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爬虫:Scrapy 中 yield 和 return 的区别

在 scrapy 中 yield 经常被使用,典型的应用场景包括以下两种:


常看到别人使用或讨论yield语法,能搜到的中文解释却不多,今天决心搞定yield,把暂时的理解贴到这里.搞定yield之前: 叠代器(iterator)发现yield: 生成器(constructor)使用yield: 递归调用1. iterator叠代器最简单例子应该是数组下标了,且看下面的c++代码:int array[10];for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) printf("%d ", array[i]);叠代器工作在一个容器里(array[10]),它按一定顺序(i++)从容器里取出值(array[i])并进行操作(printf("%d ", array[i])。上面的代码翻译成python:array = [i for i in range(10)]for i in array: print i,for i in array干了什么(别乱想)?首先,array作为一个list是个容器,其次list这个内建类型有默认的next行为,python发现这些之后采 取的秘密的没被各位看到的动作是:拿出array这丫容器的叠代器,从里面next一下把值给i供for循环主体处置,for把这个值print了。现在的问题是数据可以做容器叠代,代码可以吗?怎么不行,碗碟可以用来放菜,wk们不就联想出用nt盛吗,当然我们的yield不会那么yellow + bt2. constructor怎么把函数变成constructor? 在函数体里有yield就行了!def gen(): print "enter" yield 1 print "next" yield 2 print "next again"for i in gen(): print i各位!python看到gen函数里出现yield,知道可以用next了,问题是怎么对代码这个容器玩next?从容器里拿到iterator的时候它还什么也不是,处在容器入口处,对于数组来说就是下标为-1的地方,对于函数来说就是函数入口嘛事没干,但是万事俱备就欠next。开始for i in g,next让itreator爬行到yield语句存在的地方并返回值,再次next就再爬到下一个yield语句存在的地方并返回值,依次这样直到函数返回(容器尽头)。您一定看出来上面代码的输出是:enter1next2next again如果没看出来请不要往下看了免得反被yield搞定。3. 使用yieldyield的代码叠代能力不但能打断函数执行还能记下断点处的数据,下次next书接上回,这正是递归函数需要的。例如中序遍历二叉树:(应该是David Mertz写的)def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield xfor n in inorder(tree) print n当然yield这种代码next的能力还可以用在其它方面,发现拍案的在贴咯。


yieldyield是用于生成器。什么是生成器,你可以通俗的认为,在一个函数中,使用了yield来代替return的位置的函数,就是生成器。它不同于函数的使用方法是:函数使用return来进行返回值,每调用一次,返回一个新加工好的数据返回给你;yield不同,它会在调用生成器的时候,把数据生成object,然后当你需要用的时候,要用next()方法来取,同时不可逆。你可以通俗的叫它"轮转容器",可用现实的一种实物来理解:水车,先yield来装入数据、产出generator object、使用next()来释放;好比水车转动后,车轮上的水槽装入水,随着轮子转动,被转到下面的水槽就能将水送入水道中流入田里。def func3():for i in range(1,5):yield i#装入gob = func3()#generator 类型print next(gob)#1 释放的第一个装入的数据,(先入先出)print next(gob)#2print next(gob)#3print next(gob)#4print next(gob)#报错复制代码return这个大家都知道了,一句话,return既可以终止函数的执行,也可以返回函数加工处理好的数据,只是这个数据需要一个载体来进行保存,通常是变量。非条件判断的时候,只要遇见return,函数就结束执行。

retirement pension book 是什么意思



* you are my poison, you are my poison 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱you are my poison, you are my poison 你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了不知道为何会这样,就算明明知道不是这样 o-o-o-o o-o-o 却总是想起你我大概被你致命的魅力给吸引 o-o-o-o o-o-o 虽然知道我一定会受伤# crazy, crazy, crazy love, listen, listen, crazy love疯狂,我为你疯狂,我的心脏渐渐停止 ohcrazy, crazy, crazy love, listen, listen, crazy lovewake up 现在 wake up 已经太迟了* you are my poison, you are my poison 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱you are my poison, you are my poison 你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了@ gotta be, gotta be, gotta be your poison, gotta be, gotta be, gotta be your poisonRap) hit me 骰子已经抛了出去,我已经一点一点地中了你的毒为什麼你要动摇我?你是否只是耍著我玩?就算为了要逃脱而挣扎著 o-o-o-o o-o-o 我已经被你囚禁# crazy, crazy, crazy love, listen, listen, crazy love疯狂,我为你疯狂,我的心脏渐渐停止 ohcrazy, crazy, crazy love, listen, listen, crazy lovewake up 现在 wake up 已经太迟了* you are my poison, you are my poison 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱you are my poison, you are my poison 你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了@ gotta be, gotta be, gotta be your poison, gotta be, gotta be, gotta be your poison让我睁开了双眼的你的爱情是 irreplaceable让我感觉到自己还活著Rap) huh 我甚至抛下了自尊,就连我苦苦纠缠的模样也好可笑没有解毒剂的这份爱情,没有契约的这个人* you are my poison, you are my poison 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱you are my poison, you are my poison 你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了


