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We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret


以a respectable person为题的英语作文

There are many people are so unforgettable in my life,and some of them are very respectable,very kind,and friendly.Mr Chen was the most respectable person in my working experience.  He worked very hard ,he is strict with his students ,he learns English every day ,He speaks English very well.  I loved English very much, He often helps me with my English .He often praise me ,so I have confidence in myself .I want to be an Enlish teacher like him .

In trouble, the stronger the woman is, the more respectable she is.是什么意


be respectable for与be respected for 两者有区别吗?

sth is respectable sb is respected eg. CCB is a respectalbe bank for its high qulity of service. Deng Xiaoping is respected for his reform and opening policy.


But each generation grows up into respectable parents, ready to be terrified todeath of the next one. 但是每一代都成长为受人尊敬的父母,都会由于下一代的死亡而胆战心惊。令人尊敬的。希望我有帮到你,麻烦给个好评哈o(∩_∩)o

respect respectable respecful有什么不同

首先,最明显的,他们的读法,拼法不同,呵呵,开个玩笑下面转入正题三个词主要是词性不同,用的时候要注意区分respect vt./ n.尊敬;尊重,重视[ pl.]敬意;方面最简单的句子:I respect you. 我尊敬你I respect you for your honesty.由於你为人正直, 我对你十分敬重.I have the greatest respect for you/hold you in the greatest respect.我非常尊敬您.I can give you my word of honor to cooperate with you in every respect .我可以向您保证我们会在各方面与您合作。respectable a.可敬的;有身价的最简单的 He is a respectable man. 他是一个可敬的人It was contemptible of him to speak like that about a respectable teacher !他这样议论一位受人尊敬的教师真是为人所不齿!It won"t do for a respectable bank gentleman like you, to be seen speaking to him publicly, you know."像你这样体面的银行人员公开跟他说话是不行的,这你知道。”After Mr Zhu"s appointment as China"s premier, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew described him as a respectable person though not necessarily a person liked by all.在朱镕基当选中国总理之后,李光耀资政曾经评论说,朱镕基也许不是所有人都喜欢的人,但却是令人尊敬的人。respectful a.恭敬的;尊敬人的I am deferential and respectful in the presence of artists.我一向恭敬、尊重艺术家。I would rather make the mistake of being too respectful than not showing enough respect.我宁愿犯一个过分礼貌,而不是缺乏礼貌的错误。-- mysearch.100e.comI doffed my hat, stood a respectful distance from the desk, looked as unbookish as possible, and waited for the white patrons to be taken care of.我摘下自己的帽子,毕恭毕敬地站在桌前,显得尽可能不书生气,等候着这些白人读者被接待。-- xzwn.bokee.comAs a student teacher, I had expected the students would be friendly, yet very reserved and respectful.作为一名实习教师,我本以为学生是友好的,很矜持且恭敬的。也许你比较疑惑respectable和respectful就我看来两者区别不是很大,通过以上例句也可以看出来。respectful后面一般不用跟名词






1.表示尊敬的,有礼貌的,谦恭的 2.值得尊重的,人格高尚的, 可作名词 品格高尚的人

求助:谁能告诉我是 a respected job 还是 a respectable job?

a respected job


respected, 受人尊敬的: He"s one of the most respected managers in the company.respectable, 更多指:有名望的,被大众所认可/公认的, 正派的,端庄的,大方得体的(行为举止,着装等): Put a tie on, it"ll make you look more respectable. / They are hard-working, respectable people.


respectable adj. 值得尊敬的指因品质、行为等高尚而应该得到他人尊敬的。respectable motives 高尚的动机According to his students, he is a hard-working and respectable teacher. 在学生眼里,他是一位勤勉可敬的老师。respected adj. 受尊敬的指因取得的成就而受人敬重的。




respected 受尊敬的/被认同或鼓励的respectable 值得尊敬的respectful 表示尊敬的respective 分别的

respectful,respectable和respective 有什么区别

respectable、respective与respectful区别_百度知道答respectful(有礼貌的) respective(各自的) respectable(可尊敬的)请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

respecting respectful respectable respective的差别

respecting:V.的ing形式respectful:形容词,有礼貌的respectable:形容词,值得尊敬的 或 名词,尊敬的人respective:形容词,分别的

respectful,respectable和respective 有什么区别

1.这四个单词看上去都是respect的衍生词,其实respective不是,因此跟它没有关系,意思是“分别的,各自的”,后面常常加名词的复数形式,如: We all w...2.其他三个单词都是respect的衍生词,但意义不同。respectful表示主动含义,...3.respectable表示被动含义,意思是“可敬的”。如: He is a r...4.respected仍是表示被动,过去分词作定语表示被动多用于修饰人,它与r...

respect ,respected,respectful,respectable,respective用法及区别、常用词组

1.respect: 既可以做动词也可以做名词。respect someone/sth. show one"s respect.2.respected: respect的过去式(例如,He was respected. );也可以做形容词,表示受尊重的。(例如, The respected leaders.) respected ideas 公认理论;权威理论 be respected as 被尊为... 3.respectful: 形容词,形容某件事,或者某人的行为恭敬的,有礼貌的(例如,respectful behavior)其副词形式:respectfully.(例如,she said respectfully.)4.respectable: 既可以做名词,意为:值得尊重的人或事物(例如,Most Respectable最尊敬的人)。也可以做形容词,形容某些人或事物值得尊敬(例如,respectable parents);某些人人格高尚的(The leader is so respectable.);或者人、事物相当数量的(respectable amount)。5.respective:形容词,意思:分别的,各自的(例如respective error个别误差)。(Everything in the world hasitsrespectiverulesand regulations)




1.respect:既可以做动词也可以做名词.respect someone/ one"s respect.2.respected:respect的过去式(例如,He was respected.);也可以做形容词,表示受尊重的.(例如,The respected leaders.) respected ideas 公认理论;权威理论 be respected as 被尊为...3.respectful:形容词,形容某件事,或者某人的行为恭敬的,有礼貌的(例如,respectful behavior)其副词形式:respectfully.(例如,she said respectfully.)4.respectable:既可以做名词,意为:值得尊重的人或事物(例如,Most Respectable最尊敬的人).也可以做形容词,形容某些人或事物值得尊敬(例如,respectable parents);某些人人格高尚的(The leader is so respectable.);或者人、事物相当数量的(respectable amount).5.respective:形容词,意思:分别的,各自的(例如respective error个别误差).(Everything in the world hasitsrespectiverulesand regulations)

