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please paraphrase "to tend to hold"

not to let go

My money . Could you please lend me some? A.has run ou...


please keep me posted about this matter怎么回复

关于这个问题请随时通知我。If there are any update about this matter we will notic you at once.

please keep me posted 这句成分怎么划分?


please keep me posted 是什么意思


Please c_____ the map of China blue

colour 涂色

please pay attention to your


空格中应当填什么?Please pay attention to (spell ) the word .

could you pls pay attention to the word?

修改:1.May I have your attention , please?I have an

Attention Please特别篇免费迅雷下载

尊敬的迅雷用户,您好:建议您可以到迅雷快传里面搜索下是否有该影片,迅雷快传: ;如果迅雷快传没有也可以在迅雷看看上面搜索,迅雷看看:www.kankan.com如果都没有可以到电影天堂看看。希望可以帮到您,感谢您的支持,祝您生活愉快。更多疑问,欢迎您向迅雷网络平台提问。

上户彩 主演的电视剧或电影(除了Attention Please)

电视剧 泪をふいて(2000年)- 饰渊上桃 嫁はミツボシ(2001年)- 饰新庄真由美 3年B组 金八先生(2001年—2002年、2004年)- 饰鹤本直 渡る世间は鬼ばかり(2002年)- 饰山下加奈 マイリトルシェフ(2002年)- 饰鸭沢名津菜 高校教师(2003年)- 饰町田雏 ひと夏のパパへ(2003年)- 饰望月まりも さとうきび畑の呗(2003年9月28日)- 饰平山美枝 网球甜心(エースをねらえ!)(2004年)- 饰冈ひろみ 灵感バスガイド事件簿 义经 (大河剧)(大河ドラマ“义経”)(2005年)- 饰うつぼ 古都(2005年2月6日)- 饰佐田千重子与苗子两角 おきなわ彩りの诗 アタックNo.1(2005年4月)- 饰鲇原こずえ 美空云雀诞生物语(美空ひばり物语—おでことおでこがぶつかって)(2005年5月29日)- 饰美空ひばり 涙そうそう -この爱に生きて-(2005年10月9日)- 饰小田未来 ATTENTION PLEASE (アテンションプリーズ) (2006年4月18日) - 饰美笑洋子 [主角] 下北サンデーズ(2006年7月13日) - 饰里中ゆいかアテンションプリーズスペシャル ハワイホノルル编 (2007年1月13日) - 饰美咲洋子 李香兰(2007年2月11日~12日) - 饰山口淑子(若き日の李香兰)渡る世间は鬼ばかり最终回スペシャル (2007年3月29日) - 山下加奈ホテリアー(2007年4月~6月) - 饰小田桐杏子轮违屋糸里~女たちの新撰组~(2007年) - 饰糸里暴れん坊ママ(2007年10月16日)-饰川野あゆ电影 杀人者~keep of paraiso~(1999年5月) ピーターu30fbパン2:ネバーランドの秘密(2002年12月)- (ジェーンの声役) あずみ(2003年)- 饰あずみ インストール(2004年)- 饰野沢朝子 あずみ2 Death or Love(2005年)- 饰あずみ あした元気にな~れ(2005年) - 饰中根かよ子ピアノの森(2007年) - 饰一ノ瀬海


Dear Lukas, My name is Jimmy,I"m a freshman in my class.I have some troubles in interpersonal relations and I hope you can give me some advice. As a freshman in your class,I have stayed with my classmates for two months,however,I still feel it hard to make friend with others.I can feel that most classmates don"t treat me as their friend,although I have exerted myself to the utmost,the effect was insignificant.I have realized that the importance of getting along well with my classmates and I"m always treat my classmates as my close friends.However,I still can"t find any amiable attitude from my classmates,such situation really depressed me.I knew that you are a magazine counselor who is rich in interpersonal communication skills.Therefore,I do hope that I can get your available advice as soon as possible.Please do help me,I will be always waiting for your good advice since now.Thanks a lot! Best Wishes Yours Sincerely, Jimmy

ladies and gentalman , attention please :

更正在括号处注明,保证准确率(和楼上答案不同)! Ladies and (gentlean改成gentlemen), may I have your attention, please? All flights this morning have been put off, because our air is (covering改成covered) with thick fog. As there is no (windy改成wind), the weatherman is unable to tell (how改成when) the fog will (clean改成clear) up. We cannot do anything but wait. Please keep in order and take good care of your baggage. Passengers, please don"t leave (去掉for) the waiting room. As soon as the weather (turns) favorable, we shall announce flights. For passengers (staying) at the airport, lunch is free. It will be served in the dining hall on (加入the) second floor from eleven o"clock to one o"clock. By the way, there are no planes to arrive within an hour.

