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Pete Escovedo的《Boomerang》 歌词

歌曲名:Boomerang歌手:Pete Escovedo专辑:E StreetBoomerangJ-HypeNo matter where i go it"s impossiblealthough i try yeah i try to shake yait is some kind of force invinciblei try to hide but i can"t escape itand it keeps on pulling me back to youi wish i was dreaming and we were throughbut my head keeps going roundlike a merry go roundwith thoughts about youi leave then come running backcause i don"t know how to actwhen you"re not by my sideif it"s not meant to be thenexplain the fact thatno matter where i am atit"s only you on my mindi come back like a boomerangwe keep going back and forthyou push i pulland every day it"s the same old thingit"s gonna take a miracleto save me from coming back back to you agian

Inspiral Carpets的《Boomerang》 歌词

歌曲名:Boomerang歌手:Inspiral Carpets专辑:Keep The Circle (B-Sides and Udder stuff)BoomerangJ-HypeNo matter where i go it"s impossiblealthough i try yeah i try to shake yait is some kind of force invinciblei try to hide but i can"t escape itand it keeps on pulling me back to youi wish i was dreaming and we were throughbut my head keeps going roundlike a merry go roundwith thoughts about youi leave then come running backcause i don"t know how to actwhen you"re not by my sideif it"s not meant to be thenexplain the fact thatno matter where i am atit"s only you on my mindi come back like a boomerangwe keep going back and forthyou push i pulland every day it"s the same old thingit"s gonna take a miracleto save me from coming back back to you agian


Does Peter do word puzzles everyday?Yes,Peter does word puzzles everyday.

Pet Shop Boys的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Pet Shop Boys专辑:Discography - Complete Singles CollectionJealousyWill YoungI take it all backAll that I saidIt comes out to fastSo IJust couldn"t helpThe way that I feltI started the fire.Watching you walkI followed you thereStanding too closeIt"s hurting.I pictured the wordsThe warmth of your breath.I started the fireIt"s burning.And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels like I can"t breatheAnd I"m on, down on my kneesAnd it feels like jealousy.Seeing a lightA face in the crowdMy lonely heart is racing.And my whole worldIs under attack.What kinda love am I facing?Is it me that you wantCos it"s me you can haveCan you give me an answer?I"m tired of waiting.I"m tired of thinking.And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels like I can"t breatheAnd I"m on, down on my kneesAnd it feels like jealousy.I"m tired of waiting.I"m tired of thinking.And it feels like jealousy (hey)And it feels like I can"t breathe (I can"t breathe)And I"m on, down on my knees (ohh)And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels

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PETZL,是比革邦有限公司旗下品牌,注册号为728339。[1]中文名PETZL创立时间2015年[1] 所属公司比革邦有限公司[1] 注册号728339[1] 快速导航品牌活动品牌服务攀登,勘察洞穴,登山和爬山用金属上山索,下山索,索子。[1]品牌活动2012年08月,与中国登山高级人才培训班签约,确立了正式合作关系。[2]2019年09月,参加2019 LifeLine 绳命国际绳索救援邀请大赛。


