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National key laboratory这个好像不错哦!~~


美国:(有好几种写法)United StatesUS(缩写)America(一般用这个)USA(缩写)United States of America(美利坚合众国)全称国际:nationality




九月五日:September 5th或者the fifth of September。September:英[sepu02c8tembu0259(r)];美[su025bpu02c8tu025bmbu025a]。老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文 Septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。5th(fifth):第五。英语日期的书写是:月/日/年;中国日期的书写是:年/月/日。扩展资料月份英文表示:一月:January,简写为Jan.;二月:February,简写为Feb.;三月:March,简写为Mar.;四月:April,简写为Apr.;五月:May,简写为May.;六月:June,简写为Jun.;七月:July,简写为Jul.;八月:August,简写为Aug.;九月:September,简写为Sept.;十月:October,简写为Oct.;十一月:November,简写为Nov.;十二月:December,简写为Dec.。日期表示:1、一号1st;二十一号21st;三十一号31st;2、二号2nd;二十号22nd;3、三号3rd;二十三号23rd;4、其他为数字后加th,如4th(四号),5th(五号)等。参考资料来源:百度百科:月

是不是英语的语法都按 主+谓+宾 这样顺序拼写 果果老师




“好好学习 天天向上”的英语单词怎么拼写?

Good good study ,day day up


jazz drum

架子鼓的英文拼写 我现在急用```速度着我追加悬赏

Drums:鼓 1.Drum Set 架子鼓 2.Bongo Drums 邦加鼓(用手指敲的小鼓,夹在两腿间) 3.Timbales 蒂姆巴尔鼓 4.Conga Drums 康加鼓(橄榄型) 5.Snare Drum 小军鼓 6.Quad Toms 4组鼓筒鼓 7.Quint Toms 五组筒鼓 8.Tenor Drum 次高音鼓 9.Tom Toms 筒鼓 10.Roto Toms 轮鼓 11.Bass Drum 低音鼓



很快 英语单词怎么拼写

soon [su:n] 不久,很快

很快 英语单词怎么拼写

soon [su:n] 不久,很快

很快 英语单词怎么拼写


during 的音标是 [] 请问这个音标怎么由单词拼写而来?就是哪个字母发哪个音

辅音一般不会有太大变化,d发音就是d,此处i发音就是短元音/i/,u字母发音一般有两种,一个是/u028c/,一个是/ju:/ ,美式英语中,此单词读音就是[u02c8dju028aru026au014b]英式英语中u发音有个/u0259/的音注意一下就好了


时尚造型:fashion model时尚发型:fashionable style或hairstyle


比如:张楠,英文写成 ZHANG NAN,在需要将姓与名按照英文顺序排列的场合,应写成 NAN ZHANG。如果张楠有一个英文名 Sharon,你可以直接叫她 Sharon。但是,如果她的身份证或者护照上没有登记 Sharon 这个名字,它就只能在非正式场合中使用。这个问题不仅尚无标准答案,也没有官方的统一规范,因此在实践中莫衷一是。公安机关发放的护照是将名字连在一起的(CHEN XIAOHUA),而银行却是把客户名字中的每个字分开写(CHEN XIAO HUA),有的航空公司甚至还会将旅客的姓名统统连在一起(CHENXIAOHUA)。这极有可能导致非常严重的后果。当陈晓华在国外使用信用卡消费时就会被怀疑盗用他人信用卡。因为在欧美人看来,XIAOHUA CHEN 和 XIAO HUA CHEN 是两个完全不同的人名,不可能是同一个人。因此,政府机关、金融机构、公证机关等应当统一规范书写和使用国人姓名的英文书写方式,避免出现令人尴尬的局面。



“车牌” 英语怎么说如何拼写

  名词解释:车辆号牌是两面分别悬挂在车子前后的板材,通常使用的材质是铝、塑料或贴纸,在板上会显示有关车子的登记号码、登记地区或其他的基本资料。你知道“车牌” 英语怎么说吗   Shanghai will increase the number of car plates at the upcoming monthly auction by 2,000 to 11,000 as part of efforts to rein in surging plate prices. Other measures include reserving new car plates for new cars only and limiting sales of second-hand cars with local plates.   上海本月将在每月的拍卖会上增发2000张车牌,总数达到11000张,做为一项举措以抑制车牌涨价势头。与此并行的还有如:新发车牌仅配发给新车使用,限制二手车的车牌销售。   【讲解】   车牌的英文表达是:Car Plate,现在车子多了,与车相关的有限资源也就不断涨价。于是,车位Parking space,驾照考试 driving license(licence) test 等,都跟着水涨船高。这一新政能否给连涨了十个月的车牌退烧?让我们拭目以待。


“花”的英语单词写法:flower 。 释义: 1、n. 花;精华;开花植物; 2、vi. 成熟,发育;开花;繁荣;旺盛; 3、vt. 使开花;用花装饰; 4、n. (Flower)人名;(英)弗劳尔。 扩展资料   例句:   1、It is a flower common in the field.   这是一种田野里常见的花。   2、This soap has a delicate, flower like fragrance.   这种肥皂有一股花一般的芳香。   3、The roses are in flower early this year.   今年玫瑰花开得早。


How can I spell rigil?


