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business scenario是什么意思

business scenario 全部释义和例句>> 商业场景business scenario 全部释义和例句>> 商业场景

tricky business是什么意思

tricky business棘手的业务双语例句1In the third debate Mr Romney steered clear of the whole tricky business.在此次辩论中,罗姆尼却避而不谈这件棘手的事。No, i"m just saying that it"s a very tricky business.我只是说那种行业不好经营。Understanding how an OODBMS like db4o stores associated objects held throughreferences is a tricky business.理解像db4o这样的OODBMS是如何通过引用存储相关对象,是比较复杂的事情。The bad news is that forecasting asteroid impacts remains a tricky business.坏消息是预测小行星撞击不是件容易事。Actually trying to measure economic complexity is a tricky business, but it is notimpossible.真要衡量经济地复杂性,有关条码机的相关介绍,会是件棘手地事,但并非不可能办到。

thousands og patents have been granted for what are called business methods.

数千位父母有那种所谓被叫做管理的方法。thousands og patents 作为主语have been granted 作为谓语 用的是现在完成时for 后面是解释说明

business lounges是什么意思

business lounges商务休息室例句1.The funniest will win access to Flybe"s business lounges for a year.最有趣的见闻将会赢得公司赠送的一年商务休息室使用权。2.Priority status at check-in ? Exclusive business lounges优先登机手续独立商务休息室?3.I was shocked to find the only WiFi available in Heathrow"s business-class lounges costs a princely $15 for a couple of hours.如果你在伦敦希思罗机场,会惊奇地发现唯一可用的WiFi登录点位于商务舱乘客的休息室内,短短两小时的上网费竟然要15美元。4.Airport VIP lounges are no longer the sole preserve of those traveling business class, or with airline gold cards.机场贵宾室不再是商务舱乘客或航空公司金卡持卡人的专利。5.Washington used to have cigar bars and lounges. But a ban on all indoor smoking in 2005 put them out of business.华盛顿州曾经有一些雪茄吧和吸烟室,但是,2005年,一项全面禁止室内吸烟的禁令使他们停止了营业。

英文商业计划书(business plan)怎么写? 有人帮忙下吗

英文商业计划书(business plan)首先我们需要规划好要从哪些方面入手来开始写,我之前写商业计划书的作业是51due帮的忙,挺专业的,还能够帮你分析写作的思路,下面我跟你分享下。主要分成五个部分来写的:一、执行摘要(Executive summary)二、业务描述(The business)三、市场分析四、营销计划五、运营六、组织结构七、风险分析八、财务计划

留学生英文商业计划书Business Planning怎么写?

商业计划是为客户准备的,因为他们需要知道该产品是否符合市场目标而不是该产品的实用性,同时也是为政府准备,因为政府需要了解产品的法律,经济和补贴问题是否符合要求等诸如此类的问题。(Business plan is prepared for customers for they need to know whether the product serves the purpose or not and the utility of the product, for government because it is necessary to know for government whether the legal economical and subsidy concerns are met or the like.)那么一篇商业计划书通常需要包含哪些内容呢?通常情况下,一篇优秀的商业计划书(Business Planning)需要包含以下几个部分Executive SummaryBackground/Industry ResearchCompetitor AnalysisCustomer ProfileProduct RangePersonnelOperations AnalysisLegal and/or TechnicalSales and MarketingFinancial projectionsReferencesAppendix当然,这不是每个Business Planning都必须遵守的内容结构,同学们需要根据各自Module上的写作要求具体决定。比如说,斯旺西大学MN-M552business planning这门课,我们就根据他的具体要求,列出如下结构:1.0 Background and industry research (背景与行业分析)1.1 Background1.2 Industry research1.3 Summarised opinion2.0 Competitor analysis (竞争对手分析)3.0 Customer profile (顾客介绍)3.1 Segmentation3.2 Targeting4.0 Product range (产品范围)4.1 Products4.2 Value addition4.3 Market gap5.0 Personnel (人事部门)6.0 Operations analysis (运营分析)7.0 Legal/technical (法律与技术)7.1 Legal7.2 Technical8.0 Sales and marketing (销售与市场推广)9.0 Financials (财务)9.1 Sales and cost forecast9.2 Cash flow analysis9.3 Profit and loss statement9.4 Key ratiosReferencesAppendix 1 Interview questions


