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What are your professional ambitions and goals? 求高手提供模板或自己写的 追加最高分 谢谢了

Civil engineers develop, design and monitor the building of various structures such as roads, bridges, utility systems and buildings. Civil engineers deal in many facets of business and engineering, such as the environment, architecture, transportation and technology. Jobs in civil engineers seemed to be on the increase in the 2009 with the increase in demand for better infrastructure and a growing population. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary of a civil engineer was $78,560 in 2008.EducationMany, if not all, civil engineers are required to have a bachelor"s degree in engineering if they would like to move up in their field. Education requirements also consist of taking and passing the fundamentals of engineering exam. Many high-level jobs in the field require the candidate to have at least a master"s degree in engineering, a physical science or business administration. Professional associations provide educational resources, such as seminars, lecture series and classes.ConsultingA civil engineer"s career aspirations may consist of working for a consulting firm, which assists construction firms, businesses and municipalities in their engineering endeavors. A small consulting firm can be a place where a civil engineer quickly moves up the ranks to management where they are responsible for overseeing projects and the firm"s overall well being. In larger consulting firms, a civil engineer career goals can flourish through opportunities in the technical, managerial and business development roles that they can play. A larger firm can provide a place where a civil engineer can hone in on an interest area and become an expert in that arena.Business and IndustryCivil engineers are needed in manufacturing, pharmaceutical and technology industries. Civil engineers in these sectors assume roles that involve the managing of facilities, project development and oversight, and developing and deploying goods and services to the consumer. Civil engineers are also employed in the retail, real estate, educational, energy and health care sectors.ConstructionCivil engineers are always needed by the construction industry to develop and manage projects, processes and people. In addition, civil engineers who aspire to work for a construction firm can also look at the administrative side of the business. This includes business development, human resources, marketing, safety, risk management and quality control. Positions within construction firms include project engineers, field engineers, superintendents, directors and owners.Public SectorCivil engineers may also find a career path with a municipality, such as a village or city. In these capacities, they may be responsible for overseeing utility, construction and road projects. Civil engineers may also work for agencies and departments on a state or federal level. These jobs can involve engineering of projects or the consulting on projects for the private and public sector.

Windows 8 Professional RTM x64x86 Crack是什么意思

Windows 8 专业母版(候选版)X86和X64架构,破解版

professional expert的区别

前者更偏向职业 专业的意思

medical profession是什么意思

medical profession医疗行业双语对照词典结果:medical profession[英][ˈmedikəl prəˈfeʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl prəˈfɛʃən]医疗职业,医疗职业;

professional society是什么意思

professional society英 [prəˈfeʃənəl səˈsaiəti] 美 [prəˈfɛʃənəl səˈsaɪɪti] 释义 专业学会,专业社团

