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settle the quarrel

The friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr.and Mrs Smith without hurting the feelings of ---,but failed. A none Beither C all D neither 选B 翻译 朋友尝试着除了Smith夫妇的争吵,在不伤害他们感情的基础上 这边指的是不伤害两者中的任何一个,所以用either A是三者以上都不 C是三者以上都是 D是两者都不 意思都不对

They quarreled themselves red in the face.


make up after a quarrel


but we 什么quarrel with each other

We don,t agree on the problem,so we【quarrel / argue】with each other. 句意:我们互不赞同,因此我们争吵 / 争辩起来.

rg是quarrel to ........(跟某人争吵)还是quarrel with.......(跟某人争吵)怎么搭

quarrel with sb

have a quarrel with sb about sth (with sb 和about sth 分别是什么成分?)

With somebody,做伴随状语,About something,做目的状语

quarrel over 和 argue over 一样么

首先让我指出 quarrel 是名词和动词而 argue 是动词 (其名词形式是 argument )quarrel over 和 argue over 的区别在于程度上的不同,quarrel over 有大吵大闹的含义,即大声地争吵而 argue over 只表示 “有争议”,“有意见分歧”你没提出,其实还有一个 : fight over 从程度和激烈性来说,从低到高 argue => quarrel => fight

quarrel with sb about sth是什么意思


his parent always quarrel错在哪

LCD屏支持always on?不费电吗?

have quarrel with

首先,跟他的妻子吵架,用词组,have a quarrel with his wife. 用现在完成时,则变成了have had a quarrel with his wife 现在需要把这句话变成现在分词做伴随状语的情况,把 have 变成 having ,就成了 Having had a quarrel with his wife




这是八年级学的,在北师大版英语八年级下册第4单元Lesson 10 Problem Page单词表中。


fight quarrel 都可以加with fight with 是与.斗争/打架或者与.并肩作战 quarrel with是与.争吵~ 意思不同! 争吵等于吵架,不动手~


quarrel的过去分词和过去式: 1、quarrelled v.争吵;吵嘴;吵架 2、quarreled v.争吵;吵嘴;吵架 扩展资料   1、quarreled例句:   They quarreled over some little thing.   他俩为了一点儿小事儿就闹翻了。   We quarreled over the case but soon made up.   我们为这件事争吵,但很快地和解了。   He quarreled with his friends, as was the often the case.   他和朋友吵架,但这已屡见不鲜。   2、quarrelled例句:   My brother quarrelled with my father.   我哥哥和父亲吵了一架。   They quarrelled for nothing.   他们无端大吵一场。   We quarrelled with his method, not with his goals.   我们对他的方法提出了疑义,而不是对他的目标。


quarrel 英 [u02c8kwu0252ru0259l] 美 [u02c8kwu0254ru0259l] . 争吵,口角;反目;抱怨


quarrel的意思是:口角。quarrel,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“吵架,口角;反目,失和;争吵(或抱怨)的原因;方头凿,方头投掷物;方镞箭”,作动词时意为“吵架,争论;反对;挑剔;抱怨”。单词发音:英:[u02c8kwu0252ru0259l] 美:[u02c8kwu0254:ru0259l]。双语例句1、I have no reason to quarrel with him.我没有跟他口角的理由。2、The quarrel originates in a misunderstanding.此口角由误会引起。3、My sister and I used to quarrel all the time.我和妹妹过去老是吵架。4、Were you at any time aware of a quarrel between the two of them?你什么时候注意到他俩拌过嘴吗?5、We have no quarrel with his methods.我们没有理由不赞成他的方法。6、In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.尽管有过争吵,他们仍是最好的朋友。7、Leave me out of this quarrel, please.请别把我牵扯进这场争吵。



quarrel 重音在前面 为什么也要双写 l 加 ing !!!


quarrel about和quarrel over区别

quarrel about和quarrel over的区别,两者翻译的意思都是争吵, 口角,但是两者语义程度状态不一样。quarrel about,un.向…寻衅;为…争论不休,争论关于 ... 的事。quarrel with someone about 因某事与某人争吵...quarrel over 有大吵大闹的含义,即大声地争吵。quarrel with someone over 争论

quarrel 的过去式为什么是quarrelled

quarrel 和 travel 一样的过去式双写l也对,不双写l直接加ed也对一种是美式写法,一种是英式写法类似:双写的是英式,不双写的是美式






debate 着重双方各自陈述理由,尤其是公开地辩论。argue 辩论,争论,讨论。指举出理由或事实来与对方争辩,有“企图说服对方”的含义quarrel 争吵,争辩,吵架。侧重用“口角”的方式争执。