  电话是现代通话的一个工具,联络工作办点儿事都比较方便。打电话英文怎么说?本文是我整理的打电话的英文,欢迎阅读。   打电话英文怎么说   打电话   dǎ diàn huà   phone; ring up; call up; give *** . a call [ring]; give someone a ring   打电话双语例句   1. He"d phoned Laura to see if she was better.   他打电话给劳拉看她是不是好些了。   2. I got a severe telling off for not phoning him.   我因为没给他打电话,被狠狠训斥了一顿。   3. He"d telephoned with some phoney excuse she didn"t believe for a minute.   他找了某个她根本不会相信的借口给她打电话。   4. Melanie promised that she would call them in the morning.   梅拉妮许诺第二天上午给他们打电话。   5. She could ring for food and drink, laundry and sundry services.   她可以打电话点餐,叫人来取要洗的衣服以及叫其他各种服务。   6. Just phone in your order three or more days prior to departure.   在出发的三天之前打电话预订即可。   7. Perhaps if you rang me when you got back to your office?   你回到办公室后给我打电话怎么样?   8. Would you call me as soon as you find out?   你一弄清楚了就给我打电话好吗?   9. All day she had fought off the impulse to telephone Harry.   她一整天都在克制自己想给哈里打电话的冲动。   10. Callers are charged a premium rate of 48p a minute.   打电话要支付每分钟48便士的附加费。   11. We rang Duncan to ask where he was going on holiday.   我们打电话给邓肯,问他要去哪里度假。   12. The worst thing is when you call friends and they"ve gone out.   最糟糕的事情是,你给朋友打电话,而他们却出去了。   13. I"m sorry to call so late, but I need a favour.   这么晚打电话真是抱歉,可是我需要帮个忙。   14. I just had a feeling that it was Santero on the telephone.   我隐隐觉得打电话的是桑特罗。   15. She"s on the line from her home in Boston.   她是在波士顿家中打电话。

希腊语中的国王 用英文拼法改如何拼写





It should be "untill forever"And here is a peom for youTitle:Untill forever is no moreI saw you sitting there so alone....For Steve, my friend and fellow artist..It was my weekly ritualSame table at the same clubI looked across and saw you sitting thereSo withdrawn from all the music and peopleIt was so unlike me to buy a drink or talk to a total strangerBut something drew meSomehowI felt you needed meNeeded a freinda sincere smilesomeone that would carenot for the manbehind the famebut for the manand all he was insideand you decided to let me inWe talked and you asked for moreI couldn"t give thatI couldn"t go with you out that doorbut I could offer my friendship and advicewe could become friendsand that seemed to bewhat was in storeThat in its self was so niceThank you for letting me inForever will I be your friendI will be here day after dayto help ground youwhen you loose your wayI"ll do my best to cheeryou on your wayand be there for you at the endof a stressful dayreal friends don"t walk awaythey staySo to you I offer my friendshiptill the end of our daysUntil forever is no moreIn my heart you will alwayshave a home!


主板上电池英文标单词:battery ,英音:["b_t_ri]美音:["b_t_r_];主机放电有两种方式:跳线放电和取出主板供电电池。1、第一种方法是跳线放电:该放电跳线一般为三针,位于主板CMOS电池插座附近,并附有电池放电说明。在主板的默认状态下,会将跳线帽连接在标识为“1”和“2”的针脚上,从放电说明上可以知道为“Normal”,即正常的使用状态。要使用该跳线来放电,首先用镊子或其它工具将跳线帽从“1”和“2”的针脚上拔出,然后再套在标识为“2”和“3”的针脚上将它们连接起来,由放电说明上可以知道此时状态为“Clear CMOS”,即清除CMOS(如下图所示)。经过短暂的接触后,就可清除用户在BIOS内的各种手动设置,而恢复到主板出厂时的默认设置。2、第二种方法是大家主要使用的,但是成功率并不是很高,那就是取出主板供电电池,对于一些主板来将,即使将供电电池取出很久,也不能达到CMOS放电的目的;关于取电池法大概是这样的: CMOS电池插座分为正负两极,将它们短接就可以达到放电的目的。首先将主板上的CMOS供电电池取出,然后使用可以有导电性能的物品(螺丝刀、镊子等导电物品),短接电池插座上的正极和负极就能造成短路,从而达到CMOS放电的目的。




