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corresponding to和correspond to有什么区别

correspond to:与...相当,相称,相等correspond vi 在句子中作谓语,因为是不及物动词,所以,加to+名词.eg.The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的Congress(国会)相当于英国的Parliament (国会).corresponding to:corresponding to:相应的;相当于;与...相当corresponding adj.或 现在分词corresponding to在句子中作状语,定语eg.It has name corresponding to the facts.它有着与事实相符的名称.(定语)Corresponding to this conceivable scenario is a world W in which heat sensations are caused by something other than the motion of molecules.对应这个可设想的,是一个世界W,在其中热感被某种不是分子运动的东西导致.(状语)


correspondence英 [ ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns ]美 [ ˌkɔ:rəˈspɑ:ndəns ]n. 一致,符合;对应;通信,信件;[艺]通感;corresponding英 [ ˌkɒrəˈspɒndɪŋ ]美 [ ˌkɔ:rəˈspɑ:ndɪŋ ]adj. 相当的,对应的;通信的;符合的,符合。。;一致的;v. 相符合( correspond的现在分词);类似(correspond的ing形式);相配;

correspond with 与correspond to 有区别吗

correspond with 与.通信/一致.,单独用corresponding,相应的,对应的correspond to ,有与.相呼应/对应的意思,词霸解释为:(法律)符合

"correspond with"与"correspond to"有什么区别?



请问您是想问correspond to和correspond with的区别吗?根据百度百科资料显示,两者的区别如下:1、意思不同:correspond to意思是相当于;correspond with意思是与……相一致。2、用法不同:correspond作“相当,相似”时,常与介词to连用。指在进行比较时,两个事物在某一个重要方面或细节上一致;correspond作“符合,一致”时,常与介词with连用,correspond强调因相辅相成、相互匹配而产生一致。3、侧重点不同:correspond to侧重于一方对应另一方;correspond with侧重于两者是平等关系。

correspond能接on吗?有correspond on这种用法吗?



是corresponding。adj.相应的,相关的v.类似于,相当于;通信;相一致,符合(correspond 的现在分词形式)短语1、corresponding bank往来银行 ; 代理行2、corresponding quantity相应的数量 ; 响应的数量3、Corresponding rise水涨船高例句1、A change in the money supply brings a corresponding change in expenditure.货币供应量的改变随即引起支出的相应改变。2、The rise in interest rates was not reflected in a corresponding rise in the dollar.利率上调没有反映在相应的美元增值上。



corresponding author什么意思

Corresponding Author n. 通信作者;全部释义>>

corresponding to是什么意思

correspond 本身的意思就是“符合,相当,一致,”,那么corresponding to的意思当然可以理解成“相当于……,与……相一致” 其实英语中很多问题没有为什么,就是要记住而已,因为它是这么规定的呀,和我们一些汉语的道理是一样的.

correspond with 与correspond to 有区别吗

manners --> 方式

correspond with 与consistent with 都有与....相一致,相符合的意思,他们有什么区别?

意思有交叉的,这时只说明表达的多样性, 不见得有什么不同correspond with 与…通信; 与…相一致He often corresponds with his friends.他常和朋友们通信。Your account of events corresponds with hers.你说的情况和她说的一致。consistent with 与某事物并存〔一致〕His action is always consistent with his words.他始终言行一致。These actions are consistent with his principles.这些行为与他的原则是一致的。请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!


correspondence[英][u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252ndu0259ns][美][u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:ndu0259ns]n.对应; 一致,符合; 通信,信件; [艺]通感; 复数:correspondences

correspond with 与correspond to 有区别吗

correspond with 1.与…通信*He is stillcorresponding with his former girlfriend.他现在仍同他从前的女友通信。2.与…相符;与…调和*The picture does notcrrespond with the description the witness has given.这张照片与目击者所描述的不符。*His actions do notcorrespond with his words.他言行不一。*Her white hat and shoescorrespond with her white dress.她的白帽、白鞋和她的白色衣服十分协调。 correspond to 相当;相称;相似*In this firm,the manager corresponds to the general in the army.在这家公司里,经理相当于军队里的将军。*Find a word in yourmother tongue which corresponds to the English word“noble”.从你的母语中找到一个同英语“noble”相对应的词。*American Congresscorresponds to British Parliament.美国的国会相当于英国的议会。*His expenses do notcorrespond to his income.他的花费与他的收入不相称。*Her answer correspondsto my expectation.她的回答如我所料。