Reflections of a Young Man on The Choice of a Profession

Nature herself has determined the sphere of activity in which the animal should move, and it peacefully moves within that sphere, without attempting to go beyond it, without even an inkling of any other. To man, too, the Deity gave a general aim, that of ennobling mankind and himself, but he left it to man to seek the means by which this aim can be achieved; he left it to him to choose the position in society most suited to him, from which he can best uplift himself and society. This choice is a great privilege of man over the rest of creation, but at the same time it is an act which can destroy his whole life, frustrate all his plans, and make him unhappy. Serious consideration of this choice, therefore, is certainly the first duty of a young man who is beginning his career and does not want to leave his most important affairs to chance. Everyone has an aim in view, which to him at least seems great, and actually is so if the deepest conviction, the innermost voice of the heart declares it so, for the Deity never leaves mortal man wholly without a guide; he speaks softly but with certainty. But this voice can easily be drowned, and what we took for inspiration can be the product of the moment, which another moment can perhaps also destroy. Our imagination, perhaps, is set on fire, our emotions excited, phantoms flit before our eyes, and we plunge headlong into what impetuous instinct suggests, which we imagine the Deity himself has pointed out to us. But what we ardently embrace soon repels us and we see our whole existence in ruins. We must therefore seriously examine whether we have really been inspired in our choice of a profession, whether an inner voice approves it, or whether this inspiration is a delusion, and what we took to be a call from the Deity was self-deception. But how can we recognise this except by tracing the source of the inspiration itself? What is great glitters, its glitter arouses ambition, and ambition can easily have produced the inspiration, or what we took for inspiration; but reason can no longer restrain the man who is tempted by the demon of ambition, and he plunges headlong into what impetuous instinct suggests: he no longer chooses his position in life, instead it is determined by chance and illusion. Nor are we called upon to adopt the position which offers us the most brilliant opportunities; that is not the one which, in the long series of years in which we may perhaps hold it, will never tire us, never dampen our zeal, never let our enthusiasm grow cold, but one in which we shall soon see our wishes unfulfilled, our ideas unsatisfied, and we shall inveigh against the Deity and curse mankind. But it is not only ambition which can arouse sudden enthusiasm for a particular profession; we may perhaps have embellished it in our imagination, and embellished it so that it appears the highest that life can offer. We have not analysed it, not considered the whole burden, the great responsibility it imposes on us; we have seen it only from a distance, and distance is deceptive. Our own reason cannot be counsellor here; for it is supported neither by experience nor by profound observation, being deceived by emotion and blinded by fantasy. To whom then should we turn our eyes? Who should support us where our reason forsakes us? Our parents, who have already travelled life"s road and experienced the severity of fate - our heart tells us. And if then our enthusiasm still persists, if we still continue to love a profession and believe ourselves called to it after we have examined it in cold blood, after we have perceived its burdens and become acquainted with its difficulties, then we ought to adopt it, then neither does our enthusiasm deceive us nor does overhastiness carry us away. But we cannot always attain the position to which we believe we are called; our relations in society have to some extent already begun to be established before we are in a position to determine them. Our physical constitution itself is often a threatening obstacle, and let no one scoff at its rights. It is true that we can rise above it; but then our downfall is all the more rapid, for then we are venturing to build on crumbling ruins, then our whole life is an unhappy struggle between the mental and the bodily principle. But he who is unable to reconcile the warring elements within himself, how can he resist life"s tempestuous stress, how can he act calmly? And it is from calm alone that great and fine deeds can arise; it is the only soil in which ripe fruits successfully develop. Although we cannot work for long and seldom happily with a physical constitution which is not suited to our profession, the thought nevertheless continually arises of sacrificing our well-being to duty, of acting vigorously although we are weak. But if we have chosen a profession for which we do not possess the talent, we can never exercise it worthily, we shall soon realise with shame our own incapacity and tell ourselves that we are useless created beings, members of society who are incapable of fulfilling their vocation. Then the most natural consequence is self-contempt, and what feeling is more painful and less capable of being made up for by all that the outside world has to offer? Self-contempt is a serpent that ever gnaws at one"s breast, sucking the life-blood from one"s heart and mixing it with the poison of misanthropy and despair. An illusion about our talents for a profession which we have closely examined is a fault which takes its revenge on us ourselves, and even if it does not meet with the censure of the outside world it gives rise to more terrible pain in our hearts than such censure could inflict. If we have considered all this, and if the conditions of our life permit us to choose any profession we like, we may adopt the one that assures us the greatest worth, one which is based on ideas of whose truth we are thoroughly convinced, which offers us the widest scope to work for mankind, and for ourselves to approach closer to the general aim for which every profession is but a means - perfection. Worth is that which most of all uplifts a man, which imparts a higher nobility to his actions and all his endeavours, which makes him invulnerable, admired by the crowd and raised above it. But worth can be assured only by a profession in which we are not servile tools, but in which we act independently in our own sphere. It can be assured only by a profession that does not demand reprehensible acts, even if reprehensible only in outward appearance, a profession which the best can follow with noble pride. A profession which assures this in the greatest degree is not always the highest, but is always the most to be preferred. But just as a profession which gives us no assurance of worth degrades us, we shall as surely succumb under the burdens of one which is based on ideas that we later recognise to be false. There we have no recourse but to self-deception, and what a desperate salvation is that which is obtained by self-betrayal! Those professions which are not so much involved in life itself as concerned with abstract truths are the most dangerous for the young man whose principles are not yet firm and whose convictions are not yet strong and unshakeable. At the same time these professions may seem to be the most exalted if they have taken deep root in our hearts and if we are capable of sacrificing our lives and all endeavours for the ideas which prevail in them. They can bestow happiness on the man who has a vocation for them, but they destroy him who adopts them rashly, without reflection, yielding to the impulse of the moment. On the other hand, the high regard we have for the ideas on which our profession is based gives us a higher standing in society, enhances our own worth, and makes our actions un-challengeable. One who chooses a profession he values highly will shudder at the idea of being unworthy of it; he will act nobly if only because his position in society is a noble one. But the chief guide which must direct us in the choice of a profession is the welfare of mankind and our own perfection. It should not be thought that these two interests could be in conflict, that one would have to destroy the other; on the contrary, man"s nature is so constituted that he can attain his own perfection only by working for the perfection, for the good, of his fellow men. If he works only for himself, he may perhaps become a famous man of learning, a great sage, an excellent poet, but he can never be a perfect, truly great man. History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy; religion itself teaches us that the ideal being whom all strive to copy sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, and who would dare to set at nought such judgments? If we have chosen the position in life in which we can most of all work for mankind, no burdens can bow us down, because they are sacrifices for the benefit of all; then we shall experience no petty, limited, selfish joy, but our happiness will belong to millions, our deeds will live on quietly but perpetually at work, and over our ashes will be shed the hot tears of noble people. Marx


certified-professional 认证的专业




  maintain professional confidentiality的中文翻译  maintain professional confidentiality  维护专业保密  双语例句  1  Responsibility to maintain and respect the confidentiality of sensitive information obtained in the course of professional activities or otherwise where a clear obligation exists.  维护和遵守专业活动过程中获得的或者负有明确义务的敏感信息的机密之责任。

affluent professional school的优点



professional-affiliation双语例句1. He seemed fond of her in a strictly professional way. 他似乎只是出于职业缘故而喜欢她。2. I"m a novice at these things, Lieutenant. You"re the professional. 中尉,做这些事情我是新手,你是行家。

professional practice是什么意思

professional practice译为:专业实践1.Problems should mirror professional practice. 问题应该反映专业实践。2.As we know, in journalism as in other fields, much can be learned from the systematic study of professional practice. 我们都知道,新闻业如同其它行业一样,人们可以从职业实践的系统研究中学到很多知识。3.Teachers learn about and work with local communities to improve their professional practice. 教师应与当地社团合作、学习来改进他们的专业实践。4.The research tools included williams creativity assessment packet, professional practice learning performance assessment and observation method in the studying. 研究工具包括威廉斯创造力测验、专业实习学习成效测验以及过程观察记录。5.The formation of professional habit of college students of chemistry education major is 0f great significance in professional practice of their teaching ability and forming a positive impact for the middle school students. 高校化学教育专业大学生专业习惯的养成在其教学能力的形成和将来对中学生形成积极的影响方面都具有重要的意义。您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!


professional-league职业联赛;职业联盟;职业联赛中;职棒联盟 Puleisite battle a number of national professional league, are all injury. 普雷斯特征战过多个国家职业联赛, 浑身都是旧伤.很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

advancement professional是什么意思?


professors 和professionals有什么区别?


