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Why are you so frightened? I saw two dark___enter the building.

C 阴影吧 。


令人害怕的英文是:frightening。短语:1、the Frightening Night:夜惊魂。2、money is frightening:脸红脖子粗。3、a frightening look:吓人的表情。4、an frightening experience:一次可怕的经历。5、frightening line:威吓绳;振绳。6、frightening voice:令人恐惧的声音。7、strange and frightening:奇怪和可怕的;引起不可言状的恐惧。8、you are frightening me:你我吓坏了;你是可怕我;你是可怕的我。9、frightening fishing:威吓渔法。frightening的例句:1、I just can"t live hand to mouth, it"s too frightening.我就是不能过勉强糊口的日子,这太可怕了。2、It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous.那是一次非常令人恐惧的经历,但他们非常勇敢。3、Pat has vivid recollections of the trip, and remembers some of the frightening aspects I had forgotten.帕特对这次旅行的记忆生动清晰,他还记得一些我已经忘却的可怕的事情。4、Cities can be frightening places.城市可能是可怕的地方。5、They are equally fumy and frightening, but they are also aspirational.他们同样让人感到愤怒和恐惧,但他们也让人充满希望。

英语翻译The volcano is one of the most surprising frightening fo?

该火山是自然界最令人惊讶的可怕的力量之一.也许你已经看到了这些“烟花“自然的照片.有时,当火山爆发时,一个融化的岩石像非常大的墙向下移动到山下.它看起来像一个“滚动轮胎的河流.“有时候,火山爆发,向空中抛高融化的岩石和灰烬.但是,熔融的岩石是从哪里来的? 地球是由许多层组成的.顶层,我们看到的是被称为地壳.在地壳是坚硬的岩石多种层次.但远远的下地壳岩石这么热,它是软的.在某些地方甚至融化.融化的岩石称为岩浆.有时岩浆爆发在伴随爆裂声下从地壳表面裂缝.这些裂缝是火山口. 大多数人对火山理解时,会想到群山.但是,并非每一座山是一座火山.仅仅是一个火山的岩浆在地壳岩浆蹦出的地方.滚烫的岩浆或熔岩是被两侧山口流出,堆积在地球表面上慢慢冷却.几千年来,这一堆冷却的熔岩可以堆积到非常,非常的大.例如,在非洲,乞力马扎罗山,最高的山是一座火山.在它面前超过16000英尺以上它周围的地面. 我是通过机器加自己对英文的理解,一字一字看下来翻译的.希望对你有点参考价值.,4,火山是自然界最令人惊讶和可怕的力量之一。也许你已经看到了这些大自然的“烟花”照片。有时,当火山爆发时,会有一个非常大的融岩墙向山下移动。它看起来像一个“缓缓的河流。”有时候,火山爆发后向空中高高的抛起融岩和灰烬(灰)。但是,在熔融的这些岩石是否是从哪里来的呢? 地球是由许多层组成的。,我们看到的是表层被称为地壳。在地壳下是很多坚硬的岩石层。但离地壳下很远的岩石温度很高,是软的。在某些地方岩...,2,该火山是其中一个最令人惊讶的可怕的自然力量。也许你已经看到照片,这些自然界的“烟火”。有时当火山连续喷发,这是一个很庞大的墙上熔化岩石向下移动一座山侧面。它看起来像一个“河的轮胎。”有时火山爆发,把熔化岩石和灰烬(灰)向高空。但是,这是否熔化岩石从何而来?...,2,火山是自然界最令人惊讶和害怕的力量之一。也许你已经看到了这些大自然的“烟花”照片。有时,当火山爆发时,会有一个非常大的融岩墙向山下移动。它看起来像一条“火焰河。”---(原文应为river of fire)有时候,火山爆发后会将融岩和灰烬抛到高空中。但是,这种熔融的岩石是从哪里来的呢? 地球是由多层组成的。我们看到的是表层被称为地壳。在地壳下是很多层坚硬的岩石。但离地壳下很远的岩石温度很高...,0,该火山是其中一个最令人惊讶的可怕的自然力量。也许你已经看到照片,这些自然界的“烟火”。有时当火山连续喷发,这是一个很庞大的墙上熔化岩石向下移动一座山侧面。它看起来像一个“河的轮胎。”有时火山爆发,把熔化岩石和灰向高空。但是,这是否熔化岩石从何而来? 地球是由许多层。我们所见到的顶层是所谓的地壳。在地壳的下面是许许多多坚硬的岩石层。但截至目前为止,远远不及地壳的岩石是相当的热的,所以也相当的...,0,英语翻译 The volcano is one of the most surprising frightening forces of nature.Maybe you have seen pictures of these“fireworks”of nature.Sometimes when a volcano erupts,a very large wall of melted rock moves down the side of a mountain.It looks like a “river of tire.”Sometimes volcanoes explode,throwing the melted rock and ashes(灰)high into the air.But where does this melted rock e from? The earth is made up of many layers(层).The top layer that we see is called the crust.Under the crust are many layers of hard rock.But far,far beneath the crust whose rock is so hot,that it is soft.In some places it even melts.The melted rock is called magma.Sometimes the magma breaks out to the surface through cracks(爆裂声)in the crust.These cracks are volcanoes. Most people think of mountains when they think of volcanoes.But not every mountain is a volcano.A volcano is simply the opening in the earth from which the magma escapes.The hot magma,or lava as it is called,cols and builds up on the surface of the earth.Over thousands of years,this pile of cooled lava can grow to be very,very big.For example,the highest mountain in Africa,Kilimanjaro,is a volcano.It towers more than 16,000 feet above the ground around it.