fishhot pot




  而伴随着多年低迷的股价,英特尔公司一直在扩大个人电脑和计算机伺服器市场以外的狩猎。下面我为大家带来电脑计算机的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   电脑计算机的英语拼写   puter   电脑计算机的相关英语例句   1. We want to buy Branded Laptop, puter, Monitor, Second Hand Good Working Condition Laptop, puter Supply.   我们要采购一般品牌的膝上型电脑, 计算机, 显示器, 二手良好的工作条件,笔记型电脑, 电脑供应.   2. Today all desktop and notebook hard disk drives implement the security features.   现在所有的桌面计算机和膝上型电脑硬碟都采用该安全功能.   3. That kind of puter was and still is a remarkable one.   该计算机过去是,现在仍然是一种了不起的电脑.   4. We look forward to hearing about International puter"s newest puter.   我们期待听到国际计算机公司新型电脑的进一步情况.   5. I hastily closed the window and restarted the puter.   我匆忙地关闭电脑视窗,重新启动计算机.   6. CAI and puter network is applied more and more extensively in teaching.   计算机辅助教学CAI、电脑网路在教学中的应用也越来越广泛.   7. Much of their work is marked by a puter programme puter - marked assignments.   他们的作业多数是由计算机程式来批改的,这被称为是“电脑批改作业”.   8. Motorcycles, Scooters and Two Wheeler Parts, puter, Monitors, Used puters, Monitors, Printers.   采购产品摩托车, 摩托车和二个车夫配件, 计算机, 显示器, 二手电脑, 显示器, 印表机.   9. Just plug it into your puter USB port an instant breeze anywhere.   直接插入您的膝上型电脑支援通过USB介面连线您的计算机.   10. Which means the home puter home puter, also as the home puter.   家用电脑即是指家用的微型计算机, 也称家用微机.   11. Equipped with advanced puter - aided design CAD systems and puter management system.   配有先进的计算机辅助设计 CAD 系统和电脑管理系统.   12. To enter, process, or store rmation in a puter or system of puters.   用电脑处理在计算机或计算机系统中输入 、 处理或储存 资讯   13. PC Cards are a special case normally associated with laptop puters.   个人计算机卡是通常与笔记型电脑有关的一个特别的外壳.   14. This in turn reduced prices and enabled the PC to democratise puting.   结果相应使价格下降,使个人电脑普及了计算机技术.   15. Proficient in puter and PC usage.   精通计算机和电脑应用.   电脑计算机的英文例句   现在很多人购买电脑,计算机变得越来越普及。   Today a lot of people buy puters. puters is being more and more popular indeed.   而伴随着多年低迷的股价,英特尔公司一直在扩大个人电脑和计算机伺服器市场以外的狩猎。   With its share price stagnant for years, Intel has been hunting for growth outside of the PC andputer server markets.   “自从有了iPad,我带着iPad、iPad的充电器、笔记本、笔记本的充电器和小册子。”iPad平板电脑是计算机产业发展最快的板块,但是像守谷一样的上班族不买它的帐,因为若要替代日本的笔记本,它不够轻,功能不够强大。   Salarymen like Moriya are reluctant to embrace iPad tablets, the fastest-growing segment in theputer industry, because they aren"t light enough or functional enough to replace laptops inJapan.   仪器具有标准序列通讯RS-232C介面,可实现与电脑或计算机的通讯。   In apparatus having a standard serial munication RS-232C interface, can be realized withthe puter or puter munication.   双。单按击键创意组合手机。数字器件。电脑。计算机汉语输入法。   Double, single push button creative idea assembled mobile phones, digital device, puterand puter Chinese input method.   搜寻引擎是帮助使用者查询储存在个人电脑、计算机网路如网际网路上的资讯的软体程式。   Search Engine, software program that helps users find rmation stored on a personalputer, or a network of puters, such as the Internet.   直接把吸尘器接入你的膝上型电脑或计算机的USB埠。   Simply connect the Vacuum to the USB port of your laptop or puter.   监控和资料记录从你的电脑的计算机油库库存。   Monitor and data log Tank Farm inventory from your PC puter.   新的二层混凝土教学楼,图书馆及安装了20台电脑的计算机室,比之前60年代砖建的前校舍好太多。   The new two-story concrete building houses classrooms, a library and a puter roomequipped with 20 PCs, "way much better" than the previous school, built in the 1960s with mud bricks.   友达光电为个人电脑制造商提供行动式电脑和计算机显示器面板,而惠普是是他们最大的客户。   HP is one of AUO"s largest clients, providing the PC maker with panels used in laptops andputer monitors.   三人都被指控犯有非法入侵电脑罪、计算机诈骗和破坏罪,以及通讯诈骗罪。   All three were charged with conspiracy to gain unauthorized access to puters, to mitfraud in connection with puters and to damage puters, and conspiracy to mit wire fraud.   我想将资料从办公室电脑转送到计算机中心网路的储存中。   I want to upload data to the puter network storage from my office puter.   结论就是要么人们急于学习电脑,要么计算机比其他东西学起来要异常简单。   The conclusion is that either people are in a big rush to learn about puters, or thatputers are somehow fabulously easier to learn than anything else.   iPhone跳到了行动电话产业的前面,就像1984年第一代Mac电脑改变了计算机产业那样。   The iPhone has vaulted the mobile-phone industry forward, just as the original Macintoshchanged the puter industry in 1984.   电脑计算机的双语例句   如果你尝试把它输入计算机或电脑,它会大声的对你喊——你疯了吗?   If you try to enter this into a calculator or puter, it will just yell back at you saying are youcrazy.   速度万倍于桌面计算机的电脑将有可能至少跟人类大脑一样强大。   A puter that was ten thousand times faster than a desktop puter would probably be at least as putationally powerful as the human brain.   它可以下载到电脑、个人计算机、笔记本、掌上电脑或者其他任何形式的电脑上,通过萤幕进行阅读。   It is downloaded to a puter, PC, Mac, laptop, PDA or any other kind of puter, and is readon the screen.   这里提出了五个方面,借此苹果可以在手机、平板电脑和传统计算机方面挫败对手,开创未来。   Here are five ways could Apple actually invent the future, and thwart other makers of phones,tablets, and puters.   个人电脑依然在计算机市场占统治地位,且在美国和西欧以外的市场增长迅速。   PCs still dominate the world puting market, and it"s a growing market outside of the U.S. andWestern Europe.   宇宙学家们希望游戏玩家、电脑程式设计师、电脑科学家还有所有行业的极客们能够帮助他们解开暗物质的秘密。   Co *** ologists hope gamers, programmers, puter scientists and geeks-of-all-trades can helpthem identify evidence of dark matter.   孩子们变得如此的沉迷于他们的电脑以至于计算机夏令营的领导者经常强迫他们停下来去运动和游戏。   So involved with their puters do the children bee that leaders at summer putercamps often have to force them to break for sports and games.   他进口计算机,电脑和机器人。   He imports calculators, puters and robots.   女电脑操作员计算机专业毕业可做网路推广,有一定的英语基础。   Female puter operator can do network puter specialized graduation, basic English.   使用次重新整理销售部门的计算机电脑的措施。   B. Use th Refresh puter method for the sales department puters. B.   利用次重新整理销售部门的计算机电脑的措施。   B. Use th Refresh puter method for the sales department puters. B.   利用次重新整理销售部门的计算机电脑的措施。   B. Use th Refresh puter method for the sales department puters. B.    看过电脑计算机的英语相关知识人还:




I was busy with some extra work at the weekend.


pussy n. - 小猫, 猫咪, 女性的阴部, 柔荑花序, 女人 adj. - 多脓的, 似脓的英文解释如下: 1. Informal. A cat. 2. Botany. A fuzzy catkin, especially of the pussy willow. 3. Vulgar Slang. 1. The vulva. 2. Sexual intercourse with a woman. 4. Offensive Slang. Used as a disparaging term for a woman. 5. Slang. A man regarded as weak, timid, or unmanly. Containing or resembling pus.




分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 谢谢,这是偶们的英语作业,大家帮帮忙了!! 解析: ah 啊! are 是 aren"t 不是 aunt 姑母;姨母 ate eat的过去式 eight 八blew blow的过去式 blue 蓝色的 buy 买 by 被…… bye 再见 eye 眼睛 I 我 farther 更远的 father 父亲 for 为了 four 四 guessed guess的过去式 guest 宾客 hear 听到 here 在这里 hi 嗨! high 高的 hole 洞眼 whole 全部的 hour 小时 our 我们的 its 它的 it"s = it is knew know的过去式 new 新的 know 知道 no 不 knows 知道 nose 鼻子 may 可以 May 五月 meat 肉 meet 遇见 one 一 won (win的过去式) pair 一双 pear 梨子 passed pass的过去式 past 过去的 practice 实践(名词) practise 实践(动词) read/red/ read的过去式 red 红色的 right 右边的;正确的 write 写字 road 道路 rode ride的过去式 rose 玫瑰花 rows 排 sea 海 see 看到 son 儿子 sun 太阳 their 他们的 there 在那里 there"re = they are theirs 他们的 there"s = there is threw throw的过去式 through 通过 to 向…… too 也;太 o 二 wait 等待 weight 重量 way 道路;方式 weigh 称重 weak 弱的 week 星期 wear 穿(衣) where 在哪里 weather 天气 whether 是否 whose 谁的 who"s = who is wood 木材 would 将要;愿意