Eminem - Business(translate by yarx) [Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。 [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you"re fuckin"right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对! [Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let"s go! [Dr Dre]: 上说唱车,我们走! [Lady] Marshall! Marshall! [Eminem] Bitches and Gentleman, it"s showtime! 婊子们先生们!表演时间! Hurry, hurry step right up! 快,快,马上过来! Introducing the star of our show, his name is... 下面是今天表演的主角,他的名字是。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world rightnow 你现在再也不想去这世上的别处 So without further or do, I bring to you... 所以干脆,跟我来。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You"re "bout to witness hip hop in its most purest 你可能目击了hiphop的真相 most rawest form flow, almost flawless 都是最刺人又无暇的FLOW most hardest, most honest, known artist 都是最强硬又真实的艺术大师 Chip off the old block but old Doc" is back 切下老的阻滞但是老的DOC又回来 Looks like Batman brought his own Robin 看着就像蝙蝠侠带来了他的罗宾 Oh God, Saddam"s got his own Laden 哦天,亚当带了他的Laden with his on private plane, his own pilot 还有他的私人飞机,他的飞行员 Set to blow college dorm room doors off the hinges 努力吹开大学宿舍大门 Oranges, peach, pears, plums,oranges {*Vrrm vrrm*} 橘子,桃,梨,杏,李子{电锯声} Yeah here I come 好我来了 I"m inches away from you, dear fear none 我离你很近了,没人在害怕了 Hip hop is in a state of 911 so... HIPHOP就是真正的报警电话所以。。。 CHORUS 2x Let"s get down to business 让我们言归正传 I don"t got no time to play around what is this 我没时间理会周围这些东西是什么 Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit down 那些肯定是村里的马戏团,把这些垃圾结束掉 On these clowns,can I get a witness? 在这些小丑里有我的目击者吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! [Eminem] Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles 必须快速行动,必须创造奇迹 Gee willikers, Dre, holy bat syllables (这句严重不懂。。。) Look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham 看这些在纽约的胡说 When I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminals 当我有时间处理说唱的犯罪的时候 So skip to your lou while I do what I do best 所以在我全力以赴的时候就忽略过你的LOU(不懂) You ain"t even impressed no more, you"re used to it 你甚至没有留下印象,你从来都是这样 Flows too wet, nobody close to it 川流不息,没人靠近 nobody says it but still everybody knows the shit 没人论及直到大家发现他是垃圾 the most hated on out of all those who say it hated it 最可恨的来自说他们恨这些的 On an eighty songs and 这八十多首歌 exaggerate it all so much 太夸张了 they make it all up, 这全是装的 there"s no such thing 没有这样的 like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans 就像是个女的又好看,又会做饭,又打扫卫生 It just means so much more to so much more 这也代表了太多太多了 People when you"re rappin" and you know what for, the show must go on 当人们唱说唱又知道为了什么唱的时候,表演必须继续 So I"d like to welcome y"all to Marshall and Andre"s carnival,come on! Now... Chorus [Eminem] It"s just like old times, the dynamic duo 就像上次一样的动力二人唱 Two old friends, why panic? 两个老朋友,为何慌张? You already know who"s fully capable, the two capped heroes 你已经知道谁行了,两个戴帽子的英雄 Dial straight down the center 8-0-0 拨盘指向中心8-0-0 You can even call collect, the most feared duet 你甚至可以打免费电话,这种最可怕的二重奏 Since me and Elton, played career Russian Roulette 自从我和Elton上次玩快速俄罗斯轮盘 And never even see me blink or get to bustin" a sweat 从来没有看我精神或者认真过一点点 People stepping over people just to rush to the set 人山人海只是想要挤过去 Just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, 只是想要看看能自由说唱呼吸的MC ease over these beats and be so breezy 灵活移动的节奏,又轻松加愉快 Jesus how can shit be so easy? 上帝啊怎么说唱也能这样轻松? How can one Chandra be so Levy? 怎么一个Chandra也能这样Levy Turn on these beats MC"s don"t see me 开启这些节奏MC不会看到我 Believe me, BET and MTV 相信我,赌博和MTV are gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo" sheezy 都会在我们离开始悲伤起来,狗fo" sheezy( Can"t leave rap alone the game needs me 不能让说唱孤单,这玩意儿需要我 Till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains 直到我们长了胡子,变得神秘,消失在山脉 Nothing but clowns down here 这里没有人,除了小丑 But we, ain"t fucking around "round here 但是我们不管这里怎么样 Yo Dre! [Dr. Dre] What up? 咋的了? [Eminem] Can I get a hell? 我能挨顿骂吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! Chorus [Eminem] So now you have it folks 所以现在我们都是一家人 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] ... Has come to save the day 来扭转败局 Back with his friend Andre 跟他的朋友Andre一起回来了 And to remind you that bullshit does not pay because... 来提醒你胡说不会有好的结果,因为。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] And Andre are here to stay and never go away Andre将留在这里决不离开 Until our dying day, until we"re old and grey 直到我们死的那一天,直到我们老了化成灰 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] So until next time friends 所以到下一次朋友们 Same blonde hair, same rap channel 那些金发碧眼的,那些说唱频道 Goodnight everyone, thank you for coming 大家晚安,谢谢光临 Your host for the evening... 你们都是今晚的主人。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] Oh, hah

求《my business》的中英文歌词

Eminem - Business(translate by yarx) [Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。 [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you"re fuckin"right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对! [Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let"s go! [Dr Dre]: 上说唱车,我们走! [Lady] Marshall! Marshall! [Eminem] Bitches and Gentleman, it"s showtime! 婊子们先生们!表演时间! Hurry, hurry step right up! 快,快,马上过来! Introducing the star of our show, his name is... 下面是今天表演的主角,他的名字是。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world rightnow 你现在再也不想去这世上的别处 So without further or do, I bring to you... 所以干脆,跟我来。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You"re "bout to witness hip hop in its most purest 你可能目击了hiphop的真相 most rawest form flow, almost flawless 都是最刺人又无暇的FLOW most hardest, most honest, known artist 都是最强硬又真实的艺术大师 Chip off the old block but old Doc" is back 切下老的阻滞但是老的DOC又回来 Looks like Batman brought his own Robin 看着就像蝙蝠侠带来了他的罗宾 Oh God, Saddam"s got his own Laden 哦天,亚当带了他的Laden with his on private plane, his own pilot 还有他的私人飞机,他的飞行员 Set to blow college dorm room doors off the hinges 努力吹开大学宿舍大门 Oranges, peach, pears, plums,oranges {*Vrrm vrrm*} 橘子,桃,梨,杏,李子{电锯声} Yeah here I come 好我来了 I"m inches away from you, dear fear none 我离你很近了,没人在害怕了 Hip hop is in a state of 911 so... HIPHOP就是真正的报警电话所以。。。 CHORUS 2x Let"s get down to business 让我们言归正传 I don"t got no time to play around what is this 我没时间理会周围这些东西是什么 Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit down 那些肯定是村里的马戏团,把这些垃圾结束掉 On these clowns,can I get a witness? 在这些小丑里有我的目击者吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! [Eminem] Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles 必须快速行动,必须创造奇迹 Gee willikers, Dre, holy bat syllables (这句严重不懂。。。) Look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham 看这些在纽约的胡说 When I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminals 当我有时间处理说唱的犯罪的时候 So skip to your lou while I do what I do best 所以在我全力以赴的时候就忽略过你的LOU(不懂) You ain"t even impressed no more, you"re used to it 你甚至没有留下印象,你从来都是这样 Flows too wet, nobody close to it 川流不息,没人靠近 nobody says it but still everybody knows the shit 没人论及直到大家发现他是垃圾 the most hated on out of all those who say it hated it 最可恨的来自说他们恨这些的 On an eighty songs and 这八十多首歌 exaggerate it all so much 太夸张了 they make it all up, 这全是装的 there"s no such thing 没有这样的 like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans 就像是个女的又好看,又会做饭,又打扫卫生 It just means so much more to so much more 这也代表了太多太多了 People when you"re rappin" and you know what for, the show must go on 当人们唱说唱又知道为了什么唱的时候,表演必须继续 So I"d like to welcome y"all to Marshall and Andre"s carnival,come on! Now... Chorus [Eminem] It"s just like old times, the dynamic duo 就像上次一样的动力二人唱 Two old friends, why panic? 两个老朋友,为何慌张? You already know who"s fully capable, the two capped heroes 你已经知道谁行了,两个戴帽子的英雄 Dial straight down the center 8-0-0 拨盘指向中心8-0-0 You can even call collect, the most feared duet 你甚至可以打免费电话,这种最可怕的二重奏 Since me and Elton, played career Russian Roulette 自从我和Elton上次玩快速俄罗斯轮盘 And never even see me blink or get to bustin" a sweat 从来没有看我精神或者认真过一点点 People stepping over people just to rush to the set 人山人海只是想要挤过去 Just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, 只是想要看看能自由说唱呼吸的MC ease over these beats and be so breezy 灵活移动的节奏,又轻松加愉快 Jesus how can shit be so easy? 上帝啊怎么说唱也能这样轻松? How can one Chandra be so Levy? 怎么一个Chandra也能这样Levy Turn on these beats MC"s don"t see me 开启这些节奏MC不会看到我 Believe me, BET and MTV 相信我,赌博和MTV are gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo" sheezy 都会在我们离开始悲伤起来,狗fo" sheezy("t leave rap alone the game needs me 不能让说唱孤单,这玩意儿需要我 Till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains 直到我们长了胡子,变得神秘,消失在山脉 Nothing but clowns down here 这里没有人,除了小丑 But we, ain"t fucking around "round here 但是我们不管这里怎么样 Yo Dre! [Dr. Dre] What up? 咋的了? [Eminem] Can I get a hell? 我能挨顿骂吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! Chorus [Eminem] So now you have it folks 所以现在我们都是一家人 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] ... Has come to save the day 来扭转败局 Back with his friend Andre 跟他的朋友Andre一起回来了 And to remind you that bullshit does not pay because... 来提醒你胡说不会有好的结果,因为。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] And Andre are here to stay and never go away Andre将留在这里决不离开 Until our dying day, until we"re old and grey 直到我们死的那一天,直到我们老了化成灰 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] So until next time friends 所以到下一次朋友们 Same blonde hair, same rap channel 那些金发碧眼的,那些说唱频道 Goodnight everyone, thank you for coming 大家晚安,谢谢光临 Your host for the evening... 你们都是今晚的主人。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] Oh, hah

