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yesterday once more歌词

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现):When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend让一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that I had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memories我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more翻译中文

When I was young I"d listen to the radiou3000u3000Waiting for my favorite songsu3000u3000When they played I"d sing alongu3000u3000It made me smileu3000u3000Those were such happy times and not so long agou3000u3000How I wondered where they"d goneu3000u3000But they"re back again just like a long lost friendu3000u3000All the songs I love so wellu3000u3000Every shalala every wo"wostill shinesu3000u3000Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineu3000u3000When they get to the partu3000u3000Where he"s breaking her heartu3000u3000It can really make me cryu3000u3000Just like beforeu3000u3000It"s yesterday once moreu3000u3000(Shoobie do lang lang*)Looking back on how it was in years gone byu3000u3000And the good times that I hadu3000u3000Makes today seem rather sadu3000u3000So much has changedu3000u3000It was songs of love that I would sing to themu3000u3000And I"d memorise each wordu3000u3000Those old melodies still sound so good to meu3000u3000As they melt the years awayu3000u3000Every shalala every wo"wo still shinesu3000u3000Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine

yesterday once more男声版的外国歌手是谁?

是不是cliff richard的yesterday once more

《yesterday once more》是什么的主题曲?


谁可以给我.yesterday once more歌曲的背景资料?

《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字: February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all. (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

yesterday once more是谁的歌

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

采纳给发。GTA4 EFLC FATAL ERROR:Invalid resource detected-Please re-install the game怎么办


yesterday once more翻译中文

Yesterday once more.昨日重现。是一首很好听的英文歌曲。

yesterday once more是什么歌曲?

  歌名:yesteday once more  歌曲原唱:Carpenters  填 词:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis  谱 曲:Richard Carpenter,John Bettis  专辑:《Now & Then》  歌词:  When I was young  当我年少时  I"d listen to the radio  我喜欢听收音机  Waiting for my favorite songs  等待我最心爱的歌曲  When they played I"d sing along  当他们演奏时我会跟着唱  It made me smile  令我笑容满面  Those were such happy times  那段多么快乐的时光  And not so long ago  就在不久以前  How I wondered where they"d gone  我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿  But they"re back again  但是它们又回来了  Just like a long-lost friend  像一位久未谋面的朋友  All the songs I love so well  那些歌我依旧深爱着  Every sha-la-la-la  每一句sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  When they get to the part  当他们唱到  Where he"s breaking her heart  他让她心碎的那一段时  It can really make me cry  真的令我痛哭流涕  Just like before  一如往昔  It"s yesterday once more  这是昨日的重现  (Shoobie do lang lang)  (Shoobie do lang lang)  Looking back on how it was in years gone by  回首它是如何在岁月中走远  And the good times that I had  以及我曾有过的欢乐时光  Makes today seem rather sad  使得今天似乎更加悲伤  So much has changed  一切都变了  It was songs of love that I would sing to them  这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌  And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼  Those old melodies那些古老旋律  Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听  As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一句sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  All my best memories  我所有的美好回忆  Come back clearly to me  清晰地浮现  Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了  Just like before一如往昔  It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现  (Shoobie do lang lang)  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一声Sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines  仍然闪亮  Every shing-a-ling-a-ling  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine  如此欢畅  Every Sha-la-la-la  每一声Sha-la-la-la  Every Wo-o-wo-o  每一声Wo-o-wo-o  Still shines仍然闪亮  每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling  That they"re starting to sing  当他们开始唱时  So fine如此欢畅  注:  *这里的“Shoobie do lang lang”是和音伴奏,无实际意义,不翻译。  **汉字中没有“Shing”的读音的对应象声词,用原文代替.  歌手简介:  卡朋特乐队(Carpenters)是美国歌星理查德·卡朋特和卡伦·卡朋特兄妹二人组成的演唱组合,1970年代和1980年代初期风靡一时。卡朋特兄妹于1965年开始组织乐队,1969年11月15日,卡朋特乐队的单曲《Close to You》(靠近你)一举走红,其后,他们在整个1970年代大获成功。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现)、《Top of the World》(世界之颠)、《Please Mr. Postman》(请等一下,邮差先生)等歌曲广为人知。

帮我多了解些关于 Yesterday once more 的相关资料

《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More 提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。 卡彭特全名卡伦61卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德61卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。 YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。 卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂(参见《英文歌曲全集》747页,方远主编,华夏出版社,1994年)。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字: February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all. (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

《Yesterday Once More》是哪部电影的插曲?

美国影片《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片, 可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片, 一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片, 一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行, 只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现” 已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们, 百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事, 加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱, 已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎, 现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。 电影原声MP3下载地址与歌词: 100/file/3654_7731.mp3 When I was young I"d listen 2 the radio.当我还是小女还时,我常听收音机。 Waiting 4 my favorite songs.等待着我心爱的歌。 When they played I"d sing along.当它们播放出来的时候,我会跟着唱。 It make me smile.这令我笑容满面。 Those were such happy times & not so long ago.不久前的回忆那真是段美好的时光。 How I wondered where they"d gone.我不知道那段美好时光怎么消失了。 But they"re back again just like a long lost friend.现在它们就象久无音信的老朋友又回来了。 All the songs I love so well.所有的歌都是我所喜欢的。 Every shalala every wo"wo still shines ! 每一个纱啦啦,每一个哦哦依旧闪耀! Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting 2 sing.他们开始唱的每一个昕铃铃- So fine ! 都如此美妙! When they get 2 the part.当他们唱到那段- Where he"s breaking her heart.男孩使女孩伤心的部分时。 It can really make me cry.也让我流下了眼泪。 Just like before.就象昔日一样。 It"s yesterday once more ! 仿佛昨日重现! (Shoobie do lang lang) Looking back on how it was in years gone by. 回首过去的几年。 And the good times that had.以及我曾拥有的好时光。 Makes today seem rather sad.使今日更加伤感。 So much has changed ! 太多的转变! It was songs of love that I would sing 2 them.那些旧日跟唱过的旧情歌。 And I"d memorise each word.我仍然记得没一句歌词。 Those old melodies still sound so good 2 me.那些旧旋律听起来仍然那么悦耳。 As they melt the years away.它们使岁月消融! All my best memorise come back clearly 2 me.所有美好的回忆都在我脑海里清晰的浮现! Some can even make me cry.有些甚至令我泪流满脉面。麻烦采纳,谢谢!




Criterion - referenced tests 目标参照性考试 Criterion - referenced test 标准参照测验 Total score and cut - score dependabipty of criterion - referenced testing : a generapzabipty study 标准参照测验及其等级线信度的概化理论分析 From items , test and abipty of examinees , the apppcation of information function in the criterion - referenced test has been disscussed in this paper 摘要主要从项目、测验、被试能力三方面来探讨信息函数在标准参照测验中的应用。 Engpsh reading , writing , or puting skills at or below the 8th grade level on a generally accepted standardized test or a parable score on a criterion - referenced test 英语的读,写技能或计算技能达到或者低于公认标准测试的8级水平或标准参照测试的同类评分 Only when the ugeshsa is deconstructed systematically and its special multiple - type is interpreted properly which means it is regarded as diverse types of tests , namely level tests , summative tests , achievement tests and criterion - referenced tests , and so on , the sound ugeshsa will be reasonably constructed 只有通过系统地解构,正确解读高中会考多元复合型的特性? ?水平考试、总结性考试、学业成就考试、标准参照考试… …才能合理地建构起合理的高中会考。

Yesterday Once More 的中文是什么意思??

昨日重现 (中文歌词) 歌手:卡朋特 年少时我喜欢听着收音机 等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起 我独自为它伴唱 让我感到欢喜 这样的幸福时光早已远去 我多想知道他们到了那里? 象失散朋友再次回来 所有的歌曲 我还是那样喜欢 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 当歌曲演绎到 伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 这是 昨日重现啊 回头看看走过的这些时光 幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 有太多已经改变 那首我曾为他唱的爱情歌曲 每句歌词还印在我脑海里 那些旧的记忆依旧那么美妙 为我带走 这么多年的忧伤 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒 每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 所有美妙回忆 清晰向我袭击 一些确实让我哭泣 就象以前那样 这是昨日重现啊

《yesterday once more》是哪部电影的主题曲?

《昨日重现》是《生命因你而动听》电影的主题曲。《生命因你而动听》是由斯蒂芬·赫瑞克执导,理查德·德莱弗斯、奥林匹亚·杜卡基斯等主演的剧情片,于1995年在美国上映。该片主要讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成他的事业,在一所中学任音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》中英文对照歌词如下:When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend像一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that I had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memories我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more是什么意思?

《昨日重现》是电影《生命因你而动听》中的主题曲。该电影讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成自己的事业,在一所中学做音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》英文名是“《Yesterday Once More》”,是卡朋特乐队1972年专辑《Now & Then》中的主打歌,词曲的作者是理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。歌词简介:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现

求yesterday once more歌曲链接

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yesterday once more中文歌词?

