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open pack中文翻译

Very open pack ice 全分离流冰 All across the country homeowners dust off their weber grills , open packs of hot dogs for the children and trays of chicken , steak , or ribs for the *** s , douse lumps of charcoal in evil - *** elpng flammable pquids , and proceed to carbonise the meat , pollute the air , and irritate their stomachs 全国上下,那些有家室的人会把他们的“韦伯”烤架打扫干净,给孩子们打开一袋袋的热狗,给大人们则准备了一盤盤的鸡、牛排和猪排,把一块块的煤浸在气味难闻的易燃液体里,接著把肉炭化,污染空气, *** 人们的胃。

pack of cigarettes造句 pack of cigarettesの例文

At 300 yards, he can hit a pack of cigarettes . Just buying a pack of cigarettes required a convoy of jeeps. I felt pke a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes . Each pack of cigarettes that I saw contained one C-note. The AC adapter is about the size of a pack of cigarettes . The federal tax on a pack of cigarettes is currently 24 cents. A pack of cigarettes costs about 220 yen in Japan. He was *** oking eight packs of cigarettes per day . . .. I was *** oking a couple packs of cigarettes a day. There, a pack of cigarettes costs just a buck. It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的 Baggy jeans are banned and every pack of cigarettes is thoroughly searched. The class costs $ 85, or about 25 packs of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes in Greece is 6.4 percent higher. Well, crack was about as cheap as a pack of cigarettes . That bale makes about 16, 000 packs of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes costs about 35 santims ( 58 cents ). David and Mepnda Hastings were hoping for a few packs of cigarettes . They want each pack of cigarettes to contain a printed insert psting ingredients. You just take the pack of cigarettes and throw them in the garbage. Currently, the federal excise tax is 24 cents per pack of cigarettes . The battery must be recharged after each pack of cigarettes that is *** oked. _How much the price of a pack of cigarettes would be increased. Russians swapped packs of cigarettes for luxuries available only through the black market. One of them greedily grabbed a pack of cigarettes . Benso pulls out a pack of cigarettes , pghts one and sits down. It"s generically labeled and es wrapped pke a pack of cigarettes . The card is about the size and color of a pack of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes now costs about $ 5. That pack of cigarettes he bought o hours ago? Health officials say breathing in haze is pke *** oking several packs of cigarettes . It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的 One takes a pack of cigarettes from a glass display case without paying. An airport custodian once found a hummingbird stuffed in a pack of cigarettes . He stood outside the nursing home, fidgeting with a pack of cigarettes . Off the ice, Lemieux *** oked a half a pack of cigarettes daily. In early episodes, packs of cigarettes are detectable in his shirt pocket. It is spghtly larger than a pack of cigarettes . He *** okes three packs of cigarettes a day. I *** oked at least three packs of cigarettes . "I"ve never seen a kid buy a pack of cigarettes . On it, pke a declaration of war, lay his pack of cigarettes . A pack of cigarettes and a beer can left at the Vietnam War Memorial? He began drinking, using cocaine and *** oking o packs of cigarettes a day. I only needed enough for a bottle of wine and a pack of cigarettes . She had been *** oking a pack of cigarettes a day since she was 15. She would go through a pack of cigarettes . She once wrote that for years she *** oked six packs of cigarettes a day. You can use a pack of cigarettes to lure your enemy into an ambush. A pack of cigarettes went for dlrs 25. Another friend gave me a pack of cigarettes . O"Connor said he *** oked 4 packs of cigarettes a day during filming. It"s difficult to see pack of cigarettes in a sentence. 用 pack of cigarettes 造句挺难的


WPS能帮助用户自动设置网络名(SSID)、配置最高级别的WPA2安全密钥,具备这一功能的无线产品往往在机身上设计有一个功能键,称为WPS按钮,用户只需轻轻按下该按钮或输入PIN码,再经过两三步简单操作即可完成无线加密设置,同时在客户端和路由器之间建立起一个安全的连接。WPA改变了密钥生成方式,更频繁地变换密钥来获得安全。它还增加了消息完整性检查功能来防止数据包伪造。WPA的功能是替代现行的WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy)协议,是继承了WEP基本原理而又解决了WEP缺点的一种新技术。由于加强了生成加密密钥的算法,因此即便收集到分组信息并对其进行解析,也几乎无法计算出通用密钥。

腾达无线上网路由器 设置密码选WPA 、WPA2 还是WEP啊?哪个安全性更好?


无线路由器中 WEP,wpa,wpa2这三种加密方式有什么区别?应该选择哪一种?

目前无线路由器里带有的加密模式主要有:WEP,WPA-PSK(TKIP),WPA2-PSK(AES)和WPA-PSK(TKIP)+WPA2-PSK(AES)。 x0dx0a WEP(有线等效加密) x0dx0a WEP是WiredEquivalentPrivacy的简称,802.11b标准里定义的一个用于无线局域网(WLAN)的安全性协议。WEP被用来提供和有线lan同级的安全性。LAN天生比WLAN安全,因为LAN的物理结构对其有所保护,部分或全部网络埋在建筑物里面也可以防止未授权的访问。 x0dx0a 经由无线电波的WLAN没有同样的物理结构,因此容易受到攻击、干扰。WEP的目标就是通过对无线电波里的数据加密提供安全性,如同端-端发送一样。 WEP特性里使用了rsa数据安全性公司开发的rc4prng算法。如果你的无线基站支持MAC过滤,推荐你连同WEP一起使用这个特性(MAC过滤比加密安全得多)。 x0dx0a 尽管从名字上看似乎是一个针对有线网络的安全选项,其实并不是这样。WEP标准在无线网络的早期已经创建,目标是成为无线局域网WLAN的必要的安全防护层,但是WEP的表现无疑令人非常失望。它的根源在于设计上存在缺陷。在使用WEP的系统中,在无线网络中传输的数据是使用一个随机产生的密钥来加密的。但是,WEP用来产生这些密钥的方法很快就被发现具有可预测性,这样对于潜在的入侵者来说,就可以很容易的截取和破解这些密钥。即使是一个中等技术水平的无线黑客也可以在两到三分钟内迅速的破解WEP加密。 x0dx0a IEEE802.11的动态有线等效保密(WEP)模式是二十世纪九十年代后期设计的,当时功能强大的加密技术作为有效的武器受到美国严格的出口限制。由于害怕强大的加密算法被破解,无线网络产品是被被禁止出口的。然而,仅仅两年以后,动态有线等效保密模式就被发现存在严重的缺点。但是二十世纪九十年代的错误不应该被当著无线网络安全或者IEEE802.11标准本身,无线网络产业不能等待电气电子工程师协会修订标准,因此他们推出了动态密钥完整性协议 TKIP(动态有线等效保密的补丁版本)。 x0dx0a 尽管WEP已经被证明是过时且低效的,但是今天在许多现代的无线访问点和无线路由器中,它依然被支持的加密模式。不仅如此,它依然是被个人或公司所使用的最多的加密方法之一。如果你正在使用WEP加密,如果你对你的网络的安全性非常重视的话,那么以后尽可能的不要再使用WEP,因为那真的不是很安全。 x0dx0a WPA-PSK(TKIP) x0dx0a 无线网络最初采用的安全机制是WEP(有线等效加密),但是后来发现WEP是很不安全的,802.11组织开始著手制定新的安全标准,也就是后来的 802.11i协议。但是标准的制定到最后的发布需要较长的时间,而且考虑到消费者不会因为为了网络的安全性而放弃原来的无线设备,因此Wi-Fi联盟在标准推出之前,在802.11i草案的基础上,制定了一种称为WPA(Wi-FiProctedAccess)的安全机制,它使用TKIP(临时密钥完整性协议),它使用的加密算法还是WEP中使用的加密算法RC4,所以不需要修改原来无线设备的硬件,WPA针对WEP中存在的问题:IV过短、密钥管理过于简单、对消息完整性没有有效的保护,通过软件升级的方法提高网络的安全性。 x0dx0a WPA的出现给用户提供了一个完整的认证机制,AP根据用户的认证结果决定是否允许其接入无线网络中;认证成功后可以根据多种方式(传输数据包的多少、用户接入网络的时间等)动态地改变每个接入用户的加密密钥。另外,对用户在无线中传输的数据包进行MIC编码,确保用户数据不会被其他用户更改。作为 802.11i标准的子集,WPA的核心就是IEEE802.1x和TKIP(TemporalKeyIntegrity Protocol)。 x0dx0a WPA考虑到不同的用户和不同的应用安全需要,例如:企业用户需要很高的安全保护(企业级),否则可能会泄露非常重要的商业机密;而家庭用户往往只是使用网络来浏览Internet、收发E-mail、打印和共享文件,这些用户对安全的要求相对较低。为了满足不同安全要求用户的需要,WPA中规定了两种应用模式:企业模式,家庭模式(包括小型办公室)。根据这两种不同的应用模式,WPA的认证也分别有两种不同的方式。对于大型企业的应用,常采用“802.1x+EAP”的方式,用户提供认证所需的凭证。但对于一些中小型的企业网络或者家庭用户,WPA也提供一种简化的模式,它不需要专门的认证服务器。这种模式叫做“WPA预共享密钥(WPA- PSK)”,它仅要求在每个WLAN节点(AP、无线路由器、网卡等)预先输入一个密钥即可实现。 x0dx0a 这个密钥仅仅用于认证过程,而不用于传输数据的加密。数据加密的密钥是在认证成功后动态生成,系统将保证“一户一密”,不存在像WEP那样全网共享一个加密密钥的情形,因此大大地提高了系统的安全性。 x0dx0a WPA2-PSK(AES) x0dx0a 在802.11i颁布之后,Wi-Fi联盟推出了WPA2,它支持AES(高级加密算法),因此它需要新的硬件支持,它使用CCMP(计数器模式密码块链消息完整码协议)。在WPA/WPA2中,PTK的生成依赖PMK,而PMK获的有两种方式,一个是PSK的形式就是预共享密钥,在这种方式中 PMK=PSK,而另一种方式中,需要认证服务器和站点进行协商来产生PMK。 x0dx0a IEEE802.11所制定的是技术性标准,Wi-Fi联盟所制定的是商业化标准,而Wi-Fi所制定的商业化标准基本上也都符合IEEE所制定的技术性标准。WPA(Wi-FiProtectedAccess)事实上就是由Wi-Fi联盟所制定的安全性标准,这个商业化标准存在的目的就是为了要支持 IEEE802.11i这个以技术为导向的安全性标准。而WPA2其实就是WPA的第二个版本。WPA之所以会出现两个版本的原因就在于Wi-Fi联盟的商业化运作。 x0dx0a 我们知道802.11i这个任务小组成立的目的就是为了打造一个更安全的无线局域网,所以在加密项目里规范了两个新的安全加密协定_TKIP与 CCMP(有些无线网路设备中会以AES、AES-CCMP的字眼来取代CCMP)。其中TKIP虽然针对WEP的弱点作了重大的改良,但保留了RC4演算法和基本架构,言下之意,TKIP亦存在著RC4本身所隐含的弱点。因而802.11i再打造一个全新、安全性更强、更适合应用在无线局域网环境的加密协定-CCMP。所以在CCMP就绪之前,TKIP就已经完成了。 x0dx0a 但是要等到CCMP完成,再发布完整的IEEE802.11i标准,可能尚需一段时日,而Wi-Fi联盟为了要使得新的安全性标准能够尽快被布署,以消弭使用者对无线局域网安全性的疑虑,进而让无线局域网的市场可以迅速扩展开来,因而使用已经完成TKIP的IEEE802.11i第三版草案 (IEEE802.11i draft3)为基准,制定了WPA。而于IEEE完成并公布IEEE802.11i无线局域网安全标准后,Wi-Fi联盟也随即公布了WPA第2版 (WPA2)。 x0dx0a WPA = IEEE 802.11i draft 3 = IEEE 802.1X/EAP +WEP(选择性项目)/TKIP x0dx0a WPA2 = IEEE 802.11i = IEEE 802.1X/EAP + WEP(选择性项目)/TKIP/CCMP x0dx0a 还有最后一种加密模式就是WPA-PSK(TKIP)+WPA2-PSK(AES),这是目前无线路由里最高的加密模式,目前这种加密模式因为兼容性的问题,还没有被很多用户所使用。目前最广为使用的就是WPA-PSK(TKIP)和WPA2-PSK(AES)两种加密模式。相信在经过加密之后的无线网络,一定能够让我们的用户安心放心的上网冲浪。