we business on the basis

我们希望表示我们在公平,互利和相互交换所需商品的基础上与你建立商业关系的心愿. 我们的希望是在我们之间建立使双方都受益的/双赢的贸易关系. 第一句,mutual benefit 为形容词+名词,跟在of 后面译为“互利”; 第二句,mutually beneficial 为副词+形容词,修饰“贸易关系”,译为“对双方都有益的”,“使双方都受益的","双赢的". 第二句里的mutually beneficial 不能改为mutual benefit or mutual beneficial,因为mutual benefit是形容词加名词,属于名词的偏正结构,不能够修饰后面的“贸易关系”;而mutual是形容词,不能修饰同是形容词的beneficial,只能用mutually,即副词形式来修饰形容词beneficial. 希望对你有所帮助.

the business is risky but

A the business is risky.but (should we succeed) we would be rich. Should we succeed 实际上是 If we succeed 的另一种说法.

The business is risky.But_,we would be rich. A.

道题的答案是A 这是一个倒装句,而且是虚拟条件句的倒装,可以形成这种倒装的有三个词should, were和had 下面先举一个were的例子,中文:要是我是你的话,我不会那样做. 用正常语序应当是 If i were you, I would not do it. 这种句子一旦倒装的话,就要省去if,于是上句就变成 Were I you, I would not do it. 再举一个had 的例子: Had I come earlier, I would have seen her. 中文为我要是早到点就见到她了. 那题目中的句子正常语序应当是But if we should succeed那一旦倒装就是A 答案的语序了.意思是这个生意是有风险, 但是我们要是能成功的话,我们就发财了. 所以只能选A 而其他几个词would might could 都不能用在倒装虚拟条件句中.

软件测试中RBT(Risk Business Test)思想具体指的是什么呢?

我做过测试1年多,现在也想继续做测试的工作,我正在看几本书,推荐给你(美)William E.Perry 著,高猛 冯飞 徐璐 译《软件测试的有效方法》(第三版)里面有软件测试风险评估,以及具体怎么去测试的内容,你可以去图书馆看看,或者自己买一本看。

Business plan 可以用什么替换?business proposal 可以吗


business 、、economical、、这英语怎么读?



job 是你替人打工, business 是生意(一般用于老板身上), occupation 是职业(可以是打工也可以是老板)

关于e-business, e-commerce, m-commerce的概念,定义和3者之间有什么不同怎么不同


what is e-business models?

From the initial development period start in electronic commerce , the electronic commerce business model which is favored by risk investor unceasingly is evolving. Turns on from the initial period network, to gateway, B2C, B2B and so on, after but from B2C, B2B branches out very many new patterns.The first kind of pattern is the ecommodity management through the network implementation face to consumer. It was replaces the entity market with the traditional retail sales pattern difference with the hypothesized shop front exhibition, the consumer saves the purchase time which go to the shop and all that costs.,the enterprise may sell the commodity face the global consumer to,but only could not face "the neighbor " like traditional market such.The second kind of pattern is the enterprise provides the activitythrough the network implementation face to consumer . This kindof pattern has brought the revolutionary change for the traditionalservice industry, like the traveling service, the order form service,responds to a call for recruits to serve, the game service, the education service and so on. China"s grand company, took along company and so on regulation company, 51job separately faces the consumer to provide the game service, the traveling service, the human resources service and so on.The third kind of pattern is the ecommodity management through the network implementation face to enterprise. It is may face the global business with the traditional sale pattern difference to sell the commodity,but only could not face the before service intercourse like traditional enterprise such the partner.The fourth kind of pattern is the enterprise provides the activitythrough the network implementation face enterprise"s service.Enterprise"s main source of income to provides the service through the network to the enterprise. It is may face the global business with the traditional service pattern difference to the troditonal service pattern.不知道对不对啊/不还意思


E-commerce 属于E-business E-commerce 是纯盈利性机构间的商务 而E-business还包括与非盈利性机构件的商务,如政府等


Advantages and disadvantages of e-businessWith the development of the Internet and the popularization of computers, shopping on the Internet has become a commonplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need. Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don"t have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click the mouses. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly. However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can"t see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the computer. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to complain.

Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of e-business.

E-business involves using the internet to integrate the vendors or traders with the consumers and suppliers. Probably the biggest advantage of conducting business online is that the firm and its products have a worldwide presence. E-business has greatly contributed to improvement in customer service。Marketing products through the web has made advertising extremely cost effective。 E-business has some very potent sectoral limitations.E-business requires substantial resources at hand for redefining product lines for online selling. There are many different benefits of E-business,but it is not without its negative sides.(2段为优点,3段为缺点)








e-business:电子商务。e-commerce:电子商务。网络:电子商贸; 电子商务模式; 电子商务,电子贸易。Leverage existing e-business architectures for implementation of web services.利用现有的电子商务体系结构来实现Web服务。I work mostly in e-commerce, so the models I work on are a collaborative effort between several companies.我主要从事电子商务,因此处理的模型是多家公司的协作项目。


电子商务是运用计算机网络技术和现代通信技术,使商务达到电子化、自动化运作的商务形式。广义的电子商务(E-business,有的也称电子商业)包括EDI(Electronic Data Interchange:电子数据交换)、基于Internet的E-commerce(Electronic commerce:电子商务)以及基于企业内部的信息化系统ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning:企业资源计划)、SCM(Supply Chain Management:供应链管理)和CRM(Customer Relation Management:客户关系管理)等。EDI是电子商务的最初形式,八十年代在欧美国家发展起来,它主要是通过一个内部网进行数据传递和交换,从而达到贸易过程的自动化。随着Internet技术的发明和应用,电子商务开始朝着基于Web的开放式平台的形式发展,这就是我们通常讲的e-commerce。根据kenneth C.Laudon & Carol Guercio Traver 著作的电子商务一书提到E-COMMERCE与E-business是有一定区别。E-business称为电子业务,是发生在企业内部的数字化事务和流程,包括企业内部的信息系统。特征一般不含跨组织边界的有价交换的商业交易,当发生商业交易,业务就转变成商务。E-commerce主要是涉及跨企业边界交易。

用Western Union business solutions 付款是不是就相当于T/T

你好。很高兴为你解答。可以通过Western Union business solutions 公对公 付款 ,也没像西联客服说的什么一定要再WU开户才行 ,已经到账了,第二个工作日早上就到账,确实比之前汇款快多了 ,主要是客户这样付款我这边全额到账了 ,一分不少 。

western union business solutions是什么

西联(western union,西联国际汇款公司)的商业解决方案。



什么是Business Entertaining

Business Entertaining商务招待/宴请

he is a businessman的问句




businessman中的a 同音的有什么英语?


A businessman was deep in debt....这篇文章帮忙翻译,速度快!!


一道高中英语选择题(The businessman )

商人很忙碌,因而他时常忘记扣上他的外套DO UP 扣扣子的意思..选择C而A意思是他忘记已经扣上了外套.

A businessman had worked too much .

一个商人工作太多了。他发现他晚上无法入睡,但经常在白天睡着。他很担心,所以他去看医生。“你能帮我吗,医生?“他问,“我以前睡眠很好,但现在我晚上睡不到两小时。” 医生仔细地看他,给他做了一些测试,让他少工作,并让他服用药物来帮助他。他说他确信他病的不严重,而且他很快就会好的。(well) 但商人变得更糟而不是更好。他在晚上比以前睡的更少,仍然是在办公室里睡觉。他多次去拜访医生,医生花了很长时间才找到原因:商人的妻子在上午给他安眠药让他夜不能寐。

how to become a businessman 英语作文

The 1benefit is not the ultimate purpose of the pursuit of excellence is the purpose of a business if it is not that he is nothing but a small dealer a marketplace taste no businessman or Confucian let alone entrepreneur of layers2 on the reflection of the outside world to must be sensitive to a wind sways grass. Could surge high and sweep forward rapid quick action often takes the initiative of my own in this area has been the lack of3be good at thinking and preparation can reflect on their mistakes often be prepared against want meet the strong wind and big waves remained calm the chest has myriad with Pinghu is I most appreciate and admire4adventurous dare others dare not do have the courage to challenge the higher goal of I always thought to be successful three paths to do not to do others disdain to do you do things others can"t do you do people do not do the above three can be successful today win in China the apiculture rural people spirit touched me he back of successful5man and rich skills not sophisticated but to follow the social rules in this regard my motto is: do not panic event not barren propagation. A word be and if spring Su if autumn frost like to take money velvet glove minimalist without difficulties not business6any time will not easily give up do not give up easily be self-examination self-examination self summary self repair improve the self-improvement self realization7real Merchant Finance should be clear to there is money concept8should reject some temptation should be in the big fussI admit that a merchant or is slightly more successful businessman is easy to have the following drawbacksMultiple retreat rarely pragmatic businessman is the bounden duty of business business do not do is make a person more wants to be out of the name can not duplicate more is more tired by name name name victims so we do business or enterprise is inseparable from the pragmatic spiritMany conservative less innovation immobility complacency trend seriously smart less enlightened in the economic globalization this thought has severely constrained and constraining the development of more impetuous gas less static businessman and owner to do know what to do and what not to do somethingReal traders will always stand in the society the most top pulling economic prosperity and national prosperity from the character change to a new level.1利益不是最终的目的 追求卓越才是一个商人的目的 如果不是这样 那他充其量不过是个小贩子一身的市井味道 谈不上商人 也谈不上儒商 更别说企业家的层次了 2对外界的反映要要敏感 一有风吹草动 就可能波澜壮阔  行动迅速敏捷 往往抢到先机我自己在这方面也很欠缺  3善于思考和准备 会反思自己的错误 时常有备无患 遇到大风大浪仍然保持平静 胸有万千而面带平湖者是我最欣赏和佩服的人 4 富有冒险精神 敢做他人不敢做的事情 勇于挑战更高的目标 我一直以为要想成功三条路径 别人不愿做的不肯做的不屑做的你做了 别人不能做的你做了 别人不敢做的你做了 上述三种都能成功  今天看 赢在中国 那个养蜂的农村人的精神打动了我 他回成功的 5为人处世富有技巧 不是圆滑事故 而是在遵循社会规则 在这方面我的格言是 :事繁勿慌 事闲勿荒。有言必信 无欲则刚 和若春风 肃若秋霜 取象于钱 外圆内方 真水无香 无艰不商 6任何时候 不轻易妥协 不轻易放弃 会自我审视 自我反省 自我总结 自我修复改进 自我完善 自我实现 7真正的商人 对财务应该清晰 对钱是有概念的  8应该拒绝某些诱惑 应该在大手笔上做文章  我承认商人或者是稍微有点成就的商人很容易有以下弊端 多务虚很少再务实 商人的天职是经商 经商做不好 做什么都是瞎掰 一个人越想出名 就越出不了名 越是重名 就越为名所累 为名所困 为名所害  所以我们经商还是以后做企业 同样离不开务实精神 多保守少创新 固步自封自满倾向严重  多聪明少开明 在经济全球化的今天这种思维严重束缚了手脚制约了发展 多躁气少静气 商人和老板要做到知道自己该干什么不该干什么    真正的商人 会一直站在社会的最顶端 牵引着经济的繁荣和国家的昌盛 脱离市井的性格蜕化到一个新的层次.



