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return用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。 return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词。 return:v. 回来,退还,重现,回报; n. 回来,归还,恢复,利润。 扩展资料   I"m afraid I have to insist on the return of my books at once.   对不起,我要求你立即归还我的书。   We must return to Dalian within three days.   我们必须在3日内回到大连。   What time does your husband return from work?   你丈夫什么时候下班回家?

摄影?Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected



return的用法:1. 用作动词,表示“回来”“返回”的意思;2. 用作名词,表示“归来”“归还”“回报”等意思;3. 英语中说return ticket,其意为“来回票”“往返票”。用作动词,表示“回来”“返回”,其义相当于 go (come) back, 所以一般不再与副词 back 连用,以免构成用词重复。表示“归还”,可接双宾语;若双宾语易位,用介词 to。如:He didn"t return me the book.=He didn"t return the book to me. 他没有还书给我。以下两句所用介词不同,所表示的方向相反:He has just returned to Japan. 他刚回到日本。He has just returned from Japan. 他刚从日本回来。有时可用过去分词作定语,此时表完成而不表被动。如:a returned student 一名归国留学生2. 用作名词,表示“归来”“归还”“回报”等,通常用作不可数名词,但有时可与不定冠词连用。如:We look forward to your return from Japan. 我们盼望你从日本回来。On his return he found her asleep. 他回家时发现她睡着了。He didn"t expect any return from what he had done. 他对他所做的一切,一点不图回报。These flowers are a small return for your kindness. 向你献花聊表谢忱。比较 in return (for) 与 on [upon] one"s return:前者意为“作为……的报答(交换)”;后者意为“回来的时候”。如:


return语句有两种形式:return;return expression;不带返回值的return语句只能用于返回类型为void的函数。在返回类型为void的函数中,return返回语句不是必需的,隐式的return发生在函数的最后一个语句完成时。一般情况下,返回类型是void的函数使用return语句是为了引起函数的强制结束,这种return的用法类似于循环结构中的break语句。



return的用法和搭配 return短语搭配及用法

1、eturn可以用作动词:return的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。 2、return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。 3、return用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。 4、return用作动词的用法例句: We must return to Dalian within three days.我们必须在3日内回到大连。 What time does your husband return from work?你丈夫什么时候下班回家? Don"t forget to return my keys.别忘了还我钥匙。 5、return可以用作名词:return用作名词的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名数。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词。 6、return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词。 7、return用作名词的用法例句: I"m afraid I have to insist on the return of my books at once.对不起,我要求你立即归还我的书。 The hope of his safe return diminished as time passed by.随着时间的推移,他平安返回的希望越来越渺茫。 I gave him some books in return for his assistance.我给了他一些书,作为对他所提供的帮助的回报。


return的用法如下:return,英文单词,动词、名词、形容词。作动词(v.)时,意为“返回;(尤指感觉)恢复;把……退回;以……相报;(网球等)回击(球)”。作名词(n.)时,意为“返回;恢复;归还;(网球等)回击球;被退回的东西;回路导线”。作形容词(adj.)时,意为“来回的;巡回的;报答的;回程的;返回的”。单词发音(英)/ru026au02c8tu025cu02d0n/,(美)/ru026au02c8tu025cu02d0rn/ 。单词变形名词复数 returns动词过去式 returned过去分词 returned现在分词 returning第三人称单数 returns基本用法1. return用作动词(v.)的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。2. return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。3. return可用作不及物动词(vi.),也可用作及物动词(vt.)。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。4. return还可用作系动词(link v.),意思是“恢复”“回来”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。5. return是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。6. return用作名词(n.)的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态。既可用作可数名词(n.[C]),也可用作不可数名词(n.[U])。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词(n.[U])。7. return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词(n.[C])。


返回函数运行结果,其类型为函数类型。百度百科的解释为:return 表示从被调函数返回到主调函数继续执行,返回时可附带一个返回值,由return后面的参数指定。 return通常是必要的,因为函数调用的时候计算结果通常是通过返回值带出的。 如果函数执行不需要返回计算结果,也经常需要返回一个状态码来表示函数执行的顺利与否(-1和0就是最常用的状态码),主调函数可以通过返回值判断被调函数的执行情况。如果实在不需要函数返回什么值,就需要用void声明其类型。   补充:如果你函数名前有返回类型定义,如int,double等就必须有返回值,而如果是void型,则可以不写return,但这时即使写了也无法返回数值的;有时即使被调用函数是void类型 被调函数中的return也不是毫无意义的 。


return v. 归还,返回 n. 往返 return sb. sth. = return sth. to sb. = give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人 扩展资料   例:Please return me my money by Friday.   = Please return my money to me by Friday.   = Please give my money back to me by Friday.   请在周五前把我的钱还给我。   return to some place   = go back to some place 返回到某地   例: I will return to Beijing tomorrow   = I will go back to Beijing tomorrow.   明天我将返回北京。


最本质的区别:break是用来跳出循环的,例如for,while,do-while都可以跳出,但不跳出函数return是使整个函数返回的,后面的不管是循环里面还是循环外面的都不执行再说一下,break语句通常用在循环语句和开关语句中,当break语句用于do-while、for、while循环语句中时,可使程序终止循环而执行循环后面的语句, 通常break语句总是与if语句联在一起,即满足条件时便跳出循环return语句是将函数的值返回主调函数。还有一个continue语句的作用是跳过循环本中剩余的语句而强行执行下一次循环。continue语句只用在for、while、do-while等循环体中,常与if条件语句一起使用,用来加速循环

break和continue, return有什么区别



return可以用作动词 return的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。 扩展资料   return的"现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。   return用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。   例句:   We must return to Dalian within three days.   我们必须在3日内回到大连。   What time does your husband return from work?   你丈夫什么时候下班回家?   Don"t forget to return my keys.   别忘了还我钥匙。