wpa 即为水渍险,意思是单独海损赔付,是海上运输保险的主要险别之一,它高过平安险( FPA ),但小于一切险(All Of Risks)。水渍险的职责范畴除开包含"平安险"的各类义务外,还承担被保险货品因为极端气候、雷击、海啸、地震等自然灾害所产生的部分损害。而平安险平安险这一名字在中国保险领域中沿用甚久,其英语本意就是指单独海损不承担赔付。依据国际保险界对单独海损的表述,它就是指保险担保物在海洋运输中途遭到保险范畴内的风险直接导致的船只或货品的损毁或危害。因而,平安险的原先确保范畴只赔所有损害


WPA 全名为 Wi-Fi Protected Access,也就是无线保护程序。有WPA 和 WPA2两个标准,是一种保护无线电脑网路(Wi-Fi)安全的系统。WPA 是前期开发的标准。WPA2是WPA的改进型,但因为兼容性的问题不能用在某些古老的网卡上。这两个都提供优良的保全能力连接wifi时,提示wpa或wpa2进行保护,说明要连接的wifi网络,已经进行了wpa/wpa2加密保护,需要正确输入wifi密码,验证成功以后,才能使用wifi网络。这是一种对wifi网络的有效保护手段,可以禁止未经授权的私自连接。


wpa/wpa2是无线网加密类型。WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK是经常设置的加密类型,这种加密类型安全性能高,而且设置也相当简单,不过需要注意的是AES和TKIP两种加密算法。连接wifi出现wpa/wpa2:连接wifi时,提示wpa或wpa2进行保护,说明要连接的wifi网络,已经进行wpa/wpa2加密保护,需要正确输入wifi密码,验证成功以后,才能使用wifi网络。这是一种对wifi网络的有效保护手段,可以禁止未经授权的私自连接。相关漏洞问题:理论上所有 WiFi 网络都有危险。这些弱点是 WiFi 标准自身就有的,并不是某个独立产品或某种实现(implementations)。因此,任意 WPA2 协议的实现都可能受影响。Android、Linux、Apple、Windows、OpenBSD、MediaTek、Linksys 等平台/设备都有可能受某些变种攻击的影响。这个漏洞是昨天在网上开始传播开来的,让人比较意外的是,苹果得知信息后,就在的 iOS 11.1、watchOS 4.1 和 tvOS 11.1的新测试版中,修复了 WPA2 漏洞。

wpa是什么意思 wpa的含义

1、wpa是世界精神病学协会的简称。2、WPA使用临时密钥完整性协议TKIP(TemporalKeyIntegrityProtocol)的加密是必选工页。TKIP使用一个新的加密算法取代了WEP ,比WEP 的加密算法更强壮,同时还能使用现有的无线硬件上提供的计算工具去实行加密的操作。


这是WiFi的一种加密方式,在此之前还有有线等效保密( WEP )是世界上使用最广泛的 Wi-Fi 安全算法。但因其漏洞多,2004年停用。wpa于2003年推出,采用256位加密算法,只是虽然比WEP安全性高,但WPA 标准仍然不够安全。 TKIP 是 WPA 的核心组件,设计初衷是全为对现有 WEP 设备进行固件升级。因此, WPA 必须重复利用 WEP 系统中的某些元素,最终也被黑客利用。WPA 标准于2006年正式被 WPA2 取代。 WPA 和 WPA2 之间最显着的变化之一是强制使用 AES 算法和引入 CCMP (计数器模式密码块链消息完整码协议)替代 TKIP 。  目前, WPA2 系统的主要安全漏洞很不起眼(漏洞利用者必须进行中间人模式攻击,从网络内部获得授权,然后延续攻击网络上的其它设备)。因此, WPA2 的已知漏洞几乎都限制在企业级网络,所以,讨论 WPA2 在家庭网络上是否安全没有实际意义。



heavy pack ice造句 heavy pack iceの例文 "heavy pack ice"是什麼意思

That evening, heavy pack ice pletely crushed the pfeboat. It reached Ross Island on 4 January 1911 after ing in contact with severe storms and heavy pack ice . She encountered heavy pack ice on 3 February, north of the South Orkney Islands, which forced her to manoeuvre. Conditions, which are never good there, were unusually bad that year, and heavy pack ice quickly surrounded the boat. However, by the following day heavy pack ice was sighted in the morning and in the afternoon a gale developed. She sailed from Hvalfj鰎饀r on 8 April and put into Akureyri on 13 April due to heavy pack ice and dense fog. On 6 December 1948, while the ship was operating in heavy pack ice , a shifting floe sprung a leak in her port chain locker. They were to be picked up on after the pletion of further geological work, but due to heavy pack ice , the ship was unable to reach them. Heavy pack ice along the Newfoundland and Labrador shelf waters prevented icebergs from being carried to shore and forced them to enter shipping lanes to the south. Due to heavy pack ice and the start of an early winter, " Mabel E . Holland " remained in the ice for o full years at this location. It"s difficult to see heavy pack ice in a sentence. 用 heavy pack ice 造句挺难的 Caught in heavy pack ice and unable to manoeuvre, " Aurora ", with eighteen men aboard, was carried into the open waters of the Ross Sea and Southern Ocean, leaving ten men stranded ashore with meagre provisions. When " Whitewood " and " Edisto " tried to force their way through the ice to depver needed supppes to the station at Spdre Fjord, the heavy pack ice damaged " Whitewood"s " bow sheathing, steering engine, and propeller, necessitating her return to Boston for repairs. No pack ice was encountered before they were south of the Antarctic Circle, and they were able to proceed *** oothly until, on 3 March, heavy pack ice stopped the ship at 72?8"S, 17?9"W . A sounding was taken, reveapng a sea-depth of, pared to the which had been the general measurement up to that date.


