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java frame 刷新问题,一个跳出的窗口,用dispose()关闭后,下次运行会多次运行




关于C#中类的释放问题 class dispose...求专业回答...



myConn = GetConnection();adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(strSql, myConn);是在try语句中初始化的,你把他们移动到try前面去试试?‍adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(strSql, myConn);

in dispose是什么意思

in dispose在处理

java dispose()方法为什么会报错

class CCFrame extends JFrame { private JButton btn = new JButton("弹出新窗口"); public CCFrame() { setSize(500,300); setLocationRelativeTo(null); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); add(btn); btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { // 弹出一个新的Frame final JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setTitle("这是新窗口"); f.setSize(300,200); f.setVisible(true); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent arg0) { f.dispose(); } }); } }); } } 然后new CCFrame()就可以了。

词汇精选:dispose of的用法和辨析

一、详细释义: , phr. , 处理,解决 , 例句: ,His job is not only to dispose of problems but to meet unexpected challenges.,他的工作不仅要处理难题而且也要应付突来的挑战。, 例句: ,It took Leibowitz five minutes to dispose of him.,雷保维兹只费五分钟便解决了他。, 转让,卖掉 , 例句: ,Father has disposed of a title to property.,父亲已转让了财产所有权。, 例句: ,The owner disposed of his house for $200,000.,房主以20万美金的价钱把他的房子卖掉了。, 吃光,喝完 , 例句: ,They disposed of all the food for the banquet.,他们把宴会上的食物全部吃光了。, 例句: ,He was so angry that he disposed of rotting food.,他太饿了以至于把腐坏的食物都吃光了。, 除掉,杀掉 , 例句: ,Three enemy planes were disposed of by us.,我们击落了三架敌机。, 例句: ,We"ll have to dispose of the mice in the house.,我们得除掉屋里的老鼠。, 二、词义辨析: , deal with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle ,这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。deal with既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。cope with指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。dispose of与deal with同义,普通用法。manage指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。handle从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。, 三、参考例句: ,I can dispose of your argument easily.,我能轻而易举地驳倒你的论点。,They dispose of the city"s waste in the sea.,他们把城市的废物倒入大海处理掉。,He doesn"t want to dispose of the land.,他不想布置那块地。,He was forced to dispose of his art treasures.,他被迫处理掉自己的艺术珍品。,It took Leibowitz five minutes to dispose of him.,雷保维兹只费五分钟便解决了他。,His job is to dispose of the rubbish every night.,他的工作是每晚清除垃圾。,I want to dispose of these old books.,我想处理掉这些旧书。,He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.,他宣称他们已雇了刺客来除掉他。,No units or individuals shall misappropriate them or dispose of them without authorization.,未经批准,任何单位和个人不得挪用或者自行处理。,We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.,我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠。

DataTable的 .Dispose(); .Clear(); = null; 三个有何区别,要怎么做,最少资源

.Clear()的比较没有什么意思,因为只是把DataTable清空而已,在堆中任然分配内存,一般要比较也是比较Close()方法,不过DataTable没有这个方法至于Dispose和null的区别就很有意思了首先DataTable dt = new DataTable();你的知道dt在栈上,指向托管堆的 new DataTable()对象而dt = null;的意思是让 dt不指向任何对象,此时 new DataTable()这个真实的对象还在内存中,等待GC的回收(究竟什么时候回收是垃圾回收机制的问题)而dt.Dispose();的意思是销毁 new DataTable();这个对象,但dt仍然指向这个被销毁的对象的地址;所以此时dt是不为null的,但它也无法使用自己可以看下下面代码的结果 DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Dispose(); MessageBox.Show((dt == null).ToString());在实际开发中,一般将 dt设置为null就足够了,可以等待GC的回收。如果要使用Dispose()方法,一般是using(DataTable dt = new DataTable()){}这样会在大括号结束的时候隐式地调用 Dispose()方法,而且dt成为一个局部变量马上出了作用域,也不会有调用错误





They are easy to dispose of,dispose of 后面不需要加宾语吗? dispose of 和dispose用法有什么区别呢

dispose ofv.处理,安排,转让,解决,卖掉,吃光,除掉v.处理,安排,转让,解决,卖掉,吃光,除掉deal with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。dispose of与deal with同义,普通用法。deal with or settleHe disposed of these cases quicklydisposes v. 配置,布置;处置,处理The general disposed his troops very well. 这位将军把他麾下的军队部署得很好。 They disposed troops along the river. 他们沿河布置了军队。 2.处置,处理,整理;(能)决定 [I,T] 2 Henry allen"s wife asked him to dispose of the garbage and give the dog something to eat. 亨利·艾伦的妻子要他把垃圾处理掉,并给狗弄点东西吃。Please retain for your records or dispose thoughtfully. 请你保留你的记录或作适当处理。3.使倾向于,使有意于 [T] 3 1.give, sell, or transfer to anotherShe disposed of her parents" possessions2.throw or cast awayPut away your worries3.make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude or beliefTheir language inclines us to believe them4.make fit or preparedYour education qualifies you for this job 1.We could dispose of large quantities if you would give us an agency 如果你给我们代理权,我们就能售出大量的货物。 2.Please retain for your records or dispose of thoughtfully 请你留你的记录或作适当处理3.Henry Allen"s wife asked him to dispose of the garbage and give the dog something to eat. 亨利·艾伦的妻子要他把垃圾扔掉,并给狗点儿东西吃。 4.The murderer was unable to dispose of the body. 凶手无法处理那具尸体。 5.I was very loath to dispose of them for a trifle 我极不愿意得到一点点钱,就把它们让仔细读完您就知道区别了!

java 程序无法关闭窗口!用dispose()无效

一楼的应该是有效的。但没有解决本质问题。问题出在你的GUI程序架构上。你的程序主类已经是JFrame子类了,那么它的实例就是一个JFrame,为什么还要再new一个JFrame作为程序界面呢?在main函数中,new你的主类,就是new了Frame,直接用主类此实例做程序界面即可!所以,init中的代码应该是这样: //JFrame frame = new JFrame("test");这行不要了 add (panel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); add (pgb,BorderLayout.CENTER); add (label,BorderLayout.NORTH); setBounds(450, 300, 350, 100);//设置窗体长和宽 setVisible (true);//显示窗体 setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//关闭有效轻松搞定!

