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金立m6pluspatching system image unconditionally什么意思

patching system image unconditionally中文意思是:无条件地修补系统映像,可按住电源键重启手机,如无法解决将手机送至售后修复系统

意大利面的种类有哪些(pasta’s type),要英文的.急需!

Spaghetti 朋友S说,意大利面食pasta,除实心粉spaghetti外,还有通心粉macaroni,宽面条lasagna,有肉馅做小方块形的意大利馄饨(云吞)ravioli,细长面条tagliatelle以及细线状的细面vermicelli(我们将“粉丝”译作vermicelli,原是意大利细面借之名)。 意大利是欧洲第一个吃面食的国家。十三世纪时马可波罗从中国传去制面食方法后,大受欢迎,特别是实心意粉spaghetti,以其容易烹调,可以配上各种佐料, 很快就风行全国。不过那时没有刀叉可用,因此吃的都是无汤汁的实心意粉,便于用手抓送入口。现在的肉汁意粉(spaghetti with meat sauce),是后来才出现的吃法。当然,马可波罗当年在中国也吃过我们的牛肉汤面或者排骨汤面。但是有汤的spaghetti乃至以之作汤的spaghetti soup,全是后来出现的意粉吃法。 Spaghetti一词源于意大利语spago,意思是一条线。一条意粉是spaghetto,通常用复数的spaghetti。意粉一碟,面条杂乱,因此车辆往来多,交通混乱的街口称为 spaghetti junction。

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others!!!是什么意思


意大利面 PASTA

sorry i cannot help u !!

iPad mini2怎么查序列号? 序列号:DQWLQP8LFCM8 型号:ME279CH/A

【uf8ff备注】一切以<a href=" ">官网查询</a >为准[DQWLQP8LFCM8]信息:<a href="">点击查看参考价格</a >设备名称:iPad mini 2产品类型:iPad颜色:银色容量:16GB有效购买日期:是激活状态:未激活电话支持:硬件保修:剩余保修:0天产地:中国(成都)出厂日期:2013-11-18/2013-11-24ID激活锁状态:<a href="">点击这里</a 销售地(国家版本):[设置/通用/关于本机/型号]忽略/A最后两位CH为国行,ZP港行,KH韩版,LL美

ipad mini 序列号DQTKXDJSF196怎么辨别真伪

iPad Mini(WIFI) 16GB 白色序列号:DQTKXDJSF196设备名称:iPad mini容 量:16GB颜 色:白色类 型:iPad2,5代 号:p105ap型 号:MD531激活状态:未激活生产日期:2013年06月25日 - 2013年07月01日生产工厂:中国(富士康) {全新机,请放心使用}______________________________________________________________________例:苹果型号MD513CH/A国行机 系统升级6.1以上则带/A版本【手机——设置——通用——关于本机】查看型号只有自己在机器才能查到 最后两位CH为国行,ZP为港行,LL为美版机,TA为台湾版,ZA为新加坡版,KH为韩版。最后一位C是加拿大版,X是澳洲版,B为英国版,F为法国版(即为销售地区)。 注意:全新的机器:激活状态 至 硬件保修一年整(比如:你今年1月买的,那么保修就应该到明年1月份,总之1年的保修时间要完整)二手的机器:硬件保修:已过期 则机器使用过一年,一般查不到激活日期 翻新的机器:未生产先激活,生产日期比激活日期还要晚具体情况对应上面查询的信息,核对自己的购买激活日期 电话支持:全新苹果设备有三个月有效期,可以给苹果线商店和售后支持免费打电话咨询产地中国:苹果机子几乎是富士康代工生产的,所以产地是显示中国是否有锁:(手机)一般来说,用卡贴 则有锁(也可以拿张sim卡试一下,有信号即是无锁)水货机器 过关需要提前激活 ,所以激活日起比购买日期提前一个月是正常的(此情况主要针对的港版机,一般都是先订货然后在香港那边激活再过海关,由于带着整个包装盒过海关会被收税,所以他们都是单独带着手机,寄给你的时候可能会发现包装盒上和手机内的序列号不一样,一切以手机内的序列号为准~) 苹果序列号查询地址百度搜“果粉”或是“苹果园”查询地址:,你可以自行查询。如有任何问题,欢迎追问希望能帮助到你,望采纳为满意答案。(我的回答左下角有个“采纳为满意答案按钮”,点之~) O(∩_∩)O谢谢


Japan, a country that holds a unique position in the world with its fascinating blend of old and new cultures. The land of the rising sun is known for its technological advancements, delicious cuisine, traditional architecture, and picturesque landscapes.One of Japan"s most prominent aspects is its language. Japanese is the official language of Japan and is spoken by more than 128 million people worldwide. It belongs to the Japonic language family, which also includes the Ryukyuan languages. Although Japanese is primarily spoken in Japan, it has become increasingly popular among foreign language learners due to Japan"s economic and cultural influence.Learning Japanese is not an easy feat as it involves mastering three writing systems: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana and katakana are phonetic alphabets used for writing Japanese words, while Kanji consists of Chinese characters that represent entire words or concepts.Understanding Japanese is essential to fully appreciate the rich culture and traditions of Japan, from tea ceremonies and flower arrangement to calligraphy and the art of sushi-making. Additionally, knowing Japanese can open up opportunities for business and employment in various fields such as technology, automotive, and fashion.In conclusion, Japan is a country full of wonders, and learning the Japanese language can deepen one"s understanding and appreciation of its unique culture and traditions.Key vocabulary:- Japonic language family: a language family comprising the Japanese language and several other languages spoken in Japan.- Hiragana: A phonetic alphabet used for writing Japanese words- Katakana: A phonetic alphabet used for writing foreign loanwords in Japanese.- Kanji: Chinese characters used in the Japanese writing system.- Calligraphy: the art of writing beautifully- Tea ceremony: a traditional ceremony involving the preparation and presentation of matcha, a powdered form of green tea- Sushi-making: the art of preparing and serving sushi