frightened读作:英[u02c8frau026at(u0259)nd]。1、释义:(1)adj.受惊的,害怕的。(2)v.使惊吓,使惊恐(frighten 的过去分词形式)。2、同近义词:(1)afraid:害怕的;担心的;(害怕后果而)不愿意的,勉强的;遗憾的。(2)scared:惊恐的,恐惧的;担心的,焦虑的;使惊恐,吓唬;受惊吓,害怕(scared 的过去式和过去分词形式)。frightened双语例句:1、I was frightened by the noise.我被那响声吓坏了。2、She"s not easily frightened.她不是轻易能吓倒的。3、His oddness frightened her.他的反常把她吓坏了。4、Don"t be frightened by failure,son.不要被失败吓倒了,孩子。5、She was frightened of making a mistake.她害怕犯错误。6、Repossessions have frightened buyers off.收回未付款商品的举动吓跑了买主们。7、He brought out a gun and frightened them off.他掏出一把枪,把他们吓跑了。8、I"d never do that.I"d be frightened to death.我绝不会干。我会吓死的。9、She was frightened that the plane would crash.她害怕飞机会坠毁。10、In a way,I suppose I"m frightened of failing.我想,从某种程度上来说我害怕失败。

1.She was so frightened that she stood ____ without saying a?

英语教师王太发言: 1.still强调的是吓得动不了了;而quietly强调的是不说话,可能是懒得开口,也可能是怕被别人发现,但不可能是被吓坏了. 是一个及物动词,意思是:让某人就座,后接宾语;在这句话中,seating one of his clas *** ates beside him 的意思就是:让他的一个同学坐在了他的身边.根据句型find somebody doing something,我们可以认定A错了;而sit是不及物动词,后面不能接宾语,因此,C和D也错了.,8,1 B silently (沉默地)C表示安静的一般表示环境 2 D sitting 又因为found后只用do(表示发现了全过程)或doing(真正做的事) 翻译:我发现该名男童坐在他的一个同学他的旁边。 seat可以作名词 指座位 也可以作动词 表示坐 sit只能作动词 坐下我们既可以说 sit down,也可以说seat oneself ,1,一题涉及到的是一个固定词组 stand still站着不动,所以就不能选C了。 sit的意思比较多,不及物动词是坐;就坐的意思 及物动词是使就坐;就坐的意思 seat是名词意为座,座位还有就是所在地;活动中心的意思。具体用法我才疏学浅,也说不好。...,0,B指沉默地 C无此义项 sit是动词,seat是名词 用seat表示某人坐的时候指被安置在某处坐下,用被动语态,0,1.She was so frightened that she stood ____ without saying anything. A.still B.silently C.quietly D.quite 我想请问为什么不能选C 2.I found the boy ____ one of his clas *** ates beside him. A.seated B.seating C.sat D.sitting


