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KPa(每平方单位KG压力指数)psi(每平方英吋英磅压力指数)Kpa(kg/cm2)——psi 220(2.2)——32 楼主是什么车型呢?一般国内的气压测量都是kg/cm2,夏天气压不应过高。气压过高轮胎磨损也不均匀。当然气压过低也不合适了,方向盘会变重,轮胎磨损更严重。如果车上坐的人不多的话,小轿车的气压前轮2.2后轮2.5就可以了。祝楼主行车平安!

医学统计学 rsr法和topsis法相比较有哪些优点



pcosθ+psinθ=1 √2p(√2/2cosθ+√2/2sinθ)=1 即√2pcos(θ-π/4)=1≠pcos(θ-π/4)=根号2






PSI是磅/平方英寸 1psi=6.895KPa=0.00689476MPa 0.7(mpa)=101(PSI) 0.015(m3/mim)=15(L/mim)










百事可乐最初于19世纪90年代(1890-1900)由美国北加洲一位名为 Caleb Bradham 的药剂师所造,以碳酸水、糖、香草、生油、胃蛋白酶 (pepsin) 及可乐果制成。该药物最初是用于治理胃部疾病,后来被命名为“Pepsi”,并于1903年6月16日将之注册为商标。 是美国百事公司推出的一种碳酸饮料,也是可口可乐公司的主要竞争对手 是他的全称

在百事可乐瓶子上面的PEPSI 是什么意思?


pepsi 意思是什么?

pepsi 百事可乐品牌的英文缩写那句话最好按照其含义解释:花每一便士去拯救以色列


pepsi指百事可乐。1894年,在美国北卡罗莱纳州伯恩市,药剂师科尔贝.布莱德汉姆(Caleb Bradham)在配制有助于消化的药剂时,意外地发现其中的一种口味深受顾客喜爱。他由此得到启发,进而试制了一种碳酸饮料,取名为“布莱德(Brad)饮料”。1898年,布莱德汉姆将其易名为“百事可乐(Pepsi-Cola)。1902年,布莱德汉姆创建了百事可乐公司。百事可乐logo设计含义百事可乐logo设计以雄健的“PEPSI”字体为视觉中心,以抽象的几何形为载体,映衬出品牌文字,并形成一个整体。1996年,公司又对logo进行了更独特的改进,抛弃以往百事可乐的红、蓝、白三色,改用清一色的百事蓝,作为公司的新形象,掀起一股“蓝色风暴”并以红色为辅助色,形成续往开来的风格。


1、一种软饮料的商标名。2、双语例句I like Diet Pepsi* that would be it! 我喜欢百事可乐,就是它了。What Pepsi did was ride the wave of Net culture. 百事可乐做的只是赶上这个网络潮流


Pepsi (pepsine的缩写形式)的原意为“胃蛋白酶”,为一种消化剂.“Pepsi Cola”音译为“百事可乐”,将原语文化中的产品原料信息转换为符合汉民族文化心理的信息,吻合了汉民族崇尚吉祥、万事如意的心愿,从而敲开了中国市场的大门.


"百事可乐”(Pepsi Cola)的pep是活力之意。有营养家认为,可乐及其他汽水均含有碳酸,长期食用会对人体骨质结构造成破坏,会出现骨质疏松等问题,进而损害人体健康。碳酸饮料是指在一定条件下充入二氧化碳气的饮料制品,一般是由水、甜味剂、酸味剂、香精香料、色素、二氧化碳及其他原辅料组成。碳酸饮料主要起清凉解暑作用,为嗜好性饮料,一般没有营养价值。但是不同产品有不同的特点,有的的确有补充维生素、电解质等作用。专家质疑企业追求低成本:百事可乐致癌风波的再度爆发使得舆论又将落脚点聚焦在中美“双重标准”上。中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院副教授朱毅对本网记者表示。美国的加州民间组织要求百事可乐改良配方,降低4-MEI的含量,说明了通过工艺改良是可以达到降低4-MEI含量的,所以中国也有权利要求其改良其配方,与国际上较高的标准一致。朱毅表示,“4-MEI这种物质是使用在氨焦糖色素生产法时产生的,如果是用氨焦糖色素生产法生产的焦糖色,那么4-MEI含量不能超过0.02%。以上内容参考:百度百科-百事可乐










