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Adam Lambert - Whataya want from me。亚当·兰伯特(Adam Mitchel Anselm Lambert),1982年1月29日出生于美国印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯市,美国流行乐男歌手、作词人、演员。2009年,参加选秀节目美国偶像第八季获得亚军,正式出道;11月23日,发行首张个人专辑《For Your Entertainment》,专辑收录热单《Whataya Want from Me》,并凭此曲获得格莱美最佳流行男歌手提名。2012年5月15日,发行个人第二张专辑《Trespassing》,发行当周空降Billboard专辑榜冠军,使之成为第一位获得冠专的公开出柜歌手。2015年6月16日,发行第三张个人专辑《The Original High》,排名当周Billboard专辑榜第3。除了个人事业,自2011年起,亚当担任英国摇滚乐队Queen的巡演主唱,并一同举办数次全球巡回演唱会。

MADE IN KOREA 中文是什么意思?


歌曲here we are again的歌词中文翻译


Buy One,Get One Free,啥意思




英文童话故事:The Three Fishermen

  There were three of them. There were four of us, and April lay on the campsite and on the river, a mixture of dawn at a damp extreme and the sun in the leaves at cajole. This was Deer Lodge1on the Pine River in Ossipee, New Hampshire, though the lodge was naught2 but a foundation remnant in the earth. Brother Bentley"s father, Oren, had found this place sometime after the First World War, a foreign affair that had seriously done him no good but he found solitude3abounding4 here. Now we were here, post World War II, post Korean War, Vietnam War on thebrink5. So much learned, so much yet to learn.   Peace then was everywhere about us, in the riot of young leaves, in the spree of bird confusion and chatter6, in the struggle of pre-dawn animals for the start of a new day, a CooperHawk7 that had smashed down through trees for a squealing8 rabbit, yap of a fox at a youngster, a skunk9 at rooting.   We had pitched camp in the near darkness, Ed LeBlanc, Brother Bentley, Walter Ruszkowski, myself. A dozen or more years we had been here, and seen no one. Now, into our campsite deep in the forest, so deep that at times we had to rebuild sections of narrow road (more a logger"s path) flushed out by earlier rains, deep enough where we thought we"d again have no traffic, came a growling10 engine, an old solid body van, a Chevy, the kind I had driven for Frankie Pike and the Lobster11 Pound in Lynn delivering lobsters12 throughout the Merrimack Valley. It had pre-WW II high fenders, a faded black paint on a body you"d swear had been hammered out of corrugated13 steel, and an engine that made sounds too angry and too early for the start of day. Two elderly men, we supposed in their seventies, sat the front seat; felt hats at the slouch and decorated with an assortment14 of tied flies like a miniature bandoleer ofammunition15 on the band. They could have been conscripts for Emilano Zappata, so loaded their hats and their vests as they climbed out of the truck.   "Mornin", been yet?" one of them said as he pulled his boots up from the folds at his knees, the tops of them as wide as a big mouth bass16 coming up from the bottom for a frog sitting on a lily pad. His hands were large, the fingers long and I could picture them in a shop barn working aprimal17 plane across the face of a maple18 board. Custom-made, old elegance19, those hands said.   "Barely had coffee," Ed LeBlanc said, the most vocal1 of the four of us, quickest at friendship, at shaking hands. "We"ve got a whole pot almost. Have what you want." The pot was pointed2out sitting on a hunk of grill3 across the stones of our fire, flames licking lightly at its sides. The pot appeared as if it had been at war, a number of dents4 scarred it, the handle had evidently been replaced, and if not adjusted against a small rock it would have fallen over for sure. Once, a half-hour on the road heading north, noting it missing, we"d gone back to get it. When we fished the Pine River, coffee was the glue, the morning glue, the late evening glue, even though we"d often unearth5 our beer from a natural cooler in early evening. Coffee, camp coffee, has a ritual. It is thick, it is dark, it is potboiled over a squaw-pine fire, it is strong, it is enough to wake the demon6 in you, stoke last evening"s cheese and pepperoni. First man up makes the fire, second man the coffee; but into that pot has to go fresh eggshells to hold the grounds down, give coffee a taste of history, a sense of place. That means at least one egg be cracked open for its shells, usually in the shadows and glimmers7 of false dawn. I suspect that"s where "scrambled8 eggs" originated, from some camp like ours, settlers rushing west, lumberjacks hungry, hoboes lobbying for breakfast. So, camp coffee has made its way into poems, gatherings9, memories, a time and thing not letting go, not being manhandled, not being cast aside.   "You"re early enough for eggs and bacon if you need a start." Eddie added, his invitation tossedkindly10 into the morning air, his smile a match for morning sun, a man of welcomes. "We have hot cakes, kulbassa, home fries, if you want." We have the food of kings if you really want to know. There were nights we sat at his kitchen table at 101 Main Street, Saugus, Massachusetts planning the trip, planning each meal, planning the campsite. Some menus were founded on a case of beer, a late night, a curse or two on the ride to work when day started.   "Been there a"ready," the other man said, his weaponry also noted11 by us, a little more orderly in its presentation, including an old Boy Scout12 sash across his chest, the galaxy13of flies in supreme14 positioning. They were old Yankees, in the face and frame the pair of them undoubtedly15 brothers, staunch, written into early routines, probably had been up at three o"clock to get here at this hour. They were taller than we were, no fat on their frames, wide-shouldered, big-handed, barely coming out of their reserve, but fishermen. That fact alone would win any of us over. Obviously, they"d been around, a heft of time already accrued16.   Then the pounding came, from inside the truck, as if a tire iron was beating at the sides of the vehicle. It was not a timid banging, not a minor1 signal. Bang! Bang! it came, and Bang! again. And the voice of authority from some place in space, some regal spot in the universe. "I"m not sitting here the livelong day whilst you boys gab2 away." A toothless meshing3 came in his words, like Walter Brennan at work in the jail in Rio Bravo or some such movie.   "Comin", pa," one of them said, the most orderly one, the one with the old scout4 sash riding him like a bandoleer.   They pulled open the back doors of the van, swung them wide, to show His Venerable Self, ageless, white-bearded, felt hat too loaded with an arsenal5 of flies, sitting on a white wicker rocker with a rope holding him to a piece of vertical6 angle iron, the crude kind that could have been on early subways or trolley7 cars. Across his lap he held three delicate fly rods, old as him, thin, bamboo in color, probably too slight for a lake"s three-pounder. But on the Pine River, upstream or downstream, under alders8 choking some parts of the river"s flow, at a significant pool where side streams merge9 and phantom10 trout11 hang out their eternal promise, most elegant, fingertip elegant.   "Oh, boy," Eddie said at an aside, "there"s the boss man, and look at those tools."Admiration12 leaked from his voice.   Rods were taken from the caring hands, the rope untied13, and His Venerable Self, white wicker rocker and all, was lifted from the truck and set by our campfire. I was willing to bet that my sister Pat, the dealer14 in antiques, would scoop15 up that rocker if given the slightest chance. The old one looked about the campsite, noted17 clothes drying from a previous day"s rain, order of equipment and supplies aligned18 the way we always kept them, the canvas of our tent taut19 and true in its expanse, our fishing rods off the ground and placed atop the flyleaf so as not to tempt20 raccoons with smelly cork21 handles, no garbage in sight. He nodded.   We had passed muster22.   "You the ones leave it cleaner than you find it ever" year. We knowed sunthin" "bout16 you. Never disturbed you afore. But we share the good spots." He looked closely at Brother Bentley, nodded a kind of recognition. "Your daddy ever fish here, son?"   Brother must have passed through the years in a hurry, remembering his father bringing him here as a boy. "A ways back," Brother said in his clipped North Saugus fashion, outlander, specific, no waste in his words. Old Oren Bentley, it had been told us, had walked five miles through the unknown woods off Route 16 as a boy and had come across the campsite, the remnants of an old lodge1, and a great curve in the Pine River so that a mile"s walk in either direction gave you three miles of stream to fish, upstream or downstream. Paradise up north.   His Venerable Self nodded again, a man of signals, then said, "Knowed him way back some. Met him at the Iron Bridge. We passed a few times." Instantly we could see the story. A whole history of encounter was in his words; it marched right through us the way knowledge does, as well as legend. He pointed2 at the coffeepot. "The boys"ll be off, but my days down there get cut up some. I"ll sit a while and take some of thet." He said thet too pronounced, too dramatic, and it was a short time before I knew why.   The white wicker rocker went into a slow and deliberate motion, his head nodded again. Hespoke3 to his sons. "You boys be back no more"n two-three hours so these fellers can do their things too, and keep the place tidied up."   The most orderly son said, "Sure, pa. Two-three hours." The two elderly sons left the campsite and walked down the path to the banks of the Pine River, their boots swishing at thigh4 line, the most elegant rods pointing the way through scattered5 limbs, experience on the move.Trout6 beware, we thought.   "We been carpenters f"ever," he said, the clip still in his words. "Those boys a mine been some good at it too." His head cocked, he seemed to listen for their departure, the leaves and branches quiet, the murmur7 of the stream a tinkling8 idyllic9 music rising up the banking10. Old Venerable Himself moved the wicker rocker forward and back, a small timing11 taking place. He was hearing things we had not heard yet, the whole symphony all around us. Eddie looked at me and nodded his own nod. It said, "I"m paying attention and I know you are. This is our one encounter with a man who has fished for years the river we love, that we come to twice a year, in May with the mayflies, in June with the black flies." The gift and the scourge12, we"d often remember, having been both scarred and sewn by it.   Brother was still at memory, we could tell. Silence we thought was heavy about us, but there was so much going on. A bird talked to us from a high limb1. A fox called to her young. We were on the Pine River once again, nearly a hundred miles from home, in Paradise2.   "Name"s Roger Treadwell. Boys are Nathan and Truett." The introductions had been accounted for.   Old Venerable Roger Treadwell, carpenter, fly fisherman, rocker, leaned forward and said, "You boys wouldn"t have a couple spare beers, would ya?"   Now that"s the way to start the day on the Pine River.