一、不及物动词 vi.1、回,返回,归[(+to/from)]She did not return home till eleven o"clock. 她十一点钟才回家。2、重新发生;回复,恢复[(+to)]The situation has returned to normal in the capital. 首都的局势已恢复正常。3、归还,退回[(+to)]4、回答;反驳二、及物动词 vt.1、还,归还;送回[(+to)][O1]Have you returned the novel to the library?那本小说你还给图书馆了吗?2、回答,回报;报答We decided to return blow for blow.我们决定以牙还牙。3、选举,选出[(+to)]4、【律】(陪审团)正式宣布(裁决)5、获得,产生(利润等)The performance returned $2,000 over expenses.这场演出除去开支赢余2000元。6、报告;申报7、反射(光、声等)8、回答说;反驳道三、名词 n.1、回,归,返回[C][U][(+from/to)On his return he reported his findings to the committee.他一回来就向委员会报告调查结果。2、还,归还[U]3、回答;报答[U][C]He expected no return when he decided to give us full support.他决定全力支持我们时并无图报之意。4、回复;复发;恢复;再现[U][C]She had a return of the heart attacks.她心脏病又发作了。5、收益,利润;利息[P1]6、报告书;申报;报表[C]7、【英】来回票[C]8、退货[P]四、形容词 adj1、返回的,回程的;来回的2、报答的;回报的The professor paid a return visit to his American colleague.教授回访了美国同事。3、返回的,折回的参考资料来源:百度百科-return


return英 [ru026au02c8tu025c:n] 美 [ru026au02c8tu025c:rn] v. 回转,返回;复发,又来;送还;言归正传n. 归来,返乡;来回,汇成;赢利;统计表




return的读音是:(英)/ru026au02c8tu025cu02d0n/,(美)/ru026au02c8tu025cu02d0rn/1. return用作动词(v.)的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。2. return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。3. return可用作不及物动词(vi.),也可用作及物动词(vt.)。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。4. return还可用作系动词(link v.),意思是“恢复”“回来”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。5. return是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。6. return用作名词(n.)的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态。既可用作可数名词(n.[C]),也可用作不可数名词(n.[U])。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词(n.[U])。7. return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词(n.[C])。


return的用法如下:return的用法1:return的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。return的用法2:return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。return的用法3:return用作及物动词时。可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。return的用法4:return还可用作系动词,意思是“恢复”“回来”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。return的用法5:return是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。return的用法6:return用作名词的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名数。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词。return的用法7:return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词。相关例句:1、I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。2、Ellery"s return will help to chase away some of the gloom.埃勒里的归来可以驱散一些抑郁的情绪。3、Return the enclosed Donation Form today in the prepaid envelope provided.请于今日将随函附上的捐款表格用所提供的邮资预付的信封寄回。4、Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.福特从未停止过劝说他返回美国。5、He was still twitchy and we awaited Ann"s return anxiously.他仍然焦虑不安,我们担心地等着安回来。




return 表示把程序流程从被调函数转向主调函数并把表达式的值带回主调函数,实现函数值的返回,返回时可附带一个返回值,由return后面的参数指定。return通常是必要的,因为函数调用的时候计算结果通常是通过返回值带出的。 如果函数执行不需要返回计算结果,也需要返回一个状态码来表示函数执行的顺利与否(-1和0就是最常用的状态码),主调函数可以通过返回值判断被调函数的执行情况。扩展资料:C语言return返回值的说明:1、没有返回值的函数为空类型,用void表示。2、return 语句可以有多个,可以出现在函数体的任意位置,但是每次调用函数只能有一个 return 语句被执行,所以只有一个返回值。3、函数一旦遇到 return 语句就立即返回,后面的所有语句都不会被执行到了。从这个角度看,return 语句还有强制结束函数执行的作用。4、return语句是提前结束函数的唯一办法。参考资料来源:百度百科-return(C语言语句)


return用法如下:1. return用作动词(v.)的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。2. return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。3. return可用作不及物动词(vi.),也可用作及物动词(vt.)。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。4. return还可用作系动词(link v.),意思是“恢复”“回来”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。5. return是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。6. return用作名词(n.)的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态。既可用作可数名词(n.[C]),也可用作不可数名词(n.[U])。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词(n.[U])。7. return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词(n.[C])。短语搭配return commission [贸易]回佣;回拥;[贸易]回扣;佣金回馈in return 作为回报,作为报答,交换,回报eternal return 永恒轮回;永劫回归;永恒回归;永恒的回归sales return 销货退回;销售退回;退货;销售退货单good return 有效回击;合法还击;成功回击diminishing return 收益递减;报酬递减;递减报酬递减报酬;报酬渐减Return visit 回访;故地重游Return load 回程装载;回载;回程货物;回运货物blocked return 堵截回击球;切断回手球




  return 表示从被调函数返回到主调函数继续执行,返回时可附带一个返回值,由return后面的参数指定。  return通常是必要的,因为函数调用的时候计算结果通常是通过返回值带出的。  如果函数执行不需要返回计算结果,也经常需要返回一个状态码来表示函数执行的顺利与否(-1和0就是最常用的状态码),主调函数可以通过返回值判断被调函数的执行情况。  如果实在不需要函数返回什么值,就需要用void声明其类型。  补充:如果你函数名前有返回类型定义,如int,double等就必须有返回值,而如果是void型,则可以不写return,但这时即使写了也无法返回数值的  例如:  1.非void型  int f1()  {  int i=1;  return 1;  //return(i); //这样也可以  }  2.void型  void f2()  {  int i=1;  //return;//这样也可以,不要这一句也可以  }  有时即使被调用函数是void类型 被调函数中的return也不是毫无意义的  举例:  #include "stdio.h"  void function()  {printf("111111");  return;  printf("222222");  }  main()  {function();  }  运行结果为:屏幕上只输出一串数字1 而没有2。 但是如果去掉function函数中的return语句 就可以同时输出一串数字2这里的return其实还有个退出该程序的作用!也就是说在printf("111111");后面加了个return,就表示结束该函数,返回主函数中去了!


