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研究生学位POST-GRADUATE DEGRE;Graduate degree相关例句:在相关专业领域具有本科和研究生学位;Undergraduate and graduate degrees in the relevant field of expertise; 希望对你有帮助

英语, 关于 Postgraduate 和 MASTER的区别

简单说这是两个不同的课程:商务硕士学位: Master of business学士后商务证书课程: Postgraduate diploma of business.分别开出是因为招生对象不同,入学要求不同,提供课程内容不同;


这个涉及国外学制问题,和国内本科完就硕士不同,你看看引用吧:Master是硕士学位,Postgraduate Diploma是学士后学位。以新西兰为例,master是9级学历,postgraduate diploma是一个学位是8级学历。一般本科生毕业后,如果没有去申请荣誉学士学位,而且本科阶段平均分拿到B以上想继续深造的话,就可以申请master或postgraduate diploma。master的第一年和postgraduate diploma是一样的。只有postgraduate diploma阶段拿到B以上的成绩才能读master的最后一年,也就是论文阶段。否则就只能拿到postgraduate diploma的学位。其实说白了,两个是不同级别的学位,之间就只差了一个论文。

graduate,postgraduate, undergraduate这几个词怎么区别?


graduate student和 postgraduate student 有什么区别

graduate student强调获得学位,多指学士学位;postgraduate student 强调获得学位后继续深造,攻读研究生或博士等。


postgraduate 只是指研究生,而master 是指“硕士”学位。


在英语语境下,graduate是指完成本科学业并获得学位的学生,也可以作为动词,表示完成学业并获得学位。而postgraduate则指已经获得本科学位并进一步深造,攻读研究生学位的学生。在语法和使用方法上,两者最明显的不同是,graduate可以用作动词和形容词,而postgraduate只能用作形容词和名词。此外,postgraduate强调深造和攻读研究生学位,而graduate则更强调已经获得学位。具体用法举例如下:Graduate:He graduated from Yale University last year. (他去年从耶鲁大学毕业。)Graduate:She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. (她是加州大学伯克利分校的毕业生。)Postgraduate:He is a postgraduate student studying for his Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford University. (他是在斯坦福大学攻读物理学博士学位的研究生。)Postgraduate:She has a postgraduate diploma in Marketing from the London School of Economics. (她有一份来自伦敦经济学院的市场营销研究生文凭。)Postgraduate:The university offers a wide range of postgraduate courses in various fields. (该大学开设了各种领域的研究生课程。)综上所述,graduate和postgraduate虽然有一些相似之处,但它们在含义、语法和使用方法上有着明显的区别。如果你已经获得了本科学位,并且想要继续深造,攻读研究生学位


这两个词都不是学位有一些相同的地方 不过具体来说前者多表示本科毕业生 也就是大学毕业的学生 而后者多表示的是在读的研究生

Master和Post graduate有什么区别啊?

区别非常大。MasterMaster是确定的硕士学位,比如理学硕士(Master of Science)、文学硕士(Master of Arts)、美术硕士(Master of Fine Arts)、工程硕士(Master of Engineering)。不管是何种硕士,Master都是确切获得了或者能获得硕士学位的。PostgraduatePostgraduate范畴就比较大,理论上凡是获得了学士学位之后,在进行的深造进修都属于Postgraduate。硕士、博士、博士后都属于Postgraduate。不过在英语国家(比如美国、英国、澳大利亚或者加拿大),Postgraduate一般都特指不颁授学位的进修课程,比如研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate)、研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma)等等。Postgraduate不一定能获得学位,这点要尤其注意。