Administrative Professionals" Day是什么节

国际秘书日 详解请参考百度百科 希望能帮到您。。。

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

(To Mr 张达人 zhdr) “主语:The issue 问题的最终结果” — 就是“问题”,不是什么“问题的最终结果”。 “transition 的同位语:a point when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。” A) 看得出,没读懂原文。解析:share 是 “部分”,不是什么 “分配”,share 与前面的 disproportionate 一起指专业上能胜任自己工作的这些妇女中的很大一部分 (a disproportionate share)。 B) 看得出,搞不清原文句子结构;汉语句子语义也不通;译文过分拘泥于英文原句结构,似乎英语句子结构与汉语句子结构毫无区别。解析:when…careers 整个实际上是由 when 引起的两个定语从句,修饰 a point (“时刻”,不是什么“核心点”或“关键点”) 下面两点嘛,“时间状语”、“主句”,南辕北辙啦!"时间状语:when woman [sic] have proven themselves professionally主句:yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)" “参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。” A) 除汉语不通外,鉴于不理解原句语义、不理解原句结构,这译文当然也就……!此译文不改不行!至少可以做到译文是原文语义的正确反映:当女性从中层管理者晋升为高层管理者时,一个非常突出的问题出现了:此时,女性已经证明了自己的专业能力,但她们中的很大一部分却不再在公司从业。 B) “不能同工同酬” is of a dubious source!

a point when woman have proven themselves professionally 求分析句子

总体结构主语:Theissue 问题的最终结果谓语动词:is表语:acute严重地/尖锐的处所状语:atthe transition from middle manager to senior manage 在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,transition 的同位语:a point when woman have proven themselves professionally yet a disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (该过渡期也就是)妇女已经在专业上证明了自己时候的而不相称的分配却成了共同生涯结果的核心问题(point 指问题的核心点或关键点)。同位语中嵌套的复合句时间状语:whenwoman have proven themselves professionally主句:yeta disproportionate share leaves corporate careers. (leave 指脱离原衷变成…的结果)参考译文:在从中层管理者到高级管理者的过渡段,问题是尖锐的,该过渡段也就是妇女已经在专业上证明了自己但结果却是不能同工同酬的核心问题。

position与career, ocupation, profession, 的区别

爱莫能助。。。 只能帮你顶下了 :)


简单来说——profession 职业是人们选择的能发挥自己专业技能或者专业知识的工作领域或具体工作门类,并且通过它来谋生或发挥特长,实现个人价值等。一般会很多变化或调整。career 事业偏重指终生所从事的研究或研习的领域,或者倾注一生和激情的爱好与大有裨益的追求等,具有终生不变,始终如一的特点。


1、career指的是终身事业。2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。3、occupation可以泛指各种专业。4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。拓展资料career1、She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。2、She received very little careers guidance when young 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。3、His car careered into a river 他的车一头冲入河里。4、Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。5、She began her career as a teacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。job1、Once I"m in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作。2、He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn"t take too much time他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。3、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。4、We could do a far better job of managing it than they have 我们会比他们经营得好得多。5、He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。occupation1、I suppose I was looking for an occupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。2、Parachuting is a dangerous occupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。3、Prii had become fluent in German during the Wehrmacht"s occupation of Estonia in 1942在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。4、Occupation: administrative assistant. 职业:行政助理5、You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。

