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packet 包~~~bit 位~~~计算机中数据的最小单位一个packet中有 n 个bit ~~比如 bit是1块钱`~~则packet则是10块钱或者100块钱等等~~~packet是bit的集合~~~


impact 影响影响 [ yǐng xiǎng ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ yǐng xiǎng ]1.对别人的思想或行动起作用(如影之随形,响之应声):父母应该用自己的模范行动去~孩子。2.对人或事物所起的作用:这件事造成很大的~。3.传闻的;无根据的:模糊~之谈。



“effect”,“ affect” 和“ impact”分别怎么使用?

①affect: 动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响。例如:To affect a policy is to have an effect on it.影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。②impact主要指“冲击,对主语碰撞的影响”例如:the impact of science on/upon modern development科技对于现代发展的影响。【注意句中science后的介词用on或upon】③ effect: 名词(可数或不可数),affect=have an effect on。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。例如:They effected their escape in the middle of the night.他们半夜逃脱了。Objective To study the influnence of fracture type on outcome in elderly hip fracture.目的 探讨老年髋部骨折类型对术后疗效的影响。除了题主你的问题之外,关于影响的单词还有如下:result: 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。例如:We will pay for any damage which results within a year.一年之内如发生任何损伤,均由我们负责赔偿。outcome: 普通用词,多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局,而不是某种原因的直接结果。常可与result通用。


掀起一场转变,开始有影响力。开impact意思是掀起一场转变,开始有影响力。它也可以指人们发挥影响力,改变或影响事物的结果。impact,向内使紧密,名词,冲击力、撞击力,巨大影响、强大作用(尤其是指新事物所产生的影响)。impact还可作动词,指对产生影响,主要在美式英语中使用。impact网络梗 Impact网络是一个全球性的社会网络,旨在帮助人们建立联系,发现潜在机会,并增进社会正面影响。现在是不是流量就代表了impact。每天多少人转发点赞就代表了impact?根据我的理解,举个例子,像刘强东这样给老家做建设带动几万人的就业并改善他们的工作生活条件才算是impact吧。自营系统和自建物流体系让人们购物更加方便并且促进了行业竞争才是impact吧?说小一点,你分享自己的成功经验,告诉别人你的故事,也是不错的impact,但是现在普遍的做法都是开始关注数字,吸引流量、点赞、转发,让越来越多的人的时间变得更加碎片化,注意力越来越难以集中,这就叫impact。


LOL选手impact是skt的第一代上单大将,当时的SKT是非常强的一支队伍,这位选手和明星东尼大木长得比较像,所以被大家叫做大木。Impact作为北美赛区的顶级上单,一直以来都是标杆性的存在,Impact最突出的就是他敏锐的反应能力和个人能力,总能配合队友带起进攻节奏。擅长英雄为山隐之焰奥恩、海洋之灾普朗特、亡灵战神塞恩。扩展资料:选手简介impact是曾经的传奇战队SKT T1 K的上单,SKT T1 K创造了OGN2冠和S3世界总决赛冠军的无上荣耀,甚至在2013年OGN冬季赛全胜夺冠。但2014年三星战队狂潮席卷OGN,SKT T1 K接连不敌SSW和SSB,最终没能晋级S4总决赛。2015赛季,impact在慎重的考虑下,加盟了北美的TIP战队,曾经SKT的piglet也到了北美液体队发展,所以impact并不寂寞。随着韩服单排第一的rush加盟,TIP在北美的战绩越来越好。比起TIP和NRG将Impact限定在坦克的位置上,在C9他可以更加自由地选择小鱼人、刀妹 、冰女等不同风格的上单。他的线上实力和不要求大量资源的风格同时也解放了meteos,让他 可以更好地帮助中路和下路。



impact, influence, affect

impact,巨大的影响 influence, 影响 affect小的影响,例如效果等

influence impact effect affect有什么区别

influence: 表示“影响”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。可用作动词(及物)或名词(通常不可数,但有时可连用不定冠词)。What you read influences your thinking.你读的东西对你的思想有影响。It"s clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso.她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。Television has a strong influence on people.电视对人有很大的影响。impact主要指“冲击,对主语碰撞的影响”,如the impact of science on/upon modern development(科技对于现代发展的影响)。注意句中science后的介词用on或upon; effect: 名词(可数或不可数),affect=have an effect on。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。They effected their escape in the middle of the night.他们半夜逃脱了。He effected great changes in the company.他使公司发生了巨大的变化。affect: 动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响。To affect a policy is to have an effect on it.影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all.这条消息对她没有一点影响。希望采纳哦!


泰国IMPACT会展中心:曼谷市:(靠近 LUXOR HOTEL 三星级酒店).Impact Exhibition & Convention Center, 99 Popular Road, Banmai Subdistrict, Pakkred District, Nonthaburi 11120, Thailand.Tel : +66(0) 2833 4455 ;Fax : +66(0) 2833 4456 ; E-mail :





bps(bits per second),即比特率、比特/秒、位/秒、每秒传送位数,数据传输速率的常用单位。比特(bit)是信息技术中的最小单位。文件大小(例如文本或图像文件)通常以字节(Byte)为单位。一字节对应八比特。bps是速度单位,bit是大小单位。

aparently an end is missing,possibly matching for

少了一个 end在结尾的地方加一个end应该就好了。

my name is musitapa的中文?

my name is musitapa的中文意思“我叫穆斯塔帕”



old man grandapa

1 an old man. 2 two 3 aunt 4 name 5 grandmother 你是初一吗?