Dispose(bool): 没有找到适合的方法来重写


c# this.Dispose()

在窗体中,close和dipose可以理解成一个性质,就是关闭窗体及销毁对象. 在窗体的close事件中断过点的同学都知道,他close时,实际上是调用了dispose.参考别人的回答,跟你问的问题的基本一样。

C# 内存手动释放Dispose()

对象一般不需要自己手动释放的 它有自己的垃圾回收机制. 不用的变量和对象.会自动释放.Dispose()不带参. 一般情况下用在关闭某个窗体或者某个页面的时候 用来释放进程的.

java dispose不起作用


Dispose(bool)”: 没有找到适合的方法来重写



.Dispose 处理








最近在测试一个第三方API,准备集成在我们的网站应用中。API的调用使用的是.NET中的HttpClient,由于这个API会在关键业务中用到,对调用API的整体响应速度有严格要求,所以对HttpClient有了格外的关注。开始测试的时候,只在客户端通过HttpClient用PostAsync发了一个http post请求。测试时发现,从创建HttpClient实例,到发出请求,到读取到服务器的响应数据总耗时在2s左右,而且多次测试都是这样。2s的响应速度当然是无法让人接受的,我们希望至少控制在100ms以内。于是开始追查这个问题的原因。在API的返回数据中包含了该请求在服务端执行的耗时,这个耗时都在20ms以内,问题与服务端API无关。于是把怀疑点放到了网络延迟上,但ping服务器的响应时间都在10ms左右,网络延迟的可能性也不大。当我们正准备换一个网络环境进行测试时,突然想到,我们的测试方式有些问题。我们只通过HttpClient发了一个PostAsync请求,假如HttpClient在第一次调用时存在某种预热机制(比如在EF中就有这样的机制),现在2s的总耗时可能大多消耗在HttpClient的预热上。于是修改测试代码,将调用由1次改为100次,然后恍然大悟地发现——只有第1次是2s,接下来的99次都在100ms以内。果然是HttpClient的某种预热机制在搞鬼!既然知道了是HttpClient预热机制的原因,那我们可以帮HttpClient进行热身,减少第一次请求的耗时。我们尝试了一种预热方式,在正式发http post请求之前,先发一个http head请求,代码如下:_httpClient.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage { Method = new HttpMethod("HEAD"), RequestUri = new Uri(BASE_ADDRESS + "/") }) .Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode();经测试,通过这种热身方法,可以将第一次请求的耗时由2s左右降到1s以内(测试结果是700多ms)。在知道第1次HttpClient请求耗时2s的真相之后,我们将目光转向了剩下的99次耗时100ms以内的请求,发现绝大部分请求都在50ms以上。有没有可能将之降至50ms以下?而且,之前一直有这样的纠结:每次调用是不是一定要对HttpClient进行Dispose()?是不是要将HttpClient单例或者静态化(声明为静态变量)?借此机会一起研究一下。在HttpClient的背后,有一个对请求响应速度有着不容忽视影响的东东——TCP连接。一个HttpClient实例会关联一个TCP连接,在对HttpClient进行Dispose时,会关闭TCP连接(我们用Wireshark进行网络抓包也验证了这一点)。在之前的测试中,我们每次用HttpClient发请求时,都是新建一个HttpClient实例,用完就对它进行Dispose,代码如下:using (var httpClient = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(BASE_ADDRESS) }){ httpClient.PostAsync("/", new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters));}所以每次请求时都要经历新建TCP连接->传数据->关闭连接(也就是通常所说的短连接),而且雪上加霜的是请求用的是https,建立TCP连接时还需要一个基于公私钥加解密的key exchange过程:Client Hello -> Server Hello -> Certificate -> Client Key Exchange -> New Session Ticket。如果我们想将请求响应时间降至50ms以下,就必须从这个地方下手——重用TCP连接(也就是通常所说的长连接)。要实现长连接,首先需要的就是在HttpClient第1次请求后不关闭TCP连接(不调用Dispose方法);而要让后续的请求继续使用这个未关闭的TCP连接,我们必须要使用同一个HttpClient实例;而要使用同一个HttpClient实例,就得实现HttpClient的单例或者静态化。之前的3 个问题,由于要解决第1个问题,后2个问题变成了别无选择。为了实现长连接,我们将HttpClient的调用代码改为如下的样子:public class HttpClientTest{ private static readonly HttpClient _httpClient; static HttpClientTest() { _httpClient = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(BASE_ADDRESS) }; //帮HttpClient热身 _httpClient.SendAsync(new HttpRequestMessage { Method = new HttpMethod("HEAD"), RequestUri = new Uri(BASE_ADDRESS + "/") }) .Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); } public async Task<string> PostAsync() { var response = await _httpClient.PostAsync("/", new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters)); return await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); }}然后测试一下请求响应时间:Elapsed:750ms Elapsed:31ms Elapsed:30ms Elapsed:43ms Elapsed:27ms Elapsed:29ms Elapsed:28ms Elapsed:35ms Elapsed:36ms Elapsed:31ms ....除了第1次请求,接下来的99次请求绝大多数都在50ms以内。TCP长连接的效果必须的!通过Wireshak抓包也验证了长连接的效果:Wireshak抓包这时,你也许会产生这样的疑问:将HttpClient声明为静态变量,会不会存在线程安全问题?我们当时也有这样的疑问,后来在stackoverflow上找到了答案:As per the comments below (thanks @ischell), the following instance methods are thread safe (all async):CancelPendingRequestsDeleteAsyncGetAsyncGetByteArrayAsyncGetStreamAsyncGetStringAsyncPostAsyncPutAsyncSendAsyncHttpClient的所有异步方法都是线程安全的,放心使用。到这里,HttpClient的问题是不是可以完美收官了?。。。稍等,还有一个问题。客户端虽然保持着TCP连接,但TCP连接是两口子的事,服务器端呢?你不告诉服务器,服务器怎么知道你要一直保持TCP连接呢?对于客户端,保持TCP连接的开销不大;但是对于服务器,则完全不一样的,如果默认都保持TCP连接,那可是要保持成千上万客户端的连接啊。所以,一般的Web服务器都会根据客户端的诉求来决定是否保持TCP连接,这就是keep-alive存在的理由。所以,我们还要给HttpClient增加一个Connection:keep-alive的请求头,代码如下:_httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Connection.Add("keep-alive");现在终于可以收官了。但是肯定不完美,分享的只是解决问题的过程。

当翻译为"处理,处置"时,dispose和dispose of有什么不同吗?

