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交感-肾上腺系统(sympathetico-adrenal system)


请问这句英语句子有错吗?She longed for a sympathetic person whom she could unburden herself to.


be sympathetic over或者be sympathetic to有这样的表达方法吗?


be sympathetic with还是to

你好!这个短语后面,搭配人时,通常用的介词是to,即 be sympathetic to sb.,意思是——同情某人。具体搭配和用法参看图片哦!

lenient merciful pitiful sympathetic区别 用法 介词搭配上区

1.lenient的意思是:(惩罚或执法时)宽大,宽容,仁慈的,它的用法是:lenient with sb. 2. merciful:宽容的,仁慈的,还算幸运的。它的用法是:be merciful to sb. 3.pitiful 是令人同情的,可怜的的意思,作形容词用。4.sympathetic:同情的,有同情心的:赞同的,支持的:让人喜欢,招人喜爱的。它的用法是:sympathetic to/towards sb/sth.


adj. 同情的;共鸣的;赞同的n. 交感神经用作形容词 (adj.)(1)+名词:sympathetic attitude 表示同情的态度、sympathetic look 表示同情的目光(2)副词+:obviously sympathetic 很明显地赞同(3)+介词:sympathetic to〔towards, with〕 对…同情的




sympathetic[英][u02ccsu026ampu0259u02c8θetu026ak][美][u02ccsu026ampu0259u02c8θu025btu026ak]adj.同情的,有同情心的; 赞同的; 相投合的,称心的; 〈口〉抱好感的; 例句:1.Should you pretend to be sympathetic? 你应假装表现出同情吗?2.Should I pretend to be sympathetic? 我应装出一幅同情的样子吗?


adj. 同情的,有同情心的; 赞同的; 相投合的,称心的; 〈口〉抱好感的; [网络] 同情的; 有同情心的; 交感; [例句]I mouthed some sympathetic platitudes.我言不由衷地说了一些表示同情的客套话。[其他] 形近词: empathetic antipathetic apopathetic


supportive 是支持的sympathetic 是同情的


sympathetic:同情 to:同情 for:支持 empathetic:同感 with:同感 to:移情

lenient merciful pitiful sympathetic区别 用法 介词搭配上区




Sympathetic (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Sympathetic (Live)歌手:Seether专辑:One Cold Night (Live)Artist: SeetherAlbum: DisclaimerTitle: Sympatheticby 采花云南And my words will be here when I"m goneAs I"m fading away against the windAnd the words you left me linger onAs I"m failing again now, never to change thisAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd it seems I"m alone here, hollow againAs I"m flailing again against the windAnd the scars I am left with swallow againAs I"m failing again now, never to change thisAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamThe same old feelings are taking overand I can"t seem to make them go awayAnd I can"t take all the pressure sober,but I can"t seem to make it go awayThe same old feelings are taking overand I can"t seem to make them go awayAnd I can"t take all the pressure sober(I can"t make it go away. I can"t make it go away)And I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m falling, falling, falling,falling, falling, falling, fallingApart again at the seam

Sympathetic 歌词

歌曲名:Sympathetic歌手:Seether专辑:Disclaimer IIArtist: SeetherAlbum: DisclaimerTitle: Sympatheticby 采花云南And my words will be here when I"m goneAs I"m fading away against the windAnd the words you left me linger onAs I"m failing again now, never to change thisAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd it seems I"m alone here, hollow againAs I"m flailing again against the windAnd the scars I am left with swallow againAs I"m failing again now, never to change thisAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamThe same old feelings are taking overand I can"t seem to make them go awayAnd I can"t take all the pressure sober,but I can"t seem to make it go awayThe same old feelings are taking overand I can"t seem to make them go awayAnd I can"t take all the pressure sober(I can"t make it go away. I can"t make it go away)And I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m sympathetic,never letting on I feel the way I doAs I"m falling apart again at the seamAnd I"m falling, falling, falling,falling, falling, falling, fallingApart again at the seam




