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preposition 英[u02ccprepu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]美[u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n]n. 介词; 前置词;[例句]Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence.决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。复数:prepositions

preposition of position是什么意思



n.=noun 名词v=verb 动词prep=preposition介词pron.=pronoun代词adv.=adverb.副词adj.=adjective形容词aux.=auxilary助动词


介词 即adposition包括前置词 preposition和后置词postposition英语介词都是前置词,所以才有了前置词等于介词的错误看法。

问 preposition

1. The sun shines___on___the earth. 2.You should read more ___in____ your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive ____in___ five minutes. 2006-12-29 00:12:31 补充: 楼上的人兄所作答的全错,我对我的答案好有信心,因为我现在在大学主修英文 为初中生补英文 2006-12-29 00:17:53 补充: 1. 太阳不可照射于地核,故不能用 in2. spare time 不是指明的任何一样事物, spare time 比较 “free”,故不能用 during3. 你绝对不会话飞机将于五分钟后到达, 而是飞机将于五分钟内到达,故不能用 during 2007-01-02 03:28:53 补充: sorry 最尾果只字写错左,应补充如下:3. 你绝对不会话飞机将于五分钟后到达, 而是飞机将于五分钟内到达,故不能用 after原来我之前讲果位楼上人兄早已 delete 左自己的答案,所以没有楼上的人兄存在 (对) 1. The sun shines on the earth. 2.You should read more in your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive in five minutes. 1.太阳照射地球。 2.你应该在你的余暇时间读很多。 3.飞机将在5 分钟内到达。 相反(错) 1. The sun shines in the earth. 2.You should read more during your spare time. 3.The plane will arrive after five minutes. 1.太阳在地球里发亮。 2.你应该在你的余暇时间期间读很多。 3.飞机在5 分钟之后将到达。 参考: 自己...帮到你吗?? 1. ON 2 DURING 3. IN oninin

object of a preposition是什么意思

object of a preposition介词宾语双语例句1The money is for whoever needs it. ( object of a preposition)钱是给需要的人的。(前置宾语)

preposition 为什么翻译成介词 而不是 前置词?

1 非常简单.在这里“介”的意思就“媒介”,把其前後的 词 / 词组 连接起来. 2 一般来说,在某个语种裏面如果有“前置词”,那就一定会有“後置词”.而英语中只有“介词 / 前置词”,没有“介词 / 後置词 ”(请参考-----牛津高级英汉字典----第七版-----page 1560).因此,为了阻止人们的联想,汉语翻译大师们就采用“介词”来替换“前置词”---------因为“前置词”会让人联想到“後置词”. You see,the above is what I think of “介词 / 前置词”,thanks.


prepositions[英][prepu0259"zu026au0283nz][美][prepu0259"zu026au0283nz]n.介词( preposition的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Empty words including articles, prepositions and conjunctions. 英语虚词包括冠词、介词和连词。2.Older people write longer updates, use more prepositions and articles, and talk moreabout other people, including their family. 年长一些的人会写更长的状态更新,用更多的介词和冠词,更多的谈论其他人,包括其他人的家庭






preposition[英copy][u02ccprepu0259u02c8zu026au0283n][美][u02ccpru025bpu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n]n.介词; 前置词;复数:prepositions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Decide which preposition you need to finish this sentence.决定你需要那一个介词来完成句子。2.That is, see verb or noun and the respective preposition as asingle unit.也就是说,把动知词或者名词以及各自所带的介词看做一个独立的语言道单位


target和position的区别:意思不同、读音不同、用法不同。1、读音不同target:英 ["tɑu02d0ɡu026at]     美 ["tɑu02d0rɡu026at]。    position:英 [pu0259"zu026au0283n]     美 [pu0259"zu026au0283n]。   2、意思不同target:n. 目标;对象;靶;vt. 把 ... 作为目标;瞄准。position:n. 位置;职位;立场;状态;vt. 安置;定位。3、用法不同position的基本意思是“位置,方位”,指人〔物〕所在的地点与其他地点相对而言的方位。是可数名词。The position of manager is still open.经理职位仍然空缺。target指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。引申指被攻击、批评或嘲笑的目标。The shot was way off target.这次射得远离目标。

