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A traveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. 此处:a welcome break 是表语吗?

was 是谓语动词,a welcome break 是宾语,in an otherwise dull existence为宾语补足语。

初音ミク《little traveler》罗马音、中文歌词

Little Traveler小小旅人作词:ジミーサムP 作曲:ジミーサムP 编曲:ジミーサムP 呗:初音ミク翻译:堤风 砂漠に沈む夕阳に想う 怀念著那落日沙漠中 sabaku ni shizumu yuuhi ni omou 风を缠った君の影 你那被风缠绕著的影子kaze wo matotta kimi no kage 瞬きはじめる星に愿う 对著开始闪烁的星星许愿mabataki hajimeru hoshi ni negau 「もう一度、魔法をかけて」 「请再施展一次魔法吧」 「mou ichido , mahou wo kakete」 何処へ消えた? 你去了哪里呢? doko e kieta ? きっとこの空の何処かで… 一定在这片天空的某处吧… kitto kono sora no dokokade ... 星を砕く木には水を 为弄坏星星的树木灌溉hoshi wo kudaku ki niwa mizu wo 想いを砕く蔷薇に爱を 为使坏的蔷薇献上爱情omoi wo kudaku bara ni ai wo 君がいま笑うなら 只要你能露出微笑kimi ga ima warau nara もう何も何も要らない 我什麼都不需要了mou nanimo nanimo iranai 砂漠に沈む夕阳に想う 思索著那落日沙漠中sabaku ni shizumu yuuhi ni omou 君が残したあの言叶 你留下的那句话kimi ga nokoshita ano kotoba 静まりかえる星に愿う 对著静静流转的星星许愿shizumari kaeru hoshi ni negau 「もう二度と、魔法を解かないで」 「请别让魔法再度解除」「 mou nido to , mahou wo toka naide」 ぼくが见える? 看得见我吗?boku ga mieru ? きっと涙を流したままで… 一定是泪流满面的样子吧… kitto namida wo nagashita mamade ... 星を砕く木には水を 为弄坏星星的树木灌溉hoshi wo kudaku ki niwa mizu wo 想いを砕く蔷薇に爱を 为使坏的蔷薇献上爱情omoi wo kudaku bara ni ai wo 君がいま笑うなら 只要你能露出微笑kimi ga ima warau nara もう何も要らないんだ 我真的什麼都不需要了mou nanimo ira nainda さあ息を吸い込んで 来吧,深吸一口气saa iki wo sui konde その场所を目指して 向著那地方sono basho wo mezashite 响け 呼喊吧hibike ぼくはまた空を见るよ 我会一直看著天空boku wa mata sora wo miruyo 君の居る空を见るよ 会一直看著有你在的这片天空kimi no iru sora wo miruyo たとえ「大切なものは、目に见えない」としても 即使「真正重要的东西,眼睛是看不到的」tatoe「taisetsu na mono wa , me ni mienai」toshitemo

Time Traveler是什么意思

Time Traveler 时间旅行者 双语对照 词典结果: Time Traveler 时光旅人(书名); 超时空女郎(电影名); 时间旅行; 很高兴为您解答 您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,

tourist visitor traveler 的区别?

tourist转, visitor看, traveler行。


Strong sunlight penetrating a shadow Has been extended forward bend of the road In the concrete and between the white of the sky Dust accumulation in the world to once again undermine the We walked towards the future Gently picked up the only Cuckoo hungry bellies of the small ring of kittens Why is there a meteor draw a line Who claimed that Color and shape in different places The weight of life has changed As a matter should not be allowed to bar But the struggle continues Even in the absence of gunfire still flowing red blood Dust accumulation in the world to once again undermine the We walked towards the future 翻译:强烈的日光 穿透了阴影弯曲了一直向前延伸的道路在混凝土和白浊的天空之间在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏我们向着未来走去轻轻的抱起那只肚子饿得咕咕响的瘦小的幼猫为何有一颗流星划出一条线那夺去的是谁在肤色和形态各异的地方生命的重量发生了变化那样的事应该不会被允许吧可是争斗还在继续着即使在没有枪声地方 仍然流淌着红色的血在灰尘的世界堆积起来再次破坏我们向着未来走去

Loulan city is not at all what a traveler who has never seen the desert before can expect什么意思

Loulan city is not (at all) what a traveler (who has never seen the desert before) can expect。去掉括号里的修饰成分你就能看懂了吧,意思就是,楼兰城完全不是一个从没见过沙漠的旅者所能想见的。后面那个括号里的是定语从句,修饰traveler。what引导名词性从句,做宾语,也可以这么这么代替:Loulan city is not (at all) one that a traveler (who has never seen the desert before) can expect,就变成了用one做宾语,而that引导定语从句修饰one.

