动作都是复制楼上的 我们自己练习貌似没有这么细致 呵呵 关键是要勇敢 但是不要莽撞 做好对自己的保护措施循序渐进 还有最关键~~买保险~~

英语This book is full of tips and tricks怎么翻译?





trick英 [tru026ak] 美 [tru026ak]n. 戏法,把戏;计谋,诀窍;骗局;恶作剧vt. 哄骗,欺骗;打扮







Rick James的《Moonchild》 歌词

歌曲名:Moonchild歌手:Rick James专辑:Motown Legends: Give It To Me, Baby - Cold BloodedMoonchildIron MaidenThe Seventh Son Of The Seventh SonSeven deadly sins七宗可遭天罚的大罪〔指骄、贪、欲、怒、馋、妒、懒〕Seven ways to win七种方法赢得胜利Seven holy paths to hell七条神圣之路通向地狱And your trip begins你的旅程就此开始Seven downward slopes七条向下的坡道Seven bloodied hopes七个血腥的心愿Seven are your burning fires七是你燃烧的火焰Seven your desires....七是你的渴望……Moonchild 月亮孩子Artist(Band):Iron Maiden编译:jionI am he the bornless one我是生于虚无的那一个The fallen angel watching you注视着你的堕落天使Babylon, the scarlet whore巴比伦(这里应代指伦敦,现代巴比伦,奢华淫靡的大都市),这淫荡的婊子I"ll infiltrate your gratitude你的礼物我要定了Don"t you dare to save your son休想妄图救你的孩子Kill him now and save the young ones一死方可救众生Be the mother of a birth strangled babe做死婴之母亲Be the devils own, Lucifer"s my name做魔鬼之奴仆,路西法,那是我的名Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印I count the heads of those unborn我点数尚在娘胎的婴儿The accursed ones I"ll find them all所有已被诅咒的,我将找到他们And if you die by your own hand如果你用自己的手了结自己As a suicide you shall be damned你将因自杀而被诅咒And if you try to save your soul如果你企图拯救自己的灵魂I will torment you - you shall not grow old我将折磨你-你不会长大With every second and passing breath每一秒钟和每一次呼吸You"ll be so alone your soul will bleed to death孤独将伴随你直至你的灵魂悲痛至死Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印Moonchild - You"ll be mine soon child月亮孩子-很快你将做我的孩子Moonchild - take my hand tonight月亮孩子-今晚牵我的手The twins they are exhausted, seven is this night双生子的精力已经枯竭,这是七之夜Gemini is rising as the red lips kiss to bite双子星伴随红唇的亲吻与啃咬升起Seven angels seven demons battle for his soul七天使七恶魔为他的灵魂而战When Gabriel lies sleeping, this child was born to die当加百利(替上帝把好消息告诉世人的天使)倒下睡去(这里意指天使战败),这孩子注定要死(Kick ass guitar)(操蛋的吉他秀!)One more dies and one more lives多一人死去又多一人得生One baby cries one mother grieves一个婴儿哭泣一位母亲悲伤For all the sins you will commit为了你将要犯的所有罪孽You"ll beg forgiveness and none I"ll give你会祈求宽恕而我不会施与A web of fear shall be your coat用痛苦的网做你的大衣To clothe you in the night深夜里将你包裹A lucky escape for you young man送你一个幸运的逃脱For I"ll see you damned in endless night因我将看你被诅咒在无尽的黑夜Moonchild - hear the mandrake scream月亮孩子-听曼德拉草的尖叫Moonchild - open the seventh seal月亮孩子-打开第七封印Moonchild - You"ll be mine soon child月亮孩子-很快你将做我的孩子Moonchild - take my hand tonight月亮孩子-今晚牵我的手【END】http://music.baidu.com/song/1663971

Jim Brickman的《Starbright》 歌词

歌曲名:Starbright歌手:Jim Brickman专辑:The GiftSomewhere in the Milky WaySomewhere deep in outer spaceAs he travels all the galaxyDoes he feel as lonely as meOut there where the comets flyOut there where worlds collideAs he chases all his wildest dreamsDoes he ever dream of meStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he could hear meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightWish that I hadn"t been so shyWish that he could read my mindEven though he may be lightyears awayI know he"s in my heart to stayStar brightShining so high aboveHow I wish he were near meStar brightSend me the one I loveMake my wishes all come true tonightStar brightStar brightFirst star I see tonightWish I may, I wish I mightStar brightWish I could hold him tightMake my wish come true tonightStar brightWish he were by my sidehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8778365