  在未来,你的电脑不仅同你生活的各个方面都联络起来,而且会成为你自身的一部分。下面我为大家带来电脑的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   电脑的英语拼写   puter   电脑的相关英语例句   1. Recent, more dramatic use of CGI was seen in "Walking With Dinosaurs".   在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。   2. The indisputable fact is that puters carry out logical operations.   不容置疑的事实是,电脑执行逻辑操作指令。   3. Other causes of migraine are VDU screens and strip-lighting.   偏头痛的其他诱因还有电脑的视讯显示器和灯管照明。   4. A toy store has marked down the Sonic Hedgehog puter game.   一家玩具店降低了电脑游戏《刺猬索尼克》的售价。   5. Some of the finer type-faces are corrupted by cheap, popular puter printers.   有些比较优美的字型经过价廉、通用的电脑印表机处理后就面目全非了。   6. The radiation can damage microprocessors and puter memories, causing them to malfunction.   辐射会损坏微处理器和电脑记忆体,使之失灵。   7. Hackers are said to have started a puter virus.   据说黑客们已经开始传播一种新的电脑病毒。   8. The repairman reported back that the puter had a virus.   修理工报告说电脑染了病毒。   9. People plain about how children spend so much time on puter games.   人们常抱怨孩子花太多时间玩电脑游戏。   10. Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experience of puters.   现在,99%的小学生都亲手操作过电脑。   11. We look for applicants who are numerate, puter-literate and energetic self-starters.   我们对求职者的要求是具备运算能力,熟练使用电脑,精力充沛而且工作积极主动。   12. She used to work at her laptop until four in the morning.   她从前经常用手提电脑一直工作到凌晨4点。   13. You can store your entire CD collection on the puter"s hard drive.   你可以将收藏的全部CD储存在电脑硬碟上。   14. Colonel Hardy would like to see every tank with a puterized aid.   哈迪上校希望看到每辆坦克都配有电脑化辅助装置。   15. I set up the puter so that they could work from home.   我把电脑设定好,这样他们就可以在家办公了。   电脑的英文例句   档案已经被输入到一台行动式电脑里了。   The documents have been typed into a portable puter.   他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。   They kept badgering him to get a home puter.   我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。   We"ve replaced the old adding machine with a puter.   这些发展促使家用电脑的需求量增大。   These developments have created a great demand for home puters.   我们用电脑查询所有用连字元连线的词。   We did a puter search for all the hyphenated words.   这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。   The pany now uses a puter to do all its account.   电脑桌面就像你的屋子要保持整洁一样,你的电脑也需要井然有序。   Your puter needs to be organized just like the rooms of your home.   这个电脑公司被迫以巨大损失出售电脑。   The puter pany was fored to sell the puters at a big loss.   适用电脑键盘玩电脑游戏也会导致相同的问题。   Using a puter keyboard and playing video games can cause the same problem.   电脑的双语例句   我们预算购买一台新电脑。   We budgeted for a new puter.   我已经对这些电脑游戏感到厌烦。   I have tired of these puter games.   市场吸纳了我们所能生产的全部电脑。   The market absorbed all the puters we could build.   我想将资料从办公室电脑转送到计算机中心网路的储存中。   I want to upload data to the puter network storage from my office puter.   您打算用电脑做什么?   What do you do with your puter?   我喜欢电脑游戏。   I like puter games.   你的电脑是什么牌子的?   What brand of puter is yours?   直到那时你才能从你的电脑上看到它。   Only then did it get on to your puter.   我为什么要一上来就给你们讲这个关于孩子与电脑的故事呢?   So why have I told you this story about children and puters?   赫伯特:你喜欢电脑吗?   Herbert: Do you like puters?   在未来,你的电脑不仅同你生活的各个方面都联络起来,而且会成为你自身的一部分。   In that future, your puter is not only incorporated into every aspect of your life but is a partof you.    看过电脑的英语相关知识人还:

单词的英文怎么写 英语单词拼写指南?

3. i的发音3. h的发音5. u的发音h的发音有时是不发音的,如hour、honest、honor等单词。2. g的发音4. j的发音《词条明细》《词条明细》《词条明细》《词条明细》《词条明细》《词条明细》


How to spell this word?


