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—Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union?—David is. He is ______ enough

2023-07-14 14:19:39





2023-07-14 05:57:342


大卫星(Star of David,Hexagram)即六芒星,又名大卫之盾、所罗门封印、犹太星,是犹太文化的标志。以色列建国后将大卫星放在以色列国旗上,因此大卫星也成为了以色列的象征。其它用法在美国国徽中,在鹰头的上部有一个由代表美国最初13个州的13个星所组成的一个六角星。一般认为这是一个偶然的标记,但也有人认为这个标记是为了感谢海姆·所罗门(Haym Solomon)为美国独立战争所提供的慷慨资助加入的,有人甚至认为所罗门本人设计了这个国徽。德国纳粹时期,曾用此星来辨别犹太人;纳粹集中营中所有犹太人都需戴着以两个重叠的黄色三角形所组成的大卫星。
2023-07-14 05:57:431

什么是Star of David? 谢谢回答

2023-07-14 05:57:526


2023-07-14 05:58:081


star of david hexagram英文翻译如下大卫之星
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2023-07-14 05:58:301

为什么犹太人的标志叫the star of david

2023-07-14 05:58:534


The six-pointed Star of David is the Jewish symbol that the Nazis forced the Jews,above the age of six to wear as a mark of shame and to make ...made of yellow cloth and sewn to the clothing European Jews to permit easy identification 是个黄色六角星,纳粹强迫6岁以上犹太人带上的——犹太符号表示屈辱,用黄色的布和衣服缝合,便于辨认欧洲的犹太人
2023-07-14 05:59:001


三角形在几何图形中是最稳定的一种图形,它代表了一个国家的平安和稳定! 同时三角形也是誓死捍卫国家稳定的象征! 是代表一个国家对战死英雄最崇高的敬意!当一个英雄为他的国家捐躯,在他的葬礼上,全体官兵身着礼服,死着身披国旗,由生前他的战友列队肩抗入墓地,在牧师做完祷告后,下葬时军队对天空鸣放三枪,英雄身上的国旗将被揭下然后被庄重的叠成个三角形交给死者的家属,代表国家对英雄为国捐躯的最高敬意!那面三角形的国旗将被死着家属珍藏!
2023-07-14 05:59:081


Ziva David 姬娃·戴维.... Cote de Pablo蔻特·德·帕布罗(2005-2013)《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)S11.E02:在Cote de Pablo演出的最后一集里,Tony费尽千辛万苦终于在Ziva出生的地方找到了她,劝说她重新开始。他这次说了真心话:”I just want you to come home with me. I know you want to change. I can change with you. I"m fighting for you, Ziva.” 但是Ziva不能跟他走,也不能跟他在一起,那就只好……吻别吧。Ziva偷偷将「Star of David」项链塞到了Tony的口袋里,Tony睹物思人,愁肠百结!再见,Ziva;再见,「Tiva」!因为演员Cote de Pablo希望转型不愿意续约该剧,因此被迫更换女主角(还好编剧没狠心把 Ziva写死)
2023-07-14 05:59:261


2023-07-14 05:59:422


1.豪勇七蛟龙(The Magnificent Seven)3.CCTV《天气预报》主题曲4.简单的礼物(Simple Gifts)5.雪的梦幻(Snowdreams)6.童年(Childhood Memory)7.宋家王朝(THE SOONG SISTER)8.你的笑颜(Your Smile)9.春野(ONE DAY IN SPRING)10.安妮的仙境(Annie""s Wonderland)11.凤凰卫视《天气预报》主题曲12.神秘园之歌(Song From A Secret Garden)13.Windancer这首曲子出自神秘园的专辑《White stone》(白石),悠扬舒畅,有品味的书店和FLASH动画都比较偏爱这首曲子。14.火之战车(CHARIOTS OF FIRE)很雄壮有力的歌曲,大家应该很熟悉15.泪花(TEARS)纯美的钢琴曲,经常能听到它,可惜关于该曲的进一步资料我就不清楚了。多年后,如果我们相逢,我将以何来面汝,以沉默以眼泪…… 忧伤的琴键中,我却觉得自己被安慰,泪珠在阳光下凝结成了完美的樱花形状,纵然枯萎仍有暖意。那一刹那真的怕极了自己内心里还有任何怨恨与阴骛,一点点,都会让自己无法与曲中的美丽邂逅。多年以后,沉默的我们正如那些无法启齿的往事,会凝成心里的一滴泪吗?抑或就这么被现实的烈阳蒸发掉了,点滴不剩。至少我为你哭泣过,安静的,无声的,伤心的,在岁月无法触摸的角落里,玫瑰花心渐渐老去。16.再见police(goodbye)似乎是一首意大利歌曲,然后被国产影视作品广为引用,最明显的就是《无间道》里《再见police》这首背景音乐使用的就是它。17.柔板(Adagio)《Adagio》(柔板)很柔美,就像它的名字一样,也是很能引发感触的好作品,听了居然不免要落泪,足见其感染力之强!有一些广告就用其作为背景音乐,另外电台的一些情感节目也有用其作为背景音乐。而且,该曲也是朗诵配乐不可多得的好曲子(该音乐出自专辑《Songs From A Secret Garden》)。18. 英雄的黎明很恢弘的一首曲子,在扶桑动画片《三国志》中出现过,也在95版《神雕侠侣》出现过。19.王都炎上新白娘子传奇里用过,记得青姐花园站的青姐弹过的,叫断桥。水漫金山后许仙与白娘子在断桥相见时用到过。20.爱的罗曼史(Romance De Amor)学吉他的朋友必弹的曲目。经常在爱情电视剧和青春电视剧出现的曲目。21.反璞归真(Return To Innocence)英格玛《The cross of changes》里的经典曲目,中国人寿保险在CCTV上做的广告就用其作背景音乐.22.天地孤影任我行东邪西毒-《天地孤影任我行》,那电影开场时开山碎石的背景音乐,极其苍凉雄浑,后来大话西游里紫霞临死这段音乐飘扬的时候,我已忍不住潸然泪下23.Bandari - The Soong Sister97天龙八部一首背景音乐,非常洗涤心灵的伤感音乐,尤其是后半段,令人伤感...24.Forrest Gump - Suite Forrest Gump阿甘正传一首令人感到温暖的交响乐,它将和电影一起深深埋藏在我们的灵魂深处,每当听起这首曲子,我便想起了阿甘,他用自己的坎坷经历让我们懂得了如何珍惜眼前的一切,也让我们明白了逆境并不能将我们打垮,我们应该去努力寻找自己的幸福...地址25.Variations on the Kanon by Pachelbel在电影《我的野蛮女友》中,当全智贤的钢琴声在大学阶梯课室里响起的时候,满脸尴尬的车太贤情不自禁穿过人群,将准备以久的玫瑰送给全智贤。这时满场一片喝彩鼓掌之声,也让我们对爱情充满了无尽的幻想26.Daydream 白日梦英国BBC广播网夜间节目配乐常客27.Greek Meditation 古诗各电视台情感节目用曲28.闲云孤鹤央视节目间过度背景音乐-闲云孤鹤29.印度之花Blossoms From India-Sea of Flower 印度之花30.喜多郎 silk road乐曲“丝绸之路”是喜多郎的成名31.Caribbean_Blue加勒比海盗加勒比海蓝.mp3 经典再现-Moonlight Bay32.神思者 sens kaishin神思者-sens-kaishin [海神] - 阿普洛迪33.Bamboo Dance竹舞水光涟漪之竹舞Bamboo Dance 邵容演奏34.SONG FOR THE LORDSONG FOR THE LORD献给阁下的歌-班得瑞音乐-寂静山林35.弥撒(The Mass)各电视台Army事节目-弥撒(The Mass)36.Nightingale夜莺雅尼 [Yanni]-Nightingale夜莺37.Children在瑞典出生的Robert Miles,在九十年代以一曲Children大受人们瞩目。此碟更被誉为是“全欧史上最畅销跳舞细碟”,Robert Miles 也因“Children”一曲而声名大噪!虽为舞蹈曲目,但好多电台DJ都拿它作动感的背景音乐,尤其是汽车音乐,爽呆咯38.CCTV动物世界片头曲 Just Blue这首Just Blue 出自Space乐队的1978年专辑《Just Blue》。 Space,法国著名的流行电子乐队(synth-pop ),这张专辑是他们最好的专辑,也是最“太空”的专辑,音乐天马行空,旋律美妙无比,在欧洲拥有一大批忠实听众。下面是2个版本,第一个是片中音乐。39.CCTV动物世界片尾曲 we stay这首《we stay》,选自专辑《The Arctic Circle 》,来自英国的SKY乐队。音乐属于介于轻音乐和NEW AGE MUSIC之间,探索的成分较浓。音乐中运用了多种乐器,糅合了自然声息强烈的流行音乐风味音律流畅!40.LOVE SONGS FEAST(爱的筵席),CCTV《对话》节目插曲又是一首哼唱音乐,直入灵魂深处…… 本曲是CCTV《对话》节目插曲,在每次介绍对话嘉宾取得辉煌成就的录像里,常常就是这首空灵的,充满谜一样绚丽色彩的曲子。该曲名为《LOVE SONGS FEAST》(爱的筵席)。莎拉布莱曼专辑《重回伊甸园》中的曲目《SCENE DAMOUR》(爱情场景)也是该曲目。鸡和蛋谁先有,无法考证41.One Man"s Dream CCTV《对话》主题曲雅尼最为精彩的一张现场专辑——《Yanni Live At The Acropolis》中的一首《One man"s dream》,每次从cctv-2看那档《对话》的节目时,心里都是一阵莫明的激动。看似卑微的人类,可以在一生中有如此的成就。尤其是当他们年长的时候,回头看看时,或者和我们这些正处于卑微状态中的人对话时。42.Short Trip Home(回家的路很短)最早听到这曲就是荷兰队被拒在02年世界杯门外时候CCTV5放了这一曲子。后来在世界杯的时候每每强队要告别世界杯时,这支哀怨的曲子就随之响起,它将人的心情渲染得淋漓尽致。这首Short Trip Home 是专辑《HEARTLAND 》里边的曲子,专辑是约夏贝尔,马友友(大提琴),艾格麦尔(蓝调+摇滚派的低音大提琴演奏家)及马克欧康(乡村小提琴)几个人的精选合成集子。43.永恒依然-汪正正在奥运期间推出的新曲“是谁波动天地之旅,燃起力量穿越无边……当一切慢慢遥远,永恒依然。”歌手汪正正在奥运期间推出的新曲《永恒依然》近日在中央电视台的几个频道同时播出,成为申奥的代表歌曲和未来广告公司的形象代言歌曲。44.Don"t turn off the light 不要关灯-央视体育频道天下足球背景音乐拉美音乐领域最炙手可热的人物enrique iglesias,其父就是大名鼎鼎julio iglesias(胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯)。45.MagicBoulevard ---世界影视博览的背景音乐-法语歌曲这首歌是Francois Feldman 98年同名专辑Magic"boul"vard中的一首,《Magic boulevard》(魔力大道)描述的是关于一个电影院领座员唯美而忧伤的心情。46. Through The Arbor穿过树荫-央视节目间过度背景音乐著名钢琴家凯文·柯恩Kevin Kern 以他享有盛誉的美丽钢琴调子来捕捉我们的心,这是他最具有代表性之经典作,曲调不经修饰,却能轻轻松松地令我们不期然地跟着他走进“满园春色关不住”的林荫,不愧是钢琴大师。47.《勇闯夺命岛》(THE ROCK)主题音乐Rock House JailHOLLYWOOD 动作影片《勇闯夺命岛》(THE ROCK)中的第3段配乐,本曲相当有气魄,节奏感很强,他的主创 Hans Zimmer。这段音乐已经被CCT那个V给用滥了,节目里有警-察追击的镜头出现,往往就能听到这段音乐,估计没交版权费;国内有个LJ电视剧也曾经盗用过,好可耻,我的鼻子就是那时给气歪了48.Bluebird 蓝鸟各电视台节目大量引用 ,出自詹姆斯·拉斯特乐队,最受欢迎、流行最广的《蓝鸟》(Bluebird),它不仅保持了乐团原有特色,而且在风格上与其他改编作品有所不同。49.North Gate - Ron Carnel-TVB瞬间看地球背景音乐凤凰卫视TVB瞬间看地球的背景音乐50.Star Of Baghdad巴格达之星《巴格达之星》(Star Of Baghdad)出自班德瑞的专辑《仙境》,依然是听了让人觉得有点伤感的曲子51.THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS- 大烟山-美国国家公园系列探索频道配乐大师融合全球五大洲音乐元素,呈现精彩听觉冒险52.瑞典狂想曲 德国神童小提琴家David Garrett 轻松欢快的小提琴
2023-07-14 05:59:511


