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作Ghost备份时,误操作为:Local—Partition—to Partition,将系统又覆盖到了D盘,如何恢复D盘数据


如何用原生的react,webpack,es6来使用蚂蚁金服的ant design组件库

1.准备:npm安装以下组件a.安装react/antd:npm install react react-dom antd --saveb.安装webpack/less:npm install webpack less --save-devwebpack根据需要选择使用-g安装c.安装babel-loader以及其他相关package:npm install babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react --save-devd.选择安装style-loader/css-loadernpm install style-loader css-loader --save-dev2. 配置webpack.config.js具体配置可以查看webpack提供的例子,主要依赖的是babel-loaderbabel-loader上也有webpack.config.js应该如何编写的例子,传送门: babel-loader3. 编写我们的文件(例如: demo-antd.jsx)只使用了antd提供的Button组件。只使用了antd提供的Button组件。ps: 对比import { Button } from "antd";和import Button from "antd/lib/button";后者不会将antd中所有的内容都引入,如果你只是需要Button这么一种组件的话,推荐使用后一种写法。4. 执行构建webpack ./demo-antd.jsx demo-antd-bundle.js将生成demo-antd-bundle.js文件5. 在页面中引入bundle文件(demo-antd-bundle.js)执行到这一步,在浏览器中查看页面可以应该可以看到一个原生样式的button元素,因为antd并没有将样式使用内联style的方式写入js文件中。这里我们暂时将问题一搁置,来看看问题二:组件库的内部机制。因为没有深入去看过antd的源代码,没法详细说明antd的在代码编写上的一些....怎么说,就是『代码为什么这样写』这个问题,有兴趣的话,可以去查看源码,正如 @陈吉浩 所说,查看github上的代码比npm下载后的代码更舒服。

高一英语选择15By no means_____all Japanese people known their own? it true that 不光是no ,not ,not ...until,not only...but also.等以no和not 开头的句子要用部分倒装,其它所有表示否定的短语放在句首也都要使用部分倒装结构.比如by no means,on no account ,at no time等等. 1 On no account should we follow blindly. 我们决不应当盲从. 2 On no account can you touch the switch. 你们绝对不要碰这个开关 3 At no time shall we give up our hopes.,1,NO MEANS否定词后用倒装 将助动词前移 为is it 排除ac do为强调。do all known,2,b,1,By no means整个词组是绝不的意思 带否定含义句子后面要倒装 把is 提前 选D,0,高一英语选择15 By no means_____all Japanese people known their own culture well. is true that it true that do is true that do it true that 虽说No开头后面的句子要倒装,可是这是By开头,虽然后面也有no,怎么处理呢?

By no means______to her parents.

by no means决不, 一点也不;主要用来表示否定(语气较强),意为:当然不行;绝不是。如—Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以。—You haven"t lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有。—Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗?— By no means.绝不可以。—You haven"t lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心?— By no means.绝对没有。By no means can you smoke here.(注意到装用法)His judgment in this matter was by no means在这件事上他的判完全不正确。It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事By no means was he able to handle it. 这件事他绝对没办法处理。It"s by no means certain. 完全不能肯定。I"ll forgive you this time, but you shall by no means make the mistake again. 我这次就原谅你,你可不许再犯错误。复制过来的e

爱普生730K打印机打印不出来提示file//C;Documents and SettingsAdministratoy桌面PathREG_SZCG...

1.先关掉电源再开,然后打一张测试页,如果能打测试页证明打印机正常,看是否是打印设置方面的问题 2.不能打印测试页,请检查指示灯正常不、或者有纸屑卡住打印头子、或者驱动程序有问题、另还要检查一下数据线是否松动。3.如果还不行直接把打印机接到另一台电脑上测试一下 4.还不行最好请专业人员过来检查一下

如何减少major compact

major compact 只是一个HBase自我优化的操作。可以通过 hbase.hregion.majorcompaction 这个参数来设置自动major 的周期,也可以设置为0 取消掉自动 major,通过手动 major 进行调节。

Dynamic Compaction

Dynamic compaction is a technique that is beginning to gain popularity in the United States for densification of granular soil deposits. This process primarily involves dropping a heavy weight repeatedly on the ground at regular intervals. The weight of the hammer used varies from 8 to 35 metric tons,and the height of the hammer drop varies between 25 ft ( 7. 5 m) and 100 ft ( 30. 5 m) . The stress waves generated by the hammer drops help in the densification. The degree of compaction achieved depends on the ① weight of the hammer,② height of hammer drop,③ spacing of the locations at which the hammer is dropped.Leonards et al. suggested that the significant depth of influence for compaction is approximately勘查工程专业英语 where DI is significant depth of densification ( m) ; WHis dropping weight ( metric ton) ; h is height of drop ( m) .




这一篇我们来解析leveldb的Compaction机制,要把这个讲清楚,需要回答下面的问题: 随着Put/Delete操作增多,sstable文件会越来越多,占用的磁盘空间也越来越大。删除无效的key( 被标记删除的key,被新版本覆盖的老版本的key ),然后重新生成sstable文件,可以有效减少sstable文件的数量,这个过程就是Compaction。 Compaction的入口函数是MaybeScheduleCompaction(),触发的时机: leveldb是在后台线程执行Compact,目前只允许单线程,也就是说Compact只能串行执行。 入口函数是DBImpl::BackgroundCompaction(),流程如下: leveldb通过VersionSet::PickCompaction()来选择要压缩的Layer和Table,怎么做到的呢? 原来,在每个Version生成的时候,会计算哪个Layer需要进行Compaction,方法是计算每个layer的compaction_score,选择得分最高的layer,这是由LogAndApply()函数完成的: 调用LogAndApply()生成Version的时机: 选择Layer和Table的过程头绪比较多,具体实施Compaction的过程相对比较好理解,用下面这张图表述Compaction的整个过程:

dna compaction 什么意思

dna compaction DNA压实的意思


western blotting的Lysis buffer,是裂解细胞提取蛋白用的裂解液. SDS是十二烷基硫酸钠, RIPA裂解液组成: 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4,三羟甲基氨基甲烷-盐酸), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40,0.1% SDS(不同公司的配比不同,有用Tris-hcl PH=8.0的,加0.5%的去氧胆酸钠) NP-40(Tergitol-type )是很温和的去垢剂,主要用于全细胞蛋白的提取,全称乙基苯基聚乙二醇-40. tris-triton组成:10 mM Tris,100 mM NaCl,1 mM EDTA,1 mM EGTA,1% Triton X-100(聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚),10%的甘油,0.1% SDS,0.5% deoxycholate(脱氧胆酸盐).


western blotting的Lysis buffer,是裂解细胞提取蛋白用的裂解液. SDS是十二烷基硫酸钠, RIPA裂解液组成: 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4,三羟甲基氨基甲烷-盐酸), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40,0.1% SDS(不同公司的配比不同,有用Tris-hcl PH=8.0的,加0.5%的去氧胆酸钠) NP-40(Tergitol-type )是很温和的去垢剂,主要用于全细胞蛋白的提取,全称乙基苯基聚乙二醇-40. tris-triton组成:10 mM Tris,100 mM NaCl,1 mM EDTA,1 mM EGTA,1% Triton X-100(聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚),10%的甘油,0.1% SDS,0.5% deoxycholate(脱氧胆酸盐).


western blotting的Lysis buffer,是裂解细胞提取蛋白用的裂解液.SDS是十二烷基硫酸钠,RIPA裂解液组成: 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4,三羟甲基氨基甲烷-盐酸), 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40,0.1% SDS(不同公司的配比不同,有用Tris-hcl PH=8.0的,加0.5%的去氧胆酸钠)NP-40(Tergitol-type )是很温和的去垢剂,主要用于全细胞蛋白的提取,全称乙基苯基聚乙二醇-40.tris-triton组成:10 mM Tris,100 mM NaCl,1 mM EDTA,1 mM EGTA,1% Triton X-100(聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚),10%的甘油,0.1% SDS,0.5% deoxycholate(脱氧胆酸盐).



see difference with parzin polarized sunglasses




polarized capacitor是什么意思

polarized capacitor [释义] 极化电容器; [例句]If charge cannot cross the interface, it is said to be polarized and is electrically equivalent to a capacitor.如果电荷不能通过这种界面,它即是极性的,其电学行为等效一个电容。