now that is a traveler, why care about, it doesn


MINI纯电MPV假想图 最快2023年亮相/或命名TRAVELER

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了MINI纯电MPV假想图,该车基于此前亮相的MINI VISION URBANAUT概念车打造,定位纯电MPV。另外,最新消息是,该车有望于2023年到2024年亮相,或将命名为TRAVELER。最新消息表明,MINI TRAVELER将会基于VISION URBANAUT概念车打造,长度在4400毫米左右,可能会与长城共同开发,预计会基于FAAR We平台制造,得益于纯电动品牌紧凑的布局,将会采用四轮四角设计,拥有更大的内部空间表现,以及方便上下车的侧滑门设计。VISION URBANAUT概念车虽然新车是否会推出,在MINI官方消息发布前,还不能完全确定,但是按照该品牌对未来的规划,将会推出多款新车产品,其中就包括全新小型车、两款全新SUV、全新MPV产品等新车型。


Traveler"s Choice是全球知名旅行用品品牌TCT旅选。








这不就是一些U盘上的英文字吗 应该是移动存储器

the sketchbook的《Traveler》 歌词

歌曲名:Traveler歌手:the sketchbook专辑:the sketchbook altravelerThe Sketchbook作词:多田宏作曲:tatsuoどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中探していこう他の谁かのその気持ちを知りたいなんて思ってる自分のことでも分からないのに…教科书に载ってたりしてないかな?心のカタチのパズルにピースはめ込んだら足りないんだ 分かってるんだ残った余白はこれから描くからどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中 见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中探していこう自分じゃ见えない自分のことが人の形の镜に映るパズルのピースは谁かの手の中にも隠れてる知りたいんだ 繋ぐんだ残った余白を一绪に描けたらいいどんなことも意味があるんだどうせなら自分が放った光でいつかその足元照らしていけたなら何処までも続く道で谁もがそう谁かの太阳この旅の地図ならばもう持っていたよ この胸にどんなことも楽しんでいこうぜどうせならそう全力で悲しくなってうつむいたってその中 见つけた喜びを拾い上げて见上げたらそこに太阳まだ知らない自分をこの旅の中…探していこう 光放って谁もがそう谁かの太阳もっと自分を知ることでその辉きは増すはずさhttp://music.baidu.com/song/28443825


"Traveler" 是英文中的一个名词,指的是旅行者或游客。它可以用来描述那些喜欢探索新地方、体验不同文化、旅行到不同目的地的人。扩展:除了常见的字面意义,"traveler" 这个词还可以有一些其他的含义和扩展:文化交流者:作为旅行者,人们有机会接触和了解不同的文化、习俗和传统。因此,"traveler" 还可以指那些通过旅行来促进文化交流和相互理解的人。冒险家:有些旅行者喜欢寻求冒险和挑战,他们追求与众不同的旅行经历,例如登山、潜水、探险等。这些人可以被称为冒险旅行者或冒险家。职业旅行者:有些人选择将旅行作为一种职业,通过旅行写作、摄影、导游等方式来谋生。他们以探索世界、分享旅行经历和启发他人为目标,成为职业旅行者。内心探索者:旅行也可以是一种内心的探索和成长过程。人们通过旅行来发现自我、寻求个人成长和解决内心问题。这种旅行者可以被称为内心探索者或自我发现者。总之,"traveler" 这个词可以代表喜欢旅行的人,无论是为了休闲度假、文化交流、冒险探索还是内心成长,旅行者都有机会获得宝贵的经历和见解。



under the gravel skies 歌词

歌曲名:under the gravel skies歌手:charlotte martin专辑:veinsIf you"re gone, I can still hear your voiceLittle voids making an anti-noisePowerless, I need to rest a whileYou were indelicate on my mindBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveDo you dare there to give me your eyes?Kissing me under the gravel skiesWon"t feel right if I run after youBut I know one of us has to moveBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveStay a whileStay til forever endsDont give upLet the desire sink inIn this room: a door to the open roadIn this room: lovers cannot let goBut out of the black poolsI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I still love youI"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveOut of (out of)The black pools (the black pools)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up aboveCause I (cause i)Still love you (still love you)I"ve risen upI"ve risen up abovehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14242091

在英国买oyster card 还是travel card?

lz,去英国玩和去伦敦玩是两码事。你上面说的那些东西是只有在伦敦在用得着。如果你游伦敦,就买day travel就行了。游英国,该买啥票买啥,没有什么万能的。其实这些东西折合成人民币5天下来最多也就能省个2,3百人民币了不得了。所以不需要研究太久了。学生卡要ISI,但也不是所有店都好用。