2023-07-14 06:00:0014


丹尼尔个人资料集(目前最具体、权威) DanielRadcliffe 中文名:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫 昵称丹:Dan,Danny 饰演人物:HarryPotter哈利波特 呢称:Dan,Danny,Daniel,Do--it--againDan(在拍摄时的称呼) 生日:1989年7月23日 眼睛:碧蓝 出生地:伦敦的Fulham 中文名:丹尼尔·雷德克里夫星座:狮子座 身高:1.70 母亲:MarciaGresham(经理人),44岁 父亲:AlanRadcliffe(文学代理),46岁 宠物:Binka&Nugget(柯利牧羊狗) 学校:位于伦敦,但不只是哪一所,他转学了! 最喜欢的动物:狼 喜欢的电影明星:汤姆·克鲁斯,妮可·基得曼 喜欢的歌星:U2 音乐:Rem,U2,Stereophonics,Dido,JJ72,theSexPistols,theUndertones,theNewYorkDolls,theStranglers. 最喜欢的科目:科学,体操 最喜欢的体育项目:世界摔跤,一级方程式赛车,英国富勒姆球队的铁杆球迷 拿手项目:田径和体操 HP中喜欢的角色:海格和韦斯莱一家 最喜欢的HP:哈利波特和密室 最喜欢的魔法工具:隐身衣 喜欢HP中哪个剧情:下国际象棋 将来:打算从事音乐,写作或者体育方面的工作 哈利系列:《哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚犯》 角色:小天狼星布莱克 电影场景:《哈利波特与魔法石》——最后的棋盘,对抗伏地魔,魔鬼网 《哈利波特与密室》——与马尔福的对话,决斗俱乐部 电影台词:伏地魔 (除哈利波特以外的)书:LouisSachar"s“Holes” 电影:MoulinRouge(红磨坊/梦断花都/情陷红磨坊),12AngryMen(12个愤怒的男人), Shakespeareinlove(恋爱中的莎士比亚/莎翁情史),Apollo13(阿波罗13/太阳神13号)What"sEatingGilbertGrape(不清楚它的中文译名,这是丹在奥斯卡里说过的,是一部黑白片),ShawshankRedemption(肖申克的救庶),TheDish(天线) 电视:Simpsons(阿森一族) 糖果:Marsbar(一种巧克力) 饮料:DietCoke(健怡可乐) 食物:麦当劳 颜色:绿、红、金 数字:9 爱好:电影、写作、读书、跑步、运动、音乐 女演员:JuliaRoberts(朱莉娅·罗伯茨),KateWinslet(凯特·温斯蕾特),CatherineZeta-Jones(凯瑟琳·泽塔--琼斯),KateHudson(凯特·哈德森) ReneeZellweger(蕾妮·泽尔维格),KirstenDunst(克斯汀·邓斯特) 男演员:TomHanks(汤姆·汉克斯),BenStiller(本·斯蒂勒),JudeLaw(裘德·劳) EdHarrie(艾德·哈里斯),RobertDeniro(罗伯特·德尼罗) 偶像:蜘蛛侠 T恤设计:Mambo 小机械:随身听CD机 哈利的品质:忠心,支持自己,有好奇心 体育:Fulham足球(英超),世界摔跤(特别喜欢Rocks,moony注:中文译名为“岩石”, 在今年的荷里活/好莱坞的新电影“蝎子王”里充当男主角),一级方程式赛车 音乐:Rem、U2、Stereophonics、Dido、JJ72、theSexPistols、the Undertones、theNewYorkDolls、theStranglers 不喜欢的东西: 食物:蛋糕 学校科目:数学&法语 曾去国家:西班牙、瑞典、法国、意大利、巴拿马、美国 女朋友:暂时没有 丹的电子邮箱地址是: (1) (2) (3) 丹尼尔的地址 国外两个有名的丹尼尔网站-danradcliffe.com和都收到最新的丹尼尔签名照(上图),这张照片也是丹尼尔以后发给影迷的照片。另外还有一封丹的父亲alanradcliffe的来信,大意如下: 只有两个地址是可以丹收到来信的: argtalent 4greatportlandstreet londonw1w8pa 或者 leavesdenstudios pobox3000 leavesden,herts,wd257lt 如果是寄往其它地址(网上有关dan的地址特别的多)的信件可能会要更长时间,或者根本就没办法寄到。 丹的回信包括-有丹亲笔签名的最近照片、一封短报(newsletter)或者消息(message),消息主要是丹告诉影迷他最近的生活、喜欢看或听些什么等等。这些消息都是丹自己写的-不是他的经纪人或其它人-然后复印成多份再寄出。短报主要是丹尼尔集中影迷来信中的问题并作出回答,在此之前已经寄出了三份不同的短报,第四份将在11月1日寄出,丹坚持每三个月就做一次短报。 眼镜:他需要,但他不喜欢 Adress:Daniel Radcliffe c/o ARG Talent 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA Endland
2023-07-14 06:00:515


