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Tiprego,non aiutarmt是什么意思?




有关 prego sauce 的英文资料...紧急!!!

Prego offers many different varieties of sauce. The traditional pasta sauce is in seventeen different flavors with marinara, mini meatball, zesty mushroom, and roasted garlic parmesan among them. In the Prego Organic line, the two flavors, Organic Mushroom and Organic Tomato and Basil, are made with all organic ingredients with the same Prego pasta sauce taste. A third line in the Prego Pasta Sauce family is the Hearty Meat meat sauce. It comes in Meatball Parmesan, Authentic Italian Sausage, and Three Meat Supreme. Yet another line is the Chunky Garden Pasta Sauce consisting of flavors such as Garden Combination, Mushroom Supreme, Mushrooms & Green Pepper, and Tomato, Onion & Garlic. These four sauces contain some amount of vegetables.Convenience food has many advantages, but convenience food contains additives to preserveit. Since convenience food is so popular and easy to prepare, we can use convenience food with fresh food. For example, we can add fresh ingredient like minced meat and vegetables when using bottle spaghetti sauce to make spaghetti.

意大利语Ti prego, dimmi perché是什么意思阿?



tipregononaiutarmi的意思是意大利语。直译英语是please don‘t help me也就是“不要帮助我。ti 是 tu 变位后的一种方式 “你”的意思prego 也有“不客气”的意思dimmi 就是:“告诉我”的意思perché 就是“为什么”的意思。意大利文在形态上是保留罗曼语中保留拉丁文形式最完整的语言。意大利文是文艺复兴时期最有声望的语言,并在这一时期取得了极大的辉煌。意大利文也如同西班牙文一样,有整齐易学的发音体系,同样也不需要音标就可以完全朗读出来。意大利文的语法体系,总体来说是和西班牙文大致对应的。其他的主要语法比如动词变位,主语省略,语序等皆可参考西班牙文。意大利文的重音有明显的拖长和降调,和西班牙文截然不同,也导致听起来更富有音乐性。现代意大利文有二十一个字母,分别是Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Zz,词的书写与发音高度统一,部分辅音以字母组合的形式出现。

意大利语 grazie和scusa后面分别应该回答什么? prego和niente有什么区别?

grazie 后面 应该可以说 prego(不客气),niente(没事,没关系),nulla(没什么),non c e di che (没有什么的)scusa后面应该可以说 niente(没事),nulla(没什么)non fa niente (没有什么关系)prego 意思是不客气还有就是请吧niente意思是没事,没关系。

prego attendere什么意思

两个是意大利文prego的意思在不同环境解释不同,一个是“不客气”;说请进时候的“请”字;动词PREGARE的第一人称变位,请求、恳求、“为.....祈祷”的意思 attendere:等待、专心致力于、细心照顾的意思