华为 make it possible歌手是谁



b站在接受内容之后,对每个参数进行解码,使用utf-8的方式进行解码即可!以下是编码和解码的例子,你可以试一试.string strInput = txtInput.Text.Trim(); txtEncrypt.Text = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(strInput, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); txtDencrypt.Text = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(strInput, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312"));

帮忙翻译一下POS Qty POS Sales Avg Price Net Ship QtyNet Avg Ship Retail Net Ship Retail

pos qty 销售数量pos sales 销售金额Avg price 平均价格Net ship qty 净进货数量Net Avg ship retail 平均净进货销售Net ship retail 净进货销售你这些都是沃尔玛DDS报表里的东西吧

directions: write a composition of about

To begin with,extracurricular activities enable us to build a strong body .As the proverb says,all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.Without good health ,we cannot impove our study efficiency and make great achievements in academic studies.on the other hand,outside-class activities help us to develop teamwork spirit.students should not spend the whole day on academic studies.It is very crucial for us to get along and coorperate well with others in a group.

get exposed to 中文意思?

揭露一直被隐藏的事. 曝露于 参考: ntnacys.wix/ntnacys facebook/joe.chen.39566905/ Get exposed to 中文意思 = (开始)认知(知识或是技术)/暴露在(环境或病变) 例子们: 1. 我开始认知/研究电脑城市语言在7岁的时候. = I got exposed to programming languages when I was 7 years old. 2. 很多儿童还是暴露在Zika病毒的环境中. = Many children remain exposed to Zika virus.



these postcards are great yes they are怎么读

A: These postcards are great ! (第斯 剖斯特卡斯 啊 格瑞特)B: Yes, they are . ( 也斯 dei4声 啊)

urge,adivse,propose,suggest 四词的区别


请大家帮分析,It is possible 在里面起什么作用、分别在里面做什么成分?整句咋分析,主、谓、宾各是哪个

同上It(作形式主语) is possible(系表结构作谓语)to disregard it only in a sparsely-populated rural community(不定式做真主语). It"s +adj+to do

Samy Deluxe的《Positiv》 歌词

歌曲名:Positiv歌手:Samy Deluxe专辑:Samy Deluxe作词:Jawa 作曲/编曲:林迈可你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺夜的神秘让人迷惑就象我无法轻易被掌握缠绵悱恻的爱情故事 不象我要我天长地久明天再说(由我主动)Rap :当我走进舞池中间准备大显身手的时候却被你吸引目不转睛 象被下了魔咒男人们 围绕着你你就象个皇后我象个小偷潜伏在你四周等着你来上勾 你却背着我鼓起勇气 我向你开了口 想借个火你说你不抽烟 我说我刚刚也戒了我 全身细胞都告诉我you"re so sexy you need a baby juse like me你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺对于爱我选择防守没有人可以轻易地突破如果有天你看到我牵他的手可能是我多喝了一点酒(是我主动)Rap :你的唇滑过我的脸庞 而你的香水让我好紧张你的眼神好像在跟我说今晚之后不要再对你有任何痴心妄想不要想明天会怎么样 以后路上碰面该怎么讲我们有一整个晚上的时间让我见识你最狂野的模样 主动权在你手上你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺http://music.baidu.com/song/10336336

Klaus Lage And Bo Heart的《Positiv *》 歌词

歌曲名:Positiv *歌手:Klaus Lage And Bo Heart专辑:Live Zu Zweit作词:Jawa 作曲/编曲:林迈可你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺夜的神秘让人迷惑就象我无法轻易被掌握缠绵悱恻的爱情故事 不象我要我天长地久明天再说(由我主动)Rap :当我走进舞池中间准备大显身手的时候却被你吸引目不转睛 象被下了魔咒男人们 围绕着你你就象个皇后我象个小偷潜伏在你四周等着你来上勾 你却背着我鼓起勇气 我向你开了口 想借个火你说你不抽烟 我说我刚刚也戒了我 全身细胞都告诉我you"re so sexy you need a baby juse like me你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺对于爱我选择防守没有人可以轻易地突破如果有天你看到我牵他的手可能是我多喝了一点酒(是我主动)Rap :你的唇滑过我的脸庞 而你的香水让我好紧张你的眼神好像在跟我说今晚之后不要再对你有任何痴心妄想不要想明天会怎么样 以后路上碰面该怎么讲我们有一整个晚上的时间让我见识你最狂野的模样 主动权在你手上你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺你靠近我 在我的身边穿梭是因为很寂寞 还是受不了诱惑你的双手 在我的身上游走冲动即将渗透 游戏不需要承诺http://music.baidu.com/song/7535153