RickyisClown,是众多潮牌中性价比较高的。亮点在于连帽衫和拼接式的夹克。 湖南皑希文化传播有限公司旗下潮流品牌RickyIsClown(RIC)于2014年成立于长沙,以港日街头风为设计理念,融入主理人Ricky对生活的理解,R.I.C缩写自Richy is clown(Ricky是小丑)。品牌表达的是主理人Ricky对自己的嘲讽和激励,同时寓意着生活中每个人都有丑陋的一面。这样的寓意与个人品牌的经历有着密不可分的联系,每一个品牌的塑造历程都是充满荆棘与挑战的,而RIC也不例外。rickyclown衣服属于中高端档次

Kendrick Lamar的《Compton》 歌词

歌曲名:Compton歌手:Kendrick Lamar专辑:good kid, m.A.A.d cityKendrick Lamar - Compton (feat. Dr. Dre)Kendrick Lamar - Verse 1Now everybody serenade the new fate of Kendrick LamarThis is King Kendrick LamarKing Kendrick and I meant itMy point intended is rawFix your lenses forensics woulda told you Kendrick got killed and pretend its a massacreAnd the masses upon usAnd I master being the the master at dodging your honourAnd the chapter that read at 25, I will live dormant like 5 in the morningThen raid your spot while Kendrick"s performingAnd if they take everything know I got…Hook:Compton, ComptonAint no city quite like mine(Hey Dre whats happening with it my nigga)Dr.Dre - Verse 2Still I"m at it, peel the plastic off itYou could feel the magicStill I"m laughing at the critics talkingI can see "em gagging when I"m back in the back of my cityBack in the back with a batch, I"m banging Dre Beats with meLook where I"m at, it"s the murder cap"And I"m captain at birth of this gangsta rapIt"s a wrap when I"m doneAnd I"ve come a long way from a hundred dollars a monthTo a hundred mill in a dayBitch I"m from..Hook:Compton, ComptonAint no city quite like mineKendrick Lamar - Verse 3So come and visit, the tires screechingAmbulance, policemanWon"t you spend a weekend on Rosecrans niggaKhaki crease and crime increasing on Rosecrans niggaKendrick Conan niggaWhere your sword at?Hand on the cross and swore thatI do it big, it"s Rasputia for you shootersKama sutra screaming fuck your position and make you hold thatI"m trying to stay grounded like four flatsBut I know Flex and piru crip tattsThey swarm on me like a beehive hoop in the G rideFrom the west to the east sideKnow just how Compton rollDr.Dre & Kendrick LamarAnd that"s a givenI pass the blunt then pass the torchOf course it"s my decisionI crashed the ports that you reportThat you see me in BenzesI must report that we import them narcoticsYou bought it then talked about it when crack hit the speakersThe music businessI blow up every time we throw up a record depending on what you expectedI"m sure it"s bigger than your religionPerfected by niggas that manifested music to live inHook:Compton, comptonAint no city quite like mineDr.Dre:So tell that gangsta throw his set highRoll it up in a blunt, I"mma take you on that next highI did exactly what I wanted, that"s what made them checks fly…In my direction, you never question when I said I…Will be a mogul before I visit Tupac and Left EyeEazy and Aaliyah when I see ya we gon test driveA Lambo in heaven but for now I"m on a red eyeFlying back to my city cause I forever stand by…Compton, ComptonAint no city quite like mineKendrick Lamar:Now we can all celebrate, we can all harvest the rap artist of NWAAmerica target a rap market, it"s controversy and hateHarsh realities we in, made our music translateTo the coke dealers, the hood rich and the broke niggas that playWith them gorillas that know killers that know where you stayRoll that kush, crack that case, 10 bottles of RoseThis was brought to you by DreNow every muthafucka in here sayLook who responsible for taking Compton internationalI make "em holla ooooooohEh yo Just Blaze, good looking homie(Just Blaze, just blaze)Aint no city quite like mineEndKendrick Lamar - Compton (feat. Dr. Dre)http://music.baidu.com/song/29398468