如何快速学好英语及方法1: 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不喜欢的事,是很难坚持下去的。而兴趣不是与生俱来的,需要培养。有的同学说:“我一看到英语就头疼,怎么能培养对英语的兴趣呢?”还有的同学说:“英语单词我今天记了明天忘,我太笨了,唉,我算没治了。”这都是缺乏信心的表现。初学英语时,没有掌握正确的学习方法,没有树立必胜的信心,缺乏了克服困难的勇气,丧失了上进的动力,稍遇失败,就会向挫折缴枪,向困难低头。你就会感到英语是一门枯燥无味的学科,学了一段时间之后,学习积极性也逐渐降低,自然也就不会取得好成绩。但是,只要在老师的帮助下,认识到学英语的必要性,用正确的态度对待英语学习,用科学的方法指导学习。开始时多参加一些英语方面的活动,比如 ,唱英文歌、做英语游戏、读英语幽默短文、练习口头对话等。时间长了,懂得多了,就有了兴趣,当然,学习起来就有了动力和欲望。然后,就要像农民一样勤勤恳恳,不辞辛苦,付出辛勤的劳动和汗水,一定会取得成功,收获丰硕的成果。毕竟是No pains, no gains吗。 练好基本功是学好英语的必要条件,没有扎实的英语基础,就谈不上继续学习,更谈不上有所成就。要想基本功扎实,必须全神贯注地认真听讲,上好每一节课,提高课堂效率,脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地,做到以下“五到”: 一、“心到”。在课堂上应聚精会神,一刻也不能懈怠,大脑要始终处于积极状态,思维要活跃、思路要开阔,心随老师走,听懂每一句话,抓住每一个环节,理解每一个知识点,多联想、多思考,做到心领神会。 二、“手到”。学英语,一定要做课堂笔记。因为人的记忆力是有限的,人不可能都过目不忘,记忆本身就是不断与遗忘作斗争的过程。常言说,“好脑筋不如烂笔头”。老师讲的知识可能在课堂上记住了,可是过了一段时间,就会忘记,所以,做好笔记很有必要。英语知识也是一点点积累起来的,学到的每一个单词、词组以及句型结构,都记在笔记本上,甚至是书的空白处或字里行间,这对以后的复习巩固都是非常方便的。 三、“耳到”。在课堂上,认真听讲是十分必要的,不但要专心听老师对知识的讲解,而且要认真听老师说英语的语音、语调、重音、连读、失去爆破、断句等发音要领,以便培养自己纯正地道的英语口语。听见听懂老师传授的每一个知识点,在头脑里形成反馈以帮助记忆;理解领会老师提出的问题,以便迅速作答,对比同学对问题的回答,以加深对问题的理解而取别人之长补自己之短。 四、“眼到”。在认真听讲的同时,还要双眼紧随老师观察老师的动作、口形、表情、板书、绘图、教具展示等。大脑里形成的视觉信息和听觉信息相结合,印象就会更加深刻。 五、“口到”。学习语言,不张嘴不动口是学不好的,同学们最大的毛病是读书不出声,害羞不敢张嘴。尤其是早读课,同学们只是用眼看或默读,这样就只有视觉信息,而没有听觉信息在大脑里的反馈,当然记忆也不会太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到锻炼,也就很难练就一口纯正的英语。所以,要充分利用早晨头脑清醒的时间,大声朗读;课堂上要勇跃回答老师提问、积极参与同学间讨论和辩论,课下对不清楚的问题及时提出,要克服害羞心理,不耻下问。对学过的课文要多读、勤读、苦读,可以跟录音机读,竭力模仿其语音语调以纠正发音,要读得抑扬顿挫朗朗上口,一些精典文章最好能背得滚爪烂熟。利用一切可能的机会,练习英语口语,比如,与外教交流、参加“英语角”活动、与同学进行对话、讲英语故事、唱英文歌曲、演英语短剧、进行诗歌朗诵等。除了对课本中的范文要细读精读之外,还要多看些适合我们中学生的课外读物,既可增长知识,又开阔了我们的视野,也提高了我们的阅读水平。 学英语,词汇的记忆是必不可少的,词汇是学好英语的基础,没有了词汇,也就谈不上句子,更谈不上文章,所以记单词对我们就显得极其重要。记忆单词关键有二: 一是持之以恒:每天坚持记忆一定量的词汇,过几天再回头复习一次,这样周期循环,反复记忆,经常使用,就会变短时记忆为长时记忆并牢固掌握。需要注意的是,一旦开始,就要坚持下来,千万不能半途而废,切不可三天打鱼,两天晒网。 二是良好的记忆方法:记忆单词的方法很多,学无定法,但学有良法。我认为,张思中的“集中识词,分类记忆”不失为一种适合中学生的好方法。把中学生应掌握的3500个单词集中汇总,分门别类,先过单词关,然后再学教材,在课本中使用和巩固它们的用法。分类的方法有多种,同一元音或元音字母组合发音相同的单词归为一类;根据词形词性、同义词反义词等集中记忆;把相同词根、前缀、后缀、合成、转化、派生等构词法相同的单词或词组列在一起集中识记印象比较深刻,记忆效果也比较明显。这样每天记40-80个单词,坚持不懈,多联想,多思考,多使用,词汇问题不就解决了吗?在学习的过程中多注视单词的用法和词组的搭配,牢记老师讲过的单词惯用法和句型,这样不仅有助于我们解题,而且在写作时也会信手拈来,运用自如。 把单词记住,了解词性、词义,掌握其固定搭配与习惯用法,背会时态、从句的各种用法,工作只是完成了一半,我们还得将它们应用到实践中去。就像学游泳,光学理论,不下水应用,不等于掌握了这门技术。不必要搞题海战术,但一定量的典型练习来巩固所学知识是必不可少的。先重视基础练习,如课后习题,单元同步练习,这些是针对课堂知识的巩固性练习,不能好高骛远,光想着一口吃个胖子。基础知识掌握后,有的放失地做一些语法方面的专项练习和考试题型的专题练习。特别提倡同学们准备一本“错题集”,把平时做错的具有代表性的试题或语言点记录下来,以备将来查漏补缺,这样对知识的掌握可以达到事半功倍的效果。 英语是一种语言,不是记住了单词、词组、句型和语法项目就是把它学好了,关键在于使用语言,所以在学习英语时一定要注意听、说、读、写、译全面发展。英语学习首先是一个记忆过程,然后才是实践过程。学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,它是一个日积月累的渐进过程,是没有任何捷径可走的,也没有所谓“速成”的灵丹妙方,急于求成,不做踏实工作,是学不好英语的。任何成功的获得都要靠自己的努力,要踏踏实实、勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业、一步一个脚印地学习,端正态度,认真对待学习中的挫折和失败。失败并不可怕,可怕的是对自己丧失信心而一蹶不振。对考试的失败,冷静分析,认真思考,只要对胜利充满信心,善于总结经验教训,不断努力,不断追求,胜利一定是属于你们的。 如何快速学好英语及方法2: 1.制定长远目标,明确每节课的学习任务。 根据不同学习阶段及自身能力确立一个“跳一跳才能够得着”的长远目标。有了目标就有了学习动力,有了责任感、紧迫感及努力方向。另外还要学会根据不同课型确定每节课的认知小目标,这样一开始上课,就会受到目标的激励,使大脑处于兴奋状态,才能定向注意,专心致志地去主动学习,提高学习效率。 2.争取课内外各种机会多练习英语。 语言不是教会的,而是在使用中学会的。交际能力只能在交际中得到最有效的培养。一个优秀的语言学习者应具有强烈的语言交际的欲望,应力争语言训练的各种机会。应不怕因犯语言错误而被别人讥笑。 3.课前预习。 预习是个人独立的阅读和思考。它可以培养学习者快速阅读抓主旨大意、抓主要信息、依据上下文猜测词义的能力,也可以培养分析综合及归纳概括、自己发现问题及解决问题等能力。预习也像“火力侦察”,可发现疑难引起思考,一方面可促使学习者自己查阅有关资料,查阅字典,另一方面可减少听课的盲目性,增强听课效果。 4.专心上课,有心识记。 上课是学生学习的主渠道,而学好外语的关键是尽一切努力将所学的东西记住,需要时能运用自如。因此,上课时应高度集中注意力.尽量做到五到,即心到、眼到、耳到、口到、手到。应培养瞬间记忆能力,强化“有意注意”,争取就在课内有目标、有意识地去识记该课的生词、短语、句型、重点句子。当接触到该记忆的内容时,应通过眼看、耳听、口念,将其迅速输入到记忆中枢,然后再复现出它的形象。在复现时快速用手指在桌上划出这个单词,或一个长句中最难记的或最重要的单饲,强迫自己在课内就能记住这节课最重要的东西。这样,使自己真正有着“这节课确实学到不少东西”的踏实感、成功感,进而激发动机,提高兴越,更有信心地去继续今后的学习。 5.勤记笔记。 课内扼要记笔记可以帮助集中注意力,理顺思路,增进记忆,锻炼分析归纳、综合概括以及快速反应能力。俗话说“好记性不如烂笔头”。笔记也为日后复习提供一个复习记忆纲要。要学好英语离不开泛读。进行课外阅读时也应扼要记些笔记,做些索引、摘录等,这对加深理解、巩固、积累知识,培养学习能力大有好处。 6.及时、经常、科学地复习。 复习是学习之母。要解决困扰学习者最大的知识遗忘问题,只有靠科学的复习。“艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线”揭示遗忘规律是先快后慢,先多后少。因而从时间安排上讲,复习既要及时又要经常。不仅在当天,而且在第二天、一周后、一月后以及就在你需要用它之前或者在考试前都应安排复习。从复习方法上讲.可采用强化复习(过渡/超额复习)、分散复习、集中复习,把新旧知识有机联系起来,按知识内在规律进行综合归类等复习方法,做到温故而知新,而不是简单机械复现,从而更牢固地掌握知识 学英语不是难不难的问题,是你肯不肯下功夫的问题! 说实话,学好英语,必然是件苦差事! 但,只要你有动力!有兴趣!你就会坚持下去,一旦你坚持了一段时间,你就会有了成就感,那你自然会有了兴趣!如此,良性循环!加油!