一道英语题:They are trying to find a more ( )

应填形容词sophisticated sophisticated 英[su0259u02c8fu026astu026akeu026atu026ad] 美[su0259u02c8fu026astu026au02ccketu026ad] adj. 复杂的;精致的;富有经验的;深奥微妙的 v. 使变得世故;使迷惑;篡改(sophisticate的过去分词形式) 最高级:most sophisticated;比较级:more sophisticated [例句]This process ought to be highly sophisticated.这个过程应该是非常复杂的。


品牌: ALMAYALMAY是美国五大彩妆品牌之一,在中国并不很出名,但是在美国还是很多人在用,产品都是非常温和。美国品牌ALMAY以自然、健康、清爽的都市女子为诉求,产品包括护肤品及彩妆产品,取材天然并经医学见证无过敏等不良感受。ALMAY彩妆系列有助于改善肤色,覆盖力强从而能有效遮盖瑕疵。ALMAY拥有blemishealtechnology技术,产品配方优良内含水杨酸和绣线菊以及甘草提取物和芦荟精华,在化妆的同时带有保养效果,能改善肤质。经验证,91%的女性看到了一个全面改善自己的皮肤的外观。

pleasure ; sophisticated ;seriously 这英语用谐音怎么读?

pleasure 铺 赖这er(儿) n.荣幸、高兴sophisticated 色 菲 斯 特 K 忒 得 adj.内行的、水平高的seriously C 儿 瑞 斯 泪 adv. 严肃地、认真地

Black Box Recorder

看完歌词,觉得很有味道,但自己的中文还不足以表达那个意思。见谅了。我很喜欢这个歌词,谢谢LZ让我又知道了首好歌~(人名,歌词故事中的那个女生)Meet me in the playground after school放学后,到操场上见我吧When everybody has gone home所有人都踏上了归程Promise not to breathe a word of this诺言不声言说Don"t even look at me till we"re alone不要等我们分开了,才会想要看着我Or tongues will start to wag也或者口齿相传(直译是 舌头开始摇摆)Stories will go round流言传播开来They"ll talk behind our backs他们会在背地里议论着我们We"ll never relive it down我们不会再经历那些了Write my name in blood across your shirt (May Queen)用鲜血在你的衣衫上落下我的姓名(May Queen)Prove to me that I"m the only one (May Queen)向我证明,我是你的唯一((May Queen)And cross your heart and hope to die (May Queen)穿过你的心房,期望着死去(May Queen)May God strike you dead if it"s a lie (May Queen)如果你虚情假意欺骗了我,上帝会让你死掉Meet me after school放学后来见我吧Meet me by the fields来那片田野见我吧Away from prying eyes避开那些窥视的双眼Kids can be so cruel小孩子也会是这么的让人痛苦Out in the fields, out in the hay外面的田野里,路上We"ve come this far, at days and date我们走了这么远,每天这么远But if we"ve heard, but if we"ve seen但如果我们听见了,如果我们看见了Then you might forfeit your first kiss接着你或许会丢掉了初吻This whole thing no-one else"s business (May Queen)不是其他人,只有我(May Queen)This is just a personal affair (May Queen)恋爱是我们的私事(May Queen)A one-off test-run for the future (May Queen)为了未来,仅仅有这一次机会Wonder if I"ll feel the same tomorrow (May Queen)我想知道明天我会否有相同的感受Or tongues will start to wag也或者口齿相传Stories will go round流言传播开来They"ll talk behind our backs他们会在背地里议论着我们We"ll never relive it down我们不会再经历那些了Now it"s the time, now it"s the place此时,此刻,此地We"ve come this far, at days and date我们走了那么远,每天那么远But if we"ve heard, but if we"ve seen但如果我们听见了,如果我们看见了Then you might forfeit your first kiss接着你或许会丢掉了初吻


健美创研~!望采纳!! 谢谢!!



remnant from the ashes多少内存


Serenity by tempur-pedic 和tempur是什么关系



remnant买的版本是:《Remnant: From the Ashes - 完全版》《Remnant: From the Ashes - 完全版》中包含:《Remnant: From the Ashes》《Remnant: From the Ashes - 克尔苏斯沼泽》《Remnant: From the Ashes - 2923 号实验对象》。购买《Remnant: From the Ashes》,需要在一个盘踞着各种异形怪物的末世中奋力求生,孤身一人、或是与最多另外两名幸存者合作,对抗潮水般的恐怖敌人和强大的首领怪物,努力为人类赢回一线生机。在《克尔苏斯沼泽》DLC 中,你会来名为克尔苏斯的沼泽世界,进一步深入伊斯卡尔教团的故事,并在采用 roguelike 设计的生存模式中面对艰巨的挑战。在游戏开始时,你只拥有一把手枪和一些废料,并需要面对不断变强的敌人和首领怪物,看看你在每一场游戏中能够生存多久。


《暗黑血统3》开发商Gunfire Games 新作生存行动射击游戏《Remnant: From the Ashes》,设定于后启示录的未来,在动态生成世界、多达四人合作的战略游戏。电子游戏发行商完美世界近日宣布由《暗黑血统3》开发者开发的生存动作射击游戏《Remnant: From the Ashes》将于2019年在PC、Xbox One和PlayStation 4登陆,这是一款具有动态世界、激烈战斗和战略合作的游戏,游戏将玩家带到一个黑暗的未来,在那里地球已经被外太空生物占领。人类生存的最后希望是为了安全而逃到不同的维度空间,并揭示这些神秘生物究竟在寻找何物。

he wastired because he had had inadequate sleep last night.

他wastired ,因为他不得不昨晚睡眠不足。



Nero StartSmart、BurningROM、Express有什么区别?