World Traveller Plus是什么意思

World Traveller Plusn.“超级环球旅行”舱,“英国航空”航空公司推出的其设施、服务及票价介于经济舱和商务舱之间的一种舱位。;

heavy traveller 啥意思

heavy viny浓密的像葡萄树的。。。。。viny[英]["vau026anu026a][美]["vau026ani:]adj.葡萄树的,像葡萄树的; heavy[英][u02c8hevi][美][u02c8hu025bvi]adj.重的,沉重的; 大量的,浓密的; 激烈的; 重型的; n.重物; 庄重的角色; adv.密集地; 大量地; 笨重地; 复数:heavies最高级:heaviest比较级:heavier易混淆单词:Heavy例句:1.European union countries also face heavy debt loads and social unrest. 欧盟国家也面临着沉重的债务负担和社会动荡。2.Past promises remain a heavy burden. 过去的退休金承诺仍是一个重大负担。

curse of the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:curse of the traveller歌手:Chris Rea专辑:dancing with strangersOn the restless road to nowhereThere"s no certain peace it seemsDesire to keep on movingTill the river of dreamsIs it just because someone told youIs it just because you foundOld freedom feels uneasy when duty is aroundWhen allegiance asks the questionsChris ReaOld freedom twists and turnsAnd chokes on codes of honourOn the sword of no returnAnd it"s the curse of the travellerThe curse of the travellerGot a hold of meAnd it won"t let you beAnd in sleepless nightsYou"ll call her nameAnd feel loneliness cold to the boneAnd when the daylight breaksTo be such a long way, such a long way from homeAnd you long for the harbourlightsBut you"ll never be freeOf the craving for refugeAnd the call of the seaAlways wanting to sell upBut always needing to buySo till the road leads to somewhereAnd that river runs dryIt"s the curse of the travellerAin"t gonna let you beThe curse of the travellerAnd it sure got a hold of mehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14093806

the dogs are sent out into the snow ___a traveller is in difficulty.


Days Are Numbers (The Traveller) 歌词

歌曲名:Days Are Numbers (The Traveller)歌手:The Alan Parsons Project专辑:Platinum & Gold CollectionThe traveller is always leaving townHe never has the time to turn aroundAnd if the road he"s taken isn"t leading anywhereHe seems to be completely unawareThe traveller is always leaving homeThe only kind of life he"s ever knownWhen every moment seems to beA race against the timeThere"s always one more mountain left to climbDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you areThe traveller awaits the morning tideHe doesn"t know what"s on the other sideBut something deep inside of himKeeps telling him to goHe hasn"t found a reason to say noThe traveller is only passing throughHe cannot understand your point of viewAbandoning reality, unsure of what he"ll findThe traveller in me is close behindDays are numbersWatch the starsWe can only see so farSomeday, you"ll know where you areRememberDays are numbersCount the starsWe can only go so farOne day, you"ll know where you arehttp://music.baidu.com/song/8012623


Are you all want to be traveler?

求3分钟英语演讲关于“My dream is to be a traveller"

What do you want to be when you grow up?What is your dream?Do you know my answer?I am keen on sports and I usually do exercise.I like travelling very much.I have travelled a lot of beautiful places.I think travelling is useful for everyone.Different places can teach me different knowledges.I want to be a traveller when I grow up. I know ,to be a traveller needs to know many things,it"s difficult to do that .But I will study hard from now on,I will do my best!I believe,I will let my dream come ture in the future!

Lonesome Traveller 歌词

歌曲名:Lonesome Traveller歌手:Lonnie Donegan专辑:Rock Island Line - The Singles AnthologyAnita Lipnicka & John Porter - Lonesome Traveller【波兰】安妮塔·里普尼卡, 约翰·波特 — 孤独的过客Where is that lonesome traveller / 那孤独的过客,身在何方Who bids farewell and walks away / 挥罢衣袖,未曾回首Who takes away my dreams / 捎走我所有的梦想To protect them from the day / 不再受岁月的灼伤And where have all the bridges gone / 那昔日的桥梁,而今安在And young lovers burning bright / 还有那干柴烈火般,曾经的情侣You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will catch the Wonder / 谁会遇到那行奇迹的天神As it rains down from the sky / 飘飘然如雨般下凡到人间Bring back all our laughter / 带回来曾失去的所有欢乐Put the sun back up high / 重又将太阳高高挂回天上And where did all the seasons go / 所有的季节都去了哪里An explosion of shadow and light / 光与影碰撞出绚丽的火焰You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上Who will lay me down / 谁会把我安葬In the coolness of the shade / 在那清凉的冢荫下Stroke my brow, caress my hand / 谁将抚摸我的额头,摩挲我的手On that eternal day / 在那永恒的日子里And where will all my memories gone / 我所有的回忆,都将栖身何处Where will they go / 栖身何处Will they all fade out of sight / 是否会了无痕迹You can only see them / 所有的身影隐约可见于Under the blanket of the night / 烟雨朦胧的夜幕里I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road / 行走在这尘土飞扬的路上I don"t know where you came from / 我不知你来自何方You just stepped into the light, oh / 就这样骤然间闪亮登场Said that we"re all travellers / 你曾说我们都是过客On this dusty road called life / 行走在这尘土飞扬的人生路上http://music.baidu.com/song/7652155


