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brave 的名词形式


armchair traveler是什么意思


armchair traveller是什么意思

armchair traveller 安逸的旅行者armchair[英][u02c8ɑ:mtu0283eu0259(r)][美][u02c8ɑ:rmtu0283er]n.扶手椅; adj.脱离实际的; 安逸的; 复数:armchairs例句:1.The dog likes to sit in the big armchair. 我们的狗喜欢坐在大扶手椅里。2.For an armchair environmentalist, what could be easier? 对于扶椅式环保份子,难道还有什么更容易的吗?

求课文The armchair traveller的翻译

乔治独自住在伦敦南部的一套公寓里。他独自生活是自愿的,因为他觉得周围人的愚蠢和环境的丑陋使他不知所措。我们都知道,今天的伦敦不是一个美丽的城市,气候也不宜人。对乔治来说,这座城市就像一位过于熟悉的老妇人,在适当的光线下,使他想起了她过去的美丽,但她最近变得相当讨厌。他的生活方式很简朴,他的经济条件允许他整天坐在一张又旧又舒适的扶手椅上,穿着晨衣,读着伟大的文学作品。尽管他生性愤世嫉俗、悲观厌世,但他特别喜欢经典的游记作品,以至于从他那温暖的扶手椅中,他可以在脑海中遨游到天涯海角。一天早上,他正在浏览马塞尔·帕格诺尔的一本书。帕格诺尔对法国南部普罗旺斯的设想启发了几代人。一边是阿尔卑斯山脉的低矮山脉,另一边是地中海深蓝色的海岸,与此形成鲜明对比的是,普罗旺斯有着农耕和当地手工艺的传统。对帕格诺尔来说,这是一个保守的乡村地区,人们本能地不信任陌生人。但是乔治通过在别处的阅读也知道普罗旺斯是一个吸引富人和艺术家的地方。这里是毕加索(Picasso)、塞尚(Cezanne)和梵高(Van Gogh)等画家的故乡,是格雷厄姆u2022格林(Graham Greene)、欧内斯特u2022海明威(Ernest Hemingway)和埃米尔u2022左拉(Emile Zola)等作家的故乡,也是罗杰u2022瓦迪姆(Roger Vadim)和碧姬u2022芭铎(Brigitte Bardot)等演员的故乡。圣特罗佩的海滩、戛纳电影节、格拉斯的餐厅和尼斯的酒店都创造了一种难以想象的魅力。5 . But it was so incredible ?难道这是不可想象的吗?随着他继续阅读,他越来越想亲眼看看普罗旺斯。他抑制不住好奇心,穿上衣服去了旅行社。经过一番慌慌张张的讨论,他明白只要自己到车站上一趟火车,就可以直达普罗旺斯市中心的阿维尼翁。【译文】他感到十分惊奇的是,一次如此丰富的思想、色彩和印象的旅行竟可以如此轻而易举地完成,只需6个小时的火车旅程。他径直来到火车站,买了一张票,订了一个座位。时间还早,火车还没开,乔治就有时间了。车站附近的一家法国餐馆为顾客提供地中海风味的菜肴,有直接从市场上买来的新鲜鱼、奶酪、葡萄酒、橄榄、香草、水果和蔬菜。他选了一张靠窗的桌子,点了一顿他在马赛旧港也会吃到的那种饭菜。但是,随着出发时间的临近,乔治渐渐感到疲惫不堪,部分原因是由于这顿大餐的影响,另一部分原因是他意识到,长途跋涉会很累。他意识到自己必须沿着站台匆匆前行,寻找自己预定的座位,从拥挤的人群中挤过去,还要在座位上不安地坐上6个小时——至少与家里的扶手椅相比是这样。当他到达时,他必须找一家旅馆,睡在一张不熟悉的床上,寻找他梦中已经如此有效地向他描述过的景象、声音和气味。真的有必要去普罗旺斯吗?在他的想象中,他不是已经在那里了吗?至少,如果他的愿景与现实不符,肯定会令人失望吧?在伦敦呆在家里不是更简单、更安全吗?乔治突然意识到,作为一个陌生人,他永远也体会不到自己内心的温暖和色彩。也许帕格诺尔的普罗旺斯,像世界上其他地方一样,就是现实。也许出国旅行根本就是件麻烦事?于是,乔治付了餐馆的账单,乘公共汽车回到了他在伦敦南部的公寓,并决定再也不离开家了。

