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type of packaging

是“The size,shape and type”三个一起的“of packaging meterial” 大家都是并列的关系的



see packaging什么意思

see packaging 看包装 希望能帮助你

Prep-Free Packaging 是什么意思

Prep-Free Packaging 免费前包装

如何包装一个人Packing a Person

A person, like a commodity, needs packaging.But going too far is absolutely undesirable.A little exaggeration, however, does no harmwhen it shows the person"s unique qualities to their advantage.To display personal charm in a casual and natural way,it is important for one to have a clear knowledge of oneself.A master packager knows how to integrate art and nature without any traces of embellishment,so that the person so packaged is no commodity but a human being, lively and lovely.A young person, especially a female, radiant with beauty and full of life,has all the favor granted by God.Any attempt to make up would be self-defeating.Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze.Packaging for the middle-aged is primarily to conceal the furrows ploughed by time.If you still enjoy life"s exuberance enough to retain self-confidenceand pursue pioneering work, you are unique in your natural qualities,and your charm and grace will remain.Elderly people are beautiful if their river of life has been,through plains, mountains and jungles, running its course as it should.You have really lived your life which now arrives at a complacent stage of serenityindifferent to fame or wealth.There is no need to resort to hair-dyeing;the snow-capped mountain is itself a beautiful scene of fairyland.Let your looks change from young to old synchronizing with the natural ageing processso as to keep in harmony with nature, for harmony itself is beauty,while the other way round will only end in unpleasantness.To be in the elder"s company is like reading a thick book of deluxe editionthat fascinates one so much as to be reluctant to part with.As long as one finds where one stands, one knows how to package oneself,just as a commodity establishes its brand by the right packaging.

Expendable packaging和Returnable packaging怎么翻译最恰当?请指点.

Expendable 不重复使用的Returnable 可回收利用的Expendable packaging 一次性包装Returnable packaging 可循环包装


报maven的时候,最好使用mvn clean install clean的意思是,把target下的东西先清除,然后再新的jar放进来。当然,也会将jar放到本地仓库。 改变代码,但是没有clean,target里面的东西似乎没变。 还有一种可能,因为maven替换不替换是根据版本来决定的。Maven是基于项目对象模型(POM),可以通过一小段描述信息来管理项目的构建,报告和文档的软件项目管理工具。Maven 除了以程序构建能力为特色之外,还提供高级项目管理工具。由于 Maven 的缺省构建规则有较高的可重用性,所以常常用两三行 Maven 构建脚本就可以构建简单的项目。由于 Maven 的面向项目的方法,许多 Apache Jakarta 项目发文时使用 Maven,而且公司项目采用 Maven 的比例在持续增长。延展阅读;Maven这个单词来自于意第绪语,意为知识的积累,最早在Jakata Turbine项目中它开始被用来试图简化构建过程。当时有很多项目,它们的Ant build文件仅有细微的差别,而JAR文件都由CVS来维护。于是Maven创始者开始了Maven这个项目,该项目的清晰定义包括,一种很方便的发布项目信息的方式,以及一种在多个项目中共享JAR的方式。

英文口语考试题目“Why do we package our products?我们为什么包装产品"


culture shock might be called an occupational disease of people ,who have been suddenly

文化冲击对那些突然移居国外的人来说可能就是所谓的职业病。have been 不能换成was。 have been 是主动的,是指该人已经移居国外(主动),而was transplanted abroad 的意思是被移居国外(被动),这在逻辑上说不通。

plain packaging是什么意思

plain packaging网络素面包装; 简单包装; 素包; 素包装双语例句1If the Government aims to introduce plain packaging then a display ban is unnecessary.如果政府旨在引入素包,那么展示禁令就没必要了。

packaging type是什么意思

packaging type 包装类型

peggable packaging什么意思

  peggable packaging 翻译结果:peggable包装,peggable单个词属于印尼爪哇语  猜测您可能要查找:pluggable packaging 可插拔的包装  很高兴为您解答,希望对您有所帮助,祝学习进步,满意请采纳哦~~

英语packaging Made in china是什么意思


original packaging是什么意思

original package 原包装双语例句:1."We underestimated the deep emotional bond consumers had with the original packaging, " said the President of Tropicana. 纯果乐总裁说:“我们低估了消费者与原包装之间深层的情感联系。”2.Remove cheese from its original packaging. Then, rewrap it in a piece of plastic wrap or wax paper, and seal it inside a plastic bag. 把奶酪的原包装去掉,用塑料纸或蜡纸包裹好,再封入塑料袋中。

plain packaging是什么意思

plain packaging素包;烟害警示包装;素面包装;简单包装And there will be a promise of more research on whether forcing cigarette firms tosell their products in plain packaging could further reduce the appeal to under 18s. 政府还将承诺,对于迫使卷烟公司出售朴素包装的产品能否进一步减少卷烟对18岁以下青少年的吸引力,还将开展更多研究。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