businessman 和boss的区别


an old businessman 是什么意思

an old businessman 一个老商人




男性,business woman是白领女性

businessman 与salesman的区别



复数是:businessmen。主要就是记住后边man的复数形式,就是men所以businessman 的复数形式就是businessmen一般在后边加man的单词的复数形式都是这么变,直接把后边的man变成复数,前边不变。扩展资料:(1)当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/), 如:box-boxes, peach-peaches. (o有时也是,但es读音为/z/如hero-heroes)例外:stomach-stomachs(因ch读作/k/)(2)不规则变化,如:ox-oxen, child-children, man-men,mouse-mice,louse-lice(3)不变化,如:deer-deer, sheep-sheep以及集体名词people-people,Chinese-Chinese。(4) 在中间加s,用于连词,如:hanger_on-hangers_on,maid_of_honor-maids_of_honor。参考资料来源:百度百科-复数









bi zi ni si men (拼音) 一开始重读

businessman可不可以分开,变成business man?

不可以 这个单词是一个单词不能分开的


可以,但businesswomen 不能指男士。

I am a businessman 和 I am a business, man的区别



女企业家 businesswoman


杰克·韦尔奇John Francis "Jack" Welch, Jr. (born November 19, 1935) was Chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. Welch gained a solid reputation for uncanny business acumen and unique leadership strategies at GE. During his tenure, GE increased its market capitalization by over $400 billion. He remains a highly-regarded figure in business circles due to his innovative management strategies and leadership style.His net-worth is estimated at $720 million.巴菲特Warren Edward Buffett (b. August 30, 1930, Omaha, Nebraska) is an American investor, businessperson and philanthropist.Buffett has amassed an enormous fortune from astute investments managed through the holding company Berkshire Hathaway, of which he is the largest shareholder and CEO. With an estimated current net worth of around US$52 billion, he was ranked by Forbes as the third-richest person in the world as of April 2007, behind Bill Gates and Mexican businessman Carlos Slim Helú.In June 2006, he made a commitment to give away his fortune to charity, with 83% of it going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The donation amounts to approximately $30 billion. Buffett"s donation is said to be the largest in U.S. history. At the time of the announcement the donation was enough to more than double the size of the foundation.Despite his immense wealth, Buffett is renowned for his unpretentious and frugal lifestyle. When he spent $9.7 million of Berkshire"s funds on a corporate jet in 1989, he jokingly named it "The Indefensible" because of his past criticisms of such purchases by other CEOs. He continues to live in the same house in the central Dundee neighborhood of Omaha, Nebraska that he bought in 1958 for $31,500 (although he also owned a more expensive home in Laguna Beach, California which he sold in 2004). The current estimated value for his house is around $700,000.His 2006 annual salary of about $100,000 is tiny by the standards of senior executive remuneration in other comparable companies. CEOs in S&P 500 constituent companies averaged about $9 million compensation in 2003. In 2007, Buffett was listed among Time Magazine"s 100 Most Influential People in The World.




商人 实业家



businessman 的复数形式?

主要就是记住后边man的复数形式 就是men 所以businessman 的复数形式就是 businessmen 一般在后边加man 的单词的复数形式都是这么变 直接把后边的man变成复数 前边不变


businessman的复数是businessmen ,是(尤指上层)商界人员;企业家;商界能手;善做生意的人的意思。 主要就是记住后边man的复数形式就是men,所以businessman 的复数形式就是businessmen 扩展资料   例句:   A local businessman stepped in with a large donation for the school.   当地一位商人出面捐了一大笔款给学校。   He doesn"t conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.   他不同于人们一般印象中穿黑色西装、提公文包的商人形象。   He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.   他是成功青年企业家的`典型。   I should have got a better price for the car, but I"m not much of a businessman.   那辆车我本应卖个更好的价钱,但我不大会做生意。







business to consumer怎么读,什么意思


出差英语怎么说?可以go a business trip吗

太直意了,go business就行了

谁能帮我做一下这三道business的题,根据case study 那个写,要详细的,英文写,谢谢



trade指“贸易” business泛指所有“生意”,当然也包括“贸易”


Business, can be all kinds of activities, merchandises that people need to handle, it is quite general. Trade is one of the type of business, regarding exchange of merchandises or merchandises and monetary.


