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shuttle flight 什么意思? shuttle在这里什么意思?

shuttle shuttle[简明英汉词典][040605tl]n. 1 航天飞机 2 短程穿梭运行的飞机(或火车, 汽车) 3 (织机的)梭子 vt. & vi. 穿梭般来回移动shuttle flight 航天飞机,这是复合名词短语






Testflight是移动团队必备的测试工具。从注册testFlight开始,介绍如何使用它来发布一个应用程序。一、注册testFlighttestFlight的注册是免费的(当然苹果的idp证书并不免费)。登录testfligthapp.com,点击Sign Up。输入姓名、email、密码,Developer选择为ON,提交,即完成testFlight的注册。注意,这是开发者的注册。测试者的注册是一样的,但Developer选项为OFF。注册完成,即可点击Log In进行登录。二、招募测试人员登录后,点击People,用AddTeam创建一个团队,输入一个团队名称即可完成创建。然后点击浏览器右上角的Add Teammate按钮,招募一个测试人员(tester)。输入对方的email即可,注意tester的Developer选项为OFF即可。当然,你要招募的是开发人员的话,仍然是使用同一按钮,只是Developer选项选择为ON。三、测试人员注册tester可以打开邮箱,将收到你的邀请信。点击email中提供的链接,即可进行注册。过程同步骤一。tester帐号注册完毕,即可进行设备的注册。用iPhone/iPad/iTouch打开Safari,输入地址testflightapp.com,用刚才注册的tester帐号登录。登录后使用“RegisterDevice”按钮注册设备。注册设备后会在设备上安装一个TestFlight WebClip的描述文件,并在桌面上出现一个“TestFlight”的应用程序图标。以后你就可以通过这个TestFlight的app进行程序的安装和更新了。四、创建ipa打开一个工程,进行签名(debug和release)。修改Scheme中的destination为iOS Device。点击ProductàArchvie菜单,出现Orgnizer/Archives窗口。点击Share…按钮(我的项目是in-house签名的),Contents一栏选择iOS App Store Package(.ipa),然后Next。选择文件存放位置,然后点击Save,即可完成ipa的创建。五、发布应用用开发人员帐号登录(不是测试人员)。点击右上角的Upload Build按钮,选择已创建的.ipa文件,输入备注信息,点击Upload。文件上传完后,显示测试人员列表界面。勾选你要发布到的测试人员,然后点击Just Update(或Update & Notify) 六、安装程序测试人员打开iPhon上的Test Flight,即可看到应用程序列表,点击程序图标即可安装。有更新也会在这里提示。


Testflight是移动团队必备的测试工具。从注册testFlight开始,介绍如何使用它来发布一个应用程序。一、注册testFlighttestFlight的注册是免费的(当然苹果的idp证书并不免费)。登录testfligthapp.com,点击Sign Up。输入姓名、email、密码,Developer选择为ON,提交,即完成testFlight的注册。注意,这是开发者的注册。测试者的注册是一样的,但Developer选项为OFF。注册完成,即可点击Log In进行登录。二、招募测试人员登录后,点击People,用AddTeam创建一个团队,输入一个团队名称即可完成创建。然后点击浏览器右上角的Add Teammate按钮,招募一个测试人员(tester)。输入对方的email即可,注意tester的Developer选项为OFF即可。当然,你要招募的是开发人员的话,仍然是使用同一按钮,只是Developer选项选择为ON。三、测试人员注册tester可以打开邮箱,将收到你的邀请信。点击email中提供的链接,即可进行注册。过程同步骤一。tester帐号注册完毕,即可进行设备的注册。用iPhone/iPad/iTouch打开Safari,输入地址testflightapp.com,用刚才注册的tester帐号登录。登录后使用“RegisterDevice”按钮注册设备。注册设备后会在设备上安装一个TestFlight WebClip的描述文件,并在桌面上出现一个“TestFlight”的应用程序图标。以后你就可以通过这个TestFlight的app进行程序的安装和更新了。四、创建ipa打开一个工程,进行签名(debug和release)。修改Scheme中的destination为iOS Device。点击ProductàArchvie菜单,出现Orgnizer/Archives窗口。点击Share…按钮(我的项目是in-house签名的),Contents一栏选择iOS App Store Package(.ipa),然后Next。选择文件存放位置,然后点击Save,即可完成ipa的创建。五、发布应用用开发人员帐号登录(不是测试人员)。点击右上角的Upload Build按钮,选择已创建的.ipa文件,输入备注信息,点击Upload。文件上传完后,显示测试人员列表界面。勾选你要发布到的测试人员,然后点击Just Update(或Update & Notify) 六、安装程序测试人员打开iPhon上的Test Flight,即可看到应用程序列表,点击程序图标即可安装。有更新也会在这里提示。