Rick Guard的《Superhero》 歌词

歌曲名:Superhero歌手:Rick Guard专辑:Hands Of A GiantClaude Kelly - SuperheroStarted standing here aloneWasn"t sure which way to goAll I knew was some how I had toMake it on my ownStarted reaching for the starsBombs exploding in my heartWasn"t long before my journey startedNo more dancing in the darkBecause my eyes were closedNow they"re open turn aroundAnd I noticed that the spotlightWas shining on meNow I"m in the right dressAt the right timeAnd the whole worldIts all mineNow I can"t believe that ???Feeling like a superheroSo strong, and I"m on fireI"m the greatest, of all timeSo look out for meFlying up with the stars tonightFeeling like a superheroThis is so much more than IEver could"ve fantasizedSome things just happenWhen you least expect itIts not always black and whiteThat"s why I close my eyesNow they"re open turn aroundAnd I noticed that the spotlightWas shining on meIf I"m dreamingDon"t shake meDon"t try to wake meThis is gonna be the night of my lifehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10297510



come with me-Ricky martin歌词中文读法

Come With Me - Ricky MartinI can tell that you"re sinner 爱看 太哦 赛特 油啊 新呢儿From behind you"re in, you"re I-I, yikes 夫郎木 比海的 油啊 因。油啊 呀可死A beautiful deceiver 啊 比油体夫 地C夫儿But I can handle anything, you try 巴特 爱 看 憨豆 安妮新,油 踹Your finger"s on my trigger 油儿 夫因个儿死 昂 买 推隔儿You play it like a winner 油 普类 伊特 来客啊 温呢儿You"re pulling me entire 油啊 普令 迷 因泰儿Let"s stop talking about it 来次 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Just stop thinking about it 杰斯特 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Let"s get crazy about it 来次 盖特 可瑞死 啊包特 伊特I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特There"s no limit to forever 德尔死 no 厘米特 图 夫爱儿And there"s no ceiling in the sky 案的 德尔死 no 死诶令 因 的 司盖We"ll hit the finish line together 威儿 和一特 的 夫一你需 来 特改的Way beyond the morning light 威 逼养的 的莫宁 莱特Your finger"s on my trigger 有啊 复印个儿死 昂 买 推个You play it like a winner 油 油 普类 伊特 来客啊 温呢儿You"re pulling me entire 油啊 普令 迷 因泰儿Let"s stop talking about it 来次 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Just stop thinking about it 杰斯特 四道普 逃可因 啊包特 伊特Let"s get crazy about it 来次 盖特 可瑞死 啊包特 伊特I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特Oh oh oh 哦 哦 哦Tonight, tonight 特奈特 特奈特Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特Tonight, 特奈特Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Come with me 康姆 维斯 迷Are you coming? 啊 油 康明I got you now 爱 高特 油 挠I"m gonna take you to the edge tonight 爱慕 高娜 特克 油 图 的 埃及 特奈I, I"ll show you how 爱 爱薇儿 收 油 好So would you come with me tonight, oh oh oh 搜 唔得 油 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight, oh oh oh 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特,哦 哦 噢Come with me tonight 康姆 维斯 迷 特奈特纯手打 妄采纳~

谁能帮我写5首英文的 五行打油诗!??!(LIMERICK)急!!急!!急!!急!!急!!

谁给我包几个巧克力馅的馄饨? 非常急……

Gary Myrick的《Glamorous》 歌词

歌曲名:Glamorous歌手:Gary Myrick专辑:LanguageGlamorousFergie feat. LudacrisAre U readyIf you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeYou say: If you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeG-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-SWe flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyWear them gold and diamonds ringsAll them things dont mean a thingChaperons and limousinesShopping for expensive thingsI be on the moovie screensMagazines and boogie scenesIm not clean, Im not pristineIm n queen, Im no machineI still go to Taco BellDrivethrough, raw as HellI dont care, Im still realNo matter how many records I seelAfter the show or after the grammysI like to go cool out with the familySippin", reminscing on days when I had a MustangAnd now I"m in...We flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyIm talking Champagne wishes, caviar dreamsYou deserve nothing but all the finer thingsNow this whole world has no clue to do with usI"ve got enough money in the bank for the two of usBrother gotta keep enough lettuceTo support your shoe fetishLifestyles so rich and famousRobin Leach will get jelousHalf a million for the stonesTakin trips from here to RomeSo If you aint got no money take yo"broke ass homeG-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-SWe flying the first classUp in the skyPoppin" champagneLivin" the lifeIn the fast laneAnd I wont changeFor the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyThe glamorous,The glamorous, glamorous (the glamorous life)For the glamorous, oh the flossy flossyI got problems up to hereI"ve got people in my earTelling me these crazy thingsThat I dont want to know (fuck y"all)I"ve got money in the bankAnd I"d really like to thankAll the fans, I"d like to thankThank you really thoughCuz i remember yesterdayWhen I dreamt about the daysWhen I"d rock on MTV, that be really dopeDamn, It"s been a long roadAnd the industry is coldI"m glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.I"m glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.I"m glad my daddy tell me so, he let his daugther know.http://music.baidu.com/song/10226911

