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意识到realize 动词,realized形容词,realizable名词现实的reality副词,realizably.名词真的really副词,realness,名词

real 是什么意思

real英 [riu02d0l] 美 ["riu0259l] adj. 实际的;真实的;实在的adv. 真正地;确实地n. 现实;实数n. (Real)人名;(德、西、葡、法)雷亚尔;(英)里尔[ 比较级 realer或 more real 最高级 realest或 most real ]例:Whitechild"s life becomes increasingly real to the reader.怀特菜尔德的生活在读者看来越来越像是真的。






《Reality》Lost Frequencies/JanieckStop claiming what you own, don"t think about the show 不要再去幻想,白日梦该停了 We"re all playing the same game, waiting on our loan 漫漫人生路上,还清心灵旧债 We"re unknown and known, special and a clone 未知却又熟识,人人啼笑皆之 Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow 爱会使你麻木,放手万事皆休 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 时而涓涓暖流,时而彻骨寒流 It"s written in our stories, it"s written on the walls 我们用这画笔,书写青春年华 ...

Reality 这首歌是什么电影的插曲呀?

第一次接触 La Boum (1980)又名:初吻主题曲《现实》(Reality)由Richard Sanderson演唱

英语not surrender to Mr.Reality怎么翻译?

not surrender to Mr.Reality不要向现实先生投降


无意中遇见你 我并不了解 生命将从此改变 看见你伫立 我不知道自己在意空气中有种特殊气氛 梦境是我的真实 唯一真实的梦幻 幻想已经很平常 我试着活在梦境里 仿佛注定就该如此 梦境是我的真实 完全不同的真实 我梦见夜晚中相爱 而相爱如此自然 虽然这只是梦幻 假若你真的存在 亲爱的别抗拒 为我展现爱的新方式 告诉我这是真的 教我怎么做 我对你你有特殊感觉 梦境就是我的真实 唯一的真实 或许我不再愚昧 我将拭目以待如此真实的感觉进入我的生命中 梦境就是我的真实 一个我沈浸的奇幻世界 我梦见拥抱你整夜 拥抱你似乎很自然 或许这就是我的真实 无意中遇见你 我从不知我的生命将从此改变 我对你有种特殊情愫 梦境就是我的真实 一个我沈浸的奇幻世界 幻想已经很平常 我试着活在梦境里 虽然它只是幻梦 梦境就是我的真实 我喜欢梦见你靠近我 梦见夜晚中相爱 相爱这么自然 或许这就是我的真实 表达了对爱情的盼望,有点诗意,有点梦幻,也有点矛盾。梦即是“现实”。希望梦可以成为现实,挺深奥的!

i really fuckin love you the pretty reckless的歌。求歌词和歌曲下载链接。或者直接发邮箱。急求。!!

The Pretty Reckless - I Really Fucking Love You1,2,3,4I used to hate you But now I love youSo like a roseSo like a roseBut when you kiss me I wanna slap youBut sorry it"s lostThe feeling is lostI chew my nails downI look at the groundI am pissedI am shyCause you threw me in a blenderI am hotI am coldDo you wanna get to know meDo you wanna learn to get inside my headDo you wanna get to touch meCause now my ex is officially deadI don"t lalalala like youI lalalala love youI used to hahaha hate youAnd now I really fucking love youI"m feeling stupidBut I won"t tell youI am blondI feel dumbI sound sweetly in the daytimeNot a turn,not a turnI cry my eyes outHoping you"ll shoutBe my girlfriendBe my girlfriendAnd when you kiss herI"ll tell you it hurtsI want moreI want moreSo you do you wanna get to know meDo you wanna learn to get inside my headDo you wanna get to touch meCause now my ex is officially deadI don"t lalalala like youI lalalala love youI used to hahaha hate youAnd now I really fucking love youCould you, could you, could you, could you keep a secretWould you, would you, would you, would you wanna keep itWanna, wanna, wanna, wanna make a scandalBut I can get ya, get ya, get ya by the handleAnd if you, if you, if you really feel meThen you got me, got me, got me thinking maybeFor a minute or maybe to we"re not in publicI"ll make you lalalala lovesickI don"t lalalala like youI lalalala love youI used to hahaha hate youBut now I really fucking love youI don"t lalalala like youI lalalala love youI used to hahaha hate youBut now I really fucking love you



求一首英文摇滚歌开头是i am a box i am a scream 我找很久没找到 天才都急死了望知道的帮帮忙!!先谢了

trouble is a friend

孝利家民宿2允儿睡觉时听的歌曲是什么 Reality中英文完整歌词

【导读】:孝利家民宿第二季目前已经开播了,节目中林允儿睡觉时响起的背景音乐非常的好听,那么孝利家民宿2允儿睡觉时听的歌曲是什么?Reality中英文完整歌词。 孝利家民宿2允儿睡觉时听的歌曲是什么 据悉,这首歌曲是由Richard Sanderson演唱的《Reality》。 孝利家民宿2以前单知道允儿是少女时代ace,门面担当,真是没想到做饭也是一把好手!想我一个华夫饼狂人,对这个华夫饼机瞬间长草啊! 孝利家民宿2年度最暖心综艺终于回归啦!第一集首播收视率达到9.1%,创下历代JTBC电视台节目首播最高纪录。豆瓣也直接飚到9.7分!前段时间刚开始上线的《孝利家民宿》第二季在首播之后就取得了很好的收视,而很多观众对第一队夫妇林允儿在睡觉时候听的歌很感兴趣,据了解,这首歌曲是由Richard Sanderson演唱的《Reality》。 孝利家民宿2》李氏夫妇和新职员允儿围坐在壁炉前超级治愈,期待一代女团妖精孝利女王和二代女团精灵允儿仙子的相遇。此外,节目组还通过预告视频公开了民宿新职员允儿的在民宿整理衣服、做饭、和李孝利一起玩雪橇的开心模样。朴宝剑将作为特别嘉宾出演,从宣布制作第二季开始,朴宝剑一直是网友们的推荐的首选新职员,且因为朴宝剑不是经常出演综艺节目,更加引发期待.本次将与李孝利李尚顺夫妇以及少女时代林允儿带来怎样的化学反应令人期待!2018年2月4日首播!每周日晚上8点50分于JTBC播出! Reality中英文完整歌词 Met you by surprise I didn‘t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解 That my life would change forever 生命将从此改变 Saw you standing there 看见你伫立 I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air 我不知道我会在意,空气中那种特殊的新奇 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! The only kind of real fantasy 这仅仅是一种梦想变为现实 Illusions are a mon thing  错觉已成平常事 I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里 It seems as it‘s meant to be 彷佛注定就该如此 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! A different kind of reality 一个完全不同的真实 I dream of loving in the night 我梦见夜晚中相爱 And loving seems alright 而相爱如此自然 Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻 If you do exist honey don‘t resist 假如你真的存在 亲爱的请不要抗拒 Show me a new way of loving 给我的深情展示一条全新的路 Tell me that it"s true 并告诉我那是真实 show me what to do 告诉我该做什么 I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! The only kind of reality 是仅仅的一种真实 May be my foolishness is past 也许我的愚蠢将成为过去 And may be now at last 也或许现在就是结束 I‘ll see how the real thing can be 我将见证那些真实事情的实现 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! A wondrous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界 I dream of holding you all night and holding you seem right 我梦见拥抱你整夜 拥抱你似乎很自然 Perhaps that"s my reality 大概这就是我的真实 Met you by surprise I didn‘t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解 That"my love would change forever 我的爱将从此改变 Tell me that it‘s true feeling that are new 告诉我确确实实感觉那是新奇 I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! A wonderous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界 Illusions are a mon thing 错觉已成平常事 I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里 Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻 Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实! I like to dream of you close to me 我喜欢梦见你靠近我 I dream of loving in the night 我梦见夜晚中相爱 And loving you seems right 而相爱如此自然 Perhaps that‘s my reality 大概这就是我的真实