您好亲!首先,"quarrel" 是指短暂的争吵或口角,往往因为不同的看法或者观点而发生,但通常没有严重的后果,可能很快就能够和解。其次,"argue" 强调的是更深入的辩论过程,表达双方不同的观点和立场,争论的内容更加复杂,需要通过调查研究和推理等方法进行论证和辩论,旨在寻求共识,达成一种共同的想法。最后,"fight" 则是指不同方之间的激烈冲突和斗争,往往伴随着暴力和肢体对抗,带有比较严重的后果,可能会对当事人产生不可挽回的损失。总之,这三个词语之间的区别在于它们所描述的事物类型、情绪状态、行为方式、以及行为后果等方面的不同,需要根据语境进行合理运用。为了帮助您更好的理解,我们还可以理解为:"quarrel"是指两个或多个人之间因为一些小事或者因为彼此之间存在分歧或者看法不一致而发生的争执,是一种短暂的争吵,属于情感上失控的状态。严重程度低,通常也能够通过双方和解来解决争执。"argue"指双方为了表达个人的观点或者想法,而进行并通过理性交流,引用事实和逻辑等方式探讨并试图达成共识,是一种不断推进的思维上的交流,常常承载着更加深入的信仰、价值观和原则的争论。"fight"是指体力或心理上的激烈冲突,如体育比赛、实际战争等等,属于在肢体上的对抗,可以带来比较严重的后果,是一种在社交层面上不被接受的行为。希望能够帮到您。

quarrel 是不及物动词吗?

是的 /后面用with


【 #英语资源# 导语】quarrel有吵架;争论;怨言等意思,那么你知道quarrel的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习关于quallerl的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】quarrel的用法大全   quarrel的用法1:quarrel的基本意思是“争吵,吵架,不和,口角”,指两人或多人之间愤怒的辩论,常指为琐事进行的争吵。   quarrel的用法2:quarrel也可指“抱怨某人〔事物〕的原因或理由”。   quarrel的用法3:quarrel常与介词with或against连用。   quarrel的用法4:quarrel用作动词的意思是“争吵,争辩”,引申可表示“不同意或挑剔某事物”。   quarrel的用法5:quarrel是不及物动词,常与介词with搭配使用。 【篇二】quarrel的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   patch up a quarrel   pick a quarrel with   用作动词 (v.)   quarrel about〔over〕 (v.+prep.)   quarrel with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】quarrel的用法例句   1. They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.   他们大有理由不同意我的一些选择。   2. The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.   君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。   3. It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.   这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。   4. The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.   塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。   5. It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.   欧洲若与美国反目显然会有致命的后果。   6. He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.   他现在的心情明显是逮谁就想跟谁吵。   7. They never made up the quarrel.   他们再也没能和解。   8. I would quarrel with you on that figure.   在那个数字的问题上,我并不认同你的看法。   9. The quarrel tore the party apart.   这次争吵导致该党出现分裂。   10. He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.   他没有提起和妻子的争吵。   11. You can"t quarrel with the decision of the court; it"s very fair.   你不能反对法院的判决, 它判得很公正.   12. I"ve long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.   我早就忘掉我们为什么吵架了.   13. He mediated in the quarrel between the two boys.   他调解两个孩子之间的争吵.   14. That dog will pick a quarrel with anyone he meets.   那只狗碰到任何人都要吠叫.   15. The small argument boiled over into a serious quarrel.   小小的争论酿成一场激烈的争吵.






quarrel 英["kwu0252ru0259l] 美[u02c8kwu0254ru0259l, u02c8kwɑr-] n. 争吵,口角;反目;抱怨…的原因(理由);[史]方镞箭,角镞箭 vi. 争辩,争吵;不同意;挑剔;责备,埋怨 第三人称单数:quarrels;过去分词:quarreled,quarrelled;[例句]They quarrel constantly , he has an affair.他们不断地争吵,他有了外遇。


argument表示争论,是一种没有任何侮辱性质的争论,就是那种很正规的.. disagreement表示不同意,不赞成... quarrel表示争吵,与人争吵的意思... misunderstanding表示不理解,不理解某人的意思... 很简单啦,希望你喜欢-_-b

The friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr.and Mrs Smith without hurting the feelings of ---