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

yesterday once more是什么意思



但后者著名的鸥翼门依然存在。尽管Alpha5的速度不足以穿越时间,但DeLorean表示,其即将推出的EV将能够在3.4秒内从0英里/小时加速到60英里/小时,最高时速可达150英里/小时。Alpha5由100kWh的电池组供电,据说其续航里程将超过300英里,这将使其略高于耐力部门的可比保时捷Taycan4S和奥迪e-tronGT。然而,与这两款德国高端电动汽车不同的是,DMC的DeLorean update一般不会出售,至少一开始不会。该公司首席执行官JoostdeVries最近向Autocar(以新标签打开)表示,Alpha5将限量销售88辆3354,参考罗伯特泽米基斯1985年科幻经典中时间旅行所需的3354的速度,它只适合赛道使用。不过这款车在未来几年内会进行大体的调整,但赛道版预计要到2024年才会投产,所以回到未来的车迷可能还要再等几年才能拿到值得上路的Alpha5。作为EV亮相的一部分,DeLorean还宣布,目前正在开发一款新的V8 coupe、电动轿车和氢SUV,预计每款车都将为主流市场实现更高的产量。顺便说一句,值得注意的是,这家美国汽车制造商不同于约翰德罗林(JohnDeLorean)在上世纪七八十年代掌舵的汽车制造商。该公司的部分产品,包括其标志和剩余库存,于1995年购买并合并为一个新品牌DMCTexas,2022年继续作为DeLoreanMotorCompany运营。百万购车补贴

yesterday once more歌词及意思是什么?

《Yesterday Once More》(《昨日重现》)中英文歌词对照如下:《Yesterday Once More》《昨日重现》作词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis作曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis原唱:Carpenters歌词(中英文对照):When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more的歌词翻译


Yesterday once more歌词


谁知道Yesterday Once More这首歌中文是什么意思吗?

Yesterday Once More  一首经典英文歌曲。中文名《昔日重来》或《昨日重现》。深入人心,历久不衰。  理查德.卡朋特和约翰.贝迪斯为回应七十年代早期的怀旧风创作了这首歌曲。  演唱者Karen Carpenter。  这首夺金单曲在美国和英国两地都取得亚军的成绩。现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。  卡伦·卡朋特(Karen Carpenter)及其兄理查德·卡朋特(Richard Capenters)出生于美国康涅狄格州,理查德是位很有才华的艺人,演唱、弹琴、制作及歌曲创作均可胜任,与其妹组建乐队后,甘为配角为妹妹写歌,伴奏。他们自幼就拥有良好的音乐环境。1969年,他们带着自录的音乐走遍洛杉矶,终于在A&M唱片公司,他们迎来了成功的曙光。 1969年11月15日,首张专辑《CLOSE TO YOU》发行,专辑中的同名歌曲瞬即荣登排行榜首。从此,卡朋特兄妹演唱组的事业蒸蒸日上,不断有佳作问世。但好景不长,卡伦因慢性厌食和神经过敏于1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中。她死时只有三十二岁。木匠乐队也到此终结。但卡伦·卡朋特那清新、健康的旋律,略带忧郁的中音,亲切自然的演唱确永远让我们难以忘怀。  

yesterday once more是哪一首歌里的歌词?

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

英文歌曲yesterday once more是什么歌?

歌名:《昨日重现》外文名:Yesterday Once More所属专辑:Now & Then歌曲原唱:Carpenters歌词When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。

yesterday once more是哪首歌的英文版?

《Yesterday Once More》(《昨日重现》)中英文歌词对照如下:《Yesterday Once More》《昨日重现》作词:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis作曲:Richard Carpenter、John Bettis原唱:Carpenters歌词(中英文对照):When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more是什么意思?

您好。《昨日重现》的英文原名为《Yesterday Once More》,是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。中英歌词对照:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅。

yesterday once more什么意思?

yesterday once more昨日重现这是一首很好听的英语歌曲

threaded conversation是什么意思


Yesterday Once More(昨日重现) 歌词

中文名称:昨日重现外文名称:Yesterday Once More所属专辑:《Now & Then》歌曲时长:3:56发行时间:1973年5月16日歌曲原唱:卡朋特乐队填 词:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯谱 曲:理查德·卡朋特,约翰·贝蒂斯英语歌词:When I was young I"d listen to the radioWaiting for my favorite songsWhen they played I"d sing alongIt make me smileThose were such happy times and not so long agoHow I wondered where they"d goneBut they"re back again just like a long lost friendAll the songs I love so wellEvery shalala every wo"wostill shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineWhen they get to the partWhere he"s breaking her heartIt can really make me cryJust like beforeIt"s yesterday once more(Shoobie do lang lang*)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone byAnd the good times thatI hadMakes today seem rather sadSo much has changedIt was songs of love that I would sing to themAnd I"d memorise each wordThose old melodies still sound so good to meAs they melt the years awayEvery shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineAll my best memoriesCome back clearly to meSome can even make me cryJust like beforeIt"s yesterday once more(Shoobie do lang lang)Every shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fineEvery shalala every wo"wo still shinesEvery shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing so fine汉语歌词:年轻时我爱听收音机等待着我最喜爱的歌我会跟着他们一起唱这样会令我笑容满面那段不久前快乐时光我多么想知道在何方但是它们又再次归来如位久未谋面的朋友那些歌曲我依旧喜欢唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零**当唱到他让她心碎时它真能让我默默哭泣一如往昔的美好时光昨日再次重现于脑海(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)(间奏)现在再回首过去几年我曾有过的欢乐时光今天似乎更加地悲伤许多的东西都有变化那些跟唱过的旧情歌我记住的每一个字眼仍然动听的古老旋律可以把所有岁月融化唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零我所有的美好的回忆清晰地浮现在脑海中有些甚至能让我哭泣一如往昔的美好时光昨日再次重现于脑海唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零唱起每一声闪亮的沙啦啦啦噢噢噢噢唱起每一声欢畅的Shing啊零啊零

《yesterday once more》的歌词

When I was young当我小时候I"d listen to the radio聆听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待着我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当歌曲播放时我和着它轻轻吟唱It made me smile我脸上洋溢着幸福的微笑Those were such happy times那时的时光多么幸福and not so long ago且它并不遥远How I wondered我记不清where they"d gone它们何时消逝But they"re back again但是它们再次回访just like a long lost friend让一个久无音讯的老朋友All the songs I love so well所有我喜爱万分的歌曲Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳When they get to the part当他们唱到他where he"s breaking her heart让她伤心之处It can really make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Looking back on回首往事how it was in years gone by回望曾经And the good times that had幸福时光makes today seem rather sad今日已沧海桑田So much has changed变了很多It was songs of love那是旧情歌that I would sing to them我唱给他们的And I"d memorise each word至今我仍能记得每一个文字Those old melodies那些旧旋律still sound so good to me仍然悦耳动听As they melt the years away可以把岁月融化Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个他们开始唱的shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing每一个他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳All my best memorise我美好的回忆come back clearly to me都清晰地浮现在眼前Some can even make me cry我哭泣just like before像从前那样It"s yesterday once more昨日重现Shoobie do lang lang无比惆怅Every shalala every wo"wo每一个shalala每一个wo‘wostill shines仍然光芒四射Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一个shing-a-lingthat they"re starting to sing他们开始唱的so fine都如此悦耳Every shalala every wo"wo still shines每一个shalala每一个wo‘wo,仍然光芒四射

yesterday once more为什么是昨日重现的意思呢?


谁能用英语介绍下Yesterday Once More这首歌

Yesterday Once More歌曲英文介绍 :Yesterday Once More is a One classics English song. Chinese name "in former days weight comes " or "yesterday reappears in ". Be deeply rooted among the people , long lasting. Richard. The card friend composes in reply specially John. Beidisi is that Model T response recollecting the good old days in the 70"s is groundless have created this song. Singer Karen Carpenter. This carry off the gold Shan bend capital of distance of two gets runner-up"s achievement in USA and United Kingdom. Now this song already becomes one of best-selling eternal Shan bend.