I suppose 有 “我猜测” 和 “我想” 的意思。语法方面,I supppose 如同:我想,我猜,我觉得。。。当你想时,你一定要想XXX。你不能说:我想。句子不完整。所以 I suppose 后面必须要有个想法,如果不解释想法,就要加 so。不加就不完整了。so在这里有“如此”的意思。I suppose so 大概是 “我想是”。或 “应该是这样吧” -- 有点赞同但又不完全信服。

请问 I supposs I figure in my opinion I think 这四者的区别与用法


you are supposed to have finished

首先BE SUPPOSED TO DO STH是固定搭配,根据句中的时间状语提示YESTERDAY,可知道事情已经发生,所以用HAVE DONE的形式,也就是HAVE FINISHED. 所以,根据回答可知道语句的意思是,你本应该昨天就完成这项工作的但是你忘了.很明显,BE SUPPOSED TO 有责备的意思,所以BE SUPPOSED TO 的意思就是本应该做``````` 但是没有做.

lamp post怎么读

[l?mp] [p?st] lamp post 表示灯柱的意思



求翻译!Exposition of 1st and 2nd movements of Concerto in G Major or D Major, accompanied

man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog


world expo, world fair都一样,


exposition英 [u02ccekspu0259u02c8zu026au0283n] 美 [u02ccu025bkspu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n] n.博览会; 阐述; 展览会网络说明; 展览; 解说复数: expositions 双语例句1The fullest exposition of Coleridge"s thought can be found in the States-man"s Manual. 柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。

请问这句话中intéressant 为什么取阳性而不是阴性(exposition )?

因为,形容词的性数变化只和动词être有关,与avoir无关。 il n"y a rien d"intéressant.这里是a是avoir的第三人称直陈式现在时变位,所以尽管前面提到的exposition是阴性,intéressant也不能变成intéressante.

英文中如何区分narration 和exposition





总的来说:我手写我心,要有真情实感具体而言:写好开头,收束结尾,中间充实 特别是要有足够的实例来支撑你的观点 文章读起来要通顺、看起来要饱满。


前者用于比较正式、大型的会议中,而后者多用于日常及小型的场合;请参考例句: exposition n.博览会,展览会,说明 例句 The industrial exposition will be held on September. 工业博览会将于九月召开. They are going to hold an international exposition. 他们打算召开一次国际博览会. fair2 1.(定期)集市,庙会 He brought his piglets to the fair. 他把小猪带到集市去卖. 2.商品展览会;博览会 A book fair is to be held next month. 下个月将举行书展.


exposition[英][u02ccekspu0259u02c8zu026au0283n][美][u02ccu025bkspu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n]n.博览会; 阐述; 展览会; 复数:expositions例句The fullest exposition of Coleridge"s thought can be found in the States-man"s Manual.柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。


exposition 英[u02ccekspu0259u02c8zu026au0283n]美[u02ccu025bkspu0259u02c8zu026au0283u0259n]n. 博览会; 阐述; 展览会;[网络] 说明; 展览; 解说;[例句]The fullest exposition of Coleridge"s thought can be found in the States-man"s Manual.柯尔律治的思想可以在《政治家手册》中找到最全面的阐述。[其他] 复数:expositions 形近词: opposition transposition postposition