Nero StartSmart 你可选择需要执行的作业, Nero StartSmart 将自动地启动此相称的程式完全依赖作业, 说白了,就是总列表,打开里面有所有NERO的组件选择。。。 Nero Burning ROM 是当您准备去烧录 CDs 及 DVDs 的必备软体。 Nero Express由一个简化的界面来提升 Nero Burning ROM 的性能与效率。

请问nero startsmart,nero OEM,nero Express 6分别是什么意思?

nero startsmart:软件的启动精灵界面。nero OEM:一般随刻录机或combo附送的版本。nero Express 6:付费购买的版本或者将原有的试用版输入了正确的注册资料后的正式版本。

consequence effect result outcome influence impact这些词有什么区别啊

consequence :结果,重要性,推论effect:影响,效果,作用result:结果outcome:结果,结局influence:影响impact:影响,效果result和outcome的含义最为接近consequence 可以当不好的结果来解释,也就是后果effect可以做效果来解释,如special effect就是特效的意思influence和impact的含义比较接近,都指一件事情的改变对另一事物的影响,可以是好的影响也可以是不好的影响

as a consequence 和as a result有什么区别


在韩国电视剧《新进职员》里的一首歌。不知道是什么。谁能告诉我?歌词里有一句my dream is far away



esult更强调前因后果,通常是你的行为导致的(好)结果 consequence通常是(坏)结果,可翻译为后果 oute就不知道了,字典上说是the result of an effect,situation,ect...,7,

resault 和consequence 区别

都是指事情的结果,但consequence通常指的是事情的负面结果,如同中文的后果.result指的是由某事产生的直接结果,可以是好的也可以是坏的,如She"s fired as a result of neglect of duty / His success is the result of years of research .result可以指比赛,选举,考试等的结果,consequence不可以

Maurice Jarre的《Main Title》 歌词

歌曲名:Main Title歌手:Maurice Jarre专辑:Doctor ZhivagoMain Title Voice: Freddie Highmore《August Rush》Sometimes the worldtries to knock it out of youBut I believe in musicthe way that some peoplebelieve in fairy tales.I like to imagine that what I hearcame from my mother and father.Maybe the notes I hear...are the same ones they heardthe night they met.Maybe that"s how they found each other.Maybe that"s how they"ll find me.I believe that, once upon a timelong agothey heard the music and followed it.

as a result 和 as a consequence有什么区别

result是“结果” 而consequence是“后果”前者用于陈述条件具备后“出现”的结果。后者用于强调前因“导致”的后果。


result,consequence,effect,outcomeue003这组词均含有“结果”的意思,指事物最后呈现的一种局面.ue003result是最普通的用词,用途最广,指很多效果、后果的综合,带有“最后结果”的意味.ue003consequence这个词带有贬义,一般表示一种不好的结局,常译为“后果”.ue003effect与cause(原因,起因)相对,强调由某种原因直接或立即产生的结果,可译为“效果,效力,作用,影响”.ue003outcome常译为“结果,结局”,常指某项活动、比赛或者悬而未决的事情最后见分晓、见输赢.ue004The net result of our discussions was that she agreed to take this job.我们反复商量的最终结果是她同意接受这份工作.ue003The high level of unemployment has produced harmful social consequences.高失业率已经造成了不良的社会后果.ue003The advertising campaign didn"t have much effect on sales.这次广告运动对销售未能起到多大的作用.ue003There were not many people who dared predict the outcome of the general election.没有人敢预测大选的结果.希望采纳哦!


按住shift调节大小可以保持中心点不变Ctrl+G+P 选中全部对象页面居中L 左对齐

Nero8刻录软件当中的 Nero startsmart Essentials和Nero Express Essentials的区别

你的看法非常正确,Nero Express Essentials可设置的项目更多些,Nero startsmart Essentials则添加文件后直接刻录,不用作什么设置,或者说都是用的默认的设置!


  (1)二者均有“结果”的意思  (2)result是最普通的用词,用途最广,指很多效果、后果的综合,带 “最后结果”的意味。  consequence这个词带有贬义,一般表示一种不好的结局,常译为“后果”。  (3)可以这么去体会一下。result一般直接用来陈述一个结果;而consequenc一词前面会陈述导致这个“结果”的事件或原因,而后用consequence总结:发生了…,结果……。

急求,小鬼当家(Home Alone Main Title)中,《Somewhere in My Memory》这首歌的英文翻译成中文的歌词

You my friend please? There is no contact with you for a long time, and now my first year of life has to end, really miss this year"s University life. Think of when I first entered the school was a silly girl, and now I feel I am more mature, I"ll give you my freshman year introduced And live. High School bid farewell to the monotony of life, now I come to a relaxed learning environments, I have more time and my own right to How do I decide to live. But too much freedom to such an extent that it is difficult to adapt to the beginning, but now life has been on track. I Understanding of a lot of new friends, we have the most experienced teachers and the equipment level, I often participate in school activities to exercise their own, Because I was a girl, I hope I can be a connotation of the girls, so I always asked myself, and strive for the realization of their own head Struggle marked. I like my school like the college life now, you? Their ability to adjust to a new living environment? Well, wrote on it here, it is necessary to keep in constant contact with, ah, we should leave immediately, and the summer together, ha ha.

me, the way,which class are you()

me, the way,which class are you()Me too.By the way,which class are you?

Barbra Streisand的《By The Way》 歌词

歌曲名:By The Way歌手:Barbra Streisand专辑:Collection Greatest HitsTheory of a Deadman - By The WayBY Kevin Boul & Larry ChengA note by the doorSimply explainsIt"s all that remainsIt"s no wonder whyI have not slept in daysThe dust on the floorPiled up from the yearsAll those scars and souvenirsNow that you"re goneIt"s easy to seeBut so hard to believeBy the wayYou left without sayingGoodbye to meNow that you"re gone awayAll I can think about isYou and meYou and meIt"s not like beforeYou left nothing hereIt"s all disappearedIt hurts me to seeThat we"ve been a lieWould it have hurt you to try?By the wayYou left without sayingGoodbye to meNow that you"re gone awayAll I can think about isYou and meYou and meIt"s sad to say thatThis pain is killing me insideBut it"s time to sayThat this pain is keeping me aliveTwisting and turningIt rips through my heartIt"s been tearing me apartBy the wayYou left without sayingGoodbye to meNow that you"re gone awayAll I can think about isYou and meYou and meAll i think about nowIs you and meYou and meAll i think about nowIs you and meYou and meBy the wayBy the wayBy the way

consequence 和 repercussion 的区别是什么

consequence ["ku0254nsi,kwu0259ns] n.1. 结果,后果;影响2. 【逻辑学】(逻辑上的)结论,推论,推理3. 因果关系4. 重要性;重大意义5. 重要地位;显要,卓越;举足轻重6. 趾高气扬,自命不凡近义词:effect . importance . 短语1. as a consequence因而;结果2. in consequence=as a consequence3. in consequence of因为…的缘故,由于4. of consequence重要的,重大的;有地位的,有声望的5. of no consequence不重要的,无足轻重的6. take the consequences (of)承担(某事的)后果;对(某事的)后果负责例句与用法General what talent can get melancholia, what consequence can serious word cause?一般什么人才会得忧郁症,严重的话会导致什么后果?"Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard".“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。This paper analyses several questions and consequence in the using process of belt conveyor, puts some methods to solve these questions.分析了带式输送机使用过程中易出现的几个问题及后果,提出了解决这些问题的方法。repercussion [,ri:pu0259"ku028cu0283u0259n; re-] n.1. 击回;弹回;反冲2. (光、声等的)反射;回声3. [常用复数]反响;反应;影响4. 【音乐】(音调、和弦的)反复例句与用法Many rural families violate the nation"s one-child policy and often turn down hospital care for fear of repercussion.很多农村家庭违反了国家独生子女政策害怕受处罚而拒绝在医院生产。Spontaneous art expression in a non-judgmental atmosphere allows the person to express repressed thoughts or feelings without the threat of repercussion.在自由自在的氛围中,自主性艺术表达使得参加者无拘束的情况下表露自己压抑的情感。The results showed that the blood of goats and its complex prescription have significant effects on repercussion, analgesia and have long time of drug action.结查显示山羊血及其小复方具有明显的消肿镇痛作用,而且具有药效作用维持时间长的优点。


result [re·sult || ru026a"zu028clt]n. 计算结果, 成效consequence [con·se·quence || "ku0252nsu026akwu0259ns]n. 推论; 推理outcome ["au028atku028cm]n. 后果; 结局

请问英语belong here是属于什么结构?是动宾结构吗?

