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学科分类号 MASS和PACS 什么意思?

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MASS 或 PACS是什么意思啊

MASS:multiple access sequential selection 多重存取时序选择法PACS:是英文PictureArchiving&CommunicationSystem的缩写,译为“医学影像存档与通信系统”,其组成主要有计算机、网络设备、存储器及软件。


楼主你好,你可以重新下载一个vcruntime140.dll文件,然后按如下步骤操作:上传了,在附件一、解压后直接拷贝该文件到系统目录里:1、Windows 95/98/Me系统,复制到C:WindowsSystem目录下。2、Windows NT/2000系统,复制到C:WINNTSystem32目录下。3、Windows XP/WIN7/Vista/win8/win10系统,复制到C:WindowsSystem32目录下。4、如果您的系统是64位的请将文件复制到C:WindowsSysWOW64目录二、打开"开始-运行-输入regsvr32 vcruntime140.dll",回车即可解决。已上传并提供下载连接,可根据需要下载。小技巧:如果无法进入桌面,可以启动安全模式或者使用PE启动电脑,然后修复。【重要】:一定要选择与系统版本一致的DLL才可以vcruntime140.dll下载地址:无法定位、丢失、找不到、加载失败 等问题的修复

跪求2pac 听妈妈的话 歌词中英对照‘

是这个我发给你Kid whether have a lot of resist stubbornly Why do the other people read comic strips there I but Be learning to paint To this piano talk other people Be playing games I but Be hiding at home to carry on the back abc I say I want a huge airplane I but get an old spiral machine Why want to listen to the mother"s words You will start knowing these words after growing up I start to be understand after growing up Do I why run quicker than other people Fly higher than the other people Everyone will see in the future of is all cartoon that I draw Everyone sings of is all song that I write The mother"s heart she doesn"t let you see Warm matters all in her heart I am free to have to touch her hand more The handle knob leads long sleepwalking Listenning to the mother visits to say goodbye to let her get hurt Wanting to grow up quickly and quickly then can protect her It sproutlace in beautiful grey hair happiness Kindly in the sorcery warmth of angel Music is your trump card in your future The in love that that trump card talks But I don"t want to teach you wrong things Still listen to the mother"s words The old age is in love again I know you future road Why clearer than me You because of too many classmates of studies at this piece of write east to write west But my suggesting had better listen to a mother, I will study hard Study hard how can to speak from my mouth Don"t think you lose so want to call you study hard The mother picks you to want to accept thoroughly to your trouble Because don"t know is I want to tell her I still stay To I will meet me(Chow Young Fat?) So you to with classmate show wager absolute being is your father in the future I can not find the love letter that you write What you like wants to admit because my willing understand you will lead long her on the drill ground


楼主你好,你可以重新下载一个vcruntime140.dll文件,然后按如下步骤操作:一、解压后直接拷贝该文件到系统目录里:1、Windows 95/98/Me系统,复制到C:WindowsSystem目录下。2、Windows NT/2000系统,复制到C:WINNTSystem32目录下。3、Windows XP/WIN7/Vista系统,复制到C:WindowsSystem32目录下。4、如果您的系统是64位的请将文件复制到C:WindowsSysWOW64目录二、打开"开始-运行-输入regsvr32 vcruntime140.dll",回车即可解决。已上传并提供下载连接,可根据需要下载。vcruntime140.dll下载地址:

打开Eclipse时出现“Could not reserve enough space for object heap”怎么办?


Johann Pachelbel的D大调卡农是巴洛克曲风?

卡农Canon——复调音乐的一种,原意为“规律”.一个声部的曲调自始至终追逐着另一声部,直到最后……最后的一个小结,最后的一个和弦,它们会融合在一起,永不分离。缠绵极至的音乐,就像两个人生死追随。 卡农Canon是一种曲式的名称,这种曲式的特征是间隔数音节不停重复同一段乐曲。一般的演奏法是以大提琴启奏,三把小提琴间隔八拍先后加入,小提琴全部拉奏完全相同旋律,前后也只有三段不同的旋律,每段更是仅有两小节的旋律供重复拉奏;大提琴的调子从头到尾只有两小节,重复达廿八次之多,可是听者却陶醉在这旋律之中,丝毫不会感到单调。能御简如繁,作者可说已臻化境。作者是德国人Johann Pachelbel (1653 ~ 1706).不过有人说是当时某位不知名的作曲家,为了售出此曲而冒称是当时享有盛名的帕卡贝尔的作品。 卡农有许多类型,主要有:①正格卡农。主句和答句在方向上、节奏上完全一致,一般根据它们之间的音程距离称呼,如同度卡农、四度卡农、五度卡农等。在正格卡农中,除同度、八度外,其他音程的卡农常用自由模仿,以免形成调性重叠;其中四度、五度卡农除用自由模仿以保持调性统一外,也可采用严格模仿,使答句转入下属调或属调。②变格卡农。答句是主句的变形。若将主句的时值成倍扩大,则成增时卡农,反之,则成减时卡农;若将主句各音作反向的模仿,称为倒影卡农或反向卡农,若将主句各音出现的次序颠倒模仿,称为逆行卡农或蟹行卡农,答句若为主句之逆行并倒影者,称为逆行倒影卡农。此外,还有一些其他形式的卡农,如二重或三重卡农,即同时有两对或三对不同旋律的卡农进行;无终卡农,即卡农的结尾与乐曲开始相衔接而使音乐循环不已者;有终卡农,即答句不再进行模仿,另加结尾部分以构成终止者。 关于帕海贝尔(Pachelbel" Johann): 英文姓名:Pachelbel, Johann 生卒年月日:1653/09/01--1706/03/09 国籍:德国 乐派:巴洛克 Canon版本 最原始的当然是四重奏Pachelbel先生的Canon and Gigue in D major for 3 violins and Basso Continuo 1966年 维也纳音乐节又演奏了大指挥家卡拉扬先生的Canon版本,有一点点的是加了一把小提琴。 1985年 George Winston的December问世,带来了他独自改变的钢琴版本。 (Variations on the Kanon by Pachelbel) 1987年 出了个吉他天皇Nicolas Angeles演绎的现代版本。(Canon (Guitar by Nicolas Angelis)) 1992年 大竖琴家Mask和长笛演奏家共同在英国皇家音乐学院的周年式上演奏了极其优雅的 Canon in D 。 1995年 日本明星深田恭子,在自己的专辑中也亲自演绎了亲手改变的Canon。 1997年 全智贤出了张专辑叫 Pure apple ,第六首便是全智贤亲自演绎的 Canon Flying In The Sky 另类版本 canon-guitar(Flamenco 佛拉门戈版) Canon各种版本下载: 最纯正的Canon In D ( 钢琴心情 - Canon In D.mp3( Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon.mp3 ( Eileen Ivers - Humors of Ballyloughlin/Knockn.mp3( Bond - Lullaby.mp3( Pachelbel - Canon in D major.mp3(

急!!!电脑出现initialize variable space 该怎么办



电脑开机initializevariablespace...startingcmain这串英文是由于电脑中了木马病毒导致的,这里可以通过系统重装的方法来解决,具体的操作步骤如下:1、首先重装系统前备份好重要文件。2、然后确保有两个系统分区。3、然后打开小白系统刷机软件,选择适合机子的操作系统。4、然后装机软件就会下载此系统的文件,耐心等待即可。5、然后系统安装完成后,点击立即启动。6、然后开机重启后选择第二个选项进入。7、然后耐心等待系统加载完成。8、加载完成后来到此界面,点击立即重启。9、重启后点击windows 8.1 操作系统。10、最后系统就安装好了。

澳洲的packing declaration怎么填写


“Packing Declaration”是什么意思

包装说明 怎么包装的就怎么说 不知道的话 去超市看看 人家那些物品的包装说明是怎么写的


We must not lie down,


SAXSpace是点线双光源,采用的准直模式是Kratky block,适用于散射信号弱并且无取向分布的稀溶液,粉末等样品;而SAXSpoint 5.0是点光源,采用狭缝准直,因为具有极高分辨率,可分析较大的纳米尺寸结构,以及取向性样品


Tomcat是Apache 软件基金会(Apache Software Foundation)的Jakarta 项目中的一个核心项目,由Apache、Sun 和其他一些公司及个人共同开发而成。由于有了Sun 的参与和支持,最新的Servlet 和JSP 规范总是能在Tomcat 中得到体现,Tomcat 5支持最新的Servlet 2.4 和JSP 2.0 规范。因为Tomcat 技术先进、性能稳定,而且免费,因而深受Java 爱好者的喜爱并得到了部分软件开发商的认可,成为目前比较流行的Web 应用服务器。Apache是世界使用排名第一的Web服务器软件。它可以运行在几乎所有广泛使用的计算机平台上,由于其跨平台和安全性被广泛使用,是最流行的Web服务器端软件之一。它快速、可靠并且可通过简单的API扩充,将Perl/Python等解释器编译到服务器中。同时Apache音译为阿帕奇,是北美印第安人的一个部落,叫阿帕奇族,在美国的西南部。也是一个基金会的名称、一种武装直升机等等。


