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famous person

我觉得要写你熟悉的人,比如美国总统奥巴马, 老教育家孔子,中国外国你熟悉的比较好些,有话可说,而且出错比较少有的人写,你连人家的事迹都不了解,就不要写,避免闹笑话慎重考虑清楚,只仅仅限于本人观点

Personal Tailor是什么意思



personaltailor中文名称童尚私人定制,是中国城市文化服饰品牌。 personaltailor传承了中国城市悠久深远的文化,灵活地将民族元素与时尚进行解构重组,实现了民族与现代的跨界融合。 personaltailor(童尚私人定制)以民族城市文化为核心,重构时尚。

Personal Tailor是什么意思


Personal Tailor是什么意思




Personal Tailor是什么意思

Personal Tailor个性化定制tailor[英][u02c8teu026alu0259(r)][美][u02c8telu025a]n.裁缝,成衣工; vi.做裁缝; vt.调整使适应; 为…裁制衣服; 为…做衣服; 剪裁,制作; 例句:1.The tailor"s wife came home fuming, with scratches all over her face. 裁缝的妻子很恼火地回到了家,满脸都是划痕。

good persons around me英语作文

People around me The first person who comes across my mind is my mother. She is the most important person in my entire life. She never scolds me or beat me up for what I had done wrong. She always gives her guidance, understanding, patient and caring unselfishly to me. I love her a lot but comparing to the love that she had given, mine is so tiny. Hope that I am able to study hard and get myself a good job after my graduation so as to pay her my gratitude. I love you, mother!我首先想到的是我母亲.她是我整个生命中最重要的人,她从来不因为我做错事而责备我或者打我.她总是无私地给我指导,给我理解、耐心和关怀.我爱她,但与她付出给我的相比,我的爱是如此渺小.我希望自己能努力学习,毕业后找到一个号工作,这样我就可以报答她.我爱你,母亲!

—Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?—David is. He is ______ enough

A 考查情景交际。句意“谁适合做学生会的新主席?”“大卫适合。他的想象力足够丰富,能想出很多新主意。”imaginative“想象力丰富的”;humorous“幽默的”;modest“谦虚的”;outgoing“外向的”。根据句意选A。


public class Person { public Person() { } public Person(string _name, int _number, int _age) { this.Name = _name; this.Number = _number; this.Age = _age; } string name; public string Name { get { return name; } set { name = value; } } int number; public int Number { get { return number; } set { number = value; } } int age; public int Age { get { return age; } set { if (value > 100 || value < 0) age = 18; else age = value; } } public virtual void SayHi() { Console.WriteLine("大家好!我叫{0},今年{1}岁,我的编号是{2}", Name, Age, Number); } } public class Student : Person { public Student() { } public Student(string _name, int _number, int _age, double _score) : base(_name, _number, _age) { this.Score = _score; } double score; public double Score { get { return score; } set { score = value; } } public override void SayHi() { Console.WriteLine("大家好!我是{0}同学,今年{1}岁,我的编号{2},今天的成绩为{3}", base.Name, base.Age, base.Number, this.Score); } } public class Teacher : Person { public Teacher() { } public Teacher(string _name, int _number, int _age, int _yearsOfService) : base(_name, _number, _age) { this.YearsOfService = _yearsOfService; } int yearsOfService; public int YearsOfService { get { return yearsOfService; } set { yearsOfService = value; } } public override void SayHi() { Console.WriteLine("大家好!我是{0}老师,今年{1}岁,我的编号{2},我今年工作{3}年了", base.Name, base.Age, base.Number, this.YearsOfService); } } public class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Person student = new Student("毛蛋", 17, 1001, 87.00); student.SayHi(); Person teacher = new Teacher("型男",28,1015,4); teacher.SayHi(); } }


personnel读法是/u02ccpu025cu02d0su0259u02c8nel /。personnel词组有personnel department人事部;人事处;人事科,personnel carrier人员运输车;兵员运输车,armoured personnel carrier装甲运兵车。military personnel军人;军事人员;军事人才,personnel training人员培训;人事培训;人才培训,medical personnel医疗人员;医务人员;医学人才,personnel management人事管理;人员管理;人事管理工作,security personnel安保人员;安全人员;保安人员。personnel例句:1、Getting acquainted with the human resources personnel.熟悉人力资源人员。2、They appointed her as personnel manager.他们委任她为人事经理。3、Many of the personnel involved require training.有关的许多员工需要培训。4、I glanced through your personnel file last night.昨晚我粗略地看了一下你的人事档案。

Pregnant person是什么意思?