dispose [dI`spoz; diˋspouz]《源自古法语“分开放置”的意思》及物动词1 [为准备…而] 布署,配置 <军队、舰队> [for]~ battleships for a battle为准备战斗而配置战舰2 a. 使<人>有意<做…>,使…倾向于<做…>The chance of promotion ~d him to accept the offer.有晋升的机会使他有意接受该提议b. 使<人>有[…的]倾向,使<人>易受[…的]影响[to]His physique ~s him to backache.他的体格使他易患背痛不及物动词1 整理[…],处置,处分,收拾[of]~ of nuclear waste处理核能工业废料The property can be ~d of for a good sum.该财产处理掉能获相当的金额That ~s of the point.那样就解决了这一点2 决定事情的演变 [成败] ,处置,安排Man proposes, God ~s. (谚)谋事在人,成事在天 [尽人事,听天命]dispose of 1.sell卖掉*We have too much furniture; let"s dispose of the old chairs.我们家具太多了,把这些旧椅子卖掉吧。*He disposed of his house for100,000 yuan.他以10万人民币的价格卖掉了房子。2.get rid of;throw away 处理掉*Please dispose of the waste paper.请把这些废纸处理掉。*The doctor asked him to drink plenty of water to dispose of the sideeffects of the medicine.医生要他多喝水以去掉药物的副作用。3.eat or drink until it is finished 吃光;喝光*The children disposed of all the food their mother had prepared for them.孩子们把母亲所准备的食物都吃光了。*He disposed of 10 dishes and 5bottles of beer in a very short time.他很快就吃完了10盘菜,喝完了5瓶啤酒。4.handle;deal with;settle处理;解决*The committee disposed of all its business in an hour.委员会在一小时内就把所有事情处理完毕。*He disposed of all the difficulties and succeeded at last.他排除了所有的困难,最后终于成功了。


Dispose(bool disposing)此方法是可重写的版本





c#中close() flush() dispose()方法之间的区别

close() 关闭,具体关闭什么,要看调用的对象了,比如:关闭数据库连接,关闭tcp/udp连接等flush() socket中,清除发送缓存并发送数据dispose()释放对象









C# dispose怎么用?

IDisposable接口里面的方法原型是:void Dispose().你这个Dispose(false) 应该是重载方法。。至于这个false传进去是干嘛用的,就要看具体的方法是怎么写的了。当使用using的时候,会自动调用void Dispose()这个方法,也可以自己调用,Dispose(false) 这个方法重载过了,应该是自己调用的。void Dispose()这个方法要干的事情就是释放资源。C#是微软公司发布的一种面向对象的、运行于.NET Framework之上的高级程序设计语言。并定于在微软职业开发者论坛(PDC)上登台亮相。C#是微软公司研究员Anders Hejlsberg的最新成果。C#看起来与Java有着惊人的相似;它包括了诸如单一继承、接口、与Java几乎同样的语法和编译成中间代码再运行的过程。但是C#与Java有着明显的不同,它借鉴了Delphi的一个特点,与COM(组件对象模型)是直接集成的,而且它是微软公司 .NET windows网络框架的主角。


当我们开发C#代码的时候,经常碰到一个问题,有些class提供Close(),有些class提供Dispose(),那么Dispose和Close到底有什么区别?首先,Dispose和Close基本上应该是一样的。Close是为了那些不熟悉Dispose的开发者设计的。因为基本上所有的developer都知道Close是干吗的(特别是对于那些有C++背景的developer)。但是当我们写code时候,如果要实现Close和Dispose的时候,要注意Close和Dispose的设计模式。.net的一些class只提供Close,而且派生自IDisposable,并且隐藏了Dispose方法。是不是觉得很不明白了?对这些class来说,关键在于它们显式的(explicitly)实现了IDisposable。对于隐式实现来说,你只需要调用"new A().Dispose()",但是对于显式实现来说,Dispose不会是这个class的成员函数。唯一的调用方式是你先要cast到 IDisposable才行。(“new A().Dispose()”编译不过,但是“((IDisposable)new A()).Dispose()”可以编译过)。所以这样就符合了设计的要求:提供Close(),隐藏Dispose(),并且实现了 IDisposable接口。在.net的framework里,Close()被设计成public的,并且在Close()里面call被隐藏的Dispose(); Dispose()去call另一个virtual的Dispose(bool)函数。所以如果你从这个class继承,你就必须实现Dispose (bool)方法。调用者call Close()的时候就会call到你重载的那个Dispose(bool)方法去释放资源。请参考 http://blogs.msdn.com/brada/archive/2003/07/06/50127.aspx注意事项:1,Close()不应该被定义成virtual。对于这个design pattern,Close()只是用来call那个隐藏的Dispose(),用户不应该改变Close的behavior。对于这个问题, System.IO.Stream也有设计问题。之所以有问题是为了满足向后兼容的需求。See http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms227422.aspx. 文档里面提到虽然Close()是virtual的,但是不应该被override。





dispose,manage,handle,cope with,deal with,do with在表示处理的意思时有什么区别?

dispose通常是用在带有处理掉某件东西的语境。一般和of 连用。dispose of him,把他干掉。 manage,多是管理的意思而不是单纯的处理,通常是需要仔细或系统考虑的管理。 handle,通常表达有处理或掌控的能力。 I will handle this, I 来搞定这事儿。 cope with是指有能力对付或应对。I was not able to cope with the stress, 我顶不住那种压力。 deal with 和 do with 比较口语,各种“类型”的处理都可以用他们。 纯手打,望采纳


dispose的用法搭配如下:dispose for (v.+prep.)愿意 want to do sth▲be disposed for sthI am disposed for a game of chess.我想下一盘棋。dispose of (v.+prep.)▲dispose of sb/sth〔说明〕 dispose of常不用于进行体。1.将(某物)处理掉 get rid of (sth) by selling or giving or throwing it awayWhile you"re cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles old newspapers.在你们清理车库时,请把那几堆旧报纸处理掉。2.驳倒或击败 destroy (an argument or opponent)The next speaker quickly disposed of his weak argument.下一个发言人很快就驳倒了他那个缺乏说服力的观点。


dispose通常是用在带有处理掉某件东西的语境。一般和of 连用,approach是靠近的意思。dis,分离、分开、抽离,表示否定,其他例子还有:discard, discover, disinterested, etc. pose,姿势、姿态、放置、位置。而且pose也是常见的后缀,其他例子还有:impose, compose, expose, etc. dispose,把位置分离开——通过扔、送、卖的方式处理掉某个东西。短语dispose sb to/towards sb/sth的意思是使sb对sb/sth产生某种特别的感觉。造句:The way he treats his son really dispose me very kindly to him.Dispose的英文解释:1、get rid of by throwing away or giving or selling to someone else.2、[dispose sb to/towards sb/sth] to make someone feel a particular way towards someone or something.

dispose 和dispose of的区别

关于这个问题,有无数的复制粘贴,先鄙视一下;按我的理解,dispose 和dispose of 如果要讲区别,首先是是用法的区别;很显然dispose 和dispose of 都有 处置、处理的意思;当dispose 和dispose of要表达处置、处理的意思时:一般是 dispose of sth,这是习惯用语, 而较少用dispose sth 。但也不是不可以,例如:How to dispose these debris is one ofthe most complicated problems for every government.特别不同的是,当dispose 后面接人时,在句中一般不是“处置、处理的意思”,而是安排、布置的意思。例如:the general disposed his army in a circle.