在英语语境下,graduate是指完成本科学业并获得学位的学生,也可以作为动词,表示完成学业并获得学位。而postgraduate则指已经获得本科学位并进一步深造,攻读研究生学位的学生。在语法和使用方法上,两者最明显的不同是,graduate可以用作动词和形容词,而postgraduate只能用作形容词和名词。此外,postgraduate强调深造和攻读研究生学位,而graduate则更强调已经获得学位。具体用法举例如下:Graduate:He graduated from Yale University last year. (他去年从耶鲁大学毕业。)Graduate:She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. (她是加州大学伯克利分校的毕业生。)Postgraduate:He is a postgraduate student studying for his Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford University. (他是在斯坦福大学攻读物理学博士学位的研究生。)Postgraduate:She has a postgraduate diploma in Marketing from the London School of Economics. (她有一份来自伦敦经济学院的市场营销研究生文凭。)Postgraduate:The university offers a wide range of postgraduate courses in various fields. (该大学开设了各种领域的研究生课程。)综上所述,graduate和postgraduate虽然有一些相似之处,但它们在含义、语法和使用方法上有着明显的区别。如果你已经获得了本科学位,并且想要继续深造,攻读研究生学位




Master是确定的硕士学位,Master都是确切获得了或者能获得硕士学位的。Postgraduate范畴就比较大,理论上凡是获得了学士学位之后,在进行的深造进修都属于Postgraduate。Postgraduate不一定能获得学位,这点要尤其注意。释义:1、Master:n. 大师; 硕士; 主人(尤指男性); 男教师; vt. 精通,熟练; 作为主人,做…的主人; 征服; 使干燥(染过的物品); adj. 主人的; 主要的; 精通的,优秀的; 原版的; [例句]My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private我的主人命令我务必私下里传递消息。[其他] 第三人称单数:masters 复数:masters 现在分词:mastering 过去式:mastered 过去分词:mastered 2、postgraduate:adj. 研究生的; n. 研究生; [例句]Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University.霍夫曼博士是在莱斯特大学读的研究生。[其他] 复数:postgraduates



读diploma和postgraduate diploma 回国后能认证吗



Master是硕士学位,Postgraduate Diploma是学士后学位。以新西兰为例,master是9级学历,postgraduate diploma是一个学位是8级学历。一般本科生毕业后,如果没有去申请荣誉学士学位,而且本科阶段平均分拿到B以上想继续深造的话,就可以申请master或postgraduate diploma。master的第一年和postgraduate diploma是一样的。只有postgraduate diploma阶段拿到B以上的成绩才能读master的最后一年,也就是论文阶段。否则就只能拿到postgraduate diploma的学位。其实说白了,两个是不同级别的学位,之间就只差了一个论文。


区别非常大。MasterMaster是确定的硕士学位,比如理学硕士(Master of Science)、文学硕士(Master of Arts)、美术硕士(Master of Fine Arts)、工程硕士(Master of Engineering)。不管是何种硕士,Master都是确切获得了或者能获得硕士学位的。PostgraduatePostgraduate范畴就比较大,理论上凡是获得了学士学位之后,在进行的深造进修都属于Postgraduate。硕士、博士、博士后都属于Postgraduate。不过在英语国家(比如美国、英国、澳大利亚或者加拿大),Postgraduate一般都特指不颁授学位的进修课程,比如研究生证书课程(Graduate Certificate)、研究生文凭课程(Graduate Diploma)等等。Postgraduate不一定能获得学位,这点要尤其注意。

post graduate diploma 和 master有什么区别



在英语语境下,graduate是指完成本科学业并获得学位的学生,也可以作为动词,表示完成学业并获得学位。而postgraduate则指已经获得本科学位并进一步深造,攻读研究生学位的学生。在语法和使用方法上,两者最明显的不同是,graduate可以用作动词和形容词,而postgraduate只能用作形容词和名词。此外,postgraduate强调深造和攻读研究生学位,而graduate则更强调已经获得学位。具体用法举例如下:Graduate:He graduated from Yale University last year. (他去年从耶鲁大学毕业。)Graduate:She is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley. (她是加州大学伯克利分校的毕业生。)Postgraduate:He is a postgraduate student studying for his Ph.D. in Physics at Stanford University. (他是在斯坦福大学攻读物理学博士学位的研究生。)Postgraduate:She has a postgraduate diploma in Marketing from the London School of Economics. (她有一份来自伦敦经济学院的市场营销研究生文凭。)Postgraduate:The university offers a wide range of postgraduate courses in various fields. (该大学开设了各种领域的研究生课程。)综上所述,graduate和postgraduate虽然有一些相似之处,但它们在含义、语法和使用方法上有着明显的区别。如果你已经获得了本科学位,并且想要继续深造,攻读研究生学位