求助,客户要求包装 a three-pack packaging什么意思


解释一下primary packaging 和 secondary packaging

字面上意思 初次包装 二次包装(后包装)例子如医药产品类小瓶小罐的压盖、封口就是初次包装,将这些瓶罐包小盒、中包再到大装箱就是后包装了。再简单的说,直接跟产品接触的就是初次包装,不跟产品直接接触的就是后包装。

c# 不能引用System.Windows.Xps.Packaging


求关于on over-packaging的英语作文

Packaging is using up scarce energy and resources and messing up the environment. Little reach is being carried out on the costs of alternative types of packaging. Just how possible is it, for instance, for local authorities to salvage paper, pulp it, and recycle it as egg-boxes? Would it be cheaper to plant another forest? Paper is the material most used for packaging —— 20 million paper bags are apparently used in Great Britain each day —— but very little is salvaged. A machine has been developed that pulps paper then processes it into packaging, e.g. egg-boxes and cartons. This could be easily adapted for local authorities use. It would mean that people would have to separate their refuse into paper and non-paper, with a different dustbin for each. Paper is, in fact, probably the material that can be most easily recycled; and now, with massive increases in paper prices, the time has come at which collection by local authorities could be profitable. Recycling of this kind is already happening with milk bottles, which are returned to the dairies, washed out, and refilled. But both glass and paper are being threatened by the growing use of plastic. More and more dairies are experimenting with plastic bottles, and British dairies would be producing the equivalent of enough plastic tubing to encircle the earth every five or six days! The trouble with plastic is that it does not rot. Some environmentalists argue that only solution to the problem of ever growing mounds of plastic containers is to do away with plastic altogether in the shops, a suggestion unacceptable to many manufacturers who say there is no alternative to their handy plastic packs. It is evident that more research is needed into the recovery and re-use of various material and into the cost of collecting and recycling containers as opposed to producing new ones. Unnecessary packaging, intended to be used just once, and making things look better so more people will guy them, is clearly becoming increasingly absurd. But it is not so much a question of doing away with packaging as using it sensibly. What is needed now is a more unimportant function.

custom packaging是什么意思



这个应该是 不可数名词

packaging 与 wrapping 有什么区别?

packaging:词性及解释 Part of speech and definition n. 包装, 包装业, 包装术 【计】 组装; 封装 【经】 包装句 Sentences level of electronic packaging电子组装级polymer material for packaging包装用高分子材料Packaging Import and Export Corporation包装进出口公司vibration isolation by packaging design装箱隔振技术International Packaging Leasing Corporation Ltd.国际包装租赁有限公司wrapping:词性及解释 Part of speech and definition n. 用于包裹的材料 【计】 绕接例句 Sentences packing or wrapping paper包装纸attractive wrapping paper suitable for wrapping gifts.适合包装礼品的漂亮包装纸。A wrapping or wrapper.包装材料包装材料或包裹东西之物ornamental wrapping for gifts.礼品的装饰性的包装。Something that envelops; a wrapping.包裹物;封皮

packaging design什么意思

packaging design 组装设计 包装设计;产品包装设计;品牌包装设计例句筛选1.modern packaging design elements; traditional elements; packaging culturalconnotation.现代包装设计要素;传统元素;包装文化内涵。2.The results were basis for the shockproof packaging design of straw foamedpackaging cushions.所得结论,为麦秆发泡包装衬垫的防振包装设计提供依据。

“salary packaging”是什么意思?

“salary packaging”直接翻译的意思是“工资牺牲”或“工资交换”,也就是我们经常说的附加福利。Salary,wage和pay辨析1、相同点这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但其含义不同。2、不同点(1)salary是指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly,sometimes three months or a year,for a job, for workers of higher skill and rank);(2)wage指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发给(Wages are paid weekly for a job, for labourers or workers.),常用复数形式;(3)pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。

mailer packaging什么意思

mailer 是动词 mail 加后缀构成的与邮寄有关的工具,包装邮件用的箱 (或包),packaging 指外包装,mailer packaging 的意思就是“邮包封装”。