是的。belong是实义动词,与to构成词组,belong to:属于。与后面名词或是人称代词宾格一起构成动宾短语。


coreldraw快捷键是什么? coreldraw最最常用的快捷键: 1.对齐工具 T C E R L 2.手抓工具 (我设置成 空格键 3.选择跟挑选工具 我设置成 V 跟 A 4.复制属性至 CTRL+SHIFT+A 5。群组,解组 CTRL+G CTRL+SHIFT+G coreldraw基础快捷键: 建新文件:Ctrl+N 打开文件:Ctrl+O 保存文件:Ctrl+S 输入图像:Ctrl+I 输出图像:Ctrl+E 打印文件:Ctrl+P 复原操作:Ctrl+Z 重做操作:Ctrl+Shift+Z 重复操作:Ctrl+R 剪下文件:Ctrl+X 复制文件:Ctrl+C 粘贴文件:Ctrl+V 再制文件:Ctrl+D 复制属性自:Ctrl+Shift+A 贴齐格点:Ctrl+Y 群组对象:Ctrl+G 解散群组:Ctrl+U 组合对象:Ctrl+L 打散对象:Ctrl+K 转换成曲线:Ctrl+Q 转换外框成物件:Ctrl+Shift+Q 打开“透镜”码头工:Alt+F3 打开“文字格式”对话框:Ctrl+T 编辑文字:Ctrl+Shift+T 文字对齐基准线:Alt+F12 打开“选项”对话框:Ctrl+J 打开“检视管理员”码头工:Ctrl+F2 打开“图形与文字样式”码头工:Ctrl+F5 打开“符号与特殊字符”码头工:Ctrl+F11 更新窗口:Ctrl+W 激活对话框中的输入框:Alt+R 左对齐对象:L 右对齐对象:R 向上对齐对象:T 下对齐对象:B 对象居中对齐:C 选择全部对象:Ctrl+A 、将对象放到最前面:Shift+PgUp 将对象放到最后面:Shift+PgDn 上移一层:Ctrl+PgUp 下移一层:Ctrl+PgDn 拼字检查:Ctrl+F12 打开“Cisual Basic 编辑器:Alt+F11 coreldraw其它快捷键: 一次缩放 F2 。。 上一个常用的字体大小 CtrI+NUMPAD4 将字体大小减小为字体大小列表中上 下一个常用的字体大小 CtrI+NUMPAD6 将字体大小增加为字体大小列表中的 下一页 PgDn 转到下一页 中心对齐 D 交互式填充 G 添加填充 到对象:在对象上单击及拖 亮度,对比度,强度(1)... Ctrl+B 亮度,对比度,强度 位置(P) AIt+F7 打开位置泊坞窗 保存(S)… Ctrl+S 保存活动绘图 全屏预览(F) F9 显示绘图的全屏预览 再制(D) Ctrl+D 再制选定对象并以指定的距离偏移 减小字体大小 CtrI+NUMPAD2 将字体大小减小为上一个字体大小设 切换选择状态 Ctrl+Space 在当前工具和选择工具之间切换 删除(L) Delete 删除选定对象 到图层前面(L) Shift+PgUp 到图层前面 到图层后面(A) Shift+PgDn 到图层后面 到页面前面(F) Ctrl+l-fome 到页面前面 到页面后面(B) Ctrl+End 到页面后面 刷新窗口(W) Ctrl+W 重绘绘图窗口 前一页 PgUp 转到前一页 剪切(T) Ctrl+X 剪切选定对象并将它放置在“剪贴板 剪切(T) Shift+Delete 剪切选定对象并将它放置在“剪贴板 动态辅助线(Y) AIt+Shift+D 显示或隐藏动态辅助线(切换) 取消群组(U) Ctrl+U 取消选定对象或对象组的群组 另存为(A)… Ctrl+Shift+S 用新名保存活动绘图 右分散排列 Shift+R 向右分散排列选定的对象 右对齐 R 右对齐选定的对象 向上平移 AIt+UpArrow 向上微调 Ctrl+UpArrow 使用微调因子向上微调对象 向上微调(U) UpArrow 向上微调对象 向上超微调 Shift+UpArrow 使用。超微调”因子向上微调对象 向下平移 AIt+DnArrow 向下微调 Ctrl+DnArrow 使用微调因子向下微调对象 向下微调 (D)DnArrow 向下微调对象 向下超微调 Shift+DnArrow 使用“超微调”因子向下微调对象 向前一位(O) Ctrl+PgUp 向前一位 向右平移 AIt+RightArrow 向右微调 RightArrow 向右微调对象 向右微调 Ctrl+RightArrow 使用微调因子向右微调对象 向右超微调 Shift+RightArrow 使用超微调因子向右微调对象 向后一位(N) Ctrl+PgDn 向后一位 向左平移 AIt+LeftArrow 向左微调 LeftArrow 向左微调对象 向左微调 Ctrl+LeftArrow 使用微调因子向左微调对象 向左超微调 Shift+LeftArrow 使用超微调因子向左微调对象 图形和文本样式(Y) Ctrl+F5 打开“图形和文本样式泊坞窗” 在页面居中 P 使选定对象在页面居中对齐 垂直分散排列中,I~, Shift+C 垂直分散排列选定对象的中心 垂直分散排列间距 Shift+A 在选定的对象间垂直分散排列间距 垂直居中对齐 C 垂直对齐选定对象的中部 垂直文本 Ctrl+. Changes the text to vertical 增加字体大小 CtrI+NUMPAD8 将字体大小增加为下一个字体大小设 增强叠印(C) AIt+Z 模拟显示叠印的增加视图 复制(C) Ctrl+C 复制选定对象并将它放置在“剪贴板 复制(C) Ctrl+lnsert 复制选定对象并将它放置在“剪贴板 多边形(P) Y 绘制对称多边形:双击打开多边形对 多重复制(T)… Ctrl+Shift+D 显示多重复制泊坞窗 大小(1) AIt+F10 打开大小泊坞窗 字符格式化(F) Ctrl+T 字符格式化(E) 对象管理器(N) AIt+D 打开“对象管理器”泊坞窗 对齐基准(L) AIt+F12 将文本与基准对齐 对齐网格(P) Ctrl+Y 将对象与网格对齐(切换) 导入(1)-.. Ctrl+l 导入文本或对象 导出(E)… Ctrl+E 导出文本或对象到另一种格式 导航器 N 打开导航器窗口,使您可以导航到文 封套(E) Ctrl+F7 打开封套泊坞窗 将轮廓转换为对象(E) Ctrl+Shift+Q 将轮廓转换为对象 属性管理器(Y) AIt+Enter 允许查看和编辑对象的属性 左分散排列 Shift+L I;旬左分散排列选定的对象 左对齐 L 左对齐选定的对象 平移 AIt+Space 一次平移 底端对齐 B r齐选定对象的底端 底部分散排列 Shift+B 底部分散排列选定的对象 形状 FI O 编辑对象的节点;双击工具可选择选 手 H 手形工具 手绘(F) F5 手绘模式绘制线及曲线 打印(P)… Ctrl+P 打印活动绘图 打开(O)… Ctrl+O 打开一个已有绘图 拆分(B) Ctrl+K 拆分选定对象 拼写检查(S)… Ctrl+F12 启动。拼写检查器”:检查选定文本的 按选定对象显示(S) Shift+F2 缩放到选定对象 插入字符(H) Ctrl+F1 1 打开插入字符泊坞窗 撇消%s(U) Ctrl+Z 回退上一次操作 撤消%s(U) AIt+Backspace 回退上一次操作 文本(T) F8 添加文本:点击页面添加美术字文本 文本(T) Ctrl+Shift+A 选择绘画中的所有文本 新建(N) Ctrl+N 创建新绘图 旋转(R) AIt+F8 打开旋转泊坞窗 显示,隐藏项目符号 Ctrl+M 设置,重置文本对象的项目符号(切换 智能绘图(S) Shift+S 双击打开智能绘制工具选项;Shift+ 椭圆(E) F7 绘制椭圆及圆形:双击打开工具选项 橡皮擦 X 在圆形或方形突边之间切换橡皮擦的 比例(S) AIt+F9 打开比例泊坞窗 水平分散排列中心 Shift+E 水平分散排列选定对象的中心 水平分散排列间口 Shift+P 在选定的对象间水平分散排列间距 水平居中对齐 E 水平对齐选定对象的中部 水平文本 Ctrl+. Changes the text to horizontal dire 渐变 Fl l 应用渐变填充到对象 生成属性栏 Ctrl+Enter 生成。属性栏”并对准可被标记的第一 画笔 F12 打开“轮廓画笔”对话框 直线 AIt+F2 包含指定直线尺度线尺寸属性窗口 矩形(R) F6 绘制矩形:双击创建面页边框 符号管理器(O) Ctrl+F3 符号管理舶坞窗 简单线框(S) AIt+X 只显示绘图的基本线框(切换),即只 粘贴(P) Ctrl+V 将。剪贴板”的内容粘贴到绘图中 粘贴(P) Shift+Insert 将“剪贴板”的内容粘贴到绘图中 结合(C) Ctrl+L 结合选定对象 编辑文本(D)… Ctrl+Shift+"l。 打开编辑文本对话框 缩小(M) F3 缩小 缩放 Z 缩放工具 缩放到适合窗口(F) F4 缩放到全部对象 缩放到页面大小(P) Shift+F4 缩放到页面大小 网格填充 M 转换对象为网格填充对象 群组(G) Ctrl+G 群组选定的对象 色度,饱和度,光度(S)… Ctrl+Shift+U 色度,饱和度,光度 艺术笔 I 绘制曲线并将预设、笔刷、喷涂、 螺旋形(S) A 绘制螺旋形;双击该工具打开“选项 视图切换 Shift+F9 在最近使用的两种视图质量间进行切 视图管理器(W) Ctrl+F2 打开“视图管理器泊坞窗” 转换(、,) Ctrl+F8 转换美术字为段落文本或反过来转换 转换为曲线(V) Ctrl+Q 将选定对象转换为曲线,以便进行更 轮廓图(C) Ctrl+F9 打开轮廓图泊坞窗 这是什么?(W) Shift+F1 调用。这是什么?”帮助 退出(X) AIt+F4 退出CorelDRAW并提示保存活动绘 选择全部对象 Ctrl+A 选项(O)… Ctrl+J 打开设置CorelDRAW选项的对话框 透镜(L) AIt+F3 打开透镜泊坞窗 重做%s(E) Ctrl+Shift+Z 回退上一次“撤消”操作 重复%s(R) Ctrl+R 重复上一次操作 页面分类视图(A) AIt+P 切换到页面分类视图 顶端对齐 T 对齐选定对象的顶端 顶部分散排列 Shift+T 页部分散排列选定的对象 颜色 Shift+F1 1 立用标准填充到对象 颜色 Shift+F1 2 打开“轮廓颜色”对话框 颜色(C) F 打开颜色泊坞窗 颜色平衡(L)… Ctrl+Shift+B 颜色平衡 颜色样式(S) AIt+C 打开“颜色样式”泊坞窗