return 读作英[ru026au02c8tu025cu02d0n] 。return,英文单词,动词、名词、形容词。作动词(v.)时,意为“返回;(尤指感觉)恢复;把……退回;以……相报;(网球等)回击(球)”。作名词(n.)时,意为“返回;恢复;归还;(网球等)回击球;被退回的东西;回路导线”。作形容词(adj.)时,意为“来回的;巡回的;报答的;回程的;返回的”。基本用法return用作动词(v.)的基本意思是“回到原来的位置或状态”,可指人、物回到某处,也可指某人把某物送还,归还给某人,还可指病痛、情绪等的复发、状态的恢复、季节的再次来临等。return的现在进行时可表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作,此时须有表示将来的时间状语或特定的上下文。return可用作不及物动词(vi.),也可用作及物动词(vt.)。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。return还可用作系动词(link v.),意思是“恢复”“回来”,后可接名词或形容词作表语。 return是瞬间动词,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。return用作名词(n.)的基本意思是“返回,回来,恢复”,指重新回到或返回原来的位置或状态。既可用作可数名词(n.[C]),也可用作不可数名词(n.[U])。引申还可作“归还”“回报”解,是不可数名词(n.[U])。return还可作“利润”“收益”解,是可数名词(n.[C])。


作为不及物动词的时候常跟to搭配,回到。。。作为还某物到哪里也是用to。例如: return the book to mereturn to China作为回报 in return


第一:break语句通常用在循环语句和开关语句中,当break语句用于do-while、for、while循环语句中时,可使程序终止循环而执行循环后面的语句, 通常break语句总是与if语句联在一起,即满足条件时便跳出循环。例如:main(){int i=0;char c;while(1) /*设置循环*/{c=""; /*变量赋初值*/while(c!=13&&c!=27) /*键盘接收字符直到按回车或Esc键*/{c=getch();printf("%c ", c);}if(c==27)break; /*判断若按Esc键则退出循环*/i++;printf("The No. is %d ", i);}printf("The end");}注意:1) break语句对if-else的条件语句不起作用。2) 在多层循环中, 一个break语句只向外跳一层。 第二:continue语句的作用是跳过循环本中剩余的语句而强行执行下一次循环。continue语句只用在for、while、do-while等循环体中,常与if条件语句一起使用,用来加速循环。例如:main(){char c;while(c!=13) /*不是回车符则循环*/{c=getch();if(c==0X1B)continue; /*若按Esc键不输出便进行下次循环*/printf("%c ", c);}}其实就是continue跳过一次循环以及后面的语句,进行下次循环。第三: return语句是将函数的值返回主调函数。例如:int max(int a,int b){if(a>b)return a;else return b;}这个函数是返回a和b中的最大值;return 语句的一般形式为:return 表达式 或者为:return (表达式)^_^







C语言中return 0;和return(0); 有什么区别?


break, continue, return的区别是什么?



返回一个东西,或者退出(无值返回),比如 return (int)1是返回一个int型的值1如果说从底层讲其值保存在CPU的eax寄存器里,等着其他变量接受接受,如果函数返回值有变量接受,变量值就是返回值,没有变量接受,在随后的运算中被覆盖


return vi. 1.回, 返回 return home回家(乡); 回国 2.送还 The property returned to the original owner. 财产已还原主。 return vt. 1.寄回、放回或带回: We return bottles to the store. 我们将瓶子送还商店 2. 回报给予或赠送以作为回报: She returned his praise. 她回报了他的夸奖 3.归还还给主人: He returned her book. 他归还了她的书 4.反射或送回: The echo was returned by the canyon wall. 回声是峡谷壁传回来的 做及物动词的时候,后面直接跟宾语; 做不及物动词的时候,后面不跟宾语,就是单独用。 或者要跟宾语的话,后面加介词to再跟宾语。 具体的用法,你可以自己查字典了解一下。 return用法:1“返回”,相当于“go back / get back / come back.. 如:Ann will visit you when he returns to London. (当“返回”时是不及物动词,先加to才可再加地点。另外,return已含有back的意思,后不可再跟back.) 2“归还”,相当于“give back”如:I have returned the dictionary.(当“归还”时是及物动词,后直接加物,若再接人时方可加to. 同样不可再跟back. 如:You should return the piano to Dick on time.)






同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Return回报率一种证券在特定期间的收入或损失,包括收入加资本收益。一般以百分比表达。  对于各个投资领域内的专业人员,包括基金经理、证券分析师、财务总监、投资顾问、投资银行家、交易员等等,CFA非常重要;它直接证明了你的职业素养和能力,被投资业看成一个“黄金标准”,这一资格被认为是投资业界中具有专业技能和职业操守的承诺。考生考过CFA对自己将会有很大帮助。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!