英语谚语:It takes two to make a quarrel 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: It takes two to make a quarrel 中文意思: 要有两个人才吵得起来。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Patience is a flower that grows not in everyone"s garden 忍耐是朵花,并非人人园中都开发。 Patience is a plaster for all sores 忍耐是治疗一切伤痛的药膏。 Patience is a virtue 忍耐是一种美德。 Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet 忍耐是苦痛的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 Patience is the best remedy (or medicine) 忍耐是最好的药物。 Patience time and money overe everything 耐心,时间和金钱可以征服一切。 Pay somebody back in his own coin 一报还一报。 Peace on earth and good will towards men 愿世界得太平,人间持善意。 Peace with sword in hand "tis safest making 居安思危,此乃万全之策。 Pen and ink is wit"s plough 笔墨是才智之犁。 英语谚语: It takes two to make a quarrel 中文意思: 要有两个人才吵得起来。


一:quarrel和argue的区别:argue :指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。quarrel :指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。二:quarrel和argue的用法:argue的用法:用法1:argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。用法2:argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义; 表示“为…而争论”时接 about , on或over; 表示“为反对…而争论”时接against; 表示“为赞成…而争论”时接for; 表示“与…争论”时接with。用法3:argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter, the point, the question之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句(有时可用虚拟语气)。用法4:argue作“说服”“劝说”解时,接out of表示“拒绝”,即“不做某事”; 接in表示“采纳”,即“做某事”。用法5:argue作“表明”解时,可接以“to be+ n./adj. ”作补足语的复合宾语。用法6:argue还可用于引出直接引语。例句:1. Few would argue that this team has experience and proven ability.这个队伍的丰富经验和表现出来的实力是众所公认的。2. I don"t think many people would argue with that.我认为多数人不会对此有异议。quarrel的用法:n.争吵,口角;反目例句:In spite of their quarrel, they remained the best of friends.他们尽管吵过架,却仍不失为最好的朋友。争吵的原因(理由)例句:We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.我们和西班牙人民或其它任何国家的人民都没有分歧。v.吵嘴,吵架,争吵,口角 [I]例句:George shows a disposition to quarrel.乔治好吵架。不同意,挑剔;责备,埋怨 [I]例句:Don"t quarrel with your fate. You should take it into your own hands.不要埋怨命运,你应该掌握自己的命运。扩展资料:quarrel和argue近义词汇辨析argue,quarrel,debate,dispute,discuss,reason这些动词均含“辩论,争论,说理”之意。argue 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。quarrel 指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴、吵架”。debate 侧重指意见等对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。dispute 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。discuss 最常用词,指就某一或某些问题表明观点、看法等,以便统一认识,解决问题。reason 指据理力争以说服对方或求得对问题作更深入的研究。

dan and caroline have been quarreling

Dan 和 Caroline 刚才一直在吵架.这是一个现在完成进行时时态.表示的是刚才正在发生现在已经完成的动作.

There is no point _________with him. A.in quarrelling B.to quarrel C.of quarrelling D.on

A 句型考查题。There is no point (in ) doing sth “做某事没意义”。句意:和他争吵没用。选A

The were quarrelling about property their father had left them when he was died这个句子的

这是一个复合句 可以看作主谓宾结构They 是主语were quarrelling about 是谓语the property their father had left them 是宾语, 其中their father had left them是定语从句修饰property。when he was died是状语从句。应该是定从中的状语从句。

ones upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel怎么读



一般双写l例:· When I came in, they were quarrelling about my proposal. 当我进来时,他们正在争论我的建议。 · Peter and Tom were quarrelling about who should go first. 彼得和汤姆为了谁先走而争吵。 · They quarrelled with each other for the biggest apple. 他们为了那最大的苹果而彼此争吵起来。 · He has quarrelled with his best friend. 他和他最好的朋友吵架了。 · They quarrelled with one another about how to solve the mathematical problem. 他们就如何解这道数学题而彼此争论起来。

quarrel 要不要双写加ing,到底什么样的词要双写加ing?书上一大堆写的我一点也看不懂,详细一点拜托拉



KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 争吵;不和;吵闹[(+with/between/about)]He is good-natured and has never had a quarrel with anyone.他脾气很好,从不和任何人争吵。2. 争吵的原因;怨言;责备[(+with/against)]I have no quarrel with what you say.我对你的话没有反对意见。vi.1. 争吵,不和[(+with/about/over)]She often quarreled with her husband over trivial matters.她常因小事情与丈夫争吵。It"s no use quarrelling about it with me.关于这件事与我争吵毫无用处。2. 埋怨;责备;挑剔[(+with)]He quarreled with my suggestion that television caused violence.他反对我对于电视会引起暴力事件的看法。quarrel2KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (古代用的)方镞箭2. (窗格上小块的)方形(或菱形)玻璃

It·s no good--(为此事而争吵)any longer。我填的to quarrel about it,答案写的是quarrelling about it





quarrelling读作 :扩而零 quarrel ["kwu0254:ru0259l] vi.吵架;争论;挑剔 n.吵架;反目;怨言;争吵的原因;方头凿 [ 过去式quarreled或 relled 过去分词quarreled或 relled 现在分词quarreling或quarrelling ]

选择题 : Why are there ----- quarreling here ?

