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这个网站是《国外简讯》。“国外简讯”(Foreign Brief)是位于澳大利亚的地缘政治问题分析网站。该网站主要是分析地缘政治紧张局势和安全问题。

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, is that it?是啥意思呀


Thousands of foreigners were ________to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opene



《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》(Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941)是由美国几个商业团体制定并经美国全国对外贸易会议修改的贸易术语定义。《美国对外贸易定义》中所解释的贸易术语共有六种,分别为:ue004① Ex(Point of Origin)(产地交货);② FOB(Free on Board)(在运输工具上交货);③ FAS(Free Along Side)(在运输工具旁边交货);④ C&F(Costand Freight)(成本加运费);⑤ CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)(成本加保险费、运费);⑥ Ex Dock(NamedPort of Importation)(目的港码头交货)。《美国对外贸易定义》主要在北美国家采用。由于它对贸易术语的解释,特别是对第2和第3种术语的解释与国际商会《国际贸易术语解释通则》有明显的差异,所以,在同北美国家进行交易时应加以注意。在《美国对外贸易定义》的序言中也明确指出,本定义并无法律的约束力,除非有专门的立法规定或为法院判决所认可,为使其对有关当事人产生法律上的约束力,建议买卖双方接受此定义作为买卖合同的一个组成部分。(

travel to a foreign country同意句转换?

travel to a foreign country 意思等于travel abroad , overseas travel(ling)

harmony reigns是谁

harmony reigns是和谐我是来自于“百度资源共享”芝麻团的团长:善良的我啊你答案满意请采纳谢谢思密达

Harmony Reigns翻译成名字该怎么翻啊?


harmony reigns是谁




王权三大结局是什么 Reigns结局达成攻略


王权Reigns后期主线任务攻略大全 后期主线任务怎么完成



今天小编为各位小伙伴带来的是王权reigns全结局一览,本文收集整理了reigns全功绩成就结局,其中也包含了王权reigns隐藏成就,接下来就让我们看看王权reigns结局到底有哪些,王权reigns全成就功绩需要什么条件。点此查看:王权reigns图文攻略大全王权reigns全结局具体如下:功绩年轻王者系列:活得够久就行决斗胜者:赢得一场决斗迷茫恍惚:别人给你蓝色蘑菇时吃掉阴险狡诈:鸽子会带来一个间谍的自荐,雇佣他鼎力赞助:雇佣主教推荐的吟游诗人受祝福的:剧情展开会来一个预言者智者:雇佣医生术士:遇见女巫轴心:度过第一个千年情人:和异国公主或者画家决斗,输了之后接受爱意,或者接受弄臣关于风流艳史的建议,接受不接吻,然后白魔法里面会多一个找到真爱情意绵绵:狼人主动来找时选左边的(右边是卧操吓死爹了)给狼人引荐,选来吧伯恩先生,最后祝福狼人男友:跟女巫学习白魔法,选找到真爱,选鸽子众矢之的,毁灭已然注定:选择和狗玩,一直扔球,直到狗捡回来一个神秘纸条,阅读,医生会告诉你有个臣子生病了听他说要谋反,一路是下去,众矢之的。当臣子说陛下发生了糟糕的事请跟我来,跟过去,被套布袋,逃跑的时候跟着声音说的跑,大多是向左跑,最后停下,和小姐恋爱,她会告诉你自己就是议员和打败恶魔的方法悚然心惊:进入地牢魔法师:医生给的花瓶炼金术士:一定几率出现十五年年老执政约定,完成后奖励选择冰冷的红宝石开拓者:支持冒险家航海,找到新地区殖民王牌:弄臣会开玩笑提到民众娱乐的问题,和他周旋,让他说下去,他最后会表示让自己当官,拒绝他狂信:建五座教堂虔诚神圣:建大教堂并同意建成后的仪式邪恶:第一次遇见恶魔(666年)狡猾:同意间谍在诸侯床边放火蚁为人父:被告知有女士怀有自己的孩子,不处理或者等皇后生,皇后要是难产选孩子改革斗士:有人提议发动圣战时同意和平使者:有人提议结束圣战时同意洞察:让狗带去迷雾的商队,和占卜师说话,国王面前,有一只狗,遇见恶魔之类贪婪之心:找到金子等事件时选择都是我的音乐家:一定几率出现,选是,最好一直让他待在这方便触发独臂:狩猎野猪或者狼人时一定几率受伤,找医生治疗,一定几率砍掉一个胆小鬼:女士说请不要再用接口伤害女人孩子的话时选择装傻幸存者:和女巫学习欺骗恶魔的白魔法,下地牢,先进金门,找火把,然后进入火,砷,酸门,敲碎金门旁边的裂缝,进硝石门,回到同一个房间后进恶魔,和骷髅对话,知道草莓,出去,发动圣战,等矮人给你创造生命的仪器,创造草莓,去地牢,照上次的顺序找到骷髅,给她草莓,最后一次恶魔来的时候,对骷髅说是结局1:臣子说发生了糟糕的事跟我来,跟过去被套麻袋,逃跑的时候旁白说有河的时候继续跑或者向右跑,掉进河里2:军队满政变同时宗教较低,或财政满了宗教较低3:军队满了政变,或长期待在地牢里不出去4:民意满暴动其他项不能太低,或白魔法选快乐,放弃王冠5:四项基本平衡时因病去世6:狩猎时感染,或同意医生进行毒物实验,或瘟疫爆发7:宗教零8:宗教满,或主教要求去墓穴的时候没有喊侍卫9:未知10:决斗失败死去11:有子嗣的情况下,军队满政变12:在占卜师那里选一个国王,面前一把剑,得知地牢门的顺序,去地牢拿火把找到王者之剑,去救公主时坚持杀龙13:未知14:民意零15:民意满同时其他数值较低16:谈恋爱的时候财政满,或生病17:财政满18:财政零,其他数值较低19:财政零20:王后死后,臣子刺杀,决斗失败死去21:地牢进砷门两次,或第一次进恶魔门22:王子决斗死去,或地牢骷髅决斗死去23:和女巫学习欺骗恶魔的白魔法,下地牢,先进金门,找火把,然后进入火,砷,酸门,敲碎金门旁边的裂缝,进硝石门,回到同一个房间后进恶魔,和骷髅对话,知道草莓,出去,发动圣战,等矮人给你创造生命的仪器,创造草莓,去地牢,照上次的顺序找到骷髅,给她草莓,最后一次恶魔来的时候,对骷髅说是GOODEND达成要求:在1998年 恶魔第三次降临 会给你一个诅咒buff 你就一直摇头(意思就是往左划)直到骷髅的出现 在它出现时 你点头 即可触发结局BADEND达成要求一:受到1998年的第三次诅咒后直接诅咒别人死亡。BADEND达成要求二:受到1998年的第三次诅咒后,一直选择摇头(左)直到死亡,死后面对堕落国王的灵魂的问题,选择点头。