英文的意思是: 不锈钢防水表壳 中国组装 日本造机芯TB-2028 应该是手表的型号手表的品牌是TELVA,可能不是什么名牌,而且是在中国组装的估计值不了多少钱

coreldraw x4快捷键

我有一块手表 背面字如下,有木有知道价格的啊!! HAODI japan quartz movt water resistant M101

HAODI牌日本机芯石英表 防水深度101米,充其量100块左右吧

CorelDRAW 12的快捷键。

转载的别人的:1、建新文件:Ctrl+N 2、打开文件:Ctrl+O 3、保存文件:Ctrl+S 4、输入图像:Ctrl+I 5、输出图像:Ctrl+E 6、打印文件:Ctrl+P 7、复原操作:Ctrl+Z 8、重做操作:Ctrl+Shift+Z 9、重复操作:Ctrl+R 10、剪下文件:Ctrl+X 11、复制文件:Ctrl+C 12、粘贴文件:Ctrl+V 13、再制文件:Ctrl+D 14、复制属性自:Ctrl+Shift+A 15、贴齐格点:Ctrl+Y 16、群组对象:Ctrl+G 17、解散群组:Ctrl+U 18、组合对象:Ctrl+L 19、打散对象:Ctrl+K 20、转换成曲线:Ctrl+Q 21、转换外框成物件:Ctrl+Shift+Q 22、打开“透镜”码头工:Alt+F3 23:打开“文字格式”对话框:Ctrl+T 24、编辑文字:Ctrl+Shift+T 25、文字对齐基准线:Alt+F12 26、打开“选项”对话框:Ctrl+J 27、打开“检视管理员”码头工:Ctrl+F2 28、打开“图形与文字样式”码头工:Ctrl+F5 29、打开“符号与特殊字符”码头工:Ctrl+F11 30、更新窗口:Ctrl+W 31、激活对话框中的输入框:Alt+R 32、左对齐对象:L 33、右对齐对象:R 34、向上对齐对象:T 35、下对齐对象:B 36、对象居中对齐:C 37、选择全部对象:Ctrl+A 38、将对象放到最前面:Shift+PgUp 39、将对象放到最后面:Shift+PgDn 40、上移一层:Ctrl+PgUp 41、下移一层:Ctrl+PgDn 42、拼字检查:Ctrl+F12 CorelDRAW 9 快捷键大全 对齐与分布 : 向下对齐 主要 B 将选取物件向下对齐 对齐与分布 : 向右对齐 主要 R 将选取物件向右对齐 对齐与分布 : 向左对齐 主要 L 将选取物件向左对齐 对齐与分布 : 置中对齐至页 主要 P 对齐选取物件的中心至页 格点、导线与贴齐 : 贴齐格点 主要 Ctrl+Y 将物件贴齐格点 (切换式) 工具箱 : 多边形工具 主要 Y 绘制对称式多边形;按两下即可打开「选项」对话框的「工具箱」标签 工具箱 : 方格纸工具 主要 D 绘制一组矩形;按两下即可打开「选项」对话框的「工具箱」标签 工具箱 : 互动式填色 主要 G 为物件新增填色;在物件上按一下并拖动即可应用渐变填色 工具箱 : 互动式网状填色 主要 M 将物件转换成网状填色物件 工具箱 : 矩形工具 主要 F6 绘制矩形;按两下这个工具便可建立页面框架 工具箱 : 螺旋纹工具 主要 A 绘制螺旋纹;按两下即可打开「选项」对话框的「工具箱」标签 工具箱 : 椭圆形工具 主要 F7 绘制椭圆形及圆形;按两下这个工具即可打开「选项」对话框的「工具箱」标签 工具箱 : 文字工具 主要 F8 新增文字;按一下页面即可加入美工文字;按一下并拖动即可加入段落文字 工具箱 : 橡皮擦工具 主要 X 擦拭一个图形的部份区域,或将一个物件分为两个封闭的路径 工具箱 : 循环切换选取情况 主要 Ctrl+间距 在目前工具及「挑选」工具间切换 工具箱 : 艺术笔触工具 主要 I 绘制曲线,并对笔触应用预设效果、笔刷、喷洒、书写式或压力感应效果 工具箱 : 最后使用的曲线工具 主要 F5 选取最近使用的「曲线」工具 节点编辑 : 造形工具 主要 F10 编辑物件的节点;按两下工具在所选取物件上选取全部节点 排列 : 到最后面 主要 Shift+PgDn 将选取的物件放置到最后面 排列 : 到最前面 主要 Shift+PgUp 将选取的物件放置到最前面 排列 : 向后一个 主要 Ctrl+PgDn 将选取的物件在物件的堆叠顺序中向后移动一个位置 排列 : 向前一个 主要 Ctrl+PgUp 将选取的物件在物件的堆叠顺序中向前移动一个位置 全部选取 主要 Ctrl+A 选取整个图文件 群组/组合 : 打散 主要 Ctrl+K 打散选取的物件 群组/组合 : 解散群组 主要 Ctrl+U 解散选取物件或物件群组所组成的群组 群组/组合 : 群组 主要 Ctrl+G 将选取的物件组成群组 群组/组合 : 转换成曲线 主要 Ctrl+Q 将选取的物件转换成曲线;「转换成曲线」可提供更多更有弹性的编辑功能 群组/组合 : 转换外框成物件 主要 Ctrl+Shift+Q 将外框转换成物件 群组/组合 : 组合 主要 Ctrl+L 组合选取的物件 书写工具 : 拼字检查.&S 主要 Ctrl+F12 打开「拼字检查器」;检查选取文字的拼字是否正确 属性 : 属性 主要 Alt+Return 依据目前选取区域或工具显示物件或工具属性 填色 : 标准填色.&U 主要 Shift+F11 将标准填色应用至物件 填色 : 渐变填色.&F 主要 F11 将渐层填色应用至物件 外框 : 外框笔.&O 主要 F12 打开「外框笔」对话框 外框 : 外框色.&C 主要 Shift+F12 打开「外框色」对话框 作者: 李霓 2006-5-31 10:51 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 CorelDRAW 9 快捷键大全 微调 : 向上大幅微调 主要 Shift+UpArrow 以大幅微调的设定值将物件向上微调 微调 : 向上微调 主要 UpArrow 将物件向上微调 微调 : 向下大幅微调 主要 Shift+DnArrow 以大幅微调的设定值将物件向下大幅微调 微调 : 向下微调 主要 DnArrow 将物件向下微调 微调 : 向右大幅微调 主要 Shift+RightArrow 以大幅微调的设定值将物件向右微调 微调 : 向右微调 主要 RightArrow 将物件向右微调 微调 : 向左大幅微调 主要 Shift+LeftArrow 以大幅微调的设定值将物件向左微调 微调 : 向左微调 主要 LeftArrow 将物件向左微调 文件 : 存储文件 主要 Ctrl+S 储存作用中绘图 文件 : 打开文件.&O 主要 Ctrl+O 打开一个现有的绘图文件 文件 : 打印.&P 主要 Ctrl+P 打印作用中图文件 文件 : 输出 主要 Ctrl+E 将文字或物件以另一种格式输出 文件 : 输入 主要 Ctrl+I 输入文字或物件 文件 : 新文件 主要 Ctrl+N 建立一个新的绘图文件 文字格式 : 编辑文字.&T 主要 Ctrl+Shift+T 打开「编辑文字」对话框 文字格式 : 不齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+N 变更文字对齐方式为不对齐 文字格式 : 垂直文字 主要 Ctrl+. 将文字变更为垂直 (切换) 文字格式 : 强迫齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+H 变更文字对齐方式为强迫上一行完全对齐 文字格式 : 首字放大 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+D 新增/删除文字物件的首字放大 (切换式) 文字格式 : 水平文字 主要 Ctrl+, 变更文字为水平方向 文字格式 : 完全齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+J 变更文字对齐方式为完全对齐 文字格式 : 文字格式.&F 主要 Ctrl+T 设定文字属性的格式 文字格式 : 项目文字 主要 Ctrl+M 新增/删除文字物件的项目符号 (切换式) 文字格式 : 向右齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+R 变更文字对齐方式为向右对齐 文字格式 : 向左齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+L 变更文字对齐方式为向左对齐 文字格式 : 置中齐行 文字编辑 Ctrl+E 变更文字对齐方式为置中对齐 文字格式 : 转换 主要 Ctrl+F8 将美工文字转换成段落文字,或将段落文字转换为美工文字 文字工具 : 变更大小写.