有的时候你定义了一个函数,如求2数中较大的数int max(int a,int b){int c;c=a>b?a:b;return c;}return c;就返回了a和b中较大的数在主函数中 定义了一个变量m m=max(3,4);m就可以接收max返回的值



return的意思是返回。return,英文单词,动词、名词、形容词。作动词(v.)时,意为“返回;(尤指感觉)恢复;把……退回;以……相报;(网球等)回击(球)”。作名词(n.)时,意为“返回;恢复;归还;(网球等)回击球;被退回的东西;回路导线”。作形容词(adj.)时,意为“来回的;巡回的;报答的;回程的;返回的”。return的双语例句:1、If we do not return to our planet.如果我们不返回到我们的星球。2、Return to Me, for I have redeemed.返回到我,因为我救赎了你。3、Until you return.直到你回来。


return[英][ru026au02c8tu025c:n][美][ru026au02c8tu025c:rn]v.回转,返回; 复发,又来; 送还; 言归正传; n.归来,返乡; 来回,汇成; 赢利; 统计表; 第三人称单数:returns过去分词:returned复数:returns现在进行时:returning过去式:returned例句:1.Apple didn"t return phone calls seeking comment. 苹果没有回复记者要求置评的电话。

return是什么意思 return的汉语释义

1、return释义: 动词v.回来;回去;返回;带回;送回;放回;退还;恢复;重现。 名词n.回来;归来;返回;归还;放回;退回;重现;恢复。 2、相关短语:return a book:归还书;return a compliment:回礼,还礼,报复;return a kindness:回报,报答;return a profit:产生效益〔利润〕;return a visit:回访。



revenue return区别

return(销售退回),revenue泛指收入,income(主营业务收入) earing(赚钱,毛收入)profit(利益)gain(获得的收入,利益,侧重指通过劳动努力去获得收入.)

income, revenue, retained earning的关系是什么?

三者关系是:revenue>income>retained earning。原因解析:income= 净收入;revenue=总收入;retained earning=未分配利润(留存收益);revenue-cost-expense-tax=income;income-profit allocation=retained earning。拓展:留存收益亦作:留存盈利。英语为:retained earnings;earned surplus;retained profit;undistributed profits;undistricted earning。名。用复数。公司历年来完成分配后积累下来的收益。这部分收益主要用于再投资,扩大再生产。为构成公司股东权益的两个组成部分之一;reserve一般指的是盈余公积。因此从简单的来说,retained earnings 包括 reserve和未分配利润。

reviews returned是什么意思


History is a record of mankind; different historians, _ , interpret it differently.

c 历史是人类的记录,不同的历史学家却有着不同的解释。

亚马逊购物 amazon frustration-free和retail的区别

amazon frustration-free和retail的区别在于: Retail有底座 塑料外包装。 fustrations-free有纸盒简包,相当于工包,就没有零售版包装那么好看了

丨 i think i regret to have this love。。。中文意思


:pretty boy ,moonlight shadow .show me love (艾薇儿)的歌词谢谢

望楼主采纳:) Pretty Boy I lie awake at night See things in black and white I"ve only got you inside my mind You know you have made me blind I lie awake and pray That you will look my way I have all my longing in my heart I know it right from the star Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you I used to write your name And put it in a frame And sometime that I think I hear you call Right from my bedroom wall You stay a little while And touch me with your smile And what can I say to make you mine To reach out for you in time Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Oh pretty pretty boy Say you love me too Oh my pretty boy I love you Like I never ever loved no one before you Pretty Pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me too Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you Oh my pretty pretty boy I do Let me inside Make me stay right beside you Moonlight Shadow The last that ever she saw himCarried away by a moonlight shadowHe passed on worried and warningCarried away by a moonlight shadow.Lost in a river last saturday nightFar away on the other side.He was caught in the middle of a desperate fightAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughThe trees that whisper in the eveningCarried away by a moonlight shadowSing a song of sorrow and grievingCarried away by a moonlight shadowAll she saw was a silhouette of a gunFar away on the other side.He was shot six times by a man on the runAnd she couldn"t find how to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heaven one dayFour am in the morningCarried away by a moonlight shadowI watched your vision formingCarried away by a moonlight shadowStar was light in a silvery nightFar away on the other sideWill you come to talk to me this nightBut she couldn"t find how to push throughI stayI prayI see you in heaven far awayI stayI prayI see you in heaven one dayFar away on the other side.Caught in the middle of a hundred and fiveThe night was heavy but the air was aliveBut she couldn"t find how to push throughCarried away by a moonlight shadowCarried away by a moonlight shadowFar away on the other side. show me love This was an accident 这完全不在意料之中 Not the kind were sirens sound 也并非像船只被女妖歌声所诱 Never even noticed 甚至连个征兆都没有 We"re suddenly crumbling 我们瞬间就触礁粉碎 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Staring at your photograph 双眼凝视着你的照片 Everything now in the past 一切都已是过往云烟 Never felt so lonely 从未感到如此寂寞想念 I wish that you could show me love 祈求的只是你能给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Random acts of mindlessness 没有目标的行为漫游 Commonplaces occurrences 这状态平凡到不用理由 Chances and surprises 机会和惊喜在生活游走 Another state of consciousness 只是意识下的另一种展露 Tell me nothing ever counts 告诉我一切都别放在心上 Lashing out or breaking down 即使备受打击甚至遭受折磨 Still somebody loses "cause 也绝对不会轻易低头 There"s no way to turn around 只因我们早已无退路可走 Tell me how you"ve never felt 告诉我你为何不曾感觉到 Delicate or innocent 心意动摇或被人误解 Do you still have doubts that 你的心里是否依旧会存疑 Us having makes any sense 存疑我们坚持信念的意义 You play games, I play tricks 你游戏人间,我耍弄心机 Girls and girls but you"re the one 女生爱女生,但你才是唯一 Like the game of pick-up-sticks 像是置身在难解的游戏里 Played by fucking lunatics 我们在被无聊的疯子耍戏 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til You open the door 直到你把心门敞开 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m up off the floor 直到你的心房有我存在 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til its Inside my pores 直到身体发肤全感受到爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 Show Me Love 给我爱 "Til I"m Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 Give me all that i want 给我一切想要的爱 Show me love, Show me love 给我爱 , 给我爱 "Til Im Screaming for More 直到我大声要求你更多的爱 (Train Sound)