如何将 Laravel 数据表里的数据导出成 Seeder 文件

文件的文件夹作用/app/config/配置应用程序的运行时规则、 数据库、 session等等。包含大量的用来更改框架的各个方面的配置文件。大部分的配置文件中返回的选项关联PHP数组。/app/config/app.php各种应用程序级设置,即时区、 区域设置(语言环境)、 调试模式和独特的加密密钥。/app/config/auth.php控制在应用程序中如何进行身份验证,即身份验证驱动程序。/app/config/cache.php如果应用程序利用缓存来加快响应时间,要在此配置该功能。/app/config/compile.php在此处可以指定一些额外类,去包含由‘artisan optimize"命令声称的编译文件。这些应该是被包括在基本上每个请求到应用程序中的类。/app/config/database.php包含数据库的相关配置信息,即默认数据库引擎和连接信息。/app/config/mail.php为电子邮件发件引擎的配置文件,即 SMTP 服务器,From:标头/app/config/session.php控制Laravel怎样管理用户sessions,即session driver, session lifetime。/app/config/view.php模板系统的杂项配置。/app/controllers包含用于提供基本的逻辑、 数据模型交互以及加载应用程序的视图文件的控制器类。/app/database/migrations/包含一些 PHP 类,允许 Laravel更新当前数据库的架构并同时保持所有版本的数据库的同步。迁移文件是使用Artisan工具生成的。/app/database/seeds/包含允许Artisan工具用关系数据来填充数据库表的 PHP 文件。/app/lang/PHP 文件,其中包含使应用程序易于本地化的字符串的数组。默认情况下目录包含英语语言的分页和表单验证的语言行。/app/models/模型是代表应用程序的信息(数据)和操作数据的规则的一些类。在大多数情况下,数据库中的每个表将对应应用中的一个模型。应用程序业务逻辑的大部分将集中在模型中。/app/start/包含与Artisan工具以及全球和本地上下文相关的自定义设置。/app/storage/该目录存储Laravel各种服务的临时文件,如session, cache, compiled view templates。这个目录在web服务器上必须是可以写入的。该目录由Laravel维护,我们可以不关心。/app/tests/该文件夹给你提供了一个方便的位置,用来做单元测试。如果你使用PHPUnit,你可以使用Artisan工具一次执行所有的测试。/app/views/该文件夹包含了控制器或者路由使用的HTML模版。请注意,这个文件夹下你只能放置模版文件。其他的静态资源文件如css, javascript和images文件应该放在/public文件夹下。/app/routes.php这是您的应用程序的路由文件,其中包含路由规则,告诉 Laravel 如何将传入的请求连接到路由处理的闭包函数、 控制器和操作。该文件还包含几个事件声明,包括错误页的,可以用于定义视图的composers。/app/filters.php此文件包含各种应用程序和路由筛选方法,用来改变您的应用程序的结果。Laravel 具有访问控制和 XSS 保护的一些预定义筛选器。