Choose an Animal as a Pet!原文~

Pets are members of many families. About 60% of US families have at least one dog, cat, bird, or other companion animal (与人作伴的动物). Many families have more than one. Pets are popular all over the world. They keep people company (陪伴), and give people joy and love. They guard people"s homes and help the blind. They help people in a lot of ways! In fact, there are a lot of reasons why people keep a pet. Animals are fun to be with every day. They make us feel good!A family project Before you have a pet, it"s a wise idea to think carefully which animal is the best for your family. You can start by collecting enough information and advice. It won"t take a long time and it will be useful and fun. Don"t choose a pet by yourself. Choosing a pet should be a family project. You should decide together with your parents. You should know what kind of animal you want, the amount of free time you have, and the amount of responsibility (责任) each person wants to have.Are you 100% ready? You can ask vets (兽医) for advice and they will be very helpful. A pet will become your daily responsibility if you have one, so be smart when you are choosing a pet. When you see a cute puppy (小狗), kitten (小猫), or bird and you love it, don"t buy it at once. Think of the question: are you 100% ready for the responsibility? There is one more thing for you to know: thousands of pets die each year. Many people buy pets as gifts for friends during the holidays. But some people don"t know how to look after (照顾) their pets, or they don"t like them at all. So these pets die. Take time and think clearly whether you are ready to have a pet. Choose the animal you 100% love as a pet and take the responsibility.

Down With The Trumpets 歌词

歌曲名:Down With The Trumpets歌手:Rizzle Kicks专辑:The BRIT Awards With MasterCard 2012Down With The TrumpetsRizzle KicksYo, you might hear me make a racket like WilsonCause I love summer no Rachel Bilson (YES)The winter will come,We just have parties inside it"s still fun,(We"re jammin")pump this (We"re bangin"),Chase your boyfriend let"s ‘av him,We"re rowdy, girls make our judgement cloudy,but when the sun comes up we"re still alcys,We don"t wanna be lowsy, or shameless,but we"re running round like we"re brainless,now I"ve got grass stains on my brand new white trainers(ON MY BRAND NEW WHITE TRAINERS)Ummmm… I know a few guys hate us,they"re as compelling as neighbours so laters,it"s blaters we"ve got our own sound, you know now,so go wild and get hosed down, n-no noYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWhen I get down,I get respect now,and when our tunes drops,you know it makes your head bounce,yeah I move with the flow,and when I enter the room it shows,I move sick (WHEN I DANCE)then chicks (WANNA DANCE)move in and move quick (WHEN I DANCE)at risk (WHEN I DANCE)just be careful you don"t lose your chick (WHEN I DANCE)that might just happen,so listen deep,stick with your madame,or she might just leaveCHORUSYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsUmmm… how much sound from the brass to the air,will it take, to put your bras in the air? (PARDON ME THERE)just don"t pretend that,if I wasn"t older you wouldn"t wanna dance with me yeaaahyou"re the last of my fears,I was top boy of the class in my year,well not really but I was half way there,and I coulda been the headmaster so yeahgot vibes and charisma (lighter and rizla)baccy and filter (shine for me mister)I want the sun to (SH-I-I-INE)till I"m looking at a bright blue (SKY-Y-Y)yes, and we drop it like anvils,bring your whole crew to a stand still, still,stick us on at clubs and Iguarantee that no body would stand stillYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpetsWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theWHATLet"s get down with the down with theYEAH YEAHLet"s get down with the trumpets

speech competitiond为什么要加s

school 这里作为可以作为一个地点状语 也可以作为 定语 school"s english speech contest 就一定要加 做状语 english speech contest in(at) school 整个名词 The English Speech contest of school

Peter Tosh&The Upsetters的《Memphis》 歌词

歌曲名:Memphis歌手:Peter Tosh&The Upsetters专辑:Black DignityRANCIDMEMPHISI"ve lived my whole life, made mistakes,From the get go,Street kid from the start, right, no regrets though,I do what I want, yeah, cuz I said so,No sleep for the wicked, right? No, bet no.Rollin" with the punk rockers,I ain"t lying,Fake guns, fake bands,Fake punk, I ain"t buying,Hit the road,All I know,Rock and roll ain"t dying, about fifteen deep,We hit the streets low ridin.By the time we made it to New Orleans,It must have been half past three.By the time we made it to Memphis,We were crazy.Tonight, you"re our blanket,And you"re gonna keep us warmTonight, protect us from the storm.Huge black clouds and troubledTime"s they"re a comin" roundOh Lord, let me go through another roundTuesday night is when the storm"s gonna settle down,Had a glance, circumstance,Stone cold, trouble bound,She"s the one, all alone, I come lookin",Smoke and mirrors as I watch,Aw, that girl was trippin",It"s no fun, lost again,To have your heart broken,Greed is from a world that is built on hustling.By the time we made it to New Orleans,It must have been half past three.By the time we made it to Memphis,We were crazy.Tonight, you"re our blanket,And you"re gonna keep us warmTonight, protect us from the storm.Embrace the falling when they have failed,Every road can lead ya straight down to fucking hell,Embrace the falling when they have failed,Now every road can take ya straight down to hell.Don"t want nothing here, everyone straight trippin,Happier times, are gone, past starts slippinThis will be enough to keep me on the road livin,Good every night, in a different city I"ll be sleepin,Let me know, here we go, met a girl named Lola,Is she here? Is she there? Drinking Jack and cola,She says, Tim, where ya been? I got somethin" to show ya,Lola fired off her clothes and started rock and rollin!By the time we made it to New Orleans,It must have been half past three.By the time we made it to Memphis,We were crazy.Tonight, you"re our blanket,And you"re gonna keep us warmTonight, protect us from the storm

Peter Tosh的《African》 歌词

歌曲名:African歌手:Peter Tosh专辑:Equal Rights (Legacy Edition)Karl Wolf - AfricaIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never hadAnd as I"m walking through the subwayAll I feel is everybody"s piercing eyes (piercing eyes)I"m following the footsteps all I can imagine is that I"m a guyYou never know maybe she"s afraidAnd everything around her is so damn fakeI feel like that we"ve met beforeHurry boy she"s waitingIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never hadThe sun is rising on east side and every former life is waking upThe feeling of seclusion makes you wanna dream away and fall in loveShe drags you in, not afraidEverything feels like fateWhat wrong with you, don"t let her goHurry boy it"s waitingIt"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from youThere"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever doI bless the rains down in AfricaGonna take some time to do the things we never had(ScattingInstrumental Break)Hurry boy it"s waiting there for you(Down in A....)It"s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you (ohh... )There"s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do (no... oh...)I bless the rains down in Africa (rains down in Africa...)I bless the rains down in Africa (oh bless the rains...)I bless the rains down in Africa (down in A...frica)I bless the rains down in Africa (down in A...frica)Gonna take some time to do the things we never had



求三人英文情景对话 Do you like to keep fish as pets?Why or why not?