C# 自定义类 dispose 释放类对象

用List<User>来添加创建的对象实例调用remove或者removeat来清除不用的对象User us;List<User> Users=new List<User>;For (int i=1;i<1001;i++){us=new User());Users.add(us)}For(int i=1;i<Users.Count+1;i++){ Users.RemoveAt(i);}

java 中的控件.dispose()是什么意思?是指的是控件被释放卸载吗

Java编程中的graphics中的dispose方法是 java.awt.Windows类的方法,它的作用是销毁程序中指定的图形界面资源,如果在使用了graphics获得windows一些图形资源,而不进行关闭的话,由于后期多人使用就会造成内存溢出的情况的,导致程序卡死。dispose方法类似java 连接数据库时使用conn.close方法,也是为了关闭数据库连接资源。

disposal / dispose 这两英语单词怎么读?

迪斯剖奏 迪斯剖子

dispose of的用法

dispose verb (formal) [VN +adv./prep.] to arrange things or people in a particular way or position sb to / toward(s) sth to make sb behave in a particular way: [VN] a drug that disposes the patient towards sleep [also VN to inf]Phrasal Verbs: dispose of sb/sth to get rid of sb/sth that you do not want or cannot keep: the difficulties of disposing of nuclear waste ◆ to dispose of stolen property to deal with a problem, question or threat successfully: That seems to have disposed of most of their arguments. to defeat or kill sb: It took her a mere 20 minutes to dispose of her opponent.这是牛津高阶英英字典的查询内容。这样看来dispose 没有不及物用法,但有固定词组dispose of以下是译典通的查询结果:dispose 英音:[di"spu0259uz] 美音:[du026a"spoz] 及物动词 vt. 1.配置,布置[(+for)]They disposed troops along the river. 他们沿河布置了军队。 2.处置,处理;整理3.使倾向于,使有意于[(+for/to)][O2]The good pay disposed him to take the job. 高薪使他接受了这份工作。 不及物动词 vi. 1.处置,处理;(能)决定[(+of)]I want to dispose of these old books. 我想处理掉这些旧书。 Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。 总的来说,牛津英英比较专业,从例句来看,dispose vt应该表安排、处置、使某人某事像你安排的那样行动,一般dispose+n+adv/prep或是dispose+n+toward(s)+sth.;而+of或是称作vi用法时,表示舍弃、去掉、击败,一般只有dispose of+n

ASP.NET Dispose()方法的使用

你查查reader的类型是什么? 然后看看null的类型是什么!如果两个类型不同自然就是false了!

用System.exit(0)关闭窗口 和 用dispose()关闭窗口有什么区别

很简单,第一个是关闭JVM 第2个是关闭当前程序;


= =

delphi 函数内dispose有效吗


java dispose 怎么用

dispose是 java.awt.Windows类的方法,它的作用是销毁程序中指定的图形界面资源,对数据资源不产生影响,所以当我们在SWing或是AWT中的图形界面组件时如果调用它,组建内的数据对象不会消失,只有在这些数据资源其他地方没有再使用后才会由垃圾回收机制处理掉。关闭窗口 一般用 window.close() //貌似过时了现在用 window.setVisible(true) //true or false 控制窗体是否显示当然还可以用 window.hide() //仅仅是隐藏窗口


你不觉得你的程序错了吗??大概改了一下,可以关闭了,但是这样写不是最好的import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;public class TestDemo2{ public static void main(String[] args) { Button btn; final Frame f1=new Frame("TestDemo2"); f1.setVisible(true); f1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter(){ @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { f1.dispose(); } }); btn=new Button("关闭"); btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub f1.dispose(); } }); f1.add(btn); }}


Dispose 是释放该对象所占用的资源(一般指内存空间)。一个程序执行结束后会自动 DIspose 所有对象,但如果你频繁操作特别大的对象,就要记得手动释放了。就好比说一个垃圾箱,你既可以等垃圾箱满了自己扔掉所有垃圾,也可以手动的扔掉某个占地方比较的垃圾,省得下次再想扔垃圾的时候垃圾箱没地方装了。


【答案】:C解析:A项意为“寻找,定位,设置”,B项意为“平息,使和解”,C项意为“放置”,D项意为“布置,处理,排列”。根据文意此处应该是放置的意思,可以表达为“place your book or put your book”均可,意为“勿将书籍翻开倒扣放置”,故此题选择C项。