先附上MLA引用格式学习指南:MLA不仅仅指引用格式,也包括了学术essay写作的其他格式要求。本文仅以引用格式为主体。在MLA格式中,引用主要分为两部分,文内引用以及引用页。在需要引用的部分后,以括号形式备注所引用文献的作者及所在页,文末单列一页为引用页。  总体格式1.双倍行距,字体建议Times New Roman,12号(pt)大小。2.页边距设为1英寸。3.每段首行缩进半英寸。强烈建议使用tab键而不是猛敲空格。4.使用页眉(或页脚)来标注页数,向右对齐。5.加粗仅适用于题目,斜体仅适用于较长作品的名称以及强调重点。  何时引用1.当你不确定的时候,引用总是没有错的。2.当你解释(paraphrase),总结(summarize),提到(mention)某人的想法时,cite it!3.当你引用某人的原句时,注意不仅要标注引用,还要用引号标出具体哪些部分是引用的。4.当你引用数据、图片、表格、视频、动画等时,cite it!5.当你提到一些并非常识的内容时,cite it!注:常识是相对于潜在的读者而言的,一般来说对于普罗大众的内容所需要标注的引用比面对专家学者更多。同时,常识也意味着读者可以很快的查到的信息,不仅是在网上随处可见的,更是毫无争议的。因此当你不确定是否要标注引用时,cite it!  引用页引用页字体等格式与总体一致。在第一行中间注明work cited。每个引用条目除首行外缩进半英寸。不需要标号,但需要以字母顺序排列。  文内引用文内引用是在你的文章中简短地提及所引用的文献。在MLA引用中,你仅需要提供所引用文献的作者及所在页。中间不用逗号隔开,括号在句子内。常见格式为:Romantic poetry is characterized by the"spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"(Wordsworth 263).如果作者名字已经在句子中提到,则只在括号内标注页码(如为网站等则不标注)。例:Imperialism is“the practice,the theory,and the attitudes of a dominating metropolitan center ruling a distant territory”(Said 9).According to Edward W.Said,imperialism is defined by“the practice,the theory,and the attitudes of a dominating metropolitan center ruling a distant territory”(9).Work CitedSaid,Edward W.Culture and Imperialism.Knopf,1994.  引用条目格式引用条目即引用页(work cited)所罗列的引用文献的条目。MLA规定了几个较为重要的元素。原则上多多益善,但是如果有实在没法找到的也可以省略(如引用圣经时就以The Bible开头,而不是Jesus)。在你的引用中,这些元素应排列如下:作者。文献名称。文献所属上级(container),其他参与者,版本(version),版号(Number),出版商,出版日期,位置(location)。1.作者:引用条目应以作者的姓(last name)开头,然后是逗号及名(the rest of the name)。以句号结尾。例:Said,Edward W.Culture and Imperialism.Knopf,1994.2.文献名称:作者名后为所引用文献名。以句号结尾。取决于所引用文献类型,应使用斜体或引号。①.引用书应斜体:Henley,Patricia.The Hummingbird House.MacMurray,1999.②.期刊应使用引号:Bagchi,Alaknanda."Conflicting Nationalisms:The Voice of the Subaltern in Mahasweta Devi"s Bashai Tudu."Tulsa Studies in Women"s Literature,vol.15,no.1,1996,pp.41-50.3.文献所属上级(container):即文献所在期刊、母页等。通常使用斜体,以逗号结尾,因为后边的信息都是描述本部分的。例:Kincaid,Jamaica."Girl."The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Short Stories,edited by Tobias Wolff,Vintage,1994,pp.306-07.4.其他参与者:即译者、编者等,所谓二作、三作等依旧算做作者,不需要时可省。以逗号结尾。例:Foucault,Michel.Madness and Civilization:A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.Translated by Richard Howard,Vintage-Random House,1988.5.版本(version):如果文献属于某一版,应包括进引用条目内。以逗号结尾。例:The Bible.Authorized King James Version,Oxford UP,1998.6.版号(number):如果文献属于某个系列,如期刊或丛书,应包括进引用条目内。以逗号结尾。例:Dolby,Nadine.“Research in Youth Culture and Policy:Current Conditions and Future Directions.7.出版商:以逗号结尾。例:Women"s Health:Problems of the Digestive System.American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists,2006.8.出版日期:有争议时使用你所使用的版本或原始版本。以逗号结尾。例:“Hush.”Buffy the Vampire Slayer,created by Joss Whedon,performance by Sarah Michelle Gellar,season 4,Mutant Enemy,1999.9.位置(location):应尽量详细标明u2f42献所引出处,即页码、网页、或作品所在地理位置。以句号结尾。例:Matisse,Henri.The Swimming Pool.1952,Museum of Modern Art,New York.10.可选元素,引用日期:考虑到网络元素的多变性,MLA建议在引用条目最后标注引用时间。例:Bernstein,Mark."10 Tips on Writing the Living Web."A List Apart:For People Who Make Websites,16 Aug.2002, 4 May 2009.  脚注及尾注较长的解释对于读者的阅读是不小的干扰。因此大部分学术写作格式(MLA、APA)不建议经常使用脚注及尾注。不过MLA依然允许作者使用脚注或尾注来提供给读者其他有价值的文献。例:1.See Blackmur,especially chapters 3 and 4,for an insightful analysis of this trend.2.On the problems related to repressed memory recovery,see Wollens 120-35;for a contrasting view,see Pyle 43;Johnson,Hull,Snyder 21-35;Krieg 78-91.使用过程中应注意脚注及尾注的数字上标应在标点符号后(破折号之前),不要使用星号或其他符号。数字标号应正确和脚注及尾注关联。关于MLA格式/APA格式生成器,推荐大家用笔杆,具体使用教程请参考:MLA格式_MLA/APA格式在线生成器





留学作业中的APA Style怎么写?