trade和business有什么区别? trade指“贸易” business泛指所有“生意”,当然也包括“贸易” deal和trade有什么区别? deal〓口语用词,指买卖双方经过交涉达成协议成交 n trade〓普通用词,含义广。既可指某种具体的商业又可指广泛的贸易。 FOR I will deal you problems later Trade with others countries is important trade off和opportunity有什么区别 trade off 是取舍 opportunity cost是取舍后你需要担负的成本 就像我trade off了我的时间来给你回答问题,为此我不得不在两分钟以后再去抠脚丫 trade sales 和sales有什么区别 trade sales 贸易销售;店销书;商业出售 1、In a welder, metal tools related to foreign trade sales experience, spokenEnglish proficiency . Work experience more than a year. 有在焊机、五金工具方面相关外贸销售经验,英语口语熟练。工作经历一年以上。 sales是sale的复数 销售额;出售;拍卖;销路 销售部;先生;销量 1、How much sales has music handsets brought for Nokia in 2006? 2006年诺基亚音乐手机带来的销售额有多大? 2、The pany has launched a strong marketing offensive to try to increasesales. 公司已发动争取市场的强大攻势以其增加销售量。 business和deal有什么区别 Business 做名词 let"s get into business 让我开始言归正传 Deal 名词和动词 no deals 没门 不及物动词I am dealing with lots of scientific subjects 我正在做手 处理很多科学课题 名词 that"s a good deal 那是个好买卖 dark deal和dark trade有什么区别? deal多指“协议” dark deal指“黑暗的协议” trade多指“贸易,交易” dark trade指“黑暗的贸易、交易” Basic和Business有什么区别啊。。 Business Hosting 有独立ip年付的ssl证书。其他的都差不多。你可以到官方去看看他们的引数比较。[] 检视原帖>> busines *** an和business man有什么区别 不知道.. 第一个是商人,第二个就不知道勒。。 那师姐告诉我,BMW是啥意思? business man women 事业, 男人,女人 哦也! OneDrive for Business和OneDrive有什么区别 OneDrive for Business和OneDrive的区别: 如果仅仅使用该服务来储存照片、音乐和文件,但只有一个帐户,普通的 OneDrive 就是最好的选择。这是为个人使用者打造的服务,可灵活跨越各种装置和作业系统,每月费用也足够低廉。 OneDrive for Business 则是另一个定位,不适合个人使用者,是为企业使用者设计的。如果你使用大量不同的账户,并有大规模的资料储存需要,在容量和功能上 OneDrive for Business 都是最好的选择。 “ OneDrive for Business 是 Office 365 或 SharePoint Server 2013 的一部分,为客户提供 1TB 的储存空间来储存内容,可作为 Office 365 订阅的一部分来使用。” trade unions 和work councils 有什么区别呢? trade unions 工会 work councils 工作委员会 或译职工监事委员会

vogue business是什么

时尚商业。Vogue Business是康泰纳仕集团推出的在线时尚行业刊物。提供时尚行业全球视角,探索文化趋势和全球模式将如何影响时尚行业。运用来自其他领域的技术专家、趋势预测者、未来学家和创新者的见解,Vogue Business成为有关新技术将如何影响产品开发、营销和销售方式的领先信息来源平台。Vogue Business主编一职将由Lauren Indvik担任,她曾是时尚网站Fashionista.com的主编,并在过去的两年中领导了伦敦Vogue International的新闻和专题报道团队。Indvik在一份声明中介绍了Vogue Business的内容特点:“我们以全新的全球性、视觉性和数据驱动的方法处理新闻,旨在创造最大的影响力和可读性,让人们一眼就能轻松理解关键理念,并帮助业内人士作出企业和个人职业发展的决定。”基于这样的内容定位,Vogue Business的目标读者将是时尚和奢侈品业各种规模企业的从业人士、时尚专业的学生、以及高端酒店和奢侈旅游业等与奢侈品相关行业的从业者。例如,当一个企业想了解媒体活动监管的变化,可直接通过Vogue International遍布全球的内部律师,找到可以沟通的人。或是通过举办论坛,帮助创意总监和CEO们寻找合适的人才。“我们在多次和CEO、创意总监交流时了解到,他们最大的挑战几乎都是‘怎样找到对的人"。”Blau说。因此,Vogue Business被康泰纳仕国际集团视为一个能够交流信息的网络,而非一个自上而下的信息传播系统。现在Vogue Business的编辑团队驻扎在Vogue International的伦敦总部,包括主编Indvik在内仅有6人,仍在组建中,Blau计划在2019年内招够24人。短期内的内容生产将偶尔借助Vogue International的数据、社交媒体等部门,以及地方部门的力量和资源。但仅限于资源打通,Vogue Business还是会独立运营。Blau向界面时尚透露,出于多样化的人才需求,Vogue Business还需要了解中国电商、零售趋势的人才,有人类学背景、可以发掘文化变迁对奢侈品业影响的人才,以及数据分析师。



tenure in business怎么填

tenure in business营业时间多久了.营业期的意思

关于 买卖 的英语词汇 比如说 buy ; sell 等这样关于business的词汇 词组也行 老师要求100个啊 天啊

account executiveadministratoragentambassadorbaronbossbusinessmanbusinessmanbusinesspersonbusinesswomanbusinesswomancapitalistcaptain of industryCEOchairmanchairpersonchairwomanchange agentchiefchief executivecompany secretarycontrollercoordinatordealerdealmakerdeputydeveloperDGdirectordirectordirector generalentrepreneurexecexecutiveexecutive directorexecutive officerexecutive secretaryforemangafferhandlerhigher-upindustrialistinterlocutorline managerline managermagnatemanmanagermanagermanagermanageressmanaging directorMDmgrmicromanagermiddlemanmiddle managermumpreneurnon-executive directorofficerombudsmanoperatoroverseerproprietorroad managershipownerstakeholdersuperintendentsupervisorSupttaipantradetreasurertrusteetycoonveepvice-presidentVPadventuristarbitrageurempire-buildernegotiator