traveler的意思是旅行者;旅客;旅行推销员(等于traveller)。短语搭配:the traveler.旅行者。passing traveler.过客。jib traveler.三角帆滑环。Advanced Traveler Information System.先进的出行者信息系统;交通信息系统。form traveler.挂篮。ring traveler.钢丝圈。traveler poem.行旅诗。Alone Traveler.孤独的行者。steel traveler.钢制钢丝圈。commercial travele.旅行推销员。shop traveler.移动发票。traveler"s joy.葡萄叶铁线莲。fellow traveler.旅伴。mule traveler.爬行吊车。creeper traveler.爬升式起重机。双语例句:1、Almost every traveler carries a camera.几乎每个旅行者都带著相机。2、But by the time I had finished the trip,I was an experienced traveler.但当我结束旅行时,我已经是一个颇有经验的旅行者了。3、Passports are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveler.护照通常可用来证明旅行者的身份。4、None of us believed the time traveler,and we argued with him for many hours.我们没有人相信时间旅行者,还和他争论了好几个小时。




travelerKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 旅行者,旅客;游客She is my fellow traveler.她是我的旅伴。2. 【主英】旅行推销员[(+in)]3. 活环touristKK: []DJ: []n.1. 旅游者,观光者[C]San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer.夏天去旧金山旅游的人很多。2. (飞机、轮船等的)旅游舱,经济舱[U]a.1. 旅游的,观光的the tourist industry旅游业2. 旅游舱的,经济舱的,二等舱的ad.1. 在经济舱;乘经济舱

passing traveller是什么意思

passing traveller过客; 例句:1.In your world, I amonly a passing traveller. 在你的世界里,我只是一个过客。2.Maybe we meet by chance, or passing traveller of human society. 也许萍水相逢,或许红尘过客。



the traveller 歌词

歌曲名:the traveller歌手:A Flock Of Seagulls专辑:listenI am a travellerAnd i"m arrivingIn a new placeWith a new face.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.A Flock Of SeagullsI am a travellerAcross the oceanI wanna get there.I wanna swim in your emotion.So don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Don"t look behind you.You don"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,They"ll never find you.I am the travellerAcross a million miles of open.I wanna swim in your emotion.I won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.Won"t look behind you.They won"t stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop,Until they find you.I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,I am a traveller,Traveller,Traveller.Typed by john manfredahttp://music.baidu.com/song/14169605


都可以 我查字典了






没区别 来源不同




traveller:释义:n. 旅行者,旅客 traveller就是“旅zhi行者”的意思,本dao身就可以zhuan理解为shu过客。 扩展资料   例句:   People want to know the story behind the mysterious time traveler.   人们想知道这个神秘的时间旅行者的故事。   Do you want the whole amount in traveler"s check?   所有的`钱都用来买旅行支票吗?   Application of Form traveler Cantilever Construction Technology in Lianshui River Bridge   涟水河大桥挂篮悬臂浇筑法施工技术的应用







inthe means of travel

C.witnessed witness 目睹 原句意为:二十世纪下半叶目睹了人类旅行方式的稳步进步. 这里witness用作主动也是中英文差异之一,需熟记.类似的有see.witness在此表示见证,可以用物做主语.一般不用被动语态.本句单纯叙述一个过去的事实,所以不选A.


visitor是参观者,traveller是旅游者 traveller多用于散心旅游的语句中 而visitor用于针对某个事物,某个建筑进行参观 具体语境自己分析着看 passenger和traveller有点象 不过passenger有时会指旅居他乡的人 还是那句话 具体语境自己分析着看 该用哪个


passenger A person who travels in a conveyance, such as a car or train, without participating in its operation乘客:乘坐汽车或火车等公共交通工具,但不参与驾驶的人A wayfarer or traveler徒步旅行者或旅客visitorOne that visits来访者traveller,travelerOne who travels or has traveled, as to distant places旅行者:一个旅行或已经旅行过的人,如到遥远的地方同时要注意“旅行”跟“旅游”是不同的。旅行:从一个地方去往另一个地方旅游:为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的一次旅行有关“旅游”的词主要以“tour”为词根,如tourist。

"要勇敢。"用英语说是"Just be brave."这句英语为什么要用"be"?为什么不说"Just brave."?谢谢!

华丽的日子 - 助理 二级 同意这个朋友的说法..