7 Steps to Positive Self Talk

Our actions are inspired by our thoughts. If we can change the way we think we can begin to change the actions we take. It is human nature to seek personal growth; whether financially emotionally physically or spiritually. Practicing positive self talk can help us set in motion actions that will bring us greater rewards. The following are seven steps to positive self talk. By following these steps you will begin to rid your inner conversations of negativity and instead have empowering thoughts. 1. Eliminate Internal Negative Chatter The first step is one of awareness. It will be hard to make a change to positive thinking without being acutely intimate with the thoughts that run through your mind. Recently I was amazed to discover deep buried emotions from negative thoughts that I had for fewer than 10 minutes. Without awareness I would have carried the hurt and anger inside. Awareness helped me to bring them out to the open for me to deal with. Undoubtedly it will not be easy to make a switch if you have a long history or negative self talk. Your talk became negative over the years due to various factors. For instance if your first grade teacher repeatedly told you that you were “stupid” you might believe it to be truly the case. You would find that your inner chatter would often be filled with talk of “I am so slow” and “it is so hard to learn”. If you constantly tell yourself such negative stories your actions are going to reflect your low self esteem. It will be difficult to get very far if you are always putting yourself down. A mon negative talk involves telling yourself “I can"t”. When you say to yourself “I can"t” or “it is too difficult” you are creating a resistance. Having such a mental block will prevent you from achieving a task you could otherwise succeed at. Anytime you catch yourself saying "I can"..." turn around and challenge your own claim with “Why can"t I?” Research shows that most geniuses became the people they are also because of the hard work they put in. So if you would like to be successful you need to start saying “I can” a lot more. A great method that I have also found useful is to say “Cancel Cancel” each time I find myself saying something negative whether in the mind or verbally. The method works if you sincerely have the intent of being a positive thinker. 2. Positive Affirmations Affirmations are positive statements of a desired oute or goal. They are usually short believable and focused. By repeating them over and over again you build inroads into your subconscious mind opening up the possibility of a new state of thoughts. An important step when repeating affirmations is that you need to read your affirmations aloud with feeling. The mere reading of the words bears no consequence unless you put some emotions behind them. Of significant fact is that your subconscious mind takes any orders given in plete faith and after repeated self talk. So the daily practice of repeating affirmations is important. Initially you may be skeptici *** toward the statement of your positive affirmation. However if you follow this simple set of instructions your skeptici *** will soon give way to a new set of beliefs and then crystallized into absolute faith. 3. Positive Scripts One thing that you may observe is on how easy it is for your mind to build negative thought upon negative thought. The chatter not only does not stop but it spins a drama that traps and limits you. From now on regularly do this exercise instead. Spin an uplifting story that runs like a movie script. Some visualization will be helpful. You build on a story with a positive outline. The longer you can tell this story to yourself the better. It is also best if you can make this story one about having all your goals achieved. When you do this you start to internalize your goals and dreams as if they are something that you have already achieved. 4. Replace Negative Influences with positive Ones It is important that you identify external negative factors in your life which may be holding your thoughts hostage. For instance your mental state can bee toxic by being around friends who are negative. If you are not vigilant enough you will start to adopt their thoughts as your own. Hence be alert to what your negative influences are. If they e from certain friends limit your exposure to them as much as you can. Refrain from discussing your plans with people who will be unsupportive of your dreams and goals. Instead surround yourself with thoughts and actions from people who will empower you. From being uninspired and de-motivated you will begin to feel uplifted and driven to greater self growth. The positive energy that they vibrate will start affecting the self talk that you engage in as well. 5. Present Tense Messages You may find yourself daunted by the many things you need to do in order to reach your goals. It just seems overwhelming to bee the success that you secretly desire for. Your mind gets caught up in an endless stream of worry. What may be helpful is to concentrate on steps you can take in the present. If you find yourself being stuck stop and say “What can I do right now?” Change your internal talk from a future anxiety ridden one to one that is about the more manageable present. You cannot control what will happen in the future but you can take the necessary steps now that will build a better tomorrow. Taking the necessary steps require you to focus your thoughts and inner talk on Now. 6. Confront Fears Fear is often what holds you back from your success. You are scared of taking chances because you fear losing the security that you enjoy now. You try to convince yourself that you are happy in your current state when in fact you are not. Your self talk may sound positive in your attempt to lie to yourself. But somehow there is an inner knowing that you are short changing yourself. Ask yourself what you are afraid of. What can be the worst that can happen? Take a step-by-step approach in breaking down your fears and see if there is any way round to looking at things more positively. When you confront your fears you will often realize that the worst case scenario is not as bad as you think. In fact the benefits of change are worth the risk. Your inner talk begins to change at this point. 7. Focus on Enjoyable Moments It is much easier to have a positive attitude if you focus on the enjoyable moments in life rather than the difficult ones. While there will inevitably be challenges you need to remember that life consists of ups and downs and the good times are fed through the bad. So choose to fill your mind with positive images and thoughts. Make it a conscious habit. Simply bring your mind back every time it goes astray in its thoughts. For a start if you can be grateful for what you have presently your self talk will also change to be in alignment with one of joy. A state of gratitude does wonders to your psyche. Conclusion Replacing self talk from a negative to a more positive one is not going to happen overnight. If your mind has ingrained habits of thinking negatively it will take some work and time. However if you find yourself often struggling unable to achieve your goals and talking yourself down then you should grit your teeth and mit to the process of change. By following the above tips to positive self talk you will experience an improvement in the quality of your life. The rewards are plentiful with greater Happiness peace and joy. Best of all you feel empowered. With the change in energy you are more likely to reach your highest potential and achieve success.