用英文写一段 “yesterday once more ”的介绍

A classical music yesterday once more sang by Karen Carpenter Everybody knows the song .When you listen to . You can feel your heart is touched by the song The Carpenters were a vocal and instrumental duo, consisting of siblings Karen and Richard Carpenter. The Carpenters were the #1 selling American music act of the 1970s.[1] Though often referred to by the public as "The Carpenters", the duo"s official name on authorized recordings and press materials is simply "Carpenters", without the definite article.[2] During a period in the 1970s when louder and wilder rock was in great demand, Richard and Karen produced a distinctively soft musical style that made them one of the best-selling music artists of all time.[3][4]The Carpenters" melodic pop charted a record-breaking score of hit recordings on the American Top 40 and Adult Contemporary charts, becoming leading sellers in the soft rock, easy listening and adult contemporary genres. The Carpenters had three #1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 and fifteen #1 hits on the Adult Contemporary Chart (see The Carpenters discography). In addition, they had twelve top 10 singles (including their #1 hits). To date, The Carpenters" album and single sales total more than 100 million units.[4]During their fourteen-year career, The Carpenters recorded eleven albums, five of which contained top 10 singles (Close to You, Carpenters, A Song for You, Now & Then and Horizon), thirty-one singles, five television specials, and one short-lived television series. They toured in the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, the Netherlands and Belgium. Their recording career ended with Karen"s death on February 4, 1983. Karen died after cardiac arrest due to complications of anorexia nervosa. Extensive news coverage of the circumstances surrounding her death increased public awareness of the consequences of eating disorders.

yesterday once more是什么意思


yesterday once more 是什么时候出来的

我也看了这部影片,也很奇怪,影片中没有这首歌,但网上又确实说是这部电影的主题曲,后来又查了一下,原来此片有两个版本,一部是1965年的美国电影《生命因你而动听》, 另一名字叫《爱德华先生》,还有一部是1995年1月1日上映的,也就是我们现在看的那个版本的《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),估计yesterday once more是1965年版本的,但可惜这个版本的电影英文名没查到,想来片源也是难找了,不然可以重温此曲.

yesterday once more的原文及歌词

Yesterday Once More When I was young I"d listen to the radio Waitin" for my favorite songs When they played I"d sing along It made me smile. Those were such happy times And not so long ago How I wondered where they"d gone But they"re back again Just like a long lost friend All the songs I loved so well. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re startin" to sing"s So fine. When they get to the part Where he"s breakin" her heart It can really make me cry Just like before It"s yesterday once more. Lookin" back on how it was In years gone by And the good times that I had Makes today seem rather sad So much has changed. It was songs of love that I would sing to then And I"d memorize each word Those old melodies Still sound so good to me As they melt the years away. Every Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o Still shines Every shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re startin" to sing"s So fine. All my best memories Come back clearly to me Some can even make me cry. Just like before It"s yesterday once more. 中译歌词 往日重现 当我年轻的时候 听著收音机 等待著我最喜爱的歌 当它播放时我独自跟唱 让我心情愉快起来 就像那些快乐时光 惊讶消失的无影无踪 但当它们回来时 就像是久没联络的朋友一样 这都是我喜欢的歌 每个Sha-la-la-la 每个Wo-o-wo-o 记忆依鲜明 每个shing-a-ling-a-ling 节奏依然美好 当故事到了那个段落 他伤了她的心 让我流下泪来 就像从前 往日重现

yesterday once more的歌词是什么意思?

When I was young 当我年轻时 I"d listen to the radio 我喜欢听收音机 Waiting" for my favorite songs 等待我最喜爱的歌 When they played I"d sing along 我常独自为它伴唱 It made me smile. 笑容满面 Those were such happy times 那段多么快乐的时光 And not so long ago 并不遥远 How I wondered where they gone 我是多么想知道他们去了哪儿 But they"re back again 但是它们又回来了 Just like a long lost friend 像一位久未谋面的旧日朋友 All the songs I loved so well. 那些歌我依旧喜欢 Every Sha-la-la-la每一声 Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 仍然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re starting" to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine. 如此欢畅 When they get to the part 当他们唱到 Where he"s breaking her heart 他让她伤心的那一段时 It can really make me cry 我真的哭了 Just like before 一如往昔 It"s yesterday once more. 这是昨日的重现 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 (Shoobie do lang lang) 无比惆怅 Looking back on how it was in years gone by 回首过去的那些时光 And the good times that I had 我曾有过的欢乐 Makes today seem rather sad 今天似乎更加悲伤 So much has changed. 一切都变了 It was songs of love that I would sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌 And I memorize each word 我会记住每个字眼 Those old melodies 那些古老旋律 Still sound so good to me 对我仍然那么动听 As they melt the years away. 可以把岁月融化 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 依然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re starting to sing"s 当他们开始唱时 So fine. 如此欢畅 All my best memories 我所有的美好回忆 Come back clearly to me 清晰地浮现在眼前 Some can even make me cry. 有些甚至让我泪流满面 Just like before 一如往昔 It"s yesterday once more. 这是昨日的重现 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-w yesterday once more(20张)o-o Still shines 依然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re starting to sing 当他们开始唱时 So fine. 如此欢畅 Every Sha-la-la-la 每一声Sha-la-la-la Every Wo-o-wo-o 每一声Wo-o-wo-o Still shines 依然闪亮 Every shing-a-ling-a-ling 每一个shing-a-ling-a-ling That they"re starting to sing"s 当他们开始唱时 So fine. 如此欢畅

Yesterday once more是哪部电影的主题曲?

电影《生命因你而动听》(Mr. Holland`s Opus),是一部不可多得的优秀影片,可以说它是一部音乐欣赏与音乐创作的影片,一部歌颂追求个人事业理想,表现教师奉献爱心的教育片,一部讴歌男女情爱,人性美的伦理片,怎么说都行,只是看你从什么角度去观赏这部影片了。 影片《生命因你而动听》中的插曲“昨日重现”已经选入了奥斯卡百年金曲之中,世界上喜爱音乐的人们,百听不厌。 “昨日重现”(Yesterday once more )本身就演绎了一个新的罗蜜殴与朱丽叶的爱情悲剧故事,加之优美伤感的音乐由卡兰·卡彭特(Karen Carpenter,1950-1983.2)首唱,已传唱于全球,非常受欢迎,现已成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛的首选歌曲。 据说 Karen Carpenter 是因为减肥过度而死的,让人惋惜不已。

yesterday once more...是什么歌

《昨日重现》歌词:  Yesterday Once More  When I was young I"d listen to the radio   Waiting for my favorite songs   When they played I"d sing along,   It make me smile.   Those were such happy times and not so long ago   How I wondered where they"d gone.   But they"re back again just like a long lost friend   All the songs I love so well.   Every shalala every wo"wo   still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   When they get to the part   where he"s breaking her heart   It can really make me cry   just like before.   It"s yesterday once more.   (Shoobie do lang lang)   Looking bak on how it was in years gone by   And the good times that had   makes today seem rather sad,   So much has changed.   It was songs of love that I would sing to them   And I"d memorise each word.   Those old melodies still sound so good to me   As they melt the years away   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re startingTo sing   so fine   All my best memorise come back clearly to me   Some can even make me cry   just like before.   It"s yesterday once more.   (Shoobie do lang lang)   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   Every shalala every wo"wo still shines.   Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they"re starting to sing   so fine   昨日重现 (中文歌词) 歌手:卡朋特   年少时我喜欢听着收音机 等候我喜欢的歌曲轻轻响起   我独自为它伴唱 让我感到欢喜 这样的幸福时光早已远去   我多想知道他们到了那里? 象失散朋友再次回来 所有的歌曲   我还是那样喜欢 每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒   每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听   当歌曲演绎到 伤心的地方 确实让我哭泣 这是 昨日重现啊   回头看看走过的这些时光 幸福记忆让今天的我很感伤 有太多已经改变   那首我曾为他唱的爱情歌曲 每句歌词还印在我脑海里   那些旧的记忆依旧那么美妙 为我带走 这么多年的忧伤   每一句 sha la la la 每一句wo wo 仍散发光芒   每一句sing aling aling 他们唱得还是如此动听 所有美妙回忆   清晰向我袭击 一些确实让我哭泣 就象以前那样 这是昨日重现啊

yesterday once more歌词

您好。《昨日重现》的英文原名为《Yesterday Once More》,是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。中英歌词对照:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)(Shoobie do lang lang)Looking back on how it was in years gone by回首它是如何在岁月中走远And the good times that I had以及我曾有过的欢乐时光Makes today seem rather sad使得今天似乎更加悲伤So much has changed一切都变了It was songs of love that I"d sing to then这就是那些跟着唱过的旧情歌And I memorize each word我记住的每个字眼Those old melodies那些古老旋律Still sound so good to me对我仍然那么动听As they melt the years away好像融掉了岁月Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅All my best memories我所有的美好回忆Come back clearly to me清晰地浮现Some can even make me cry有些令我哭了Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现(Shoobie do lang lang)Every Sha-la-la-la每一声Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅。

—Your spoken English is very good. —_____________. A.Thank you B.Just so so. C.You’re r


yesterday once more是什么意思?