我昨天刚买的ipad2 序列号是:DQTGFLMPDKPH 谁能帮我查一下是不是全新的行货机子,万分感谢。


意大利面的种类有哪些(pasta’s type),要英文的.急需!

pasta意大利面食 Types of pasta意大利面食的种类 pasta "asciutta" - 干面 "fresh" pasta, 新鲜面 Brands of pasta主要牌子(干面) Buitoni, Da Cecco, Val Verde and Barilla Pasta shapes形状 在意大利有超过130种不同形状的干面. 1.Alphabets - 字母面(小朋友至爱) 2.Macaroni---通心粉 3.Rotini ("Spirals" or "Twists") -螺旋粉. 4.Angel Hair, Capellini ("Fine Hairs") - 天使细发面. 5.Manicotti - 大通心面(袖筒面) 6.Jumbo Shells -大扇贝面 7.Bow Ties, Farfalle ("Butterflies") -蝴蝶结面 8.Medium Egg Noodles (From "Nudel," German meaning paste with egg) - 蛋面 9.Medium Shells, Conchiglie ("Shells") - 中等扇贝面 10.Ditalini----手指面(顶针面) 11.Wide Egg Noodles---宽边蛋面 ( 12.Spaghetti --长面 13.Orzo ("Barley") - 粒粒面 14.Vermicelli---细面 15.Fusilli ---弯弯面 16.Penne, Mostaccioli---尖尖面 17.Wagon Wheels, Ruote ("Wheels") - 圈圈面(小轮面 ) 18.Lasagne (From "lasanum," Latin for pot) -排面(长扁面) . 19.Radiatore ("Radiators") - 层层面 20.Ziti ("Bridegrooms") - 新郎面. 21.Linguine ("Little Tongues") -中细面 22.Rigatoni ("Large Grooved") -粗通心面

ipad怎么看序列号,我的序列号;DQVK5Y3RF196 苹果官网然后地下有查看服务和支持范围

求kinder ft. paps & skar-funny day (dj narto mix)中文歌词

[00:01.03]有趣的一天[00:01.33]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下啦啦啦啦啦dadum大审判[00:08.79]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下dadum啦啦[00:15.20]wo-ah-这是一个有趣的一天kinder ft. paps & skar-funny day (dj narto mix)中文歌词[00:19.18]只是想逃跑[00:20.75]nomather他们说什么[00:23.22]摇滚,像一块滚石[00:26.19]你永远不会独行禾—[00:30.73]我们有一个秘密的所有creeya[00:34.06]到处我去是有meeya[00:37.94]直到我需要一起唱歌的男孩只想快乐[00:45.21]我唱我melodiiya[00:48.59]我所做的一切都是我的cheeya[00:52.31]直到我一个女孩只是想玩在一起的意思[00:58.58]哦女孩只是想玩[01:02.10]wo-ah-这是一个有趣的一天[01:05.89]只是想逃跑[01:07.70]nomather他们说什么[01:10.08]摇滚,像一块滚石[01:13.20]你不会孤单因为夜晚过去[01:16.83]wo-ah-这是一个有趣的一天[01:20.36]只是想逃跑[01:22.08]nomather他们说什么[01:24.49]摇滚,像一块滚石[01:27.67]你不会孤单我——[01:30.50]我想要给你我的心[01:33.83]只是想成为像星星[01:37.41]我不会唱歌,你想知道我能触摸(笑)[01:44.67]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下啦啦啦啦啦dadum大审判[01:51.68]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下啦啦啦啦啦dadum大审判[01:58.99](武啦啦一)达拉拉拉拉卢姆[02:06.16](武啦啦一)[02:13.47]我们有一个秘密的所有creeya[02:16.90]到处我去是有meeya[02:20.83]直到我需要一起唱歌的男孩只想快乐[02:28.04]我唱我melodiiya[02:31.31]我所做的一切都是我的cheeya[02:33.79]直到我一个女孩只是想玩在一起的意思[02:41.46]哦女孩只是想玩[02:44.99]wo-ah-这是一个有趣的一天[02:48.92]只是想逃跑[02:50.54]nomather他们说什么[02:53.11]摇滚,像一块滚石[02:55.93]你不会孤单因为夜晚过去[02:59.87]wo-ah-这是一个有趣的一天[03:03.19]只是想逃跑[03:04.86]nomather他们说什么[03:07.33]摇滚,像一块滚石[03:10.40]你不会孤单我——[03:13.28]我想要给你我的心啊-啊-啊-啊—[03:28.01]我想要给你我的心[03:31.15]只是想成为像星星[03:34.73]我不会唱歌,你想知道我能触摸[03:41.99]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下啦啦啦啦啦dadum大审判[03:49.00]达啦啦啦啦啦一下一下啦啦啦啦啦dadum大审判[03:56.31](武啦啦一)达拉拉拉拉卢姆[04:03.43](武啦啦一)达拉拉拉拉卢姆