frightened词典结果:frightened[英][u02c8frau026atnd]adj.害怕的; 受惊的;v.(使)惊恐( frighten的过去式和过去分词); 吓唬;以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.She was trying to look reassuring, but you could see that she was frightened.母亲正竭力让自己看上去若无其事,但你仍可以看出来她内心的惊恐。2.Many frightened residents don"t share that view, although crocodiles are shy creatures, hord said.霍德说,许多惊恐的居民不同意这种看法,尽管鳄鱼是一种很害羞的动物。The frightened horse galloped away.那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。形近词: brightened heightened brightener


frightened 英[u02c8frau026atnd]adj. 受惊的; 害怕的;v. (使) 惊恐( frighten的过去式和过去分词); 吓唬;[例句]The frightened horse galloped away.那匹受惊的马疾驰而去。[其他] 形近词: brightened heightened brightener

The little girl was frightened and stood ________ to her mother. A closely B close


Oliver Twist looked at the strong man with frightened eyes? 还是frightening

frightened 因为是对方使Oliver Twist 害怕, 带被动意味【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】

状语从句中的复合连接词the time 是什么意思? 举个例子:Whatever I looked like, I frightened the

可以的,也可以用every time,每次 或者the moment,一。。。就。希望对你有用

be frightened at中文翻译

You need n"t be frightened at the dog . 你不必怕那条狗。 There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others 我性子倔强,决不肯让别人把我吓倒。 " that s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn t be frightened at us “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。 " that " s all right , " was the reassuring answer . " you mustn " t be frightened at us . we " re just homely people - hello , there " s a letter for me . “别担心, ”亚瑟安慰道, “不要为我家的人紧张。我们都是不讲究的人? ?嗨,我还有一封信呢! ” " although , " said villefort , " it will be a serious thing for valentine to lose her grandfather s fortune , i do not think that m . d epinay will be frightened at this pecuniary loss “瓦朗蒂娜失去了她祖父的遗产,虽然这事严重, ”维尔福说, “但我并不认为那桩婚事会因此而受挫。 People were frightened at the time , but on looking back they rather pked it ; it was a fine excitement in a quiet country pfe ; and there was even a party of the younger me who pretended to admire him , calpng him a true sea - dog , and a real old salt , and suchpke names , and saying there was the sort of man that made england terrible at sea 人们当时是受了惊吓,可回过头来看,他们相当喜欢这样。在安静的乡村生活中,这是很好的兴奋剂。这里甚至有一群年轻人声称崇拜他,称他是“货真价实的船员” “真正的老水手” ,以及诸如此类的称呼,还说正是因为有他这样的人,英格兰才称雄海上。

if something什么you,it frightens or worries you

如果喜欢一个人就要说出来,大声的说出来,不然机会就从你身边白白溜走了. 如果你热切渴求一件东西,把手放开把.如果它最后还是回到你身边,那就永远是你的.否则它就从来不是你的. 我不想拥有你,因为我不能拥有. 爱是永不用说对不起. 你最丰盛的收获是学会爱而且他又爱你.

A) UnreasonablE.B) HorriblE.C) Frightening.D) Stupid and unbelievablE.


几个词的区别fear frighten horror terror panic dread alarm

alarm,dread,fear,fright,horror,panic,terror都含有一定的"惊恐"之意alarm 惊恐,忧虑,指突然遇到危险产生的紧张,害怕,惊慌失措的心理状态,也可指一般的担心忧虑 (take/feel alarm at…因…而惊恐)dread 担忧,惧怕,多指因预料有危险和不愉快的事面临而产生的不安心情,比fear更为强烈的恐惧fear 表示恐惧最普通的用语,指遇到危险或灾难内心感到不安或发慌fright 指突然的惊恐horror 令人毛骨悚然,使人极其厌恶的恐怖(常用于强调表现出恐怖的现象或行为,而不强调引起恐怖的原因)panic 恐慌(指吃惊以后随之而来的不知所措,神经几乎失控的状态)terror 恐怖(指个人安全受到严重威胁时所产生的巨大恐惧及惊骇)

fierce frightening

没有语境不好说.一般和 fierce 相提并论用frightening (吓人的,可怕的)当然容易接受些,但如果有语境,有时用frightened(受到惊吓的)也是有的. 我是如此急于去看那个凶猛可怕的动物,以至于我在人群中加快了脚步(frightening) 我是如此急于去看那个凶猛但又受到惊吓的动物,以至于我在人群中加快了脚步(frightened)

