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Few pleasures can equal __...


dolefulest pleasures


the lighter pleasures 什么意思?



《Pleasure"s Edge》(Berlin, Eve)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 密码:2cig书名:Pleasure"s Edge作者:Berlin, Eve出版年份:2010-11页数:294内容简介:A sensual new novel of losing control-and finding the ultimate pleasure.For beautiful erotica author Dylan Ivory, being in control is everything. Then she meets the man who is everything she is not...and everything she wants.Alec Walker writes dark psychological thrillers-and he lives for thrills. His tastes extend into the bedroom as well, where he lets no rules bind his desires. The only thing he fears is true love...While researching a book, Dylan interviews Alec-and longs to taste the temptation he offers. But he"s a self-proclaimed dominant and she refuses to surrender control. Slowly, Alec shows her that by letting go and submitting to his every desire she can experience the ultimate pleasure. But to keep the woman who for the first time brings him to his knees, can Alec take the ultimate risk and surrender his heart?


《Pleasure"s Edge》(Berlin, Eve)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:yf4v书名:Pleasure"s Edge作者:Berlin, Eve出版年份:2010-11页数:294内容简介:A sensual new novel of losing control-and finding the ultimate pleasure.For beautiful erotica author Dylan Ivory, being in control is everything. Then she meets the man who is everything she is not...and everything she wants.Alec Walker writes dark psychological thrillers-and he lives for thrills. His tastes extend into the bedroom as well, where he lets no rules bind his desires. The only thing he fears is true love...While researching a book, Dylan interviews Alec-and longs to taste the temptation he offers. But he"s a self-proclaimed dominant and she refuses to surrender control. Slowly, Alec shows her that by letting go and submitting to his every desire she can experience the ultimate pleasure. But to keep the woman who for the first time brings him to his knees, can Alec take the ultimate risk and surrender his heart?

simple pleasures是什么意思

  simple pleasures的中文翻译  simple pleasures  简单快乐; 简单快乐计划; 简单的快乐; 简单乐趣  双语例句  1  Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.  这些简单的快乐对你的大脑、身体和精神都非常有好处。  2  Below are7 exercises to help you connect to the simple pleasures of the moment.  下面是7个练习,帮助你和此刻中的简单乐趣获得联系。

simple pleasures是什么意思

simple pleasures 网 络 简单快乐;简单的快乐;简单的愿望;简单快乐计划 双语例句 1.It is simple pleasures,such as a walk on a sunny day,which have a cumulative effect on our mood.x09 一些简单的娱乐,譬如在一个阳光明媚的日子散步,就能使我们的心情更愉快. 2.People were craving the simple pleasures of the sea and the sun.x09 人们渴望着海洋和阳光所带来的那种单纯的乐趣.

simple pleasures是什么意思

  simple pleasures的中文翻译  simple pleasures  简单快乐; 简单快乐计划; 简单的快乐; 简单乐趣  双语例句  1  Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.  这些简单的快乐对你的大脑、身体和精神都非常有好处。  2  Below are7 exercises to help you connect to the simple pleasures of the moment.  下面是7个练习,帮助你和此刻中的简单乐趣获得联系。

pleasures是什么牌子 美式街头品牌

pleasures是一个来自洛杉矶的潮牌,这个牌子美式风格非常的浓厚,有很多年轻人都特别喜欢穿pleasures家的服装,潮味十足,一起来了解下吧。 pleasures是什么牌子 PLEASURES,创立自 2015 年,由原 Publish Brand 创意总监 Alex James 与来自 SSUR 的 Vlad Elkin 共同创立,凭藉著充满地下朋克风格的图案和标语设计而迅速走红。不过,最早被大多数人所熟知的单品是一顶完全由 IKEA 购物袋改造而成的帽款,即是由 PLEASURES 与 Chinatown Market 联手打造。 提起品牌的创立,创始人Alex James 说一切都源于对美国东岸次文化的艺术与音乐的热爱,而来自西岸的自己,更想创作出专属本土的时尚风格。正是根植于朋克摇滚的独有的设计美学,为品牌带来了取之不尽的灵感来源。通过致敬(R.I.P.)那些令人迷醉的 ROCK STAR 与伟大的乐队们,一再的唤起了我们心中的理想与幻梦。pleasures是什么档次 PLEASURES作为一个 2015 年在洛杉矶成立的新晋街头品牌,不能不说是“年轻”,但绝不该因此而小看它,其主理人可是十分有来头 —— Publish Brand 的创意总监 Alex James 和来自 SSUR 的 Vlad Elkin。 摇滚文化与街头精神的碰撞,如同实验般激荡出不同的火花。对比我们毫无激情和意义的生活,每一天的 PLEASURES 都是全新的开始。短短几年已经成为了一股不可忽视的新锐力量,受到 Wiz Khalifa、The Weeknd 在内的歌手力捧。pleasures品牌风格 PLEASURES对国内潮流爱好者们来说,印象最深的应该还是那件拿陈冠希开刀的 “R.I.P. EDC”。Alienegra 系列常出现的陈冠希头像很熟悉了吧,PLEASURES 将其倒置在前胸,双袖还印了硕大的 “R.I.P. EDC”。 PLEASURES 的设计上,经常能看到地下朋克、嘻哈、摇滚、重金属、硬核等元素。PLEASURES 的许多单品都与歌词相关,一些年轻人可能原先不了解这些乐队,但却会因为觉得 PLEASURES 上的这句话很酷而专门去发掘背后的内涵。pleasures是哪里的品牌 美国洛杉矶。 洛杉矶作为滑板爱好者的天堂,也因其滑板文化孕育出了众多享誉世界的街头品牌。supreme,stussy,undefeated等,可以说洛杉矶街头文化早已扎根在每个人心中。不过就是在如此拥挤的市场下,2015年,仍有一个异类异军突起,它的几次受争议的举动吸引了许多街头爱好者的关注,同时也正式将自己推入潮流圈,这就是pleasuers与它的主理人Alex James和Vlad Elkin。