CNBLUE Paradise歌词

~~~~~望采纳哦~~~~ Paradise - CNBLUE How fast time fliesYesterday was the time of livesSometimes we remember it as loveSometimes we got hurt but the sun will riseAll steps I take feel lostSometimes I stray off trackI would lose something precious sometimesBut who would even know about that?Sometimes some people pretendThey don"t care at allBut sometimes I know you worryThe sun will shine all the timeTake my handI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingAs time passesI used to say, it gets so hardIt is not about how fast it goesIt is about the time we sharedYou will know you are so goodI"ll make you see itWe"ll have a party tonightEvery time you close your eyesRemember thisI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youYou just count on me tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseIt"s time to heal, it"s just for youLet “love” be your guide tonight, tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseHealing for you, it"s just for youNo worry no care tonightCause Love is amazingI"m gonna be your paradiseI"m gonna be your paradiseWish nothing but the best for youIt"s always singing for you, for youCause Love is amazing

Red Wanting Blue的《Space Time》 歌词

歌曲名:Space Time歌手:Red Wanting Blue专辑:These Magnificent MilesSpace & Time- The PiercesI can"t afford to watch you walk awayThese games you play are bringing me downIf you could see, all of this sorrow in meI"ve got to believe you"ll stick aroundIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, loveMy life goes on slowly without youI move through space and timeI feel the air heavy upon my skinAnd wonder if I"ll see you againIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, loveIf I"d known then, would I know now?If I"d known then, would I know now?Love, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love, loveLove, love

passing sweet time and blue time with me


thinkpad笔记本电脑后面显示 type 268422c s/n 99A1590 03/04,这是上面意思?电脑型号是什么?怎么查?

ThinkPad R40e 268422C

Brea, CA 是美国的港口吗,CHIBA, JAPAN 是日本的港口吗



moopa暮趴目录[隐藏]moopa暮趴介绍moopa暮趴歌词[编辑本段]moopa暮趴介绍   《MOOPA》是黄晓明继2008年推出首张个人专辑《IT"S MING》后第二张全新个人专辑,将于三月中旬推出,而该张专辑首支由姚谦为黄晓明特别量身填词,并力邀韩国制作人Jae Chong制作的主打歌《MOOPA暮趴》。Moopa的创意来自於MoveParty,直译为移动派对,潮解为暮趴。暮色来临、趴体上演,每个人都是最闪耀的聚焦、每个人都是Moopa的主角。新专辑《Moopa》中收录了时下最流行派对之音《Moopa暮趴》、《我的快乐不收费》、《受不了》;Ming式中国风《团团圆圆》;Ming式情歌《你说的对》、《你在我心上》,除此之外特别收录了电影《风声》同名主题歌、以及偶像剧《泡沫之夏》的插曲。[编辑本段]moopa暮趴歌词     Moopa暮趴  曲:JaeChong词:姚谦YaoChien  演唱:黄晓明  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  就是现在就是现在MOVEYOURBODY  (气氛和音乐太好甜度和温度正好)  忘了时间忘了比较MOVEYOURBODY  (流行和感觉太骚节奏和灯光协调)  人群深处笑语最近地点  你是PARTY里最闪耀聚焦  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动我就在哪里出现  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动一切都在MOVING转动  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  忘了时间忘了比较MOVEYOURBODY  (流行和感觉太骚节奏和灯光协调)  人群深处笑语最近地点  你是PARTY里最闪耀聚焦  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动我就在哪里出现  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动一切都在MOVING转动  当音乐变成不过感觉了(LET"STURNITON)  身体随节奏舞动音乐中  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动我就在哪里出现  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动一切都在MOVING转动  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  EVERYBODY"SLOVINGME  EVERYBODY"STALKINGABOUTIT  MOOPA在流动一切都在MOVING转动

be patient to,be patient with ,be patient of神马的

be patient with 后接人,好像没有接别的介词的用法。adj ~ (with sb/sth) having or showing patience 有耐性的; 忍耐的; 容忍的: You"ll have to be patient with my mother she"s going rather deaf. 你对我母亲得有耐心--她的耳朵越来越背了. * patient research, questioning, listening 耐心的研究﹑ 询问﹑ 听 * She"s a patient (ie persevering) worker. 她工作很有耐心. > patiently adv: wait, sit, listen patiently 耐心地等着﹑ 坐着﹑ 听着.

patient flow和patient journey的区别


Twin Shadow的《Patient》 歌词

歌曲名:Patient歌手:Twin Shadow专辑:ConfessYou are adored but you sayyou""re alone like I""m nothing at allThat""s how you punish meBy always letting me fallI built a sanctuary for your troublesand doubts and there I pray for youAnd now you look at meLike I wasn""t true.And maybe you don""t want no one to find out, that IBeen kissing youMaybe you don""t want no one to find out, that IWas the one taking love from you.Patient, I""m waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you meanI am patiently, waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you mean.I want to be adorned by your lips in your handsCan""t seem to tell you thisWhen you analyzeEvery single kissYou tell me you""re just the sameBoys will be boys, this was a gameAnd you don""t want no one to find out, that IWas the one playing games with you.Patient, I""m waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you meanI am patiently, waitingFor you to say just what you meanAnd give up everything.Patient, I""m waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you meanI am patiently, waitingFor you to say just what you meanAnd give up everythingI am patient, I""m waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you meanI am patiently, waitingFor you to say just what you meanAnd give up everythingI am patient, I""m waitingFor you to give up everythingAnd say just what you meanI am patiently, I""m waitingFor you to say just what you meanAnd give up everything.

