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动词短语(Verbal Phrase) 和 成语动词 (Phrasal Verb)有什么区别?

我一般是 这么 对学生 说的 Verbal Phrase是 动词 短语 由动词构成的短语 如 look after the childrenPhrasal Verb)是 短语动词 整个短语相当于一个动词 如 look after 就像 介词短语 和 短语介词 概念不一样 in the room 是介词短语 in front of 是 短语介词


Phrasebook这个单词读作freɪz.bʊk。1.什么是Phrasebook?Phrasebook是一个由两部分组成的单词,"phrase"指短语或词组,"book"表示书。因此,Phrasebook指的是一本收录常用短语和表达的书籍或指南,通常用于帮助旅行者学习和使用目标语言的基本交流用语。2.Phrasebook的用途和功能Phrasebook通常用于帮助旅行者在到达目的地时能够进行基本的交流。它收录了常用的问候语、购物用语、餐厅用语、方向指引等,以及一些紧急情况下需要用到的应急用语。Phrasebook的目的是帮助旅行者快速了解和掌握目标语言的基本表达方式,从而能够更好地适应当地环境。3.Phrasebook的内容Phrasebook的内容通常涵盖了日常生活中常见的交流场景。例如,问候语如"Hello"(你好)、"Thank you"(谢谢);购物用语如"How much is this?"(这个多少钱?)、"I"d like to buy..."(我想买……)。餐厅用语如"Can I have the menu, please?"(请给我菜单)、"I"m allergic to..."(我对……过敏);方向指引如"Where is the nearest subway station?"(最近的地铁站在哪里?)、"How can I get to...?"(怎样去……?)等等。这些短语通常是最基本的,易于学习和记忆。4.Phrasebook的优势与限制Phrasebook作为一种便携式语言学习工具,具有一定的优势。首先,它简洁明了,收录了常用的短语和表达,方便旅行者在实际场景中快速使用。其次,它不需要网络连接,随时可用,不受网络信号的限制。此外,对于初学者来说,Phrasebook是一个很好的入门工具,能够帮助他们快速熟悉目标语言的基本用法。

Paraphrase the sentences是什么意思


please paraphrase "to tend to hold"

not to let go



Paraphrase the sentence. 高手来!

1. 主语the growing season ,谓语began,宾语无,状语swamping us under wave after wave of produce(现在分词做状语,与主语关系是主动关系。then是时间状语。us是swamp的宾语,under wave after wave of produce是swamp的状语。2.翻译的难点本人认为还是在词义的把握上。即:growing season Noun the season during which a crop grows best swamp在这里是“使陷入困境;使困窘;使忙得不可开交”的意思;还有produce是“产品、农产品”的意思。然后句子的意思就很明白了。3.然后作物生长期就开始了,大量的一波一波的农产品就让我们忙的不可开交。 Then comes the season when crops grow fast into all kinds of farm produce now and then, which makes us extraordinarily busy.


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you walk past a state of heat and flare and process into a cool and dark place which see to yourself and vanishes away kindly from the sight you could see in giving or taking about a vague distance


paraphrase 就是释义、意译、改述就是用自己的语言来表达课文内容。


急你所急:1.What was coming to my earshot was the free-flowing, emotional and refined conversation among clever, erudite scholars.2.Since then, no one saw these men going to work in the factory wearing their uniforms, but only pants and white shirts.3.Despite his shock at his wife"s death, he emphasized that now he had to work even harder than usual.4.In my opinion, gifted children are kids who have some acquired quality or were born with such ability which that has been proven and accepted through of some tests, observation and relevant devices, kids who also show that they are interested and successful in the physical, intellectual, and/or artistic field.5.One may not succeed by solely relying on gadgets and studying with samples as they are also governed, i.e., influenced by Murphy"s Law--"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong". .