DQTFLC5EDFHY 的查询结果产品型号 iPad 2 产品序列号(SN) DQTFLC5EDFHY 销售地 中国 购买时间 2011年5月10日 保修截止 2012年5月9日 如果现在购买有可能是二手或者翻新,请谨慎

意大利面的种类有哪些(pasta’s type),要英文的.急需!

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: pasta意大利面食 Types of pasta意大利面食的种类 pasta "asciutta" - 干面 "fresh" pasta, 新鲜面 Brands of pasta主要牌子(干面) Buitoni, Da Cecco, Val Verde and Barilla Pasta shapes形状 在意大利有超过130种不同形状的干面. 1.Alphabets - 字母面(小朋友至爱) 2.Macaroni---通心粉 3.Rotini ("Spirals" or "Twists") -螺旋粉. 4.Angel Hair, Capellini ("Fine Hairs") - 天使细发面. 5.Manicotti - 大通心面(袖筒面) 6.Jumbo Shells -大扇贝面 7.Bow Ties, Farfalle ("Butterflies") -蝴蝶结面 8.Medium Egg Noodles (From "Nudel," German meaning paste with egg) - 蛋面 9.Medium Shells, Conchiglie ("Shells") - 中等扇贝面 10.Ditalini----手指面(顶针面) 11.Wide Egg Noodles---宽边蛋面 ( 12.Spaghetti --长面 13.Orzo ("Barley") - 粒粒面 14.Vermicelli---细面 15.Fusilli ---弯弯面 16.Penne, Mostaccioli---尖尖面 17.Wagon Wheels, Ruote ("Wheels") - 圈圈面(小轮面 ) 18.Lasagne (From " *** num," Latin for pot) -排面(长扁面) . 19.Radiatore ("Radiators") - 层层面 20.Ziti ("Bridegrooms") - 新郎面. 21.Linguine ("Little Tongues") -中细面 22.Rigatoni ("Large Grooved") -粗通心面


出厂编号 像人的身份证号 每部都不一样

ipad mini2序列号怎么查, 怎么区分mini1还是2 型号:ME276ZP/A 序列号DQ




商务英语 Level 6 Unit 2 Part 1 Vocabulary【CSR Terminology】

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the idea that a company should help the environment and society. Through CSR programs, businesses can contribute to society while also boosting their own image. Depending on the company, CSR can take on many forms, like philanthropic giving. philanthropy Philanthropy is when a corporation donates money to a cause or organization that helps people. Corporate philanthropy is a common approach to CSR. Typical forms of corporate philanthropy include monetary donations and aid given to non-profit organizations and deprived communities. For example, PepsiCo has a program called Food for Good, which donates healthy meals to children. halo effect The halo effect is a favorable perception people have of a company. If a company has halo effect, customers will overlook its negative aspects in favor of its positive ones. When a company engages in CSR, it can create halo effect for itself. This can improve customer loyalty and give a company a reputation for social responsibility. triple bottom line The triple bottom line refers to people, planet, and profit. Companies engage in CSR because they believe the well-being of people, the planet, and the company are interrelated. People refers to the human capital bottom line. It calls for fair labor practices and beneficial business practices toward the community where the business operates. Planet is the environmental bottom line. It calls for sustainable environmental practices as well as reversing the damage done to the environment. Profit is the economic bottom line. It refers to economic value created by the organization.

谁能告诉我这是什么歌??? 网址

Flo Rida - Whistle

The Painter 歌词

歌曲:The Painter歌手:O-Town发行时间:2001-01-23所属专辑:《O-Town》If I were a painterMixing my colorsHow could I ever find the blue of your eyesThe canvas could neverCapture the light of your smile, of your smileAnd girl if I were a sculptorWorking in marbleI couldn"t hope to copy your perfect faceThe curve of your bodyThe feel of your skinMy hands could neverEver traceSo I try to find the melody as beautiful as youFind the words to say your eyes are bluer than blueFill my voice with the emotion I"m feeling for youAnd now when the beat is so strongI"d give my heart and my soulIf I were an actorI could be someoneSomeone who"d always know the right things to sayBut as soon as I"d see youI"d forget all my linesAnd you"d never know what I feel insideSo I try to find the melody as beautiful as youFind the words to say your eyes are bluer than blueFill my voice with the emotion I"m feeling for youAnd now when the beat is so strongI"d give my heart and my soulThere"s no other wayThat I know to sayBaby how much I love youAnd if only you"d give me a chanceI will try to find the melody as beautiful as youFind the words to say your eyes are bluer than blueFill my voice with the emotion I"m feeling for youAnd now when the beat is so strongI"d give my heart and my soul.........