 postgraduate是指研究生。graduate和postgraduate都不表示学位。学位有:Bachelor(学士)Master(硕士)Doctor(博士),graduate是毕业生,也可能是研究生。对研究生的叫法,大家称为post-graduate。graduate student表示已经毕业了的研究生学位的人;而postgraduate student则是表示研究生在读在册的状态。  相关表达:1、Bachelor of Sciences:本科理科学士学位,例如Ms.Fu received her Bachelor of Social Sciences from University of Hong Kong.其意思是傅女士持有香港大学社会科学学士学位。  2、double degree:本科双学位,例如No,it"s not your double degree,MBA or phd.其意思是不,这不是你的双学士,硕士或博士学位。  3、master"s degree:硕士学位,例如She was in graduate school,studying for a master"s degree in social work.其意思是她在研究生院攻读社会福利工作学硕士学位。  4、doctor"s degree:博士学位,例如He eventually obtained a doctor"s degree and thus had his wish fulfilled.其意思是最后他拿到了博士学位,总算如了愿。


page的特点 博客中的page页面独立于post显示,但是对于wordpress初学者来说wordpress博客主要有两部分构成posts和pages,我们不需要显示page发布的时间 根据主题的不同,经常把这两个概念混淆,知道并理解这些不同点。在pages和posts之间有很多不同点,能够让我们更好的使用wordpress中的posts和pages,通常很少发生变动 通常使用page来和读者分享信息,但是很少去更新它 page页面没有发布时间,page可以显示在任何地方 page通常按字母排序,可以建立复杂的网站结构 post的特点 post通常按发布时间倒序排列 post经常被更新,但是我们可以改变排序的方式 page没有标签和分类 page页面不会出现在RSS源中,读者需要访问博客才能看到page页面的更新情况 不要在page页面中嵌入Post 通过page页面之间的父子关系


这几个词都有表示花费的意思 其中你所提及posted 基本可以和其他三个词分开 可以作为干扰项理解cost 主语 一般为物品 即sth 如 the book cost 3RMBspent 主语一般为人 即 sb 后可接time/money spend on sth /spend in doing sthpaid(pay) 一般指付款 交税什么的希望能帮到你!!

php获取httpPost(url, params)的数据

var_dump($_POST); 不论他是什么语言,只要遵守http协议就可以通过$_GET或者$_POST获取。

python第三方库requests中 post请求的参数 data 和params有什么区别?






postcard pen bag选不同选哪个?

postcard pen bag选不同选postcard是复合词,是由 post 与card 组成的名词




解答:on postcard用on表示在明信片上面


左上角收件人姓名街道地址城市省邮编国家中间 内容右下角 寄件人姓名街道地址城市省邮编国家

postcard 的近义词是什么?

光知道 postcard 明信片 的意思

是postcard还是post card? “明信片”的英文中间用不用空格?