你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱。你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了。不知道为何会这样,就算明明知道不是这样 却总是想起你我大概被你致命的魅力给吸引 o-o-o-o o-o-o 虽然知道我一定会受伤# crazy, crazy, crazy love, listen, listen, crazy love疯狂,我为你疯狂,我的心脏渐渐停止 现在 已经太迟了up* you are my poison, you are my poison 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱you are my 你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了骰子已经抛了出去,我已经一点一点地中了你的毒为什麼你要动摇我?你是否只是耍著我玩?就算为了要逃脱而挣扎著 o-o-o-o o-o-o 我已经被你囚禁疯狂,我为你疯狂,我的心脏渐渐停止 ohwake up 现在 wake up 已经太迟了 你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱。你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了 让我睁开了双眼的你的爱情是 irreplaceable让我感觉到自己还活著 我甚至抛下了自尊,就连我苦苦纠缠的模样也好可笑没有解毒剂的这份爱情,没有契约的这个人你蔓延、打动了我,让我无法逃脱。你摧毁、打垮了我,让我什麼也做不了

不求回报用英语怎么说带in return

do something without asking something in return.

英语翻译 he beat a hasty retreat .那beat

他匆忙逃走了. beat a hasty retreat,固定搭配,匆忙逃走/急忙忙溜掉的意思.


《Retreat, Hell!》(Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:tpq6书名:Retreat, Hell!作者:Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;出版社:Brilliance Audio页数:0

新概念三中 he beat a hasty retreat.这句话怎么翻译?这里的beat什么意思?!


headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

Retreat of the Ten Thousands出自何处?

色诺芬的《远征记》.retreat of the ten thousands 汉译“万人大撤退”.指的是希腊1万雇佣军从波斯退回希腊的故事. 有兴趣的话可以百度以上名词,或“希腊史”. 英文资料请google.

急求 company retreat 中文意思?


secluded retreats是什么意思

secluded retreats隐蔽撤退secluded[英][su026au02c8klu:du026ad][美][su026au02c8kludu026ad]adj.与世隔绝的; 偏僻的; 隐退的; v.使隔开,使隐退( seclude的过去式和过去分词); retreatsv.撤退( retreat的第三人称单数 ); 隐退; 离开; 规避;

《Retreat, Hell!》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Retreat, Hell!》(Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 12q9书名:Retreat, Hell!作者:Griffin, W. E. B.; Hill, Dick;出版社:Brilliance Corporation页数:0

Retreat meeting是什么意思

Retreat meeting退会双语对照例句:1.Evergreen meeting and retreat meeting will be cancelled if the government announceno working day for that day. 若政府宣布停止上班上课,常绿聚会和退修会开会也会暂停一次.

Retreat meeting是什么意思

英文:Retreat meeting中文:退出会议很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

headlong retreat是什么意思

headlong retreat跌跌撞撞往外跑; 落荒而走1.the hall door, the gravel drive, and the front gate were dimly noted stages in hisheadlong retreat.穿过大厅的门、石子路、前大门,他一路跌跌撞撞往外跑。2.The hall door and the gravel drive were dimly noted stages in his headlongretreat.在他落荒而走的时候只隐约记得经过前门和砾石铺的车路。

There is no retreat. To be or not to be.什么意思?