ALV GRID颜色设置分别为行,列,单元格三种,如果将字段设置为主键那么主键列会自动变为蓝色。列颜色的设置 在创建列目录表时将field catalog structure 的 emphasize字段填入需要的颜色代码 eg: DATA: wa_fields TYPE LINE OF slis_t_fieldcat_alv. wa_fields-fieldname = <field_name>. "e.g. "EBELN". wa_fields-seltext_m = <field_name_text>. "e.g "采购订单号". wa_fields-emphasize = <containing_color_codes>. "e.g. "C610".行颜色的设置 在list data table中添加一个字段(CHAR4)用来存储颜色代码 eg: *--- Internal table holding list data DATA BEGIN OF gt_list OCCURS 0 . INCLUDE STRUCTURE SFLIGHT . DATA rowcolor(4) TYPE c . DATA END OF gt_list . 保存数据到list data table中的同时要把颜色字段的代码一起存入,该代码会被alv解析为行项的颜色 初始化ALV前将颜色字段名填入layout structure. eg: ps_layout-info_fname = <field_name_containing_color_codes>. "e.g. ‘ROWCOLOR".单元格颜色设置 和行颜色设置相同首先需要在list data table中添加一个字段用来存储行颜色信息,不过类型是LVC_T_SCOL eg: *--- Internal table holding list data DATA BEGIN OF gt_list OCCURS 0 . INCLUDE STRUCTURE SFLIGHT . DATA rowcolor(4) TYPE c . DATA cellcolors TYPE lvc_t_scol . list data table中的cellcolors字段将被用来存储单元格的颜色信息 eg: DATA ls_cellcolor TYPE lvc_s_scol . ... READ TABLE gt_list INDEX 5 . ls_cellcolor-fname = "SEATSOCC" . ls_cellcolor-color-col = "7" . ls_cellcolor-color-int = "1" . ls_cellcolor-color-inv = "0" . ls_callcoloe-nokeycol = "" . APPEND ls_cellcolor TO gt_list-cellcolors . MODIFY gt_list INDEX 5 . ALV GRID 第五条记录的SEATSOCC字段颜色将被设置为C710,如果不希望覆盖主键字段的颜色可以将ls_callcoloe-nokeycol设置为X另外,团IDC网上有许多产品团购,便宜有口碑





three years after his flight over the North Pole

over the north pole是地点状语在北极飞了三年之后。I work in school。work是动词,后面也是介词in 就是这个道理。懂了吗

have a safe flight是什么意思


苹果手机怎么安装flight trader24


英文中飞机直航叫direct flight 那不直航叫什么

connecting flight

鞋垫上印有engineered for flight是什么意思


i am flight attendant 什么意思


a flight attendant是什么意思

a flight attendant空中服务员飞机乘务员双语例句1What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flightattendant?不好意思,你是说你是飞机乘务员吗?2I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant.我决定实现它的最好的办法就是去成为一名空中服务员。

Flight Tycoon 航空大亨的游戏简介

航空大亨(Flight Tycoon)是一款活跃于iPhone/iPod touch/iPad上的社交游戏,其凭借于出色的画面,流畅的操作性以及丰富的飞机内容深受广大用户的喜爱。游戏名称:航空大亨 英文名称:Flight Tycoon游戏语言:中文, 英文游戏类型:模拟经营类、社交类运行环境:iPhone/iPod touch/iPad(兼容拥有iOS操作系统的苹果设备)需要网络系统要求:与 iPhone、iPod touch、iPad 兼容。 需要 iOS 4.3 或更高版本游戏容量:83.0 MB游戏厂商:追梦创游