两种都可以.postcard=post card




“postcard”中的[t]在读的时候是省略了,也就是失去了爆破;“sit down”中的[t]为什么要省略?其实是浊化成[d]了,与后面的单词d一样了,听起来就像是省略了


保护孩子,是我的本能 废墟中,女孩唱着 我的裙子破了,头发零乱 废墟中,女孩唱着 我的第一辆车,我以前的男朋友们 废墟中,女孩唱着 那些阴雨的周末,那些新年前的派对 废墟中,女孩唱着 时间一点一点流逝 我的18岁生日,在厌倦中死去 废墟中,女孩唱着 我的世界开始瓦解 废墟中,女孩唱着 我的第一次旅行,我的期待。 梦想的结局。 没有定数,没有目的 接触地面的一刻,结束所有 时间一点一点流逝 我想念我的家乡,它并不特别 打电话给我的父母,我到了 保护孩子,是我的本能, 在机场,我寄出一张明信片




letter是信件.是用信封装着的. postcard常指明信片.




postcard的复数形式是postcards。例句:他们买明信片和糖果。They buy postcards and sweets.


Hi,I am LiBing.I have a hobby of collecting postcards.I like collecting postcards since i was a child.One day,my mother gave me a postcard with some beautiful pictures on it.Since then,I am fall in love with postcards.And now,I have collected many beautiful postcards.I collected postcads most from my relationships in other cities.They usually send me postcards for some massage like "how are you""i miss youvery much".I think each of the postcards I have collected have an important meaning.I will cherish them.And everybody who saw the postcards I collected all said that those are the most beautiful postcards in the world.I am so happy to hear this and I love collect postcards very much.

postcard troye sivan 歌词翻译

I sent you a postcard from Tokyo baby我自东京给你寄来一张明信片 宝贝You never picked it up你却从来不收I even wrote it in Japanese, baby我还用日语写了寄语You didn"t give a fuck你却丝毫不在意"Cause I don"t sleep like your body"s on me我入睡时不再有你的体温I won"t feel right until we can be我心悸难平 除非直到我们Underneath everything that"s between让你我之间的一切明了清晰YeahI"m undone about to burst at my seams我还未准备要将我心裂出隙"Cause I am picturing you beside me因我还在描绘幻想着你就在我身前So let me be everything that you need让我成为你渴望的一切YeahBut you"re still picking me up但你始终都在将我把控占据Don"t put me back down like it"s nothing to ya别装作无所谓般将我放回过去Yeah, you"re still picking me up你始终都将我把控在手心Don"t you put me back down别将我放回过去Don"t you put me back down别就这样将我放回过去Like it"s nothing to ya装作无所谓般Like it"s nothing to ya无所谓的你I remember that night that you first called me crazy我记得你第一次说我疯了的夜里Only you picked it up你将这疯子撩起Kissed me and said "I love you, baby"亲吻着对我说“我爱你”You didn"t give a fuck你不曾多说一句Now I don"t sleep unless your body"s on me我入睡时不再有你的体温I won"t feel right until we can be我心悸难平 除非直到我们Underneath everything that"s between让你我之间的一切明了清晰YeahI"m undone about to burst at my seams我还未准备要将我心裂出隙"Cause I am picturing you beside me因我还在描绘幻想着你就在我身前So let me be everything that you need让我成为你渴望的一切YeahBut you"re still picking me up但你始终都在将我把控占据Don"t put me back down like it"s nothing to ya别装作无所谓般将我放回过去Yeah, you"re still picking me up你始终都将我把控在手心Don"t you put me back down别将我放回过去Don"t you put me back down别就这样将我放回过去Like it"s nothing to ya装作无所谓般Like it"s nothing to ya无所谓的你Take your time慢慢行进Pull me in将我抱紧Push me out又将我推将出去Simplify all the whispers you doubt简化你所有疑虑的耳语"Cause I know what you"re thinking about我明白你此刻的所思所虑But you"re still picking me up但你始终都在将我把控占据Don"t put me back down like it"s nothing to ya别装作无所谓般将我放回过去Yeah, you"re still picking me up你始终都将我把控在手心Don"t you put me back down别将我放回过去Don"t you put me back down别就这样将我放回过去Like it"s nothing to ya装作无所谓般Like it"s nothing to ya装作无所谓般Like it"s nothing to ya无所谓的你Like it"s nothing to ya装作无所谓般Like it"s nothing to ya无所谓的你