salary packaging什么意思

工资包装salary packaging

external packaging中文翻译

Cardboard packaging . fully - openable cardboard drums without external packaging intented for dangerous sopd goods . mechanical and phycical properties . testing 纸板包装.危险固体货物包装用可全部打开的无外部包装的纸板桶.机械和物理特性.试验 Regular expressions are available for c c java as external packages , but perl is by far the best tool available today to do regular expression searches and substitutions 在c / c + + / java中正则表达式属于外部的函数包,但perl是目前最佳的正则表达式搜索和代换工具。 The registration number of a medical device shall be marked on the product itself and on the external package according to the provisions of the drug regulatory agency of the state council 医疗器械及其外包装上应当按照国务院药品监督管理部门的规定,标明产品注册证书编号。 Apppcations : the machine can knit round plastic grey cloth , plastic knitting bags produced by this machine can be used in various external packages of industrial and agricultural products 用途:本机用于编织塑料圆筒坏布。经本机织造的塑料编织袋可用于工农业产品的各种外包装。 Meanwhile , on the basis of primary products , our pany according to the market pesticides , medicine , food , electronic hardware , mechanical electric and other industries for the external packaging of pquid and sopd object 同时,公司在原有产品的基础上,根据市场需求设计开发了100 - 1000毫升的高阻隔复合瓶系列。以上产品均广泛应用于化工农药医药食品五金电子机电等行业液体固体物品的外包装。 This product has been widely appped to the external packaging of pesticides , chemical , fittings and parts of hardware as well as exportoriented vegetable products . calpboxes should been load and put pghtly , preventing from mechanical colpding , and avoid the sun and rain among the transportation 钙塑瓦楞箱具有防雨防潮牢固轻巧色彩鲜艳等特点,可广泛应用于食品蔬菜五金机械农药化工等产品的外包装。 Plastic hollow containner series products adopt high rigidity , anti - tran *** utation , anti - abrasion , anti - rupture , high - molecule and high density polyethylene as materials . though changing quapty , pigmentation and using the international advanced equipments and moulds , puffing plastic hollowly to make up the shape . out products have the quapty of high intensity , anti - acid alkap and anti - aging , and have been widely utipzed in food , medicine , chemical , petroleum , pesticides and other industries for the external packaging 塑料中空容器系列产品采用刚性大耐蠕变抗磨损及耐环境应力开裂等优点的高分子量高密度聚乙烯作为原料,通过改性著色使用国际先进设备和模具,中空吹塑成型。

who painted the mona lisa是什么意思

谁画的蒙娜丽莎蒙娜丽莎的微笑 是意大利文艺复兴时代著名画家达·芬奇的肖像画作品

parcel package pack packet packaging有什么区别?

parcel 邮包package 套包pack 包装(动词),一群packet 一小包packaging 包装(名词)

谁有Niggas In Paris中文歌词

[Jay-Z]So I ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款But first ni**as gotta find me 但首先 你们得先找到我啊What"s 50 grand to a muhf*kaa like me 你觉得5W对老子来说算什么Can you please remind me? 罚款 你也得提醒我啊Ball so hard 又赚大了 This sh*t crazy 玩嗨了Ya"ll don"t know that don"t sh*t phase me 你们不是不晓得没啥玩意儿能糊弄哥The Nets could go 0-82 and I look at you like this sh*t gravy 布鲁克林篮网队即使0胜82负 而我看你象中了大奖一样+Ball so hard, 赚大了哦This sh*t weird 太不可思议了We ain"t even spose to be here, 想想我们的出身 我们不能怎样Ball so hard, Since we here 但我们一来这里 就赚大了It"s only right that we be fair 唯一正确的就是我们能成这一点很公平Psycho, I"m liable to be go Michael 我得了神经病 所以我有义务成为下一个乔丹Take your pick, Jackson, Tyson, Jordan, Game 6 你来选我当什么 迈克尔杰克逊?泰森?乔丹?(game 6是指乔丹总冠军第六场绝杀)Ball so hard 玩疯了哦Got a broke clock, Rolleys that don"t tick tok 我这不是买了个破表么 尼玛劳力士也特么不嘀嗒Audemars that losing time, Hidden behind all these big rocks 爱彼(audemas piguet世界名表)还不是看不到时间 怎么呢 因为上面都是钻石 盖住了+Ball so hard+ 好有钱啊I"m shocked+Too, I"m supposed to be locked up too 我尼玛太有钱了 自己都吓傻了 所以我应该被关起来If you escaped what I"ve escaped 要是你能象我一样越狱You"d be in Paris getting f*cked up too 那么你也可以象我一样在巴黎到处嗨+Ball so hard 好会玩啊Let"s get faded, Le Meurice for like 6 days 我们一起玩消失 一起去Le Meurice(巴黎顶级酒店)嗨一周Gold bottles, scold models, Spillin" Ace on my sick J"s 镶金的酒瓶 顶尖的模特 ace酒喝不下都倒在我的air jordan鞋上面了Ball so hard 好嗨啊+B**ch behave, Just might let you meet Ye, 你(biao)们(zi)都乖一点啊 我马上把kanye叫过来Chi towns D. Rose, I"m movin" the Nets to BK 芝加哥公牛队的D Rose 听着 我把网队弄到布鲁克林去了[Hook]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款That sh*t crazy (x6) 好嗨啊[Kanye West]She said Ye can we get married at the mall? 我女人说 kanye啊 我们能不能就在商场里面结婚啊I said look you need to crawl "fore you ball 我回答她 你想得到我啊 那你是不是应该巴结一下我列Come and meet me in the bathroom stall 来厕所找我吧And show me why you deserve to have it all 我要让你晓得 “我,你值得拥有”That sh*t crazy, Ain"t it Jay? 我们好屌啊 是不是 朋友(JAY)What she order, fish filet 她点的啥菜啊 鱼片么"Your whip so cold", this old thing “你的坐骑好屌啊”她说的这个古董Act like you"ll ever be around muhf***as Like this again 我怎么觉得你表现得象你再也不会出现一样Bougie girl, grab her hand 富二代的姑娘 我必须抓住她的手F**k ol girl she don"t wanna dance 要是她不想跳舞 那她快点去死吧Excuse my French but I"m in France (I"m just sayin) 对不起 我的法语很水 但是我就是在法国很屌(真的)Prince William"s ain"t do it right if you ask me 我觉得威廉王子很2Cause if I was him I would have married Kate &a Ashley 因为如果我是他的话 我绝对会娶kate和AshleyWhat"s Gucci my ni**a? Gucci是啥 我的亲What"s Louie my killa? LV又是啥 我的亲What"s drugs my deala? 白面是啥 我的亲What"s that jacket, Margiela? 这屌衣服啥牌子的? 我去 马丁马吉拉的啊 好屌啊Doctors say I"m the illest 医生说我病得不轻Cause I"m suffering from realness 因为我得病叫现实症Got my niggas in Paris 我的兄弟占领了巴黎And they going gorillas, huh! 他们要轰动全城[Jay-Z]Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款Ball so hard muhf*ckas wanna fine me 我赚大了 贱逼们想罚我的款[Kanye West]You are now watching the throne 你们都在盯着我的宝座Don"t let me get in my zone (x3) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z]I got that hot bitch in my home 我屋里全是**[Kanye West]You know how many hot b**ches I own 你晓得的 我到底有多少**Don"t let me in my zone (x4) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们The stars is in the building 天上的星星都是我家的They hands is to the ceiling 我的人都喜欢“把手放在空中甩”I know I"m bout to kill it 我知道 我屌爆了How you know, I got that feeling 我的东西 你们都体会不了You are now watching the throne 你们就晓得盯着我的宝座Don"t let me into my zone (x2) 都别让我回到我的地盘上 搞死你们[Jay-Z & Kanye West]I"m definitely in my zone 真的 我的地盘听我的