  “ & ”的英文拼写是:ampersand ,它其实是 E 和 T 的连写形式,英文中代表and,也可读and ,一般可读作“And” “与”。具体怎么读,要看在什么情况。  在短信和 Twitter 文字中,& 用来替代单词 “And”,在编程语言(如 MySQL, C and C++, XML, SGML, and BASIC)中,它的意思是 “与”。  如:在歌曲中,张三&李四,表示此歌曲由张三“与”李四共同演唱 。  具体运用如下:  1 在HTML或SGML文档中,用于指明有字符存在(特殊字符)的默认符号。  2 在电子制表程序中,用于在描述单元格相互关系的公式中插入文本的操作符。  3 英文中代表and,也可读and  4 该字符读音“z"da”  5 &还有“联合”的意思。比如“A&B”公司,就是“A”和“B”两间公司合并起来的。  6 在某些电脑语言,如java中,表示按位进行“或”运算。  7 英文拼写:ampersand  8 高级语言中的取地址符,如:“int a=0;int *p;*p=&a;”,意为取变量a的地址给指针p。  9C语言中两个&&表示与运算  如:while("a==9&&b==5") 表示当a=9与b=5时,条件成立。  10 Matlab中,&表示与运算(对应地,|表示或运算),但Matlab较高版本(如:Matlab R2008b)中,也承认&&的写法。  在以上的意义中,以第3和第5项的用法最为普遍  11 在vfp 数据库中,&是一个宏代换函数,用内在变量的值来代替&及变量名  如a1="hello" a2=a1 ?&a2  屏幕显示结果为 hello T恤上的&  12 在Pascal中,&是八进制整型常量的前缀,如&7表示7 , &17表示15 , &177表示127 。  13 &还被大量引入到艺术创作与设计中。  14 bat中的命令,&之后顺序执行多条命令,不管命令是否成功。  15 在Visual Basic中使用命令按钮时,(&字母)代表将该字母设为快捷键  如在命令按钮的Caption属性中输入“确定(&K)”则表示K为“确定”事件的快捷键


One,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,it twenty,twenty one,twenty




occasion occaions occasion 对不起,不知道是不是


1 average2immediately3 confused4 quallified5 survivers6 experience7 recognized8 harmony9 precious10 available11 immediatelly(or directlly)12 reminds13charge14supportting15 unreasonable




1. 重视英文单词得记忆和拼写作文 If we want to learn English well,we must face the fact:To remember English words and spelling are very important. As we know,In English, the spelling is very important, especially in English spelling. Can"t spell we want to know more new single read will be very difficult to learn English, also can bee very difficult.Then how should we do? First of all, we must understand the words; secondly, we must be able to distinguish word syllable by syllable word, learn to help us spelling words.Or, we can also use the image memory method and other methods to help us spelling words.In a word, English word spelling is essential.At the same time,spelling will help us remember the new wrods. 2. 英语学习中要注重单词拼写 Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling What is hot for 2010 in our colleges? It is the spelling mistakes. Countless students lack due attention to spelling. Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list, the one may be “challenge”. Freshman and sophomore almost write this word as “chanllege”. How careless they are! Why such a phenomenon sweeps every university? Some experts attribute it to students" inattention, because students always pay no attention to spelling. However, other experts argue, the teachers should be blamed for this situation. In my opinion, it is far beyond any reasonable doubt that both of them should exert themselves to change the spelling mistakes. The spreading of the spelling mistakes has extremely negative effects on the education. For one thing, the special age that none of students can spell correctly will e soon. For another, while municating with foreigners, we will be laughed at the spelling mistakes made by ourselves. As a result, due attention should be given to spelling immediately.。 3. 对现在英语学习中不重视拼写的现象写篇不少于120词的英语作文 Many students today don"t pay much attention to spelling in their study of English. Just a quick glance over any student"s paper will reveal many spelling errors.Some very mon mistakes even affect the meaning:"he" vs."she";"fried" vs."friend". The reasons for this are simple.Many students have the idea that *** all things do not matter and spelling is really a *** all thing.With this view of life, a general attitude of laziness and carelessness quickly prevails. I think spelling petitions could be a fun way to chang this situation,but a more negative approach is also necessary. English teachers should strongly penalize spelling errors to teach students that the little things in life are truly important.。 4. 英语四级作文 如何重视英语学习中的拼写错误 Nowadays, many students do not pay more attention to the English spelling,this phenomenon is increasingly mon, after investigating, I think it is because of the following o reasons. Firstly, many students think that good test scores is a master of English, therefore, they tend to accumulate the knowledge for the examination. Secondly, more and more student pursue oral english as pure as BBC, VOA broadasters"accent. I think this is a misunderstanding for the english learning, the word seems like the skeleton of english, it is very important to grasp them, which will also help us to grasp the relation beeen pronunciation and spelling. 5. 英语作文(写有关英语拼写重要性) Correct spelling is a basic skill in English study. However, nowadays many students do not pay much attention to it。 They have their own reasons for misspelling. First of all, they like an easy way of studying, which causes some omissions and changes in spelling. Second, the teachers might not be very strict in students" spelling. In China, teachers seem to be more concerned with grammar and vocabulary but not spelling。 To change this situation, in my opinion, the teachers and the students should work together. On one hand, the teachers should give more attention to students" spelling, asking the students to be conscious of the importance of correct spelling from the very beginning of their English study. On the other hand, the students themselves are supposed to be aware that correct spelling is a must in English study。 To sum up, correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling.




Could you please spell this word?