a bit 和a little 后面分别加什么,如果是形容词(frightened)前面加什么



abit和alittle都作"一点儿"讲,但用法不同。 1)abit和alittle在肯定句中修饰动词、形容词、副词和比较级时可以互换,表示"一点儿"的意思。例如: Thespeakerspokeupabit/alittlesoastomakehimselfheardmoreclearly. 演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚。 2)abit和alittle在否定句中的意思恰恰相反,notabit相当于"notatall"(一点儿都不);notalittle相当于"very(much)"或"extremely"(很、非常)。例如: Sheisnotabittired.(=Sheisnottiredatall.)她一点都不累。 3)alittle可以直接作定语修饰名词,而abit则要在后面加of构成短语才能作定语,两者都只能修饰不可数名词。例如: Thereisalittle/abitoffoodleftforlunch. 午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了。 4)abitof的另一种形式是bitsof,alittle则没有这种变体。例如:Besidesthis,heusedpartofanoldarmywirelessset,andsomebitsofwood.除此之外,他还利用了一部分旧的军用无线电发报机的一部分零件和一些木片。 俩都能加frightened.


不是重音的问题。 两个辅音中间有个元音字母就双写 .还有,要注意其他的特例。。

threaten 跟 frighten

A,threaten 威胁。 frighten害怕

make sb frighten

make sb. frightened

The boy feels ______ at night.A.frighten B.frightening C.frightened D.frightens

C 它是形容词 害怕的; 受惊的 用来形容人

翻译 这些消防队员没有被大火吓倒,事实上,他们勇敢地冲了进去.Frighten

The fire-fighters didn"t be scared by the fire.As a matter of fact,they rushed in barevily.

用英语造句(1)frighten...into,tell the truth(2)trick...into,marry(?

1、To tell the truth, I was frightened into death at that time.实话说,那个时候我吓的半死. 2、I was tricked into the dream that to marry him was a wise choice.我被骗以为嫁给他是一个明智的选择,结果是一场梦. 3、Liming was forced into buying this clothes by his girlfriend.李明被女朋友逼着买下了这件衣服. 4、we talked into late night and he accepted my proposal at last.我们谈到深夜,最后他接受 了我的建议 5、Finally he was persuaded into giving up his idea.最终他被说服放弃了自己的想法. 6、I was shocked into death before I realised it was a joke.在我意思到这是个玩笑之前,我震撼的不得了.,4,The little boy was frightened into telling the truth. The girl was tricked into marring the bad man. she was forced into buying this broken cup. I was persuaded into giving up *** oking. The mother was shocked into realizing that his son was a thief,3,用英语造句 (1)frighten...into,tell the truth (2)trick...into,marry (3)force...into,buy (4)talk...into,accept (5)persuade...into,give up (6)shock...into,realize



have frighten有这个词组吗?如果有是什么意思?


frighten词性变化 它的形容词。名词等等


terrify,frighten,intimidate 有什么区别?

terrify 比较着重被恐吓人内心的感受,比如一个坏消息,让人觉得感觉糟糕frighten 则较为着重在使人心跳加速这一方面,受惊吓intimidate 则是通过某一件事或某一个信息,去胁迫某人做某事

第7道,顺便说一下、Fright frighten frightened frightening


frighten (使惊吓,吓唬)变成(令仍恐惧的 adj)为什么不双写n+ing ???


scare和frighten 区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: frighten是最普通的词,没有特殊的意义,仅表示“吓唬”或“使…害怕” Not wanting to frighten the poor man, Mrs Richards quickly hid in the *** all store-room under the stairs. 理查夫人不想吓唬这可怜的人,所以她很快地藏到楼梯下的小贮藏室里。 scare在口语中的含义与frighten相同,可以通用;但是在文学作品中,用词准确的作家总是把它用于表示把某人“吓跑”The dog scared the thief away. 那只狗把小偷吓跑了。 The firecrackers scared the cat. 爆竹声把那只猫吓跑了。