plain packaging是什么意思

plain packaging素包;烟害警示包装;素面包装;简单包装And there will be a promise of more research on whether forcing cigarette firms tosell their products in plain packaging could further reduce the appeal to under 18s. 政府还将承诺,对于迫使卷烟公司出售朴素包装的产品能否进一步减少卷烟对18岁以下青少年的吸引力,还将开展更多研究。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助





oem packaging什么意思


Transpack packaging什么意思啊是一家做包装的公司,网址如上。Transpack was founded in 1993 with an objective of providing innovative packaging solutions.所以翻译过来只能是就是 transpack 包装 ,你要音译transpack也行, 创思帕克 包装公司

为什么前面是packaged 后面就变成packaging了呢


曼谷曼谷中心百货波鲁鲁水(Pororo AquaPark Bangkok)怎么样?有什么好玩的地方?

在曼谷往芭提雅的路上,有一家叫Central Bangna的百货商场,这个商场顶楼有一个水上乐园,当年叫LeoLand,今时今日已改名Pororo Aqua Park,他们用了很多韩国公仔来作造型设计。这个重新装修过的水上乐园,总共有九个池,四条滑梯,大人小朋友都适合。曼谷专车免费接送你到商场上玩水上乐园Pororo Aqua Park,要来这里,可以坐BTS到 Udomsuk 站,再坐Central的免费接驳巴士或小巴到达。 由早上十时开始,每半小时便有一班车。 来到这里除了行商场之外,亦可到他们的水上乐园玩。 入场费小朋友 90cm下免费,90-120cm 280铢,大人 400铢,长者60岁以上 280铢。入后,需要储物柜、水泡或毛巾的话需要另外再计,但费用不贵。很多当地人或住在那里的外国人都会去玩,尤其当中有一条滑梯,设计成有一部份有如抛岀天台泛围,感觉像被抛到马路再被拉回来,颇刺激。这里所有配套都不俗,人客可以不用带毛巾来,到这里租都可以,甚至可以不带泳衣,到这里买。 但对香港人来说,有件事情可能不太习惯,入场后游客会被要求先进入更衣室换上拖鞋,而拖鞋是公共胶拖鞋,即是很多人着过的,在乐园范围内走动都需要穿着乐园提供的胶拖鞋,是否接受则见仁见智。 他们的储物柜及泳池配套都做得非常足够,园内亦有熟食档。水上乐园下午五时便停止入场但入面的人客可以玩至接近晚上七时。总结来说,作为一个在曼谷市内商场百货天台的水上乐园绝对合格但请不要与芭提雅或华欣的水上乐园来相比较,毕竟性质不同规模也不一样,以当地人的标准,来开开心心玩一天绝对没有问题,但如果你有洁癖的话,不喜欢穿别人穿过的拖鞋,你可能会接受不了。飞猪上还可以查看更多有关于曼谷中心百货波鲁鲁水(Pororo AquaPark Bangkok)的介绍和玩法还有周边的景点



windows feature experience pack需要激活吗

需要激活。具体操作步骤如下:首先,在电脑桌面右击新建一个文本文档,修改名称为“windows激活.bat”。右键该图标,在列表中点选“编辑”选项。在输入框中录入“slmgr /skms kns.03k.rog”"slmgr /ato"。录入完成后,点击“保存”按钮,关闭当前文件,重新双击打开。等待系统弹窗提示,即可实现激活。

It is not a paradox. 是什么意思啊?除了“这并不矛盾”这样的解释以外.....