pet projects


PETS4级单词词源:accurate 和 exact

学生:accurate 和 exact 的意思都是“正确的”,他们之间究竟有什么区别呢? 如果知道单词的词源,是不是它们的意思也就可以明显区分出来了呢?   老师:你这可想到点子上了。了解了单词得词源后,就可以象英美人一样把握单词的意象,并通过它的意象正确使用单词、了解单词的涵义。accurate (正确的)由拉丁语前缀ac-(…地)+ 词根curare(照顾、注意)构成,它的意象就是小心准确地输入,力求避免错误。而exact 由ex-(完全地)+ agere (进行)构成,它的意象是拨动天平秤砣,知道天平两边平衡,也就是测量得恰到好处的意思。现在我们用的都是电子秤,自然也不需要移动秤砣使秤平衡了。   学生:原来如此。我明白这两个词的微妙差异了。那么manicure (修指甲)这个词,它由mani+cure 构成,既然是cure“ 照顾”的意思。那mani 是不是“ 手指”的意思呀?   老师:非常正确,看来你已经掌握词源的精妙之处了。mani 在拉丁语中就是manus (手)的意思。manufacture(制造)也就是manu(用手)+fact(制作)(手工制作),即便现在的机械化作业也还是称作manufacture.拉丁语中 pedi 是“脚”的意思,你知道 pedicure是什么意思吗?   学生:什么意思?   老师:问女孩子去吧!    同根关联词汇   curate:(教区的)副牧师、(代理)牧师(在一旁帮忙的人) 词根: curare(照顾、注意)   curator:管理者、主事、馆长、(着眼于大局的人)       构成:拉丁语词根curare (照顾、注意)+-ator(做…的人)   cure:治疗、治愈 拉丁语词根curare (照顾、注意)   cure-all:万能薬       构成:拉丁语词根curare (照顾、注意)+all(所有的)   cureless:不治的、无药可治的       构成:拉丁语词根curare (照顾、注意)+-less(不能…的)   procure:得到、调配、拉皮条       pro(=for [替代…])+拉丁语词根curare (照顾、注意) →代替…处理、行事


kitten小猫cat猫;whiskers猫puppy小狗dog狗hamster仓鼠gerbil沙鼠guinea pig天竺鼠;豚鼠rabbit兔子goldfish金鱼mouse老鼠rat大老鼠chick小鸡chicken鸡hen母鸡;rooster公鸡turkey火鸡;lamb羔羊,小羊sheep羊,绵羊;kid小山羊goat山羊piglet小猪pig猪;pony矮种马,小型马donkey驴,毛驴colt小雄马horse马;calf牛犊cow奶牛,乳牛;bull公牛;insect虫,昆虫bug昆虫flea跳蚤ant蚂蚁;termite白蚁spider蜘蛛;cockroach蟑螂beetle甲壳虫;cricket蟋蟀;grasshopper蚱蜢,蝗虫,蚂蚱centipede蜈蚣scorpion蝎子mosquito蚊子;fly苍蝇bee蜜蜂;beehive蜂窝ladybug瓢虫lightning bug/firefly萤火虫dragonfly蜻蜓butterfly蝴蝶

求七年级下册26页2d翻译: Jenny:You dog is really cute,peter


Peter Rodgers Melnick的《Breakaway》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakaway歌手:Peter Rodgers Melnick专辑:Arctic BlueI never thought I feel like thisNow that you are out of sideStill trying to get over youWhy can"t I just let you goWhy can"t I close the doorLooking for a reasonTo stay this wayI wish that I couldBut I can"tLooks can be deceivingAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayHow could I be such a foolTo end up hereHow many times must I fallRead the things you didn"t doAin"t that how it goesI still remember your soft skinTouching mineTouch your beautiful sinI won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it all that I"ve gotJust let me breakawayNo I won"t fall backJust let me walkJust let me walk awayNo I won"t fall backBut when I look in your eyesIt"s so hard to escapeAnd it hurts so badWhen there"s no compromiseI give it allJust let me breakaway

Peter is stronger than jake 怎么错了?

jake 错了,人名首字母要大写,应该是 Jake.Peter is stronger than Jake .

第一句是Last night I entered a poetry competition的英语短文

LastnightIenteredapoetrycompetitionatschool. Ihadbeenpreparingforthiscontestforthelastmonth. IhadchosenapoembyEdgarAllenPoenamed"Adreamwithinadream". Iwasthesecondpersontorecitethepoemduringthecompetition andthewaitwasintolerable. Whenitwasfinallymyturntorecitemypoem,Iwas washedwithrelief. IfeltconfidentasIstooduponthepodiumand readmypoemwithemotionandintensity. 您没有说需要几个字所以我就先写了一段,希望您能采纳!

I Promise (Snippet) 歌词

歌曲名:I Promise (Snippet)歌手:Stacie Orrico专辑:StuckI Promiseby Stacie OrricoWill I always be there for you?When you need someone, Will I be that one you need?Will I do all my best to, to protect you?When the tears get near your eyesWill I be the one that"s by your side?Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I willWill I take tender care of you?Take your darkest night and make it bright for youWill I be there to make you strong and to lean on?When this world has turned so coldWill I be the one that"s there to hold?Will I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I willWill I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I willYeahAnd I love you more every dayAnd nothing will take that love awayWhen you need someoneI promise I"ll be there for you (there for you)I promiseWill I be there when you call me in the middle of the night?Will I keep the rain from falling down into your light?I promise, I promiseI promise I willAnd I promise (and I promise)I promise (oh I promise you)I will be there when you call me (when you call me)I promise (I promise)I promise I will

小飞侠Peter Pan的故事梗概以及Neverland



你是问剑桥英语等级考试的PET和FCE哪个更难吧。该考试总共包括5级,水平从低到高依次是:KET、PET、FCE、CAE、CPE。其中 PET对应中级英语水平,FCE对应中高级水平。所以,FCE更难,一般要通过PET考试并经过半年到一年的准备后再去考FCE(准备时长也是因人而异的),FCE的要求是:自信地处理英语句子结构,拥有丰富的词汇量,并能在不同场合运用恰当的沟通技巧进行交流,能够书写不同形式的文章,能够记录、描述事件和开展辩论等。

— Do you mind if I play some rock music now, Peter?— Andy...