一个是个人,一个是亲自_ersonally的高级替换:adv. 亲自地;当面;个别地;就自己而言 separately/individually personally 美 /_p__rs_n_li/英 /_p__s_n_li/ adv.亲自地.


个性化:personalized;individuation;individualized;individual; personal“个性化”的例句:1. People do not mind paying a bit extra for the personal touch. 冲着个性化设计人们不介意多花点儿钱。来自柯林斯例句2. Troll"s exclusive, personalized luggage is made to our own exacting specifications in heavy-duty PVC/nylon. 特罗尔专用的、个性化的行李箱是按照我们自己严格的规格要求用耐用聚氯乙烯/尼龙材料定制的。来自柯林斯例句3. Doctors feel that a more individualized approach to patients should now be adopted. 医生们认为现在对病人应采用更加个性化的治疗方案。来自柯林斯例句4. Individualism has been the secret ingredient in developing his chain of fashion stores. 讲求个性化是他发展时装连锁店的一大秘诀.来自《简明英汉词典》5. The term personalization describes the decoration of persistent objects. 术语“个性化”描述的是持久对象的装饰.

win7个性化变成了Personalization Control Panel

重新启动然后F12->F8 选择最后一次正确配置 或是选择修复

联想笔记本删除了注册表personalization 然后就没有声音了 怎么解决啊?



personalize 使(某事物)针对个人、带有个人感情或个性化;personalization个性化personalizable 个性化的



英语作文,我崇拜的人.The person I admire


请会英语的帮忙 54. A ______ person or government is one that is in favour of democracy.A. independen


I have never met a person such shamelessly,怎么翻译?


to be the world you may be the one person, but to be the one person you may be the world .(翻譯)

以下是原文+翻译: love I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won"t make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can"t have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。 Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要悉眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某人,你是他的整个世界。 Don"t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn"t willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 Just because someone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 Don"t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。 Don"t cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。 Life is a pure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us. -------Sir Thomas Browne “生命是束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。” --------托马斯。布朗爵士麻烦采纳,谢谢!

there is only one person后面怎么区分用who还是that



  between-person  人与人之间  双语例句  In the second and third experiment, 80 participants were chosen separately andthe experimental design with 2 × 2 between-person levels of analysis was made.  实验二和实验三分别选取80名被试,进行2×2的被试间实验设计。  within-person  在人  双语例句  1. An averagely fit person can master easy ski runs within a few days.  健康的普通人几天内就可以掌握简单的滑雪技术。  2. Within a short time, a person could have a complete change of mood.  然而同时他又不能够压下另外一种思想.  3. Proud one person, result have destroyed self always within pride.  一个骄傲的人, 结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己.


您好:应该用单数我想您是想表达:平均每人这样表达会更规范On average per person后面的谓语单词要用单数形式。

我需要题目为If I was the chairperson of student union的口语作文,大概三分钟左右

As we all know, the student union chairman plays a very important role in helping build a good learning environment and in organizing colourful extracurricular activities. I have the ability to take on this role, because I am very active, easygoing and ready to help people. If I was the chairman of the student union, I will organized various activities, such as lectures, composition contests, singing contests, and so on. We will also pass on our classmates" needs to the school master and make valuable suggestions as to how to improve our learning environment. If I was the chairman of the student union of our school, I will do my best to serve all of you. Give me a chance and you will enjoy a rich colourful college life.