翻译 it seems paradoxical to talk about in the same




睡眠时相的异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)



paradox.(n) 1,a statement which seems to be impossible,because it says two opposite things,but which has some truth in it.2,an improbable combination of opposing qualities or ideas

__________。 [A] negative [B] positive [C] paradoxical [D] controversial



自相矛盾; 荒谬; 反论; 似非而可能是

2014年英语下册reading《the ghost in the park》全文急用啊啊

One Sunday morning ,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park.They love to chat there.As usual,they sat under the big tree.Suddenly,they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.They turned around but could not see anything unusual.They were frightened. "Is anybody there " Millie asked.Nobody answered.They listened very carefully and heard the strang noise again.The two girls were very afraid.They ran away quickly.On their way,they saw Andy. "What happened?" Andy asked. "There"s a ghost in the park.Please help us." Millie said. "Really?Tell me more." Andy said. Millie told Andy everything.Andy went to the park,stood beside the tree and listened carefully.Then he heard the whisper!He looked behind the tree and heard another whisper.He was now sure the sound came from the bushes.He searched carefully . "Oh!Here it is." Andy said to himself.He found a littIe cat in the bushes.It was very weak .When it miaowed,it made a sound like a whisper. Andy put the little cat into a box and went to find Millie and Amy.They were still frightened.Andy opened the box and showed them the "ghost". "This is the ghost in the park,"Andy said.Millie and Amy were surprised — it was a little cat!Later that day,they took the little cat to the animal centre.People in the centre would take care of it. The following Sunday,Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park again and had a great time there.They were not afraid any more. 一个星期日的早晨,米丽和艾米去阳光公园,他们喜欢在那里闲聊.像平常一样,他们坐在一棵大树下,突然,他们从大树后面的灌木丛中听到一阵窃窃私语声.他们转过身,但是没有发现任何不寻常的东西,他们很害怕,米丽问:“有人在吗?” 没有一个人回答.他们很认真的听,并且又听到那个奇怪的声音响起来了.这两个女生非常的害怕,因此她们飞快的跑了起来,在路上,她们看见了安迪,“发生什么事了?”安迪问道.“公园里有一个怪物,请帮助我们”米丽说.安迪说“真的吗?多告诉我一些吧.”因此,米丽告诉安迪刚刚发生的一切,安迪就去了公园,站在那棵树下仔细的听.然后,他听到了私语声,往树后面看,又听到另外的声音.他现在肯定声音来自灌木丛.他小心地搜寻着,"哦!它在这里.”安迪自言自语.他发现了灌木丛中有一只小猫.它是非常微弱的.当它呻吟的时候,听起来就象私语的声音. 安迪把小猫放入箱子并且去找米丽和艾米.他们两个人仍然被吓坏了.安迪打开了箱子并且给他们看所谓的‘怪物".“"这个就是公园里的怪物”,安迪说.米丽和艾米非常的惊奇—它居然只是一只小的猫!那天以后,他们把小猫送到了动物中心,那里的人们会好好照料它. 下一个星期天、米丽和艾米再去阳光公园并且有在那里度过了愉快的时光.他们再也不害怕了.


eva extended vehicular A扩展步行者信道模型epa extended pedestrian A 扩展车辆信道模型etu extended typical urban 扩展典型城市信道模型


EPA:Extended Pedestrian A model 扩展步行者信道模型EVA:Extended Vehicular A model 扩展车辆信道模型ETU:Extended Typical Urban model 扩展典型城市信道模型



给暮光男主取的外号 Rpattz是什么意思

暮光之城男主是罗伯特帕丁森。。英文名就是Robert Pattinson 然后也就是这名字的简写+缩写+昵称。。。,,另一个昵称是Rob没什么特别的意义,就是粉丝喜欢叫他Rpattz。。。。但是他本人不太喜欢这个名字。。他自己告诉“MTV新闻” ,他不喜欢任何外号,他说“‘Rpattz"(也就是粉丝叫的这个名字)听起来像一种抗酸剂或者别的东西,这一定是傻瓜想出来的”“我希望人们可以创造一些新名字,比如Spunk,我希望是“Ransom Spunk” 或者 “Spunk Ransom”。,,,他说的这个Spunk Ransom ,字面解释有勇气赎jin之意。希望对你有所帮助~~具体的其他花边可以参考百度百科~


