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词典解释:n. 引用,引号;报价(quote的复数) v. 报价(quote的第三人称单数);引用;复述


报价 没报价


1. bid 英 [bu026ad] 美 [bu026ad] vt. 投标;出价;表示;吩咐 vi. 投标;吩咐 n. 出价;叫牌;努力争取常用短语:bid for投标;出价;许诺获支持in a bid to为了…bid on投标;出价;承包…的投标例句:Do as I bid. 照我的吩咐去做。No other buyers have bid higher than this price. 没有别的买主的出价高于此价。2. quote 英 [kwu0259u028at] 美 [kwot] vt. 报价;引述;举证vi. 报价;引用;引证n. 引用短语搭配introductory quote 介绍部分的引证quote someone 向某人报价例句:No one can quote you a price lower than mine. 谁的报价也不会比我报的价更低。If you quote this mentality to face problems, then you will achieve nothing. 如果你们报着这种心态去面对问题,那么你将一事无成。此外:quote比bid多了一个引用的意思,而且经常用于引用的意思。


quotes 是 quote 的单数第三人称或名词复数形式,音标是 [kwu0259u028ats],意思是“引用”、“引述”或 “报价”。

英语,quote 和 quota 的读音有什么区别??

quote 英[kwu0259u028at] 美[kwou028at] quota 英[u02c8kwu0259u028atu0259] 美[u02c8kwou028atu0259] 一个不挂呃 [e],一个挂呃[e]。


quote可以翻译为“引语”、“引文”,或直接称为“引用”、“摘录”。"quote" 的读音为/kwu0259u028at/(英式英语)或/kwou028at/(美式英语),其中“o”发[u0259u028a]或[ou028a]的音。这个词的重音放在第一音节“quote”上,发音时要特别注意第一音节的发音。在音标中,重音符号放在第一个音节上。在英语中,quote这个词既可以作名词使用,也可以作动词使用。作名词时表示“引用、摘录”,作动词时表示“引用、援引”。quote造句如下:1、The writer included a quote from Shakespeare to support his argument in the essay.(这位作家在文章中引用了莎士比亚的话语来支持他的论点。)2、The professor asked us to include at least three quotes from peer-reviewed articles in our research paper.(教授要求我们在研究论文中至少引用三篇同行评审的文章中的文句。)3、She quoted a famous line from the movie during her speech to illustrate her point.(她在演讲中引用了电影中的一句名言来阐明自己的观点。)4、The journalist was criticized for quoting a source without confirming the accuracy of the information.(这名记者被批评在未确认信息准确性的情况下引用了一份来源。)5、The student was very careful to correctly quote all of his sources in his research project.(这名学生在研究项目中非常注意正确引用了所有的来源。)quote的近义词1、Cite:指引用别人的话语或观点,通常用于学术领域和正式的写作任务中。2、Reference:指引用前述章节或其他资料来支持论点,也可以用作名词,指提及某人或某事。3、Extract:指从长篇文章或其他书面资料中摘录出一部分,并进行引用。


quote英 [kwu0259u028at] 美 [kwot] vt. 报价;引述;举证vi. 报价;引用;引证n. 引用quotation英 [kwu0259(u028a)"teu026au0283(u0259)n] 美 [kwo"teu0283u0259n] n. [贸易] 报价单;引用语;引证






quote[英][kwu0259u028at][美][kwot]vt.& vi.引述,引用; vt.报价; 引述; vi.引用; n.引用; 报价; 引号; 第三人称单数:quotes过去分词:quoted复数:quotes现在进行时:quoting过去式:quotedShe has a keen eye for the striking quote. 她在面对引人注目的引用时能保持敏锐的眼光。www.ecocn.org2.Find some embarrassing quote from an old interview. 从旧采访中找一些令他们尴尬的引语。article.yeeyan.org3.All of them were black and white images of a runner, with a quote thatexpressed their reason for running. 他们都是一些白人和黑人的跑步者的形象,都有一句阐述他们跑步原因的引述。article.yeeyan.org4.Few westerners can quote a saying of confucius. 没有几个西方人能引用孔子的话。article.yeeyan.org5.Let me quote some figures from mr haldane to illustrate the point. 让我引用一些霍尔丹提供的数据来说明这点吧。