作为一名留学生辅导老师,APA Style 在学术写作中是非常常见的引用和格式化规则,以下是一些基本知识,你可以参考并使用其格式:一、引用的格式- 直接引述(Direct Quote):用双引号将直接引用的内容括起来,并在结尾的引号之后附上引用来源的作者、年份和页码。例如:According to Smith (2018), “APA Style is an essential part of academic writing that should not be ignored” (p. 10).- 引用来源中的某段话(Indirect Quote):不用括号,但直接在句子中提到作者和年份。例如:Jones (2019) argued that APA Style was an important aspect of academic writing and should be carefully considered by all students.二、参考文献格式- 书籍(Books):作者、出版年份、书名、出版社名称例如:Chang, S. J. (2017). The “APA Style” Guide to Academic Writing. Oxford University Press.- 学术期刊上的文章(Articles in Academic Journals):作者、文章标题、期刊名称、出版年份、页数例如:Gao, X. (2019). The Effect of APA Style on Academic Writing. Journal of Educational Research, 45(2), 102-115.- 网络资源(Online Resources):作者、文章标题、日期、获取的网址例如:Fei, J. (2018). How to Write a Good Research Paper in APA Style. Retrieved from以上是APA Style 中引用和参考文献的基本格式,需要注意的是,应根据所写的内容灵活运用这些规则,在引用和参考文献中不遗漏或错误地陈述信息。


FIGURES AND TABLES AND PICTURES (图片表格的写法)You should refer to a figure or table in the text - " ... as shown in Figure 1, ......" Otherwise, why put it in?在文中你也要介绍下图片How do I know what I am looking at? What are you trying to tell me with the figure?Label a figure with an Arabic numeral and provide a title. The label and the title appear on the same line below the figure, flush-left.Cite the source below the label and the title-EXAMPLE –例子Figure 1. Internet users in EuropeNote: Eurostat Statistical books. (2007) The European Union and Russia: Statistical comparison. 2007 edition. Retrieved from the photo you are using is a photo that you took, you can say 用你自己照的图片Figure 1. Map of HangzhouSource: author"s own photograph 这些是我的导师告诉我的,上次我也写错过,APA就是这个reference最难写


我的经验之谈啊 我用过的INA的貌似都是仪表放大 带宽比较小 OPA的是高速的带宽大 不也不知道ti是不是这么定义的不过我用的都是这个规律 希望对你有帮助

c# 如何保存位图,用Form_paint方法写的,代码如下:

那样很麻烦, 开启 DoubleBuffer 双缓冲就能解决大部分的闪烁问题了.如果棋盘大部分时间不变,可以考虑绘制为图片.新建一个bitmap然后在上面绘图就可以了,然后赋值为窗体的背景图像.不过这样的话岂不是可以先用ps等工具画好后再赋值?只有棋子是动态的.



Kenneth Pattengale的《Freckles》 歌词

歌曲名:Freckles歌手:Kenneth Pattengale专辑:Storied PlacesNatasha BedingfieldFrecklesI used to care so much about what others think aboutAlmost didn"t have a thought of my ownThe slightest remark would make me embarkOn the journey of self doubtBut that was a while agoThis girl has got strongerIf I knew then what I know nowI would have told myself don"t worry any longer it"s okayCuz a face without freckles is like a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areWho you are Who you are Who you arewhoaI wondered if I couldtrade my body with somebody else in magazinesWith the whole world full at my feetI phantom worthy and would blame myfailures on the ugliness I could seeWhen the mirror looked at meSometimes I feel like the little girl whodoesn"t belong in her own worldBut I"m getting betterAnd I"m reminding myselfCuz a face without freckles is a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areReflecting who you areReflecting who you are HmmmWhoooooo whoa hmmmm ooooooCuz a face without freckles is a sky without starsWhy waste a second not loving who you areThose little imperfections make youbeautiful, lovable, valuable,They show your personality inside your heartReflecting who you areReflecting who you areReflecting who you are...........................