Ravenfield游戏按键操作指南 Ravenfield按键怎么操作

w前进s后退a向左移动q是向左倾斜e向右倾斜,capslock(大写锁定键盘)慢动作(还有一个键也是慢动作我忘了)————————————————更新分割线—————————————————点击enter是战略设置以及武器选择,然后不要点respan!!!这是重生!!!点击蓝点红点再点respan是设置重生点!!!再点一边enter才是继续游戏,点击第一次enter以后右上角有两个选项,一个是设置重生点,另一个是战略设置,左键大圈圈是防守,右键拖动自己方至敌方是选择地区对地区攻击,右上角的always follwed plan是:总是根据战略,也就是说,防守的话是没有进攻的,进攻的没有一个守家的。g是招募队友可以在贴吧里找教程。点击m是打开地图,可以看见敌军(部分)和友军。部分教程及操作可以在贴吧里看见。

iron maiden乐队的brave new world 歌词中文大意。

这还用中文?位置-乐手(乐队)应该很清楚啊Numbers from the Beast: An All-Star Tribute to Iron Maiden.Release Date: 2005.10.11Tracklist:01. Run To The HillsVocals - Robin Mcauley (Msg)Guitar - Michael Schenker (Msg)Bass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Rhythm Guitar - Pete Fletcher (Pygmy Love Circus)Drums - Brian Tichy (Billy Idol, Ozzy Osbourne)02. Wasted YearsVocals - Dee Snider (Twisted Sister)Guitar - George Lynch (Dokken, Lynch Mob)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Jeff Pilson (Dokken, Dio)Drums - Jason Bonham (Ufo, Bonham)03. WrathchildVocals - Paul Di"anno (Ex-Iron Maiden)Lead Guitar - Alex Skolnick (Testament)Guitar - Chris Traynor (Helmet, Bush)Bass - Frank Bello (Helmet, Anthrax)Drums - John Tempesta (Helmet, Rob Zombie, Testament)04. Flight Of IcarusVocals – Tim "Ripper" Owens (Judas Priest, Iced Earth)Guitar - Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, Dio)Bass - Jimmy Bain (Dio, Rainbow)Drums - Simon Wright (Dio, Ac/Dc)05. Fear Of The DarkVocals - Chuck Billy (Testament)Guitar - Craig Goldy (Dio)Bass - Rickie Phillips (Styx)Drums - Mikkey Dee (Motorhead)06. The TrooperVocals - Lemmy Kilmister (Motorhead)Bass - Chuck Wright (Alice Cooper, Quiet Riot)Guitar - Phil Campbell (Motorhead)Guitar - Rocky George (Fishbone, Suicidal Tendencies)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc)07. Aces HighVocals - Jeff Scott Soto (Yngwie Malmsteen, Talisman)Guitar - Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme)Bass - Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth)Drums - Vinny Appice (Black Sabbath, Dio)08. 2 Minutes To MidnightVocals - Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple, Rainbow)Guitar - Richie Kotzen (Mr. Big, Poison)Guitar - Bob KulickBass - Tony Franklin (The Firm, Blue Murder)Drums - Chris Slade (Ac/Dc, The Firm)09. Can I Play With MadnessVocals - Mark Slaughter (Slaughter, Vinnie Vincent Invasion)Guitar - Bruce Kulick (Kiss, Grand Funk Railroad)Bass - Marco Mendoza(Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Ted Nugent)Drums - Aynsley Dunbar (David Bowie, Whitesnake)10. The Evil That Men DoVocals - Chris Jericho (Wwe Wrestler, Fozzy)Guitar - Paul Gilbert (Mr. Big, Racer X)Rhythm G - Bob Kulick (Paul Stanley Band, Meatloaf)Bass - Mike Inez (Alice In Chains, Ozzy Osbourne)Drums - Brent Fitz (Vince Neil, Union)11. The WickermanVocals - John Bush (Anthrax, Armored Saint)Back Vocals – Jason Miller (Godhead)Guitar - Scott Ian (Anthrax)Bass - Blasko (Rob Zombie)Lead Guitar - Jeff Duncan (Armored Saint)Drums - Ben Graves (Murderdolls)Maiden HeavenRelease Date: 2008.7.16Tracklist:01.Black Tide - Prowler02.Metallica - Remember Tomorrow03.Avenged Sevenfold - Flash Of The Blade04.Glamour Of The Kill - 2 Minutes To Midnight05.Coheed




passerby是过路人的意思。unravel是解开松开的意思。一个是过路人 一个是松开解开,是那种悲伤的感觉,不大像是情侣网名。

shooting or traveling 什么意思


寻一首英文歌,一个女的唱的,歌词里总出现(旅行)traveling,oh oh oh.是慢歌,年份应该是08或09

我刚听到也以为是traveling呢,是《trouble is a friend》

rave report 中DataText取到的值我想保留两位小数,要如何做?