可以用Jim Brickman 、Tom Barabas、John.Adorney、Gerry Schubert、Rob Lansberg、David Friedman、David Lanz 、Paul Schwarts、Giovanni、George Winston、Kevin Kern的钢琴音乐。《童年》 班得瑞,《雪之梦》班得瑞再或者:1. 水边的女孩 爱之梦(LIEBESTRAUM) 如梦般美的曲子……此曲由李斯特谱写。 选自理查德的《钢琴曲精彩现场》。2.梦中的婚礼(MARIAGE D" AMOUR) 选自理查德的《水边的阿狄丽娜》。 3.爱的纪念(SOUVENIRS D"ENFANCE) 选自理查德的《钢琴曲精彩现场》。4.罗密欧与朱丽叶(ROMEO & JULIA) 音乐盒或者电子闹钟、电子日历必有的曲目之一。选自理查德的《命运》。本曲由洛塔谱写。 今晚为爱祝贺 曲子原名尚未考查出来,眼下这个名字只是市面上出售的专辑翻译出来的中文名。5.经典浪漫钢琴曲目…… 阿兰蒂斯之恋(ARANJUEZ MON AUOUR) 情人的情思,绵绵不绝而又若即若离。此曲又名《阿兰古斯协奏曲》。6.致爱丽丝(FOR ELFSE) 古典配乐绝对的NO.1,贝多芬的经典曲子,不必多说。7.伤心的爱(HEARTBREAK LOVE) 相信大家都听过这首曲子,很纯的情感……8.你是爱(You Are Love) 貌似这个曲子被CCTV的《请您欣赏》作过背景音乐……9.爱的罗曼史(Romance De Amor) 学吉他的朋友必弹的曲目。经常在爱情电视剧和青春电视剧出现的曲目。10.爱的协奏曲(CONCERTO POUR UNR JEUNE FILLE NOMMEE) 此曲并非巴赫的《爱的协奏曲》,由理查德创作,也是电台节目的最爱之一。 爱的协奏曲 巴赫作曲,此曲并非理查德作曲的那首。貌似这首曲子真名应该是《巴哈小步舞曲》。11.蓝色的爱(LOVE IS BLUE) 作于1968年,原型是一首并不成功的流行歌曲,经保罗-莫里哀改编为轻音乐后竟然脱胎换骨,立即风靡全世界。 这里选用的是理查德•克莱得曼《命运》专辑里弹奏的钢琴曲。12.情书(LOVELETTER TO YOU) 一首轻快活跃的曲子。13.绿色通道(GERRN SHANNEL) 很经典的音乐,有个叫《浪漫情歌》的广播节目一直在使用这首背景音乐。此外,也是许多情感类节目的最爱。14.远处的星光(STARLIGHT AFAR) 神秘园的经典曲目。 轻快的风韵,不禁让脚步轻轻的舞动着;雀跃的心亦随着梦想而飞了起来。15.泪花(TEARS) 纯美的钢琴曲。 故乡的原风景 《神雕侠侣》多次引用,哀伤感人。出自日本作曲家宗次郎1991年的专辑《木道》。16.你的笑颜(Your Smile) 这首曲子出自班德瑞的《仙境》这张专辑,似乎常被用电台作为午夜节目的背景音乐。相对于其它几首情感节目的背景音乐,这首曲子并不显得特别悲伤和哀婉,但是一样会触到你的神经……17.宋家王朝(THE SOONG SISTER) 这首《宋家王朝》出自日本作曲大师喜多郎之手,个人感觉既恢弘又凄婉,港台的电视剧多爱用此背景音乐,比如李若彤版《神雕侠侣》。18.童年(Childhood Memory) 这首《童年》(Childhood Memory)出自班德瑞的《日光海岸》这张专辑。确实曲如其名,让人回想起过去的时光,听了有种想哭的冲动…… 希腊计划 这首曲子出自班德瑞的《日光海岸》这张专辑,但是也是电台和电视台最喜欢用的背景音乐之一。也常用于情歌类的节目,似乎也暗含淡淡的悲伤。19.雪的梦幻(Snowdreams) 这首《雪的梦幻》(Snowdreams)出自班德瑞的春野这张专辑。相当经典的纯音乐,被电台和电视台使用的次数已经无法统计,常在一些情感类(尤其爱情,有一点淡淡的哀伤)的播讲中充当背景音乐。20.再见警察(goodbye) 似乎是一首意大利歌曲,然后被国产影视作品广为引用,最明显的就是《无间道》里《再见警察》这首背景音乐使用的就是它。21月亮门(Moon Gate) 《Moon Gate》(月亮门)这首音乐不得不提!央视广为人知的雕牌洗衣粉的背景音乐用的正是这首曲子!有催人泪下的片段,也有和缓舒美的片段,除了经典,我已没有更多的语言形容了。22.神秘园之歌(Song From A Secret Garden) 这首《神秘园之歌》出自神秘园的第一张专辑《SONGS FROM A SECRETGARDEN》。据说这首歌伤感能杀死人,让人象迷失在神秘的丛林里 流动(Flowing) 很熟悉很亲切的悠扬音乐……23.给母亲的信(LETTRE A MA MERE) 曲如其名,很好地展现了亲情和思念之情。选自理查德的《钢琴曲精彩现场》。24.火之战车(CHARIOTS OF FIRE) 很雄壮有力的歌曲,大家应该很熟悉。 艺名为‘范吉利斯"的Evanghelos Odyssey Papathanassiou,于1943年3月29日出生于希腊Volos。他以为包括“刀锋战士”等多部电影配乐而闻名,大家对他最熟悉的作品可能就是1981年影片“火战车”的主题曲,这首振奋人心的歌曲也为他赢得一座奥斯卡奖。开场的小号声宣告了响弦鼓和钢琴旋律的来临,而这部永恒不朽的影片描写的对运动的奉献和奥运理想也令人难以忘怀。 小号进行曲 广告很喜欢用的曲目之一,较为恢弘。某国产汽车用其作背景音乐。 出埃及记(Exodus) 此曲荣获第33届奥斯卡最佳剧情片配乐金像奖,出自电影《出埃及记》。离别的时候用这种曲子有一种恢弘的悲壮感。马克西姆谱写。 查拉图斯特拉如是说 气势恢宏的曲目,某著名电影制片厂的影片开头似乎都用的这首曲目。 不知这首曲子录制时有什么特殊考虑,貌似20秒钟以后才出现音乐,所以大家请耐心等待。 交响诗,作于1896年,当年初演于德国的法兰克福,是他最为著名的交响诗,这部作品是根据尼采的同名作品自由创作。理查•施特劳斯这样解说:“我的意图并非是写哲学性音乐,也不打算用音乐来描绘尼采的伟大著作,我的想法是以音乐为手段来表达人类的发展这一思想,从人类的起源,通过各个不同的发展阶段,宗教的和科学的,直到尼采关于超人的想法。”查拉图斯特拉即琐罗亚斯德(约公元前七世纪至公元前六世纪),古代波斯宗教改革者,琐罗亚斯德教的创始人。 大明宫词-序曲 电视剧《大明宫词》的片头序曲,气势磅礴。CCTV的《清十二帝》以及一些记录片多用此曲。 豪勇七蛟龙(The Magnificent Seven) 大型颁奖晚会最喜欢用的背景音乐,地球人都知道。伯恩斯坦作曲。25.行星组曲 霍特斯作曲。《行星》组曲是一部庞然巨著,整个作品分为七个乐章,分别以九大行星中的七个星球(地球和当时尚不为人类所知的冥王星除外)命名 布兰诗歌 也称为 《博伊伦之歌》,原是舞台作品 《凯旋三部曲》中的第一部,作于1935—1936年, 1937年初演于法兰克福,后作为康塔塔单独演出, 是奥尔夫最著名的代表作。 另一名称为《风雨雷电-神剑》,传为卡尔欧菲所写。26.乱世佳人 这是获过奥斯卡大奖的影片《乱世佳人》的主题曲,常在一些怀旧或人物专题片中作背景音乐。马克斯•斯坦纳作曲。 奥林匹克鼓号曲 威廉斯的经典之作,运动会常用曲目。 星球大战主题曲 约翰•威廉斯作曲。27.嘿嘿,令男孩子们热血沸腾、产生无限遐想的《星球大战》主题曲来了。不过这个是超长版的,大家可要耐心听,真正的主题音乐从1分20秒才正式开始…… 英雄的黎明 很恢弘的一首曲子,在日本动画片《三国志》中出现过,也在95版《神雕侠侣》出现过。28.拉德斯基进行曲 《拉德斯基进行曲》,管弦乐曲,老约翰•施特劳斯最著名的代表作,大概是世界上最为人们所熟悉的进行曲,经常作为通俗的管弦乐音乐会的最后一首曲目。拉德斯基进行曲》还是以其脍炙人口的旋律和铿锵有力的节奏征服了广大听众,成为流传最为广泛的进行曲。 日本电影《大逃杀》里用其作背景音乐。29.与狼共舞主题曲 电影《与狼共舞》的经典主题曲。电影台的电影节目预告片喜欢用此音乐作背景音乐。皮特•巴菲特作曲。30. 爱的筵席(LOVE SONGS FEAST) 又是一首哼唱音乐,直入灵魂深处…… 本曲是CCTV《对话》节目插曲,在每次介绍对话嘉宾取得辉煌成就的录像里,常常就是这首空灵的,充满谜一样绚丽色彩的曲子。 一说其名为《LOVE SONGS FEAST》(爱的筵席)。另一说该曲为莎拉布莱曼专辑《重回伊甸园》的曲目《SCENE DAMOUR》(爱情场景)。31.阿罕布拉宫的回忆(Recuerdos de la Alhambra) 国产游戏《轩辕剑3——云和山的彼端》在水城威尼斯的主题背景音乐就是这首曲子,不过不知为什么其CD专辑将曲名改为了《水都威尼斯》。 达到近代吉他音乐最高峰的泰雷加,兼有作曲与演奏的秉赋。他的作品多达四百首以上,其中不乏经典之作。《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》更是一首吉它世界中的“名曲之名曲”。 溜冰圆舞曲 听到这首曲子想起了什么?可爱的南极企鹅,呵呵。还记得FC(红白机)上经典的南极企鹅探险小游戏吗?我最初接触这首音乐也是从这个游戏开始。本曲由约翰•施特劳斯谱写。32.简单的礼物(Simple Gifts) 这首曲子就是美国VOA广播电台的SPECIAL ENGLISH(慢速音乐)节目的背景音乐吗?太熟悉了,只不过电台版的速度要比这个快一些。 CCTV今日说法片头曲(Presence of the Moment) CCTV《今日说法》片头曲,费尽千辛万苦找到,吐血推荐!33. 出自Steve Haun的专辑<>(荣誉圣火)片头曲是 Presence of the Moment。 CCTV今日说法片尾音乐(Igniting the World) CCTV《今日说法》片尾音乐,费尽千辛万苦找到。出自Steve Haun的专辑<>(荣誉圣火)。片尾曲是Igniting the World。 巡逻兵进行曲(American Patrol) 在第二次世界大战的时候,有一名美国陆军士兵,名字叫米查姆。他非常热爱自己的国家,并为自己是一名光荣的美国巡逻兵而感到自豪。于是他写下了这首流芳百世,著名的《巡逻兵进行曲》。34. 夜莺(Ninghtingale) “华表奖”颁奖晚会的主题曲,雅尼创作。 渔舟唱晚 据说是迄今为止中央电视台唯一没有改变过的背景音乐,《天气预报》一直使用它。《渔舟唱晚》(即天气预报背景音乐),是当年在上海颇有名气的电子琴演奏家浦琪璋根据同名民族乐曲改编演奏的。她原来是上海乐团的独奏演员,是从“小荧星”艺术团毕业的,在艺术上颇有成就,曾与上海轻音乐乐团合作过许多脍炙人口的曲子,如:《幸福的傣乡》等等。音乐界的屠巴海经常与她合作。这首曲子完成后,浦琪璋便退出乐界。但此曲却因为被黄金档节目央视的《天气预报》采用为背景音乐而受到了广大中国人民的喜爱。当年浦琪璋用“雅马哈”三排键盘的音乐会电子琴改编演奏这首曲子时,也没有想到此曲会成为黄金时段节目的黄金背景音乐,更想不到它会影响到那么多国人。35.CCTV动物世界片头曲(Just Blue) CCTV《动物世界》片头曲。这首歌出自Space乐队的1978年专辑《Just Blue》。 Space,法国著名的流行电子乐队(synth-pop ),这张专辑是他们最好的专辑,也是最“太空”的专辑,音乐天马行空,旋律美妙无比,在欧洲拥有一大批忠实听众。 威廉退尔 搞笑电影《东邪西毒》里梁朝伟教张学友唱的那首“我爱你”也是用这个背景音乐。36.《威廉•退尔》是德国伟大的诗人和戏剧作家席勒的最后一部重要剧作,这部作品以十三世纪瑞士农民团结起来反抗奥地利XXXXX的故事为题材,歌颂了瑞士人民反抗异族压迫、争取民族独立的英勇斗争精神。罗西尼的歌剧《威廉•退尔》即是根据这部作品而写,为罗西尼的代表作,体现了其艺术的最高峰。剧序曲比歌剧本身更为有名,是音乐会上经常演出的节目之一。 和兰花在一起(With an orchid) 这首《和兰花在一起》(With an orchid)出自Yanni(雅尼)的专辑《If I Could Tell You》,被凤凰卫视用于天气预报的背景音乐。37.CCTV对话主题曲(One Man"s Dream) CCTV《对话》主题曲。出自雅尼的专辑《Live At The Acropolis》 CCTV动物世界片尾曲(we stay) 这个太经典了,中央电视台《动物世界》连用了十年的主题曲。奔放的运动旋律,相信和我年纪相仿的朋友印象会非常深刻。高清晰音质,绝非录制,原版音乐,强力推荐!!!38. 这首《we stay》--选自1992年发行的专辑(The Arctic Circle ),来自英国的SKY乐队,也就是当年[动物世界]的主旋律。 这张合辑出版于1992年,此时,NEW AGE属于新兴音乐,刚刚开始进入成长期。 音乐属于介于轻音乐和NEW AGE MUSIC之间,探索的成分较浓。 音乐中运用了多种乐器,糅合了自然声息强烈的流行音乐风味,音律流畅 星空(LYPHARD MELODY) 很经典的曲目,背景资料未知。39这首截取自理查德•克莱得曼弹奏的钢琴专辑《星空》。节目开头常用的背景音乐。 随着琴键地跳跃思绪也随之翻腾…… 梦里的故事(HISTOIRE D""LLN REVE) 选自理查德的《命运》。40.摇篮曲(Tim"s Lullaby) 选自班德瑞的专辑《寂静山林》。微酸里透着那个甜……41.月光奏鸣曲(Piano Spnata) 贝多芬在抒情钢琴曲方面的NO.2作品(NO.1是《致爱丽丝》)。 升c小调,第十四钢琴奏鸣曲《月光》,贝多芬作于1801年。 几乎没有一首名曲像这首奏鸣曲一样,因“月光”这一俗称而名满天下、家喻户晓。《月光》这一名称据说是源于德国诗人路德维希•雷尔施塔布(1799-1860)形容这首乐曲的第一乐章为“如在瑞士琉森湖那月光闪耀的湖面上,一只摇荡的小舟一样”。其实,贝多芬自己曾提到过,本曲是“幻想曲式的奏鸣曲”。42.柔板(Adagio) 《Adagio》(柔板)很柔美,就像它的名字一样,也是很能引发感触的好作品,听了居然不免要落泪,足见其感染力之强!有一些广告就用其作为背景音乐,另外电台的一些情感节目也有用其作为背景音乐。而且,该曲也是朗诵配乐不可多得的好曲子(该音乐出自专辑《Songs From A Secret Garden》)。43.蝴蝶(Papillon) 《Papillon》(蝴蝶)给人以空寂的感觉,又有一点凄美的感觉。此音乐常被用作FLASH背景音乐。曾看过一个国内优秀的FLASH动画,讲述的是一个女孩的感受——星空,夜,心绪,配上这样的背景音乐,很纯美(该音乐出自专辑《Songs From A Secret Garden》)。44.Windancer 这首曲子出自神秘园的专辑《White stone》(白石),悠扬舒畅,有品味的书店和FLASH动画都比较偏爱这首曲子。45.安妮的仙境(Annie"s W"onderland) 《安妮的仙境》(Annies Wonderland)出自班德瑞的《仙境》这张专辑,柔美而有力度,适合朗诵配乐。46.巴格达之星(Star Of Baghdad) 这首《巴格达之星》(Star Of Baghdad)出自班德瑞的专辑《仙境》,依然是听了让人觉得有点伤感的曲子,也常被电台用作情感类节目的背景音乐。47.感觉静谧 这首《感觉静谧》是CCTV系列频道的结束、晚安曲,应广大网友的要求发布。48.卡布里的月光(moonlight of capri) 美丽的月光配上美丽的音乐,一切都那么令人沉醉……此歌曲出自班德瑞的《日光海岸》。49.摇篮曲(舒伯特版) 舒伯特作曲。很经典的曲目。 摇篮曲(勃拉姆斯版) 《摇篮曲》,这首常用于小提琴独奏的《摇篮曲》,原是一首通俗歌曲,作于1868年。相传作者为祝贺法柏夫人次子的出生,作了这首平易可亲、感情真挚的摇篮曲送给她。法柏夫人是维也纳著名的歌唱家,1859年勃拉姆斯在汉堡时,曾听过她演唱的一首鲍曼的圆舞曲,当时勃拉姆斯深深地被她优美的歌声所感动,后来就利用那首圆舞曲的曲调,加以切分音的变化,作为这首《摇篮曲》的伴奏,仿佛是母亲在轻拍着宝宝入睡。50.小曲(Passacaglia) 《Passacaglia》(小曲)与《Moving》(流动)同为提琴演奏,但是感情基调截然不同,节奏缓慢,有淡淡的哀伤和深沉的情感沉淀,这首背景音乐曾被很多广播电台使用,可以说是一流水准(该音乐出自专辑《white stone》)。 补充: 班得瑞的无垠水平线(Endless Horizon) “竖琴平稳的音阶,有如滑翔在白云之上,追着那道永不消失的天际线。钟琴的加入令竖琴声更有立体感,真实诠释着天空的浩荡。”流畅的乐风,可以让人感觉到Endless horizon 告诉我们,整个世界是充实的,和谐的,有飘翔的,时厚时薄的白云,有承接的连绵而敦实的群山,有匍匐在山下的细细的沙滩,从而拥有了一望无际的深深的蓝色的海洋,Endless horizon 可以让我们拥有一份难忘的翱翔的心情和轻松的氛围。51.卡农 相信不用介绍,很多人也很熟识吧。。。 希望能帮到你!!
2023-07-14 06:01:081