Tricky的《Excess》 歌词

歌曲名:Excess歌手:Tricky专辑:BlowbackTricky - ExcessI believe inI deceive inBottom weavingI can breathe inMake a wish inFlower fishingMoving vibrationMild relationI"m jamaican on your radio stationGot a curse inCould be worse inYou firstIn a hearse inGood as dead inNothing left inNothing left inSome be headingI need a head rest inAnd a feed from a warm breastA man making hitsFor the childhood of hicksUnderground likeWho"s it sound likeYou all sound the sameBut you don"t know my nameI believe in people lyingI believe in people dyingI believe in people flyingI believe in people cryingI believe in people balkingI believe in people talkingI believe in people breathingI believe in people beingWe all sound the sameYou don"t know my nameRearrange andThings don"t changeThings remainFeel the strainStressCatch my breathGet some restFrom the messI couldn"t care lessSugar caneIs like smack to my veinShook fameBut I don"t complainI believe in different reasonsI believe in breath through seasonsI believe when snow flakes fallI believe in buildings tallI believe in people bombingI believe in people warringI believe diseases comingI believe that"s why I"m runningKeep livingKeep livingYou gotta askBefore he attacksYou got the flatsDub my sacksYou"ve got the cityMove out of the countryI"m scrunchingFriends that are punchyI believe in people fallingI believe in people warringI believe diseases comingI believe that"s why I"m runningI believe in people balkingI believe in people talkingI believe in people breathingI believe in people beingKeep living...http://music.baidu.com/song/1402845