rave烟中文名叫什么? 美国产的 10块。

中文名狂欢 绝对好烟

VVAA的《Rave》 歌词

歌曲名:Rave歌手:VVAA专辑:Frenetic Universal Movement Vol.1Raven - JewelFly like a raven, black honey into the nightSoft like the air beneath, a swan in her flightThen return back home to bedAnd bring the dancing starsSleep and dream of a white wolf howlingAnd know that I am nearShhhh, close your eyes, don"t ask why,Let"s dream, together, you and IOh, close your eyes, we will fly,Dreaming, together, you and IThe moon has sailed in a silver gown of starsThat"s long, but not foreverSoon her love will rise as mineAnd sing to the shadowsTomorrow we shall rise with the dawnKiss the flowers and bloomBut, now, lie still as the wind and listenFor I will come to you with the foot steps of morningShhh, close your eyes, don"t ask why,Let"s dream, together, you and IOh, close your eyes, we can flyDreaming, together, you and IDream, dream, dream, dream...http://music.baidu.com/song/15045882

Harry Toddler的《Rave》 歌词

歌曲名:Rave歌手:Harry Toddler专辑:WorriedDo As Infinity - Raven作词:D·A·I作曲:D·A·I编曲:D·A·I / Seiji Kameda梦で见たあなたはとても小さく细い道あてもなく歩いてた暗い闇あたりを覆い始め探してた「宝物みつかる」と…いくつもの季节を过ごしてきたこの体引きずりまわすように古ぼけた时计を巻き戻せば悲しみの痛みはやわらぐのか叫び声がこだまのように响き渡る ah ah失くした场所 思い出せず泣きじゃくるよ ah ah ah明日又、同じ道歩むならそばにいる私を连れて行って徒らに无駄にすることもなく立ち向かう自分を爱せばいい砕け散った赤い记忆空に消える ah ahこぼれ落ちた声も今は风がさらう ah ah ah叫び声がこだまのように响き渡る ah ah失くした场所 思い出せず泣きじゃくるよ ah ah ah砕け散った赤い记忆空に消える ah ahこぼれ落ちた声も今は风がさらう ah ah ah终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7450229



完型填空:a senior monk and a junior monk were travei

A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross. The young woman asked if they could help her. The senior monk carried this woman on his shoulder, forded the river and let her down on the other bank. The junior monk was very upset, but said nothing. They both were walking and senior monk noticed that his junior was suddenly silent and enquired "Is something the matter, you seem very upset?"The junior monk replied, "As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?" The senior monk replied, "I left the woman a long time ago at the bank, however, you seem to be carrying her still."Thus, the question should be what are we carrying on our shoulders that prevent us to move towards that longing balance. To find out what is the cause of such suffering from tense muscles, headaches, digestive problems & IBS or Bruxism (grinding teeth), that still remains unsolved. And probably, we are also finding ourselves at one point where the solution of the cause of all these symptoms is like the pebble in the shoes of our day-to-day. It"s even possible that after having parsed what is happening to us to bits and piece but without figuring out what symptoms are they of. And it is then where breaching the gap between the mind and the body, plugging into emotions would surely work as the solution to that Gordian knot in our body-mind level.For that, a first and important step to cut that lock is to start creating ourselves new positive habits that will help us to pave the way towards a cohabitation between us and our professional life: to have a healthy diet with a low consumption of alcohol and café, the practice of sport twice a week, to realize deep breathing exercises to relax our diaphragm, take little breaks in-between working hours, easy methods to reinforce our concentration and avoid procrastination, as reading or playing chess and other table games, yoga or laughter exercises, among others are activities easy to assume and will cause an immediate and positive in our bodies and minds.望采纳!

亚航机票订了都只收到airasia travel itinerary这封邮件怎么办?不是有两封邮


我在亚航网站买了吉隆坡飞亚庇的机票,打印出一份travel itinerary,凭这张单子和签证我就可以上飞机吗?



游记,旅行日记diary 英["dau026au0259ru026a] 美[u02c8dau026au0259ri] n. 日记,日志;日记簿

travel itinerary 什么意思

旅游游览型 ,是旅游活动的一种形式。【摘要】 按照旅行目的不同,通常将旅游活动分为游览型( Intinerary) 和逗留型(Stay) 两种方式, 这两种方式直接影响到旅游行为。

travel itinerary可以作为报销凭证吗

问:企业员工出差乘坐飞机,取得的答: 据国家税务总局、中国民用航空局联合制定的《航空运输电子客票行程单管理办法(暂行)》(国税发[2008]54号),《行程单》作为旅客购买电子客票的付款凭证或报销凭证,同时具备提示旅客行程的作用。《行程单》纳入税务发票管理范围,中国民用航空局经国家税务总局授权,负责全国《行程单》的印制、领购、发放、开具、保管和缴销等管理工作。不符合规定的《行程单》,不得作为会计核算的原始凭证,任何单位和个人有权拒收,并向开票单位所属民航地区管理局及其派出机构或所辖地区相关主管税务机关举报。符合规定的《航空运输电子客票行程单》可以作为发票报销。