&H 文字编辑 Shift+F3 变更选取文字的大小写 文字工具 : 显示非打印字符 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+C 显示非打印字符 文字位置 : 对齐基准线 主要 Alt+F12 将文字对齐基准线 文字浏览 : 将脱字号 襘) 移至框架 文字编辑 Ctrl+终点 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移至框架终点 文字浏览 : 将脱字号 襘) 移至框架 文字编辑 Ctrl+Home 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移至框架起点 文字浏览 : 将脱字号 襘) 移至文字 文字编辑 Ctrl+PgUp 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移至文字起点 文字浏览 : 将脱字号 襘) 移至文字 文字编辑 Ctrl+PgDn 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移到文字终点 文字浏览 : 上移一段 文字编辑 Ctrl+UpArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向上移一段 文字浏览 : 上移一个框架 文字编辑 PgUp 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向上移一个框架 文字浏览 : 上移一行 文字编辑 UpArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向上移一行 作者: 李霓 2006-5-31 10:51 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 CorelDRAW 9 快捷键大全 文字浏览 : 下移一段 文字编辑 Ctrl+DnArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向下移一段 文字浏览 : 下移一个框架 文字编辑 PgDn 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向下移一个框架 文字浏览 : 下移一行 文字编辑 DnArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向下移一行 文字浏览 : 向右删除单字 文字编辑 Ctrl+删除 删除文字脱字号 (^) 右方单字 文字浏览 : 向右删除字符 文字编辑 删除 删除文字脱字号 (^) 右方字符 文字浏览 : 向右选取单字 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+RightArrow 选取文字脱字号 (^) 右方单字 文字浏览 : 向右选取字符 文字编辑 Shift+RightArrow 选取文字脱字号 (^) 右方字符 文字浏览 : 向左选取单字 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+LeftArrow 选取文字脱字号 (^) 左方单字 文字浏览 : 向左选取字符 文字编辑 Shift+LeftArrow 选取文字脱字号 (^) 左方字符 文字浏览 : 选取上移一段 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow 选取上移一段的文字 文字浏览 : 选取上移一个框架 文字编辑 Shift+PgUp 选取上移一个框架的文字 文字浏览 : 选取上移一行 文字编辑 Shift+UpArrow 选取上移一行的文字 文字浏览 : 选取下移一段 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+DnArrow 选取下移一段的文字 文字浏览 : 选取下移一个框架 文字编辑 Shift+PgDn 选取下移一个框架的文字 文字浏览 : 选取下移一行 文字编辑 Shift+DnArrow 选取下移一行的文字 文字浏览 : 选取至框架起点 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+Home 选取至框架起点文字 文字浏览 : 选取至框架终点 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+终点 选取至框架终点文字 文字浏览 : 选取至文字起点 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+PgUp 选取至文字起点的文字 文字浏览 : 选取至文字终点 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+PgDn 选取至文字终点的文字 文字浏览 : 选取至行首 文字编辑 Shift+Home 选取至行首文字 文字浏览 : 选取至行尾 文字编辑 Shift+终点 选取至行首文字 文字浏览 : 移至行首 文字编辑 Home 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移至行首 文字浏览 : 移至行尾 文字编辑 终点 将文字的脱字号 (^) 移至行尾 文字浏览 : 右移一个字 文字编辑 Ctrl+RightArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向右移一个字 文字浏览 : 右移一个字符 文字编辑 RightArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向右移一个字符 文字浏览 : 左移一个字 文字编辑 Ctrl+LeftArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向左移一个字 文字浏览 : 左移一个字符 文字编辑 LeftArrow 将文字的脱字号 (^) 向左移一个字符 显示 : 更新窗口 主要 Ctrl+W 重绘绘图窗口 显示 : 切换显示 主要 Shift+F9 在最后两个使用的检视品质间互相切换 显示 : 全屏幕预览 主要 F9 以全屏幕预览的方式显示图文件 显示比例与平移 : 放大圈选区域的显示比例 主要 F2 执行显示比例动作然后返回前一个工具 显示比例与平移 : 检视管理员.&V 主要 Ctrl+F2 打开「检视管理员泊坞窗口」 显示比例与平移 : 平移工具 主要 H 按下并拖动这个工具便可平移绘图 显示比例与平移 : 缩小显示比例 主要 F3 缩小绘图的显示比例 作者: 李霓 2006-5-31 10:51 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 CorelDRAW 9 快捷键大全 显示比例与平移 : 显示全部物件 主要 F4 显示绘图中的全部物件 显示比例与平移 : 显示选取的物件 主要 Shift+F2 仅放大显示选取物件的比例 显示比例与平移 : 显示页面大小 主要 Shift+F4 显示整个可打印页面 显示比例与平移 : 向上平移 主要 Alt+UpArrow 将绘图向上平移 显示比例与平移 : 向下平移 主要 Alt+DnArrow 将绘图向下平移 显示比例与平移 : 向右平移 主要 Alt+RightArrow 将绘图向右平移 显示比例与平移 : 向左平移 主要 Alt+LeftArrow 将绘图向左平移 效果 : 滤镜.&L 主要 Alt+F3 打开「滤镜泊坞窗口」 选项 : 工作空间选项.&O 主要 Ctrl+J 打开设定 CorelDRAW 选项的对话框 选项 : 文字选项 文字编辑 Ctrl+F10 打开「选项」对话框并选取「文字」选项页面 寻找与取代 : 寻找文字.&F 文字编辑 Alt+F3 寻找图文件中指定的文字 样式、图层与物件管理 : 图形与文字样式.&Y) 主要 Ctrl+F5 打开「图形与文字样式泊坞窗口」 样式、图层与物件管理 : 样式 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+S 显示图文件中所有样式的列表 页面版面 : 上一页 主要 PgUp 到上一页 页面版面 : 下一页 主要 PgDn 到下一页 字体 : 粗体 文字编辑 Ctrl+B 变更文字样式为粗体 字体 : 底线 文字编辑 Ctrl+U 变更文字样式为有底线 字体 : 全部小型大写 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+K 变更全部文字字符为小写字母 字体 : 斜体 文字编辑 Ctrl+I 变更文字样式为斜体 字体 : 字体粗细 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+W 显示所有可使用或作用中的粗细变化 字体 : 字体列表 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+F 显示所有可使用或作用中的字体列表 字体大小 : HTML 字体大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+H 显示所有可使用或作用中的 HTML 字体大小列表 字体大小 : 减少字体大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+NUMPAD2 将字体大小缩减为前一个点数 字体大小 : 减少字体大小 主要 Ctrl+NUMPAD2 将字体大小缩减为前一个点数 字体大小 : 前一个字体合并大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+NUMPAD4 将字体大小缩减为「字体大小列表」中的前一个设定 字体大小 : 前一个字体合并大小 主要 Ctrl+NUMPAD4 将字体大小缩减为「字体大小列表」中的前一个设定 字体大小 : 下一个字体合并大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+NUMPAD6 将字体大小增加为「字体大小列表」中的下一个设定 字体大小 : 下一个字体合并大小 主要 Ctrl+NUMPAD6 将字体大小增加为「字体大小列表」中的下一个设定 字体大小 : 增加字体大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+NUMPAD8 将字体大小增加为下一个点数 字体大小 : 增加字体大小 主要 Ctrl+NUMPAD8 将字体大小增加为下一个点数 字体大小 : 字体大小 文字编辑 Ctrl+Shift+P 显示所有可使用或作用中的字体大小列表