Laravel是一套简洁、优雅的PHP Web开发框架(PHP Web Framework)。许多人被拦在了学习Laravel的第一步,安装。并不是因为安装教程有多复杂,而是因为【众所周知的原因】。这里默认已经安装好了php集成开发环境,并且配置好了环境变量。网上有很多相关教程,自行百度,如果还不会,可以直接找我。很高兴一起学习;在此教大家使用一键安装的形式下载安装,英文不好的同学可以去Laravel中国。工具/原料windows 7PHP 开发环境lavarel一键安装包方法/步骤下载Laravel5.x一键安装包Lravel 中文网提供了针对 5.x 所有版本的一键安装包,进入下载页面下载 Laravel v5.1.x 的最新版本即可;下载之后将源码解压到laravel目录下即可。运行 Laravel1、打开laravel所在目录,按住shift然后右键,点击"在此处打开命令窗口";2、在命令行输入php artisan serve,看到如图所示,表示laravel启动起来了;3、浏览器中输入http://localhost:8000,回车看到界面表示安装启动laravel成功了简单介绍1、从 PHP 5.4 版本开始,PHP 就已经内置(built in)了一个 web server,并且,Laravel 的 artisan 命令也支持这个内置web server;2、部署到生产服务器上,还是要安装 apache 或 nginx 之类的 web server 的。artisan 的 serve 命令还支持两个参数:host 设置主机地址port 设置 web server 监听的端口号例如:php artisan serve --port=8888到这里你就可以开心的开始学习laravel了END注意事项Laravel 5.0 开始对 PHP 版本的要求是 >=5.4,Laravel 5.1 要求 PHP 版本 >=5.5.9,所以,建议大家尽量安装 5.5.x 的最新版本

Laravel5.1中使用JWT-Auth时,php artisan 报错不能使用

添加一个sScrollY属性var height=$(window).height();$(document).ready(function() { $("#example").dataTable( { "sScrollY": height });

laravel 5 增加数据的时候多个字段,attributes如何使用

现在,让我们一行行分析结构生成器生成的authors表,下面是up()方法中的代码:1 // auto increment id (primary key) 2 $table->increments("id"); 3 4 $table->string("name"); 5 $table->integer("age")->nullable(); 6 $table->boolean("active")->default(1); 7 $table->integer("role_id")->unsigned(); 8 $table->text("bio"); 9 10 // created_at, updated_at DATETIME11 $table->timestamps();实际上生成的SQL代码为:1 `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,2 `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,3 `age` INT(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,4 `active` TINYINT(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT "1",5 `role_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,6 `bio` TEXT NOT NULL,7 8 `created_at` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",9 `updated_at` TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",我们会意识到,迁移是多么的强大,我们自需要记住一些结构生成器方法而不是写晦涩难懂的SQL DDL代码。我们创建了表,那我们想要回滚的时候怎么办呢?只需要在于up()方法对应的down()方法中使用drop()方法即可。1 public function down()2 {3 Schema::drop("authors");4 }这个方法非常简单,只有一行。它的全部作用就是删除”authors”表,如果你熟悉sql,它等同于DROP TABLE authors。现在,我们已经写好了架构,我们就可以对数据库执行迁移文件了。转到命令行工具,跳转到应用目录下,运行artisan migrate命令:1 php artisan migrate执行结果如下:检查数据库,你会发现已经有了”authors”表,表结构如下:如果你要使用sql语句实现这张表,那么sql查询语句如下:1 CREATE TABLE `authors` ( 2 id int AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, 3 name varchar(255) NOT NULL, 4 age int, 5 active tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT "1", 6 role_id int(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL, 7 bio text NOT NULL, 8 created_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00", 9 updated_at timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT "0000-00-00 00:00:00",10 email varchar(64) NOT NULL,11 /* Keys */12 PRIMARY KEY (id)13 ) ENGINE = InnoDB;现在假设我们上次的执行存在错误想要回滚,我们自需要使用artisan命令行工具执行下面的命令即可:下一次,如果你想修改数据模型,你可以创建一个新的迁移,再次执行命令artisan migrate。每一次执行artisan migrate命令,它都会根据时间戳去检查哪些没有执行,如果执行了,就跳到下一个文件,如果没有执行,就执行这次迁移,直到执行完所有迁移文件。1 php artisan migrate:rollback运行如下:你会发现,表”authors”已经从数据库中删除了。现在重新创建”authors”表,执行artisan migrate命令:1 php artisan migrate这时,表”authors”又重新创建了。但是我想在表中添加”email”列。先使用artisan创建新的迁移文件:php artisan migrate:make add_email_to_authors_table运行结果如下:然后编辑2014_03_12_051119_add_email_to_authors_table.php文件,添加电子邮件列。我们使用Schema::table()方法,有两个参数:表名、闭包函数(在此函数内添加字段)。1 public function up()2 {3 Schema::table("authors", function($table) {4 $table ->string("email", 64);5 });6 }有了添加方法,当然也需要添加回滚方法了,这里再次使用Schema::table()方法。1 public function down()2 {3 Schema::table("authors", function($table) {4 $table ->dropColumn("email");5 });6 }上面的方法使用了dropColumn()方法上出列。现在运行artisan命令运行该迁移文件如下:刷新数据库表,你会发现”email”字段已经在”authors”中出现了,如下图:如果我们回滚了这次迁移,那么email字段会从表中删除。Artisan命令还有一个更强大的命令行,它可以回滚所有的迁移:

laravel artisan 连接mysql 是长连接吗

创建model// 这个model将采用默认的"mysql"连接class UserModel extends Model{// 数据库"database"中的users表protected $table = "users"; }

windows 怎样设置laravel 任务调度

你好,设置方法如下:namespace AppConsole;use DB;use IlluminateConsoleSchedulingSchedule;use IlluminateFoundationConsoleKernel as ConsoleKernel;class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel{ /** * 应用提供的Artisan命令 * * @var array */ protected $commands = [ "AppConsoleCommandsInspire", ]; /** * 定义应用的命令调度 * * @param IlluminateConsoleSchedulingSchedule $schedule * @return void */ protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule) { $schedule->call(function () { DB::table("recent_users")->delete(); })->daily(); }}除了调度闭包调用外,还可以调度Artisan命令和操作系统命令。例如,可以使用command方法来调度一个Artisan命令:$schedule->command("emails:send --force")->daily();exec命令可用于发送命令到操作系统:$schedule->exec("node /home/forge/script.js")->daily();


首先确认,后台的用户表,我设计表叫做badmin,每个管理员有用户名(username),有昵称(nickname),有邮箱(email),有密码(password)这里玩个花,使用laravel的migration来建立表(实际上可以用不着使用这个工具建立表)1 安装好最基本的laravel框架2 创建migration文件:./artisan migrate:make create-badmin-table3 发现app/database/migration/下面多了一个php文件:2014_10_19__create-badmin-table.php4 往up和down里面增加内容;<?phpuse IlluminateDatabaseSchemaBlueprint;use IlluminateDatabaseMigrationsMigration;class CreateBadminTable extends Migration {/*** Run the migrations.** @return void*/public function up(){Schema::create("badmin", function($table){$table->increments("id");$table->string("nickname", 100)->unique();$table->string("username", 100)->unique();$table->string("email", 100)->unique();$table->string("password", 64);$table->timestamps();});}/*** Reverse the migrations.** @return void*/public function down(){Schema::drop("badmin");}}5 配置好local的database,app/config/local/database.php<?phpreturn array("fetch" => PDO::FETCH_CLASS,"default" => "mysql","connections" => array("mysql" => array("driver" => "mysql","host" => "localhost","database" => "test","username" => "yejianfeng","password" => "","charset" => "utf8","collation" => "utf8_unicode_ci","prefix" => "",),),"migrations" => "migrations",);

在laravel框架中 使用artisan 命令 没有反应 也不报错 是什么原因 是我配置的原因吗?

我的用 php 7.3版本可以,用 php 7.4版本也是没有反应,你可以试下


brave是形容词 比如你可以说 brave heart 勇敢的心courage是名词 如do some courage 很勇敢这就是区别啦!楼主学英语的时候多读一些句子多背一些文章,有些东西就算说不清,但是你也不会用错!!望采纳!!

求Brendan James 音乐专辑《the day is brave》中所有歌曲的歌词。高分!!