How come you didn’t tell me about this before?和How come they left you alone here!怎么理解这两个句

How come = WhyHow come you didn"t tell me about this before?你之前怎么没告诉我这个?和How come they left you alone here!他们为什么把你一个人扔在这儿!


reality 是现实 fact是事实 truth是真相 in reality是在现实中 in fact是实际上 actually也是实际上的意思



Serj Tankian的《Reality TV》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality TV歌手:Serj Tankian专辑:Harakiri《Reality》——《真实》-- Richard Sanderson --(选自电影《La Boum/初吻》主题曲)by Norman Yang<3><2><1><START>Met you by surprise(碰巧遇见你)I didn"t realize(可我并未意识到)That my life would change forever(我的人生将从此改变)Saw you standing there(看你站在那里)I didn"t know I cared(我并不知道自己在乎)There was something special in the air(空气中弥漫着特殊的气氛)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)The only kind of real fantasy(唯一真实的幻想)Illusions are a common thing(幻象显得很平常)I try to live in dreams(我试着活在梦里)It seems as if it"s meant to be(仿佛注定就该如此)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)A different kind of reality(一种完全不同的真实)I dream of loving in the night(夜晚我梦见了爱情)And loving seems alright(爱情似乎很自然)Although it"s only fantasy(虽然那只是幻想)If you do exist(如果你真的存在)Honey don"t resist(亲爱的,就别抗拒)Show me a new way of loving(给我一种爱情的新方式)Tell me that it"s true(告诉我那都是真的)Show me what to do(告诉我该怎么做)I feel shomething special about you(我能感到你与众不同)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)The only kind of reality(唯一的真实)Maybe my foolishness has past(也许我不在那么愚蠢)And maybe now at last(也许现在)I"ll see how a real thing can be(我将能看清何为真实)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)A wonderous world where I like to be(一个我想去的奇幻世界)I dream of holing you all night(我梦见整夜都拥抱着你)And holing you seems right(拥抱着你似乎很自然)Perhaps that"s my reality(也许那就是我的真实)Met you by surprise(碰巧遇见你)I didn"t realize(可我并未意识到)That my life would change forever(我的人生将从此改变)Tell me that it"s true(告诉我那都是真的)Feelings that I"m you(感觉我就是你)I feel something special about you(我感到你与众不同)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)A wonderous world where I like to be(一个我想去的奇幻世界)Illusions are a common thing(幻象显得很平常)I try to live in dreams(我试着活在梦里)Although it"s only fantasy(虽然那只是幻想)Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)I like to dream of you close to me(我喜欢梦见你靠近我)I dream of loving in the night(夜晚我梦见了爱情)And loving you seems right(爱上你似乎那么自然)Perhaps that"s my reality(也许那就是我的真实)<END>


翻译过来就是: 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解 生命将从此改变 看见你伫立 我不知道自己在意 空气中有种特殊气氛 梦境是我的真实 唯一的真实 幻想已经很平常 我试著活在梦境里 彷佛注定就该如此 梦境是我的真实 完全不同的真实 我梦见夜晚中相爱 而相爱如此自然 虽然这只是梦幻 假若你真的存在, 亲爱的别抗拒 为我展现爱的新方式 告诉我这是真的, 教我怎么做 我对你有种特殊的感觉 梦境就是我的真实 唯一的真实 或许我不再愚蠢 或许现在最终 我将看到真实的感觉是如何形成的 梦境就是我的真实 一个我喜欢的奇妙世界 我梦见拥抱你整夜, 拥抱你似乎很自然 或许这就是我的真实 梦境就是我的真实 一个我喜欢的奇妙世界 幻想已经很平常 我设法活在梦境里 虽然它只是梦 梦境就是我的真实 我喜欢梦见你靠近我 我梦见夜晚中相爱 相爱这么自然 或许这就是我的真实

Dream的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Dream声にならない この想いを抱きしめて果てしなく続いてる 约束の场所へ行こう歌名 : Reality作词 : 松室麻衣作曲 : 大谷靖夫歌 : Dreamいつも「こんなもの」だと自信が消えかけていた君の弱い表情(かお)をはじめて见たビルの隙间に1人隠れているんじゃなくて少しづつ梦へと走り出そう离れているけど心はいつでもそばに感じられる二人 涙と悲しみを强さにかえようどんな时でも 私らしく伝えたい「キミがいる」それだけで 自然に笑っていられる梦へと近づく时にきっと生まれ出す守りたいモノひとつ 谁にもきっとあるから君の「涙」の理由を闻くのが恐かったけど淋しそうに背中が震えていた伤を负っても止まることなく歩き出せたらいつだって私はココにいるよどこかさめたような 気持ちで过ごしていたけど君の一言が 心にやさしく温かく伝わるどんな时でも キミがキミでいられる様に目を闭じて 祈ってる 梦のかけらを集めてときめくこの想い 风に乗せて伝えようゆずれないモノひとつ 谁にもきっとあるから离れているけど心はいつでもそばに感じられる二人 涙と悲しみを强さにかえようどんな时でも 私らしく伝えたい「キミがいる」それだけで 自然に笑っていられる梦へと近づく时にきっと生まれ出す守りたいモノひとつ 谁にもきっとあるから

Richard Sanderson的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Richard Sanderson<Reality>-Richard SandersonMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I caredThere was something special in the airDreams are my realizeThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems a nightAlthoughj it"s only fantasyIf you do exist honey don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that to do show me what to doI feel shomething special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all night and holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are youI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingTry to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seem tryPerhaps that"s my reality

