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squirrel mac 怎么安装

1、配置 安装好的Squirrel需要进行一些额外的配置,例如拷贝jar包和配置驱动等。 2、拷贝jar包: 将phoenix-4.2.2-client.jar拷贝到squirrel安装目录的lib目录下。 高能预警:phoenix-4.2.2-client.jar可以从Phoenix的安装目录中找到,如果是其...




squirrel读法是英音["skwu026aru0259l]、音[u02c8skwu025aru0259l,u02c8skwu028cr-]。squirrel造句:1、A practical die structure and the process for die casting squirrel cage rotor are presented.给出了压铸鼠笼转子的实用模具结构和压铸工艺,论述了模具的设计要点。2、The squirrel can steer somewhat by moving its wrists and adjusting the tautness of its patagium.飞鼠可以通过活动腕关节及调整翼膜的松紧度来稍微改变滑翔方向。3、The squirrel had no expensive furniture,but she had a furnace to keep her warm.松鼠没有昂贵的家具,但她有炉子来取暖。4、No matter where you live in America,there is probably a squirrel in your yard every day.无论你住在南美洲还是北美洲,你家后院儿可能每天都有一只松鼠跳来跳去。5、Do you sometimes feel that you are running round like a squirrel in a cage?你会有时候会感觉到自己到处乱转,就像是关在笼子里的松鼠一样吗?


squirrel读:英 [u02c8skwu026aru0259l],美 [u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l]。squirrel的意思是:松鼠。词典释义:松鼠;松鼠科啮齿类动物;松鼠的毛皮。网络释义:小松鼠;松鼠;花狸鼠。双语例句:1、Running madly about in a squirrel cage of activity.在一项单调乏味的活动中拼命地忙碌。2、The little squirrel has a bushy tail.小松鼠拖着个大尾巴。3、The squirrel has a store of food那只松鼠储有大量的食物。4、A nocturnal member of the squirrel family searches for fungi, its favorite food.一名松鼠家族的夜行成员在寻找它最喜欢的食物——真菌。5、I often can see squirrel when Lin and I walk in the park.当我和林在公园里散步的时候,常常能看到松鼠。


思 鸽薇肉


squirrel的意思是:松鼠。词典释义:松鼠;松鼠科啮齿类动物;松鼠的毛皮。网络释义:小松鼠;松鼠;花狸鼠。双语例句:1、Running madly about in a squirrel cage of activity.在一项单调乏味的活动中拼命地忙碌。2、The little squirrel has a bushy tail.小松鼠拖着个大尾巴。3、The squirrel has a store of food那只松鼠储有大量的食物。4、A nocturnal member of the squirrel family searches for fungi, its favorite food.一名松鼠家族的夜行成员在寻找它最喜欢的食物——真菌。5、I often can see squirrel when Lin and I walk in the park.当我和林在公园里散步的时候,常常能看到松鼠。

squirrel怎么读 英语squirrel怎么读

1、squirrel英[u02c8skwu026aru0259l]美[u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l],n.松鼠;v.把…作为因素计入; 代理经营; 把…分解成。 2、[例句]The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。


squirrel记忆方法如下:记忆方法一:谐音:是果肉 松鼠吃的是果肉。记忆方法二:分析:sq—“死去”的拼音首字母;u—装满;uf06c i—形状像蜡烛; rr— 形状像草;uf06c el—“恶狼”的拼音首字母。记忆方法三:联想方式:s:蛇;qu:去:ir:矮人;re:阿姨;l:1记忆方法:蛇MM去矮人阿姨家里去看一只松鼠。squirrel,英语单词,名词(n.)、动词(v.)。作名词时,意思是“松鼠;松鼠毛皮”。作动词时,意思是“贮藏”。单词发音(英、澳)/u02c8skwu026aru0259l(美)/u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l/,/skwu025du0259l短语搭配Sun squirrel 太阳松鼠japanese squirrel 日本松鼠squirrel monkey 松鼠猴 ; 僧帽猴双语例句1. Squirrel: Can I help?松鼠:我能帮忙吗?2. This will really help your squirrel to bond with you.这将真正帮助您的松鼠债券与您联系。3. You do not talk to the squirrel in words, but you feels her vibrations, and you translate those vibrations into words.你不是用语言和松鼠说话,而是感受到它的振动,然后你把这些振动译成了语言。