WAPI即Wireless LAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure的英文简称,它的中文意思为无线局域网鉴别和保密基础结构。它是一种安全协议。当苹果手机启用WAPI以后,主要是增强WiFi网络的安全性,默认是关闭的状态;用户自己可以启用,并不影响用户上网,所以不管是启用还是关闭WAPI,没有没有变化。WAPI证书的作用1、安全WAPI采用了更加合理的双向认证加密技术,实现了设备的身份鉴别、链路验证、访问控制和用户信息在无线传输状态下的加密保护。彻底扭转WLAN采用多种安全机制并存且互不兼容的现状,从根本上解决安全问题和兼容性问题。2、利益驱使,想要进入中国市场,必须要通过中国无线局域网的强制标准,而WAPI证书便是敲门砖。这样一来,便可以收取费用。


无线路由器的WPA加密功能解析   无线路由器加密知识相信对大多数新手朋友来说还是比较陌生的,我通过下面介绍,加深大家对路由器的无线网加密功能的了解,希望对你有帮助!   一、无线局域网的安全技术涉及到很多的领域,那么我们要怎样去面对WPA技术和WEP技术呢?这里就详细的说明一下,对于加密,WPA技术使用临时密钥完整性协议的加密是必选项,TKIP使用了一个新的加密算法取代了WEP,比WEP的加密算法更强壮,同时还能使用现有的无线硬件上提供的计算工具去实行加密的操作。   二、WEP是数据加密算法,它不是一个用户认证机制,WPA技术用户认证是使用802.1X和扩展认证协议来实现的,在802.11标准里,802.1X身份认证是可选项,在WPA里802.1X身份认证是必选项,对于加密,WPA技术使用临时密钥完整性协议的加密是必选项,TKIP使用了一个新的加密算法取代了WEP,比WEP的加密算法更强壮,同时还能使用现有的无线硬件上提供的计算工具去实行加密的操作。   三、TKIP提供的重要的数据加密增强型内容包括:每包密钥混合功能,称为Michael的信息完整性检查,有先后次序规则的扩展初始向量,和再生密钥机制,并通过这些增强量,TKIP弥补了WEP所有的弱点。   四、WPA改善了我们所熟知的WEP的`大部分弱点,它主要是应用于公司内部的无线基础网络。无线基础网络包括工作站,AP和认证服务器,在无线用户访问网络之前,WPA的优势来自于一个完整的包含802.1X/EAP认证和智慧的密钥管理和加密技术的操作次序,网络安全性能可确定:它发生于802.11 标准,并通过信标里的WPA信息元素通信、探测响应和联合请求. 这些基础的信息包括认证算法和首选的密码套件。   五、WPA使用EAP来强迫用户层的认证机制使用802.1x基于端口的网络访问控制标准架构.802.1x端口访问控制是防止在用户身份认证完成之前就访问到全部的网络。802.1X EAPOL-KEY包是用WPA技术分发每信息密钥给这些工作站安全认证的。   六、使用包含在信息元素里的认证和密码套件信息去判断哪些认证方法和加密套件是使用的.例如,如果AP是使用的预共享密钥方法,那么客户端程序不需要使用成熟的802.1X,客户端程序必须简单的证明它自己所拥有的预共享密钥给AP;,如果客户端检测到服务单元不包含一个WPA元素,那么它必须在命令里使用预WPA 802.1X认证和密钥管理去访问网络。   七、WPA技术定义了强健的密钥生成/管理系统,它结合了认证和数据私密功能,在工作站和AP之间成功的认证和通过4步握手后,密钥产生了,临时密钥完整性协议是使用包装在WEP上的动态加密算法和安全技术来克服它的缺点,数据完整性,在每一个明文消息末端都包含了一个信息完整性编码,来确保信息不会被欺骗。 ;




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WPA 全名为 Wi-Fi Protected Access,也就是无线保护程序。有WPA 和 WPA2两个标准,是一种保护无线电脑网路(Wi-Fi)安全的系统。WPA 是前期开发的标准。WPA2是WPA的改进型,但因为兼容性的问题不能用在某些古老的网卡上。这两个都提供优良的保全能力连接wifi时,提示wpa或wpa2进行保护,说明要连接的wifi网络,已经进行了wpa/wpa2加密保护,需要正确输入wifi密码,验证成功以后,才能使用wifi网络。这是一种对wifi网络的有效保护手段,可以禁止未经授权的私自连接。


WPA 实现了 IEEE 802.11i 标准的大部分,是在 802.11i 完备之前替代 WEP 的过渡方案。WPA 的设计可以用在所有的无线网卡上,但未必能用在第一代的无线接入点上。WPA2 实现了完整的标准,但不能用在某些古老的网卡上。这两个都提供优良的安全能力,但也都有两个明显的问题:WPA或WPA2 一定要启动并且被选来代替 WEP 才有用,但是大部分的安装指引都把 WEP 列为第一选择。在使用家中和小型办公室最可能选用的“个人”模式时,为了安全的完整性,所需的密钥一定要比已经教用户设定的六到八个字符的密码还长。英文缩写: WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) 中文译名: Wi-Fi网络安全接入分 类: 移动与无线解 释: WPA是一种基于标准的可互操作的WLAN安全性增强解决方案,可大大增强现有以及未来无线局域网系统的数据保护和访问控制水平。WPA源于正在制定中的IEEE802.11i标准并将与之保持前向兼容。部署适当的话,WPA可保证WLAN用户的数据受到保护,并且只有授权的网络用户才可以访问WLAN网络。由于WEP业已证明的不安全性,在802.11i协议完善前,采用WPA为用户提供一个临时性的解决方案。该标准的数据加密采用TKIP协议(Temporary Key Integrity Protocol),认证有两种模式可供选择,一种是使用802.1x协议进行认证;一种是称为预先共享密钥PSK(Pre-Shared Key)模式。下面是一个在无线路由器上设置WPA的例子。  在无线参数中,选择开启安全设置,选择WPA-PSK,选择安全选项WPA-PSK,选择加密方法,输入PSK密码。在标有WPA共享密钥的地方,输入预共享密钥,在标有组密钥更新的地方,输入多长时间该密钥将更新。我们在本例中选择1800秒。点击保存设置。  注:密钥更新时间我们应该设置多长合适?没有一个好的答案,假若你将它设置的过于短的话,例如1-2分钟,的确安全性是提高了,但是对于某些网卡来说,这样有可能导致发生一些连接问题。我们推荐根据厂家的默认值就可以。对于启用WPA加密,我们还需要把超级密码告诉每一个无线网卡,这样他们才会知道如何解码与无线路由器的通话。依次设置无线家庭网络中的每一台机器,记住每次都要核对一下是否已经连接到无线路由器。