I like sports very much, because it can make people"s health strong and can make people feel good.My favorite sport is playing basketball. If there is any sports star that I like, it is Kobe Bryant.. Every weekend, I will exercise and I will usually exercise for one hour. Through the campaign, I know that the unremitting efforts will not make you succeed immediately, but it is a must for success.
2023-07-14 06:01:162


NBA is the highest level of basketball around the world event, it almost has the world"s top players, such as Bryant, James and so on. The sport of basketball can bring unlimited passion, but also training the human body, basketball is my favorite sport.给分吧!!!!1
2023-07-14 06:01:285


2023-07-14 06:01:473


神曲级的:Anthem -Vangelis[神思者]故宫的记忆 [神思者]妙音鸟极品:【横山菁儿】英雄的黎明【宗次郎】故乡的原风景《Dragon Warrior Rise》(原版有地方不好听,我这有电影版)黄沾_鲍比达-少林雄风段银莹-美人吟李玲玉-美人吟吕秀龄-逆伦[莎尔蒙,卡尔方]寂静之声Vangelis-The Tao Of Love-Vangelisvangelis-conquest of paradise梁邦彦-风之誓言天地孤影任我行 陈勋奇【班得瑞】大自然情诗【班得瑞】初雪【神思者】-happy arabia 【神思者】-安顿 【神思者】-海神 【神思者】-treasure峨嵋金顶-蜀山online海神 s.e.n.s童话1、 情境音乐 –《仙境Wonderland》2、 优美名曲 –《寂静山林The Sounds Of Silence》3、 自然音乐 –《春野One Day in Spring》4、 冥想音乐 –《蓝色天际Heaven Blue》5、 放松音乐 –《迷雾森林Forest Mist》6、 心灵音乐 –《日光海岸Sunny Bay》7、 灵感音乐 –《梦花园Garden of Dreams》8、 清晰音乐 –《琉璃湖畔Crystal Lake》9、 舒柔音乐 –《微风山谷Breezy Valley》10、沉思音乐 –《月光水岸Moonlight Bay》11、山林音乐 –《雾色山脉Misty Land》12、环境音乐 –《翡翠谷Emerald Valley》01. The Wind Of Change 变幻之风02. Annie"s Wonderland 安妮的仙境03. Star Of Baghdad 巴格达之星04. The Daylight 曙光05. Annie"s Song 安妮之歌06. Laterna Magica 魔幻时刻07. Adiemus 阿迪玛斯08. Your Smile 你的笑靥09. La Provence 普罗文斯10. Little Mermaid 小美人鱼11. Trilogy 三部曲12. Three Times A Lady 钟爱一生13. Mandy"s Song 曼蒂14. The Best Friends 挚友01. El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌02. The Sounds Of Silence 寂静之音03. I Swear 誓言04. Imagine 想象05. Chariots Of Fire 火战车06. Sacrifice 奉献07. One Moment In Time 真爱时光08. Song For The Lord 赞美主09. Into Red Velvet 红丝绒10. If You Leave Me Now 若你离去11. I Want To Know What Love Is 爱的真谛12. Tim"s Lullaby 摇篮曲13. Moment Of Fantasy 白日梦14. Airy Voices 空灵之声01 One day in spring 春野02 The miracle of your eyes 你眼中的奇迹03 Morning air 晨雾04 Breath of the wind 风的气息05 Fairyland 梦境06 Beatrix 碧翠丝07 Mountain stream 山林小溪08 Snowdreams 雪的梦幻09 Windmills 风车10 Heaven"s gate 天堂之门11 Earth melody 大地之歌12 My song for you 为你写的歌13 Melody of hope 希望的旋律14 Nebula 星云01 Indian Dreams 印第安之梦02 Magic winds 魔法风03 Endless Horizon 无垠地平线04 Visions 幻觉05 After the rain 雨后06 Birds over the rainbow 飞跃彩虹07 Fly away 远走高飞08 Along in the night 走过长夜09 Nights of Barcelona 巴塞罗纳之夜10 Indian summerrain 夏雨11 Song of the Mayas 马雅12 Jupiter 木星13 Machu Picchu 沙漠旷野14 Solar winds 太阳风01. Gold Wings 希望之翼02. Neptune 海王星03. Diamonds 钻石04. New Morning 清晨05. Starry Sky 满天星06. Mother Nature 反璞归真07. The First Snowflakes 初雪08. Sunset Glow 日落09. Tenderness 款款柔情10. The Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶11. Melody Of Love 真爱12. Spring-Water 春水13. Blue Lagoon 蓝色珊瑚14. Morning Sun 朝阳15.Time to say Goodbye 告别时刻16.Conquest of Paradise理想天堂曲目简介:01. A Woodland Night 森林中的一夜02. Childhood Memory 童年03. Irish Lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮曲04. Whistle Of The Wind 风的呢喃05. Irish Meditation 翩翩起舞06. Luna 月光07. Children"s Eyes 童真08. Ancient Poem 古诗09. Just A Little Smile 浅笑10. Flying High 高飞11. White Sand Of Barbados 巴贝多的白沙12. Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的月光13. African Sunset 非洲日落14. Goodbye Little Susy 告别小苏西15. Peaceful life 平安一生01. Turning by Suzanne Ciani 流转起舞 - 苏珊希雅妮02. Dream Catcher by Secret Garden 追梦人 – 秘密花园 03. Beyond the Sundial by Kevin Kern 跨越日光 - 凯文柯恩04. Adagio in Minor by Yanni 抒情小调 - 雅尼 05. Zarabanda by Karl Jenkins 萨拉邦德舞 - 凯尔真金斯06. 辉く季节の中で 在辉煌的季节中 - 神思者07. Lauren by David Friedman 罗兰 - 大卫费德曼 08. Give Me Your Hand by George Winston 执子之手 - 乔治温斯顿09. The Soong Sister by Kitaro 宋家王朝 - 喜多郎10. Ortaffa by Jean - Francois Maljean 欧塔妃 - 尚马龙11. Beyond the Invisible by Enigma 隐喻 - 谜乐团12. Hymn by Vangelis 赞美诗 - 范吉利斯13. The Golden Land by Ceredwen 黄金大地 - 圣恩乐团14. Breakout by Ronan Hardiman 突围 - 罗南哈德曼01. Mystica 秘密02. Marco Polo 马可波罗 03. Raindrops on Your Face 雨 04. Summerwaltz 夏日华尔兹 05.Black windmill 黑风车06.Japanese girl 东方女孩07. The Wings of Ikarus 依卡路斯的羽翼08.Theme From Missing思念09.Sparkling Raindrops涟漪10. Blue Love Theme 忧郁的爱11.A Day Without Rain 晴天12.Aqua Blue 水蓝13.White Moon Over Tibet 西藏的月14. Loverletter to You 情书
2023-07-14 06:01:541