PCゲーム「メモリーズオフ6~T-wave~」OP Triangle Wave 溢(あふ)れ出(だ)すこの気持(きも)ちが 希望(きぼう)や梦(ゆめ)との引(ひ)き替(か)えでも かけがえのない想(おも)いは すぐそばにあるから 当(あ)たり前(まえ)に侧(そば)にあって どの景色(けしき)もあなたが居(い)て 幼(おさな)いまま.何(なに)も気付(きづ)かぬまま 空(そら)を眺(なが)めた 急(いそ)ぎ足(あし)で过(す)ぎ行(い)く时(とき) いつの间(ま)にか背伸(せの)びしたり めぐりめぐる様々(さまざま)な交差(こうさ)が 不意(ふい)な风(かぜ)に変(か)わる サヨナラをして、见送(みおく)るのは二(ふた)つの影(かげ) 不思议(ふしぎ)に揺(ゆ)れるウエイブ わずかな既视感(きしかん) 大事(だいじ)なこの距离(きょり)感(かん)が 生(う)み出(だ)した「确信(かくしん)」とは 予言(よげん)者(しゃ)も裏切(うらぎ)るように 何(なに)かが动(うご)きだすーーー 溢(あふ)れ出(だ)すこの気持(きも)ちが 希望(きぼう)や梦(ゆめ)との引(ひ)き替(か)えでも かけがえのない想(おも)いは すぐそばにあるから 大好(だいす)ぎだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ、でも...泣(な)かないように なぜこんなにも苦(くる)しいエピソード 高(たか)くソラを越(こ)えて 届(とど)くような 本当(ほんとう)のリクエスト 秋风(あきかぜ)に踊(おど)るナンバー「Triangle Wave」 见惯(みな)れ过(す)ぎたこの街(まち)には どの场所(ばしょ)にもあなたが居(い)て 色褪(いろあ)せない、まるで时(とき)を止(と)めたような辉(かがや)ぎ 何一(なにひと)つの答(こた)えも无(な)く ワガママに振(ふ)る舞(ま)ってみる 大人(おとな)ぶった笑颜(えがお)の理想(りそう)は 突然(とつぜん)色(いろ)を変(か)えた 谁(たれ)がの为(ため)に、あなたの为(ため)に愿(ねが)うなら ざわめくようなウェイヴ いつか消(き)えるかな? こぼした雫(しずく)の意味(いみ)を ごまかして居(い)られるまで 自分(じぶん)の嘘(うそ)を隠(かく)ぜる 道(みち)は何処(どこ)にあるのーーー 遅(おそ)すぎた戸惑(とまど)いには 色(いろ)んな场面(ばめん)が诘(つ)まりすぎて 爱(いと)しさの裏返(うらがえ)しを 望(のぞ)むように演(えん)じた そばにいたい、そばにいたい、でも...背中合(せなかあ)わぜ ラジオDJがささやくエピソード 瞳(ひとみ)合(あ)わせたまま 伝(つた)えたい 想(おも)いのリクエスト 近(ちか)くて远(とお)いナンバー「Triangle Wave」 今(いま)何(なに)を见(み)つめてるの あなたの瞳(ひとみ)に映(うつ)るもの 不可欠(ふかけつ)なこの距离(きょり)には きっと「意味(いみ)」が... 溢(あふ)れ出(だ)すこの気持(きも)ちが 希望(きぼう)や梦(ゆめ)との引(ひ)き替(か)えでも かけがえのない想(おも)いは すぐそばにあるから 大好(だいす)ぎだよ、大好(だいす)きだよ、でも...泣(な)かないように なぜこんなにも苦(くる)しいエピソード 高(たか)くソラを越(こ)えて 届(とど)くような 本当(ほんとう)のリクエスト 秋风(あきかぜ)に踊(おど)るナンバー「Triangle . Even an end which it would be noble to pursue if it were attainable may be pursued unwisely if it is inherently impossible of achievement. 2. I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. 3. It is only when one is in a position to oblige that one can afford to be so confidential. 4. For indifference, they substitute devotion. For scorn,adoration. 5. One way was to step up the level of danger or licentiousness or alcohol or drug consumption so that you could be sure that, no matter what, you would manage to have a little fun. 请高手予以帮助,谢谢!