胡言乱语 胡说八道


misery歌手:fripSide所属专辑:彼女たちの响歌词:大事(だいじ)なもの无(な)くして 希望(きぼう)を忘(わす)れる日々(ひび)にいつしか目(め)をそむけて 见(み)えない振(ふ)りを続(つづ)けてたあの日(ひ)の出逢(であ)いなんてなければ 仆(ぼく)はこのままひとりで生(い)きられると ずっと思(おも)えたはずなのに仆(ぼく)に触(ふ)れたその手(て)は 温(あたた)かく懐(なつ)かしくてでも君(きみ)はとても远(とお)く 追(お)いかけるほど离(はな)されて求(もと)めてるのは小(ちい)さな言叶(ことば) 真実(ほんとう)の君(きみ)の嗫(ささや)きそれさえあれば仆(ぼく)はよかった 変(か)わらない想(おも)いを誓(ちかい)えた…冷(つめ)たく苍(あお)い月(つき)が 心(こころ)をそっと照(て)らして黄金(こがね)に揺(ゆ)れる髪(かみ)は 君(きみ)の迷(まよ)いによく似(に)てたどこだを见(み)つめている 淋(さび)しそうな横颜(よこがお)に惹(ひ)かれていく仆(ぼく)だから 爱(いと)しさがまた溢(あふ)れてく欲(ほ)しかったのは本当(ほんとう)の涙(なみだ) 纯粋(じゅんすい)な愿(ねが)いの欠片(かけら)きっとそのあと君(きみ)は笑(わら)える どんなに哀(かな)しい明日(あす)でも失(うしな)うことに怯(おび)えてるのは 仆(ぼく)よりも君(きみ)の方(ほう)だね大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だよ? いつでも仆(ぼく)は 谁(だれ)より近(ちか)くにいるから…By 龙求(もと)めてるのは小(ちい)さな言叶(ことば) 真実(ほんとう)の君(きみ)の嗫(ささや)きそれさえあれば仆(ぼく)はよかった 変(か)わらない想(おも)いを誓(ちかい)えた抱(だ)きしめたのは优(やさ)しく强(つよ)く 泣(な)いていた素颜(すがお)の君(きみ)を隠(かく)されていた无垢(むく)な瞳(ひとみ)は 汚(けが)れない想(おも)いで渗(にじ)んだ…失(うしな)うことに怯(おび)えてるのは…大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)だよ? いつでも仆(ぼく)は…FIN



collapsible core 是模具吗





设置collapsed为true就是收缩状态 Ext.create("Ext.Panel" , { //设置collapsed为true , 就是收缩状态 collapsed: true , collapsible: true});


psi是一种压力单位,定义为英镑/平方英寸,145psi=1Mpa质量流量单位sccm, standard-state cubic centimeter per minute, 标况毫升每分分贝是声压级单位,记为db,用于表示声音的大小。 人耳所能听到的最微弱的声音大约是1分贝,稳定的呼吸声和树叶摆动声大约是10分贝,瀑瀑的溪流声大约是20分贝,轻声的交谈声大约是20-30分贝,柔和的轻音乐大约是40分贝,中等说话声大约是45分贝,收音机和电视机播放的中级音量大约是50-60分贝,高声喧哗和办公室里的杂声大约是60分贝,城市大街的嘈杂声大约是70分贝,孩子们的叫闹声大约是60 fo 80分贝,繁华小街的喧嚣声大约是90分贝,载重汽车的响声大约是90~100分贝,摩托车的吼叫声大约是105分贝,雷声大约是110分贝,扩音器扩大了声音大约是120分贝,喷气发动机发出的轰响声大约是150分贝,近距离内宇宙航行火箭发射的巨响大约是140~170分贝。


psi是一种压力单位,定义为英镑/平方英寸,145psi=1Mpa sccm是质量流量单位,标况毫升每分。


可数stepsister 英[ˈstepsɪstə(r)]美[ˈstɛpˌsɪstɚ]n. (继父与其前妻或继母与其前夫所生的) 姐姐,妹妹;[网络] 妹妹; 异母姐妹; 异母姊妹;[例句]You"re looking for Carter? The worm is dating my stepsister.你在找卡特吗?那混蛋在和我妹妹约会。[其他] 复数:stepsisters 形近词: assister resister persister