long may she reign是什么意思

long may she reign万岁女王;愿她长久地治理;愿她长久统治reign英 [reu026an] 美 [ren]vi.当政,统治; 占主导地位vt.想法、情感或氛围盛行,成为最显著的n.君主的统治; 君主统治时期; 任期; 当政期统治;支配;朝代;君主统治复数: reigns 过去式: reigned 过去分词: reigned 现在分词: reigning 第三人称单数: reigns


reign 英[reu026an]美[ren]vi. 当政,统治; 占主导地位;vt. 想法、情感或氛围盛行,成为最显著的;n. 君主的统治; 君主统治时期; 任期; 当政期;[例句]It was during the reign of Queen Isabella that Christopher Columbus set forth on his epic voyage of discovery.正是在伊莎贝拉女王统治时期克里斯托弗·哥伦布开始了他伟大的发现之旅。[其他] 第三人称单数:reigns 复数:reigns 现在分词:reigning 过去式:reigned 过去分词:reigned 形近词: align asign coign

Rule,reign 与 govern 有什么区别

首先,词典用法说明部分内容“说而不明”,除非展开说明,否则以下部分应该删除: “Rule 相对更常用”(其实是使用的领域不同,故“常不常用”没有起到“说而明”的目的)“常指外国、外族的统治”(不一定是“常指”,异族也可以治理 Govern 某个国家)“Reign 具有文学意味”(其实古代的东西未必都有文学的意味)多指旧时王朝中君主的统治(但现代也有君主制的国家) “Reign 是抽象的统治”(啥叫“抽象”?)

The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out

D. written

The first set of textbooks__for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century


Foreigner的《Too Late》 歌词

歌曲名:Too Late歌手:Foreigner专辑:Too LateDead By Sunrise - Too LateIt"s cold and dark I think I"m going insaneThe end is coming it"s trueI"m all alone and I am screaming your nameIt seems that"s all I can doBut it"s too late to turn back nowIt"s too loud to hear a soundI"m so lost I can"t be foundIt"s too late to turn back nowIt"s hard to focus when your life is a blurIt"s hard to see the truthHow can I move on when there"s so much to learnAnd every road comes back to youBut it"s too late to turn back nowIt"s too loud to hear a soundI"m so lost I can"t be foundIt"s too late to turn back nowBut it"s too late to turn back nowIt"s too loud to hear a soundI"m so lost I can"t be foundIt"s too late to turn back nowI"m so lost I can"t be foundIt"s too late to turn back now