以‘’the person i want to thank most‘’为题的英语作文

My mother is the person I want to thank most. She gave me life and brought me up. She loves me with all her heart without waiting for me to give her any reward in kind. Whenever i have difficulty, I would turn to her for help. Whenever I fall ill, she would be one to take care of me at the cost of her own health. She would be happy with every little progress I have made. My mom cares for me but never spoils me. She is strict with me and shows me what is wrong and what is right. She herself sets up a role model for me so that I will become a useful person in the society. Today, I want to say "Thank you, mom."


of本来就有"……的“意思,如果加上‘s, 意思不一样了。the role model of every person 每个人的榜样a friend of the person"s 此人的一个朋友=a friend of the person"s friends又如the role of the teacher教师的角色

a person of determination是什么用法


supersonic 和 ultrasonic 怎么区别?

通常是用supersonic表示超音速ultrasonic 表示超声波,也可以表示超音速

supersonic ultrosonic区别是什么?不都是超音速吗?

在这组词缀对比中:super- 是对速度的描述,所以 supersonic 指的是超过介质中当地音速的速度,故一般词义为“adj. 超音速的”;ultra- 是对声音频率的描述,所以 ultrasonic 指的是频率高于人耳听觉频率上限的声波,故一般词义为“n. 超声波/ adj, 超声波的”,类似的还有紫外光线 ultraviolet,也就是频率高于人眼所能见的紫光频率的光。不过像 superspeed 和 ultraspeed,尽管都是用于描述速度特别快的,一般还是认为 ultraspeed 更快。

supersonic 和 ultrasonic 怎么区别?

分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 都有“超音速”和“超声波”的意思,如何细分? 解析: 通常是用supersonic表示超音速 ultrasonic 表示超声波,也可以表示超音速

are you a self-confident person?


我们有5个人 可不可以说 we are five of us 或者 we have five persons 或者 怎么说最地道?

口语一点直接就是:five of us

a lay-back person. 什么意思,重点解释一下 lay-back 这个词谢。

lay- back : not tense, easy-going, calm, relaxed.一个易相处的人

申研的Personal Statement怎么写?详细的格式,内容,有范例最好,谢谢~嘿

Personal Statement1In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I enclosed following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China, on Jan. 19, 1975, I go to school at age of 6. After 12 years of education, I was recommended to Tsinghua University without tests. I am looking forward to receive my B.E. degree this summer.During my academic years, I kept getting high scores. I got the highest scores nearly in every courses.At the same time, I take an active role in the research lab. I learned and practised a lot during this work. Because my special contribution to the project of Tsinghua Software, I was rewarded several awards by the university as well as the Ministry of Electronics, such as AAA scholarship, BBB honour.After these years of study, I decided to devote all my life to Computer Science and would like to apply for Ph.D. your University. I know you have very strong faculty and facilities for an individualised study plan.Personal Statement2Statement of GoalsApplicant: Liu YingProgram: Ph.D. in Computer ScienceAlthough an ordinary girl born in an ordinary family, I was brought up in atmosphere of love. Therefore I love this world and people, I wish to devote to their happiness and satis-faction.Computer Science Is The Answer.At age of 16, I entered the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, the best University, best department in China. I was so absorbed by the magic of Computer Theory as well as Application. I deeply believe that Computer Science will definitely change the industry of the future.Since My overall GPA belong to upper 5% of 150 students, I was awarded many scholarship, such as Tsinghua Outstanding Student Fellowship, GuangHua Fellowship. As reward,I was recommended to enter the Ph.D.Program at Tsinghua University directly,waived of tests. But I choose to apply for your University since you could provide a better environment for further research.What"s The Interest.I have a broad interest in this discipline. But the most desired area of interest is Software Engineering. Other interests follow in order of preference: Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics.