Pretty 3 Chords 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty 3 Chords歌手:Joyside专辑:Drunk Is BeautifulPretty 3 chordsjoysidenow open your eyes see this modern world what can you doi"m awake with my anger with my hungerthis cold city with cold hearts driving me madsomething"s always ugly and i will always sicki can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!i could smile but never be as happy as i used towhen you still stand there i will turn around i want morei can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!you are the only one and my last joy i"ve promisedi could never dream again just sing aloud that"s all i can doi can"t wait if i"m gonna losehow can i run there"s no place to gonow stop your crying it"s time to shoutpretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!pretty 3 chords screaming out!with hatred in my heart i will be born again

求Secret Fear歌词?

i have a secret fear-That I will love you still.Maybe all my life.There are no secrets here-Maybe I love you still.Maybe all my life.I fear that when I lie Beside the woman I will call my wife-Then I will hear your voice,Your heart will call to me-Maybe all my life.All my life-All my life.Dark flame of mine-Light of the morning.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I know?Dark flame of mine-No destination.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I get over you?A splinter in the mind-Imagination or a lonely heart.Am I the victim of manipulation or-The woman part?And when my dying day reaches my open arms-I know I"ll find-It will contain my fear-It will assuage the torture of my mind-Of my mind-In my mind.Dark flame of mine-Light of the morning.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I know?Dark flame of mine-No destination.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I get over you?I can"t eat without you, baby.I can"t dream without your love.I can"t eat without you, baby.I can"t swim without your love.I can"t see without you, baby.I can"t live without your love.I can"t sleep without you, baby.I can"t breathe without your love.I can"t be without you, baby.I can"t swim without your love.I can"t eat without you, baby.Dark flame of mine-Light of the morning.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I know?Dark flame of mine-No destination.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I know?Dark flame of mine-Light of the morning.Dark flame of mine-How do I, how do I,How do I get over you?

my secret的手机铃声


我想要会长是女仆主题曲my secret的钢琴谱




谁有(会长是女仆大人)的开头曲MY secret的钢琴谱,不要键盘要五线谱

= =已发~以上~

安室奈美惠的《Top Secret》 歌词

歌曲名:Top Secret歌手:安室奈美惠专辑:PlayTop SecretI wanna taste you tonightHit me!Tonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste you欲しいなら黙って 态度示してこっそり狙って バレバレ他の男 とは 违うって言うならもうちょっと上手に Approach me手に取るように I can read your mindSo, ちゃちな强がりは兴味ないどんな味かって 365 の秘密一つずつ Bring it to light(Trap1 , Trap2 )後ろに隠した企 み(Trap3 , Trap4 )一滴も残さず I wanna feelTop secret, Top secret that you want知りたいなら Say the password you gotTop secret, Top secret, No one knows満たされない 危ない夜はTop secret, Top secret that you wantここで Show me how you make it real hotTop secret, Top secret(That"s my secret, my secret)Top secret, Top secret that you want踏み込んだら Never can turn backTop secret, Top secret, No one knows见え透いたその罠を暴くTop secret, Top secretTop secret, Top secretTop secret that you wantI"mma teach it to your bodyBoy, Tonight I taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youニセモノ见抜けない そんな女 じゃない甘く见たら You lose yourself必要なものなんて 自分で何だってこの手の中 Top of the world手に取るように I can read your mindSo, ちゃちな强がりは兴味ないどんな味かって 365 の秘密一つずつ Bring it to light(Trap1 , Trap2 )後ろに隠した企 み(Trap3 , Trap4 )一滴も残さず I wanna feelTop secret, Top secret that you want知りたいなら Say the password you gotTop secret, Top secret, No one knows満たされない 危ない夜はTop secret, Top secret that you wantここで Show me how you make it real hotTop secret, Top secret(That"s my secret, my secret)Top secret, Top secret that you want踏み込んだら Never can turn backTop secret, Top secret, No one knows见え透いたその罠を暴くTop secret, Top secretTop secret, Top secretTop secret that you wantI"mma teach it to your bodyBoy, Tonight I taste youYeah Come onMy love is top secret(my secret, my secret)My love is top secret(my secret, my secret)My love is top secret(my secret, my secret)My love is top secretWatch my waistlinefrom left to rightGet so excitedBaby Get more excitedMy love is top secretI won"t bite, So close your eyesCome and sit by my sideIf you really know about my secret, my secretMy love is top secretTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTonight I taste youI wanna taste youTop secret, Top secret that you want知りたいなら Say the password you gotTop secret, Top secret, No one knows満たされない 危ない夜はTop secret, Top secret that you wantここで Show me how you make it real hotTop secret, Top secret(That"s my secret, my secret)Top secret, Top secret that you want踏み込んだら Never can turn backTop secret, Top secret, No one knows见え透いたその罠を暴くTop secret, Top secretTop secret, Top secretTop secret that you wantI"mma teach it to your bodyBoy, Tonight I taste you

当一个外国人对异性说:you are my secret 时有什么隐含意义吗?

会不会是您工作能力特别好,老板把你当秘密武器(secret weapon)

my secret pets是18x吗

my secret pets是18x吗?不是。my secret pets是我的秘密宠物。

my secret日语歌词片甲要完整版


劲歌王什么时候有邓紫棋的my secret


求my secret people lyc歌词

It"s hard to remember "cause i was unconcious i"m leaving this city i"m so bored don"t need to see you say goodbay later i"m leaving the city i"m so bored i"m so bored i"m so bored turn off the t.v. it"s making me crazy why don"t you leave me if you"re so bored it"s five in the morning you gotta be kidding why don"t you leave me if you"re so bored i"m so bored i"m so bored i have a bunch of secrets you will never know will never know! Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops It"s hard to remember "cause i was unconcious i"m leaving this city i"m so bored don"t need to see you say goodbay later i"m leaving the city i"m so bored i"m so bored i"m so bored i have a bunch of secrets you will never know will never know! Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops i washed the floor i"ll destroy you all i know no one believes me i don"t wanna play there anymore i have a bunch of secrets you will never know will never know! Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops Why did you have to say so many weird and stupid things now i know that you were wrong you should have never called the cops