sports star eats well原文

SPORTS Star Eats Well! David asked the volleyball star,Cindy Smith,about her eating habits.The following content is about their conversation. David:Hello,Cindy,I"m very glad to meet you.I have several questions to ask about.Would you mind if I take some of your precious time? Cindy:Sure.No problem. David:May I ask what you like for breakfast?What do you usually eat? Cindy:Oh,I love fruit very much because I think they are healthy. David:Yes,I think so.What kind of fruit do you like?Do you like bananas? Cindy:Well,I don"t like bananas.Instead,I like oranges and apples because they are more tasty than bananas. Davi:All right.What about lunch?Do you like salad? Cindy:Yes,of course.I really like that. you like hamburgers for dinner? Cindy:Oh,no.They are very unhealthy.However,I like chicken for dinner. David:Ok.The last question I want to ask is that do you eat ice-cream after dinner? Cindy:Err.I like ice-cream,but i don"t eat it very often becaus I don"t want to grow fat. 以上是我帮您改写的对话,如果有其他需要可以继续追问,
2023-07-14 06:02:281


* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! http://baike.b***.com/view/48773.htm仅供参考
2023-07-14 06:02:542

Harlem Renaissance 歌词

歌曲名:Harlem Renaissance歌手:Immortal Technique专辑:The 3Rd World-ViperImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance"Let me welcome both of youuh, to the show this morning to talk about what I considerto be a very very important topic, uh, the Harlem RenaissanceBut before we get into that..."Immortal Technique:Yeah, Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanHarlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loan {WAKE UP!}Harlem once was red line district rated (uhh)Designated ghetto like the yellow star of DavidAnd you wonder why, people don"t own they homes (why?)Cause the racist bank wouldn"t fuckin mortgage a loanUntil after the invasion of, gentrificationEminent domain intimidation, that"s not negotiationAnd it"s frustratin to look at, every dayLike watchin a porno, on 56-KBiohazard labs instead of store roomsWhat"s next motherfucker, projects as dorm rooms?You ain"t fool nobody in this community dukeWith your little fake Manhattanville community groupIvy league, real estate firms are corruptI lay siege to your castle like the Moors in EuropeThey treat street vendors like criminal riff-raffWhile politicians get the corporate kickbacks (snakes)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predatorsImmortal Technique:When I speak about Harlem, I speak to the worldThe little Afghan boy, and the Bosnian girlThe African in Sudan, the people of KurdistanThe third world American, indigenous manPalestinians, Washington Heights, DominicansDisplaced New Orleans citizensBeachfront Brazilian favelas that you livin inThe hood is prime real estate, they want back in again (fuck outta here)I didn"t write this to talk shit, I say it becausesome of y"all forgot what the Harlem Renaissance wasWe had revolution, music and artisansBut the movement was still fucked up like Parkinson"sCause while we were givin birth to the culture we lovePrejudice, kept our own people out of the clubOnly colored celebrities in the party (fake nigga!)And left us a legacy of false superiorityW.E.B. Du Bois versus Marcus GarveyAnd we ended up, sellin out to everybodyThe Dutch {?} and the John Gotti"sBanksters, modern day gangsters, immobile armyThey wanna move us all out the N.Y.C.Like they did to the Jews with the Alhambra decreeSo support your own businesses and do the knowledgeCause the real Harlem Renaissance is economic (yeah)Chorus: Immortal TechniqueHarlem Renaissance, a revolution betrayedModern day slaves thinkin that the ghetto is saved"Til they start deportin people off the propertyEthnically cleansin the hood, economicallyThey wanna kill the real Harlem RenaissanceTryin to put the Virgin Mary through a early menopauseThe savior is a metaphor for how we set it offGuerrilla war against the re-zoning predators{"Green Lantern... The Evil Genius!"}"When they were saying it is the renaissance, of Harlemthey didn"t mean, that we had stake in thatThey meant to say that they could make money out of us""They are coming in with all kind of prejudicesIn Brooklyn they"re doing the same thingIn, um, Queens they"re doing the same thing; the BronxThere"s hardly any place which is affordableI mean these people are putting up condominiumswhich start from a million dollarsHow many people in this community make that kind of money?How many people have that kind of money?""People of Harlem, they are the natural allies of the oppressed peopleof the world, whether the struggle is in Panama, in Africa, Cuba""We spend money with the wrong peopleWe are looking for love, with people who don"t love usWhat"s wrong with us loving each otherand making sure that we are protected?"EndImmortal Technique - Harlem Renaissance
2023-07-14 06:03:201

Nellie Mckay唱的David 的歌词是什么

Look at you you"re youngHavin" so much funGonna be a starBlah blah blahAnd click there goes the phoneI don"t wanna knowWhat my Horoscope"s predictingJust pour me a drink "cause I need a kick I don"t wanna think I just wanna sip [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David won"t you give me a call Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around Mister bushie says I"m your president I have lots to say Hey hey hey And click goes the remote There you have my voteCatchin" the next boat out of here Just pour me a drink "cause I need a lie I don"t wanna think I just wanna die [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David don"t you hear through the wall Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around [bridge]Chaos pervades the world outside Days offer spades of hurled outcries Gone is the fair and five and dime But he is there He"s so fine Listen to her play Has somethin" to say Even has a rap Clap clap clap But click there goes the lid Sorry "bout the fib I ain"t got a grip on nothin" Just pour me a drink Right outta the can I don"t wanna think I just want my man [chorus]David don"t you hear me at all David dear I"m just down the hall Waitin" here not makin" a sound David come around
2023-07-14 06:03:271

David Essex的《Stardust》 歌词

歌曲名:Stardust歌手:David Essex专辑:4 HitsStardust- Kenny RogersAnd now the purple dusk of twilight timeSteals across the meadows of my heartHigh up in the sky the little stars climbAlways reminding me that we"re apartYou wander down the lane and far awayLeaving me a song that will not dieLove is now the stardust of yesterdayThe music of the years gone bySometimes I wonder why I spendThe lonely night dreaming of a songThe melody haunts my reverieAnd I am once again with youWhen our love was newAnd each kiss an inspirationBut that was long agoNow my consolationIs in the stardust of a songBeside a garden wallWhen stars are brightYou are in my armsThe nightingale tells his fairy taleA paradise where roses bloomThough I dream in vainIn my heart it will remainMy stardust melodyThe memory of love"s refrain(------ Music ------)Though I dream in vainIn my heart it will remainMy stardust melodyThe memory of love"s refrain
2023-07-14 06:03:341


2023-07-14 06:03:434


2023-07-14 06:04:021

求gossip girl所有好听插曲

young folks /绯闻少女 gossip girl viking/everytime /tell me /circus /teenage hustling 以上是我觉得好听的
2023-07-14 06:04:133


A doctor who has covered up a secret life full of bad and cruel deeds. He feels as if he is always fighting within himself between what is good and what is evil and is pushing people dear to him far away. He is transformed into the cruel, remorseless, evil Mr. Hyde after drinking a potion of his own creation; Mr. Hyde is the evil side (the hidden side: Hyde/hide)of Dr. Jekyll"s nature brought to the fore. After drinking this potion he becomes a disliked young man called Hyde. Dr. Jekyll has many friends and has a friendly personality. However, in the nature of Hyde, he suddenly becomes mysterious and secretive.
2023-07-14 06:04:221

David S Song 歌词

歌曲名:David S Song歌手:Steve & Annie Chapman专辑:Circle Of TwoDavid"s Song (Who"ll Come With Me)Declan GalbraithDavid`s Song (Who`ll Come With Me)Declan《Thank you》Who"ll come with meDon"t be afraidI know the wayWho"ll sing with meDon"t be afraidI"ll show the wayWho"ll dance with meAll through the worldDon"t be afraidI"ll show the wayWe"ll go with youWe searched the wayTo find your starWho"ll come with usDon"t be afraidWe found the wayWho"ll fly with meTo reach a star?Don"t be afraid,I know the way.Hello to all you young ones,Our foundest hopesNow rest in you.Remember there"s nothing you can"t doSo believe and be brave.Who"ll be my friendAnd walk with meAnd sing this song?Who"ll love with me?We"ll change the worldAnd set it free.We"ll walk with you.We"ll be your friend.We"ll sing your song.We know the way.修改 为declan痴迷(小珂)
2023-07-14 06:04:401

08年美国偶像亚军到底是David Archuleta还是Josh Hoge??!!