2019年6月六级考试第二套试卷作文范文:Interpersonal Relationships篇

The Importance of Mutual Understanding and Respect in Interpersonal RelationshipsFor college students, a harmonious interpersonal relationship, especially among classmates, can guarantee their healthy growth and development. And as for me, mutual understanding and respect is the key to building this harmony.For one thing, college students come from all over the country and they all have their own way of life and customs, so when having conflicts with each other, only mutual understanding and respect can make both sides reach an agreement. If they can reach a consensus, it will be good for them to maintain long-term friendly relations. For another thing, mutual understanding and respect can make students more willing to learn from their teachers and classmates, thus making them study more efficiently, which is conducive to creating a harmonious learning atmosphere for classes.In conclusion, mutual understanding and respect is the basis of good interpersonal relationships. Just as the saying goes, if you want to win the respect of others, you first need to respect others. Therefore, whenever you disagree with others, try to put yourself in their shoes and be more tolerant and understanding.更多六级真题备考内容,环球青藤资讯将及时与您分享,尽请关注!


dictionaries scarvesdear/expensivechosepersonalmore expensiveinterestinteresting/exciting

an unforgettable person作文200字急······,要原创

An ungorgettable personEveryone has a wonderful life.And in the life, we can not forget something or someone. Now I an going to introduce a special man who i never forget to you.This man is my brother who is tall and strong. My brother is a fascinating man although he has alredy been 48 years old. His charm is from his intelligence. In my eyes, he is actually a PC. He can remember all the phone numbers of everyone that he knows. And his favorite hobby is bridge. Oh,no,I"m sorry. His fivorite hobby is beautiful lady. Just a kidding.My brother likes to watch documentary films。He always asks me to download these films from internet. And his demands are perfect. Sometimes I don"t know how to do because almost all the documentary films that he is interested in have been watched by him. My brother is realy anitpicked man.My brother is such a nice man.

personal articles是什么意思

私人文章, 个人物品。


private和personal的区别在于含义、侧重点、应用场合和常见搭配不同。1、含义不同personal adj.个人的;私密的;身体的;n.私人信息发布,私人广告;private adj.私有的,自用的;单独的;私下辅导的;n.二等兵;2、侧重点不同personal侧重在内容方面与个人的相关性,通常与人身相关,只能用于人。private侧重在权属方面的私有性,与public相对,不但可以用于人,还可用于机构。3、应用场合不同在经济方面的用法:private用的次数多于perosnal。在谈及集体主义和个人主义时:一般用perosnal,而不用private。在谈及本人、亲自、身体、容貌等方面时:一般用perosnal,而不用private。要表达秘密的、私下的等形容词时:一般用private。造句举例That"s my personal opinion.这是我的个人意见。They sent their children to private schools.他们送孩子们上私立学校。Newspapers resorted to personal abuse.报纸搞起了人身攻击。No other European country had so much state ownership and so few privately owned businesses.没有任何别的欧洲国家有这么多的国有企业和这么少的私有企业。He has a private income.他有一笔私人收入。The best clubs also offer personal trainers to help motivate and ensure that exercises are properly performed.最好的俱乐部还提供私人教练,来帮助激发动力,并确保训练适当地进行。The President has great personal charisma.总统具有超凡的个人魅力。The file was labelled"Private".那档案已标明“保密”。

persona non grata是什么意思






persona non grata是什么意思

不受欢迎的人双语对照词典结果:persona non gratan.不受欢迎的人; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

personally rewarding什么意思


英语personally rewarding怎么翻译?

英语personally rewarding翻译为个人奖励扩展资料:personally英 [ u02c8pu025cu02d0su0259nu0259li ]美 [ u02c8pu025cu02d0rsu0259nu0259li ]释义adv.就个人而言;亲自地,本人地;当面地,直接地;个别地,单个地;私人地,私下里;无礼地,冒犯地例句1. I write personally to each inquirer.我亲自给每位问讯者回信。2. I personally think it"s a rotten idea.我个人认为这是个馊主意。3. Personally, I prefer the second option.就我个人而言,我倾向第二种选择。

急求关于waht do you think are the personality traits of a fine student?