Patiently Waiting 歌词

歌曲名:Patiently Waiting歌手:50 Cent专辑:Get Rich Or Die Tryin50 cent-patiently waitinghey em you know you my favorite white boy right??hahaaahi owe you for this onei been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been pacin in my headlike a baby born deaddestination heavensittin poli-tical passengers from 911the lords blessins leave me lyrically inclinedshit i aint even got to try to shinegods to seamstress the tailor fitted my panei got scriptures in my braini can spit at yo damestraight out the goodfuck, look niggas is shook50 fear no manwarrior, swing swords like conanpicture me, pen in hand write linesknowin The Source will quote itwhen i diethey"ll read this and say a genius wrote iti grew up without my popsshould that make me bitter?i caught cases i copped out, does that make me a quitter?in this white mans world, im similar to a squirrellookin for a slut wit a nice butt to get a nutif i get shot today my phone"ll stop ringin againthese industry niggas aint friendsthey know how to pretendi been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)we been patiently waiting to make itthrough all the hatin debatinwhether or not you can even weather the stormunless u lay on the tablethey operatin to save youits like an angel came to yousent from the heavens abovethey think they crazy but they aint crazylets face itshit basically they juss playin sickthey aint shit they aint sayin shit sprayin 50a to the k get in the wayi bring dre and them wit meand turn this day into fuckin mayhem u stayin wit me?dont let me lose youim not tryin to confuse youwhen i let loose wit this uzi and just shoot through ur isuzuu get the messageam i gettin through to you?you know its cominyou motherfuckers dont even know do you?take some Big and some Pacand you mix them up in a potsprinkle a little Big L on topwhat the fuck do you got?you got tha realest and illest killas tied up in a knotthe juggernauts of this rap shitlike it or notits like a fight to the topjust to see who died for the spotyou put your life in thisnothin like survivin the shoty"all know what time it isas soon as 50 signs on this dotshit what you know about death threats?cause i get alotshady records was 80 seconds away from the towersthem cowards fucked wit the wrong buildingthey meant to hit oursbetter evacuate all childrennuclear showers theres nothin spookieryour now about to witness the powerfuckin 50i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)the gun squad yall when the shots go offits 50 they say its 50see a nigga laid out wit his fuckin top blown offits 50 man that boy 50dont holla my nameyou shouldnt throw stones if u live in a glass houseand if you got a glass jaw you should watch yo mouthcuz ill break yo facehave yo ass runninmumblin to the Jif you go against me dawg you makin a mistakeill split you leave u lookin like the Michael Jackson jacketswit all them zippersim the boss on this boat, you can call me Skipperthe way i turn the money over you should call me Flipperyou callin up wifeyi fucked and feed her fast foodyou keepin her iceyim down to sell recordsbut, not my soulSnoop said this in 94, we don"t love them hoesi got pennies for my dawgs now im richsee the 20"s spinnin lookin mean on the 6niggas wearin flags cuz the colors match their clothesthey get caught in the wrong hood and get filled up wit holesmotherfuckeri been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)

Patiently Waiting 歌词

歌曲名:Patiently Waiting歌手:Jimmy Gnecco专辑:The Heart50 cent-patiently waitinghey em you know you my favorite white boy right??hahaaahi owe you for this onei been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been pacin in my headlike a baby born deaddestination heavensittin poli-tical passengers from 911the lords blessins leave me lyrically inclinedshit i aint even got to try to shinegods to seamstress the tailor fitted my panei got scriptures in my braini can spit at yo damestraight out the goodfuck, look niggas is shook50 fear no manwarrior, swing swords like conanpicture me, pen in hand write linesknowin The Source will quote itwhen i diethey"ll read this and say a genius wrote iti grew up without my popsshould that make me bitter?i caught