  Apache是运行在Linux操作系统上的头号Web服务器。很多小地方都可以用来调整Apache的性能,并降低它对系统资源的影响。其中一个就是调整内存使用率,当然达到这一目的可能还是需要花点功夫的。 例如,通过ps来确定httpd线程的内存使用率,可以输入下面的命令: # ps -U apache -u apache u USERPID %CPU %MEMVSZRSS TTYSTAT START TIME COMMAND apache130670.05.3 149704 54504 ?SOct071:53 /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf -DAPACHE2 上面这段输出显示了单个httpd进程使用了50 MB的RSS(驻留集大小)内存(或者非交换物理内存),以及149 MB的VSZ(虚拟)内存。这当然在很大程度上取决于你在Apache里加载和运行的模块数量。这决不是一个固定的数字。由于这个数字里还包含了共享库包,所以不是100%的准确。我们可以认为RSS数字的一半是httpd线程真正使用的内存数,这可能还有点保守,但是离我们的目的已经非常接近了。 在本文里,我们假设每个httpd进程都在使用了27 MB内存。然后,你需要确定可以让httpd真正使用的内存数。根据运行在机器上的其他进程,你可能希望要求50%的物理内存都供Apache使用。在一个装有1GB内存的系统上,就有512MB的内存可以被划分为多个27MB的内存,也就是大约19个并发的httpd内存。有些人坚持认为每个httpd线程“真正”使用大约5MB的内存,所以从理论上讲你可以把512MB的内存划分出102个并发进程供Apache使用(要记住的是,除非你的网站需要极其巨大的流量,否则这种情况是非常罕见的)。 在默认状态下,Apache会分配最大256个并发客户端连接,或者256个进程(每一个都对应一个请求)。按照这种设置,一个流量巨大的网站会在顷刻间崩溃(即使你假设每个进程占用5MB内存,那也需要1.3GB的内存来满足请求的数量)。如果不采取其它措施,系统会通过硬盘来尝试使用交换空间以处理它无法在物理内存中完成的任务。 其他可以调整的项目包括KeepAlive、KeepAliveTimeout和MaxKeepAliveRequests等设置。可以放在httpd.conf文件里的推荐设置有: ServerLimit 128MaxClients 128KeepAlive OnKeepAliveTimeout 2MaxKeepAliveRequests 100 通过将KeepAliveTimeout从15秒减到2秒,可以增加MaxClients命令;19太小,而128要好得多。通过减少进程存活的秒数,你可以在相同的时间内允许更多的连接。 当然,如果没有真正的测试在背后支持,数字就是毫无意义的,这就是ab的作用之所在。使用ab对Apache配置文件(MaxClients等于256、ServerLimit等于256、KeepAliveTimeout等于15)进行调整,使其能够满足1000个请求(100个连续请求并发产生)的调整方法如下。(在执行测试的时候要确保服务器上有一个终端打开以观察系统的负载。) $ ab -n 1000 -c 100 -k 现在把上面的服务器设置改为更加保守的设置,重新启动Apache,试着再次测试(总是从远程计算机上进行,而不是本机)。 在这里的测试中,不同的设置导致执行所消耗的时间产生了一倍的差距(分别为27.8s和16.8s),但是负载的平均值为0.03和0.30。这可能会使得你的网站变得稍慢,但是会确保它不会在高负载的情况下崩溃。还要记住的是,你将需要进行多次测试,以便取得一个平均值。 使用ab是测试调整Apache配置的一个极佳方法,应该在你每次做出影响性能的更改时使用它

怎么关闭apache 的keep-alive

php对MySQL的持久连接函数为:mysql_pconnect() /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # 需要在Apache的配置文件设置几个参数 # KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate. Keep-Alive on # MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount. We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance. MaxKeepAliveRequests 0 # KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the same client on the same connection. KeepAliveTimeout 15 # 客户端发送HTTP请求成功之后,Apache将不会立刻断开socket,而是一直监听客户端这一请求,持续时间为15秒,如果超过这一时间,Apache就立即断开socket。 注意:Apache的版本为2.0以上。

WIN7如何卸载apache + mysql +php

apache 、mysql 的卸载分两步:第一步删除服务(例如apache2.2、mysql)标准方法是使用这两个软件本身提供的功能删除,命令分别是:c:apacheinhttpd.exe -k uninstallc:mysqlinmysqld.exe --remove service_name这两个exe文件分别在apache和mysql安装文件的bin目录下,上面的命令需要在命令提示符下输入,直接双击exe文件是不行的如果相关的exe文件已经被破坏,或者你找不到具体路径,可以用下面的方法武力删除:运行注册表编辑器(regedit),进入HKEY_LOCALMACHINESYSTEMControlSet001services分支,下面的一个文件夹就是一个服务,删除apache和mysql的文件夹即可。第二步删除软件的文件(不是必须的)删除服务之后,重启计算机,这个时候就可以删除你安装的apache和mysql的文件夹了,删除后卸载即算完成。php的卸载只需要上面的第二步。

kevin spacey息影了吗?

您好 没有 您可以去IMDB网站看看 他的新片多着呢例如超人:钢铁巨人(2009) 英文名: Superman: The Man of Steel 中文名: 超人:钢铁巨人 导 演: ( 布莱恩·辛格 Bryan Singer ) 主 演: (凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey) 超人:钢铁巨人全部演员表

the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design谁写的

the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design3R原则对工业设计的影响the impact of "3r" principles to industrial design,The editor:Huang Junxiong重点词汇impact影响; 碰撞,冲击,撞击; 冲击力; 撞击; 挤入,压紧; 对…产生影响; 产生影响; 冲撞,冲击principles原则; 原理; 准则; 道义; 节操; 原则( principle的名词复数 ); 工作原理; 神圣的原理industrial design工业设计希望对您有所帮助

有没有类似Pacific rim旋律的歌?不要唱。

01冯曦妤 - 再见警察02The daydream - 雨中漫步03久石让 - 天空之城(钢琴版)04July - My Soul05辛晓琪 - Reason06The daydream - 眼泪07Richard Clayderman - 秋日私语08S.E.N.S. - 故宫的记忆09神秘园 - Song From A Secret Garden10李闰珉 - River Flows In You11久石让 - Summer(菊次郎の夏)12萨拉萨蒂 - 吉普赛之歌13马友友 - 天鹅14泽野弘之 - Blue Dragon15Depapepe - 午后柠檬树下的阳光16久石让 - Memory17Carlos Gardel - Por Una Cabeza18宗次郎 - 故乡的原风景19Bandari - 雪之梦20Kitaro - 丝绸之路21林海 - 城市流光22yanni - 和兰花在一起23林海 - 月光边境24钟兴民 - 爱情来了25贝多芬 - 月光奏鸣曲26马克西姆 - 克罗地亚狂想曲

should the human faculties that once led us to see ourselves as ontologically special- our capac

should the human faculties that once led us to see ourselves as ontologically special- our capacity for moral conduct, our ability to make choices on the basis of reasons- be understood instead as marking the far end of a continuous spectrum of animal behavior, all of which can be explained in light of DNA and the evolutionary history that shaped it。。 应该曾经带领我们看到我们自己的本体论意义上的特殊的道德行为能力的人的能力,我们作出选择的原因的基础上,而不是被理解为标志的一个连续的动物的行为谱的尽头的能力,所有这些都可以在DNA和进化的历史解释,形它..重点词汇释义ontologically存在论地;本体论地capacity for…的能力moral conduct德行on the basis of根据; 依据; 以…为基础; 按照far end远端continuous spectrum连续光谱animal behavior家畜行为all of实足,不少于in light of按照,根据evolutionary history进化历史

2pac baby dont cry中英对照歌词

希望你满意,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……好长2pac - baby don"t cry I feel you {uhh} .. (baby don"t)But you can"t, you can"t give up{hey.. 2pac what?}[2pac + h.e.a.t.]Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upCry{outlawz}Even when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {keep ya head up}[2pac]Now here"s a story bout a woman with dreamsSo picture perfect at thirteen, an ebony queenBeneath the surface it was more than just a crooked smileNobody knew about her secret so it took a whileI could see a tear fall slow down her black cheekSheddin quiet tears in the back seat; so when she asked me,"what would you do if it was you?"Couldn"t answer such a horrible pain to live throughI tried to trade places in the tragedyI couldn"t picture three crazed niggaz grabbin meFor just a moment i was trapped in the pain, lord come and take meFour niggaz violated, they chased and they raped meEven though it wasn"t me, i could feel the griefThinkin with your brains blown that would make the pain goNo! you got to find a way to surviveCause they win when your soul dies[2pac + h.e.a.t.]Baby please don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {never give up}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head up {never give up}Even when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry[edi amin]UhhForget him girl (forget him girl) he ain"t gon" never changeI ain"t no hater but that nigga lost in the gameAfter the bright lights and big thangsHe probably could loev you, but he in love with the struggleEveryday, his mind on gettin mo" (gettin mo")And never your feelings, he"s chasin millions fo" sho"Uh oh (uh oh), now you bout to have his baby? (dayamn)Another wild-ass nigga that"s gon" drive you crazyYou got too much, mo", livin to do - i"m spittin this to you,Cause you deserve more than what he givin to you (that"s right)Beautiful, black, precious, and complicatedA new millennium dime piece, so fine sheGot em all stuck standin still when she come throughBaby take a little mo" time, love"ll find youAnd show us the sky"s blue somebody other than meGon" give you everything you need, feel me?{don"t cry-ahhhhh..}[2pac + h.e.a.t.]Baby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {you"ll be alright}Baby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {you"ll be alright}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {keep your head up}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head up {never give up}Even when the road is hard, never give up {no no.. ohhhh}Baby don"t cry[young noble]I"m tryin to do all that i can, from jumpNow you losin, you was choosin the wrong manDealt the wrong hand, you was young and beautifulLost and turned out, what you let that nigga do to you? (damn)I knew her since elementary, she blew a kiss to meWrote me a note in crayon, wantin to get with meWe was kids, now she got three kidsThey see their father e"ryday, and they don"t know who he isSeen him last night, homey roll a e-classMad cheese in the stash, still a deadbeat dadI bring her, pampers and food, just to stop throughBut those, ain"t my seeds, nuttin really i could do (nah)I feel pity for you, you ain"t even his wifeSeventeen with three kids, locked down for lifeShoulda chose me, she bout to o.d. from the pressureHell nah i won"t let her {baby don"t cry}[2pac + h.e.a.t.]Baby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {you"ll be alright}Baby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {baby don"t cry}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {baby baby baby}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head up {no..}Even when the road is hard, never give up {no-ohhhh}Baby don"t cry, i gotta keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, you got to keep your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up {ooooh baby}Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, i hope you got your head up {keep your head up}{keep your head up, never give up}Even when the road is hard, never give up, baby don"t cry[young noble]Uhh, uhh, yeah, don"t give up {you"ll be alright}Don"t cry, don"t cry, don"t cry[2pac + h.e.a.t.]Baby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give upBaby don"t cry, i hope you got your head upEven when the road is hard, never give up, baby don"t cry[edi amin]For all the ladies {soulshock, karlin}Baby don"t cryGot to keep your head up {keep your head up}Makaveli the don {head up} aight?