《昨日重现》是电影《生命因你而动听》中的主题曲。该电影讲述了心怀远大理想的作曲家格兰·霍兰为了挣钱完成自己的事业,在一所中学做音乐教师,致力于通过自己的方式培养学生对音乐的兴趣。《昨日重现》英文名是“《Yesterday Once More》”,是卡朋特乐队1972年专辑《Now & Then》中的主打歌,词曲的作者是理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。歌词简介:When I was young当我年少时I"d listen to the radio我喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最心爱的歌曲When they played I"d sing along当他们演奏时我会跟着唱It made me smile令我笑容满面Those were such happy times那段多么快乐的时光And not so long ago就在不久以前How I wondered where they"d gone我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿But they"re back again但是它们又回来了Just like a long-lost friend像一位久未谋面的朋友All the songs I love so well那些歌我依旧深爱着Every Sha-la-la-la每一句Sha-la-la-laEvery Wo-o-wo-o每一声Wo-o-wo-oStill shines仍然闪亮Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一声 shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing当他们开始唱时So fine如此欢畅When they get to the part当他们唱到Where he"s breaking her heart他让她心碎的那一段时It can really make me cry真的令我痛哭流涕Just like before一如往昔It"s yesterday once more这是昨日的重现

Yesterday once more 的 MP3 下载地址


yesterday once more的中文意思是什么?

yesterday once more的中文意思是昨天(的时光)再来一次。昨日重现。

yesterday once more是什么意思

昨日重现(歌曲名)Just like before it"s yesterday once more. 这就和从前一样,仿佛昨日重现。I request the song Yesterday Once More for you to express my deep regret, in the hope of returning to what we have been. 在这里,我深表遗憾。点播一首《昨日重现》,希望我们能回到从前。

yesterday once more中文是什么意思?


yesterday once more歌词 歌词全文英文版

1、英文歌词: When I was young,Id listen to the radio,Waiting for my favorite songs,When they played Id sing along,It made me smile,Those were such happy times,and not so long ago,How I wondered,where theyd gone,But theyre back again,just like a long lost friend,All the songs I love so well,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,When they get to the part,where hes breaking her heart,It can really make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Shoobie do lang lang,Looking back on,how it was in years gone by,And the good times that I had,makes today seem rather sad,So much has changed,It was songs of love,that I would sing to them,And Id memorise each word,Those old melodies,still sound so good to me,As they melt the years away,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,All my best memories,come back clearly to me,Some can even make me cry,just like before,Its yesterday once more,Shoobie do lang lang,Every shalala every wowo,still shines,Every shing-a-ling-a-ling,that theyre starting to sing,so fine,Every shalala every wowo still shines。 2、《Yesterday Once More》是由卡朋特乐队演唱的一首歌曲。

yesterday once more是哪个电影的主题曲


Yesterday Once More的背景

  《昨日重现》背景资料 Carpenters - Yesterday Once More  提起卡彭特,歌迷们自然而然会想起这首YESTERDAY ONCE MONE。的确,作为最早在大陆传唱的一首英文歌曲,它已深深的烙印在许多中国歌迷的心中。  卡彭特全名卡伦u2022卡彭特(Karen Carpenter),1950年出生于美国康涅狄格州;在其兄理查德u2022卡彭特(Richard Carpente)组建的“卡彭特”乐队(旧译“木匠”乐队)中任主唱。理查德由于运用多声轨重复录音技术录制并演唱披头士(the Beatles)的歌曲Ticket to Ride而备受瞩目,是位很有才华的乐人。他原本也担任歌手,兼弹琴、制作及歌曲创作;但妹妹的歌声甜美出众,于是理查德甘为配角,为妹妹写歌、伴奏,兄妹感情极深。  YESTERDAY ONCE MORE是一首追怀旧情的感伤之作。经历过一系列失恋打击、身处孤独之中的歌手原本是收音机的忠实听众,常常跟随电波中的一曲曲情歌吟唱。后来,陷入爱河的她不在有闲暇去收听音乐广播了,与收音机渐渐疏远。而今,为情所伤、心如死灰的她再度拧开收音机,熟悉的旋律重新响起,一声声、一曲曲仿佛正讲述着自己的身世。时光流逝,情感变迁,但那一首首曾如旧友长伴身侧的老歌,却忠诚如初,永远不会背叛自己。温馨中夹杂苦痛,慰籍之余更添伤感:难道人尚不如歌?多情易伤、多愁善感的她多么盼望昨日随旧曲重现,鸳梦重温。  卡伦的歌往往流露一股哀怨和伤感,似乎她在演绎自己的身世。卡伦令人惋叹的早逝正是一场催人泪下的悲剧:由于Billboard杂志的一位作者在评论中“讽刺”卡论体态过于丰满,她便开始节食而日渐消瘦,为保持苗条还服用倾泻剂(参见《英文歌曲全集》747页,方远主编,华夏出版社,1994年)。但物极必反,过度节食使卡伦患上了“精神性厌食症”。1983年2月4日死在深爱她的父母怀中,死时年仅32岁。他的哥哥理查德悲切的写下了这段文字:  February 4, 1983,on I lost my sister, a dear friend, and my professional partner. The world lost a beautiful spirit. Karen had not only a voice that was heaven-sent, but a personality that warmed the lives of everyone who had met and known her. She was with us only 32 years. Though my family and I will never get over losing her at such an early age, we can take com fort in the marvelous legacy she left us all.  (1983年2月4日,在这一天我失去了妹妹,我的挚友兼专业搭档。世界失去了一个美丽的灵魂。卡伦不仅有一副天赐的歌喉,她的人格更温暖了见过或认识她的每个人。她和我们一起度过了32个年头。虽然她的英年早逝给我和我的家人带来无法排遣的痛苦,我们却为她留给我们大家的伟大遗产而感到宽慰。)

yesterday once more是什么歌

《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。这首歌1973年发行至今,被多国歌手以多种语言翻唱,成为翻唱度和传唱度非常高的一个经典老歌。歌手:Carpenters作词 : Richard Carpenter and John Bettis作曲 : Richard Carpenter and John BettisWhen I was young I"d listen to the radio我还年轻的时候, 喜欢听收音机Waiting for my favorite songs等待我最喜欢的歌曲When they played I"d sing along,当他们演奏时,我会随之吟唱It made me smile.这使我心情欢畅Those were such happy times and not so long ago那些是多么幸福的时光!就在不久以前how I wondered where they"d gone.我想知道它们曾去何处But they"re back again just like a long lost friend而今它们再次出现,就像失散的旧友重逢all the songs I love so well.所有的歌曲我都如此的喜爱Every shalalala every wo"wo每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-woStill shines.依旧闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙When they get to the part当他们唱到一个地方Where he"s breaking her heart他令她伤心断肠It can really make me cry这真能叫我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.仿佛昔日又重来(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Looking back on how it was in years gone by回头看岁月如何消逝And the good times that I had这些过去的好时光Makes today seem rather sad,使今天显得令人哀伤So much has changed.一切都已不再It was songs of love that I would sing to them我向他们唱爱的情歌and I"d memorize each word.我会记住每一句歌词Those old melodies still sound so good to me那些熟悉的旋律,在我听来还是那么好As they melt the years away好像他们把岁月融消Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙All my best memories come back clearly to me我所有美好的记忆清晰的重现Some can even make me cry有一些仍能使我哭出来Just like before.正如从前一样It"s yesterday once more.这是昨日再现(shoobie do lang lang)无比惆怅Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁Every shing-a-ling-a-ling每一句shing-a-ling-a-lingThat they"re starting to sing就在他们放声歌唱时So fine如此美妙Every shalalala every wo"wo still shines.每一句sha-la-la-la每一句wo-wo仍闪烁

别人问你"HOW ARE YOU?"回答“一般般”怎么说?(大人不应说JIST SO SO)

just so so 或A general都可以 just so so是专业学过英语的老师经常说的.just so so意思:仅此而已,不过如此,一般般,马马乎乎 而A general是指一般情况下

《yesterday once more》是哪个电影主题曲?

《yesterday once more》是电影《生命因你而动听》插曲。《Yesterday Once More》(昨日重现),是卡朋特乐队1973年专辑《Now & Then》的主打歌,词曲作者为理查德·卡朋特和约翰·贝蒂斯。《Yesterday Once More》这首单曲在告示牌百强单曲榜最高排名达第二位,仅次于吉姆·克罗切的《Bad, Bad Leroy Brown》。这也是卡朋特乐队的主打歌第五次排名第二,次数之多仅次于麦当娜。在当代成人单曲榜最高排名则为第一,是两人歌曲四年内第八次登上榜首。《昨日重现》是卡朋特乐队全球最畅销唱片、全英最畅销单曲,曾登上排行榜第二位。1973年6月2日,《昨日重现》在最畅销首发单曲排行榜排名第71,8月4日即登上第一。1983年2月3日夜晚,卡朋特兄妹两人的密友狄昂·华薇克在拉斯维加斯谷演唱了这首歌,次日,卡伦·卡朋特去世,年仅32岁。

yesterday once more什么意思

yesterday once more 英[u02c8jestu0259di wu028cns mu0254:] 美[u02c8ju025bstu025au02ccde wu028cns mu0254r] [词典] 昨日重现(歌曲名); [例句]My picture yesterday once more.我的照片昨日重现。

bring down 、break down , put down, cut down

bring down降低;打到;打死;击落break down分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服put down镇压;记下;贬低;制止cut down削减;砍到;杀死;删节;胜过 set up建立;装配;开业;竖立set off出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开set away开端;出发;动身set for出题目

yesterday once more是什么意思

一首歌曲名字 译文是昨日重现 卡朋特

Lexington Bridge---You Are My Everything 歌曲链接.能放在空间当背景音乐的

being done 与am/is/are/being done 的这个被动语态有什么区别么


highlight是什么意思 red

highlight英 ["hau026alau026at]美 ["hau026alau026at]n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;加亮区vt. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮

how are you doing它的回答可以用just so-so吗?

how are you doing ?意思是你好吗?,可以用just so so, 也可以加具体的事


这是独立主格结构做原因状语。句式特点是:有逗号隔开,没有连词,主语不同组成:名词/代词 + 非谓语动词/形容词/副词/介词短语功能:可以表示前面名词/代词的状态,状况或动作,相当于一个状语从句,表示时间,原因,条件等个人觉得这一题的核心还是时态和语境,对于英语语言学习这个确实是比较难理解和掌握的,也常常被困扰There being nothing more for discussion,the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.“由于没什么可讨论的事了,会议提前半小时结束了”---潜在意思,在说这句话的时候,按本来会议时间,会还在开,还在讨论,所以用being进行时,强调这个意思,实际情况则是会议提前半小时结束了。There to be nothing more for discussion,the meeting come to an end now.“由于没什么要讨论的事了,会议现在结束了”---正好会开到会结束时间,大家没什么需要再讨论的,会到此结束。There to have been nothing more for discussion,the meeting had come to an end half hours ago.“由于没什么可讨论的事了,会议几个小时前就结束了”---会几个小时前就结束了,已经没什么可讨论的了。主要强调已经完成状态不知道我后面这两句的改写和理解是否合理正确,还需要真正的专家和大神来指正。仅个人理解,仅供参考。请大家多多赐教,也是学习了。



We are fighting together!是什么意思


求海贼王【Fight Together】、【share the world】两首歌的日文、中文歌词!好的话我再加分!!