May I have your attention please?(作文)

May I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make.u3000u3000The English Corner will be held this Sunday afternoon 4:00p.m. at the Cultural Square. Five American students studying in Peking University are coming. Whatu2019s more important, Tina, one of them, is going to introduce the life style and education in America. All of you can exchange your ideas with each other on topics say the difference of study life in our country and America and the difficulties in language learning after Tinau2019s introduction.u3000u3000Thatu2019s all. Thank you for your attention.

you attention please

答案:arrived. 根据You attention,please.The train from Hangzhou has just--.(arrival),可知请注意,从杭州来的火车刚到.从句子has just可以判断句子使用现在完成时,构成:have/has+动词的过去分词,arrival的动词形式是arrive,过去分词是arrived.故填arrived.

甜心空姐(《Attention Please》)有续集吗?除了悉尼篇还有哪些?

【《甜心空姐》特别篇】 《甜心空姐》07年春季夏威夷特别篇: 2007 年01月13日富士电视CX放送了空姐题材电视剧《甜心空姐》SP特别篇《夏威夷火奴鲁鲁篇》,在特别篇中讲述:经过航空服务人员特训的”洋子”(上户彩饰)终于调到国际航线上服务了,这次将飞往"夏威夷火奴鲁鲁"在这里将展开一场开心好笑,以及帮助朋友成就姻缘的故事. 《甜心空姐》08年春季悉尼特别篇 : 08 年4月富士电视台日剧《甜心空姐》特别篇,美咲洋子这次去悉尼!接上一回广受好评的夏威夷特别编,这次是以澳洲的悉尼作为舞台。描写客机接待训练生们艰苦奋斗的故事,使用了日本航空真正的制服和设备,充满了真实感的人气持续的连续剧[Attention Please ](2006年4月-6月、平均收视率:16.4%)决定出第二部特别版了!作为第一主角的上户彩和其他演员们,用了一周的时间,亲临澳洲雪梨,去了被记入世界遗产的雪梨歌剧院和蓝山国立公园,还到了雪梨著名的哈巴桥等等,亲身体验和拍摄,开始了这次激励剧之旅。比起上一回,这次的SP增强了表面华丽,每天都积极奋斗的CA们的世界,和树癞,袋鼠等澳洲特有的动物,还有壮观的自然景色交织在一起的场面,将向观众展示不同的场景。讲述的是关于成熟了的美咲洋子们的欢雀和苦恼。如今游走世界各地的洋子也要面对各种各样的困难、工作、恋爱、来自后辈的压力等等。



求日剧《甜心空姐》(Attetion please) 百度云


Pay attention please, which of you want to attend the party? 这句话谓语动词want为何不加三单s?

因为you不是第三人称单数 ,如果是第三人称单数,比如he ,she 作主语是谓语动词就要加s了。

Boys and girls,Attention, please!Welcome back! ① The new term ( 学期) begins. Here are some sch

小题1:in the dining hall小题2:F小题3:T小题4:Does the new term begin?小题5:请保持教室干净。 试题分析:这篇短文是一份开学之初给学生的通知。通知中首先欢迎同学们返校,然后讲了几条校规。禁止迟到,向老师问好等。小题1:细节理解题。根据校规6 Don"t eat or drink in the classroom. Please do that in the dining hall.描述,可知,学生不可以在教室吃喝,请在餐厅做这些。故填in the dining hall小题2:推理判断题。短文中虽然没有规定这一点,但规定3禁止上课说话,那下象棋更不允许,故填F。小题3:推理判断题。根据7. Don"t swim in the river (河).描述,可知学生不能在河里游泳。故填T。小题4:句式变化题。该句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,変一般疑问句借助does,动词改为原形,故填Does the new term begin?小题5:英译汉题。该句的重点词是:keep…+形容词,使···保持···状态。故该句翻译为请保持教室干净。

1、May I have you attention,please此句中用you还是your。2、It sounds like you enjoyed it。

1用your 2 表过去喜欢 3 表虚拟

attention please update system again为什么一直都这样?