一首女生唱的英文歌歌词有how are you how ……you ,I ……

歌曲:just wanna get close to you歌手:baizura ning专辑:always希望我的回答可以帮到你 谢谢


《reality》歌手:Richard Sanderson所属专辑:《La Boum电影原声》发行时间:1980年歌词对照:Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解That my life would change forever 生命将从此改变Saw you standing there 看见你伫立I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air 我不知道我会在意,空气中那种特殊的新奇Dreams are my reality   梦境是我的真实!The only kind of real fantasy 这仅仅是一种梦想变为现实illusions are a common thing   错觉已成平常事I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里It seems as it"s meant to be 彷佛注定就该如此Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!A different kind of reality 一个完全不同的真实I dream of loving in the night   我梦见夜晚中相爱And loving seems alright 而相爱如此自然Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻If you do exist honey don"t resist   假如你真的存在 亲爱的请不要抗拒Show me a new way of loving   给我的深情展示一条全新的路Tell me that it"s true 并告诉我那是真实show me what to do 告诉我该做什么I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!The only kind of reality  是仅仅的一种真实May be my foolishness is past 也许我的愚蠢将成为过去And may be now at last 也或许现在就是结束I"ll see how the real thing can be   我将见证那些真实事情的实现Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!A wondrous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界I dream of holding you all night and holding you seem right 我梦见拥抱你整夜 拥抱你似乎很自然Perhaps that"s my reality 大概这就是我的真实Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解That"my love would change forever 我的爱将从此改变Tell me that it"s true feeling that are new   告诉我确确实实感觉那是新奇I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!A wonderous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界Illusions are a common thing 错觉已成平常事I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!I like to dream of you close to me 我喜欢梦见你靠近我I dream of loving in the night   我梦见夜晚中相爱And loving you seems right 而相爱如此自然Perhaps that"s my reality 大概这就是我的真实

reality.这首英文歌.谁能把英文.写成对应中文.比如: fantasy --范特西.写成相似的中文.好的我提高分




Richard Sanderson的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Richard Sanderson专辑:终成眷属<Reality>-Richard SandersonMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I caredThere was something special in the airDreams are my realizeThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems a nightAlthoughj it"s only fantasyIf you do exist honey don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that to do show me what to doI feel shomething special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all night and holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are youI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingTry to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seem tryPerhaps that"s my reality

Richard Sanderson的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Richard Sanderson专辑:Burning Hearts: Best Sad Songs for Your Soul<Reality>-Richard SandersonMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I caredThere was something special in the airDreams are my realizeThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems a nightAlthoughj it"s only fantasyIf you do exist honey don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that to do show me what to doI feel shomething special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all night and holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are youI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingTry to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seem tryPerhaps that"s my reality


reality n.现实;实际;真实 同义词: 1、actuality n.现状;现实;事实 2、truth n.真理;事实;诚实;实质 3、fact n.事实;实际;真相 4、case n.情况;实例;箱

John Holt的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:John Holt专辑:Police In Helicopter朴慧京-realityMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I"d careThere was something special in the airDreams are my realityA only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as if it"s meant to be.Dreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems alrightalthough it"s only fantasy.If you do exist,honey don"r resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that it"s trueShow me what to doI feel something special about you.Dreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all nightand holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are newI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seems rightPerhaps that"s my reality

Max的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Max专辑:Maximum铃木亜美 - Reality作词:小室哲哉作曲:Mitsuko Komuro & 小室哲哉It"s your reality,it"s your ability君のReality 君のAbility変わるあしたと変わらない梦感动したり绝望したり続けて行くんだねバス通りのほこり ふと目に涙がにじむ制服姿の君は もういない まるで别な人ひたいの汗をぬぐって走って叫んだあの日覚えてて忘れないでどんなに远く离れても旅立つ君を见送る いつまでも君のReality 君のAbility変わるあしたと変わらない梦感动したり绝望したりふたりでくぐり抜けた思い出たち君のReality 君だけのAbilityいろんな気持ち抱きしめてたねはしゃぎ过ぎたり ただしょんぼりしたりどんな时も 君を见ていた君は今 静かに 微笑むけれどさよならだけは 言わないでいて淋しい时には 手纸も 电话もあるよだけど一番 せつない変わってゆくことが泣き出しちゃだめだねわかってるけど君の始まり笑って见ていたいけど ずっと…ふたり放课後に 歩いたあの坂道から楽しげにとってくる自転车の子供たち君のReality 君だけのAbilityいろんな気持ち抱きしめてたねはしゃぎ过ぎたり ただしょんぼりしたりこれからも続いてゆくのかなこれからもふたり君は今手を振って远くなる小さくなるよ泣かないでこの胸言い闻かせてる同じまなざしもう一度向かい会う日に君が探しているものを见つけていてほしい大切なのは 君だけのIdentity帰り道はひとり 见上げた空今 君へと続くよ 追いかけたい君のReality 君のAbility変わるあしたと変わらない梦君のReality 君のAbility変わるあしたと変わらない梦



( )you are always late? did it 2.why did it came come

选4 1.2首先排除.it就是指代的后面you are always late,不需要再用it,用了它,反而画蛇添足,重复 3,与后面的are时态不一致 所以选择4 句意为:你为什么总是会迟到?



庾澄庆的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:庾澄庆专辑:哈莱坞Reality-庾澄庆Met you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I caredThere was something special in the airDreams are my realizeThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems a nightAlthoughj it"s only fantasyIf you do exist honey don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that to do show me what to doI feel shomething special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMay be must fool is ness has pastAnd may be now at lastI"ll see how a real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holing you all nightand holing you seem tryPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surprise I didn"t realizeThat"my life would change foreverTell me that it"s true feelings that are youI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving the nightAnd loving you seem tryPerhaps that"s my reality

reality中文歌词 reality歌词中文翻译

1、歌词: Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以高飞,我也可以低翔 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以辉煌,我也可以黯淡 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Stop claiming what you own, dont think about the show 停下索取的步伐,卸下你的假面 Were all playing the same game, waiting on our loan 在千篇一律的生活中,期待梦想成真的那天 Were unknown and known, special and a clone 相同和不同,都是我们,没有什么不同 Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow 仇恨让你保守,有爱让你明媚 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 Its written in our stories, its written on the walls 写在我们的故事中,写在不朽的墙上 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, dont we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,完美的人生在演绎 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以辉煌,我也可以黯淡 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 Its written in our stories, its written on the walls 写在我们的故事中,写在不朽的墙上 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, dont we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,完美的人生在演绎 2、Reality是Lost Frequencies的电音作品,由Janieck Devy演唱。


real的名词形式:reality n.现实;实际情况;事实;实际经历;见到的事物 复数: realities 记忆技巧:real 真实的 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 现实 扩展资料   例句:   His theories are somewhat remote from reality.   他的理论有点儿脱离现实。   Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.   有时候现实和幻想很难区分。   Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.   表面上看,她显得信心十足,而实际上她紧张得要命。   He seems completely divorced from reality.   他似乎完全脱离了现实。   Is watching television a retreat from reality?   看电视是对现实的一种逃避吗?