C# dispose的用法

一:什么是资源在开始本文前,需要一些准备知识。首先要提出“什么是资源”。在CLR出来之后,Windows系统资源开始分为“非托管资源”和“托管资源”。非托管资源是指:所有的Window内核对象(句柄)都是非托管资源,如对于Stream,数据库连接,GDI+的相关对象,还有Com对象等等,这些资源并不是受到CLR管理;托管资源是指:由CLR管理分配和释放的资源,即由CLR里new出来的对象。其次再来讲,资源的释放方式。非托管资源:需要显式释放的,也即需要你写代码释放;托管资源:并不需要显式释放,但是如果引用类型本身含有非托管资源,则需要进行现实释放;二:显式释放的C#实现显式释放的C#实现,由C#语法支持的有:1:实现IDisposable接口的Dispose方法;2:析构方法(终结器);不由C#语法支持,但是约定支持的显式释放是:3:提供显示释放方法,比如常用的Close方法;三:Dispose、Close和析构方法异同点但是,还需要区分这3种方式的异同点。首先,你无法调用析构方法。析构方法是由垃圾回收机制进行调用的。换句话来说,就是你不知道析构方法被调用的时机。严格意义上来说,它只是作为资源释放的一个补救措施。资源释放的一个正确的措施是为类型实现IDisposable接口的Dispose。当你需要释放类型的资源的时候,应该显示的调用Dipose方法。当然,这里还有一个C#的语法糖,就是使用using程序块,在离开using程序块的时候,CLR会自动调用类型所创建对象的Dipose方法。可能有人会问道,既然可以通过Dispose方法的方式来进行资源的释放,为什么有些类型还需要提供一个Close方法。这里面的区别,或者说约定在于,如果你仔细观察这些类型:他们基本都只公开了Close方法,他们都实现了IDisposable,但都隐藏了Dispose方法。以Socket这个类为例,它:1:提供public void Close()public void Close(){//….((IDisposable)this).Dispose();//…. }2:提供显式void IDisposable.Dispose()void IDisposable.Dispose() { this.Dispose(true);GC.SuppressFinalize(this);}3:提供protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)。真正的资源释放的代码放在这里。所以理论上来将,提供Close方法最终还是使用的Dispose方法,之所以这么做,是因为这些类型出于显式实现IDisposable的因素,在调用这些Dispose方法的时候,必须完成一次转型,如: ((IDisposable)new A()).Dispose(); 为了避免转型,同时也为了避免不熟悉C#语法的开发人员更直观的释放资源,提供了Close方法。在上文的例子中,你可能已经注意到IDisposable.Dispose这个方法中,包含一句: GC.SuppressFinalize(this); 这是告诉CLR,在进行垃圾回收的时候,不用再继续调用析构方法(终结器)了。是的,因为你已经手动释放资源了。这也从另一个方面验证了析构方法只是作为资源释放的补救机制。因为假设你忘记Close或者Dispose了,CLR会在垃圾回收的时候为你做这件事。查看Socket的析构函数,你会很好的理解这一点。~Socket(){this.Dispose(false);}是的,析构方法调用的也是Dispose。备注1:本文带来几个争论1:托管资源本身是否需要显式释放。答案显然是:不需要;2:如果引用类型对象不再需要,是否需要显式=null;答案是:即使不这样做,GC也会进行垃圾回收。3:将托管资源分为引用类型资源和值类型资源这种分类方法是有问题的,或者说是错误的。正确的分类法应该是栈资源和堆资源。线程栈中存放的是方法的实参和方法内部的局部变量。堆上存放的是类型对象本身及对象的两个额外成员:类型对象指针和同步块索引。4:Dispose方法本身是用来让你放置资源清理代码的。显然,一个空方法并不代表清理工作本身,真正执行清理工作的是你具体的代码。备注2:推荐Dipose模式实现如:基类代码class ClassShouldDisposeBase : IDisposable{public void Dispose(){this.Dispose(true);GC.SuppressFinalize(this);}protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing){if (disposing){//执行基本的清理代码}}~ClassShouldDisposeBase(){this.Dispose(false);}}子类:代码class ClassShouldDispose: ClassShouldDisposeBase{protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing){if (disposing){// 执行子类清理代码// 如有必要,执行base.Dispose(disposing);}else{// 如有必要,执行base.Dispose(disposing);}}public void Close(){//调用本类或者基类的Dispose方法//其它代码}}

当翻译为"处理,处置"时,dispose和dispose of有什么不同吗?

处理、处置某物用 dispose of sth, 不用dispose sth。dispose一般后面直接跟人, dispose sb to sth, 不过这时候不是处理处置的意思了。

C# dispose怎么用?

IDisposable接口里面的方法原型是:void Dispose().你这个Dispose(false) 应该是重载方法。。至于这个false传进去是干嘛用的,就要看具体的方法是怎么写的了。当使用using的时候,会自动调用void Dispose()这个方法,也可以自己调用,Dispose(false) 这个方法重载过了,应该是自己调用的。void Dispose()这个方法要干的事情就是释放资源。C#是微软公司发布的一种面向对象的、运行于.NET Framework之上的高级程序设计语言。并定于在微软职业开发者论坛(PDC)上登台亮相。C#是微软公司研究员Anders Hejlsberg的最新成果。C#看起来与Java有着惊人的相似;它包括了诸如单一继承、接口、与Java几乎同样的语法和编译成中间代码再运行的过程。但是C#与Java有着明显的不同,它借鉴了Delphi的一个特点,与COM(组件对象模型)是直接集成的,而且它是微软公司 .NET windows网络框架的主角。

C# Dispose();和Close();的不同?


.NET 的 Dispose 方法




dispose 可以用作名词吗



  dispose表. 处理,处置; 安排的意思,那么你知道dispose的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了dispose的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   dispose的短语:   dispose for (v.+prep.)   愿意 want to do sth   ▲be disposed for sth   I am disposed for a game of chess.我想下一盘棋。   dispose of (v.+prep.)   ▲dispose of sb/sth   〔说明〕 dispose of常不用于进行体。   1.将(某物)处理掉 get rid of (sth) by selling or giving or throwing it away   While you"re cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles old newspapers.在你们清理车库时,请把那几堆旧报纸处理掉。   2.驳倒或击败 destroy (an argument or opponent)   The next speaker quickly disposed of his weak argument.下一个发言人很快就驳倒了他那个缺乏说服力的观点。   dispose to (v.+prep.)   1.使倾向于 cause to tend to sth   Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.猜疑使君王倾向于专制,使丈夫倾向于妒忌。   dispose的短语例句:   1. He alleged that they had hired an assassin to dispose of him.   他宣称他们已雇了刺客来除掉他。   2. They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.   他们没有办法处理掉自己产生的有害废料。   3. He doesn"t know how to dispose of his spare time.   他不知如何打发空余时间.   4. We will have to dispose of the mice in the attic.   我们必须消灭阁楼里的老鼠.   5. The United States tried to dispose of its grain surpluses.   美国努力把过剩粮食处理掉.   6. Suspicions dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.   猜疑使君王倾向于专制,使丈夫倾向于妒忌.   7. His criminal records do not dispose me to trust him.   他的前科迫使我无法信任他.   8. They dispose of the city"s waste in the sea.   他们把城市的废物倒入大海处理掉.   9. Suspicious dispose kings to tyranny and husbands to jealousy.   猜疑使国王倾向于专制,猜疑使丈夫倾向于嫉妒.   10. Have you any secondhand books to dispose of?   你有旧书要处理 吗 ?   11. These goods are difficult to dispose of.   这些货不好脱手.   12. Just fold up the nappy and dispose of it in the normal manner.   把尿布叠起,像平常扔东西一样扔掉即可。   13. The suspect was taken unawares, without the chance to dispose of the evidence.   嫌疑人被弄了个措手不及,根本来不及销毁证据。   14. Furthermore, courts often seem to dispose of mixed questions in inconsistent ways.   此外, 法院似乎常常前后矛盾地处理混合问题.   15. How could he dispose of the goods produced by the eight factories?   八个厂的货销不去又怎样?

steam turbine, general purpose和special purpose有什么区别

steam 蒸汽turbine涡轮机general purpose 通用的special purpose特殊用途[目的],单一用途望采纳!

What if she is an angle sent here from heaven? What am I supposed to do ?