demonstration.示范, 实证, 有动作居多,有很多人参与,像是游行示威也是用这个,而presentation,介绍, 陈述, 赠送, 表达,语言居多,一般是个人参与演讲之类.

手表背面写着water resistant staless steel back japan movt 这是什么表呀?




demonstration argumentation reasoning表达“论证”之意时有何区别?

demonstration 证实argumentation (某一方面)论证reasoning 有理,讲理

我有一块手表正面写着B6L,表外圈带钻。背面写着:japan movt ,all stainless steel 5atm water resistant.


手表背面写着stainless streel caseback 是什么意思

VIALLI腕表系列 ,日本机芯,不锈钢表壳底盖 估计是个公司推广定制表之类



关于SK time的手表,我手边背面是首先SK time的标志然后写着 Waterresistant No.1298 Japan Movt 什么意思

问一下 那这块表到底多少钱呢? 我有一块2649是施华洛世奇水晶的表带



朋友给了一只表,上面写着 DIQIUREN 中间写QUARTZ 下面写着JAPAN MOVT 请问这是什么表



没啥用 表上都这么写

百达翡丽 REF39701W是真是假?



火求一首英文歌,一个男生组合唱的,假音开头无前奏,开头好象是we will are

Harder Better Faster Stronger uff08Alive Extended 2007uff09 - Daft PunkAround the world, Around the worldAround the world, Around the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldThe world, the worldWork it, make it, do it, makes usHarder, better, faster, strongerMore than, hour, our, neverEver, after, working, overWork it, make it, do it, makes usAround the world, Around the worldAround the world,Harder, better, faster, strongerMore than, hour, our, neverEver, after, working, overAround the world, Around the worldAround the world, Around the worldWork it harderMake it betterDo it fasterMakes us strongerMore than everHour after ourWork is never overWork it harderMake it betterDo it fasterMakes us strongerMore than everHour after ourWork is never overWork it harder make it betterDo it faster makes us strongerMore than ever hour afterOur work is never overWork it harder make it betterDo it faster makes us strongerMore than ever hour afterOur work is never overWork it harder make it betterDo it faster makes us strongerMore than ever hour afterOur work is never overWork it harder make it betterDo it faster makes us strongerMore than ever hour afterOur work is never overWork it harder make it betterDo it faster makes us strongerMore than ever hour afterOur work is never overHarder, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster, fasterHarder, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster, fasterHarder, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster, fasterHarder, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster, fasterHarder, harder, harder, harder, faster, faster, faster, fasterHarder, harder, harder, harderOur work is never over

我有一块百达翡丽手表背面写有:REF 39701W PATEK PHILIPPE 750 GENEVE COMPLICATION不知道什么型号和真伪

真的PP要有保卡 证书 光看字不知道的 你那还是金壳的 如果是真的 最垃圾也要20万 你上PP官网去查吧 这种品牌只要买一直 都可以追溯到经销商在哪里售出的 前提是 这是一块真表


手表a" v" v" 4" 0" 1" 思念的声音接踵而至,你静默的望着那蔚蓝的天空,无奈阳光有些刺眼,你只能望着美好的毫无雕塑的远方,你忽然觉得,这段路程有些熟悉,远方,仿佛带着一种美丽的忧伤,在等待着你的途径。春风微微的飘荡在身旁,叶子轻轻的摇动着,仿佛也在享受这片刻的宁静,它漂泊已久的心,也终于可以停下来,不用再流浪,在冰冷的雨中承受钻心的凉薄。而你又何尝不是如此呢?尘世有时就像一片时而吹刮的龙卷风,将你卷入其中,不可自拔,只能任由命运安排,漂泊在岁月的轮回中。

今天逛街时听到一首欧美男歌手歌曲 其中最后一句就是 i ll be waiting 我确定不是Right here waiting for

很多带这个歌词的 不好找啊

求Not ready to make nice这首歌的中文翻译。最佳答案追高分

Forgive, sounds good.原谅,听起来很好Forget, I"m not sure I could.原谅,我不确定我能做到They say time heals everything,他们说时间治愈一切But I"m still waiting.但我依旧在等待I"m through, with doubt,我已经过,毫无怀疑There"s nothing left for me to figure out,没有什么留给我去思考I"ve paid a price, and i"ll keep paying.我已付出,还将付出I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的I know you said我知道你说过Why can"t you just get over it,为什么你不能就此原谅It turned my whole world around它让我的世界转向and I kind of like it我似乎有点喜欢这样I made by bed, and I sleep like a baby,我上了床,如婴儿般熟睡With no regrets and I don"t mind saying,没有遗憾,我不介意说It"s a sad sad story这是个悲伤的故事That a mother will teach her daughter一个母亲将会教导她的女儿that she ought to hate a perfect stranger.她该区仇恨一个完全的陌生人And how in the world如何才能在这个世界Can the words that I said用我说过的话Send somebody so over the edge让某些人歇斯底里That they"d write me a letter他们给我一封信Saying that I better shut up and sing说我最好闭嘴然后歌唱Or my life will be over否则我的生命就此戛然I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的I"m not ready to make nice,没有准备好去讨好I"m not ready to back down,没有准备好放弃我所坚持I"m still mad as hell我依旧如地狱般疯狂And I don"t have time我已没有什么时光To go round and round and round彷徨,彷徨,彷徨It"s too late to make it right想要纠正,为时太晚I probably wouldn"t if I could即便我能做到我也可能不会去做Cause I"m mad as hell只因我如地狱般疯狂Can"t bring myself to do what it is无法控制自己去做You think I should你认为我该做的what it is you think I should.你认为我该做的Forgive, sounds good.原谅,听起来很好Forget, I"m not sure I could.原谅,我不确定我能做到They say time heals everything,他们说时间治愈一切But I"m still waiting.但我依旧在等待