是,inc(x) 和 x:=x+1 是一样的

英语流利说 Level6 Unit1 Part1 Reading:The Boy Who Cried Wolf&Survival in the Outback

Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village. The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself, such as climbing trees or chasing sheep. One day he came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. He climbed to the top of a tree and shouted toward the village:"Wolf! Wolf! Help me please!" When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen, and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing. The sheep were grazing peacefully. Annoyed, the villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities. A few days later, the boy grew bored again, and played the same trick on the villagers. This time the villagers were furious at the boy. That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior. For a while after that, life went on as normal and the boy behaved, he didn"t want to be punished again. Then, one afternoon while he was tending the sheep, he noticed that the sheep was were bleating and nervous.He didn"t know what was causing their strange behavior , so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on . What he saw from a tree was a frightening sight , a big, hairy wolf chasing after the sheep, Terrified, he screamed for help:"Wolf! Wolf! There"s a wolf chasing the sheep!" This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks . Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help. The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. What is the moral of this story? Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth. What is the purpose of this story? It"s to educate. What do you think the boy learned? Lying to others can have serious consequences. What can you infer from the passage of the boy? He was mischievous and selfish. Someone who is mischievous is someone who often gets into trouble (but not serious trouble). To feast on something means to eat a large amount of it. To be frantic means to be desperate. To be annoyed means to be upset (and a bit irritated). To cry for help means to call out in a loud voice for help. To play a trick on someone means to deceive or mislead them. How did the villagers feel the first time the boy fool them? They were annoyed. How did the villagers feel the second time the boy fool them?They were furious.The villagers were annoyed when the boy fooled them the first time. He learned that lying to others can have serious consequences. What did his mother do to him after he trick the villagers second time? That night he was punished by his mother for his bad behavior. What happened to the sheep when the wolf finally came after them? The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. What did the villagers do the third time the boy cried a wolf? Nobody believed that there was really a wolf, so they ignored his frantic calls for help. Why didn"t the villagers come to help him when the wolf came for real? This time, when the villagers heard his cries for help, they were convinced that it was another one of his pranks. What would you do if you ever found yourself lost in the wild? To find out, you can join a weekend survival course in Australia"s Outback Desert. This vast area is famous for its harsh desert climate . To survive, your first task will be to find water , a rare commodity in the desert. Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface . But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them. The best place to build a shelter is in an area with the least amount of sunlight , like between sand dunes or in a trench, To make a trench, dig a hole big enough to lie down in and use the extra sand to create a barrier or wall on each side . This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. Nights can be cold, so knowing how to make a fire is essential. One way to build a fire is to use the hand drill method. This is one of the oldest and simplest ways to start a fire. It involves rolling a stick between your hands while pressing it onto a notched piece of wood with dry tinder below. The idea is to use the friction to create enough heat to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. As for food, you"ll have to be open-minded. Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive . They may even taste good, like scrambled eggs! The tone of this reading is? instructive and entertaining What should you be careful of when searching for water? the leaves of gum trees To be open-minded means to be flexible and ready for something new. Something is essential if it is necessary or required. Where is this reading probably taking from? a travel magazine How can you prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness? take a weekend survival course An area is vast if it is immense or huge. Something is rare if it is hard to find. The purpose of this reading is to give advise on how to survive in the desert. What is a strong indicator of water? Animals such as ants. To ignite something means to spark an explosion or fire. Something is harsh if it is intense or severe. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. If something is essential, it is necessary or very important. If you are lost in the desert, your first task will be to find water. One way to prepare yourself to survive in the wilderness is to take a weekend survival course. The idea is to create enough heat through friction to ignite the tinder. This can be a lot of work. What is essential for surviving in the desert?To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. What are potential sources of food? Some forms of life can be ugly to look at but can provide you with enough protein to survive. What can be signs of water? Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. What is the purpose of having a barrier on each side of trench?This can help to shield you from the glare and scorching heat of the sun. amuse: / verb/ to make time pass pleasantly for somebody or yourself; to make somebody laugh or smile e.g The boy grew tired and bored while watching the sheep, so he found ways to amuse himself. This piece of writing was done to amuse the reader by presenting some crazy logic. mischievous: / adjective / enjoying playing ticks and annoying people infer: / verb/ to form an opinion that something is probably true because of information that you have e.g From this passage we can infer that the boy was mischievous and selfish. feast : /verb/ to eat a large amount for food, with great enjoyment e.g The wolf, having nothing to fear, feasted on several of the sheep and then slipped back into the forest. hillside: / noun/ the sloping side of a hill e,g A mischievous young boy who was given the task of tending a herd of sheep on a hillside near a village. indicator: /noun/ something that can be regarded as a sign of something else e.g Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water.

我要黑人女歌手Esperanza Spalding 的中文个人历史专辑介绍


求西班牙语里Para 和por 的用法及二者区别

好像不对吧! 这句话的意思是 周游其他国家是很有趣的. por 表示沿着绕着这样的意思

苹果电脑时常跳出:Impact Tech,Inc可以自动配置你的mac这是什么意思?怎么解决?

Q: 请问William老师,mac电脑怎么找到anaconda prompt? 以及怎么接入wind接口? A: 您好,感谢您对乐学偶得的支持! 在mac系统下是没有anaconda prompt哦~一般来说正常安装anaconda后打开terminal后会自动显示(base)环境,然后您直接输入命令就可以咯~ 加油!



西班牙语 Preocuparse de 和Preocuparse por 的用法和含义有什么区别?