“pathetic”和“sympathetic”两个词的区别在于两者的意思不同。 1、pathetic adj. 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的 2、sympathetic adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的 n. 交感神经;容易感受的人 扩展资料   pathetic的相关句子:   1、What do you mean "pathetic"?   你说“可怜”是什么意思?   If we were to find out about the enormous complexity of life, we would laugh in the face of these pathetic psuedo-scientific endeavors.   2、如果我们找出关于极其复杂的生活,我们将会当面嘲笑这些可怜的致力于科学所作的努力。   3、Daniel: Hey, don"t be so pathetic.   丹尼尔:嗨,别那么可怜兮兮的.了。   sympathetic的相关句子:   1、They were sympathetic, but could not do anything.   他们很同情亚瑟,却什么也帮不了他。   2、I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered.   我给电话那边每个同情的嗓音都讲了我们的问题,没有结果。   3、I explained my problem to each of the sympathetic voices that answered. In vain.   我给电话那边每个同情的嗓音都讲了我们的问题,没有结果。


Sympathetic是一个形容词,有以下几种常见含义:1. 同情的,有同情心的,表示对他人的感受表示同情和关怀的,如:She was very sympathetic when I told her about my problems.(当我向她诉说我的困境时,她表现得非常同情。)2. 赞同的,支持的,表示对某人或某事持支持态度的,如:I am sympathetic to your point of view, but I think you need to consider other options.(我理解你的观点,但我认为你需要考虑其他选项。)3. 相容的,和谐的,指两种或多种东西相互配合得好,如:The texture and the taste of the dish were very sympathetic.(这道菜的口感和质地相得益彰。)4. 自然的,真实的,指行为、情感等发自内心,自然真实的表现,如:She gave a sympathetic smile.(她微笑着表达了自己的情感。)以下还有一些例句:1. She was very sympathetic to her friend"s difficult situation and offered to help in any way possible.她对朋友的困境非常同情,并提供任何可能的帮助。2. He felt a great deal of sympathy for the family who had lost their home in the fire and donated money to help them get back on their feet.在火灾中失去家园的家庭引起了他极大的同情,他捐款帮助他们重建生活。3. The doctor was very sympathetic when he heard about his patient"s chronic pain and worked with her to find a treatment plan that would alleviate her suffering.医生知道患者长期承受疼痛,非常关心,并与她一起制定能缓解她痛苦的治疗计划。


sympathetic的意思是adj.同情的;有同情心的;表示同情的;赞同的;支持的;让人喜欢的;招人喜爱的;n.交感神经系;(对催眠术等)易感受的人;记忆1.Sympathetic的组成:sympathy 同情 + etic 有…性质的 → 同情的2.派生词:sympatheticallyadv3.POSTFIX 后缀:-atic, -etic, -tic 表形容词,“有…性质的,属于…的,具有…的”。




意思是:同情的。英[su026ampu0259'θetu026ak]释义:adj.同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的n.交感神经;容易感受的人[复数:sympathetics;比较级:more sympathetic;最高级:most sympathetic]短语:sympathetic nervous system交感神经;[解剖]交感神经系统;交感神经系;交感神经器官体系扩展资料:近义词:warm英[wu0254:m]释义:adj.温暖的;热情的vi.同情;激动;变温暖vt.使…兴奋;使…温暖;使…感兴趣n.取暖;加热n.(Warm)人名;(英)沃姆;(德)瓦姆[第三人称单数warms;现在分词:warming;过去式:warmed;过去分词:warmed;比较级:warmer;最高级:warmest]短语:warm-up热身;热身赛;热身运动


sympathetic英-[su026ampu0259"θetu026ak]美-[,su026ampu0259"θu025btu026ak]释义n. 交感神经;容易感受的人adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的


sympathetic英[u02ccsu026ampu0259u02c8θetu026ak]美[u02ccsu026ampu0259u02c8θu025btu026ak]adj. 同情的,有同情心的; 赞同的; 相投合的,称心的; 〈口〉抱好感的;全部释义>>[例句]Should you pretend to be sympathetic?你应假装表现出同情吗?



sympathetic ,compassionate两者有什么区别吗?



作为形容词来用时,没什么区别。只是sympathetic,除了“同情、怜悯”还有其他的意思:adj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的n. 交感神经;容易感受的人来几个例句:The curtailment must be viewed objectively. 必须迅速果断地采取措施Be compassionate, but think globally. 我们同情他们,但是要从全局考虑。Want me to be sympathetic? Put my stuff back.想要我更有同情心?那把我的东西都放回原位I"ll be sympathetic. Until then, I won"t be. 只有这样我才会有点同情心否则休想

How pathetic am I. 还是 How pathetic I am.两者是意思稍微不同还是在只有一个正确?