iPad上的Juggernaut: Revenge of Sovering(剑圣:复仇君主) 神装怎么打??我选的是战士,拿剑的那个职业


The Painter 歌词

歌曲名:The Painter歌手:Rance Allen Group专辑:Stax Profiles - Rance AllenThe Painter- Paul AnkaThe painter paints away the dayAs he paints his life awayWill he rise in Judgement"s eyes or fallWhat a humble life he livesHe never sees the price they giveAnother part of his soul upon a wallLike a lonely soldier facesForeign shores and empty spacesSuch as he - who strokes to free his soulIsolation steeped in sadnessMellowed by the fears of madnessThere he stands as he commands controlDeeper than the eye can seeAnother man"s philosophyWhile he lives the price they give is smallLike a lonely soldier facesForeign shores and empty spacesSuch as he - who strokes to free his soulIsolation steeped in sadnessMellowed by the fears of madnessThere he stands as he commands controlWhen he dies and on that dayThe sky"s as high a price they"ll payWhile he lives the price they give is smallWhile he lives the price they give is small


美国Lollapalooza音乐节:Lollapalooza是1991年开始举办的美国摇滚音乐节,这个老品牌大型音乐活动每天约有7万5千人参加,三天就能动员22万5千名观众。举办时间:2010年8月6日至8月8日地点:芝加哥格兰特花园演出阵容:本届Lollapalooza音乐节上登台的乐队有超过130支乐队和DJ,Lady Gaga、绿日乐队(Green Day)、重组的响声花园乐队(Soundgarden)、加拿大自己摇滚乐团“拱廊之火”(Arcade Fire)、The Strokes以及Phoenix乐队都将作为压轴乐队出席今年的音乐节。,The National、Spoon、Devo、Cypress Hill、Cut Copy、The New Pornographers、R&B女星Erykah Badu、Slightly Stoopid、Grizzly Bear、Gogol Bordello、Chromeo、Wolfmother、Yeasayer和德国著名乐队X Japan都将在本次音乐节上登台献唱。今年Lollapalooza音乐节三天的总票价为215美元,目前已经开始发售。


institute [in·sti·tute || "u026anstu026atuu02d0t /-tjuu02d0t]n. 学会; 协会; 学院v. 创立; 制定; 开始department [de"part·ment || -mu0259nt]n. 部门, 机关, 系




不是 _dirname 是 __dirname,dirname 前边是有两条下划线的。path 模块是 node 自带的,不用另外安装。

last_part=${1#$(dirname $1)/} 怎么理解

这是基于模式的字符串处理 ${1#$(dirname $1)/}shell脚本中()优先级高,先执行dirname $1,dirname shell的命令,取目录名,也就是/home/breeze/ideploy这个值,然后${1#/home/breeze/ideploy/},在$1的变量中(也就是/home/breeze/ideploy/20140508090116.57/)自左而右找第一次匹配到并删除,得出结果20140508090116.57/原理说明:${var#*word}:其中word可以是指定的任意字符功能:自左而右,查找var变量所存储的字符串中,第一次出现的word, 删除字符串开头至一次出现word字符之间的所有字符 最后还有${var##*word} 这种的,可自行验证什么结果

移动支付市场英文可以用pay-mobiled market吗


什么是annual pass

魔兽的吧? 就是在魔兽世界曾经过过新年,就送你暗黑三。 我这么理解的- - 应该没错

人教版必修一it was such fun to watch it run loose in the park为什么可以用loose不是应该用loosely?

loose ,adj.松的,宽的;模糊的;散漫的;自由的vt.释放;不受约束地表达;松开;射出(子弹、箭等)vi.变得松散;发射导弹;开火adv.散漫地n.解放;放任;发射做形容词时, 意思有:1.没绑紧, 与...脱离,分离,2.没捆在一起, 没被物体固定散装的3.不受控制地自由到处移动的, 没被栓着,关闭在某处的loosely 副词, 1.不紧的,松的2.大致上的,不确切的run, 除了有大家最为熟悉的,跑,运行,管理,经营等词义外,还有个用法相当于:be, become, get, 做连系动词,run loose, =become loose, get loose, be loose, 是,变得,无拘束的,自由的,本句,可以理解为:在公园里看到它自由自在的真好玩.

I saw a pretty girl in the park.定语是哪个

介词短语“in the park”是作后置定语。全句意思是:我在公园里看到一个漂亮的女孩。重点词汇:park英[pɑ:k]释义:n.停车场;公园;园区;(球类)运动场。v.停车;停放;置于。例句:用作名词(n)He leaves his car in the hotel car park.他把车停放在旅馆的停车场。词语使用变化:parkn.(名词)。1、park的基本意思是“公园”,是可数名词,其前的介词习惯用in。2、park还有“停车场”的意思,是可数名词。3、park也可指“(公园或统一布局的)专业化地区”。

LOCKON2011国庆版在出现驾驶界面后显示"press pause/break to star"除了F1-F4,F11,F12,ESC键都没反...


98年好莱坞的电影天生一对,英文名The Parent Trap,问个英文台词的问题


税收协定中no participation requirement 什么意思

税收协定中no participation requirement 的意思是"没有参与的要求".