其实意思差不多preocuparse de 和 preocuparse por意思都是担心

increasingly fast-paced world


X JAPAN 红 假名歌词

这个是英文版的。KurenaiI could not look back, you"d gone away from meI felt my heartaches, I was afraid of following youWhen I was looking the shadows on the wall(I) started running into the night to find the true in meIn the crowed street, you"re standing aloneThe shadow of the days hide your heartYou are bringing down the heart of the night keeping everything offAs if something gonna force youNow you"re running into the stormCan"t you see I"m always on your mindTell me why you leave me aloneWhen I was gonna be losing you on my mind found my heart in soilI"m looking back the daysThese are gonna break my heartBut I can"t never hold backAll of you in my memory is still shining in my heartNow you"re wearing the mysterious lightIt keeps me sticking into my heartMy heart has been gonna dye deep red with all of painThere"s no one to cure my pain only with out youHow I try to shout, How I try to runThere"s nothing I can doThe wall hiding my heart is never broken againHow I try to breakAs if something gonna force youNow you"re running into the stormCan"t you see I"m always on your mindTell me why you leave me aloneMy heart has been gonna dye deep red with all of painThere"s no one to cure my pain only without youHow I try to shout, How I try to runThere"s nothing I can doThe wall hiding my heart is never broken againHow I try to breakMy heart has been gonna dye deep red with all of painThere"s no one to cure my pain only without youOh, Cry in deep red这个是我自己边听歌边写的日语歌词,应该错的不多吧,呵呵!I could not look back you"d gone away from me I felt my heart ache I was afraid of following you When I had looked at the shadows on the wall I started running into the night To find the truth in me あらしふくこのまちが おまえをだく ふきぬけるかぜにさえ めをとじる おまえははしりだす なにかにおわれるよう おれがみえないのか すぐそばにいるのに ひとなみにきえていく きおくのといきあいのない ひとりぶたい もうたえきれない All of you in my memory Is still shining in my heart すれちがうこころは あふれるなみだにぬれ くれないにそまったこのおれを なぐさめるやつはもういない もうにろとこどかない このおもい とざされたあいにむかい さけびつづける おまえははしりだす なにかにおわれるよう おれがみえないのか すぐそばにいるのに くれないにそまったこのおれを なぐさめるやつはもういない もうにろとこどかない このおもい とざされたあいにむかい さけびつづける くれないにそまったこのおれを なぐさめるやつはもういない Oh, crying in deep red!

空姐可以说是fly attendant吗??空乘部可以说是air service department 吗?

空姐flight attendants 或者air hostesses 空乘部flight service department

T-Pain Featuring Kanye West的《Therapy》 歌词

歌曲名:Therapy歌手:T-Pain Featuring Kanye West专辑:Thr33 RingzOH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaah Yeaaah hey.OH Oooh oh ooOH OH, yeaah yeah yeaahOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(heeey)He lays me on the couch and says“how has your day been?Tell me your problems;I"ll help you solve them.Come on let"s talk about it”He sits next to me and smiles.Listens to all of my words,Relaxes all of my nerves.Like breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke)Ease my mind (take control)From my body pleaseWork your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m so weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..(hey)He puts his hand on my lower backhis face in my neck andSays something to make me laughMakes me forget I was madHis touch feels so rightIt"s like he"s reading my mindI need him all the timeLike breathe in (breathe in)Let it go (shout it out)Take deeps breathes and real slow, calm down.Close my eyes (soft spoke?)Ease my mind (take control)From my body please (?)Work your PsychologyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need you to come and lay hands on me)oh oh oh oh oh oh (I-I-I-I need your therapy-therapy-therapy)oh oh oh oh oh …..yeaah yeaahWhen it feels like I"m losing powerWhen I feels like a wilting flowerThe way you touch me says I"m there for youIt heals me just to hear you say “I Love You”You"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyYou"re taking good care of meAlways been there for meBoy I can"t bear to leaveCause I need your therapyYou"ve given me everythingSo much I ever could needWithout you I"m weak in the kneesI need your therapyOh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh …………To my love Eleven By Elaine

环游安大略湖1-沙洲公园(Sandbanks Provincial Park)

计划了很久的环绕安大略湖自驾游终于成行,遗憾的是天公不作美,一周的计划,只能走3天,只能是浮光掠影了。 1. 沙洲公园 第一站去的是位于爱德华王子县(Prince Edward)的沙洲公园(Sandbanks Provincial Park)。上图是路过Belleville大桥时河边的一道景色。 这就是沙洲公园的西湖(West Lake),这个湖就是由这沙洲、或者叫沙坝(Sandbank)从安大略湖里分割开来的。 图中箭头所指就是我们站立的地方。 由于天阴,景色不够鲜明,但安静的意味或许更浓。 看过去的就是沙丘,这可是世界上最大的淡水沙洲、沙丘。 倒下的残木与新生的嫩草点缀在湖边。 水慢慢地在沙滩上停止。 而沙滩边上的树大约都是这个造型,不知是不是沙滩退向湖里,才使得这些树根裸露到外边。 我们要走一走这个Dunes Trail,到沙丘上面去看看。 喜欢这路边湿地里的细细软软的野草。 湿地的后面就是沙丘。 顺着木板小路往湖边的沙丘走去。 这里是如此的开阔,简直就像沙漠里的沙丘,想象不出这竟然是在湖边。 摆上一个野餐小桌子,更能感受沙丘的广阔。 爬上去,沙丘顶上这棵树的树根几乎全部出来,真不知是否还能活下去。 登顶后,看看美丽的西湖景色。 安宁、幽美。 沙丘连绵不断。 沿着湖边伸展。 有时会是这么一幅衰败景色。 但也有很多是不屈的生机。 这个更是茁壮。 突然明白,沙漠里没有生物,不是因为沙,而是因为没水,这湖边,水是不缺的,所以沙里长出东西来一点也不奇怪。 顺着木板小径再去另一处沙丘。 回望一下近处的湿地、远处的西湖,中间的沙丘就是刚才去的地方。其实这个公园还有很多地方可以去看的,今天一者天气不理想,二者我们还有下面的计划,这里其它的景致就留待下次吧。 2017年5月2日



newspaper 的复数形式



newspaper是可数名词,意为报纸。 例句:Her name has appeared in the newspaper. 她的名字上了报。 扩展资料   Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.   任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的"内情。   Don"t forget to cancel the newspaper before going away.   外出前,别忘了停订报纸。   The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.   那份报纸认为我的信件不宜发表。   This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.   这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的意见。   《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》   12   She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.   她以这个报纸专栏为讲坛,宣传她的女权主义观点。


newspaper报纸是可数名词。 newspaper: n.报纸;报;旧报纸; 复数: newspapers 扩展资料   Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.   任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。   Don"t forget to cancel the newspaper before going away.   外出前,别忘了停订报纸。   The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.   那份报纸认为我的`信件不宜发表。   This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.   这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的意见。


newspaper既是可数名词又是不可数名词。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词。作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”。 newspaper:n.报纸;报;旧报纸。 复数: newspapers; 扩展资料   Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.   任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。   Don"t forget to cancel the newspaper before going away.   外出前,别忘了停订报纸。   The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.   那份报纸认为我的信件不宜发表。   This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.   这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的`意见。   She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.   她以这个报纸专栏为讲坛,宣传她的女权主义观点。