eminem的space bound中文歌词谁有啊?

space-bound深陷苍穹We touch, I feel a rush, we clutch, it isn"t much我们之间的每次触碰,都像一次撞击,我们试图紧攫对方,却仍远远不够But it"s enough to make me wonder what"s in store for us但已足以让我去怀疑将来,是什么样的命运在等待着我们It"s lust, it"s torturous, you must be a sorceress这是欲望,也是折磨,你一定是个女巫Cuz you just, did the impossible, gained my trust因为,你只不过,做了件不可能的壮举,赢得我的信任Don"t play games it"ll be dangerous if you fuck me over不要玩弄感情,那很危险。如果你敢耍老子,后果自负Cuz if I get burnt, I"ma show ya what it"s like to hurt因为只要我被灼伤,我会让你也尝尝伤痛的滋味Cuz I"ve been treated like dirt befo" ya因为我在遇到你之前曾经被人当做不值一提的尘埃一样对待And love is evil, spell it backwards, I"ll show ya爱是罪恶,倒着拼写就会发现,我来向你细细道来Nobody knows me, I"m cold, walk down this road all alone无人理解我,我很冷,独自在这条路上行走It"s no one"s fault but my own, it"s the path I"ve chosen to go这是我自己的原罪,是我自己选择走的路Frozen as snow, I show no emotion what"soever, so如同雪一样冰冷,无论何时何地我都不带感情,那又怎样Don"t ask me why I have no love for these muh"fuckin" hoes不要问为什么我他妈不爱这群臭婊子Blood-suckin" succubuses, 这群吸血妖娼,what the fuck is up with this这他妈玩的是个几I"ve tried in this department, but, I ain"t had no luck with this我试过融入这个圈子,但,对此我没这运气It sucks but it"s exactly what I thought it would be like tryin" to start over烂透了对吧 但这恰恰就是我所想 试图重新尝试的开头I"ve got a hole in my heart for some kind of emotional roller-coaster我的心上有一个深深的洞,像过山车的隧道,心绪就在里面随着轨道跌宕呼啸Somethin" I won"t go on, so you toy with my emotions, ho, it"s over有些事我不能再继续,你便任意玩弄我的情感,呵,现在玩完了It"s like an explosion every time I hold ya, 告诉你,每当我拥抱着你的时候就像一场心灵上的爆炸I wasn"t jokin" when I told ya 当我告诉你的时候,我不是在开玩笑You take my breath away,你带走了我的呼吸you"re a supernova你是一颗璀璨的星And I"m a而我(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是一艘深陷苍穹的火箭船 而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you我航程的终点只肯凝望住你Right at you望着你250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的静澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空And I"m aimin" right at you而我航程的终点只肯凝望着你Right at you 望着你Right at you 望着你(Verse 2)第二章I"ll do whatever it takes, 我愿为你不顾一切when I"m with you, I get the shakes当我和你同处,我会紧张得发抖My body aches when I ain"t, 离开你我无所适从 每寸躯体都觉得痛with you, I have zero strength在你身边我却力不从心There"s no limit on how far I would go, no boundaries, no lengths看不到边界,我不知道这条路该走多远,能多深,能多久Why do we say that until 为何要一直等到we get that person that we think"s Gonna be that one 我们找到那个自以为对的人才肯说这些话and then once we get "em而直到我们得到那个人才发现it"s never the same你永远无可取代You want "em when they don"t want you, 得不到的你才想要soon as they do, 一旦得到feelin"s change感觉便变了It"s not a contest and I ain"t on no conquest for no mate这并不是一场竞赛,而我不得不征战 为那不存在的爱人I wasn"t lookin" when I stumbled onto you, must been fate我在不经意间被你绊住,一定是命运作祟But so much is at stake, what the fuck does it take, let"s cut to the chase但已经押下如此重码,管他妈后果如何,我们先切入正题"Fore the door shuts in your face, promise me if I cave in and break在这扇门在你的脸前关上之前,祈祷我被卡住然后停止运转And leave myself open that I won"t be makin" a mistake我不会再犯错,就让我这么坦诚的面对你Cuz I"m a因为我是(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是艘深陷苍穹的火箭船,而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you我航程的终点只想锁住你Right at you锁住你250, 000 miles on a clear night in June在六月的静澈的夜晚,25000英尺的高空And I"m aimin" right at you我航程的终点只想锁住你Right at you 锁住你Right at you 锁住你(Verse 3)So after a year and 6 months, it"s no longer me that you want所以只是一年六个月你要的人就已经不再是我But I love you so much it hurts, never mistreated you once但我对你爱得太深太痛,从没虐待过你哪怕一次I"ll pour my heart out to you, let down my guard, swear to God我愿将全部心血倾注于你,放下我所有防御,向上帝发誓I"ll blow my brains in your lap, lay here and die in your arms我愿在你膝下磕碎我的头颅,躺在那里,在你的怀抱中死去Drop to my knees and I"m pleadin", I"m tryin" to stop you from leavin"跪在地上我不断祈求着,我试图让你离去的脚步停下You won"t even listen, so fuck it, I"m tryin" to stop you from breathin"你却不肯听一听,所以去他妈的,我试图让你的呼吸停下I put both hands on your throat, I sit on top of you, squeezin"我用双手握住你的脖子,我坐在你身上,狠狠的掐Til" I snap your neck like a Popsicle stick, 直到我把你的脖子就像根冰棒棍般折断,ain"t a possible reason I can think of to let you walk up out this house 也想不出哪怕一个可能的理由能让我放你离开这间屋子,and let you live让你继续活下去Tears stream down both of my cheeks, then I let you go and just give眼泪从我的双颊不断地滚落,然后我让你走了 就这样 走吧And before I put that gun to my temple, I told you this在我把那把枪对准我的太阳穴之前,我告诉你(Bridge)And I woulda did anything for you我愿意为你做任何事情To show you how much I adored you只为让你知道我对你的倾慕有多么深刻浓烈But it"s over now, it"s too late to save our Love可现在结束了,已经太迟,再来不及拯救我们的爱Just promise me you"ll think of me就答应我Every time you look up in the sky and see a star每当你抬头看着天空,看到那一颗孤独的星,你会想起我Cuz I"m a因为我是(Chorus)I"m a space-bound rocketship and your heart"s the moon我是一艘深陷苍穹的火箭船,而你的心是我围绕着飞的月亮And I"m aimin" right at you我航程的终点只愿围绕着你Right at you围绕着你250, 000 miles and a clear night in June在六月的静澈夜晚,250000英尺的高空And I"m so lost without you我是如此迷失,如此惘然,失去你Without you失去你Without you失去你