correspond with 与correspond to 有区别吗

correspond with 与.通信/一致.,单独用corresponding,相应的,对应的correspond to ,有与.相呼应/对应的意思,词霸解释为:(法律)符合


correspond to:与...相当,相称,相等correspond vi 在句子中作谓语,因为是不及物动词,所以,加to+名词.eg.The American Congress corresponds to the British Parliament.美国的Congress(国会)相当于英国的Parliament (国会).corresponding to:corresponding to:相应的;相当于;与...相当corresponding adj.或 现在分词corresponding to在句子中作状语,定语eg.It has name corresponding to the facts.它有着与事实相符的名称.(定语)Corresponding to this conceivable scenario is a world W in which heat sensations are caused by something other than the motion of molecules.对应这个可设想的,是一个世界W,在其中热感被某种不是分子运动的东西导致.(状语)



corresponding to和correspond to有什么区别

corresponding adj.符合的;相应的;相关的Objects corresponding to all public properties or to all properties of the currentclass .检索与所有公共属性或当前类的所有属性对应的。correspond tov.符合A joint, as of a bird or quadruped, corresponding to the human elbow.关节,肘部鸟或四肢动物的关节,相当于人的肘一个作形容词用,一个作动词用


corresponding[英][u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252ndu026au014b][美][u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:ndu026au014b]adj.相当的,对应的; 通信的; 符合的,符合。。; 一致的; v.相符合( correspond的现在分词); 类似(correspond的ing形式); 相配; 形近词:correspondent双语例句 1Groovy has enabled some functional-programming-like behavior by building the appropriate data structures, with corresponding syntactic sugar, into the language itself.Groovy已经通过构建适当的函数结构,利用相应的语法糖,来在语言本身中支持一些与函数式编程类似的行为

correspond with 与correspond to 有区别吗

英文: 2 Please take care that the signatrue and the name of the Drawer correspond with the name of the beneficiary and that it is drawen on the correct Drawee. 中文: 请注意:出票人的签名应该和信用证的受益人(相符),付款人的填写应准确无误。 英文: A CD disk contains a long string of pits written helically on the disk. The edges of the pits correspondto binary 1s. 中文: CD上有一条很长的坑形串列,它以螺旋线方式排列于盘面。坑形的边沿(对应于)二进制“1”。

correspond “相应”的名词形式是什么



corresponding美 [.ku0254ru0259"spɑndu026au014b];英 [.ku0252ru026a"spu0252ndu026au014b]adj.符合的;相应的;相关的v.“correspond”的现在分词。例句1.She stopped corresponding with him after the death of her mother.她母亲死后,她就不再与他通信。2.Used to determine how the array values are applied to the correspondingvalues in an existing row.用于确定如何将数组值应用到现有行中的对应值。


corresponding意思是:相当的;相应的。英 [u02ccku0252ru0259"spu0252ndu026au014b]     美 [u02ccku0254u02d0ru0259"spɑu02d0ndu026au014b]    adj. 相当的;相应的;一致的。动词correspond的现在分词形式。You will be punished in a way corresponding to your profession.你们将受到相当于你的职业的处罚。Sales are up 10% on the corresponding period last year.销售额和去年同时期相比增加了10%25。近义词:accordant 英 [u0259"ku0254u02d0du0259nt]     美 [u0259"ku0254u02d0du0259nt]    adj. 一致的;符合的;调和的。The FEA result, which is accordant with theory deduction and clinic observation, proves this modeling is valid.通过有限元计算取得了与理论推导和临床观察相一致的结果,证明了建模方法的有效性。




correspond[英][u02ccku0252ru0259"spu0252nd][美][u02ccku0254ru026au02c8spɑnd, u02cckɑr-]vi.符合,一致; 相应; 通信; 第三人称单数:corresponds过去分词:corresponded现在进行时:corresponding过去式:corresponded


correspond 英[u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252nd] 美[u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:nd] vi. 相应; 通信; 符合,一致; [例句]Racegoers will be given a number which will correspond to a horse running in a race观看赛马比赛的观众将获得一个与某一匹赛马相对应的号码。[其他] 第三人称单数:corresponds 现在分词:corresponding过去式:corresponded 过去分词:corresponded