急求有关success和women,men&moneny 和the soul of business为话题的英文对话


i do international business and international trade啥意思





开迪 途安大众开迪 Life 1.9TDI: 77kW,前轮驱动,0~100km/h加速时间13.2秒,最高车速:166km/h,18 160欧元 雷诺 Kangoo 1.5 dCi: 60kW,前轮驱动,0~100km/h加速时间13.7秒,最高车速155km/h,14600欧元 大众开迪 Life 1.9 TDI 普鲁士和法国为争夺欧洲霸权进行了这场战争,促使普鲁士完成了德意志统一,德法之间的关系也是仇恨深重。如今,德法在汽车市场上也是针锋相对,包括这里要给大家介绍的多功能车。像雷诺Kangoo这样的家用多功能车越来越受到了人们的欢迎,面对这种一片大好的形势,德国大众集团也恰逢时机地推出了它的新产品开迪。 雷诺 Kangoo 1.5 dCi 它们既不是真正意义上的运货车,也不是象夏朗那样的小客车,驾驶它们既不会使你颜面倍增,也不会让你精神振奋,无论是雷诺的Kangoo,还是大众开迪。而它们的真正的魅力,也仅仅在于他们巨大的装载容积。无论想运输车轮,洗衣机,或者干脆是来自IKEA时尚家居的一组壁柜,都不是问题,他们中最大的装载容积已经达到了3000多升。 我们不妨把它们称为家庭小货车和家庭小客车的结合体:从2004年的1月到10月这款法国车分别在德国取得了将近11000辆新车注册,这追平了福特Galaxy的销量,而德国大众推出的这款开迪,更是被誉为城市小型运输车和家庭紧凑型小客车的融合。长达4.40米的开迪是大众汽车在高尔夫的生产平台上开发出来的全新产品,它50%的车身零部件都是来自于同属于一个平台的途安。 车身 我们可以把他们称为小型运输车与紧凑型小客车的完美过渡 开迪的侧面门为拉门,即使是当它停在一个很狭窄的停车位里的时候,乘客也可以自如地上下车,后座可以向前折叠,折叠后车内的装载容积最大可以达到3020升。加价597欧元,可以选装第二排后座椅,这样开迪就变成了可以搭乘7人的紧凑型小客车了。 这款法国车上也配备的是侧面拉门,它们的后排座椅也是可以分别向前折叠的。对于雷诺来说,尽管它拥有着3000升的装载容积,但是最多仅能承受400公斤的载重能力显得不成比例。与它相比,大众开迪则能够多承受200多公斤的重量。 对比二款车的内饰,人们首先会产生一个同样的想法,就是它们都把内饰的设置几乎节约到了极限:方向盘、换档杆、仪表,但是它们排列的层次分明。 大众开迪的内饰看起来很饱满,同时在整个后备舱都覆盖着地毯,使整车看起来有一种温馨的味道,与此形成鲜明对比的是在法国车中,它们只有裸露的塑料地板,两个金属后轮罩上也没有任何护板,从这两点可以很容易地看出它们与货车之间的亲缘关系,尽管便于清洁,却缺少了必要的隔音功效,大大降低了驾驶的舒适程度。

business blue ribbon 什么意思


skype中skype for business是什么意思?

Skype for Business 是微软的一款通信服务,支持随时随地与参加会议和通话的人员联系。它支持用户访问出席信息,并支持即时消息、音频和视频呼叫、丰富的在线会议和一系列 Web 会议功能。主要是为企业实现不同地点不同时间能与客户沟通问题,实现协同办公。需要注意的是skype和skype for business是两个不同的软件,skype for business需要企业账号登录,所以他们的账号不是互通的。扩展资料:skype for business特性1、联机会议从团队会议到实时传送视频流会议,或者拨入电话会议。随时随地协同办公。2、设备通信微软合作伙伴生态系统提供的认证的音频设备不仅可靠,而且还能增强用户体验。3、电话系统和通话套餐使用手机、电脑、Mac 和移动设备拨打、接听和转接电话。4、安全、控制和符合性从用户到企业,全程获得端到端的安全、控制和符合性。5、Server借助 Microsoft 云的强大功能,在不增加复杂性的情况下扩充 IT 选项,从而增强服务器部署。Hybrid 部署为企业提供可扩展、多功能、经济的完整功能集。参考资料:微软-什么是 Skype for Business