rephrase 和paraphrase 的区别

rephrase 和paraphrase 的区别ephrase 单词词义:vt. 改述,改撰;paraphrase 单词词义:n. 释义,意译; 演释曲;vt. 改述;vi. 意译; 改述;





给哈姆雷特那段著名的独白to be or not to be 做一个英文的paraphrase

Hamlet SCENE I. Elsinore. The Castle [Enter Hamlet.] Hamlet:To be, or not to be- that is the question: Whether "tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die- to sleep- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to. "Tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish"d. To die- to sleep. To sleep- perchance to dream: ay, there"s the rub! For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause. There"s the respect That makes calamity of so long life. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, Th" oppressor"s wrong, the proud man"s contumely, The pangs of despis"d love, the law"s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of th" unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would these fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death- The undiscover"d country, from whose bourn No traveller returns- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o"er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action 是这个吧,不管给不给分,希望能帮助你,这个是命名题,也是我回答的,有兴趣看看



Paraphrase the sentences.





这类问题需要大家在给出的选项选择与文章中的长难句意义相近的一句话。这类问题还是有一定难度的,因为选项中存在一些干扰项。那么这类问题有哪些解题技巧呢?Strategies to answer this question:1. 划分句子主谓宾,充分理解句子意思;2. 将句子大意用自己的话复述一遍,简化句子成分;3. 看问题选项中有没有跟刚复述的句子意义相似的句子;4. 选出正确答案后,看一下其他错误选项。这些错误选项有的意思跟原文不同,有的漏掉了原文中的重要内容。找出这些错误,确保万无一失。Example:Rather than sell the painting, which is most likely worth millions of dollars, the Jesuits decided to make it available to the nation of Ireland for viewing. Thus, the painting is on “indefinite loan” to the National Gallery of Ireland. Nevertheless, the painting continues its travels as it features in exhibitions around the world, from the United States to Amsterdam.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence?a. The National Gallery of Ireland now owns the painting.b. The National Gallery of Ireland bought the painting from the Jesuits.c. The National Gallery of Ireland can display the painting, but the Jesuits still own it.d. The National Gallery of Ireland can display the painting as long as they allow it to travel.想要回答正确,就要准确理解文中indefinite loan的意思。"Loan”可以理解为an object is being lent,那么这句话的意思就很明白了。尽管爱尔兰国家画廊展出了这幅画,但他的所有者仍是Jesuits。这样就可以排除A项跟B项。D项应改为:while the gallery can display the painting—this is not contingent upon it traveling.

谁能帮我paraphrase 十万火急


Paraphrase几句名人名言的改写.1.Children will not remember you for the?

1.Children will remember you for ever just for your love for them,nothing else. 2.It is everyone"s most important duty to bring up a family. 3.Unlike us *** s,children can"t wait for many things.Now it is time that they developed their body and mind.They can"t wait for tomorrow.,4,1.孩子记住你并不是因为你给他提供了多少物质上的东西,而是因为你呵护珍爱他时给他带来的感受。 2.能够好好地建设管理一个家相信是一个人可以给社会及人类最大的贡献---- 英国大文豪萧伯纳 3.有很多我们需要的东西是可以等待的,孩子却不能等待。他的骨骼在不断形成,(他在不断地造血,)他的大脑在不断发育。对于他,我们不能说明天,他的名字叫今天。----智利诗人米斯特尔...,1,Paraphrase 几句名人名言的改写. 1.Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them. 2.Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by anybody to the country and to mankind is to bring up a family. 3.Many things we need can wait,the child cannot.Now is the time his bones are formed,his mind developed.To him we cannot say tomorrow,his name is today.