关于attention please(甜心空姐)里面的麻生熏

笛木优子日本名:笛木优子 Yuko Fueki 假名:ふえき ゆうこ韩国名:柳敏 Yumin 出生年月日:1979年6月21日 出生地:日本 崎玉县身高:163CM 学校:玉川学院女子短期大学 出道:公元二千年拍摄电影「铁道员」 兴趣 :唱歌 、游泳 专长 :打篮球 喜欢颜色:蓝色 喜欢动物 :白虎 CF :SHARP 、TOYOTA 想合作的艺人 :(男)张东健(女)全智贤 绯闻男友:申彗星 影视:《坏人们》《Attation please》 《悄悄爱上你》 《洛城生死恋》 《好人》 《不良主妇》 《铁道员》 《新雪国》 《风之斗士》 《玻璃花》 《青燕》 《风武者》 《气象台爱人》 《凭神》音乐节目「直播!人气歌曲」 日本NHK「韩语讲座」节目 韩国综艺「情书 」节目

跪求一韩语歌 开头有一句attention please

1uc9d1 Heartbreaker

有一个mv 中间有个男的拿着麦克风唱了两遍attention please 是什么歌,英文的

应该是ante up如果没错的话一开始有两遍attentionplease

日剧《Attention Please》(中文又名《甜心空姐》)一共有几集?


Attention, please. All of you students _______ remain in their seats until all the papers have ...

D 试题分析:句意:请注意了。所有的学生们都要在座位上坐着不动直到所有的试卷都收起来。A能够;B将;C可以;D将。根据句子内容可知此处表示一种规定, shall可以表示按照法律条文、规章制度规定的内容,答案选D。

May I have your attention please是什么意思

May I have your attention please请注意双语对照例句:1.May I have your attention please, aa flight 111 to new york is now boarding at gate8. 请注意,飞往纽约的美国航空公司111航班一在在8号登机口登机。2.May I have your attention, please? 能听我说几句吗,请问?

attention please是什么意思

attention please 请注意

Attention uff0cpleaseuff01


boys and girls,please keep the classroom() 形容词作宾补,表示宾语的状态 2.closed 过分作宾补,表示宾语的被动动作 2.clean 形容词作宾补,表示宾语的状态 3.working 现分作宾补,表示宾语主动且一直在进行的动作

boy and girls ____,please.