life goes on 是pac写给谁的

2pac在gangsta rap里面大概是前十的水平,gangsta rap是rap的一个分支,life goes on是2pac最有名的几首歌之一

life goes on(生命要继续下去!)2pac唱的,求这首歌的翻译

[Chorus] How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz 有多少兄弟在街头死去 Rest in peace young nigga 兄弟,请在天国安息 there"s a Heaven for a "G" 帮匪也有天堂 be a lie 说个谎 If I told ya that I never thought of death 如果我告诉你我没想过死亡 my niggas 我的兄弟们 we tha last ones left 现在只剩下我们 but life goes on 但生命在继续 How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz 有多少兄弟在街头死去 Rest in peace young nigga 兄弟,请在天国安息 there"s a Heaven for a "G" 帮匪也有天堂 be a lie 说个谎 If I told ya that I never thought of death 如果我告诉你我没想过死亡 my niggas 我的兄弟们 we tha last ones left 现在只剩下我们 but life goes on 但生命在继续 As I bail through tha empty halls 当我被保释并走在空荡的走廊 breath stinkin" in my draws 嘴里发着口臭 ring, ring, ring quiet y"all incoming call 铃铃铃,安静点,有电话 plus this my homie from high school he"s getting by 我的高中同学已离开了(死亡) It"s time to burry 是时候离开了 another brotha nobody cry 又到了埋葬一个兄弟的时候,都不要哭泣 life as a baller alchol and booty calls 让我们成为享受生活的人.酒和女人 we usta do them as adolecents do you recall ? 我们从小就是这样,还记得吗? raised as G"s 成为一个流氓 loc"ed out and blazed the weed 做一些疯狂的事情,吸着大麻 get on tha roof let"s get smoked out 在楼顶,吸到死吧 and blaze with me 和我一起闪烁 2" in tha morning 凌晨两点 and we still high assed out 我们还在兴奋着 screamin" "thug till I die" 叫喊着"混到死为止!" before I passed out 在我没到尽头前 but now that your gone 你已经离开了这里 i"m in tha zone thinkin" 我独自留在这里想着 "I don"t wanna die all alone" 我不想自己死去 but now ya gone 但你已经离开了这里 and all I got left are stinkin" memories 我只剩下了从前的记忆 I love them niggas to death 我死了也爱着我的兄弟们 i"m drinkin" Hennessy while tryin" ta make it last 我喝着酒想着过去 I drink a 5th for that ass 这是我第五次喝这种酒 when you pass... 当你死去的时候 cause life goes on 因为生命在继续 How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz 有多少兄弟在街头死去 Rest in peace young nigga 兄弟,请在天国安息 there"s a Heaven for a "G" 帮匪也有天堂 be a lie 说个谎 If I told ya that I never thought of death 如果我告诉你我没想过死亡 my niggas 我的兄弟们 we tha last ones left 现在只剩下我们 but life goes on 但生命在继续 How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz 有多少兄弟在街头死去 Rest in peace young nigga 兄弟,请在天国安息 there"s a Heaven for a "G" 帮匪也有天堂 be a lie 说个谎 If I told ya that I never thought of death 如果我告诉你我没想过死亡 my niggas 我的兄弟们 we tha last ones left 现在只剩下我们 but life goes on 但生命在继续 Yeah nigga 兄弟 I got tha word as hell 我听到消息了 ya blew trial and tha judge gave you 25 with an L 你因为倒霉被法官判了25年 time to prepare to do fed time 准备长时间在里面了 won"t see parole 还不能保释 imagine life as a convict 想象犯人的生活 that"s getten" old 时间可真长啊 plus with tha drama 加上这糟糕的事情 we"re lookin out for your babies mama 在这段时间里 我会照顾好你孩子的妈妈 taken risks, while keepin" cheap tricks from gettin on her... 不让她受到危险和欺骗 life in tha hood is all good for nobody 在贫民窟的生活不能说不错 remember gamin" on dumb hoties at chill parties 还记得以前在聚会上钓那些傻妞吗 Me and you 你和我是 No true a two 多么铁的关系 while schemeing on hits and gettin tricks 计划着发财和诈骗 that maybe we can slide into 那些东西吸引着我们 but now you burried 但你已被埋在地底 rest nigga 安息吧兄弟 cause I ain"t worried 我不担心 eyes bluried 眼泪润湿了我的眼睛 sayin" goodbye at the cemetary 当我在你的坟墓前和你道别的时候 tho" memories fade 记忆在小时 I got your name tated on my arm 在我的胳膊上纹了你的名字 so we both ball till" my dying days 在我死之前我们永远在一起 before I say goodbye 当我说再见之前 Kato, we"re meant to rest in peace Kato我们一起在这里安息 Thug till I die 混到死为止

求2PAC 《 life goes on》歌词

Life Goes On by Tupac Shakur Artista: 2pac Música: Life Goes On" [Chorus: repeat 2X] How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz Rest in peace young nigga, there"s a Heaven for a "G" be a lie, If I told ya that I never thought of death my niggas, we tha last ones left but life goes on..... [Verse One:] As I bail through tha empty halls breath stinkin" in my draws ring, ring, ring quiet y"all incoming call plus this my homie from high school he"s getting bye It"s time to bury another brotha nobody cry life as a baller alchol and booty calls we usta do them as adolecents do you recall? raised as G"s loc"ed out and blazed the weed get on tha roof let"s get smoked out and blaze with me 2 in tha morning and we still high assed out screamin" "thug till I die" before I passed out but now that your gone i"m in tha zone thinkin" "I don"t wanna die all alone" but now ya gone and all I got left are stinkin" memories I love them niggas to death i"m drinkin" Hennessy while tryin" ta make it last I drank a 5th for that ass when you passed.... cause life goes on [Chorus] [Verse Two:] Yeah nigga I got tha word as hell ya blew trial and tha judge gave you 25 with an L time to prepare to do fed time won"t see parole imagine life as a convict that"s getten" old plus with tha drama we"re lookin out for your babies mama taken risks, while keepin" cheap tricks from gettin on her... life in tha hood... is all good for nobody remember gamin" on dumb hoties at chill parties Me and you No true a two while scheming on hits and gettin tricks that maybe we can slide into but now you burried rest nigga cause I ain"t worried eyes bluried sayin" goodbye at the cemetary tho" memories fade I got your name tated on my arm so we both ball till" my dying days before I say goodbye Kato and Mental rest in peace Thug till I die [Chorus] [Verse Three:] Bury me smilin" with G"s in my pocket have a party at my funeral let every rapper rock it let tha hoes that I usta know from way before kiss me from my head to my toe give me a paper and a pen so I can write about my life of sin a couple bottles of Gin incase I don"t get in tell all my people i"m a Ridah nobody cries when we die we outlaws let me ride until I get free I live my life in tha fast lane got police chasen me to my niggas from old blocks from old crews niggas that guided me through back in tha old school pour out some liquor have a toast for tha homies see we both gotta die but ya chose to go before me and brothas miss ya while your gone you left your nigga on his own how long we mourn life goes on... [Chorus repeats to end] [sung overtop repeating chorus] Life goes on homie gone on, cause they passed away Niggas doin" life Niggas doin" 50 and 60 years and shit I feel ya nigga, trust me I feel ya You know what I mean last year we poured out liquor for ya this year nigga, life goes on we"re gonna clock now get money evade bitches evade tricks give players plenty space and basicaly just represent for you baby next time you see your niggas your gonna be on top nigga their gonna be like, "Goddamn, them niggas came up" that"s right baby life goes on.... and we up out this bitch hey Kato, Mental y"all niggas make sure it"s popin" when we get up there don"t front.


单词一般由三部分组成:词根、前缀和后缀。词根决定单词意思,前缀改变单词词义,后缀决定单词词性,这是最基本的。首先举个例子:interest(n.兴趣,有趣,景点)是一个词根,词根能造出非常多的词,好似数学里的树形图。由interest衍生出的词[interested(对...感兴趣,be intersted in+ doing sth./sth.)interesting(令人感到有趣的事物,形容事,有趣的)]就是和词根保持母系关系,词更又称母词。词根可以是任何词性的词。photograph(n.)照片举例照片){photography(n./adj.)摄影业,摄影的photographer(n.)摄影师collective(adj.)续集的,系列的v.collect(收集){collectioin(n.)可和collection通用。collecting(n.)收集,续集(We have a collecting)=collection更多:ache=ache 痛 earache 耳痛ag=do, act 做,动 agent 代理人agri, agro=agriculture 田地,农田 agriculture 农业,农艺ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的astro, aster=star 星 astronomy 天文学audi, audit=hear 听 audible 听得见的bell=war 战争 rebellion 反叛,反抗bio, bi=life 生命,生物 biology 生物学brev=short 短 abbreviate 缩短,节略ced, ceed=go 行走 precedent 先行的,在前cept=take 拿,取 exception 例外,除外circ=ring 环,,圆 circle 圆,圈,环状物cid, cis=cut, kill 切,杀 suicide 自杀claim, clam=cry, shout 喊叫 exclaim 呼喊,惊叫clar=clear 清楚的,明白的 clarify 澄清;使清楚clud, clus=close, shut 关闭 exclude 排除,排斥,拒绝接纳cogn=know 知道 cognition 认知cord=heart 心 cordial 衷心的,诚心的corpor, cor=body 体 corporation 团体,社团cred=believe, trust 相信,信任 credibility 可信,可靠,cruc=cross 十字 crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨cur=care 关心,挂念,注意 security 安全cur, curs, cour, cours=run 跑 cruise巡航舰di=day 日 diary 日记dit=give 给 edit 编辑dict,dic=say 言,说 dictator 独裁者,口授者duc, duct=lead 引导 conduct 引导,指导,经营ed=eat 吃 edible 可以吃的,食用的ev=age 年龄,时代 longevity 长寿,长命fact, fac=do, make 做,作 factory 工厂fer=bring, carry 带,拿 different 不同的,相异的flor, olour=flower 花 florid 如花的,华丽的flu=flow 流 fluency 流利,流畅fus=pour 灌,流,倾泻 refuse 拒绝,拒受geo=earth 地 geography 地理学gon=angle角 triangle三角形grad=step, go, grade 步,走,级 gradual 逐步的gram=write 写 telegram 电报graph=write, writing 写,画 photograph 照相,拍照gress=go, walk 行走 progress 进步hap=chance,luck,accident 机会,偶发happen 发生,巧遇hibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览hospit, hosp=guest 客人 hospitable 好客的idio=particular, own, private, proper 特殊的,个人的,专有的 idiom 惯用语,方言insul=island 岛 insular 岛的,偏狭的it=go 行走 exit 出口,退出ject=throw 投掷 projection 投掷,发射lect, leg, lig=choose, gather 选,收 elect 选举lev=raise 举、升 elevate 抬起,使升高liber=liberty 自由 liberation 解放lingu=language 语言 linguist 语言专家liter=letter 文字,字母 literate 识字的,有文化的loc=place 地方 local 当地的log=speak 言,说 dialogue 对话loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的lun=moon 月亮 lunar 月亮的,似月的manu, man=hand 手 manuscript 手稿mar=sea 海 marine 海上的,航海的medi=middle 中间 mediate 居中调解,调停memor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的 memory 记忆,记忆力milit=soldier 兵 military 军事的,军队的mini=small,less 小 minimum 最小数mir=wonder 惊奇,惊异 admire 赞赏,钦佩mort=death 死 mortal 终有一死的mot=move 移动 motion 运动,动nomin=name 名 nominal 名义上的,有名无实的nov=new 新 novel 新的,新奇的numer=number 数 numeral 数字,[语]数词oper=work 工作 operation 手术,工作,操作ori=rise 升起 orient 东方,东方的paci=peace 和平 pacify 使和平,抚慰past=feed 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草pel=push, drive 推,逐,驱 propel 推动pend, pens=hang 悬挂 pendent 悬空的,悬而未决的pet=seek 追求 compete 竞争,比赛phon=sound 声音 phone 电话plen=full 满,全 plenty 大量,丰富pone=put 放置 postpone 推后,推迟popul=people 人民 population 人口,全体居民port=carry 拿,带,运 import 输入,进口pos=put 放置 expose 揭露,揭发preci=price 价值 precious 宝贵的,珍贵的pur=pure 清,纯 purify 使纯净rect=right, straight 正,直 correct 改正,纠正rupt=break 破 rupture 破裂,使裂开sal=salt 盐 salary 薪水sci=know 知 science 科学sec, sequ=follow 跟随 sequence 继续,连续sect=cut 切割 section 切开,一部分sent, sens=feel 感觉 sentiment 感情,思想感情son=sound 声音 sonic 声音的,音速的spect=look 看 spectate 出席,观看spir=breathe 呼吸 inspire 鼓舞,吸入tail=cut 切,割 tailor 裁缝,成衣商tain, ten=hold 握,持,守 contain 容纳,包含,内装tect=cover 掩盖 detect 侦查,发觉tempor=time 时 temporary 暂时的,临时的tend, tens=draw 拉 tension 拉紧,引力tent, tract=draw 拉,抽,引 tractor 拖拉机urb=city 城市 suburb 郊区,近郊ut=use 用 utility 效用, 有用vac, vacu=empty 空 vacancy 空白,空虚vad, vas=walk, go 行走 invasion 入侵,侵略vari=change 变化 variable 可变的,反复的ven=come 来 convene 召集(会议),集会vert, vers=turn 转 subvert 推翻,颠覆vi, via=way 路 via 取道,经由vis, vid=see 看 visible 可见的,看得见的vit=life 生命 vital 充满活力的viv=live 活 vivid 活泼的,有生气的