Fight Together 夜があける前に旅立とう 在太阳升起前踏上旅程 まだ见ぬ明日を迎えに行こう 去迎接未知的明天 そう决めたこと悔いはない 从来没有因为这个决定而后悔 (Oh I know what I"m supposed to do) どんな试练が待ち受けていようと 无论前方有多少艰难险阻 高鸣る鼓动 止められはしない 都无法阻止那颗热血沸腾的心 目指す场所はただひとつ 目标只有一处 (Fly to the light) 戦いの果てに得た绊 同生共死后结下的羁绊 谁にも伤つけさせはしない 不会让任何人再受伤害 握りしめた手 开けば 张开紧握的双拳 そこに力が宿る 那里已汇聚了力量 さあ始めよう 出发吧 新しい世界ガ呼んでいる 新的世界在呼唤着我们 ほら见てごらん 眺望远方 いくつの海 隔てていたとしても 即便还相隔着几个大洋 いつだって支えている 无论何时我们都会同心协力 恐れずに前へ 不惧艰险向前冲 忘れないで 千万别忘了 (We fight together) 秽したことはない 那天我们仰望着 あの日 见上げた 那清辙的 どこまでも高く 広い空 万里长空 ずいぶんと远くまで来た 漫漫旅途 それぞれの誓いを胸に 大家将誓言放在心里 迷いなどない 没有迷茫 背负うものがある 背负着决心 阳が升り 太阳升起来了 悲しみさえ等しく照らす 连同悲伤也一同照亮 信じてるんだ 我们坚信 いつかひとつに繋がる未来を 那最终会结合在一起的未来 一绪に见つけに行こう 一起去寻找吧 君の代わりはいない 没有人能代替你 忘れないで 千万别忘了 (We fight together) share the world あの大空に届くまで 为了拥抱那片长空 I Believe ひとつの明日へ hey I Believe 向著同一个明日 hey Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good time Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one world 暗暗 迷い込み 手探りで谜解き 迷惘在黑暗里,摸索着解开谜团 行き先 见えずに 立ち止まる时 站停的时候,连前进的方向都看不到 Umm you and me yes 気持ち 分かち合う世界に Umm you and me yes 畅快 在这个同甘共苦的世界上 导きI feel the beat 歩き出してく Oh yeah 引导你我 I feel the beat 踏上旅途 Oh yeah Share the world いつだって Share the world 无论何时 Share the one dream 信じ合って Share the one dream 相互信任 Share the good times 手をつないで Share the good times 握住双手 Share the one world now あの大空に届くまで 为了拥抱那片长空 何度でも仆は行くんだ 不管多少次都会前行 今こそ越えてゆこう I believe 现在排越万难前进 I believe ひとつの明日へ Yeah yeah… 向著同一个明日 Yeah yeah… Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one dream Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the good time Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one world 追いかけ 追われて メビウスの环の上 你追我赶 梅比乌斯环上的角逐 近付き 前向き ねぇ Share したいよ Style 相识 乐观 渴望 Share Style 始まる 広がる 想像以上この Flavor 起始 蔓延 这片超乎想像的 Flavor 身体中 I feel so good 自由になれる Oh yeah 全身I feel so good 能够自由自在 Oh yeah Share the world 远くたって Share the world 无论多远 Share the one dream 伝え合って Share the one dream 相互传递 Share the good time そう笑って Share the good time 那样的微笑 Share the one world one now あの大空に届くまで 为了拥抱那片长空 何度でも仆は行くんだ 不管多少次都会前行 今こそ越えてゆこう I believe 现在排越万难前进 I believe ひとつの明日へ Yeah yeah… 向著同一个明日 Yeah yeah… 见えない壁の 向こう侧に 在无形的壁墙后 待っている君がいたんだ 有等待着我的你 もうすぐに届くから I believe 这就去相会 I believe ひとつの世界へ Yeah yeah… 一同奔向新世界 Yeah yeah… Come on let"s go everybody oh we share the music Come on let"s go baby baby oh we share the one world


这种不好找 顶多只有文章Referred to as "ethnic melting pot" of the United States is a typical immigrant country, the immigration history dates back to 1620 at the earliest. Nearly 400 years, the united nation has become a mixture composed of more than 100 national and even stands in New York "the statue of liberty" and "immigrants" from France in 1886 to the United States. Immigrants with their own dreams, travelled to the ideal land, in the United States has set off a few times in the history of immigration. It is no exaggeration to say, it is immigrants contributed to the United States, is the development of the immigration and changed America.Attract immigrants once America"s most important diplomatic missionAt the beginning of the founding of the people in the United States in the United States population of only 3.9 million. In addition to about 760000 black, the rest were almost all white, for the most part and from Western Europe. For fear of the Napoleonic wars in Europe and the domestic employment environment, at the beginning of the founding of the United States government on immigration policy, has formulated some restrictions on immigration policy. Between 1796 and 1815 European immigrants to the United States, on average, only about 3000 people a year.Napoleon after the war, European regain peace. With a large number of military retired, Europe"s increasingly serious unemployment, increasing the number of people immigrate to the United States. At this time, the United States is also due to the need of domestic construction, change the limit immigrants policy. In 1848 after the European revolution, immigrated to the United States is the wave of a wave height. For 1820 years from 1820 to 1920, some 33.5 million immigrants were accepted in the United States, form lasts one hundred years of immigration in the United States.American historian called it "the great human migration movement first immigrants orgasm occurred from 1820 to 1820, the total number of immigrants during 5 million. Immigrants mainly from Western Europe and northern Europe, of which about 2 million Irish, German, about 1.7 million, there are a large number of sold to African slaves in the United States. At the same time, there are a few in the immigration from Asia, mainly to Chinese American gold rush.The second immigration boom from 1861 to 1861, about 5 million immigrants arrived in the United States. After the civil war, the United States ushered in the peak of industrialization, the demand for labor. In order to attract European immigrants to the United States, in 1864, President Lincoln to lobby congress passed "encourages foreign immigration act. Secretary of state seward and made a proclamation to diplomats from the United States in Europe, asked them to attract immigrants from Europe as one of the most important diplomatic mission. In order to recruit skilled workers to work in the United States from Europe, some enterprise groups to Europe recruiting. Them in many European newspaper advertising, printing brochures, with European settlers in desire to depict the tempting prospects. Some companies also for willing to immigrate to the United States of Europe provide the necessary money.The third climax from 1881 to 1881, immigration soared to 23.5 million. Immigration peak is 1907 to 1907. In this stage, the U.S. government legislation for many times, European immigrants, reject Asian immigrants. From north-western Europe countries such as Britain, Germany, Sweden "old immigrants" growth is limited, but from Italy, Russia and other countries in southeast Europe "new immigrants" is growing rapidly.Three times after the immigration, the United States in 1920 the total population of more than 100 million for the first time. From 1820 to 1920 in 1820, that the number of immigrants in the population growth in the number of more than 20%.The fate of the immigrants changed AmericaThese three times in the history of American immigration not only has had a profound influence on the formation of American national character, and makes the United States to rise quickly in a short span of more than one hundred years, replaced Britain as the world"s largest economic power, and lays the foundation for later to become the world"s superpower. Can say immigrants made us strong.In immigration, the United States enjoy privileges, no need for education and training from Europe get tens of thousands of skilled workers. According to statistics, 1871-1892, immigrants from Western Europe and northern Europe, about 23% are skilled workers, they brought in iron and steel, textile and other industrial technology, become the important technical force of the industrial revolution in the United States.Was the 7th President of the United States Jackson, known as the "father" of American manufacturing after Samuel Slater immigrated to the United States, with its steal the secret of Britain"s textile industry, in the United States successfully copied out of the high efficient cotton spinning machine, and established the cotton mills, sounded the horn of the industrial revolution. The father of the telephone inventor Alexander Bell and telegraph Samuel Morse, and others are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. In addition, the Asian countries such as China, Japan and the Philippines immigration has brought agriculture and gardening technology, Italian immigrants in the gas, electricity, water and other municipal construction technology.In these immigrants, 85% of people aged between 14 and 44, and in the majority with man. When young, these immigrants to the United States of cotton textile industry, mining, construction provides the Labour force. In the eastern U.S. state of tunnels and railway engineering, Irish, German, Italian and the northern europeans. In the early changed American politics and society face "westward movement", the role of the China labor also is significant.In the railway construction as the center, the China labor expense, with blood and life in extremely harsh difficult conditions, successfully completed the construction of the western Pacific railroad across the United States. Today, along the railway in California can also see a Chinese metal plaque inscription, saying "California, north and south. Chinese spirit, flesh with work ". As advocates of recruiting workers Ryan crocker said: "the railway can finish, largely due to poor and despised the Chinese working class -- thanks to their loyal and hardworking." It later became a famous "word history" in the history of immigration to the United States.Immigrants in the American civil war to save the union, contributed to the abolition of slavery. Europe after the 1848 revolution, a large number of rich German immigrants came to the United States military experience, these are known as "1848 person of German immigrants," there are a lot of people became a republican and Lincoln"s elite. They helped organize the federal troops, defend republican system. One of the most famous is Carl schulz major general. He moved to the United States in 1852 after the defeat of the revolution in Germany, active in the anti-slavery movement. In 1861 he was appointed the U.S. ambassador to the minister to Spain. After the civil war broke out, he volunteered to led the troops in battle, in order to encourage support Lincoln German immigrants, he has to travel between states speech, total travel nearly 40000 km.Cause of exclusion against the current wave of migrantsIn more than 100 years of immigration, immigration had been in one way or the other. As for the U.S. government, its immigration policy is not static. From 1815 to 1882, the United States government shall practise a system of completely free immigration. But starting in 1882, great changes have taken place in the U.S. immigration policy. Restrictions and excluding immigration law introduced one by one. The regulation of which is strange, like an idiot and milquetoast bans entry. After 1920, the United States over the age of free immigration thoroughly, introduced a quota of restrictive immigration policies.Because in the contradiction of employment, religious and ethnic problems, the United States during 1880-1920 to xenophobia development. Chinese, Japanese, jews, italians and hungarians became the local workers and north-western Europe immigration is wanton rejection and the object of persecution. What"s more, in May 1882, congress passed a specifically forbid south China university of technology into the Chinese exclusion act of beauty, the bill was abolished until 61 years later. During this period, by the locals and the north-western Europe first immigrants of protestant "American patriots alliance", "the alliance" and other exclusive organization arises at the historic moment. Among them, the biggest impact of the first of the American association of protection, established in 1887, the association flames everywhere, the political corruption of American society during this period, municipal construction lag, rising crime rates and people"s living standards drop is attributed to the arrival of the new immigrants.After the second world war, with the rationalization of the American public attitude toward immigrants, the contribution of immigrants to the United States gradually acknowledged by most americans. As labor secretary Elaine chao said: "thanks to the contribution of immigrants to the United States. Huge waves of immigrants to the United States has brought the rich cultural heritage, also provided the impetus to the development of the United States."