2.在报纸上:in the newspaper,不能用on!3.在今天的报纸上:in today"s newspaper,名词所有格做定语!



news newspaper可数吗

news是不可数名词,newspaper既是可数名词又是不可数名词。 news: n.消息;音信;媒体对重要事情的报道;新闻;(电视或广播中的)新闻报道; newspaper: n.报纸;报;旧报纸; 复数: newspapers 扩展资料   Six months passed and we still had no news of them.   半年过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。   The news really made my day.   这消息确实使我一天都很愉快。   An article in the newspaper caught my attention.   报上一篇文章引起了我的"注意。   Issues like this are the newspaper"s meat and potatoes.   像这样的话题是报纸赖以生存的素材。   Any newspaper would pay big money to get the inside story on her marriage.   任何报纸都愿出高价购买关于她婚姻的内情。


1。 sympathy名词。同情have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情 ...展开1。 sympathy名词。同情have sympathy for sb.同情、怜悯....人。come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情2。be at a loss what to do 不知道要干什么。be at a loss 指不知道的意思,后面接一个宾语从句。have sympathy for sb 同情某人have sympathy with 支持某事in sympathy with sth 因...而出现,相继发生eg:Share prices slipped in sympathy with the German market.受德国市场影响,股票价格出现下跌。out of sympathy with sb/sth 不赞成,不支持(某人或事物)


newspaper:表示报纸时是不可数的,如:a piece of newspaper;用作一类报社时是可数的,如:a newspaper






newspaper既是可数又是不可数名词。 newspaper: n.报纸;报;旧报纸; 复数: newspapers 扩展资料   The newspaper did not see fit to publish my letter.   那份报纸认为我的.信件不宜发表。   This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of different opinions.   这份报纸不偏不倚地报道不同的意见。   She used the newspaper column as a platform for her feminist views.   她以这个报纸专栏为讲坛,宣传她的女权主义观点。


newspaper 表示报纸的时候为可数名词,复数形式为newspapers。例句:He found two pots, each wrapped in newspaper.他找到了两只罐子,分别用旧报纸包着。 newspaper短语 newspaper reporter新闻记者 local newspaper地方报刊 newspaper stall售报摊 English newspaper英文报纸 newspaper columnist专栏作家 newspaper用法例句 1.Jones" lawyers are seeking an unreserved apology from the newspaper. 琼斯的律师要求报纸无条件道歉。 2.Dr Samuels immediately disavowed the newspaper story. 赛缪尔斯博士当即对新闻报道予以否认。 3.No. Does the newspaper say what has caused that? 没看。报纸说什么导致房价这么快上涨了吗? 4.The newspaper has superseded the pulpit. 报纸替换了那个专栏。 5.The newspaper magnified him. 这份报纸赞扬了他。


I have examples here but I copy from the longman dictionary. enpass: 1to include a wide range of ideas subjects etc: The study enpasses the social political and economic ects of the situation. 2to pletely cover or surround something: The houses enpassed about 100 square metres. include: 1 [not in progressive]if one thing includes another the second thing is part of the first: Does the price include postage? His job includes looking after under-21 teams. 2to make someone or something part of a larger group or set [≠ exclude]: The team is stronger now they"ve included Roscoe. involve: 1 if an activity or situation involves something that thing is part of it or a result of it: What will the job involve? 2to include or affect someone or something: These changes will involve everyone on the staff. There have been four accidents involving Forest Service planes. 3 to ask or allow someone to take part in something 4 involve yourself to take part actively in a particular activity: Reilly involves himself in every ect of his pany"s business. 参考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Updated Edition enpass系 (围绕;包围) The enemy enpassed the city. 敌人包围了这个城市。 (包含)系包括一切同埋好广泛ge包含 My plan enpasses every possibility. 我的计划包含了各种可能。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Include系 (包括 包含)只系包括几样野,而唔系所有野 The price includes both house and furniture. 价钱包括房子和家俱。 同enpasses系相反 ----------------------------------------------------------------- involve 通常系只与一d野拉上关系ge"包含",同上面两个有住唔同ge性质~ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope my information helps......^^ Good ;Luck 参考: me and yahoo dictionary la..^^

newspaper怎么读 newspaper如何读

1、newspaper:英[u02c8njuu02d0zpeu026apu0259(r)]、美[u02c8nuu02d0zpeu026apu0259r] 2、n.报纸; 报; 旧报纸; 3、[例句]I read every last article in the newspaper.报纸上的每一篇文章我都读。 4、[其他]复数:newspapers

newspaper 可数吗

newspaper 既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物; 作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 扩展资料   news用法:   news用作名词,基本含义是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;后可接that引起的同位语从句。   1.news的基本意思是“新闻,消息”,指最近发生的"公众感兴趣的事情或最近变化了的情况;也可指电视、广播或报纸上对最近事情的报道;还可指当作新闻内容的人、物、事。   2.news是个不可数名词,虽以-s结尾,但具有单数意义;作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。表示“条”“则”时不可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰。“一则消息”可说a piece〔bit,scrap〕of news,“几条消息”可说pieces of news;报刊上刊登的“一则新闻”可以说an item of news或a news item ,“多则新闻”则是items of news或news items。   3.news之前有形容词修饰时,可加不定冠词。   4.news后可接that引起的同位语从句,that仅起连接作用,在从句中不充当句子成分。

是on newspapers还是in


newspaper 在什么情况下加s,什么情况下不加s?