亲,我帮你写的,参考: I"m very happily today! In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climbing the mountain with my parents, the air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friend"s home to play, the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious! I like this travel! 中文翻译: 今天我非常高兴,天气晴朗,我和我父母去爬山。山上的空气非常清新,花儿与草儿都格外的美丽。下午,我和朋友一起玩,朋友热情地招待了我,给我展示了很多书籍,还给我听了Cd,给我做了豪华晚餐。晚上回家后,我和家人一起看电视,并且边吃水果边聊天,整个家庭显和睦熔融。 我喜欢这次旅行!   dear father it is necessary for you to quit *** oking. as we know, *** oking is harmful to our health.it contains nicotine and other chemicals which makes people sick. also,too much *** oking may cause lung cancer. on the other hand,the *** ell on the *** okers is terrible and i really hate it.what"s more,the cigarette *** oke is bad for the health of non- *** okers when you are *** oking. i know sometimes you feel stressful and you just want to relax yourself by *** oking.but i think it is better for you to do some relaxation exercise or read some books or do something you like instead of *** oking. i belive you will succeed at last and i do hope you can quit *** oking. i"m looking forward to your reply. love from +你的名字 这篇你是否满意

Tiger Wibravery中文意思?

回答和翻译如下:Tiger Wibravery.虎胆。

谁有《angel beats!》片尾曲《brave song》的罗马音标


机械中travel of the tool什么意思

机械中tool翻译为:机床、刀具、工具母机、压印机。短语中travel作动词,符合要求的翻译是传播,传导。综上所得,travel of the tool应该翻译为机床的运作过程、压印机的压印过程。travel其他词组:advertise travel in ... 宣传到…地方的旅行build up travel to 发展去…地方的旅游encourage tourist travel 鼓励观光旅游enjoy travel 旅行愉快extend one"s travels to 把旅游路线延伸到…forsake a travel 抛弃一本游记long for a travel 渴望旅行make worldwide travels 作环球旅行carefree travel 无忧无虑的旅行dangerous travel 危险的旅行dreary travel 沉闷的旅行economical travel 经济游air travel 航空旅行business travel 出差camel travel 骑骆驼旅行ground travel 陆上旅行group travel 团体旅行holiday travel 假日旅行

高二英语选修6外研版第五单元brave new world的翻译



三者区别如下:travel通常泛指“旅行”,可以指长期、短期的,不论何种目的,不论使用何种交通工具的旅行。tour的意思是“周游、巡视”,常带有根据一定的路线,事先预定了一些逗留地点,最后仍回到出发地。trip通常指短期的短程的旅行,尤指暂时到外地办理业务上的事情。三者例句:1、travel:“旅行”,惯用复数形式,泛指旅行各地,表示旅行的路途远,时间长。You had better travel to Helsinki tomorrow你最好明天赶赴赫尔辛基。Information on travel in New Zealand is available at the hotel新西兰的旅行信息可以在宾馆获取。2、tour:“周游”,指途中在许多地方作短暂停留的观光游览。We made a tour of the yacht, checking lashings and emergency gear.我们在那艘游艇上四处看了看,检查了它的系索和应急装置。To assuage his wife"s grief, he took her on a tour of Europe为了减轻妻子的悲痛,他带她去了欧洲旅游。3、trip:“旅行”,指来往有定的短距离旅行,强调在路上所花的时间和所走的路程。Mother took me downtown on a shoppin


JOURNEY具体/抽象都可以(指长途跋涉)TRAVEL 旅行(过程/动作)例如:he spent most of his time travelling abroad.TOUR旅游/比赛(到各个地方) TRIP访问/行程(如往返round trip) journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,表示“去旅行”时,英语该说goon a journey,而不说go to a journeyMr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York.史密斯先生作了一次从巴黎到纽约的旅行。A pleasant journey to you.祝你一路平安。travel一般指到国外或远方旅行,它同journey不同之处,在于不着重某一目的地,有到各地“游历”的意思,作名词时常用复数形式。He has just returned from his travels.他刚刚旅行回来One day in his travels in China, he got to Guangzhou.他在中国旅行期间,有一天他到达广州.trip常指短距离的,直达目的地的旅行,在日常用语中,trip可与journey通用。I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays.暑假期间我将去海边旅行。He went on a trip journey to Paris.他到巴黎旅行去了。tour“旅行,周游,观光”,主要目的地是游览或视察,距离可长可短,常带有“最后回到出发地”的含义。He is making a tour of the world.他周游世界去了。They spent two months on a tour through most of the countries of Europe.他们用了两个月的时间去旅行,游历了欧洲的大部分国家。

trip, travel, tour, journey的区别?

tour是类似周游、观光旅游的旅行,比如tour of London, tour of World,一般短语就是on the tour of some placejourney是着重于行程时间比较长的旅行,较正式,比如我们在飞机上常常看到"Wish you have a good journey.";另一点我认为journey还强调抽象的“旅程”的意思,比如"Life is a journey."trip是有目的性的旅行,强调“短期旅行”,但实际上口语上trip和journey是可以互换的。travel的意思就很广泛了,算是一个总称,着重于“离开居住地去其他地方作短途旅行”。





tour journey trip travel的区别?