拼写英语怎么说 拼写英语表达

1、spell英 [spel] 美 [spu025bl] vt.拼写;导致,意味着。 vi.轮替。 n.符咒,咒语;魅力;一段时间;轮班。 2、例句: (1)There has been a long spell of dry weather 很长一段时间里天气一直很干燥。 (2)Its shocking how students cant spell these days   当今的学生们拼写上差得令人吃惊。


拼写英语翻译为:spell。 spell:v.用字母拼;拼写;拼出,会拼(单词);拼作;拼成; n.(持续的)一段时间;(干某事或在某处工作的)一段时间;咒语;符咒;魔法; 第三人称单数: spells现在分词: spelling过去式: spelt spelled过去分词: spelt spelled 扩展资料   The book deals with some of the oddities of grammar and spelling.   这本书专讲语法和拼写方面的某些不规则现象。   Spelling mistakes are circled in red ink.   拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。   Your essay is littered with spelling mistakes.   你的文章里到处是拼写错误。




Please spell it.Could you please spell it?Would you mind spelling it?


Aa、Bb、Cc、Dd、Ee、Ff、Gg、Hh、Ii、Jj、Kk、Ll、Mm、Nn、Oo、Pp、Qq、Rr、Ss、Tt、Uu、Vv、Ww、Xx、Yy、Zz拓展资料:英语四线三格英文字母标准写法(1)应按照字母的笔顺和字母在三格中应占的位置书写。(2)每个字母都应稍向右倾斜,约为5°,斜度要一致。(3)大写字母都应一样高,占上面两格,但不顶第一线。(4)小写字母a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z写在中间的一格里,上下抵线,但都不出格。(5)小写字母b,d,h,k,l的上端顶第一线,占上面两格。(6)小写字母i和j的点、f和t的上端都在第一格中间,f和t的第二笔紧贴在第二线下。(7)小写字母f g j p q y的下端抵第四线。(8)小写字母a,d,h,i,k,l,m,n,t和u,它们的提笔是一个上挑的小圆钩,不能写成锐角。(9)书写单词时,字母与字母之间的间隔要均匀、适当,不要凑得过紧,也不要离得太远。(10)书写句子时,单词之间必须有适当的距离,一般以空出一个小写字母a的宽度为宜。(11)标点符号要写在一定的位置。




问题一:单词的英文怎么写 word 问题二:比例的英文单词怎么拼写 ratio 英 [?re??i??] 美 [?re??io?] n. 比例; 比,比率; 系数; vt. 求出比值,除,使…成比例; 将(相片)按比例放大[缩小]; [例句]In 1978 there were 884 students at a lecturer/ student ratio of 1:15 1978年有884名学生,师生比为1比15。 [其他] 复数:ratios 问题三:谢谢的英语单词怎么写啊? Thanks或Thank you thanks[英][θ??ks][美][θ??ks] n.感谢,谢谢; 感谢,谢谢,道谢的话( thank的名词复数 ); int.感激(的),致谢(的); v.谢谢,感谢( thank的第三人称单数 ); 责怪; 问题四:和的英语单词怎么写 and 问题五:介绍的英文单词怎么写 introduce 介绍 问题六:学习的英语单词怎么写? Study原型,过去式studied,现在进行时 studying 另外分享一些好的记忆单词的方法, 汉字有偏旁部首,英语单词也是有结构的 据了解,英语单词共有六十多万个,这也不是绝对和全面的,但是他们都是由一个活若干戈词素组成,词素就是用以构成一个词有意义的音节(比较专业的解释)。 比如:progress,是由pro-,gress两部分组成,pro的意思是foward(向前),gress的意思是step(步)。所以这个单词的意思是进步。 再比如:reconstruct,是由re-,con-,struct组成,re-表示again(再次),con-表示together(共同),struct表示build(建立),所以这个单词的意思是重建。 怎样快速记忆英语单词 结合读音规则记单词 英语的读音和拼写形式是两套符号,但它们是统一的,有规律的。大多数单词的读音和拼写是一致的。如单音节词一般是按开音节和闭音节的读音规则读音。如:late[leit],tie[tai],lamp[lamp].stick[stik]. 辅音字母的读音一般是固定的,如字母c在多数情况下读[k]只有在e,i(y)前面读[s],如rice[rais].city["siti],bicycle[baisik]. 双音节或多音节的重读音节的读音一般都附和开音节或闭音节的读音规则。学习多音节时首先要弄清单词重读音节,做到按音节背字母单词。 如:famous["feimrs]-fa-mous著名的。 怎样快速记忆英语单词 结合构词法记忆单词 前缀记忆,英语单词前缀很多,常用前缀有:anti-(反对,防止),co-(共同),de-(离开,除去),dis-(否定,相反),en-(放进),ex-(超过,向外),fore-(先,前,预),pro-(预先,向前),re-(回,重新),un-(不,无非),等等。 如:unfortable(不舒适),前缀un-(不),-(共同)。 分解记忆:如:bicycle-自行车(bi-两,cycle-轮子),deform变形(de-去掉,form-形状),subway地铁(sub-在、、、底下,way-道路)。 分组记忆:如:in-,ig-,il-,im-,ir-都表示“无”、“非”、“未”,可以把这类开头的单词列在一起记忆,如:inplete,incorret,ignorance,ignoble,illegel等。 怎样快速记忆英语单词 后缀记忆 后缀分四种,名词后缀,动词后缀,副词后缀,形容词后缀。 名词后缀:-al(动作),-ment(动作),-ion(行为),-ance(性质),-ness(性质),-ant(人),-ent(人,物), -i *** (主义),-ist(人),-ship(身份,资格)。 动词后缀:-ate(造成),-en(使),-ity(使),-ize(使...化)。 形容词后缀:-less(无),-ful(充满),-able(能够),-ish(有...的),-ive(性),-ly(的,品质)。 副词后缀:-ly(地),-ward(s)(向)。 词尾分组记忆:如-th表示“动作”,“过程”,“状态”,“性质”:birth(出生),death(死亡),depth(深度),growth(成长),wealth(健康),width(宽度). 多义词尾组合......>>