A 为什么有这么多的人在这里争吵?

Dan and Caroline have been quarrelling.这句话是什么时态?have 是现在完成时的标志,

Dan and Caroline have been quarrelling 是现在完成时行时态

the couple are always quarreling的句子成分?

the couple主语 are always quarreling谓语主谓结构

为什么用have had a quarrel?



英式的双写,美式的不双写,所以说它有两种写法,两种都对。 quarrel / u02c8kwu0254ru0259l; US u02c8kwu0254u02d0ru0259l; ˋkwu0254ru0259l/ n ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) angry argument or disagreement 争吵; 吵架; 不和; 口角: pick (ie provoke or seize the opportunity for) a quarrel with sb 向某人寻衅(找茬儿) * I had a quarrel with my flat-mate about who should do the housework. 我与和我同住一单元的人关於谁应做家务事吵了一架. * Their quarrel wasn"t serious. 他们吵架吵得不厉害. =>Usage at argument 用法见argument. ~ with/against sb/sth reason for complaining about sb/sth 抱怨某人[某事物]的原因或理由: I have no quarrel with him. 我没有理由责怪他.> quarrel v (-ll-; US -l-) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb) (about/over sth) break friendly relations; argue angrily 吵嘴; 吵架; 争吵; 口角: Stop quarrelling, children! 孩子们, 别吵架了! * She quarrelled with her brother about the terms of their father"s will. 她和哥哥为父亲遗嘱条款一事争吵起来. 2 [Ipr] ~ with sth disagree with sth; find fault with sth 不同意或挑剔某事物: quarrel with a statement, an account, an estimate, etc 寻找结算、 帐目、 预算等的漏洞 * You can"t quarrel with the court"s decision it"s very fair. 你不能反对法院的判决--判得很公平.quarrelsome / -su0259m; -su0259m/ adj likely to start a quarrel; quick-tempered 爱争吵的; 急脾气的.注意看这,> quarrel v (-ll-; US -l-) 这由于是英国牛津的词典,所以它的第一个写的是ll,双写。us指的是美国,它不用双写l




quarrel[英][u02c8kwu0252ru0259l][美][u02c8kwu0254:ru0259l]n.争吵,口角; 反目; 抱怨…的原因(理由); [史]方镞箭,角镞箭; vi.争辩,争吵; 不同意; 挑剔; 责备,埋怨; 第三人称单数:quarrels过去分词:quarreledquarrelled复数:quarrels现在进行时:quarrellingquarreling过去式:quarreledquarrelled例句:1.That quarrel will eventually be resolved. 这些争吵最终将会得到解决。2.It is the quarrel between the religious and the humanist attitudes towards life. 那是对待生活的宗教态度与人道主义态度之间的争吵。

dan and coralline have been quarrelling. 这句话要用hav



英语单词:quarrel读音:英式读音:[u02c8kwu0252ru0259l]美式读音:[u02c8kwu0254u02d0ru0259l]释义:Quarrel 是动词和名词,定义如下:- 动词:争吵,吵架;(使)不和。- 名词:争吵,吵架。用法:1. 动词用法:They often quarrel over trivial matters.(他们经常为琐事争吵。)2. 名词用法:Their quarrel escalated into a physical confrontation.(他们的争吵升级为肢体冲突。)词形变化:quarrel(第三人称单数:quarrels,过去式:quarrelled/quarreled,过去分词:quarrelled/quarreled,现在分词:quarrelling/quarreling,形容词:quarrelsome)词语搭配:- have a quarrel with sb. (与某人争吵)- quarrel over/about sth. (为某事争吵)- family quarrel (家庭纷争)- domestic quarrel (家庭内部纠纷)- lovers" quarrel (情侣间的争吵)词义解析:"Quarrel" 作为动词时,表示争吵、吵架,而作为名词时,指的是争吵、吵架的行为或状态。双语例句:1. They often quarrel over the division of household chores. (他们经常为家务分配问题争吵。)2. The two siblings had a heated quarrel about who should get the last piece of cake. (两个兄弟姐妹就谁能拿到最后一块蛋糕激烈争吵起来。)3. Their disagreement quickly escalated into a bitter quarrel. (他们的分歧很快升级成激烈的争吵。)4. She refused to engage in quarrels and preferred to maintain peace. (她不愿参与争吵,更愿意保持和平。)5. After their big quarrel, they needed time to cool off and reflect on their actions. (大吵一架之后,他们需要冷静下来反思自己的行为。)