(HELLO x 4)How many 恋爱中的人?I can see 很快就能明白了怀抱着赤裸的嫉妒察觉到了不同的自己危险的梦境 我触碰到了的话那该怎么办呢?ah 在通往乐园的路上不停地憧憬着但是呢,我有一点够不到跳进去的高度啊对着这样狼狈的我你一定会微笑吧魅惑人心的温柔的恶魔啊(HELLO x 2)Don"t stop 装作毫不在意Anytime 等待得心焦热情 这是人最难以对付的感觉在眼眸的深处映着的影子里因为察觉到了“无法实现”的事实所以想要忘记啊但是在通往乐园的路上不停地憧憬着贴近一点点也好,只要把眼睛闭起来就行了对于这样的我你一定很厌恶吧魅惑人心的冷酷的恶魔啊明明要是当初没有遇见的话现在一切就很好地解决了say hello say goodbye将要开始的预兆 停不下来虽然很不甘心 但是喜欢上了啊在你这样的背影中我开始了哭泣大概就是这样了吧 一定回不到最初了到底何时我能够在你的梦中出现呢微微笑着的可爱的恶魔啊(HELLO x 4)罗马音(HELLO x 4)How many koishiteru no? I can see sugu ni wakaru wa makka na Jealousy kakaete chigau jibun ni kitsuiteiru kiken na yume, furetakunaru doukashiteruah rakuen no saki ni akogareteiru demo ne chotto tobikomenaiwa konna atashi no koto anata kitto warau desho? madowaseru yasashii akuma (HELLO x 2) Don"t stop kinonaifurishite Anytime machi kogareru jyounetsu sore wa tegowai hitomi no oku utsuru kage ni kanawanai ki ga suru kara wasuretai wa demo rakuen no saki ni akogare teiru yorisoe ba mewo tojiru dake sonna atashi datta ra anata kitto kirau desho? madowaseru tsumetai akuma isso deawanakattara yokatta no ni say hello say goodbye hajimari no yokan tomerarenai kuyashii kedo sukininaru sono ushirosugata ni naketekuru kara tabun sou kitto modorenai ne itsuka atashi datte anata muchuu ni saseru hohoemu no kawaii akuma (HELLO x 4)————————————

外贸中的BULK PACKED是什么意思

麻烦下面楼主不懂别误人bulk 大货 也可用Mess

外贸中的BULK PACKED是什么意思

BULK PACKED在外贸英语中是散装货的意思。散装货物是指不加包装,基本上以其自然形态装上车、船、飞机等运输工具运送的进出境货物。主要为粮食、矿石、水泥、原油、废钢铁等块状、粒状、粉状以及液态的大宗货物。为加速通关、疏通进出境国际运输,中国海关对散装货物一般不予查验,受理申报和办结有关纳税手续后径予放行。扩展资料:外贸英语常见专业术语被通知人 NOTIFY PARTY收货人 CONSIGNEE提单号码 B/L NO船名 NAME OF VESSEl装货港 PORT OF LOADING卸货港 PORT OF DISCHARGE货名 DISCRIPTION OF GOODS件数和包装种类(NUMBER AND KIND OF PACKAGES唛头 SHIPPING MARKS毛重,尺码 GROSS WEIGHT,MEASUREMENT运费和费用 FREIGHT AND CHARGES码头附加费 yard surcharges-yas旺季附加费 peak season sucharges-pss发货人 shipper-s/(shpr)装货指示书 shipping order-s/o卖价 selling rate-s/r服务合同 service contract-sc码头操作费 terminal operations option-t.o.c码头收柜费 terminal receiving charge-t.r.c


最近的爬虫项目里涉及往ES中大量写入数据,因此做了一些调研。 总而言之,py-elasticsearch库推荐使用helper.bulk相关函数进行批量写入(实际是批量执行,不仅限于写入),而bulk有三个相关函数: 官方文档: 结论:如果对写入耗时要求不高,用bulk()即可;如果需要判断每一条写入的返回状态,用streaming_bulk();追求速度的话,用parallel_bulk()。

惠普pavilion x2 10-j013tu怎么样

总结:一直就想着买PC平板二合一的 64G的内存与笔记本的当然没得比 但用于外出办公是够用的 也方便 平板和键盘是磁点相吸的这个觉得少了点安全感 开机速度挺快 开机时只要轻轻按一下电源键 而不是像手机那样长按开机键 几秒就能开机了 总体挺满意的

英语:根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 confused; unusual; pardon; introduce; mistake


what do you do thursdays,grandpa


natural parents birth parents biological parents有什么区别

这三个parents的意思基本是相同的 区别不大 三者都是指亲生父母 尤其是birth parents和biological parents的意思是完全相同的 可以相互替换着用硬要说有区别的话是 birth parents(生身父母)和biological parents(生物学意义上的父母)两个更侧重于指那种把孩子(私生子)送人领养的未婚父母 生父生母 生身父母 非领养父母



two-dimensional blue native 是什么方法?原理和sds-page有什么不一样?