A 试题分析:考查交际用语:A. Sorry, I"d rather you didn"t.对不起,我宁愿你不要,B. You are not allowed here.这儿是不允许的。 C. Great! I love music.很好,我喜欢音乐D. No, you can"t.不你不能,句意:你介意我播放摇滚乐吗?--对不起,我宁愿你不要,Andy在睡觉呢。选A。点评:交际用语的考查要根据上下文的含义以及逻辑关系,也要注意中西方文化在表达上的差异,要有跨文化的意识。同时要特别注意西方的文明礼仪在交际用语中的体现。也要把语法和句意相融合在一起,在平时的学习中要注意积累一些常见的交际用语的句式。

求Peter Gabriel 歌词翻译

Father, son 父与子Locked as one 如一体In this empty room 在这个空空的房间里Spine against spine 脊梁靠着脊梁Yours against mine 你的靠着我的Till the warmth comes through 直到暖流穿过Remember the breakwaters down by the waves 还记得那被浪摧垮的防波堤I first found my courage 那是我第一次意识到自己的勇气Knowing daddy could save 因为相信父亲能够力挽狂澜I could hold back the tide 我能够遏制住浪潮的袭击With my dad by my side 因为有父亲与我在一起Dogs, plows and bows 狗,犁和弓We move through each pose 我们以各种姿势前行Struggling in our separate ways 用各自的方式拼命Mantras and hymns 唱着圣歌和赞美诗Unfolding limbs 展开四肢Looking for release through the pain 苦中求乐And the yogi"s eyes are open 瑜伽熊的眼睛也睁开着Looking up above 向上看He too is dreaming of his daddy"s love 他也梦见了父亲的爱With his dad by his side 和父亲在一块Got his dad by his side 与父亲在一起Can you recall 你是否还能回想起How you took me to school 你把我送去学校We couldn"t talk much at all 我们实在无法交谈It"s been so many years 这么多年了And now these tears 现在这些眼泪Guess I"m still your child 告诉我我还是你的孩子Out on the moors 在荒野上We take a pause 我们停顿了一下See how far we have come 看看我们走了多远You"re moving quite slow 你走的有些慢How far can we go 我们能走多远Father and son 父与子With my dad by my side 与父亲在一起With my dad by my side 与父亲在一起Got my dad by my side 让父亲在我身边With me与我同在


意思是 尊敬的

But for the help of my English teacher,I________the first prize in the English Writing Competit..

B 试题分析:考查含蓄条件的虚拟语气。本题是一个含蓄的虚拟语气句,其条件是有介词短语but for表示出来。句意:要不是英语老师的帮助,我本不会在英语写作大赛里得到第一名。根据句意说明是对过去情况的说明,故使用“情态动词+have done”的形式。根据句意说明B正确。点评:含蓄条件的虚拟语气是通过介词短语but for, without,或者通过上下文的语义等表现出来。这里也要注意具体的时间的不同,如果是对过去情况的说明,使用“情态动词+have done”的形式。



求Pete Yorn的lose you歌词翻译

皮特Yorn -失去你“音乐的早晨”(歌词由Kongcen @ Sogua欧美前线)我是坐一旁这是一个个人的事情在哪里?当我无法忍受在这个笼子我不后悔我并不需要一个更美好的事我想收不到这是另一件事对我来说我只是让游人漫步于这个世界上单独的停止,然后再下降到洞,我在这里挖其余即使你开始觉得我用的方式来我并不需要一个更美好的事只是声音混淆不谈论人人我不笑由你原因我要去失去你是我要去失去你如果我要去失去你原因我要去失去你是我要去失去你如果我要去失去你我会失去你现在的好

Pete Yorn的《Lose You》 歌词

歌曲名:Lose You歌手:Pete Yorn专辑:Live From New JerseyPete Yorn - Lose You《Music For the Morning After》I‘m taking a ride off to one sideIt is a personal thingWhere?When I can"t standUp in this cage I"m not regrettingI don"t need a better thingI"d settle for lessIt"s another thing for meI just have to wander through this worldAloneStop before you fallInto the hole that I have dug hereRest even as youAre starting to feel the way I used toI don"t need a better thingJust to sound confusedDon"t talk about everyoneI am not amused by youCause I"m gonna lose youYes I"m gonna lose youIf I"m gonna lose youCause I"m gonna lose youYes I"m gonna lose youIf I"m gonna lose youI"ll lose you now for good

Pete Yorn的《Lose You》 歌词

歌曲名:Lose You歌手:Pete Yorn专辑:MusicforthemorningafterPete Yorn - Lose You《Music For the Morning After》I‘m taking a ride off to one sideIt is a personal thingWhere?When I can"t standUp in this cage I"m not regrettingI don"t need a better thingI"d settle for lessIt"s another thing for meI just have to wander through this worldAloneStop before you fallInto the hole that I have dug hereRest even as youAre starting to feel the way I used toI don"t need a better thingJust to sound confusedDon"t talk about everyoneI am not amused by youCause I"m gonna lose youYes I"m gonna lose youIf I"m gonna lose youCause I"m gonna lose youYes I"m gonna lose youIf I"m gonna lose youI"ll lose you now for good

如何评价Mark Petrie的单曲Go time


Peter Judd joined the army 26 he was eighteen, and for several months ...

小题1:when小题2:was taught小题3:except小题4:shooting小题5:whom小题6:who/that小题7:hopeless小题8:other小题9: himself小题10:anxiously 试题分析:小题1:后边是一个时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”,故用when小题2:主语“他”和动作“教”之间是被动关系,故用被动语态,并且是发生在过去的事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态小题3:这里表示“除了射击,其它的事情他都做得相当好”。Except表示除……之外小题4:practice doing是固定用法,意思是练习做某事,所以填shooting小题5:这是一个定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作主语并且是人,构成介词+关系代词的结构,故只能用whom小题6:这是一个定语从句,关系词在定语从句中作主语并且是人,所以既能用who也能用that小题7:这里作表语,故需要用形容词形式小题8:这里表示其他的,故用other小题9:这里表示“他自己”,故用反身代词小题10:这里修饰动词“ran”,故用副词点评:做这类题,不但要选择正确意义的词、词组及句型,还要根据具体语法和语境,选择适当的时态、语态及使用正确的词形。



pipette tip是什么意思

pipette tip吸头双语对照词典结果:pipette tip[英][piu02c8pet tip][美][pau026au02c8pu025bt tu026ap]吸管端; 以上结果来自金山词霸