-really 副词:adv. 实际上,事实上;真正地,真实地;真的吗?(表语气)-reality 名词:n. 现实;实际;真实-real 一般用作形容词:adj. 实际的;真实的;实在的一般常用作形容词,但也有其他词性,如下1)名词 n. [the real]实在的东西;现实;【数学】实数; (人名)里尔2)副词 adv. [口语]非常;真正地


Reality 真 实    Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解   That my life would change forever 生命将从此改变   Saw you standing there 看见你伫立   I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air 我不知道我会在意,空气中那种特殊的新奇   Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!   The only kind of real fantasy 这仅仅是一种梦想变为现实   Illusions are a common thing 错觉已成平常事   I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里    It seems as it"s meant to be 彷佛注定就该如此    Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!    A different kind of reality 一个完全不同的真实    I dream of loving in the night 我梦见夜晚中相爱   And loving seems alright 而相爱如此自然   Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻    If you do exist honey don"t resist 假如你真的存在 亲爱的请不要抗拒   Show me a new way of loving 给我的深情展示一条全新的路   Tell me that it"s true 并告诉我那是真实    show me what to do 告诉我该做什么    I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在   Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!    The only kind of reality 是仅仅的一种真实   May be my foolishness is past 也许我的愚蠢将成为过去    And may be now at last 也或许现在就是结束   I"ll see how the real thing can be 我将见证那些真实事情的实现   Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!    A wondrous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界    I dream of holding you all night and holding you seem right 我梦见拥抱你整夜 拥抱你似乎很自然   Perhaps that"s my reality 大概这就是我的真实   Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 无意中遇见你, 我并不了解   That"my love would change forever 我的爱将从此改变    Tell me that it"s true feeling that are new 告诉我确确实实感觉那是新奇   I feel something special about you 我好感触到你那种特殊的存在   Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!    A wonderous world where I like to be 一个我沉浸的奇妙世界    Illusions are a common thing 错觉已成平常事   I try to live in dreams 我试着活在梦境里   Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只不过是梦幻   Dreams are my reality 梦境是我的真实!    I like to dream of you close to me 我喜欢梦见你靠近我    I dream of loving in the night 我梦见夜晚中相爱   And loving you seems right 而相爱如此自然   Perhaps that"s my reality 大概这就是我的真实

How come you are here?这是什么结构?

倒装句 How come的意思是why,即为什么 How come you are here? =Why you are here? 正常语序为 How come are you here? 译为“你为什么在这里?”


《Reality》演唱:Richard Sanderson歌词:Met you by surprise I didn"t realize偶然中遇见你,但我并没有意识到That my life would change forever我的生命将从此改变Saw you standing there看见你伫立在那儿I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air我不知道我会在意,空气中已经渐渐的有点特别Dreams are my reality梦境是我的真实!The only kind of real fantasy是唯一一种真实的梦幻i can fly high i can go alone我可以飞得很高我可以独自去扩展资料创作背景:《Reality》是1980年克劳德皮诺托执导的法国电影《La Boum》(初吻)的主题曲,也是苏菲·玛索的成名作。这首歌由Richard Sanderson演唱曾成为15个国家的冠军歌曲,并在欧洲和亚洲售卖了800万张。后来在韩国电影《阳光姐妹淘》中也出现过这首歌。甜蜜温暖的感觉很是让人沉醉,仿佛回到了白衣飘飘的八十年代。


[ti:Reality][ar:Richard Sanderson][al:La Boum][by:Dr.Norman] [00:01.00]《Reality》——《真实》[00:01.88]-- Richard Sanderson --[00:02.12](选自电影《La Boum/初吻》主题曲)[00:04.62]===============================================================[00:06.12]by Norman Yang[00:08.52]===============================================================[00:10.11]<3>[00:11.11]<2>[00:12.11]<1>[00:13.01]<START>[00:13.11]Met you by surprise(碰巧遇见你)[00:16.19]I didn"t realize(可我并未意识到)[00:19.43]That my life would change forever(我的人生将从此改变)[00:26.11]Saw you standing there(看你站在那里)[00:29.03]I didn"t know I cared(我并不知道自己在乎)[00:32.57]There was something special in the air(空气中弥漫着特殊的气氛)[00:39.29]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[00:43.84]The only kind of real fantasy(唯一真实的幻想)[00:50.94]Illusions are a common thing(幻象显得很平常)[00:54.93]I try to live in dreams(我试着活在梦里)[00:58.10]It seems as if it"s meant to be(仿佛注定就该如此)[01:04.85]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[01:09.36]A different kind of reality(一种完全不同的真实)[01:16.54]I dream of loving in the night(夜晚我梦见了爱情)[01:20.38]And loving seems alright(爱情似乎很自然)[01:23.51]Although it"s only fantasy(虽然那只是幻想)[01:29.26][01:43.11]If you do exist(如果你真的存在)[01:46.13]Honey don"t resist(亲爱的,就别抗拒)[01:49.38]Show me a new way of loving(给我一种爱情的新方式)[01:55.63]Tell me that it"s true(告诉我那都是真的)[01:58.74]Show me what to do(告诉我该怎么做)[02:01.82]I feel shomething special about you(我能感到你与众不同)[02:08.27]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[02:12.61]The only kind of reality(唯一的真实)[02:19.58]Maybe my foolishness has past(也许我不在那么愚蠢)[02:23.51]And maybe now at last(也许现在)[02:26.58]I"ll see how a real thing can be(我将能看清何为真实)[02:33.07]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[02:37.53]A wonderous world where I like to be(一个我想去的奇幻世界)[02:44.51]I dream of holing you all night(我梦见整夜都拥抱着你) [02:48.34]And holing you seems right(拥抱着你似乎很自然)[02:51.46]Perhaps that"s my reality(也许那就是我的真实)[02:56.50][03:19.89]Met you by surprise(碰巧遇见你)[03:22.78]I didn"t realize(可我并未意识到)[03:26.00]That my life would change forever(我的人生将从此改变)[03:32.19]Tell me that it"s true(告诉我那都是真的) [03:35.30]Feelings that I"m you(感觉我就是你)[03:38.50]I feel something special about you(我感到你与众不同)[03:44.69]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[03:49.07]A wonderous world where I like to be(一个我想去的奇幻世界)[03:56.13]Illusions are a common thing(幻象显得很平常)[03:59.97]I try to live in dreams(我试着活在梦里)[04:03.14]Although it"s only fantasy(虽然那只是幻想)[04:09.66]Dreams are my reality(梦境是我的真实)[04:14.06]I like to dream of you close to me(我喜欢梦见你靠近我)[04:20.92]I dream of loving in the night(夜晚我梦见了爱情)[04:24.68]And loving you seems right(爱上你似乎那么自然)[04:27.98]Perhaps that"s my reality(也许那就是我的真实)[04:33.34][04:34.91]<END>

