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中文我们是初升的太阳,我们是新生的力量。我们正在茁壮成长,有朝一日将成为祖国的栋梁。在这个日新月异的时代,需要真真切切的人才。我们正处于风华正茂的时期,我们需要通过不断努力的学习来完善自己。我们不甘一辈子碌碌平凡,这是发自骨子和灵魂的呐喊。然而成功不单靠想象,让我们用行动去实现我们的向往。英文We are the rising sun, We are new strength. We are thriving,Will one day become the beams of our motherland. In this fast-changing times, Need true talent. We are in the summer period, We need through continuous efforts learning to improve themselves. We condemned to ordinary, unwilling to a lifetime This is from bone son and soul scream. But the success not only by imagination, Let us use action to achieve our yearning.