Poseidon is a 2006 action-adventure disaster film and the third film adaptation of The Poseidon Adventure by Paul Gallico. It stars Kurt Russell, Josh Lucas, Emmy Rossum, and Richard Dreyfuss. It was directed by Wolfgang Petersen and produced and distributed by Warner Bros. in association with Virtual Studios. The film also had a simultaneous release in the IMAX format. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Visual Effects and was released on May 12, 2006. Poseidon generated US$181,674,817 at the worldwide box office and $19,725,028 in DVD sales, making its total gross $201,399,845.In the northern Atlantic Ocean, the ocean liner Poseidon, named for the Greek god of water, is sailing through the ocean. On one of its thirteen decks, we see Dylan Johns (Josh Lucas) running for an evening workout, stopping when he reaches the top to enjoy the last sunset of 2005. Meanwhile, in one of the 800 cabins, Jen Ramsey (Emmy Rossum) is with her boyfriend/fiancée Christian (Mike Vogel) when they are interrupted by Jen"s father, former firefighter/mayor of New York Robert Ramsey (Kurt Russell). Christian immediately starts treating him like a king, but he tells Christian, "Stop calling me sir....it makes me feel old." Jen stomps off to her room. Down below in the kitchen, an attractive Spanish girl named Elena (Mia Maestro), is hunting for her friend Marco Valentin. She finds Marco (Freddy Rodriguez), a waiter on the ship, and we quickly learn that he is smuggling her across from Europe so she can be with her sick brother in New York. He gives her some food from a nearby plate, but he tells her that she has to stay in the cabin. Elsewhere, architect Richard Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss) calling his boyfriend, but he only gets the answering machine, and we can tell that his lover recently broke up with him.That night, Captain Michael Bradford (Andre Braugher) welcomes everyone to his ship. He tells them a little about its namesake and then introduces musical act Gloria (Stacy Ferguson). While she performs we go up a few decks, Dylan and Ramsey are playing a game of Texas Holdem with two others, generic guy five and Lucky Larry (Kevin Dillon). Jen and Christian come up to say hello to Ramsey before heading over to the nightclub as he"s nearing a fifty thousand dollar betting mark with Dylan (Larry and guy five folded). Ramsey looks up at Dylan, who is grinning evilly and saying, "All in." Over at another table, we see Nelson telling some of his friends the story of his breakup and his ex"s quick turnaround while he orders a five thousand dollar bottle of champagne for the table just before excusing himself to get some air. Meanwhile, we see Dylan walking away with his winnings when he bumps into a kid playing with his PSP. The kid is Conor James (Jimmy Bennett) and he takes an immediate liking to Dylan, as does his mom Maggie (Jacinda Barrett) who quickly comes up looking for him. Meanwhile, we see Jen and Chris in the nightclub partying like crazy as Elena picks her way through the baot.Meanwhile, in the pilot room, we see the officer in charge get a feeling that "Something"s off," when the instruments suddenly detect a HUGE 150-foot tall, tidal wave coming towards the ship (Nelson, who was about to jump overboard, also sees this and it ironically makes him rethink the suicide). The officer on the bridge puts in an order to turn hard to starboard in order to avoid a direct hit, but it doesn"t matter. The wave hits the starboard side of the ship, sweeping dozens of people overboard (some of whom were in the on-deck pool), crushing others, flash-frying some, electrifying a few, and in general causing all sorts of hellish chaos. The Poseidon completely turns over, upside down and within seconds, all power on the ship goes off and the lights fail, plunging the capsized ship into darkness.After people have calmed down some and the general chaos has subsided, Captain Bradford calls for order and assures the people that as soon as the rogue wave hit the ship, a signal went off and rescue teams are on the way. As he"s talking, Maggie notices Connor stuck on a piano on the ceiling (it was bolted down). Ramsey comes over and with the help of a few others creates a slide out of a curtain for Connor to fall into. Meanwhile, we see Jen and Christian in the remains of the nightclub, where one of the spotlight girders has fallen on Christian, trapping his leg. Jen tries to get it off but is unable to. Looking around, she spots Elena and gets her over there, and the two girls try again. Ramsey has asked the captain to search for Jen but has gotten nowhere. Meanwhile, Dylan has been spotted leaving by Connor, and Dylan explains that they will probably be able to get out through the propeller area. Eventually, he finds himself joined by Nelson, Ramsey, Maggie, Connor, and Marco, who is serving as the map of the ship. As they leave, we see hatches seal behind them as the captain mutters, "God be with them." On the other side, the group picks their way through a messed up hallway and serving area, eventually coming to a service elevator that should get them where they need to go. To cross the shaft, they grab a flimsy metal table and use it as a bridge. Dylan tries to get the doors on the other side open, but they won"t budge. He notices the doors on the next level "up" are open, so Nelson volunteers as a stirrup to get him up there. Just as Dylan finishes getting the upper doors open, an elevator "above" them starts coming "down" and it becomes a race to get everyone through. Finally it"s down to Nelson and Marco. The table falls, and Marco grabs onto Nelson"s leg. Realizing they can"t save both, Dylan orders Nelson to kick Marco off, and Marco falls all the way to the bottom of the shaft before being crushed by the elevator which also falls to the bottom as well. The group recovers and heads on.Back in the nightclub, Elena and Jen are still struggling when they are approached by Lucky Larry. He repositions the rod they"re using for leverage and they are able to get the girder off of Christian just as the other group arrives. Ramsey and Jen reunite, and everybody is introduced (except for a very drunk Larry). They escape via a door that has a flash fire behind it but is defeated by Dylan and Ramsey, and they end up at the elevator in the main concourse of the ship. They use the fallen elevator as a bridge to the other side. Most of the group gets across, but when it"s Lucky Larry"s turn, he decides to do it without help. Just as he"s in the middle, something blows up and a giant chunk of floor comes through, killing Larry, destroying the bridge and causing a literal waterfall of oil ignited by fire. Ramsey says to find another way across, but Dylan grabs a nearby fire hose, dives into the water, swims across, and climbs up to where the others are, making a kind of bungee bridge. Ramsey still wants to find another way, but Jen is insistent on this way and shows him the ring finally. He settles, but then she ducks out and comes back with a little hook for him to hang onto. They slide across together with her piggybacking on him while he holds onto the hook, and the group heads off once more.Back in the concert area, we see people milling around when suddenly the captain notices the glass cracking. He gets about five seconds to digest this when suddenly all the windows burst open and water comes pouring in, drowning everybody. Meanwhile, Elena, Ramsey, Nelson, Jen, Christian, Dylan, Maggie, and Conor have found a shaft that they think might lead "down" to the next level. Ramsey checks it out and says it"s good, and eventually they all get in there, despite Elena"s claustrophobia. While they"re climbing, Ramsey congratulates Christian just as they reach the locked exit from the shaft. Ramsey tries to get his fingers around to unscrew it, but he can"t so he calls up Connor to unscrew. As Connor is climbing, Nelson suddenly slips on a part of the vent that had buckled. Elena freaks out, especially since the water is rising, but Dylan manages to convince her to push Nelson out. She does so just as Conor gets the last screw out. They narrowly escape the vent, although Dylan is nearly drowned. They end up in some kind of ballast chamber, and Dylan realizes the only way out of it is to flood the chamber so the vent on one side of the room opens. They let the water in and after a while, the vent opens and they swim for some stairs. On the way though, Elena gets caught on something and manages to cut herself pretty badly. By the time anyone notices she"s missing and gets back to her, she has drowned. The group leaves Elena"s dead body behind, and moves on. Among all this, see in the control room that the remaining rooms are filling up one by one, meaning the ship is getting that much closer to going under.Back with our remaining heroes, we see that the area they need to go get out is currently under more water than they could swim through. Discouraged, they regroup and try to think of another way out when suddenly the ship starts going vertical. They realize that this means the previous way that was blocked might now be clear, and they head that way when Maggie notices that Conor is missing. She and Dylan search for him while the others secure an exit and find him trapped behind a screen in an area that is rapidly filling with water. Dylan dives under and gets him out, and the trio rapidly make for the other four, who have made it into the engine room. Nelson sees the door to the propellers and opens it, only to get blown back by the hurricane-force winds the still-active propel lor is generating, While Jen looks after him, Christian proposes throwing something in there to block the propellers and get them to stop, but Ramsey points out they"d need to either stop them manually or get them turning the other way, which makes the two argue about who should make the hundred and fifty foot swim to the underwater control room. Christian says that he has better lung capacity so he should do it, and Ramsey reluctantly agrees. Christian moves to say a teary goodbye to Jen, and while he"s busy with that, Ramsey dives in and swims off. The other three arrive and are told what Ramsey is doing as we see Ramsey get in the control room. He finds the engine stop button, but it"s broken. He starts running out of air, and with his last breath manages to find the button to make the propellers turn the other way.Back in the propeller room, everyone notices that the blades are now turning the other way. Dylan moves to throw a nitrogen tank into the blades to get them to stop, but the tank gets caught crosswise in the narrow door frame. He manages to push it through, and there"s a huge explosion that blows out that pair of propellers on both sides of the ship. The remaining survivors come up and pick their way through the tube, stopping at the drop to the water. Dylan says they have to jump, and soon everybody is in the water and swimming for a nearby lifeboat. They get in just as the ship goes under, and Jen screams at them to row like crazy so they don"t get drowned in the backwash. They manage to escape it. Dylan fires off a flare gun to let any rescue teams know where they are. After a wait, a pair of helicopters arrive and pick the six survivors from the water, much to everyone"s relief.