The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band专辑:CornologyJordin Sparks - PostcardIt"s pouring outside, and my roof is leakingI just let the raindrops bleed outThe ink from my notebook sheets, andToday"s a Thursday, and then it"s three days lateI marked on the calendar, and circled today"s dateThis is the last straw, this isn"t life hereI"m packing my dreams up, and leaving my nightmaresAnd they save the west til you feel the sunsetAnd there you"ll become a starSo I traded my skinny jeans for dreams and limousinesAnd I"m goneI"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcardSmashing on the gas, 95 on the highwayGot about a thousand more miles to go,I might make it by FridayThe road"s never ending, I never slow pace, andThe choice is now all mine, for my destinationThey ask why I"m rushing, my dreams are waitingSo fasten your seatbelt, "cause I"m gonna make itAnd they save the west til you feel the sunsetAnd there you"ll become a starSo I traded my skinny jeans for dreams and limousinesAnd I"m goneI"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcardI"ll send you a postcardTo whom it may concern, whoever this gets toThere"s no looking back, I took off my rearviewGot my hopes on the passenger sideThere"s only room for twoAnd I"ll..I"ll send you a postcard,Saying I"m alright (alright)On the back, that I"m in love with lifeI"ll send you a postcard,And sign my name in the starsMy radio"s turned up, a full tank in my carAnd I promise we"ll be togetherI"ll never say never,I"ll always remember goodbye"Cause I gotta goI"ll send you a postcard


歌手:texas 专辑:white on blonde I"ll send you a postcard from heaven"s oceanI feel like staying here in heaven"s oceanI"ve been dreaming for days nowJump in the sea I do that easilyThe sounds drowning what I"m seeingCount everyone for questions I have not knownThere"s a storm in my thoughts nowCome wash me clean beneath the waves with meNow we"re smiling see me smilingSilence is what I need it"s only in the sea



Texas的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:Texas专辑:White On Blondelil eddie-postcardby @译特@We thought of different ways 我们考虑着各种不同的方法To relight the fire 来再次点燃这爱情之火Worked a few times before 在起效一段时间之前Yet all we knew 然而我们都知道It was only half the battle 它是没结束的战斗It was way more to endure 不只是忍耐Agreed to never stop 还要不停的协商And go the distance 继续这段行程Love without a heart 爱的丢了那颗爱的心That flowing feeling 那心中涌出的感觉On an air balloon just 仅仅像在那热气球中Ain"t there between us 并没有在我们之间Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中So keep telling each other 让它能够告诉其他人It will get better 一切都将变的更好But I still feel the weight 但我却一直感受着这压力It"s heavy on my brain 它沉重的压在我的脑中Like a thousand tons of 就像是有千万吨重Falling hail, it rained 充满了欢呼,因为它在下雨The miles we went to get 那份距离我们一直在走远Is up a twister (?) 是升起的一阵龙卷风Now would that get it again 现在我们将再一次的面对The wind"s too strong to hold us any longer 这风是那么的强使我们不能紧紧相拥When you told her it"s over 告诉她这一切都结束了Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中I want you to know 我想要你知道When the plane took off 当那飞机起飞时I was wishing that I had a parachute 我多么希望我有一个降落伞Cuz there was one side of my head 因为那里还有我的另一半Screaming feelings of a breath 心中那尖叫的感觉And I saw the truth 我看着这事实We can start over new 我们能够重新开始You know what comes next 你知道未来将发生什么Where we do (?) 我们将何去何从We make the same u-turn 我们在做着同样的回转That led us both stranded here 使我们在这里搁浅So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Oh, no no no, I"ll 噢,不,不,不,我将.......Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Yes, I know I was kinda wrong 是的,我知道我真的有点错了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Cuz I couldn"t look at you 因为我不敢看着你And tell you it"s over, no 告诉你这都结束了,噢不

l want to buy a postcard.是什么意思?