squirrel翻译成汉语的意思是松鼠。松鼠,是哺乳纲啮齿目中的一个科,其下包括松鼠亚科和非洲地松鼠亚科,特征是长着毛茸茸的长尾巴。根据生活环境不同,松鼠科分为树松鼠、地松鼠和石松鼠等。与其它亲缘关系接近的动物又被合称为松鼠形亚目。全世界近35属212种,中国有11属24种,其中岩松鼠和侧纹岩松鼠2种是中国特有动物。松鼠的原产地是中国的东北部、西北部,东南部和欧洲,除了在大洋洲外,全世界都有分布。 松鼠的分布范围较广,在整个寒温带森林地区都能见到。在中国主要分布于东北三省、内蒙古东北部、河北及山西北部、四川、宁夏甘肃、新疆、湖南、贵州等省区的山区。国外从俄罗斯的远东、日本、朝鲜, 蒙古北部,向西一直分布到西欧。在针叶林里,松鼠并不是年年都很多,它的数量多少,是以冬季针叶树种子的多少为转移的,因为它的食物以种子和果实为主,所以种子有时会占到97%以上。松鼠的双语例句:1、If you"re a hawk, you want to swoop down on asquirrel and not get scratched in the face.如果你是一只鹰,你想要的是猛扑下来抓住松鼠,并且不被它抓伤脸。2、A Richardson"s groundsquirrel takes in the action from the second tee during the Telus Skins Game golf tournament in Banff, Alberta.在艾伯塔省班夫郡举行的TELUS高尔夫巡回赛中,一只理查森地松鼠正在做在第二发球的动作。3、Thesquirrel was diligent while the frog was lazy.松鼠很勤奋而青蛙很懒惰。4、They read thesquirrel Daily"s Business section, looking for an update on the upcoming acorn tax legislation.他们读着《松鼠日报》的商业版,寻找即将出台的橡果税法的最新进展。5、"Thesquirrel took a lot of time to build up enough courage to snatch the nut," she said.“松鼠花了很长时间才鼓起足够的勇气去抢坚果。”她说。6、Thesquirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。7、Thesquirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。8、Maybe they would wanly hand a baseball tosquirrel.或许他们想要给松鼠一个棒球。9、Watch them as they stand in line at the littlesquirrel coffee shop, discussing the acorn futures market.看着它们在小松鼠咖啡馆站成一排,谈论着橡子期货市场。10、The other problem for the redsquirrel is disease.红松鼠的另一个问题是疾病。

squirrel是什么意思 解析squirrel的含义及相关知识?



Squirrel是一个英语单词,指的是松鼠。它是一种小型啮齿动物,通常生活在森林、公园、城市等地方的树上。它们通常有长尾巴、灰褐色的皮毛和大眼睛,喜欢在树上攀爬、跳跃和储存食物。在英语中,squirrel这个词还常常用来形容一个人或者事物的行为或性格,表示他们像松鼠一样活泼、机敏或者好玩。例句:"She"s always squirrelly and can"t sit still."(她总是很活泼,坐不住。)定。)"Squirrel away"这个短语则表示储存或藏匿,例如:"She squirreled away some money for a rainy day."(她储备了一些钱以备不时之需。)


mix and match ,moose and squirrel:混搭,指随你的便,随意搭配都行老友记台词:Janice:Well,I knew you had the Rockys,and so I figured,you know,you can wear Bullwinkle and Bullwinkle,or you can wear Rocky and Rocky,or,you can mix and match, moose and squirrel.Whatever you want.