boys and girls, sit down, please.这句英语翻译成中文



N: There is a Lady"s Night tonight with free drinks. Shall we go together? R: Don"t covet *** all advantages. Shouldn"t you be thinking about making big bucks? J: Relax. She is just suggesting we should let loose a bit. V: At my age I think I need to plan ahead and not just fooling around. N: Fine then let me ask you this: If you suddenly became rich what would you do? J: If I suddenly became rich I wish to spend about half of the money to build a technical school in developing countries like Malaysia and Brazil. This is a school that trains people in specialized technologies hence improving the technological development there. I would use the remaining money to buy a lot of mercial and residential properties as an investment. R: I agree with you. Building schools can draw in more people for advancing the technological development. V: I don"t think so. Excessive trading of mercial and residential properties will limit their values. N: This is just Jason"s idea. Don"t be serious. How about you Rita? R: If I got rich suddenly first I would give 10% of the money to elderly homes orphanages or other charity anizations. And then I would buy a piece of land build a 7-storey building with a flat roof including a lift and a staircase in the building. The ground floor would have half the space set up as a store and the other half as the car park. I can rent out the flat on the first floor and my family would live on the second floor and use the roof. I would buy a minivan a Mercedes-Benz and o motorcycles. If there was still money left I would go on a round-the-world trip of which the destinations would include the North Pole and the South Pole. M: What a good idea to give back to the munity and help those in need. Building buildings creates jobs. N: I don"t agree with you. Making preparations for your family so that they don"t need to work may make your family members unwilling to seek for proper jobs and doing nothing all the day. 后面请看意见 2013-07-19 22:31:40 补充: R: How about you Vicky? V: If I suddenly [struck] it rich of course I would buy a business that would bring in [continuous] ine and do all the other [stuffs in] my leisure. First I would buy a nice new car and [also a] house. When I was a child I [wished] to be a landlady. 2013-07-19 22:34:30 补充: Mm…..If I had a house [I would] rent [it] out after I purchase a new [house]. [Second] I would open a coffee shop. My shop [would] mainly [sell] coffee and delicious cakes. 2013-07-19 22:41:19 补充: Finally I would set up trust funds for animals and [give money to charity] to help the poor and the sick. J: In my opinion we were raising [funds] for our school an animal charity or helping [the sick]. 2013-07-19 22:45:48 补充: N: If people suddenly became rich they [would] spend [money] as fast as possible. They could spend [it] freely. R: [Moreover] they would change their lifestyle [pletely]. They [may] do some selfish things too [like] buying [expensive clothes and foods] for themselves [only to] show off their 2013-07-19 22:49:22 补充: lavish lifestyle. [What do you think] Niki? N: If I were you I would run a financial investment pany with all employees successful in their fields in order to help more people to get wealthy. I would go to New Zealand to enjoy rural life [there] when this aim [is] reached. 先说一点,我认为 对话中的would其实全应该用will...(或有些past tense(became)等应用present tense)因为if xxx then yyy本身已经是假设性,当然你可以用would来表达虚构...但除了If I were you ...I would 那句较为合理之外...其他的讲论都是那人本身第一身表达对话,所以除非常中的东西只是幻想(一定无法实现)的表达才会用would past participle. 以上是我对英语语法(真实英语人讲法)的认识...你可再参考其他英语老师的意思 以下只能节录部份修正用词的错误(时态/tense的不修改了)建议: J: If I suddenly became rich I wish to spent about half of the money... V: I don"t think so []; excessive trading of mercial and residential properties will inhibit their values. [这句跟前句在讲的东西不同(建学校跟商住楼不是同一种的交易)…是另一话题...如何I don"t this so?反而这段应该放在R和M之后或最后.] N: This is just Jason"s idea don"t be serious how about you Rita? N: I don"t agree with you. Making preparations for your family so they no need to work it may cause family members unwilling to seek proper jobs and doing nothing all day. V: If I suddenly strike it rich of course I would buy a business that would bring in [] continuous ine then ... I had the vision of being a landlady.



How do you get to school? Please tell me.写一篇短文介绍自己每天上下学的情况 ,可自由发挥.急急急急!

How do students around the world get to school?In North America, Most students go to school on the school bus.Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different.In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on where you are.In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school or take buses.And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat.That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!


beg, I beg you, 不能说i please you.

If you want to keep fit, please refer to the following: Move More Make it a daily to find ways ...


please insert USB flash Disk with BIOS file 电脑开机一直黑屏出现这个并且重复


投影仪上出现please connect a USB flash drive怎么办?


投影仪显示please connect a usb flash drive是什么意思

please connect a usb flash drive[译]请连接一个USB闪存驱动器

HI please let me join your is a pleasure to join all you guys!


Please count me in on the project. 如果去掉 IN 是什么意思?

count in是一固定短语这时in不是介词,去掉in就变成"请在工程中数我",显然不对

stands up和stand up,please区别

第三人称she、he用stands up。She stands up.第一人称、第二人称用stand upI stand up.You stand up.They stand up.