reality歌词 歌曲reality歌词

Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走咱就走,在时间的浪潮中 Lost Frequencies Lost Frequencies Sometimes I believe, at times I"m rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I don"t know 今天腰缠万贯,明天命运未知 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走咱就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times I"m rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I don"t know 今天腰缠万贯,明天命运未知 Stop claiming what you own, don"t think about the show 不再满足眼前的生活,一切都已是过眼云烟 We"re all playing the same game, waiting on our loan 千篇一律的生活,期待梦想成真的那天 We"re unknown and known, special and a clone 貌同实异,徒有殊处 Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow 仇恨让你谨慎,爱心让你成熟 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 It"s written in our stories, it"s written on the walls 我们的故事被写下,墙间字迹斑驳 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, don"t we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,这是我们的人生 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走咱就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times I"m rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I don"t know 今天腰缠万贯,明天命运未知 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 It"s written in our stories, it"s written on the walls 我们的故事被写下,墙间字迹斑驳 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, don"t we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,这是我们的人生


我想你 你知道我是谁吗


wewerebornalone出自歌曲《Lovesick Girls》。歌曲:Lovesick Girls歌手:BLACKPINK填词:Teddy、Jisoo、Jennie、Danny Chung、R. Tee、Brian Lee、Leah Haywood、David Guetta谱曲:Teddy、Jisoo、Jennie、Danny Chung、R. Tee、Brian Lee、Leah Haywood、David Guetta歌词Lovesick girls相思病女孩Lovesick girls相思病女孩uc601uc6d0ud55c ubc24永远的夜晚ucc3dubb38 uc5c6ub294 ubc29uc5d0 uc6b0ub9b4 uac00ub454 love (love)把我们关在没有窗户的房间里 爱(爱)What can we say?我们能说什么?ub9e4ubc88 uc544ud30cub3c4 uc678uce58ub294 love (love)每次痛也要喊的爱情 爱(爱)ub2e4uce58uace0 ub9dduac00uc838ub3c4 ub098 ubb58 ubbffuace0 ubc84ud2f0ub294 uac70uc57c就算我受伤了,毁了,我也要靠什么坚持。uc5b4ucc28ud53c ub5a0ub098uba74 uc0c1ucc98ud22cuc131uc778 ucc44ub85c ubbf8uc6ccud558uac8c ub420uac78反正离开的话,你会伤痕累累地恨我的。ub05duc7a5uc744 ubcf4uae30 uc804 ub05dub0bc uc21c uc5c6uc5b4我们不能在结束之前就结束。uc774 uc544ud514uc744 uae30ub2e4ub9b0 uac83ucc98ub7fc就像等待这痛苦一样。uc544ub9c8 ub2e4 uc7a0uae50 uc77cuc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c也许都只是暂时的uc6b0ub9b0 ubb34uc5bc ucc3euc544uc11c ud5e4ub9e4ub294 uac78uae4c?我们在寻找什么呢?But I don"t care, I"ll do it over and over但我不在乎,我会一遍又一遍地做ub0b4 uc138uc0c1 uc18duc5d4 ub108ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 ub3fc我的世界里只有你We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩ub124 uba4bub300ub85c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc744 ub05dub0bc uc21c uc5c6uc5b4你不能随心所欲地结束我的爱We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩uc774 uc544ud514 uc5c6uc778 ub09c uc544ubb34 uc758ubbf8uac00 uc5c6uc5b4没有这份痛苦,我没有任何意义But we were born to be alone但我们生来就是孤独的Yeah, we were born to be alone是的,我们生来就是孤独的Yeah, we were born to be alone是的,我们生来就是孤独的But why we still looking for love?但为什么我们还在寻找爱呢?No love letters, no X and O"s没有情书,没有X和ONo love, never, my exes know没有爱,永远不会,我的前任知道No diamond rings, that set in stone没有镶在石头上的钻石戒指To the left, better left alone往左边走,最好别管Didn"t wanna be a princess, I"m priceless我不想成为公主,我是无价之宝A prince not even on my list一个王子甚至不在我的名单上Love is a drug that I quit爱是我戒掉的毒品No doctor could help when I"m lovesick当我得了相思病时,没有医生能帮我uc544ub9c8 ub2e4 uc7a0uae50uc77cuc9c0ub3c4 ubab0ub77c也许都只是暂时的uc6b0ub9b0 ubb34uc5bc ucc3euc544uc11c ud5e4ub9e4ub294 uac78uae4c?我们在寻找什么呢?ubd88uc548ud55c ub0b4 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub110 ub2f4uc544把你装进我不安的眼神里uc544ud504ub354ub77cub3c4 ub108ub9cc uc788uc73cuba74 ub3fc即使病了,只要有你就行了We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩ub124 uba4bub300ub85c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc744 ub05dub0bc uc21c uc5c6uc5b4你不能随心所欲地结束我的爱We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩uc774 uc544ud514 uc5c6uc778 ub09c uc544ubb34 uc758ubbf8uac00 uc5c6uc5b4没有这份痛苦,我没有任何意义But we were born to be alone但我们生来就是孤独的Yeah, we were born to be alone是的,我们生来就是孤独的Yeah, we were born to be alone是的,我们生来就是孤独的But why we still looking for love?但为什么我们还在寻找爱呢?uc0acub791uc740 slippin" and fallin", uc0acub791uc740 killin" your darlin"爱情是滑倒,爱情是杀了你亲爱的uc544ud504ub2e4 uc544ubb3cuba74 ub610 ucc3euc544uc624ub294 uc774 uac81 uc5c6ub294 ub5a8ub9bc疼痛愈合的话又会到来的这无畏的颤抖ub4e4ub9acuc9c0 uc54auc544 what you say, uc774 uc544ud514uc774 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud574听不见你说的话,这痛苦我很幸福ub098ub97c ubd88uc30dud574ud558ub294 ub124uac00 ub0b4 ub208uc5d4 ub354 ubd88uc30dud574可怜我的你在我眼里更可怜We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩ub124 uba4bub300ub85c ub0b4 uc0acub791uc744 ub05dub0bc uc21c uc5c6uc5b4你不能随心所欲地结束我的爱We are the lovesick girls我们是相思病女孩uc774 uc544ud514 uc5c6uc778 ub09c uc544ubb34 uc758ubbf8uac00 uc5c6uc5b4没有这份痛苦,我没有任何意义。ubaa8ub450 uacb0uad6d ub5a0ub098uac00uace0所有人最终都离开了(Lovesick girls) ub0b4 ub208ubb3cuc774 ubb34ub38cuc838ub3c4(相思病女孩)即使我的眼泪变得迟钝(Lovesick girls) uc544ud504uace0 ub610 uc544ud30cub3c4(相思病女孩)虽然又疼又疼(Lovesick girls) But we"re still looking for love(相思病女孩)但我们仍然在寻找爱《Lovesick Girls》专辑获奖《Lovesick Girls》是一首由韩国女子组合BLACKPINK演唱的歌曲,由YG娱乐和新视镜唱片于2020年10月2日发行。该歌曲收录于组合首张韩语正规专辑《The Album》中作为主打歌。BLACKPINK成员Jisoo和Jennie参与该单曲的词曲创作。该单曲是一首带有吉他演奏的流行电子舞曲,歌词讲述了感情破裂后心理恢复的过程。该专辑也收录了BLACKPINK与美国女歌手Selena Gomez合作的单曲《Ice Cream》。《Ice Cream》荣获公告牌百强单曲榜第13位,成为BLACKPINK在该榜单最高的纪录。此专辑让BLACKPINK成为KPOP历史上第一个GAON榜单销量破百万女歌手,《THE ALBUM》以1,073,671的销量站上了10月GAON专辑销售榜单的第二名,也是女歌手中第一个GAON榜单销量突破100万张的专辑。