报纸英语的读法:"Newspaper" 在英语中的发音为 /u02c8njuu02d0zu02ccpeu026apu0259r/ 。其中,/u02c8njuu02d0z/ 表示 “news”的发音,/u02c8peu026apu0259r/ 表示 “paper”的发音。例句1、I always start my day by reading the newspaper to catch up on the latest news. (我总是从读报纸开始新的一天,以了解最新的新闻。)2、Can you hand me that newspaper on the table? I want to check the sports section.(你能递给我桌子上的那份报纸吗?我想查看体育版。)3、He wrapped the fragile vase in newspaper to protect it during the move。(他用报纸把易碎的花瓶包起来,在搬家过程中保护它。)4、The newspaper article highlighted the importance of recycling and reducing waste.(这篇报纸文章突出了回收和减少废物的重要性。)5、Every Sunday, my grandfather sits outside with a cup of coffee and reads the newspaper cover to cover.(每个星期天,我爷爷会拿着一杯咖啡坐在外面,从头到尾地读完整份报纸。)

newspaper 英文


some newspapers





newspaper的重音在new.英语音标:[_nju_zpe_p_; _nju_s-]美语音标:[_nuzpep_]转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究中文翻译n.报纸;新闻纸单词例句用作名词 (n.)He unfurled the newspaper and began to read. 他展开报纸开始阅读。I learned this news from the newspaper. 我从报纸上得知这个消息。Only when he read the newspaper did he know the story. 他看了报纸后才知道那则报导。His name leapt out at me from the newspaper. 报纸上他的名字一下子跳入我的眼帘。We have subscribed to an evening newspaper. 我们已经订阅了一份晚报。语法用法n.(名词)newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。news, newsboy等的news都读 [nju_z] ,但newspaper的s不浊化,大多读作 ["nju_s_peip_] ,这是由于受后面清辅音 [p] 的同化。


newspaper,英语单词,名词,意为“报纸,报社,旧报纸”短语online newspaper网络报纸 ; 网上报纸 ; 报纸网络版 ; 在线报刊newspaper boy报童newspaper agency报纸代售处newspaper rack[家具]报架 ; 书报架 ;[家具]报纸架 ; 座椅newspaper clipping剪报 ; 报纸剪辑 ; 历年活动剪报例句Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。Which newspaper do you like best of the three?这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?。Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


newspaper[英][u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] [美][ u02c8nuzu02ccpepu025a, u02c8njuz-] 生词本简明释义n.报纸,报;旧报纸;新闻纸复数:newspapers以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 同反义词1.N-COUNT报纸;报A newspaper is a publication consisting of a number of large sheets of folded paper, on which news, advertisements, and other information is printed.He was carrying a newspaper...他拿着一份报纸。They read their daughter"s allegations in the newspaper.他们从报纸上看到了女儿的说法。


既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 扩展资料   Give us the newspaper, will you?   把报纸给我好吗?   The newspaper story is based on hard facts.   报纸的这篇报道有可靠的`事实根据。   Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.   我们的报纸旨在表达当地人民的心声。




news的意思是新闻,这是一个不可数名词; paper翻译为纸时不可数,paper翻译为报纸、论文、试卷时可数。 newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词。newspaper用作不可数名词时可指“废旧报纸”。 扩展资料   例句:   Which newspaper do you get?   你订阅什么报纸?   Are these newspaper reports true?   报纸上这些报道属实吗?   I read about it in the newspaper.   我在报上看到了这件事。   Can I read your newspaper?   我可以看一下你的报纸吗?   The floor was laid with newspaper.   地板上铺了报纸。


既是可数名词又是不可数名词。newspaper的基本意思是“报道性读物”,侧重指每日、du每周出版的载有新闻的出版物。作“一种报纸”解时,是可数名词,在口语中常略作paper。newspaper用作不可数名词,可指“废旧报纸”,还可作“报社”解。 扩展资料   Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.   是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。   Which newspaper do you like best of the three?   这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?。   Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.   保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


newspaper既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。当newspaper是“报纸,报,报社”的意思时,其为可数名词,其复数形式为newspapers。当其含义为“ (尤指用作他途的)旧报纸”时,其为不可数名词。news虽以s结尾,但具有单数意义;作主语时,谓语动词须用单数形式。表示“条”、“则”时不可直接用不定冠词或数词修饰。“一则消息”可说a piece(bit,scrap)of news,“几条消息”可说pieces ofnews;报刊上刊登的“一则新闻”可以说an item of news或a news item,“多则新闻”则是items of news或news items。造句:1.According to the latest news, the government is investing millions of dollars to improve the city"s transportation infrastructure.2.Today"s newspaper reported a shocking news: the company has decided to make massive layoffs to cope with the economic crisis.3.This famous actor revealed that he will be working with a rising director in his next movie.4.Last night"s TV news told us that many airlines have reduced their international flights due to the impact of the pandemic.5.Recent reports suggest that the city"s subway construction project has been put on hold due to lack of funding.6.A recent survey found that more and more young people are choosing to start their own businesses rather than working in traditional industries.7.Due to heavy rain, many roads are flooded in the area, causing severe traffic disruptions.8.An ongoing study shows that prolonged work in front of screens may have negative effects on eye health.9.The latest trend on social media is taking pictures while strolling outdoors, with many people sharing photos of themselves walking outside.10.Elementary students cheerfully receive the STEM courses that their school recently introduced.