不可以,两者意思不同destination是目的地的意思,而purpose则是目的或者用途的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出:What purpose do you stop here? We have to hurry up, there are long ways to drive before we reach our destination. 你停在这里的目的是什么? 我们得快点,在我们到达目的地之前还有很长的路要走。

Suppose you were given a chance u2026, would you u2026



compose 在表示“由……材料构成”时,见于被动语态;在用于主动语态时,一般它所表示的“构成”或“组成”总包含着融合为一,而且主语或者是复数名词或者是集体名词。Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water.混凝土由水泥、砂、石子与水掺和而构成。England, Scotland and Wales compose the island of Great Britain.英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士构成大不列颠岛。Mere facts, badlly stated, do not compose a good book.仅仅有资料,如果陈述得很糟糕,并不能组成一本好书;consist of 的含义与被动语态的 compose 相同Though the costume consists only of a sheet, it was very effective.虽然那件化装服装仅由一条床单组成,但效果很好。comprise 在表示“构成”时,其内涵是“包括”或“覆盖”These houses do not comprises all his property.这些房产并没有构成他的全部财产。The committee comprises men of widely different views.这个委员会由见解甚为悬殊的人组成。constitute 的主语可以是复数名词也可以是单数名词,所“构成”的事物在属性和特征上,亦或在组织上,与组成成分是一致的This growing poverty in the midst of growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace to peace.在这种不断增长的贫困中正在增长着的贫困,构成了对和平的永久的威胁。七天构成一个星期。



How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 歌词

歌曲名:How Am I Supposed To Live Without You歌手:苏芮专辑:I"Ve Got The Music In Me知行英语Listen and ShareMichael BoltonHow Am I Supposed to Live without YouI could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing morebefore I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living foris gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mineis coming to an endAnd how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it"s more thanI can takeTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living for is gone.And I don"t want to know the priceI"m gonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true.重复歌词大意I could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youStraightget it straight fromget it straight from the horse"s mouthitthe horse"s ageget it straight from somebodyLet"s get it straightThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awaysweep awayI"ll get him to sweep awaythe broken glass.sweep awaytake awaysweep awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing more before I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry oncarry onWe must carry on till successin spite of the extremely difficult conditions.We carried on the discussionlate into the night.When all that I"ve been living for is gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mine iscoming to an endcome to an endThe summer vacationcame to an end at lastAll good things must come to an end.And how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingpay forI paid £1,000 for this house.Pay forpriceYou will pay for your dishonesty.Pollution is the price we pay foran overpopulated, over industrialized planet.When even now it"s more than I can take谢谢收听知行提示http://music.baidu.com/song/7300361

How Am I Supposed To Live Without You 歌词

歌曲名:How Am I Supposed To Live Without You歌手:Marie Carmen Koppel专辑:A Touch Of Gospel知行英语Listen and ShareMichael BoltonHow Am I Supposed to Live without YouI could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing morebefore I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living foris gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mineis coming to an endAnd how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingWhen even now it"s more thanI can takeTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry onWhen all that I"ve been living for is gone.And I don"t want to know the priceI"m gonna pay for dreamingNow that your dream has come true.重复歌词大意I could hardly believe it,when I heard the news todayI had to come andget it straight from youStraightget it straight fromget it straight from the horse"s mouthitthe horse"s ageget it straight from somebodyLet"s get it straightThey said you were leaving,someone"s swept your heart awaysweep awayI"ll get him to sweep awaythe broken glass.sweep awaytake awaysweep awayFrom the look upon your face,I see it"s true.So tell me all about it,tell me "bout the plans you"re makingThen tell me one thing more before I goTell me how am I supposedto live without youNow that I"ve been loving you so longHow am I supposed to live without youHow am I supposed to carry oncarry onWe must carry on till successin spite of the extremely difficult conditions.We carried on the discussionlate into the night.When all that I"ve been living for is gone.I didn"t come here for crying,didn"t come here to break downIt"s just a dream of mine iscoming to an endcome to an endThe summer vacationcame to an end at lastAll good things must come to an end.And how can I blame you,when I build my world aroundThe hope that one daywe"d be so much more than friendsAnd I don"t want to know the pricei"m gonna pay for dreamingpay forI paid £1,000 for this house.Pay forpriceYou will pay for your dishonesty.Pollution is the price we pay foran overpopulated, over industrialized planet.When even now it"s more than I can take谢谢收听知行提示http://music.baidu.com/song/2918925