1.place your order by writing a number right beside each item 在每个产品(项目)的右边,输入项目产品的数量来下订单。2.for this items that you ordered should correspond to the number of people at the table 你订单中的产品,应该与桌子上的人数匹配。(例如下菜单就要根据人数来看下几个菜)3.as this is an ongoing ordering, therefore, we will give you a new order sheet for your next order after you finished each order. 因为这是个一直在进行的单子,因此我们在你每个订单完成后,就会给你一张新的订单表给你弄下一个订单。


correspond[英][u02ccku0252ru0259u02c8spu0252nd][美][u02ccku0254:ru0259u02c8spɑ:nd]vi.相应; 通信; 符合,一致; 第三人称单数:corresponds现在分词:corresponding过去式:corresponded过去分词:corresponded形近词:overrespond双语例句 1Because this would correspond to the mass element telling us how to weight the various points of our region.相应的质量微元,就告诉了我们,区域点的权重。

miscellaneous correspondence在信用证什么意思




如何写英语的goodwill correspondence

形式上大体分为两种:一种为正规的格式 (formal correspondence),亦称请柬;一种是非正式格式 (informal correspondence), 即一般的邀请信。书写时应注意: 邀请信一定要将邀请的时间(年、月、日、钟点)、地点、场吅写清楚,丌能使接信人存在任何疑虑。例如:“I"d like you and Bob to come to Luncheon next Friday.”这句话中所指的是哪个星期五并丌明确,所以应加上具体日期, “I"d like you and Bob to come to luncheon next Friday, May the fifth.” 1. 邀请朋友共进午餐 Inviting a friend to informal luncheon Dear [Zhang Ying]: Will you come to luncheon on [Friday, May the fifth], at [twelve o"clock]? My niece [Mary] is visiting us and I think you will enjoy meeting her. She is a charming, very pretty girl … and very good company! [John and Jane] will be here, and perhaps we can [give a dance] after luncheon. Do say you"ll come! Affectionately yours, Li Ming 亲爱的[张营]: 您能在[5 月5 日星期五中午12 点钟] 来吃午饭吗? 我侄女[玛丽]正在我们家中作客,我想您会乐亍见到她的。她是个漂亮而聪明的女孩子,……同她在一起是很使人高兴的![约翰和简]也到这里来,也许在饭后我们能[开个舞会],说好,一定得来呀! 2. 邀请朋友同他们不认识的人一起共进晚餐

急求电影《On Golden Pond>英文观后感,六百字左右.