I Get Around -2pac歌词

Aww, Yeah... (Round and Round) (Round it go) I Get Around... Still clown with tha Underground when we come around (Round and Round) (Round it go) Stronger than ever Back to get wreck, all respect to those who break they neck To keep they hos in check "Cuz, hos, they sweat a brotha majorly and I don"t know why, your girl keeps paging me. She tell me that she needs me Cries when she leaves me and every time she sees me, she squeeze me. Lady take it easy... Hate to sound sleazy, but tease me, I don"t want it if it"s that easy. ehh yo bus" it, baby got a problem saying bye bye Just another hazard of a fly guy. You ask why, it don"t matter My pockets got fatter, now everybody"s looking for the ladder. and ain"t no need in be greedy, If you wanna see me try a beeper number baby when you need me and I"ll be there in a jiffy Don"t be picky. Just be happy with this quicky But when you learn, you can"t tie me down Baby doll, check it out I get around whatcha mean, ya don"t know... (Round and round) (Round it go) I get around The Underground just don"t stop for hoes I get around (Round and Round) (Round it go) I get around Hey yo Shock, let them hoes know... Now you can tell from my everday fits, I ain"t rich So cease and desist with them tricks (Tricks) I"m just another black man caught up in the mix (Mix) Trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents (A dime and a nickel) Just "cuz I"m a freak don"t mean that we could hit the sheets Baby, I can see, that you don"t recognize me. I"m Shock-G, the one who put the satin on your panties Never knew a hooker that could sham me. I get around. What"s up love, how you doin"? (Alright) Well I"ve been hangin" sangin, tryin" to do my thang Oh, you heard that I was bangin" Your home girl you went to school with That"s cool, but did she tell you about her sister and your cousin thought I wasn"t See, weekends were made for Michelob But it"s a Monday, my day, So just let me hit it, yo And don"t mistake my statement for a clown We can keep in the down low long as you know That I get around. (Round and round) (Round it go) 2Pacalypse Now, don"t stop for hoes I get around (Round and round) (Round it go) (Round and round...) Why I ain"t called you (hahaha.. please) Fingertips on the hip as I dip Gotta get a tight grip, don"t slip Loose lips, sank ships, it"s a trip, I love the way she licks her lips See me jockin", put a little twist in her hips "cuz I"m watchin" Conversations on the phone "til the break of dawn, Now we all alone, why the lights on? Turn "em off, time to set it off Get you wet "n" soft, Something"s on your mind, let it off. You don"t know me, You just met me, You won"t let me, Well if I couldn"t have it, (silly rabbit) Why you sweatin" me? It"s a lot of real G"s doin" time "Cuz a groupy bit the trooper told a lie. You picked the wrong guy, baby if you"re too fly You need to hit the door, search for a new guy. "Cuz I only got one night in town, Break down or be clowned, Baby doll are you down? I get around (Round and round) (Round it go) (Round and round) (Round it go) [repeated till end of song]



linux下package install和compile install 有什么区别?

以下讨论只考虑开源软件(闭源一般也不会有compile install的说法),source based package manager暂时不讨论。先说compile install。开源软件一般都是以源码的形式放出来的,compile install就是相当于自行将源码编译成二进制,然后安装。所谓package install就是通过每个发行版自带的package manager从软件源里下载已经编译好的二进制包,然后验证,解压,安装,也就是编译这一步是在服务器上进行的。compile的优点:1,不是所有软件都有package,而只要有source就可以compile2,优化,一般自己compile的话都会对自己的硬件进行优化,据说可以快上5-10%。然而这点存疑,而且有些发行版,如rhel,据说会大幅更改源码进行手动优化,可能比自己编译的包效果还好。3,自定义,你可以自行打补丁,添加一些原本不支持的功能。4,可靠性,如果软件源被黑,那么可能下载的软件会有漏洞。这点也存疑,因为一般的package manager会check sum和检查签名,个人用户反而不见得会检查源码。package的优点:1,快,某些大型软件在I7下可能都需要编译一个小时以上。2,依赖,如果安装A需要B,自己编译就需要先下载编译安装B,搞不好B还依赖C。。。然而package manager就可以解决自动依赖问题。综上:如果您不是四核I7+ssd,双路E5,双路皓龙什么的,也不想打什么第三方补丁,还是安心用package manager吧。。。


Avaricious and rapacious vary only slightly.Avaricious denotes a greed for PECUNIARY gain (as in, monetary gain).Rapacious denotes excessive greed for all things, and also denotes "grasping" where some degree of action is being taken in order to quench the thirst.Good luck!

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COBOL里用initialization初始化和用move space初始化有什么区别。 不好意思,没分了。

那得分 9型 和X 型了,9型的初始值可是 0 而非SPACE

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please ensur that usb flash drive with available space is plugged in,and try again请确保有可用空间的USB闪存驱动器插入,然后再试一次

作文 “Impact of Internet on Life” 200字

Internet can be regarded as one of the world most important invention which brings numerous impacts on people"s life. Some people may show their reasons for the negative effects brought by Internet. However, I personally believe that the advent of Internet has civilized positively our way of living, both physically and mentallyFirstly, Internet brings us the physical impacts by simplifying life. Nowadays, everything can be done easily with the services supplied on the Internet which include the online shopping, news providing and even weather forecast online. People can be found in the street, taking with them the Ipad with Internet connection to catch all the latest news, instead of hurrying to find a new hard copy paper. There will be no tired of looking for a bottle of milk in a giant supermarket, women can stay at home and do all their shopping online, which is much time-saver. What is more? Internet will satisfy all the commands given by just a simple gesture — a click on the mouse. In short, the first advantage of Internet can be seen widely in our daily life.Secondly, emotional effects can also be counted. With the advent of Internet, people are more likely to connect with each other, regardless of the time and distance. So many software like skype, yahoo messenger have been developed to match with the demand of Internet users. Social network such as Facebook is also an good example. Friends or family members can connect freely through this platform by simply updating the statuses, posting pictures and writing notes about their feeling. Not only strengthening the intimacy of people, Internet also provides us with a wide range of entertainment services to delight our days. Hence, youtube, game online can be strong cases to illustrate.