Titration ~ 唔识分pipette同burette

pipette是移动定量solution(通常25 cm3)的工具 burette是在titration时以"受控"的情况下向conical flask滴液体的工具 conical flask只是用于盛载solution的工具,并无特别用途 volumetric flask是一种精确容量(通常250 cm3)的工具 点解释都逃避唔到你作为劣质发问者的事实 等收负评啦. 既然你们会先入为主地觉得我是读英理的 为何又不先入为主地认为我已经看过textbook里的example呢? G.M.所写的解释的确很detail 而且有sum up 但他写的同textbook都一样formal 例如: specific variable同certain 呢d字眼在textbook是找到的 有时候就是formal的字眼令我感到混淆 也许你们认定我没眼光 没选出G.M. 但有时候短短的几句中文 就可以使人明白了。 假如两个答案都解开了我的疑惑 你认为那一个的解说较高明一点呢? 真是一言惊醒梦中人 我会努力恶补英文的了! ^^多谢! Undoubtedly English is gaining its importance in Hong Kong. Having bad English is indeed disadvantageous for your future in this co *** opolitan metropolis. So one critical way to improve your English is to look up in the dictionary. 2008-08-28 18:36:42 补充: It is ironic and sarcastic that you study Chemistry in English but you don"t understand what it me for such simple wordings so funny!!! Next time can you ask in French? So I can wer you in French... 一个用英文答,但是就有埋例子、解释、总结等, 一个就用中文答,但只是简单讲下个function? 唔洗想都会要选一个「最佳」的答案la... 而且你又冇讲明要用中文定英文答,好明显是指引不清 用英文又点??你大可以用字典去翻译姐,咪当是学下英文lo... 你中六都应该是用英文读... 唔识英文就唔好用英文问 睇唔明就返去查字典/读多d书 你读英理? 坚唔坚呀? e+英文唔合格无前途架u359e 英文唔叻就揾补习老师搞搞佢 英文系国际性语言 你唔识? 唉....可悲呀...可悲呀! 问题者.__. 你非常好笑.___. 你自认英文差@@ 报英理托7咩? 我相信问老师 佢会比你呢个答题者答得更详细 更明白罗`` 再睇返2个回答者.__. 你唔好话自己英文差啦 有网上字典呢样野架大佬 而家yahoo仲出埋聪明笔@[email protected] 你真系用心学习就唔怕辛苦去查埋佢啦挂.___. 仲有..我想问你本教科书系中文定英文.__. 如果系英文... 你索性投诉埋个出版社啦 食得咸鱼抵得喝 当初你报英理果阵预左什么也是英文.___. 最后._.我想讲学一样野系睇内容而唔系睇语言/口 你当初个提问的词语都系用英文 咁行规上答题者自然会用英文答啦. 其实睇英文答案都无坏 反正你应考时都系要用英文答的 right? Anyway 如果你想人地用中文答你 就要用番中文的词语问: pipette: 移液管 burette: 滴定管 conical flask: 锥形瓶 volumetric flask: : 容量瓶 Explanation as follows: 图片参考:i238.photobucket/albums/ff245/chocolate328154/Chem046?t=1219297337 2008-08-27 11:28:25 补充: 楼下U00020bb6位只系将我最后U00020bb6几句译做中文= = 2008-08-28 11:31:09 补充: 咁嘅英文都唔识等攞u啦! 系wor chem都u到 因为用唔到英文答[English is also confusing] 参考: My Chem Knowledge


pipette / pipet : [名词] 移液管pipet ; [及物动词] 用移液管移pipetted [过去时] ; pipetted [过去分词] ; pipetting [现在分词]


match一般指竞技比赛,指事先安排好的正规比赛。如球类比赛、拳击等。如:I saw the box match on TV.我在电视上看到了那场拳击比赛。Game常指游戏、运动、若指每个比赛中的一局、一场等要用game.如:The children are playing games. 孩子们在做游戏。Our team won the first- three games. 我们队赢了头三局。Competition指通过个人的体力、智力、技能的竞赛而获得名次的各种比赛,可以是体育方面的,也可以是其他方面的。如:He was in competition with 10 others, so he did well to win the race. 他与十个人竞争,他跑得快,才赢得了比赛。I won a handwriting competition set by a paper in town. 我赢得了城里一家报纸举办的书法比赛。


剑桥通用英语证书 PETPET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对学习还是工作,PET考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展,并为希望参加剑桥第一证书英语考试(FCE)的考生打下坚实基础。PET计算机考试也已在全球推出。扩展资料PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对学习还是工作,PET考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展,并为希望参加剑桥第一证书英语考试(FCE)的考生打下坚实基础。PET计算机考试也已在全球推出。PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对学习还是工作,PET考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展,并为希望参加剑桥第一证书英语考试(FCE)的考生打下坚实基础。PET计算机考试也已在全球推出。与欧洲语言教学与测试标准(Common European Framework)相对应,欧洲语言教学与测试标准(CEF)从低到高将考生的语言水平和所具备的实际交流能力进行了详尽描述(Can do statement)。描述出考生在听、说、读、写四项技能上所具备的典型能力,例如“能够做自我介绍”,“能够在社交,学术交流及工作环境下灵活及有效地使用语言”。CEF把语言水平划分为3个等级:A(Basic user)基础水平B(Independent user)独立运用C(Proficient user)熟练运用每个等级都分为2个级别:A1,A2,B1,B2,C1和C2.PET考试达到欧洲委员会指定的欧洲语言教学大纲的B1水平。在此阶段考生能够:1,用清楚及标准语言阐述有关工作、学习或爱好等熟悉话题2,自如应对在英语国家旅行时可能发生的一般情况3,讲述经历事件或描述梦想、希望和目标4,阐述和论证计划参考资料:百度百科-pet(剑桥通用英语证书)


剑桥pet英语相当于中国高中毕业水平。PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。PET考试成绩分为四个级别:优秀(Pass with Merit),合格(Pass),接近合格(Narrow Fail),不合格(Fail)。考试分数是三部分试卷分数的总和。每位考生将于考试结束6个星期后收到考试结果报告,报告中不仅提供考试的总分数,还标明考生在某部分试卷的得分极高或极低。通过考试的考生将于考试后3个月内获得由剑桥大学考试委员会ESOL考试中心颁发的证书。扩展资料:PET考试考查考生的阅读与写作、听力和会话能力,其中阅读与写作部分占总分的50%,听力、口试各占25%。试卷1,阅读与写作,1小时30分钟。阅读:5个部分,包含形式不同、长短不一的文章考查阅读技能:要求考生理解公共场合的通知、符号或标记;能读懂事实性短篇文章,并提取信息;能说明语言结构、作者意图及理解文章可能对读者产生的影响。写作:包含3个部分,要求考生完成句型转换、填充表格、提供信息、报告事件、描述情境、表达观点等任务。试卷2,听力,约35分钟(不包含6分钟卷写答案的时间)听力:4个部分,包含长短不一的对话和独白:要求考生能够听懂公共通告及做出的回应、理解对话、提取试试性信息、了解说话者的态度和意图。试卷3,口试,10-12分钟口试:4个部分:考生两人一组同时应试考生与考官一对一交谈;考生与考生根据提示资料,互相进行交谈。考核考生在交流过程中参与、理解问题以及回应的能力。


KET是剑桥英语五级证书考试的第一级,即入门考试(key English Test, 缩略为KET)。KET是一种自成体系的水平考试,代表使用英语应达到的最基本的要求。即考生通过200小时的学习,具备到讲英语的国家旅游,在国内外用英语应付一般日常会话的能力。PET是剑桥英语五级证书考试的第二级,即初级水平:初级英语考试(Preliminary English Test,缩略为PET)。PET是一种自成体系的水平考试。应考者通过380小时的学习,应具备在国内外用英语处理日常事务以及用英语与母语是英语和非英语的人士进行交往的能力。


剑桥通用英语证书 PET PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。




  库比蒂诺(Cupertino)是一座位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山湾区南部,圣塔克拉拉县西部的城市。 库比蒂诺与县府圣荷西相邻,部份市区延伸至圣塔克鲁兹山脉山脚。根据2010年的人口普查,库比蒂诺住有58,302人。库比蒂诺是硅谷核心城市之一,也是苹果公司)、赛门铁克(Symantec)、MySQL AB与Zend公司(Zend Technologies)等大公司总部所在地。在2012年被评为全美最适宜居住的小型城市中第二十七位,加利福尼亚州第二位。

corporate competence什么意思

corporate competence 企业竞争力competence 英[u02c8ku0252mpu026atu0259ns]美[u02c8kɑ:mpu026atu0259ns]n. 能力; 技能; 相当的资产;[例句]His competence as an economist had been reinforced by his successful fight against inflation成功地扼制制通货膨胀的经历加强了他作为经济学家的才能。[其他] 复数:competences

求一篇英语作文,主题是My pet,初三水平,thanks!