I have a postcard.


postcard,n. 明信片。前面可以是介词on,在明信片上面。Please read what you wrote on the postcard. 让学生在班里朗读自己的明信片。

I want to buy a postcard什么意思


postcards如何读 postcards怎么读

1、postcards 音标 [_p__s(t)_kɑ_(r)d]。n.明信片( postcard的名词复数 )2、postcard详细解释:英[_p__stkɑ_dz] 美[_po_st_kɑrdz] n.明信片 复数: postcards3、记忆技巧:post 邮政 card 卡片 → 明信片

l want to buy a postcard.什么意思啊?













postcard 英[u02c8pu0259u028astkɑu02d0d] 美[u02c8pou028astkɑu02d0rd] n. 明信片 名词复数:postcards [例句]Write a postcard to one of your friends.给一位朋友写一张明信片。






原神漫画比原神游戏推出很久,一个是游戏一个是漫画,但是两者内容一样的,漫画也是为了推广游戏。 原神漫画比原神游戏推出很久,一个是游戏一个是漫画,但是两者。




post邮政card卡片postcard 明信片

英语作文 以 Postcard collecting 为题写一篇100字左右的作文

I am LiBing,i am very fond of collecting postcards.I like collecting postcards because collecting postcards can increase my knowledge and widen my sight of the world.I usually collecting postcards from my friends.They often send me postcards from another city on vacation.Other people who have seen my postcards always say that my postcards are very beautiful and full of colors.I am happy to hear that.But another people don`t think so.But no matter what, I will collect more and more postcards and I will more and more like them.刚写完,希望对你有用哈~











是postcard还是post card?


Texas的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:Texas专辑:I Don"T Want A Loverlil eddie-postcardby @译特@We thought of different ways 我们考虑着各种不同的方法To relight the fire 来再次点燃这爱情之火Worked a few times before 在起效一段时间之前Yet all we knew 然而我们都知道It was only half the battle 它是没结束的战斗It was way more to endure 不只是忍耐Agreed to never stop 还要不停的协商And go the distance 继续这段行程Love without a heart 爱的丢了那颗爱的心That flowing feeling 那心中涌出的感觉On an air balloon just 仅仅像在那热气球中Ain"t there between us 并没有在我们之间Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中So keep telling each other 让它能够告诉其他人It will get better 一切都将变的更好But I still feel the weight 但我却一直感受着这压力It"s heavy on my brain 它沉重的压在我的脑中Like a thousand tons of 就像是有千万吨重Falling hail, it rained 充满了欢呼,因为它在下雨The miles we went to get 那份距离我们一直在走远Is up a twister (?) 是升起的一阵龙卷风Now would that get it again 现在我们将再一次的面对The wind"s too strong to hold us any longer 这风是那么的强使我们不能紧紧相拥When you told her it"s over 告诉她这一切都结束了Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中I want you to know 我想要你知道When the plane took off 当那飞机起飞时I was wishing that I had a parachute 我多么希望我有一个降落伞Cuz there was one side of my head 因为那里还有我的另一半Screaming feelings of a breath 心中那尖叫的感觉And I saw the truth 我看着这事实We can start over new 我们能够重新开始You know what comes next 你知道未来将发生什么Where we do (?) 我们将何去何从We make the same u-turn 我们在做着同样的回转That led us both stranded here 使我们在这里搁浅So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Oh, no no no, I"ll 噢,不,不,不,我将.......Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Yes, I know I was kinda wrong 是的,我知道我真的有点错了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Cuz I couldn"t look at you 因为我不敢看着你And tell you it"s over, no 告诉你这都结束了,噢不