用webmaster 自己查


journey主要指单程较远距离的海、陆、空“旅行”,表示“去旅行”时,英语该说goon a journey,而不说go to a journeyMr. Smith made a journey from Paris to New York.史密斯先生作了一次从巴黎到纽约的旅行。A pleasant journey to you.祝你一路平安。travel一般指到国外或远方旅行,它同journey不同之处,在于不着重某一目的地,有到各地“游历”的意思,作名词时常用复数形式。He has just returned from his travels.他刚刚旅行回来One day in his travels in China, he got to Guangzhou.他在中国旅行期间,有一天他到达广州.trip常指短距离的,直达目的地的旅行,在日常用语中,trip可与journey通用。I am going on a trip to the seaside during the summer holidays.暑假期间我将去海边旅行。He went on a trip journey to Paris.他到巴黎旅行去了。tour“旅行,周游,观光”,主要目的地是游览或视察,距离可长可短,常带有“最后回到出发地”的含义。He is making a tour of the world.他周游世界去了。They spent two months on a tour through most of the countries of Europe.他们用了两个月的时间去旅行,游历了欧洲的大部分国家。


这位老师,您好。大学老师自称接受能力差,哈哈,过谦了吧。 您学校购进的VRP-TRAVEL旅游教学平台,是中视典数字科技的专门为旅游导游专业打造的虚拟旅游教学平台。 VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游教学平台主要包括教师教学、学生练习、用户管理三大模块,功能强大。 可以让师生足不出户,就能在三维立体的虚拟环境中遍览遥在万里之外的风光美景,形象逼真,细致生动。通过情景化的学习界面、人机交互式的模拟旅游体验,改善教学环境、优化教学过程、增强教学效果。 相信通过我的描述,您肯定对VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游教学平台大概有了个了解了吧。 其实,这个平台绝对算不上是什么新鲜事物,因为,随着各大院校旅游导游专业教学水平的不断提高,虚拟旅游教学平台已经逐渐成为了各大高校不可或缺的教学工具。而且,它的作用和地位也日益突出,所以,贵校刚刚购入此平台,已经是落在了别人的后边了。 另外,您所担心的操作难度问题,也不算是个事儿,因为就VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游教学平台的设计很人性化,使用起来都是傻瓜化操作,不算是很复杂。 还有,这种教学平台现在已经出了VRP-TRAVEL2.0版本,但贵校购进的这款应该算是时下应用最广的,很多院校的旅游导游专业都在使用,所以,是不是最好的,也没关系,因为适合的才是最好的,您说是嘛。 如果还有其他方面的疑问,您可以去中视典数字科技官网上查看,如果我在这儿一直干巴巴的说,恐怕三天三夜也说不完那~! 如果还有其他疑问,您可以继续追问,呵呵


既然VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游平台是虚拟现实仿真平台VRP的一个子产品,那么,VRP是什么呢?VRP(Virtual Reality Platform,简称VR-Platform或VRP)即虚拟现实仿真平台,VRP是一款由中视典数字科技有限公司独立开发的具有完全自主知识产权的直接面向三维美工的一款虚拟现实软件。VRP所有的操作都是以美工可以理解的方式进行,不需要程序员参与。如果需操作者有良好的3DMAX建模和渲染基础,只要对VR-PLATFORM平台稍加学习和研究就可以很快制作出自己的虚拟现实场景。VRP可广泛的应用于城市规划、室内设计、工业仿真、古迹复原、桥梁道路设计、房地产销售、旅游教学、水利电力、地质灾害等众多领域,为其提供切实可行的解决方案。VRP系列产品自问世以来,一举打破虚拟现实技术领域被国外领域所垄断的局面,以极高的性价比获得国内广大客户的喜爱,已经成为目前中国国内市场占有率最高的一款国产虚拟现实仿真平台软件。VRP虚拟现实仿真平台,经历了多年的研发与探索,已经在VRP引擎为核心的基础上,衍生出了九个相关三维产品的软件平台。它们分别是VRP-BUILDER虚拟现实编辑器、VRPIE3D互联网平台、VRP-DIGICITY数字城市平台、VRP-PHYSICS物理模拟系统、VRP-INDUSIM工业仿真平台、VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游平台、VRP-MUSEUM虚拟展馆、VRP-SDK系统开发包、VRP-MYSTORY故事编辑器。


VRP-TRAVEL虚拟旅游平台(Virtual Reality Platform Travel,简称VRP-TRAVEL)是中视典数字科技有限公司针对导游和旅游专业教学过程中存在的实习资源匮乏、实地参观成本高等问题,按照旅游专业的教学要求和实施特点,利用虚拟现实技术,为其量身打造的虚拟旅游实训平台。


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