My Secret Lover (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Lover (Spencer & Hill Radio Edit)歌手:Private专辑:My Secret LoverPrivate - My Secret LoverYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunI met you at the club no further commentI said baby let"s go back to your apartmentAnd girl take off your dress let"s make this place a messIt feels so good, so tell me why should i confess?You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeI can"t wait for you to turn the lights offThis is something that i don"t want to get out ofAnd i keep thinking of the love that we could shareSo what"s a boy like me supposed to do without youYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunhello? are you gonna be a man? because you better act like it(but you"re so fresh) fresh? I wanna be the manI don"t have time for this shit(I"m comming after you)You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no time

求moumoon 的新歌my Secret Santa 歌词 日文和翻译都要

Ooooh シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタクリスマスu30fbソングが街に流れますお母さんと二人だけのX"masずっとずっとそうでしたでも、私秘密があるんですシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)差し出し不明のプレゼントなんです毎年このころ とどきます中はいつもぬいぐるみ私、今でも子どものままねシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)うらまなかったと言ったらウソですねともだちよべないX"masでしたグレてやろ、いじけよかとでも、私あなたがいてくれたシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)お母さん一度だけ泣きましたよね仕事が遅くなりはじめてケーキがなかったときに强く生きよと泣いたあの夜シークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)ありがとうお母さんありがとうサンタさん私、今幸せですシークレットu30fbサンタ シークレットu30fbサンタOoooh マイu30fbシークレットu30fbサンタ(シークレットu30fbサンタ)Ooooh Secret SantaOoooh my Secret SantaChristmas songs playing in the streets,bright lights shining up in the skyX"mas with just me and my motherAlways, always that wayBut I, I have a secret of my own, yes just for meSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)A present from an unknown sender.wrapped with a ribbon just for meIt always comes at this time every yearAnd there"s always a soft toy insideAnd I"m still like a little child, oh even nowSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)I would be lying if I said, that I did not resent itI couldn"t even invite my friends for X"masMaybe I"ll turn bad and shy awayBut you, you were always there for me.right there for meSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)You cried just once Mother,tears were falling from your eyesWhen your work started getting late at nightAnd we couldn"t have, have a cake to eatThat night, when you cried and looked right at meand said"be strong"Secret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)Thank you, Oh MotherThank you, Oh SantaYes I can tell you, I"m so happy nowSecret Santa, Secret SantaOoooh my Secret Santa(Secret Santa)Ooooh神秘的圣诞老人Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人圣诞歌曲在城市流动只有我和母亲的圣诞总是,总是如此但我有我的秘密神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)我收到了神秘的礼物总是在每年的这个时候里面是一个毛绒的玩具我现在仍然像一个小孩子神秘的圣诞老人,圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)我说不反感,是在撒谎我不能邀请我的朋友过圣诞也许我会变坏,逃避但是你总是在我身旁神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)泪水从你的眼睛落下,母亲当你的工作到深夜我们没有有蛋糕吃但你教会我要坚强神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)谢谢妈妈谢谢圣诞老人现在我很高兴神秘的圣诞老人圣诞老人的秘密Ooooh我的秘密圣诞老人(神秘的圣诞老人)

my secret日语歌词片甲要完整版


My Secret Lover (Spencer & Hill Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Lover (Spencer & Hill Remix)歌手:Private专辑:My Secret LoverPrivate - My Secret LoverYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunI met you at the club no further commentI said baby let"s go back to your apartmentAnd girl take off your dress let"s make this place a messIt feels so good, so tell me why should i confess?You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeI can"t wait for you to turn the lights offThis is something that i don"t want to get out ofAnd i keep thinking of the love that we could shareSo what"s a boy like me supposed to do without youYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunhello? are you gonna be a man? because you better act like it(but you"re so fresh) fresh? I wanna be the manI don"t have time for this shit(I"m comming after you)You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no time

My Secret Lover (New Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Lover (New Radio Edit)歌手:Private专辑:My Secret LoverPrivate - My Secret LoverYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunI met you at the club no further commentI said baby let"s go back to your apartmentAnd girl take off your dress let"s make this place a messIt feels so good, so tell me why should i confess?You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeI can"t wait for you to turn the lights offThis is something that i don"t want to get out ofAnd i keep thinking of the love that we could shareSo what"s a boy like me supposed to do without youYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunhello? are you gonna be a man? because you better act like it(but you"re so fresh) fresh? I wanna be the manI don"t have time for this shit(I"m comming after you)You"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunYou"re undercoverMy secret loverYou"re what I needMy bullet"s in the gunMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no timeMan, i"m a man machineCheck out my style cause i"m going real wildI"m plugging in keyboards one at the timeAnd then i gotta song, gotta a song in no time

My Secret Santa 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Santa歌手:Moumoon专辑:My Secret Santa (Single)Ooooh シークレット サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタクリスマス·ソングが街に流れますお母さんと二人だけのX"masずっとずっとそうでしたでも、私秘密があるんですシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ差し出し不明のプレゼントなんです毎年このころ とどきます中はいつもぬいぐるみ私、今でも子どものままねシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ「my Secret Santa」作词∶としおちゃん作曲∶moumoon歌∶moumoonうらまなかったと言ったらウソですねともだちよべないX"masでしたグレてやろ、いじけよかとでも、私あなたがいてくれたシークレット?サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタお母さん一度だけ泣きましたよね仕事が遅くなりはじめてケーキがなかったときに强く生きよと泣いたあの夜シークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ シークレット·サンタありがとうお母さんありがとうサンタさん私、今幸せですシークレット·サンタ シークレット·サンタOoooh マイ·シークレット·サンタ【 おわり 】


you are my secret你是我的秘密

My Secret Heart 歌词

歌曲名:My Secret Heart歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:Enjoy YourselfWritten: stock aitken waterman1:I look at your pictureAnd stare into spaceI think i must knowEvery line on your faceAnd you"ll never knowThe feelings i keepLike the man in the moonYou"re way out of reachSo dreams are all i haveBecause we"re worlds apartAll alone with my secret heart2:I write you these lettersThat i"ll never sendIt"s crazy i knowBut still i pretendThough we"ve never metDon"t think i"m naiveI know you so wellThough it"s all make believeAnd dreams are all i haveBecause you"re far awayAll alone with my secret heartAll alone with my secret heart3:I must have held your handA thousand timesAnd felt your heart was beatingNext to mineEven though it"s just a lieThere are no tears in my eyesIf your picture could speak to meWhat would you sayMaybe you"d just have toLaugh in my faceAnd dreams would be much betterThan realityEnd:All alone with my secret heartEnd:(repeat & fade)