Green- Brendan JamesZeppelin never left herNever died or second guessed her,painted on her bodyThe stars would never hurt herNever lie, never desert herPainted on her bodyShe prayed to God when she was youngAfter the storm a calm would come above herI thought that I could be the oneto part the clouds before the sun above herGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againMother moves to town againHolds her upside down again said its nice to see herBrendan now you"ve got to comeshe"s where I get my smile fromI"d like for you to meet herNow Andrea was paint and pridea step behind oh how she triedI loved herAnd all she wore from head to floorwas shades of green from our storeI loved her oh oh ohGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againGreen reminds meOf everything we said it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againAnd oh, oh, oh, all for me she criedAnd oh, oh, oh, all for loveIn retrospect wish ICould have said three words that nightAll me, all me, all meNow, green reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to youGreen reminds meOf everything we did it blinds meIt rushes through my head it finds meClose to you againBrendan James - All I Can SeeI want to walk through this doorwayI want to open my mindI want to pledge my allegiance to all I can findI want a car that will crash through the barriersto a road no one knowsI want to feel less controlwant to bend and I want to land far from homeThe revolution of the earth around the sunis the perfect lesson of how it should beSo if i cannot learnto journey and returnto never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeI want to learn a completely new languageone I don"t understandI want to help someone lost, someone helplesswith the strength of my handI want to come to the base of a statue builtbefore they counted the yearsand there i"ll fall with my face in my hands and cryand feel their hope in my tearsThe revolution of the earth around the sunis the perfect lesson of how it should beSo if I cannot learnto journey and returnto never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeTrain rides and pastures collidingcolors and customs i"ve never seenI know I, yes I know II know I will stumblebut time is precious my friendThose who journey can easily understandthe more they see the more they"ll learnthe more that they will beSo this I swear to you, and this I swear to meI"ll never rest till I"ve seen all I can seeNo, I"ll never rest till I"ve seen all i can seeI want to know where the stength of a person liesin their past or their futureIs it in the way that they hurt or they love themselvesor is it all an illusionI want to crawl from this skin that i"m painted inBody, please let it giveI want to find the creator of all good thingsand ask what it means to liveBrendan James - Hero"s SongHere I amIn the desert againA compass and a weaponA lost AmericanI started out with a simple planAnd a locket in my handBut the sun is so unforgivingAnd the wind so hard to standFall out, fall outWith the rest of your brothersWith the rest of your sistersHeroes on the lineCarry out what your leader saysFor what his leader saysIs that his leader saysThis is right for the peopleNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young statues must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I cannot die this wayIn the water, in the sandIs the blood of a cultureIs the blood of an ancient peopleIn whose holy war I standI hear the world like a cannon roarSay I can win this warI promise them thisIsn"t what I signed up forNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young statues must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I cannot die this wayNo one will ever understand whatThousands of beautiful healthy young soldiers must fallSmoke and explosions surround meA flood of hate, it drowns meI cannot live this wayNo I cannot liveWith doubt and confusionThey find meThey run up right behind meI cannot die this wayNo, I will not die this wayBrendan James - The Other SideI was a child onceThe fear of the world in my eyeFar from the safety of the other sideI colored by numbersLearned how to tie my own shoesLike all of the othersI just prayed I"d make it throughPrayed I would make it throughOh Motherlook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideI"ll always rememberThe kids and how mean they"d beenEleven years old and I could not fit inBut I made it through high schoolAnd college according to planWhere pressure was never greater to become a manWould I become a manOh MotherLook how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townYou never stopped believingOh DaddyIt hurt to watch you walking outBut understand it made me stronger nowAnd so satisfiedSo full of prideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideMother look how your boy turned out300 miles from that small townAnd Dad it hurt to watch you walking outHear the piano do the crying nowFor all the preachers and the teachers nowFor all the ones who never let me downI"m so satisfiedSo full of prideStanding here on the other sideThank you here from the other sideThank you here from the other sideHere on the other side I"m taking my timeThere"s nothing to