How pathetic I am

pathetic 的名词形式? 是什么

patheticality 参考:

Rich Vos的《Pathetic》 歌词

歌曲名:Pathetic歌手:Rich Vos专辑:I"m Killing HereTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Life was an attraction baby, but you never tried.Now its an attraction maybe, You should have died.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.

be sympathetic,be pathetic后面的介词分别是?例句,谢谢

have/feel/show/express sympathy for sb”同情某人“be sympathetic to sb.”同情某人“be pathetic to sb.”可怜某人“1. We should have sympathy for people in difficulty.我们对处于困境中的人们要有同情心.2. It is not enough to have sympathy for the disabled. We should learn to respect them.仅仅同情残疾人是不够的,我们应该学会尊敬他们。3. Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiyah are considered to be sympathetic to the al-Qaida terrorist network.4 His tears were pathetic to witness.他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。欢迎探讨词法语法问题。

pathetic sonata是什么意思

pathetic sonata悲怆奏鸣曲We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home. 我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

解释pathetic fallacy什么意思



关于提高记忆力的方法一、记忆的原理记忆是人脑对经验过的事物的识记、保持、再认或再现。“记”就是指识记和保持,“忆”是指回忆或再认、再现。识记是识别和记住事物的特点及其之间的联系,是记忆的前提和基础;保持是将识记的内容以一定的形式存储于大脑中的过程,是记忆的中间环节。在识记之后的短时间内,保持量会急剧下降,此后逐渐趋于平缓,这是记忆中的保持量变现象。有没有保持的质变现象呢?是指保持中的记忆内容变的简略和概括,不重要的细节逐渐消失,有的保持内容则变得更为具体或更为夸张突出。回忆是对过去经验的恢复,是对保持在头脑中的信息的提取和应用过程。记忆包括再认和再现两种。决定回忆效果的最普遍、最主要的因素是伴随识记和保持过程中的遗忘。此外,在回忆过程中的四种干扰也应引起注意—— ①材料相似和内容重复的干扰;②材料多和内容广的干扰;③情绪干扰 ;④行为习惯和思维定式的干扰。我们可以用记忆→保持 →回记,来提高记忆力的原理、方法和规律  二、记忆规律记忆有其自身的规律,把握这些规律有助于提高记忆力,具体规律如下;1、主体律——记忆的时间越长,记忆的效果越好;记忆的目的越明确越具体,记忆效果越好;在记忆活动中,始终坚信:我是最棒的,我能记住。这样可以调动脑细胞活动的积极性,可收到良好的效果;在记忆过程中,注意力越集中,记忆的效果越好。2、方法律——意义记忆优于机械记忆;形象记忆优于抽象记忆;奇特记忆优于一般记忆。3、干涉律——在记忆过程中,识记材料的首尾部分易记,而中间部分易忘;在记忆过程中,两种材料相似,会影响记忆效果;识记两种材料或一段较长的材料时,中间安排间隔时间的记忆效果好。4、强化律——在记忆过程中,各种感官同时参与,比单一感官参与的记忆效果好;在识记材料达到熟记后,适当增加学习次数,记忆保持效果好;识记后,及时复习,可提高记忆效率;复习方式多样化比简单重复复习的记忆效果好。5、时间律——遗忘先快后慢;在记忆活动中,集中法和分散法适当运用,才能提高记忆效率。6、数量律—— 一次记忆的材料数量越多,记忆的难度越大,记忆的效果也随之减小;在记忆活动中,把全习法和分习法结合起来,可以提高记忆效果(全习法是集中学习法,分习法是分散学习法)。  三、增强记忆力的方法在学习过程中根据记忆的内容不同,可以选择相应记忆方法增强记忆效果。这些记忆方法有:背诵记忆、理解记忆、联想记忆、兴趣记忆、预想记忆、争论记忆、重复记忆、化简记忆、卡片记忆、愉快记忆、刺激回忆、观察记忆、形象记忆。  总之,记忆的方法可以归纳为以下几点:背诵是记忆的根本;理解是记忆的基础;联想是记忆的关键;方法是记忆的途径;趣味是记忆的媒介;动脑是记忆的灵魂;争论是记忆的益友;重复是记忆的窍门;化简是记忆的助手;卡片是记忆的仓库。采用什么记忆方法,关键在记忆的实践中,找到适合自己的方式,灵活运用。  四、增强记忆力需要注意的问题提高记忆力的方法(1)注意饮食。大脑运用依赖于由饮食提供的能源和各种营养,如足够的谷氨酸与蛋白质、维生素及多种微量元素。偏食是记忆的大敌,会使大脑迟钝。另外,血糖下降也会使思维变迟钝,注意力不集中。忽视早餐,常使血糖下降,所以早餐不能简单就应付。特别是临考前,营养颇为重要,应选择一些有利于增强记忆的食物。比如卷心菜、大豆、牛奶、鲜鱼、蛋黄、木耳、杏子等。(2)平心静气。大脑皮层是我们大脑的记忆器官,当身心处于安静状态时,从外部传来的情报就容易记忆,并且当大脑皮层处于安静状态时,能够暂时中断与过去事物的联系,而把崭新的情报铭记在头脑中。所以,当我们想要记忆一件事物时,首先要把身心“松弛”下来,作到“平心静气”后,才能开始记忆,这是最重要的一步。(3)减轻疲劳。这个理由很简单,因为疲劳会大大降低脑细胞的活动能力,随着脑细胞活动能力的降低,记忆力也随之降低。