您好,能给我发一下 Kim Joo-hae. 2000. Foreign language listening anxiety这个文章吗?谢谢

Hsiao-fang Cheng. (2004). A comparison of multiple- choice and open- ended response formats for the assessment of listening proficiency in English. Foreign Language Annals, 37, 544-556.Kim, Joo-hae. (2000). Foreign language listening anxiety: a study of Korean students learning English. Unpublished ph. D dissertation Austin: University of Texas.Krashen, S. D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. New York: Peargamon Press.Morley. J. (1991). Listening comprehension in second/foreign language instruction. In M. Celcer-Murcia (Ed.). Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (pp.143-166). New York: Newbury House.Oxford, R. (1993). Research update on teaching L2 listening. System, 21, 205-21.Richards, J. C. (1985). Listening comprehension: Approach design and procedure. In J.C. Richards, The Context of Language Teaching (pp. 189-207). Cambridge. NY: Cambridge University Press.Rost, M. (1990). Listening in Language Learning. London: Longman.Rost, M. (2002). Teaching and Researching Listening. London: Longman.Rubin, J. A. (1994). Review of second language listening comprehension research. The Modern Language Journal, 78, 199-221.Wolvin. A.D. & Coakley. C.G. (1985). Listening (2nded.). Dubuque. IA: William C. Brown.Ur, Penny. (2000). Teaching Listening Comprehension. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

Lawrence Venuti 提出的foreignizing method(异化法)的具体定义是什么?要英文的


The key to improve spoken english is to speak. The reason why foreigner speak english so well, b

The key to improve spoken english is to speak.提高英语口语的关键是说话。The reason why foreigner speak english so well, beause they speak english all day, like we speaking chinese. In such situation, how couldn"t they speak english well? the same way we can use in our daily study. We can speak english to each other in school. in the space time, we can speak english with ourself. pretenting a foreigner is talking with you. After a long time of praticing, i sure that, the spoken english will be improve very well.为什么外国人说英语很好,因为他们整天说英语,就像我们说汉语。在这种情况下,他们怎么不讲英语好吗?以同样的方式我们可以用在我们的日常学习。在学校我们可以相互说英语。在时空中,我们可以和自己说英语。pretenting一个外国人和你谈话。录象很长一段时间之后,我确信,将提高英语口语非常好。

He wrote a lot of novels, none of _________ translated into a foreign language. A. them B. which C.


(1) He wrote a lot of novels, many of _________ translated into foreign languages. A. it B. them


He wrote a lot of novels,none of________was translated into a foreign language. A.them B.wh

D 试题分析:句意: 他写了很多个小说,其中没有一个翻译成外语。句子被逗号隔开,逗号前是一个完整的句子,中间又没有连词,所以逗号后应是从句,故排除A。先行词novels后面是一个定语从句,从句中少主语,有位于介词of后,故用关系代词which, that不能位于介词后,排除C。what不能引导定语从句。故选 D 。 考点:

He wrote a lot of novels, many of _________ were translated into foreign languages.

1. which 非限定性定语从句。 which指 novels (被动语态)2. whom 也是非定语从句,但指得是人,后面的谓语是主动语态。(很多人把它翻译成了外语)