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roly-poly in copacabana韩文歌词


Copacabana (At the Copa) 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana (At the Copa)歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:2 Nights LiveCopacabana - Barry ManilowHer name was Lola, she was a showgirlWith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereShe would merengue and do the cha-chaAnd while she tried to be a star, Tony always tended barAcross a crowded floor, they worked from 8 till 4They were young and they had each otherWho could ask for more?At the Copa , CopacabanaThe hottest spot north of HavanaAt the Copa , CopacabanaMusic and passion were always the fashionAt the Copa....they fell in loveHis name was Rico, he wore a diamondHe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancin" thereAnd when she finished, he called her overBut Rico went a bit too far, Tony sailed across the barAnd then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twoThere was blood and a single gun shotBut just who shot who?At the Copa , CopacabanaThe hottest spot north of HavanaAt the Copa , CopacabanaMusic and passion were always the fashionAt the Copa....she lost her loveHer name is Lola, she was a showgirlBut that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a showNow it"s a disco, but not for LolaShe sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blindShe lost her youth and she lost her TonyNow she"s lost her mind!At the Copa , Copacabana

Copacabana (At The Copa) 歌词

歌曲名:Copacabana (At The Copa)歌手:Barry Manilow专辑:Even NowArtist: Barry ManilowAlbum: Ultimate ManilowTitle: Copacabana (at The Copa)Her name was Lola, she was a showgirlwith yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to thereshe would merengue and do the cha-chaand while she tried to be a starTony always tended baracross the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4they were young and they had each otherwho could ask for more?CHORUS:At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana)the hottest spot north of Havana (here)at the copa (CO!) Copacabanamusic and passion were always in fashionAt the copa.... they fell in loveHis name was Ricohe wore a diamondhe was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing thereand when she finished,he called her overbut Rico went a bit to farTony sailed across the barand then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in twothere was blood and a single gun shotbut just who shot who?REPEAT CHORUSAt the copa... she lost her loveHer name is Lola, she was a showgirl,but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a shownow it"s a disco, but not for Lola,still in dress she used to wear,faded feathers in her hairshe sits there so refined,and drinks herself half-blindshe lost her youth and she lost her Tonynow she"s lost her mindREPEAT CHORUSAt the copa... don"t fall in lovedon"t fall in love

COPACABANA 歌词中,COPACABANA 本是巴西一地名,可为什么歌词中频频出现古巴一词,为什么?



copacabana是迪斯尼的园歌Her name is lolaShe was a showgirlWith yellow feathers in her hairAnd a dress cut down to thereShe would merengueAnd do the cha-chaAnd while she tried to be a starTony always tended barAcross the crowded floorThey worked from eight til" fourThey were young and they had each otherWho could ask for more?At the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaHere at the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaThey fell in love…His name was RicoHe wore a diamondHe was escorted to his chairHe saw lola dancing thereAnd when she finishedHe called her overBut rico went a bit too farTony sailed across the barAnd then the punches flewAnd chairs were smashed in twoThere was blood and a single gun shotBut just who shot who?At the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaAt the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaShe lost her loveHer name is lola She was a showgirlBut that was many years agoWhen they use to have a showNow it"s a discoBut not for lolaStill in the dress she use to wearFaded feathers in her hairShe sits there so refined And drinks herself half blindShe lost her youthAnd she lost her tonyNow she"s lost her mindAt the copaCopacabanaThe hottest spot north of havanaAt the copaCopacabanaMusic and passionWere always the fashionAt the copaDon"t fall in love…


copacabana(获得1978年格莱美音乐奖) 歌手:Barry Manilow Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there she would merengue and do the cha-cha and while she tried to be a star Tony always tended bar across the crowded floor, they worked from 8 til 4 they were young and they had each other who could ask for more? At the copa (CO!) Copacabana (Copacabana) the hottest spot north of Havana (here) at the copa (CO!) Copacabana music and passion were always in fashion At the copa. they fell in love His name was Rico he wore a diamond he was escorted to his chair, he saw Lola dancing there and when she finished, he called her over but Rico went a bit too far Tony sailed across the bar and then the punches flew and chairs were smashed in two there was blood and a single gun shot but just who shot who? At the copa she lost her love Her name is Lola, she was a showgirl, but that was 30 years ago, when they used to have a show now it‘s a disco, but not for Lola, still in dress she used to wear, faded feathers in her hair she sits there so refined, and drinks herself half-blind she lost her youth and she lost her Tony now she‘s lost her mind At the copa don‘t fall in love don‘t fall in love


《眼泪徒流》 是啊,我很在意你不再爱我 我的心伤,我不隐藏 我渴望一个前兆,预示着我会振作 圆桌旋转 我并不羞惭,这就是我的感想 我荒谬地认为,你是祸首罪魁 你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光 今晚平静与我无缘 但我定会涅磐,你也不必不安 我想我会找到生命的意义 我有时间,我不急 我们这样结局,或许还算可以 我们该想想未来,而不是只有回忆 你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光(上面4行重复) 但我仍想倾尽全力,改变你的决意 尽管你伤害了我的自尊心 我想我们根本不互补 我想错误的俩无法走到一起 我们踏过的路已经是过去 我会走向哪里? 我们已终止,不再继续。 (重复)你找你的人,我悲我的伤 我可以央你回头,但我绝不央 想到你抛下我,我便发了狂 至少你不会对我徒劳的眼泪,投出一丝目光

In every school there is a “top” crowd that sets the pace, while the others follow their lead. .

小题1:C小题2:C小题3:A 本文分析了生活中的一种随主流的现象,并指出了其危害,劝人们凡事应自己作主。小题1:主旨题。根据文章最后一段第1句Develop your own standards and your own judgment及其全文内容可推知此题答案为C。小题2:细节题。根据文章第2段第1句on some people bright red sweater is extremely unbecoming可推知此题答案为C。小题3:推断题。根据文章第3段第1句中的后半部分chances are that one time or another you probably did something you knew to be wrong可推知此题答案为A。


the red space红色的空间/ 位置1. Drag each object to the correct red space in the main area.拖放每个物体到正确的红点上。2.Drag each object to the correct red space in the main area.拖拉每个物品到主区域的正确红色位置。



Mac os 自带的 Apache 怎么开启 pathinfo

配置的 Apache 版本 : 2.2.13在配置文件中加入<Files *.php>AcceptPathInfo On</Files>这样 Apache 就可以支持针对 php 文件的 PathInfo 了.2.让 Nginx 支持 PathInfo在配置文件里添加location ~ .php{fastcgi_pass;fastcgi_index index.php;set $path_info “”;set $real_script_name $fastcgi_script_name;if ($fastcgi_script_name ~ “^(.+?.php)(/.+)$”) {set $real_script_name $1;set $path_info $2;}fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/html/$real_script_name;fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $real_script_name;fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $path_info;include conf/fcgi.conf;}






mono8,即存储下来的图像为单色,8Bit的图片,一般是bmp,jpeg等。packed mono10,即存储下来的图片为单色,10Bit的图片,但是一般都是存储为16Bit图片,packed存储即将10Bit的数据以16Bit的方式填充,剩余的本应填充为0的6个bit被下一帧图片数据填充,这样做可以减少数据量和数据冗余度,节省空间。mono 10就可以简单理解为以16bit的方式存储,不够的字节默认填充为0。color即存储为彩色,至于是Bayer彩色还是RGB,就看你选择喽,工业应用里的一般是Bayer。要想工业相机图像数据更加使用完美,这里推荐Regem Marr 研祥金码。Regem Marr 研祥金码旗下R-3000系列结构紧凑,部署简单,集成百万像素Sensor和高性能处理芯片,具备超强运算能力,可稳定读取高速移动中的条码。机身小巧,性价比高结构紧凑,方便集成,即插即用,快速安装,自动调节,轻松设定。通过官方微信平台(微信公众号:RegemMarr Regem Marr 研祥金码),您可以第一时间掌握公司最新动态及各种行业资讯,也可以即时互动。同时您可以在线报修、查询网点、保修期等,快速获得专业服务。




没有特定含义,需要放在具体句子中 r如:mark-to-space ratio: 标间比率;传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比;传号空号比 标间比率计算机与网络英语词汇(M1) ...mark-sensing row 标感列 mark-to-space ratio 标间比率 mark-to-space transition 标间变迁 ...传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比航海专业与海运专业英语词汇(二) ...mark-on 加标mark-to-space ratio 传号脉冲与空号脉冲之比Markab =α pegasi 室宿一 ...传号空号比电能词汇接龙 ...mark-space multiplier 传号空号放大器(一种模拟乘法器,一个输入控制输出方波幅度,另一个输入由传号、空号控制输出方波的传空比) mark-to-space ratio 传号空号比 marked graph 加标图 ...-time-to-space conversion: 时空转换 时空转换气象学词汇英语翻译(18) ...time-temperature curve 时温曲线time-to-space conversion 时空转换tipping term 倾斜项 ...-space-to-space missile: 天对天导弹 天对天导弹在线英汉-汉英科技大词典 ... spadebug铲行爬地齿 spadedrill扁平钻 扁钻 spadefarm小园地 ...-space-to-space link: 太空对太空通讯链路 太空对太空通讯链路... space transporter 航天运载工具 space vehicle 航天器/太空船(台) space velocity 空间速度 ...-six-to-em space: 全身六分之一的空铅 全身六分之一的空铅全身空铅em-quad ...全身空铅,正方形空铅mutton quad全身六分之一的空铅six-to-em space全身三分之一空铅three(3)em space ...-ratio, mark-to-space: 传号对空号比 传号对空号比通讯工程专业英语词汇翻译 ... 可能性比,相似度比值 ratio, likeihood 传号对空号比 ratio, mark-to-space 最高资料率对频宽比 ratio, maximum data rate-to-bandwidth ...-transition,mark-to-space: 标号到空白转换 标号到空白转换计算机与网络词典(10) ... transition, space-to-mark 空白到标号转换 transition,mark-to-space 标号到空白转换 transition,space-to-mark 空白到标号转换 ...-mark-to-space transition: 标间变迁;空号过渡 标间变迁计算机与网络英语词汇(M1) ...mark-to-space ratio 标间比率 mark-to-space transition 标间变迁 Mark-Track Error 标记轨误差 ...空号过渡机械英汉词典(M) ...mark-space ratio || 传号 -空号比 mark-to-space transition || 传号 -空号过渡 marked valve || 屏蔽式阀 ...-free-to-play space: 自由玩乐空间 自由玩乐空间自由玩乐空间(free-to-play space)的新伙伴包括:例句与用法Stokes" formula is a generalization of Green"s formula to three-space.斯托克斯公式是格林公式在三维空间中的推广。 corps should be composed of space-to-space, space-to-ground and ground-to-space units.空间部队应该有空间对空间,空间对地面,地面对空间部队组成。Is it like a hard drive that gets so full that you have to double-space and then lose all data?是不是像一个硬盘很满的时候你不得不双重利用空间于是损失了很多数据?