John Patitucci的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:John Patitucci专辑:Imprintlil eddie-postcardby @译特@We thought of different ways 我们考虑着各种不同的方法To relight the fire 来再次点燃这爱情之火Worked a few times before 在起效一段时间之前Yet all we knew 然而我们都知道It was only half the battle 它是没结束的战斗It was way more to endure 不只是忍耐Agreed to never stop 还要不停的协商And go the distance 继续这段行程Love without a heart 爱的丢了那颗爱的心That flowing feeling 那心中涌出的感觉On an air balloon just 仅仅像在那热气球中Ain"t there between us 并没有在我们之间Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中So keep telling each other 让它能够告诉其他人It will get better 一切都将变的更好But I still feel the weight 但我却一直感受着这压力It"s heavy on my brain 它沉重的压在我的脑中Like a thousand tons of 就像是有千万吨重Falling hail, it rained 充满了欢呼,因为它在下雨The miles we went to get 那份距离我们一直在走远Is up a twister (?) 是升起的一阵龙卷风Now would that get it again 现在我们将再一次的面对The wind"s too strong to hold us any longer 这风是那么的强使我们不能紧紧相拥When you told her it"s over 告诉她这一切都结束了Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中I want you to know 我想要你知道When the plane took off 当那飞机起飞时I was wishing that I had a parachute 我多么希望我有一个降落伞Cuz there was one side of my head 因为那里还有我的另一半Screaming feelings of a breath 心中那尖叫的感觉And I saw the truth 我看着这事实We can start over new 我们能够重新开始You know what comes next 你知道未来将发生什么Where we do (?) 我们将何去何从We make the same u-turn 我们在做着同样的回转That led us both stranded here 使我们在这里搁浅So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Oh, no no no, I"ll 噢,不,不,不,我将.......Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Yes, I know I was kinda wrong 是的,我知道我真的有点错了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Cuz I couldn"t look at you 因为我不敢看着你And tell you it"s over, no 告诉你这都结束了,噢不

Vincent Varvel的《Postcard》 歌词

歌曲名:Postcard歌手:Vincent Varvel专辑:Pictures & Postcardslil eddie-postcardby @译特@We thought of different ways 我们考虑着各种不同的方法To relight the fire 来再次点燃这爱情之火Worked a few times before 在起效一段时间之前Yet all we knew 然而我们都知道It was only half the battle 它是没结束的战斗It was way more to endure 不只是忍耐Agreed to never stop 还要不停的协商And go the distance 继续这段行程Love without a heart 爱的丢了那颗爱的心That flowing feeling 那心中涌出的感觉On an air balloon just 仅仅像在那热气球中Ain"t there between us 并没有在我们之间Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中So keep telling each other 让它能够告诉其他人It will get better 一切都将变的更好But I still feel the weight 但我却一直感受着这压力It"s heavy on my brain 它沉重的压在我的脑中Like a thousand tons of 就像是有千万吨重Falling hail, it rained 充满了欢呼,因为它在下雨The miles we went to get 那份距离我们一直在走远Is up a twister (?) 是升起的一阵龙卷风Now would that get it again 现在我们将再一次的面对The wind"s too strong to hold us any longer 这风是那么的强使我们不能紧紧相拥When you told her it"s over 告诉她这一切都结束了Listen, if our hour blessed us 听着,如果我们的时间在祝福着我们That"ll do for us 那说明它是适合我们的We just can"t seem to forget this 我们只是不想去忘记这些Forget that touch 忘记那心中的触动Like the sun in the sky 就想太阳一直在天空那样自然If I escape when I look in your eyes 或许在你的眼中我是在逃避I can"t face you and say goodbye 我只是不能面对你,向你说再见It"s never easy 这不是容易的事So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅仅是发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中I want you to know 我想要你知道When the plane took off 当那飞机起飞时I was wishing that I had a parachute 我多么希望我有一个降落伞Cuz there was one side of my head 因为那里还有我的另一半Screaming feelings of a breath 心中那尖叫的感觉And I saw the truth 我看着这事实We can start over new 我们能够重新开始You know what comes next 你知道未来将发生什么Where we do (?) 我们将何去何从We make the same u-turn 我们在做着同样的回转That led us both stranded here 使我们在这里搁浅So I"ll just send you a postcard 所以我仅发给你一张明信片By the time you receive it 当你收到它的时候I bet I"m on your "hate you" list 我猜想我正在你所恨的事物中Send you a postcard 发给你一张明信片Hope you can read it 希望你能够去读它Cuz my teardrops ran and blurred the ink 因为我的眼泪在飞,那墨迹已模糊不清了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Give it a shot 给它一道光吧My mind is sure 我的心思是明确的But my heart is not 但是我的心却已不是This is so hard, to be so far 这太难了,到现在也是P.S. with a lipstick kiss 付送着一个口红的甜蜜的吻Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Oh, no no no, I"ll 噢,不,不,不,我将.......Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Yes, I know I was kinda wrong 是的,我知道我真的有点错了Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Send it on a postcard 把它放在明信片中Cuz I couldn"t look at you 因为我不敢看着你And tell you it"s over, no 告诉你这都结束了,噢不