"On Golden Pond" was the surprise hit of 1981, the second highest grossing film of that year after "Raiders of the Lost Ark". Yet it is not the sort of film for which one would normally predict great box-office success. It is about as different a film from "Raiders" as one can imagine. Whereas Spielberg"s blockbuster is a testosterone-fuelled action-adventure, "On Golden Pond" is a quiet, reflective drama about an elderly couple spending the summer by a lake. The film was adapted by Ernest Thompson from his play of the same name. (Remarkably, given his theme of old age, Thompson was still in his twenties when he wrote it). Although attempts are made to open the action up by including scenes shot outdoors (there is some very attractive photography of the New England scenery), it clearly betrays its origin as a stage play with its limited number of characters and preponderance of dialogue over physical action. The central characters are Norman (aged eighty) and Ethel (aged in her late sixties) Thayer, who spend every summer at their second home on Golden Pond, a lake in New Hampshire. (The word "pond" in American usage can clearly mean a far larger body of water than it does in Britain). The plot focuses on the relationship between Norman and Ethel and their daughter Chelsea, who pays them a visit together with her fiancé Bill and his twelve-year-old son Billy. (Were women of Jane Fonda"s generation ever named "Chelsea"? I though that only began to be used as a girl"s name in the sixties). Jane Fonda purchased the rights to the play as a vehicle for her father Henry, doubtless because she saw in the turbulent relationship between Norman and Chelsea Thayer a reflection of the equally difficult real-life relationship between the Fondas. Norman is in many ways the most important character in the film. It is clear that he has always been a difficult man to get on with, and age does not seem to have mellowed the cantankerous old man at all. He bickers constantly with his long-suffering and more placid wife Ethel, although it is clear that despite their verbal battles they have a deep affection for one another. "You old poop!" might not normally be regarded as a term of endearment; as used by Ethel about her husband it becomes one. The father-daughter relationship between Norman and Chelsea is clearly more problematic, although the roots of their estrangement are never made clear. Possibly Norman resents his daughter for not being the son he longed for but never had, and he make his dislike of her new fiancé all too obvious. What serves to bring father and daughter back together is the special bond which grows up between Norman and young Billy, whom he and Ethel look after while Chelsea and Bill are away on vacation in Europe. Norman might not have a son, but Billy, although not related to him by blood, is the grandson he always wanted so they can go on fishing trips together. (Chelsea"s first marriage, which ended in divorce, was childless). The film stars not only Henry Fonda as Norman but also another great cinema legend, Katharine Hepburn, as Ethel, and both won well-deserved Oscars for their performances. Fonda"s award seems to have come as something of a surprise; in the course of his long career he had received only one previous acting nomination, for "The Grapes of Wrath" in 1940, and the year before making "On Golden Pond" had been given an "Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement". (Such awards are often interpreted as meaning "we"re sorry that you"ve never had a real Oscar and are never likely to get one, so please accept this consolation prize with our apologies"). This was to be Fonda"s last film; he was to die a few months after receiving his award. In Hepburn"s case this was her fourth "Best Actress" award, setting a record which still stands. Jane Fonda was nominated for "Best Supporting Actress" but missed out, possibly because she already had two Oscars on her mantelpiece and the Academy thought it would only be fair to spread the honours more evenly. "On Golden Pond" can, at times, be rather sugary, but for the most part it is lifted above mere sentimentality by the strength of the acting. During the seventies the cinema had become increasingly youth-obsessed, a trend which was to continue throughout the eighties (and, indeed, is still continuing today). It therefore comes as a refreshing surprise to come across a film from this period which stars in its leading roles two actors in their seventies. Like "Ordinary People", which won "Best Picture" the previous year, this film is a drama which explores, in a sensitive and sympathetic manner, the difficulties faced by ordinary human beings doing their best to cope with life.



英语blacken the corresponding letter怎么翻译?


corresponding author and co-author,哪个分量重

通常前者(通讯作者)被认为很重要,直接负责文章刊发业务联络。而后者是相对于其他author而言的:相对于第一作者,其他作者是co-author,而相对于其他作者来说,第一作者又是他(他)(们)的co-author,仅从co-author一词不好区分author与co-author孰轻孰重。当然,corresponding author 和 co-author之间就更无法比较了(二者可以是同一个人,也可以是不同的人;corresponding author未必是第一作者,而co-author未必不是第一作者)。英文字头co-的含义是“合作”、“协同”,没有“次”或“次要”的意思在。

accord,conform,coincide,correspond的相似区别 请详细明确指出 附上例句,不胜感谢


It is half past shree ,some dicks什么on the pond?

3:45分,池塘上有几只小鸡。It is half past three ,some dicks is on the pond.







how did he respond when people doubted ( that )

How did he respond when people doubted ( that ) it was true.如果用whether 也是可以的:How did he respond when people doubted whether it was true or not.

she had said little so far ,responding only briefly when_ B spoken to C spoken D speakink to

A选项哪去了?应该选B,后面的句子应该是responding only briefly when she is spoken to,这里speak作不及物动词.I speak to her演化为she is spoken to,“我”是说话的人,她是听众整个句子的意思是:她一直没怎么说话...