作用原理 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳是网状结构,具有分子筛效应,它有两种形式,一种是非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶,蛋白质在电泳中保持完整的状态,蛋白在其中依三种因素分开:蛋白大小,形状和电荷。 而SDS-PAGE仅根据蛋白分子量亚基的不同而分离蛋白。这个技术首先是1967年由shapiro建立,他们发现在样品介质和丙烯酰胺凝胶中加入离子去污剂和强还原剂后,蛋白质亚基的电泳迁移率主要取决于亚基分子量的大小,电荷因素可以忽视。 SDS是阴离子去污剂,作为变性剂和助溶试剂,它能断裂分子内和分子间的氢键,使分子去折叠,破坏蛋白分子的二。三级结构。而强还原剂如巯基乙醇,二硫苏糖醇能使绊胱氨酸残基间的二硫键断裂。在样品和凝胶中加入还原剂和SDS后,分子被解聚成多肽链,解聚后的氨基酸侧链和SDS结合成蛋白- SDS胶束,所带的负电荷大大超过了蛋白原有的蛋白量,这样就消除了不同分子间的电荷差异和结构差异。 SDS-PAGE一般采用的是不连续缓冲系统,于连续缓冲系统相比,能够有较高的分辨率。 浓缩胶的作用是有堆积作用,凝胶浓度较小,孔径较大,把较稀的样品加在浓缩胶上,经过大孔径凝胶的迁移作用而被浓缩至一个狭窄的区带。当样品液和浓缩胶选TRIS/HCL缓冲液,电极液选TRIS/甘氨酸。电泳开始后,HCL解离成氯离子,甘氨酸解离出少量的甘氨酸根离子。蛋白质带负电荷,因此一起向正极移动,其中氯离子最快,甘氨酸根离子最慢,蛋白居中。电泳开始时氯离子泳动率最大,超过蛋白,因此在后面形成低电导区,而电场强度与低电导区成反比,因而产生较高的电场强度,使蛋白和甘氨酸根离子迅速移动,形成以稳定的界面,使蛋白聚集在移动界面附近,浓缩成一中间层

Thinkpad T440s smart card


英语问题,为什么这里的冠词用an 不用 a On an n-dimensional complex space Cn the most common norm

不定冠词用法有规定:冠词后面的单词如果是以辅音开头,就用a;如果后面的单词是以元音开头(注意是读音计,不是字母计),就用an。这里n-dimensional 是以[en]开头,[e]是元音。


ipadimim4有信息是提醒的,会不会是设置了不通知啊!在设置通知中心里面进行设置。可以按照如下步骤设置:首先我们打开手机中中的设置,在设置界面中点击更多应用选项;然后我们在应用管理界面中点击【微信】;点击之后我们再点击【通知管理】;将【允许通知】功能右侧的开关打开。苹果iPad是由英国出生的设计主管乔纳森·伊夫(Jonathan Ive,或译为乔纳森·艾维)领导的团队设计的,这个圆滑、超薄的产品反映出了伊夫对德国天才设计师Dieter Rams的崇敬之情。iPad是由苹果公司于2010年开始发布的平板电脑系列,定位介于苹果的智能手机iPhone和笔记本电脑产品之间,(屏幕中有4个虚拟程序固定栏)与iPhone布局一样,提供浏览网站、收发电子邮件、观看电子书、播放音频或视频、玩游戏等功能。由于采用ARM架构,不能兼容普通PC台式机和笔记本的程序,可以通过安装由Apple提供的iWork套件进行办公,可以通过iPadOS第三方软件预览和编辑Microsoft Office和PDF文件。苹果平板电脑iPad,分为无线局域网和无线局域网+Cellular两个版本,新旧共有16GB、32GB、64GB、128GB、256GB、512GB、1TB和2TB,8种容量。从外观上看,iPad就是一个大号的iPhone或者iPod Touch,运行的是iOS(2019年起改为iPad OS)的操作系统,并采用主频为1GHz+的苹果处理器,支持多点触控,内置了地图、日历、视频、itunes store等应用,同时还可以运行所有App Store64位的程序,但是不能打电话。




xpath获取同级节点 XPath轴(XPath Axes)可定义某个相对于当前节点的节点集: 1、child 选取当前节点的所有子元素 2、parent 选取当前节点的父节点 3、descendant 选取当前节点的所有后代元素(子、孙等) 4、ancestor 选取当前节点的所有先辈(父、祖父等) 5、descendant-or-self 选取当前节点的所有后代元素(子、孙等)以及当前节点本身 6、ancestor-or-self 选取当前节点的所有先辈(父、祖父等)以及当前节点本身 7、preceding-sibling 选取当前节点之前的所有同级节点 8、following-sibling 选取当前节点之后的所有同级节点 9、preceding 选取文档中当前节点的开始标签之前的所有节点 10、following 选取文档中当前节点的结束标签之后的所有节点 11、self 选取当前节点 12、attribute 选取当前节点的所有属性 13、namespace 选取当前节点的所有命名空间节点 如:要定位当前td同级后的一个td//td[.="text"]/following-sibling::td

英语选词填空:It is the first question parents ask when

It"s the first question parents ask when their child is diagnosed with autism (自闭症). Will his future brothers or sisters have a higher risk of __47__ it, too?According to the largest study of siblings (兄弟姐妹) in families with autism, the answer is yes. Among 664 children who had at least one older sibling with the developmental disorder, the __48__ risk of autism was nearly 19%, __49__ higher than previous sibling-recurrence estimates that were anywhere from 3% to 10%. Kids with more than one older autistic sibling had an even higher risk of the disorder: 32%.The __50__ suggest that genes play a key role in autism risk. But they also hint that other environmental factors __51__ by siblings, like influences in the womb (子宫), may be important as well.On the __52__ of the findings, the researchers recommend that doctors closely __53__ younger siblings of autistic children to pick up any early signs of the disorder, __54__ an unusually large head or delayed language development and communication skills. Evidence suggests that early __55__ and diagnosis of autism can help children take advantage of therapies that can treat some of its __56__.47 F 48 A 49 H 50 L 51 M52 B 53 J 54 I 55 E 56 O