fearThere"s nothing to worry about on the other sideI remember when I thought I"d never findThe other sideBrendan James - Early April MorningThere used to be nothing in commonthere used to be nothing to shareIt used to be sit by the windowand stare at what used to be thereIt used to be lonely in numbersimpossibly weak on my feetWhen the game starts and one person"s left outit used to be meBut that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningWater falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowThere used to be nothing in commonthere used to be nothing to shareIt used to be sit by the windowand stare at what used to be thereLike a king in his court at his tablewho is blind to the power he holdsI could never come to understand all the powers I had of my ownBut that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningWater falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowI trust my love I trust myselfI trust the love of someone elseI trust that I will get what I"ve been hoping waiting forThe prison walls are crashing down as winter dies without a soundon this early April MorningLet the struggle end the joy beginit"s true it"s love I"m falling inand it came without a warning nowAnd that was then and she is nowI once was lost with her I"m foundon this early April morningThe water falling from the skythe sun that"s breaking fills my eyeand it came without a warning nowBrendan James - The Sun Will RiseThe sun will rise the sun will save meThe sun will change me change the way I feelThe day will make this heart a fortuneFrom the fruit of a hundred orchardsFrom the water rivers bringThe sun will rise the sun will save meFrom the night the sun will change meChange the way I feelI"ve had enough of the hard and harderTimes are tough and I"ve drifted fartherFarther from myselfI won"t dwell baby on my failuresIt won"t help baby it won"t bring changesI won"t run baby when all I want is to runI won"t forget the morning"s sure to comeThe sun will rise the sun will save meFrom then night the sun will change meChange the way I feelThe love I want the love I need isSure to come is sure to lead meLead me home againThe light is low the night is burningMy head is still but my mind is turningTurning round againIf only I can make it through this lonely nightIf I can do thisIf I can drift awayThen the sun will rise the sun will save meFrom the night the sun will change meChange the way I feelBrendan James - ManchesterPlains and painted trees,the long south willow streetA raging river turning.Feelings never change,the names remain the same,and children go on learning.Like all the town she fights,she prays she"ll do it right.With nature"s sounds to guideher safely through the night.All of Manchester together to carryon the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onShades of red and white in the blinking of an eye,the blues not far behind.Free to live for the price of the cold November night,A chill that never diesLike all the town she fights, she prays she"ll do it right.With nature"s sounds to guide her safely through the night.All of Manchester together to carry on the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onFather Roger speaks, he brings us to our knees...Oh it"s beautifulAll of Manchester together to carry on the weight that is life,that has changed over nightLet the good lend their hand and the old teach the young.This is all of Manchester together to carry us onBrendan James - Let Your Beat Go OnIf he came down from heaven and cleared the lines from your faceSaid so long to the mistakes and questions and start over again.Look in his eyes; you"ll find your own reflection, a face of hardship and painYour money saved and spent, your loves and losses, they"re not worth it again.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.Now fate lands you out in the open, a slave to the man inside your headYour second chances, they"re buried deep in rock canyonsAs you lie here in bed.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.I feel like as people we"re afraid to wonder, afraid of our heaven and our hell.My mother raised me with strength and measure; my father raised me too late.Let your beat go on forever, they say we"re made to live as oneLet this need to fear each other not be passed on to my sonLet your beat go on forever, let your fears down rivers runLet the silence be the music, when their words are said and done.Brendan James - Take The FallForget about NormanSmall town RockwellScenes of simple lifeForget about savings and poignant phrasings,Cigarettes and schoolyard fightsLet us out now Lord of our speed and fancyOf our “can you hear me” now"s and our techno lovesDrop us off on 55th and keep us reading VonnegutPoint out now what we"re careless ofMy chance in life is worth letting goOf all the trends they"re setting soForgive meIf I"m so ordinary with extraordinary reasons to liveIt"s just like a boy to save his honor and his moneyIt"s just like a girl to feelIt"s just like a child to stand and interrupt us allAnd say I"ll gladly take the fall for youNow love, love, love, yesIt"s all you needJohn and Paul Ringo George professIf I"ve got loveI can feel I can remember every mealBut like a gift it can be taken