英语拼音:[yīng yǔ]英语(English)是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的语言,由26个字母组成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。英语也是世界上使用较广泛的语言,英语包含约49万词,外加技术名词约30万个,是词汇最多的语言,也是欧盟以及许多国际组织以及英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。扩展资料1、英语是世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,也是世界上最广泛使用的语言。据1986年的统计,世界上以英语为母语的人近4亿,差不多每十个人中就有一个人讲英语。2、英语的使用范围非常广泛。世界上70%以上的邮件是用英文写或用英文写地址的。全世界科技出版物 70% 以上用英语发表。全世界的广播节目中,有60%是用英语进行的。绝大部分的国际会议是以英语为第一通用语言(90% 以上的国际会议用英语召开),它也是联合国的正式工作语言之一。3、信息高速公路“互联网”信息近 80% 是由英语承载,许多技术性质和科学性质文献资料都是采用英文书写,这使以英语为母语的人群具有相当大的优势,他们不需特别的学习就可以阅读大量的资料。




翻译成“Please spell it out and write it down. ”

拼写 的英文?

1.to spell 2.spelling


A rope 一根绳子






汉语:苗 英文:seedling;some kinds of young animals;young plant




deadly poison;highly toxic;venomancer;


Teacher"s Day n. 教师节;[例句]We celebrated the Teacher"s Day for all teachers this Monday, very happy.这周一我们为全体老师庆祝了教师节,非常开心。






Thanksgiving Day Tree-planting Day,6,Thanksgiving Day Tree-Planting Day,1,Thanksgiving Day Arbor Day,1,Thanksgiving Day n. 感恩节 arbor day n. (美、加、澳、新等国的)植树节(一般在4月或5月),0,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节 Arbor Day 植树节,0,感恩节与植树节的英文正确拼写形式. 感恩节与植树节的英文《!正确!》拼写形式. 一定要正确的啊! 植树节我要的是Tree planting day 的形式,就是不知道哪里要大写,有没有横杠


尺子的英文是:ruler;ruler:n.统治者;支配者;直尺。复数: rulers扩展资料1、He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler.他是一位意志薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。2、All the citizens trusted him because he was a just ruler.所有的市民都信任他,因为他是一位公正的统治者。3、Her brother is the king, but she is the effective ruler.她的兄弟是国王,但她才是实际的主宰者。




impeccable pedigree 名门望族


suslik ["s05slik; "su:-] n. 1. 【动物】小地鼠,地松鼠(Spermophilus citellus, Citellus citellus) 2. 小地鼠皮[亦作souslik]



Tetsuya Komuro (小室哲哉) 的日文怎么拼写?

小室 哲哉 こむろ てつや


火车的英文单词:train; train: n.火车;列车;列队行进的人(或动物);队列;行列;一系列相关的事情(或行动) v.训练;培训;接受训练;进行…训练;(尤指)进行体育锻炼;训练(人或动物);教育;培养…的能力(或素质) 扩展资料   Shall we drive or go by train?   我们开车去还是乘火车去?   The train arrived right on time.   火车准点到达。   The train was dead on time.   火车正点出发。   They went on a long train journey across India.   他们乘火车作了一次横跨印度的"长途旅行。   I reached the station only to find that my train had already left.   我到了车站,却发现我要搭乘的火车已经开走了。   Every time a train went past the walls vibrated.   每当火车驶过,这些墙都会震动。   We"d better hurry or we"ll miss the train.   我们最好快点,否则就赶不上火车了。






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