My secret love fou long ting…是什么意思

My secret 是“我的秘密”LOVE 是“爱” 你也知道……long 是“长的 长远的” …………天 才疏学浅 翻译不出来

歌词有my secret的韩文歌

uc624ub298 ubb50...播放歌手:4minute语言:韩语所属专辑:4Minute World

会长是女仆主题曲my secret完整版罗马音

学生会长是女仆OP MY SECRET罗马音:KIRAKIRA to kagayaku MIRAAwatashi wa donna fuu ni utsutte iru noHORAHORA to te maneku miraikore kara donna KOTO ga okoru nome ni miete iru MONO ga SUBETE de wa nai karamuga muchuu na THAT"S ALL RIGHTmayowanai de I WANNA TRYjibun no KIMOCHI ni massugu de itaidakedo hitotsu ya futatsu kuraidare ni mo BAREtakunai NAISHO tte aru mono dakaramune ga chotto itamu MY SECRETAREKORE to fukuramu negaiwatashi wa donna michi o aruite iku noIROIRO to kikasete nee GUYSanata wa donna asu o egaku note no todokanai yume wa nani HITOTSU nai karaanchuu mosaku de THAT"S ALL RIGHTnayan datte DON"T WANNA CRYjibun no KIMOCHI o shinji tsuzuketaidakedo hitorikiri de wa tsuraifuan de kakaekirenai yowane o koboshita ano himune ni chotto nokoru MY REGRETmuga muchuu de THAT"S ALL RIGHTmae o muite I WANNA TRYjibun no KIMOCHI ni massugu de itaiitsuka daiji na HITO ni kuraidare ni mo hanashitenai NAISHO o uchi akeru karamune ni sotto himeta MY SECRET

求水野佐彩 - My Secret中文歌词(翻义)

水野佐彩 - My Secret拜托你了!please!Can you keep My Secret?闪闪发光的镜子中会映出怎样的我呢快乐招手地未来接下来又将发生什么呢因为眼前发生的事物未必就是一切在忘我的梦中that"s ALL RIGHT毫不犹豫地I wanna TRY想真心面对自己的感情但 即使只是一两个因为那是不想被任何人知道的秘密心中隐隐作痛 My Secret这里那里的去拜托我到底走哪条路呢听了很多 呢 GUYS你描述了怎样的明天无法触及的梦想拥有几个呢在暗中摸索that"s ALL RIGHT烦恼着don"t wanna CRY想坚信自己的心情但是只是一个人太艰辛抱着不安的在那日……在胸口留下了一点My Regret在忘我的梦中that"s ALL RIGHT毫不犹豫地I wanna TRY想真心面对自己的感情总有一天会有重要的人出现因为那是不想被任何人知道的秘密在心底成为秘密My Secret どうか…please!Can you keep My Secret?キラキラと辉くミラー私は どんなふうに映っているの?ホラホラと手招く未来これから どんなコトが起こるの?目に见えているモノがスベテではないから! 无我梦中でthat"s ALL RIGHT迷わないでI wanna TRY自分のキモチに まっすぐでいたい だけど 1つや2つくらい谁にもバレたくないナイショってあるものだから…胸がちょっと痛む My Secret アレコレと膨らむ愿い私は どんな道を歩いて行くの?イロイロと闻かせて ねぇGuysあなたは どんな明日を描くの?手の届かない梦は何ヒトツないから!暗中模索でthat"s ALL RIGHT悩んだってdon"t wanna CRY自分のキモチを 信じ続けたいだけど ひとりきりでは辛い不安で抱えきれない弱音をこぼした あの日…胸にちょっと残る My Regret无我梦中でthat"s ALL RIGHT前を向いてI wanna TRY自分のキモチに まっすぐでいたいいつか 大事なヒトにくらい谁にも话してないナイショを打ち明けるから…胸にそっと秘めた My Secret

求水野佐彩 - My Secret中文歌词(翻义)


求水野佐彩 - My Secret中文歌词(翻义)


谁有my secret的歌词

是会长是女仆的op吗?「My Secret」TV アニメ「会长はメイド様,」OP作词:春和 文/作曲:山本佑介/编曲:前口 渉歌手:水野佐彩どうか Please dan you keep my secretdou ka Please dan you keep my secretキラキラと辉くミライki ra ki ra to ka ga ya ku mi ra i私はどんなふうにふっているのwa ta shi wa don na huu ni hutte i ru noホラホラと手招く未来ho ra ho ra to te ma ne ku mi ra iこれからこんなことが起こるのko re ka ra con na ko to ga o ko ru no目に见えているものがすべてで笑いからme ni mi e te i ru mo no ga su be te de wa ra i ka ra光る自分That"s all right,hi ka ru jun rai That"s all right,迷わないでmayowa nai de I want natural自分の気持ちにまっすぐていたいji bun no ki mo chi mi massu gu te i ta iだけと一つや二つぐらいda ke to hi to tsu ya hu ta tsu gu ra i谁でもかけたくらいda re de mo ka ke ta ku ra iなにしょうであるものだからna ni syou de a ru mo no da ka ra胸がちょっと痛い my secret求求你 请帮我保守秘密闪烁光芒的镜子里我究竟是什么模样快乐招手的未来里又将会发生些什么笑着说所见的就是一切耀眼的自己 That"s all right,不要迷惑I want natural想要真心面对自己的感情但是哪怕是一两件事也不想输给任何人因为那是我心中的秘密胸口隐隐作痛 my secret。