There is no retreat:没有退路。TO BE OR NOT TO BE :生存还是毁灭。

he beat a hasty retreat中beat是什么意思


beat a retreat是什么意思

beat a retreat [英]bi:t u0259 riu02c8tri:t [美]bit e ru026au02c8trit v. 撤退,放弃;打退堂鼓 [例句]Then xiao wu beat a retreat.这时小吴打起退堂鼓来了。

Leadership Retreat 中文指什么?


ministers retreat 什么意思翻译

ministers retreat部长们撤退

nature retreat什么意思

nature retreat 自然的撤退retreat 英[ru026au02c8tri:t] 美[ru026au02c8trit] vi. 撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等) 凹进; [航] 向后倾斜; n. 撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修; [例句]"I"ve already got a job," I said quickly, and retreated from the room“我已经有了一份工作。”我马上说道,并从房间里退了出来。[其他] 第三人称单数:retreats 现在分词:retreating 过去式:retreated过去分词:retreated




retreat翻译成中文是退却。retreat,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“撤退;休息寓所;撤退”,作及物动词时意为“退(棋);使后退”,作不及物动词时意为“撤退;退避;向后倾”。短语搭配:spiritual retreat退修会。Couples Retreat伴侣度假村;朋友国假日村;伴侣渡假村;伴侣国假日村。Retreat Cost逃走费用;逃脱费用。surrender retreat也不接受失败;头像和退缩;也不向挫折乞降;也不乞降。rope retreat隐蔽时间。双语例句:1、He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet.他不是一个想退却的人,倒是一个宁愿应战的人。2、The enemy troops were in full retreat.敌军全线退却。3、The army was forced to retreat after suffering heavy losses.部队因伤亡惨重被迫撤退。学习英语的重要性:1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作枯樱,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。


retreat英 [ru026au02c8tri:t] 美 [ru026au02c8trit] vi.撤退,后退;撤销,作罢;(眼睛等)凹进;[航]向后倾斜n.撤回;静居处;引退期间;静思,静修进攻[jìn gōng]词典attack; offensive; assault; aggression; assume the offensive


retreat 英[ru026a"tri:t] 美[ru026au02c8trit] vi. 撤退,后退;撤销,作罢;(眼睛等)凹进;[航]向后倾斜 n. 撤回;静居处;引退期间;静思,静修 第三人称单数:retreats;过去分词:retreated;现在分词:retreating;... [例句]The republican leadership made a strategic retreat.共和党领导层做出了战略性的撤退。望采纳谢谢


retreat英 [ru026au02c8tri:t] 美 [ru026au02c8trit] vi.撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等)凹进; [航]向后倾斜n.撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修避静; 退出; 撤离第三人称单数: retreats 现在分词: retreating 过去式: retreated 过去分词: retreated

science retreat什么意思 有研讨会的意思吗


The besieged enemy could not advance, nor / neither could they retreat.是部分倒装还是完全倒装


retreat hell,为什么retreat 后面跟HELL,hell不是地狱么


什么是税务的即征即退英文tax retreat


retreat from 用法

retreat from[英][riu02c8tri:t fru0254m][美][ru026au02c8trit fru028cm]从…撤退; 避开…; 例句:1.Were forced to retreat from baba amr this week. 本周,自由叙利亚军被迫撤离巴巴阿姆尔。2.That happened to the national army which the russians left behind after their retreat from afghanistan in 1989. 1989年俄罗斯从阿富汗撤退留下当时的阿富汗国军时,这种事就发生了。3.In contrast, britain"s labour leaders felt miserable about their forced retreat from global influence. 相反,被迫从具有全球影响力的舞台上退出,让英国工党领导人感到万分难过。4.Indonesia and malaysia face creeping islamisation, which can compel women to cover up and retreat from public life. 印度尼西亚和马来西亚正在面对的渐进式伊斯兰化的趋势,可能会迫使妇女罩上面纱并退出公共生活。5.The natural world, which she explored with her brother, harry, was one retreat from an otherwise miserable existence. 而与兄弟哈利对自然环境的探索,成了她对有些悲惨的生活的某种逃避

treat 和 retreat 这两个词有关联么?