Not Ready To Make Nice 歌词

歌曲名:Not Ready To Make Nice歌手:Dixie Chicks专辑:2007 Grammy NomineesForgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waitingI"m through with doubtThere"s nothing left for me to figure outI"ve paid a priceAnd I"ll keep payingI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI know you saidCan"t you just get over itIt turned my whole world aroundAnd I kind of like itI made my bed and I sleep like a babyWith no regrets and I don"t mind sayin"It"s a sad sad story when a mother will teach herDaughter that she ought to hate a perfect strangerAnd how in the world can the words that I saidSend somebody so over the edgeThat they"d write me a letterSayin" that I better shut up and singOr my life will be overI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldI"m not ready to make niceI"m not ready to back downI"m still mad as hell andI don"t have time to go round and round and roundIt"s too late to make it rightI probably wouldn"t if I could"Cause I"m mad as hellCan"t bring myself to do what it is you think I shouldForgive, sounds goodForget, I"m not sure I couldThey say time heals everythingBut I"m still waiting

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迅速低声道:“,跟上!”说着,他身子如离弦之箭,迅速冲进裂缝内。脚步一踏,紧紧跟上。期高手。面露犹豫之色。此时他身边地老妇人。怒声说道:“朴南子前辈。恕难从命!” 狂笑一声。面色一沉。喝道:“罢了。这护山阵法。给我破!”说着。他右手一挥。巨峰慢慢升高。接着他深吸口气。面色微红。张开嘴喷出一大口元婴之气。顿时巨峰又胀大了数倍。 “落!”朴南子双手法诀一变。指着巨峰。缓缓下压。

A careless driver is a danger to the pubic. 翻译 一下


Gotta Figure This Out 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Figure This Out歌手:Erin McCarley专辑:Love, Save The EmptyErin McCarley - Gotta Figure This OutI separated my heart from my headTo feel out what"s insideI don"t like what I see so I say Good nightDon"t wake me cuz I"m dreaming in colorBlack and white is not my friendCandy coded figures only in my bedI"ve never been so deep inside a shadowI"ve never been so insecure of what I knowI"ve gotta figure it outI need a story to tellWhere"s the feeling I long forI"ve gotta figure it outBefore I lose you loveBig city streets are calling me loudThe busy keeps me highWell this quiet town is wearing me down tonightWell I know that I should stay here for a whileListen to the sound of my shaky heartLooking for gold in the groundI"ve never been so deep inside a shadowI"ve never been so insecure of what I knowI"ve gotta figure it outI need a story to tellWhere"s the feeling I long forI"ve gotta figure it outBefore I lose you loveIt"s not ok to make him waitTo make you wonder why ICan"t hold you close and give you hopeThat this will be all rightI wanna make it rightGotta figure this outI need a story to tellWhere"s the feeling I long forI"ve gotta figure it outI"ve gotta figure this outI need a story to tellWhere"s the feeling I long forI"ve gotta figure it outBefore I lose youBefore I lose youBefore I lose you love

make it halfway up yhe tree什么意思?


子公司的director如何翻译,下面还有副的director和general manager?


better make it up before it get worse什么意思


You can make it up by giving yourself an extra square the next day.这句话是什么意思?


better make it up before it get worse什么意思


look up、dress up、mess up…中文意思是?「up」英文片语大集合!

在「up」这个介系词之前加上不同的动词,就会形成片语动词(Phrasal Verbs),可以表达各种意涵! Engvid的讲师Gill就提出了含有「up」的10个片语动词,学会这些用法就不必背诵长长的单字,运用简单的字词就能轻松表达你的想法罗! 1. Dress up 盛装打扮 Children love to dress up. 孩子们喜欢盛装打扮。 2. Drink up 喝完 It"s time to drink up – the bar is closing. 该喝完了,酒吧要关门了。 3. Wash up 洗脸/洗手 He never washes up. 他从不洗手。 4. Look up 查询 I don"t know that word – I"ll have to look it up. 我不知道那个字,我得查一下字典。 5. Speak up 大声说 I can"t hear you – please speak up. 我听不见你说甚么,请大声说。 6. Read up 研读 I"m having to read up on Shakespeare for the test next week. 我必须为了下周的考试研读莎士比亚。 7. Grow up 长大 When are you going to grow up? 你什么时候才要长大? 8. Mess up 弄糟 You"ve really messed that up. 你真的是搞砸了。 9. Cook up 烹煮 What are you cooking up now? 你现在在煮什么? 10. Make it up 和好 You"re making it all up, aren"t you? 你们终于和好了,不是吗? cook up, cook up 中文, cook up 意思, cook up 翻译, Dress up, dress up 中文, dress up 意思, dress up 翻译, drink up, grow up, grow up 中文, grow up 意思, grow up 翻译, look up, look up 中文, look up 意思, look up 翻译, make it up, make it up 中文, make it up 意思, make it up 翻译, mess up, mess up 中文, mess up 意思, mess up 翻译, read up, read up 中文, read up 意思, read up 翻译, speak up, speak up 中文, speak up 意思, speak up 翻译, wash up, wash up 中文, wash up 意思, wash up 翻译

there be + benefit + to + doing 可以加doing吗?)为什么?


英语before the end of this term怎么翻译?


General Manager 与 Managing Director 谁大?


求Breaking Benjamin乐队的所有歌曲,最好还能有下载地址~谢谢~



求Oprah Winfrey(奥普拉·温弗瑞)的英文资料,最好在六分钟左右,最好能分出层次感来

Oprah Winfrey (born Orpah Gail Winfrey; January 29, 1954) is an American media proprietor, talk show host, actress, producer and philanthropist. Winfrey is best known for her self-titled, multi-award-winning talk show, which has become the highest-rated program of its kind in history and was nationally syndicated from 1986 to 2011. She has been ranked the richest African American of the 20th century, the greatest black philanthropist in American history, and was for a time the world"s only black billionaire. She is also, according to some assessments, the most influential woman in the world.Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi to a teenage single mother and later raised in an inner-city Milwaukee neighborhood. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood, claiming to be raped at age nine and becoming pregnant at 14; her son died in infancy. Sent to live with the man she calls her father, a barber in Tennessee, Winfrey landed a job in radio while still in high school and began co-anchoring the local evening news at the age of 19. Her emotional ad-lib delivery eventually got her transferred to the daytime-talk-show arena, and after boosting a third-rated local Chicago talk show to first place, she launched her own production company and became internationally syndicated.Credited with creating a more intimate confessional form of media communication, she is thought to have popularized and revolutionized the tabloid talk show genre pioneered by Phil Donahue, which a Yale study claims broke 20th century taboos and allowed LGBT people to enter the mainstream. By the mid 1990s, she had reinvented her show with a focus on literature, self-improvement, and spirituality. Though criticized for unleashing confession culture, promoting controversial self-help ideas, and an emotion-centered approach she is often praised for overcoming adversity to become a benefactor to others. From 2006 to 2008, her support of Barack Obama, by one estimate, delivered over a million votes in the close 2008 Democratic primary race.

处刑人1,2主角。Norman reedus。诺曼 瑞杜斯这个链接是他的作品年表、我估计你是看过8毫米、刀锋战士2、美国黑帮、之类的觉得他眼熟吧、处刑人2我还没有看、、
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