many of his novels are reported__into several foreign languages last year

A 首先肯定是被翻译 排除B 然后看时态

关于Foreign Trade的英文原文

  Foreign trade becoming balanced  China"s trade surplus diminished sharply by more than 80 per cent year on year in September, moving toward a balanced trade relation with other countries and regions in the world.  Statistics from the General Administration of Customs yesterday indicated that the country only recorded a US$290 million trade surplus in its foreign trade in September, down from last September"s US$2.12 billion, while the trade surplus in August was US$2.79 billion with a 26 per cent year-on-year growth.  The total foreign trade of the world"s most populous country reached US$606 billion in the first nine months, rising 36.3 per cent.  China sold US$308 billion worth of goods and services to other parts of the world, growing 32.3 per cent, while its imports grew by 40.5 per cent to US$299 billion in the period.  "People"s minds are changing from purely pursuing big numbers in trade surpluses to achieving a balanced and healthy trade relation,"" said Song Hong, a researcher with the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  He pointed out that the fact that import growth overtaking export growth has become a trend since China"s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001.  He explained that as China has been lifting import restrictions and opening its market to other countries and regions, the growth of imports has become rapid.  At the same time, since many foreign-invested companies gain rights to sell products locally, they tend to import more raw materials but sell finished products in China, which also increases China"s imports and reduces exports, Song added.  He said the result would be a help to ease pressure from the United States to some extent.  Figures from the United States Department of Commerce showed last week that its trade deficit with China had reached a record high of US$11.7 billion. The Chinese official figure was US$5.8 billion.  There is usually a big difference between the figures of the two countries, due to different statistical methods.  Thomas Donohoe, chairman and chief executive officer of the US Chamber of Commerce, was impressed by the increasing growth of imports in China.  "I am pleased that June-August numbers are achieving better growth rates,"" he said at a press conference yesterday.  "Our hope is that the table will be balanced and China will purchase more products and services from the United States.""  Wan Jifei, chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that a large portion of Chinese exports to the United States were actually made by US-invested companies in China.  He also called for the US government to lift restrictions on the exports of high-tech products.  "We want to have more high-tech products and services, but it seems that the United States has a very tight control on exporting (those products) to China,"" Wan said.  The chambers of commerce of the two countries held their first annual US-China Business Dialogue in Beijing on Tuesday and Wednesday to discuss economic and trade issues between the two countries.  China"s foreign trade nears $2 trillion in 1st 11 months  China"s total foreign trade was 1.97 trillion U.S. dollars during the first 11 months of this year, up 23.6 percent from a year earlier.  The amount surpassed that for all of last year, and the growth rate was 0.1 percentage points higher than the January-October period, the General Administration of Customs said on Tuesday. The total included 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars in exports, up 26.1 percent, and 865.5 billion U.S. dollars in imports, up 20.5 percent.  Export growth was 0.4 percentage point less than the January-October period, while import growth was 0.6 percentage point higher.  The trade surplus for the 11 months was 238.13 billion U.S. dollars, up 52.2 percent. The growth rate was 6.8 percentage points lower than the level for the first 10 months.  In November alone, foreign trade went up 23.9 percent year-on-year to 208.96 billion U.S. dollars, including 117.62 billion U.S. dollars in exports, up 22.8 percent, and 91.34 billion U.S. dollars in imports, up 25.3 percent.  Monthly imports exceeded 90 billion U.S. dollars for the first time.  November export growth was 0.5 percentage point higher than the October level, whereas import growth was 0.2 percentage point lower.  The trade surplus stood at 26.28 billion U.S. dollars in November, up 14.7 percent as against growth of 13.5 percent for October when the surplus was a record high of 27.05 billion U.S. dollars. Last year, China"s trade surplus was 177.5 billion U.S. dollars.  The statistics indicate that the government"s macro-economic control efforts have begun to pay off, said Zhang Yansheng, head of the research institute of foreign trade and economic cooperation under the National Development and Reform Commission.  China increased export duties for 142 commodities on June 1, including a 5- to 10-percent tariff on steel products. A month later, the government ended tax rebates for 553 export items and slashed incentives for 2,268 items. Meanwhile, the government encouraged imports of energy, resources and key parts.  The moves were intended to restrict exports of energy-consuming products or those causing serious pollution, as well as to balance imports and exports, Zhang said.  "Price rises also contributed to trade growth," said Mei Xiyu, an analyst with the research institute of the Ministry of Commerce.  According to the customs administration, the European Union, the United States and Japan were China"s top three trade partners in the first 11 months.  Between January and November, China-EU trade was 322.75 billion U.S. dollars, up 27.3 percent, China-U.S. trade, 276.21 billion dollars, up 15.7 percent, and China-Japan trade, 213.83 billion U.S. dollars, up 14 percent.  The 11 months saw China export 634.06 billion U.S. dollars worth of machines and electronics, up 27.8 percent, and import 150 million tons of oil, up 12.5 percent and 46.68 million tons of coal, up 38.5 percent.  "It takes time for China to slow its sizzling exports," Zhang said.  "Since 2000, manufacturing has quickened the pace of its shift to China, with foreign investment concentrating on export-oriented businesses. The result was a boom in processing trade.  Meanwhile, strong demand from neighboring emerging markets and the largely stable American economy also helped buoy China"s foreign sales," Zhang added. 11 (Xinhua)  Chinas Foreign Trade  During the Tenth Five-Year Planning, foreign trade of China maintained a rapid development, and strategies of rejuvenating foreign trade through science and technology, winning by quality and going global made new progresses. The gradual improvement of structure of foreign trade, quality and efficiency made an outstanding contribution to the economic and social development.  