cases i copped out, does that make me a quitter?in this white mans world, im similar to a squirrellookin for a slut wit a nice butt to get a nutif i get shot today my phone"ll stop ringin againthese industry niggas aint friendsthey know how to pretendi been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)we been patiently waiting to make itthrough all the hatin debatinwhether or not you can even weather the stormunless u lay on the tablethey operatin to save youits like an angel came to yousent from the heavens abovethey think they crazy but they aint crazylets face itshit basically they juss playin sickthey aint shit they aint sayin shit sprayin 50a to the k get in the wayi bring dre and them wit meand turn this day into fuckin mayhem u stayin wit me?dont let me lose youim not tryin to confuse youwhen i let loose wit this uzi and just shoot through ur isuzuu get the messageam i gettin through to you?you know its cominyou motherfuckers dont even know do you?take some Big and some Pacand you mix them up in a potsprinkle a little Big L on topwhat the fuck do you got?you got tha realest and illest killas tied up in a knotthe juggernauts of this rap shitlike it or notits like a fight to the topjust to see who died for the spotyou put your life in thisnothin like survivin the shoty"all know what time it isas soon as 50 signs on this dotshit what you know about death threats?cause i get alotshady records was 80 seconds away from the towersthem cowards fucked wit the wrong buildingthey meant to hit oursbetter evacuate all childrennuclear showers theres nothin spookieryour now about to witness the powerfuckin 50i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)the gun squad yall when the shots go offits 50 they say its 50see a nigga laid out wit his fuckin top blown offits 50 man that boy 50dont holla my nameyou shouldnt throw stones if u live in a glass houseand if you got a glass jaw you should watch yo mouthcuz ill break yo facehave yo ass runninmumblin to the Jif you go against me dawg you makin a mistakeill split you leave u lookin like the Michael Jackson jacketswit all them zippersim the boss on this boat, you can call me Skipperthe way i turn the money over you should call me Flipperyou callin up wifeyi fucked and feed her fast foodyou keepin her iceyim down to sell recordsbut, not my soulSnoop said this in 94, we don"t love them hoesi got pennies for my dawgs now im richsee the 20"s spinnin lookin mean on the 6niggas wearin flags cuz the colors match their clothesthey get caught in the wrong hood and get filled up wit holesmotherfuckeri been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)

Patiently Waiting 歌词

歌曲名:Patiently Waiting歌手:50 Cent专辑:Live Mountain View, Ca 072650 cent-patiently waitinghey em you know you my favorite white boy right??hahaaahi owe you for this onei been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been pacin in my headlike a baby born deaddestination heavensittin poli-tical passengers from 911the lords blessins leave me lyrically inclinedshit i aint even got to try to shinegods to seamstress the tailor fitted my panei got scriptures in my braini can spit at yo damestraight out the goodfuck, look niggas is shook50 fear no manwarrior, swing swords like conanpicture me, pen in hand write linesknowin The Source will quote itwhen i diethey"ll read this and say a genius wrote iti grew up without my popsshould that make me bitter?i caught cases i copped out, does that make me a quitter?in this white mans world, im similar to a squirrellookin for a slut wit a nice butt to get a nutif i get shot today my phone"ll stop ringin againthese industry niggas aint friendsthey know how to pretendi been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)we been patiently waiting to make itthrough all the hatin debatinwhether or not you can even weather the stormunless u lay on the tablethey operatin to save youits like an angel came to yousent from the heavens abovethey think they crazy but they aint crazylets face itshit basically they juss playin sickthey aint shit they aint sayin shit sprayin 50a to the k get in the wayi bring dre and them wit meand turn this day into fuckin mayhem u stayin wit me?dont let me lose youim not tryin to confuse youwhen i let loose wit this uzi and just shoot through ur isuzuu get the messageam i gettin through to you?you know its cominyou motherfuckers dont even know do you?take some Big and some Pacand you mix them up in a potsprinkle a little Big L on topwhat the fuck do you got?you got tha realest and illest killas tied up in a knotthe juggernauts of this rap shitlike it or notits like a fight to the topjust to see who died for the spotyou put your life in