career job ;occupation ;profession ;trade的区别

career job ;oupation ;profession ;trade的区别 career的意思是职业,侧重表达全职工作或者具体的某个岗位的工作;oupation表示职业、工作的时候,侧重于职业工作的统称,profession表示职业的时候,偏重表达专业性职业;trade 表示行业的意思,和前几个词表达的不同。 1、career 英[kəˈrɪə(r)] 美[kəˈrɪr] n. 职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速; adj. 作为毕生职业的; vi. 全速前进,猛冲; [例句]She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、oupation 英[ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn] 美[ˌɑ:kjuˈpeɪʃn] n. 职业,工作; 占有,占领; (土地、房屋、建筑等的) 使用; [例句]I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 3、profession 英[prəˈfeʃn] 美[prəˈfɛʃən] n. 职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰; [例句]Harper was a teacher by profession 哈珀的职业是教师。 4、trade 英[treɪd] 美[treid] n. 贸易; 行业; 买卖; <美>顾客; vt. 交易,经商; vt. 交换; 经营…交易,做…的买卖; [例句]The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. 该 *** 部门直接掌控著外贸的各个方面。 career,job,oupation,profession有什么区别? 1、career指的是终身事业。 2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。 3、oupation可以泛指各种专业。 4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。 拓展资料 career 1、She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、She received very little careers guidance when young 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。 3、His car careered into a river 他的车一头冲入河里。 4、Dennis had recently begun a suessful career conducting opera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。 5、She began her career as a teacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。 job 1、Once I"m in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作。 2、He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn"t take too much time 他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。 3、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。 4、We could do a far better job of managing it than they have 我们会比他们经营得好得多。 5、He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。 oupation 1、I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 2、Parachuting is a dangerous oupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。 3、Prii had bee fluent in German during the Wehrmacht"s oupation of Estonia in 1942 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。 4、Oupation: administrative assistant. 职业:行政助理 5、You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and oupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。 Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) 通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) employment、career、oupation、profession区别? 有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, oupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.oupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By oupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为oupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为oupation。 例如:The principal oupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩充套件了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。 show vs. appear Appear ?GIVE IMPRESSION? [linking verb, not in progressive] used to say that someone or something seems to have a particular quality or feeling He tried hard to appear calm. I don"t want to appear rude. The right colours can make a *** all room appear much bigger. career, oupation, job 的区别 career, oupation, job 的区别 career是职业生涯的意思,oupation是职业,即某人的职业是什么,也就是工作,是比较专业性的词,job的范围就比较广了,范指一切工作。 job,oupation,position,profession的区别? job 泛指工作 oupation 指职业 精确到某一个行业 position 指职位 无所谓哪个行业 只是有个位子 profession 指工种 专业 专家的oupation 大概这些区别 求大神:profession,oupation,vocation,trade的区别 profession 指职业,这个职业要有一定文化水平的职业,如工程师教室医生这类; oupation指职位,重点在“位”,指的是工作中你所处的位置; vocation指职业,这个职业指天职,有一种使命感; trade指交易贸易经营,和上述那些差别更大; 其实还有几个: job,work比较常见 ,一般都可以用; career指长期的,职业生涯那种,比如军人教师医生那种。 career,job,profession的区别 career:工作、生涯。是一生追求的事业。在法律条文中指“[法] 职业, 专业, 履历”。颇有文学色彩。 例句:She took historic study as her careerprofession强调专业性和职业的类别,多指受过高等教育的人士。从其派生词professional也可看出这一点。而此单词还可指一个群体,如the medical profession指的就是“医学界”。而大学的专业叫major。(My major is Internation Finance.)例句:Mike gets into the teaching profession in Cambtidge University.(麦克进入剑桥大学教书。) job则是你赖以谋生的具体工作。如My job is interpretation.(我的工作是口译。)

career,job,occupation,profession有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournalism(新闻业)。 以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。 而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(occupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),accountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。 occupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用occupation。我们可以说By occupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而occupational disease则是职业病。 career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。 Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。) 美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?)


有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, occupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例如:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。 show vs. appear Appear ?GIVE IMPRESSION? [linking verb, not in progressive] used to say that someone or something seems to have a particular quality or feeling He tried hard to appear calm. I don"t want to appear rude. The right colours can make a small room appear much bigger.


一、词义辨析不一样1、positionn.位置,方位〔辨析〕指某人、某物相对于其他人、物或地方而言所处的方位。〔例证〕Thecollegeisinagoodpositionbytheriver.学院靠着河,处于很好的位置。2、careern.职业,事业〔辨析〕指从事的职业或希望毕生从事的事业。〔例证〕Hisfirstconcernwhilelookingforajobiscareerprospects.他找工作时首先关注的是职业前景。3、occupationn.工作,职业〔辨析〕泛指任何一种工作,通常不用来谈论自己的职业,多用于表格填写或正式书面语中。〔例证〕Pleasestateyouroccupationintheboxbelow.请把你的职业写在下面的方框内。4、professionn.职业,行业〔辨析〕指需要经过专业培训的职业,尤指需要较高的受教育水平的职业。〔例证〕Manystudentshavetheintentionofjoiningthelegalprofession.很多学生打算投身法律行业。二、词义广泛性不一样1、position英 [pəˈzɪʃən]  美 [pəˈzɪʃən] n. 位置,方位;姿势;职位,工作;状态;态度v. 安置;把…放在适当位置;给…定位2、career英 [kəˈrɪə]  美 [kəˈrɪr] n. 事业,职业;生涯;全速v. 全速前进,猛冲3、occupation英 [ˌɒkjʊˈpeɪʃən]  美 [ˌɑkjuˈpeɪʃən] n. 占领;职业;占用;工作;消遣4、profession英 [prəˈfɛʃən]  美 [proʊˈfɛʃən] n. 职业;同业,同行;声明;表白三、变形词不一样1、position第三人称单数:positions复数:positions现在分词:positioning过去式:positioned过去分词:positioned2、career第三人称单数:careers复数:careers现在分词:careering过去式:careered过去分词:careered3、occupation只有复数:occupations4、profession只有复数:professions


通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournalism(新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(occupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),accountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。occupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用occupation。我们可以说By occupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而occupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?)