剑5,test1,reading passage1第一类型题

同为这道题困惑。查了朗文词典第五版contemporary的意思,除了当代的,还有【happening or done in the same period】“属于同时期的”。文中说词典是1764-1775年之间编撰的。而Elizabethans的时代是1553-1603。前后差不到两百年。所以,勉强认为是“属于同时期的”吧,选D。另外一篇剑桥真题也有一题和contemporary的意思有牵连,不知道楼主注意到没有。AI人工智能的那篇,有选项说“科幻电影反应了contemporary对AI的理解”,也是最终的正确选项,contemporary同样做【happening or done in the same period】“属于同时期的”理解。个人意见,分享快乐。

Candy Paint 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Paint歌手:Too $Hort专辑:Chase The CatBone Thugs-n-harmony - Candy Paint圆咕噜+大屁股=幸福。。。Woo yea, yea,Excuse me, is that candy paint?Them Bone Boys is backCLEVELAND!!!FULL SURFACE!!!Rollin, rollin, roliinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinHey keep rollin, rollin, rollinWhat you say?I I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Here come grandaddy alway classin ain"t no nigga badda than thatthey know i"m gangsta 24 on my black caddilacAnd as a matter of fact, flipped it and dipped it in some candy paintsuckas get mad cause they cain"tYour boy Lil Layzie comin through all in that black Monte CarloI"m swtichin lanes, givin lanes like it ain"t no tomorrowIma tryna get around cars with no regards for this trafficlook how i yank it, yea i yank it makin it look like it"s magicIf you see that dash strong ya know what to do, ya know what to do, ya know what to doWe was fittin to roll not gon let me roll ?? watchin for them popos mashin down that 71I I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Stomp it bash it with my 350 rocket, Cutlaswhite on white it"s tight from bumper to bumper can"t touch thisFor a little for juice i supercharge ityea his rides tight but ain"t tight like mine cause we workin on different ??I swing my doors open, my doors openmy niggas out in Cleveland swing them doors open, doors openBig bumps, big bumps big trunksTry to let off take it to the other sidelets get high, pimpin while i"m deep into my vibeI"ma come with the cleanest I ain"t gon be seen with these niggas don"t know who the team isI love that i breath with Swizz and Bone, nigga that"s whowe isWhatever the purpose it"s Full Surface what chu call architectsto hard to check and if you don"t move we startin shitI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!Gotta have it nigga my weapon is automatic nigganigga stepped his game up when he came up should have thought about it niggaCause these 24 inches spinnin is usually good for makin they heads twirljust try to be nigga when i journey this worldSwitchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanes, pimpin, switchin lanesWe rollin through your hood like Bone Thugand i doubt if we ever need a gangbang it"s becauseI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Impala sittin on them two foursI I I I I LOhuhuhuhuVE youMy Cutlas with them suicide doorsMove out my wayMove outoutNigga move out my wayMove out my wayWait a minute nowHold a second nowWait a minute nowRIDE ON EM!!!大肉肉~

わたしは、あなたを爱しています?Vraiment?Mannequin?Pas?Est-ce vrai!这是什么意思?

わたしは、あなたを爱しています是 我爱你!Vraiment?Mannequin?Pas?Est-ce vrai!这些就不是什么语言了,(不是英语)

stuffing box packing是什么意思


Houlong will it take meto get to the park中take的用法?

take 花费How long will it take me to get to the park?到公园要花我多长时间?

takes meto the park中文意思

He take me to the park. 翻译:他带我去公园 主+谓+间宾+直宾 亲有问题可以直接问我哦~我是泡泡少儿的于老师

口语考试对话,谁能提供一下三人对话Do you prefer working with a partner or a group or alone




usb摄像头struct v4l2_capability 中的capabilities参数结果是0x4000001代表了什么




求一篇关于how to get on with our parents的作文120词左右

Getting along with parents is crucial for building a healthy and happy family. Here are some tips for improving our relationship with our parents.Firstly, we need to respect our parents. Respect means listening to them, valuing their opinions, and showing appreciation for their efforts. We can do this by seeking their advice, expressing gratitude, and avoiding talking back or being rude.Secondly, communication is essential. We should talk to our parents openly and honestly about our feelings, concerns or problems. We should also listen to their perspective and try to understand where they are coming from.Thirdly, we can show affection towards our parents. A simple hug, a compliment or a thank you note can go a long way in strengthening our family bond.Lastly, we should also help out around the house. Pitching in with household chores or running errands shows that we care about our family and are willing to contribute to its well-being.Overall, getting along with parents requires effort and a willingness to make compromises. By practicing these simple strategies, we can build stronger relationships with our parents and create a more harmonious family dynamic.


哇 很难排呀 得看是什么类型的商品

EMINEM 的一个MV开始有个快要死的黑人 那个黑人是谁 是2PAC吗 歌曲是叫Like Toy Soldiers??