psi 有听过吧,psig 就叫做(英制)蒸气压力,锅炉内[蒸气]的压力.蒸气归蒸气,空气归空气,空气中含有水气时,水分的重量是可以分离计算成(psig)的,但是我以为[psig]单独表示时,应该是指[锅炉内饱和水蒸汽的压力]. psi是 磅/平方英吋 (念做 每平方英吋xx磅) 如果是 Kg/cm2 换算成 psi, 1Kg/cm2 = 14.21psi 1psi = 0.454Kg/(2.54cm)2 = 0.07037kg/cm2 则倒数就是 14.21 ~~~~~~~~ 1大气压 = 760.00027 mHg 1mHg = 133.322 pa 1大气压 = 101324.75 pa 1kpa=>1000pa / 133.322pa X 13.6(水银比重) => 102.0087mH2O PSID指的应该是[压力差][PSI为单位] mpa应该写成 Mpa M是[百万],十的六次方. 单位换算请看上址! PSID, psid Pounds per Square Inch Differential. Not just a unit, but a comment that the number represents a difference between two pressures. PSID gauges have two input connectors. PSIA is PSID relative to vacuum, PSIG is PSID relative to local atmospheric pressure, and PSIS is PSID relative to a sealed 14.7-psi pressure vessel. PSI = Pound per Square Inch (磅/每平方英吋) PSID == PSI Differential (PSI 压差). PSIA == PSID to Vacuum (对真空的压差) PSIG == PSID to environment (对表外环境的压差) 工作压力 10-40PSID 表示仪器能承受 10-40PSI 的压力差. 如果你在海平面操作仪器, 你的仪器可以承受 24.6 - 54.6 PSIA, 或是 10-40PSIG (如果你的仪器有压力表的话) 您的仪器最大可以承受约 2.7 + 1 大气压力, 也就是压力表可以显示到 2.7ATM 仪器还不会故障.


everlasting歌:fripSide 编曲‧作曲:八木沼悟志 作词:八木沼悟志、yuki-kaバンダイビジュアル・ビデオ・アニメ「ああっ女神さまっ」主题歌夜明けの风が 光を纺ぎyoake no kaze ga hikari o tsumugi地平线が 辉いていくchiheisen ga kagayai teikuこの瞬间も 君の笑颜もkono shunkan mo kimi no egao mo永远に抱きしめたい…eien ni daki shimetai…出逢った顷はまだdeatta goro wa mada未来なんて见えてなくてmirai nante miete nakute笑颜涙すべて 必死に集めたけどegao namida subete hisshi ni atsume takedoきみが歩むのなら その肩に寄り添いたいkimi ga ayumu no nara sono katani yori soitaiそんな 风に想う あたたかさsonna fuuni omou atatakasa舞い降りたあの日 忘れないからmai orita ano hi wasurenai karaたとえば 时が 今止まってもtatoeba toki ga ima tomattemo何度 梦を缲り返してもnando yume o kuri kaeshitemo守りたいものただひとつだけmamori tai mono tada hitotsu dake2つの鼓动 重ねて… 永远は続いていく…futatsu no kodou gasanete … eien wa tsuzui teiku…瞳に映る梦hitomi ni utsuru yume君が君でいられることkimi ga kimi deirareru koto强さ 弱さなんて 谁にも决められないtsuyosa yowasa nante dare nimo kimerarenai壁が阻むのなら この想い 翼にしてkabe ga habamu no nara kono omoi tsubasa ni shite広い空の果てに 羽ばたこうhiroi sora no hate ni hanebata kou舞い降りた 梦も力に変えてmai orita yume mo chikara ni kaeteどんな 夜でも 傍にいるからdonna yoru demo bou ni iru kara星を数え 永久(とわ)を 愿おうhoshi o kazoe towa o negaou运命よりも 确かな现実(いま)がunmei yori mo tashikana ima gaいつでもここにあるから… 永远が続いていく…itsu demo koko ni aru kara… eienga tsuzui teiku…伝えきれないこの爱しさはtsutae kirenai kono itoshisawaいつだって 言叶には出来ないitsu datte kotoba ni wa dekinaiだから 感じ合える 心を照らす「绊」dakara kanji aeru kokoro o terasu"kizuna"忘れないから…wasurenai kara…君と出逢って 君を理解(わか)ってkimi to deatte kimi o wakatte君の优しさに触れたからkimi no yasashisa ni fure takara光あふれる 眩(まばゆ)い日々をhikari afureru mabayui hibi o仆は ずっと 忘れない…boku wa zutto wasurenai…たとえば 时が 今止まってもTatoeba toki ga ima tomattemo何度 梦を缲り返してもnando yume o kuri kaeshi temo守りたいものただひとつだけmamori tai mono tada hitotsu dake2つの 鼓动 重ねて…futatsu no kodou gasanete …どんな 夜でも 傍にいるからdonna yoru demo sobani iru kara星を 数え 永久(とわ)を 愿おうhoshi o kazoe towa o negaou运命よりも 确かな现実(いま)がunmei yori mo tashikana ima gaいつでもここにあるから…itsu demo koko ni aru kara…信じられるよ どんな 时でも…shinji rareru yo donna toki demo…守りたいものただひとつだけ…mamori tai mono tada hitotsu dake…永远は 続いていく…eien wa tsuzui teiku…