会长はメイド様 OP-《My secret》歌:水野佐彩 Saaya Mizuno 作词:春和文作曲:山元佑介编曲:前口渉......................................歌词 + 罗马音 どうか Please can you keep my secret(dou ka Please can you keep my secret)キラキラと辉くミライ(ki ra ki ra to ka ga ya ku mi ra i)私はどんなふうにふっているの(wa ta shi wa don na huu ni h(z)utte i ru no)ホラホラと手招く未来(ho ra ho ra to te ma ne ku mi ra i)これからこんなことが起こるの(ko re ka ra con na ko to ga o ko ru no)目に见えているものがすべてで笑いから(me ni mi e te i ru mo no ga su be te de wa ra i ka ra)光る自分That"s all right!(hi ka ru jun rai That"s all right!)迷わないでI want natural(mayowa nai de I want natural)自分の気持ちにまっすぐていたい(ji bun no ki mo chi mi massu gu te i ta i)だけと一つや二つぐらい(da ke to hi to tsu ya hu ta tsu gu ra i)谁でもかけたくらい(da re de mo ka ke ta ku ra i)なにしょうであるものだから(na ni syou de a ru mo no da ka ra)胸がちょっと痛い my secret(mune ga chotto itai my secret)アレコレと膨らむ愿い(A re ko re to fu ku ra mu Su na o i)私は どんな道を歩いて行くの?(Wa ta shi wa don"na mi chi o a ru i te iku no)イロイロと闻かせて ねぇGuys (I ro i ro to ni o i Ka se te nē Guys)あなたは どんな明日を描くの? (A na ta wa don"na a shi ta o ka ku no)手の届かない梦は何ヒトツないから!(Te no to do ka na i yu me Wa nan hi to tsu na i kara)暗中模索でthat"s ALL RIGHT(An chu mo sa ku de that"s ALL RIGHT)悩んだってdon"t wanna CRY(Nayan datte don"t wanna CRY)自分のキモチを 信じ続けたい(Ji bun no ki mo chi o shin ji tsu d zu ke tai)だけど ひとりきりでは辛い(Da ke do hi to ri ki ri de wa tsu rai)不安で抱えきれない弱音をこぼした あの日(Fu an de ka ka e ki re nai yo wa ne o ko bo shi ta a no hi)胸にちょっと残る My Regret(Mune ni chotto nokoru My Regret)无我梦中でthat"s ALL RIGHT(Mu wa ga mu na kade that"s ALL RIGHT)前を向いてI wanna TRY(Mae o muite I wanna TRY)自分のキモチに まっすぐでいたい(Ji bun no ki mo chi ni massu gu de itai)いつか 大事なヒトにくらい (I tsu ka da i ji na hi to ni ku rai)谁にも话してないナイショを打ち明けるから(da re Ni mo ko to ba Shi te nai nai sho o u chi a ke ru kara)胸にそっと秘めた My Secret(Mune ni sotto hi me ta My Secret)

会长是女仆大人片头曲 My secret 音译翻译啊 很急 真的很急

どうか Please can you keep my secret dou ka Please can you keep my secret キラキラと辉くミライ ki ra ki ra to ka ga ya ku mi ra i 私はどんなふうにふっているの wa ta shi wa don na huu ni hutte i ru no ホラホラと手招く未来 ho ra ho ra to te ma ne ku mi ra i これからこんなことが起こるの ko re ka ra con na ko to ga o ko ru no 目に见えているものがすべてで笑いから me ni mi e te i ru mo no ga su be te de wa ra i kara 无我梦中でThat"s all right! mu ka mu jun rai That"s all right! 迷わないでI wanna TRY mayowa nai de I wanna TRY 自分の気持ちにまっすぐていたい ji bun no ki mo chi mi massu gu te i ta i だけと一つや二つぐらい da ke to hi to tsu ya hu ta tsu gu ra i 谁にもバレたくない da re ni mo pa ke ta ku ra i ナイショってあるものだから na ni syou de a ru mo no da ka ra 胸がちょっと痛い my secret mu ne ka chyou to i dei my secret 中文:求求你 请帮我保守秘密 闪烁光芒的镜子里 我究竟是什么模样 快乐招手的未来里 又将会发生些什么 笑着说所见的就是一切 耀眼的自己 That"s all right! 不要迷惑I want natural 想要真心面对自己的感情 但是哪怕是一两件事 也不想输给任何人 因为那是我心中的秘密 胸口隐隐作痛 my secret

谁有会长是女仆大人主题曲(my secret)歌词

どうか Please dan you keep my secretdou ka Please dan you keep my secretキラキラと辉くミライki ra ki ra to ka ga ya ku mi ra i私はどんなふうにふっているのwa ta shi wa don na huu ni hutte i ru noホラホラと手招く未来ho ra ho ra to te ma ne ku mi ra iこれからこんなことが起こるのko re ka ra con na ko to ga o ko ru no目に见えているものがすべてで笑いからme ni mi e te i ru mo no ga su be te de wa ra i ka ra光る自分That"s all right!hi ka ru jun rai That"s all right!迷わないでmayowa nai de I want natural自分の気持ちにまっすぐていたいji bun no ki mo chi mi massu gu te i ta iだけと一つや二つぐらいda ke to hi to tsu ya hu ta tsu gu ra i谁でもかけたくらいda re de mo ka ke ta ku ra i

“my secret story”是什么意思

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