reality中文歌词 reality歌词中文翻译

1、歌词: Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以高飞,我也可以低翔 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以辉煌,我也可以黯淡 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Stop claiming what you own, dont think about the show 停下索取的步伐,卸下你的假面 Were all playing the same game, waiting on our loan 在千篇一律的生活中,期待梦想成真的那天 Were unknown and known, special and a clone 相同和不同,都是我们,没有什么不同 Hate will make you cautious, love will make you glow 仇恨让你保守,有爱让你明媚 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 Its written in our stories, its written on the walls 写在我们的故事中,写在不朽的墙上 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, dont we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,完美的人生在演绎 Decisions as I go, to anywhere I flow 说走就走,在时间的浪潮中 Sometimes I believe, at times Im rational 有时我相信,泰然自若才是真 I can fly high, I can go low 我可以辉煌,我也可以黯淡 Today I got a million. Tomorrow, I dont know 今天的我腰缠万贯,明天的我命运未知 Make me feel the warmth, make me feel the cold 人生自古多磨难,世间冷暖皆自知 Its written in our stories, its written on the walls 写在我们的故事中,写在不朽的墙上 This is our call, we rise and we fall 内心的呼唤,燃烧又熄灭 Dancing in the moonlight, dont we have it all? 月光下载歌载舞,完美的人生在演绎 2、Reality是Lost Frequencies的电音作品,由Janieck Devy演唱。


《Reality》演唱:Richard Sanderson歌词:Met you by surprise I didn"t realize偶然中遇见你,但我并没有意识到That my life would change forever我的生命将从此改变Saw you standing there看见你伫立在那儿I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air我不知道我会在意,空气中已经渐渐的有点特别Dreams are my reality梦境是我的真实!The only kind of real fantasy是唯一一种真实的梦幻i can fly high i can go alone我可以飞得很高我可以独自去扩展资料创作背景:《Reality》是1980年克劳德皮诺托执导的法国电影《La Boum》(初吻)的主题曲,也是苏菲·玛索的成名作。这首歌由Richard Sanderson演唱曾成为15个国家的冠军歌曲,并在欧洲和亚洲售卖了800万张。后来在韩国电影《阳光姐妹淘》中也出现过这首歌。甜蜜温暖的感觉很是让人沉醉,仿佛回到了白衣飘飘的八十年代。

how come you look so tired.come 是怎么回事和do 一样吗

how come 带有质问 鄙视.不是礼貌的用语.不要随便用

你们知道法国电影《初吻》的主题曲 reality的歌词吗?




one more thing还是one thing more

正确说法是: one more thing 还有一件事。这里more属于形容词,意思是“另外的”。thing不是不定代词,修饰它的形容词more没有必要置于thing后面。

richard sanderson--reality的歌词

reality - richard sanderson -richard sandersonmet you by surprise i didn"t realizethat my life would change foreversaw you standing therei didn"t know i caredthere was something special in the airdreams are my realizethe only kind of real fantasyillusions are a common thingi try to live in dreamsit seems as it"s meant to bedreams are my realitya different kind of realityi dream of loving in the nightand loving seems alrightalthough it"s only fantasyif you do exist honey don"t resistshow me a new way of lovingtell me that to do show me what to doi feel shomething special about youdreams are my realitythe only kind of realitymay be my foolishness has pastand may be now at lasti"ll see how a real thing can bedreams are my realitya wonderous world where i like to bei dream of holing you all night and holing you seem rightperhaps

现实是the reality 还是a reality?

the reality很抽象,不可以用a 来表达,一般不会这样用的

How come you are so success这句子对吗?

后面的success是名词。你这后面要跟形容词。successful。How come you are so successful.success 英[səkˈses] 美[səkˈses] n. 成功; 胜利; 发财; 成名; 成功的人(或事物); [例句]Their success is due in large part to their determination.他们的成功在很大程度上应归功于他们的决心。[其他] 复数:successes


realization = 认识/意识reality = 现实比如:The realization that I coud do nothing to help her made me very frustrated. 我意识到我无法帮她任何忙使我觉得十分沮丧。Let"s face the reality。 让我们面对现实吧。