一、Open System 完全不认证也不加密,任何人都可以连到无线基地台使用网络。 二、WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) 有线等效加密 最基本的加密技术,手机用户、笔记型计算机与无线网络的Access Point(网络金钥AP)拥有相同的网络金钥,才能解读互相传递的数据。这金钥分为64bits及128bits两种,最多可设定四组不同的金钥。当用户端进入WLAN前必须输入正确的金钥才能进行连接。 WEP加密方法很脆弱。网络上每个客户或者计算机都使用了相同的保密字,这种方法使网络偷听者能刺探你的密钥,偷走数据并且在网络上造成混乱。 三、WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) 商务宝采用的加密方式 由Wi-Fi Alliance (所提出的无线安全标准,有分成家用的WPA-PSK (Pre-Shared Key)与企业用的WPA-Enterprise版本。 1、WPA-PSK 为了堵塞WEP的漏洞而发展的加密技术,使用方法与WEP相似。无线基地台与笔记型计算机必须设定相同的Key,计算机才可以连入基地台。但其进入WLAN时以更长词组或字串作为网络金钥。并且WPA-PSK运用了TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol)技术,因此比WEP难被破解而更加安全。 WPA-PSK通过为每个客户分配唯一的密钥而工作,但需要给雇员密码以便登陆系统。这样,外部的人可通过他们享用网络资源。如果你希望修改密码(建议每隔一段时间修改密码以防止偷听者解码),你可能得跑到每台电脑前去输入新的密码。 2、WPA-Enterprise 采用IEEE 802.1x则需要有另一台储存无线使用者账户数据的RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)服务器,当笔记型计算机连入无线基地台时,无线基地台会要求使用者输入账号密码、或是自动向笔记型计算机索取储存在计算机硬盘的使用者数字凭证,然后向RADIUS服务器确认使用者的身分。而用来加密无线封包的加密金钥(Key),也是在认证的过程中自动产生,并且每一次联机所产生的金钥都不同(专业术语称为Session Key),因此非常难被破解。 用用户名和密码安全登陆网络后,每个客户会自动得到一个唯一的密钥,密钥很长并且每隔一段时间就会被更新。这样wi-Fi监听者就不能获取足够的数据包来解码密钥。即使一个密钥因为某种原因被解码了,富于经验的黑客有可能发现新的密钥,但是加密锁已经变了。 一但应用了WPA-Enterprise,不像WPA-PSK那样,雇员将不会知道密码。这样,外部的人就不能通过他们享用网络资源。WPA-Enterprise还可以节约你大量的时间;你无需花费大量的时间去人工更换客户的密码。 四、WPA2 WPA2顾名思义就是WPA的加强版,也就是IEEE 802.11i无线网络标准。同样有家用的PSK版本与企业的IEEE 802.1x版本。WPA2与WPA的差别在于,它使用更安全的加密技术AES (Advanced Encryption Standard),因此比WPA更难被破解、更安全。 五、MAC ACL (Access Control List) MAC ACL只能用于认证而不能用于加密。在无线基地台输入允许被连入的无线网卡MAC地址,不在此清单的无线网卡无法连入无线基地台。 六、Web Redirection 这种方式是WISP (Wireless Internet Service Provider,例如统一安源WiFly)最常用的方式。无线基地台设定成Open System,但是另外在后台利用存取控制网关器(Access Control Gateway, ACG),拦截笔记型计算机发出的Web封包(开启浏览器尝试上网),并强制重导到认证网页要求输入账号密码,然后ACG向RADIUS认证服务器来确认使用者的身分,认证通过才可以自由到其它的网站。 加密方式对比 WEP安全加密方式:WEP特性里使用了rsa数据安全性公司开发的rc4 prng算法。全称为有线对等保密(Wired Equivalent Privacy,WEP)是一种数据加密算法,用于提供等同于有线局域网的保护能力。使用了该技术的无线局域网,所有客户端与无线接入点的数据都会以一个共享的密钥进行加密,密钥的长度有40位至256位两种,密钥越长,黑客就需要更多的时间去进行破解,因此能够提供更好的安全保护。 WPA安全加密方式:WPA加密即Wi-Fi Protected Access,其加密特性决定了它比WEP更难以入侵,所以如果对数据安全性有很高要求,那就必须选用WPA加密方式了(Windows XP SP2已经支持WPA加密方式)。 WPA作为IEEE 802.11通用的加密机制WEP的升级版,在安全的防护上比WEP更为周密,主要体现在身份认证、加密机制和数据包检查等方面,而且它还提升了无线网络的管理能力。  WPA2:目前最强的无线加密技术,WPA2是WiFi联盟验证过的IEEE 802.11i标准的认证形式,WPA2实现了802.11i的强制性元素,特别是Michael算法被公认彻底安全的CCMP(计数器模式密码块链消息完整码协议)讯息认证码所取代、而RC4加密算法也被AES所取代。 在WPA/WPA2中,PTK的生成是依赖于PMK的,而PMK的方式有两种,一种是PSK方式,也就是预共享密钥模式(pre-shared key,PSK,又称为个人模式),在这种方式中PMK=PSK;而另一种方式则需要认证服务器和站点进行协商来产生PMK。下面我们通过公式来看看WPA和WPA2的区别:WPA = IEEE 802.11i draft 3 = IEEE 802.1X/EAP + WEP(选择性项目)/TKIP WPA2 = IEEE 802.11i = IEEE 802.1X/EAP + WEP(选择性项目)/TKIP/CCMP 目前WPA2加密方式的安全防护能力非常出色,只要你的无线设备均支持WPA2加密,那你将体验到最安全的无线网络生活。即使是目前最热的“蹭网卡”也难以蹭入你的无线网络,用户大可放心使用。


一种无线密码的加密方式。就是在无线网络中使用WPA/WPA2 PSK加密算法进行加密,这样无线网络数据即使被其他人抓到也在不知道密码的情况下也没法看到其中的内容,起到安全保护的作用;WPA/WPA2-PSK适用于个人或普通家庭网络,使用预先共享密钥,支持TKIP和AES两种加密方式.WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK:WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK安全类型其实是WPA/WPA2的一种简化版别,它是依据同享密钥的WPA形式,安全性很高,设置也对比简单,合适普通家庭用户和小型企业运用。认证类型::该项用来挑选体系选用的安全形式,即主动、WPA-PSK、WPA2-PSK.主动:若挑选该项,路由器会依据主机恳求主动挑选WPA-PSK或WPA2-PSK安全形式。加密算法: 该项用来挑选对无线数据进行加密的安全算法,选项有主动、TKIP、AES.默许选项为主动,挑选该项后,路由器将依据实践需求主动挑选TKIP或AES加密办法。PSK暗码: 该项就是WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK的初始密钥了,在设置时,需求为8-63个ASCII字符或8-64个十六进制字符.组密钥更新周期:该项设置播送和组播密钥的定时更新周期,以秒为单位,最小值为30,若该值为0,则表示不进行更新.WPA/WPA2 PSK密码足够复杂,是无法破解的.

无线路由器中 WEP wpa wpa2 这三种加密方式有什么区别

区别:1、加密技术WEP:RC4的RSA数据加密技术WPA:RC4的RSA数据加密技术WPA2:AES加密算法2、安全性WEP:使用一个静态的密钥来加密所有的通信,那么如果网管人员想更新密钥,就得亲自访问每台主机WPA:与之前WEP的静态密钥不同,WPA需要不断的转换密钥。WPA采用有效的密钥分发机制WPA2:实现了802.11i的强制性元素,特别是Michael算法被公认彻底安全的CCMP(计数器模式密码块链消息完整码协议)讯息认证码所取代扩展资料无线网络中已存在好几种加密技术,由于安全性能的不同,无线设备的不同技术支持,支持的加密技术也不同, 一般常见的有:WEP、WPA/WPA2、WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK在802.11i颁布之后,Wi-Fi联盟推出了WPA2,它支持AES(高级加密算法),因此它需要新的硬件支持,它使用CCMP(计数器模式密码块链消息完整码协议)。在WPA/WPA2中,PTK的生成依赖PMK,而PMK获的有两种方式,一个是PSK的形式就是预共享密钥,在这种方式中PMK=PSK,而另一种方式中,需要认证服务器和站点进行协商来产生PMK。参考资料:百度百科 - WPA


  wpa是保护无线电脑网络安全系统。   WPA全名为Wi-FiProtectedAccess,有WPA和WPA2两个标准,是一种保护无线电脑网络(Wi-Fi)安全的系统,它是应研究者在前一代的系统有线等效加密(WEP)中找到的几个严重的弱点而产生的。WPA实作了IEEE802.11i标准的大部分,是在802.11i完备之前替代WEP的过渡方案。WPA的设计可以用在所有的无线网卡上,但未必能用在第一代的无线取用点上。WPA2具备完整的标准体系,但其不能被应用在某些老旧型号的网卡上。   WPA的数据是以一把128位的钥匙和一个48位的初向量(IV)的RC4streamcipher来加密。WPA超越WEP的主要改进就是在使用中可以动态改变密钥的“临时密钥完整性协议”(TemporalKeyIntegrityProtocol,TKIP),加上更长的初向量,这可以击败知名的针对WEP的密钥截取攻击。


WPA-PSK(WPA-Preshared Key,WPA预共享密钥)是指WEP预分配共享密钥的认证方式,在加密方式和密钥的验证方式上作了修改,使其安全性更高。WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) 是一种保护无线电脑网络(Wi-Fi)安全的系统,全名为 Wi-Fi Protected Access,有WPA 和 WPA2两个标准。PSK(Pre-shared Key ),中文意思为“预共享密钥模式(个人模式)”。PSK是设计给负担不起 802.1X 验证服务器的成本和复杂度的家庭和小型公司网络用的,每一个使用者必须输入密语来取用网络,而密语可以是 8 到 63 个 ASCII 字符、或是 64 个16进位数字(256位元)。拓展资料:WPA-PSK(WPA-Preshared Key,WPA预共享密钥)是指WEP预分配共享密钥的认证方式,在加密方式和密钥的验证方式上作了修改,使其安全性更高。客户的认证仍采用验正用户是否使用事先分配的正确密钥。WPA-PSK提出一种新的加密方法:时限密钥完整性协议(Temporal Key Integrity Protocol,TKIP)。预先分配的密钥仅仅用于认证过程,而不用于数据加密过程,因此不会导致像WEP密钥那样严重的安全问题。预共用密钥模式(pre-shared key,PSK, 又称为个人模式)是设计给负担不起 802.1X 验证服务器的成本和复杂度的家庭和小型公司网络用的,每一个使用者必须输入密语来取用网络,而密语可以是 8 到 63 个 ASCII 字符、或是 64 个16进位数字(256位元)。使用者可以自行斟酌要不要把密语存在电脑里以省去重复键入的麻烦,但密语一定要存在 Wi-Fi 取用点里。参考资料:WPA-PSK


这是一种无线信号的加密方式详细内容可参考如下:WPA是 Wi-Fi Protected Access(Wi-Fi保护接入)的简称,是无线网络的数据加密规格。 它通过使用可扩展认证协议 (EAP) 提高WEP安全功能来确保网络使用的安全性,通过一种加密方法提高了数据传送的安全性。WPA使用802.1X认证服务器给每个用户分配不同的密钥。但是它在安全性比较差的 "预先共享密钥 (PSK)" 模式中也有效。PSK用于家庭和小型办公室网络,每个用户都有同样的密码口令。 WPA-PSK 也叫做 WPA-Personal(WPA个人)。WPA-PSK使用TKIP或AES加密方法把Brother无线设备和接入点联系起来。WPA2-PSK使用AES加密方法把Brother无线设备和接入点联系起来。TKIP是 Temporal Key Integrity Protocol(临时密钥完整性协议)的简称,是一种加密方法。无线网络采用WPA/WPA2加密保护,没有密码就无法通过此无线网络上网。除非你可破解密码,一般简单的密码,可以通过一些手机软件破解。但如果复杂一点的,就需要专业的服务器来跑字典。