Elvis Presley的《Suppose》 歌词

歌曲名:Suppose歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:From Nashville To Memphis - The Essential 60S Masters ISecondhand Serenade - SupposeSuppose that I missed youSuppose that I careAnd suppose that spentall my nights running scaredAnd supposeThat I was never thereIn my eyes I"m screaming for a sight of youAnd tonight I"m dreaming ofall the things that we"ve been throughAnd I can"t hold on to youSo I guess I"ll be lonely tooSuppose we were happySuppose it was trueAnd suppose there were cold nightsbut we found that waiting throughAnd suppose that I"m nothing without youMy eyes I"m screaming for a sight of youAnd tonight I"m dreaming ofall the things that we"ve been throughAnd I can"t hold on to youSo I guess I"ll be lonely tooSlow way downThis break downs eating me aliveAnd I"m tiredThis fire"s fighting to surviveTell me a secret (I want it)Tell me a story (I need it)I"ll listen intensivelyI"ll stay awake all nightAll of me is a whisper (So don"t leave)There"s nothing left in me (Please help me)Not even my bodyis strong enough to fight (Let"s make this right)Please help me make this rightSuppose that I was wrongSuppose you were hereAnd suppose that I reached outand caught your tearsAnd suppose this fight just dissapearedIn my eyes I"m screaming for a sight of youAnd tonight I"m dreaming ofall the things that we"ve been throughAnd I can"t hold on to youSo I guess I"ll be lonely tooBut I"d rather be here with youLarry Cheng & Kevin Boul, share with you!http://music.baidu.com/song/8418243

what i have done 和 what i supposed to have done 的意思是什么不同?

原题whatihavedone意思我所做的事情例句What I have done is helpful .意思我所做的事情是有用的。注意what引导了一个主语从句。

purpose of paymentpersonal use

为您解答支付目的: 个人使用

美国签证上purpose of travel 是business /personal 是 指留学签


we mean to me suppose to be, 这是哪首歌的歌词?

we are meant to be ,supposed to be这是艾薇儿歌曲《My Happy Ending》中的歌词 My Happy Ending-Avril Lavigne So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... Let"s talk this over It"s not like we"re dead Was it something I did? Was it something You said? Don"t leave me hanging In a city so dead Held up so high On such a breakable thread You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus:] You were everything, everything that I wanted We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away All this time you were pretending So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... You"ve got your dumb friends I know what they say They tell you I"m difficult But so are they But they don"t know me Do they even know you? All the things you hide from me All the shit that you do You were all the things I thought I knew And I thought we could be [Chorus] It"s nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It"s nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done [Chorus x2] [x2] Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh... So much for my happy ending Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Android 系统上的 Xposed 框架中都有哪些值得推荐的模块

1GravityBox 超强劲的界面修改应用,CyanogenMod有的功能它都有,甚至还更全面。(GravityBox [KK] kitkat版本)(GravityBox [JB] jelly bean版本)2XuiMod 可以更改特效什么的。(XuiMod | Xposed Module Repository)3Greenify(又名绿色守护 (Greenify))『绿色守护』帮助你甄别那些对系统全局性能和耗电量有不良影响的应用程序,并通过独特的『绿色化』技术,阻止它们消耗您的电池电量,占用您的宝贵内存。经过『绿色化』工艺处理的应用,在您没有主动启动它们的时候,无法『偷偷』运行,而在您正常启动它们时仍然拥有完整的功能和体验,正如iPhone应用那样!4AppOpsXposed 这个是专门给4.4的,可以解除Google 对Ops权限管理接口的封锁,还可以在app 详情界面的action bar 上添加一个导向Ops 的按钮。(AppOpsXposed)5BootManager 开机自启动进程管理,反正我是不会去用360什么的。(BootManager | Xposed Module Repository)6InstagramDownloader 下载Instagram上你中意的照片,推荐给Instagram的死忠粉。(Instagram Downloader)7Tinted Status Bar 利用它搭配 Thyrus KitKat Light UI 主题能玩出很不错的花样(Tinted Status Bar [BETA])8XHaloFloatingWindow 是一款桌面漂浮空间,自定义后可以在桌面快速的开启应用。(XHaloFloatingWindow)9XBlast Tools(原Status Bar Clock Color Mod)能够在不修改apk 的情况下允许你改变颜色的状态栏和通知栏时钟颜色。(XBlast Tools for above Android 4.0.3+)10Immerse Me 可以强迫所有app 进入扩展桌面模式 (Immerse Me | Xposed Module Reposi11XPrivacy 优秀的权限管理,不过4.3+用Ops 的朋友们可以无视。(XPrivacy | Xposed Module Repository)12DisableCriticalBatteryShutdown 可以阻止系统在低电量时自动关机,榨干你的电池,不过记得保存数据!!!!(DisableCriticalBatteryShutdown)13LBE Security Master - Translation International 这个是送给LBE安全大师的用户的,为LBE提供了更多语言翻译(虽然发在这里貌似没啥用)(LBE Security Master)14XForceEnter 强制使用键盘回车键来打开Hangouts 中的emoji 表情键盘(XForceEnter | Xposed Module Repository)

Android 系统上的 Xposed 框架中都有哪些值得推荐的模块

 GravityBox 超强劲的界面修改应用,CyanogenMod有的功能它都有,甚至还更全面。(GravityBox [KK] kitkat版本)(GravityBox [JB] jelly bean版本)XuiMod 可以更改特效什么的。  (XuiMod | Xposed Module Repository)Greenify(又名绿色守护 (Greenify))『绿色守护』帮助你甄别那些对系统全局性能和耗电量有不良影响的应用程序,并通过独特的『绿色化』技术,阻止它们消耗您的电池电量,占用您的宝贵内存。经过『绿色化』工艺处理的应用,在您没有主动启动它们的时候,无法『偷偷』运行,而在您正常启动它们时仍然拥有完整的功能和体验,正如iPhone应用那样!  AppOpsXposed 这个是专门给4.4的,可以解除Google 对Ops权限管理接口的封锁,还可以在app 详情界面的action bar 上添加一个导向Ops 的按钮。(AppOpsXposed)BootManager 开机自启动进程管理,反正我是不会去用360什么的。(BootManager | Xposed Module Repository)InstagramDownloader 下载Instagram上你中意的照片,推荐给Instagram的死忠粉。  (Instagram Downloader)Tinted Status Bar 利用它搭配 Thyrus KitKat Light UI 主题能玩出很不错的花样(Tinted Status Bar [BETA])





英语翻译:An electrical circuit or network is composed


"作曲"英语叫composed by..,那作词怎说呢?

words by
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