I go to Park school in Oxford, England. 我去英国牛津帕克学校。


packages 就是很多东西的集合,可以把存储过程,函数等东西组合,封装起来,然后调用即可。可以理解成一个是苹果,直接可以吃,一个是一个礼品盒,里面各种水果,想吃苹果可以调出礼品盒后吃。

impact的词性转换 其动词是什么

impact既可以作名词,也可以作动词,所以动词就是他自己 impactorganic 有机的组织的(形容词)



influence impact effect affect有什么区别

affect: 动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响。To affect a policy is to have an effect on it.影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all.这条消息对她没有一点影响。impress: 强调影响既深刻又持久。effect: 名词(可数或不可数),affect=have an effect on。effect有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。指因某种原因直接产生的结果,着重持续稳定与其影响。They effected their escape in the middle of the night.他们半夜逃脱了。He effected great changes in the company.他使公司发生了巨大的变化。influence: 表示“影响”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。可用作动词(及物)或名词(通常不可数,但有时可连用不定冠词)。What you read influences your thinking.你读的东西对你的思想有影响。It"s clear that her painting has been influenced by Picasso.她的画显然受了毕加索的影响。Television has a strong influence on people.电视对人有很大的影响。impact主要指“冲击,对主语碰撞的影响”,如the impact of science on/upon modern development(科技对于现代发展的影响)。注意句中science后的介词用on或upon;consequence: 多指随某一事件引起的,必然或自然的不良结果,不强调直接的因果关系,而侧重事件发展的逻辑关系。result: 普通用词,含义广泛,侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果,而不是眼前的结果。outcome: 普通用词,多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局,而不是某种原因的直接结果。常可与result通用。


impact没有副词形式; impact n. 巨大影响;撞击;冲撞; vt. 挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; vi. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧 扩展资料   This tennis racket absorbs shock on impact.   这个网球拍能减轻撞击所产生的`剧烈震动。   Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.   她的讲话对每个人都有深远的影响。   The two wings of the aircraft broke off on impact.   该飞机的两个机翼因受到撞击而脱落。   Such schemes mean little unless they impact people.   除非能对人们造成影响,否则这样的计划意义不大。   Airbags are designed to soften the impact of a car crash.   气囊用来减轻汽车碰撞的冲击力。



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impact作名词时,有“ 影响;冲击力;撞击”的意思,作动词时,有“ 挤入;压紧;撞击;对 ... 发生影响”的意思。 扩展资料 impact作为名词时,有“ 影响;冲击力;撞击”的意思,作为动词时,有“ 挤入;压紧;撞击;对 ... 发生影响”的`意思,常用的词汇搭配有:have〔make〕 an impact on 对…有〔产生〕影响;considerable〔great〕 impact 巨大的影响。


impact n. 巨大影响;撞击;冲撞 vt. 挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响 impact作为影响、作用的意思时,是可数名词,复数为impacts。作为撞击、碰撞、撞击力的意思时,是不可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.   这次金融危机对小市民的"影响大得多。   On television he made an even stronger impact as an interviewer.   他作为采访者在电视上造成了更大的影响。   It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas.   还需要再过几年才能判断这些思想的影响。

effect, affect 和 impact 怎么使用?

effect:have an effect on ···(effect 名词)affect: 是及物动词,直接跟宾语, affect sth.=have an effect on sth.impact : have/ make an impact on··· = have an effect on ···=affect···(impact 名词)三者之间基本没有意义的区分。只是搭配而已。作为“影响”来说,affect是动词,effect和impact 都只做名词。还不够明白?


当作影响、作用解时属于可数名词,不过多用作单数,常以 a+形容词+impact 的形式出现。当作撞击、冲撞解时属于不可数名词。1、They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country...他们称他们预期会议对国家的未来会产生显著影响。2、The major impact of this epidemic worldwide is yet to come...这种传染病在世界范围内的重大影响还未完全显现。3、The plane is destroyed, a complete wreck: the pilot must have died on impact...飞机遭到毁坏,完全成了一堆残骸:飞行员肯定死于撞击。4、A running track should be capable of absorbing the impact of a runner"s foot landing on it.跑道应该能够吸收奔跑者踩踏地面时产生的撞击力。


impact是一个英语单词,名词、动词,作名词时意思是“影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力”,作及物动词时意思是“影响;撞击;冲突;压紧”,作不及物动词时意思是“冲击;产生影响”。 短语: impact test冲击测试 ;[力]冲击试验 ; 冲辉验 ; 撞击测试 impact factor影响因子 ; 影响指数 ; 影响因素 扩展资料   So what impact should this have on how I treat my child?   受到上述理念的影响,我应该如何对待我的孩子?   I have to question the impact of these functions.   公平合理,我不得不怀疑这些功能的.影响。   I want us to be judged by the impact we have on the health of the people of Africa, and the health of women.   特别是两组特别人群组。 我希望以我们对非洲人民的健康,对妇女健康产生的影响来评价我们的工作。
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