和quote是一样的,paraphrase的部分双引号括起来,然后在文章中标明作者年份,在文章结尾写work cited。

请英语牛人帮我paraphrase两段话~!!!! 请牛人帮忙paraphrase 一下这两段话~!!!!



Paraphrase:If you want to learn some specialized knowledge, one of the ways is to attend graduate school. But you have to pay for it yourself if you want to continue your study after graduating from the college, and you may not necessarily be rewarded as you wish.


if u hold a positive attitude people around u will have positive attitudes too and will finally lead to a positive resultu will not find urself lucky until u meet someone who is very unluckywhile life is not always fair,to be positive and confident love what you do.Beliebe in your instincts.And you had better be able to pick yourself up and brush yourself off every dayno pay no gain,to think more then u will get good resultsThe things taught in schools and colleges are not really knowledge but the skills to learn more knowledgeif u ever stop a school u think u get something but actually u also lose something





英译汉翻译技能:释义 (Paraphrase)

释义 (Paraphrase) 释义是指舍弃原文的具体表达形式和比喻形象,采取解释性的方法译出原文的意思。1) Bill"s new girlfriend is certainly a knockout. 尤物2) I wonder whether he is a Trojan Horse. 内*3) The weather forecast seems to be accurate. No sooner had I fortunately come back home than rain poured cats and dogs.——touchwood. 老天保佑4) Don"t you think it"s weird for a husband to appreciate his pinups with his wife?  美女照5) He was smooth and agreeable. 八面玲珑6) What is known is that weight extremes in either direction are definitely unhealthy. 过度的肥胖或消瘦7) He acts a lot older than his years. 少年老成8) The kid went through fire and flood to save his mother.  赴汤蹈火9) Mary is now between the devil and the deep sea on dealing with her job. 进退维谷10) That fellow is always an easy-going guy. He always throws her cares to the winds. 无虑;把烦恼抛至九霄云外11) The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars. 搭车

paraphrase 的意思是中译英还是英译中?



总结 复述


 方法一:同/反义词替换  这是paraphrase最常用的方法之一,即将句子中的关键词用它的同义词或反义词来替换。




是的。一、Paraphrase (写)英文解释为:"express the meaning of (the writer orspeaker or something write orspoken) using different words, especial-ly to achieve greater clarity."Paraphrase的根本意思就是根据原文的意思以自己的 话重新表达出来二、Paraphrase的目的主要有三种:1.提高论文的水平以及深度2.展现你对于原文的 理解3.用简单的文字更清楚的表达复杂的原文或者理论三、一个优秀的paraphrase包含以下特点:1.paraphrase写作只能包含作者的观点,不得更改或是加入自己的观点。2.必须要充分表达原本的观点,不得忽视重要的细节。3.在不重复原文使用的词句之下,完全使用自己的语言来进行解释。4.必须要适当地使用引用信息四、.Paraphrase改写方式1.将信息调换顺序,用不同的顺序呈现。You should learn paraphrasing, for it is very important.(A,因为B)改为Paraphrasing is extremely important,so it should be learned.B,所以A)2.改变句子的语态,比如将主动语态改为被 动语态。You should learn paraphrasing:it(paraphrasing) should be learned.3.变换词汇,这个时候可以利用一些同义词典,用意思相同或相近的单词代替原文。You should learn paraphrasing, for it is veryimportant.2 Paraphrasing is extremely important, so it should be learned.对1做了如下改动:very换为extremel.五、Paraphrase改写注意事项1.仔细阅读原 材料并确保你完全理解,确认原文主要的观点和证据。2.在做笔记时一定要使用自己的语言,以免之后被判定为抄袭。这点一定重视。3.在做笔记时,也需要记录你获取信息的位置,包括页码。在改写句子的时候,可以使用表示关系的逻辑词:because,therefore,however.

well thought out phrase 什么意思? 形容什么时用到grandiose 外国人常用outrageous嘛?什么情形?