so did all the other squirrels

zac lieked his new tail,and so did all the other squirrels, 扎克lieked他的新尾巴,所以做了所有其他的松鼠, 如果您认可我的答案,请采纳. 您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

hey duggee 老师为什么叫学生squirrels


Birds live in the trees. Squirrels(松鼠) live in the trees. But do you know that some frogs(蛙

小题1:B小题2:C小题3:D小题4:A小题5:D 试题分析:本文介绍了一种树蛙。它很难被发现,它可以根据环境改变身体颜色、它们长着腿和宽宽的脚、它们的眼睛和声音也不同。小题1:推理判断题。从文中The tree frog is hard to find. It can change colors. 可以推断出树蛙很难被发现的原因是它们可以改变颜色,故选B。小题2:细节理解题。On green leaves, it stays green.在绿色树叶上,它呈现绿色。因此答案应选C。小题3:推理判断题。The sounds they make are different, too. One frog makes a sound like a dog barking(狗吠).Another frog makes a loud noise like a snore(打鼾).There is even a frog that whistles(吹口哨)!文中三种声音都提到,故选D。小题4:细节理解题。Tree frogs have different colors and markings(斑点) on their skins.选项A的表达与文中此句一样,而其它几项与文中描述不符,故选A。小题5:主旨大意题。A、B、C三项只是说了树蛙的个别的特点,而D是总括,故选D。


Squirrel 生词本简明释义[人名] 斯奎勒尔易混淆的单词:squirrel以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义in AM, use 美国英语用 squirreling, squirreled1.N-COUNT松鼠A squirrel is a small animal with a long furry tail. Squirrels live mainly in trees.相关词组:squirrel away以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句A squirrel sits in a snowy tree, moscow.莫斯科,一只松鼠坐在被冰雪覆盖的树枝上。


squirrel[英]["skwu026aru0259l] [美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-] 生词本简明释义n.松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt.储藏;贮存复数:squirrels第三人称单数:squirrels过去式:squirreled过去分词:squirreled 现在分词:squirreling易混淆的单词:Squirrel


翻译成中文的话这样读:思归柔。 帮到这儿喽`·~




参考发音:squirrel[英]["skwu026aru0259l][美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-]n.松鼠,松鼠科动物; 松鼠毛皮; vt.储藏; 贮存; 例句:This is gnocchi the squirrel. 小汤圆其实是只松鼠。~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请不要追问的形式发送,另外发问题并向我求助或在追问处发送问题链接地址,答题不易,敬请谅解~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助祝生活愉快!


squirrel 英["skwu026aru0259l] 美[u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮 vt. 储藏;贮存 第三人称单数:squirrels;过去分词:squirreled ;名词复数:squirrels... [例句]The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel.然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。


squirrel 英["skwu026aru0259l] 美[u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮 vt. 储藏;贮存 第三人称单数:squirrels;过去分词:squirreled ;名词复数:squirrels... [例句]The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel.然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。


squirrel英["skwu026aru0259l]美[u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-]n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt. 储藏;贮存第三人称单数:squirrels;过去分词:squirreled ;名词复数:squirrels...[例句]The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel.然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。