thisnothin like survivin the shoty"all know what time it isas soon as 50 signs on this dotshit what you know about death threats?cause i get alotshady records was 80 seconds away from the towersthem cowards fucked wit the wrong buildingthey meant to hit oursbetter evacuate all childrennuclear showers theres nothin spookieryour now about to witness the powerfuckin 50i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)the gun squad yall when the shots go offits 50 they say its 50see a nigga laid out wit his fuckin top blown offits 50 man that boy 50dont holla my nameyou shouldnt throw stones if u live in a glass houseand if you got a glass jaw you should watch yo mouthcuz ill break yo facehave yo ass runninmumblin to the Jif you go against me dawg you makin a mistakeill split you leave u lookin like the Michael Jackson jacketswit all them zippersim the boss on this boat, you can call me Skipperthe way i turn the money over you should call me Flipperyou callin up wifeyi fucked and feed her fast foodyou keepin her iceyim down to sell recordsbut, not my soulSnoop said this in 94, we don"t love them hoesi got pennies for my dawgs now im richsee the 20"s spinnin lookin mean on the 6niggas wearin flags cuz the colors match their clothesthey get caught in the wrong hood and get filled up wit holesmotherfuckeri been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)i been patiently waitin for a track to explode on (yeah)you can stunn if you want and yo ass"ll get rolled on (its 50)it feels like my flow"s been hot for so long (yeah)if you thinkin ima fuckin fall off you so wrong (its 50)




patient adj. 有耐心的,能容忍的; patiently adv. 耐心地;有毅力地. 例句: The patient is terminally ill.这个病人病入膏肓。 She waited patiently for Frances to finish.她耐心地等弗朗西丝完成。 扩展资料   The patient is still in denial.   病人仍然拒不接受事实。   The patient made a rapid recovery.   病人很快恢复了健康。   She sat patiently waiting for her turn.   她耐心地坐着等候轮到自己。   He had been patiently waiting in the anteroom for an hour.   他已经在前厅耐心等待了一个小时。


patient副词:patiently:adv.耐心;耐心地;憨厚地 patient:n.接受治疗者,病人(尤指医院里的); (某个医生或牙医等的)病人; 受动者; adj.有耐心的; 能忍耐的; 扩展资料   例句:   He had been patiently waiting in the anteroom for an hour.   他在前厅耐心地等了一个小时。   He handled/ dealt with the matter patiently.   这件事他处理得很耐心。   Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers help us patiently.   每逢我们在学习上遇到困难,老师总是耐心辅导。

he always instructs her patiently为什么是instructs?


you should do it...(patient)应该填什么 为什么

patiently 英["peu026au0283ntlu026a]美[u02c8peu0283u0259ntlu026a]adv. 耐心地,坚韧不拔地;[网络] 耐心地; 有耐性地; 耐心的;[例句]She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention but he was too busy at this moment.她耐心地等待着药剂师能够注意到她,但他在这个时候太忙了。

pay the balance是什么意思

pay the balance 英     美    偿付余额pay the balance的用法和样例:例句Sir William"s offer to pay the balance of the money needed to repair the village hall come like manna from heaven.威廉爵士提出由他来支付修缮村政厅所需的其它费用,这真是令人宽慰。How long do I have before I pay the balance?我在几天之内要缴清费用?We require a one-fifth down payment,and you"ll pay the balance in six months.首期我们要收五分之一,其余的分六个月付清 。After certain time since the hired candidate working on board, the consigner to pay the balance of the service charge.被录用的候选人在委托企业报到后一定期限内,委托企业付清余款。Foreign clients: Bahrain deposit, and then shipped the first three days to pay the balance!国外客户:先打定金,然后发货前三天付余款!



I will patiently help him to work them out有语法问题吗?

没有 I will patiently help him to work them out.我会耐心的帮助他算出来。


patient(有耐性的,能容忍的)的名词形式是patience。patient也作名词的意思是病人,患者。 Patient 英:[u02c8peu026au0283nt];美:[u02c8peu026au0283nt] n.接受治疗者,病人(尤指医院里的);(某个医生或牙医等的)病人;受动者 adj.有耐心的;能忍耐的 复数:patients;派生词:patiently,adv. 用法 1、词组 (1)be patient of能忍受...的,容忍...的,有...可能的; (2)be patient with 对...有耐心。 2、词性 (1)做名词:病人,可以加复数; (2)做形容词:有耐心的,否定为impatient。


最主要是词性不同. patient可做名词和形容词两种词性.做名词时是“病人”之意(可数);做形容词时是"“有耐心的”意思. patience只做名词,意为“耐性,耐心” patiently为副词,意为“耐心地” 例:She is very patient with young children. She treats her patient patiently. Facing the naughty boy,she lost her patience. 题目的话网上有很多,其实这样的问题最好翻牛津或朗文,都有例句又清楚.


patiently adv. 耐心地;有毅力地; 例句: He was content to bide his time patiently, waiting for the opportunity to approach her. 他情愿耐心守候,以等到接近她的时机。 扩展资料   Tom patiently returned it to its place.   汤姆耐心地把它放回原处。   Talk to him patiently to bring him round.   要耐心说服他。   He marched on patiently by the water"s edge.   他耐心地沿着水渠大步向前走去。   We should listen to children"s words patiently.   我们应该耐心地听孩子们的话。   This time Alice waited patiently until it chose to speak again.   这次,爱丽丝耐心地等着它开口。