pathetic 有无药可救的意思miserable 是痛苦不幸,

什么是情感的误置(pathetic fallacy)?

哲学上有一种名辞叫「情感的误置」(pathetic fallacy)是一种把自己情感、情绪投射到不具有这些情绪或是能力的对像上。与其说是「主角的感受,读者的共鸣」,不如说是「读者的感受造成主角的共鸣」。毕竟 书中的人物是不存在的,人物人际间的价构也是属于一种拟真化的投射,我们说某某人是伪君子,说他是「岳不群」,可是、可是是我们看到了岳不群想到某某人(其实根本看不到),还是从某某人联想到岳不群呢?就好像荀子说:「天行有常,不为尧生,不为桀亡」,天就是天,尧舜也好、也好、都不关你们的事,人们把天赋予如是多的解释:文化、迷信、传统、政治,其实都是「情感的误置」,所以「人之思天,是为失万物之情也。」   同样道理,一本书就躺在那里,我们读完了它,觉的它感情丰富,(我当然不是要求大家要「人之思书,是失万物之情」,如果真是这样,那读书就索然无味了),只是书本是死物,但是书却突然变的有感情了,是因为我们有感情呢?还是书自己会「为尧生,为纣亡」了、自己会「十年生死两茫茫」了?   举个例好了,今天我-风云,个性是属于「理在情不存」此等的,那我看到郭靖杀拖雷安答一幕,我会竖起姆指说:「好,大丈夫不拘泥小情小爱,为国我民,有为者亦若是」;可是如果今天我的个性恰恰相反,是歌德少年维特那种多愁善感,那我是不是要说:「郭靖无情无义,不爱亲人爱国家,冷血!」请问,是郭靖有感受还是读者有感受呢?其实郭靖也真倒楣,怎么做都有人说错,可是,说他错的那个人是谁、是谁用价值观来判定郭靖行为的?又是谁赋予主角行为做情绪解释的?(请注意,我用是「情绪解释」而不是「行为解释」)好像、好像都是我们自己吧。     也许有人说,书会有感情是因为那是作者和读者的互动 可是一本「乞丐囝仔」毁誉参半,有人说看了很感动、有人说很无聊,这又怎解释「书会有感情」呢?这又怎么解释「主角的感受会引起读者的共鸣」?   所以,少林门下弟子楼上的留言应该要倒过来讲,本来不懂的想法:「小姐,你那时也在吗?我真的不知.....我不是不尊重她,也不是觉得她不美,不知就道是不知道,不是美丽就要看的,天下间没有这个道理....」在读了天龙八部、在看到了萧峰的行为后,就懂了、就明白了,可是,萧峰真的是因为「没有这个道理」才看不到康敏吗?说穿了,还是我们读者赋予主角行为上的情绪解释了。(请注意,我用是「情绪解释」而不是「行为解释」。)   所以,我认为尽管是「形单只影,他有小龙女长伴」和杨过不同也大可放心,等某天,机会来了,或是行为或是价值观上感受到了,再看看书中的杨过和小龙女,可能就会想:「没什么嘛,我马子比小龙女漂亮多了!」   不为什么,只是因为「读者感受会不会造成主角行为共鸣」而已。 指赋无生命物以人的情感 或 是一种把自己情感、情绪投射到不具有这些情绪或是能力的对像上 哲学上有一种名辞叫「情感的误置」(pathetic fallacy)是一种把自己情感、情绪投射到不具有这些情绪或是能力的对像上。 参考: zh. *** /wiki/%E6%83%85%E6%84%9F%E7%9A%84%E8%AA%A4%E7%BD%AE