With Particular Average 水渍险



pack place造句 pack placeの例文

There is also a pack placed in her school in her memory. The tours meet at Information desk inside Pack Place . Tickets are available at the Pack Place Box Office. That facipty includes of space at Pack Place in the heart of downtown Asheville. He did not return and watched the remainder of the game with an ice pack placed over his right shoulder. Traditionally the player cutting the pack places the cut portion closer to himself as if inviting luck to e to him. Advance tickets are advised for all screenings and can be purchased from the Pack Place Box Office by calpng 257-4500. Asheville, N . C ., has seen a resurgence since the construction of Pack Place , a o-theater, four-museum plex. And if Simpson"s gloves appeared snug in certain areas, they suggested, it was because of a heat pack placed inside to keep him warm. Torrence, who had an ice pack placed on the thigh almost immediately after finishing her heat, had only the 10th-best time in the first round. It"s difficult to see pack place in a sentence. 用 pack place 造句挺难的 Wortham"s daughter Diana Wortham is a philanthropist who contributed to Pack Place in Asheville, North Caropna, where the Diana Wortham Theatre is named for her. Asheville, N . C . _ The 72nd annual Mountain Dance and Folk Festival on the stage of the Diana Wortham Theater at Pack Place downtown is Thursday through Saturday. Asheville _ The Colburn Gem & Mineral Museum at Pack Place hosts " Steps in Time, " an interactive travepng exhibition about a dinosaur trackway in Virginia. The pictures are on display through Oct . 31 at the Asheville Art Museum in Pack Place , 2 Pack Square, and are on loan from the Whitney Museum of American Art. Although stop No . 1 is at Pack Place , you can begin at No . 13 on Haywood Street in front of the Civic Center and continue past the other 29 stations on the self-guided tour Asheville, N . C . _ The Colburn Gem & Mineral Museum at Pack Place will host the exhibit " Meteors, Moon Rocks & Pieces of Mars " through April 30. Urban Trail brochures with easy-to-follow maps are available at many downtown businesses and attractions, but you may want to check out an audiocassette with headset for $ 5 at the Asheville Art Museum at Pack Place . Cappari pulled him out of the game, and Wilpams went to the end of the bench and lay on a makeshift bed of towels, with another towel thrown over his body and an ice pack placed on his right hip. A modest capital expansion, pleted in 1999, added space from Pack Place and the adjacent Legal Building, creating new classroom and studio facipties, an art pbrary, a teacher resource center, a munity gallery and a new entrance. Shortly after his heat, Johnson, who obpterated the 200 record with a 19.32 clocking at the 1996 Olympics, motioned for a trainer to massage his right quadriceps and quickly had a cold pack placed on the suddenly worrisome area. A number of performances are scheduled during your visit, including a musical adaptation by Mockingbird Theater Productions of " The Prince and the Pauper " from Nov . 29 to Dec . 12 at the Diana Wortham Theater at Pack Place in Asheville. After, say, half of the seeds have germinated and shoots are showing, the covers are removed and the cell packs placed in our only good south-facing pght source; it"s a French doorway, and I put o large, ugly plastic etageres in it to hold the trays of seeds. It"s difficult to find pack place in a sentence. 用 pack place 造句挺难的


bottled joy是高端品牌,可以起到控油去屑的作用,通过增强头皮本身的抵抗力让头皮更加健康,从来达到滋润头皮的目的。




锂电池P2D模型中,多孔电极活性物质相、电解液相体积分数是模型输入参数,直接决定电池容量,锂离子和电子有效传导特性(点击阅读 锂电池P2D模型基础:几何尺寸)。 本篇介绍如何获取孔隙率参数。 孔隙率是指电极涂层中孔洞所占体积分数,极片中一般存在多种尺度的孔隙:1)活性物质颗粒之间的微米级孔隙;2)活性物质颗粒内部的孔隙,尺度为纳米-亚微米级;3)导电剂和粘结剂混合相内部的纳米尺度孔隙。电解液填充在多孔电极的孔隙中,锂离子在孔隙内通过电解液传导,传导特性与孔隙率密切相关。孔隙率越大,相当于电解液相体积分数越高,电解液浸润就越充分,有效锂离子电导率也越大。 孔隙率可通过涂层的体密度,涂层各组分质量百分比和涂层组分真密度来计算得到,计算式为: ε=1u2212ρcoat (ωAM/ρAM+ωCA/ρCA+ωB/ρB) 式中 , ε 为极片涂层孔隙率 , ρcoat 为涂层体密度 , ω 为涂层组分质量百分比 , ρ 为涂层组分真密度。下标 AM 、 CA 、 B 分别表示活性物质、导电剂和粘结剂。 孔隙率可以通过以下几种方法获取: (1)理论估算 裁切一定面积 S 的极片样品,测量其厚度、质量,计算涂层表观密度 ( 或称压实密度 ) :


浮冰群 流冰群 冰裹法;浮冰群 流冰群 冰裹法

ACCA F7考试知识点:合并财务报表疑难解析part2

ACCA F7是ACCA中其中一门科目,现在给大家进行知识点解析:“合并财务报表”,一共分为三部分,这是第二部分,帮助大家对逐个击破合并财务报表中的“疑难杂症”。另外,合并财务报表疑难解析part1和合并财务报表疑难解析part3分别点击红色字体即可查看哦。F7.合并财务报表(consideration transferred)主要讨论所谓consideration(对价)在合并中用大白话解释就是投资方为了获得被投资方的股权所付出的代价。我们需要做的就是给这个“代价”确定一个合适价值。对于本知识点的考察,既可以像以往考试出现在合并财务报表的大题,也可以单独以选择题,可以说是每次考试必考的内容。在实务中,合并的对价多种多样,有直接支付现金的;有拿股权置换的;也有以非货币性资产投资的等等。在考试中,通常考察下列四类合并对价的类型※逐一展开说明:【类型1:土豪型,不差钱】直接支付现金购买被投资方股权(Cash consideration以现金作为合并对价)这种土豪支付方式会计处理也最简单。举个栗子:P公司于2016年1月1日支付USD100 m购买S公司90%的股权,对S公司形成了控制。此时,作为购买方的P的账务处理如下Dr.Investment—Company S 100 mCr.Bank 100 m很简单,Consideration transferred就是100m【类型2:差点钱】以发行权益性证券为合并对价这种方式也成为shareexchange(换股合并),类似于我们常说的“定向增发”举例说明:On1 October 20X5 P purchased 75%of the equity shares in S.Theacquisition was through a share exchange of two shares in P for everythree shares in S.The stock market price of P"s shares at 1October 20X5 was$4 per share.The number of ordinary shares of S atdate of acquisition is 160,000.本例中:P公司通过发行股份获取了S公司75%的股权。那么为了这75%S的股权,P究竟付出了多少代价呢?根据题目信息,P所付出的代价是以购买日P公司的股价乘以其向S公司发行的股票的数量所确定的价值。那么P到底发行了多少数量的股票呢?首先P获得了S75%的股份75%×160,000=120,000股,然后按照2换3的比例发行股票(也就是说每获取S公司3股P公司就要发行2股),这样可以求得P公司要发行股票的数量为:120,000/3×2=80,000股。最后再乘以P公司在购买日的股价即可得出P公司所付出的对价=80,000×$4=$320,000。用会计分录来表示FV of consideration via share exchange160,000X75%X2/3X$4=320,000【类型3:磨叽型的】Deferred consideration递延对价简单说来就是,现在投资方囊中羞涩,只能先支付一部分对价,剩下的部分则需缓一缓再支付。只要双方你情我愿,这本身没什么问题,但是考生需要注意,这延期支付的部分需要考虑资金的时间价值,也就是说需要考虑折现discounting的因素(除非题目明确表示忽略折现),一般题目中会给出相应的折现率(F7的考试中,考生不会被要求自己计算折现率)。还是来个栗子:CompanyP acquired 75%of the Company S"s 80m$1 shares on 1 January20X6.It paid$3.50 per share and agreed to pay a further$108m on 1January 20X7.Company Ps cost of capital is 8%.在购买日丨P公司确定的合并对价分为两部分:一部分是现在按照3.50每股乘以其获得的S股份数量确定的现金对价=80m*75%*$3.50=210m。另一部分则是在一年后支付108m,该部分按照8%的折现率折现=108/(1+8%)=100m。所以在合并日,P公司支付的对价合计为310m。当然,在合并财务报表的大题中,题目要求准备的合并财务报表往往是年末的报表。那么,刚才在合并日的折现需要在期末考虑计提利息。在本例中,由于递延期只有一年,故期末需要计提的利息为100m*8%=$8m。【类型4:带点忽悠性质的】Contingent consideration或有对价从字面上不难看出这个所谓“或有”就是或者有,或者没有。是不是有点像“画大饼”的感觉呢?简而言之就是支付一部分对价,还有一部分到底支付还是不支付则要看被投资方未来的表现,表现好了达到预先设定的目标了就支付,反之则不支付。我们来看个栗子,看着长,其实很简单哦~On1 April 20X0 Pi cant acquired 75%of Sander"s equity shares in ashare exchange of three shares in Picant for every two shares inSander.The market prices of Picant"s and Sander"s sharesat the date of acquisition were$3.20 and$4.50 respectively.Inaddition to this Picant agreed to pay a further amount on 1 April20X1 that was contingent upon the post-acquisition performance of¥Sander.At the date of acquisition Picant assessed the fair value of thiscontingent consideration at$4·2 million,but by 31 March 20X1it was clear that the actual amount to be paid would be only$2·7million(ignore discounting).Picant has recorded the share exchangeand provided for the initial estimate of$4·2 million for thecontingent consideration.The number of ordinary shares of Sander is8,000,000 at date of acquisition.EXAMPLE:本例中合并对价有两部分,一部分是我们之前说过的换股合并,这里不再赘述。另一部分则是或有对价。相关的国际会计准则要求购买方(Picant)应当将合并协议约定的或有对价作为企业合并转移对价的一部分,按照其在购买日的公允价值计入企业合并成本。换股合并对价部分=8,000,000x75%x3/2x$3.2=$28,800,000。对于或有对价部分,我们需要按照其在购买日的公允价值计入企业合并成本。那么公允价值到底是$4.2m还是$2.7m呢?答案是$4.2m,因为该价值才是在购买日评估的公允价值,至于这个价值后续是否发生变动并不影响或有对价在购买日这天的公允价值,因为这个4.2m是基于购买日这天所能获得的信息做出的最佳估计。所以在合并日,P公司支付的对价合计为28.8m+4.2m=$33m最后要说:以上四类合并对价的确定是考生们100%需要掌握的内容,该部分并不难,也是考官有心送分给你的部分,当然送的分数考生们得接住了。