) 大学最重要的,是给自己一个定位,就是自己到底喜欢些什么。要多读书多锻炼,无论你的课程多重,也应该挤出时间做些别的,因为兴趣隐藏着无限力量。 The most important thing about university is to find an orientation for yourself. That is to say, find out what you really like. You should read a lot of books and exercise a lot. Even if your course load is very heavy, you should still squeeze in some time to do other things, "cause interest contains limitless power. 2) 永远记得,身体比成绩重要得多。 Always remember, your health is much more important than your grades. 3) 如果进了不喜欢或者不擅长的专业,可以抱怨,但是,如果能转系就转系,能坚持就坚持,只要你活下来,就能得到别人没有的财富。 If you enter a major that you don"t like or aren"t good at, it"s okay to complain. But if you can switch departments then switch departments, if you can stick with it then stick with it; as long as you survive, you"ll gain riches that others don"t have. 4) 不要忽视社团,那里可以让你找到新生活。 Don"t overlook clubs, because they can help you find new experiences. 5) 不要为了参加社团而参加。 Don"t join clubs just to join them.6) 网恋是游戏,很危险,所以最好拒绝深夜无聊的QQ陌生人,因为你不知道他是你的爸爸,奶奶,还是什么不认识的坏人。 Online romance is a game, and it"s dangerous, so it"s best to refuse to stay up late having boring online chats with strangers, because you never know if it"s your father, your grandmother, or some scoundrel that you don"t know!7) 世界上最快乐的事情,莫过于帮助别人,然后再被别人尊敬。这就是我加入爱心社的原因。如果你去过老年公寓或者支教,你会明白的。虽然会有钉子碰,但更多的是温暖。 There"s nothing on this earth that brings more happiness than helping others and earning their respect. This is why I joined the "Kindness Club". If you"ve been to an old folk"s home, or taught in underprivileged areas, you understand. Even though you"ll run into snags, the feeling of warmth makes it worth it. 8) 可能的话,去练武,如果你困惑,看看校园里横冲直撞的机动车,就知道软弱是多么悲哀的一件事。 If possible, practice martial arts. If you feel perplexed, take a look at the cars as they barge about the campus, and you"ll realize how sorrowful it is to be weak and feeble. 9) 在自己强大的同时,保持谦逊,因为总有比你更强大的。 When you"re at your strongest, maintain your modesty, because there are always those who are stronger than you. 10) 不要放弃玩的时间,有的时候,玩比书本更可贵。 Don"t forget to leave time for play. Sometimes play can be more valuable than books. 11) 不要溜须拍马,阿谀奉承,热衷权力,就像某些学生一样。权力是个诱人的东西,正因为它诱人,所以才非常危险。 Don"t fawn on others and hanker after power, as some students do. Power is alluring, and because it is alluring it is also extremely dangerous. 12) 最感人,却最容易被人忽视的,是对父母,对那些爱你和你爱的人的感情,还有你们之间美好的关系。 The most touching sort of feeling, yet the easiest to ignore, are the feelings you feel towards your parents, those who love you and those you love, as well as the wonderful relationships between you. 13) 对于男生而言,追求爱情没有错误,但是真正的爱是宽容,是体贴,是淡然,而不是一见之下轻易说出来的“我爱你”。爱同时是一种亲情。 As far as male students are concerned, pursuing love is not wrong. But true love is tolerant, considerate and cool, not rashly saying "I love you" at the first glance. At the same time, love is a form of affection. 14) 如果你没追上一个女生,就让她随便,你哭是可以的,但是不要等人家结婚了才想起来自己单身,记得,无论多好的女子,面对一个自己不爱的人,也不得不冷漠。 If you don"t succeed in getting the girl, just let her go. You can cry, but don"t wait until she marries to realize that you are single. Remember, no matter how great a girl she is, when facing someone she doesn"t love, she can only feel cold and detached. 15) 网络游戏是毒品,如果你不怕死,或者意志够坚强,可以去玩。我遇到的人里,除了同寝室有一位,其他人还没有会不上瘾的。 Online games are a type of drug. If you don"t fear death, or have a strong enough will, you can play them. Of all the people I"ve encountered―with the exception of one roommate―no one has failed to become addicted. 16) BBS上怒气冲天地吵架,是最愚蠢的行为,你也许会勃然大怒,但是记得,你气炸了肺,对手会笑开花。锋芒太刺眼的人往往没有好结果。 Expressing rage in arguments on a BBS is the stupidest form of behavior. You might get mad, but remember, when you explode with anger your adversary will start smiling. Aggressive and irritating people rarely end up with a good result. 17) 对于女生而言,感情并非生命的第一要务,更不要轻易献出自己,因为我是男生,了解那些自诩所谓不在乎贞洁的男生心理,他们可能是很可怕的。 As for girls, you shouldn"t think that feelings are the most important things in life, let alone lightly give yourself out. Because I"m a male, I understand the mentality of those male braggarts who say they don"t care about chastity, and they can be quite terrible. 发信人: Rommel, 信区: FreshmanSender: Rommel Area: Freshman标 题: 同学们在大学期间要保管好各种证件、证明Subject: Credentials and documentation that classmates should take care not to lose发信站: 北大未名站 (2004年06月16日12:32:09 星期三)Forum: Peking University Weiming (06/16/2004)这些东东到毕业的时候很重要的。包括学生证,图书证,医疗证,还有住宿押金证明。不然,毕业的时候就受罪了,口袋会被掏走不少票子。Here"s a list of things that are very important come graduation(=when graduation arrives; upon graduation): your student ID, your library card, your medical card, and the deposit slip for your accommodation. If you don"t have them, you"ll be in trouble when graduation comes around, and quite a few bills will be pulled out of your pocket