1, Imports and exports developed with a high speed. During the Tenth Five-Year Planning, China"s foreign trade went to a new stage and accomplished a historical leap, established the place of a big trading country. From 2001 to 2005, the annual average increase rate of foreign trade was 24.6%, the highest record of foreign trade development since the reform and opening up and much higher than that of global trade and of Chinese economy in the same period. Imports and exports in 2004 broke through US$1 trillion and amounted to US$1.1546 trillion, becoming the third country that trade value of goods exceeded US$1 trillion. Besides, imports and exports in 2005 maintained a growth rate of over 20% and total value hit US$1.4221 trillion.  2, Structure of imports and exports was improved step by step. From 2001 to 2005, total exports were close to US$2.4 trillion. Share of industrial products exports in total exports increased from 90.1% to 93.6%, and of electromechanical and hi-tech products rose from 44.6% and 17.5% to 56% and 28.6% respectively, up by 2.6 and 3.7 times. Meanwhile, exports of agricultural products, textile, chemical products and major light products were up by 73.4%, 120.4%, 173.7% and 105.2% respectively. In the same period, total imports reached US$2.2 trillion, share of primary products imports increased from 18.8% to 22.4%, and imports of agricultural products, raw material of textile products, base metal and mineral products were up by 154.7%, 41.6%, 174.6% and 276.3% respectively.  3, Strategy of rejuvenating foreign trade through science and technology made a positive progress. From 2001 to 2005, contract value of introduced technology were about US$73 billion, and there were over 240 enterprises with exports of hi-tech products exceeding US$100 million, forming a promotion system of rejuvenating foreign trade through science and technology with 20 cities, 25 bases, 12 categories of commodities and 1000 enterprises. Number and value of introduced technology contracts in 2005 hit the highest historical level.  4, Various kinds of trading forms developed together. From 2001 to 2005, imports and exports by conventional trade and processing trade increased by 1.6 and 1.9 times respectively, and amounted to US$594.8 billion and US$690.5 billion respectively in 2005. Strategy of "Bring in" and "Going Global" developed with a high speed, China totally attracted US$266.9 billion foreign investment within 5 years, foreign investment enterprises played a more important role in imports and exports, and the proportion went up from 50.8% to 58.5%. In 2005, China newly established 440 thousand foreign investment enterprises with actual use of foreign investment of US$60.3 billion, which drove up the exports.  5, Pattern of diversification of foreign trade entities had come into shape. After the entry into WTO, China expedited the release of rights of imports and exports. On Jan. 1, 2004, Measures on Registration of Foreign Trade Operators and newly revised Foreign Trade Law were published and implemented at the same time, helping collective and private enterprises to enter into distribution area and honored WTO commitment half a year ahead of schedule . From 2001 to 2005, number of domestic enterprise that obtaining the rights of imports and exports increased from 450 thousand to more than 200 thousand, imports and exports of foreign investment enterprises and private enterprises were up by 1.9 and 5 times. Share of private enterprises in total imports increased from 4.7% in 2001 to 15.8% in 2005.  6, Market diversification obtained new progresses. During the period from 2001 to 2005, proportion of Chinese imports and exports at traditional markets like America, Japan and EU was down from 48.8% to 43.1% but at new markets up from 13.4% to 18.7%, and at Africa and Latin America up from 2.2% and 2.7% to 2.8% and 3.6% respectively.  7, In 4 years after China"s entry into WTO, domestic major industries did not greatly affected. Within the 4 years after the entry into WTO, Chinese economy maintained a momentum of steady and rapid development, made an obvious effect in macro control, unsteady and unhealthy factors in the process of economic operation was controlled. Major industries developed steadily, industrial structure optimized gradually and international competitiveness improved obviously, which further enhanced the influence of global economy. Besides, domestic market operated steadily, counter-measures in automobile, refinery and petrochemical industry in the transition period was powerful, Chinese major industries was slightly influenced by imported products  Foreign trade expected to grow 15 to 20% in 2006  The growth rate of China"s foreign trade in 2006 may not be as rapid as last year"s but it is still expected to increase between 15 percent and 20 percent, an official with the Ministry of Commerce said.  The total volume of imports and exports will reach 1.63 trillion to 1.7 trillion U.S. dollars in 2006, according to Lu Jianhua, director of the Foreign Trade Department under the Ministry of Commerce.  China"s foreign trade volume totaled 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars in 2005, up 23.2 percent over the previous year, statistics from the General Administration of Customs show.  The country"s exports amounted to 762 billion U.S. dollars last year, up 28.4 percent year on year; and imports were 660.12 billion U.S. dollars, a rise of 17.6 percent.  China will continue to witness a large trade surplus this year,which will probably be lower than last year"s, Lu said.  Rocketing exports helped China post a trade surplus of 101.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2005, an increase of 69.9 billion dollars from 2004.  Lu listed some unfavorable factors that may affect China"s foreign trade growth in 2006. These include the unbalanced development of the global economy, increasing trade friction, continued growth of the U.S. trade deficit and fluctuations of global exchange rates and trade policies.  He expected China"s exporters will face overseas anti-dumping and anti-subsidy cases involving more than 5 billion U.S. dollarsin 2006.  New trade disputes between China and the United States, the European Union will probably occur in textiles, auto parts, home appliances, chemical products and steel and iron products, he said.  China still faces a serious oversupply problem domestically, requiring many industries to find more export channels for their over-stocked commodities, he said.  A recent survey by the ministry shows that supply of 430 types of goods, 71.7 percent of the sample survey, exceeds the demand on the Chinese market, while supply of 170 other goods remains stable and equal to demand.  Despite these unfavorable fa