一、表达意思不同1、employment:n.使用;职业;雇用2、career:n.生涯;职业;事业;速度,全速、adj.作为毕生职业的、vi.全速前进,猛冲3、occupation:n.职业;占有;消遣;占有期4、profession:n.职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白二、侧重不同1、employment:侧重指受雇于他人,领取工资谋生计,并且比较固定的工作。2、career:侧重指职业、事业,指某种经过特殊训练而又为之献身的终身事业,带有崇高色彩。3、occupation:侧重指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。4、profession:侧重指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。扩展资料:“employment”的词根介绍:employ1、读音:英 [ɪmˈplɔɪ]、 美 [ɪmˈplɔɪ] 2、表达意思:vt.使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于、n.使用;雇用3、相关短语:employuse 应用;雇佣employbatteries 废电池selfemploy 职业4、例句:Thegroupwillemployamixoftacticstoachieveitsaim.该团体将运用混合策略来实现其目标。

career job ;occupation ;profession ;trade的区别

有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, occupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例如:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。


1、career指的是终身事业。2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。3、occupation可以泛指各种专业。4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。拓展资料career1、Sheisnowconcentratingonacareerasafashiondesigner 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。2、Shereceivedverylittlecareersguidancewhenyoung 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。3、Hiscarcareeredintoariver 他的车一头冲入河里。4、Dennishadrecentlybegunasuccessfulcareerconductingopera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。5、Shebeganhercareerasateacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。job1、OnceI"minAmericaIcangetajob 我一到美国就能找到工作。2、Hesaidhehopedthatthejobofputtingtogetheracoalitionwouldn"ttaketoomuchtime他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。3、Theirmainjobistopreservehealthratherthantreatillness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。4、Wecoulddoafarbetterjobofmanagingitthantheyhave 我们会比他们经营得好得多。5、Hemayhaveahardjobsellingthatargumenttoinvestors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。occupation1、IsupposeIwaslookingforanoccupationwhichwasgoingtobeanadventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。2、Parachutingisadangerousoccupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。3、PriihadbecomefluentinGermanduringtheWehrmacht"soccupationofEstoniain1942在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。4、Occupation:administrativeassistant. 职业:行政助理5、Youwillbeaskedtofillinaformwithdetailsofyourbirthandoccupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。

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加拿大硕士申请推荐信中,academic referee 和 professional referee有什么区别?

In what capacity 指你所在的职位及推荐人对你了解的程度


会计职业道德(accounting professional ethics) 会计职业道德应该是会计职业人员在从事会计工作、履行 会计行为 时 所应遵守的道德标准。其定义的推导如下:

a professional accountant是什么意思

a professional accountant 一个专业会计师accountant 英[əˈkaʊntənt]美[əˈkaʊntənt]n. 会计人员,会计师;[例句]She has an appointment with her accountant她和她的会计约好了见面。[其他] 复数:accountants

position与career, ocupation, profession, 的区别

爱莫能助。。。 只能帮你顶下了 :)

professional expertise是什么意思

professional expertise专业技能例句1.To contribute to the effective rollout of Business Unit Customer Service projects, through contribution of professional expertise and leadership. 通过专业才能既领导力,来有效推行客服部业务单元项目的实行。2.Strong technical force, with a large number of precision molds and parts processing, professional expertise and first-class precision processing equipment. 公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一大批精密模具和零件加工专业人才,以及一流的精密加工设备。

professional expertise 怎么写

professional expertise简称专业知能;专业技能;专业知识;专业技术;专业知能例句:To a fully professional expertise of their own work units, and can be your concern is my hope. 谋求一个充分发挥自己专业特长的工作单位,并能得到您的关照,是我的期盼。It takes a long time of study and practise to develop professional expertise. 职业专长的发展是一个长期学习和实践的过程。Survey also found that dance teacher in different levels, professional expertise dimension significant differences, You have worked with the dance teacher professional skills in certain level. 调查中还发现舞蹈教师职称级别不同,在专业技能维度上存在显著差异;幼师舞蹈教师的教龄与专业技能在一定水平上显著相关。



vocation,profession 有什么区别

profession [prE5feFEn] n. 职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布 vocation [vEu5keiFEn] n. 召唤, 号召, 天命, 天职, 特殊的适应性, 才能, 行业, 职业


adam"s-profession的释义,网络释义: 亚当的职业;喻指花匠或园林工人的工作;真诚希望能够帮助您,如果满意请采纳,祝您好运常伴。

occuoation. career.以及.profession在用法上有什么区别

occupation 是常务: 通常职务/职业career 长期职业;终生职业。profession 是 尊业。

post 、position 、profession的区别?




His (professions)of concern did not seem sincere.这里为什么要用profession的复数呢?

profession这里是“表白,声称” 的意思,是可数名词,复数表示不只一样表白.

帮我翻译一下那女的说的啥意思 profession在这里又只什么意思

W: You are quite right. He is just kidding. He"s also told me time and time again he wished he"d studied for some profession instead of going into business. 你说的非常正确。他只是在开玩笑。他还一次又一次地告诉我,他多么希望他自己已经学会了某个专业而不是做贸易。profession 专业,职业


professionalpro.fes.sion.alAHD:[pr…-fµsh“…-n…l] D.J.[pr*6fe.*n*l]K.K.[pr*6fW.*n*l]adj.Abbr. prof.(形容词)缩写 prof.Of, relating to, engaged in, or suitable for a profession:专业的,职业的:职业的、与职业相关的、从事职业的或适合职业的:a professional field such as law; professional training.专业领域,如法律;职业训练Conforming to the standards of a profession:符合职业标准的:professional ethics.职业道德Engaging in a given activity as a source of livelihood or as a career:从事专业的,职业的:从事某一特定活动作为职业或谋生手段:amateur and professional actors.业余和专业演员Performed by persons receiving pay:职业性的:接受金钱报酬的人们从事的:professional football.职业足球Having or showing great skill; expert:专业化的:具有或表现出高超技艺的;专家的:a thoroughly professional repair job.完全专业化的修理工作n.Abbr. prof.(名词)缩写 prof.A person following a profession, especially a learned profession.专业人员:从事某项职业的人,尤指有学问的职业One who earns a living in a given or implied occupation:专业者:以特定职业为生的人:hired a professional to decorate the house.雇一名专业装饰工来装修房子A skilled practitioner; an expert.行家:技术熟练的行业者;专家

professional 名词词性


profession,work, job career它们有什么区别

profession 强调“职业的、专门的” work 就是一般的工作的意思,泛指job 具体的“工作”,如:找一份工作career 职业、职务(多用于区别不同的工作)如:his career is teacher and mine is doctor还有一个post 职位,指具体的从事工作的性质