the erotic traveler什么意思

The Erotic Traveler_翻译The Erotic Traveler 网络意思:情色旅行者;

深度旅游 在国外称为“In-depth travel” 可是我想知道 有其它另外有意思的称呼么?或者自己想的?

insight vacationsInsight Vacations offers an exclusive collection of premium & luxury escorted tours, each celebrating the fine art of travel.

宏碁笔记本电脑 TravelMate与Aspire 有什么区别??

主打商务的TravelMate系列和家用Aspire系列TravelMate定位商务应用,一般采用普通屏幕和人体工学键盘,例如高端商务机Travel Mate3282WXMiAspire定位多媒体,一般采用丽镜屏幕,例如双核摄像头本本Aspire 5672WLMi后缀的含义:Z代表增强型;N代表没有预装Windows XP操作系统;W代表宽屏;T/X/L/S代表屏幕的大小,分别代表12/14/15/17英寸屏幕; M/C/N代表DVD刻录/COMBO刻录/无内置光驱;I代表无线网卡。以Aspire 3624NWXMi为例,N代表没有XP操作系统,W代表宽屏,X代表14英寸,M代表DVD刻录,I代表无线网卡。



travel brochure怎么做

travel brochure即旅游手册,一本好的旅游手册应包括交通,食宿供应,吸引人们的旅游内容和活动等项信息。旅游手册制作贴士:1、确定潜在客户群,确定潜在客户群的旅游目的地。2、专业人士应该已经对他们的目的地有一定知识储备。标出关键特征:山脉、湖泊、小屋、博物馆、公园等。将这些关键特征写在一个栏目里。3、如果客户群是学生,那就找经典地方做广告。墨西哥、夏威夷、南卡罗来纳州的桃金娘海滩、佛罗里达州的海滩或澳大利亚就是一些很好的例子。对你选择的地点做调研(使用在线搜索引擎、百科全书、图书馆图书等),找出该地点的关键特征。把这些都写在一个栏目里。

travel brochure是什么意思

travel brochure 英     美    导游手册travel brochure的用法和样例:例句I worked as the project manager and copywriter for a travel startup, where I managed websites, guidebooks, and several travel blogs.开始我在旅行社做项目经理,广告编写人,我为他们设计网页,设计导游手册,和一些旅行博客。

travel brochure是什么意思

  travel brochure  宣传资料  N-COUNT(介绍产品或服务信息的)小册子A brochure is a magazine or thin book with pictures that gives you information about a product or service.  ...travel brochures.  旅游小册子

闪电crave 29 怎么样

本人13年九月份购入的爱车,总里程不到一千公里,车子没有摔过,得益于闪电的优质服务,车子保养的很好,和公路的骑友骑多了也中了公路的毒,所以希望转公路,如果入了公路加上老婆的车就三辆了,实在放不下,在此为爱车找一个新主人,适合身高在一米八左右的骑友购入价格13900,现价10000(不含图片中的码表和车灯,可以送水壶架、水壶和尾包)非诚勿扰配置如下:车架全新SpecializedM4铝合金,XC29寸几何角度,全抽管平滑焊接,锥形头管和坐管,锻造PM直装160毫米后碟刹标准,可替换铝合金尾钩SWAT避震器前叉FOX Evolution系列Float 29,CTD阀门,铝合金锥形头管,9毫米开口标准,外部回弹可调,S码:80毫米;其余尺码:100毫米碗组1-1/8与1-1/2英寸无牙碗组,Campy标准,密封式轴承把立Specialized 3D锻造6061铝合金,4螺栓,6度仰角,31.8毫米口径车把Specialized微升燕把,6061双抽管铝合金,700毫米宽,10度后掠,6度仰角,31.8毫米口径把套Specialized Body Geoetry XC Contour,Kraton材质带软胶垫,尾端封闭,132毫米,锁死把套前刹车Shimano Deore BR-615,液压碟刹,180毫米碟盘后刹车Shimano Deore BR-615,液压碟刹,160毫米碟盘刹车手柄Shimano Deore BR-615,液压刹杆,可调刹杆距离前拔SRAM X7,10速2x20,34.9毫米后拨Shimano Deore XT Shadow Plus,10速后拨,GS导板

Have you any idea why a raven is like a writing desk?--Hatter中文意思是什么?