verbal phrases什么意思

  verbal phrases  口头短语  双语例句  1  This paper attempts to tell the difference between English Verbal phrases and phrasalverbs.  本文试图对英语动词短语和短语动词加以区分.  2  Translate the following into English using the verbal phrases in brackets.  用括号里的动词短语把下列句子译成英语。



cat phrase是什么意思?谢谢!


modifying phrase是什么意思

1. 修饰语短语希望能帮到你,如有疑问,可追问~

东方神起《wrong number 》原唱Phrased Differently 歌词

[ti:Wrong Number] [ar:东方神起(TOHOSHINKI)] [00:15.32]【Xiah】ha lo ei yang to pon xi qio nai go(nong) wang yi nai gong(wa) [00:18.89]qio da tong ma jio yi dai miong gui na nei xi mo lo [00:23.56]nong ton mai san jiong lang giong lang [00:29.98]【Micky】yi xi ga lin ku qai nu gu gi li gio nai dai [00:33.68]yi jin nun wa nun mio do sa sang ye(un) ma du long nai [00:38.17]sun yin ma kei gio ga ta Yeah~~ [00:43.67]【Max】sang lang gi lu ma lang [00:45.35]nang ka(dun) dun go qi go(un) qiang soo lin(un) sa ye go ji qia ji dun go [00:50.71]un no na gei un lei ta xin nun qio na ye mi ga tue ji mo ta ye I said~~ [00:57.88]【All】You got the wrong number [01:01.47]You got the wrong number [01:04.54]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [01:07.20]So don"t call me no more [01:13.46]【U-Know】ma ji nong ong ma qie long ha lv da a go wei go [01:17.30]ong ji soo mon gu wa mo la ga po na nang go [01:21.78]na wei yang go nang go mi ji [01:27.17]【Hero】ti kuang xi mio ten mang lo kio mio nei hang ji ma [01:30.96]jin lang jin go so(un) sa lang(un) to wa pun gei mang do nun go [01:35.69]qin gi qio na ye mei dang lin nio mo hei to lio lin(nun) gong bo hei What to say~~ [01:41.49]【All】You got the wrong number [01:45.12]You got the wrong number [01:48.20]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [01:50.96]So don"t call me no more [01:56.19]You got the wrong number [01:59.63]You got the wrong number(【Max】na kei sun gang o soo) [02:02.98]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [02:05.38]So don"t call me no more [02:11.21]【Xiah】ta ji wo bo li ta pon go bo li qi yo kun in do soo jia pin pi bo lo [02:18.75]ong jie lv do mei gi nun bi tun ten ma ga pun li to~~~ [02:24.29]no ye pi so li~~ [02:28.44]mo dun la qi wo Reset Reset~~ [02:31.62]RAP【Hero,U-Know】:WOW 我已经快疯了 我希望你给我闭嘴 [02:35.21]在你的网中 像傻瓜一样的fish 这样的话不行?cash [02:38.37]你的爱让我的生命变得模糊 [02:41.90]今天我的头好痛 又一次出现幻听 [02:46.11]装作关心 装作为我 在这里我只是你的木偶 [02:49.71]说NO并不费尽全部力气 [02:53.48]放过在你怀里的我say 帮我可以逃离吧say [02:57.02]我要远离 让我不会再次碰到你 [02:59.83]【All】You got the wrong number [03:03.25]You got the wrong number [03:06.42]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:09.16]So don"t call me no more(【Micky】yi ji bo so nun go xin pun nei) [03:14.43]You got the wrong number(ga xin jia ma ha jin na) [03:17.88]You got the wrong number(【Max】to le sang lang ang ji ma) [03:21.12]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:23.44]So don"t call me no more(【Xiah】qie ba no wa jio kun mang kun no jio) [03:29.74]wrong number(Ho yeah~~),wrong number [03:35.50]I"m sorry. You got the wrong number [03:42.78]I"m sorry. You got the. You got the [03:50.10]I"m sorry. You got the. So don"t call me no more [03:57.92]