你好,此处只能填 quarrelling about it ,此时动名词和不定式不能替换,.但It"s no good quarrelling about it any longer. 相当于It"s not good to quarrel about it any longer. 分析:一般来说,当动词不定式作主语时,通常用It作形式主语,而把真正的主语不定式放在后面,如:It"s not good to quarrel about it any longer./It is my pleasure to address the meeting. / It is easier to lose friends than to make friends.你正是受此影响才填了to quarrel about it.但是在no good,fun, a waste of, useless, no use, 等词语的后面却常用 动名词短语,如:It is no use reasoning with him. /It is no good reading in dim light. /It"s a waste of time doing this/It is useless doing that.等.希望对你有所帮助.


双写也可以,两种形式都对的。quarrel[英][u02c8kwu0252ru0259l][美][u02c8kwu0254:ru0259l]n.争吵,口角; 反目; 抱怨…的原因(理由); [史]方镞箭,角镞箭; vi.争辩,争吵; 不同意; 挑剔; 责备,埋怨; 第三人称单数:quarrels过去分词:quarreled quarrelled复数:quarrels现在进行时:quarrelling quarreling过去式:quarreled quarrelled


quarrel[英][u02c8kwu0252ru0259l][美][u02c8kwu0254:ru0259l]n.争吵,口角; 反目; 抱怨…的原因(理由); [史]方镞箭,角镞箭; vi.争辩,争吵; 不同意; 挑剔; 责备,埋怨; 第三人称单数:quarrels过去分词:quarreledquarrelled复数:quarrels现在进行时:quarrellingquarreling过去式:quarreledquarrelled例句:1.That quarrel will eventually be resolved. 这些争吵最终将会得到解决。2.It is the quarrel between the religious and the humanist attitudes towards life. 那是对待生活的宗教态度与人道主义态度之间的争吵。


quarrel ["kwɔ:rəl]n. 争吵,吵架,口角;不和,不睦vi. 争吵;不和:;挑剔;埋怨:

文章:One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel. The

One day the sun and the wind had a quarrel. The sun said he was stronger than the wind. And the wind said he was stronger than the sun. Just then they saw a man walking down below, with a hat and a coat on. The sun said:“Let"s see who can make the man take off his hat and coat. If you can do that quicker than I, then you are the stronger.”  “All right,” said the wind, “I"ll try first.”  So the wind began to blow. But the harder he blew, the tighter the man held his hat and coat. The wind could not make him take them off.  Then the sun tried. It shone quietly. Soon the man took off his hat and wiped his forehead. The sun began to shine a little brighter, and the man took off his coat. It shone harder still, and the man began to take off his shirt. Then the wind said to the sun:“ That"s enough. You are stronger than I.”

The two men quarrelled bitterly and it was clear that the argument could only be settled by a fight


劳驾区别一下argument ,quarrel,debate,contest

augument-争论,说服 quarrel-争论,口角,吵架 debate-讨论,探讨 contest-比赛,斗争


argue debate discuss dispute quarrel都含有一定的"争论"之意argue 指一方坚持自己的意见,立场和观点,通过争论企图说服对方(argue with sb. about/over sth.) debate 多指公开,正式场合进行的辩论或严肃的争论,双方各自陈述理由,"交锋""往返"的意味较强discuss 指为了解决问题或弄清对方的观点而进行的讨论,磋商 quarrel 争吵,争论,含与人发生口角的意思;argument,debate,argument的争论不一定能得到解决; debate常指分组或个人的争论,目的是为了辨清真理;quarrel是普通词汇,既可表示温和的争论,也可表示激烈的争吵。

A quarrel at home may result in your falling ill. Don’t laugh, it’s true. Family matters includ.

小题1:C小题1:D小题1:B小题1:C 小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:Quarrels between her parents also put the girl into a coma . It is because she is suffering from depression (抑郁症), caused by bad relations at home, doctors explained.可知她晕倒是因为父母的关系不好。选C。小题1:细节题:从第四段的句子:Ferrer"s research also found that if teenagers feel they are ignored or unimportant at home they are more likely to get sick.可知被忽略的孩子有可能会多的病。选 D小题1:细节题:从第二段的单词fainted (晕倒)可知这个单词是“晕倒”,选B小题1:主旨题:从第一段的主题句:it"s true. Family matters including living habits and even the way we speak have a big effect on our health,可知答案是C。




争吵,拌嘴 下个是争论,辩论

dispute 和 quarrel 有什么区别?