英语押韵诗 My pet,押韵的就可以,瞎写写好了!(最好自创,要初一水平的,10行左右.)

I have a pet It is a dog It is beautiful ,and nice I like its ears ,and eyes We are happy ,all the time We love each other very much

以my pet为题,写1篇英语作文,不少于5句话

Look, this is my pet dog “Dou Dou”. What a lovely dog! It has white and black fur. It looks very cute and active. It can eat a lot of things, but it not very fat. It often runs to kitchen and to living room. It likes drinking water. I love my pet dog very much. I often play with it. I"m very happy!

以“My pet"为题写英语作文

my pet is very clever ,and she is my friend.I usually watch Tv with her at night. i think ,we should take care of the animals,so although i am very busy ,iam still playing with her.i built a small house for her ,because i want she feel confortable...... 你再补充些吧。。。不好意思,我也是初中水平。。嘿嘿

写一篇以my pet为题的小短文【60字左右】

My favourite pet Everyone may have a pet, so do I. And my pet is a lovely dog. I like it very much, each time when I see him, I will feel happy. My dog is a most wonderful gift which is given to me by my friend. He is two years old now. Because he likes eating and he is a little bit fat, I call him "small ball". When I come home, he will tag his tail and welcome me. Then I will hold something to eat in my hand, then move one hand to another, he will try his best to catch it. But most of the time, he fails. And he will hit the leg of desk, or something like that. Each time, I cannot help laughing. I love my pet dog, for he can give me a feeling of happiness.

my pet英语作文35个单词

I have a pet. I named him Nicholas. Nicholas is a pure Husky dog. He was about 8 weeks when he first came to my home. We will have his birthday next week and he is turning 2 years old. Good time goes fast. He"s totally mature now but somehow I just refuse to admit it. In my eyes, no matter how big the size he is, he"s just my adorable puppy. Owning a dog is a huge responsibility. I spent a lot of time house-trainning him. You"d have to be patient, compassionate, and consistent. Fortunately, Nicholas is a fast learner. Now he knows exactly where to go potty, what time to eat, and how to play. He used to be too energetic and he liked biting. But now, as he"s growing up, he"s gentle and obedient. On week days, I take him to parks. I toss out his toy and he goes and get it. He loves this game. Nicholas brings me lots of fun and I"m proud of being his owner.

以“my pet”问题写一篇英语作文,80字左右

I have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home. However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago. My mother loves flowers and always brings some home. Last Sunday, she bought some lilies. They were very fragrant. Du Du must have thought that the flowers were delicious, too, so she ate them while my mother was in the kitchen. By the time my mother rushed out of the kitchen, the vase was broken, water was everywhere and the flowers were all gone. My mother was so angry that she didn"t talk to Du Du for the rest of the day and didn"t feed her in the evening.

以My pet写三种句型,不低于6句话


以“my pet”问题写一篇英语作文,80字左右

I have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home. However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago. My mother loves flowers and always brings some home. Last Sunday, she bought some lilies. They were very fragrant. Du Du must have thought that the flowers were delicious, too, so she ate them while my mother was in the kitchen. By the time my mother rushed out of the kitchen, the vase was broken, water was everywhere and the flowers were all gone. My mother was so angry that she didn"t talk to Du Du for the rest of the day and didn"t feed her in the evening.

My Pet作文我的宠物大概70个词

With the material level, many people began to pet and, of course, I was no exception. I have a dog, I give him a bath every day, feed him food, I like him. It has white fur, two bright eyes, it specifically to hear my words. I often training it, now, it will stand up and you shake hands. When I bring it to the street, many people are looking at it, feel very fun.

初中英语作文 以“my pet”为主题,100~120个字,简单易懂。


my pet 的 英语小作文

有点短 Hello!

以My pet为题写一篇60字的英语作文

my pet is very clever ,and she is my friend.I usually watch Tv with her at night. i think ,we should take care of the animals,so although i am very busy ,iam still playing with her.i built a small hou...

MyPet 作文

I have a pet.It"s a cute brown dog.It was born in my house.It was very small,like a mouse , when it was a baby.But it is much bigger now. Its eyes are black and big. It is very naughty. Sometimes it plays with my pencil, it bites my pencil. It always in trouble. It always puts our shoes under sofa or into its house,so we have to put them on the chair.It can make noisy.All of my family are afraid of it.But we are love it, too.

英语 书面表达 MY pet

Ever since childhood, I have loved pets. I raised a dog when I was about 8 years old, a cat at age 10, and then another dog at age 13. I am now ** years old, and the pets I had owned from childhood have all died. I now own a dog named Ronnie. He is my favorite pet! I love Ronnie. He is always the best and the greatest. Not just that he has the prettiest fur out of all the pets I owned, but he is most responsive to my commands. When I first bought him he was only about 4 years old, but it only took me 2 months for me to train him to sit, lie down, stand up, potty and etc. Now after long years of living with him, I can even command him to go to specific different places in the house. Everyday mourning just after waking up and everyday night just before going to bed, he would jump up and try to lick me as if really saying good mourning and good night. I love Ronnie and it is such a blessing to have him. Ronnie is already 7 years old. Around 11 years later, after Ronnie pass away, I plan to buy another cat. But that"s too far away in the future, for now, I"ll just enjoy having Ronnie around with me.

2017年小升初英语作文常考范文:My Pet 我的宠物

I have a dog .It is blank . I like playing with it very much .I feed the dog every day . It can run very fast. It can swim. My dog is very lovely. I like my pet very much. Do you like it?

