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How do you see yourself in ten years" time? What are your job prospects?

Hurry, we should know how to cherish. Those who lost time, has never come back again. Optimistic face life, light and shadow form a correct view of the world, believe that spring will come. 这是人工翻译 lmyg1314好像是用翻译器翻译的希望采取

future prospects是什么意思


英语改错题 说明理由he promised to support whomever of the Republican prospects was chosen

whomever -----whom

帮我写篇英语作文how to improve career prospects while at college 急

In a competitive society, having a good academic transcript will no longer guarantee you a job position when you graduate. This is because one may possess a good knowledge of theories that have been learnt from textbooks, but do not have the actual practical skills that can be effectively applied to the job when they start working. Hence, having relevant job experience that relate to the degree that you are studying is crucial for modern college students. Having job experience will mean that you have stepped out from being a student who knows "nothing" to a beginner of the society. Therefore, the earlier you have the experience, the more "mature" your job skills will build. This will definitely be your competitive advantage and help you to have the edge over other students when you are finding the same job. Hence, work experience and a good academic transcript will greatly help students to improve their career prospects.

Cash flow prospects是什么意思


您好,当 prospect 意为”成功的机会;前景;前途“等时常用作复数,那么 career prospects 的意思就一目了然了。

prospects and/or customers什么意思


Part I作文:Prospects of pricate cars in China


excellent prospects是什么工作

1·excellent prospects:美好的远景预期。2·excellent prospects是专门给人们做未来职业规划的公司。

Prospects of pricate cars in China 什么意思


英语。 prospects for promotion 和handsome pay 是什么意思?


bright prospects什么意思


employment prospects是什么意思


prospects和prospect 有什么区别



前景( prospect的名词复数 );期望;眺望处;景象双语释义。n.(名词)景象,景色 a wide distant view;前景,前途 reasonable hope of sth happening; sth which is probable soon;可能成为主顾的人; 有希望的候选人 a person who may perhaps buy one"s goods, accept a job one is offering, etc.