Where Eternal Jesters Reign 歌词

歌曲名:Where Eternal Jesters Reign歌手:Dreamtale专辑:EpsilonWhere Eternal Jesters Reignalbum: "Epsilon" (2011)by:DREAMTALELoathing your vacuous waysThe straight line of your brainwavesNo conscience, no interest, a mind made of messPassive reactions at bestDead like a drone of the future unknownA slave to ignoble domainsYou want to know why I"m ignoring your lies?The reason that I will not die?I have more in my mindWake up and open your eyesTake up your turn on the fringe of the worldLeave all the idols to burnI have more in my own mindI feel it extending through timeI"m taking my place where eternal jesters reignHeavenly rays will light up my nameAnd no one shall stand in my wayEnter the core, I see so much more and I know who I amInto the sun, the fusion is doneMy soul integrated and wholeJust go astray, your blundering waysI have no more to say...More in my mind and my soul...Pleas open your eyes and your heart...I have more in my mindWake up and open your eyesTake up your turn on the fringe of the worldLeave all the idols to burnmore in my own mindWake up and open your eyesTake up your turn on the fringe of the worldLeave all the idols to burnI have more in my own mindI feel it extending through timeI"m taking my place where eternal jesters reign

domestication or foreignication 英语什么意思

domestication or foreignication 意思是:归化翻译异化翻译希望能帮到你。

foreignization 怎么发音

[u02ccfu0254rini"zeiu0283u0259n] 或[u02ccfu0254rinai"zeiu0283u0259n]


归化法(domesticating method/demostication)与异化法(foreignizing method/foreignization)是由美籍意大利学者劳伦斯·韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在《译者的隐身》( The Translators" Invisibility)一书中总结19世纪德国著名神学家及哲学家施莱尔马赫(Friedrich Schleiermacher) 1813年的一次演讲内容后提出的.(Venuti,2004:19-20) 这种提法与传统的"直译"和"意译"有一定相似,但多了美学因素和文化色彩."正因为这种美学因素和文化色彩的添加及词语的重新命名"而得到翻译界的认同."王东风也指出,归化与异化之争是直译与意译之争的延伸,论争的战场由语言层次上升到诗学,文化和政治层面".归化法即在翻译过程中尽量不打扰读者,而让作者向读者靠拢.归化法"基于一种民族中心主义思想,对外来文本做出删改以便适应目的语的文化价值观念,让人感觉作者是本国人".(Venuti, 2004:20)这种策略旨在传递给读者原作基本精神和语义内容,而不拘泥于语言表现形式或细节上的一一再现.原作中特有的文化色彩可以有保留,而由译入语中对应语代替."归化的优点是在于其流利通顺的语言易为读者所接受,译文不会对读者造成理解上的障碍.其缺点是译作往往停留在内容,情节或主要精神要旨方面,而无法进入沉淀在语言内核的文化本质深处."异化则是译者尽可能不破坏原文形式,而让读者向作者靠拢.异化的翻译以文化差异为前提,并容忍差异,在目的语中形成差异.异化法"对目的语的文化价值观念施加压力,动摇其民族中心主义观念;在译本中保留外来文本语言及文化差异,让读者有一种置身异域的感觉".异化往往表现在手段上的"洋化".异化法有利于目的语吸收和借鉴原语中的有用成份,丰富和发展目的语,特别是其表达形式.同时"异化翻译可以更好地促进文化的交流,增加译入语读者对异域文化的了解

foreignization 名词解释

单词:foreignization读音:英 [fu0252ru0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n] 美 [fu0252ru0259nau026a"zeu026au0283n] 解释:异化法;异化翻译;陌生化;洋化;异化。



When we learn a foreign language, we should hold that no culture is inferior _____ the others

1.[本题2分] – Hi, Tom. How is everything going? – B (A) No, I don"t. (B) Not bad. (C) Thank you a lot. (D) Yes, please. 2.[本题2分] – Long time no see. How are you? – C (A) Yes, how are you? (B) I"m glad to see you. (C) Fine, thank you. (D) Thank you. 3.[本题2分] – Nice to meet you. – B (A) Not too bad. (B) Nice to meet you, too. (C) Thank you. (D) I"m ok. 4.[本题2分] – How is life? – C (A) I hope all goes well with you. (B) Thanks. And you? (C) Same as ever. (D) It is nice meeting you! 5.[本题2分] – How are you doing? – C (A) I don"t know. (B) Just so-so. (C) You"re welcome. (D) I don"t like it at all. 6.[本题2分] – How are you getting on with your study? –A (A) Terrible. (B) Not at all. (C) I hope all goes well with you. (D) Thanks. And you? 7.[本题2分] – How are you getting on? –D (A) Not at all. (B) I don"t know. (C) You"re welcome. (D) Very well. Thank you. 8.[本题2分] – How do you do? –A (A) Ok. (B) How do you do? (C) Nice to meet you, too. (D) No, thanks. 9.[本题2分] – Haven"t seen you for ages. How"s it going? –D (A) How are you? (B) Haven"t seen you for ages. (C) Everything is all right. (D) Yes, long time no see. 10.[本题2分] – Hello. I"m Susie. –B (A) You"re welcome. (B) Hi. I"m Jack. Nice to meet you, Susie. (C) Fine, thank you. (D) It"s so kind of you. 11.[本题1分] When we learn a foreign language, we should hold that no culture is inferior _A____ the others. (A) to (B) under (C) for (D) as 12.[本题1分] Can you turn down the _A____ of the radio? I have a bad headache and want to have a sleep. (A) volume (B) voice (C) noise (D) amount 13.[本题1分] The academic achievements are always the students" __A_____ concern. (A) major (B) less (C) minor (D) inferior 14.[本题1分] The employee requires that he __B____ the right to know the situation of the company. (A) had (B) has (C) having (D) have 15.[本题1分] The kids behave themselves _D_____ their parents" presence. (A) in (B) at (C) on (D) with2010年网络营销评比,现在国内网络营销做的最好的南京新雨恒网络K6