realize vrealitic adj没有副词形式吧 呵呵


Met you by surprise, I didn"t realize 偶尔遇见你,我未曾想象 that my life would change forever 我的命运会因此而永远的改变 Saw you standing there, I didn"t know I cared 远见你站在那里,我不知我竟会在意 there was something special in the air 空气里充满了弥漫的气息 Dreams are my reality, the only kind of real fantasy 魂梦是我的真谛,唯一真实地范特西 Illusions are a common thing 幻想是普通的 I try to live in dreams It seems as if it"s meant to be 我曾想活在梦里,好似那才是真地 Dreams are my reality, a different kind of reality 魂梦是我的真谛,一种不同的真谛 I dream of loving in the night And living seems alright 午夜轮回,我喜爱梦地感觉.好似活着没关系 Although it"s only fantasy 虽然那只是范特西 if you do exist, honey don"t resist 倘若你真地存在,你别抗拒 show me a new way of loving 让我看到爱的新方式 Tell me that it"s true, 告诉我那是真地 show me what to do 演示我我该做的事 I feel something special about you 我感到你独特的感觉 Dreams are my reality, the only kind of reality 魂梦是我的真谛,唯一的真谛 may be my foolishness has past And may be now at last I"ll see how a real thing can be 让我的愚昧过去吧, 希望我能在此是明白一个东西能有多真实 Dreams are my reality, a wonderous world where I like to be 魂梦是我的真谛, 一个我渴望的新鲜的国度 I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right 我曾想一直握着你,而此举似乎是对的 perhaps that"s my reality 或许,这就是我的真谛 Met you by surprise, I didn"t realize that my life would change forever 偶尔遇见你,我未曾想象我的命运会因此而永远的改变 Tell me that it"s true, 告诉我,这是真的 feelings that are cue I feel something special about you 迷茫的感觉,我对你也似乎有种特别的感觉 Dreams are my reality, a wonderous world where I like to be 魂梦是我的真谛, 一个我渴望的新鲜的国度 Illusions are a common thing I try to live in dreams 幻想是普通的,是我想生活在的 Although it"s only fantasy 虽然那只是范特西 Dreams are my reality, I like to dream of you close to me 魂梦是我的真谛, 我想象你在我身边的气息 I dream of loving in the night and loving you seems right 午夜轮回,我喜爱梦地感觉.好似活着没关系 Perhaps that"s my reality 或许那就是我的真谛

我译经典老歌——Reality 现实

歌手:Richard Sanderson 歌词译文:真念一思 初恋、初吻总会教人有丝丝甜蜜的怀念。情窦初开、青涩、含羞答答的情景,勾人回忆。看到影片、听到歌曲中描写初恋或初吻的情节,有时也会让铁石心肠的人“金石为开”,体验到箇中的浪漫之情。 《Reality》是1980年克劳德皮诺托执导的法国电影《La Boum》(初吻)的主题曲,也是苏菲·玛索的成名作。这首歌由Richard Sanderson演唱,曾成为15个国家的冠军歌曲,并在欧洲和亚洲售卖了800万张。后来在韩国电影《阳光姐妹淘》中也出现过这首歌。甜蜜温暖的感觉很是让人沉醉,仿佛回到了白衣飘飘的八十年代…… 歌手简介: 理查德·桑德森(richard sanderson)1953年3月5日出生于英国塔普罗(taplow),英国歌手,父亲是苏格兰人,鼓手,母亲是法国人,手风琴手,自幼爱好并学习音乐,15岁时自学吉他,曾经在美国伯克莱大学进修和声和弦乐,25时为苏菲·玛索主演的电影《初吻》演唱主题曲《reality》,并且在欧洲15个国家拿到冠军曲目,35岁后学习电影配乐,现与妻子和三个女儿居于巴黎附近。 更多精彩内容,尽在专题: 我译经典老歌 不断更新中,敬请关注赐教! 我狂乱的吻着 梦幻中的恋情 梦想清晰的站在我面前 那是你倾城的容颜 着迷的看你 浸透香味的心事 在空气中漫延 现实的梦幻弹拨着动人的琴弦 我一次次努力的走进你的视线 如果幻想就是存在 亲爱的 请不要拒绝我的爱恋 梦幻清晰的站在我面前 寻常华丽的语言笨掘了舌尖 砰砰砰 砰砰砰…… 狂跳的心 就像战鼓擂鸣 我喜欢沉浸在奇妙的世界 整夜与梦想相拥 我希望现实的与你亲近 我狂乱的吻着 梦幻中的恋情 (感谢缪斯之子配诗鼓励支持!)

real 有没有名词形式?

reality 事实

theres 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you 是什么意思


Ntando的《Reality》 歌词

歌曲名:Reality歌手:Ntando专辑:Izaga ProverbsMade by HandsomeCKMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat my life would change foreverSaw you standing thereI didn"t know I"d careThere was something special in the airDreams are my realityThe only kind of real fantasyIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsIt seems as it"s meant to beDreams are my realityA different kind of realityI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving seems alrightAlthough it"s only fantasyIf you do existHoney don"t resistShow me a new way of lovingTell me that it"s trueShow me what you doI feel something special about youDreams are my realityThe only kind of realityMaybe my foolishness is pastAnd maybe now at lastI"ll see how the real thing can beDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beI dream of holding you all nightAnd holding you seems rightPerhaps that"s my realityMet you by surpriseI didn"t realizeThat my love would change foreverTell me that it"s trueFeeling that are newI feel something special about youDreams are my realityA wonderous world where I like to beIllusions are a common thingI try to live in dreamsAlthough it"s only fantasyDreams are my realityI like to dream of you close to meI dream of loving in the nightAnd loving you seems rightPerhaps that"s my reality




real 英[u02c8ri:u0259l]美[u02c8riu0259l, ril]adj. 真的; 真实的,现实的; 事实上的; 真诚的;adv. 真正,实在; 确实地;n. 实在,现实; 实数;[例句]Desmond did not believe the diamond was real.德斯蒙德不相信那钻石是真的。[其他] 复数:realsreally 英[u02c8ri:u0259li]美[u02c8riu0259u02ccli, u02c8rili]adv. 实际上; 真,真正; 实在,果真; 事实上;[例句]The substance of his discussions doesn"t really matter.他讨论的要点实际上根本不重要。[其他] 形近词: penally misally anally

one more thing等于another thing还是another one thing

one more thing=another one thing 但还是有区别的 比如one more thing 的 thing 一般是指与你之前所谈论或者做的是同一类的thing 比如 one more apple 就是再来一个苹果 与之前吃的是一样的 而 another one thing呢 有点儿 另外一个thing的感觉 比如 another one thing 再来一个苹果 但是 这个苹果可能是不同种类的苹果 他们的意思相近 用的话也可以相互替换 但是不是简单的等于的关系 还是有细小的语义的差别

__________[A] ideality[B] realization[C] realism[D] reality

【答案】:DStress is an unavoidable, necessary, and potentially healthful reality of our society. 压力是我们社会中无可避免的,而且有潜在的促进社会健康作用的现实存在。表示“存在的现实状况”用[D] reality (n. 真实,事实,本体;逼真)。[A] ideality n. 理想,是ideal的名词形式。[B] realization n. 实现;认识;领会,是realize的名词形式。[C] realism n.现实主义。