以下哪一首歌收录在fripSide二期第一张单曲《Only My Railgun》中?

TVアニメ「とある科学の超电磁炮」opテーマ: only my railgun [DVD付初回限定盘] 2009-11 专辑类型:EP专辑曲目(4)01. only my railgun 02. late in autumn 03. only my railgun-instrumental- 04. late in autumn-instrumental-

演唱Only My Railgun的是Fripside的现任主唱南条爱乃还是原主唱Nao?



铸钢球阀 PSI 是指数RF 是径向流(射频,光学测距器,速射的,频率读入)WCB 是铸钢 ENP(Electroless Nickel plating)工艺是一种用非电镀(化学)的方法,在零部件表面沉镀出十分均匀、光亮、坚硬的镍磷硼合金镀层的先进表面处理工艺。FB 反馈(消防队,扁条,水上飞机,运货单) split 劈开,裂片,裂口

Lacuna Coil的《Upsidedown》 歌词

歌曲名:Upsidedown歌手:Lacuna Coil专辑:Dark AdrenalineI don"t understandI don"t know what to doOnce again I fail to even realize (realize)The person that you think of meDoesn"t care and doesn"t seeI don"t listen anymoreDon"t try to change your life with mineI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterI don"t understandWhy do you feel confused?Once again you fail to even realize (realize)The person that you think of meDoesn"t care what you believeDoesn"t listen anymoreDon"t try to change your life with mineI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterI don"t understandWhy do you feel confused?Once again you fail to even realizeI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterI"m leaving the dark side upside downLaughing at my disasterUpside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)Upside down, (laughing at my disaster)







优酷安卓版 jalapsikix





jalapsikix kino

jalap sikix kino serik filim kurmakqi bolsigizU0001f449“18kino”salunni koxup “18”rakamni yollisgiz sizga awatip birdu.


  PSI是美国压力系统国际公司PRESSURE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL INC.的英文简称,由Marvin L. Berry于1993年创建于美国墨西哥湾海岸。  PSI公司的Tim Musgrave和Frank Sonzala开发了 PSI轮胎自动充气系统(Meritor Tire Inflation System),并因此使PSI公司在2000年被美国研究与发展杂志评为当年最重大高科技产品前100名。

Pepsi & Shirlie的《Heartache》 歌词

歌曲名:Heartache歌手:Pepsi & Shirlie专辑:True 80S 3 Cd SetJustin Bieber - HeartacheSplendidyangW... WaitBut yesterday we were...I don"t understandWe started out it was perfectNothing but funAnd my heart was convincedTo say that you"re the oneAnd I thought it would last the rest of our livesBoy was I in for a big surprise,With no doubt looking roundThinking that I"m so coolSame place, same timeEvery day of my lifeCould we meet after school?Finally if I didn"t make her cryShe wouldn"t be with another guyNothing can cure my headacheCause I"m experiencingWhat they call heartbreakIt"s going to hurt worseAs long as I stay hereI know but man just let me lay here...Cause this is something that I can"t shakeI must be experiencing what they call heartbreakThey say it"s only just as worse as you make it...I know but man just let me lay hereNow I"m all tore up taking upWhen I was at your doorThe first time when you saidForever I"ll be yoursStarted walking your hand in my handFeelings got strongerWe made a promiseAnd whenever I leave it feels like you"re still with meBut it all came crashing downSitting in my roomI gotta get out of hereWhat am I to do when I look upAnd you"re not thereNothing can cure my headacheCause I"m experiencingWhat they call heartbreakIt"s going to hurt worseAs long as I stay hereI know but man just let me lay here...Cause this is something that I can"t shakeI must be experiencing what they call heartbreakThey say it"s only just as worse as you make it...I know but man just let me lay hereSay I"m to young for loveI got so much live to live aheadBut if only this love?I could get overI know I have to deal with the painNothing can cure my headacheCause I"m experiencingWhat they call heartbreakIt"s going to hurt worseAs long as I stay hereI know but man just let me lay here...Cause this is something that I can"t shakeI must be experiencing what they call heartbreakThey say it"s only just as worse as you make it...I know but man just let me lay here