far away和far apart的区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: far away: 是距离的遥远(指代物理距离) a. 遥远的(远远的) Christmas is a time for friends and family members to see each other again and to send Christmas cards to those who live far away. 圣诞节是朋友家人互相再见,以及寄圣诞卡给住在远方的人的一段时间。 We can talk to those who live far away by telephone. 我们可以用电话和住在远处的人说话。 I live far away from my school. 我住的地方离学校很远。 far apart: 可以指代思想性格等差距很远 a. 远远分开(远离着,远隔着) 例句与用法: 1. Our view are not so far apart, after all. 我们的见解毕竟没有多大的分歧。 2. The in brothers are far apart in character. 那两个孪生兄弟的性格相差很远。 3. In gases, the particles are far apart, with empty space beeen. 在气体中分子之间的距离很大,彼此之间有空隙。 4. Our views are not so far apart, after all. 我们的想法毕竟没有多大的分歧。






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Landslide (Glee Cast Version Featuring Gwyneth Paltrow) 歌词

歌曲名:Landslide (Glee Cast Version Featuring Gwyneth Paltrow)歌手:Glee Cast专辑:Glee: The Music, Volume 5Dixie Chicks - LandslideI took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain then I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide brought me downOh, mirror in the skyWhat is love?Can the child within my heart rise aboveCan I sail through the changing ocean tidesCan I handle the seasons of my lifeUh ah ... uh ah ....Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell ...Well, I"ve been afraid of changin""Cause I"ve built my life around youBut time makes you bolderChildren get olderI"m getting older tooWell, I"m getting older tooSo, take this love, take it downIf you climb a mountain and turn aroundAnd If you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell the landslide will brought it downIf you see my reflection in the snow covered hillsWell maybe ...The landslide will bring it down.↑↑END↑↑



the party是什么意思





x-party意思是x派对亦或是x党派。party——单词解析:1、音标:英[u02c8pɑu02d0ti];美[u02c8pɑu02d0rti]。2、释义:作名词时:聚会;宴会;政党;党派;联欢会;派对;(一起旅行或参观等的)群,队,组;(契约或争论的)当事人,一方。作动词时:寻欢作乐; 吃喝玩乐。作形容词时:党派的;社交的;分隔开的。3、例句:The party was arranged quickly.——聚会很快就安排好了。The party wants her as leader.——这个政党希望由她做领袖。Plates overflowed with party food.——聚会上的食物碟满盘盈。The surprise party was Jane"s idea.——那次惊喜聚会是简的主意。The party soon warmed up.——聚会很快活跃起来。His party held office on sufferance.——他的政党险胜。


派对(PARTY)即“宴会,聚会”的意思。派对通常是社会中的人们聚在一起打算主要用于庆祝和休闲的一种方式。派对举办的场地非常的简单在家中就可以进行,当然也可以隆重一点在一些特殊的场合进行。 派对分类:1、生日派对,是为了庆祝人们生日而举办的一种派对,它可算得上是世界上最常见的庆祝派对了。2、商业派对,是一种由公司或企业经常举行或在处理商务的站点或在相关的地点举行的庆祝派对。3、舞会,主要内容是大量的音乐和其相关的舞蹈。4、锐舞派对,又称狂野派对,是唱片骑师和其它执行者演奏电子舞蹈音乐和叫嚷音乐的整夜舞蹈派对,是舞蹈派对的一种产物。5、典型的海滩派对都在夜晚举行,且都有着一个大大的篝火。6、单身派对又称联谊,是为了那些自己找不到配偶或交往对象的人所举办的。

什么是formal party?什么是party?

那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。英语翻译是:It was a formal party, and I wore my dress as my mother told me.句子解释:formal 英[ˈfɔ:ml] 美[ˈfɔ:rml] adj. (学校教育或培训) 正规的; 方式上的; 礼仪上的; n. <美>须穿礼服的社交集会; <口>夜礼服; [例句]He wrote a very formal letter of apology to Douglas他给道格拉斯写了一封非常正式的道歉信。party 英[ˈpɑ:ti] 美[ˈpɑ:rti] n. 当事人; 社交聚会; 党,党派; 同类,伙伴; v. 为…举行社交聚会; 为…请客; 参加社交聚会; adj. 政党的,党派的; 社交的,聚会的; 共有的,共同的; [例句]The couple met at a party那对情侣是在一个派对上认识的。dress 英[dres] 美[drɛs] n. 衣服; 礼服; 连衣裙; 装饰; vt. 打扮; 穿着; 给…穿衣; adj. 连衣裙的; 须穿礼服的; 适合于正式场合的; 办公时(或半正式场合)穿戴的; [例句]She was wearing a black dress.她穿一条黑色连衣裙。



potluck party是什么意思





派对(PARTY)即“宴会,聚会”的意思。派对通常是社会中的人们聚在一起打算主要用于庆祝和休闲的一种方式。派对举办的场地非常的简单在家中就可以进行,当然也可以隆重一点在一些特殊的场合进行。 派对(PARTY)即“宴会,聚会”的意思。派对通常是社会中的人们聚在一起打算主要用于庆祝和休闲的一种方式。派对举办的场地非常的简单在家中就可以进行,当然也可以隆重一点在一些特殊的场合进行。 派对分类: 1、生日派对,是为了庆祝人们生日而举办的一种派对,它可算得上是世界上最常见的庆祝派对了。 2、商业派对,是一种由公司或企业经常举行或在处理商务的站点或在相关的地点举行的庆祝派对。 3、舞会,主要内容是大量的音乐和其相关的舞蹈。 4、锐舞派对,又称狂野派对,是唱片骑师和其它执行者演奏电子舞蹈音乐和叫嚷音乐的整夜舞蹈派对,是舞蹈派对的一种产物。 5、典型的海滩派对都在夜晚举行,且都有着一个大大的篝火。 6、单身派对又称联谊,是为了那些自己找不到配偶或交往对象的人所举办的。

party 这是什么意思?



party英音:["pɑ:ti]美音:["pɑrtu026a] 以下结果由译典通提供词典解释名词 n. [C]1.社交聚会I met a childhood friend at the party. 在宴会上我遇见一个儿时的朋友。2.(共同工作或活动的)一团人,一伙人,一行人[G][(+of)]A party of retired doctors is touring western Europe. 一群退休医生在周游西欧各国。3.政党,党派[G]Which party does John belong to? 约翰属于哪个党派?4.(契约等的)当事人,一方5.【口】【幽】人








1、开party是什么意思。 2、party是什么意思。 3、party还有什么意思。 4、party是啥意思啊。1.派对(PARTY)即“宴会,聚会”的意思。 2.派对通常是社会中的人们聚在一起打算主要用于庆祝和休闲的一种方式。 3.派对举办的场地非常的简单在家中就可以进行,当然也可以隆重一点在一些特殊的场合进行。 4.派对分类:生日派对,是为了庆祝人们生日而举办的一种派对,它可算得上是世界上最常见的庆祝派对了。 5.商业派对,是一种由公司或企业经常举行或在处理商务的站点或在相关的地点举行的庆祝派对。 6.舞会,主要内容是大量的音乐和其相关的舞蹈。 7.锐舞派对,又称狂野派对,是唱片骑师和其它执行者演奏电子舞蹈音乐和叫嚷音乐的整夜舞蹈派对,是舞蹈派对的一种产物。 8.典型的海滩派对都在夜晚举行,且都有着一个大大的篝火。 9.单身派对又称联谊,是为了那些自己找不到配偶或交往对象的人所举办的。








  开party的意思就是举办派对。开party是欧美国家常见的一种娱乐方式,人们聚在一起集会,吃喝玩乐。开party是西方游牧民族留下来的一种适合于游牧生活交往的一种社交方式。在西方语言中词汇以形声为主,party是一个形声词,是对一种活动的形象描述。  Party的类型   Party的类型非常丰富,除了生日派对(birthday party)、晚宴(dinner party)、野餐会(picnic party)、节日派对(holiday party)、新年酒会(New Year"s party)、欢迎会(welcome party)、送别会(farewell party)等等我们比较熟悉的Party之外,还有以下的party。  Costume/Masker Ball化妆舞会/假面舞会   说到化妆舞会,它其实最早是欧美上流社会在公司年会或大型庆功会、时尚派对上的一种安排。这种派对看起来很高雅,但其实真正的乐趣在于,区别于现实生活,给参加party的人另一种新鲜刺激的感觉,是大家释放学习工作压力的好方式。  Prom正式舞会   一般比较偏正式的舞会party多数是指“毕业舞会”这种场合。这种party不单单是休闲娱乐,也会有很重要的活动在其中。例如说在毕业舞会上,还会揭晓Prom Queen和Prom King的获选者。由于这种Party比较正式,所以在着装上或是礼仪上都需要格外注意。