【篇一】frighten的用法大全   frighten的用法1:frighten的基本意思是“使恐惧”“使害怕”。可指对一刺激的短暂反应,也可指充满害怕或恐惧的任何一种心理状态。在程度上则多指使人瘫作一团的“恐惧”。   frighten的用法2:frighten一般用作及物动词,通常接人或动物作宾语。偶尔也可用作不及物动词,这时主动形式常含被动意义。   frighten的用法3:frighten常用于be ~ed结构:其后接at, by, of或with表示被某一突然出现的人或物所惊吓; 接of还可表示习惯性地害怕某人或某物; 接介词to表示惊吓的程度。   frighten的用法4:be frightened多表示的是主语的感觉或情绪,通常是系表结构,而不是被动结构。 【篇二】frighten的常用短语   be frightened at   be frightened of   frighten away (v.+adv.)   frighten by (v.+prep.)   frighten from (v.+prep.)   frighten into (v.+prep.)   frighten off (v.+adv.)   frighten out of (v.+adv.+prep.)   frighten to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】frighten的用法例句   1. Fairground rides are intended to frighten the life out of you.   露天游乐场的飞车就是想把人吓丢了魂儿。   2. I did not want to frighten or distress the horse.   我并不想吓到马或惹怒它。   3. It doesn"t frighten them. They"re used to it.   这可吓不倒他们。他们已经习惯了。   4. Sorry, I didn"t mean to frighten you.   对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。   5. He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm .   他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。   6. They were evidently trying to frighten the public into obedience.   很明显,他们是要吓唬众人服从.   7. He was the cat they captured to frighten the monkey.   他们抓住他是为了吓唬别人.   8. Don"t put your prices too high or you"ll frighten the customers off.   不要把价格提得太高,要不会把顾客吓跑的.   9. He tried to frighten me by showing me a knife.   他用刀子吓唬我.   10. Don"t frighten me. He is telling the truth.   不要吓我, 他说的是真的.   11. No enemy can frighten us into submission.   任何敌人的恐吓都不能使我们屈服.   12. You"ll find that I don"t frighten easily.   你会发现我不是轻易就会害怕的.   13. The government is convinced that the bombers want to frighten away foreign investors.   政府确信炸弹袭击者的目的是想吓跑外国投资者。   14. He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him, so he smiled to hide his fear.   他知道索利是想吓唬他,所以他挤出笑容掩饰自己的恐惧。   15. Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.   高速公路旁将安装仿真巡逻车以威慑那些超速驾车者。


frighten的用法很多。 一、frighten vt./vi.,常作vt. ,意为"使惊吓、使惊恐"。 1. frighten sb. 意为"恐吓某人"。 Don"t frighten her. She"s just a little girl. 别吓唬她。她只是个小女孩。 The dog tried to frighten us, but it failed. 这条狗想吓唬我们,但是失败了。 2. be frightened of... 意为"害怕"。 The little girl is not frightened of dogs. 这个小女孩不怕狗。 3. be frightened by... 意为"被吓坏(吓一跳)"。 She was frightened by the shadow of the tree. 她被树影吓坏了。 4. be frightened at... 意为"看到......感到惊恐". She was frightened at the sight that he was drowned. 她看到他被淹死的情景感到恐惧。 5. be frightened + to do sth.意为"害怕做某事". She was very frightened to look down from the top floor of the building. 她很害怕从那栋建筑物的顶楼往下看。 6. frighten sb. to death意为"把某人吓坏",被动式为be frightened to death. When he saw the bear in the forest he was frightened to death. 当他在森林里看见熊时,他被吓坏了. 7. frighten sb. / sth. off / away意为"将某人/某物吓跑"。 The children"s shouts frightened the birds off. 孩子们的喊声把鸟儿吓飞了。 二、frightening, frightened是frighten的分词形式。 frightening意为"令人惊恐的、恐怖的",常用来说明事物的特征。 frightened意为"恐惧的、害怕的、受惊的",常用来说明人的特征。 两者都可用作表语或定语。 The film is very frightening. 这部影片非常恐怖。 The frightened children were calling for their mothers. 受惊的孩子们呼喊着找妈妈。

terrify 和frighten 有什么区别

terrify to drive or impel by menacing(用恐吓或胁迫来驱使别人) frighten to make afraid 所以说terrify 有一种恐吓的意味,并且使用恐惧来推动人们去做出一些什么事,而Frighten则为较简单的使人感到害怕.