always@(posedege clk)begin ql

@(posedge iclk) 当iclk上升沿到来时只执行一次,always则每次都执行

verilog中always @(posedge clk or negedge rst)begin if(!rst)......中可以不写negedge rst吗

可以不写negedge rst,如果敏感列表中不写的话,就是同步复位。而且敏感列表中复位信号也不一定非要下降压触发,上升沿触发posedge rst都可以。是上升沿触发还是下降沿触发复位要看具体设计,同步还是异步。复位要看你怎么设计复位电路。

在用verilog编写三段式状态机的时候,我看网上很多地方都是提到格式如下:always @ (posedge clk or negedg


Verilog hdl 中always @(negedge clrn or posedge clk) 是什么意思?

negedge clrn 为:当clrn下降沿时触发posedge clk 为:当clk上升沿时触发合起来negedge clrn or posedge clk就是当clrn下降沿时触发或当clk上升沿时触发always @( )是关键词,意思就是当()里的内容发生时执行下面的程序


语句always@(posedgeCLKornegedgeRST)表示含义为 A.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作B.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作C.在CLK的上升沿或者RST的上升沿执行操作D.在CLK的下降沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作E.在CLK的下降沿或者RST的上升沿执行操作F.在CLK的上升沿、RST的下降沿同时发生时执行操作G.在CLK的下降沿、RST的上升沿同时发生时执行操作H、在CLK的高电平或者RST的低电平执行操作正确答案:在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作;在CLK的上升沿或者RST的下降沿执行操作

Verilog 中的posedge用法是什么?为什么有这两个错误?


quartus ii 中问题,always @(posedge CLK) begin : CNT11B_LOAD// 11位可预置计数器 怎么解释啊。


modelsim仿真出现错误 $hold( posedge WENeg:10 ns, CENeg:10 ns, 1 ns ) 什么意思?




verilog 中为何要用基础时钟侦查其他时钟信号的上升沿,而不用posedge直接测

最好不要用运算之后的信号来做一个模块的输入时钟,因为信号的时钟要求非常高的质量,对于duty-cycle, jitter, skew(占空比、抖动、偏移)都有非常高的要求。但是组合逻辑生成的时钟可能会有毛刺等等对于时钟是非常致命的东西。除非你非常有把握,否则不建议这样的设计方法。说明:在时序电路设计中,尽量使用全局时钟,而不要用由全局时钟衍生出来的信号。希望可以帮到你

用Verilog编写时,always@(a,b,posedge cp) 为什么不对啊?正确的应该怎么写?


verilog中if的判断语句可以写(posedge 某信号)吗?

不能那么写。send_start比较长打一拍就行了reg send_start_d;always@(posedge CLK_SP) send_start_d <= send_start;这样上升沿可以写成if(send_start_d == 1"d0 && send_start == 1"d1)就是上一拍还是0这一拍是1我们就认为他是上升沿了

Verilog negedge与posedge的区别

一个下降沿 一个表示上升沿



verilog hdl中有了posedge和negedge为什么还要用脉冲边沿检测?。


可综合verilog posedge和negedge可以出现在一个always中吗


verilog if条件中能用posedge作为判断条件吗


always@(posdge clk) 什么意思


谁知道Verilog 中的posedge用法是什么?为什么有这两个错误?