brood over 和ponder over区别



Welcome To New York City - Jay-ZTurn the motherfucking music upJust Blaze, man. You owe me niggaYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Welcome to the Empire State.Home of the World Trade. Birthplace of Michael Jordan.Home of Biggie Smalls. Roc-A-Fella headquaters.Ladies and gentlemen, Killa Cam, Young Hov is definitely in the buildingBrooklyn, Harlem World (Welcome to New York CityWelcome to New York City)I"m a B.K. brawlerMarcy projects hallway loitererPure coke copper, get your order upI bring em to Baltimore in the floor to sploreIt"s gonna cost you more if I gotta get em to FloridaRugged game attenderWith the bent pole on the sidewalk with the tin plates on the fenderI ain"t hard to find you catch me frontin centerAt the Knick game, big chain and all my splenderMatch the spike and the pen left to writeI own Madison Square, catch me at the fightBut damn once again if you pan left at the iceIf you the man that write checks with the hand that don"t writeI go off the head when I"m rambling on the micAnd I go off the feds when I"m srambling at nightAnd if It"sOff the set I brought hammers to the fightBut we from New York City, right Cam?Ya damn rightIt"s the home of 9-11, the place of the lost towersWe still banging, we never lost power, tell emWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityY"all fuckin with BK"s banger and Harlem"s own gangsterNow that"s danger theres nothing left to shape upWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityTheres a war going on outside no man is safe fromIt don"t matter if you three feet or eight-oneYou"ll get eight from me, nine and straight blownWig split, melon cracked, all that on day oneCarry eight guns, two in the trunkTwo in the waist, two in the ankle, two to just spank youYou can jam with them jammers, blam with them blammersIt"s hot here, ask Mase he ran to AtlantaYou think we know what life do, make wanna mold the cycleDrinkers they so delightful, blinging with so much iceIn front of sparks, body cops DilanoBlock away watch by Gotti and GirvanoIt"s la costra nostra, someone close approach yaThey"ll toast ya gopher, bread loaf with shoferOld coke they raise up and snort, blayze up ya fortJay puff shine, cases was caughtMidnight pick fights, they love a victimWatch him fore he watch you, KillaWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityIt"s the home of 9-11, the place of the lost towersWe still banging, we never lost power, tell emWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityY"all fuckin with BK"s banger and Harlem"s own gangsterNow that"s danger theres nothing left to shape upWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityI"m from 101, west to Hunt 40th, this shit is liveFifth-floor, 56, you know the zip, district fiveYou"re on 22nd, you from two-oneThats on Lennox, 7th ave was news oneCoverage I synethestryGot rise from defending meCause New York"ll miss me if I"m locked in the penitentaryThe judge said "Is this that thug, from the kit kat club?"But I got enough chips stacked up to make a bitch to pack upKilla, I pinch that button, I grip that snub to hit that thugLay up in a pitch black tug,You lookin" at rich black thugs to get that loveAnd we won"t stop till I get back bloodHolla at em HovI"m from Flushing, Marcy, Notia, Myrtle and ParkNiggas"ll drive by in the day, murder you in the darkThat"s why the Johnny gun I"m holdingWet niggas up like the johnny-pump is openHomie, I play hardIt"s the home of 9-11, the place of the lost towersWe still banging, we never lost power, tell emWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityY"all fuckin with BK"s banger and Harlem"s own gangsterNow that"s danger theres nothing left to shape upWelcome to New York City, welcome to New York CityYall niggas man, yall can"t fuck around manIt"s the ROC bitch, Killa, my nigga Jigga, Sigel, BeansDiplomats man, holla, DashGet the fuck off our dicksI own this shit right now man, I ain"t going nowhereWelcome to New York City!


Leave the koi pond离开池塘Leave the koi pond离开池塘

Tom answers,"Look at the sign in the pond. Ican"t swim here.什么意思?



it"s better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish.临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。

微信名pond fish是什么意思?


No fishing in this pond.(保持原句意思) Don"t_____________

填空处为:fish in this pond.fish为捕鱼的意思 fishing是动词ing形式,don‘t 后要跟动词原形。

No fishing in this pond.(保持原句意思) Don"t_____________

填空处为: fish in this pond. fish为捕鱼的意思,don‘t后要跟动词原形.

from the other side of the pond什么意思

池塘的另一边 是直接翻译的 如果是广告 应该有另外一层意思

There is ducks in the pond.什么意思?

ducks是复数is应该改为 areThere are ducks in the pond.池塘里有鸭子。

there was a pond with fish in it.是什么意思


do not feet the ducks in the pond是什么意思


Is there a pond?回答

Is there a pond?翻译:有池塘吗肯定回答:Yes, there is.否定回答:No, there isn"t.