Pathetic (live) 歌词

歌曲名:Pathetic (live)歌手:Blink-182专辑:The Mark, Tom and Travis Show (The Enema Strikes Back)Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Life was an attraction baby, but you never tried.Now its an attraction maybe, You should have died.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.

Scid的《Pathetic》 歌词

歌曲名:Pathetic歌手:Scid专辑:InjectedTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Life was an attraction baby, but you never tried.Now its an attraction maybe, You should have died.I want to jump on your head,Until I get blisters,I will drop bombs on your bed,Youll be calling your sisters cosTime is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Love is a confusion baby, Youll never hide.Come to the conclusion baby, Your love has died.Time is an illusion baby, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.Pathetic senses, Im on your side.

Lamb Of God的《Pathetic》 歌词

歌曲名:Pathetic歌手:Lamb Of God专辑:SacramentPatheticLamb of GodSacramentLamb of God - PatheticSomewhere between an excuse and a lie,You found something that you believe.So proud, I guess I can"t imagine why,Three cheers for what we used to be.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Sleep-walking the mind field.Shit talking, it crumbles around you.It comes back around.Somewhere between delusion and denial,You"ll drown in your own sympathy.Profound, at least you thought so at the time,A ghost of who you used to be.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Sleep-walking the mind field.Shit talking, it crumbles around you.It comes back around.Sleep-walking the mind field.Shit talking, it crumbles around you.It comes back around.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.Pathetic. Wasted. Soulless. Compromised.



pitiful,pitiable,pathetic 这三个单词表示“可怜的” 有什么不同?

making you feel pity e.g. And none of the pitiable passengers on flight 592 had any idea of it. 592航班上不幸的乘客中却没有一个意识到这点





pathetic 怎么记忆这个词

多读多写,放句子里记忆。pathetic 常用词汇 英 [pu0259"θetu026ak]     美 [pu0259"θetu026ak]    adj. 可怜的;不足的;感伤的;悲哀的We saw the pathetic sight of starving children.我们看到挨饿的儿童悲惨可怜的样子。


pathetic 英[pəˈθetɪk] 美[pəˈθɛtɪk] adj. 令人同情的,可怜的; 又笨又可怜的,无价值的; 荡气回肠; 全部释义>>[例句]A pathetic little dog with a curly tail可怜的卷尾巴小狗sympathetic 专享福利,免费送课啦!英[ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk] 美[ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk] adj. 同情的;赞同的;招人喜爱的词形变化:sympathetically详细释义英英释义词根记忆adj.1.同情的;有同情心的;表示同情的 He took a sympathetic attitude toward my situation. 他对我的境遇抱同情的态度。 收藏We are sympathetic with the flood sufferers. 我们同情水灾受难者。 收藏2.赞同的,支持的 3.让人喜欢的,招人喜爱的


patheticadj. 可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的sympatheticadj. 同情的;交感神经的;共鸣的;赞同的;和谐的;合意的pathetic意思更倾向于poor和miserable,只是传达可怜的意思,不包含同情意思;sympathetic倾向于pitiful和commiserative,不只是觉得可怜,还有同情、怜悯的意思。

英语How pathetic怎么翻译?