Reign of Giants 巨人的统治,巨人国 ;

请问 Korea Kent Foreign School 是什么学校。。为什么很多韩国团体都有读过这所学校。。。

韩国肯特外国语学校 学校是幼儿园到12年级 (12年级不知道是初中还是高中 - -) 这个学校主要第二语言教学是英语 神话组合 Andy Isak (知道SM的人应该都知道此女子是谁吧) 曾经是SES组合的 Eugene Shoo 还有少女时代的Tiffany Jessica 还有天上智喜的Stephanie 还有Jessica H.O. 还有PARAN组合的A.J Sechs Kies组合的Eun Ji Won 亚由美 等

求文章(英文版):foreign teenagers一天的生活/介绍foreign teenagers的activities

foreign pressure 是什么意思


Foreign Affair 歌词

歌曲名:Foreign Affair歌手:MIKE OLDFIELD专辑:CollectionForeign AffairMike OldfieldThe Platinum Collection“Foreign Affair”Foreign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairDrifting and freeOn a mystical seaA wish of emotionA drop in the oceanA hush in the airYou can feel anywhereIn the cool twilightOn a tropical nightFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairFloating on airForeign affairA magical potion...A cool locomotion...(A magical potion)A dream(A cool locomotion)A prayerIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign affairTake a trip in the airTo a tropical beachAn island to reachA new territoryFor an intimate storyAli goum pa la mereIt"s a foreign affairForeign...


Foreign-Object-Debris-Damage外来物的损毁 例句筛选Foreign Object Debris is material that may damage aircraft, such asfragment, big object and so on.外来物是可能损伤航空器或系统的某种外来的物质、碎屑或物体。

dominate over和reign over




wampler sovereign怎么样?



sovereignty n. 主权, 独立国【法】 主权, 主权国家, 统治权autonomyn. 自治, 自治权【医】 自主性一个指主权,一个指自治,得看用在什么句子里,像主权独立,国家主权要用第一个,自治区要用第二个,第一个主要用于指国家,第二个用于指自治区