Absolute Phrase是什么意思


not until是word group而不是phrase为什么?从语方学的角度分析

Word group 是一个词语的延伸,而phrase是一个句子的缩减版,中心动作。

phrases and sentences英语怎么读

phrases and sentences短语和句子phrase英 [freu026az] 美 [frez] n.成语;乐句;说法;<语>短语vt.叙述,措词vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱)第三人称单数: phrases 复数: phrases 现在分词: phrasing 过去式: phrased 过去分词: phrasedsentence英 [u02c8sentu0259ns] 美 [u02c8su025bntu0259ns] n.句子;宣判vt.宣判,判决第三人称单数: sentences 复数: sentences 现在分词: sentencing 过去式: sentenced 过去分词: sentenced

java中 new Phrase 有没有居中属性

table当中添加元素可以这样加,这样可以设置元素样式pdfpcell cellartikel = new pdfpcell(new Phrase("test",fontTableHeader));cellartikel.HorizontalAligment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;//文本居中table.AddCell(cellArtikel);



Participle Phrase是什么意思

Participle Phrase分词短语phrase[英][freu026az][美][frez]n.成语; 乐句; 说法; <语>短语; vt.叙述,措词; vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱); 第三人称单数:phrases过去分词:phrased复数:phrases现在进行时:phrasing过去式:phrased例句:Does anybody remember this phrase? 还记得这句台词吗?

英语中的word group和phrase有什么区别



phrase[英][freɪz][美][frez]n.成语; 乐句; 说法; <语>短语; vt.叙述,措词; vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱); 第三人称单数:phrases复数:phrases现在分词:phrasing过去式:phrased过去分词:phrased双语例句 He used a phrase I hate: "You have to be cruel to be kind."他说了一句我讨厌的话:“要想善良,就得残忍。”




sentence是完整的句子,后者是短语(不表示完整的意思),前者可以包含后者,反之则不行.如: He"ll go home by train before Sunday是完整的句子,by train和before Sunday都是短语.


前者是单数 后者是前者的复数形式

phrase和make up的区别?

phrase是名词,短语的意思,可以有phrase by phrase搭配。make up 是动词短语,有编造,化妆,弥补的意思。如,make up a story, make up, make up for sth.

有关phrase verb, prep. phrase的分别

phrasal verb中文是片语动词,即一个verb+Prep.而成片语的动词,而其功用仍然作为动词,如: e roud苏醒 e.g.The wounded soldier soon came round. take off起飞 e.g.The plane will take off soon 但Prep. phrase就是介词片语,是介词+补语(Preposition+plement)而成的片语 如:We saw a girl with a *** all dog(with a *** all dog就是介词片语) He writes well on the whole(其中on the whole就是介词片语) I must admit I felt very sorry for her(for her就是介词片语) 希望帮到你!



phrase是什么意思 phrase是什么意思英语

1、phrase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“短语, 习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词, 将(乐曲)分成乐句”。 2、The phrase What can you do for me?这个短语你能为我做什么? 3、Explain the function of this phrase(clause), please.请说明这个短语(从句)的作用。 4、Sources differ in their speculation on where this phrase came from.在猜测这个短语源自哪里时,资料并不一致。


phrase的英式读法是[freu026az];美式读法是[freu026az]。一、phrase的单词用法:v. (动词)1、phrase用作名词时意思是“短语”“词组”,转化为动词后意为“叙述”“措词”。2、phrase既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。二、其他英文词性缩写:1、prep = 介系词;前置词,preposition的缩写。2、pron = 代名词,pronoun的缩写。3、n = 名词,noun的缩写。4、v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb的缩写。5、conj = 连接词 ,conjunction的缩写。6、vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb的缩写。7、vt = 及物动词,transitive verb的缩写。8、aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary的缩写。例句:This may help you with the meaning of other phrasal verbs.这或许能帮助你理解其他短语动词的意义。




phrase[英][freu026az][美][frez]n.<语>短语; 成语; 说法; 乐句; vt.叙述,措词; vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱); 第三人称单数:phrases过去分词:phrased复数:phrases现在进行时:phrasing过去式:phrased例句:Does anybody remember this phrase? 还记得这句台词吗?