there be句型的用法是什么?

结构There be + sth + 地点状语  There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。   There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。There be + no + n. + in doing sth  1.其中名词为表“利弊”、“用途”的抽象名词,如:   There is no good in going. 去没有什么好处。   There is no harm in doing that. 那样做并无害处。   2.其中名词为表“价值”、“意义”的抽象名词,如:   There is no sense in waiting here. 在这里等候下去毫无意义。   There is no disgrace in failing once. 一旦失败也不丢脸。   (注:此结构中的介词可以省并基略,如:There is no use asking her—she doesn"t know anything.)There is + no + doing something  1.其中的动词(do)多为“转述”或“认知”等意义的动词,如:tell, say, know等,其后一般跟疑问句,如when,what等。   There is no saying what may happen. 很难说会发生什么事。   There is no telling when he will return. 说不清他何时回来。   There is no knowing when we shall meet again. 不知何时我们能再相会。   2.其他动词,其意义相当灵活。   There is no mistaking what ought to be done. 应该做什么是清楚的。   There is no denying the fact. 事实无可否认。   There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史的车轮不能倒转。   There is no getting along with him. 他很难相处。   Once she starts talking, there is no stopping her. 一旦她打开话匣子,就说个没完。   There is no joking with him. 和他不能开玩笑颤源。There is + no + Action Noun  1.此结构的含义相当于It"s impossible /unnecessary to do something。   There is no hurry about it. 没有必要这么急匆匆的。   There is no question of his honesty. 他的诚实是勿庸置疑的。   2.有时,在此结构中的Action Noun被动名词形式所取代,其意义不变。:   There is no escape from the evident.   There is no escaping the fact.   两句都表示:无法逃(躲)避…… 但是,有时也存在意义上的区别,   A.There is no doubt at all about it.   B.There is no doubting her virtue.   句A为“存在句”,意即:对于此事不存在任何的疑问。 句B则是不表“存在”的一种惯用结构,意即:她的贞操勿庸置疑。   3.以上三种结构除用茄蔽态于陈述句外,尚可见于疑问句。如:   Is there any use in discussing the matter further? 这种事再讨论下去有何益处?   Is there any hurry about it? 这事需要匆忙吗?   此惯用结构中的be有时可与情态动词连用,其语气更趋委婉。如:   There could be no mistaking where he had come from. 他从哪里来是相当清楚的。   此结构中的no也不是一成不变的,它可被其他形式所取代。如:   There isn"t any getting away from it. 要从它那里逃脱是不可能的。   There was never believing half of what he said. 他的话连一半也不信。   There"s never any predicting what they will do next. 无法料及他们下一步将会干什么There be结构中的be动词的确定  1. there be 结构中的谓语动词be在人称和数上应与其后的主语保持一致。主语是不可数名词或单数可数名词时用is,是复数时用are。如:   There is a flower in the bottle. 瓶里有一朵花。   There is some money in the purse. 钱包里有些钱。   2. 若句子中有几个并列的主语时,be的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。如:   There is a boy, a girl and two women in the house.   房子里有一个男孩,一个女孩和两个妇女。   There are ten students and a teacher in the office. 办公室里有十个学生和一个教师。   3. 另外,在陈述句中为了强调地点,也可将介词短语提置句首。如:   In the tree there are five birds. 树上有五只鸟。There be 结构的句型转换否定句  there be的否定式通常在be后加not构成(在口语中be时常与not缩写在一起)。如果句中有some,一般要变成any。如:   There are some children in the picture. →There aren"t any children in the picture.一般疑问句及其答语  把be提到there前,首字母大写,句末用问号即可。其肯定答语是Yes, there is / are;否定答语为No, there isn"t / aren"t。如:   —Are there two cats in the tree?   —Yes, there are. (No, there aren"t.)特殊疑问句及其回答  ①提问句子的主语(包括主语前的修饰语)时,句型一律用"what is + 地点介词短语?"(无论主语是单数还是复数都用is)。如:   There are some birds in the tree. →What"s in the tree?   ②就there be后面的地点状语进行提问时,句型用"where is / are + 主语?"如:   There is a car in the street. →Where is the car?   ③提问可数名词(主语)前的数量时,用how many,句型结构为"how many +复数名词 + are there + 其它?"(主语无论是单数还是复数,be通常要用are)。 注意  当there be后面的名词时单数或不可数名词时be用is,当后面是可数名词复数时,be用are。   “there be...”句型是存在句的常用基本结构,there在句中处于主语位置,起形式主语的作用,真正的主语是随后的名词词组。其谓语动词通常是be的各种时、体等形式。如:   There is ice on the lake. 湖上有冰。   There were three students in the classroom then. 当时教室有三个学生。   There has never been anybody like you. 从来还没有像你这样的人。   There will be snow on high ground.在高地上将会有雪。   除此之外, there be句型还有一些特殊的结构:   1. there + 情态助动词 + be表示 “预见”、“可能”、“必然”或“过去习惯存在”等。如:   There might be some desserts if you wait a bit. 如果你等一会儿,可能会有甜点。   There ought to have been someone on duty all the time. 本来应该有人全天值班。   There shall be no more wars. 再也不会打仗了。   也可以用there + 某些半助动词 + be(很少使用完成体形式),如:be going to, be certain to, be sure to, be likely to, have to be等。   There is going to be a rain. 要下雨了。   There"s likely to be an interview.可能会有一场面试。   There has to be a mistake. 必定有错。   2. 在正式文体中,某些表示存在、发生、出现、坐落等意义的不及物动词也可以与there连用,如:appear, seem, come, remain, exist, live, stand, lie, arise, enter, follow, occur, rise, grow, happen, belong, arrive, fly, flash, sail, pass, run, spring up, emerge等。如:   There exist many ancient temples in the country. 那个国家有很多古老的寺庙。   There lies a small village in the mountain.山里有个小村子。   Once upon a time, there lived an old queer man in the city. 从前,城里住着个怪老头。   There remains nothing more to be done. 没有什么别的事可做了。   There followed the first world war. 接着就是第一次世界大战。   There flashed through his mind the image of a heroic fighter.他的头脑中闪过英雄战士的形象。   There sprang up a wild gale.突然刮起一阵狂风。   偶尔也能见到there后接及物动词:   There struck me a sudden idea. 突然我有了一个主意。   如果句中的地点状语前移就可以省略there。 如:   Behind the house (there) is a small river.   3. there + 不定式to be 或there + being形式,称为非限定存在句,可以作主语、宾语、介词补足成分。   1) 作主语   There being a railway station in the town is a great advantage. 镇上有个火车站,真方便呀!   “there to be+NP”作主语时,通常用for作引导词:    For there to be a mistake in a computer"s arithmetic is impossible. 计算机计算错误是不可能的。   It was seldom for there to be no late comers. 新来者很少没有迟到的。   2) 作宾语   The committee anticipated there being less debate in the second discussion. 委员会期望在第二次讨论中争议能少一些。   We expect there to be no objections. 我们希望不会有人反对。   I"d prefer there to be more cooperation. 我希望有更多的合作。   3) 作介词补足成分   介词是for, 用there to be形式;介词不是for,则用there being形式。   What"s the chance of there being an election this year?今年进行选举的可能性有多大?   We have no objection to there being a meeting here. 在这儿举行会议,我们不反对。   Jill is waiting for there to be a big party.吉尔等着举行一次盛大的晚会。   此外,there + being形式还可以用作状语分句,形成独立主格结构:   There being no further discussion, the chairman stood up and left the meeting-room.没有可讨论的了,主席站了起来,离开了会议室。   There having been no rain,the stream was dry. 一直没有下雨,小溪都干涸了。句式分辨  “there be...”句型的难点在于它的非限定形式, 怎样分辨使用there to be 和there being 呢? 两个要点是关键:它们在句子中的成分及与句子中其他成分的搭配关系。如非限定形式的第2小点中的例句:anticipate与there being搭配,而expect 和prefer与there to be配伍。 如果我的回答可以帮到您(there be句型的用法是什么),请及时采纳哦!