08亚军是David ArchuletaJosh Hoge貌似是一个歌手
2023-07-14 06:04:484

david bowie的华丽摇滚专辑哪儿有

如果喜欢David Bowie 的话就一定不会对电影《天鹅绒金矿》陌生,《天鹅绒金矿》(又译《紫醉金迷》,我比较喜欢这个名字~) 这部电影就是以David Bowie为人物原型,以他的人生经历为素材拍成的电影 和那个盛行华丽摇滚的年代一样 这部电影足够能把你带回那个大环境中 沉醉、自我、极端又偏激,在结尾处,当你在他们那些曾风华一代的“美少年”的脸庞发现到衰老,疲倦以及见证岁月后的落寞之时,你就会领略到一个极美极璨的事物展现在疯狂的昙花一现之中的孤独,华丽摇滚的美可能就存在于它的破碎之时,它的美丽缘于它的易碎,就像陨石在臭氧层处擦出狭长美丽火花 转瞬即逝 如今 时间的阴云早就擦去了曾经华丽摇滚的天空。。只是沉下土地 归属黯淡了 唯美的画面,迷幻的摇滚乐,男同间细腻的感情。。。让对于那批歌手,那个疯狂年代都突生更多的眷恋David Bowie我不是很多 但是华丽摇滚的歌有一些 比较有代表 还有电影《天鹅绒金矿》另外 还推荐suede 虽然是驰骋上个世纪90年代乐队 但是他的风格很受华丽摇滚的影响 应该说他们在此基础上把摇滚的华丽风格推至登峰造极的境界了给我邮箱 我传给你 已经发送了《rise and fall of ziggy stardust》全集 以及相关网站
2023-07-14 06:04:551


Dave Jim,I"m glad to get your letter.Now let me tell you something about the favorite star in my mind--Yao Ming,the famous Chinese basketball player,Now he is playing in the United States for NBA.He was born on September 12th,1980 in China.He is as 2.26 metera.He loves playing basketball.In1998, he became a member of Chinese Basketball Star Team. Then in 2000,he joined national basketball team.When he was 22 years old,he went to the United States.He took part in all-starred competition for 7 times.So he became the most popular player in NBA. Hope to write to me soom. Yours, David
2023-07-14 06:05:031


David Bowie New Killer Star"1. 曲名:New Killer Star" 歌手:David Bowie 专辑:Reality See the great white scarOver Battery ParkThen a flare glides overBut I won"t look at that scarOh,my nuclear babyOh,my idiot tranceAll my idiot questionsLet"s face the music and danceDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never say I"m better,I"m better,I"m betterDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m better,I"m better than youAll the corners of the buildingsWho but we remember these?The sidewalks and treesI"m thinking nowI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayA new killer starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayThe stars in your eyesI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goSee my life in a comicLike the way they did the BibleWith the bubbles and actionThe little details in colourFirst a horseback bomberJust a small thin chanceLike seeing Jesus on DatelineLet"s face the music and danceDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m betterDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m better,I"m better than youAll the corners of the buildingsWho but we remember these?The sidewalks and treesI"m thinking nowI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayA new killer starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayThe stars in your eyesI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayOooh ooI got a better wayReady,set,go
2023-07-14 06:05:101

david bowie在世界乐坛算什么人物???

2023-07-14 06:05:185

求David J. Schwartz的详细资料。

The late David Joseph Schwartz was a professor at Georgia State University, Atlanta, and was considered a leading American authority on motivation. He was also President of Creative Educational Services, a consulting firm specialising in leadership development.Starting from a one-room schoolhouse in rural Indiana, David J. Schwartz went on to become the president of his own company and lecturer to more than three thousand trade associations, sales groups and management seminars. He wrote his first phenomenal bestseller THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG nearly thirty years ago. Millions of people throughout the world have improved their lives by reading books by Dr. David J. Schwartz, long regarded as one of the foremost experts on motivation, whose teachings will help you sell better, manage better, earn more money, and -- most important of all -- find greater happiness and peace of mind.In the course of researching his books Schwartz spoke to many people who had reached the top in their field. Instead of getting detailed responses, Schwartz was told that the key factor in personal success was simply the desire for it. Rather than being "too many Chiefs and not enough Indians", the opposite is true. Some people choose to lead, others to follow. Success is not primarily a matter of circumstances or native talent or even intelligence - it is a choice.Thinking larger thoughts is a kind of magic, since the effort put in is small compared with the long-term results. In the 1890s, a person named Gottlieb Daimler drew a three-pointed star on a postcard to his family and wrote next to it, "One day this star will shine down on my work." He co-founded Mercedes-Benz. Great accomplishments such as these demonstrate Schwartz"s claim that a person is best measured by the size of their dreams.Quotes: "Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success. Remember this, too! Big ideas and big plans are often easier -- certainly no more difficult - than small ideas and small plans." "Remind yourself regularly that you are better than you think you are. Successful people are not superhuman. Success does not require a super-intellect. Nor is there anything mystical about success. And success doesn"t based on luck. Successful people are just ordinary folks who have developed belief in themselves and what they do. Never -- yes, never -- sell yourself short." "Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution." "How we think shows through in how we act. Attitudes are mirrors of the mind. They reflect thinking." "There is a good side to every situation." "The success combination in business is: Do what you do better... and: Do more of what you do..." "Do what you fear and fear disappears." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The following books by David Schwartz are available to purchase in eBook form for immediate download. They may then be read on your computer and printed out. The eBooks are in Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) format.Excerpts from the following books can be read online:The Magic of Thinking BigMaximize Your Mental PowerThe Magic of Getting What You WantThe Magic of Thinking Big AudioBook (240 minutes)
2023-07-14 06:05:321


乔和大卫都是登山家。正是乔的经验丰富,他总是 问大卫复制他的榜样。 “要站在世界最高点,大卫? ” “当然。它已经是我的梦想! ”大卫回答。 在阳光明媚的上午,两名男子开始的珠峰顶部。当他们爬过一个最危险斜坡(斜坡) ,他们发现一名男子倒卧在雪地上。 “他就要死了, ”大卫看着乔和说,如果他能帮助的人。 “让他独自和公正的跟我来!但是如果你带来的负担(累赘)与你,我恐怕就会失去你的生活。 ”乔警告大卫。然后,他转身独自向前走。这是太冷,经过一段时间的思考,大卫了主意,以帮助该名男子。他进行的男子,他回到了他的前进。一点一滴,大卫的温度使男子温暖。该名男子来到自己!不久,他可以将所有自己。他们一起并肩动议。 约两小时后,他们赶上了乔。令人吃惊的是,他们发现,乔躺在雪地里了。他已经冻死!
2023-07-14 06:05:531


音乐曲目演唱歌手Ghost Rider ThemeDavid SardyBring Back Ghost RiderDavid SardyGhost Rider ArrivesDavid SardyMaybe You"ve Heard of MeDavid SardyChase Down the DevilDavid SardyTell Me Why I Can Trust YouDavid SardyOn the RoadDavid SardyDanny EscapesDavid SardyThe Order Under AttackDavid SardyNight Car ChaseDavid Sardy音乐原声参考资料来源
2023-07-14 06:06:001

请推荐几部David Attenborough解说的自然历史纪录片?