Savior, Please 歌词

歌曲名:Savior, Please歌手:Josh Wilson专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Savior PleaseSavior, please take my handI work so hard, I live so fastThis life begins, and then it endsAnd I do the best that I can, but I don"t know how long I"ll lastI try to be so toughBut I"m just not strong enoughI can"t do this alone, God I need You to hold on to meI try to be good enoughBut I"m nothing without Your loveSavior, please keep saving meSavior, please help me standI fall so hard, I fade so fastWill You begin right where I endAnd be the God of all I am because You"re all I haveI try to be so toughBut I"m just not strong enoughI can"t do this alone, God I need You to hold on to meI try to be good enoughBut I"m nothing without Your loveSavior, please keep saving meHallelujahEverything You are to meIs everything I"ll ever needAnd I am learning to believeThat I don"t have to prove a thing"Cause You"re the one who"s saving meHallelujahI try to be so toughBut I"m just not strong enoughI can"t do this alone, God I need You to hold on to meI try to be good enoughBut I"m nothing without Your loveSavior, please keep saving me

please be quiet 为什么要用原形be


Please be quiet的be在句中是什么意思


please be quiet 为什么要用原形be

Please be quiet 是一个祈使句,其中please是礼貌用语,在句子中没有结构上的意义,可以随便放前面或者后面,即:Please be quiet=Be quiet please. 而哪怕直接删除please这个词,对句子的影响也只是显得不那么礼貌,而实际意义不变。所谓祈使句就是英语中省略主语,直接以动词开头的句子,一般用于命令或请求。由于主语被省略,所以动词并不能因为“消失了的”主语进行变化,就只有显示成原形。简单的祈使句举例如下:Stand up. 起立Sit down. 坐下Be quiet. 安静Be quick. 快点儿

would you please后应该接be quiet还是keep quiet?

Would You Please Be Quiet你可不可以安静一点? quiet是指在一个喧闹的环境中,突然一方要求另一方安静 keep quiet是指要求保持着一直安静...would you please\could you please后面只能跟动词原形,因为前面是情态动词would could.

there are several benefits to registering the product please register it soon!这是什么意思啊?谢谢


please translate英文什么意思

please translate请翻译拼音双语对照双语例句1Please translate this transcript into Spanish and email it to our trainee in Mexico.请将这份抄本翻译成西班牙文,然后发给我在墨西哥的新兵。

please cross the road on the pavement

Look,the boys (are waiting) on the pavement. (Cross) the road at zebra (crossing). Ben rides his bike to school(一般疑问句) Does Ben ride his bike to school? Walk quickly,please(否定句) Don"t walk quickly,please. Alice leaves home at about eight o"colck.(对划线部分提问) When does Alice leave home? How do you go to school every day? I go to school on foot every day. We cross the road at zebra crossings.(划线部分提问) Where do you cross the road? Cross the road,please.(否定句) Don"t cross the road,please. Linda is riding her new bicycle.(否定句) Linda isn"t riding her new bicycle. Danny goes to school on foot every day.(否定句) Danny doesn"t go to school on foot every day.

Please cross the road


please update your driver for optimal performance是什么意思

please update your driver for optimal performance请更新您的驱动程序以获得最佳性能。重点词汇update更新,使现代化; 校正,修正; 现代化; 更新的信息; 更新的行为或事例driver驾驶员,司机; 驱动器,驱动程序; 驱逐者,驱赶者; 球棒optimal performance最佳操作

please,pleased,pleasure,pleasant 怎么区别

一、指意不同1、pleasant表示“令人愉快的”,常说明事物,有主动意义。如:Wespentmanyhoursinapleasantconversation.我们畅谈了好几个小时。2、pleased表示“愉快的”,常说明人。如:Hewaspleasedwiththeirwarmwelcome.他们的热烈欢迎使他很高兴。3、please是指使高兴;使满意;愿意;取悦。如:Iamnotboundtopleaseyouwithmyservice.我没有义务非得要侍候得使你满意不可。4、pleasure指某事使人在感情上得到满足或愉快,也可指使人快乐的各种活动。如:Ireallydon"tknowhowtopleasurehim.我真不知道如何让他高兴。二、读音不同1、please的英式读法是[pliu02d0z];美式读法是[pliu02d0z]。2、pleased的英式读法是[pliu02d0zd];美式读法是[pliu02d0zd]。3、pleasure的英式读法是["pleu0292u0259(r)];美式读法是["pleu0292u0259r]。  4、pleasant的英式读法是["pleznt];美式读法是["pleznt]。三、词性不同1、please是动词,可作及物动词也可作不及物动词。2、pleased是形容词。3、pleasure一般是名词,有时做动词。4、pleasant也是形容词。


原题是pleasure?pleasure的音标:英音/"pleʒə/ 美音/"pleʒɚ/1n. 快乐;娱乐;希望;令人高兴的事2vt. 使满意;使高兴3vi. 高兴;寻欢作乐

打开sqldeveloper出现please specify the path to the java jdk home这句话要怎么

在 sqlserver 里配置 jdk 根目录

show girl yes please是什么歌?我们这的纪念日百货老是放!