假设你是李华,于2010年6月3日搭乘某航空公司航班(flight number BA7930)回国后遗失行李箱,用英文给航

To whom it may concern(or dear staff of xxx airport): thank you for your time to read this letter.i am really sorry to inform you that i have left my luggage bag behind in your airport,and now i wish that you can help me find it.the flight number is BA7930 and the boarding time is June 3,2010. it is a 75x40x25cm, black bag,with a brandname called Uris bags.in it there are just some pieces of summer wears and swimming suits. but besides these mentioned above,i had put my wallet and some business papers in it when i got boarded.now these papers are in urgent need to be submitted.so it is very critical to be able to find it. because of my carelessness,i have left it in the lounge when i went to buy something as souvenir.but when i returned there, i found my bag gone already.later,i called the police,but they said it took time. due to its importance,i have no other idea but to place my hope on your finding it in the airport.please do me a favor and i would be heartily grateful to your kindness,no matter it would be found or not. please allow me to give my sincerest thanks to you,for your kindness of helping me find the bag. best wishes, hua li June 4,2010

买了东航的国际线机票,请问哪里可以打印flight itinerary

别诗南齐 范云

Flight Itinerary是什么意思


Flight Itinerary是什么意思

  Flight Itinerary的中文翻译  Flight Itinerary  飞行行程;航班行程; 机票行程单  双语例句  1  Much older data is very infrequently accessed, as is certain context information, such as a flight itinerary.  会频繁访问很多旧数据,将其作为特定的上下文信息,如旅行路线等。  2  A lot of people like her, but my upbeat impression of her was came directly from the film we had just seen,“ Flight Itinerary. ”  有很多人喜欢她,而我对她的好感则直接的来于刚看过的电影“飞行旅程。”

祝您一路顺风 英语flight

Wishing a smooth flight with you.Wishing a nice flight with you.

全新版大学进阶英语2第五单元 pioneers of Flight 课文知识点


it_tab_wa TYPE sflight 什么意思

sflight 这个是一个表,it_tab_wa这个是你自定义的一个内容,暂且不去说它是什么。it_tab_wa TYPE sflight ,意思就是说,it_tab_wa 跟sflight这个表一样。但是,it_tab_wa是一个结构,sflight是一个表。相信你应该知道表跟结构的区别。你可以试试it_tab_wa TYPE TABLE OF sflight 跟你写的区别。相信你测试会有比较清楚的认识。加油!!

transitflight 和connection flight 的区别?

Connection flight 更省时间,中转时间短,接续紧凑,transit 可能机场里等一段较长时间。

有一首英文歌开头是这样的:“policeman ,fire flighter~~”的,这首歌叫什么名字?

这首歌是Guns N" Roses的《Welcome to the Jungle》。

manifested on flight是什么意思


The Flight of Youth 青春的飞逝 [有声]

_Richard Henry Stoddard/理查德.亨利.斯托达德 There are gains for all our losses. 我们失去的一切都能得到补偿, There are balms for all our pain; 我们所有的痛苦都能得到安慰; But when youth the dream departs 可是梦境似的青春一旦消逝, It takes something from our hearts 它带走了我们心中的某种美好, And it never es again. 从此一去不复返。 We are stronger and are better 我们变得日益刚强、更臻完美, Under manhood"s sterner reign; 在严峻的成年生活驱使下; Still we feel that something sweet 可是依然感到甜美的情感, Following youth with flying feet 已随着青春飞逝, And will never e again. 不再返回。 Something beautiful is vanished 美好已经消逝, And we sigh for it in vain; 我们枉自为此叹息; We behold it everywhere 尽管在天地之间, On the earth and in the air 我们处处能见青春的魅力, But it never es again! 可是它不再返回!


本句话考查的是感叹句的应用,How开头感叹的是形容词或副词,所以空格处需要填写形容词词性。How impressive the flight was! 这场飞行真是令人印象深刻啊!

____ the flight to New York will be delayed is __


All the flight having been canceled because of the snowstrom, we had to take the train instead.


翻译The flight from overcrowdedness


the flight was delayef

可以改成resulting from. 句子已经有了一个谓语动词,不可以有两个谓语动词,所以要用非谓语形式,且与主语是主动关系,要用resulting from.