postcard 这个单词有没有分开



明信片短语bromide postcard明信片度咪纸postcard projector明信片映射器A Postcard一张明信片Local Postcard本埠明信片Wooden Postcard刻下你的爱Memo Postcard陶瓷留言明信片Postcard Row明信片屋Commemorative postcard纪念明信片Overprinted postcard加字明信片





postman put 和 patch是什么意思

POST 方法用来创建一个子资源,如 /api/users,会在users下面创建一个user,如users/1; POST方法不是幂等的,多次执行,将导致多条相同的用户被创建(users/1,users/2 … 而这些用户除了自增长id外有着相同的数据,除非你的系统实现了额外的数据唯一性检查)PATCH 方法PATCH方法是新引入的,是对PUT方法的补充,用来对已知资源进行局部更新 HTTP PATCH method require a feature to do partial resource modification. The existing HTTP PUT method only allows a complete replacement of a document.



post、get、put、patch、Delete的区别用于新增 2.get:用于查询详情 3.put:理解问编辑 全覆盖 ps:如果有5个字段,你只改了一个字段,put会全部覆盖点 只剩一个 4.patch:打补丁,正常意义的编辑 只编辑你修改的字段 5.delete:删除


postcards n. 明信片,英[u02c8pu0259u028astkɑu02d0dz] 美[u02c8pou028astu02cckɑrdz][词典] postcard的复数;[例句]I asked the woman behind the counter if they had any postcards.我问柜台后面的女售货员是否有明信片。[其他] 原型: postcard。Entire Postcard实寄片Local Postcard本埠写信的硬纸片Postcard Survey回邮卡调查Postcard Row明信片屋send postcard寄明信片 ; 发送明信片buy postcard买明信片Postcard method邮卡法postcard messaging片讯息postcard chair英国明信片长椅The postcard明信片What picture of postcard is it?这是什么图案的明信片?Where do you write on a postcard?你在明信片的哪里书写?Look at my postcard.看我的明信片。


明信片的由来: postcard 为邮政明信片或美术明信片,由post(邮政)+card (卡片)组成。有图画的明信片也称为picture postcard。在美国,邮政明信片特别称为postal card. postcard 是维也纳Emmanual Herman 发明的,他建议以低于普通邮件的费用递送一种“postful telegram”(邮政电报)。于是,奥地利政府于1869年首先发行了明信片,英国和美国分别也于1870年和1898年开始使用。1894年产生了第一枚带图画的明信片, 1902年开始可在明信片背面书写地址。明信片种类可谓千姿百态,英国流行的是带有海边幽默画的明信片。明信片以其简短、透明、快捷、独特的社交方式,倍受公众青睐,很快风靡全球。当今世界,小小明信片不仅通过post office, Internet(计算机互联网)传情达意,而且还扮演着珍藏品、纪念品的角色,成为各种收藏杂志和收藏家的座上宾.
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