个人觉得不能看做前缀treat 英[tri:t]美[trit]n. 款待;招待;乐事;乐趣vt. 处理;探讨;对待;请(客)vt.& vi. 请客,款待tretreat [ri"tri:t] n. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退 vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾 vt. 退(棋);使后退


evacuate v.疏散, 撤出, 排泄retreat vi.撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却

withdraw 和 retreat 有什么区别?

withdraw:词义比 retreat 要单纯得多,仅表达“收回...”、“退出”等意思;retreat:词义要复杂得多。与 withdraw 表达相近词义时,retreat 专门用来描述面对危险的“退缩”、“躲避”。这一词义使这个词成了将军队撤出战场的“专用”词。在这个词义上,withdraw 和 retreat 可以换用。此外,retreat 还有 withdraw 没有的词义:退回、贬职、贬值等“降低”的含义;放弃...转向...等“改变”的词义。


retreat按照英文习惯,做不及物动词,单独使用,一般不进行固定搭配。We retreated half a mile. 我们后推了半英里。They retreated before the advance of the enemy. 他们在敌人进军的威逼下撤退。

retract 和 retreat 的用法有什么区别呀

retract v. 收回,撤销(已说的话或已答应的事) He retracted his words.使缩回,使缩入 The sea otter can retract the claws on his front feet.retreat v.n 撤退 (军队);后退;离开;范围缩小 例 The flood waters are slowly retreating.撤回计划,多用于书面表达,股价下跌


retreatn. 撤退;休息寓所;撤退vi. 撤退;退避;向后倾vt. 退(棋);使后退短语retreat into oneself退隐;离群索居retreat from退出;放弃in full retreat全线溃退No retreat is allowed, only advance. 只许前进, 不许后退。recedevi. 后退;减弱vt. 撤回短语recede step 后退步recede v 后退recede from 收回 ; 撤回No one policy or program will solve the challenges we face right now, nor will thiscrisis recede in a short period of time. 一个政策和一个计划不会解决我们当前的挑战,这些危机也不会在一段短时间内退去。若满意,请尽快【采纳】谢谢你的合作!( ̄0  ̄)y如果能【增加财富值】就更好了!也可以给一个【赞】哦~另外,如有疑问可追问,我会尽快回复。<( ̄︶ ̄)> ——来自{上贼船莫怕死}


retreat作为名词的意思撤退;退却;后退;退。作为动词的意思撤退;退却;退缩;退避。Instead,he will move out of his luxury Alpine retreat into a small wooden hut in the mountains or a simple bedsit in Innsbruck.相反,他将搬离出豪华别墅,住在山上的小木屋里面或者是因斯布鲁克(奥地利西部城市)的简易居室。Though I had not started with a strong preference,I did not think Nixon could afford to retreat on the issue.虽然我在开始时并没有强烈的倾向性,但是我不认为,尼克松经受得起在这个问题上后退。Along with the 1st Maryland Regiment they were able to repel the British,allowing Washington and his troops to make a safe retreat.此役他们协同马里兰州第一步兵团击退了追击的英军,使得华盛顿所部得以全身而退。Put the word Dead on your forehead before you go out the door.Take it off and say,Im alive again!When you get out of this retreat.所以你们在出发前,先在自己的额头贴上个死字,打完禅再把它拿下来,告诉自己:我又活过来了!








retreat[英][ru026au02c8tri:t][美][ru026au02c8trit]vi.撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等)凹进; [航]向后倾斜; n.撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修; 第三人称单数:retreats过去分词:retreated现在进行时:retreating过去式:retreated例句:1.Tsunami warnings forced workers to retreat to higher ground. 海啸警报迫使工作人员撤离至更高的地方。


  retreat英 [ru026au02c8tri:t] 美 [ru026au02c8trit]  vi.撤退,后退; 撤销,作罢; (眼睛等) 凹进; [航] 向后倾斜;  n.撤回; 静居处; 引退期间; 静思,静修;  [网络]避静; 退出; 撤离;  [例句]The winter retreat of napoleon"s army from moscow.  拿破仑军队于冬季从莫斯科的撤退。  [其他]第三人称单数:retreats 现在分词:retreating 过去式:retreated 过去分词:retreated 形近词: maltreat mistreat pretreat