因为我喜欢你呀 哈哈 这是回答


  burial英 [ˈberiəl] 美 [ˈbɛriəl]  n.葬礼; 葬,掩埋;  [网络]葬; 丧葬; 埋葬;  [例句]The priest prepared the body for burial.  牧师给死者作安葬准备。  [其他]复数:burials 形近词: curial  ---  grave英 [ɡreɪv] 美 [greɪv]  adj.严重的; 重大的,重要的; [音乐] 沉重的; (颜色等) 朴素的;  adv.沉重地,庄重地; 极慢地;  n.坟墓,墓穴; 埋葬…的地方; 下场; 死亡;  [网络]格拉芙; 坟; 庄重;  [例句]They used to visit her grave twice a year.  他们以前每年去她的墓前凭吊两次。  [其他]比较级:graver 最高级:gravest 第三人称单数:graves 复数:graves 现在分词:graving 过去式:graved 过去分词:graven



英译汉brave bee delivers a sting

怎样来记时,你想想蜜蜂呢?充满声,使他们,他们的痛苦螫,或使蜂蜜吗,但被无聊的工作,并寻求兴奋不是东西蜜蜂通常担忧的问题。 然而,蜜蜂的电影,开幕11月2日,在美国,告诉一个不同story.a蜂所谓巴里乙班森不喜欢他的job.as大学毕业,他是不知道朝什么方向,采取在他的职业生涯。 电影开始起飞与巴里工作为蜂蜜,使company.but巴里想要更多的生命比这样做完全一样的工作,因为每个其他蜜蜂。 这么一天,巴里离开蜂房,以esplore该world.he quickiy遗失,并认为自己在完全不同世界的纽约city.he会见一名花店命名瓦妮萨结束了突破的一个最严格的规则beibg一养蜂他的会谈her.apparently ,蜜蜂绝不应谈给人类。 巴里和瓦妮萨成为friends.vanessa给他参观了人类世界,并显示出他有什么,它的喜欢被one.barry尽快找出人类可以轻易购买蜂蜜inany supermarket.this惊人的发现使得巴里意识到什么,他应集中在life.he需要把这些人类为境外窃取,刺探所有bees"honey以justice.he和瓦妮萨着手控告人,在最高人民法院court.they需要得到所有的world"shoney retured向bees.so他们会成功吗?和willbarry回去采取了传统养蜂工作吗?去当地的dvd店,并找出答案。

brave bee delivers a sting英译汉

当说到蜜蜂你会想到什么呢 ? 是它们嗡嗡的叫声,它们会蛰人,还是会酿蜜?但它们从不会为工作的枯燥和怎样寻找新鲜刺激而犯愁.不过,11月2日在美国上映的有关蜜蜂的电影,告诉了我们一个不同的故事.关于一个叫barry B的蜜蜂.Benson不喜欢它的工作.作为一个大学毕业生,他希望得到关于职业生涯的一些指导.电影起始于barry为一个蜂蜜公司工作.但barry不满足于像其他蜜蜂一样每天只做同样的工作,而想要更多.所以某一天,barry选择了离开,去闯世界.它很快发现自己迷了路,在纽约市中一个完全不同的地方.它遇到了一个叫vanessa 的面粉师傅,并且违反了一条严格的定律:它同她说话了.而一个蜜蜂是不该同人类交流的.barry 和 vanessa成了朋友.vanessa 让他体会了人的世界并且展示了做人是什么样子的.这激动人心的发现让barry 意识到自己该把生命的重心放到何处.它要把这些偷窃蜜蜂劳动果实的人类正法.它和她计划把人类在高级法院审判,他们要把世界上所有的蜂蜜都还给蜜蜂.那么他们会成功吗?barry会回去做它一成不变的工作吗?到你当地的DVD店里去淘这张碟吧
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