大卫·爱登堡(或戴维·艾登堡、戴维·艾登堡禄等,以下简称艾登堡)(David Frederick Attenborough)生平及作品年表 艾登堡爵士是BBC知名自然节目主持。 英国极具盛名的的自然历史影片拍摄者。 1926年5月8日生于英国伦敦,后就读于莱彻斯特Wyggeston文法学校,毕业于剑桥Clare学院,随即加入刚成立不久的BBC。 艾登堡爵士在 1952 年开始他的拍摄生涯,当时他加入了位于伦敦亚历山大宫 (Alexandra Palace) 的英国广播电台 (BBC) 电视谈话节目部门。在 1954 年,他发起了脍炙人口的处女作《动物园探索》(Zoo Quest) 系列,在整整十年的时间,他走遍世界最蛮荒的地方。在这其间,他的节目包括政治、考古测验游戏、短篇小说、园艺和宗教性节目。 在 1965 年,艾登堡成为 BBC-2 的主管,并将彩色电视引进英国。在 1969 年,他受到委任成为节目总监,负责编辑 BBC 电视节目,并且构想出具有重大指标意义的影集:《文明》(Civilization)。然后,在 1973 年,他辞掉节目总监,重又制作节目。首先是《与艾登堡向东进》(Eastwards with Attenborough),拍摄有关的自然史系列,然后是《部落之眼》(The Tribal Eye),探讨部落的艺术。 在 1979 年,他撰写并推出 13 集的《生命之源》(Life on Earth),在当时是 BBC 自然史部门最具野心的系列。在 1984 年发表《生命之源》续集《活生生的地球》(The Living Planet),在 1990 年,三部曲中的最后一集《生命的考验》(The Trials Of Life) 也问世了。 艾登堡也撰写和出版两部比较短的系列,其一《最初的伊甸园》(The First Eden) 是描写人类与自然世界 (地中海附近) 的关系,其二为《消失的世界、消逝的生命》(Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives),介绍有关化石的种种。 在 1993 年,他推出壮观的《冰雪的童话》(Life in the Freezer),是有关南极的礼赞。 在 1995 年,他撰写并呈现了史诗般的《植物私生活》(The Private Life of Plants)。 在 1996 年,《艾登堡在天堂》(Attenborugh In Paradise) 完成了他一生的志愿,制作一部特别的纪录片,拍摄有关行踪神秘但非常漂亮的天堂鸟。 在 1997 年,他为赢得奖项的《野生物专辑》(The Wildlife Specials) 担任旁白,为 BBC 自然史部门划下 40 年的里程碑。 在 1998 年,他为 BBC 完成史诗般的 10 集《鸟类的一生》(The Life of Birds)。他也制作《艾登堡与地球同在》(State of the Planet With David Attenborough),探讨人类如何同时协助和破坏自然环境。 作为一位世界知名的自然史学、生物学家和生态纪录片制作人,艾登堡创作了一系列具有热烈反响的电视片。特别是2001年那部纵览海洋世界的《蓝色星球》,更是在世界各地广受欢迎。 在进行拍摄的50年间,爱登堡和他的同事们以勇敢的冒险精神,和对科学探索孜孜不倦的热情,深入全球每个角落,为获取最广泛,详尽的资料,拍摄了许多令人惊叹的珍贵镜头。这些花费大量时间,资金和精力制作的纪录片,内容涉及科学,历史,文化和环保各个领域,以揭示物种起源,探索生物进化,研究人与环境的协调发展为目的,具有严肃的科学,教育意义。同时,利用令人难以相信的拍摄技巧和唯美的艺术手段所创作出的精彩画面,又不失大众观赏的娱乐价值。 在近二十部电视系列片中,每部作品都因内容丰富奇特,画面精致壮观,叙述简洁生动而吸引观众。这些宝贵的精神财富不仅以极高的收视率创造了电视史上前所未有的神话,而且也为艾登堡赢得无数的奖项和荣誉。现在他制作的电视片已成为众多生态,影视爱好者观赏、收藏的顶级佳作,同样在学术上也是各院校,科研机构用于教学和研究的必备资料。 (到2001年止) 在 1985 年,艾登堡获颁爵士。多年来,他获颁许多荣誉学位和具有名望的奖项,包括英国皇家学会奖 (Fellowship of the Royal Society)。他现在是大英博物馆和皇家植物园 (Royal Botanic Gardens) 的托管人,也是皇家自然保育协会 (Royal Society for Nature Conservation) 的主席。 其兄Richard Attenborough理查德·艾登堡爵士,著名电影制片人,导演,演员。曾担任制片和导演的《甘地传》获1982年奥斯卡最佳影片和导演等多项大奖。) 1947 服役于皇家海军 1949 工作于教育出版公司 1952 加入BBC 1954 第一部生态纪录片《动物探秘》 1965 成为BBC二台主管此后,爱登堡担任自然生态领域的很多要职,并获得各种奖项和荣誉。 主要有: 1970,1979英国电影电视艺术协会大奖 1970,1983,皇家地理协会金奖 1980,大英博物馆托管人 1983,皇家学会会员 1984,国际自然基金会托管人 1985,英国科学发展协会主席 1985,被授封为爵士 1986-1992皇家植物园托管人 1987,国际艾美奖 1990,皇家艺术协会金奖 1990,皇家自然保护学会主席 1991,自然基金会(英国)托管人 1997,比利时根特大学名誉博士 好象到97年止,后面的没有统计) 他的主要作品集: Planet Earth 行星地球 Life In The Undergrowth 灌丛下的生命 Life of Mammals 哺乳类全传 Attenborough In Paradise 鸟的天堂 Great Wildlife Moments 野生动物的精彩瞬间 Trials of Life 生命之源 State Of The Planet 大地的声音 Life in the Freezer 冰雪的童话 Life of Birds 飞鸟传 Lost Worlds, Vanished Lives 消失的生命 Living Planet, The 活力星球 Private Life of Plants 植物私生活 Wildlife Specials 野生动物特辑 Life On Earth 生命的进化 Animal Crime Scene 动物犯罪现场 The.Greatest.Wildlife.Show.On.Earth 野生大奇观 Survival Island 生命之岛 The Blue Planet 兰色星球 Echo.of.the.Elephants 象群的回声 The Tribal Eye 部落之眼 Wildlife on One 目击野生动物 Wildlife On Two 再见野生动物 The First Eden 最初伊甸园 The Explorers 探索者 Zoo Quest 动物园探索 Wildlife 10 野生动物 10
2023-07-14 06:06:161

Every Colour You Are 歌词

歌曲名:Every Colour You Are歌手:Rain Tree Crow专辑:A Victim Of Stars 1982-2012I touched his handIt burned like coalI put paid to the devilAnd I saw the mountain fallRain Tree CrowFall onFeel like cryingThe joke"s gone too farYou can be any thing you wantEvery colour you areEvery colour you areHis patience triedPut a torch to his homeAnd warmed his hands by the fireNo greed, no desireMy roads uncrossedWhite lined and tarredBy believing in youEvery colour you areEvery colour you are
2023-07-14 06:06:252


中文名称:闪亮的风采(钢琴师)英文名称:Shine发行公司:Philips发行时间:1996年11月05日专辑歌手:David Hirschfelder地区:美国语言:英语专辑介绍:不可多得的电影原声发烧天碟!320kbit高保真!拉赫玛尼诺夫第三钢琴协奏曲是该部电影的回肠荡气的主旋律,在David Hirschfelder的演绎下,整部电影的画面仿佛又一次在我们的脑中回响。专辑曲目:David Hirschfelder - 01. With The Help of God,ShineDavid Hirschfelder - 02. The Polonaise (Chopin)David Hirschfelder - 03. Did He WinDavid Hirschfelder - 04. Will You Teach MeDavid Hirschfelder - 05. Scales to AmericaDavid Hirschfelder - 06. Scenes from Childhood - "Almost Too Serious" (Schumann)David Hirschfelder - 07. These People Are a DisgraceDavid Hirschfelder - 08. Raindrop Prelude (Chopin)David Hirschfelder - 09. Your Father Your FamilyDavid Hirschfelder - 10. Tell Me a Story,KatharineDavid Hirschfelder - 11. Back StageDavid Hirschfelder - 12. Punished for the Rest of Your LifeDavid Hirschfelder - 13. Moments of GeniusDavid Hirschfelder - 14. La Campalesson (Liszt)David Hirschfelder - 15. Letters to KatharineDavid Hirschfelder - 16. 1st Movement Cadenza from the Rach.3 (Rachmaninoff)David Hirschfelder - 17. Night Practice - Parcel from Katharine (Rachmaninoff,Hirschfelder)David Hirschfelder - 18. As If There Was No TomorrowDavid Hirschfelder - 19. The Rach.3 (Rachmaninoff)David Hirschfelder - 20. Complicato in IsraelDavid Hirschfelder - 21. Raindrop Reprise (Chopin)David Hirschfelder - 22. Bath to Daisy BerylDavid Hirschfelder - 23. Gloria (Vivaldi)David Hirschfelder - 24. Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 (Liszt)David Hirschfelder - 25. Prelude in C# Minor (Rachmaninoff)David Hirschfelder - 26. Flight of The Bumble Bee (Rimsky Korsakov)David Hirschfelder - 27. Rach.3 RebornDavid Hirschfelder - 28. Goodnight DaddyDavid Hirschfelder - 29. A Loud Bit of Ludwig"s 9thDavid Hirschfelder - 30. Sospiro (Listz)David Hirschfelder - 31. What"s The Matter,David - Appassionata (Beethoven,Hirschfelder)David Hirschfelder - 32. La Campanella (Liszt)David Hirschfelder - 33. Familiar Faces - Rach.3 Encore (Hirschfelder,Rachmaninoff)David Hirschfelder - 34. Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera (Vivaldi)
2023-07-14 06:06:321


2023-07-14 06:06:441

Dear Jack,How are you? I have been in the USA for six months. I like the life here. I have a fe...