i always reconfirm my flight three days before the flight请问最后的the flight是不是多余的赘词


the flight squad the best of an era fou a select few是什么意思

I agree with what downstairs said

假设你是李华,你于2014年1月5日搭乘某航空公司航班(the flight BA736),回家后发现遗失了一个行李箱。

Dear Sir/Madam,I" Li Hua. I took the flight BA736 on January 5, 2014. But when I got home, I found that a suitcase was missing. I am writing to you to request you to help me find it back.My suitcase is a small blue one with a zip. There is a label on the handle with my name and address on it.The suitcase is really important to me, because I had put all my important documents in it, including my ID card, passport and so on. Besides, it is what my father sent to me on my birthday.Thank for your kind consideration and I look forward to receiving your earlier reply.Yours truly,Li Hua 试题分析:本文是书信类作文,你搭乘某航空公司航班,回家后发现遗失了一个行李箱。用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。文章的要点也基本上都给出来了,但不是很具体,考生要把要点全交代,不能有遗漏。而且要拓展内容,在写作的过程中,要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型,如强调句,倒装句等,让文章更上档次。同时在列举措施的时候要使用合适的连接词如:First,second, Besides, What"s more等,让文章看起来很有条理,也很流畅。因为是书信,所以本篇文章在写作时不要啰嗦,力求简洁。【亮点说明】所给范文语言简洁,文章使用了词组:look forward to盼望,文章使用了好的句型: There is a label on the handle with my name and address on it.这句话用了with复合结构,it is what my father sent to me on my birthday.这句话用了表语从句,还有文章还使用了Besides,这样的关联词,使文章更加连贯。

the flight to new york will take off soon的意思

My flight to New York is/was taken off from Beijing. 我所乘坐的飞往纽约的班机是在北京起飞的.

the bad weather delayed the flight

9. if/whether the flight will be delayed because of the bad weather

The flight eventually got away six hours later.


the flight will take off in two days, and the exact date of departure is Christmas Eve. 4105 什么意




what is the flight__to shanghai?A.fee B.money C.fare D.cost 词汇与结构

C 票价 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,

the flight has because of the bad weather。


初三英语 一道填空题Henry could ——(填一空) the flight and arrived home soon


cruising portion of the flight是什么意思?关于飞机航行的


the will of flight


sb be bump off the flight 怎么翻译

bump off sth 表示干掉,杀死,毁掉,sb bump off the flight 大意是说某人毁掉了这趟旅程,或是毁了这个航班如果要用sb be的话,bump 必须是被动的形式,要用bumped.

一般表示航班飞往哪里,是表达成the flight to+目的地 还是the flight for +目的地


Flight (Original Mix)-SDDx & Tobu feat. Magdalena 下载


The whole flight_____about five days. A.last B


non-stop flight /direct flight是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  non-stop flight /direct flight,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:直飞航线。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

non-stop flight 与derect flight应该怎么理解,我看到其他网友的回答,说direct 一直坐在飞机就不用转机

对,non-stop 和 direct flight 是一样的, 不用换机,直接到达目的地。

fight or flight有什么含义。??

fight or flight 字面上是战斗或者逃跑,在心理学里是一个专业术语,指的是人的脊椎在遇到紧急事情后会第一时间做出反应是fight还是filght

请问flight leg和flight segment的区别

flight leg定义:Segment of a flight involving a stopover, change of aircraft, or change of airline. Also called flight segment.另外:航段概念通常分为旅客航段(Segment,通常简称为航段)和飞行航段(Leg,通常称为航节)。旅客航段通常是指能够构成旅客航程的航段,例如北京--上海--旧金山航线,旅客航程有3种可能:北京--上海、上海--旧金山和北京--旧金山。就是说这三种航段需求的旅客,而飞行航段是指航班飞机实际飞经的航段,例如北京--上海-一旧金山航线,飞行航段为北京--上海和上海--旧金山。在航运中内河航道上的一段称为航段,在下列情况将内河航道划分成航段:  ①当航道所在水系发生变化。②当航道现状技术等级或定级技术等级发生变化。③当航道所在省级行政区域发生变化。对于航道所在地市级和县级行政管理区域变化时是否进行分段,由各省(自治区、直辖市)、长江航务管理局、上海航道局根据实际管理需求确定。④当省级航道管理机构发生变化。对于地市级和县级航道管理机构发生变化时是否进行分段,由各省(自治区、直辖市)、长江航务管理局、上海航道局根据实际管理需求确定。⑤当航道所在水域类型发生变化。⑥当出现重复航段。⑦当航段维护类别发生变化。⑧当航标配布类别发生变化。⑨在主控点处必须分段。划分的航段里程原则上不小于1公里。

safe flight是什么意思

safe flight 安全飞行

flight和stair都作梯子意思时的区别。。a flight of stair...

flight作量词居多,a flight of stairs表“一段楼梯”,一般情况下两者可以互换,都表示两层之间的楼梯,stair更侧重与室内的楼梯或梯级

forty flights of stairs是几楼.