wampserver最新版本 安装多版本php后,apache启动不了




如何将wampserver 把apache 换成 nginx

习惯了windows下wamp,为了和服务器一至,所以把wamp中的apache换成了nginx,其他的不动。实现方法很简单1,下载windows下的nginxnginx下载地址:,把wampserver中的apache服务停掉,如果你想apache和nginx同时用的话,也可以,只不过不能同时监听80端口3,启动php-cgi和nginxwampserver版本不一样的话,调用的php.ini位置也不一样。如果apache调用的是php根目录下的php.ini,那就不做任何操作;如果不是,copy一份apache调用的php.ini到wampserver中php的根目录,这样做的目的,不想重新配置php.ini新建start.bat查看复制打印?@echo off echo Starting PHP FastCGI... D: ginx-1.5.0RunHiddenConsole.exe D:wampinphpphp5.3.13php-cgi.exe -b -c D:wampinphpphp5.3.13php.ini echo Starting nginx... D: ginx-1.5.0RunHiddenConsole.exe D:/nginx-1.5.0/nginx.exe -p D:/nginx-1.5.0 这里RunHiddenConsole.exe,是WINDOWS下的将程序运行到后一个工具,网上很多。4,停止php-cgi和nginx新建stop.bat查看复制打印?@echo off echo Stopping nginx... taskkill /F /IM nginx.exe > nul echo Stopping PHP FastCGI... taskkill /F /IM php-cgi.exe > nul exit


WAMP 三个套件自动安装,常见的错误是端口占用,防火墙阻挡,目录包含中文,文件夹权限,根据这几个常见错误来排查;最直接的是看日志文件,在WAMP的管理界面应该有日志查看的菜单,阅读错误日志针对性的排除错误。不确定是什么错误,只能建议按上述方式排错。


  您好,我来为您解答:  在cocostudio编辑器中,目前支持的plist文件有两种,一种以TexturePacker为代表导出的图像集合,另一种粒子(Particle)文件。我们的cocostudio也支持将碎图生成为plist图片。plist图像文件都是两个文件(.plist/.png)同时存在的,并且文件名称相同,.plist负责图像文件信息存储,.png则存储整合后的图像。plist粒子文件则可能由一个或两个文件组成(.png是非必须存在的,当图片过小时图像将被base64转换成字符串存在.plist文件中)。  另一种图形文件PSD,它是Adobe公司的图形设计软件Photoshop的专用格式。同一个文件中也包含多个图层信息,也是美术使用最重要的格式。  转载,仅供参考。  如果我的回答没能帮助您,请继续追问。


一、下载TexturePacker推荐使用TexturePacker,使用免费功能创建我们的需要的已经足够了,收费功能暂时不需要,下载地址:下载安装即可。二、免费使用使用第三个选项:”Use free“即可,我们用不到收费功能三、放入小图将该小图拖入到右边的Sprites窗口里就可以了,再依次拖入其它图片依次拖入图片后,软件会自动选择空位置将图片安排进去,同时记录图片在图中的位置,细心的读者可能发现有一张图片旋转了,这都是软件为了节省空间自动旋转的,我们不需要管它,同时在代码中引用时也不需要管,plist文件会记录,我们还是只需要引用图片名称就行了。最后将图片导出。四、导出图片和plist文件点击Publish,选择文件导出位置就可以了最后,图片和对应的plist文件就生成好了,我们可以用于Cocos2d开发游戏了……对于plist文件是如何保存图片位置的?plist文件数一个xml文件我们可以用Eclipse或者记事本打开[html] view plain copy<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>frames</key> <dict> <key>character1.png</key> <dict> <key>frame</key> <string>{{2,2},{68,90}}</string> <key>offset</key> <string>{1,-5}</string> <key>rotated</key> <false/> <key>sourceColorRect</key> <string>{{15,10},{68,90}}</string> <key>sourceSize</key> <string>{96,100}</string> </dict> <key>character2.png</key> <dict> <key>frame</key> <string>{{72,2},{76,88}}</string> <key>offset</key> <string>{2,-6}</string> <key>rotated</key> <false/> <key>sourceColorRect</key> <string>{{17,12},{76,88}}</string> <key>sourceSize</key> <string>{106,100}</string> </dict> <key>character3.png</key> <dict> <key>frame</key> <string>{{150,2},{76,100}}</string> <key>offset</key> <string>{8,4}</string> <key>rotated</key> <true/> <key>sourceColorRect</key> <string>{{23,1},{76,100}}</string> <key>sourceSize</key> <string>{106,110}</string> </dict> </dict> <key>metadata</key> <dict> <key>format</key> <integer>2</integer> <key>realTextureFileName</key> <string>picture.png</string> <key>size</key> <string>{252,94}</string> <key>smartupdate</key> <string>$TexturePacker:SmartUpdate:4d9f9052f72b479531d5262ac554d5db:c14790402c7beb896b15e46c664da0c0:aee6d656c46f4f58abed154134950510$</string> <key>textureFileName</key> <string>picture.png</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> 不难看出,一个<key>对应一个值,这个值可能是矩形区域<dict>,也可能是字符串<string>,按照这个方法,这样我们拿第一张图character1.png来解析character1.png: 属性 // 小图的名称,在代码中可以直接通过该名称引用图片frame: {{2,2},{68,90}} // 图片所在区域左上角和右下角的坐标offset: {2,-6} // 未知rotated: false // 是否旋转,可以看到第三张的值为truesourceColorRect: {{23,1},{76,100}} // 未知sourceSize: {106,110} // 未知好了,将图片和plist文件导入到assets文件夹去开发吧!



iphone4 cydia添加源或者更新,都停留在完成:packages不动,然后出一排:failed to fetch...


java apache validator 校验顺序问题

肯定有顺序了。从前至后啊。但是这个你也可以设置啊。validateor里,有一个depend on 属性,这个属性就是说,你当然这个校验依赖于哪一个,如果有这个属性的话,他就会先执行依懒的那个校验的啊。 默认的都是你的XML的字段顺序啊。这个是肯定的吧。不可能随机的。

It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits

句子的主干是主系表结构It"s not obvious how。It是形式主语,真正的主语是how引导的主语从句;is not是系动词;obvious是表语。而在主语从句中,主语是the capacity;to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns是后置定语;谓语是suits;宾语是one;to answer questions是宾语补足语;而questions后又跟了一个定语从句that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers。翻译:一个人具有物体空间想象力和计算数字模式的能力,不见得就能够回答连一些最优秀的诗人和哲学家都会被难倒的问题。

宇航服(Space suits)

当宇航员从航天器进入太空时,宇航服起到保护宇航员的用。宇航服又叫舱外活动装置,英文缩写为 EMUs。 宇航服的最外层能够保护宇航员免受来自太阳的有害射线和微流星体的伤害。微流星体是一些宇宙尘粒,飞行速度和子弹差不多。 透明的塑料头盔也有抵御辐射和微流星体的作用。 头盔的周围有一层流动的氧气,这样,面罩就不会变得模糊不清。 宇航服的中层就像一个充了气的气球,它轻轻地贴着宇航员的身体。个头小一点的宇航员在宇航服里有一种晃晃荡荡的感觉。 在宇航服内层柔软的衬里中排列着充满液体的细管,它的作用是调节宇航员的体温。 背包能够提供纯氧让宇航员呼吸,并且排出宇航员呼出的二氧化碳。氧气罐里的氧气可以供宇航员使用 7 个多小时。 宇航员戴上硅树脂橡胶手套,双手可以有触感。 宇航服里还有各种各样存放液体的小装置,比如用来喝水的软管和收集尿液的管子 一套宇航服价值大约 1100 万美元,背包和控制部件就占了其中的 70%。 宇航服不仅能提供一整套生命保障系统,还能抵御来自太空的各种危险。