C++ 函数最后的返回值return后面加两个冒号什么意思


滨崎步 secret 假名歌词



Hodoke kaketa ito ni kizuki Zuuto tsunagi tometereba yokata Afure dashite nagareta mono wa Ano hi no kimi to onaji iro darou Kimi ga suteta kotoba wo hiroi atsumeta Nando mo mimi ni atete wa unazuite miseta Kimi wo sagasenu imi to tomoru pinku no neon ni Sakebi wa yagate kakikesarete kokei na jibun ni waraeta Hodoke kaketa ito ni kizuki Zuuto tsunagi tometereba yokatta Afure dashite nagareta mono wa Ano hi no kimi to onaji ki ga shiteta Kimi ga otoshita namida wo hiroi atsumete Nando mo sugaru youni sekibaku wo kumou to~ Roujyou ni futari no taihai wa Kimi to yoku nita PIERCE no shita Kimi to yoku nita RING wo tsukete Kimi to yoku nita ROUGE no nutta Kimi to onaji iro no kami wo shite Kimi to yoku nita namida ga mieta Kimi to onaji namae wo sakendanda Yubisaki ni tsutawaru yasuragi wa usturo Utsuka ano futari wa te wo tsunaida mama Nureta endorooru no naka Monokuro no FILM wa utawanai Tsurai de ita kono te ni nokoru Utsurou na kanshoku no kimi ga saigo Hodoke kaketa ito ga kirete Hiroi atsumeta kotoba to nemuri Afure dashite nagareta mono wa Kiito kimi to yoku niterunodarou Yume wa towa ni yume no mama de Yasuragi wa tsune ni yume no naka de 幸田来未 / No Regret 中文歌词 只有这份情感 对谁 都不能退让 若是它可以超越命运 独自 在冰冷城市的一隅 连个栖身之所都没有 只能始终徬徨 想让人发现自己 於是不断呐喊 我的声音却消失在黑暗里 在充满了虚伪的 这个世界里 只希望你可以看见真正的我 ◆只有这份情感 对谁 都不能退让 若是它可以超越命运 为了不让 这不会再有的瞬间留下遗憾 不再有所隐瞒 此刻将一切的能力 对你解放! 即使在无止无尽的苦恼下 几乎被击倒 要记得痛苦的时候你不是孤独的 哪怕再难过 令人想要逃避 还是要朝著前方的明天 努力站起来! 请不要忘记 要相信自己 真实 永远只有一个 哪怕这是一个 哀伤无尽的世界 我还是要以最真的我走出去 不去横逆 就这麼把自己交给命运 想必在抵达的目的地 将会遇见真正的自己 我祈祷如此 罗马音和中文. 是这个吧. 楼上真是ORZ..

以下哪一首歌曲不属于kotoko的作品?_last regrets_being_loop-the-

last regrets


you are that cherryontop你就是那个小樱桃

secret oath 歌词

歌曲名:secret oath歌手:The Spill Canvas专辑:one fell swoopI"m rackin my braintrying to comprehendhow, for some unknown reason, our status will remain as friendsI"m destroying my mindtrying to understand how with little to no effortyou"ve got me eating out of the palms of your handsThere was not a single sparkwhen my lips landed on yours in the dark,but regardless of what happens nextyou"re my beloved, you just don"t know it yetTonight I made a secret oathto keep chasing after youand I am not going to stopwhether you like it or notWe"re murdering our livestrying to make it work,but you and I both know that we are a lost causeand nothing more than specks on this EarthThere was not a single sparkwhen my lips landed on yours in the dark,but regardless of what happens nextyou"re my beloved, you just don"t know it yetTonight I made a secret oathto keep chasing after youand I am not going to stopwhether you like it or notTonight I made a secret oathto keep chasing after youand I am not going to stopwhether you like it or notYeah I know you listen to this all alone up in your roomI know you love how all this music"s about you

.在下述字符串中,不属于Java语言关键字的是 ( )A.floatB.newC.javaD.return

记不清了我选:C 我还想对了。

在英语中,regret to do 与regret doing 以及regret havng done 的区别

regret to do sth 是对要做的某些事情遗憾(是指你没有做)regret doing sth 是对做过的事情遗憾和后悔regret having done是对已经发生的事情感到遗憾相信我好了,我的英文没有问题,这个高中的时候已经学过了

theoretic 和 theoretical 的区别是什么?




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这段地址的意思是:莫合塔尔马哈纳 1995 邮政,上拿撒勒,上拿撒勒,以色列,1750000

笔记本电脑里突然出现了PBR image和Winretools两个磁盘,是什么东西?


笔记本电脑里突然出现了PBR image和Winretools两个磁盘,是什么东西?