《飞哥与小佛》里面的一首歌“squirrel in my pants”,有没有这首歌的英文歌词?提供一下,要全篇哦~~

(Candace) AHHH! AAAAAHHHHH! AHHHH! AAAAHHHHH! AHH!(Street Performer 1) Now somebody, anybody, everybody scream!(Candace) AHHHHHHHH!There are squirrels in my pants!(Street Performer 1) That girl"s got some serious squirrels in her pants.(Candace) There are squirrels in my pants!(Street Performer 1) Tell me whats makin" you jump like that!(Background) S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my pants!(Street Performer) Ain"t got no chickens,Ain"t got no rats...(Background) S-I-M-P, (Candace & Background)Squirrels in my pants!(Street Performer 1) S to the I to the M to the P,Then maybe you can be moving like me...(Street Performer 2) Step right over and watch me put it down...(Candace) SquirrelsSquirrels!(Street Performer 2) Step right over and watch me put it...(Background & Street Performer 2) S to the I to M to the P!(Street Performer 2) Who you got back and watering your plants?(Backgound) S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...(Street Performer 1) How can I qualify for government graaaants...(Background) S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...(Street Performer 2) Yeah...Hypnotize me, put me in a trance...(Background) S-I-M-P, Squirrels in my Pants...(Street Performer 1) Got an Aunt Florance living in Fraaance...(Background) She can"t see the-(Candace) Squirrels in my Pants!(Street Performers) Step right over and watch me put it down...(Candace) Squirrels! Squirrels!(Street Performers) Step right over and watch me put it...(Background) S to the I to the M to the P!(Candace) AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH请采纳....

squirrel 这个英语单词怎么发音

squirrel 英["skw?r?l] 美[?skw?r?l, ?skw?r-] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮 vt. 储藏;贮存 第三人称单数:squirrels;过去分词:squirreled ;名词复数:squirrels... [例句]The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel. 然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。


squirrel[u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-]n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物; 松鼠毛皮vt. 储藏; 贮存求采纳!!!


squirrel[英]["skwu026aru0259l][美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-]n.松鼠,松鼠科动物; 松鼠毛皮; vt.储藏; 贮存; 第三人称单数:squirrels过去分词:squirreled 复数:squirrels现在进行时:squirreling过去式:squirreled例句:1.The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel. 然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。2.She knows every squirrel in bronx park. 她认识布朗克斯公园的每只松鼠。3.Cat and squirrel parted without incident. 猫和松鼠未发生冲突就分开了。4.A frog and a squirrel were neighbors. 一只青蛙和一只松鼠是邻居。5.This is gnocchi the squirrel. 小汤圆其实是只松鼠。








squirrel英 /u02c8skwu026aru0259l/ 美 /u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259l/ n. 松鼠;松鼠毛皮vt. 贮藏复数 squirrels或squirrel过去式 squirrelled或squirreled过去分词 squirrelled或squirreled现在分词 squirrelling或squirreling第三人称单数 squirrels

squirrels怎么读 英语squirrels怎么读

1、squirrels英[u02c8skwu026aru0259lz]美[u02c8skwu025cu02d0ru0259lz],n.松鼠;v.把…作为因素计入; 代理经营; 把…分解成;squirrel的第三人称单数和复数。 2、[例句]The squirrel disappeared into a hollow at the base of the tree.松鼠钻进了树根处的一个洞。




squirrel[英]["skwu026aru0259l][美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-]n.松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt.储藏;贮存复数: squirrels 第三人称单数: squirrels 过去式: squirreled 过去分词:squirreled 现在分词: squirreling双语例句1.The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。2.The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter.松鼠贮藏胡桃以备过冬。3.A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb.一只灰色的松鼠在树枝间跳来跳去。4.The driver of the car sheered to avoid hitting the squirrel.为了避免压着松鼠,汽车司机偏转了车子。5.He saved like a lunatic squirrel for a new ice age.他很象一只为防备新冰川期来临而积攒粮食的松鼠。


squirrel[英]["skwu026aru0259l] [美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l, u02c8skwu028cr-] 生词本简明释义n.松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt.储藏;贮存复数:squirrels第三人称单数:squirrels过去式:squirreled过去分词:squirreled 现在分词:squirreling易混淆的单词:Squirrel


squirrel [英]["skwu026aru0259l][美][u02c8skwu025aru0259l,u02c8skwu028cr-] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮 vt. 储藏;贮存 复数:squirrels 第三人称单数:squirrels 过去式:squirreled 过去分词:squirreled 现在分词:squirreling 双语例句 1. The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter. 松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬. 2. The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter. 松鼠贮藏胡桃以备过冬. 3. A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb. 一只灰色的松鼠在树枝间跳来跳去. 4. The driver of the car sheered to avoid hitting the squirrel. 为了避免压着松鼠,汽车司机偏转了车子. 5. He saved like a lunatic squirrel for a new ice age. 他很象一只为防备新冰川期来临而积攒粮食的松鼠.