Thug Life  发行时间:1994年  专辑曲目:  01 - Bury Me a G  02 - Don"t Get It Twisted   03 - Shit Don"t Stop   04 - Pour Out A Little Liquor   05 - Stay True   06 - How Long Will They Mourn Me   07 - Under Pressure   08 - Street Fame   09 - Cradle To The Grave   10 - Str8 Ballin"   Me Against The World  发行时间:1995年  专辑曲目:  01. Intro   02. If I Die 2nite   03. Me Against The World   04. So Many Tears   05. Temptations   06. Young Niggaz   07. Heavy In The Game   08. Lord Knows   09. Dear Mama   10. It Ain"t Easy   11. Can U Get Away   12. Old School   13. Fuck The World   14. Death Around The Corner   15. Outlaw   All Eyez On Me   发行时间:1996年    专辑曲目:  Disc 1   01. Ambitionz As A Ridah   02. All Bout U   03. Skandalouz   04. Got My Mind Made Up   05. How Do U Want It   06. 2 Of Amerikaz Most Wanted   07. No More Pain   08. Heartz Of Men   09. Life Goes On   10. Only God Can Judge Me   11. Tradin War Stories   12. California Love (Remix)   13. I Aint Mad At Cha   14. Whatz Ya Phone   Disc 2  01.Cant C Me   02. Shorty Wanna Be A   03. Holla At Me   04. Wonda Why They Call U Bitch   05. When We Ride   06. Thug Passion   07. Picture Me Rollin   08. Check Out Time   09. Rather Be Ya Nigga   10. All Eyez On Me   11. Run Tha Streetz   12. Aint Hard 2 Find   13. Heaven Aint Hard 2 Find   R U Still Down   发行时间: 1997年11月25日     专辑曲目:  Disc 1   01. Open fire   02. R U Still Down   03. I Wonder If Heaven got a Ghetto   04. Fuck All Y`all   05. Redemption   06. Hellrazor   07. Nothing to Lose   08. I`m Geting Money   09. Lie to Kick It   10. Where Do we go From Here   11. Definition of a Thug Nigga   12. Thug Style   13. Let Them Thangs Go   Disc 2  01. Ready 4 Whatever   02. When I Get Free   03. Hold on Be Strong   04. I`m Losin It   05. Fake Ass Bitches   06. Do For Love   07. Enemies With Me   08. Nothin But Love   09. 16 On Death Row   10. I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto (Hip-Hop version)   11. When I Get Free II   12. Black Starry Nigh   13. Only Fear Of Death   Greatest Hits  发行时间:1998年11月24日  专辑曲目:  01. Keep Ya Head Up   02. 2 of Amerikaz Most Wanted   03. Temptations   04. God Bless the Dead   05. Hail Mary   06. Me Against the World   07. How Do U Want It?   08. So Many Tears   09. Unconditional Love   10. Trapped   11. Life Goes On   12. Hit "Em Up   13. Troublesome 96"   14. Brenda"s Got a Baby   15. I Ain"t Mad at Cha   16. I Get Around   17. Changes   18. California Love (Original Version)   19. Picture Me Rollin"   20. How Long Will They Mourn Me?   21. Toss It Up   22. Dear Mama   23. All About U   24. To Live & Die in L.A.   25. Heartz of Men   The Lost Tapes   发行时间:2000年4月18日  01. Panther Power   02. The Case of the Misplaced Mic   03. Let Knowledge Drop   04. Never Be Beat   05. A Day in the Life   06. My Burnin" Heart   07. Minnie the Moocher   08. The Case of the Misplaced Mic, Pt. 2   09. Static Mix, Pt. 1   10. Static Mix, Pt. 2   Until The End Of Time  发行时间:2001年  专辑曲目:  01. Ballad Of A Dead Soulja   02. Fuck Friendz   03. Lil" Homies   04. Let Em Have It   05. Good Life   06. Letter 2 My Unborn   07. Breathin feat Outlawz   08. Happy Home   09. All Out   10. Fuckin With The Wrong Nigga   11. Thug N U Thug N Me (Remix)   12. Everything They Owe   13. Until The End Of Time   14. M.O.B.   15. World Wide Mob Figgaz   16. Big Syke Interlude   17. My Closest Roaddogz   18. Niggaz Nature (Remix)   19. When Thugz Cry   20. U Don"t Have To Worry   21. This Ain"t Livin"   22. Why U Turn On Me   23. Lastonesleft   24. Thug N U Thug N Me   25. Words 2 My First Born   26. Let Em Have It (Remix)   27. Runnin On E   28. When I Get Free   29. Until The End Of Time (RP Rem




 2pac——这个tattoo的意义就不废话了,这是tupac的第一个纹身,纹于1989年。  50 Niggaz——代表美国的50个州每个州出一个黑人,如果他们团结在一起,那么他们将比世界上的任何武器都强大。下方是一把AK47。  THUG LIFE——恶棍生涯,另外一种解释是"The Hate U Give Little Infants, Fuck Everybody",其中字母I用一颗子弹代替。纹于1992年。  Outlaw——又一个双关,表意丧失公权,而他自己的解释为"Operating Under Thug Laws As Warriors",纹于1994年。  M.O.B——M.O.B.是Tupac所在帮派的标志,意为"Member of Bloods",但Tupac经常说是"Money over Bitches"。Suge也有同样的纹身。  Exodus——1831--1831年,以Nat Turner为首的奴隶起义在美国爆发,这是美国有史以来最大的一次黑人奴隶起义,1831年8月23日晚,以Nat Turner和追随他的7名奴隶趁奴隶主睡熟时,将其与其家人全部杀死。然后又杀死了55名白人,这场血腥的屠杀使当地村镇陷入空前的恐怖。最终Nat Turner被抓住并处以绞刑。  Cross——背部的巨大哥特式十字架  Makaveli——MAKAVELI是15世纪的意大利思想家、战争侵略家,全名是Niccolo Machiavelli(尼科洛.马基雅维利),他主张抛开道德来讲政治,马基雅维利主义现已成为“为达目的不择手段”的代名词。2pac信奉他的思想,而且Niccolo Machiavelli也曾经假死欺骗过自己的敌人。  Queen Nefertete——古埃及国王Echnaton的妻子,Tupac将其头像纹于右胸,在下方纹着"2 DIE 4"。  Panther Head——左臂上方的黑豹头颅,Tupac的母亲Afeni Shakur(本名Alice Fay Walker),她曾是美国黑豹党(Black Panthers)审讯被告之一(黑豹党成立于1966,是一个美国黑人自卫党,他们反对美国政府,并试着从大众组织和社区节目规划来造就革命性的社会主义。黑豹党是美国有史以来第一个为少数民族和工人阶级解放战斗的组织之一)。  Jesus on a cross——基督耶稣位于燃烧的十字架上,纹在黑豹下方。  Only God Can Judge Me——只有上帝才能对我作出评价,位于Jesus on a cross右方。  Notorious——表面是声名狼藉的意思,但据说Tupac与Notorious B.I.G.当初是好朋友。这个意思也许只有他本人才知道。






















POI是Apache下的一个项目,是用Java编写的开源框架,提供API供开发者直接操作Microsoft Office(Excel,Word,PowerPoint...) POI为我们带来了什么?在很多的企业当中,储蓄数据是使用Excel文档的,因为Excel文档的格式方便,也能套用公式,而企业程序是存储在数据库当中,这样就需要一种两者之间互相转换的方法,当企业刚开始使用信息化的管理系统时,也需要将Excel的数据录入到程序当中,这种需求是非常普遍的. POI使用:首先增加Maven的依赖 <!-- POI核心依赖 --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId><artifactId>poi</artifactId><version>3.8</version></dependency><!-- 为POI支持Office Open XML --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId><artifactId>poi-ooxml</artifactId><version>3.8</version></dependency><dependency><groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId><artifactId>poi-ooxml-schemas</artifactId><version>3.8</version></dependency><!-- 支持Word文档的操作 --><dependency><groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId><artifactId>poi-scratchpad</artifactId><version>3.8</version></dependency>以下为操作Excel的测试类 package com.accentrix.ray;import;import;import;import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;import;import;import;import;import;import;import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;import org.junit.Before;import org.junit.Test;public class TestExcel {private Workbook workbook;/** 由于Excel当中的单元格Cell存在类型,若获取类型错误 就会产生错误,* 所以通过此方法将Cell内容全部转换为String类型*/private String getCellValue(Cell cell) {String str = null;switch (cell.getCellType()) {case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK:str = "";break;case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN:str = String.valueOf(cell.getBooleanCellValue());break;case Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA:str = String.valueOf(cell.getCellFormula());break;case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC:str = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());break;case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING:str = String.valueOf(cell.getStringCellValue());break;default:str = null;break;}return str;}@Beforepublic void setUp() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {// 加载excel文件,自动判断是HSSF还是XSSFworkbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new File("E:/aaa.xls"));}/** 读取一个已存在的Excel*/@Testpublic void testReadExcel() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException {// 获取第一个工作目录,下标从0开始Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);// 获取该工作目录最后一行的行数int lastRowNum = sheet.getLastRowNum();for (int i = 0; i < lastRowNum; i++) {// 获取下标为i的行Row row = sheet.getRow(i);// 获取该行单元格个数int lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum();for (int j = 0; j < lastCellNum; j++) {// 获取下标为j的单元格Cell cell = row.getCell(j);// 调用获取方法String cellValue = this.getCellValue(cell);}}}/** 使用Foreach方式读取Excel*/@Testpublic void testForeachReadExcel() {// 根据sheet的名字获取Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet("test");// 处了上面testReadExcel的方式读取以外,还支持foreach的方式读取for (Row row : sheet) {for (Cell cell : row) {String cellValue = this.getCellValue(cell);System.out.println(cellValue);}}}/** 创建简单的Excel*/@Testpublic void testWriteExcel() throws IOException {// 创建一个XSSF的Excel文件workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("E:/test.xlsx");// 创建名称为test的工作目录Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("test");/** 创建1个10行x10列的工作目录*/for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {// 创建一行Row row = sheet.createRow(i);for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {// 创建一个单元格Cell cell = row.createCell(j);// 设置单元格valuecell.setCellValue("test");// 此处为设置Excel的样式,设置单元格内容居中,// 但这样设置方式并不常用,请留意下面的方法CellStyle cs = workbook.createCellStyle();cs.setAlignment(CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER);cell.setCellStyle(cs);}}// 将Excel写出到文件流workbook.write(fos);}
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