「job」和「profession」似乎都能用来表达「职业」的意涵,但其实前者只能用来指涉「一份工作」,而后者则有其专业性,两个单字有不同意义喔! Go Natural English的讲师Gabby Wallace提出了「job」和「profession」的用法差异,并用自身的工作经验来造句,帮助你轻松理解两个单字的不同含意! 1. Job 工作、职业 Explanation: a piece of work, especially a specific task done as part of the routine of one"s occupation or for an agreed price. 「job」指的是有薪水而能赖以维生的工作,但不一定需要或具备专业技能,例如:清洁工、服务生等。 e.g. My job is to teach an English class to help students pass the TOFEL. 我的工作是为学生上英文课,帮助他们通过托福测验。 2. Profession 专业 Explanation: a vocation requiring knowledge of some department of learning or science 「profession」指的是一项专业技能,且是经过学习与训练而得的。但拥有一项专业技能并不一定会有一份工作。 e.g. My profession is teaching English to speakers of other languages. 我的专业是为非英文母语人士教授英文。   job, job 中文, job 意思, job 翻译, profession, profession 中文, profession 意思, profession 用法, 工作 英文, 工作 英文单字, 工作 英文字汇




career:工作、生涯。是一生追求的事业。在法律条文中指“[法] 职业, 专业, 履历”。颇有文学色彩。例句:She took historic study as her careerprofession强调专业性和职业的类别,多指受过高等教育的人士。从其派生词professional也可看出这一点。而此单词还可指一个群体,如the medical profession指的就是“医学界”。而大学的专业叫major。(My major is Internation Finance.)例句:Mike gets into the teaching profession in Cambtidge University.(麦克进入剑桥大学教书。)job则是你赖以谋生的具体工作。如My job is interpretation.(我的工作是口译。)




Gaps between nursing profession and professional criteria 中国护理专业与专业标准差距的分析dict.cnki.net2But, the cha 扩展资料 Gaps between nursing profession and professional criteria 中国护理专业与专业标准差距的.分析 2 But, the change of ab extra population in status of the profession in professional flow is not big. 但是,外来人口在职业流动中职业地位的变化并不大。 3 We are professional amplifier manufacturer, professional in technology, professional in R& D, professional in production, profession, professional sales team. 作为专业功放制造商,我们不仅在技术方面专业,而且在研发、生产方面专业。


professional是profession(专业/职业)的派生词,-al 是形容词后缀,表示“与...有关的”或“具有 ... 特性的”。与“专业”或“职业”有关就是“专业的”或“职业的”。




简单来说——profession 职业是人们选择的能发挥自己专业技能或者专业知识的工作领域或具体工作门类,并且通过它来谋生或发挥特长,实现个人价值等。一般会很多变化或调整。career 事业偏重指终生所从事的研究或研习的领域,或者倾注一生和激情的爱好与大有裨益的追求等,具有终生不变,始终如一的特点。

请问occupation 和profession 有什么区别?