Reality -Richard Sanderson Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 遇见你是意外,我没有意识到(连下)That my life would change forever 我的生命将永远改变Saw you standing there 看你站在那里I didn"t know I cared 我并不知道我在乎There was something special in the air 空气中有一些特别的东西Dreams are my realize 梦想是我的领悟The only kind of real fantasy 唯一的一种真实的幻想Illusions are a common thing 错觉是很普通的事I try to live in dreams 我试图活在梦中It seems as it"s meant to be 这似乎正以它意味着发展Dreams are my reality 梦想是我的现实A different kind of reality 一种不同的现实I dream of loving in the night 我做梦在夜晚恋爱And loving seems a night 而爱似乎象一个夜晚Althoughj it"s only fantasy 虽然这仅仅是幻想If you do exist honey don"t resist 如果你确实存在而甜蜜不曾抵抗Show me a new way of loving 给我展示一个爱的新方式Tell me that to do show me what to do 告诉我,展示给我去做什么I feel shomething special about you 我感到在你身上有些特别的东西Dreams are my reality 梦想是我的现实The only kind of reality 唯一的现实May be must fool is ness has past 或许玩笑已经过去(ness,是拼错了么??)And may be now at last 最后或许现在I"ll see how a real thing can be 我将看到一个真实的事物如何形成Dreams are my reality 梦想是我的现实A wonderous world where I like to be 一个我乐意去的精彩的世界I dream of holing you all night and holing you seem try 我梦想于带你穿越所有的夜晚,而这似乎只是徒劳Perhaps that"s my reality 或许这是我的现实Met you by surprise I didn"t realize 遇见你是意外,我没有意识到(连下)That"my life would change forever 我的生命将永远改变Tell me that it"s true feelings that are you 告诉我关于你那是真实的感觉I feel something special about you 我感到在你身上有些特别的东西Dreams are my reality 梦想是我的现实A wonderous world where I like to be 一个我乐意去的精彩的世界Illusions are a common thing 错觉是很普通的事I try to live in dreams 我试图活在梦中Although it"s only fantasy 虽然这只是幻想Dreams are my reality 梦想是我的现实I like to dream of you close to me 我喜欢梦到你离我很近I dream of loving the night 我梦见在夜晚恋爱And loving you seem try 而爱你似乎是徒劳Perhaps that"s my reality也许这是我的现实翻译原创,未经许可请勿转载





fact与truth 还有 reality的区别,能否将详细些

三者都有真实的意思,又另有其他意思与侧重 fact 事实,客观事实 truth 真理,真相 reality 现实,实际,与虚拟相对





how come 与 really表惊讶时的区别

具体区别不大。这样举例子吧,你问别人“How are you?”他说“I‘m not well。你就问How come,意为咋回事啊,为啥啊。你总不能说really吧。。。然后他说但是我今天彩票中奖了,你就说Really?意为真的吗?有一种惊讶的感觉。。这种区别是说不出来的,望您能慢慢品味! 此回答无权威性,仅供参考。纯手打。


My goodness,maybe I shall tell you how to use a dictionary.

reality是什么意思 揭示reality的含义和用法?


reality 是什么意思?

reality [ri"03l05ti; ri:-] n.1. 真实;真实性2. 现实;实际;实体;实物3. 真实感;逼真4. 【哲学】实在


名词 (pl. realities)现实;真实 He is out of touch with reality. 他脱离现实。 事实,实际存在的事物 His dream has become a reality. 他的梦想已成为现实。 逼真 【哲】实在 相关短语in reality 实际上 ... 更多 mutual reality 【电脑】共同现实 ... 更多 reality fighting 【体】搏击 (一种不戴头套, 通过使用脚踢、头撞和锁喉等搏斗技巧而决定输赢的运动项目) reality shock 现实冲击 reality show 亦作 reality program , (根据真实故事制作而成的) 社会传真节目 virtual reality 虚拟实境 virtual reality technology 【电脑】虚拟现实技术 virtual reality therapy 虚拟实境治疗 (利用电脑模拟的情境来协助病人克服心里恐惧的治疗. 亦称 virtual treatment 或 virtual reality treatment )




《Reality》演唱:Richard Sanderson歌词:Met you by surprise I didn"t realize偶然中遇见你,但我并没有意识到That my life would change forever我的生命将从此改变Saw you standing there看见你伫立在那儿I didn"t know I cared,There was something special in the air我不知道我会在意,空气中已经渐渐的有点特别Dreams are my reality梦境是我的真实!The only kind of real fantasy是唯一一种真实的梦幻i can fly high i can go alone我可以飞得很高我可以独自去扩展资料创作背景:《Reality》是1980年克劳德皮诺托执导的法国电影《La Boum》(初吻)的主题曲,也是苏菲·玛索的成名作。这首歌由Richard Sanderson演唱曾成为15个国家的冠军歌曲,并在欧洲和亚洲售卖了800万张。后来在韩国电影《阳光姐妹淘》中也出现过这首歌。甜蜜温暖的感觉很是让人沉醉,仿佛回到了白衣飘飘的八十年代。

one direction one thing 歌词

Song: One Thing Artist: One DirectionI"ve tried playing it coolGirl when I"m looking at youI can never be braveCause you make my heart raceShot me out of the skyYou"re my kryptoniteYou keep me making me weakYeah, frozen and can"t breatheSome things gotta get loudCause if not, they just don"t make you seeThat I need you here with me nowCause you"ve got that one thingSo get out, get out, get out of my headAnd fall into my arms insteadI don"t, I don"t, don"t know what it isBut I need that one thingAnd you"ve got that one thingNow I"m climbing the wallsBut you don"t notice at allThat I"m going out of my mindAll day and all nightSome things gotta get loudCause I"m dying just to know your nameAnd I need you here with me nowCause you"ve got that one thingSo get out, get out, get out of my headAnd fall into my arms insteadI don"t, I don"t, don"t know what it isBut I need that one thingAnd you"ve got that one thingSo get out, get out, get out of my mindAnd come on, come into my lifeI don"t, I don"t, don"t know what it isBut I need that one thingAnd you"ve got that one thingYou"ve got that one thingGet out, get out, get out of my headAnd fall into my arms insteadSo get out, get out, get out of my headAnd fall into my arms insteadI don"t, I don"t, don"t know what it isBut I need that one thingAnd you"ve got that one thingGet out, get out, get out of my mindAnd come on, come into my lifeI don"t, I don"t, don"t know what it isBut I need that one thingAnd you"ve got that one thing

realize是什么意思 解析realize这个单词的含义?



come to realize 逐渐意识到make someone realize 使(某人)认识到begin to realize 开始意识到fail to realize 未认识到suddenly realize 猛然意识到


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