Upside Down (Down Under Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down (Down Under Mix)歌手:Diana Ross专辑:Diana Extended - The RemixesUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Tori Amos专辑:Legs And Boots: Buffalo, Ny - October 24, 2007Upside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down (Flor De Lis) 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down (Flor De Lis)歌手:Cal Tjader&Carmen McRae专辑:Heat WaveUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Diana Ross专辑:The Very Best Of Pop Music 1980-81Upside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Diana Ross专辑:The #1"SUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Diana Ross专辑:Love And Life: The Very Best Of Diana RossUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:欧阳靖专辑:100 Grand JinUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Diana Ross专辑:The Motown AnthologyUpside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me

Upside Down 歌词

歌曲名:Upside Down歌手:Diana Ross专辑:Lost And Found: Disco Volume 2Upside downDiana RossI said upside downYou"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingWhen no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundI know you got charm and appealYou always play the fieldAs long as the sun continues to shineThere"s a place in my heart for youThat"s the bottomlineUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundInstinctively you give to meThe love that I needI cherish the moments with youRespectfully I see to theeI"m aware that you"re cheatingBut no one makes me feel like you doUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside downBoy, you turn meInside outAnd round and roundUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyUpside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning meYou"re giving love instinctivelyAround and round you"re turning meI see to thee respectfullyI said a upside down you"re turning me



snoops upside ya head的歌词

[Intro:]I think it"s bout" time that we hit these n***as upsidethe head with some of that west coastgangsta" sh......... Ooh.....Wee!!!!!!!!!![1st Verse:]It"s a whole "nother dayI"m back up in ya"Snoop D-O-Double GI representa"Been away for a while but you all knowI"m still doggystylin" on Death RowGot shit locked downSewed upSo If you plan on comin" out nigga hold up.This a stick updick upThey got yo" shit on the shelf, oh mine is tooand guess who they gon" pick up?Some niggas think they know they shitBut they don"tSome M-A"s escape Some won"tBumpin" heads with niggasWhere you from?East Side Long Beach, nigga, 2-1The homie just got paroledAnd he got more stories than the highway patrolTellin" me about the money Suge Knight stoleBut I"ll make that shit lateCause nigga I get swoleNiggas tryin" to get in, to get out.Put me up on game tellin" me who gon" jack meBut ever since I was a puppytill I was paroledI never had no other dog pullin" on my chrome.[Chorus:]Say Snoop"s upside yo" head, say Snoop"s upside yo" head. [4x][2nd Verse:]Niggas in the game be doin" way too muchAkin" tough with this east-west coast stuff.See MeI"m all about my money maneI stay fly and dryI don"t get caught up in the rainCuz game recognize gameNo matter where you fromWe all can get dumb, insane andturn the party outwithout a doubtUnless you them niggas who ain"t got no cloutLBC and B what?Uh, my crewCuz uh, we out there smokin" on the krazy glueUpside yo" head like oopsSnoop"s The shit, that you hear them bumpin" in the hoops.Can"t afford ithomeboyThis is finishedI representedFrom V-A to VeniceSo when it"s timidAnd cold outsideRely on the Doggy DoggTo put the heat in yo" life[Chorus][3rd Verse:]It takes a whole lotto be number oneI can"t walk down the streetwithout my gunI can"t trust these niggas foolIt ain"t no funI"m sittin" up in courtCuz somebody got dumpedWhat really counts is how the crowd bounceGo home and saySnoop rocked the parte`Nobody got kiltIt"s what got annoucedI guess they got a chance to see Dr. BombayBut I keep my heat in case niggas get coldWarm you up with the sheetZip you up and rollNow Doggystyle records is now officialGettin" money at the Pliz-ate with my initialsShippin" weapons overseasI"m makin" G"sWhat who you make call enemiesBut ISee nothing funny aboutmakin" moneyCuz uhWe all know it don"t grow on treesSo IGotta" get what I gotta" get when I canUp homie in the mo"ning wit" the gat vanBurning rubber down to get a new carSo don"t get jealous when you see me in thedouble R.[Chorus (3x)]