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squirrel的读音是:英["skw?r?l]。squirrel的读音是:英["skw?r?l]。squirrel的详尽释义是n.(名词)松鼠松鼠皮毛松鼠类动物言行古怪的人汽车马达的马力。squirrel【近义词】accumulate积累。一、详尽释义点此查看squirrel的详细内容n.(名词)松鼠松鼠皮毛松鼠类动物言行古怪的人汽车马达的马力v.(动词)贮藏,储藏猎松鼠,猎松鼠般的行动,像松鼠在笼子里乱窜二、英英释义Noun:a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tailthe fur of a squirrel三、词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用 squirreling, squirreled1.松鼠Asquirrel is a small animal with a long furry tail. Squirrels live mainly in trees.相关词组:squirrel away四、例句The squirrel is a lovely small animal.松鼠是一种可爱的小动物。The squirrel ran up a tree and got out of my reach.松鼠跑到树上去了,我逮不着。The squirrel hoards up nuts for the winter.松鼠储藏坚果以防冬天。Nervous householders continue to squirrel more money away in the banks.不安的居民持续不断地把更多钱存入银行里。五、词汇搭配ground squirrel地松鼠flying squirrel[动] 鼯鼠fox squirrel黑松鼠(Sciuru...tree squirrel树松鼠cat squirrel猫貂squirrel cage rotor鼠笼式转子squirrel-cage winding鼠笼式绕组,鼠笼绕组...squirrel monkey松鼠猴squirrel-cage motor鼠笼式电动机,短路式...squirrel dew烈性酒grey squirrel北美灰松鼠squirrel corn[医] 加拿大荷包花...squirrel-cage rotor鼠笼式转子squirrel cage鼠笼式的rock squirrel岩黄鼠(Citell...squirrel away贮存red squirrel[动] (北美产的)...gopher囊地鼠(产自北美的一...六、经典引文He is a..squirrel Even the ordered office..bears signs of hoarding.出自:TodayHe had squirreled..spare parts away, and painstakingly repaired the..motor.出自:C. McCulloughSquirreling..knowledge away for some future great work.出自:J. Sutherlandsquirrel的相关临近词squirt、squirm、squirrely、Squirrell、squirrelly、squirrelcage、squirrel fur、squirrel dew、squirrelfish、squirrel corn、squirrel flea、squirrel cage点此查看更多关于squirrel的详细信息

歌词 baby squirrel used a sexy morther fucker.是什么意思

马修连恩的《Flying Squirrel Creek》都用什么乐器演奏的?


So from that day on all squirrels‘s tais were bushy什么意思

So from that day on all squirrels‘s tails were bushy【翻译】所以从那天起,所有松鼠的尾巴都是蓬松的。

what does the flying squirrel do什么意思?


directed by squirrel什么意思




flying squirrel是什么意思


flying squirrel是什么意思


a biue and white squirrel是什么意思

a biue and white squirrel一个蓝色和白色的松鼠3a biue and white squirrel一个蓝色和白色的松鼠



the squirrel是什么意思

the squirrel松鼠例句:1.Near the squirrel hill exit on the 65. 在65号公路靠近松鼠山出口处。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!!


防松鼠的例如:防松鼠喂鸟器(squirrel proof bird feeder)

ground squirrel是什么意思

ground squirrel(=gopher)地松鼠;黄鼠;地鼠例句筛选1.How soldiers could not find the cat has a small ground squirrel.猫兵怎么也没找到小黄鼠。2.rather large central Eurasian ground squirrel.欧亚大陆中部相当大的地松鼠。

don"t be afraid to eat squirrel。是什么意思,有什么深意吗?