Exotic Goods and Foreign Luxuries: The Ancient Roman Marketplace

论坛一词是拉丁语,表示“公共开放空间”. 在古罗马,论坛通常位于城市的中心,并且经常被一些其他建筑包围,例如寺庙、大教堂(在这方面,是公共法庭建筑)和商店. 因此,论坛被认为是罗马城市宗教、公民和经济生活的中心. 然而,论坛的主要职能是为城市人民提供市场,有人指出,理论上,罗马参议院议员及其家属被禁止从事任何形式的贸易. 另一方面,马术骑士团成员被允许从事商业活动,尽管他们的阶级价值观强调追求军事和休闲活动. 然而,在罗马世界的市场上,摊位和商店通常由平民或自由民占据和管理,而大部分的艰苦工作是由大量奴隶完成的. 这些商人被称为商人. 除了集市,商人们在路边出售他们的货物,在战役期间也出现在罗马军营附近,向罗马士兵出售食物和衣服,并向他们购买战利品. 这是庞贝城的一幅壁画,描绘了罗马集市的日常活动. 准备好的食物,如面包、鹰嘴豆和糕点,在这些市场上会很常见. 例如,在罗马,甚至有一个专门的市场叫做“丘比特论坛”(Forum Cuppedenis)(位于圣器通道和泥盆之间),那里出售各种美味佳肴. 罗马的其他专门市场包括博厄姆论坛、圣殿论坛和比萨宫论坛. 第一个是牛市,最初从Velabrum的边界延伸到Tiber. 第二个是蔬菜市场,就在Carmentalis门的外面. 第三个是鱼市,和蜈蚣论坛一样,也位于Sacra Via和Argiletum之间,意大利波佐利塞拉皮斯神供奉的古罗马市场和神庙(公共领域),除了这些日常用品外,古罗马的市场上也出售异国商品. 罗马人以修路闻名,据说修路是为了连接军事哨所,而不是为了运输贸易货物. 还有人指出,正是公元前2世纪罗马海上贸易路线的兴起,促进了不同罗马地区之间的商品运输. 虽然这些海上贸易航线最初位于地中海,但由于罗马人民口味的变化,它们后来也会向外扩展到印度洋. 随着罗马帝国的兴起,罗马社会的富裕阶层开始对外国奢侈品产生兴趣,这是由海上运输的外国商品和著名的丝绸之路来实现的,这些外国商品包括丝绸、香料、象牙和珠宝. 罗马的贸易伙伴之一是印度,在该国南部发现了一些有罗马遗骸的遗址. 例如,在金奈坦巴拉姆附近一个名为纳杜维拉帕图的遗址发现了罗马陶器遗骸,人们猜测,罗马商人前往内陆,甚至可能在那里有临时定居点. 这些商人会把他们的商品带回罗马,在那里出售,商人在罗马市场(公共领域),其中一个地方出售这样的奢侈品是一个复杂的建筑,在20世纪初被称为“图拉真市场”. 这座建筑群建于公元107年至公元110年的图拉真统治时期. 这个建筑群坐落在俯瞰论坛的小山上,呈半圆形,共有六层. 据说这个市场有150多块地,其中许多被认为是商店,尽管有些被用作的办公室. 这些商店被认为出售来自帝国各地的产品,包括异国情调的香料、葡萄酒和石油. 另外,据说有一层叫做比贝拉蒂卡大道,有酒馆. 一些人认为图拉真市场是世界上最古老的购物中心,图拉真市场,意大利罗马(公共领域),特色图片:罗马鱼市场. 奥克塔维乌斯拱门(公共领域),作者是一名大学学生,获得考古学学士学位. 我的兴趣从对考古/文本/图片数据集的“传统”到“激进”解释. 我相信,来自两个极端的倡导者的智力投入将有助于.阅读Mor.

Lady Sovereign的《Hoodie》 歌词

歌曲名:Hoodie歌手:Lady Sovereign专辑:Public WarningOmarion Ft. Jay Rock - Hoodie(Man I"m fresh as HELL in this hoodie!)Let"s get it!Omarion!Wit my hoodie on!Wit my hoodie on!Wit my hoodie on!(Omarion)See the money!See the cars!See the house!Livin" large!Look in the mirror!See a star!Motospace!Hella far!They at the bottom!I"m on top!I"m so high!I can"t drop!And you can find me in your citySteezed out wit my hoodie(I go, I go, I go so harrrrd)(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(Omarion)See the fade!Bright lights!See my chick!See the ice!I hit the stage!I kill the mic!Get em" on the floor!We gettin" right!Nigga I"m a VET!Give it up!I get respect!Cali love!And you can find me in your citySteezed out wit my hoodie(I go, I go, I go so harrrrd)(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(J-Rock)I get money all day, everyday wit my hoodie on.Strong on the rap game.Know, I get my bully on!And I stay strapped.Boy, you know I keep my fully on.Hustle like I"m broke, even though a nigga fully ON!Aww! Ya"ll be doin" too much!This is 2010!We don"t do button-ups!This INCREDIBLE fashion!This INCREDIBLE fabric!Got my Levi"s saggin"!Got my L Coat draggin"!Oww! Comin" down on you hoes!Comin" down like I"m Hova!I had to rock on the stove!I smoke a rock when I roll!You know that Presidential.Pass it to O!He like, "Oh no, I"m high off life my nigga!"I"m like, "Alright my nigga, I guess that"s more for me!"Chronic wit no seeds.Like no ovaries!You dig it??But if you don"t, then who cares??I got my hood on my arm!And hoodie over my head! ROCK!(Chorus)I got my 501 jeans on!(Wit my hoodie on!)All white V-Neck clean!(Wit my hoodie on!)Fresh out the box! So boss!(Wit my hoodie on!)I drop my steez on!(Wit my hoodie on!)I"m gettin" money all day! Everyday!(Wit my hoodie on!)Baby lookin" good over there!(Wit THE hoodie on!)Hustlers! Gangstas! Bustas! Ridas!(They goin" out wit they hoodie on!)(BB The Jerk and ProPheT Talking)(BB) Man...I hope they don"t think I"ma rob em" with this hoodie on!(ProPheT) Yeah dog, I got stopped by the cops for wearin" a hoodie!(BB) Well, this "BB The Jerk"(ProPheT) ProPheT(BB) Yeah, Starworld! You already know!(BB and ProPheT) AYE! We home!!
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