psi的Psi 即时通讯软件

Psi是一款Jabber(XMPP)网络协议的即时通讯软件,使用了Qt库,遵照GNU GPL进行发布,可以在多种操作系统下运行,比如GNU/Linux、MS Windows、Mac OS X。Psi读作sigh,单词psynergy的缩写。Psi也是希腊字母Ψ,故Psi将这个希腊字母作为标志。Psi项目的目标是建立一个功能强大、易于使用的Jabber/XMPP客户端,并且要严格遵照XMPP草案以及Jabber JEPs。这就意味着只有被Jabber社区接受的功能,Psi才可能加以实现。这样一来,不管对于最终用户还是开发者而言,Psi都保持了良好的稳定性能。PALM STREAM INTERNATIONAL HK LTD.

the upside is the possibilities contained in know


oopsie是什么意思?该词来自于美国片《i am sam》

是做错事之后的感叹语其实,没什么意义, 意思就是 “噢,糟糕了”




lipsis还是areLips"的意思和用法 | HiNativeLipsis Which one is correct? A:Lipsare. "His lips are dry and cracking." "His lip is bleeding from a sore." ...

upside inside out 汉译是什么

upside上边 inside内部 out外

求翻译 fripside 的crescendo中文歌词

每一秒你都是那么可爱撩起我心中的阵阵悸动走在归途的两人 忽然沉默不语因笨拙而无法传达给彼此的感情匆匆流失的四季中无论是怎样的风景我只注视身边的你轻声吟唱心爱的旋律想象着如果是你会演奏出怎样的音色每一秒都想拿起画笔将你的一颦一笑都用色彩来装饰现在 让所有的一切都随风起舞融入此刻的温柔之中你的双眼总是闪烁着光芒对我诉说梦中无果的故事那时的你这般迷茫好想将你拥入怀中如今我百分之百为你而活如太阳般的你比谁都耀眼茫茫人海中只与你相逢的奇迹想更了解你 即便会伤痕累累每一秒你都是那么可爱撩起我心中的阵阵悸动总有一天会张开强有力的双臂继续守护着独一无二的你




Lydia 是英文名,Gypsin女郎是吉普赛女郎吧...


Psig是英制压力单位Pound per square inch,gauge 的缩写。P是磅pound,S是平方square,I是英寸inch。 gauge指表压,即压力表显示的数值。 可译为磅力/平方英寸。(/读作“每”)。具体指的是“一平方英寸面积承受1磅重”(6 894.75729 帕斯卡)所造成的表压。英国、美国等英语国家使用的一种度量制。长度主单位为英尺,重量主单位为磅,容积主单位为加仑,温度单位为华氏度。因为各种各样的历史原因,英制的进制相当繁杂。在使用场合方面,日常生活中一般用英制;但英国法律规定,商业零售必须使用公制;在科学领域,英国人习惯用公制,美国人习惯用英制。


Psig(磅每平方英寸,表压的缩写)是英制压力单位。磅是磅,平方是平方,英寸是英寸。表压是指表压,即压力表显示的数值。可以翻译成每平方英寸的磅力。(/读作“每”)。具体是指“一平方英寸面积承受一磅”(6 894.75729帕斯卡)产生的表压。

考研英语翻译求解答:The upside is the possibilities //contained in knowing that?

The upside is the possibilities //contained in knowing that?知道这些的好处是什么?

我在压力传感器的说明书上看到 SI:6pC/psi sensitivity ,请问pC是什么意思?