这是电脑系统备份镜像的磁盘分区,是隐藏分区,系统异常,才会显示。主要出现在Windows 8操作系统中,使用一些老的分区软件。不能识别UEFI引导,导致这两个隐藏分区显示出来。把分区隐藏属性重新设置,重启电脑,可以使它们不再显示。延伸:新的Windows系统使用Image技术备份系统,Winretools就是Windows系统的备份打包工具。扩展资料:电脑PBR image和Winretools误删后处理方法:不小心误删后,需要重新给硬分区,之后重做系统。可以用u盘来做。可以参考下面的做法:1、在别的机器上制作一个U盘PE,可以试试U大师,下载一个系统镜像,例如win764位系统,可以去秋叶系统看看。2、U盘插在这台电脑上,开机进入BIOS,设置为U盘启动,进入第二项PE系统。3、备份硬盘上所需要的数据,之后打开分区软件,重新给硬盘分区,再把系统装在C盘。4、重启电脑,拔掉U盘,等待系统安装完成。安装好系统后,马上安装杀毒软件查杀病毒。



secret fragrance 什么意思



Secretary的读法:英[ˈsekrətri],美[ˈsekrəteri]。一、释义secretary这个词主要用于指职业秘书、政府内阁成员、某些宗教或组织领袖的助手等职位。Secretary可以指秘书,主要指为高级或领导人员提供文秘、协调和组织工作的职业人员。Secretary可以指部长,某些国家或地区中,部长一词也称为secretary,例如“国务卿”可以被译为“Secretary of State”。Secretary可以指内阁成员,在某些国家或地区,内阁成员的职位也被称为secretary。在政治、宗教和组织等方面,书记也常被称为“secretary”。二、组词1、company secretary指公司的秘书,主要负责公司文件和记录的管理,以及公司法律事务的处理。2、 personal secretary指个人秘书,主要为某个人提供文秘和协调工作的服务。3、school secretary指学校的秘书,主要负责学校行政和管理事务的处理。secretary造句:1、As a personal secretary, her job is to manage her boss"s schedule, answer calls, and draft emails.作为个人秘书,她的工作范围非常的广泛,日常就是管理老板的日程安排、接听电话和起草电子邮件。2、The secretary general of the United Nations is responsible for overseeing the work of the UN and promoting global cooperation.联合国秘书长负责监督联合国的工作并促进全球合作。3、The press secretary held a press conference to answer questions from journalists about the company"s new products.新闻秘书举行了一次新闻发布会,回答了记者有关公司新产品的问题。4、The school secretary helped to organize a fundraising event to support the school"s sports teams.学校秘书帮助组织了一次筹款活动,以支持学校的运动队。

i feel pretty unpretty 的歌词

是这个吗??Glee Cast - I Feel Pretty/UnprettyI wish I could tie you up in my shoesMake you feel unpretty tooI was told I was beautifulBut what does that mean to youLook into the mirror who"s inside thereThe one with the long hairSame old me again todayMy outsides are coolMy insides are blueEverytime I think I"m throughIt"s because of youI"ve tried different waysBut it"s all the sameAt the end of the dayI have myself to blameI"m just trippin"You can buy your hair if it won"t growYou can fix your nose if he says soYou can buy all the make-up that mac can makeBut if you can"t look inside youFind out who am I toBe in a position to make me feel so damn unprettyI feel prettyOh so prettyI feel pretty and witty and brightNever insecure until I met youNow I"m being stupidI used to be so cute to meJust a little bit skinnyWhy do I look to all these thingsTo keep you happyMaybe get rid of youAnd then I"ll get back to me (hey)My outsides look coolMy insides are blueEverytime I think I"m throughIt"s because of youI"ve tried different waysBut it"s all the sameAt the end of the dayI have myself to blameKeep on trippin"You can buy your hair if it won"t growYou can fix your nose if he says soYou can buy all the make-up that mac can makeBut if you can"t look inside youFind out who am I toBe in a position to make me feel so damn unprettyI feel prettyOh so prettyI feel pretty and witty and brightAnd I pityAny girl who isn"t me tonightOh oh oh oh oh (Tonight)Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh (Tonight)Oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh (Tonight)Oh oh oh oh ohI feel pretty (You can buy your hair if it won"t grow)Oh so pretty (You can fix your nose if he says so)I feel pretty and witty and bright (You can buy all the make-up that mac can make)But if you can"t look inside youFind out who am I toBe in a position to make me feel so damn unprettyI feel prettyBut unpretty

one day I( )a newspaper article about the retirement of an English progessor a nearby state college


discretionary fiscal policy是什么意思


形容人 可爱的英语单词是什么 lovable; likeable; dear; nice; pretty; sweet; honey; lovely Cute 那个是