2023-07-14 06:07:031

psalm 23..a psalm of david是谁写的,中文翻译

诗篇23。戴维的诗篇A Psalm of LifeLife is but an empty dream!For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way?But to act, that each tomorrowFinds us farther than today.Art is long, and time is fleeting,And our hearts, though stout and brave,Still, like muffled drums, are beatingFuneral marches to the grave.In the world"s broad field of battle,In the bivouac of life,Be not like dumb, driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no future, however pleasant!Let the dead past bury its dead!Act-act in the living present!Heart within, and god overhead!《人生颂》朗费罗人生不过是一场幻梦! 灵魂睡着了,就等于死了, 事物的真相与外表不同。 人生是真切的!人生是实在的!它的归宿决不是荒坟;你本是尘土,必归于尘土,这是指躯壳,不是指灵魂我们命定的目标和道路不是享乐,也不是受苦;而是行动,在每个明天都超越今天,跨出新步。智艺无穷,时光飞逝; 这颗心,纵然勇敢坚强,也只如鼙鼓,闷声敲动着,一下又一下,向坟地送丧。 世界是一片辽阔的战场,人生是到处扎寨安营;  莫学那听人驱策的哑畜, 做一个威武善战的英雄!  别指望将来,不管它多可爱!把已逝的过去永久掩埋! 行动吧--趁着活生生的现在! 心中有赤心,头上有真宰! 1.Psalm [sɑ:m] n. 圣诗,圣歌,诗篇例句:You can find this psalm in the Bible. 你可以在圣经上找到这篇赞美诗。2.slumber vi. 微睡, 静止, 麻木 vt. 睡着度过(时间)例句:Thought once awakened does not again slumber .思想一旦被唤醒,就再也不会沉睡。3.muffled adj. (指声音)听不清的(因有物体相隔)例句:A muffled sound resembling that of soft footsteps. 低沉声音象柔柔的脚步声的低沉的声音4.bivouac n. 野营, 露营, 露营地 vi. 露宿例句:We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营.A Psalm of Life-----What the heart of the young man said to the psalmistTell me not, in mournful numbers,Life is but an empty dream!--For the soul is dead that slumbers,And things are not what they seem.Life is real! Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal;Dust thou art, to dust returnest,Was not spoken of the soul.Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way;But to act, that each to-morrowFind us farther than to-day.Art is long, and Time is fleeting,And our hearts, though stout and brave,Still, like muffled drums, are beatingFuneral marches to the grave.In the world"s broad field of battle,In the bivouac of Life,Be not like dumb, driven cattle!Be a hero in the strife!Trust no future, howe"er pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act,--act in the living present!Heart within, and God o"erhead!Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublime,And departing, leave behind usFootprints on the sands of time;Footprints, that perhaps another,Sailing o"er life"s solemn main,A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,Seeing, shall take heart again.Let us, then, be up and doing,With a heart for any fate;Still achieving, still pursuing,Learn to labor and to wait.人生颂-----年青人的心对歌者说的话不要在哀伤的诗句里告诉我: “人生不过是一场幻梦!”灵魂睡着了,就等于死了, 事物的真相与外表不同。 人生是真切的!人生是实在的! 它的归宿决不是荒坟; “你本是尘土,必归于尘土”, 这是指躯壳,不是指灵魂。 我们命定的目标和道路 不是享乐,也不是受苦;而是行动,在每个明天 都超越今天,跨出新步。 智艺无穷,时光飞逝; 这颗心,纵然勇敢坚强, 也只如鼙鼓,闷声敲动着, 一下又一下,向坟地送丧。世界是一片辽阔的战场, 人生是到处扎寨安营; 莫学那听人驱策的哑畜, 做一个威武善战的英雄! 别指望将来,不管它多可爱! 把已逝的过去永久掩埋! 行动吧--趁着活生生的现在! 心中有赤心,头上有真宰! 伟人的生平启示我们: 我们能够生活得高尚,而当告别人世的时候, 留下脚印在时间的沙上; 也许我们有一个兄弟 航行在庄严的人生大海, 遇险沉了船,绝望的时刻, 会看到这脚印而振作起来。 那么,让我们起来干吧, 对任何命运要敢于担戴; 不断地进取,不断地追求, 要善于劳动,善于等待。An Analysis of Longfellow"s A Psalm of LifeHenry Wadsworth Longfellow begins his poem "A Psalm of Life" with the same exuberance and enthusiasm that continues through most of the poem. He begs in the first stanza to be told "not in mournful numbers" about life. He states here that life doesn"t abruptly end when one dies; rather, it extends into another after life. Longfellow values this dream of the afterlife immensely and seems to say that life can only be lived truly if one believes that the soul will continue to live long after the body dies. The second stanza continues with the same belief in afterlife that is present in the first. Longfellow states this clearly when he writes, "And the grave is not its goal." Meaning that, life doesn"t end for people simply because they die; there is always something more to be hopeful and optimistic for. Longfellow begins discussing how humans must live their lives in constant anticipation for the next day under the belief that it will be better than each day before it: "But to act that each to-morrow / Find us farther than to-day." In the subsequent stanza, Longfellow asserts that there is never an infinite amount of time to live, but art that is created during one"s life can be preserved indefinitely and live on long after its creator dies. In the following stanzas, Longfellow likens living in the world to fighting on a huge field of battle. He believes that people should lead heroic and courageous lives and not sit idle and remain ineffectual while the world rapidly changes around them: "Be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!" His use of the word "strife" is especially interesting, since it clearly acknowledges that life is inherently difficult, is a constant struggle, and will never be easy. Longfellow then encourages everyone to have faith and trust the lord and not to rely on an unknown future to be stable and supportive. He advises people to seize the moments they have before them and act while thinking about their present situations. Longfellow continues his poem by citing the lives of great and important men who were able to lead incredible lives and leave their marks. He views these men as role models for people who have yet to live their lives; Longfellow encourages his readers to leave their own "footprints on the sands of time" and become important. The next stanza, the second to last in the poem, continues with this same point. It describes how successful people in the past have their lives copied, while those who failed serve as examples of ways of life to avoid. The final lines of the poem echo the beginning ones and offer perhaps the most important advice in a poem that is chocked full of it. Longfellow encourages all to work and try their hardest to make their lives great and accomplish as much as they can. Longfellow conveys his message the same way he did in the rest of the poem: by speaking directly to the reader and providing his reasoning for believing in something more, in something better. Longfellow ensures his followers that the rewards for what they achieve will come eventually-if not in this lifetime, then, certainly, in the next.(大部分为网络采取。请勿介意!)
2023-07-14 06:07:201

Joseph son of David 什么意思

2023-07-14 06:07:272

求Disturbed乐队的主唱David Draiman的个人档案

David Michael Draiman (born March 13, 1973) is an American singer who is best known as the lead vocalist of the band Disturbed as well as the band Device. Draiman is known for his distorted voice and percussive singing style. In November 2006, Draiman was voted number 42 on the Hit Parader"s "Top 100 Metal Vocalists of All Time".[1] Draiman has written some of Disturbed"s most successful singles, such as "Stupify", "Down with the Sickness", "Indestructible", and "Inside the Fire".In October 2011, Disturbed entered a hiatus.[2] Draiman announced in the following year that he was working on an industrial rock/metal project with Geno Lenardo, formerly of Filter, which was later named Device.[3][4] In June 2015, Disturbed released their first single since their hiatus, named "The Vengeful One". They produced it over a year before, and along with it announced a new album, Immortalized.
2023-07-14 06:07:352

阅读理解。 1. The Long Night was written by _______.A. David Reilly &nbs...

2023-07-14 06:07:551

queer as folk中David的扮演者是谁

Chris Potter这里还有其他演员的名字Hal Sparks .... Michael Charles Novotny Michelle Clunie .... Melanie "Mel" Marcus Robert Gant .... Professor Ben Bruckner Thea Gill .... Lindsay "Linz" Peterson Gale Harold .... Brian Kinney Randy Harrison .... Justin Taylor Scott Lowell .... Theodore "Ted" Schmidt Peter Paige .... Emmett Honeycutt Chris Potter .... Dr. David Cameron Sharon Gless .... Deborah "Debbie" Jane Grassi Novotny Jack Wetherall .... Vic Grassi Makyla Smith .... Daphne Chanders (reoccurring) rest of cast listed alphabetically Harris Allan .... James "Hunter" Montgomery Dean Armstrong .... Blake Wyzecki Lawrence Dane .... Jack Kinney Fab Filippo .... Ethan Gold (as Fabrizio Filippo) John Furey .... Craig Taylor
2023-07-14 06:08:023

一篇英语的阅读理解填词,"what happened to the bottle of medicine?"he cou

2010年公共英语二级(PETS2)考试模拟试卷一(7)   "What"s happened to the bottle of medicine?" He couldn"t find it in its usual place on a table in the sitting room. "What have you done with it?" he asked his wife. She said she hadn"t seen it, and told him it was probably under his nose, if he"d only open his eyes and look.   He went into their son"s bedroom to read him his bedtime story (故事,新闻报道). On the floor there lay a bottle, the one he"d been looking for; but it was empty. "David, what have you done with those sweet tablets (药片) which were in that bottle? Did you eat them?" David nodded. "How many did you eat?" No reply. He called his wife. She came, realized what had happened and went very white. "There must have been twenty five or thirty tablets left in the bottle. He can"t have taken them all." But there were no tablets on the floor, or in David"s bed.   David and his mother and father hurried to the nearest hospital. "Put the boy on the stomach pump (胃唧筒) at once," said the doctor, as soon as he heard the facts. They could hear David crying as they sat in the waiting room; that was the worst of it, for they were wondering if the child was going to be all right, but unable (不能的,无能为力的) to do anything except wait. Then the crying stopped and the doctor came back. "Lucky you brought him quickly. The tablets don"t have time to dissolve (溶化) in his stomach, so we got them all out. He"s going to be all right." They took David home, and bought a medicine box with a lock on it the next day.   64.The medicine bottle was   .   found under David"s bed one day   probably under the nose of David"s father   usually kept in the sitting room   locked in the sitting room   65.Which of the following statements is TRUE?   The bottle was found empty on the floor in the sitting room.   David didn"t eat all the tablets.   About 25 tablets were still left in the bottle.   David had eaten all the tablets left in the bottle.   66.When David"s mother learnt what had happened she   .   was rather angry   was worried and anxious   was excited   sent for a doctor at once   67.When they heard David crying, they   .   thought David would die   could do nothing but wait in the waiting room   cried, too   worried about the doctor"s skill   68.David was going to be all right soon because   .   his parents sent him to the hospital   the doctor gave him some medicine   his parents took good care him   the doctor got out all the tablets 阅读原文加上题目,希望可以帮到你,还望及时采纳,谢谢~
2023-07-14 06:08:091

david bowie the stars 歌词

the stars 大卫·鲍威Stars are never sleepingDead ones and the livingWe live closer to the earthNever to the heavensThe stars are never far awayStars are out tonightThey watch us from behind their shadesBrigitte, Jack and Kate and BradFrom behind their tinted window stretchGleaming like blackened sunshineStars are never sleepingDead ones and the livingWaiting for the first moveSatyrs and their child wivesWaiting for the last moveSoaking up our primitive worldStars are never sleepingDead ones and the livingTheir jealousy"s spilling downThe stars must stick togetherWe will never be rid of these starsBut I hope they live foreverAnd they know just what we doThat we toss and turn at nightThey"re waiting to make their movesBut the stars are out tonightHere they are upon the stairsSexless and not awareThey are the stars, they"re dying for youBut I hope they live foreverThey burn you with their radiant smilesTrap you with their beautiful eyesThey"re broke and shamed or drunk or scaredBut I hope they live foreverTheir jealousy"s spilling downThe stars must stick togetherWe will never be rid of these starsBut I hope they live foreverAnd they know just what we doThat we toss and turn at nightThey"re waiting to make their moves on usBut the stars are out tonightThe stars are out tonightThe stars are out tonight
2023-07-14 06:08:161

for the love of life 歌词

《MONSTER》片尾曲 For The Love Of Life - David Sylvian 歌词:And slowly, you come to realize It"s all as it should be You can only do so much If you"re game enough You could place your trust in me For the love of life There"s a trade off We could lose it all But we"ll go down fighting And what of the children? Surely they can"t be blamed for our mistakes? And slowly I"ve come to realize It"s all as it should be That hiding space A lonely place How can the right thing be so wrong? I"ve found mistakes Where they don"t belong For the love of life We"ll defeat this They may tear us down But we"ll go down fighting Won"t we? 下载:
2023-07-14 06:08:351