frighten,作不及物动词时意为“害怕,惊恐”。作及物动词时意为“使惊吓;吓唬…”。短语搭配:frighten alarm使受惊scare frighten使害怕frighten with用frighten vt吓唬Frighten person吓唬人shelt frighten栖息地to frighten吓一跳 ; 惊吓frighten off吓跑 ; 吓走frighten cats吓唬猫双语例句:Tell him or her whether these things and situations frighten you and explain why.告诉他或她这些情况是否使你感到害怕并说明原因。Because they get their experiences by "practice" what they do "practice" and they do not want to frighten you.因为他们通过所作的事情来练习从而获得经验,而他们不想吓跑你——实验的素材。"I frighten them to death," she says.“我把他们到吓死了。” 她说。

having been bitten by a snake,she was frightened


[A]blamed [B]astonished [C]frightened [D]annoyed


come to crunch是什么意思:what is really frightening , what really fills you with despair, is the

成语 crunch time 意思是 “关键时刻”, “重要关头”。when it come to crunch 是 when it come to crunch time 的略词, 有 “到了关键时刻” 之意。

have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.


frightened, castle, prince, flat 这些单词都是什么意思?

frightened是:v. 害怕;使吃惊;吓走(frighten的过去分词)adj. 害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的castle是:n. 城堡;象棋中的车 vt. 置…于城堡中;筑城堡防御prince 是:n. 王子,国君;亲王;贵族flat 是n. 平地;公寓;平面adj. 平的;单调的;不景气的;干脆的;平坦的;扁平的;浅的vi. 逐渐变平;[音乐]以降调唱(或奏)vt. 使变平;[音乐]使(音调)下降,尤指降半音adv. (尤指贴着另一表面)平直地;断然地;水平地;直接地,完全地

6.I think the little boy will _____staying alone dark.A. frighten B. fear C. afraid D. worry


was frightened是不是被动



fright n.害怕,恐怖,惊吓.(这个是个名词)frighten v.使吃惊,使害怕.(这个是个动词)frighten不能当形词用,而且也不能做被动,因为它是不及物动词,可以说:I am frightened.我害怕.That was frightening.那个令人害怕.


frighten的名词是fright。fright读音:英 [fraɪt],美 [fraɪt]释义:n. 惊骇;惊恐;<口>怪人变形:过去式frighted,过去分词frighted,现在分词frighting,第三人称单数frights。短语:take fright 受惊恐fright stage 惊吓期fright reaction 恐怖反应have a fright 大吃一惊fright的近义词terror读音:英 ["terə(r)],美 ["terər]释义:n. 恐怖;惊骇;<口>令人惧怕或讨厌的人或事物例句:She let out a scream of terror.她发出恐怖的叫喊。短语:feel terror 感到恐惧growing terror 越来越恐怖fill with terror 充满恐惧terror for speed 过于追求速度的人

单词 fright和frighten的区别?词性?用法? 动词好像都是使恐惧的意思


fright 和 frighten的区别? 这两个词有什么区别?举几个句子?

fright n.害怕,恐怖,惊吓. (这个是个名词) frighten v.使吃惊,使害怕. (这个是个动词) 楼上的,frighten不能当形词用,而且也不能做被动,因为它是不及物动词,可以说: I am frightened. 我害怕. That was frightening. 那个令人害怕.

fright 和 frighten的区别?

frighten 被吓着了,是个被动语态可作形容词eg. I am frighten.fright 吓 主动词。eg. They fright me.


terrify vt.使恐怖, 使...害怕; 威胁frighten vt.使惊恐, 吓唬frightening针对人的比较多 terrifying可以指恐怖的 泛指一切的



英文,英语,外文.afraid / scared / frightened / terrified 有什么不同?

afraid 最宽泛的说法,表示害怕或担忧某程度也最轻. scared 恐惧,受惊吓的 frightened 常指没有精神准备,突然受到惊吓而害怕恐惧. terrified 害怕,惊恐,客观环境造成的

frightened scared terrified afraid区别

frightened 受惊的;恐惧的=afraid,scaredafraid 害怕的;担心的=frightened,worriedscared 恐惧的;受惊吓的terrified 恐惧的;受惊吓的汉语相同的可以互换。很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^


我佩服你们老师, 这回答不算, 我主要看看 其他人怎么答这题, 实在太难 ...