Error parsing XML file home/pi/Retropie/roms 什么意思

错误转换xml文件 路径为home/.../roms 检查Xml文件是否有此路径 如有查看该点的实际内容 结合你的代码看是否转换数据类型出错

Pretty Please 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Please歌手:Toni Braxton专辑:SnowflakesJoJo - Pretty PleaseNow, what we"re gonna do right now is,Is show ya, how we like to do itIsn"t that right, brother Chad Hugo? Brother Kenna? Beanz?You ready for this? Check it out.Beautiful, there you goWhisperin" all of those sweet nothin"s, babyNothin"s, babyAnd if you heard em" onceYa heard em" allThere ain"t nothing to itN0, it"s nothin", babyYou must be crazyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Sexual, there you goGet it, noExtra touch, you feel it, babyFeel it, feel it, feel it, feel it, babyKeep your hands and e1, off my merchandiseYou break it, you bought it, babyYou break it, you bought it, babyDo yourself a favorQuick, while you"re aheadMaybe you should work on your game before you sayYou can"t think that I was born just yesterdayI"ll give you a tip...Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"Johnny got "Cash" and I don"t careJimmy cracked corn and I don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careBilly got a whip, but I ain"t ridin"Rock-a-round it, cause with it, that"s time andDon"t care, don"t care, don"t, don"t careI don"t give a, I don"t give a, I don"t give a...Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle. Fudgesicle.Fudgesicle (No!) Sicle.Ya might just get away with itYa might just get away with itYa might just get away with itIf ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"If ya say "Pretty please"

PRETCO 是什么考试?

高等学校英语应用能力考试 (PRETCO)简介 高等学校英语应用能力考试(注册为PRETCO)是由教育部批准成立的高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会设计、供高职高专院校、高专院校和成人高专院校学生参加的标准化考试。本门考试主要考核考生实际应用英语进行日常和涉外交际的能力,旨在促进高职高专英语教学向培养高等应用型人才的方向进行改革;同时为用人单位提供对高职高专毕业生英语水平评价的标准,以提高其进入人才市场的竞争力。 高等学校英语应用能力考试于1998年经高教司批准向部分省、市、自治区推荐试行,2000年正式实施。发展至今,本门考试已为20余省、市自治区采用,起到了推动高职高专英语课程以“实用为主,应用为目的”的教学改革,已为社会和人才市场所认可。 考虑到目前我国高职高专英语入学水平的现状,《基本要求》将教学要求分为A级要求和B级要求。修完《基本要求》规定的全部内容的学生可参加A级考试;修完《基本要求》规定的B级全部内容的学生可参加B级考试.。 本门考试每年举行2次,时间安排在每年的6月和12月也就是在大学四、六级考试的第二天进行。考试形式:笔试和听力测试120分钟;口语考试15分钟。 一般A级在上午考,B级在下午考。本门考试只限在校就读学生参加考试,已经毕业的学生和社会考生只能参加公共英语等级考试。 参加“高等学校英语应用能力考试”取得60分以上(含60分)为考试成绩合格,颁发有“高等学校英语应用能力考试委员会”印章的国家级合格证书。考试参考资料:教育部公布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》;教育部公布的《高等学校英语应用能力考试大纲》;国家考委会公布的《高等学校英语应用能力口语考试大纲》;全国高职高专英语课程教学指导委员会组织编写的《新编实用英语》教材等。

nutruent 和 nutution 有什么不同? theoretic和teoretical有什么不同?deal with和 do with 有什么不同?