Paul Marino的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Paul Marino专辑:ShelterCome on~ come on~ come on~ come on~Come on~ come on~ come on~ come on~Goenhi gasumi dugungoryo nowa hamke issurtemyongoenhi orguri nan burgojyo ni mogsorir durur temyonijen gu maumur yorojwo na hanurur narsu igeyuri byong soge yojong chorom baraman bonungon shirhooh~ COME TO ME oh~ BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEAmu marirado goenchanha gojimardo nan goenchanhanawa hamke hago shiphdanun gu hanmadimyon goenchanhagujo ne gyotheso memdonun narur kog ana jundamyonnorur wihe molle gamchwodun ne sarangur boyojurgeoh~ COME TO ME oh~ BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEBABY RECOGNIZE MY LOVEBUST A U AT THE CURVEjinshimuro nor wonhe nan norhajiman morojyo gago inun gor BETTER NOT LET GOgyorkho gureso ni sarangunni modungor wonhago ini nukigo shiphniBABY COME ON GET IT GET IT GET ITije nan nor gajyosso nege jogumdo (jogumdo)BABY CAN YOU FEEL IT FEEL IT FEEL ITgu sarangur ije nukyo bwa nomanur wonhago inun naI CARE CAUSE I LOVE YOUoh~ COME TO ME oh~BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEije misorur boyojwo

R package:xcms代谢组学初探

xcms用于LC-MS和GC-MS数据分析,用于色谱分离和单光谱质谱数据处理和可视化的框架。导入AIA / ANDI NetCDF,mzXML,mzData和mzML文件。预处理数据以实现高通量,非靶的分析物分析。 xcms包依赖的包很多,安装起来很费时间 使用MSnbase包的readMSData函数加载数据,dda_data对象包含指定 mzML 文件中的所有 MS1 和 MS2 在experimentData@instrumentModel储存仪器信息为"TripleTOF 6600"。 提取总离子流图 总离子流图是每个时间点所有离子叠加起来的信号强度 提取基峰色谱图 基峰色谱图是每个时间点信号最强峰 参数aggregationFun可以选择"mean","min"。 使用msLevel函数查看所有峰的质谱级数 或者使用管道命令 %>%,filterMsLevel选择质谱级数 可见7602张质谱图中,有4627张一级质谱,2975张二级质谱。 查看一级谱图 查看二级谱图 Sciex公司产生的数据一般不会将母离子的离子强度导出(一般MS1为NA,MS2为0),需要使用xcms包的函数estimatePrecursorIntensity 参考资料: Compounding (grouping) of LC-MS features ( LCMS data preprocessing and analysis with xcms (

求 朴宰范JayPark的 do what we do 中英文歌词

Do What We Do (prod.CHACHA))lyrics by viten QQ393398507YeahOoooCheck it outLet me come on overI"m gonna put you on a sofaAnd do just like I told yahAnd work that body right Oo shawtyI know that you"ve been naughtySo get up on my lapAnd work it work itTwerk it oh twerk itI wanna see you sweating girlThe best is what your getting girlSo lets take our timeLets go into the room in the bedMake you wet its the bestWhen we do what we doOr we can slip into the showerAnd make it last for hoursWhen we do what we doLets go into the room In the bedMake you wet its the bestWhen we do what we doOh baby oh baby oh baby, Oh yeahIt"s the best when we do what we doOh girl your making me wanna go crazyOut of my mindThe way you looking when you nakedI get so impatientBut then you tell me to hushBecause you don"t wanna rushWork it oh work itTwerk it oh twerk it babyI wanna see you sweating girlThe best is what your getting girlSo lets take our timeLets go into the room in the bedMake you wet its the bestWhen we do what we doOr we can slip into the showerAnd make it last for hoursWhen we do what we doLets go into the room in the bedMake you wet its the bestWhen we do what we doOh baby oh baby oh baby, Oh yeahIt"s the best when we do what we doIn the room in the bed, We do what we doIn the shower for hours, We do what we doOn the sofa on the floor, We do what we doGirl anywhere you want, Girl we do what we do

PAUL DAVIS的《I Go Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:I Go Crazy歌手:PAUL DAVIS专辑:Paul Davis Greatest HitsHuey Ft. Colby O"Donis - I Go CrazyWooa little more power in this one we need itey yo BANG!!!we bout to have fun on this onelets go!hello?ya knownew over unonetthelloi ment theleroi see how ya move and shakin" that jelloya take drop epics back to that troubleevery guy in here likes how she movesso seriously that she got off her damn shoesno clue how she moves she just doright, left, up, and down im like oohif she gotta man and idceverythings done from nails to her hairusually chicks with beauty dont phase mebut this ones crazyi"m bout to make her my ladyi i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartnow why would you wanna do thatif i was to ever leavei"d be coming right backand infactya love me too muchto just pack ya clothesand shoes and you whathey nowi"m done with play nowi"ve don" had hoessaint louis to eight towni"m ready for you and meyou ready for me and youyou want me to cop a ringfuck it i"m getting twoand together we will beforever we will feellayed up pillow case layedfrom fella seduce youmy M-A-I and layayup say ityou drive me crazyits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartso how do ya feel nowya wanna throw it awayor ya wanna live proudand smile the next dayyou forget that i seeframes from me and yougrew back memoriesi see from me and youwe"re stuck togetherlike lips school gluewhile we gotta think smartas students who doregardless who dois not what i amman i gotta planand as a man i promiseis she with another manis she with her girlfriendwhy she answeringwhats really happeningbaby i don"t go give her offmaybe i should find a friendmaybe take her to the cribmaybe show her the businessits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apart (2X)

Paramore的《Emergency》 歌词

歌曲名:Emergency歌手:Paramore专辑:The Final Riot!ParamoreEmergencyI think we have an emergencyI think we have an emergencyIf you thought I"d leave, then you were wrongCause I won"t stop holding onSo are you listening?So are you watching me?If you thought I"d leave, then you were wrongCause I won"t stop holding on.This is an emergencySo are you listening?And I can"t pretend that I don"t see thisIt"s really not your faultThat no one cares to talk about it,Talk about itCause I"ve seen love dieWay too many timesWhen it deserved to be aliveI"ve seen you cryWay too many timesWhen you deserve to be alive, aliveSo you give up every chance you getJust to feel new againI think we have an emergencyI think we have an emergencyAnd you do your best to show me love,but you don"t know what love is.So are you listening?So are you watching me?Well I can"t pretend that I don"t see thisIt"s really not your faultThat no one cares to talk about it,Talk about itCause I"ve seen love dieWay too many timesWhen it deserved to be aliveI"ve seen you cryWay too many timesWhen you deserve to be alive, aliveThese scars, they will not fade away.No one cares to talk about it, talk about itCause I"ve seen love dieWay too many timesWhen it deserved to be aliveI"ve seen you cryWay too many timesWhen you deserve to be alive, alive