flight 楼梯的一段. He lives two flights up .他住的地方还要再上两段楼梯. She fell down a flight of stairs .她从一段楼梯上摔了下来. 〖测试要点〗辨析 flight 和 stair flight 是“一段楼梯”.stair 是“一层后台阶”.可见 flight 范围大于 stair,也就是说,flight 是由一层一层的stair 组成.另外,flight 还作“飞行,飞翔,航班,射程”讲. How long is the flight to New York She took the two o"clock flight to Chicago .她搭两点飞往芝加哥的航班. Did you have a good flight 这躺飞机还好吧 The flight of stairs wants repairing . His room is three flights up .他的房间在 3 段楼梯上面 .


be used as 被当作...用be used for 被用来干...= be used to do be used to doing 习惯做...=get used to it"s no use doing sth 做...是没用的。sth is of use to sb 某物对于某人很有用。come into use 开始使用make use of 使用、利用1.a flight of ambition野[雄]心勃勃2.a flight of fancy想入非非, 异想天开3.a flight of imagination想入非非, 异想天开4.a flight of stairs(两个楼梯平台之间的)一段楼梯5.in flight在飞行中6.in flight from逃避, 逃开7.in the first/top flight[口]居首要地位; 领先8.make a/one"s flight飞去; 迅速离开9.take a/one"s flight飞去; 迅速离开10.of the same flight飞翔力相等; 大小轻重相等(指箭)11.put to flight迫使仓皇逃窜12.wing its flight飞翔空中(指鸟类)

air jordan flight是什么意思?它和乔丹系列1-23有什么区别?高手快帮忙解决一下


flying number和flight number有什么不一样的


flight 19是什么意思



回答如下:它们的区别是:1. take a direct flight 直飞。例如:The plane will take a direct flight to Shanghai. 这架飞机将直接飞往上海。2. take to fly是错误的。我们可以说take sb to fly(带、领某人飞)。例如:I will take him to fly.我将带他飞。

plane,flight,fly 与aircraft的区别


airplane plane flight用法上的微弱区别

airplane 载人,载物的受人控制的运输飞机多用于日常英语plane 飞行物,可以是纸制的,可以是气体制动的飞船也可以是飞船多用于科研flight 多半侧重强调螺旋桨式的飞行器,多用于航天航空专业






flight fly-flew-flown n.飞行,逃走,飞跃,飞机的航程,班机,射程,迁徙,飞逝 vi.迁徙 vt.射击(飞禽)

flight 和 flying 有啥区别?

1.flight作为名词使用,飞翔,飞行的意思 He completed the flight in 25 hours and 50 minutes. 他用二十五小时五十分钟飞完了全程. 2.flying作为形容词,飞行的.而且flying有正在进行的意思.


flight fly-flew-flown n.飞行,逃走,飞跃,飞机的航程,班机,射程,迁徙,飞逝 vi.迁徙 vt.射击(飞禽)

fight or flight是什么意思


Mucc的《Flight》 歌词

歌曲名:Flight歌手:Mucc专辑:ShionflightArcolove the nightdon"t know why it sounds so strangebut wind in treesalways makes me dream of changeand in this dream i flyover childhood"s homeskiss the earth goodbyerise above the life i"ve knownbut world is hardyou could fall and really hurt yourselfand people farmuch too far for help to ever comesafer just to flyin some stupid dreamkiss the earth goodbyerise above the man i"ve beenhttp://music.baidu.com/song/725016

flight 和 flying 有啥区别?

1.flight作为名词使用,飞翔,飞行的意思 He completed the flight in 25 hours and 50 minutes. 他用二十五小时五十分钟飞完了全程. 2.flying作为形容词,飞行的.而且flying有正在进行的意思.


flight[英][flau026at] [美][flau026at] 生词本 简明释义 n.(物体的)飞行;航班;飞翔;楼梯的一段 vi.成群地迁徙或飞行 vt.射击;使惊飞