4minute hare的中文歌词

4minute - 疯(Crazy)Yeah I"m the femalemonsterYou know thatEverybody let"s getcrazy right nowLego就并擦狼的嘞那bo古迷亲够噶忒都读乃不古七跟囧迷亲够噶忒一嘿嘿那度乃噶囧迷亲够噶忒难囧米亲够擦狼力度买吗巧请读 qio含本到达 哈mion要给草给大林那一帕米他噶都老无力木读那林那它本从也jio 一缩能哭叫OK可教阿木落尅可罗尅闹读那读那林那套您喏喂路尅哈吉吗怒那培赛桑唉一接孙gio恩闹恰加吧Tonight米巧苏里机老去gio吧读一帕米 卡加那他底有很的老乃不古米巧C R A Z Y 达拉嘿C R A Z Y 木读大米巧米亲够擦狼可来米亲够擦狼囧到米亲够擦狼米巧米亲够擦狼米米米亲够擦狼一米米亲够擦狼七跟内给米亲够擦狼他噶其他噶其米巧I`m the crazy girlaroundhere like gossip girl莫米给的mion穷那靠老Hey call my boyfriend达拉偶r 素奥嫩 Class米巧奥底噶denNew York ParisMilano Tokyo London哈帮擦囧哈mion 要给草给大林那一包米及呐卡mion无力木读那林那它本从也jio 一缩能哭叫OK可教阿木落尅可罗尅闹读那读那林那套您喏喂路尅哈吉吗怒那培赛桑唉一接孙gio恩闹恰加吧Tonight米巧苏里机老去gio吧读一帕米 卡加那他底有很的老乃不古米巧 C R A Z Y 达拉嘿C R A Z Y 木读大米巧米亲够擦狼可来米亲够擦狼囧到米亲够擦狼米巧米亲够擦狼米米米亲够擦狼一米米亲够擦狼七跟内给米亲够擦狼他噶其他噶其米巧Nun内给米巧 大慢米高Nun内给米巧bua闹内给吗kiao 大慢米高闹内给吗kiao bua阿木个度 木几买古 那哇喏啦哦你慢嫩达拉哇哦你慢乃 达拉米亲巧尅 乃不古米巧C R A Z Y 达拉嘿C R A Z Y 木读大米巧米亲够擦狼可来米亲够擦狼囧到米亲够擦狼米巧米亲够擦狼米米米亲够擦狼一米米亲够擦狼七跟内给米亲够擦狼他噶其他噶其米巧

there to be和there being区别?

"There to be" 表示物品的存在,而 "There being" 则表示某种状态或现象的存在。"There to be" 和 "There being" 都是英语中的句型,但其意义和用法略有不同。"There to be" 是一个表示存在的句型,意为 "有"。例如,句子 "There is a book on the table." 的意思是 "桌子上有一本书。" 句型中的 "there" 在这里起到引导词的作用,其后接表示存在的名词表达"有某物"的含义。"There being" 是一个现在分词短语,通常作为句子主语、宾语、表语或状语等成分出现,表示某种现象或状态的存在,意为 "有、存在、因为"等。例如,句子 "There being no other option, we had to take the bus." 的意思是 "因为没有其他选择,我们只能乘坐公共汽车。" 在这个句子中,"There being" 表示 "因为没有其他选择" 的含义。

there being是什么结构,做原因状语吗?

这是独立主格结构做原因状语。句式特点是:有逗号隔开,没有连词,主语不同组成:名词/代词 + 非谓语动词/形容词/副词/介词短语功能:可以表示前面名词/代词的状态,状况或动作,相当于一个状语从句,表示时间,原因,条件等个人觉得这一题的核心还是时态和语境,对于英语语言学习这个确实是比较难理解和掌握的,也常常被困扰There being nothing more for discussion,the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.“由于没什么可讨论的事了,会议提前半小时结束了”---潜在意思,在说这句话的时候,按本来会议时间,会还在开,还在讨论,所以用being进行时,强调这个意思,实际情况则是会议提前半小时结束了。There to be nothing more for discussion,the meeting come to an end now.“由于没什么要讨论的事了,会议现在结束了”---正好会开到会结束时间,大家没什么需要再讨论的,会到此结束。There to have been nothing more for discussion,the meeting had come to an end half hours ago.“由于没什么可讨论的事了,会议几个小时前就结束了”---会几个小时前就结束了,已经没什么可讨论的了。主要强调已经完成状态不知道我后面这两句的改写和理解是否合理正确,还需要真正的专家和大神来指正。仅个人理解,仅供参考。请大家多多赐教,也是学习了。

are you 和 do you的区别是什么?

关于are you和do you的区别,涉及到了英语句子的两大基本结构:1. 主系表; 2. 主谓宾。我大概解释一下:主系表结构, 主要有三种情况:主语 + 系动词 + 名词。 说明主语的身份,也就是:主语是干什么的。主语 + 系动词 + 形容词。 描述主语的样子,也就是:主语是什么样的。主语 + 系动词 + 介词短语。说明主语的处所,也就是:主语在那儿。主系表结构在变一般疑问句时,会把系动词置于主语之前,are you也就是这么来的。主谓宾结构,主要弄清楚实意动词是及物动词,还是不及物动词。及物动词直接加宾语,不及物动词需加介词再加宾语。一般现在时的主谓宾结构,在变一般疑问句时,要使用助动词do(主语是第一二人称单数或复数),或does(主语是第三人称单数、单数概念或不可数名词)。do you就是这么来的。

急求一篇3分钟的英语对话What is your attitude toward money?If you were g

Sara:Hi,this is Talk What You Want To Say .Today we will talk about money.Our guest is Bill Smith,a handsome boy who is 28 years old. Bill:Hello,everyone.I am Bill.I e from New York. Sara:Ok,Let"s get into our topic,what is your opion of money?Is it a friend for us? Bill:Oh,yeah,I like money and I need it too.Sometimes it seems even better than a close friend when you are in need.I think most people think money is a true friend for them as they have to feed children,parents and friends.At the same time a few people bee a bad one for they have too much money. Sara:You are exactly right.If you are given a billion dollars,what would you do with it? Bill:It is a so funny luck for me if I really get one billion dollars.Oh my god I have to take a deep breath to make sure of it.Maybe I will plan for a trip to countries I want to visit.Then I will donate 200 million dollars for the poor ones.I want to buy a farm for myself to have an easy-going life with my family.Then I could help more people. Sara:It is a good idea idea and it is easy for you to e true I believe.Ok,this is our last question,what are the factors you will consider when you buy something? Bill:I usually consider a few factors.I just think about whether it is best for my wife and children.And if it is legal.