INTJ是十六种类型中最稀有的类型之一,所占的人口比例仅仅只有1%。其次,INFP治疗者(The Healer)或者哲学家型(INFP),大概占总人口的4%-5%。女性INFP占女性人口的5%男性INFP占男性人口的4%MBTI理论认为一个人的个性可以从四个角度进行分析,用字母代表如下:1、驱动力的来源:外向E——内向I。2、接受信息的方式:感觉S——直觉N。3、决策的方式:思维T——情感F。4、对待不确定性的态度:判断J——知觉P。











浏览器搜索“16 personalities ”大概是第三个链接点进去如果有几个卡通人物






人格类型16 personalities



16personalities人格测试有74题。MBTI测试相信大家都不会陌生,这是一个从心理学家荣格对 个体心理的差异性在世界思想史上的表现进行了系统的梳理研究发展出来的,在很多企业招聘的时候会要求面试者做一个测试,也是我们了解自己的性格特点,作为工作事业发展的一个参考。个体16型人格最主要的量表,也就是“迈尔斯-布里格斯类型指示表”(Myers-Briggs Type indicator),也就是MBTI。

My world, I know a person is good.

Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 rid of the shadow. 你是我摆脱不了的影子。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 Delusion is me to walk with you life. 妄想陪你走一生的人是我。 Life is a beautiful struggle. 生命是一场美丽的挣扎。 In a city, the city lived in pain. 心中有座城,城里住着疼。 Want perfect, always not perfect. 想要的完美,始终不完美。 Not crave forever,because too far. 不奢求永远 因为太远。 My world, I know a person is good. 我的世界,我一个人懂就好。 Say wait for you, I would not leave. 说好了等你,我就不会离开。 有哲理的励志说说:I am making my time count 1.你用沉默来回避我,那我就用不联系来成全你。 2.我已经做好要陪你一生的打算,爱情无望就让友情来帮我圆谎。 3.看我爱的多懦弱,你的消息只能听别人说。 4.何必赠我一朵枯萎的花,如果爱我不是你的心里话。 5.世界上其实根本没有感同身受这回事,针不刺到别人身上,他们就不知道有多痛。 6.我曾悄无声息的喜欢过你,友情之上,爱情未满。 7.不如两清,做回甲乙丙丁。 8.世界上最委屈的事就是我很喜欢你,但好像只能到这里了。 9.后来,听闻你有了新欢,从此,我的英雄为了另一个女孩征战疆场血溅四方。 10.我说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。 11.化雪永远比下雪冷,就像结束永远比开始疼。 12.“Miss”有两个意思,一个是想念,一个是失去,所以想念多了就会失去。 13.后来我们依然孤单,你换了几站,我一直流浪。 14.我愿终有一日,你付出一片真心,却被人弃之如履,因爱别离,求不得而失措发狂,身心千疮百孔。 15.很难受吧,有上千页聊天记录的人就这么离开了。说说控最伤感的说说分享 16.不要总是在担心会失去谁,好好想想,有谁会在担心失去你。 17.“我爱你”用唇语读出来却是“怀疑”。 18.雨水落下来是因为天空无法承受它的重量,眼泪掉下来是因为心再也无法承受那样的伤痛。 stands for my heart ●Sometimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 ●Some people ee people an is panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 ◆ I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 My heart is with you. ◆ In spite of you and me and the silly panying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。 eone doesn"t love you the way you want them to,doesn"t mean they don"t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你 It is better bo have love and lost than never to have loved at all. 宁可曾经爱过而失败,也不要从来未曾有过一次爱。 I"ll think of you every step of the way. 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步 My heart is with you. 我的爱与你同在 You make my heart smile. 我的心因你而笑。 one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person。 好的爱情是你通过一个人看到整个世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。 Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply? 难道你怕一个深爱着你的痴情儿? Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