phrase[英][freu026az][美][frez]n.成语; 乐句; 说法; <语>短语; vt.叙述,措词; vt.& vi.划分乐句,分乐节(尤指为奏乐或歌唱); 第三人称单数:phrases过去分词:phrased复数:phrases现在进行时:phrasing过去式:phrased例句:1.What"s this phrase? 这句话是什么意思?

phrase: 某某之流 怎么表达?

people of this kind


phrase one中文翻译是:阶段一…...


prep 是介词的缩写 phrase是短语的意思结合起来就是介词短语 像get up等等

the phrase是什么意思





一般知道了汉语意思就能判断了,像pass away是“路过”的意思,所以是动词短语。而谚语则需要积累。


loop 循环播放,在有些播放器中用repeat表示phrase 一段音频,专业讲叫乐节 通常是用户可以自己设定的A->B

the phrase是什么意思

词组 短语望采纳


phrase是短语,词组 的意思proverb是谚语

英语中的词组(Phrase)和动词短语(Phrasal Verbs),用法上有什么区别?



collocation和phrase的区别:1、意思不同collocation:作名词时意为“搭配;配置;排列”。phrase:作名词时意思是“短语,习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词,将(乐曲)分成乐句”。2、词性不同collocation:作名词。phrase:作名词、动词。collocation的短语搭配boundary collocation [数] 边界配置。Virtual Collocation 虚拟的同地办公;虚拟配置。regular collocation 固定搭配;常用搭配。collocation rule 组配规律;连语规律。free collocation 自由搭配。color collocation 色彩搭配。deviational collocation 变异搭配。collocation pattern 搭配模式。restricted collocation 受限搭配。


express与mean、denote这些词都有“表示”的意思phrases是phrase的复数形式,其它无区别 phrase 英 [ fre_z ] 美 [ frez ] n. <语>短语; 成语; 说法; 乐句




是可数名词phrase英 [freu026az] 美 [frez] n.成语; 乐句; 说法; < 语>短语; vt.叙述,措词; vt.& vi.(尤指为奏乐或歌唱) 划分乐句,分乐节; 全部释义>> [例句]He used a phrase I hate: "You have to be cruel to be kind."他说了一句我讨厌的话:“要想善良,就得残忍。”更多例句>> 复数:phrases 过去式:phrased 现在分词:phrasing 过去分词:phrased 第三人称单数:phrases


phrases短语双语对照词典结果:phrasesn.<语>短语( phrase的名词复数 ); 成语; 说法; 乐句; 例句:1.Each of those italicized phrases is critical. 用斜体字标明的短语非常关键。2.Start with simple, clear and formal sentences and phrases. 以简单、明了、正式的句子、短语开篇。


sentence是完整的句子, 后者是短语(不表示完整的意思),前者可以包含后者,反之则不行。如:He"ll go home by train before Sunday是完整的句子, by train和before Sunday都是短语.

phrase 的意思


phrase是什么意思 phrase英语是什么意思

1、phrase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“短语, 习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词, 将(乐曲)分成乐句”。 2、The phrase What can you do for me?这个短语你能为我做什么? 3、Explain the function of this phrase(clause), please.请说明这个短语(从句)的作用。 4、Sources differ in their speculation on where this phrase came from.在猜测这个短语源自哪里时,资料并不一致。

phrase怎么读 phrase的意思

1、phrase的读音:英[freu026az],美[freu026az] 2、phrase是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“短语, 习语, 措辞, 乐句”,作及物动词时意思是“措词, 将(乐曲)分成乐句”。


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