给我一杯(Nigo Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:给我一杯(Nigo Remix)歌手:余文乐余文乐 - 给我一杯 - NIGO REMIX曲:陈奂仁for the invisible men词:陈奂仁for the invisible men / 余文乐(Ah~给我一杯忘情水)忍着你的刁蛮 忍你爸的纠缠岳母嫌我爸爸 妈妈没教养口袋本来健康 成家立室清光住宅是负资产 没钱买奶粉脱了外套领带 心照大家明白先来啤酒两打 我买大学毕业还债 怀才不遇难怪忍辱负重 理想bye bye给我一杯 还我一杯 再来一杯 忘情水谁错谁对不再责备 换我一夜不流泪(Ah~给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪)再来一杯 忘情水看着我的老板 整天都”好得闲”总是找我麻烦 自己却偷懒邀功 大言不惭 闯祸 骂我笨蛋为了守住饭碗 吃他的暗算脱了外套领带 心照大家明白先来啤酒两打 我买你说要吃外卖 外卖爱买名牌一件 孩子学费bye bye给我一杯 还我一杯 再来一杯 忘情水谁错谁对不再责备 换我一夜不流泪(Ah~给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪)再来一杯 忘情水Rap :听着 当你老板你以为轻松我也有老板 也得看他脸色打工你们都有的上大学 只要你用功我当时家里穷 骂我念书没有用埋怨网络不通 身在福中还不懂购物为了生活 你却生活为了享受小甜头 嫌不够 没钱花皱眉头你们都爱喝外国啤酒 我们喝的是二锅头,ok?给我一杯 还我一杯 再来一杯 忘情水谁错谁对不再责备 换我一夜不流泪给我一杯 还我一杯 再来一杯 忘情水谁错谁对不再责备 换我一夜不流泪(Ah~给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪)今朝有酒今朝醉

有首英文歌是个外国男的唱的,里面一直重复What are you what(want) for me

Numb Encore Dr. Dre

01_3走遍美国《46 Linden Street》

Philip:Advertise // remile. Don"t worry. It should be fine.You"re welcome.Goodbye. Philip: And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal.Don"t worry. She"ll be fine. You"re welcome. Good-bye. teaspoon,["tispun],茶匙;一茶匙的量 Ellen: How are you? Philip:I"m tired.I"m hungry. Philip: I"m tired and hungry. Ellen: Well, // Mellen Richard couple will be here soon and mamol // eat. Ellen: Well, Marilyn and Richard called. They"ll be here soon, and then we"ll eat. 这句话语速太快,以至于听了不下百遍,还是没有长进。 Philip: All right?That is,ah,is Susan coming? Philip: All right. Susan coming? Ellen: Don"t be here later.She will work late tonight. Ellen: Well, she"ll be here later. She has to work late tonight. Philip: And what"s Robbie cooking for dinner? Ellen: It"s a surprise. Philip:I hope it"s past. Philip: I hope its pasta. pasta,["pɑstu0259],意大利面食;面团 Philip: Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Susan: Yes, it was delicious. terrific在口语中极其常见,应用范围很广。我想,因为是吃完饭了,饭桌上讨论,所以这里使用了was。 Marilyn:What"s for desert? Marilyn: What"s for dessert? 记错单词: desert,[(for v.) du026au02c8zu025dt; (for n.) "du025bzu025at] n. 沙漠;荒原;应得的赏罚 vt. 遗弃;放弃;逃跑 adj. 沙漠的;荒凉的;不毛的 vi. 遗弃;开小差;逃掉 dessert,[du026a"zu025dt],餐后甜点;甜点心 注:desert为动词时和dessert是相同的发音。 Robbie: Oh,I forgot desert. Robbie: Oh, I forgot dessert. Philip: Robbie! Ellen: Don"t worry.We got lots of //pestry. Ellen: Don"t worry. We"ve got lots of ice cream. ice cream完全没听出来。 Richard: Oh,I love some //pestry. Richard: Oh, I"d love some ice cream. Ellen:There is ,ah,chocolate,and coffee,and a little //vinella. Ellen: Well, there"s chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. vanilla,[vu0259"nu026alu0259],香草,香荚兰属,香子兰 Robbie:I have vinella.Is there else for everyone? Robbie: I"ll have vanilla. Is that all right with everyone? Philip:I have chocolate. Philip: I"ll have chocolate. Marllyn: Me, too. Richard: Uh, one scoop of coffee and one scoop of chocolate for me. scoop,[skup],勺;铲子;独家新闻;凹处 Ellen:Robbie,would you help me serve? Ellen: Robbie, will you help me serve? Richard:I think that bag film.A //roles and a whole day"s work,and good stuff,too. Richard: I keep thinking about that bag of film. Eight rolls. a whole day"s work. And good stuff,too. roll,[rol],n. 卷,卷形物;名单;摇晃,这里应该是指一卷胶卷。 good stuff,好东西,不错的东西。 Ellen: Don"t worry,Richard.Someone will find it. Robbie: I"ll get it.Hello. Alexandra: Hello. Does Richard Stewart live here? Robbie: Yes,he"s my brother. I"m Robbie...Robbie Stewart. Alexandra:I"m Alasandra Popers.How do you do.Your brother left his bag film on the ferry boat.I found it. Alexandra: I"m Alexandra Pappas. How do you do? Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. I found it. ferryboat ["fu025bru026a,bot],渡船,渡轮。ferryboat是一个单词,不是组合词。 Robbie: I"m really glad to see you. I brother"ll be really glad to see you! Ellen: Robbie! Who is it? Robbie: It"s Richard"s film! I mean, Alexandra Pappas. Come in, please. Richard: Alexandra! Alexandra: Hello, Richard. I found your bag! Richard: Oh,Thank U,thank U.Alasandra,Let me with you do su //.And this is my wife Mallen. Richard: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. This is my wife Marilyn. let me introduce you.让我为你介绍一下。 Alexandra: Richard showed me your photo. How do you do ? Marilyn: Oh,Yes.Richard has told all about you.Nice to meet you. Marilyn: Oh yes. Richard told us all about you. It"s nice to meet you. Richard: And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. Alexandra: How do you do? Richard: And my father, Dr.Philip Stewart. Philip: Nice to meet you, Alexandra. Richard: And…ah…you met Robbie. Alexanra: Yes. And you must be Susan.Hi. Susan: Hi.Welcome. Richard:I"m so glad you find my bag.I took the time trouble to return it. Richard: I"m so glad you found the bag and took the time and trouble to return it. took the time and trouble to return it. 这句话还是在说Alexandra,但我一直以为是Richard在说自己。 Alexandra:I was always no trouble.I just take the wrong train. Alexandra: Oh,it was no trouble. I just took the wrong train. Ellen: Would you like something to eat? Alexandra:Thank U.No.I"m // for dinner in my house.I really have to go. Alexandra: Thank you, no.I"m late for dinner at my house. I really have to go. Richard: Would you like to call home? Alexandra: I"d appreciate that. Ellen: Please,use the phone. Alexandra: Thanks. Excuse me. Richard:Alsandra is in the high school and she is an exchange student from Greece. Richard: Alexandra"s a high-school exchange student from Greece. Robbie:Where did she live? Robbie: Where does she live? does she应该怎么读,前面结尾是s,后面开头也是s? Richard:With the family in Braks. Richard: With a family in the Bronx. the Bronx,布朗克斯,纽约的五个行政区之一 Robbie: Oh,that"s not too far from here. Robbie: Oh, that"s not too far from here! Richard: Take it easy, Robbie. Take it easy,别着急,别紧张 Alexandra:Thank u.I can always stay a few minute. Alexandra: Thank you. I can only stay a few minutes. Ellen:pasem // resti. Ellen: Have some iced tea. Alexandra: Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. Robbie: Please sit down, Alexandra. Philip:So,you"re an exchange student.Where did you go to school? Philip: So, you"re an exchange student. Where do you go to school? Alexandra://Ad brand high school of since. Alexandra: At the Bronx High School of Science. At the Bronx High School of Science,学校位于纽约州New York,学校历史非常悠久,规模非常大,在数学和科学方面知名度很高,在人类学和社会科学等方面也有不错的发展。 Philip: Oh, that"s a very good school. What are your favorite subjects? Alexandra: Biology and mathematics. Richard tells me you"re a doctor. Philip:Yes,a peditration.And what does your father do? Philip: Yes, a pediatrician.And what does your father do? pediatrician,[,pidu026au0259"tru026au0283u0259n],儿科医师 Alexandra:He"s a lawyer in Deslnik. Alexandra: He"s a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. Robbie: Would you like some pasta? I made it myself. It might be a little cold. Alexandra: Thanks, no. I do have to go. It was nice meeting you all. I do have to go,do重读表示强调。 Marilyn:Maybe you come for lunch some Sunday.So we can really thank you to bring Richard"s bag back. Marilyn: Well, maybe you"ll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richard"s bag back. Alexandra: Maybe. Ellen: You"re welcome anytime. Philip: Good-bye. Richard: Can I drive you home? Alexandra:No,thanks.The train is stop in stredi// and won"t take me along at all. Alexandra: No,thanks. The train is just up the street. It won"t take me long at all. 火车/地铁就在这条街上,不需要花很长时间的 Richard: Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra. Alexandra: Bye. Richard: Bye-bye. Ellen: Good night. saved the day for me,帮了我大忙。 Philip: She"s a smart young lady, and very nice. Robbie:very.hey,she forgot the bag. Robbie: Very! Hey, she forgot her bag! Ellen: Oh,I guess Richard will be see Alsandra again,right are They? Ellen: I guess we"ll be seeing Alexandra again, Right, Robbie? Focus In INTRODUCTIONS My name is Richard Stewart. I"m Martha Vann. I"m Richard. How do you do? This is my wife Marilyn. It"s nice to meet you. This is my mather. NIce to meet you. Hi. It was nice meeting you all.

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adam的--whatya want from me




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