同义词:fright 反义词:silent/quiet

he is too frightened to move .frighten不是动词怎么可以这样用

frightened既是形容词又是动词过去式喔。具体词性要看语境,这句是用在系动词后是做形容词的,他太害怕以至于动弹不得。其实就跟 He is too tired to move是一个道理的。可以注意ed,有时候ed是动词过去式的标志,有时候是形容词的标志希望能帮助你哦!有什么疑问可以问我!O(∩_∩)O

forget to do sth.和forget doing sth.以及frighten 和frightened的区别?



the most frightened

I"m frightened of snakes。这里的of起什么作用?



如果一个单词是一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾,且重读闭音节,则双写辅音字母再加ing 而frighten虽然是一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾,但没有重读闭音节,所以不双写,而是直接加ing 谢谢采纳 祝楼主学习进步

fear ,frighten ,be frighten , be scared bethrilling 的区别

fear是名词:恐惧,害怕;frihnten是动词:是恐惧,使害怕;be frightened 是frighten的被动用法:害怕的,恐惧的;be scared 原理同上,是动词scare的被动用法;thrilling是形容词:1.毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的2.颤动的;【医】震颤的3.(风等)刺骨的。


This is frightening.This is a frightening thing.



单词 fright和frighten的区别?词性?用法? 动词好像都是使恐惧的意思


frighten the life out of sb 用的什么语法,不能理解



The afraid look on his face indicates that he must see some frightening things in the house

单词 fright和frighten的区别?词性?用法?动词好像都是使恐惧的意思


frighten scare 的异同?

frighten [ˈfraitən] vt. & vi. (使)惊恐 You"ll find that I don"t frighten easily. 你会发现我不是轻易就会害怕的。 vt. 吓唬 Don"t frighten me.He is telling the truth. 不要吓我, 他说的是真的。 scare [skɛə] vt. 恐吓; 使惊恐 Don"t let the noise scare you; it"s only the wind. 别让那声音把你吓住, 那不过是风声罢了。 vi. 受惊吓, 感到害怕 n. 惊恐, 惊吓 The sound of the explosion gave me quite a scare. 爆炸声把我吓了一跳。 (社会上的)大恐慌 There"s been quite a scare about the possible side effects of this new drug. 这种新药可能产生的副作用造成了相当大的恐慌。 adj. 吓人的 I like reading scare stories. 我喜欢读恐怖故事

他们感到害怕 英文翻译 They feel__(frighten)




frighten sb什么意思 frightened sb 什么意思

frighten sb 吓唬某人 frighten 是动词 吓唬 frightened sb 受惊的人 frightened 是过去分词作形容词 受惊的

为什么是will frighten ?(will 后不是应该加原型吗?)

frighten 是一个动词

frighten 的过去式是什么?

frightened有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)




同义词:fright 反义词:silent/quiet

fright frighten frightening的区别

fright [frait] n. 惊吓;惊骇vt. 使惊恐frighten ["fraitən] vt. 使惊吓;吓唬…vi. 害怕,惊恐frightening ["fraitəniŋ] adj. 令人恐惧的;引起突然惊恐的



fear afraid frighten scare terrify有什麽不同?

fear,afraid , frighten, scare terrify这些名词均含“恐惧、惧怕、惊恐”之意。fear:普通用词,侧重指面临危险或灾祸时内心所引起的恐惧心情。有一种敬畏,如害怕老师afraid 侧重于担心frighten:通常指一阵突然的、令人震惊的短暂恐惧,有时含夸张意味。一般用于被动语态,受到某物某事忽然惊吓, scare 侧重于威吓,一直有之,存在心中. terrify:指极大的恐惧和惊骇,语气最强。

I am frightened. I was frighten. 的区别?怎么决定过去式用在哪呢?或者是这两个那个对,为什么?



frighten 英[ˈfraɪtn] 美[ˈfraɪtn] vt. 使惊恐,使恐慌, 吓走,赶走 vi. 害怕,惊恐 [例句]Most people don "t take them , because they frighten us.很大一部分人不走捷径,是因为被吓住了。

frighten 副词



frighten比较偏重害怕中含震惊【EG】The alarm frightened the burglar away.警报铃声吓走了窃贼。horrify比较偏重反感中含震惊【EG】They were horrified at his rudeness.他们对他的无礼很反感。shock有点打击的感觉【EG】The news of his death was a shock to us.他去世的消息令我们震惊。
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