万圣节恐怖电影《别惹小孩(trick or treat)》|南瓜灯保护你回家

万圣节那天晚上,从来没看过恐怖片的我我精挑细选了这部应景的电影,豆瓣评分6.5,并且我秉持着人吓人吓死人的原则,拉上了一位随时会用自己的尖叫声增添恐怖氛围的好朋友一同观赏了这部电影。 看完之后我却深感智商上限无法理解,综合多方影评和剖析之后,这就过来给大家安利了。两个字总结这部电影:玄妙。本片整体围绕两个主旨南瓜灯保护你回家、不给糖就捣乱而展开三条主线(以及一条隐藏主线),基本上由四个各自独立的故事展开。诡异的父子 这对父子似乎有某些古怪的癖好,比如父亲非常喜欢做南瓜头,比如喜欢深夜在院子里挖坑埋东西,比如儿子喜欢在地下室里捣鼓他的南瓜头“艺术”,比如这家人似乎有着诡异变态的某种传统……一个胖胖的男孩将满腔不满发泄到了南瓜灯上面,他一路打碎南瓜灯,偶然坐在了这对父子家门前,他啃着巧克力棒,一边为自己的胖而自卑,一边又继续自暴自弃地吃。 诡异的父亲回来了,看到了这位胖男孩,似乎宽慰了他几句,二人正聊着天的时候,诡异又恶心的画面出现了。胖男孩突然开始呕吐,一阵一阵,无法抑制,呕吐物既像血液,又像巧克力浆,他慌张无措地吐着那些腥稠的液体,越吐越恶心,越吐约痛苦,直到倒地不起,没有心跳。 父亲冷静地将胖男孩的尸体拖去了院子里,淡定地挖坑,面对儿子的催促,平静地告诉他“就像你爷爷当年一样”……父亲将胖男孩的头颅割下,为儿子做南瓜灯。那死去的爷爷是否生前也曾在诡异的万圣夜,为父亲杀人做南瓜灯?原来这就是“传统”。南瓜头鬼男孩 南瓜头鬼男孩无处不在,他遵循着某种原则或者目的杀人。“南瓜灯保护你回家”,熄灭了南瓜灯的情侣,被一根棒棒糖割断了喉咙。“不给糖就捣乱”,或许该改成“不给糖就杀人”,没有给糖的老人在被鬼男孩追杀的最后关头,胸口的糖果救了自己一名。 南瓜头鬼男孩,遵循着最简单的原则,吃糖,和守护南瓜灯。美丽嗜血的女郎 万圣夜也是约会的夜晚,诱惑的夜晚,调情的夜晚。 四位美丽的女郎,打扮白雪公主、小红帽等不同的形象,开心地出去参加派对,喝酒、跳舞、唱歌,只有那位小红帽总是闷闷不乐,因为她至今仍没有一段甜蜜的第一次。独自走在路上闷闷不乐的她,却被一道不怀好意的目光盯上——是那位诡异的父亲。 父亲打扮成了狼人的模样,接近、诱惑那些年轻的、不甘寂寞的女性,然后悄悄杀死她们。显然,小红帽是他盯上的下一个目标。他悄悄靠近小红帽,制住她的行动,特意打磨得尖利的獠牙咬伤了她的脖颈……我预料到了狼人的存在,也不曾预料到反转来得猝不及防。 小红帽圆满地达成了她的第一次。万圣夜的恶作剧 四个抱团的小孩,熄灭了四盏南瓜灯,拉上了一位傻姑娘,前往那个有着可怖往事的悬崖,只有那位傻姑娘一路珍视地抱着南瓜灯。为首的美丽女孩,用清凉诡异的语气,说出了多年前的一段往事。多年以前的某一天,一辆校车载着患有精神疾病的八个孩子,司机时不时透过前视镜观察者八个孩子的反应。司机有些心虚,有些紧张,但最终还是下定了决心,打着方向盘去了一条之前从未经过的荒路。司机收了一笔钱,他只需要让这辆校车掉下悬崖就算完成了任务。车上是八个有精神疾病的孩子,每一个孩子于各自的家庭和父母而言都是沉重的负担。这些孩子的父母寻求一个解脱,也许他们甚至认为这种方法于这些孩子们而言也是解脱。一位敏感的孩子感知到了危险,他趁着司机不注意,掌握住了方向盘,想要开回家,却在惊慌失措下将校车开进了悬崖。司机如愿以偿了,不幸的是,他也掉下了悬崖;幸运的是,他竟能死里逃生。多年以后的这个万圣夜,那四个抱团的孩子利用这个故事针对那个傻姑娘进行了一场恶作剧。傻姑娘被吓得痛哭流涕几乎崩溃,当四个孩子哈哈大笑取消她的窘迫和丢人时,意想不到的事情发生了。八个鬼孩子的笑声传来,那四个小孩在自己的尖叫声中被吃掉了。只有那位傻姑娘,幸免于难,抱着南瓜灯安全地回到了家。至此,所有受害者和幸存者一目了然。 被父子选中而杀死的胖男孩,一路打碎了南瓜灯。 被八个鬼小孩吃掉的四个小孩,熄灭了南瓜灯。 被南瓜头鬼小孩杀死的情侣,熄灭了南瓜灯。 幸免于难的老人,家门口点着南瓜灯。 安全回到家的傻姑娘,一直抱着南瓜灯。万圣节的传统,让南瓜灯,保护你回家。 Trick or Treat!

万妮达trick or treat什么意思


Trick or treat的专辑列表

1. It"s Snack Time2. Evil Needs Candy Too3. Time For Us All4. Like Donald Duck5. Girls Just Want To Have Fun (Reprise)6. Joyful In Sadness7. Sunday Morning In London8. Who Will Save The Hero9. Back As A Pet10. Perfect Life11. Back To Life12. Neverending Story (Reprise) 1. A Night In The Toyshop2. Paper Dragon3. Take Your Chance4. Freedom5. Hello Moon6. Elevator To The Sky7. Loser Song8. Tears Against Your Smile9. Final Destination10. Tin Soldiers Part I11. Tin Soldiers Part II

请问trick or treat 和trick or tread 有什么区别


Treat Or Trick是什么意思的意思


镜音双子 trick or treat歌词


Trick or treat?为什么英文是问号,中文是叹号?


trick or treat的汉语意思是什么?

trick的本意是“恶作剧、捣乱等”,而treat本意则是“热情款待、招待”。Trick or Treat是万圣节孩子们挨家挨户要糖果等礼物都会说的,解释为:不给糖就捣蛋。如果有帮到您 请给予好评 如果还有问题 请重新提问哦 谢谢拉#^_^#祝您愉快
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