你那样写有语法错误很正常啊,posedge一般都用于always @()的括号内,表示THR的上升沿到来时,运行always快内的程序,你如果需要用到THR的上升沿来作为判断条件,建议你这样写代码:reg THR1;reg THR2;always @ ( posedge clk_1M or negedge reset_n ) if( !reset_n ) begin THR1 <= 1"b0; THR2 <= 1"b0; end else begin THR1 <= THR; THR2 <= THR1; endalways @( posedge clk_1M ) if( count1>=20000 || ( THR1 && !THR2 ) ) count1 <= 0;else count1 <= count1 + 1;

posh latex 这个牌子怎么样?


posh latex这个是啥子乳胶床垫



poshmark注册有效账号的做法是从APP商店下载Ehpv6ePoshmarkZLFUM3 APP,或是访yqcoqt问PoshmarGbwPCIk网站创建账号。Poshmark是一个时尚电商平台,位于加州Redwood City,销售服装和配饰,包括二手T恤、高端精品女装和自有品牌,消费者可以对产品进行出价购买,被称为海外版“闲鱼”。目前有超过8000万的用户和450万的活跃卖家,卖出商品超1.3亿件!是美国领先的二手电商平台。Pushmark的平台操作也很简单。卖家只需下载APP后注册,拍照上传,给出衣服的描述,定价,就可以在平台上卖自己的二手物品了。Poshmark拥有“简单、社交、有趣”三大特色,将社交注入线上购物。独特的社区功能,让购物不再是冷冰冰的体验、专属于一个人的狂欢。也让Poshmark与亚马逊和eBay等其他电商平台得以区分。



英语posh totty是什么意思?有文化背景吗?


怎样卸载 在powsershell安装的posh-git组件啊?

如果你已经安装过PsGet了,请运行以下命令:Install-Module posh-git你也可以手动安装:确认你的Powershell是2.0以上,推荐3.0或更高版本, 你可以通过以下命令检查:1 $PSVersionTable.PSVersion确认脚本的执行策略是允许执行脚本的(RemoteSigned或Unrestricted),查看当前策略和设置策略的命令分别如下:12 Get-ExecutionPolicySet-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Confirm确认git能在你的Powershell中运行,如果提示“命令未找到”,你需要添加%ProgramFiles(x86)%Gitcmd(如果你还在用32位操作系统,路径是%ProgramFiles%Gitcmd)到环境变量的PATH中。复制posh-git到你的本机,然后在post-git的文件夹中,运行.install.ps1即可。


在东湖高新技术开发区光谷软件园F2-702 180,0715,0855香港科誉POSH、美国赫曼米勒(Hermanmiller)全系列产品




Aeropostale是美国知名的名牌衣服店. 就像Hollister, Abercrombie, American Eagle. 很多青春少年喜欢.

单片机posh psw指令是什么意思

PUSH指令主要用于编写子程序和中断服务程序,可以临时保存程序状态字PSW和累加器ACC的内容 或其它寄存器和存储器单元的内容。PSW中包含(1)Cy(PSW.7)PSW.7是Cy即C,来源于最近一次算术指令或逻辑指令执行时软硬件的改写。(2)Ac(PSW.6) 辅助进位标志位,用于BCD码的十进制调整运算。当低四位向高四位借进位时Ac被置1,否则清0。此位也可和DA指令结合起来用。(3)F0(PSW.5)用户使用的状态标志位。这个你可以任意使用。(4)RS1、RS0(PSW.4、PSW.3):4组工作寄存器区选择控制位1和位0。(5)OV(PSW.2)溢出标志位 在执行算术指令时,指示运算是否产生溢出。(6)PSW.1位: 保留位,未用。(7)P(PSW.0)奇偶标志位使用这个命令的时候一般是在发生中断时,需要保护现场,以便执行完中断后,使用POP指令还原现场,从堆栈中取出被保护的数据,恢复程序状态字PSW和累加器ACC的内容 或其它寄存器和存储器单元的内容。