你用的应该是压电式压力传感器,6pC/psi 是指他的灵敏度是6 库伦/ psi。pC是电荷量的单位库伦。不过说实话很少看到压电压力传感器呢,你是用来做动态压力测量的吗?另外,记得给分

有首英文歌忘记名字了,是轻快的摇滚,唱给一个女人,一开始是一段she is Queen of the Gypsies,she is

歌曲名:Dancehall歌词大意:She"s a gypsy queen real tall and mean她是高挑又挑剔的吉卜赛女王She"s an airplane no one"s ever seen她是一架从未有人见过的飞机She"s a firecracker real dancehall master她是绚烂的烟火,一个真正的舞蹈大师She"s a hurricane when you walk past her当你经过她身旁,她宛如飓风吹袭She"s the morning sun in the midnight wind她是午夜的微风中熠熠生辉的朝阳She"d sell her soul for all her sins她会用她全部的灵魂赎犯下的罪She"ll come right at you real Cleopatra她朝你走来,就像一个真正的埃及艳后You take all you got and you give it to her你倾其所有全部给予了她Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我灵的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我脑中的毒It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方She"s a striptease real hard to please她是难以取悦的脱衣舞女郎She"ll cheer you up bring you to your knees她能令你奋不顾身成为裙下之臣She"s a movie star fast sports car她像电影明星一样闪亮,极速的跑车一样狂野She"s a razor blade she"ll take you far她就像剃刀的刀锋,她能带你远走高飞She"s the ocean"s cool and your midnight ride她能像海洋般冷酷,也能在午夜载你一程She"s a devil"s church and a preacher"s wife她就像恶魔的教堂,传教士的妻子She"ll come right at you real Cleopatra她朝你走来,就像一个真正的埃及艳后You take all you got and you give it to her你倾其所有,并全部给予了她Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我灵的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我脑中的毒It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方I don"t care for dancing我并不喜欢跳舞but thanks for asking但还是多谢邀请Did you see that lightning in the sky你看见空中的那道闪电吗A window to my mind它是我心的窗口It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方Did you feel that thunder hit last night你听见昨晚的雷鸣吗A poison in my mind它是我意识中的毒药It leaves me hypnotized它令我向往着Somewhere better一个更魔幻的地方

walk upside down


turn that frown upside down什么意思

turn that frown upside down把皱眉颠倒过来turn that frown upside down把皱眉颠倒过来

一首英文歌女生唱的歌词里有up upside down the never go叫什么名字

您好:不清楚,但是好听的英文歌好多呢~~~本人学英语的推荐这些吧希望你能喜欢。1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);  2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;  3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;  4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);  5、Apologize--Timbaland;  6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);  7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);  8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;  9、I Didn"t Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,也是我非常喜欢的黑人歌手之一。);  10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);  11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;  12、Mad--尼欧;  13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);  14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);  15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);  16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(最爱的歌手之一,曲风相当特别);  17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);  18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);  19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力  20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);望采纳~~祝好~~~~

My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg) 歌词

歌曲名:My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg)歌手:MxPx专辑:On The Cover IiMy Brain is Hanging Upside Down (Bonzo Goes to Bitburg)by RamonesYou"ve got to pick up the piecesC"mon, sort your trashYou better pull yourself back togetherMaybe you"ve got too much cashBetter call, call the lawWhen you gonna turn yourself in? YeahYou"re a politicianDon"t become one of Hitler"s childrenBonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of teaAs I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered meDrank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policyPick up the piecesMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downShouldn"t wish you happiness, wish her the very bestFifty thousand dollar dressShaking hands with your highnessSee through you like cellophaneYou watch the world complain, but you do it anywayWho am I, am I to sayBonzo goes to bitburg then goes out for a cup of teaAs I watched it on TV somehow it really bothered meDrank in all the bars in town for an extended foreign policyPick up the piecesMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downIf there"s one thing that makes me sickIt"s when someone tries to hide behind politicsI wish that time could go by fastSomehow they manage to make it lastMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downMy brain is hanging upside downI need something to slow me downedit morrison tsai

head upside down!分析句型 谢谢?


turn upside down是什么意思

turn upside down[英][tu0259:n u02c8u028cpu02ccsau026ad daun][美][tu025an u02c8u028cpu02ccsau026ad dau028an]v.完全颠倒; 上下颠倒; 翻覆; 倒腾; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Between dream and reality, these pictures turn upside down the scales of values and blur the border between the visible and the invisible. 梦想与现实之间,这些图片再现了颠倒的价值观,模糊了有形和无形的之间边界。

the sea is the sky upside down是什么意思

The sea is the sky upside down, day is reflected from the sea. 海是倒过来的天,天是映过来的海.

英语 turn upside down


you make my world upside down

you make my world upside down你让我的世界颠倒过来
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