翻译paypal stormpay check e-Gold这几个有关于付款方式的单词





我先给的是意译,【】内是直译Sometimes one life is simply not enough. 有时候,仅活一遍,根本不够。 【有时,一条命是根本不够的。】There are so many things we have to do, should see, would like to experience and if possible, still want to achieve. 世上有那么多事情我们应该去做,应该去看,想要去体验,若有机会,想要实现。 【有这么多的事情,我们要做,要看,想体验,如果可能的话,还是要实现。】We would actually need to lead two lives. 那样我们便需要有两条生命线。 【那样,我们实际需要引领两条命。】Can we be old and young? Wise and childlike at the same time? 我们是否能有老人的睿智而同时有稚气的朝气蓬勃的青春? 【我们能不能古老而又年轻?同时明智和孩子气?】Can nerds also be heart breakers? 书呆子是不是也能是情圣?Can we have every comfort and yet constantly be pushing boundaries? 我们是否能一边享受着现有的舒适,一边不停的推动进步?【我们能不能享受所有的舒适,还不断的打擦边球】Can a hot head also keep a cool head? 一个头脑发热的人能不能冷静的思索?【一个头脑发热的人能不能也保持头脑冷静?】 Can we sit in a salon car while driving a sports car? 我们能不能坐在高级轿车里的同时却在驾驶一辆跑车?Of course we can! We can be anything we want. 当然能!我们无所不能!【我们当然能!我们可以成为任何我们想成为的。】With intellect and with soul. 智慧与灵魂的结合。【用灵魂和智慧】With a salon car born out of over 30,000 racing victories. 一辆从三万场车赛胜出中诞生出的高级轿车。 With a sports car which offers every comfort. 一辆无比舒适的跑车。【一辆跑车提供所有能提供的舒适感】With more power and lower consumption. 更少的消耗,更大的功率/马力 【更多的功率,减少的消耗】With more intelligent functionality and a trendsetting appearance. 更多的智能功能,还有引领潮流的外观Because life is not about compromises, but about thrilling contradictions. 因为生活不应被妥协充斥,而应该充满激情的对立。 【这句不知道怎么翻译比较好,原话是 生活不是关于妥协的,是关于惊险的矛盾 的】The new Panamera. 全新的panamera。

1Mr Black is more than a film star.He often us serving people in need in his spare time and

1.布莱克先生不仅仅是一位影视明星。他空闲时常和我们一起帮助那些需要帮助的人,并捐钱给他们。join sb. in doing sth. 表示加入某人一起做某事2.我父亲想到底凑到钱的方式就是卖掉房子。to get 这里是不定式作定语修饰the way:什么样的way?是get enough money 的way。3.经理告诉秘书公司有什么事都要通知他。首先是tell sb. to do sth. 然后keep表示让。。。处于(或保持)某种状态之下。这里就是让经理处于被通知的状态,因为是秘书通知经理,所以经理是被通知,用被动。4.你通知托尼明天野餐的是了吗?还没。但他一到这我就马上告诉他。inform后加of或about 表示通知。 immediately有一。。。就。。。的意思 5.他上海世博会所有的朋友回来之后就开始跟他分享他们有趣的经历。on 有“在...的时候,在...后立即”的意思希望有用!




creating bean with name "com.liferay.portlet.PortletInstanceFactoryUtil" defined in class path resource [META-INF/portlet-container-spring.xml];注入com.liferay.portlet.PortletInstanceFactoryUtil类时报错,看看你的这个类在Spring中是否配置。

惠普 Pavoloin g6在哪里可以开启蓝牙

您好!感谢您选择惠普产品。 一、首先建议您确认机器本身是否有蓝牙设备,如果您需要确定您机器是否有内置蓝牙,建议您可以参看下面的方法进行判断: 二、如果判断您机器有蓝牙设备,建议您可以打开机器的无线开关(惠普的机器如果需要使用蓝牙大都是需要开启无线才能使用的)按下面的方法连接蓝牙设备看看机器是否可以正常连接: 1、右键桌面右下角的蓝牙图标单击显示Bluetooth设备;点击该窗口左上角位置“添加设备”,此时会显示搜索到的蓝牙设备; 2、双击您要连接的蓝牙设备(或选中该设备后双击)进行配对,此时会提示对方要输入的配对代码,点击“是”,“下一步”进行连接即可 您的采纳是我们前进的动力!如果您认可我的回答,请点击【采纳回答】及【满意】按钮!若您还有任何问题,请不要犹豫,随时追问,我们一定会竭尽全力协助您!

divide 与separate

divide 用于divide into 意思是把一个整体分成若干份.separate 用于separate from 是把由个体组成的群体分成若干份.


corporation n. 公司;法人(团体);社团;conpany n.公司简介 cooperation:n. 合作,协作;[劳经] 协力


divide = 除数, 分开separate = 隔离, 分别在不同地方,


这两个单词是一样的,可以通用。只不过英国人有时也写co-operation。co-operation词性及解释 Part of speech and definition n. 合作Thank You for your Co operation.你的合作。cooperation词性及解释 Part of speech and definition n. 合作, 协力, 配合【化】 合作【经】 合作, 协作例句 Sentences Economic and trade cooperation经贸合作-供参考-梁兆铃



subtitled bottomless japan milf outdoor bicycle miracle是什么意思

subtitled bottomless japan milf outdoor bicycle miracle 字幕日本熟女户外自行车奇迹无底洞

al pacino在《city hall》里的演讲原版台词!