party 在法律中是什么意思


party people什么意思?


网络用语中的 party是什么意思


“Rave Party”是什么意思?

“Rave Party”传统的意思是:喧闹的狂欢舞会。“Rave Party”的网络释义是:1、锐舞派对:新潮一族迷上了锐舞派对(Rave Party),在DJ(专业唱片师)播放的强劲电子音乐声中跳舞狂欢直至通宵达旦。2、三大锐舞派对:每个月定期都要在这里举行,让帕岸岛而风靡世界。3、三大电音派对:世界三大电音派对(Rave Party)。“Rave Party”是集音乐、舞蹈、乐队、灯光、音响、DJ为一体的新时代年轻人最愿意参加的大型户外活动。1、1988年,4个来自绅士之国的英国DJ,在美丽的西班牙度假岛屿阿利巴里群岛发现BALEARIC音乐风格,当地DJ阿尔费多将来自芝加哥的HOUSE舞曲加入多种西班牙及其他音乐元素播放出来,让4位DJ享受了极为精彩的一夜。当他们回到英国之后,他们决定将这种派对带入故乡,这就是RaveParty——源头。2、跳舞文化掀开了新的一页。随着英国众多优秀俱乐部、DJ、派对高手的出现,这种青年层次文化现象终于从地下走到地上,并在英国成为主流。这种互动式的文化模式让人们的想象空间无限扩大,为数码时代的青年人带来了新鲜的动感快乐。3、“Rave Party“应在野外、停车场、仓库、航空港这类开阔地带举行,年轻人身着闪亮、性感的时髦服装,从城市各处走到一起,在专业DJ的现场混音和打碟表演中疯狂起舞,由强劲的音乐节拍、极富震撼感的音频以及镭射灯光交织出一片飘忽迷离、五彩缤纷的未来数字空间。

求 x japan without you 的中文歌词

我没听过X-japan 有这首歌啊 你看看是不是这首歌曲名 longing中文歌词即使是伤害的话语或是流不尽的泪水都会变成回忆所以 中断的旋律紧抱在怀中 明天还是会再出现即使无法再和你相见 Sing without youI"ll sing without youCan"t you feel my heartFalling through the rainI sing without youI"ll sing without youCan"t you hold my tearsCause, still I love youI can"t face the thought of being aloneI sing for the song still carries on紧抱在怀中唱出思念即使发不出声音Sing without youI"ll sing without youCan"t you hold my painThere"s nothing I can doI still have a longing for your memory但只剩下伤痛想传达自己的心意如今...不愿独自一个人似乎在倾注的大雨中被破坏的梦明天还是会奏起一样的乐章 Sing without youI"ll sing without youCan"t you feel my heartFalling through the rainI sing without youI"ll sing without youCan"t you hold my tearsCause, still I love you

potluck party是什么意思?

potluck party的意思是百乐餐。一种西方家常聚餐会(主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思)。百乐餐是在美国尤其受欢迎的一种聚餐模式,受邀请的客人自带一款亲自烹调的食物到场与大家一同分享,这样既可以品尝到尽可能多的美味,让餐桌变得丰盛,还能够帮助减少主人家的花销和准备时间,客人也变得更有参与感。来参加的人都会带一份自己烹制的菜肴。如果没时间做,就会顺路买些水果或饮料什么的。提议聚餐的人只需要提供场所和餐具就可以了。通常谁会准备什么样的食物,事先要告诉筹划的人,以免造成重复。扩展资料potluck party的由来据说,过去一家人从一个大锅( pot )里吃菜。如果来了不速之客,来不及另外做菜,就只能吃这锅菜,客人的口福要看运气( luck )。所以在英语中用 potluck 指并非特意准备的家常便饭。美国人把每人各带一个菜的聚餐形式称为 potluck dinner 简称 potlock ,中文翻译为“百乐餐”。之所以将这种聚餐称为 potluck dinner ,也是因为大家口味和手艺各不相同,能否吃到可口的菜全凭运气。百乐餐的规则是参加者各自带一个菜或其它食品、饮料,放在一起让大家自由取食。它与自助餐的区别只在于提供者由主人变成众人,吃的方式完全一样,既方便又省钱,因而成为美国最大众化的请客方式。

pajama party是什么意思?

pajama party是指睡衣派对。“睡衣派对”顾名思义就是穿着睡衣参加晚会。这类派对通常是社会中的人们庆祝或者休闲的一种方式,其特色就是每位派对成员都必须穿睡衣,以最轻松的状态面对朋友。睡衣派对不仅仅适合大孩子,幼儿,学龄前儿童和小孩也可以享受睡眠,减去实际睡眠的部分。基本上在派对的派对上,年轻人群可以聚集传统的睡衣派对的乐趣,如枕头打架和饼干烘烤,但是当闹钟敲响睡觉时回家。扩展资料:睡衣派对中有一些派对是因为宗教和季节性的原因,通常派对都是由个人举办的,而不是因为文化的原因。派对举办的场地非常的简单在家中就可以进行,当然也可以隆重一点在一些特殊的场合进行,但是无论怎样派对的基调总是令人愉快的。人们派对可以放松自己的身心,和同伴一起尽情的玩耍,快乐就是人们在派对中的感受。同时派对为各种各样的人在社会的生活提供了许多机会。人们在派对上可以结交不同的朋友,通常这些朋友都有着不同的文化,通过这种方式可以了解更多的来自不同地区的人的文化和生活习俗。参考资料来源:百度百科-睡衣派对

求x-japan的without you的中文歌词

without you中文歌词 (~for hide)2007-04-29 22:51词曲:Yoshiki 歩き疲れた 夜に伫む 流れる涙を记忆に重ねて 出会いの数だけ 别れはあるけど 限り无い时が続くと信じてた 伤つけ合った言叶さえ 今は抱きしめ 振り返るだけ I feel alone How should I love you How could I feel you Without you 数え切れない思い出が时间を 埋め尽くす 同じ时代に生まれて出会った それぞれの爱を 确かめるために I still remember 答えのない明日に 梦を求めていた日々を 限りなく広がる空に もう一度 生まれた意味 今を生きる意味を 问いかけて 生きてる事が 时には辛くて 素直になれない 自分を演じてた 贵方を爱して 贵方に伤ついて 爱と言う言叶の 深さに気づいた Do you remember 初めて出会った日の事 同じ梦を见た时を 限りなく広がる空にもう一度 生まれた意味を 问い挂けて How should I love you How could I feel you Without you 终わりのない爱の诗を 今贵方に Even though I can"t see you anymore Your memory will live in my heart Forever As well as love does So I won"t say...good bye中文: 走得累了 夜渐渐深 泪水流下 与记忆重叠 虽然相逢有限 也有离别 但我相信时间无限终将继续 互相伤害的言语 拥抱着现在 我只想回到过去 I FEEL ALONE 我该如何爱你 我该怎样才能感受到你 没有你 数不清的思念的时间 将它掩埋 生在同一个时代的我们相遇了 为了确定彼此的爱 我还记得 没有回答的明天 追求梦想的每一天 再一次 向着无限宽广的天空 追问 生存的意义 如今还活着的意义 不能再本色的 演绎着自己 我爱着你 我伤害着你 爱这个字 我倾入了多深的感情 你还记得吗 第一次见面那天的事情 看见同一个梦想的那个时刻 我该如何爱你 再一次向着无限宽广的天空 追问 生存的意义 如今活着的意义 我该如何爱你 我该怎样才能感受到你 没有你 永不结束的爱之诗 现在 为你 永远 如爱本身一样长久 所以 我永不会对你说 再见


pedestrian是行人的意思。马路上的行人。外国很多警示牌都用pedestrian这个词。 而passer-by指的是过路人,指得是单个一个人.说个例句吧:Police asked





The Otherside (Edited Version) (Feat. Petey Pablo And Sleepy Brown) 歌词

歌曲名:The Otherside (Edited Version) (Feat. Petey Pablo And Sleepy Brown)歌手:Bubba Sparxxx&Petey Pablo&Sleepy Brown专辑:The Otherside (Radio Version)The Other Sideby Paul Van Dye Feat. Wayne JacksonWhen this broken throughI will comfort youWhen I wake my tongue is tiedDaylight brings the great divideWeeping like the rainWhispering your nameLong to be reunifiedBelieve the sun will riseWhen I reach the lightI will see you on the other sideWhen I close my eyesI will see you on the other sideWhen I close my eyesSpeeding City lightsLeave me weak tonightOh I miss your warmth insideStars came out to shineAcross the waterlineI can feel you on the other sideSee you on the other sideWhen I close my eyes and I reach the lightSee you on the other sideWhen I close my eyesSee you on the other sideWhen I close my eyes and I reach the lightSee you on the other sideWhen I closed my eyes





passerby. takemeaway中文什么意思

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