你好出自Maroon 5 的《 Sugar》希望能够帮到你

帮忙做几道英语题~~1 . Will you please show me the girl ______ name i?

3 . Will you please show me the girl ___whose___ name is Wei Fang. ( 1 )分 1.her 2.who"s 3.whose 4.which 2 . Do you know the student __3____? ( 1 )分 1.whom I often talk 2.with whom I often talk 3.I often talk with 4.that I often talk 3 . The world ___4____ is made up of matter. ( 1 )分 that we live 2.on which we live 3.where we live in 4.we live in 4 . This is the most difficult book ____4___. ( 1 )分 1.what I have ever read 2.which I have ever read 3.I have ever read it 4.that I have ever read 5 . The size of the audience, __2____ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand. ( 1 )分 1.whom 2.As 3.where 4.that 6 . This was the place ___2____ last year. ( 1 )分 1.which I visited 2.where I visited 3.when I visited which I visited 7 . The internet has great influence____3__ every aspect of social life. ( 1 )分 1.with 3.on 4.for 8 . English can"t be learnt at a __2_____. ( 1 )分 1.strike 2.stroke 3.stoke 4.stick 9 . It was not until one year"s later __3___ he got his passport. ( 1 )分 1.when 2.when 3.that 4.while 10 . The teacher devoted all her life to _2___ students. ( 1 )分 1.teach 2.teaching taught 4.taught 1 . The grass has grown so tall that it needs _2____. ( 1 )分 1.cutting cut 3.being cut 4.cut 2 . Do you consider it any good _4____ again? ( 1 )分 try 2.tried 3.being tried 4.trying 3 . My mother admitted___2_ by the young guy. ( 1 )分 be cheated 2.being cheated 3.cheating 4.cheated 4 . _2___ from the moon, the earth looks like a big bright disk. ( 1 )分 1.seeing 2.seen 3.saw 4.being seen 5 . The concert was not successful with some people __1____early. ( 1 )分 1.left leave 3.leave 4.leaving 6 . Our final exam will be held next Wensday, June 22nd, __4_______. ( 1 )分 be modest be frank be exact be honest 7 . He came to the class ___1____ his serious illness. ( 1 )分 spite of 2.despite 3.although 4.except 8 . We decided to ___3__ the disease within one month. ( 1 )分 1.wipe off 2.wipe with 3.wipe out 4.wipe for 9 . You"d ___2_ stay at the hotel since it is windy outside. ( 1 )分 1.better 3.good 4.well 10 . He is accused ___4_ laziness in his study. ( 1 )分 1.for 2.with 4.of,6,错了好几个,0,帮忙做几道英语题~~ 1 . Will you please show me the girl ______ name is Wei Fang. ( 1 )分 1.her 2.who"s 3.whose 4.which 2 . Do you know the student ______? ( 1 )分 1.whom I often talk 2.with whom I often talk 3.I often talk with 4.that I often talk 3 . The world _______ is made up of matter. ( 1 )分 that we live 2.on which we live 3.where we live in 4.we live in 4 . This is the most difficult book _______. ( 1 )分 1.what I have ever read 2.which I have ever read 3.I have ever read it 4.that I have ever read 5 . The size of the audience, ______ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand. ( 1 )分 1.whom 2.As 3.where 4.that 6 . This was the place _______ last year. ( 1 )分 1.which I visited 2.where I visited 3.when I visited which I visited 7 . The internet has great influence______ every aspect of social life. ( 1 )分 1.with 3.on 4.for 8 . English can"t be learnt at a _______. ( 1 )分 1.strike 2.stroke 3.stoke 4.stick 9 . It was not until one year"s later _____ he got his passport. ( 1 )分 1.when 2.when 3.that 4.while 10 . The teacher devoted all her life to ____ students. ( 1 )分 1.teach 2.teaching taught 4.taught 1 . The grass has grown so tall that it needs _____. ( 1 )分 1.cutting cut 3.being cut 4.cut 2 . Do you consider it any good _____ again? ( 1 )分 try 2.tried 3.being tried 4.trying 3 . My mother admitted____ by the young guy. ( 1 )分 be cheated 2.being cheated 3.cheating 4.cheated 4 . ____ from the moon, the earth looks like a big bright disk. ( 1 )分 1.seeing 2.seen 3.saw 4.being seen 5 . The concert was not successful with some people ______early. ( 1 )分 1.left leave 3.leave 4.leaving 6 . Our final exam will be held next Wensday, June 22nd, _________. ( 1 )分 be modest be frank be exact be honest 7 . He came to the class _______ his serious illness. ( 1 )分 spite of 2.despite 3.although 4.except 8 . We decided to _____ the disease within one month. ( 1 )分 1.wipe off 2.wipe with 3.wipe out 4.wipe for 9 . You"d ____ stay at the hotel since it is windy outside. ( 1 )分 1.better 3.good 4.well 10 . He is accused ____ laziness in his study. ( 1 )分 1.for 2.with 4.of