Eminem - Business(translate by yarx) [Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号。 [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you"re fuckin"right [Eminem]: 神圣的打击不抒情的,Andre,你说的对! [Dr. Dre] To the rapmobile, let"s go! [Dr Dre]: 上说唱车,我们走! [Lady] Marshall! Marshall! [Eminem] Bitches and Gentleman, it"s showtime! 婊子们先生们!表演时间! Hurry, hurry step right up! 快,快,马上过来! Introducing the star of our show, his name is... 下面是今天表演的主角,他的名字是。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world rightnow 你现在再也不想去这世上的别处 So without further or do, I bring to you... 所以干脆,跟我来。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] You"re "bout to witness hip hop in its most purest 你可能目击了hiphop的真相 most rawest form flow, almost flawless 都是最刺人又无暇的FLOW most hardest, most honest, known artist 都是最强硬又真实的艺术大师 Chip off the old block but old Doc" is back 切下老的阻滞但是老的DOC又回来 Looks like Batman brought his own Robin 看着就像蝙蝠侠带来了他的罗宾 Oh God, Saddam"s got his own Laden 哦天,亚当带了他的Laden with his on private plane, his own pilot 还有他的私人飞机,他的飞行员 Set to blow college dorm room doors off the hinges 努力吹开大学宿舍大门 Oranges, peach, pears, plums,oranges {*Vrrm vrrm*} 橘子,桃,梨,杏,李子{电锯声} Yeah here I come 好我来了 I"m inches away from you, dear fear none 我离你很近了,没人在害怕了 Hip hop is in a state of 911 so... HIPHOP就是真正的报警电话所以。。。 CHORUS 2x Let"s get down to business 让我们言归正传 I don"t got no time to play around what is this 我没时间理会周围这些东西是什么 Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit down 那些肯定是村里的马戏团,把这些垃圾结束掉 On these clowns,can I get a witness? 在这些小丑里有我的目击者吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! [Eminem] Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles 必须快速行动,必须创造奇迹 Gee willikers, Dre, holy bat syllables (这句严重不懂。。。) Look at all the bullshit that goes on in Gotham 看这些在纽约的胡说 When I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminals 当我有时间处理说唱的犯罪的时候 So skip to your lou while I do what I do best 所以在我全力以赴的时候就忽略过你的LOU(不懂) You ain"t even impressed no more, you"re used to it 你甚至没有留下印象,你从来都是这样 Flows too wet, nobody close to it 川流不息,没人靠近 nobody says it but still everybody knows the shit 没人论及直到大家发现他是垃圾 the most hated on out of all those who say it hated it 最可恨的来自说他们恨这些的 On an eighty songs and 这八十多首歌 exaggerate it all so much 太夸张了 they make it all up, 这全是装的 there"s no such thing 没有这样的 like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans 就像是个女的又好看,又会做饭,又打扫卫生 It just means so much more to so much more 这也代表了太多太多了 People when you"re rappin" and you know what for, the show must go on 当人们唱说唱又知道为了什么唱的时候,表演必须继续 So I"d like to welcome y"all to Marshall and Andre"s carnival,come on! Now... Chorus [Eminem] It"s just like old times, the dynamic duo 就像上次一样的动力二人唱 Two old friends, why panic? 两个老朋友,为何慌张? You already know who"s fully capable, the two capped heroes 你已经知道谁行了,两个戴帽子的英雄 Dial straight down the center 8-0-0 拨盘指向中心8-0-0 You can even call collect, the most feared duet 你甚至可以打免费电话,这种最可怕的二重奏 Since me and Elton, played career Russian Roulette 自从我和Elton上次玩快速俄罗斯轮盘 And never even see me blink or get to bustin" a sweat 从来没有看我精神或者认真过一点点 People stepping over people just to rush to the set 人山人海只是想要挤过去 Just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, 只是想要看看能自由说唱呼吸的MC ease over these beats and be so breezy 灵活移动的节奏,又轻松加愉快 Jesus how can shit be so easy? 上帝啊怎么说唱也能这样轻松? How can one Chandra be so Levy? 怎么一个Chandra也能这样Levy Turn on these beats MC"s don"t see me 开启这些节奏MC不会看到我 Believe me, BET and MTV 相信我,赌博和MTV are gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo" sheezy 都会在我们离开始悲伤起来,狗fo" sheezy("t leave rap alone the game needs me 不能让说唱孤单,这玩意儿需要我 Till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into the mountains 直到我们长了胡子,变得神秘,消失在山脉 Nothing but clowns down here 这里没有人,除了小丑 But we, ain"t fucking around "round here 但是我们不管这里怎么样 Yo Dre! [Dr. Dre] What up? 咋的了? [Eminem] Can I get a hell? 我能挨顿骂吗? [Dr. Dre] Hell yeah! Chorus [Eminem] So now you have it folks 所以现在我们都是一家人 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] ... Has come to save the day 来扭转败局 Back with his friend Andre 跟他的朋友Andre一起回来了 And to remind you that bullshit does not pay because... 来提醒你胡说不会有好的结果,因为。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] And Andre are here to stay and never go away Andre将留在这里决不离开 Until our dying day, until we"re old and grey 直到我们死的那一天,直到我们老了化成灰 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] So until next time friends 所以到下一次朋友们 Same blonde hair, same rap channel 那些金发碧眼的,那些说唱频道 Goodnight everyone, thank you for coming 大家晚安,谢谢光临 Your host for the evening... 你们都是今晚的主人。。。 [Lady] Marshall! [Eminem] Oh, hah



Brian May的《Business》 歌词

歌曲名:Business歌手:Brian May专辑:Another WorldMarshall!Marshall!Bitches and Gentleman!It"s showtime!Hurry, hurry step right up!Introducin" the star of our show, his name is...Marshall!You wouldn"t wanna be anywhere else in the world right nowSo without futher ado, I bring to you...Marshall!Your bout to witness hip hop in itsMost pourest, most rawest form, flow almost flawlessMost hardest, most honest, known artistChip off the old block but old doc is BACK!Looks like Batman, brought his own RobinOh God, Sadam"s got his own LadenWith his own private plane, his own pilotSet to blow college dorm room doors off the hingesOranges, peach, pairs, plums, orangesMy inches away from you, here fear noneHip hop is in a state of 911, soLet"s get down to businessI don"t got no time to play around what is this?Must be a circus in town, let"s shut the shit downOn these clowns, can I get a witness?Hell Yeah!Dre gotta move fast, gotta perform miraclesGee willikers Dre, holly bat syllablesLook at all the bullshit that goes on in GothamWhen I"m gone time to get rid of these rap criminalsSo, skip to your lou, while I do what I do bestYou ain"t even impressed no more, you used to itFlows too wet, nobody close to itNobody says it was till everyone knows the shitThe most hated on outta all those who say it hate itOn an eighties songs andexaggerate it all so muchthey make it all upThere"s no such thingLike a female with good looks who cooks and cleansIt just means so much more to so much morePeople when you rappin" and you know what forThe show must go on, so I"d like to welcome ya"llTo Marshall and Andre"s carnivalC"mon! Now..It"s just like old times, the dynamic duoTwo old friends, why panic?You allready know whos capable, the two caped heroesDial straight down the center 8-0-0You can even call collect, the most feared duetSince me and Elton, play career Russian RouletteAnd never even seen me blingin" get me bustin" a sweatPeople steppin" over people just to rush to the setJust to get to see a MC who breathes so freelyEase over these beats, and be so breezyJesus, how can shit be so easyHow can one Chandra be so LevyTurn on these beats MC"s dont see meBelieve me, BET and MTVAre gonna grieve when we leave, dawg fo sheezyCan"t leave rap alone the game needs me"Til we grow beards, get weird and disappear into the mountainsNothin" but clowns down hereBut we, ain"t fuckin" around "round hereYo Dre!Has come to save the dayBack with his friend AndreAnd to remind you that bullshit does not payBecauseAnd Andre are here to stay and never go awayUntil our dying day, until we"re old and greySo until next time friendsSame blonde hair, same rap channelGoodnight everyone, thank you for comingYour host for the evening
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