翻译:不要害怕吃松鼠 。


防松鼠的 例如:防松鼠喂鸟器(squirrel proof bird feeder)

flat squirrel是什么意思

flat squirrel 不景气的的松鼠squirrel 英[ˈskwɪrəl] 美[ˈskwɜ:rəl] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物; 松鼠毛皮; vt. 储藏; 贮存; [例句]The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。




squirrel D.J.[ˈskwirəl] K.K.[ˈskwɚrəl,ˈskwʌr-] n. 松鼠 Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain. 红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了.

squirrel是什么动物 什么意思

n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt. 储藏;贮存


squirrel 英["skwɪrəl] 美[ˈskwɚrəl, ˈskwʌr-] n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮 vt. 储藏;贮存 第三人称单数:squirrels;过去分词:squirreled ;名词复数:squirrels... [例句]The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel.然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。








赞同楼上的回答。另外,squirrel也可以当动词用,squirrel away 意思是把...藏起来,或储存。She squirrelled away her money. 她把钱藏了起来。He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks. 他否认在外国银行里有存款。


n. 松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮vt. 储藏;贮存


squirrels n.  松鼠( squirrel的名词复数 )双语例句1. Squirrels are arboreal creatures.  松鼠是栖于树上的动物.2. Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.  红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了.3. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels.  它们伸展四肢,就像飞行中的松鼠一样.4. In the pines squirrels commonly chew off and drop entire cones.  松树上的松鼠通常咬掉和弄落整个球果.5. Do all squirrels store up food for the winter?  是不是所有的松鼠都为冬天储备食物?


squirrel[英][ˈskwɪrəl][美][ˈskwɜ:rəl]n.松鼠,松鼠科动物; 松鼠毛皮; vt.储藏; 贮存; 第三人称单数:squirrels过去分词:squirrelled复数:squirrels现在进行时:squirrelling过去式:squirrelled例句:1.The children were then asked to pick toys for squirrel. 然后这些孩子们被要求给松鼠选玩具。


squirrels n.  松鼠( squirrel的名词复数 )双语例句1. Squirrels are arboreal creatures.  松鼠是栖于树上的动物.2. Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.  红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了.3. They stretch out their legs like flying squirrels.  它们伸展四肢,就像飞行中的松鼠一样.4. In the pines squirrels commonly chew off and drop entire cones.  松树上的松鼠通常咬掉和弄落整个球果.5. Do all squirrels store up food for the winter?  是不是所有的松鼠都为冬天储备食物?



the squirrel是什么意思


Squirrel遇见Le poisson什么意思

Squirrel是松鼠的意思Le poisson是法文松油果的意思不是很明白真实的含义估计就是松鼠碰上爱吃的食物表示开心幸福之类的吧

jump like a squirrel.是什么意思?

jump like a squirrel.像一只松鼠跳。


防松鼠的 例如:防松鼠喂鸟器(squirrel proof bird feeder)

flat squirrel是什么意思


the squirrel是什么意思





squirrel D.J.[ˈskwirəl] K.K.[ˈskwɚrəl, ˈskwʌr-] n.松鼠Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain.红色松鼠在英国已十分罕见了。


松鼠n.1. 松鼠[C]Squirrels feed on nuts.松鼠以坚果为食。2. 松鼠毛皮[U]vt.1. 把...藏起来,储存[(+away)]She squirrelled away her money.她把钱藏了起来。He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks.他否认在外国银行里有存款。以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供




名词 n. 1.松鼠[C]Squirrels feed on nuts. 松鼠以坚果为食。 2.松鼠毛皮[U]及物动词 vt. 1.把...藏起来,储存[(+away)]She squirrelled away her money. 她把钱藏了起来。 He denied having any money squirrelled away in foreign banks. 他否认在外国银行里有存款。




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