please o——me a copy

你好!please o——me a copy请啊,我一份

Frequent requests from this IP address, please try again later什么意思?


这句话的结构该如何理解?谢谢。He looks pleased as Punch in…

这句意思:在二十岁生日那天拍的照片中,他看起来特别开心。1、look pleased as Puch:看起来像…一样开心这个句式:look adj. as an/sth 看起来如…一样2、in that photo状语 在照片里3、taken分词作定语,photo (that was) taken指的是被拍的照片,省略(that was)4、on his 20th birthday也是状语 “在他20岁的生日”可以这样划分结构:He looks pleased as Punch /in that photo (taken)/ on his 20th birthday.

vivo 出现 please connect usb cable to

please connect usb cable to请连接USB电缆到


手机显示英文please connect usb cable t0 y0ur

please connect usb cable to your请连接USB线到你的

自己弄得小服务器出现Sere is still starting!Please wait before reconnecting

"Server is still starting!please wait before reconnecting" 是服务器启动中,请稍后登录

“Please take care yourself”是什么意思

Please take care yourself请照顾好你自己

Bill go back to your seat please中为什么是go不是goes?

这是个课室对话,原文Bill attention to me , You go to your seat please. 比尔,听我话,请你回你的座位口语省略 Bill, go back to your seat please. 明白了吗?

sorry,the subscriber you dialed is busy now,please redial later怎么读


spll it,please.用英语怎么说


spll ruler , please 写出答语 怎么写


please,fuck off的中文意思是什么?


please don't cry。we are ( )joking. 括号里填啥呀


please don't cry。we are ( )joking. 括号里填啥呀?


求一首歌 里面有surrender baby please surrender,男女合唱

you can trust in me歌手:tang nguoi toi yeu 专辑:i love you tang nguoi toi yeu - you can trust in mei knowit is hard to fall lovewhen you feel bluedeep inside your hearti"m sureyou got so much more to givebelieve in mei can let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in meyou knowthese are not only words (not only words)i know it"s truelook into my eyesi"m sureif you wanna feel the samebelieve in mei will let it shine againsurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in mesurrenderbaby please surrenderi will be so tenderif you trust in mepretenderi won"t be pretenderbaby please surrenderif you trust in me

An American girl,Rose,is going to visit Chinau3002Please write an e-mail to her

我的这个是老师上课写出来的范文Dear Rose, I an glad to hear that you will visit China. I would like to tell you something about eating habits in China.In the southern part,people eat rice a lot,while in the north,they often eat noodles and dumpings.All Chinese people eat with chapstichs. There are many kind of delicious food in China.I believe you will enjoy then very much.We should eat bread,meet,fish,milk and lors of fruit and vegetable.But we should eat less junk food.Tf we eat regulary.We can keep healthy. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Please give my best wishes to your parents!Hope to see you. Sincerely Xi Zai



Please find attachment是什么意思

Please find attachment请查收附件

--Please_____your dictionary to me ---ok A.bring D.take

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