帮写几篇英语作文。 主题:my pet。或者my family

My pet is a cat,It"s very lovely.I like her very much,I often feed her when she is hungry,She eats fish,I feed her with not only fish but also milk and other delicious food I like to eat,they are all nutritious.I play with her when I"m free,she likes climbing and jumping.she can jump down from high wall without any injury.I wash her once a week to keep her clean.Sometimes when I"m not happy she lie down by me and acompany me.我的宠物是一只猫,我非常很喜欢她,我经常给她吃鱼,不仅鱼也是牛奶和其他好吃的食物我喜欢吃,他们都是好食物.i她玩时,我是自由的,她喜欢爬山,她可以从高空跳下来壁无任何害怕。她每周一次洗澡让她干净。我不开心时她躺在我,陪我。

My Pet 我的宠物-初中简单英语作文带翻译

I have got two baby cats. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow cat is very naughty. He likes to play with people. He often runs here and there. His favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. But the white cat is very gentle. She likes to wash her face. And she doesn′t like to play with people. She often jumps onto my knees. I like to give her a bath. Oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. We are very good friends. I love them. 我有两只小猫。他们很漂亮。一个是黄色的。另一则是白色。他们非常可爱。黄色的猫很淘气。他喜欢和人玩。他经常在这里跑步。他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。但那只白色的猫很温柔。她喜欢洗她的脸。她不喜欢和人玩。她经常跳到我的膝盖上。我喜欢给她洗澡。 哦,我的宝贝猫给我带来了很多快乐。我们是很好的朋友。我爱他们。

以 My Pet 为题写一篇60个单词左右的作文,要求语言流畅,表达出你对它的喜爱之情

My PetI have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home. However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago. My mother loves flowers and always brings some home. Last Sunday, she bought some lilies. They were very fragrant. Du Du must have thought that the flowers were delicious, too, so she ate them while my mother was in the kitchen. By the time my mother rushed out of the kitchen, the vase was broken, water was everywhere and the flowers were all gone. My mother was so angry that she didn"t talk to Du Du for the rest of the day and didn"t feed her in the evening.

英语作文,my pet 60词

I love rabbits very much,so my pet is a rabbit.I call it "snow".It"s lovely,it has white wool ,two red eyes,and long ears.I like playing with it ,it"s fun!And also,I like feed it too,it"s interesting.Snow is my best friend in my spare time.


MY PET I have a pet.It is a very beautifui dog.It named Amy.I very love it. Amy is very cute.She has big eyes,a small nose and big ears.The eras can hear some sound clearly. Amy is very clever.One day,when I came home from school,she ran out of home.When she came,there is a wallet on her mouth,the wallet is mine.I"m very happy.It"s clever,isn"t it? I often play with her.I think there is no difference between her and me.She is my best friend.I love her.

英语作文《My pet》100字。快速,谁回答得快就采纳哦!

My pet is a cat,It"s very lovely.I like her very much,I often feed her when she is hungry,She eats fish,I feed her with not only fish but also milk and other delicious food I like to eat,they are all nutritious.I play with her when I"m free,she likes climbing and jumping.she can jump down from high wall without any injury.I wash her once a week to keep her clean.Sometimes when I"m not happy she lie down by me and acompany me.

my pet英语作文初二

Do you like pets? I love pets very much. Look at that Coffee color dog, her name is Doudou, she is my pet, she comes from germany. She likes to play with me, every weekend I took her to go for a walk. I like her because she is very lovely and friendly.

小学生一年级英语作文:我的小狗(my pet)

  I have a pet and it is my dog .In my eyes ,he is my closest friend in the world .He is loyal and cute.When I am alone,he can play with me.When I feel sad ,he always touches my foot with his claws.Mostly after that ,I always feel better and more happy .It is all because of he.So,I love my dog and we are best friends 我宠物,它是我的狗。在我眼里,他是我最亲密的朋友在世界。他是忠诚和可爱的。当我独自一人,他可以打我。当我感到悲伤,他总是触动我的脚用爪子。大多之后,我总是感觉更好,更快乐。这都是因为他。所以,我爱我的狗,我们是的朋友

英语作文 我的宠物My Pet

I have a lovely dog,its name is Lulu.I like Lulu.It"s very docile.It has white fur,so it looks very nice.It"s my best animal friend.It is also very friendly.Every time I go home,it will wag its tail to me.As long as I am angry,it will run to me and make me happy.It seems like my blood sister.I should take good care of Lulu and protect her.Last,I think we human beings should fulfill the responsibility to look after our pets. 我有一只可爱的狗,它的名字叫露露。露露我喜欢。它很温顺。它的毛是白色的,非常漂亮的外观。它是我的动物朋友。它也很 友好的。每次我回家,它会朝我摇尾巴。只要我生气了,它就会跑过来,让我开心。这似乎是我的血,我妹妹。 应该好好照顾露露和保护她。最后,我认为我们人类应该履行的责任照顾我们的宠物。

英语作文50字关于My Pet


小学一年级英语作文带翻译:我的猫咪My Pet

以下是 英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《小学一年级英语作文带翻译:我的猫咪My Pet》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 写作翻译 频道。 In my family, you can see a cat, the cat is very let me draw it for you. he has got white hair and two big eyes, they are blue and bright. he has got four short legs and his ears are small, his tail is long. i finish it now. how lovely!    after school, i play with him first, he is my best friend. i like him very much!    oh, do you want to know his name? i"d like to tell you, his name is “mimi”. 在我的家里,你可以看见一只猫,这只猫很漂亮,现在让我来给你画吧。他有一双大眼睛,一双大眼睛,一双蓝色的,明亮的。他有四个短腿,他的耳朵很小,尾巴很长。我现在完成它。多么可爱! 放学后,我第一次和他玩,他是我的朋友。我非常喜欢他! 哦,你想知道他的名字吗?我想告诉你,他的名字叫“咪咪”。

中考英语作文:我的小动物(My Pet ...)

我的宠物是   一条可爱的狗。它的名字是"点点" 。因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上。"点点" 是非常友好的。许多孩子喜欢和它玩。他的喜爱食物是肉骨头。 他的喜爱玩具是玩偶。" 点点" 喜欢非常跑。它跑得非常快速并且它有一个女朋友。它的名字"娜娜" 。它的皮肤也有很多黑圈子。我非常喜欢我的宠物。这是一只好宠物!!   my pet is a lovely dog.its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.many childen like play with him.his favourite food is meat bones. his favourite toy is a doll. "dian dian " likes to run very can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".there are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.i like my pet very is a good pet!!   2.我有两只小猫。他们非常漂亮。一只是黄色的。另一只是白色的。他们非常可爱。黄色的小猫很调皮。他经常到处跑。他最喜欢的游戏是玩球、绳子和石头。而白色的小猫非常温和。她喜欢洗她的脸。并且她不喜欢和人玩。她经常跳上我的膝盖。我喜欢给她洗澡。噢,我的小猫为我带来了很多愉快。我们是非常好的朋友。我爱他们。   i have got two baby cats. they are very beautiful. one is yellow. the other is white. they are very lovely. the yellow cat is very naughty. he likes to play with people. he often runs here and there. his favourite game is playing with balls, ropes and stones. but the white cat is very gentle. she likes to wash her face. and she doesn′t like to play with people. she often jumps onto my knees. i like to give her a bath.   oh, my baby cats bring me much happiness. we are very good friends. i love them.

my pet英语作文50词数四年级

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