1。飞行 2。航班 3。航程 4。溃逃


  flight的汉语意思   英 [flau026at] 美 [flau026at]   第三人称单数:flights第三人称复数:flights现在分词:flighting过去分词:flighted过去式:flighted   名词 航班; 飞翔; (物体的)飞行; 楼梯的`一段   不及物动词 成群地迁徙或飞行   及物动词 射击; 使惊飞   例句   1. How I wish I could stop the flight of time!   我多么希望能阻止光阴的飞逝!   2. The enemy are in flight.   敌人逃跑了。   3. Did you have a good flight?   乘机旅行愉快吗?   flight的单语例句   1. It nominated Fan Ru as deputy general manager in charge of flight business in August.   2. The move came after the civil aviation authority was recently questioned over how flight slots are allocated at busy airports.   3. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.   4. Shi said the flight route used by the plane has been used by Chinese surveillance planes since 2007.   5. He says friends who traveled by road joined them on the flight.   6. Foreign Secretary Delia Albert said they would travel by road to Kuwait then take a commercial flight home.   7. Chinese military fans are excited by the news that the country"s second stealth fighter prototype has made its maiden flight.   8. De Juan said flight disruptions are mostly caused by drunken passengers, but this time alcohol hadn"t played a part.   flight的词典解释   1. 逃避;躲开   Flight is the act of running away from a dangerous or unpleasant situation or place.   e.g. Frank was in full flight when he reached them...   弗兰克正在拼命奔逃,这时他联系到了他们。   e.g. The family was often in flight, hiding out in friends" houses.   这一家人常常东躲西藏,在朋友家里避风头。   2. 一段(台阶或楼梯)   A flight of steps or stairs is a set of steps or stairs that lead from one level to another without changing direction.   e.g. We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.   我们默默地走上一段楼梯,穿过一个长长的走廊。   3. 想入非非;异想天开   An idea or statement that is very imaginative but complicated, silly, or impractical can be referred to as a flight of fancy .   e.g. Cockburn engaged in a flight of fancy, never once allowing facts to get in the way.   科伯恩一直在想入非非,从不曾考虑现实状况。   4. 逃走;逃离;逃避   If someone takes flight, they run away from an unpleasant situation or place.   e.g. He was told of the raid and decided to take flight immediately.   他得知要突击搜查,决定立刻逃走。

flight怎么读 flight英文解释

1、flight,读音:美/flau026at/;英/flau026at/。 2、释义:n.飞行;班机;逃走。vt.射击;使惊飞。vi.迁徙。n.(Flight)人名;(英)弗莱特。 3、例句:How long was your flight?你的航班多长时间?


flight,作名词时,意思为“飞行;班机;逃走”。作动词时,意思有“射击;使惊飞;迁徙”等。读音:英[flau026at],美[flau026at]。释义:n.飞行;班机;逃走。vt.射击;使惊飞。vi.迁徙。例句:The destination of this flight is Paris, France.这架航班的目的地是法国巴黎。变形:过去式flighted,过去分词flighted,现在分词flighting,第三人称单数flights,复数flights。短语:training flight 练习飞行tseek safety in flight 溜之大吉with the flight of time 随着时间的飞逝flight from prison 越狱flight of capital 资金的抽逃put the enemy to flight 打得敌人溃逃flight的用法flight作“飞行,飞翔”解时,可指禽类的飞行,也可指人类凭借某种器械飞行,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。flight作“航班,班机”解时是可数名词,一般指的是空中旅行。flight还可作“楼梯的一段”解,指连接一层与另一层的那一部分,是可数名词。flight引申可作“逃跑,溃退”解,这时可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。


 flight的汉语意思英 [flau026at] 美 [flau026at]第三人称单数:flights第三人称复数:flights现在分词:flighting过去分词:flighted过去式:flighted名词 航班; 飞翔; (物体的)飞行; 楼梯的`一段不及物动词 成群地迁徙或飞行及物动词 射击; 使惊飞例句1. How I wish I could stop the flight of time!我多么希望能阻止光阴的飞逝!2. The enemy are in flight.敌人逃跑了。3. Did you have a good flight?乘机旅行愉快吗?flight的单语例句1. It nominated Fan Ru as deputy general manager in charge of flight business in August.2. The move came after the civil aviation authority was recently questioned over how flight slots are allocated at busy airports.3. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.4. Shi said the flight route used by the plane has been used by Chinese surveillance planes since 2007.5. He says friends who traveled by road joined them on the flight.6. Foreign Secretary Delia Albert said they would travel by road to Kuwait then take a commercial flight home.7. Chinese military fans are excited by the news that the country"s second stealth fighter prototype has made its maiden flight.8. De Juan said flight disruptions are mostly caused by drunken passengers, but this time alcohol hadn"t played a part.


福啦哎特 啦重音,特就是拼音t,发音一定要轻. 按拼音可以这样读, fla ai t 是飞机的意思


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