Mayor Pappas (Al Pacino): (Thank you, Reverend.) I was warned not to come here. I was warned. They warned me, "Don"t stand behind that coffin." But why should I heed such a warning when a heartbeat is silent and a child lies dead? "Don"t stand behind" this coffin. That boy was as pure and as innocent as the driven snow. But I must stand here, because I have not given you what you should have. Until we can walk abroad and recreate ourselves, until we can stroll along the streets like boulevards, congregate in parks free from fear, our families mingling, our children laughing, our hearts joined -- until that day we have no city. You can label me a failure until that day.The first and perhaps only great mayor was Greek. He was Pericles of Athens, and he lived some 2500 years ago, and he said, "All things good of this earth flow into the City because of the City"s greatness." Well, we were great once. Can we not be great again? Now, I put that question to James Bone, and there"s only silence. Yet, could not something pass from this sweet youth to me? Could he not empower me to find in myself the strength to have the knowledge to summon up the courage to accomplish this seemingly insurmountable task of making a city livable? Just livable.There was a palace that was a city. It was a palace! It was a palace and it can be a palace again! A palace in which there is no king or queen or dukes or earls or princes, but subjects all -- subjects beholden to each other, to make a better place to live. Is that too much to ask? Are we asking too much for this? Is it beyond our reach?! Because if it is, then we are nothing but sheep being herded to the final slaughterhouse! I will not go down that way!! I choose to fight back!!! I choose to rise, not fall! I choose to live, not die!! And I know, I know that what"s within me is also within you!That"s why I ask you now to join me. Join me, rise up with me; rise up on the wings of this slain angel. We"ll rebuild on the soul of this little warrior. We will pick up his standard and raise it high! Carry it forward until this city -- your city -- our city -- his city -- is a palace of God! Is a palace of God!I am with you, little James.I am you.

solar panel 和solar sell ,solar module 是一样么,有什么区别

solar panel 和 solar module的意思是一样的。 solar cell指的是太阳能电池。solar module中的主要部件是solar cell当然还有其他一些材料。

No gains without pains这句话是什么意思


亲们,现在手头有份词汇学作业,要10个修改过的英语成语比如说 no pains no gains 改成的no money no honey


As the says going,no pains,no gains.So from now on,fighting…


和no pains no gains相似激励别人学习的英语句子有哪些?

A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终。 Adversity makes a man wise, not rich. 逆境出人才。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事总是由难而易。 Care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。Come what may, heaven won"t fall. 做你的吧,天塌不下来。 Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 Creep before you walk. 循序渐进。 Doing is better than saying. 与其挂在嘴上,不如落实在行动上。Genius is nothing but labor and diligence. 天才不过是勤奋而已。 God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。Great hopes make great man. 伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

和no pains no gains相似的英语句子有哪些?用来激励别人学习的祝福语~

Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成

no pains no gains加S正确吗?打扰


英语Paint a Masterpiece怎么翻译?


英语写作 no pains,no gains,with every effort mad

我是一个高考的过来人,高考成绩129分,平时大考碰狗屎运也考过130+的分数。首先我想请阁下明白一个道理冰冻三尺非一日之寒,所以坚持很重要,英语是一门很看重积累的科目。 虽然我高考已经好多年了,而且今年即将大学毕业,踏入社会。但英语一直没有丢,英语一直是我的排头兵!我对英语的自信还有,我觉得学好英语不难,重要的是你要有恒心,急躁冒进,三天打渔两天晒网都是不行的。在这里我就毛遂自荐一下我的学习方法吧: 首先先你要端正心态,不要急躁,,你做你自己的事,这样才能静下心来学习。要成为英语高手就必须比别人走更多的路,做更多的事。你应该明白一个事实,英语是单词和语法的综合,所以单词和语法都要拿下。 其次,对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说,早上记了几个,隔几个小时又看一次,总之一天之内,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以根据自己的理解编顺口溜,比如good morning 是狗摸你…(见笑了)…,第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,一边记单词,一边看文章,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍,第四个。我建议你记单词要分门别类记忆,要形成一个意群,比如,重要性用magnitude magnificence ,表示非常,大大地有exceedingly,tremendously,extremely……这样做在你写作时,是十分有好处的,写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of 或者handsome。再次,是语法。学习语法,首先要明白什么是主谓宾定状补,什么是系动词,什么是直接宾语,间接宾语,这些是学习语法的基础,语法是房子,主谓宾定状补等是沙石砖瓦。然后就要多做一些语法专项练习,并在此过程中不断总结,并时时回顾那些了解,那些依然不理解,需要注意的是,那些不理解的一定要花时间弄清楚,否则对自己的不负责将会导致英语语法一知半解的结局!这对于想成为英语高手的人来说,是十分不利的!(注:本人从开始时不知主谓宾,到熟练掌握语法,把语法书看了不下二十遍,书都翻烂了!莫笑本人愚笨……) 此外,对于完形填空以及阅读理解,那就只能靠平时的练习了,在这个过程中,你要时时总结,纵深对比,千万不要陷入题海战术只做题,不总结的误区当中。在做题的过程中,你把各种体型都总结了一遍,积累了丰富的经验,而且你还提升了自己的阅读速度,一举两得,所以做题是很重要的!其实,完形填空无非就是单项选择加语境分析,也就是说,做完形填空你的语法要好,而且你要积累比较多的固定搭配,短语,特殊用法等,完形填空的语法还是很重要的!对于阅读,我个人感觉是,纯粹是个人经验积累多少的问题,只有保证一定的练习量,你才能用质的提高!最后,我建议你,平时读报,或者做题的时候,发现有好的句子好的词汇,你要抄下来,长期下来,你的作文会有提高的,需要说明的是,这个提高过程可能很缓慢,但是最后能收到很好的效果,以前25分的作文我都能保证在21-23这个级别,靠的就是对语法的熟练掌握和积累了许多较高级的词汇,句型,句子。我个人的理解是,在你的语法达到基本不会出错的程度上,作文便应该以词汇取胜,因为在这个层次上,大家的语法都差不多,没什么变化,唯一有变化的就是你的词汇!给你打个比方吧,很多想到“许多”就用many,但是你别忘了many a ;handsome;massive,innumerable;很多人想到“专家”就写expert,但很少人会想到specialist,很多人在想到“擅长”这词,就写be good at ,却不知还有更高级的表达法:be expert at 或者excel in ……高手和庸才,就体现在这些细微的差别上 !!