幻痛the phantom pain什么意思


Yannis Parios的《Mono Esi》 歌词

歌曲名:Mono Esi歌手:Yannis Parios专辑:Otan Vradiazi"Mono"heyyeahwe had everything vinyl and monoand we looked the other wayman we were so dumbis the the part in the book that you wrotewhere i gotta come and save the daydid you miss medid you miss meyeah yeah yeahwell they say that rock is deadthey"re probably right99 girls in the pitdid it have to come to thisoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god please listen fasthere comes the crashwe"re gonna rise abovewe gotta smash it upyou won"t abandon us againheygive us brilliant boys we wanna fuck manfull of ecstacy hard drugs and bad luckyeah yeah yeahturn the lights back onit burns so hardbut you won"t burn longthree chords in your pocket tonightare you you the onewith the spark to bring my punk rock backi dont think sooh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say your sorry againoh god you owe me one more songso i can prove to you that i am so much better than himoh god i"d give you anything to hear you say that i was right and you were wrongoh god before i leave this lifeno and eightball isn"t lovea hookers never gonna comejust give it back to meblow out all of the lights to nightyeah2 million miles down the PCHand now he"s gonei slashed his tiresi bled his brakesit had to be donetheir handjob lives were just too cruelyeah mercy was donewe drown them all in their swimming poolsrun away run away run away yeahoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that you were wrong againoh god i wanna hear you sayi wanna hear you say that i am so much better than himoh god you owe us one more songjust get out of my lifeand see the world as it really isis this just a sad slide showcan"t make a hooker comean eightball isn"t lovei need one thing thats devinelet me hear it tonightlet

歌词大概是baby see you at the party男声很骚,节奏感强

ub354 ud50cub9bf(The Flit) - AtTurn the lights onTurn the lights onTurn the lights oni"m about to act a foolTurn the lights on1 2 3 4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uc624ub294 ub110 ub290uaef4Don"t forget it"s on the floorshake your body loose controlit"s alright come and bewe can make it love tonightmy love for you ub0b4uac8c uc640ubd10ub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 uc880ub354 come on now(ub110 uc9c0ucf1cubcf4uace0 ud760uce6b uba48uce6b ud574ub3c4)i can see i know uc774uc820 ub2e4uac00uc640come on loveub108ub97c uac00uc9c0ub824ud574ub3c4 ub108ub97c uac00uc9c0ub824ud574ub3c4ub098uc758 ub9c8uc74cucc98ub7fc ub418uc9c8uc54auc544 uac00uc2b4 uc870ub9b4ubfd0baby gotta let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac781 2 3 4 ub098uc5d0uac8c uc624ub294 ub110 ub290uaef4Don"t forget it"s on the floorshake your body loose controlit"s alright come and bewe can make it love tonightmy love for you ub0b4uac8c uc640ubd10ub0a0 uc6d0ud55cub2e4uba74 uc880ub354 come on now(ub110 uc9c0ucf1cubcf4uace0 ud760uce6b uba48uce6b ud574ub3c4)i can see i know uc774uc820 ub2e4uac00uc640come on love(shaking my body. let me think about it)ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac78Let"s make these people moveSo DJ where you atSo make that bass attackthe party is Start iti"m about to act a foolTurn the lights onub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to goub2e4uc2dc uac00ub824ud574ub3c4 uc774ubbf8 ub098ub294 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0uac78ub098ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4 ub108ub97c ubc14ub77cubcf4uc544ub3c4ub108uc758 ub208ube5b uc18duc5d0 ub098ub294 uc5c6uc5b4uadf8uc800 uccb4ub150ubfd0baby get the let you knowbaby going back to gouc774uc820 ub2a6uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 uccb4ub150uc73cub85c ub3ccuc544uc11cub294uac78(Turn the lights on)

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邮编 74500Kutchi Gali No 3, Denso Hall, Marriot Road Karachi, Karachi 74500巴基斯坦




KARACHI-PAKISTAN卡拉奇巴基斯坦双语对照例句:1.A vendor waits for customers on the beach at dusk in karachi, pakistan. 黄昏的巴基斯坦卡拉奇,一位小贩在沙滩上等待顾客光临。


karachi卡拉奇(巴基斯坦港市) pakistan巴基斯坦



Stand over there _____ you will be able to see the oil painting better. A.but B.till C.and

C 本题考查并列句。祈使句+and/ or+分句,相当于if引导的条件状语从句。如Try again, and you will succeed.=" If" you try again, you will succeed.再如Hurry up, or you will be late.=" If" you don"t hurry up, you will be late.句意:站那,你能更好地看那油画。

make preparation for preparention 为什么加s 到底是oilpainting 还是oils painting 表示油画呀

make preparations for 为...做准备.是固定搭配oils painting是油画

abc of oil painting前面加a还是an

D 考察冠词。冠词选择是和合理的语境密切相关的。第一个空应该是“我需要的是一本……的书”,故选择冠词a。后一个空ABC意为“basic knowledge”,结合后面的of短语,可判断应该是特指。即应该为the basic knowledge of oil panting。

Painting in _____ is one of their spare-time activities.


oil on canvas是油画吗 和Oil Painting 什么区别啊

1.oil painting 是油画 2.oil on canvas不是用于指代某一种绘画形式,而是主要,特别是在介绍作品的使用材料时,oil on canvas直意:在canvas上用oil颜料创作的作品,又如:acrylic on paper/canvas:在纸/油画布(帆布)上用丙烯颜料所作.又如:oil on wood,在木头(木质材料)上用oil 作的作品. 具体例子: Untitled,Jack Smith,2008,mixed media on wood 作品名:无题,作者:Jack Smith,时间:2008,材料:木质上使用综合材料 这个是较为常用的国外作品标签的顺序.依据具体情况会稍有不同.



a separate peace讲的是个什么故事?(希望详细一些,谢谢)

a separate peace独自和解a separate peace是指在二战前期英法为了促使德国对苏联的开战,对德国采取了许多宽容政策。不料苏联和德国私下签订了条约,约定一种“separate peace”,.英法最后弄得自己很惨。在小说中,《a separate peace 》的主题重复出现。在战争的阴影下,理想主义的菲尼仍保持这难得的乐观和平和,而在他的影响下,他们逃脱了周围的环境,窃取了战争中的独自和解。 战后15年,已成为军人的吉恩故地重游,在没有菲尼的情况下终于得到了内心的平和,从而完成了于自己的和解


一、创建msr分区:  1、在win10搜索栏输入cmd,找到后右键然后以管理员模式运行(大家也可以使用win+x,然后点击命令提示符(管理员))  2、输入diskpart.exe后回车  3、输入listdisk命令后回车  二、按显示信息来进行下一步操作  只有一块硬盘:  1、输入listvolume命令后回车  2、选择带有引导分区的盘符(一般为c盘),记住卷编号  3、运行命令  selectvolumex(x为上一步记住的编号)  shrinkdesired=50minimum=40  createpartitionmsr  4、输入命令listpartition来确认msr分区是否创建成功,创建完毕后退出即可。  有两块以上的硬盘,首先要确认disk0(简单理解为第一块硬盘,计数从0开始)的分区情况,  1、输入以下命令:  selectdisk0  listpartition  selectpartition1  detailpartition  2、根据得到的分区细节信息,确定其是否为c盘(引导分区)以及ntfs分区。如果是的话,按照第3步进行处理;如果不是,输入以下命令检查下一分区:  selectpartition2  detailpartition  以此类推,直到你确定了该分区为引导分区和/或ntfs格式为止。  3、输入以下命令:  shrinkdesired=50minimum=40  createpartitionmsr  4、输入以下命令来确认msr分区是否创建成功:  listpartition  成功之后退出命令提示符即可。  以上就是如何处理安装win10时硬盘不支持uefi固件问题,把硬盘设置为ntfs格式,就可以支持uefi固件从而可以正常安装系统。参考网站:


painting 的意思是绘画。

company registration是什么意思

company registration公司登记

painting on oils和painting in oil是有什么区别?

painting on oils 在油面上作画painting in oil 用油来作画

oil paintings油画 paintings为什么用复数?