一般的运动相机都是要通过下载手机APP才可以连接WIFI的,像米狗3这款机器就是通过下载ismart DV这个APP来实现连接的,具体posh的机器你得看官方是配的什么APP。


挪威要求禁止在消费产品中使用某些有害物质的禁令(PoHS:Prohibition on Certain Hazardous Substances in Consumer Products)建议预定于2007年12月15日通过,2008年1月1日生效。 PoHS名字与欧盟RoHS指令不仅仅是外形相似,无疑,这一禁令将被缩写为PoHS供大家引用。虽然该立法只适用于挪威,但是可能会成为类似出口到欧洲的电气和电子产品使用的事实上的RoHS标准,因为很少有公司会专门单独为一个市场生产一种针对性的产品。除非不打算把产品销往挪威。 这一新标准覆盖范围比RoHS更大。它涵盖了几乎所有消费品(只有少数例外)。 它包括的产品类别除电子电气类消费品外,还包括衣服、箱包、建筑、玩具等。该规定不适用于食品、食品包装、化肥、医疗设备和香烟,以及运输工具、运输工具上的固定装置、轮胎和类似运输工具配件。 新规定建议限制18种物质,其中只有2种(铅和镉)为欧盟RoHS指令所包含的,另还有规定了16种物质禁止使用。 18种物质列举如下: 1、 HBCDD:六溴环十二烷 2、 TBBPA:四溴双酚A 3、 C14-C17 MCCP:14-17碳氯化石腊 4、 As:砷及其化合物 5、 Pb:铅及其化合物 6、 Cd:镉及其化合物 7、 TBT:三丁基锡 8、 TPT:三苯基锡 _ 9、 DEHP:邻苯二甲酸二己酯 10、 Pentachlorphenol:五氯苯酚 11、 musk xylene:二甲苯麝香 12、 musk ketone:酮麝香 13、 DTDMAC:双(氢化牛油烷基)二甲基氯化胺 14、 DODMAC/DSDMAC:二硬脂基二甲基氯化胺 15、 DHTDMAC:二(硬化牛油)二甲基氯化胺 16、 Bisphenol A(BPA):双酚A,即二酚基丙烷 17、 PFOA:全氟辛酸铵 18、 Triclosan:三氯生,即三氯羟基二苯醚



请教英语达人,英语中posh totty 应该翻译为什么?

posh adj.[口]时髦地, 豪华的, 漂亮的, 优雅的, 极好的a posh apartment 高雅的公寓posh oneself up [口]打扮起来They live in a posh part of town. 他们住在高级住宅区。 这个单词比较偏高级和奢华.totty adj.<古>发昏的,喝醉的这里totty作名词,我在牛津上给你查了一下.它是英国的俚语,通常由男子所说,表示对于一个女性的冒犯和无礼.翻译成中文是saohuo,langhuo的意思.雷同于bitch.这两个词语貌似不能用在一起,但是我查阅了一下西方的文化,发现在french等国家,越来越多的妓女热衷于使用LV等名牌.LV在法国几乎成为了妓女的代名词,如果你花枝招展的出现在街头,提着LV,那么十有八九不是做什么正当行业.我估计上面的翻译这个意思能够说通.代指西方的不务正业的奢侈女,拜金女.希望我的回答可以帮到你.




pish本事可以表示辣妹的意思 posh可以表示一流的意思,那么它们在一起,应该就表示这件事情做得漂亮吧,我认为和cut it out意思是不一样的,不过我也拿不准,供你参考吧

为什么都叫维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Posh??

posh 是辣妹的意思 以前有一个非常有名的女子组合叫 辣妹组合 维多利亚就是这这个组合里的 她的别名叫 时尚辣妹




“posh”的意思为“优雅豪华的;富丽堂皇的;上流社会的;上等人的”解析:1.其他形式:比较级:posher最高级:poshest派生词:poshadv.2.例句①I wouldn"t have thought she had such posh friends 我没有想到她会有这些上流社会的朋友。②If you ran into him in London with his posh friends he wouldn"t give any of you the time of day. 如果你们在伦敦正好碰见他与上流社会的朋友在一起,他是不会理睬你们任何一个人的。




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