How pathetic,这个英语短语的中文翻译是:有多可悲?是非常悲情的词语。

pathetic 什么意思

悲哀的,可怜的,感伤的例句与用法: 1. His tears were pathetic to witness. 他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。 2. We saw the pathetic sight of starving children. 我们看到挨饿的儿童悲惨可怜的样子。 3. She dances well, but as a singer, she is pathetic. 她跳舞跳得好,但唱歌就差劲了。 4. How pathetic! 真让人泄气! 形容词pathetic




可悲的英文:pathetic[pu0259u02c8θetu026ak]。pathetic是一个英语单词,形容词,作形容词时意思是“可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的”。短语搭配:1、pathetic afterthought:可悲的马后炮。2、pathetic trouble:感情上的麻烦。3、pathetic drama:哀怜悲剧;悲剧。双语例句:1、You are nothing but a pathetic fool.你只不过是个可怜的傻瓜。2、Peter turns to his friend,Michael,and says,Do you realise that this one pathetic fish we have caught cost $900?彼得转向他的朋友,对迈克尔说道,你发现没有我们钓到的这条可怜的鱼值900英镑呀?3、Yeah,I want to donate my pocket money to the pathetic children in Yushu.嗯,是的,我想把我的零用钱捐献给玉树可怜的孩子们。


theoretic 理论上的(theory 理论)energetic 精力旺盛的(energy 精力)sympatheric 同情的(sympathy 同情)apologetic 道歉的(apology 道歉)kinetic 运动的(kin 运动+etic;参考:kinesiology 运动学)splenetic 易怒的(spleen 怒气,脾气)peripatetic 巡游的(peri 周围+pat 走+etic)pathetic 引起怜悯的(path 感情+etic )genetic 遗传的(gene 基因+etic )

Apathetic Way To Be 歌词

歌曲名:Apathetic Way To Be歌手:Relient K专辑:Must Have Done Something RightRelient K - Apathetic Way To BeYeah, I"m not angryand no, I"m not upsetit"s taken me awhilebut this is what I"ve learnedemotional attachment is really not a threatwhen I"m simply not concernedThe things that I take onI soon shrug off"cause I know no onewill ever be contentwith the way things areor with what they"ve gotso I"ve given up and now I"m just indifferentYou will laugh at melike I"m not happywith anything, any time, anywhereand the half of me"s all about apathyand the other half just doesn"t careI must admitall the words you spoke, I hatedcause I don"t see just how I can be motivatedI"m left to break a sweat over a dying raceit seems our fate is something we"ve already embracedYeah, I"m not angry,and no, I"m not upsetit"s taken me awhilebut this is what I"ve learnedemotional attachment is really not a threatwhen I"m simply not concernedYou will laugh at melike I"m not happywith anything, any time, anywhereand the half of me"s all about apathyand the other half just doesn"t careYeah, bein" apathetic"s a pathetic way to be(I don"t care)What matters to you does not matter to me("cause I don"t care)So take a wild guessit"s like I just couldn"t care lessif all the things you find impressivejust blew up and made those messesthat you"ll frantically repairlike kissing leopards at the fairand all the while you"re unawarefor this, you really shouldn"t carebut it"s so hard to see the realitythat the end will be the end of thingsand our hearts are all we get to bringso let"s go ahead and make them worth somethingYou will laugh at melike I"m not happywith anything, any time, anywhereand the half of me"s all about apathyand the other half just doesn"t careYou will laugh at melike I"m not happywith anything, any time, anywhereand the half of me"s all about apathyand the other half just doesn"t careI"m well aware that everythingis a far cry from all rightI"m well aware that all of uscan at times, be too uptightand possibly, the remedyis a dose of apathyYou point your finger at youI"ll point mine right back at me


empathetic意思是:移情 empathetic[英][empu0259"θetu026ak][美][empu0259"θetu026ak]adj.移情作用的,感情移入的; 例句:1. Fear became a friend, and taught me to become sensitive to my inner voices, and empathetic to others.恐惧成了一个朋友,它教会我去对自己内心的声音保持敏感,对旁人报以同情。article.yeeyan.org2. Not all her male classmates were as empathetic.她的男同学并非都这么有同情心。www.cuyoo.com3. Justice is supposed to be blind, not empathetic.正义应该是没有感情的,而不是有移情力的。www.ecocn.org4. Drug users understand detox and they know how to be empathetic.戒毒的人了解戒毒的痛苦,他们知道怎样善解人意。article.yeeyan.org5. If we don"t practice empathy, we can"t become more empathetic.如果我们不练习同理心,我们将不能更好地同理别人。article.yeeyan.org您好!您提出的问题,我的答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍!有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!希望我的答案对您有所帮助!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮若是客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳!是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值O(∩_∩)O谢谢您!!!