do you know the saying no pains no gains

选C saying谚语的意思

There is ____ as a free dinner in this world, as the saying goes, “No pains, no gains.”

C 试题分析:考查such和so的用法。Such后面接名词或者名词性短语;so后面接形容词或者副词;在有些情况下such和so的用法是可以互换的。如so good a student="such" a good student;句意:世界上没有免费的午餐,正如谚语所说:一份耕耘,一份收获。故C正确。点评:such和so的用法一直是考查的重点内容,Such后面接名词或者名词性短语;so后面接形容词或者副词;要特别注意的是在有些情况下such和so的用法是可以互换的。

求一篇No Pains, No Gains的英语作文,150词左右。不要在网上复制。谢谢啊

“‘No pains, no gains",if you want to be successful ,you must work hard .”This is told by my senior English teacher , and also it"s the first that I heard in English class . Until now , I still remembered . As a college student , everyone must experienced a hardship period , especial the three years in high school . We feel pains , and we have gains . In order to take our university dreams become a reality , we had to study all day almost , that"s to say the time that can be used to sleep is only four hours . The following day we would do a great deal of papers and remembered lots of words from morning to night , and others . Even though we extremely tired , we never surrendered . The fact proved that our efferts were not in vain , we were admitted to university we dreamed . From now on , I began to believe not to move or retreat this truth : No pains, no gains .As is known to us , the sky will not fall out,that means no investment , no gain we"ll have . We never see there is a person who can get succeeded without pays . The thing itself will not to chang towards good direction , only the action we take can change . Thereby , in the eve of victory , what is absolutely exist are some pains—our investments .To believe or not to believe , if you want a good future , you should make pains . Born in misery , died of happiness , no pains, no gains .


no pains no gains/ noupeinz nougeinz /耨佩因姿 耨给因姿

no pains,no gains,进行阐述 ,写一篇120字的英语作文,急求


no pains no gains为什么会翻译成一分耕耘一分收获,运用的是翻译的什么技巧

No pains, no gains是“一份耕耘一份收获”的逆式表达,没有耕耘没有收获,语气较为重了点,不同于中国人的引导教育。或许用“Every stroke counts”,含义与“一份耕耘一份收获”更为相近,Stroke是农夫击下的每一锄。而且体现了翻译中讲究的“信达雅”中“雅”。翻译英文谚语和俗语时表现出对称美:对仗工整,词句押韵,语言精炼,表意透切,使谚语或俗语更具有说服力和感染力。 又比如:Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。

no pains no gains怎么读?


求一篇No Pains, No Gains的英语作文,150词左右.不要在网上复制.谢谢啊

“‘No pains, no gains",if you want to be successful ,you must work hard .”This is told by my senior English teacher , and also it"s the first that I heard in English class . Until now , I still remembered . As a college student , everyone must experienced a hardship period , especial the three years in high school . We feel pains , and we have gains . In order to take our university dreams become a reality , we had to study all day almost , that"s to say the time that can be used to sleep is only four hours . The following day we would do a great deal of papers and remembered lots of words from morning to night , and others . Even though we extremely tired , we never surrendered . The fact proved that our efferts were not in vain , we were admitted to university we dreamed . From now on , I began to believe not to move or retreat this truth : No pains, no gains . As is known to us , the sky will not fall out,that means no investment , no gain we"ll have . We never see there is a person who can get succeeded without pays . The thing itself will not to chang towards good direction , only the action we take can change . Thereby , in the eve of victory , what is absolutely exist are some pains—our investments . To believe or not to believe , if you want a good future , you should make pains . Born in misery , died of happiness , no pains, no gains .

no pains,no gains的作文 不少于60字

As we all known No pains ,No gains .Only we had paid for what we did ,we will gain what we want When i was a senior i was a boy who did like to study ,so every test i was failed compeletyly ,since then i realised i should be studied hard .So i became the top student in my class finally .So ,if we working hard in everything we will make it

说一句英文谚语,例如“No pains,no gains.”

Better late than never

no pain no gain 和 no pains no gains是不是都没错.

no pain no gain才是正确说法没第2种说法因为pain和gain都没有复数形式
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