你好。painting 本身就有油画的意思,这是作名词解释;作动词解释,意为“给.....上油漆”。我认为油画的意思就是“oil painting ” 不需要加s。不知道你是哪里看到的,有没有具体的语句可供参考呢?因为可能在前面有“some ”“much ”等词修饰。

oil on canvas是油画吗 和Oil Painting 什么区别啊


oil painting怎么读

[英][u0254il u02c8peintiu014b][美][u0254u026al u02c8pentu026au014b]

客户说要用paypal或者American Express付款。

帮课建议直接跟客户说,公司只接受paypal或者其他你们能接受的付款方式。American Express是他们本土的一个卡,对他来说应该简单,对于我们最好的还是paypal,westunion,或者直接公司账户。

american express credit card payment美国运通信用卡支付是什么样的付款方式呢?具体是怎么样的呢?谢谢


Waylon Payne的《Pretender》 歌词

歌曲名:Pretender歌手:Waylon Payne专辑:The Drifter2. PretendHere strolls the blackened skyWith me, myself and ILet"s pretend well meet againPretend you knew mePretend you caredLets pretend we once kissedWith compassionWith heartfelt affectionLet"s pretend well meet againLet"s just, lets just pretendPretend you"re still... you"re still my friendLet"s pretend well meet againPretend you knew mePretend you caredLet"s pretend we once kissedWith compassion



guangzhou is in the _ part of China 填south还是south



in 表示在华南此范围内;on表示与华南相邻;to表示与华南中间间隔着某一地理范围相遥望。

in the southern part of china和in the south of chi


in southern parts of china对吗

不如这么表达干脆利落,而且更地道:In Southern China 在中国南方



懂你英语level6-unit2-part3 Reading

Should a good leader be loved or feared?This question is as relevant to leaders today as it was to Julius Caesar when he took control of Rome in 44 B.C. How Caesar treated his enemies is a valuable lesson on forgiveness,arrogance,and absolute power. After Caesar seized power,he had to decide how to handle those who opposed him.Roman politics had always been bloody .The previous dictator had murdered 5,000 of his rivals and confiscated their property after coming to power.Caesar"s enemies expected a similar punishment. But Caesar was determined not to rule through fear. If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people. So he made a fateful decision: rather than punish or kill his enemies, he offered them mercy and incentives . He didn"t seize their property, and he even rewarded some of them with high-ranking government positions. However, not all of his enemies wanted to be forgiven. Caesar"s rivals came from the aristocracy . Many had held power in the senate for centuries. By expanding and reforming the senate, Caesar had shifted power away from the aristocracy and taken it for himself. The high-ranking positions he had given as rewards had no real authority . For the aristocracy, to live without power was not forgiveness, but humiliation . Caesar should have known that many senators hated him, but his arrogance seems to have blinded him. After he made himself dictator for life, he proclaimed himself a god and consolidated more power. These actions infuriated his enemies and even his allies. However, he still considered many senators to be his loyal friends. He even dismissed his personal security force. Ironically , when he was assassinated, it was his good friend, Brutus, who led the plot. Perhaps it is better for a leader to be feared. If Caesar hadn"t let his rivals live, he might not have been murdered. But was forgiveness the problem? Caesar"s reforms took power from the aristocracy, and his arrogance angered both friends and enemies. Perhaps if he hadn"t been so arrogant, or acted like a god, he would have survived. Lack of adequate care for senior citizens is a real issue in India that cuts across economic and social strata . Many of us have personally lived through and experienced it with our parents and elders. Most senior citizens, especially those who live independently, are unable to get the care and trusted support they need. As a result, they compromise on their needs and lifestyle. Their children or caregivers are forced to spend disproportionate time, and/or resources to support them. So much so, that many women are forced to stay away from the workforce to take care of elders at home. The imminent demographic , economic and social changes that accompany the growing population of senior citizens, together with the rising aspirations of the young, leading to more women in the workforce, are rapidly driving up the magnitude of this problem. If we look at numbers, India is home to 115 million elderly, which is more than 8% of the population. Many of us don"t realize it, but that puts India into the category of "aging" countries. While India"s overall population will grow by about 40% from 2006 to 2050, the population of the oldest elderly, 80 plus, will grow 500 % over the same period. This should be enough to make one take notice. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. Some may see this as a challenge and some as a huge opportunity. Businesses have attempted to address this only sporadically , with emotional advertising that features a poignant conversation involving an elderly grandparent. But there has been very little effort to provide products and services. The reasons for such apathy , especially among entrepreneurs , are not difficult to guess. Many feel that the elderly are cynical , not open to experiment and not willing to spend. Investors see bigger opportunities for exponential growth in addressing young, upwardly mobile consumers. Still, I"m left with the question of why aren"t more products and services designed for the elderly? I sense a problem looking for a solution. u2764u2764u2764

The Shadow [Part 4] 歌词

歌曲名:The Shadow [Part 4]歌手:Nicolas Errera专辑:Nocturna - La Nuit MagiqueTitle:The ShadowAlbum:Feed The Fire(Timothy B. Schmit)by:摇滚本事("ve been so brokenheartedYou"ve been so far awayI don"t know how it startedTo be this wayI want to tell you somethingI want to play with fateCome over here and listenIt"s not too lateWe need to feed the fireGotta stir the windI will never tireAnd I won"t give inThere"s a shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youSometimes I dream in colorsIt always happens whenI find myself with othersWho don"t pretendI see you in the oceanI hear you on the phoneI feel your touch and wonderWhy I"m alonePeople say that I shouldSimply let it beI don"t know if I couldEven though I seeA shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youI could tell youI"m alrightBut that won"t doI need you tonightIn the morning I riseI greet a brand new dayI rub the sleep from my eyesAnd then I sayWe need to feed the fireGotta stir the windI will never tireAnd I won"t give in toThe shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youA shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youend...



The Shadow [Part 2] 歌词

歌曲名:The Shadow [Part 2]歌手:Nicolas Errera专辑:Nocturna - La Nuit MagiqueTitle:The ShadowAlbum:Feed The Fire(Timothy B. Schmit)by:摇滚本事("ve been so brokenheartedYou"ve been so far awayI don"t know how it startedTo be this wayI want to tell you somethingI want to play with fateCome over here and listenIt"s not too lateWe need to feed the fireGotta stir the windI will never tireAnd I won"t give inThere"s a shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youSometimes I dream in colorsIt always happens whenI find myself with othersWho don"t pretendI see you in the oceanI hear you on the phoneI feel your touch and wonderWhy I"m alonePeople say that I shouldSimply let it beI don"t know if I couldEven though I seeA shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youI could tell youI"m alrightBut that won"t doI need you tonightIn the morning I riseI greet a brand new dayI rub the sleep from my eyesAnd then I sayWe need to feed the fireGotta stir the windI will never tireAnd I won"t give in toThe shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youA shadowOutside my windowI"m just tryin" to be trueAnd I can"t stop thinking of youend...

The Shadow(Japanese Ver.) 歌词

歌曲名:The Shadow(Japanese Ver.)歌手:BoA专辑:Only One(Japanese Ver.)The ShadowBoA作:BoA作曲:Joe Belmaatiかれるように光射す方へただひたすらに踊る my body何までもついてくる the shadow振り切る事は出来ないのAh you 君のをAh you 君の悲しみをすべてを引き受けるわ今痛みさえも耐えて立ち上がるThe shadow 光を凌してみこんでに眼差しでりつかせるThe shadow その瞬刷き取られた maskれていたのは shine or shadow?引き裂かれるような孤独の中で存在すべてを信できた私が守る私でさえも守ってくれる君がいたAh you 君の声をAh you 君の眼差しをすべてを抱きしめて生きるわもう一度 き始めるわThe shadow 光と共存して手をとって互いを支えけていられるThe shadow 最上の私を造して照らしけていて shine and shadowわるけてくことに皆慌てふためいてる代わりけてくことを皆恐れて叫んでいるわりけてくことはそういことなんかじゃない代わりけてくことはそうもがめてくことい事が一つ叶うなら君を照らしけるさその胸にAh you 消えることなどないAh you 君の描いたそのすべてはここにあるわ何一つ わらずに ここにThe shadow 光と影とは表一体一つになれるがきたのThe shadow すべてを映して受け入れて私の中でくThe shadow (shining in the shadow)




Company与Corporation的区别和用法 此两词均可作“公司”解。通说认为“company”乃英国英语,而美国英语则用“corporation”公司。引自美国人写、在美国出版、讲美国法律的专著的下列句子——   1.   / Your federal trademark application must be made to the Commissioner of Patents in Washington, D.C. / It should include your name, home address, citizenship and the location of your company (or those of a corporation if you have formed one to sell your product).   ——You and the Law, the Reader"s Digest Association. Inc. 1980, p. 193   上列句中圆括弧内的“corporation”与圆括弧外的“company”显然是不同的概念、具有不同的含义(而决非都指“公司”这一概念)。试想一位因任务紧迫而信笔译来的译者已逐词把“company”译做“公司”于先,则随后读到圆括弧里的“corporation”又如何译才好呢?   其实,句子的“company”并非“公司”,“商行”是也。有书为证:   2.   Company, a flexible term. (1)A corporation. (2)An unincorporated association organized for commercial purposes.   ——Cochran"s Law Lexicon. 1977, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72—95860   最后,必须指出:即使是美国英语,“corporation”也未“公司”而已。此词还可以有一个较“公司”更广的内涵——“法人”。请看:   3.   Corporation, an artificial person[法人]composed of individuals. It usually has a corporate name and perpetual duration. Sometimes its duration is a fixed term of years. It substitutes for the individuals who compose it. See also Municipal Corporation   ——Ibid   附带提一句:就上列有关词义而论,不妨说“company”与“corporation”是一对反义词——你说是吗?是的,你会说,因为“company”是unincorporated的,而“corporation”则是incorporated的。再说,如果要把“公司法”译成英语,得根据情况分别译作“corporate law”(以美国英语读者为对象)或“company law”(以英国英语读者为对象)。但美国英语中,“公司法”偶尔也有作“corporation law”的:   4.   The usual term in the U.S. for the law of corporations is corporate law. The equivalent in G.B. is company law. Corporation law is a variant phrase occasionally used.


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