newspaper的意思:意为“报纸,报社,旧报纸”。短语搭配:online newspaper网络报纸 ; 网上报纸 ; 报纸网络版 ; 在线报刊。newspaper boy报童。newspaper agency报纸代售处。双语例句:1、Yes, I read about that in the newspaper.是的,我在报纸上读过这条消息。2、Which newspaper do you like best of the three?这批发三种报纸中,你最喜欢哪一种?3、Keep some newspaper in your garage or workshop.保留一些报纸在你的车库或工作室。


可数newspaper英 [u02c8nju:zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nu:zpeu026apu0259(r)]n.报纸,报;旧报纸;新闻纸词汇难度:高考 / CET4 / 考研复数: newspapers


newspaper英语读音是:英 [u02c8njuu02d0zpeu026apu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8nuu02d0zpeu026apu0259r]


newspaper的意思是报纸,报社。n.报纸,报;报社;(尤指用作他途的)旧报纸短语1、daily newspaper日报 ; 每日报纸 ; 每天看报2、newspaper office报社 ; 报馆 ; 旧称报社3、student newspaper校刊例句1、May I borrow your newspaper?把你的报纸借我看行吗?2、Give us the newspaper, will you?把报纸给我好吗?3、He was carrying a newspaper.他正拿着一份报纸。

求jane said的mr impatient

Yang Tai Yuan in the weak-ling, had the smell, Nanping Wu, Nortel has the Huns,昆弟, the independence of the sound performance. So hypocritical decorative appearance, and widespread rape Jue back, it was presented after the bell heart, consider the text of imperial leather,方肇chaotic days, was boarding the two certificates, the Chung Chi Jian峻极tenders Pixian life of Hugh. To wide third-generation, eight-Wei Zhen Hong, Dayton Chanyu forehead, the more Troides retranslate. Chek Chek Spring,流溢in all, red-rot of millet, appointed under the plot in Sierra Leone. Negative of its prosperous capital, think of taking advantage of For non-repulsive, narrow殷周the system, yet the regulatory Moseulpo Qin and Han. 恃才Jin himself, proud of hard Mingde, with risk-huai impatient and outside the show condensate Jane,盛冠served to showcase their cunning, In addition to its谏官to cover too. Sex shortage of medicine, chapter Huizi Act, must teach four-dimensional, five-sentence reference child, punish hoe blood, carcasses destroy Zhongliang by Mo tours are gong to see, in order to kill those who do not know incrimination. Arrogance of the soldiers angrily repeated action, civil engineering achievements ever. Frequent朔方, three driving Liaoshen left, flags Miles, taxation hundred client, sly and fisheries officials to invade human life unbearable.急令violence is to be of nuisance, and punitive measures to Pro, the powerful甲兵to Dong, the show ran at home and naturally, having bored Health. Yang俄而玄感肇黎Rebellion, the Huns have雁门siege, the emperor to abandon China and Turkey, far more of Yang. By奸宄offer blood in sacrifice, strong or weak phase Ling, Guan Liang closed without pass, rather than to anti-imperial舆. In addition to the division, brigade, led to famine, displaced road to die ravines,十八九behavior. So gather Huan Po, stomach hair into the sky, big is not even inter-state gun, proclaim oneself emperor crown, while thousands of small for the group, siege nimble-eup, bleeding into川泽, such as the dead乱麻, cook a meal out than those wrecks, food from not to mention easy to sub. Nine vast territories, and the field elk,忄disposable disposable忄Qiansheng Li, are filling the bait hog snake. Miles Quartet, Jane book phase continued, Utah burglary that rat dog stolen, less than for the risk levels of Meng, Mauken read chaotic vibration of the feather Ephemera, poor night of music. Landslides rotten fish, consistent surplus Nim evil, universal, Mr Qiu feud gangs, about the people, are an enemy. Ran不悟end, with Peter Wang Yi,遂以万乘of respect, died in the hands of Kazuo. Thanksgiving trillion extravagant people, nine grazing without WANG army. To punish the children of the same on Patinopecten, discard bones Mo cover, their own state, Britain, the sticks must exterminate, since Hajime Lease to have the book so far in Edwards, the universe apart, lives, killed out the country, not even if Sri Lanka"s also. "Book" reads: "days of sin, still can be liable, regret, can not escape." "Biography" said: "good and bad from people who do not make any rash calamity from terrestrial disorder."又曰: "soldiers fire still has not put away the self-immolation. "concept of survival of Sui Room, Adams has made the letter and sign now!








不是 是一个单词 报纸

for the past two months与那种时态连用

一般用现在完成时.如 They"ve been squatting in an apartment for the past two years.他们过去两年来一直擅自占用一套公寓. Trade has been slack for the past six months,but it is now picking up.在过去六个月中贸易一直不景气,但现在状况正在好转.

newspaper 和newspapers 的区别在哪里?

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