No fishing in this pond.(保持原句意思) Don"t_____________


请问Pond"s Extract是什么意思呢?是一种药吗?谢谢!


Who came over the pond?是什么意思 Who asked Daddy a question?是什么意思 What did freddy Frog do


duck pond什么意思



animals around a pond池塘周围的动物.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



Loved across the pond 是什么意思


pond kit 是什么意思




i fished in the pond是什么意思

i fished in the pond我在池塘里钓鱼i fished in the pond我在池塘里钓鱼



on the pond什么意思

on the pond在池塘上拼音双语对照双语例句1A few hardy men broke the ice on the pond and had a swim.一些大胆的人打破池塘的冰而游泳。




Ponde[地名] [坦桑尼亚、赞比亚] 蓬代

Pond Park是什么意思





pond[英][pɒnd] [美][pɑnd]生词本简明释义n.池塘v.筑成池塘复数:ponds易混淆的单词:Pond以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT池塘;水塘A pond is a small area of water that is smaller than a lake.Ponds are often made artificially.She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下....a garden pond.花园里的水池pond 英[pɒnd] 美[pɑ:nd]n. 池塘;v. 筑成池塘;[例句]She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下。[其他] 复数:pondspond,英语单词,名词、动词,作名词的意思是“池塘;(the pond) (非正式)大西洋;(Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)”,作动词的意思是“拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖”。短语搭配:spray pond      喷水池 ;(制冷)喷淋池 ; 喷池。fishing pond      钓鱼塘 ; 钓鱼池 ; 水池塘。


pondn.  池塘; (the pond) (非正式)大西洋;v.  拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖;变形 复数: pondsPond[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 庞德地貌名称,来源于中世纪英语,含义是“封闭式水域”(enclosed expanse of water); [地名] [美国] 庞德双语例句1. Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically.  来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。2. There was an unappealing film of slime on top of the pond.  池塘表面有一层黏腻腻的污泥。3. His pond has been choked by the fast-growing weed.  他的池塘里长满了恣意蔓生的杂草。4. She chose a bench beside the duck pond and sat down.  她在鸭塘边找了条长椅坐下。5. In South Africa, Jani was a big fish in a small pond.  在南非,贾尼可谓塘中无鱼虾为大。6. Bud turned the truck around, and started back for Dalton Pond.  巴德把卡车掉头,开始返回多尔顿池。


中文意思是池塘。Pondpond英 [pɒnd]  美 [pɑːnd] n. 池塘;(the pond) (非正式)大西洋v. 拦截(流水等液体)形成小湖n. (Pond) (美、爱)庞德(人名)[ 复数 ponds ]固定搭配:Crooked Pond 弯弯的池塘 ; 街道地址stabilization pond 稳定塘 ; [环境] 稳定池 ; 氧化池 ; 氧化塘settling pond 沉积池 ; 澄清池 ; [矿业] 沉淀池 ; 沉淀Mystic Pond 神秘池塘 ; 神秘水池peaceful pond 荷花池扩展资料近义词:1、tank中文:坦克;水槽;池塘例句:His career tanked after the show left the air.这个节目不再播放后,他的事业就变得很糟糕。2、mere中文:小湖;池塘例句:This agreement, if not implemented, is a mere scrap of paper. 这个协定如不执行只不过是一纸空文。

Manufactured by POND"S CHEMICAL THAILAND R.O.P是什么意思啊?


求英语翻译 You are wanted by pond"s. 这句话什么意思??

一楼的翻译不敢苟同,翻出来感觉意思很奇怪。want 除了想,还有通缉有意思,常用于被动语态楼主所说的句子不知是出自哪里,恐怕要结合上一下文去分析的

across the pond的意思


big frog in a small pond是什么意思及反义词

big frog in a small pond小池塘中的大青蛙

herring pond什么意思

herring pond 英[ˈherɪŋ pɔnd]美[ˈhɛrɪŋ pɑnd]n. (尤指北大西洋) 海洋;

on the pond什么意思

由于鸭子是浮在水面上的,所以用的介词on,而不是in,on the pond 在池塘里的意思。望采纳
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