occupation 职位 ,比如说在公司里的某个职称profession 职业, 就是工作的类型


没有。professionn. 职业; 诈称; 表白; 入教; 职业人士; 信仰的宣布; 入教誓言; 修道誓约; 入教仪式

career job ;occupation ;profession ;trade的区别

career job ;oupation ;profession ;trade的区别 career的意思是职业,侧重表达全职工作或者具体的某个岗位的工作;oupation表示职业、工作的时候,侧重于职业工作的统称,profession表示职业的时候,偏重表达专业性职业;trade 表示行业的意思,和前几个词表达的不同。 1、career 英[kəˈrɪə(r)] 美[kəˈrɪr] n. 职业; 生涯; 事业; 速度,全速; adj. 作为毕生职业的; vi. 全速前进,猛冲; [例句]She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、oupation 英[ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn] 美[ˌɑ:kjuˈpeɪʃn] n. 职业,工作; 占有,占领; (土地、房屋、建筑等的) 使用; [例句]I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 3、profession 英[prəˈfeʃn] 美[prəˈfɛʃən] n. 职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰; [例句]Harper was a teacher by profession 哈珀的职业是教师。 4、trade 英[treɪd] 美[treid] n. 贸易; 行业; 买卖; <美>顾客; vt. 交易,经商; vt. 交换; 经营…交易,做…的买卖; [例句]The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade. 该 *** 部门直接掌控著外贸的各个方面。 career,job,oupation,profession有什么区别? 1、career指的是终身事业。 2、job却指的是人们为谋生而做的工作。 3、oupation可以泛指各种专业。 4、profession指必须受过相当高的教育或专门训练才能从事的知识性职业,如律师、医生、建筑师等。 拓展资料 career 1、She is now concentrating on a career as a fashion designer 她目前正专注于服装设计师的工作。 2、She received very little careers guidance when young 她年轻时基本没有接受过就业指导。 3、His car careered into a river 他的车一头冲入河里。 4、Dennis had recently begun a suessful career conducting opera. 丹尼斯最近开始从事歌剧指挥的工作,并且非常成功。 5、She began her career as a teacher. 她开始了自己的教师生涯。 job 1、Once I"m in America I can get a job 我一到美国就能找到工作。 2、He said he hoped that the job of putting together a coalition wouldn"t take too much time 他说他希望结成联盟的工作不会耗时太久。 3、Their main job is to preserve health rather than treat illness 它们的主要功效是保健而非治病。 4、We could do a far better job of managing it than they have 我们会比他们经营得好得多。 5、He may have a hard job selling that argument to investors 他可能得磨破嘴皮才能让投资者接受那个观点。 oupation 1、I suppose I was looking for an oupation which was going to be an adventure 我想我在找的是一份具有冒险性的工作。 2、Parachuting is a dangerous oupation. 跳伞是一项危险的消遣运动。 3、Prii had bee fluent in German during the Wehrmacht"s oupation of Estonia in 1942 在1942年德军侵占爱沙尼亚期间,普里学得了一口流利的德语。 4、Oupation: administrative assistant. 职业:行政助理 5、You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and oupation. 你将需要填写一张有关生日和职业详情的表格。 Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) 通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournali *** (新闻业)。以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(oupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),aountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。oupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用oupation。我们可以说By oupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而oupational disease则是职业病。career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。)美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?) employment、career、oupation、profession区别? 有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, oupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.oupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By oupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为oupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为oupation。 例如:The principal oupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩充套件了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。 show vs. appear Appear ?GIVE IMPRESSION? [linking verb, not in progressive] used to say that someone or something seems to have a particular quality or feeling He tried hard to appear calm. I don"t want to appear rude. The right colours can make a *** all room appear much bigger. career, oupation, job 的区别 career, oupation, job 的区别 career是职业生涯的意思,oupation是职业,即某人的职业是什么,也就是工作,是比较专业性的词,job的范围就比较广了,范指一切工作。 job,oupation,position,profession的区别? job 泛指工作 oupation 指职业 精确到某一个行业 position 指职位 无所谓哪个行业 只是有个位子 profession 指工种 专业 专家的oupation 大概这些区别 求大神:profession,oupation,vocation,trade的区别 profession 指职业,这个职业要有一定文化水平的职业,如工程师教室医生这类; oupation指职位,重点在“位”,指的是工作中你所处的位置; vocation指职业,这个职业指天职,有一种使命感; trade指交易贸易经营,和上述那些差别更大; 其实还有几个: job,work比较常见 ,一般都可以用; career指长期的,职业生涯那种,比如军人教师医生那种。 career,job,profession的区别 career:工作、生涯。是一生追求的事业。在法律条文中指“[法] 职业, 专业, 履历”。颇有文学色彩。 例句:She took historic study as her careerprofession强调专业性和职业的类别,多指受过高等教育的人士。从其派生词professional也可看出这一点。而此单词还可指一个群体,如the medical profession指的就是“医学界”。而大学的专业叫major。(My major is Internation Finance.)例句:Mike gets into the teaching profession in Cambtidge University.(麦克进入剑桥大学教书。) job则是你赖以谋生的具体工作。如My job is interpretation.(我的工作是口译。)


profession是可数名词当“多种职业”,“多种专业”来讲的时候,profession就可以用复数。例如: people of many professions意思是:很多种职业的人希望可以帮到你望采纳


一、词语辨析不一样1、profession n. 职业,行业〔辨析〕指需要经过专业培训的职业,尤指需要较高的受教育水平的职业。〔例证〕Many students have the intention of joining the legal profession.很多学生打算投身法律行业。2、occupation n. 工作,职业〔辨析〕泛指任何一种工作,通常不用来谈论自己的职业,多用于表格填写或正式书面语中。〔例证〕Please state your occupation in the box below.请把你的职业写在下面的方框内。二、词义广泛性不一样1、profession英 [prə"feʃ(ə)n]  美 [prə"fɛʃən] n. 职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白2、occupation英 [ɒkjʊ"peɪʃ(ə)n]  美 [,ɑkju"peʃən] n. 职业;占有;消遣;占有期三、词汇搭配不一样1、professionprofession for 适合于?的职业profession of arms 军职profession of doctor 医生职业2、occupationcarry on occupation 从事工作change sb"s occupation 换工作choose an occupation 挑选职业







career,job,occupation,profession有什么区别?拜托各位了 3Q

Profession所指的职业是需要在文科或理科方面有一定的教育程度,具备一定理论水平的人才的职业。通常指脑力劳动。例如:the teaching profession(教书的职业),the profession ofjournalism(新闻业)。 以前profession专指三种职业:法律、医药、神学,称作the learned professions(学者的职业)。 而随着技术的发展和职业的细化(occupational specialization),渐渐越来越多的职业可以划归到“profession”中,如:engineers(工程师),educationalists(教育家),accountants(会计)。现在profession覆盖的范围更大了。有趣的是人们普遍认为prostitution(卖淫)是人类最古老的职业(the oldest profession)。 occupation指生活中为了赚钱而从事的主要活动。它最具泛指性,因此在英文简历中“职业”通常都用occupation。我们可以说By occupation she is a housewife.(她的职业就是做家务。)而occupational disease则是职业病。 career(long-term or lifelong job)指长期的,甚至终身从事的职业。a career soldier(职业军人),a career politician(职业政客)。 work它是泛指一切长期从事的职业,不管专业、技巧,不管是否需要学问等等。“What"s your work?”(你做什么工作?)是最常见的问别人工作的一句话。 Job常指一件具体工作。You have done a good job.(你做的很好。)暑期工就可以是a summer job。His job is to sell newspapers.(他的活就是卖报纸。) 美国人比较喜欢用job表示职业或职位,如:what kind of job do you have?(你从事什么职业呀?)