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请翻译quote unquote成中文



quote 英 [ kwu0259u028at ] 美 [ kwou028at ] vt.& vi. 引述,引用vt. 报价; 引述vi. 引用n. 引用; 报价; 引号变形 复数: quotes 过去式: quoted 过去分词: quoted 现在分词: quoting 第三人称单数: quotes 双语例句权威例句句式用法.1 What was that marvellous quote that she came out with?她引用的那句妙语是什么来着?2. Always get a written quote for any repairs needed.每次进行修理都索要一份书面的报价单。3. We"ve only had an "average", quote, unquote, kind of recession.我们只有过一次被称作“一般性的”经济衰退。quotation 英 [ kwu0259u028au02c8teu026au0283n ] 美 [ kwou028au02c8teu026au0283n ] n. 引用,引证; [商业]行情,行市; 行市表,估价单; 引用语变形 复数: quotations 双语例句权威例句句式用法1. The book began with a quotation from Goethe.这本书一开头引用了歌德的隽语。2. He finished his speech with a quotation from Shakespeare.他讲话结束时引用了莎士比亚的语录.3. The raconteur mentioned that the quotation was from the Bible.说故事的那位来宾,指那句话是出自圣经!

quote order 是什么意思?


thorlabs so/quote/wed order 是什么意思



谚语 = Proverb 你上网找都可看到很多的~ 以下是我筛选了一些不错的网页~~ Proverbs 英文谚语: 中英对照 eng.fju.edu/etc/quiz/proverbs Proverbs 英文谚语: 中英对照 (解译详尽些~同义会放一起~) geocities/shirleywnt/proverbs 大量Proverbs (A-Z): 全英文 theotherpages/quote-05 维基语录: Proverbs (A-Z) 全英文 (和上面有部分不一样) en.wikiquote/wiki/English_proverbs 维基语录: 英文谚语 (A-Z) 中文版 (比英文版少一些) zh.wikiquote/wiki/%E8%8B%B1%E8%AF%AD%E8%B0%9A%E8%AF%AD 有关英文谚语的小游戏 manythings/proverbs/ Hope this helps~~ =] 参考: yahoo搜寻 quotationspage/

弱弱问一句:MYOB的purchase type里面三种类型quote,order,和bill有什么不一样,分别指什么?谢谢?



quote英 [kwu0259u028at]美 [kwot]n. 引用vt. 报价;引述;举证vi. 报价;引用;引证cité城市,城;全城居民;旧城;住宅区,居住区


cite是简要地“提及”,quote是忠实地一模一样地“引用”,即原封不动. 从词源上看 cite是从拉丁文citer来,意思是"to cause to move,excite,order to e",即使移动,命令……过来.现代的含义是to mention something as an example,即仅仅是提及(mention),其目的是用来解释说明一种观点或想法.如The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.此例句中,法官仅仅是提及,虽然中文可以译为“引用”,但看过美国判例的人都知道,法官只需要简单引用一下就可以了. 而quote情况就不同了,其是从拉丁文quotare来的,意思是how many,有多少.现代含义是to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written ,即原原本本地复述别人所说所写.如She quoted from a newspaper article. 在此她从报纸上原原本本地引用别人的文章.


cite是简要地“提及”,quote是忠实地一模一样地“引用”,即原封不动。从词源上看 cite是从拉丁文citer来,意思是"to cause to move, excite, order to come",即使移动,命令……过来。现代的含义是to mention something as an example,即仅仅是提及(mention),其目的是用来解释说明一种观点或想法。如The judge cited a 1956 Supreme Court ruling in her decision.此例句中,法官仅仅是提及,虽然中文可以译为“引用”,但看过美国判例的人都知道,法官只需要简单引用一下就可以了。 而quote情况就不同了,其是从拉丁文quotare来的,意思是how many,有多少。现代含义是to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written ,即原原本本地复述别人所说所写。如She quoted from a newspaper article. 在此她从报纸上原原本本地引用别人的文章。 When you quote something, you use the exact text the author wrote. When you cite something, you say where you got the idea or quote from. For example,* QuoteRogers and Smith (2016) stated, "The best way to a woman"s heart is through her stomach" (p. 201). CitationWomen love to eat, so men can attract women by cooking well (Rogers & Smith, 2016). You still have to cite quotes and other ideas that you paraphrased from other authors to avoid plagiarism.*These examples are in APA (American Psychological Association) style."Cite" means that you are indicating where you found the information used."Quote" means that you are directly quoting some of the information you used.

quoted currency是什么意思

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