1. 是不是nutrient, nutritionnutrient: 可数名词a chemical or food that provides what is needed for plants or animals to live and grow,提供植物或动物生存或生长的化学品或食物形容词:Providing nourishment,提供营养的nutrition: 不可数名词 the process of giving or getting the right type of food for good health and growth,为健康和生长提供或得到正确食物的过程...营养;营养的供给;营养学2. 同意词,完全相同,长得不同而已,不必计较所谓的区别3. deal with ...=handle with with 也可以有处理的意思,但也可以根据上下文表示其它意思比如:根据longman(不好意思太多了,不想翻译)do with something phrasal verb1 could do with something spoken to need or want something:[British English] I could have done with some help this morning.2 have/be to do with somebody/something to be about something, be related to something, or be involved with something:[British English] Their conversation had been largely to do with work.[British English] I"m sorry about the accident, but it"s nothing to do with me (=I am not involved in any way).[British English] This question doesn"t have anything to do with the main topic of the survey.[British English] I"m sure her problems have something to do with what happened when she was a child.3 what to do with yourself how to spend your time:[British English] She didn"t know what to do with herself after she retired.4 what somebody should do with something/what to do with something etc used to ask or talk about how someone should deal with something:[British English] What shall I do with these papers?[British English] I wouldn"t know what to do with a newborn baby.5 what has somebody done with something? spoken used to ask where someone has put something:[American English] What have you done with the remote for the TV?6 what is somebody doing with something? used to ask why someone has something:[British English] What are you doing with my diary?7 I can"t be doing with something British English spoken used to say that you are annoyed by something and do not want to have to think about it:[British English] I can"t be doing with all this right now.

下面的C语言程序一直显示Id return 1 exit status,是什么原因,求大佬帮忙看看?



secret: n.秘密,机密;例如:This was just another way of not keeping a secret.这只不过是另一种不保守秘密的方式。riddle: 谜语; 猜不透的难题,难解之谜; 例如:All she said was a riddle to me.她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。对比一下,就知道了,secret是知道却不能说的秘密;riddle是不知道答案的谜语。

音乐术语Allegretto tranquillo什么意思


There is a widely held suspicion that the politician, though retired,still has great power 翻



American Macmillan English Dictionary的解释如下:1、用于人:“a pretty girl or woman is good-looking in a fairly ordinary way and has a nice face. Beautiful is a stronger word, used to describe someone who is unusually attractive and has perfect good looks”“pretty”指的一个女孩子是平常(不惊艳)的好看,就是看起来很舒服;“beautiful"是一个语义很强的词,一般用于指一个女孩非比寻常的好看,美。2、用于景色:”a pretty place, building, or object is attractive, especially in a delicate way, but not really beautiful or impressive“同样的,”pretty“比”beautiful“语义要弱。

souffle secret 歌词

souffle secret歌手:中川翔子作词:yoffy作曲:yoffyだめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!いま!君のことが好き!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. ほら!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ雨の日も 人ごみもいままで なんだか 苦手だったのに君の差す 伞の中広がる 景色は全てが违うのまつげの触れる距离で君がささやく粉砂糖 ふりかけたないしょの呪文だめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!もぅ!君しか见えない!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. また!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ待ちきれないの?猫舌な君火伤しても 知らない!このきもちいまだけのいっしゅんだけだとわかっているのにいたずらなそんな瞳で抱き寄せられたら全部 忘れちゃう伞のかげにかくれて君にささやく雨の音が奏でるふたりの秘密だめだよ!でも!もっと!世界中の谁よりも!好き!君に梦中なの!とろけるよぅな!キス!何度だって この胸は.. ほら!ふくらむ スフレ スクレ気まぐれな この雨がいつか 止んでも粉砂糖の魔法はさめないよぅに..だめだよ!でも!ちょっと!世界中に叫びたい!いま!君のことが好き!おいてかないで!待って!手をつないだ ポケットで.. ね?ふくらむ スフレ スクレ待ちきれないの!猫舌な君火伤しても 好きなの!

retell the story

11 Sometimes intelligence can be seen through deceitful behaviors. Helen Shewan, the zoo keeper has witnessed such scene. One day when she dropped an orange through a feeling hole for an orangutan named Malati, she merely looked at Shewan as if she cannot access the orange. Shewan thus gave her another one, however, Shewan noticed that Malati has already picked up that one and hidden it in her other hand.Another male orangutan Towan and has played the same trick the next day. He pretended that he has never gotten an orange and Shewan eventually gave in and handed him another one. She then saw he has that orange underneath his foot.Intelligence exists for a purpose- that is to give a certain species a tool for survival. It is comforting to know that there are other species that are capable of accessing the world, even though they might not be as prior as human being.


SELECT * FROM departments




petty 形容词:琐碎的,不重要的netty 形容词:网状的patty 名词:肉馅饼
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