relevant person是什么 意思


Repair person是什么意思?

repair person翻译repair person 修理工; [例句]A closed membership Repair or service must be perform by a qualified repair person

No other person in heart. 这个是什么意思?


是not other person还是no other person?

如果是指的并非其他人 not other person如果指的是没有其他人 no other person

a reserved person

一个沉默的人总是不与陌生人说太多的话,不流露自己的感情,并且很少兴奋. 特别提示:reserved有沉默,含蓄,冷淡的意思,翻译此句要根据上下文的文意来翻译.呵呵

health club fee of $10 per person a day plus tax

health club fee of $10 per person a day plus tax will be billed back to guests意思是:健康俱乐部收费一天10美元加上税,会以帐单的形式交回给客人。

personal details 中的title是什么意思


投稿中遇见上传permission to publish personal information什么意思

permission to publish personal information允许发布个人信息希望能帮助你有不明白请追问如果满意了请采纳哦

找人帮写文章以 1 Ask for personal information为题写50词左右的英语文章.

Ask for personal information Now ,I"m writing to ask your own information. I"m very gald to ask you.And I"m also happy to be helped. I"m needing to ask you about your own conditions too.If there sth wrong with your own health ,you"d need to ask doctor for some advices. you like the way that I use ? If you don"t like ,please tell me why you like or dislike it. If you don"t know how to ask other"s information ,you should keep one thing in mind that you should be breave to do anything.

这句英文的语法正确吗?I assume that his personal information


Personal Information Protection作文

The lack of awareness about personal information protection in our country, under the influence of traditional and centralized system, people have not advocated liberty tradition, more talk about privacy, right of personal information. Even after the establishment in China, for the protection is still lacking. But as in recent years, the change of the government management mode and people"s legal consciousness is improving, the situation improved slightly. Right of personal information as closely connected with people"s rights, its ShangWeiFa on the right of privacy. Therefore, we should also speak right of personal information as a kind of personality right to protection. (2) the lack of legal protection at present our country has not yet been ZhuanMenFa about personal information protection, but in the world, under the trend of our country will develop personal information protection ZhuanMenFa formulation mentioned legislative agenda. Since personal information protection question has already been done, in the reality of laws is also necessary to respond. In fact, China"s existing legal system, although there is no direct personal information should be brought into the scope of protection, really give indirect protection.热乎乎的 ,快采纳吧

我把一wrod文件加密后变成了Personal Information Exchange格式的文件,输入密码后提示导入成功却打不开


Don’t respond to any e-mails ______ personal information, no matter how official they look. A. requ


personal iformation是什么意思


personal info是什么意思。

info为information的缩写 personal info就是指个人信息

personal information怎么读

personal information 英 ["pu025cu02d0s(u0259)n(u0259)l][u026anfu0259"meu026au0283(u0259)n]个人信息,个人情况;个人资料,个人资讯


开头:Hello! My name is Tom. I have any favorite petson. But my favorite person is my mother. Let me tell you about she.

英语the person is “hooked”怎么翻译?

The person is “hooked”.这个人“上钩了”。
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