position与career, ocupation, profession, 的区别

爱莫能助。。。 只能帮你顶下了 :)

career job ;occupation ;profession ;trade的区别

有关“职业”的一组同义词的辨析 英语中表示“职业”的词不少,常见的有trade, business, vocation, profession, career, occupation, employment, job, work等。虽然它们都表示“职业”,但仍存在细微差别,在使用中容易混淆,现试分析如下: 1. trade 一般来说是指需要技巧而非高深学问的职业,可译为“职业”、“手艺”。例如: He is learning the carpenter"s trade. 他在学木匠手艺。 Shoemaking is a useful trade.做鞋是一种有用的手艺。 2.business表示一个人经常的,且赖以生活的职业,但是侧重于商业方面,尤指银行业、商业、企业等行业中的工作。例如: My business is real estate.我的职业是经营地产。 同时,business也可指一般职业,如问别人干哪一行时,可以说:What"s your business? 3.occupation指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。例如: By occupation she is a housewife.她的工作是管家。 这是因为尽管她没有外出工作,但她负责管理整个家庭,照顾一家人的生活,她的管家工作就可以称为occupation,而不能用其他词来代替。当然,干工作而又领取工资的也可称为occupation。 例如:The principal occupation of the inhabitants is to feed peacefully on tourists. 当地居民的主要职业是靠招待旅游者平静的度日。 4.employment指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,并且是比较固定的工作。例如: His employment is that of a bookbinder.他的职业是装订工。 5.career职业、事业、专业。指某种经过特殊训练,而又为之献身的终生事业,带有崇高色彩。例如:She abandoned her stage career.她放弃了演戏的事业。 a career diplomat职业外交家 6.profession作“职业”解释时,通常指那些必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。过去,该词主要指律师、医生、牧师等职业,但现在它的词义已大大扩展了。现在可指有相当社会地位的许多其他谋生的职业。例如: She is an architect by profession.她的职业是建筑师。 She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。 7.vocation正式用语,可与 profession同义,也指职业,行业,但语体委婉、庄重。另外,该词的另一含义是:出于个人天才或个人浓厚兴趣而长期献身的一种事业,已不再是谋生的手段,带有崇高的意味,在这个意义上与career是同义词。例如: She chose teaching as her vocation (profession). 她选择教书为职业。 Although a physician by vocation, he is a botanist by avocation. 虽然他的职业是医生,却又是一个业余的植物学家。 8.work是用语表示工作或职业最常用的词,它可以用来泛指一切长期性的职业,包括脑力劳动和体力劳动,通常代替employment和job。不过work多用来指“工作”本身,平常我们每做一件事无论大小,都可以称为work。 9.job非正式用语,泛指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。该词在口语中广泛使用。例如: She has a good job in a bank.她在银行里有份很好的工作。 综上所述,指专业职业时多用profession ,强调“工作”时用work,而口语中job用的较普遍。




profession[英][prəˈfeʃn][美][prəˈfɛʃən]n.职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰;




profession 英[prəˈfeʃn]美[prəˈfɛʃən]n. 职业,专业; 同行; 宣称; 信念,信仰;


释义:作名词,意思为:“职业,专业;声明,宣布,表白”。单词发音:英[prəˈfeʃn]美[prəˈfeʃn]短语搭配:caring profession护理行业 ; 照顾他人的职业Profession informationization行业信息化Recognized Profession公认职业Service profession服务专业Health profession饮食行业 ; 健康专业profession of表白 ; 会计职业例句:However, for our ideal, of our profession, how do we then choice, the choice and who decides.然而,对于我们的理想,我们的职业,我们到底如何选择,该由谁来决定选择权呢。


profession英[prəˈfeʃn]美[prəˈfeʃn]n. (统称,指需要较高教育水平的)职业;(需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一)行业;(某)职业界;业内人士;同业;同行;同人;声明。[例句]His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession.他的语言能力对他所选择的职业大有帮助。[其他]复数:professions。profession的用法总结大全profession的意思n.职业,专业,同行,宣称,信念,信仰profession用法profession可以用作名词profession表示“同业,同行”是可数的集合名词,当其用作主语时,谓语动词可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。profession用作名词的用法例句He is a doctor by profession.他的职业是医生。Nursing is a vocation as well as a profession.护理工作既是职业又是救死扶伤的责任。I don"t believe her profession of friendship for us.我不相信她声称同我们友好。profession用法例句1、The attitude of the medical profession is very much more liberal now.现在,医务人员的态度开明多了。2、Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。3、Acting is definitely a young person"s profession in many ways.从许多方面来说,表演无疑是吃青春饭的行当。


profession D.J.[prəˈfeʃən] K.K.[prəˈfɛʃən] n.职业, 自由职业Medicine is her destined profession.医学是她命中注定要从事的职业。同业, 同行The legal profession has[have] always resisted change.法律界人士对变革总是加以抵制。

profession和specialty 有何区别?






profession 这个单词谐音怎么念呢

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